HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-04-07, Page 3I . . I .1 thinks � I �. . - � — :�hauger. I I . � � - . I time, - I i there I ; i Immer, I I � . lat you I I � Thaps it .� � , � hirts is � �. - . I . =e in. I I ; I . � ; . . � I � L prices j I ! ZZ11, , � I 11) I�s ; e -0s. -9 � � . q I KL/iL. & I % KICK HADE I - .. - IM -21 ' k I's tu Fulo"A--ull I - I ; EMPORIUM . . I I Leatherdale & : Landsborou . .11 -! . I � . I I - I SEAM TH, . .. r Dealers in first-claq�,s Furniture of . kinds, in latest de,sf,gns- Upholster neatly done. We ii,lso do picture fr I I . Ing, and a choice Etelec6on of pictr - always on hand. Curtain poles at . prices, and' put tip, We aie 2 . Agents for the New Williaim's Sew Machine, best in the narket for Mestic use,- no travelliric- a ents, , high prices. -- 0 9 -Criv 13 :E3 It IX -A :K: I IV C In the Und � eirtaking DepoIrtment, we i ourgoods.from the best hoiises in Ontar audguarantee satisfaction in every depa matof our work. We have always mE ita.point to furnish chairs, and all other . 17uWtea for funerals, rRicig OF ORAN ces better than geretofore. - I � Arterial and cavity embalming'done rjentific principles. � . P. 8 . -Night'and Sunday calls will attended to at Mr. Landaboroughjs re dbnce, direptly in the rear of the Domini, .Bank. I - . . Leatherdale & I . I I . Landsboroug SEAFORTH. : . 19 ), 0 I I � � � 11 � I ;1 I 0 ; . . - N THE SrCLAIR RIVE , . - SARNIA. ONTARIO, t I Young- -- Menil and Wome Uegin now with a resohition to fit � I yourself for making life a success. The surest of alP ways of doing this ' is to get a pr�ctical business or shorthand educii,tion at Nimmols Business Collegei Catalogue mail. I . ed free. I 1 1615-52 A. S. NIMMO. Proprietor. � . I - Notice to Oreditors. III t4e Estate of John WatSOD, deceased. . - - The creditors of John WAttion, deceased, Iste of th Y114P Of Baylleld, who died on the leth day o Jintary IS98 are required on or before the 16th d Of AWE, li65, t. send to !the ,Undersigned Solicitao lor the Executors, full pa4loulars of their claims an Of the securities, if any, hold by them, duly verifle by affidavilt. After the said date the - Executors wi Caceed to distribute the assets of the e -tato &men parties entitled thereto, having reference only t the claimff of which thay aiiall haye received notice And after such di8tribution the Executors will Dot b secountahle for any part of' the "sets of the estat toanycreditorof whoseclaim they shall not bay received due notice. This notice is given pursuan to the statute in that behalf. F. HOLMESTED 80)[foltor for Expeutors. Datedat&aforth, this 15t] � da�r of March, 1809. 1682-4 1 � - I 1 , ' CADY'S t3LOCK. � : . SPRING STOCK - i i no -w—" - I i - I - � :- t - COMPLETE.., I � ­­� : I I . � I —.— � - i - � I ."" . . �- I .ozE­ - Our new Spring stock of line footwear f � � . 14ange 0 1 - is now at the climax of As excel- , I . . I . I lence. H,trid,iome lines in' ladies' i I � . I I dress shoes are h, re in profusion— illiney b-asinesg .... � s, some with - L' L � - . fancy vesting tops, some -with their Milh.: 0 � . I thin soles, others with extension �- - , , ' all made exclu,iively to our ,hased the stock of solesy ('S 'ic O ­("P, and the arder. Our range of ladies' Ox- �4 - fords this season is the laraest we 0 - � �, * I have ever shown, with prices run- - - � � S1 . -j � iiing from ,91 to 82.50 a pair. . I � Ladies' button boots and laced I offiered , I to secur6 - . boots are also here in great variety, I �. ERX with prices running from $1.25 to : 1 $3.50 a pair. Then w� have a : � I I . 'lice selection of ladies' stm,p slip- � ] . � pers and two -button ,shoes, from � $1 a pair.up. - I q N—Our ; . ,itockof fine,shoes thi,j season is 7 � - I I r% � � equal to the cicy stores. Besides � i8 y i beint, Sole a(lents for the Slater ; 9 tl� n .. � shoes at $3, 84 and $5 ,-a pair, we � i - I �- � . . carryj� a big .,e ectio ', ranging from I - X n . .0 : $1.50 to $2.50 a ait. .. - S I � . forth, - ' . - k PECIAL PRICE§ I ON SATUR- I . DAY willbegivi�nin alf depart- , - . � � rilents. Come �ri.0 see. % * 1 1 . I �: i I i � -�� I I � I �� . I 0 a � I . I - . I � 1i I I � I � , � : 7U: a � , . ; : - I - % . - ks -%%NNA10�71 'f . . SEAFO,Q71, 1, i � — � ' -. Shoes coiaplete- - I SEAFORTH DYE- WORKS � I ,a", ri(-�w ideas that Take your clothes to the Se�forth D I ye Works and L Sprincr* goods. have them cleaned or dyed and made to look like 7(jr , 0 0 - new, All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. . HENRY NICKLE, Ooderich street, opposite the thi8 Sprin-r— -- Catholic church, Seaforti). 1630-tf 11-1 n � .�h Spring, I`ihoes ; � I 0 1 . - � . , I GODERICH � i� �� that are depend- , �, Steam Boiler Worb, p see unr stock � I , !! (E8TABLIBUKD 1880.) I � :� I � � . I I � � - A. CHRYSTAL - � � . . '. � Snooessor to Chryolal & Black, � I I I I , i tMainufaoturera of all kinds of Stationary w1k :: Marine, Upright & Tubular �AFOKTIIIR � ! - . � 11 � �, i BOILERS � , - I : � I '-ft Paus,ma ke Stacks, Sheet Irou Work . : I . Is I i i - � � 6W., et10. 7 . - . � : . I ri. F= I Also dealaws n Upright and Hortaintol Slide VIJTO I - L nOries. Automatic eufpoff Zb&eg Illy. All r and Mll =jr . EZJ X* . W" of pl, . 114ing 00 , on bmw L., - 10, � . .r , � - - 715142fitel urnM onshortnoVoe. � � 1 7 1 1 Work#--OppWis G. T. 1L. 81aMon, QWsjrj6j6 . I � � I . . I I - . . � . � . . � I - I . I I I 1MFUjS-.rAa,X lNunlyrn I I . i � I I ! I � ! .. I --I - 0 1%, � . j STORY OF A VIOLIN. ---- 1: A DE .ECTIVEF�'RUSE. z -rE. I � , . i I jj1OK - I I i � I � � I . ! :j A. Domicion and Provinds I jawd I T I 6 . - -1 � � I I � � I 'M . �! . I � I 1 4,: $uirvey mber of thaAwodsMcu of 3nbj&riO — . The ciever :9 III �tue list 1 , . I I . .� 8 Dublin, Ontario. � �thod byl, Whick ne go- 1 Firsi tnju it.. � -- . 1 40 deuce. [ Of kv, ILI , III-) II-( -&f � I I Conw- a Wt., A . - -- ---' I 1 I EED OA FOR SALE. -The ub'dersion d bgs III h4d to ri It. � I HAD BE;9N OFFERED. � to a q eer ruse once to Wb,.i, ti, ; i I 319 � , I � S for sale, :)n his farm, Mill Road, Tuck�ro julth, a ! - i I'll 4 if 'I '6" 1 quatitity of Sl borlan Seed Onto, gu%r,Aiite.d cle aa a d -- get an jadmisf 10 from a man I was after,,' E1ajI tit k4nlu, ­ " I ( I fur -' I 'e i I � I -- � 1186-62 ONE FOR WHICH FABULdlus sums . cured oute 3111�1 1: 7 �ne ki il'�T I , ', free from fort ign so' said a Private de ective. �'Thera had been Quuint ano - , o :Ind fait, , ! ed8. ROBT. BROOK. I I isjx4 The 4neer Dinclonure That Wam Made i Seen throm!,,, - - I vtAdlen bair, I - I � - kiih t3tA - some trouble at t club between two young I I . � L . i I 0 rTIS, Qlijrk "if the Ai�oond I iviaica When Thin Itare Old luxtruinent men. One tire . I With a tip I hu; , ,,, IA j Ualirt Goauty0ommissioner, pf auro ,Con. and Its Owner Were, Causlut'In. a a glass 'of wine into the _ But an everla.,. It . It I:-- I : -eylLe-ir, 7,%� d, Loim and Inamnoto A other's. face, T other did not resent the I ,-(-I I- Nviles - I . � , gent., Funds lltaillroa4i Sinashvip. . I i r,v-,-,hd und in Loan. Offloo-,over Sh & I I i insult as lie s iould have done. When his And an arnion oi sit.,;.1.1 . I , -.410, 11tore. Areot, Seaforkh. , 11 i I I -L, : Alalu f 1% 9 .6 � father b d f 1 , he threatened to dlsin- 1 Eyos that. shoot II 1114,11,�,01(j rrl3nj3eX, - I ---- - Amon4 the f#naCjcS tenaciously qlung Quicker thafi ilw .41111h.,111 (]-Itrlcea� A I ONEY AT LESS THAN Vi' to by persons wh herit his I ion I Inl " ss he whipped the man I . , "' , I s' ­ - ��Q"`OK 11 I VE PER CENT.- , o fancy themsalv&; to be : , y r4 � O� I ru e'( � 3 , .1 5 0 1 ! M I . 1 , . who had thri the wine in -his face, Dewy eyes of ra(liiaii twrfli, I � A largo aniount ; of money to loan on farm possessed of what �p Called the'ar istic ,W, E4 1 i 1 sucurity at 6 1 or cent. 1ender Will vay all costis of ten3peram nt, is"that on The father wl . nember of the same club, -yes not wholly ti.svij It, v,irth, � i A 7 a 6 11 . � � loan. e which por ys - S a, That espy with toij(l il.r.11glit : i ( I . � PPIY to J, M..BEST, BarrIater, Scafoith, 01.1 and he MAde a N, ager of a wine suplier � i- 1 I Ontario. .� I 1 1628-8 the soulf u ' man as an invariable rub I Vision hid from duller si-lit. I . I � I r i - ­.. I ­ — when it co*s .to business propositions, ,, that his § n doul , and would whip the Ask her what tliut Vision be., : 7 � - 2, hi T-TOUSII� FCR SALE. -For sale, that comforiable said a I oth�r felj�w. So n after this the son met She will laugh aloud for glee. i ; I , � wn known Washingto:1 violinist . I i ILL a,.d pic � I ; I ; Atuated cottago on Goderioh " This the man who iad nsulted him and whip- I Loving is she spitt, herself, . I 7 as"t"' is (I I 101 i suvet , , aluiable delusion which Lam, �,j . owned by bl,. Andrew Little. j will be- oold t M 1`1111 ,I " ID� +� 1, �I : IVER PILU I ? : cheap, an Mr. about to puncture to some small exten� by 1: 'A890110-toMabliolia. Applyto I . -T- very recent Occurrence � i JOSEPH BR( WN, 11orpurhey. , .� 1633-tf relating a story (� - ­ V -, nent street, a T friends were a - -11 id a. ,� a ut, occurre(2 on a proini- two of the youngmaillij him - Y, t e, pranKIng eill � , And she loves me, therefore I I I � i � , I Sing her praise eternally, : , i I -�p I SwV4 �ured by these I j - I I as to its flui .,�+fth:the detaUs of whi�h I al� Q TRAYED - .0,Amp to lle with was talk at the Mine thl4ro -From "Poems, " by E,1 A. Colefl�'Oe 1. I 0 Pills, premises: .of the un4r. am perfectly familf4r. It,s a storyof a nal � 0 signed, L)t 20, Conce8bioa 4. Tuckersualth in of a: his father for conmiracy. i ac !on against th em OuragencywEig I � i t I I 'They o reliwe Dis tress from Dyspepsfs, 0! � Votober last, a two yebr-olLi red steer violin and of the genuinely,gifted owner ; - The owner a cAn have the fame b, -thereof, ra-s' Y proving. property and paying � retained to go j the evidence needed. I MEXICO'S QUEERE87 CIT � [ I ndigest * ion and Too Tlearty ]Eating. A per - . . re� charges. A. cc PROAT, JR., Kippen P. 0. 1632x4 � " Th is man, Is and has been for the past "It was dec Aed that it would be nec(s- - I ­, ­ - � - : , fect �, I rem edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowd. I --- � --- 20 years or so one of the finest of Amerl- alll TO NTRACTORS.-Sealed tenders will be ro. - sary to got Ur of the young adD Lission from the fath 3r who had the So Catoree, Named Beeati,4e it! Witis I I i the Stronghold of litobber`�. ! I �P ess, B Taste m the Mouth, Coatea Ton gag : ' 4' e ved bi John Hanna, I . can Violinists, He is a Bostonian a d has lsol -jL 121 ,ginondville, until the , 11 10thotA M, ortlie'ma@onwor)cinc�onnoctionwlth lived In Bosto � p 11� all of his life, except when .Lnan sault. I was told made as - to get it. I tri -.d many ( I ; , Eight mile$ due east over the �11�)Iin- � rj ain in �he Slile, TORPID LIVER. They egulat� the 33OWC13- iDgi the erection ol a solid brick two storey di he has bee I I rt Lot is, Con6tst Ion 8, Tu(keranifth, Rt velling, on 11 cOrfeq- touring the country, I which lot, plans he ways and faffid. a detective. Ile He did not know I wits had known for ! i tains from Catorce station, on tb All -I e; ; can National is , 0mall, Purely Vegetable. i pill. I and gave th4t�up some years ago. He do-� and opeoific-aftno way be seen, The lowest or any lfaml.ly,'and number of me a thought railroad, the city � f thitt I Small Dogq,, - ,is i no tender Dot n,-coseartly accepted. Address J11IN a man of fine he tra_,.-es his YE rs, Dut I was en- In am e, a city along whose steep, % Indi.il; - 1 I . I � mail' Price, � I w HAN.'LiA, Egn ondville. 1633-2 'ancestry very directly Indeed back to the I . gaged In othe . �'' wo: -k. I bad another pi4a . streets neither wagon nor catt either . !- I I � I � . — Mayflow and beyond- There has been ' - - to got from 11 m what I wanted, I told stage nor bus, nor any other whe ed ve- � I �;ubsi` , � Itution . . IMBER FIC . i ft SALE. -The undersigned offers for a violini t in his f�amilyever since the ; T eale the timber on-ibe FAst half of Lot 88, Corf- . . Mayflowe � over him a New V the a-gair wrii rk - ben - I )Ublication was having ip and illustrated. I hicle was elver known gli it . to pass, alth( ul ' has often b�asted of a 4�t 40. � I � . I I tihe fraud of the day-. got t&thi$ side, and also a - 006910D 9, Mclifflop. Tbore * a quantity of good I Violin ' ' 'he violin lJrou g1lit over by the ash suitable 1Dr ralls ; also some hardwood bush, - ttfsai d 1 had s ' en the picture -of tile Population - ! . 000 souls. 1 1 � I . I . I i I i i I which %%III be sold by the acre, and has appointed I ]Aayff e7 f the Masiiachuse a I ow progoijitor, o fight which had boon prepared for it. He - The city!takes its name from one 1 be! ng . . , Q .jee V U �Te t Carfi�r�',z ­ 0 M 611 I The Beautiful Array I Of thelatest designs in Trimmed Millin I ]a ery, shown at Miss -Kinsey"Is- I millinery opening, attracted the a attention of all, and expressions of I admirktion- were ibe order of the day. An equally idtractive stock willalways he kept on haud$the mostup-to-date styles in trimmed Qj millinery, also in sailors'w .king I hats and untrip pmed shapes of all kinds, besides the newest in .nillin- ery trimmings. . I I A CALL SOLICITED I I -- MISS KINSEY, r " - � KIDWS BLOCK, - - - - SEAFORTH . � " - T ;: 111� 1 I � go . I-. 6- 11, , i 1, , " , .. I = " . , , > . . 17 1�- 4 �:� = 0 r-�� "I, .. -� - � It, = r , I 1, r, 0 1% I , " ) 5" �. ; 1!� � Ica ,�, M I . - , ),�- P .1 I = 0 7 . . r - X , 11�11'111-1­ ;1,/ = I rn. uy � Mr. JaInas L )ckhart to sell the same. GEORGE family wl 8 a gennine and very val was pleased at the publicity that the fight the"strong ol and the property of 41)(1 I I - I � 31 � i.01 I ; HALL. . 1()13 1 Sfrtadivar:,us. In fac I it is O., uable was to'get, for the story of thef affair at of fourteen of the most daring, des writte, .. I � . rt- ; I t of the t � he club had been I dange � rous and � s lLsk� r Carter's, I 3 - L-flRED OATS. -The undersigned has on,Lot 21 great viol�ins of the world today. it was - printed, and he wanted succe. sful robber 4; that � : I d' I i y � I . .0 Conovesion ,13, MoKillop, a quantity of On ' handed down by him to his eldest son it known that his ion had a-vengdd the in- ever laid �ribnto on 'ro-ads 14 A 1 ydeo. � I Qq "I P I ts IB . � I'll re- known as '*-the one thousand oat," suitable for seed whom he imade into � a violinist, . sult. I intimated that if he cared to see They disco, remd and for inany !Yea ork- . 0 P F -j - .. ��� d was i and thus it I thought I cot Lld get him the picture ed the rich deposits of sil I emand . � by the undertigned three 3, . at dand E Thi's see Imporbed from LaCrosse, Wisconsin, transmitt6d from sire to son,- going always I I � . - E. I ver, 0 ihsi's� �and d ' W � � ears ago. They area � � ! I - on I large whh. toat, yielded 90 'bushels to the acre last to the son1who exhibited that had been pr(pared for publication. in this entire section of the tiii) Ii 1L,j.N)s- I - 0 " W � I - I year, and w I e violin, , ' the greatest � apti- j1e was eager I 10 e it . its the value �f which. if rl " Port r 7 11s, . . ,-a - t--1 9 �� vion ar th weighed 50: III t � 8 ye r ts per . "I had a fri, a newspaper artist, who be true, for h*ndreds of year outriviiied -11 ei I ed 46 the. to the bushel ; the pre- 'tude for tl� ent -Liver Pi W ct- belbushel, or i @. Price 70 ce "it fell into the h4nds of this Boston m qarte"s Little (D P. 0. n ilk 60c.� JOHN STAFFORD, Walton violinist of who I � made me a pic Jure , He made a faithful the mythical riches related I of Ophir I I - I � .. . � I III-! -- — —� 1628-tt m I am speaking more - ; I 1 !4 ,. 0 It = . � -- — — - than 30- years ago, wben he was a young copy of the stntIcene h the fight oo- Strange to �elate, every piece of!machinery. I . � 93 ..D! a . , I i � enrred, and he f7airlrte-enoO of the every pound o' freight and eV ; 60 , It )..a. � . : lad. It wits a beautiful instrument in fln- lery passen- I I r -r jP -Y S rX C) I - ATOCK FOR SALE. . figures in it. T 0 picture showed' one ger to and tra n Catorce is trar�sported to, I . - � ish, and its tone was limagnillcent. It was � 1`� � � --- � , man atcaling u pb hind another and strik- day, as for mnturics past either on the I j I- 0 0 rn N , the one heirloom of the family regarding i I i i � I . _]z . 0 1 . M . OD BULL3 FOR SALE. -For sale, Ilve regis- I ing him from the -ear. Behind him were backs of men or mules : I i ; I .- he greatE st 'mount of spa4co was t . . 8h)x b born I a I I � � ; Gotered Bulls, fit for immediate st3r. � whicia t I : I ; � - I vioe. No better, noeboaper. Terms easy. DAVID �: consumed In the maby wills made by its o other men, w . 0 were supposed to have Oatorce is one of the most !interesting : � � I I (D I I , I MILNE, Ethel � )jitarlo. :7(companied him J� � I 71^ 4=t- , I 1633-tf � owners since tbelearly days of Massachu- I t Zeeb.fair play. The places In Mexico Rere are fo*d the clis- � 1 �! ! � . I %J.d � i ,ug � i .* - � I -------,- ­­ father was tb( ,2 1 Ct - � setts, and it has �ccn cared for through- .. ve been in the tolus of Mexico in their purity unaff eetvd � I / C+ F ­j , ) , : v � -DULL AND PIGS ]'Olt SALE.-For.sale on Lot ' by the influence of the stranger - Diffloult I I gg as he wasn't seen he I I i ; z no hborhood, butl� I I � ull, eleven mont 8 old, of red' color, and from cared for during its short life, . 'The Oinada R siness College . JL-) 6, concess on 8, 1, ullett, a thoroughbred Dur out its long lif4--well, as an orchid is W � 0 . ) ham b I �Fabulous w4s left off 'the pi ture, He examined It Of access, the town can be reac�ed only by i , I Pt (D . . . I � I � I the best obrain Also ;wo breeding sows with carefully, . horseback or on foot Catorce has seld6in � W P 95 w YO litter suins were offercd­for� it by grea European . 11 " " $-A . � at fcob, one rkTbi.re and the other Berkshire ' , " 'Who are t hes 3 two men?' he asked, been visited by any,except those making . . I 1. TRAMP I ONTARIO, - also a Y&kablre 6 , �violinists who came to the.United States - , ; us litter In April. JAMES - 1 , 0 CD 0- W � . 0. MARTIN, Cc aisnoe P. 0. early in this century.. 01b IBull made an ,pointing to the two onlookers. business trips. The ride up the mountains cc �tainl 7 d ! to, a dif,itinet position I - (D I � ­� . -I- i . . , - � 1629-t I f i ellonnous offer -for it upo* hl ftmt visit && "They are � Jhe two Blacks, who went into tbo town is something. once accom- ,a' 01,gs he ian 1 business schools.' Ivs W . � -3ULLS, FOR 8, � along with yo son tt see that he � t fair plished, always to'be renienit)ered, pai+tl' W rkstan a nd 'above its competitors. . 9) LL9.-The undersigned has for to the United States, and he wrote to the � 9P y . I - , silelthree )u hain bulls, from 8 to IS - � t. ra 1, r ell 11 c d ; roan months father of the-Bo�ton Violinist u ceasingly play," I told hit. � . from Its element of personal peril, bub I 9 are eminently successful in ftel and ed ini color. These are first-class " 'That's aH right,' he said, 'but who Is more because of the beauty of the latid � # tt `1' Id a 3imalp, and are re risfibrad. with regard to I t ebusinois�vorld. W6havebeentoobu . , Tko of them were bred t. from D4 urop;e renewing - sy �v L -j 41�- - I t om Thomas Busl �1'� prize bull. THOMAS CUD. and aniiijifying his oders. A ear was thl,s?' pointing lat 'he man who was strik- seli,po encountered at every turn. Glancing of 18 to 6 Write . advertisements, but the I I 1, h ORE, Lot ing at the 0�11E ? fr:)m behind, down as you near your journey's ena, you. good 1wotk of',. lacing U]Pdlr, is still going on. W CD r -Q W I - i C c0selon 4, Usborne, or Lumley turned to all of those offers. t was in- - .0. � I . � � I i 616-tt tended that the violin " 'Why, thai �'3 3 our son ' I told him- vatch a gleam of the wh1W walls of Los Twenty of m: e have: P 9P ­ -should ,always re- I lo een placed since our I I : I . i I i lit t ad. W�s ient out, nd our space is too 01 OLSTEIN li I ninin with the descendants of the man " 'That's a I ie V he exclaimed. 'My son .Gladree outlined against the, green of the iiia I V �-j - -C4 � - � R L UBL& FOR SALE. -For sale, on s6od right in fiont of him and hit him mountain side, Thousand � CD '"­` 9) , � H ot 8, C icessidn 11, Ifullett, two heindsome who brought it over ip-the Mayflow s of feet below I nited to', 16116w " to list them here. From , er; � Pi CID On Bulls z 411 2 and 26 nionths, of noted m Ilk " Welli gome tinle ago this Boston violin- squarely in th � fa, -o. J told him to do sh i ut'nier the waters of a mountain streanL u(iw on wo h e to keop you posted in what . W - I . . y1nd utter u f1cl IlmiiiiiiiiiiII .-, � ies., JOHN McGREGOR, CODORUCe jSt t iat and stand tip in front of him a1l the The bhifting coloring of the wountains as V06 are d0g, Write for catalogue of either :� C1- , P. O., Londeebo r station. � 1631-4 1 while traveli g from Boston to New . - h concert, got Into a t me. I was rip ht across the street, and ligh - and shade chase each other over their partme � t , . I - York to take par In , 4( 0 10 I , �, . . 7 —ULL t le two men who -vere with my son were rugt d expanse, the browns And greens of r ri I . j 9) I M tMS I . . 8 FOR ;;ALE. -Three good young 8hort-.-jorn railroad sniash up. ge was In the sleeper - ; 101 % . - tho, alley. below and the hills in the hazy � � ,; �� B Bulls for at i to -one roan 9 months ; one red and at the tinie uf the collision, with his violin close enough It see all that happened. 7 1 � I 14LACHLAN & Co. Chatham, Ori, " 0 I..J. P) I - � I � . � ­ --j "t, a little mifte, 11: aienths; a�d the other red and alongside: of him. Ile was pretty badly 9 hey, will tell . rou that he didn It hit him distance are - beautiful exceedingly ' � I (D 0 IN C . . little whi to, 21 n ont.hq. . All from the well known � . t i I I i � . I Ima. I stock bill$ " E anbh3rd Hero." Apply on Lot 27, hurt before he gQt but of the mass of e lie ,faced him fairly and The Real de-Catorce is buUt on the side � I . NJ -1-1-111, - " I sDa j ' , him faift That was the way of j% ravine near the top of the range, and e, u,Go;'.'*'ng to Manitoba- 1z Conceseip 8, Hibbert. DAVID HILL, Staff& P.O. w-reckaget but n6t completely disabled. w hipped . I 7 .? - . 1632x4 we made it up tz) 6. If that's printed, has a varying population of frorn 8.000 to , , I I -L-- When be found himself extricated and an' 1,11 a i : ­ — � . --I . whip the ir an ho made It V . %* = � I I . 40.000, as the: Itilnes are paying well r jbio Dau�bin country, which Is prino , ! . � or , ' I so, tr3 � onlooker at the wrecking proceedings, he 1"It wasn% pr: n d, nor were there any poorly Here are found all -varieties . of ' -- CD � , STCH K FOP. SBRVICE. I suddenly bethought him of his precious ly adapted mixed! farming, and Is well suppli,ld � I I � � - �-- Strad. He h to be � held court proceedings ken on account of the silver ore from carbonates to refrac ry i Wij good od and *aver. Any further partiquIsre F P) , P 1-d - . I I - FOR SERVIck-The undersicned will to prevent him alleged conspira, The men concerned ore assaying $15,000 to the ton. ;Wi be , v 0 . I . I 0 ; 0 . Boke , for service On Lot from ollin bin; back on top of the wreck , Catorce on zppHeati n to the undenikned, 0 , LM . -orated, and � I - 25, Concession 4, ly, has a fine cathedral richly dee oft er byl log at our office or by writing. Corre- I I � . - , Sts, Is thoroAghbred Cbeeterwhite boar. Terms- to get at his instrument. After seven or in It on both si 1, got together and settled ;1; don romptly attended to. Secd or C�l at pi - 02 - I . - level spotin the n H X Xrostrox Office for list of - � I Jest the time ofservice withthe privilege eight hours, during v�hich he hung about . M farm@, and tzj 0 81 I a it out of court. - I a pretty pittza, the Only � T' I of re nir If n I otesary. I JOEY V, DIEHL. — . -- railroad a to) pr fo sale. SPARLING & MURRAY, _ - � . , I ( I , . 1691-tt the wreck lik 3 a crazy man, his violin was - place To use a phrase, it i He 1C 114 n. Insurance and Comml� ion P PO &O I handed tWo b in Its. leat Queer ffln!"Ifth Contents. combination of cut and fill, so that to " 111 . I ULL FOR ,zse was crushed in. her case. The The wo . . tumble into it on one side an L ` A ata. � ei-Municipal Clerk's Offlee, Main stpeek, 0 0 � . - . 8 RVICE.-ITbe undersignel has for The Boston violin- irking I ie(ple of the Whitechapel d out on the DA pblat Itoba. 1032413. . . .1 16.a. I I L f ese I i tl e basket ca d and run! , ,­ . W * 0 P) service on Lot 4, Concession L 6" HUllett, district enjoy a I k Luds of trials of skill. ! C+ P1 e B the Ist h94 -the heartbreak of opening the case othe,r would be extremely disastrous, The j ; . -thoroughbred shorthorn bull, 11 Scottish- Robin." and of seeing his glorious instrument One of th stre6ts are neally pave 0 Terms-, I .rrying con- i 1 1 %. 1 41, with the privilege of returning if neces- I � r . P pi I . y sal'y lie &!so hs @for service a thoroughbred York- crushed in. He took It back to Boston test. down hill. niany or them at an ankleof 45 ' --mlow" CD . � - d ob � boar. Terms, $1. ANDREW SNELL, Con. with him and care �lly picked out the The men coi once with half a dozen degrees Altogether this is one' of tha ISIG CIRCULAR W Go D d at . "ce' : 1026-tf . pieces of the wrec'ked violin. Inside of it baskets, and t e I after several heats are show places of Mexico, -Modern Mexica !- . 5 ( 11 . —; . t - . -1 - . 0 PIG BREE )ERS. -The undersigned will kee , up neax the E eck he found pasted some run, they are g dually increased untU u OF I E SAI (D 1-4. I 9 p it Conldn't De Done. N I' (D q -t. 0 T on Lot 26, Gancession 6, L. R. S., Tucketenilth, writing, done vi - 'Lall and fine, in the many. as 16 or W baskets are balanced on I � _ I � I � i � P UQ P1 Q � 6 thoroughbred &HISTIR WmT]9 PIG, 9180 a thorou,rh- penmanship of the lAst century and dated the beads of the c mpetitors. many and An Individual with considerably more i . � ; . "T . � 1 ---7- I - , , - I I bred YoiLKsijlRl ?jo. A limited number of sows will ! . ,artful are the dges resorted to by the lung power than was agreeable to his , 9 . L e 1759. C-44 . ti L � . I e be admitted to tot oh. Terms, $It, payable at the time I 0 tzj - . e of service, or $1.60 if char ed. AIQo & few Chester ! "This bit of wrl ng was a confession. contestants, of hich the following will hearers was hawking ffsh the other morn- f I I `< td t--7- . - C111 0 0 - . I t Wb serve as an exv In t i 0 0 . - PS L ite Pigs for sale., JAME1 GEMMI,LL,* . 1608-52 It stated that this was not the great Strad . PIG. -Ono competitor on ing in a northern town I � 0 � . one occasion I I 0 CTI 1-1 I P - that had been broug�t'over in the May- & TJ ved at the hall with his , "Fine fresh herrin-fower a penny, ­ he I t" I 1 , P1 V-<1 . It+ AMIYORTH ZOAR FOR SALE AND FOIL BER. ilo ; � , Fr wer. The writer,. who h84 inherited baskets, 19 in i in m ber, already stacked on roared In a- fashion that made the w indows i : j (D - L � � ! i I r VICE.-Tht underilkned will lt"p;for service thelviolin before the' middle of the last a barrow putside. They were all glued rattle I . 1 1 1 1 r+- " M . a I . 00 P $:L - , , * :� . 0 (D - 3hesse Factory, a rojhbreJ I 1 , : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I J,-. 1:7, C-+ p3 CD I . Tamworth Boar, w0h rezietered g to ther. In t 41 a race neatness Is taken A woman approacheo tbe barrow and CD 02 11 - � edlg%.e. erros 'century, had been hard up for money, the 9 W I i 0 I I !to I I CD 01; payable at it" . inb). consider I the fish With a Ortain amount of : I Fg W 0 . 0 1 , Ile of service wt prIvilege of re' pasted note went on tb say. So on one of b�a o as well as and eyed : - " - - I . turning if necessary. Alffoanumber of thorough I i =j �� P, t:3 I I bred young - his P,uropean trips he#Lad a precise dupli. nui aber of e 8 3arried. The )rlzes In suspicion, which consi erir g the �iftum- : I � I � Tamworth Boar@ and Bows for gale, 11 at 4 W P - 8 7 P-- C) RUGH MoOARTN ZY, Brumfield. cate of his glorious 8trad made in I i . � � . � � I" -If I . Italy this, as we n all the comFetitions, stances. was not untlat�rat i 8�1 -4 . .--- ----.--. � by an accomplished violin counterfeit4jr. con list of med I I purses of silve -and all "Are they frosh?' she doix anded� w th a T I ,,, _ �� ':I- ID - . I I I ; � r_rl -PAMWORTH P G FOR SERVICE. -The under -L The gQnWne Strad be had sold to a great manner of use I a �ticlev, suspicious oniff I � CD CD ,_, -1� signed hae h r service on lot s% concession 8, i LZ P-1 F-I *0 I mum',,11 I t-4 - *-4 Shaving con s are extronaely popular "They're fower a penn�, . ; I -.41111 I cWhred Tamworth I ! I � �­, 0 HaKiflbp, a W ]French -violinist, and, this instrument was ' ?vas � - 6! P , � sows will be takp'g' �'o which & but a perfect duplicate -a replica. nd there are always the guarded reply I . - 0 k limited number o en. � Thl. Is an � With in Whiteohapql, �, i � I I I . CD " L I � i 0 \ e j e, tj- In iger. 0 opeT . touch ;� I i �11 U --& SON : - extra good pig an( breeders find It %dvan one to the statement that 4e could not die and plenty ,fsubj �t to b ted up " Yes, " responded tho otheir with � i -% PO %.4 ��w Is L - oroas *heir berkst ire sows with this b=1 of pig. hand down to posterity a perpetual fraud, on, despite the!d�ngcr of cuts an� gashes. of sarcasm, "I ,think I ear4 .1 I � � � Pi Terms $1 with vilege of returning IfIL' I I I � I yer �ay . so. i I 0 �- - Dmzm ImPoRTzim OF LLj; . necessary. But axe they fresh?' I � � : 0 �1 I JOHN MAil i � 1606xif the writer of the p"d note went on to � , ; I �� W I I i . �, I I "For an glit I know, murq, they -is." I jM,0'Q . say that he had haq the top of the coup- The Clev rl Weaver Blriill. . : 4 go Julex Robin & Cole Brandy, Cogus,ep . - e&si i I � 0 - I I terfelt Strad remove4 and had pasted the An lntere#fr g i - "When wpr they cotch - I ;I W 0 �7 11, France; Jnoi de Kuyper & Son, Rol. I ; 9 d is the " weavor. " It l L ".L. 5 la, ,- Aurption Sale of Village Lbts at., co�f6sslon within, tli*S L to in some i This was too much. and,'adoptitng the � land Gin, Rotterdam, Holhwd - , meas- Seems to be f n of making etormous i I- go I.- 0 Bayfiel I � i I . 0 d. I . ur�,��sal,Ve his guilty conscience. - � nests merely fo the purpose of ex0rolso In sarcastic style of his question r. the hawke I I I W -.4 CD Bo6th's Tom Gin, London, England ; L ; � I j (Ti CD 1;Q1 Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, GW -------- ;_ - 11 This was - a hard � blow to the eplied ; I PIT, n . - I '' L Boston the art of ocnAraction, Supply these v - I-,, (D . . YOU M "Can't say for sartain, m r m. I 10, plied I . M 9 gow, Scotland ; jamieson!S ll� There will be offered for sale by public a6otion, on violinist, as ay well believe. He birds with strngs and straw, and they P .... Monday. the 3rd day of Apri I for the birth an death stificate of - every fish . 0 t - � : Whisky, Dublin, Treland ; also Por Mrs. Elliott's Hote, in Bayflel 1, 1899, at � P, in-, ab went secretly to ork to trace the original will them up i -6 d, by E. Boseenborry, - idly, and their fabric ?,I �­I. I .... auctioneer, fLrBt-- Lot 8, in Range F, in the township Strad that had en brought over by hts en w 11 on the barrer, 6ut, at fower a penny it . -. : and Sherry Wine from Franee and Is wo r-fectness that il's aston-- r.t� �j : of Stanley (excepti iz therefrom 11 acres owned 'by ancestor in the ayflower, and it did not ishin simply couldn't be donei ; 0 P� ? ��'- Spain, Agents 6r Walkees Whisky, n Solna wuntries It is t.he cus- I -11 0 Mrs. L. Clark), the land to be sold containing seven talie him long t 5 "' Ere Y'are i Fower a penny, herrin� " i 0 M 0 CD v I Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Dav& i I arres ; second-Nc rth east corner of Lot 7, in Range ascertain that the Strad tom o the weavel birds to e/-)lo4lze and -,, - � ,so I )I I -J. M a Ale and Porter, Toronto. I I - build ne big flat t�,pped platformi two or.- "Ll . I � � 5 - CD I . : - � . F, in the township bf Stanley, containing three acres, Is now the cheris ed and priccles�s posses � ndon Answers ; . I cross : I within the corpora,lon of Ba field. Immediate pos. be Boston vio'lir ist -had his broken cou:u- put to, �ether as to sl ied the rain as', Weil as N. . . -' To THE PUBLIC - These lots are bott situated on the Bayflold road, Sion of an aged German violinist. - The� three yards a hich is so admirably � I � � . � . tz� M tj i �- session will be Y t LWzy Bird � �- 8 - '. I �0, - - -- I, given. Title free from all encum- to r,fei Strad patched up by an expert, an j . brances. -Ten per cent. of the pur- . t any rc Df could do, r this roof they I -, 0 , I Terms e r Sale Undo' The" mound fowls' of Anstralla and CD W Iml : 4 W 0 t:� a tore m . . chase money to be paid on day of sale, and balance when it was put ,together again it wa!S make indly1du I pocket shaped! nests, lNew Guinea construct m unds of decayed I . CD 0-00 a We have opened a retail a ' L - - 'in '0 days, W111houl interest, when deed will be given. I fou, nd not ,to have lost a particle of its for� bringi ag up un er this unt4iie st!ructure leaves for their nests ml� , these the eggs -1 +I - CD ii C connection with our- wholewde busi. p artle.ilars, apply to the undersigned. f little ,nro � I- - CD a . L . For further P crt.- 05" " - business in the rear ,of the now Do ROBERT WATSON, HRNRY PECK, Executors m6r glorious tone. The Boston violinist a large and in rei ting family laid and covered ovex. with the same ; I �� 0 . � I - L � hiniself In correspondence with -one of material. � The warnith et gendered by tk a I . go ,�q P 1. minion Bank, in Good's old stand, 1031-3 put weavers. Ther h another bird cal led the I . PD . I i IIIIIIIIIi where we will sell the best goade in --- - -­ the violin collectors who had yearned fo� "tailor " which Jn3toad of weavling its decojuposltionot Oe lea�,E s causes the eggs - � C7, 0 P, 0 - . I i . ' . I . l:a, : L!t the market at bottom prices Goods : h,js Instrument, fitating frankly that the nest, ii closes to hatch, and the young n due tinae bui � . - P- pa . � , it inj L ig leaves and �titclies - � � CD I::5 : delivered to any part of le town� � i I . . Is I - had been dam. the lat or togeth rlvi Ith plant fibers, just row their LNvay out to lif( 4nd the open ap. � ,� - violin's outer ap,)enrance _ � In i.-3 P., : free. P E y, - These birgs, are regarde I �-- the laziest, q i: go 6 I vu,,,, t - 4­ �, ti. -k I` / *1,� aged in the railroad accident, but that its as one would se Aece of cloth. 11" - ,- 1 1 p ,W W CD 1 2 1 k"...'? i I.... .. -, toile was tininjured, and offerl r I I all the fe4tbory I i it It L TELEPHONE If. 1.518-tf :01,1W . ,­ � G., ­-,­ " ng it fo _ - --I i .1 � 'or" L - I . i F1, &V �'Q " . L ; �- '. Next to i thorn �coines t id co : ---- -11 " ItAll I nimon black- I - -- : 15141"t -l'- �11�lr �f ghtly reduced ' A fx T&I.I. i , I �. C - t�t I , r,t I "I, - ­�,� sale at a SO- , flgure--a matter � ! P= %-0 LV - . - i 6, still of several t ousands of dollars. Of bird of Ai�ierica'for laziness. These blacl� ' - I 0 C) �- - ..— I � V1. A rat's tail is a wonderful thing. ThO birds nevor build nests of their own, bul,b : : MeLEOD'S I efully i cc W t. a . - I A I . course the Boston violinist had car great naturalist 3iry ter says that there are �ggs I 0 W I - . �-, C. lay their n the nests of o ' I r - ­ , V, . reitioved the pasted confession from the ther birdo i CD 0 . more muscles in tdis curious appendage i 1`-� I , . . inside of the coutterfeit Strad before hav, . and leavO them to be hatched by foster . ca I �- 1"!Tj System Renontor 0 nl than are to be fo in in that part of the - 1 P. - , to � U " ing it mothers. This is an unf�rtunate impos* I I -AND;OTHER- . , patched up - human anatomy w1h A is most adm tion on e smaller birds, as the black- . ­­ , . Ired "� "The collector! came on to Boston and � - ­��Z­ -- . I -- ��� ­-� - I --namely, the bird�s young is so large wben first hatched OD Lp . . : -- for its ingenious istrocture 1 6j ��'O r�-d �� TEGTED - REMEDUES411 . :_:j�L�.­­_ - took the in -truln Int at the Boston violin I - . E��n r_ . - hand- To the re t, I i 2 fact, its - tail serves 1 1� 0 P7_-1 Pa 0 - - L , -,: - --11 - � . that he soon crowds the smaller birds out I A specific and antidoU for Impure, Weak and Tw. " ;�-� �� ist' s figure, i and I is now the collector's . I �� CD -% O*Q . — - I . I I .-- ­ ., as a wrt of band, lb,r means Of which the I poverlshed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, ralpata. I i �--- � . of tho nel and has it all to himself. CL 0 = CD j - most htghjly� przed instrument. The &nim&l is enabled 0 crawl along narrow * L � " .0.6 1-4 I Ron of the Heart, Liver Cowplalot, Neuralgia Lois I L I , I .y is that It's true down jL I PD W - BEFORE USIN6. beauty of the stc r ledges or other diffidult passages, usin It I I � � t� I- I-- - � � of Memory Bronchitis, consurn on,. Gall gi;a . I - to tile very last de mil, just as I have told it. to balance with cr t) � gain 4 hold. Igt is , A Rude Youth. . 1 I: _ 0 _ Jaundice, kieney and Urinary Beases St. Mu i I . = Vill "Wherefore I guess the artistic temper- I How do you account for this, ma'am?" .1 -1 I Dance, Female inegularieles and General"DoblUty. I We nev r handled a preparation for � prehensile, like tfie 1 ails of some monkeys. ;I 0 Ln t-1 LABORATORY--Goderich, Ontario. I ainent is able to take care of itself, even By means of it the little be t And he hold aloft a In nip of coal which he al " r-1 ),- � � 111111111111111114 I ,4st can jump 't 0 horses and cattle I tha:t gave Ruch un- hen it get� mixed up in t had just dug out from the sirloin steak.' lj 0 -� J. M.'McLEOD, Proprietor and Manu I - . W � matters of busi- up heights otherivise tnaoc�ssible, employ- : 1, I I - -� CD P bounded 6 tisfaction as- ness. " ing.it as a projecAle spring. I The landlady slightly flushed- L ji C�� X facturer. , � - � I @11111111�- i , , CD CD :� P I , I I I � � . "I suppose the poor cows sometimes W ! ja, I -J. 0 Sold by J. S. ROBLMTS, Seaforth. He Acce0ed the Apoloa-y. - .. t � stray along the railroad track," she said. 1. il CIO 0 FEAR Cqn'dition owders. Kepl H �r Woril. . %* t I-I. I *-AD - iwi-tf I . - "But you must admit the steak Is tender." i , SZL I I t A prominent N�w York lawyer is note4 I tl P I I Counsel For the Defense -The lady talks I � I I . . -ino, or wellffig in for his ready I � O.Q C:;' 5. aIi, . . ansl bl but � : � . 0 11LAN , . ansi ers and skill in repartee. about honor let her look ."Yes,' he said harshly: "I - I AL A&V MutuaJ Firm hey prevent. stock I, I a eU ing, � He thumped the coal with his knife. . t e le -s*; tb When a young Fractitioner he � appeared ocomotive " !! OP --- A-8 � ey keep the hid - and to herself. M�(, it -tells Is that she � Mil i -.4 sleek i i it,, tender. v I i Or3. (D � � , t ::� . before a Pompous old, judge who took promised to burn ev4 -ry letter shegot from Andthe meal progressed insllcnce.-�-- il ! I : tie alnimal in 'first'class condition. . � P -ft J- lusumce Company. -1 r-1- �=- . offense at a �emark the . lawyer made criti- hiiia as soon as sh h W read i �. � Cleveland Plain Dealer. 1; . 1 1 � . 0 a) hree packages for 50- --- , . to �Y. . ot � M W � ' 0 i cising bils d(�ciriom I The Court -WI � , - FARM AND ISOLATED TOW11% L I . " If yo, - at its the vTitness I , 1:1- 0 Oft �� � � . u I ; � I � 1 4 th d nm instantly apoJogize tor in reply to the do I quite a Difference. . - W , I"- M CD CD - � : t IV, lant's cotinsel? I T -1 " PR,OPERTY ONLY INSURED -r I I I ! � � � 0 - I �.. , I I a rczark� I Mlankl " said the judge, Plaintiff -I thic it they might be use- "He s one FWe of his life has been tk) . . . ; . i : shall mmit you for C06tenlPt Of ful some time, an s I didn't want to keep his aonscience clear. " :1, ; . orylow, I 11 I . I I RUG S I I 'OARYS TORE " i I I ; I 1 1 I court. " I � ! break my word I Vt read the letters.- " Oh, i urely you misunderstoodl' i ; ; i J. B. McLean, PrWdenl, XIppen P. 0. ; Thowav -U pon r ' I . Fraser, vice:preeldent, Brucefleld P. 0. -, W J. shan. ! ectiola, your honor,i" instant- , Boston Tranwrip I . "Why, what do you think he said?' Foi over a I �e have W the agwcy for the Sam d non, Reay.,rresc &afortb F. 0. ; Thom#& P.. i SE FORTH. ly replied r. 41ank, "J find that your . 1111900. I ' ord" was for a quarter of a doze% Hays, In"Wwwr of Low". Sworth P. 0. i L - ! . " Prob i bly that the one great rule of hi : � honor was r ght'arhd I was wrong, as your is our Ij st for ... IN rid Forty-four Dollm War& , Damm". I ! . � . His One Chance. a life was to keep clear of his conscience. "--�- . I A teaspo S all honor alwa s is.' I : I MAW W� 0. Broadfoet, Heaforth; John 0. adeve, win. on in his feed mak� I I . Mother (coming s viftly)-Why, WiDjej Chicago Po9t. � films GaMe Dale, Sesiforth; Thomas X Hays. t is difference. . The jud ' lool�ed dubions, but finally Striking your little 9'ster I . . I aqw][10 . Lllr,O,P�h . jitMeS Evans, Feechwood ; John Watt, � . - , I I � - said that h woWd accept the apology.- A physician calculates that It tak ' �� Made a well "Arlock -'Thomas Fraser, Brooedeld ,John B, Me. . I i New York 'inies i I WiWe (doggI6iH3 - Aunt Frostfam made I imm, Ki�peu ; James Connolly, Offnion. . I � I L ' . eight tix�es the strength to go*u "1110" . I . i rae. 9 p sta.14 I Man of I i -- i e,p Rohl. Smith, 11arlook ; Robt. Mobillillan, &&foft, ' I - � . Aunt Frostface.-qhy, Willie, I w0d if that is re1quired for the same distance ou i ! � . rhel Standing. I . . the level. � I i James Cumming Zgmoadr e; J. W. You, H01m76! 1 on did strike he I twould never kiss yon i 4 . tr y � . I - i ` It is said -hat M0,0N.000 microbes can i . I I ; ville P. O.; John Govenlook mad Jobn 0. Norrism, I I , � again. I � � - : I . auditors I stand on a I stairip withont crowd- Willie (still dogged) -Well, I couldn't Beauty may be only skin deep, but it I Parties, dedwu to offeot Inturanoes og tnow , ing i The.r the man who couuted invariably manages to get a seat in 4 1 0 : pot oflim businm wM be proniplily A04ndtsd M on . let a chance "-e t �atl s4 1­-Bostou Jour- 0 - a RAT I � . Jo.any of I L theT in not crowded car. -Exchange. � . IM900 *a ab"is officen, add"md N I ­—,�Tr=n "L . — ­ , . I - - � I I 00 � ME a, mearm . I ,--7n----- - t - i- ps" c" ABOV11 i P"V* VM 00-4 - I I i ., I ':" An Easc#-v! Greeting. . i Uv- in 30 - 001*19111 � , .. I MARR AG� L10FN'qF.­ L ! all Ner#onx I rat ng Memory ; I For thope who hAve �I hought that catarrh 1111 i . FAre"sisi Ws* , tly EMU- - MCKMOP DireetorY fW 1809. 1 - I I �, � i I in incurKbIe and tf, V, ()M' the constant use I 11fiffi- lions, .. by ,, a usse, gives quickly but I I 1, . .- 1, : Is E D AT i vigor III organs and JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P, 0. - -- - � - � of snuff.i ,ind oilitin- WAS almost unbear. surely in oid orroung. JAMM O%AUGHIJN, Cowww6i, Bwhwow P.O. able, GpOarrhozont, c - t,em as a sure and de- I Dr. Ward's Esafly earri In vest pocket. Price 0.00 a vaekms6 Six for $5. Iz s6ritten guarantee No 0mv 00 JOSEPH 0. MoitRISON, 0ouvoillor WInth , P.O# .., ,. - — TNE 11611110 POSITOR 0010E1 monev refa . DoxI,r iavy " 1xrrATwN, but ALEX. GARDINrZR, LeouneWor. i;�Jbury OF.7 � ��, 0 1 lightfill care, N d for fetid breath, Blood & Nery � i st n havi "MA". If your &uggist bas w* jojaN G. GRIZVP, CounWis W1 th P 0 ­ � 0 M -- I i "I n,' .' O'� ­ .. I ' i JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clark 0. . - =�L;;-�- D�R . ONTARIO� broken voi , In', 1ro ,ping in the throat, .. it we wi mud it prepaid. ro�. . 10, 1P-f­Ii`74z11- - PEAP In , "X; I I . I I I Send for C40rrhoz�,, and be convinced. Pills. I -Xz* 100, Propm Ch1sW,1IL@r@w4@nfte ,)AVID N� ROW, 1!ri�r. Wjnj&roP p. O, . I . � i - � I . I � i I ' Outfit. $1 00. San,p] bottle and inhaler, . ', - 11 nme M I* IS WILLIAM ZVWS, Avesser, Beechwood P. 0. � � AFTER USING. I � who tdo It slsts *it ri.d. CHAR' 1)*IDDS, Meallor Seaforth P. 0. . I . 11�10 wrmESSES � REQUIRED, 10 cents. � FOR MEIN AND WOME11 . E vo: i . Y"M r - " i I � N&A"s �.." .11,"ASSAMILAS . I. V. iI� RIOEMRD POLL"D, 106"(Aw. Leed. i 1. I I ; ~rWW..V­111g"�....­­ I i I ... � i I I . N. 0. POIAO?r & Joo, Kiripton,1 Ont. 77- ba" P. 0. . I I . I I . i. I . � . , - � i � i : � 11 . i� I I I � I � i I 11 . z I . . I r . i : � i : I � I I ! . - - I , . � 4 - , j r � , a ! L : ! � � " 0 1'�B U 0 SfA re- d, -j � re I , , � 90 )11� I ( 31A ntitle I 0 11 I � ,Ljanad I 0 . Near a 1,iit d , h I 0 . ,;Ir aj . op � *1 i I 0 0 IT AR t, `h I ` n y I "I pay t rn "n I -1 I to 16-1 �n -1 M ;�t, '04 L 611 �j � 10 � , I . - � . � i � I � . �: . . J, . I . , 1. . I - .1 . -, ­­­- - I -1 - . � � ­ - ­­­ ­­ 1-1 . 1. i i , 1: .1 . t - -- � 'L . � ­ I - r - ­ r - -- - ­ r ­ I I I - I : y -1 I I ; I �! � � � t � I - - - � R . . . . � 11� 11 L � �-- - � r - . ; I - ., . -1 ; , � I 1 1 Ir -- L, L . I . . i- i 17 . ­- . I . . z I : � I . ! I , I i � -- - I � . i . . . � L I . i i � - . � i . � i I . . . ! . r i I * � � L � � - i I --- J 1 � i � I _0 � L . i I I L ! I . � . i -� i I I . � : .- I � . � . I i I . I I I � I I - - i ! I ! � ' 1 L . . I ­ - - I .11"j"- - . , r , L ­ -��.-,J,L'�-,-,r�r-��".--".---,-.---,-.-.,-"---,--,--�-----��- -­­-L-mm�-r- 1 � -1-Z-1-'j-j�',�­­l-, � . ­ -- - � L -1 -- 1-t ­ - I— r r_ ­ � , ­­ '- ­­­­­ ­ - �