HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-03-10, Page 310, 1899
'oris and receiving
tion of Fine Furl&
ere el.t Oddments
,it OL` :the extremely
ly up-to-date, with a -
;e'a needs. We have
rre wilt lend free of
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S. T. RoImes, Godes
Mill will make
tier six People.
I 1
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14 for weeks,
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We do not
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F. time,.
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fat i3 it
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1iC in.
lila is
..o ni.
ban op good farm 140 -
annum, straight loans,
orrower,'satisfaotion guar`
'.:IiCe Friday afternoon and
Icnald Block,, Wiogham.
ro LOAN.
Id 5 per ccn;t. per anhurn,
farm land security. AP`
nion Bank Building, Sea`
1607 -
MARCH 101 1899.
J.MaKENNA, Dominica. and Provincial Land
d. Surveyor, Member of theAeeooiation of Ontario
Lard Barveyore, Dublin, Ontario, 1886.52
SAWYER WANTED.—First-class sewYer want-
ed immodiately. Good careful man and quick.
Reasonable wages will be paid. Josiah Wat•on,
Brucefield. 1628-tf
TORN BEAT'TIE, Clerk ofthe Second Division
Court, County Commiseloner, of Huron Con-
vetyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Panda
Invested and to Loan. Oilloe—Over Sharp &
teens' store, Main street, 8eaforth. 1259
I - LTON CHEEiE FACTORY. --The milk routes
VY of the Walton Union Cheese and Bu,tee Co.,
will he let on Monday. March 13th, at 1 o'clock p. m.,
at Mcliim's hotel. It 11. FERGUSON, Secretar ;
TIIOMIAS 5IcFADZEAN, Preeidcnt. 1629
_in A large amount of money to loan . on farm
security at 5 per cent. Lender will pay all coots of
loan. Apply to J. M. BEST, .Barrister, Seaforth,'
Ontario. 1628.8
SEED OATS. --The undersigned:, has on Lot 21,
yJ Concesalon 13, McKillop, aquantity of oats
known as `'the one thousand oat," suitable for seed.
Tbts seed teas imported from LaCrosse, Wieoensin,
by the undersigned three years ago. Theyl are a
large white oat, yielded 90 bushels to the acre last
year, and weighed 48 lbs. ta. the huehel ; the pre.
vious year they weighed . 60 lbs. Price 70 cents per
bushel, or in bulk otic. JOHN STAFFORD, Walton
F. O. 1628-tt
signed has a couple of thoroughbred Tamworth
Boars about four months old and ready for use. Also
a lot of six -rowed Russian Barley, guaranteed clean
and Bt for seed. It yielded 60 bushels to the acre
last year. Appi3 on Lot 30, Concession 4, Ueborne.
THOMAS CUDMORE, Hurondale P. 0. 1827x5
mIilBER FOR SALE.—Tee undersigned offers for
j sale,the timer on the :East half of Lot 83, Con.
cession 9, MoKil,op. There is a quantity of rood
ash suitable for xailsi; also some hardwood bush,
which will be sold by the sore, and has. appointed
Mr. James Lockhart to sell the same. GEORGE
IL&JiL. 1813
SERVICE. --The undersigned has for sale on Lot
,16, Concession 2, )fay,. about 125 bushels Potter Peas,
alto about 150 bu he's of Mandoheuri Barley and a
quantity of Bann r °ate. These are three of the
leading varieties, nd are clean. He also has about
thirty buthele of Red Clover Seed, also clean. Vie
following stock wi�fi be kept for service the Doming
season : A thorn ghbred Durhsm bull. "Duke of
Bengali ;" also a Iarge Engireh Berkshire Boar,
"Varna Prince," Both of the above have registered
pedigrees. Terms—For bull, $1, at time of service,
with the privelege of returning If necessary. If
booked $1.26. For boar, $1, pa} able at time of ser-
vice, with the pr Hileze of returning if necessary.
JOHN ELDER, Hetsall. 1827.4
A000D STOCK BULL.—The undere1 ned has
for sale on his farm, 'London Road, Tucker)
s nitb, near Kit pen, the teoroughbrod Sho thorn
stock bug " Vann- op." He is of roan oolor, four
years old, and sired by H. Smith's " Abotsford."
Quiet and sure. Terme on application. A. B.
MehEAN, Kippen. 1829.11
6, Concession 8, H ]lett, a thoroughbred Dina
bout bull, eleven month old, of red color, and from
the best strain. Ale.o t o breeding Bowe with litter
at foot, one Yorkshire and the other Berkshire ;
also a Yorkshire eow duo to litter in April. JAMES
G. MARTIN', Constance P.•O. 1629.41
DULLS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has for
sate three Durham bulls, from 8 to 13 months
old ; roan and red in color. These are first-class
animals, and are registered. Two of them were bred
from Thomas Russet's prize bull. THOMAS CUD.
MORE, Lot 30, Concession 4, Ueborne, or Lumley
P. 0. 1616.11
C1 HORTHORNS FOR SALE.—The undersigned hae
O for sale two good young Shorthorn Hulls, with
'registered pedigrees. Prides and terms right.
HECTOR REID, Loh), Concession 3, Stsnf ey, Bruce -
field P. 0. 1620-tf
D(1AR FOR SERVICE.—The undo fined will
keep for service on Lot 26, Co cession 4,
Stanley, a thoroughbred Chosterwhite boa . Terms
$1, payable at the time of eervioe, with th prlvilcge
of returning i1 necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL.
'DULL FOR SERVICE.—Tho undersign
service on Lot 8, Concession 11,
thoroughbred Durham bull. Terme
able at the time of service, with the priv
turning if necessary. EDWARD CURVI
,d has for
tsnley, a
1.60 ; pay -
lege of re-
l. 1624.tf
J3ULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersignei hss for
Borrie° on Lot 4, Concession 8, Huilett, the
thoroughbred shorthorn bull. " Scottish Robin."
Terme--81, with the privilege of returning if neces-
sary. 11e a'eo bas for service a thoroughbred York-
shire boar. Terme, $1. ANDREW SN..LL, Con-
stance. 1820-tf
110 PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned( will keep
j on Lot 20, Concession 6.:,. R. S. Tuckerem'.th,
a thoroughbred' CHESTER WHIT'. Pio, also d thorough-
bred YORKSHIRE Pio. A limited number of sows will
be admitted to each. Terme, $1, bayable at the time
of service, or $1.60 if charge A1'o a few Chester
White Pigs for sale. JAMES (E14MILL. 1608-62
I. under cignec will keep tor service
at the Bruc'efield. Jheeee Faol:ory, a thiroughbred
Tamworth Boar; with registered pedigreie. Terme,
$1; ayable at t n'e of eervie: with priv)iege of re.
turning if necessary. Alen a umber of, thorough-
bred young Tamworth Boar. and Sowed for ease.
RUq$ Mo;;ARTNEY, Brucel° d. 1406-tf
signed bee for service on
M,:Killop, a thcro'bred Tam
lirnited number of sows will
extra good pig and broedere fl
cross their rerkshire Bowe wi
Terme $1, with privilege of r
RVICE.—The under -
lot 82, oohcession 8,
orth ptg, ;to which a
be taken. Thi. le an
d it adva tagMoue to
h this bred fof pig.
turning if necessary.
taUi'N1Y OF HURON. --There will be offered for
emit*, by public auction at the Cnmmerei 1 Hotel, to
th,. Town of 9erforth, on Monday. the ] th day of
February, 1hb9, at li30 o'clock in the of ernoon, by
t irtue of power of sale contained in a c rtain mort-
gage, which will be produced at the sale, he follow -
mg property : Lot 38, nail the Souther) I foot of
Lot 37, on they West side of Main street, in the said
Town of Seaf'rtb, according to Jarvi ' plan or
talon of part of L t 2, in the fat Conoe foo, south
of Iiuron Road od..the Township of Ti okersmitb.
Together with all rights to the party walla between
the buildines standing on the propert herein de.
scribed, and adjoining property as co veyed and
dessribecl,in a certain deed, dated the th day 01
March, le71, made betwee-i ono Robert Scott and
wife and one Thomas ;iidd. The foliowi g buildings
are said to be erecte.i on the premises : A three
storey brick block aid a frame veneers building.
Terms : Tun per cant. of the purebase oney to bo
paid down on the day" of sale. For bat nee terms
will be made known at sale. For furl er partte-
ulere apply to JONES. MacKENZIE & EONARD,
Solioitore, Toronto Street, Toronto, or to F. HOLM-
8TIrD, Seaforth 1623.4
The ab:re Bale has been postponed ntil MON.
DAV, MARCIP13th at the same hour a d 'place.
Thomas Brown has received instructlo s from Mr.
John T. Dickson, to sell lw public audio , at Castra-
rnont Farm, Lot 15, Concesalon 2, H. R. 8., Tucker -
smith two miles from Seaforth, one mile west of
Egmondville, on Tuesday, March 2lst, 1 99, the fol-
lowing valuable Shorthorn cattle, viz.: Females—'
Vesey 7th by Dublin imp., with buli c If at foot ;
\`tsc} 8th by Prime Minister Imp.; Ve ey .9th by
Eoral Sailor Inrp , with heifer c.lf at foot ; Vesoy
10th by Ccll_ynie Prince, with bull calf at toot; Vesey
11th by Perfection Knight ; Duly Rom 7th by Prince
Albert Edward' ; Lady Jean 8th by Knight of Huron ;
Lady Jean lith by Collynie Prince, with bull calf at
foot ; Lady Jean 10th by Cavite Priuee. Build —
Lerd Minta, roan, calved January 6th, £98 ; darn,
Lady Jean 8iii ; Lord Kitchener, ro^n, calved Feb.
161,1i, 198; darn. Lady Jean 7th ; the uitan, red,
calved December 25th, 1897 ; dam, Vese 7th. Earl
of Montrose. ad, calved March 20th, '898; darn,
t eacy 8th. The above stook have choilo pedigreed
For pedigrees see posters. Also the following horses
one heavy draught mare (registered), one working
Horse 6 years old, sired by Crystal City one brood
snare in foal to Ori etal.City, 1 aged mare, 1 yearling
gelding, aired by Crystal City. Also a the sand
tical, and place. the following implen enta : One
Massey -Harris hinder, 1 Toronto mower, 1 combined:
wiener drill, 1 hat ra e, 1 lumber `wsgo , one single
buggy, 1 pair bobeleigl e, 1 sot weigh seal a (1200 ibe.)
1 spade harrow, 1 sot iamond harrows, gang plow,
1 bulky plow, 4 single lows, 1 dbubte mould plow, 2
turnip cutters, 1 grain crusher, l fanning trills, one
10 -horse Pitt's power, 1 set double harne s, one set Of
plow learaoee. twoasets single hsrnees, a flare, forks,
hoes, eto. The above will be sold With ut reserve,
as the proprietor has all his land 'iced d to grate.
Terms of Rale Ml ' ume of $f0 abs neer, cash ;
over that amount 8 n onth.' credit will be given cm
approved joint notes. A discount at th rateof six
prr Dent, ser.. nn;:ni ill be allowed for cash on all
credit amounts. A c nveyance will met the 7:50
a.m. train from the west, and also the 12 30 p.m treln
from the east, on day Of sale for the a nvenience rf
time coming from a diatauce. Sale to ommence et
1 o'clock pp. m., elm . JOHN T DI K$ON, pro-
prietor ; TIIOI1AS B&OWN, auctioneer 1629-g
ositively cured by ihese
Little Pills.
Th also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indi estion and Too Hearty Eating. A per-
fect medy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsl.
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth,lCoated Tongue
Pain the Side, TORPID EIVER. They
Reg ate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
SM 11 P111. Small Demi*
Smell Price. •
the fraud of the day.
Se you get Carter's,
As for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Ca er's Little' Liver Pills,
T e Canada Business College
Is cer' ainly entitled to a distinct position
amon at the Canadian business schools. 'It's
work stands clear and above its competitors.
g aduates are eminently successful in
the business world. We have been too busy
of la, e to write, advertisetnents but the
good ork of placing pupils is still going on.
Wen y or more have been placed since our
I st a . was sent out, and our space is too
1 mite to allow us to list them here. From
ow o we ihope to keep you posted in what
e ar doing. Write for catalogue of either
epar ment to
The Great E'nglish Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. fitx
leages guaranteed to cure all
orms elexua Weaknese, all effects of abase
cco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
1 pri e, one package 31, six, $6. One tallPleaset
cure. -Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho Wood Conapsay, Windsor, Ont.
W h on druggists.
rt- F2
9a CD
P-1 trl
0 Jae'
CD c15
cp 0-1
1-1 ori 0
et -
c SD
rthorn Cattle, Clydesdale and
Roadstpr Horses.
obn Avery will sill by Public Auction at his
Lot 28, Concession 1, Saanley-3 miler, from
dnesday, March 15th, 1899,
ok of pure-bred Shorthorn Cattli, Clydesdale
r ulster horses. viz. :
v ipure bred bulls, 7 pure bred cows, 2 pure bred
het er All are good individuale and seeond to none
ma 05 fextra quality ; 1 pair two year old geldiags,
in a ds in breeding. Mso 4 Clydesdale brood
roe s er and carrier horsee, and also one pure bred
Du o Jersey sow, n pig. Write for catalogue. A
oon e ance will,meet the noon train at Clinton for
the nyenience ()lithos° coming from a distance.
T r ei,---Nine months' credit on furnishing setts.
Proprietor, Clinton P 0.
it 11 gins With a Chest of Drawers
am Makes Trouble For Families.
"A friend of mine who has been too
busy vith the problem of ways and means
to m much attention to the adornment
of hi,. house asked me yesterday to select
for him a good piece of colonial mahog*
in hi house, and I declined to o so until
any, Ls he wanted to have ono zch piece
I had explained to him the cost,"' said a
sceni artist whose house is ono of the
show laces in a town near New York.
"I knew that hie furniture was oak and
uphol tered stuff, and that just so sure as
he pl ced with it a good example of old
maho rany his troubles would beg'n. The
maho ratty would kill his, oa15, nd in
cours of thno it would mean the refur-
"His was a case of ignoranc being
bliss, nd I did not propose to u let his
house old. I have seen the old ma ogany
diseast work its .way lute many house-
holds, and in many cases the resul s have
been isastrous. Talk -about haVing_.a
mortg go on your house, why, that is
nothi g comparN. to the annoyance of
findin that you have a lot of mo ern oak
furnit re on your hands too good o throw
away when you Lhave once. begun to col-
lect ol pieces. Tt has, taken me nearly
ten ye Ira to live down it, collection of oak
furni re which I made in St. Louis and
which has,hung over me like the shadow
of a g eat sorrow'. I was boarding in St.
Louis nd doing work ,on a big prodnc-
Mon, hen my wife and I decided that we
didn't like boarding and that we would
try ho ti3ekeeping. I had no tire° to spend
in loo ing for a house, so we took the first
one 4 at we could find. We spent just
one af rnoon in furnishing it completely
—dish s, draperies, rugs, carpets and an
outfit f very now oak furniture. The re-,
suit w s just what might have been ex-
pected Our house looked like a Grand
Rapid. showroom, N'ire , moved to New
York, caving behind as much of our oak 1
furnit re as we coul I, but when we got '
settled hero we faun around ns a lot of
it whi li'was too goo to give away and
which ve could not ll.
"I h Id picked up y ;this time a few old
-pieces of 'mahogan , and th more I
' studiec them the mo el despis my oak.
rrthen built my' hou e, and I as forced
to mo e seine of tho ' pieces ii to it. I
one m dern oak pi left. In he mean -
their odern furni ure after they had
picked u an old piece or two, nd their
troubic s have been like mine, When my
friend t iced me yesterday to select an old
piece fc r hip, I told him what I have told
you, a 1 said that if after thinking it
over fo a Week he still wanted to make
the plu ge I would help i him. He will
, probab y want to begin oh an old chest of
drawer , fey that is usually the opening
, wedge, and then old andirons, tablO with
claw fe t and corner cabinets will follow,
.conchicing with. chairs, and the latter
will ke p kim poor for the rest of his life.
The S wing Machine Needle Was In-
odd n
vented In Sleep.
we the invention of the sewing
to Elias Howe, an American me-
as you all know. He had a large
o care for and could give only MS.
naents to the construction of his
machine. But while laboring for daily
bread f r himself and his family he was
He g t on quite well until he came to
the making of a needle; then he was at a
standet 1, for ho could not discover where
the eye of tho needle should be placed. At
first he thought that a needle fashioned
after t o = ordinary needie for hand sewing
might he all right, but after much experi-
mentin : he found that it would not do.
He ws - greatly perpleXed.. The needle
questio absorbed his thoughts by day,
and at iglit he dreathed about needles.
One ni ht he dreamed that he was in a
far dist nt country that was ruled over
by a sa age king. Tho king ordered him
to co et a sewing machine, and, not
daring o disobey orders, he at once sot to
work. 1 wont well until he came to
the loca ion of the needle'S eye; then his
troubles began. -
The ing grew impatient and finaty
gave th inVentor just 21 hours in which
to comp ete -the machine and told him he
must fo feit -his life if he failed to finish
the task. He workeid harder than ever,
you ma be sure, but found that he could
not iiiv nt a proper needle and had to
give it
Just the king's warriors were -about,
to take him away to execute him Ale!
noticed t the spears they carried were
pierced ear the head. Like an inspira-
tion the, 'elution of the needle problem
came to him, and while imploring the
savage k ng for a little more time. he
Alahough it was but 4 o'clock in the
morning Mr. Howe arose at once and
went to his workshop, and. by 8 o'clock) e
had mod ;led a needle for his sewing
Chino wi •h an eye at the point. Thus w is
the per ilexing problem solved.—New
Cottontreed 011.
There ppears to be no limitation to
the bale trial lilies of cottonseed oil, and
these of eourso eee multiplied by the con -
this 1 st respect is that the' yellow oil
rc ultin from the first .refining process,
t rough treatment with alkaline solu-
tions, is low further purified by heating
and Illtrz tion; then.the white oil of coin-
merce is obtained by shaking the yellow
oil with tb 3 per cent of fuller's earth.
In purif ing the yellow oil about 25 per
cent of it is separated in the form of.
stearin, ad the latter is eniployed in
making etaidles, etc.
From he soap .stock that comes from
peculiar -ind Of wash powder. The soap
itself in e from the oil is used eitensiVely
by the oolen mills of this and other
countriea and it has been found to be of
special vi lue in washing woolen goods,
which does not injure them nor cause
them to . hrink. After all, however, not
much inc re than one-third of the cotton-
seed sup ly is at present used for menu-
facIturin oil and similar products.
To ilia grate the ef114acy of prayer a
Quaker reacher once ro4o in Meeting and
told how two men while out boating were
overtake! by a terrible squall, and how
onenf th men prayed God for deliver-
ance, wh the other refused to pray and
was dro med. Then the preacher Isat
down. 1 ut suddenly he rose again. "I
feel const ained to add, friends," he said,
with pai ful conscientiousness, "that the
man who prayed was drowned too."—Fx-
Mrs, 'V' nderbilt spent over $50,000 on
Mrs. !T eo ere oosevelt is athletic and
likes hors s, ut is domestic before all.
Mrs.' .1' MO Broltvn Potter afte a per-
formance lw ys has tea and a th n sand -
The late Mis. Martha DaVidson of Leb-
anon, Ind, pooled the first spool of
thread in the rst Mill on this side of the
It is rep rt d that Mrs. Pilebe A. Hearst
has purch se the inarble ust of Jeanne
Mine. Alge'la de Rayne Barr os, a na-
tive of New 0 lean and wi ow of the late
presideet of 'Guat male, has arrive'd in
San F4nOiso ; vrh re she Will make her
Ninon d l'Enclos took her secret of
senipiternel y uth and beauty to the tomb,
but sbe left h r hoose behind her. It is
still standin in the Rue de Tournelles,
Paris, with It six stories and its magnifi-
cent stairOaso 1 artistically wrought iron.
Miss Filore oe Caldwell, a daughter of
United Stjates Judge Caldwell of Cleve-
land, was ' gra uated as a civil engineer
last June 4a) the 'Cblorado State Sohool
of Mines at Go denj She will not praotice
hey profesSion, howlever; as she is about to
marry an ther civ I engineer, whom she
Mme. p tti, in a recent interview, said
that she i ten ed t write her memoir's as
soon as sh ha de nitely retired from the
stage and cone oom, but declared her-
self unablii to ta when that would be.
H.er dream of he future is to utilize her
theatridal jexpe fence in giving counsel to
young an aspiring artists.
Miss 311 Gre ,of Emporia, San., who
nographeri is an all around girl, according
to The GaZette,, which says: "In addition
to knowing ab ut the pedigrees of cattle,
Miss McGrew s a good whist plater, a
good dancer an the best dressed girl in
Emporia. She is under 94 years old, has
money out at nterest and knows more
law than half tile lawyers in town."
A New Ham
lowing rul s, w
The mo to
Ther a th
the cite pelt.
If th bell
wring t e owe
shire hotel issued the fol-
iate are worth reprinting:
this hotel is, "Do unto
ill do you."
e departments—up stairs,
outdoors. Outdoora
your room is broken,
No alarn3 oloC fprnished _by the anon -
agement. Bef4 e retiring wind up your
bed and hear th tic'ks.
To prevent guests from carrying fruit
from the table We will have no fruit.
Any one wiOing to take at drive after
lunch can repoir to the wood shed and
drive nails,
Guests h ving nightmare will find the
harnets in he oloset.
Thirteen at the dinner table is a bad
sign. It i a rsign that we will have no
Each ro m itupplied with a handsome
nipper. •
chronic) ea d th she following insorip:
tion, "Ho esty is the best policeman."
If the hotel i not on the right side of
the street, let i be known, at the offloe
and it will pro ptly be moved to theother
No spoons all wed on the table occupied
by newly marri d couples. This'is to pre-
vent spooning i public,
Gnests are ot expected to pay their
bills unless the prefer to do so. Wei have
seen a tree "lea e its trunk for board."
To yield to 1 material trifles.
To endeavor to mold all dispositions
To expect uniformity of opinion in this
To look for ju gment and experience in
our own.
To believe on y what our 11 ite minds
oan grasp.
To expect to be able u derstand
, Not to moire allowances for t e infirmi-
ties of others.
To consitler eVerything impossible that
we cannot perforao
To worry 'ourselv s and others with what
cannot be remedie
Not to alleviate all that needs allevia-
tion, as far as lies n our power.,
It is a great mis eke to set up your own
standard of right land wrong ,and judge
people accordingly.,—Exchange.
The lucky tortoise is a pronotted ob-
ject in enameled and jeweled hatp ns.
Aniong stylisb but moderately priced
brooches enainel d flowers and bits of foli-
age are prornine t.
is the newest ad ition to t ie list f stoliete
used in the tops f gold purses.
The brighteet of bright gold trnishes
the beautifully Might frames nd very
long chains of sr*ne new lorgnettes.
A new line of reoches consists of large
amethysts cut ov round or hear shaped,
The present kit le of dresiing he nook
tor the day with ;a oft silk stook leads to
the use of many in. tty buckles w lob jew-
elers provide eine! g other stylea in dull
—Jewelers Ciro h r.
The Cherry .5 s ers go t Havana to
avenge the. Ma n .—Memp is Commer-
cial Appeal.
If Havana had riots before the arrival of
the Cherry; sister , what will happen aft -
Perhaps Blan 0' bribed the Cherry,sis-
tors to 'visit 14 na. It is an awful re-
venge, worthy aireost of Weyler.—Ridge-
wood (N. J.) Ne
Is at Rockbridge
to the bottom of t
The highest wa
Is 2,685 feet big ,
The highest a ti
crater is three m 1
1,000 feet deep. '
ral bridge in the world
a,, being 200 feet high
e arch.
erfall in the world is
Yosemite, Cal., which
volcano is Popooate-
eet in height, and its
in; circumference and
now been learned
Liggett & Myers
arrangements by
tetests has been e
the American Co
of the cigarette a
the United Sta
have a capital of
i g many denials, it has
hat the Union ' Tobacco
Tobacco Co., and the
have finally concluded
cted. The deal_ places
any in complete control
plug tobacco business of '
. The new trust will
woe Go to Sleep Standin4 on the
Slanting Rocks.
Pedio e in the habit of frequenting the
ownd rry, are familiar with the sight
ocks exposed at low tide. Thoy are
hellfish gatherers who live in a small
ave a little to the west Of Seaton. Any
ne who examines the place mint wonder
ow twee human beings can exist 'there
Along dne side is a, strip, of sand, and
rom that the floor Slopes Upward at art
Whether by
have attained
of balancing
sleep on the
of ailing, ,er
ngle a about 60 degrees.
ears of practice the women
uch perfection in the art
heir bodies that they go to
Lentils,- rock with aut fear
hether they reet oft the sand. ( et when
saw it from a late sperm), I wa,s not in-,
ormed, but it is evident that they know
no con fort at any tine. when I mule
uddenl upon the cave one merning in
ctober the smoldering ashes of a drift -
ere dotted about just inside., Farther
p the Boor their "eu boards"—a couple
f iron boilers --we e standing, and in a
lobe near the fire waa a pipe, short, dark
nd odorous.
The women who haVe made th
welling place are IriSh widow*
reland and married in Ireland!"
f them said. They are between.
0 years old and for the last1^3
ek• ing them to P1 outh. When
s rough, they obtal few or ,no
omehimes get 14 shillings a week
hem. In fine weather, when fro
ead to Moe island the sea lies
moke blackened cave is an un, nvithig
ovel, aria in the winter, eepeciall when
en must be blown al os out ofir he hol-
ow or frozen to death} On some uch oc-
asions they are forced to leave t e cave,
nd then they go to a disused pig ty near
In talking with then' while dex-
erously chipped limpets from the -weed
nantled rocks I mildly remarked that
orkhouses were now made very fonafort-
tble. Immediately the you33ger woman
teed. erect and with something akin to
ride and determination exehtimod in a
-oice inore than tinctured by, the Irish
orkhouse while us can et as malt as
no crust in 24 hours." itherte I had
ceri her only in a stooping attitude,, and
14` as surprised now to see how tali. wo-
r was indicated' by her features. Ais she
toed there among the seaavee , Withi feet
nd lege bare and her hair co fined y a
hat I had named the thing against hich
hose two Women have fought griinl. for
urg Dispatch.
s their
born in
as one
50 and
nee by
k and
the sea
sh, but
he two
y, this
low a. Roman Artifice -a Startled Ti-
berius and Lost His Ilead.
rence i made to an incident in Roman
iistorya hieh'up to the tithe of Sainte -
lair° eville has been Overlooked by
um, it is related by. Plin 24 A. IX to
certai worker ;in meta s (Fiber) ap-
ul cu composed of a Itent white
W• hen the artificer was p se tila g it to
he em ror, he purposely , ped it on
he floo of the ehamber. h goblet was
irretrievably injured, but th workman
he court repaired the dame, e without ,
elay. It was eVident that ithis metal was
ot silver, thou h it had alinost the same
ile and °onside ably lighter.
The empero questioned the artificer
losely and lea ed frpm him that he bad
arth, probably the clay known to mod-
rn chemists alum no,. Tiberius then
sked if any on besi es himself kneee the
recess and received e prand reply that
upiter. This answer was sufficient. The
e nperor had reflected that if 4 were pos-
e Me to Obtain this metal from so coMinon
substance as clay thovalue of gold and
c itastrophe. He caused the workshops of
t o discoverer to be wholly destroyed, and
t o luckless artificer was seized and de -
e pitated, so that his secret might perish
ith him.
M. Sainte -Claire DeVille had no doubt
t at this metal was aluminium, and he
serted that the wanton cruelty of
iberius had deprived the world of this
k own for 18 centu ie . The extracting
o aluminium, di.• o 'e ed by the Roman
c aftsman in th rs century of the
What She Wu. ted to Say.
It is related that the little daughter of
a governor amazed and amused he# hostess
d ring a call at a Pacific avenue reeidenee.
ci delicious take, Which she ate with
m ch relish.
, "What do you say to the lady?" asked
h e mamma, who is proud -of her darling's
here was no reply from the darling; ,1
'You want to say something to the
y. Now, what is it?" emit nued the
ooking- up shyly and slyly into the
iling face of her hostess,' ithe terrible
in ant asked, with admirabli directness,
aye you any more dakc?"—San Fn n-
ci co News Letter.
Home Lovers First °ice.
co rtship license, `mt in many of the can-
to s they aro allowed but a narrow choice
of bridegrooms, it being a rigorously en-
fo , if uiawritten, law that they must
m me/ a youth of their own neighborhood.
In many villages everY marriageable
yo th belongs to ft clay whose solo ob-
from outside from c ming a -courting the
maidens of the sodie y's village.
An Eye t Businese.
low isn't he? el said he'd drain his
bealt's blood for the woman he lolled, Do
you think he meant it?" ,
a drain and sewer pipe concern, "—Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
iss Kinse
Latest Styles
Artistic Work
For over ayesr ws Ina kad ihe stem for the Ws*
iNDAPO. Oar first order was for a quarter of a dew,
oar Iasi for Ose Ihmdred sad Party -fest Delius Worth
lual" mAKEREDIlidaDO
Man of
, Renate in 30days. Care,
all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory
Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly Eons-
, dons, etoo caused by past abuses, gives
vigor and size tAa shrunken organs and clankbr
surely restores Lost Manlvaod in aid or young.
Easily carried in vest pocket. Price 0/.00 a package,
CALL SOLICITED Six for $5.00,totthaeoritten guarantee EOVUTr6 Or
money refunded. DoN'T arm IstiTATioN, tut
insist on having =DAP°. If your druggist has not
got it, we will send it prepaid.
HIND00 REMEDY CO., rhisses. In. se oar Arester
This rapid inerease proves it is a remedy the everyoile
Whe tries it speaks well of. Yours resfuIty,
We never handled' a preparation for
orses and icattle that gave such un-
ounded satisfaction as
EAR'S! Condition Powders.
They prevent stocking or swelling in
the legs ; they keep the hide sleek and
the animal in first-class condition.
Three packages for 50c at
4. teaspoonful in his feed makes
this difference.
Weekly Sale of Cows.
Every Monday Mr. John McConnell will have a
sale tot milt& cows and springers and other farm
stock at Weber's Rotel, Dublin. First sale on Mon-
p3ay, March Mt Caah or credit to suit purchaser.
Special Attention ,
Horseshoeing and grin a
General Jobbing. MAKER Li&
. R. Jackson
etc SON.
France ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son Rol-
la d Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ;
B oth'S Tom Gin, London, England ;
go Scotland ; Jamieson's Irish
Milky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port
an'd Sherry Wine from France and
Spain Agents for Walker's 'Whisky,
Otita o t• Royal Distillery and Davis'
Ale a d Porter, Toronto.
We ave opened a retail fitore
connection with our whole4ale husi-
busineds in the rear of the 'new Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old stand,
where we will sell the best !goods in
the market at bottom prices, Goods
delivered to any part of the town
Syste Renovator
A collie and eridote far Impure, Weak and Inn -
ti f the/lead, XiVer Complaint, Neuralgia, Loa
Jelin ice, Kle Cy and Urinary Dime's's, St. Vitus'
Deno , Female uegularieles and General !Debility.
J . 013, Proprietor and Mann
old by J. S. R013ERTS, Seaforth.
16 1st f
he McKillop Mutual Fir*
Insurance Conipany.
0171011111. -
J B. MoLian, President, Kippen P. O. ; Thomas
non, Secry-Trese. Seaforth P. O. ; Thomas E.
Rive, Inspector of Losses, Rotator* P. 0,
Oarlock ; Mae Fraser, Bruoetheld ,; John IL Mc-
Lean, Ki 1 James Connolly, Clinton.
James Cummingl Egmoiedv e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes-
villei P. O.; ilJohn Govenlock and John O. Morrison,
Parties desirous to effect Inensee.oes or Iran*
-at other Nubian will be promptly shended to on
Mon to" any of the above °Moors, addressed te
' SicKillop Directory for 1899.
JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthr P, O. •
J EP C. , MORRISON, Councillor, Winthrop P.O.
J IIN . GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O.
J HN MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop l'', 0.
AVID Treasurer, Winthrop P, O.
bury P. Qi
Dealers in firstrclass Furniture of tin
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also do picture _fum-
ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put _up. We ale also
Agents for the New William's Aewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agent%
high prices.
4In the Undertaking Department, we buy
otir goods from the beet houses in Ontarioa
and guarantee satisfaction in every depart.
ment of our work. We have always made
it's point to furnish chair' a, and all other re-
quisites for funerals, nem or 011M1119 -.X.
Peices better than heretofore.
lArterial and cavity embalming done en
scientific principles.
IP. 8. Night and Sunday calls win be
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's rest-
denee, directly in the rear -of the
"100 IQ V d
luauq ossa Jno eas
• 13)
• jr
Steam Boller Work&
riatABUSILID 143904
A. elfRYST A.L
Suecesenr to Citrystali Black,
Idanufnotarors Of all kinds of Stationary
Marino, Upright & Tubular
bolt ransom* ko Stacks, Shoot Iron Works,
soo of p* sod pipo416014 oosoliMW on Mod
Wooko—Oppoolio 0. IL Z. Illioiles• Sobel*.