The Huron Expositor, 1899-03-17, Page 4t
MAAC11 17, 1899
4 THE 100� rJ4 [TO fti�_
ment along thisline. Bu notwithstanding Legis ature should do is to restore to muni- birthplace* ina I Of B%thtirst Ater Sao to presi �ent John We Sol VICa-
the co�cfi I
n, Beretitry. kr.'� 1) octor
X999 atent,11, oip'ali 4es t p bitterly enjoy- tOWUNhipo ftAA ark a unity, nearl Perth. On Or sid nt Charlei McLellan toesislurer
Jug �Afoar 7trz; J&a 3riAleges the�
the denunciations of all these malco to Illon sin a 3 EN'S AND BUD` CLOT010C SALE
beo� 'A,- IWO� C) �7:1 we believe that the sober ense of 'the 1 vaiat ad in respe 99 and which were February 22a , 18 , she wait I married, to Finlay And rao
4. Ira Im
iho survives her. . They Malle it feeli g repI thanking he �Mlal be
77 ff ?"_3 e. dropl ed fr M the Manicipa, at by a fluke J6hn 0 Halli ay,
majority of hit real temperance people of when it I being conso idated,-and in, inoy d 'W-Bru gals I o0cie y for t ir.kindnes to Im.
6 ir (9 e� a J years ago,then Ain ey- of he )a
a V villeel where t ey h ve Continuously resided.
Vel le"A t time
�his countr w3lbe to approve of the tion--' this way a ve t municipi lities the great 91 t., a
yl C? Bass t time was spen a :1 af 'r
expense ani trouble which now exists of go- F past 3 yet rs MrIs. Hal�idsy bad y
12 �`<
)f the Gove merit. It will, perhaps, be. pal tat ling- 0 Mr. an I.Mrs. Pro Act Is �:405 i-
13 ing the Le4islaturp 0 he in ali 1, an I for- o er three years tality nd b earing a lime good In asic " all le t
19 2021 22 2 )r been Ilan v
iiaperflous for us to remind -our readers that ji special power
every time'they 0eem it in their interests was confined to the house. for ho is w 11 pleas
ad with the !occasio
29 90 N 11F, ExPOSIto has always taken the po-� to grant abon
I. - ua� -14ra. A dela C lurch died �tl the rolsi- Mr. P octili�t`s many1riends will join i1a t a.
tion that! u It iss the plebiscite veto showed
dence of her daugh r, Mrs. Davi Fis at ll� may Atilt be Ion' soared 0
it t her, h�pe t
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I a very stroall � preponderance of the people in Godericb, cn Monday of last w ek, in enj oy he cil�.mforts
H�ron Not es. of life and t ie confidence R -N 1E.R S 't, 0 RE
I 97th year. T�e de(eaged was be It in the of his ello*s, which he enjoy in o' large a I
to'be in ta�o, Of prohibition, that
a so a irlhood tahe me Ion re.
Aff The ftwe between the parenthesis, �r each -Aneffortin e;ngmade to get, telephone State of Vermont. In her: g
one, denotes the page of the paper on whi?h -the prohibitory' a would be a dangerous and conne
ctiowat St ens. moved with her parents to Lower C n 'da,
advortiaoment wil I be found.
u e exoetll ent, and that a law enacted -Dr. C a, be I f merlir of Granton,will where she marrie Charles nd
4W pi 3 or
Macd hortl, tit linton spent the a of her strength and greliter
t Don't Be Dece.v -Greig & onald-1 I I a Kir ton.
d ed utjder such C!i'r mmstances would be a detri 8 Y Inc n
FN Seasonable Wants -Johnson Broq.-5 FOR TEN DAY S
C is ar angIng for a demonstration activit y ail ig to Bayfi
hl�ant, instes. f an aid, to temperance, and 0 - into Y9 CIO eld, when her )A ffE.S.-Mr. Ch rles Duffield held al
Auction Sale n Birth�a
Bushfield-5 ue a n -f y band di d ears a. TheIasih, 30:1 years Wood 6A on Wednes ay afternoon,, and io
Auction Sale --W. H. Beacon -5 i ate t ]a -fl. 0. been a ppointed United have b,
wOuld iner see, instead of MM4 0 e' 'it in 16olborne ittid Goderich. party to tbel
a the e�v, onfing he gave
(Ting and a
Furniture for Sale -George Duncan -811 evlils resulting from iptemperan e. Tlis States Con ular Agent at N ham. -01 By evening,'Maro young folks CA enjo able ti a wag
Steel Wire-JAnson Bros. -8 -While chopping wo& , the other day, ardMoGill,�' former welbknown'residen;of BPE 'It. -iMiss Wills, E tout, of St. Pat ri
h 5th R ch -
Ci I y
sition we 11ti I hold. The figures quoted cks,1
ton, bf Porter Usbotne, di. d at tb a residence of his dau gh- ranigO
House Wanted -Expositor Office -S Mr. G. Ne
0 nolue- i H 11, out a bad spent 3unday at hom o. -The Loyal
t I
h c
ir Lo Ige brans band wi [I give an� u
g"h in his Cot. )n huh e
-To Bicyclists -1G. Baldwin -8 by'. Mr. L%uriei in him letter, show on
ter, Mrs. r,) Balfour, of �Lonoon' Th ip-to-dolel M n's Suits to be sold at
to our nd, t t the vote was no by .�M r, Riii
A Serious Misfake;--F. A. Edwards -S' iv�aly dre4
nd,t or t MoIndoo, f V 7ingbam, has deceased was in his: Slat year, and enjoye Aberdeen iall on April 5til. 16,
Poultry-Willsori Bros. -S sold a driv to a Montreal aiintleman for good healthl a til tl is recent save mines to be ith,j J. W�
all�y means, of I Iii icisive character w ich a, trea .-David Sin
re weather,
Mortgage Sale �F. Holmeated-5 the hando4ne sum of $1250, since which bi me he failed, slowly � dyi
Wla r it ad N. J. Fletc her left Spirenty-fiv Boys' Suits, 3 pieces, for I oys? from 10 to 14
w4uld indicate that 1 he people are yet
A ? re- ng oi on Tuesday forl,
�] I Tiishl
Grand Success -L. Smith -5- -During! 1899 only , three persons froin pneumonia. Its c time to Canade. wh n a Hamidta, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs.
0 legislation, . or t
Wall Paper-Lumaden & wilson-5 Lrs of age, all -w
ptireil) for prl h Ibitor hat Huron coui,ty wore admitted to any of the young ma , fr 3m his native oouatrk, re -1 Shter Jeft for their home in Hamfolts, Mani-' ool, Halifax Twv3d emember, coat
till would a it if it were g' incial sylume for the Insane. land, and after spending �thre
Wall Piaper-Alex. Winter -I py� use or enforc ivent Prov toba, I on Tueedn
e tied i the wild forest in,thel V
J . I veft'�nd pants, for 2.5o.
Holstein BullsL-J. McGregor ---4 t tr -James, elden hab sold his tailor shop township , 'Usborne, where he livedlihe' mouth with relmives and friends in this! 1
o i them, or the t they would willingly hel a,
Poultry -Miss Caldwell -5 i I i T
in Moleswd:r,th, and has gone to Wi t Of him 11) a bts and prosperou
nnipeg, MOB
the expense 1W I would
Auction Sale ich such, legislation I _y a far- vicinit Watsin brothers killed.& bbg on
-Robert Watoon-5 where he e Fleets to cps# a large establish- Mar. Tv ead Y a@ I W IC tipped the scales at
'We' have' h; hesitation i saying that theqe are the best vallie
uq Its nably impose upon. them.- once ment. -After it dort ilmess Mr. W. H. pay- po tnd#.-Mr. Archie Robinson gAve aidenc-
Auction Sale -Neil Brown' 5 u H
t I
'#oA_ 'We bou t i from a manii-
w bat the docisionof the Gov rn- -The He and farm, j6et west of Ethpl, ley, of the 3rd cone motion of Hullett, passed v on Fri -i OvOir s own in S�
Tenders Wanted -J. D, Stowart-6 b iteve inj patty to name 75 of his friend
Seaforth Horse and Cattle Fair -5 me t I's a wi -year term, to Mr. away on the ( bh ine t. "aged 83 yeais. De- h
n se'decision and is in the best �'has been Is a or a five qa r ev�ening, and an excellent time was
Y.;h...;. tv &-.4 T T 171:11
oran-5 4) ease Bruenels, who will, take ceased wasi o a a of ti a pioneers of the town, apq nt. 1
wilue , or fa ture the ent e t a place.
inter ati of temperance an well as, of the ir
Auction Sale- Win SoAtt-1 5 � 0 . . 1 0.1 a
gal havin lettlec on the lot on which he
acrossel Club country. !The Government have don Flo
Accounts -Beaver L -8 is� their M' iss. ddie Hartt, of Clinton, only died over t years ago. He was a good
nd a a blatpeless.; daughter of!the to C. A. artt, di.ed on
Millinery OpeninEf-W Pidk4rd & Co. �8 full duty iL They give the neighbor an itizer of a quiet, retiring die- Iff, e haiq� tl 6 best Prints at Sic—full size, ind a Cotton at
Thure'd of last wo iek, after an ill- Coition, a ook'i: O�Hlmu P31ONFER GON& 0 b the
poor ty to declar
Seed Peas -Robert Armstr le so
Seed Oats -Robert Brook OPI, e them- I
an ortunt 0 tive interest ia pub. - as y one
a -5 ties@ of a. Fie affairs, f After than to cast his ballot nfto I I I e d ien and viromen who trans- 15N th t are trade winners.
selves. The people ilave done\ this, those
-R4 nders, of orria, who un- with the Cal a 3rvati ire party. He leaves a foo me
Boots, Etc. -[S] -W. H. il i lt
h =ship from a wildern 'ego to
who refrained I rom v� ting, as well as those de paration-for appendicitis at the wifeanda imiIyof1fourboyo-(twoirLHuI- its For sent, condition sre� rapidly passing -
an 4
Who V�Oted,and the relsult is failure. Instead' Goner Hoe Atal, Toronto, is making fav- let and twil n Michigan) -and two dt�Lgll. aw �y. It is our Painful d�ity this week to
therefore,iof wasting orable rogr iss toWard recovery. ters, one 0 a faro
me and breath de. the other being
ti a. reckd the demise of another of the 6rat set-
-M J4 Ties L. Doherty'and wife, of James Re 4 1 'Clir ton. tI 'It th ersou of Mr.� tTamen Stewart,
Claiming agai at the Government and Clint loft 'COME WItH- THE CROWD$ TO
0 on Wednesday of last week, for up' e;e' '3rd 0 P cessio-
-The eadtif an arli gloom attendant , on of he coo no who departed this
VUL:u Willing them with all kinds of retribu. San A tonio, Texas, where it is hoped the the v; lift at his residence on Saturday, the, Ilth
isit of �ei Ah, have fallen upon the -,home
SEAFORTH, FRIDAT, March '17, 18E 91 ion, the duty (if every true, sincere tem- clima will improve Mr. Doherty's health. of Mr. Win. 3huston, of Turnberri f r ina b. Mr. Stewart was born in Thornhill
in ife, tl
-�-M A. S. Fisher, a n& dve of Clinton, over thirty�years of i arried Ii F.
perance worker in, it seems to us, in an en- :but no a prosperous archi �ect in Denver, circle was, b -o he Mily vil age; Perthshire, Scotland, on February B0 N N
ken on Sunday night, r-'th 191 h, 1820, consequently, at the ime of his
Our Roads. tirel,p different irection. Let us give the Colors o, was married race 2tly in that city, iiiat. by the'i, eath i f. M a, Joh at del III he. had reached the ri
Aim, will ble r Paton, pe age Of seventy.
seen b
I ]Clang a
y numerous letters which pol'ti nd �he Government a rest for a to Mist Clar a
I�A L. Berney, of Hamilton, On- age of 58 year , 4 In Intba and 14 days. e- nit e years. He was ducated at the parish
we have re�ently published, the road ques- time and let us devote our attention an tario.
d ceased was a sister ( f Mr. J.* J. Homuth, of act ool in his native village,, where he &a -
in f 6noession. 5, Morris, to
epb,(.rray' et with an accident at Wingham, au'd, Xit� her husband, had for qu red a thorOugh training In all, the' esson-
is our energies to the people. Lot us labor
tion is becoming a live issue even in thi -Jot ion Louis CuArnore, Kippen, 1who has north half Co
on factory, in Wit gharn, on Taos- n, via tip relatives here, returnpd home Albert Croo,
the Un pected resident of h' tia branches and also a knowledge'of the
f $4,400. -
County of Huron villere, in past times, we hard � r than ev before to . educate them, day of set week. T many yearn be on a r In a ka, forl the a
woof in fingers came onday: evening last. -Mr. *qd Mrs. Thomas Earl, of Groat , 'has sold his f"'Int
township. F( thepast year she had been H y oriptures. In his � I �e learned
have been in the 4bit of pr�idiag ourselvei d 'r lativels-1
a and -Deonvince them of the truth as we be. in cant at With one of tht saws, cutting in ill lie In HO&u are visitin re -at Credi- being lot 18, concession 7, Grey, to Thomas,
alth, rei ulth a from cancer of �he the trades of building and #to -0 tting, and
a I C. no n his 1W +Mr. T
ther 8 week's rest i rill be necessary. stomach. chi 1dren are left, all grown w that he
in having the beat oads to be found in any lieveland see it. By doing this we will n th SeN e his works, which still remain, all Hawkii last Bowes, for the slim 4f $500.
ee pure Oed the fine chestnut
county of the Ince. Mr. Cooper, by accoi Tu a y a last wee k; Elmer Moore, up. was a mechanic of a very, high order, both geldilik
plish something ; by pursuing the Ca�r� ",Jrom. Mr. A 1
hag V. C. Rosk� gf Lon -
of W h a m had is head (,utbV the falli' as416 master mason and a s0ne-clutter. In o tance.
his lettei of two weektago, i has done good other course we will not accomplish any- of a lank from a load o � lumber 6, 1 a is he married Margaret Poig wh(i died 't d figure. Carthage is A tro, ter,
sery a I HoLSTE1 LE, -34
t g
thing La kele ei tanling 161 ands by Billy $tanton r. John. McGre
of ator , in hat town. high, gor,
n reviving he, public discussion for the a kuse which we profess to Chai f .=.t
The cut '' a- ghteen years ago. I In 1851, Mr.
i this most importani, guired everal stitches to fa,,itilate the he NOTES.-Frem tie , reportl of Some Mr. Hawkshaw one of Hul jef, prosperous and anter.-
aubject, and as a result I ave, so much at heart. I- Of 8 'wart, his wife and their two eldest @one, 1a1M_1#orao% y Mambrino.
We have done well pirining far a
Ing For ess. your correspo, i utf, snow must be a c Scotland and sailed for, Canada, first tap' dil CA paign him, this coming season. b a very fine herd of
i we have had three 4f four excellent letter It lellf Coin cattle. Mr. -Me.
a, W t 11a pstst ; we might have done better had !career in som, I rti thoroughb
-Th other day, while Mr. D. McQus go of the county than 1 G*eht tions are being i4ade for
and hope to have mO
re. We extend a most We 1 'voted mor attention to the 'people of Oin no was hauling a load of fit is around L%k4 I � Jl wiflIpla some time e- n Hamilton, whe�e for it time Mr. fJh 8 Queen, I birthday races her#. They Gregor -likes-this! bkebd of cattle bettor than,
raw on Ste war�t wrought at his trade', but soon af
a lee t) arp"s of he con�
ticiaus. With the- start r d t th d gn I'll to the Durbams. Hn
hearty invitation tol all disposed to discuss fore wheels wi �J agent pros Is ter &P7 other, as for 1b6th milk and be
and mis to the poli' a wage it upset, and he jumped the dp ova 0 all former r4ees held
unt for anyt i w in very d. Binsett, who sold ll�s hutch- hag now in
posits ay, ai
arience we his At ble
fifteen head, and he
this subject thl ugh lour col=6 w have, at d with the exp eoiPt teEfarra where he continued' to reside tfR re* -
fit we d had the bad luck to fall on co ag. J�b� one Huron tralct,! and settle n lit B nos to Ford Brothers, held an siders them aupe6ior�
We have the 7,beat av4e I his fee!!, whic was severelylout and the farmej a I re a 10 In in earne t. th time of his death, and, although both be"
authority for h 4&ined, we can �do much otter work Mr. James MoK :nwtZchger�o the a at on I a e of his household has recently add d his herd a very excel -
Facts On
w f adh 01 and' his wife had not been *cctistomed' to
saying that in the multitudo of counsellors in e future if we ill. -M or, Pe I Evans, wh presented Sir 7 7 4 lent young bull whic a purchas
a ties lt I He inten North Shuhripjz, of I
Charlei Tapp r V !n a ction 1, is p oinf Ito holed Is public a a - do going t ea from
a ouque on the (po. far ing yet they endured all the hardships
ith b t
sion )f his te vioit to Gioderich, has re- th [7 of p one ak ta 0 tly.-Mr. A. Q, Bobier1as two Mr. Seb ingville�
there is wisdomi and in the various opinions CA nation at his it a �oo , on th inat i 'or life with cheerfauness, and nine- CHUFXH NO
Th Walla is t thing in the TE"$.- V. Mr. Andrews gave
ceived, from the gallant kn ght, &,life-siz!ed 10 3 k a 0 lelsh ponies under training.
and experiences of il�idivitluals, advantage to Ech�clrial Notes am" ra 0 cee ed in amasoing nee for them- I
and Comments. I I a very interesting In - discourse on
this Imill he be a t into lumber for; t e sionary
photo of himself. selv a and their children. M'r.1 Stewart was
new house the are building. -A teroib e Sunday last.,Snods, evening the in
the public will certainly ensue. We pub- The re-count of the votes in 'the recent -Mr. Andrew Drysdale, of the Hurou a in n who was well read th literature of Kippen. couseerationsud re tion of new members
ou in 11
d Eng,
lish two intereating!ietters on the subject Perth election has been completed by Road, near G Aerich, died o Saturday. 4th accident befe one of the Mount Fdre t hot Scotland an �Iand, 4@ el III TE$' ii4bero of in colitnection wit the Let
I an the
this week, in which there are many useful th W Miss May MeMord'CL. f -.4
01111 y Judge Bmiron. Inst., after a w with Clitto a d I igue service
The result is that eek'8 illnese,f orn pneumonia. hockey players in their match a ourr 3nt events of By. H W un �xn on, �vas the fore of thu , -k visit. was Iliald. The Pi was taken by B� SnojL
Plifford th other in
suggestions and hints, at night. * The stick itli Liber tor: t
he Monteith It a been in i�g ith her parents, and t Me- Sunday evening ex.4 atl oVock a telm.
Deceased had been a residen of that neigh - ar"allb Tir.
t T 'ority of dr. &I and a life-long Pi
borhood for 20 years He It ves a wife a band:siio�f o e of h a own men struck �hi n i n. We had a clear perception of righ and r ie. -Mr. Alex. Monteith, of Ain "k
There is little doubt but there is greater Cie and le
11 g officer ly �If eigh childr0n. y meeeing illibe held, to be t& _art
resources of the M�l 'Monteith to a ap:ciialist i Toronto, and fears/are e d spurn a ean or dishonor- am friends the past wee Ud y Lue Farnham
an d from sev n, as declared bv the re- film, I in the a e kno �infi, t taken wrong,ani woul ong�
turn to eight I Y out. He was
1L' wast a and leakage in the -Mr' Wingham, has - E ble action'; he
Jobt Carruth, of
will ubw likely lie able to take �his seat in was in short a man of truth n dush now reign supreme�- James NoTEms.-Mr. a d, Mrs. Paul Powell, of
people in connection, with the Making land fallen h&r to s. considerable u -tortain d that he eight of the other ey and i 2onor, one of nature's noblemen. Al. 0 r, accompanied by his newo w, Ur. Bluevale, were gL
the louse. M of Money
ft repairi through the death of his un le, Joh wift be perm nently injured too. Tlie',e u stelof Mr. John Kingfor
ng f roads, as we a Car-'
11 as by the use of ruth, J�sq., of 0 a carelessue that! gh he had nearly reached the ur score a 8 8 !Cooper, was called to k, to a few days last w ek.�_ Sande"On,
IIV y as introduceA
. `�4, M Whittle Belfast, Irels, do who died must have be n a as Igo M a- limi ar vigor- Londemboro, OU
he on November Sth, 1898, lea,% ing &'large es.- where when pI ore c a the name side )e out caller at r village,
and any person who can throw light and in-, t gislature I roviding that ersons giv- tat!. 1 1 11 rotheirs dimposod of a,
a �
I's in the days of his youth. He faith- ''t d t4e funeral of their ield"t son, last week.-Rog*3 a I Mr. R.
bad road#, than in almoat bill into yet his mind was as cle and 0 i
any other way, m*e of Mr. and Mrs. John Copper, to of
petrate such an unfortunate and irrepar, 6b le fullv served his day and generation, -and his nTy, who died in Colorado, a' d wait horse lately to a an.
formation on the subject is doing his country ing at receiving bribes at electiog's shall be -While Join Gilleazie, jr., accident. -We 'see lihat Mr. Jackson buyor.-Mr. 0.
of Exeter, of life"Is one which it would be prudent to imi-, rattobt home for interment., Mr.
i. was I your town, is bi iit! orned in the Tor( n i ooper Dale also sold. one so John Sundereock.
on J0 opli'tting 1 rood on ends y of last week,
and him fellows a real service. Ili t to both 6 ae and imprison t. In 0 tate. He died as he lived, a consistent' as � young man just in the bloomll,'of life, �Mr. Benton' Tye6iau hu
he met with �� very painful accident. The papers an the pi bl president of the moved from
discussing this proposition the To"ronto Tole- 91111 Chriptian. Four sons and three daughters a 7i�g many bright prospects in li(p. Mr. this vicinity to 'm
But, while the improvement of the road axe, which was quite sharp slipping and adian Lacrosse. kesoc tion for thin yea the fa he purell"ed near
mouft the lose of a kind father, viz,, Wal- o3per iii one among the inanyV young Wingbarn.
beds, and of roads for! wheeled vehicles, is gram Xerriarks There is law in plenty coming in contact with his right foot, out Everything in p -ogr ingwith Mr. Aiti b 3-
I ter, (if Stanley township ; 11�nryj in Color- me a. iw 0
t bribery and too little public opin s?n, proprietor live gone from this neighborhood
of the greatest importance, we, in this 8(0- through. his boot and two into kings, and in- of t e xpress, Cliffi ri 1, ado Mrs. Dalrymple, of Hibbert ; Mrs. a I I etu ad in a similar way. B.4r, and
T lattice going to ti at i ely town. His I a B eld.
i 7 The Telegram is about.right. flicted aneveie�ga�h. at Ii athy
tion of the country, are almost equally in,- Straigo- wife of Rev. Peter'Strang, of ir- M a. er have the he%rtfelt symp
I t ineneisincreamizigan soishis family, 6nd d John, Peter and, Nel ie, o al oir friends. -Miss HAnna ske a seri us mistake if
terested in good winter roads. I It is with istrai the decease, of Jennie, da the genial -been I iimsel f is � quite plump 613 d It Ivi- a F. A. Edwards' n w you do not.
It is with sincepe regret ha' we chroni- don, anitobs, an You In
the sleighs that the paLlE at our fat, as a result C f eati une al, al 111 itit her Be
ght party divisions, the first clia ter of Mr. who aside in -this township. His who f r some time has been w nnts. He has A ebolfti-
heavy team- Robert Hamill on, of ng germ meal eaketi.- 11 1 varlety at money sav g piffees.
this i1cssion, took Ethel, died after on T eaday, was largely attended, many A a, �er,�Mz*. Potter, of Porter's Hill, in now
place in the Ontario 'TAg-
ing in done, and it is,� on the an w -roads that four days' illness of! appendi6 tit, on Wed. Mrs. Prentice, of Harriston, visited for SPECIAL SIZZRVI
islat comi g from a distance to perform the I ilat lim ne, bei# S.- Rev. JOsiah Greeni
are this wee c. -The first was �on Mr. g confined to her room, having
nesday lmornipg �If last w ek. She was some days'of las an I fhis week at Mrs. sad I, tea at Rodgerville con etery, W1 wi 1 For each educational ser -w
11 there alloald be 8afe�' I of Holmeaville,
Mons 0
twenty-one yet re of age, and was highly es- Cooks.-Torran3e & Morley,.of Harriet Dil, reMe were interred besk a those of her' mi Ili anions will It pe soon to h 'a
y and pleasure in drivl- Harcolart's even ae resolutions, for the see lag ere'his met with 4 very unpleasant accident. � Her
Ing with lighter vehicles, Now, howevei, il n the Bt Ideircuit next S%bbath
nd reading and the seco, med. brought in a load of f ne furniture for f March 19th, as fo owo : At Bayfleid, 11 Z.
nd was o the see- who I ad shared his jo Ie are a� ; &or -
ya at d sorrow s foi so reap, catt
it is little -Master Wen 'McDonald f P t I Shore, blacksmith, of this place, the at or man, r years, the funeral ser rice ni. ; at Coles', 2.30 p. -i n. ; at Bethel, 7.
4 during the most of t�e winter, he Zryl.-Stall fed
a. lng�iof IV or era a beh g �con- inigooa demand, which is glad 1 t
nd re r. Cy awford's, bill, 3ropos'Dg Hill, while day. Mr. Shora's trips to Mildmay, a ter Piling ip ion an
4 hanies a the clic ibing a tall tre f ter a equir- e d by Rev. Mr. Acheson, of Kip elit. I helarts of many who have a good &4 ply Im. Subacri ti 9 � d collections in aid of
,oll short of dangerous to drive on most of our adica Workmen's Compen. nextWednesday, wil be less frequent- duci It, �i, the fund will be tak n iii each service.
rel, fell a dista ice. of 20 fee I ig t
ing heav- a
snow roads, while tho, cost, of ar iation at. Both divisions resulted in a iiy oil ban, d. �;s high as five cents pe'r p'Dund
Jear and About W was r )alizc d at the lectur
oxi the h1s, -Th�mas and Robert Ward
on his backi rav go I WAFTIXGS.
on ajor: of ele, -en for the GOvernment. 1. 41edibal ial ovik, being o Iffired.-Mr. and Mr& Frank
horses and vehicles, occasion d by having
th ugh he had re, shill's i1tifan baby, whose as &I
al' Exeter.' I life 615 1 been for Alberta
his majoifty, b )wever, will be reduced to lied and here recently in: upport of Fred R with their d f4milies, left this weew
tor wade through snow -drifts! and climb ce'l was numm! Ing u i was found
ten in a few day when Mr. Monteith takes Ived is very d sbak* lost hii arm in -a thre I hing machine at f Jo ri�-Tas. -The Nashvill�' Studenle, who Ila the ance,and who1aslauffered N.W.`.--4Ambrose Smith left
tog In
last week to accept' a
through pitch-holea, must be 'very great, to his a, that no bones re broken. i Quite a numbie.. p sed through or, Thurls- came so well recommended as high cl gi t� for e set two weeks, at last so -
eat for South Perth. ituation in the MOI.
day evening. to pas en-
-Mr. i John Ilespie, ffled �at his r. Milne's, ties- FoM F is to ad: son's bank, Exeter - a Kat Smith
Yf 0, enink
w I
i au
A fo 1�
L t
r the ye,
i from
e chi ren a n eip
0� Je ill .
C I ej
say nothing of the lose of time If, there' a not greeted h a the be Wr.- is visiti
wich, t tertaiiers, wer with a Pumper a a urn or t
ng friends �n orbett.-Mins Grace
appearat era I ,Fr eman of Hullett, vi�`sa, the
fore, some one could devise some scheme for daughter ro"'i Cameron is home o: i a
The, is to be a, new election in North home, near Wr xeter, on i(a 7, 3rd inst., �p be pres, the marriag( of 'is houa� on their 2ce at the'op jail J Qerti�
.,n after anexten d. illness. De e ised 'was 63 t'Ao �ao man (marchar t) f I
aterloo. It W It be remembe on Frday evenin .-Tora Colli who week the nest of Miss isit from Detroit. -
keeping our snow roads reasonably pasaable� y g at $5 a 6n drivelt the milk n for J. McGregor, k
red that the years (if age. i's wife onq Manitoba.- 0, is sellin Mulholland.- Miss Cj,.
i (&lighter, and E. Marti I d home last wee
trial jwdgeo declared t ng=,. re- teacher eat
Bert it t- from Toronto, wht -a a ae attended the mil-
e n in, ceiv& a severe knee sprain fall ;epb F 0 Was taking in the toaclierm' --i
and safe for travel during aleighing time,, It his seat vac n three sons aw vive hi )a, ,*ife of here now. Th: �rn n who growi to an to, M Min,
e firmb-
James Giey, of Bluovale t] am John swelt ro a hot sun in July while delivering 'milk on Thursday. Th a ve linery opienIngs. FS he
Exeter, paid the parental cla
living at hOM6, nd Gilbert act ool oacher. e for It s haild 'me pain and inceitivenie cc, It the fore part of the *e6k.-
agents of the can lidate.
from a
count of bribery and trea ei an rakes, and
would be. doing a good work. It. is true ting on the t of got it iiij ban pre ioul littl ilkere engaged a
n r .88 milliner, who wil . be here in a week
that the roads in Dr. Lack tile accidf nt causes so n is
many plades have been -After man] years of patien � suffering, work. -Mr. J. J Gregg *as represientatiVe or,.two.-The � de
0, A a( out Ord"
succeall can a , appealed to the high r durin from Conrt Let relet., -K0 eep, Is.
1!6 VAR ULL to her tt�sll W m. oA1 nis rou a )v &it returned a from I her ters' ball on F v in
!!I tion of wire t to 8,�� I
tly improved by. the erec g whi&�time she was a fined'� No. 583. Civadi4n Our ro preps ng for theirep�ing V it *i It ier daughter, M41.01)iok of Sea- i a a 11" 9 of lastweek was
court Against th( decision of the trial judge i' room, Mrs. hie Francis Bo I jan, mother Order of Foreatei %, at a , meeting of tile Ope
fences, but there teems to be sonli ng milli r nin , with xpeotations of an f th. ' Many from this part attei a most grati in on to. There was a,
in Bad Lodge, i i antford, last w dance ai id
The al has I een. dismissed and of Mr. AdamlB3winan, of Grand B eak. y the large &tten 11 enioyed themselves
more needed. Mr. Gardiner in a. Indica4ons 8 IV r. Muir, on Monday laoi,._,On immensely. Exc'ell! 111118113 was
a suggestion ea' thd de' unus I amount of bus!ir16 .5 of e
p away at her rei ddenee, in bh Cyrus orton ha. respim6d his work
t ! itti provided
this issue, that the sides of the presi cision )f the j ud� -eo, voiding the seat, has on akertre. to all( areth t there will be an increase of bu t on iof Rev. Mr. and MLrs. 4blieson, by the Zurich or( eatm. At 12 welock
)nt been C Drifirmed. ' the constituency is not Tuesday of last week,in the of in Cy, mu�.t think there a a I i- name in all lines. --The Garrick club at OfIl. ihe�irtao a, !the members of seesion�aud
her ge sed was an 'ol( tle in the' �who
roads mhould be levelled off so that the whole repres inted in the Legislature, this session. nee 1 ye have made such an enviabld reputat in boij.4 Of i�matlsgement of SL Audri' ved,
D ei busi lunch was ser an dancing we* reo.
Way io ew's tial
first i
width of the road uld be used,, would, Thir, i! the time since Confederatio' respected resident. I — Burned and contin atil, about 4 oclock.
The Social Glass," are now Makin ar. Church, w�th their good wives, ussembled
that North Waterloo has been represented -Among those who left o4 t eii Northwee atibils to present, " The Vagabon
ir, p
this. w �th ji 0Y. he leaestit home on Thursday evening
certainly, be of great benefit, and to it 1_5
excurs n, on Tuesday of la it! week, were I
by a C onservativ e, and it is likely at the organi ation. have' ad an
wire fences, would, we tancy, effect a very by t owing frDrn Clinton J. Sheppar NOTES.—Mrs "a ge Eteacy, sin ded four now me rat Partook of their hospitality, in the St. Jolseph-
e-el mtion, - which must soon take place; he foil ' 0 ce t 0 and have now the best of home t a appetizing supper. The i spread NOTES.-Businm me me brisk in and about,
a d death of her hu;1 an I nt. for Of
m n dZ has gone tc resi,
V A to Edin- bo a
great i prevenient. It is evi e co stituency wil d wife, and Miss Ids Co J , e, a got
dent, at an� th I be redeemed th They 'will appear in The Vagabon " in wit
rate, that'something should be done in tiia: Liber a. a burgb,- North kota ; James Whittingham with her Clanghtt r, ra. 6harles G Id up in a style that reflectai credit St. Joseph. -Mr. Wrilk. Hoyrock ia going to
family an Arthur Basin, of Winchelsea._� about four weeks. -The dog poison r in It a t a -host and hostess of the marine. start another brick hn� tile yard t1tiespring,
direction, and the sooner it is done, lhei and 4 QaAppelle, Mr. Thomas Pybuslll�is sult ettin 4 in some swift work. arl��e removal
Oliver Je vA, of Goderic towns -hip, to m a ery. severe attack of Is W 16a disposed f his
Ano 5her promi nent member of the Cana and faring fro Three valostile of the cloth the guests -Mr. William Mill, 0
Mo rjiM.-Mr. Jo logo I ecarne victims on Thursday. 1 The onjoyeKlIthemselvee to the fallest extent. large 6took of bri
re m.oney'there will be in the pockets of sintE luta. hn Cole has purchased a k and tile. -The St.
e than P called. n --ffia�-dri,ver froth Mr. William 'Ede cani nc v belonged to Messrs. John M uirj'� W Joseph saw and planit g mill has started
those who have to use our anow roads at I h rliament has been suddenly -1')n WedneMay afterno,'11 andso Delve and T. -T work. -Mr. Contin
March 8th I
from the trials and triumphs of this - life. at a good figure. This animal in said Elliott respectively. � he is pi
end of each year. Indeed we know of no at th 3 Methodilt ; church par ollage 'Walton, atting in a large
Hon. John F. Wood, M. P., for Brockville, by R5v. A� have a good apee record, and will no doubt count], school convention was held her's on I Brussels. stock of ice. r. BE aw, of Toronto, who
C.: "iffin, a q : bit 44y initer- I
investment that could be made by Thursday and Friday, and was well att6nd. I(r#T� g is. near a an the guest of Mr, N. Contine - the put,
munici- was fo nd dead i bed at the ebting ceremon5 "a Performe d. I The con- improve under t. ca�a of her present ow 80% , ERiNGS.—Sprin t hand. w
lities, or one that would. yield a better )iueen's hotel ad by the teachers of the couuty,. 'era robins made their appearance- this 615 returned home. -Miss Beatrice
pa parties were Mr. Duncan McKen- er, as John is a g od 4oreeman. resulting' Ila week, h
Toronto, on Ta, isday morning. in Much profit and renewed vigor. forl w11*k this vicinity. -Five cars of live Hill, of Newry, whow
He came DEATH OF AN' )LD1 RESIDENT.—At sev a an visiting her aunt,,
! g, of the IE
revenue to the ratepayers, than to, provide to the city the Is th concession of Grey, and future work. The programme on Thur da to 1k were shi e rom t Mrs. George Camob ill has returned home.
previous day and devoted . o'clock on Thursday evening last, after. n a station. on
good roads for both BLUMTS a Maggie W Iliameon, eldest daughter of IF
er and winteril himself to busine is. In the evening. he met M r. illness of about two weeks, there' pass d. evening, in the opera hall, was an hate lee-, T . day morning by the various bu� Mr. L. Nigh in ket)t busy at his board*
travel. j many I 'iends at he hotel, with whom he James Will ism t son, of the 17th concea- away an old and reap' tual treat to all. Some locsl� talent wasi Th _are.- stable. -Mrs. Nels'31D.
con ver led , cheer sion, of Grey. octed resident, in t a following started for points 'in: the Contine, who has
ally, and - frequently ex- -Dr. Warw person of-13torge Stea . Mith this well received. -Mr. Win. Horton mat two weeks, ii
ck, of Brussels, 1had a i dea attex dedl th*est and Manitoba on Wednesday been very sick for ti is
I pressed himself as eri the 'best of another of che 4 Id dmarke has pas Mo R. Blain and fainily, M-cArter convalescent. -The Faungest child of Mr.
Prohibition� Not to be Yet. spring foal on exhibition at hi' bairn last d the funeral of the late George Stemic Of
healt , He retit ed'about ten o'clock, week that was quite a freak of nesture. It Ben Sherrit in very i 11. -Mve. Breyre, -wife
Lumlilly, on Saturday last. -Min Mary bro Ui* , D. McLaughlin and family, J.
and awa , he having -asid in this neilhbo
When t he hotel p irter went to waken him
We publish in another colurnin of thi upwardit of years. of gueon and
had i;�o heads and,two necks, body and h;OTfOr lor, ap Bid 77 years, died at the, residetli Diiii ica!o, A For several others. of M r- Thomas Bray 7e, our blacksmith, is
one ithe 1 ne of 0 d her bilither, Alexander, in Exeter Nor'th, G� Blair & W. M. i very sick at present. Ur. Albert Hendrick
a letter from Sir Wilfrid Laurier, .11, mOr"ifig, be found him dead. fourihind lego, with a tail out f his should- the trade of eIrris building and black- an S nolair, our loeal
8,,] are
Hear, B W upposed to be the cause amithing. He was a first on Suz day last, and was barted in Ithe bar. istWre, are attending the assizes at God- lost a valuable horge
minion Premier, to Mr. F. S. Spence, Be a er. �The mothel- of this monat -clue mechan" week ; it will take
crej I osity belong.
; 'I of deat h Cod was a lawyer by pro and possessad thic cap city of Rodg4 ' ville cemetery on ruesd*y morning. er�o i this 'week. 4 -Auction gales are a com- a round hundred dol to replam it.
tary of the Dominion Mr. ad to Simon Grint, of Grey.
Allianc a genius.
a, in which fessic a, s6nt_ea� Brockville in th din ositiouhe*as go ial-and -hospit, She 1wrinerly resided 'in H�bbert.-W. MOB, �dcurrence� these days. -A humbe
V �AN. and rtep�r The colt was
a fall r
Mr. Laurier announces -the determination of Domi ition Parli ent for about seventeen In politice,he Wa I a a sun t is place took in the hockey match in
developed lbut'dead. p able
at Dougal McColl, an old and esteemed �emi- frou I
!Arebrokeout in the tailor shop ad- ch- Consery iv�,
n r joining Mr. A. Several yea' mc he dent of Hay, died at the residence of � his List o e
the Government in reference to the recen t] , years., He wa �ntroller of Trade in Sir ad a stroke of paral _1 I on Wednesday evening, going by ert,.
"hompson' Government, and after, I on Sunday mor#ing, 5th inst., about two 0 the age 0 GATURRINGS.—Mr.
Bean's store, in Auburn, t . .
Job e son, D iniel, on Saturday last, at spec ial �raiu. -Brussels hockey team; added iss Fanny
Plebiscite vote on prohibition and the'rea-1 sis, and fro I until the la 1, was qu Elliott, M
sons w tate an I all but entirely helple so I took place to th� anoqher:vietory to their list by defeating Gray and Miss Me unell attended 6ie
ward I on the r mignation of Hon. Clark o'eloc-k. Mr. ean and family, barely es- Exeter -cemetery on Tuesday afternoon I convention in Exeter last week.-
hich have led the Government toi wall incapaci 89 yea. -a. The funeral teachers'
Ce. succeed d him as Controller of Ca Deceased wai Wil bin a few days of bein 2 9 U 2. -Nelson
S.L He W ped with thei,-L lives. -Nothing was saved 9 �xt BI It by aiscore o
In f
their conclusion. The Government have' Cunt( only forty-aeven years of years old, and wi a apparently,& strong a Miso Polly Smallacombe itin d family have moved to Wroxeter,
Mr. Conrad Raise,
of Usborne' (aly :0 (f Brunner, Perth
except an organ and a stove. No insurance der�weut a critical ope county, paid a visit tc
desided not to introduce to -'ament a� age, 4nd was one on stock, loss about $3,000. b�l r..
parli Conseir' f the ablest men in the The store be. active man t ntil Its was stricken with pl��r.� ration at the residepe re his son here last
of �4r. Herman Kelly here, on T a my t sTess in week. -Mr. Charles lout and his sister,
Piollibi-tory bill and for the reason been no that town. We wish
that the yative part lonked to M alysis. He was i rell informed, having d ii�ry having purchased a hardws,
i . Ci
'Fil , , I him auc- Ella, of Kincardine,
Bess, which was insured D Byndman, Rollina and Amo rfornse ces are visitirij; their
km -vattullo's anti -bonus resolutions fared of trav Ilingi Strisilla. istriet.-On account of the bad roads, wkins.-Mbse Jeui
Tote has been found to be not sufficiently: for about $E a great reado ir, at d in former years did! ai� r. see of scarlet fever is'located in
I -Since Ne Year's there have been reat deal all of which ma�e t
g ha� opi -ration. -Mr. and Mrs. J. this'4 cousin, Mine Nellie Ra,
decided in favor of prohibition to justify the hide, a brillis A co verattionalist. He lebrated the tage from Sesfeirth in very late. theme of Goderich. is here an a visit to
rather badly in the Legislat combe, of this village, ce McKenzie
ure when they thlrte'en deaths in I ti, w ir silver
Goderiell. caulad prisci-
behind him an ag d wi. ow and a family eddi, g on Thursday last.- a Kiowa nigh .:��The Misses Rose, milliliters and .-Miss M Cullogbi returned to
her home in
edici e company are ownship, after hav-
- 1H ission of each a bill. pally. by Is grip, and old age. Five of the M giving cLoncerts and 'iman le �makers moved their stock from Goderieh t
subm her friend's
came up for disc asion. Notwithstanding
This action on the part of the Go've-rn-! f oil, the ol
the very ag y man persons were o er 75 years n
ner in which he presented deat nine children to n ourn the loss of ki d g
Bras In to Clin &*wrtt visit with her sister, Mrs.
"k 411 n ill in her 97th1eaL, 0 husband and fath �r, the eldest, Joseph, and selling medicine in Gidley's opera house this ton this week.-A'sleigh a PIC
Be to any one, th week. -Mr. A. J.'! nk Willis.�-Mr. R. Holmes, M. P.,__Mr.
01� me t w not be a surpri his case, a d the s, the next in he 87th, one in George, the you gest iion, being in T r- Frs
K Rollins is in Matkitoba� on f out young ppople took in the c�n-
onto, and � Well gton- in California M eorge Stewart cert t I rave on Tuesday evenin d Engineer Brou
go oevz gh
wits very. generally expected. Of Course,' from a sect4on of press, Mr. Pattlklic, the only male 9� the quintette f patriarchs I were in the village, on Friday imt, on b
As it tJ, rong support he received her 8] at an other in her 76th, while
1 4 a prooliecting tottr.-Mr. G P. Holt, of Goderich, an
had Passed theJ90bli milestone. Ge 8 Lorriman, in Ck icago ; Mrs. Char as
G g to of Winchelses, and John I -W rdale spent several days in nect ion with the harbor works.
the Oppopition jotirrials are doing all in found the teling rong against him in 0 eral f h
has soli his tine residence, on Huron street, kingpartin the programme.
their power to make capital out of it. This, the a at -The first �ettlers' excuraiDn to Mani. Zbol a d to Mr. A. E. Bennett. -Mr. Peter Frayne a nets in con
House �Ikat he as forced to withdraw has Sol I his residence, on Carling, street, Sea' At the last meeting of the Christian imn-
V oluel, in Hensal; Mrs. Simon A. Mill r, forth thi week.-hitick McLaren; leftl far
also, was expected, as this is their privilege tobs and the Nbrthwest was held on�i Tues- Sa to
Mr. George a wilig new appoint -
I his resolu6ions. ]Red they received the day of last wee�-. Among these w� Cromarty, and Mrn.' Albert Camm, n ar Harton.-The Sathikand-Inie Toro tol o Tuesday. -A. R. Smith 1will
deavor society the follo
ho left
I as Wary
sidant. Mi
blorripsay had a valuable horse die on Tues. O.Onti =6 tb a business of the &tel firm of
I We also notice that certain ardent and hot :sanction of the Leoislature. it would be vir- Win ham t t n relork were : Wobdhim. The uners I took placo at. mente were made : Pre
on this excu
headed prohibitionists, who are more noted tually useless for in e d wife, td C& day Ise t. * Mr. Allan McDonell, left last Dunbar ; secretary Mr. Alfred Bennett
municipality in . urday afternoon, ad $Mit- I &I M -,Laren. -R. McCracken has taken
AT to so- W. Cstc� I an 4d.
I ville, Mani- w largely at
I 34iss Annie rawford
p y to t Legialf t re for -permission to toba The remains week for the old countr with a fine lot of i rk in D. C. Ross' store.- treasurer,
% PC convenor
for . their zeal than their good judgment, are James, to Br don, Mani. wer in :rred in MoT r, y ition as cle
grant aid to any in It stry except under the cemetery. horses. -Mr. R. S. Lang is offering his fine J . McLennan, of lookout 6ommittee, r. L. Elliott - con-
* ","Orge � r. of London, was in town
tobs. ; John gers, to Sault Ste. Marie,
k. -Mr. Cruden, agent for the
saying very hard things about the'Govern. !V'ery exceptional Ciro Linstance where indus. Michigia er Belden, wit i a car load residev ce in Exeter North for sale. le" in t is, e.e venor of prayer -meet g committee, Miss
:rnent and are vowing to wreak een dest n t known as the old Verity r Mary (xordon.
tries had 1, 0 it gI ement
their* ,n- red by fire. The Leg- -of hornet a amid nee. Mr. eeri Company, has moved in
B olgr4ve.
�slatur 8. li'o W&ot Manitoba.
e ha a show Lang hitends moving to Toronto 4hortly,� to
upon them and the party )wever, that it is not Mrs Vil as Mason, of Br eels from Elm& "township. -Ewan &
geance atl the next JI nton, died
nlfb PRESENTATION. A v ry pleasing incid Mrs*. V1 Im. D a"w, Berimiller, is via ting reils- Innis � aceive'd a car load of new buggies Eth 1.
prepared V) go th�s i r, and we think it has on Tue8&; oof set week. Deco &E'ed was 44 took place on the th in t., in which a dep- tives in town. -Mr. Peter Rawd6n held a t in v,)ek.-JKo
election, although what they would gain Acted wisely.- While it is quite proper that year of a( e, a d leavv a a husbe ad and two bert Watt, of the Waterous A Fixp, HERx) or Siio xo� t-.%- s. - M r. Davi a'
i for temperance by turning from p the Legislature she Id provide e utation from the set ' Awanosh agricul-
ower one very possi. children t oarnivi I at the rink on Monday ight last. E il'u'li com few days in, town Milne, of this place, is success as a breed -
me ru her d any, open a
party and replacing them by another eve ble safe guard to prAect municipali eparture. -She has tural society visi d Cha lea Proctor, Esq., -Messrs. Fred Gillespie, Lion Howard eik. -8. ackson purchased a new er of thoroughbre ck and makess as
ties from not a d od he Ith fQr a a( no
n lose through municipl JOY 9 iderable at his residence hwe, -�nd presented him and Wellingtog VVesteott atte ded the c1riv rom James Cardiff this specialty of Durbams.
ill bonusing, and should time
more eve ile livin on t he farm her 'ith a kindly won ed a I i& highly corli Herisal carnival on Tuesday nigh last. T he horse f
opposed to temperance and prohibition, olso see that the peo le who hav t W 9 W &A a Mark- of the.
e to pay the condition was critie4 'Week. A good price was paid. -Mrs. J. popularity of his stock i rith in ch ra, we
rage, stop to
they do not, in their insane ., but A a :[improved mentary address, i ecoml anied by an as ur
taxes are willing tc axe
c ificur the obligationi somewhat on
aV Hensal ladies must be very attractive �to Amon was visiting friends in Mitchell this note -the following as sor ie of 'the sales be
4ink or expla to Clitton, though chair. Mr. Proch r had filled for rn t cause si tell numerous visits to that burgh.� - week do of 'Port ham recently made : A bull to John Speiran,
I . ra. C rlea.. Hollan
in. We also notice that still it does,seem to us , hat having done tbi% latterly it was videut� she was failing. She years the responsil le an� i m1po
the Legislature has rtant position ; Mr. Eli Snell held his annual wood bee on Huror i* via bin 9 in town. -Dr. McKelvey Henfryn a cow to A� Smillie, Rents
ar�other section of enfhusiasts are talking its *hole duty. If was the eldest alughibir of Mrs, Vodden, of of presidentof th all
the people of a man � i pia a society, and th
lo4dly of starting litY, 41most unanim Clinton. e prestan. �TueRdav last. -Mr. James Sweet attended' VU a, y to Z 1*111011burg this week. -C
a third or ously, deem it in th'ir tations were made on the 06casion of. his re- � the spring assizes at Goderich this week jag :ratio A, T �Ap, Call. a bull to Jas. Cowan, Sesforth a cow to
nterel to to use their -After long years' of bo& Mlins n �received a car of
rphibition party. Bat suffering, tirement from hisoffice ind granite John Speiran, Henfr
P the experience money in a Certain i �Y, it is! surely highly in recognition !&grand juryman. -Mr. W. ieqtx ftorn yn ;1& bull to the Paris -
borne Witt chHstian patience a H. Moncur $eotland-this week. -Farm.
fortitude, of his long, faithfit I - Plains Stock Improvement Association.,
I ani
re for binder I av�a been I 1,1antiful this wleek in this Paris ; a bull to a gentlel!'nan in Algoma ; 'a
efl third parties in' this coantr autocratic for the Le i8lature - to say that Mrs. John C. I falliday, of Bra Is, passed and the preat inte.-est bo has
efficient services, ?hardwam agent, is taking orde �Orsu
Y, or in .9
a lei
at�y other c they shall not do so. Tbi sort of always taken 'twine among the farmers inj this neighbor. ctio i. &Ott has sold the Richard
ountry for that matter, has thing peacefully awa from earthly oncerns, on :F. cow to W. J. Hart Elm Hedge ;a cow
trig been such as to afford much encourage. ntolerance Cc, 'Monday evenin of last week, a welfare in every an far I lit 6, conceals
savors to.) much of Russian! i in the society and iis'eff )rte to promote i: its hood. -Mrs. Thomas Snell,j Giffley street Challit �ion 12, 6rey, to 0. Smith, Brussels. #a still IW&A several
be popular in a frep w y pos dbIe:-, The address is visiti ag her daughter Mrs. Th of MoKillopi for S31
countr�. What th Iffer,maide# us 6 was A is d 69 years. oral
911 911 of the socie of the Dixon house, Brucefield, this week, -
e as Suell: oin D nu of the beat bulls ever brad, by him for Mo a.
e an, and her was si ed by the' ,000.
4zh iCur him sold Mix faun, being His herd numbers 50 head.
i f-91. ly
All k1nds, t
Amount of wone
law security.
van, -ad free Of
_UW -1W amount
At bome every.
W,ee)c, saveral I
003) P-1
this Villagel '
'wide reputatii
brod Tamwor,
hits herd a vel
breedl which 1
be -one -of thi
,district.- Mr��
Atock pig. I
purchased froi
Tarmwortli so
--to the North'V'
brood is,rapid
, oat popular'.
;are preferred,
station is Ver.,
no,,doubt,_ tol
�&Izent we ban
I I Be. . rvoa�
�eted through.,
ber of "ttlers
tobot and -tbe.i
auction L I
jdonday� Pei,
,present, inch
then, and arl �
,thing, zoaxeq
gm,loo with the
articles, reali2
�over $700, and,
11 ao *Carteity,
Arlotiou. taile,
Vs# in town i
bist, Sa7bliatli,
.Qaite a numb
Thursday me]
to wish themA
perflous journi
Alex- Rose bai
has taker 14 . p li�
ly occupied by,
Altand Mr. R<
r "deuce thinj
-of London. is
Miss WrOlf0i
kas ratumed
4rsharn, of Ba,
-Goderich, publ
' UtAto of Miss
Rillism Berry-
fi a driver tc
Y inte
slid, w
Wood mare wh
A�o wish Mr. I
D, r.,�Tnl --On �
MoGil5wan die�
Blyth. -The fil
residence, on AN
= ded to th,
Was 41
�church, Mr. I
in visiting!
faneral4of the 14
ham, of Kitli
Crettenden, jr,,
&WJL, after $Paul
_Mrs �Fidh
'his rounds. -TI
-load of flour t
In. Clinton I"
badhelorx in awl;
—Xr. John W!
AbBanie last w
-GrAnd Drrange I
Revival serviosi
Methodist churi
-urd�y, by Rev.
'-Min. George
houniekeeping, ALI
--hildren. She i
ker household it
to Vancou
BuiEr BiTs.—
Wilvertonrwais J
-of this village, a
k at wm i
tial. a
Idiss "urs, Kibl
Mr. E. E. Fut
-groom. Mr. an
their home in 3,1
the good wishes -
V with them,
long and happy i
left tbis week fo
of a somewhat a
011 Wednesday, -
eenstore and thi
Out.,and the but
'The cause is noV
-$a p oxed to be
Fort of theeXPICL
TA!WAY, Fbrt=L at
logo to th
Mot yet fally ku(')
-W.4blizi DeiI;
,very Pleasant Ti4 ,
-stock and Berlim.
for a few days,
next for Berlin, v,
BrG 8, -.-Ar, —A I
-on, Wbidl% we bough!
price $2, for 41 -pa _V
GAmEp.1-�,-C,5, —
.and diatighter,whi
*round bare for -s-
ham on Wedneed
a few days with J
'Coventry, andmi
ior their home iii
barn, & Riley got -
kat wMak.-Mr. ,
few .days in �G
Lion,who had
with her Sister
home 1"t wee-ko
with her daugb
grave. -Miss EY1
week -with him
spent isunday at I
M" MXOGill, of
Alice Mioon,_Jd�
ig visiting miss
'erton spent
T. RobirLton.-M
"ThOmais IffiWara.
IO'"F,, Alad not'inue
her I*WVer
into the house bisl
Mr. A-
, Woodina
Into Mr. NV. Bri
Live, a
LX-k-rP,r0O,T1;V lm
tinellbeep, 5J
present in
'WAS &ir� while pi
tleri�euey. � ).,Fr. -
I rateer
s -at �5�
land - Pret
3 to 4je. a4d the.
21 to 40 per "m
ber or cattle *ere
beforie Uf4Dre re"