HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-03-10, Page 6.Sar
I 1"
rot nwAt
The pole agents of the "Slater Shorii
are bourtlla contract to carry in stock
enough shapes, siics, and widths of' Slater
Shoes," to fit all. kinds of feet. Where a
town is tcio small for that kind of a stock/
there is nb.agency. Are you there ? Order
„"later Shoes" by mail from the
nearest agency.
ped on the soles with
trade mark and price:
.00 and $5„oo, Goodyear
• rs'
Write f
r .atalogue, it's free:
Consternation Over a Darning
[ ; i , Needle.
According to the story of an aged resi
dent of:Fitzroy* Ontario, he well remember
the time when there was but one darnin
needle in that county, and the only mil
was a day's journey distant.
One day it Mrs. Dickson, who chanced t
have temporary pesseassion of the darning
needle, and had it carefully stuck ia he
apron in a holder,' set off to the mill With a
bag of grain laid o'n the back of a berme:
The goodd lady had a rough road to travel
and unfortunately lost the darning needle
,This was really a public calamity in Fitzroy.
Nearly twenty ihousewives depended upon
itnat darning needle for repairing gooks and
.for other coarse mending. It passed from
i i
;one house to another by special meissenger,
land every woman had the use of it one day
in three weeks. Another darning needle
could not then be procured nearer than
Perth, a distance of fitty miles away.
Tidings of the disaster which had befallen
Mrs. Dickson soon spread, and on the follow-
ing morning it diazen women,some of them ac-
companied by heir children and some by
th ir husbands, turned out to search three
mi es of ferest nth. It seemed it hopeless
task, but keen yes were bent upon every
portion of the highway, and at length I one
little igirl eapied it. A great shout I was
raisecf, and the good news was carried along
the line of searchers. The party returned
home, and the rejoicings in newly settled
Fitzroy that day was great, —Philadelphia
Record. :
D. hase'S Preparations Have
'I Merit. ;
or Pi PS, Ecizem , Salt Rheum, Pin Worms and
all ektri 'diseases Dr. Chase's Ointment is a positive
euro.' It is recommended • y Dr. C. M Harlan, of
th Ame lean Journal of Ifeelth. . ,
r. Ch se's Catarrh Cure, with blower included,
wi 1 cure insipient starch in a few hours ; Chronic
Ca .rrh in one leo th s treatn-ent.
r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are the only com-
b ed Kidnet-Liver Pill made and will positively cure
all Kidney -Liver troubles.
Spme Good Dairy Rules. .
Keep the cow clean and wash the uddere
before milking.
Keep the barn clean, with wills and
ceilings whitewashed ; have it well lighted,
ventilated and free from dust ,at milking
tin -Always ake a clean toilet before Com-
mencing to millr.
Keep u nsils clean and bright.
Remove the milk from the stable as soon
Never expose milk to bad odors.
as drawn, nd cool at once.
o not mix fresh, warm milk with that
wh eh has been cooled.
( ive theicows only good wholesome food
an pure Water.
ever edict anything to milk to prevent
its oaring le cleanliness and cold are the on-
ly reservatives needed.
ilk regularly, quickly, quietly and
g 1
.. bearingwanef etohte heourrspersie"ed
no man rnay use profane language in
after that that ea,
8 friend was willing to leave his horses us,
0 1 such hands.—Dumb Animals,
1 •
lays treat the c ws kindly and never
te them by loud talking, hard driving
r :be of any kind.
A Model ,S ble-Keeper.
ot. tong since I as spending a night
it a, friend in New York, and was 'in -
it d te an early ride in Central Park. The
ffe was gladly accepted, as I knew he had
n mber of valuable blood horses, whj,ch
. er kept at a public stable. When 1 ex -
re sed surprise at his willingness to entrust
s e valuable horses to the care of any (into
ut his own trained groom, he said: The
a who keeps this table is a born stable-
eeper and a gentleman. His men are care-
fti11y selected, and the following are his
rules : First, no men will be employed who
drink intoxicating liquore. His men, like
his horses, must drink water, cold water
only. Second, no man must speak loudly
to any of the horse, or in the stable where
they are. Horses ef good blood are nerv-
ous, and loud, excited conversation is felt by
every horse in the Stable who hears it. Ex-
cited words addretaed to one horse are felt
by every other horse who hears them, and
keep them all nervous and uneasy. Third,
The Golden Side.
There's many a rest on the road of Me,
If we could only stop to take it;
And many a tone from the better land,
If the q ierulous heart would wake it.
ToAtnlide wsuhnonsunny Losuul ttifu helaru%iitnever
Tho grass Is green and flowers are bright-,
Tho' the wintry etorm preveileth.
• Bettie to vanee in the web of life
bright and golchn filling.
And do God's will with e ready heart,
And hands that are swift and willing,
Than to snap the delicate sliver threads
Of our Curious lives asunder,
And then blame heaven for the tangled ends,
And sit and grieve and wonder.
Something For Nothing.
A trial bottle of Catarrbozone and inbal
prepaid,. sent free to anyone who sends it
address within one week. Catarrhozone
a sure cure for catarrh, bronchitis, irritablit
throat, fetid breath and kindred die�ai
How can we afford to de this ? Because V*
know a trial of this pleasant and effacion
remedy never -fails. Washes, snuffs
ointments have ei-;-oyed unavailing, but 0
arrhozone will mire you. Write
N. C. POLSON & CO., Kingston, Oat,
Why isn't canned fruit a put-up job
Why isn't delirium tremens a tight t
Why isn't it more blessed to give than to
be given away?
Why ien't a man who works at a blacks
smith's forge a forger?
Why isn't it genuine sarcasm to call tell*
servants "help ?"
Why isn't the employer who reduces sal-
aries a revenue cutter?
Why is the man who wants the eartb
satisfied if he gets the "dust ?"
• Why isn't the man who has -no bills again
him one of the no-bil-ity ?
Why doesn't the enumeration of islisaise
people bring them to their censiui ?
Why doea the loafer spend • so ninth
his time in beating other people taut
Why don't contractors put sticking -11440a
ter on the walls of houees ?
Why isn't it proper to refer to a cigarette
fiend as a pack animal?
Why isn't a woman good to herself What
she permits it men to love her?
Why does a man wish for it good appeSte
and then try to get rid of it ? 1
School Report.
The following is the report of IT
School Section No. 3, East Wawanosh
Morris, for the month of February.
names are arranged in order of merit -;
class, R. Grasby, W. Nethery, A. .Netht
W. Healy. Senior fourth, IL Walsh,
Gosman, M. Walsh, Adam Cuming. Jui
fourth, M. Goiania/1, T. Williama, M.
by, E. Kraehling, Joe Taylor, Se
third, Thornily Blake M. Armour. .1nii
third, G. Netherv, E. Fraser, W Lovel
Williams, J. Kelly, M. Kelly, George
say. Second class, S. Nethery, C. Tay
C. Fraser, A. Lindsay, B. Fraser, F. KO
Part second, M. Williams, H. Grst4*
Armour, T. Fraser, E. Kelly.
—Mr. Araby Scott, after visiting his for
mer borne and parents at Monkton, for the
past two months, left on Tuesday of 1
week for Bay City, Michigan. He will
main there for a few days before gain to
his destination at Duluth,and,assoon
gation opens, he will resume Ilia former
cupation at sailing.
--4-M1ss Jones has sold her property in *
obeli, where the old Bible Christian 0h
stood. The lot has been bought b
Presbyterian church, for the sum of OO
and will be used for the erection of ho
sheds for the accommodation of those *
have to drive to church from the surrairads
jog districts.
Before it is too late, stop that succession of colds that means nothing more
nor less than catarrh. Stop the suffering. Stop the disagreeable catarrhal dis-
charges that are so humiliating to you and offensive to your friends. Don't let
it rue on u etil your condition causes you to be ostracized as if you were a leper.
Don't neglect yourself until consumption makes its fatal appearance. You can
be mitred—apt merely relieved, but absolutely and perfectly cured.
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
will restore you to complete, perfect health. It gives relief at once. It cures
in an incredibly short time. Hundreds of cases of from 5 to 20 years' standing
have been cared—cases that physicians had pronounced incurable. The catarrhal
powder acts like magic, not only in patarrh, but in colds, sore throat, tonsilitis,
hay fever, loss of smell, deafness and all similar diseases.
Mr. C. G. Archer, of Brewer, Maim, writes asfollows :—." I have had catarrh for
several years. Water would run from rey eyes and nose for days at a time. About four
months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since using the
wonderful rem dy I have not had an atteck. I would not be without it." At druggists.
Dr. Agee„'s Cure or the Heart cures all cases of organic or sympathetie disease of
the heart—relieves in 30 minutes. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are at once a mild cathartic,
invigorator ani system renovator. zoc.Ifor 40 doses. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves
in a day and c res eczema, salt rheum 4nd all diseases of the skin. Cure.s piles in 2 tO
3 night% 35c. 1 i
Barrister, Solicitor, Coaveyanoer aid Notary
Publics. Money to loan. Office over Pick rd's Store,
bleat*, formerly Mechanics' eat*, Main Strew , Seaforth.
MARCH 10, 1899'
TORN GRIEVE, 'V. S., bo or graduate
ee Veterinary College. All diseases
animals treated. Calle pfomptly atten
charges moderate. Veterir ary Dentstry
trifice and reeideuee on Gaderieh street,
East of Dr. Soott's office, Ehlaforth.
of Ontario
f Domestic
ed to and
s specialty,
ono door
0 11.GIBS,
erinary dentists , Honor raduate of Oaten()
Veterinary Surgeon end Dilitist, Toronto College of
ates sees of domeritio animals
erinary College, Honor merer of Ontario Veterin-
ary Medford Society. Ali diiltUfully treated. All oal promptly ettended to
day- Of night. Deetistry knd Burger) speolalty.
0610e and Dispensary—Dr Campbell's old °Moe,
Mein Week Seatorth. Night calla answered -ft om the
&Moe. 1406-62
" M. BEST, Barrister, &inciter, Cenveyancer,
. Notary Public). Offices up stairs Over CI. W.
apsta bookstore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario.
. 1627
G. CAMERON, tormisrly or Osmeiton, Holt &
Cameron, Barrieter and Solicitor, Goderloh,
tattio. Office—Hamilton 'Maoist, opposite Colborne
iw()tel. 1 1462,
1 1
8. HAYS, Barrister, Saliditlar, Conveyancer and
Notary Public). Solibitor for the Dominion
k. Oftlee—Cardoo's blooko Slain Street, Seaforta,
oto loan. IT 1236
. i
. + ,
igY. MST, Barrister, Solibitor, Mune elo.
Moe—Rooms, dye climoe north offeennierola
el, ground floor, next( door to C. L. Patel.
evreiry store, Main etresti,Seaforth I Goderioh
sate—Cameron, Holt and; eron I 1216
0 COTT & licKENZIE, Berr(tsters, Solloitors. doe
t,3 Clinton and eayfleld. Linton Office, Elliott
block, Isaac) street. Baylield Offioe, open every
Thursday, Mein etreet. first door west of post office.
Money to loan. James Scott & E. H. McKenzie.
9 .ARROW & PROUDFOter, Barristerso golicibers,
&o., Gederloh, Ontario ./. T. Gamma Q. E. ;
Bolton In ChediesTY, Ito.,Godertoh, Ont M. 0.
V SOLICESTED, etrooessor to the late arm of
• MoCriughey & Holmested, Barrister, Solicitor
Conveyancer, and Notate Solicitor for the Can
adieu Bank of Conimerce. Money to lend. Farm
for sale. pfficte in Scott's Block, Main Street
Et W. TWEDDLE, Dlie Met. Office—Over Richard -
f e eon & McInnis' el
oe store, oorner Main and
eohn streets, Smforthe 1
( -
DR. BELDEN, dentibt I orovrning, bridge work
and gold plate work. Special altentien given
Jo the preservation of the natural teeth. All work
earefully performed. Ofloe—over Johnson Bros.'
itardWare store, Seaforth. 1461
DRA. R. KINSMAN, L. D. El., D. D. IL
Honor graduate of Toronto University, Den-
tist, wilt practice dentistry at his father's rooms in
Exeter, and at his room at etre. Sbafer's restaurant,
Hensell, every Wednesday, II. Kinsman, L. D. 8.,
at Zuzioh the last Thurdedisy of each month.
DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the
Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also
honor graduate of Departnient of Dentistry, Toronto
University. Office in the Petty block, Hensel!.
Will visit Zurich every Monday, oommenoing Mon -
June 1st, 1687
RAGNEW, Dentist, Chilton, will visit Zurieh on
„ the second Thursdae of each month. 1692
Dr. John McGinnis,
Son. Graduate London Western Universilly, member
of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Office and Residenoe--Formeny 000tipied by Mr. Wm.
Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church
ArNight calla attended promptly. 1468x12
TaeR. ARMSTRONG, M. B., Toronto, M. D. (L M.,
If Victoria, M. C. P. 8, Ontario, suoceseor to Dr.
litiott, offioe latelY otioupled by Dr. Elloet, Bruce.
eld, Ontario.
A LEX. BETHUNE, M. D, Yellow of the Royal
College 'of Physician" and Surgeons, Kingston.
etioceseor to Ds. Maokid.$ Office lately occupied
:Dr. kisokid, Male Street Seaforkh. Resider:roe
—Corner of Victoria Bemire in house lately occupied
by L. E. Danoey. 1127
Late resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen-
eral Hoapital. Honor gradeate Trinity University,
inanities of the College of Phydolans and Surgeons
at Ontario. Coroner for Ithe County of Huron.
OFFICE.—Same ea fornierly oceMpied ey Dr.
Smith, opposite Public Sohool, Seafortli. Telephone
No. 48 N. B-o—Night anlis Answered from office.
Goderich street, opposite Methodist churoh,Seaforth
J. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
member Ontario College of Physicians end
Surgeons. Coroner for Clounty of Huron.
MacKAY, honor graduate Trinity University,
gold medaliet Trinity Medical College. Member
College of Physielens and Surgeons, Ontario.
.00i/0/leer for the Counties of Huron and Perth,
ind Agent sit Heneall for the Massey -Harris Mante
Sotunng Company. Sales promptly attended to,
therges moderate 'end satisfaction guaranteed.
Ordere by mall addressed to Monsen Post Ofiloe, or
left at his residence, Lot 2, Concerialon 11, Tuelt-
ersnaltb, will receive promptattention. 129841
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate of Rainey Arm-
strong, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all persons having
c aims against the estate of the said Rainey Arm-,
strong, late of the township of Stanley, in the County
oJ Huron, yeoman, dm:tatted, who died on or about
the 131h day of February,/. D. 189', are required to
send by post prepaid, or to deliver to James Soler,
Blake P. 0., Stanley, one of the executor° of the will
of the said deceased, on or before the 8th day of
April, 1899, their names, addresses and descriptions,
and a full statement of particulars of their claims
and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them,
duly verified, and that after the said day the Ex-
eeutors will proceed to distribute the assets. of the
deceased among the parties entitled thereto ,having
regard only to the claims of which they shall then
have notice JAME3 SCOTT,Solicitor for JAMES
SOLER and E, ROBINSON, Exeoutors. Dated at
Clinton, the 21st day of February, 1899. 1628-3
Notice to Creditors.
All persons having" any oleic°; avainet the estate of
Robert Carmichael, late of the Town of Seaforth,
who died on or about the 131h of November, 1898,
are required -an or before the 31st day of March, 1899,
to send to me the undereigned Executor of the will
of the said -iobert Carmichael, deceased:full parti-
culars of their Mabee and of iffie securities, if any,
held by them, duly verified by affidavit, After the
said date I will proceed to distribute the estate
among the parties entitled thereto, having reference
only to the claims of which 113i -hall have received due
notice, and after such distribution I shall not be se -
countable for any part of the assete of the estate to
any person of whose claim I ghee not have received
notice. Thi• notice is elven in pursuance of the
statute in that behalf. F. HOLUESTED, Seaforth
P. 0. February 2 ith, 1899. 1829-4
Cook's Cotton
Is suceessf ally us
10.00e Ladle,. Safe,
your druggis t. for C
Found. Take no other as all
nu ta thins ire dangerouS.
No. 2, I() degrees s tron
1 or 2 mailed on reveipt of
e10mp8 ht -i Cook Com;
1 and 2 .oid an a
responsible Druggists In C
Sold in &Moab by Lumsden
oot Compound
.d monthly by over
rrectual. Ladies ask
ok a Cotton Root Com-
.alix tu res, pine and
rice, No. 1, $1per
ger, $3 per box.
rice arta two 8-eent
##.##y Windsor. Ont.
commended by all -
Wilson, drugests.
CHAPTER XXV.—Continued.
'I am not going to oat° it—you can go
back to London—I shall atity here.'
Poor Smith felt absolutely nonplussed.
'Go back,' said Phylliti," you don't care
for me. I shall sleep at the hotel here to-
night, and go home alone to-morrow—it
doesn't matter—nothing matters now.'
She tuened her head away and burst into
sudden passionate, tears.
'I did not know you could be BO cruel,'
she sobbed.
Smith glanced at his watch in despair.
A train left High Barnet at seven. They
had very little ehance even now of catching
it. If they missed this there would not be
another till nine o'clock, and then they
should not be back in Park , Lane until ten
or after. He knew better than Phyllis did
whet people would say of them, if they re-
turned home so late, and yet here was the
headstrong grl behaving like a baby, and
thinking as lit.t10 of her reputation as if it
were thistle- own, which might be blown
away OD thesjrind.
And yet h w Smith's heart ached with
love for her as she eat there in her genui e
grief—him he longed to respoiid to her pi e-
ous little appeal to save her from herself.
Ought he to do it ?—ought he not to riek
everything, even his own future, to do what
he could to protect Phyllie from the conse-
• quences whit% would moat likely arise from
her own weakness and folly.
The moments flew on. Of course he could
not leave her. Already every chance' Id
catching the seven o'clock train was over.
'Phyllis,' he said, suddenly, 'will you
stop crying and listen to me? I am going
to suggest something which I do net like,
but it is the only possible way in Which I
can attempt to save you. We have already
missed the train, and could not be home
until sedate that your friends and guardians
would be naturally very angry with U8 both.
I had no right, Phyllis, to take - you away
as did to -day. I did wrong—I ough not
to bave listened to you.'
'Oh, please don't begin to acold me,'
sobbed poor Phyllis.
'No, no, not for the world, my poor ittle
darling; no, no,' said the young ma'his
heart melting utterly at the bewit hing
glance she gave him.
'Put your arms "round me then an kiss
me,' she said,.
'There, Phil, there,' he said—he 4iseed
her forehead and lips once or twice and
pushed the soft terrils of hair fro her
'There, dear, there,' be said, soothi glY.
'I have yielded—against my Potter udg-
meat I have yielded. I meant to wo you
openly, Phyllis, and to offer you a hom not
unworthy even of you, but all that a for
the future. Some day even yet you may
have it, but now, dear, I yield to you en-
treaties, and will marry you as soon as ever
the ceremony can be performed.'
'Thank you, John, thank you, but am
not going home to -night --I am never oing
home again except as your wife.'
'1 have thought of that part—it rw . be
best under the circumstances for you no t to
return to Park Lane until you are my ife.
I will take you to the Priory to -night and
put you under my mother's charge, hyl-
While Miss Prettyman was helping ifor-
ward John Smith'e wooing, Mrs Vincent
was doing her beat to hinder. it. People
like Mrs. Vincent are very often sueceseful.
They are 'not liked, but their wishes weigh
with people, their indomitable determina-
tion produces results which could never be
given to more honorable and straightfor-
ward natures.
That this should be the case is one of the
tizzies one has to encounter in this wicked
orld. Mrs. Vincent was makingl golden
8e of Miss Prettynnan and of Phyllis Mar-
tindale. They were both in vit certain sense
her bankers. If *phyllis married John
Smith, Mrs. Vincent' a bank would virtually
stop payment.. The good lady had only to
imagine each it situa.tion for herself to make
her intensely resolute and determined.
'No,' don't keep me, Daisy," she said to
her eldest, and for the time being her fa
orite daughter, 'I am partieularly engage
this morning—I have important. business to
transact. What is it, child? You and your
sisters ' want new dresses. Well, all you
have toI do is to go to Mies Prettyman's
dressmaker and order anything that takes
your fancy. Tell that woman that she is to
send the account to Miss Prettyman,- and
now don't keep me any longer, my love.'
Mrs. Vincent lett the house, and Daisy
t-drned to her sisters.
Look here,' she said, flushing deeply,
'I'm not going to order those dresses.'
What do you mean, Daisy?' asked Con-
''What I say, Connie, 11 do think that if
there is a woman in this world that is cruel
to another, it is mamma to Miss Prettyman.
Whatever any one says it is- wicked to use
Miss •Prettyman's and Phyllis'e money as
we do; and I for one am not going to be a
party to it.'
'Then what will you do for a new dress
for Hurlingham next week?'
'I don't know,' answered Daisy; a shad-
ow came over her round childish face as she
You know how mamma will, continue to
go on,' continued Connie.
Yes, yes, I know—you need not tell me.
Mamma makes a coward of me. I hate my-
self for it. I do wish I cm ld run away
with some good man to get rid of mamma.'
'Then, of course, you'll eta er the dress,'
continued Connie, in her cal n voice. As
you have not got the good man to run off
with, you'd better order the ress.'
'I don't think I shall—at any rate not to-
day. Don't ternpt meany fukther.'
When Mrs, 1lincentleft 41t) Park Lane,
she immediatel went to pay her accustomed
morning call at o. 414
Miss Prettyman had alread gone out to
interview Johb Smith. idrs. Vincent
thought her fitiend's absen '43 suspicious.
She had already' bribed tho ootman to be
completely at her service, e,nd she now
thought it well to have an itterview with
this individual—
She learned from him that Phyllis meant
to spend the morning at home, and that a
certain Mr. Smith, when he called at twelve
o'clock, was to be admitted.
Mrs. Vincent could scarcely restrain the
laugh of triumph Which crOwded on her
Ha, ha,' she said to herSelf, who so
sharp as I at ferreting out the truth. Ha,
ha, Miss Phyllis, I'm your match; I shall
put it little spoke in your whe 1 on this oc-
casion, my pretty love.' S the footman
got his explicit directions, an1 Mrs. Vin-
cent, little guessing that Phyll a had acted
as eavesdropper, started off on her missiOn
to Mr. Marshall with an easy mind.
She was fortunate in finding that good
gentleman at home, He was sufficiently
disengaged to give her half an hour of his
valuable time, during which she explained
Phyllis's dangerous position to him as graph-
ically as her very condiderable powers would
'I feel quite certain the young man in-
tends to marry her,' she said in conclusion.
Of course Phyllis's fortune tempts him.'
What did you say his name was?' aeked
Mr. Marshall.
John Smith; surely suCh a name apeaks
for itself.'
A good honest title,' said Mr. Marshall,
could not refuse my c‘nsent to my werd's
Alman oug
until well ti
now -a -days y;
Inste ad, you -
r45 who be
ht not to feel old, or to be Old
p toward e the nineties, but
ou don't see many such men.
hear people no older tha40
in to complain of tired bac s
and brains, of st machs
giving out, of shattered
nerves, of lost cuergv,
of averSion to work.
These men have
thought more of dollars
than of health. TI ey forget thli.t money is
almost worth cri without health to enjoy
it. If men and woinen will take Dr. Pierce's
Golden Mediral Discovery, they needn't
worry -much about old age. The years will
go by but they evon?t show it. This medi-
cibe makes (igestion perfect, and changes
a disordered stomaeh into a healthy one
that works as Natnrelintended. It regulates
the liver, enri1ies the blood and tones the
nerves. It prevents consumption by curing
bronchitis, lingering coughs and bleeding
lungs. The "Discovery ',', conta ns o al-
cohol; no false or uncertain stinulus; the
power it gives is the power of Nature: deep,
genuine and lasting. It does not create a
craving for stimulants. JUL serious cases of
sickness Dr. R. V. Pierce,Bu alo, N. Y.,
will give free advice and counsel to those
who write him. I
"The reason I delayed writing as because I
wanted to wait one year after I had taken the
inediciue before giving my sta em nt, and now
I can send a good, conscientious estimonial,e
writes Chas. H. Sergeant, of Plein City, Madison
Co., Ohio. " Dfring the suttuner and fall of 1896
I became all i un -down,' nerves and stomach
were out of or. er. I wrote to Dr. Pierce for ad-
vice. He said I had general debility, and advised
Dr. Pierce's G lden Medical Discovery, and I
used six bottleai Since I stopped taking it about
one year ago, I have not takeb any medicine of
any kind, and have been able a work every day.
My appetite is good, I can cat three square meals
a day, and I dc not feel that Miserable burning
in the stomach after eating."
marrying a m
called John S
Mrs. Vince
You don't
I really belt
stand me on a
'Excuse me
gross injustic
very well; a
you have alwa
Martindale's .
'Well, Mr.
aunt, poor c
creature. It
to follow out
comes int& he
will probably
'Oh, he ill
tell me that b
He got to
troduction in
had the presu
that he was e
• Well, wel
Miss Phyllis
Smith, we mu
history. If he
fellow, and if
above all thin
and she is to
Marshall pears
herlaw, and s
pression trans
scarcely forbea
What is t
don't look well
I think y
your senses,
about my niee
consider such
hear aright, or
You hear r4e aright, I assure you, my
facts are these: Miss
her money. to Phyllis,
inserted in her will, to
• due coercion was to b
the young lady's ma
ave absolute liberty t
, whatever his mean,
ter was good and his
Now you speak of Mr.
decidedly a person of
n because he happened to be
ith.', •
t flushed angrily.
nderstand,' she said. But
ve you purpesely misunder-
1 occasions.'
my dear lady, 1 you do me a
; I think I understand you
d I appreciate the kindness
eshown with \regard to Misel
Marshall, you aee I am her
ild. She's t
s fatal to le
very whim an
mind. Left
arry that w
most reckless
e such a child
vagary that
to herself she
etched adven-
n adventurer; you did not
no'w Phyllis without an in -
Switzerland, end absolutely
ption to tell me to my face
gaged to her.'
, said Mr. Marsball. If
really engaged to this Mr.
t inquire into his previous
turns out to be a good steady
e is fairly well educated, and
s, if he is fond of the girl,
d of him—why—' here Mr.
d. Mrs. Vincent had dropped
a perturbed, horrified x-
xed her faceathat;
he co Id
from laughing amid;
e matter?' he asked; you
u must have taken leave of
lir; you calmly talk to me
as if you meant to seriously
disgraceful alliance. Do I
am I dreaming?'
dear madam. The
Drew, when eh left
had a special cllauee
the effect that iio u
exercised as re arde
riags. She wa4 to
give herself to he an she loved, whateiier
his position ii lt
provided his c ara
conduct honora le.
Smith as if he ere
bad character.'
now he i ; I • now he is,' burst from
Mrs. Vincent' e lips.
ell, that has o be proved; can you
prov it?'
'BJis conduc was shameless in Switzer-
'In what w4'?'
'He—he eng ged 1iimself to Phyllis with-
out arnintrodu tion.'
That was un onve tional—not shameless.
Is that the on13 thing you have • to . bring
against him?'
'He is not a, entlman.'
Miss Drew eays nothing about Phyllis
marrying a g D Unman. She simply says
that the man o her echoice must be of good
character and U educated. Of course I
must ,inquire in o these matters.'
Yeu canno allow her to marry while
she is, a minor.'
''Miss Drew 1 as no objection.'
Heii3 Mr. M rshall rose from his seat,
'I im oblige( to you for coming,' he said,
but fear 1 m st now ask you to go. I
will c refully irveetigate the antecedents of
this young man; I have a kind of dim idea
that already1-.now something -about him.
He helps a frie d of mine, I am almost cer-
tain, of the Ilan e of Basil Daintree. If he
is the same Or. Smith, I have already
heard much in 1 is favor; but whatever Mr.
Smith Phyllis's friend turns out to be, he or
another mac, v u may rest assured, Mrs.
Vincent, that I shall not leave a istone un-
turned to have his character well looked
into. I am exti ernely obliged to you; and
now I must wis you good -morning.'
Mrs. Vincent
much as if she
After it whippin
and sour, and ti
not of the best
Park Lane.
At the presen
were desperate;
capital, and had
putting herself
money -lender.
large sum within
Phyllis and ev
fail to save her.
mercy on women
would serve h
would follow, an
good marriage w
no, the marriage
eft the house feeling very
ad received it whipping.
otie is apt to be both sore
is good lady's temper was
s she drove rapidly back to
moment her own affairs
she had borrowed on her
even gone to the length of
into the hands of a Jew
f she , did not pay him a
a week from to -day, even
n Mis13 Prettyman would
This money -lender had no
like Mrs. Vincent. He
r with a writ—exposure
all Dtisy's chances of a
uld come to nothing. No,
between Phyllis and Mr.
Smith must be te erted, for Phyllis's money
t Mrs. Vincent's disposal.
e way now left to do this,
working on Miss Pretty -
t at her own house, but at
was still out, but Mrs.
telling the man who ad -
e would wait in the draw -
Id stay to lunch, went
om was empty; and Phyl-
stood wide open.
ent in and made a tour of
or three cards lay upon
s davenport. Some open
O blotter, and large bas -
stood on a little what -not
accompanied the'flowers.
t yet been opened. Mrs.
•—looked at it longingly,
a step in the passage de -
it into her pocket. She
must still be
There war only o
and that was by
man's fears.
She arrived, n
her neighbors.
• Miss Pretcyrna
Vincent carelesel
mitted her that 8
ing-room, and wo
calmly upstairs.
The drawing -r
lis's boudoir also
Mrs, Vincent v
insrection. Two
the young lady
letters were on t
ket of lovely rose
close by. A lette
This letter had n
Vincent ook it u
and then hearing
ilberately ,slippen
knew the handwri
Ashtead. He was
of the lovely ro
Phyllis in his lett
t� be in love with
a young man of ba
debt, but Mrs. Vi
ered him a. most
he, she knevf, coul
pletely un r her
supposing 11 oth
could get u a mat
this youth. She d
the letter, and h
stroke of go d tort
her way; sa down
await Miss • retty
The mom nt's p
themselves along,
•hungry, cro a and
Letitia co e horn
great deal t say t
of being ke t wa ti
-of Phyllis, oo ?
chance her iot b i
Lord Ashted'sto
she out at this h u
out, howetr,
changing he dre
Mr. Via ent
room and rease
A servan
Hae Mi. Pre t
'No, ma am.'
'Is Mies Marti
No, madam ;
some time o.'
in it was from Lord
doubtless also the giver
es ' Had he proposed to
.? He was well known
er. Lord Ashtead was
o erecter, hopelessly in
cent would have colloid -
es table son-in-law, for
be brought almost corn-
thUmb. ,.She wondered,
r drawee failed, if she
h between her niece and
d ot scruple to, seerete
igh y pleased with the
ne which had put it in
in the drawing -room to
a 'a return. '
see , dr rather dragged
f Mrs. -Villeeritor WaS
m *tient. Why did not
? IMrs. Vincent had a
h k, and she was tired
g. What had become
f o urse it was it lucky
g in her boudoir when
e a rived, but why • was
? Perhaps she wag not
has she was uptake
• ke across the draing-
anj electric le11 in the
ared to answer her sum-
-‘ By hers
No, ma
Mrs. ailVin
said in a
tress on he
The ser
after stand
the door, t
emnly dow
° I do
would co
and angr
solent min
and am
see, it is
good. P
cure thiel
water pr+a
not turn
suppose, o
fatal bottl
to leave it
too great
throw'it a
failed to
of resoluti
she proc 43
The th
stairs p
and it mo
good lad
Even *
to her ch
I am
and have]c
'Shall sk
atn?' a
olean The ser
m n yet returned?' she
c ale in the hous
Ise Martindale
e ?'
went out
f ?'
am, i h e dog.'
ent peuse for a moment,
ot wa alu ih much longer,' she
aut orit tive tone, 'If hinge
Le not in i five minutes you had
it. • shall explain to your mis-
retu n1 th t 1 asked you to do
ant ue :afed no eply, and
ng at ik till for it moment at
rned 4 N h s heel and walked Rol -
ieh at woman and that girl
home murmured the hungry
lady. '1 ioWt believe that in -
has a• - i.eal 4f serving lunch,
eitive f int. But pow, let me
that blots nobody
Ilis's se ce eimbles me to se-
tter, io I shall open with hot
ntly a d ead, and now, can I
titia's be nee also te account?
ay a sit to her bedroom, and
, sup os I come across that
. It u A be just like Letitia
where # uld find it, for she is
cowariE a. d too great a fool to
noent a a woman who never
rry out hr own desires for lack
n. H g made up her mind,
ed to •ut her thought into exe.
ent 1*14
iss P
s. Vine
eks w
de ope
n lea
ing to
me up
etch y u
e glad if
r carpets on the sto
footfall being hear
e found herself con
et yman's maid i
n felt a flush coni
en she encounter
d astonished ga
a that
ing in,
e, Wilson,' she said.
lu oh with your m strese,
tars to arrange mjy bpn-
ome hot water mad.
ou will do s�; ale a
ith rew, returning in a
moment vs.th a h nds mely embossed china
can, and is Oft cle n Men towel. She then
retired, olo ing th d Or behind her.
Mrs. Vi cent h d tihought it a good plan
to allow "loon o and
that she was
washing he hand an smoothing her tossed
hair. In r ality, owever, she had no idea
of wasting •redo a m ments in such 00311-
petiolate • it
A little edicin c , eet stood on a shelf
by Miami Prettym n's, bed. Mrs. Vincent
could not h lp ut eri an ejaculation of
pleasure las he per eie1 that the key was
in the lock. She pered the tiny drawers
found her task
carefully a d bega to eIiimine the different
phials and bottles he
however, fa more puizling ban she had
homeopath. . Wh n iii-., iihis administered
expeeted. Miss Pr•ttyma believed in
homeopathi doses f ‘trange drugs to bee -
self. Mae. Vincen fe4 bewildered in this
region of in dical 8 twice, and soon came to
the eonclu ion th t ; there was nothing of
any impor ance to be discovered in Miss
PrettYman' medial e chest. She was about
to ileave th room n al worse temper than
when she e tered i w e,n her eye suddenly
liglated upo a cup oa cil in the wall. This
cutaboard as loc 6 Mrs. Vincent put
her hand •n this 1 tt e brass handle and
tried to pul the door o en. It of course
resisted her efforts. 4t this moment, how-
ever, a 8#3 e n con icti n came over her
that that �upboard in he wall contained
Miss Pre t man's e re . She determined
to set her s spicione a st on this point as
soon rte possible. B air means or foul she
would get the key d examine the cup-
There av4 nothi f r1her now, however,
to be done 'n the r , and pouring it little
of the het ater iit a, basin and dipping
her finger's nto it, Vincent was about
to return to the aeeing-room when the
bedroom dor was ed and Miss Pretty-
man, pale and with n angry gleam in her
light blue eyes, hurr e.1311 entered the room.
'Really, 1rs. Vi e t,'. she began. .
' Yciu neel not bd 1 rmed, my dear,' said
the go1od la y, com ng forward and embrac-
ing poor M188 Leti ' quite tendelly, '1
came up he e for no 010e sinister design
than tO was my haids and arrange my
hair. You were a 8 nt so long, Letitia,
and I W, as s tired e d f#0 faint that I de-
sired Tho as to r ng up lunch; I don't
know if he as done o '
' Prebably not,' r plied Miss Prettyman.
'The Servants had no directions that you
were to luneh with e today.'
'Well, my dear, I bought I would Ido so.
I have a good deal to say to you, Leti ia. I
Be 4,1
YOUr 1
E BEIT Is al
in ,bezes th
butbeat Kld ey cur
Dedd's Jitney P
eye !Imitated.
lis, sold only
se are widely
tbey are the
. Talk° none
have be
fairs an
can't t
quite a
of thie
• for som
were al
ally car
eau de
open th
wall to
it looke
upon M
ing. ., Was Prettyman haetily t
and .-be an to remove her bo
Vincent noticed that her thin fin
keep th
be caref
on you
mind 1
chief, d
'ache, an
trorri ti
On a
was in t
to lend
she too
Miss Pr
em broid
used a
mind th
one of -t
week, a
your dr
for the
and no
with y
'1 a
for this
I a
ant as
keep y
n busy all this morning on your
on Phyllis's.'
y,' began Miss Prettyman, tuni g
tiy, dear. I knew you would a
to me for all the trouble I take. II
11 you how spent fel. I ha re
eadaohe from the rnslil and burxly
ot day. I was just looking round
eau de cologne when you cane itt,
to bathe my forehead with. ° You
aye such. it neat soulland so natur
ful that I presume you keep your
ologne locked up. I; was trying to
t little medicine cupboard in the
*rid some, but I perceive you keep
Vincent's hawk glance was fixed
so Prettyman while she was speak-
rned aside
net. Mra.
ere shook.
Barmy has found its mark,' ehe
under her breath. She does
bottle I want in that locked cups
shall get it yet, but now I must
1 to lull her suspicions.
after all here is the eau de cologne,'
d Mre. Vincent, in a playful tope,
dressing -table in this cut ghos
Ah, how refreshing it is I • Do you
nding me it clean pocket handker-
ar, I really have a splitting bead -
1 shall like to apply some of ;this
reviving perfume to my forehead
e to time.
1 possible occasions Mrs. VinIcent
e habit of asking Miss Prettyman
her pocket handkerchiefs. These
care never to I return. Poor
ttyman was fond of her delicately
red cambric handkerchiefs, snd
metimes to meditate in her Own
advisability of having it store of
ones by her foF Mrs. Vincent's
ut on this occasion I she pulled + out
e choicest, and handed it to her
guest with a sigh of positive re,
that sigh was not lost upon Mrs,
It restored her once again to' good
nd she made a capital lunch at Miss
an's expense in coneequence. '
girls are going to Hurlingham next
d. I have desired them to cal let
samaker's to order suitable dre Hes
°carrion,' said Mrs. Vincent, as !ehe
erself to another glass of claret.
ght I'd mention this 'en peasant,'
if we hate both finished I lunch I
e,glad to have a little priiate talk
u. I
very sorry,' began Miss Pretty-
ut / have an important engagement
afraid, my dear, it is not so impo t -
y little talk with you. I will ilot
p longer than I can help, but I h4ivo
ng which I must talk over with ut
any fur her delay.
Mies Prettyman rose from her table nd
turned to theiservant to give somo dir c-
'See that some hot lunch is stated or
Miss lartindale whin she comes in,' he
said, ' nd order the carriage to be at he
door fo me at half -peat three. Now, Mrs.
Vincent, I am at your service.'
' Re lly, Letitia,' said MrstVincent, w en
the do'r of Mies Prettyman's private ro m
had clo ed behind them, '1 edmire the re al
way in which you issue Your commands to
your d mestics.- When I think of ,what you
'18 that what you bas e come to talk
over?' aid .Mise Prettyman.
'No, my dear; what it hasty temper
you've got. I really fear prosperity has not
improv d you. Now sit doWn, do; where
is the se of standing. I am ot going away
until I have had my little ay put. And
now fir t and foremost, where is Phyllie,
'Out for a walk with Dan.
Wh Dan—a young man
'Noit dog—her new mast if, and her lat-
e s tt toy.'
you gave me quite a ahock—you are
so unc nventional, and so—Lso rustily care -
I th ught 1 was the esse ce o conven-
tionalit ,' retorted Miss rettyman. I
know I feel conventional.'
'It des notimatter what you feel, I'm
afraid. Allow me to remark en paiieant '
that Ph Hie and Dan are hav ng a very tong
Oh, they will come in presently,' said
Miss Pr ttyman. Phyllis is not a girl who
can be c,eroed.'
It se :ms to me, Letitia, that you have
very littl e authority over her.'
I has e about as muoh aa anybody else.'
W hi h means that you have nope'
Miss retts man shrugged her shisulder.s.
You 'an think so if you like,' she eaid in
a weary one.
I ma., happen to think to some purpose.
Suppose I tell Mr. Marshall what I think of
guardian for his ward.'
se you do,' retorted .Miss Pretty -
you as a
He w
for then
your per
'Not i
Mrs. Vin
She ea
she had g
lighter to
rel with
take me
at the pr
tion, and
but to ag
very, ver
your sacr
herself to
John Smi
Is tha
a little la
Is tha
'I have
him great
eI thou
terly silly
I don't wi
I don't in
are roman
I thin
I—' she h
her chest
dere3 wh
often won
allow you
seems to
for me to
that I des
cise over
and you c
11 take Phyllis away from you.'
ng would give me greater pleasure,
should be in a measure free from
I can secure that bottle,' thought
, however, that for the present
ne far enough, and continued in a
, Letitia, I have no wish to quer-
ou, bub you always manage to
p at the wrong end. We are both
sent moment in a difficult posi-
here 's nothing whatever for us
ee to aot in concert.'
ess we are very careful—
, Phyllis, my niece, and
ge, will be guilty of uniting
mon boor of the name of
aid Miss Prettymen, with
• Un
d cha
a c.om
all !
Have you seen the young
; he is very handsome; I, admire
ht you would say something ut-
of that sort. Now listen to me.
h Phyllis to marry John Smith—
end her to marry him. If you
ic enough, and foolish enough to
such a mateh you do so at your
ou understand?'
I do,' said Min Prettyman, 'but
sitated, her color came and went,
egan to heave paitifully.
11,' she said, 'I have often won -
1 yield to you as I do; I have
ered why I fear you; and why I
to rob me and to rob Phyllis. It
O that there is nothing whatever
o but to show you once for all
ise you and the terror you exer-
e. I have but to be cotirageous
n do nothing.'
'That 's true enough,' muttered Mrs.
Vincent Oder her breath. Unless 1 secure
that bottle I have really nothing to ge
upon. I will, I must, secure the bottle. 14
the meantime I must put on the screw a lit;
tie tighter.'
You know why you fear me, Letitia
Prettyman,' she said; you fear me because
you have a guilty conscience, and because—
because you remember a certain scene.
There was a bedroom darkened, rather too
dark for your purpose, and there was a sick
Don't, don't,' said Miss Prettyman, with
a little cry; the perspiration stood out on
her forehad ; she sank back in her obair
with a groan. I understand you,' she amid,
I cannot go back to old memories. I'll do
anything you wish—anything. Whist about
Phyllis? Oh, ehe is not to marry Mr.
Smith. Well, if I can prevent it I 1
(To be Continued.)
SOH in Seaforth by I. V. ear and Limed= & Wilson.
"Eery morn
had taste in In
tongue s coat,
aches and I oftl
have no appetit
- and -what food I,
have ib
my stomaeh.
Imo* tbat someti
lind my nerves ar
tun getting pall
is dred in tb
' ht."
at does youl
gen are stare
a blood." ;
•What is bis ren
You must not• =
bowels if r
paella to do
ot,..Ayer's Pills el
We have a book
d Weakness whi
ve for the askini
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