HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-03-10, Page 1I i I .
� - - � I I -
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'L;Cll 3� t 1899 1 �
I . * i i I
___ ___!_______0 " I 1 � � I
0 _� � .
I I � � I .
Y -V I I - �
U004 . I " � I I
� I I
I � ,
: I I I
� I . IF
dng to hand almost eVe7 I I I .
. day 4
are busy &tting then, , I.- � I I , , I ,
ImAtio� , I "I .. . � . .1 I I
a as to be readv for the busy �
little later, ; Salta are I ; - - �� I �
� Cora.: I . 11 �
1, and rnanY choioe things at* I I . . i I .
_ I � 'IS-
icked up by early Parch"Ork . I . � . 4 -
� 14 I' -
, C�_ I : ---- - -
, .
: .
vi it ts I ! THIRTIETH YEAR. I
I I .1 I
I � I :
i- I WHOLE NUMBER, 2.6 0. I I
blues, pinks, lilacs ' cheekl,- � �__ . I
- — __ —
and fancy floral effefti; - i . .
I .
I blousea and wrapperil: &U't�
Wa- :
d oat to see haw -good v : . - L
le we can Possibly give alft ,
� out � 1 .
� I I
.Irs. from a, shilling, all � t I . I 1 .
t1w i . �
I i .
Vn to five cents per yard. � . . ! .
I � i I
I � . -
I . 11
M-ghant's. - . 1� �1 �� I
� I
: � . . I . .
I . -
Pr patterna in (x*inghams . 1. � - � . � I .
R& I . I
I � -
i those you will see eisawher%, I I .
I -
___ . � . I
Ve somi ething qnite diffarelit . ! -Al-
L ,
e common run, sometfling th,t � . - ; � . . . I
-a" vour fancy the mo - i I ! . ;
I mobb F
- mobb , � A man asked us the other da :' 11 Do you ne e
:them. . � . r borrow
. . � � -
� ; . �.
� some ideas when you go to speak to your customers' through
Go; 1. the medium of the newspaper Z ' Our immediate answer
o ds. �
7 1 L'
� � ; ,
" � ..� i was that while we had, every .req� ct for the idea,, o other
,'itlues are to the front agaiii, - �
hkeliv be much in clem" _ :
I _4� . men we would as soon expect t4a seeing another man eat
. .
- 5 i
�rill and duel, costumes Wa � would satisfy our -hunger, as thE the copying of Lanother
�,;opala.r, as well as the better ,1 -would sell our good's � . I
- I -
,of Orgaudies, India, Linen#,, i person's ideas I
.4itings, Dimities, etc. . : Our ideas may not be as far I dvanced as som,
� . I I ,� , yot. the
11 i -very fact that these ideas originat � in -lour own thinking cap
: .
� �
7 -1 I 1 I .
i I I Places us on a -sure foundat'on wit � our customers.
L �r style of Skirts are very. , ;�, The' value of a man's words , ( I �pends not so much upon
F 49
[ and pretty, and the materia - � � .
-I&� I .
aw �
rie. VVe have been liard . what hei says as upon the understandin hehasof--wha5heis
- - icti. � . I 9 -
�Ortunate in getting some . L . . : 9
. .
I V nice thin.gm for Skirts - , saying. I
�_ , in 11 :
. lawns, � One man may italk for an I tour and its, all whic -with
� , . mar -Is, lalue g19zreAV2_ :' .� .
greena and two tone effecta. , ' him another ,talks for the s6.me hour on the same subject and
ta �xud tailor i.nade costumek � 1 7 1
6 .
" papes, we have some Very ] L you call ,it common sense. . The :� (fifference is that onn
. , man ,
. .
iloths in all the. popular nevir. 1
' I
, � ,
L Is. �, � I . 1 had no knowledge of what he atteimpted to talk about and
I I I 1 ..
� I I I . : I .
� I
L - � I theL other bad. . I
�. I I . -
� 1 ,
1. .. I : WhBia we start to talk about,our store, oar buEiness, the
. I
I . � stock w� carry, and all that, do not read a few -Word 3 an I then
I I . I .
wrent kinds of materials Used I
� i I
[ata, can be seen at our coull- i run away with the idea that these fellows have that which is
I . . I
LrVe have just about doubled : common y termed the swelled head, If you are goi g t sit in
1aI purchase of these goodi$N� I - I
. the prettiest, a, e the smaU judgment on. any person, in all ness you should he r im
I . I ;
I broken and line( cheelco, nar. I throuvb , or not past auy j u d-gment -whatsoever. I I I
ipes, graduated a tripes in silk, Mr—
, 11 : I
td wool, and Roman satm . The efore, we ask of our customers and readers to lear
I .
I . -L � ith
.. . I us o it from week to week and combare our statements
I �v w
1* I I . .
I our aCtiCnSL. . 11 i
I � I
UI � - i . I . I
I 98. I
i . There is only one way to prove a man capabl 3 of any -
elipings, Braids, Ribbons and thing, and, that way is to watch him—" live it." I �
. vill be much uE ed for trim.. I 1. L at L -
� Our stook will be found very ' L We have claimed in times past th we wer:., placing
te—hardly a color or width . upon th market three lines of Men7s Suits, that - or'a�tual
� of our assortment. The now , I
' '
I - ribbons are eal eci&llv pretty. , value were not excellecF- by any lilies in the -retail irArket.
11ning, and the 1) !W Silk La , z i 4 . . " the
I ' ce%k6 These �_ s; its are Jor the most parlt I our own m akei
ennea Laces and handsom ' . - .. I
I . . .
I ,,s of satins will Add to the 4. . standard prices are $8, $10 and $10. it may not be.neces.
, I .
mess of our great range ot .1 I sary to mention' that in' fit, make and .quality of material
:Iga. I -
I i - � i -
1, I I these suts are very much the superiors of other factory
L !
!J11 March __ ma, k e s. I r
� , Of course it will never be lost si,g,htof that'no inatter
),ect to open up se veral cases of- I .
xhich ar L e now pn the waylii. - : what article of wearing apparel w talk the merits of, the
-111g, tine towels, t4ble damagkit I the talk is to sell t] e' I t'cle
%,L tine 8heetingn, �fine shirting*iLL idea of . h �r i , that, is the reason,
7'ear, parmo I and 'et we wish to show the'reasonlablenesg of our reason for.
� Is, blousms, ceyloo , I y I I L
5, rain cot,,ts, ladi!W capei�, pointipg* out the merits of the lin of Boys" School Pants
'y curtains, lace cur-ains, cur� T . '
iaterials, linoleums, floor oil- . again—" our own make "—the. sellIng price is 50c, 65c and
ete. 75c. The material is of the strODge,st, a heavy factcry otton
rl Js used a3 a lining throughout, the ',utton holes are made by
� - . . .
�ry_ �
. ?ect shortly to recei re a llarg& _. _ha,nd,and the buttons are strongly sewn ony and ever,- 7thirig
- about tb e pants is - built with a- C. reful eye to roug.. 1 and
meat of new flowers, feathers,
preys, ornamento, maunts and ,. tumble use that boys subjec� all clothes to. ' Motliers who
- :
-y trimmings. The now hatt � are heart broken almost trying -to keep- some young �rag-a-
early Spring .
g trade will likely .
Lbout the 10th of M3rrch. By L muffien I)oy with a respectable pair of knickers on. his le
ne we expect, our altow rooa- I c ,gs
will find that these lines will �
,washlaud wear as well as any,
open, and our .Miss ,'itobie in : . .
I �
readv to receive orders. I and the price is low. . '
I -.-,. - --_____1.__ t Mosb. of our customers have h ard us boast about Buck-
` .
11 I I akin Pan s for men. Well !: we did not boast in va.n, as up-
- * Th e. . - - , � to -date -we know of no pants ' that ave give� the same satis-
. - . factibn for every day use as this s me so-called- uc'kskin.
" VL The prie is in itself an attraction selling at $1 a pair, and
le T -,",-j - — � ; wearing so well we are inclined to t inik that these goods are
� 70
� - the finest line of knock -a -about pa ts in the market. You.
I � .
111 Goocls Cb. , cannot make any mistake in a pair t $P 1. .
� . With so much snow on the gr und it may see a trifle
- Greatest Cash, early to talk Spring Suits, yet the time wilt be with u's in the
1 5
� course 0 a day or so, when Winter clothes will have to be
�: G , � .
I �roocl,,� Store. I : �
� __ I discarded.. t I
- . Who is to make that Sprin'g::S it for you .9 �
a _. --------- - ____7____ -_
I rk of the- 1 It would nA be advisable to- quote all the prices, as 'too
" church, at Kippen, and the,
..hool hou,,(�, known Ps NM much ... w uld have to be said. It lwill be sufficient to say that
le corner ,,,f M r, Jahn Eldees at $15 we will inake a suit that you will be proud,lof, Take
� ,
W. 1)'�-rinett, Gne (if the prin- . ; I
;, I
: 11 . .
a of Air. 1-1�� 1,,11's machine , a look at it. I - I I I
` eri* I .
,�.l to hi� roorn through a i I � 1 , and! all That
- For the matter of new Ties, Itats, §biit,s 7
Ur. 1'.. Cudniore has beet� I ; *f you have. a minute to spare dr '112 sometime al� � A glance
I �
laitrac:L fvr the brick work of � I y i I
, ii!�r cimroh, .4L Kippen, and ��, * P,
� L � . ,cd the bdauties* of our assortment this season. It vill please
,��v hai tnt* contract for the I > _
1. I a f 1
14 .M,t_�%4.p I'vo-hanan, who v7ao ! you - 0) I
die wixjt�,_,- rr�()jiths -,vith her � I i
I . - I I f I
nirned ,h_# Cti-berry, 'Manito- I
�ft r , h'.11 I -A Mr. Cornell, of � I � I
S I frien .
� ,tb-b,4,*i,,1 -%itf _,ds here- i ..
� I � . , 1.
I 1.'�Uwia�iian I.,, in 1,4helthi*. I I I I � . .
f-1 rnol�h,-r, ��Ir��. UcAll I . !
I � ..
. ! L,mill,ri, is visiting her � .
. i
�aold. � Alirg. (Dr.) ThonipSOA I . : -
, k . .1
. tring: her- brother All-. J01111 I I
- - ' .
t irl r defeatelik' I I
�W 110111,A1 CL V S
7. 1 :
lnc.,�Jv in computition I
; ef,
. : . �
� �� I .
! : ; - I I I I
I .
-41 I � .
� � - J� �
i I �1 � � . .
Mcl�_i4op- I i . .
I I : - � ..
I ,
i%11,.-� 2�1,�fjr.iji),—The dea-� I I . . I
; .1 I "
a-ut, of tr,�Ie_ ,,,,�'J concession, 611, 1 . I
tie ag
, ,v (if 6-) years and .. I
I Qlothie,rs & ,, urnish rs
�- �� one of the ca.rlie-st settle .: I
- [ ' ' i - I !
'i Mr. McQu;,-id was bO I i i . i � �
:C��kme in the year IS41, 'Wh I - � �, I
- � .1
i;::�- (-ountry with his parl 11 .. . i I
, I ' ;
I.F"dibers of the familyt &I=1 On the Wrong Side I of the Stree ,
. . I
�11,'op, on t lie farm now owns 1. . Seafo, rth.
.a� .A'Quaid. About thir �� I- - .
� ,'i*W
-, M'd took tip i �
141, and Iias continued to , � I I. . . -
. -
i sirj(;,�-. ,N,lr. .Nl(;(�iiaad ..
�11 l-Nnwtch ti (�uble for abID I TRAVEL BY HE- C. PgR.
tne pa'It.9iX months has bel� . . � .
i T I
I�Jit very little nourish-macOW 1 . �
6 .
.L ()Div I;eeu confined to bod I I
..it. -He lcaveu to, mourn bill i And thereby securei comfort, fagy" trains, and civility. For
�, a I .
I �L faErdly of six sons an - _ cling Western Travel- you will be cheer-
, 'ITC remains ,,a-- I all information regar � .
� were into _ -
: � I fully affordled the sa,me af, this office.
1 eenic-tery an WedneadaY- . � r�
I , WAS -_ Money !Orders issued and paid at any time. No trouble,
.,.,.—A (juiet marriage
'. � ednesday afternoon Of tbb� I , ! I I
I �
I ie,v Fa-rai, the residencO Of perfectly s6fe, and the cost a mere trifle. I
I : � -
10bell, when hh, daughter, - I I � i I I I .
I I 11
I . ot __ I : I I i t .
i unitc-d in the bonds 1 .
I J — i
k .Kinley, R�ffv� I I ;
�Jr. Joh M( - - � : ' I ' .
[ev B. I)., i1rother Of t1w - � ; ,
. I � I
le nupt'al knot. OnlY tb*_ I
es, of the contractinz, , - I I MACT 0 NAL D
av VX- I I
i rf pa.!� - R. J 0
. .&.
. the cere�o�y. The bri, I - I . .
� i
. I ! � - I
� attired ix� creikm, and Or � I
:(,f white roses. After tbf__ . �. P. R. -AGE� T Seado�th. .
� 4ing fes�ivities�. -the 11aPP-f_ . ) I
r nVIA. - I I "i I , I , ,
�� .
— , I'
Wo levor B0 16as
I " ' � I ... � � - � .
� their barile, frosben liAk_ . I I
umerou� fviendo of Mr. - - ... I I I I I I
� � I .
.will uniie ,with,'Tiu- FWO-�" i � I
I I - � f - I i
� I
�� � . . I
Ahem 4 long hapPY I �
2. � � ; . . I . i i
ied life. � i �_ � I I
� - l - �
I / - i I : I . .
I I I I 1�
� ! I
. I
� � I � i; . . I � .
� � � I
� � I
- I .
. P :
___7. . �. I
t�,- ) ,
7 ..
, I .
- �
, �
1. - . I
again into the-
car he became ugly. As it
� : . I
was seen that,
his emper had,been aroused,
it was, thought
wel to give him a separate
. . OTTAWA, March 6, 1899, ,
in ti e car, away' from the rest
Ten d! a from now'Parliament will be in
of the animal
i in t ie shipment, but allowing
bession and discussing the speech . from the
him his old cl
A short ti
turn, the bull -dog.
no &:'ter the train pulled out
throne. Never since Confederation was so
little thiie given between the issuing of the
Me enger Ployaqwas
as .
. s�rprised to see that
proolam�tion calling both houses of the
he wag alone"
in th r wit' an unmuzzled
Domini� n Legislature and the opening. The
bear and a ra
their bulldog. The
usual clastom. was to give about 30 days'
time forlthe members to get ready to come
bear had spiffiterer
wood, and wi
, the orate into match
ws w 'king around the com-
. to Obta�wa to. attend to their legislative
duties. 3ot much more than half this time
partment of
h'@ teeth in
I he 0 k, growling and showing
a moo !threatening manner. A
has been; given this year. Usage and pro-
red deer in the
ca. lbecame frightened, and a
cedent ha've been set aelde. The reason for
m9ome began
Things gener
to bji'ldw 6,nd paw at his crate.
illy apame very uncomfort-
th - is was that Parliament had to be called
on the 14h of March or not until the 6th of -
able for the
i iesse
en This state of affairs
April, as ithe Easter holidays came between
lasted until
u was reached. There
the 23rd and the 6th, and it, is customary to
'" inessenge.-
k1lowed a special car
adjourn Iver Good Friday.
himself, I
I - .
. . . No Witnesses Rouired.
� —*—
Public Rc
ad&i ... d their Mainten-
The Government programme for"the ses-
i d th . . -
vi derness, village and 5 riving town.
L .
I . . I
sion is not likely to be a very long. one, al-
though there will ,be a number of important
-.,—One would almost
measures introduced. An effort will once
think on reading
sue, under t
t, e letter in your last is-
e- so ewhat euphonious cap-
more be made to put through an insolvency
bill. This will occupy considerable time in
tion, 69 0 1
a it 'a Canada's
I ty miles on
b'oth houses. - The idea in to 'have it intro-
great highw,
y_," I at it was the effusion of
duced in the Senate first, so that there will
some pet
been out on �1
ight or city fop who had
. .
. ? I
Wit trip in the country,
.be n fear of its being thrown .out. by the
upper chamber, which 'might happen if it
and who affibtlB
prise that t e —country
were put through the House of Commons
roads presen
�ed and unequalities not
� .
and afterwards sent up to the Senate. 1 In
found in the
cog y laid -out city .streets.
that casethe work of the Commons wo . h1d
But- when wo
obs.r e at the head of the ar-
. m �
go for nothing.. . . r
tic e the nan
e of- . W. Cooper, of Kippen,
It in atoo'probable that a copyright bill
a p ractioa;l 5
)ung if mer, and who, accord -
will be among the measures mentioned' in
ing to his ov
of the Farmi
n showing, has gone the rounds
r's' Ias itut6a and libtened to
the speech from the throne. 4licitor-G en-
oral Fitzpa riek hap, beeirt loolfbg into this
the� addresse i
ia, �oad Ins
of � Ir Campbell, the Provine-
question, Rod it is said; that, he has a bill
r, am the more surprised,
prepared., anada is'still working under
.1 can OD13
erratic (
&coca t for such sentimental
beem ations on road-making,on
its 1875 act as the Imperial Government re.
Jused to- @auction legislation of a few years
th6 supposit
on t! �at W. W. Las bee� - out '
ago in respect to this hitricate question. ,
The forpablic
laa and got his .nipiration chiefly, if not
Iolely, fro the idnight emanations of
bills re gr e
and privite
&ter t is seision t an as, ten
silver r, The bu�den of Mr.
4 I
case for
sever%l years past. Altogether,
of Ohe
" co piai�lot legarding the condition
�ond �eems to be that the
there are 9.
for the in�oiporation
applications. Of these 38 are
of companies, 46 are
grades and I alk ents are so high and
for amen�m�ents
and acts alread passed, 6
dit k a . ,
th6, side he eep as to render public
trav'el diffictt_.a�d angerous ; and he
are for bills'of
aaand 2 a�o
divorce, I is ,a winding -v
, p
for the,extension of letters
I _ of r,
!uggests, by =dy, that the grad-
patent. There are' twelve applications for
ing� be reduced a d ad
. I rgraPtically, from
fence to f ai#�d hA e open ditches be
railway charters the incorporation of
displaced ui�der-draininjz. He further
companies in connection with the Yukon.
tries to forti,(T h*; contention by citing the.
generomity of o;r Queen (God save the
The Government is Irowing in strength
Queen) in allo wing I's 66 feet for a public
an it gro,vis in years. t will meet Parlia-
highway, sild, b . ay of contrast, says :
ment with its voting strerigth increased.
" The conte t'ble meanness of authorities
P i
. I
Daring the recess the Liherals captnred
cannot be o�ei - tims,ted, who will lay down
Bagot, a strong Conservative donstLuenoy
the width ol a --flad to be 16 feet." Now,
in the pri ,vince of Quebec. For the first
truly, our 11 roE d and liberal -minded
time sine � Confederation, Bagot will be re-
Queen " has ee,' ge erous in allowing us so
presentel thin session by a Liberal. Since
o I lie highway in. order to
much space r pu
the a neral election there have been 35
insure a g9o41 d1'7' r ad -bed, 'and also that
bye.!e18e'c,gons. Of these the Government
the exigenci Oft pu lie travel might be met
, I
carried 3: and the Opposition 2. two con.
�11`e 5
without nee sily e croaching upon private
stituenci is will be vacant when the House
property or ights, ut she surely never in -
meets, oth were represented by Govern.
tended that or gen rosity should be abused
ment oak didates last sassion, Winnipeg'
by one insis ,ing tha the whol.e 66 feet of
which be,.omes vacant by the death of R.
the highwi3 allowance should be levelled
. Jameson, and Levis, by the- death of
and graded 'or a roadway. I qui� agree
�r. Gu y, cannot be represented at the
*ith Mr. C )op r t at in some instances
o oeqing, �a the time is two short to hold
watercourse i ar di ,erted and the water
e ections t,here before that date, The write,
con4uated t P th 3 hij hw and for obvious_
h i)wevor, will be issued at once, and before
reasons, wh in it sho ,,d an outlet else-,
t io East( r holidays are over 1 both ridinge
where. Bu it is a )otent fact, that in very
will be represented in Parliament.
many lacee and loc tions, it a f rmer in to
An an 3xpected delay has arimen in con-
drain lai d a i all, his natural and only
nection with the election in Winnipeg. At
outlet is he public highway, and the
natural 011tO Dine of a ich drainage is- a great -
t 3e last a 11sion of the Dominion Parliament
a bill Z passed repealing the Dominion
er rush of w:tter.-at (ertain seasoux, there -
franchise act and introducing in its stead
fore, suitab]13
cb,ann a or open ditches for
t3e use of the provincial lists for Dominion
q �ickly are the seemingly un.
FurpoBes. Now the lists in Winnipeg have
avoidable c
� e
noe - 11, rice. The suggestion of
not been ,-evised for three years and it will,
Mr. Cooper Itha
thB highway should be
t ierefore, be necessary for the Dominion to
graded prac Joa
�yfmm'side to side and the
, -
r 3visp thf m before a contest takes "place,. be-
muse the act says that in any province
open waterwaysl1lied
in and ,displaced by
. plausible, but only on
whe� - e th lists are more than one year old,
paper,.and *oul
and ruinous to
o r
ce.-tawly be impracticable
blic Under-
new lists ill require to be prepared.
sion, oderich township, who died on Tues-
day of last week, in his 81st a
p rbadwave.
, ' "
drairis, to say
maintenano ,
thi ng of their- cost and
woul not carry the water off
While ir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Richard
fast enough
t cirta n seasous, and as the
'Carbwrig t, Sir Louis Davies and Mr. John
grade was r
ducod t e consequence would
, ,
Charlton have returned to Canada ver7
be that in
, I (
anyl PI ces our gravel roads
miich di a ppointed that a treaty was not
8 I
would be al
'0, ,
-oat in e condition of a mud
negotiated between Britain and the United
' .
road. I qui e s imp thize with our path.
' 'pJptr
States. he general opinion is that they
e j
masters in t eir ,:e to to give us good
have done the right thing, but they have
b ljJ
roads, and b lie4 notwithstanding all that
not yet los hope of an aizreement, and it is
has been ol i , � t' the Londoi� road is
evident t at the American commissioners
among the be t' to be found in Western On ,
share ,his
t iew or they would not have con-
nd al ou
tario, a , al h � h bur road -makers seem
,aented, to a adjournment to meet in Quebec
to have made thegrAdes and embankments
!on August ad next. The great majo
itY Of
a littlei high i pl ce for �erfect safety in
the Canath n people are satisfied wit
arrangeme t, but, for political purpos
a, an
travelling un er eyery
tingency, yet this��se
emergency or con-
ame unavoidable under
a�tempt is being made to shout, retaliation
other stati4s belonged .as well, viz,,:. Cran- .
brook �, Walton, .
the prosent a to Of
,hings,and is like choos-
against the United States, because, it
is al-
ing the les"Ber of t
wo evils. I- will leave
leged, they were too grasping in t
e de-
i I
the discussio r ,�e
'al ,.ding the best way of
mands as batween themselves and Canada.
3n pting to put out th�e�fire, her nig4t-dress
making.and e�� cie
t �y maintaining a public
The Goveri ment will take no stock 1
any -
road to those be
�ter qualified to speak
such attac is, and a vast majdiity - c
f the
authoritatively on
,a ich a subject. I sup -
people will discountenance theny,until
pose we can gat as
good and permanent a
time an the nego�iations have been finally
,bo formerly lived in Ii gersoll'. died;
road as we w h i
� we can spend enough
declared offand teports of what, has
Impney and ti e or
' it, even to equalling the
pired are mado public by all parties
to the
famous Roma Appian
Way. But the quea-
commission. &s,matters now stan& i
. _ -
tion is rather ow
cur municipal councils
be impossille tAia'cuos the question in
may best mai ain,
)ublic ,roads t - hat will
liament wish any degree of satisfactioa,
fairly meet th Cx1i.
�u lee of public travel
cause no report can be given by the Govern-
farmi took possession the same day, so that
without lundu ly b
ir ,
ening the ratepayers,
ment, but t will be impossible to prevent-'
,take �
school for . young ladies as German and
and I believe, wi
b the ordinary statute
members eferring to the negotiati
no ill
a y
labor judicio af l'y
� ppliedi a liberal and
debating t e address in reply to the speech
Hon. * Tarte spoke in the town hall,
timely use'of the
Ad machine, and proper
'If rom the t rone, as reference will no
The i the to the
attention to calvet�
and bridge$, we will
made, speech, commission,
ig, and which was kep iin the corner of I � a
have just such ron
had bee i I r some time, but was appar- 11
in Huron and adjoining
There is however, a very much more im-
counties need, T
mtd the poison the man knew his mis-
nki]3g you for so much
Ctaut vi w to be taken of the proceedings
space, I roman,
I -,
flor6 the ommission than a purely domes-,
Wei f question. When in Clinton h
d, and came to .Cauads, with
h e, but on piompu .application of the
� �
R ox, E o.
tic -one, as far as Canada is concerned., The
and settled in West Durham. Site was I
27, 1899.
commissio was entered upon at the spe6ial
A melancholy accid wt occurred on the
- i
request of the Imperial authorities, and it is
I �
F 'day, which
I nada.
well ki�oivn that from time to time the
�ir �. A young
I rom people slipping on the sidewalks.
Hon. Joieph Chamberlain, the colonial sec.
-A case of ani
drivi ng
pox ham been discovered
retary, pressed upon the Canadian commi8.
in Windsor. ,
ng a num,
sioners th( British desire for a decision as
-The 14s, ito
Legislature meets on
s�on as popsible, as the interests of the em-
March 16th.
)a all
pire were Involved. But for this pressure
-Loudon a . do
n ar e agitating for th -6
an iLdjou Dment would have taken place
frontage tax a yet.m'in
ig tor 1 of Mr.
that city. ,
earli r thi -nit did.
-The sals, list
of divic employees in
while on her way to church, Mrs, ' McLeod
London amou
$30,000 annually.
zum�iary .of the mineral produc I tion of
-Zion Pr terian
has fixed the a
church. Brantford,
of the successor of Rev.
, ii sued from the geological survey,
Dr. Cochrane
the t in 1898 there w an increase of
$9,(00,000 or nearly 32 per cent. in
-Thomas I n ,ter,
a well known Toronto
prod action 'of minera A as compared
insurance agei t,,*as arrested on Friday on
a charge of ismiOg fraudulent policies. .
1897, , .
m)re important pr)duct inereaseo
follows Gold,
I � .
I -An exami ia0ion of the peach buds in
Essex countyl shows -that the recent cold
as : $ 7,673, 000 ; coal,
copper,- $658,000; nickel, $422,-
anap did not i#jore them to any extent.
, 000.
The increase in coppez in Ontario was
-Ten in�lljoii� pounds of tobacco were
raised in the C n counties of Kent and
over 50 per cent. .
� . .
The total value of metal i produced was
: . .
Essex 11 I .
-Toronto. 3c6tchmen are planning to
� $21,6:N.,601 ; nou-metallic, � :15,884,596, and
raise 810,000 f)rla statue- of Robert Bums
$250;000, not returned. incressein
Yukor. gold was $7,500,OW.
to be erected i One of the public. parks.
of St. the person of Mr,
-Four feet fl snow fell ut Owen 8ound
on Sunday, an he streets and railways in
There was an exci ing t�rn on board the
the vi . it w rJ blocked up. - I I
Boston train on ed .e day afternoon,
t .
_T schoo t Harrow has been ordered
shortly a r it pall out of Ottawa. The
closell a o -t of the prevalence of scar -
cause W& a bear in the, express car� which
let fever. Ove fifty cases have been re-
did )net bout as he pleased from E�ntman's
ported. ,
in -
Spr go u til Ex4ress Messenger Ployixt, of
�Lord Minto had two ease$ of paintings
the Canadian Express Company, left him at
on ivory on card the steamer Labrador,
Rouse's Foint. 1 �
wr . e o .
which was ep d ff the coast of Scotland
The bear , aloig with a full-bred.bull.-dog,
� are valued- at ever $1,000.
last wee k�
wan shi�; Bd by Sani,Canidy, of thin city'
- -Robert JGinty, undoubtedly Inger.
to the ,� portaman's Exhibition, in New
ioll's oldeot re i�'ent, died at . big
'home on
.York, aw ' was inclosed in a strong crate, in
Wednesdiy in ninig of last week, -aged
which the dog also was chained. When the
years. He h lbeen a resident of
Ithe town
bear had sea loaded upon the sleigh and
for a number o -years, and .had acei
I it as a
; . � I
. i _2
. P :
I �k
F . I
p I I I : - -
�� 1112
- �
- .
r . I . I I .. - - - - I
7 �
i ; -
still proisent. He -then ran for sissistance,
an ,
I d u 6 his return found Potter �n the icy
p i
� .. .
! , �
� I
! 1
I z
I �
. .
I I � .
� .
- , , � I
! � .
i I
. � � I � -
. .
I - � � I T
1� �
� � . - I - . I � . . 11 1.
. .
I �
I i
� - - __ - _ - _. .. ..---. 1�_
. I
. ;
. ;
. , � i
, I :
-- - - - --- -, -_
Y 11CH 10, I
I :
McLEAN. BROS. Publishers.
I i�v;;;;.
I I � !
� -
$1 a Yew in
- .-
� I
It I I
1� j
i ; -
still proisent. He -then ran for sissistance,
an ,
I d u 6 his return found Potter �n the icy
matrimonial bliss. The bride was becoming-
ly attired in fancy brocaded boucle cloth,
63 R
. ater 0 the race. Medical men Ittate that
trimmed with white satin and.peaAs. After
t was t e counter effebt of the shock of fall-
the congratulations were over about forty �
. .
ng in the water that saved big Jife. He
of the invited guests mat down to a sumptuotuk-
dinner, to which done,"
oubtlege unconsciously staggerea over to
ample justice was
—W. :
. . he watior and fell in. � I
The bride was the recipient of many costly,
-Vateley Alexandroviche Dudinsky, a
useful and, handsome prosents, which go to
ussiaii nobleman, formerly a high official
show the high esteem in which the eouple I
a largo Rnsidan railway compiny, was
are held. I I
P!OLE :1
rreated,st Winnipeg, Sunday, on's charge
-A very pleasant event took place at the
i .
� f embezzling 127,00 roubles from !the cin-
pany in �1896. . I
-residence of Mrs. Sowerby, concession 3.
Goderich township, on Wednesday-, March
I I 0 .
lot, when her daughter, Hanpah,wat uttited ' -,,
. --
( � .
Huron Notes. .
of matritiabnytoThofflas I
i !
41ex., Winter, Seafp' rth.
I ,
-R. O.Bartlett,of Clinton, has �nrchased
Amy, of concession 2. The ceremony took
place at 10,30 a. rn., and was Verformed �y
a business in Galt, and will move!' there at
Rev. Mark Turnbull, Goderich. The bride
. . . No Witnesses Rouired.
once. .i I . �
-During the month of January: 300 or-
was giveft away bT ,her uncle, William
Wakefield. Miss Ids Amy ably assisted
- . —
gans wer1le turned out at the DoheO'y organ
works, linton. - �
the bride,* while freorge So;r,erby performed
i d th . . -
vi derness, village and 5 riving town.
_Wm1. E' (�race *, a former woll-known
resident A Goderiog died recently. in Win -
likeduties for the groom. The presents
were numerous and costly, and show the ,
I always enjoyed very � good health, amd
- ,. 9 I
high esteem in which the bride is held. �.
f J
� a seen on the streets . several times last
a mer, The severe weather this
niveg. lel�',
,-Gar� iner Farr'e,nd, of Morris, ,had the
-Stewart McFalls, or., an aged and .
highly esteemed resident of Centralia,passed
r a very hard on him, and about three
' 9
first finger on hi#'lef t hand taken I off by a
saw . -
113g a xchigl�%Ine day recently. I
Ahe silent majority ou Thursda
over to. . _y,
r eks ago he contracted I& grippe and was
' e I
able to grapple with the disease'. ,
� . -The annual cotnty Sabbath school and
Febru 23rd. .Mr. McFalla" was bom in
Londonderry, Ireland, and at the age of
The Dominion Line streamer Labrador
.Phriatiat Endeavor convention will be held
�n gxete 7, on June 20th and 21'st. 1,
fifteen emigrated to this country mrith hiis
I ,
% ashore on the boast of Scotland, Wed-
-Mrs. Philip Roweliffe, of Exeter, died
parents an settled in the township of Bid-
dulph, lob '6, concession 3. Hire, smia
e day morning, in a dense fog, and. is a
D plete wrack. All the passengers. were
n Wedic oaday of last week, after -a pro-
hardships and many yeam' toil, he
t red.
onged il does. She was forty-two �yeare of
� I
in accumulating a comfortable �� 1,
-while James Brough� was driving a bus
*(,in Peterboro, to Lake6eld, on Saturday,
go. , �
-The gic eery firm of Sheppard & Beacom,
f Clintm has been dissolved, and the
share of this world's goods. When thirty- -
five years of W he married Mita Ann Htii�
m horses ran away, �aud Brough Was
I business It
in future be carried or; by Mr.
nisely. also of Biddulph, and lived on thi I
farm until about three years ago, when lie �
2 out and had his nook broken.
-According to the Dominion Government
-Mr. 0.
A. Walker, of Wingliam, has
came to Centralia village, and Pr�ea in the .
Alueral Immigration Agent, fully �1,000
I)rmons will emigrate from Utah to the
gone on a bi
siness trip to the went. He
residence in which he died. Re leaves to
mourn, his death a sorrowing widow and
Anadian Northwest this summer and take
in Wing .... ha
e different furniture factories
1F farms. 11 I .
. i I "
-Miss A. M. Machai (Fidelia), of )Kivg.
_Oa T
. .
-oday, February 23rd, Rev. W.
-Robert, Shortreed, a ,most highly es.
teemed resident of the 9th - concession, of �
;0n, has won the itneso national song
o, W
coremon , u
ngham, performed the marriage
Mr. Thomas J. iMcLean
Morris, passed away to his reward early on
)mpetition, being aw��rded first place out
f seven hundred com titors. The
and Mis'
ah Jane Netterfield, of Lower
TueFday of last week, aged 68 years. Re
had beenill for the past three nionths- with- '
1169madeb LordDu rfn. !
9. lAmes,
Wi h 1.
� - a t�rdav
I a
- i
e�ening last, Mr.! Thomas
enlargement e es, a ' o er ,com .
cations, so that his decease._ although la-
-While a n of G. W. Ames,
anker, st.Wiarton, waa playing with a re-
Reid, li,
of Lucknow, met with' a pain-
mented, wag not an unexpected event. De;.
diver, on Saturday, the weapon exploded.
acci d! nt,
. �-_,. I
him tot e 1.
a nd one that han.since confined
ouse. 01, Dg down cellar he
ceased was born in Esquesing township,
Halton county, where some 35 ago he
ie passed through his left band, uar-
wly escaping his chest. I
I slipped c n 't
2e stairs, and in fallin broke
0 9
joined hand %Dd heart with Miss Margaret
- .
Mr. Joseph Graham, who was the old-
one of h a ril
bruised. � .
8, and was otherwise badly
Laidlaw. who stirvives him. They moved
t settler in the county of Peel, died Sun-
Morning, at the residenc� of his daugh-
,I I
� 28 th,
ied in Turnberry, on February
i li
to Morris township bhortly after and b.ought
their present farm, lot 17, concession 9, oon-
r, Mrs. Hamilton, at Brampton, at the
I le
ans. stine, wi a o
taining 150 acres, from the goverttraent.
pe &get of 92 years. .
-Basil Noel, who claims to havedisco-T,
was ill ai3ouba
was years of a e,
week. Sholeavesahus
Mr. Shortreed was a well-to-do ,man,
Straightforward in all his dealingj4 and
led coal.iti the Klondike, seven miles from
and is __1 a I family
and in t- ier.1
ourn the lose of a ife
to in I .
Deceased born it!
most highly respected by all who knew him. -
swoon, is on his way to Ottawa, where he
was rince
Edwa county, Ontario.
- He was an older in the Presbyteris,in. oliurch, ,
ill interview Mr. Sifton on the subject of
W mining development in the Yu kon.
-A pretty wedding was solemnized on
and an active worker politics he WAS R, I
Liberal. One son, H., and -two -
-The 20th annual convention of the High
Taesda* evening of last week, at the resi.
dence �f Mrs. Cody, Wingham,tbe ontract-
adopted datighters,Misses Elizabeth Xiohzrd� r -
ourt of Canadian Order of Foresters Was
ing parties being Mr, John A. Day and Alimn
son and Kati Searle, with Mrs. Shorbreed,
constitute the family. I .
)ld -in Brantford last week. The next
eeting will be held in Sherbrooke,
. Quebec- I
Berths Cody. The ceremony was performed
Rev. Dr. Pascoe, in the presence of some
, -the rAtber
-We are sorery toofau
he order now ha a membership of"
1,789. g I I I
-by �
fifty invited guests. i. I .
unlocked for d tn. Allan, of tho
Maitland conoession,'Colborne, �whieh ca -
-� I
--�-A,wall of Harris W,n & Company's fur- i
-The co Id ,hand of death has osisih I
in the homobf Mr. andl�lrs. Georg� oltz-
curred on Fridiay, February 24tb, in his 96th -
,ture store, in Kingston, fell out Sund aY
ening, and almost eubire stock was
man, of Crediton, by taking away their
year. Deceased was born in Devonshire, -
England, in 1813, was tonverted in early -
nashed. The lose i"s about $10f000. One
baby boy of 5 months. The child was W'll
When t in the,mradle the evening before,
life and joined the Wesley -an Methodists ;
an passing at the time was struck iby the
,Iling wall, and seriously if not fatally in-
but wl. the mother went to take it out of
becoming immediately active in cbristian I
work he was early appointed a close leader
I -
red. _1 1�
the ere dle in the morning its spirit had
and local preacher. At Z years of e he
. 1 4
-Mr. and Mrs. D41ey, a newly married
mple, will have reason to remember &I
__�_M . Robert Scott, of the 11th!' conces-
si n, Hullett, gold a fine Shorthorn bull,
Of ;
WAII married to Miss Grace Wade, * the -
same parish, and emigrated to this ,country-'
ost exciting wedding day. On leaving
J., Thomas for their home in London, the
I iout i i year old, to Mr.Henry Curnming,of
with his vrife and five children in 1833, set.
tling first in the township ,of Darlington, � I
Me took fright at a street car and r an
White wood, Manitoba, for $79. Mr, Charles
Manni ig, of the 12th concession, sold an
Ontario county. After a few years he - :
moved to Whitby, where he lost hi; w ife. A
way. Both bride and groom were o'
i uised, and out. evere,lY -
extra 1 ood 10-montho-old Shorthorn bull,
little more than a year of ter he was agaiw .
-The month of February was a ,record-
for thf handsome sum, of $76, to Mr. J.
McBri le, of Smith's Hill. It pays to raise
married to,Mrs. Dians Skirving, daughttr �� 4
maker in the exporting trade of Toronto.
such si ock as these. -
of Mr. and Mrs. Ashton, of Columbus, who I
survives him. He then to Col- -.
he total exports from that city reached al- �
iost $1 and hre -said to )3e the
-Jo r, of the 116th conces-
- removed
borne, settling on the farm where he lived .
. ,000,000,
aviest on record in the Toronto custom
sion, oderich township, who died on Tues-
day of last week, in his 81st a
until death on Friday, February 24th. He �
)"Be. They were, in fact, within $V2, 00
,year, was
pioneer of the township, but has been a
continued a local preacher until old -age :
I , . .
compelled him to retire. - I .
doublin the ligures of Fe
-There%ied at Onmeme,on Friday, M 0 I
great a afferer for years, partial blindness in-
�' I
--On Monday morning of last week, Rev. i
�nn Hannab, a woman f 112 years of a .
capacitating He was a nativ
. 1 6 of th'
provincei,and his wife and two children_�
John Ferguson, A D., c1lid, at the relaidenoe I �
a 0 d
�e,, was a native of Ire and and retaia
messio n of her faculbi an to the last. Oi he
survive him', Mrs. John Parker being his
of his brother. in,law, Mr, Alox. Stewart, �
Brussels. Although he had been in failing :
__ '
"as able to relate event i of the rebellioul of
daughter, and a son residing in the. States,
-A quiet weddiog took place at Ratten-
health for some time and slight hopes e - n- a I
198, which she remenbered as a ch�ld.
he never married, and wag never photo.
. .
bur'V street parsonage, Clinton, .on Tuesday
laet!week, Mine Rebecca Townsend,
0 -
tertained for his ree very, the end came I
very suddenly,and without a -struggle be - ; �
. �
, I
raphed till last stimri�b i
of when
an amiable Voung lady of Clinton, and
bade good-bye to earthly scenes. The Cause ", 4�
The summar r4rort of the mineral
I- notion of y -
od Canada, J,hich has just boon
daughterof Alijah Townsend, of Hullett,
of death was heart failure and other com- I
I ;
plications. He had only been' confined to . A
ued by the geologica au
11 rvey, sh9ws an
becamo the wife of Frank Wood, a prosper-
one and popular Hullett farmer. Brides-
bed for three weeke. Dr. Ferguson was ; .
, rease of over $9,000.1 100, or nearlyl 32 per
- . I
a t., as compared witf 1897 The:figures
maid and roomisman were dispense with,
)Iev. R. Zllyard the marriage
born on May 16th,1829, in Cha!qpttenburgh, I i
. - -
Glengarry county, Ontario. He riduat4d - :
) the paeb three ye�l I'S f 11ows :
are as
from Knox ollege, Toronto, inufft. The I I
3.8, $37,767,197; 1897, $28,661,430 1896,
i. �-
ceremony. �
-bilorris townsh�p has done well and is
, i
following y�ar he was inducted i to the con_ I
4 .
gregation of Melville church, Brussels. TWO
42 1584,05-13. _ I I
. Miss P. Cla rk, o� Thamesville� while
ontinning to thrive under careful and
, conomic I municipal management, Last
other stati4s belonged .as well, viz,,:. Cran- .
brook �, Walton, .
I ting her aunt, Mrs. , fames Bell, at Bien-
R .
ei was taken ill with Thurs.
�rear the uncil expended $3,600 on schools,
and preaching twice and- z
1. . i
often chree times in English and once in ,
, pneumonia.
a night, a lamp left burning in, hot
,,500 0 n ro ads and bridges, $695 on salar-
hari'y' 120 on printing, $25 on
. i
Gaelic every Sabbath. After about It -
x1 lodea, setting fire to the -curta'
el�ding. Miss Clark up, andi,
in and
in At-
over $300 on miscellaneous ac-
yearn be I was called to the corigre- I Al
� �
gatio-a of'Vahkleek Hill, where be was Set, i
3n pting to put out th�e�fire, her nig4t-dress
o tal=e, 19,898. The town-
n ' I
�- ip, - tal a; rt of nty rate was $1,974.
tled in May,i 1878, and on account of the ill- � I
11 I
health �nly that
%ught. The other inmates came
3sme and extinguis hed the fl&mes.J
Ito the
o meet current expenditure the taxes col,
of an son resigned icharge
and left for Denver, Colorado, on bray,if8so. * �
�lark was quite seriously burned. ,�
I "
; '
I cted amounted to $8,572..
-Edmund Cra�vford, who has worked
For the last Oouple of years he has been re. I I :
* �
siding in Brussels. Heleaves-no, ohildr.011.
--John Dunn, an ec(�'entric old Cobbler
t e Crawford farm on the gravel road, Hul-
� I ;
,bo formerly lived in Ii gersoll'. died;
a fe�
I tt, for the past 20 years, and who has
� 0 - - -
a3 a ago in Middlem so, He lived
been aresidentof the same place all his
-Miss Vivian Clayton
_ , B. A., daugliVeir of
[one, and the peighbors preps,red tye
life, moved'to lot 23, concession 8, on Tues-
Mr. W. R. Clayton, of Listowel, anA sister
)r burial. Daring the night several
day of last week, which place he has pur.
of Mine Ad& Clayton, B, A., of St. Marys� I
ntered the man's shop. 11 - They drei4ed
chased from Mr. Cookerline, and Mr.
who had been home for a couple of mouth$
ead man and propped th� body 'in the
Cockerl ne. whw purchased the Crawford
the V�est, has gone to Kingston, to
,indow. Hill clay pip� was placed in his
farmi took possession the same day, so that
a position in an Anglican church �
ioith, and when the ui�dertaker arrived to
it,was virtually,4' chauve from one farm to
,take �
school for . young ladies as German and
Driduot the funeral he was horrified to see
the othOr. i
Fre6ch teacher.
�e corps in the window,
-7ho night t at Ron. Mr. Mulock and
-On Tue0ay, February 21-st, Martha A, -
--Mr. Elvidge, of Bre ntford, swalloweda
Hon. * Tarte spoke in the town hall,
Bragg, belo, d wife of one of the most. high-
uantity of oarbolid acid in mistake for the
Clinton �ne of It 2eir most enthusiastic liB-
ly respected residents of Blu-nebard, Mr.
rm tents of a bottle of medicine he is tak-
� I
`1'eners As Robe. -t Higgins, of Blyth, whose
_ Thomas ets, passed to her reward. She I
ig, and which was kep iin the corner of I � a
, eal wa such th kt it prompted him to walk
had bee i I r some time, but was appar- 11
upboard in the house. As soon an he swAl-
rorn th and )aek again the saint night.
regain g her health, when a sudden
ently *
mtd the poison the man knew his mis-
or a n over'.0 years of age this was a
ckange for e worse took place, and lKhe
?1ke, aijd a doctor� was hastily summoned.
lucky' hing to do, but - its prudence in a
sank very ra idly. She was born in Devon -
'he medical man: fou d Elvidge in bad
Wei f question. When in Clinton h
d, and came to .Cauads, with
h e, but on piompu .application of the
� �
eemO to be in the beat of health,, and big
her paren hen three years old, in 1-813, '
�0 ach pump and' othg,- remedies, the de.
- 'riendg weri surprised on Tuesday of last
and settled in West Durham. Site was I
ir result was produc, 1d. i
week t( learn of his sudden death at Blyth.
. 1.
married to h r now bereaved husband in .1
A melancholy accid wt occurred on the
-Siw,eral accidents of a more or 'less mar.
Darlington, and they mqtled in Blaushard. -
Ob sidr line, Amarant i . , on
F 'day, which
,one ne into happened in Clinton lait week,
in 1860, and i shortly Af ter*Ards moved to
Do the life of a bright ,ittle
�ir �. A young
I rom people slipping on the sidewalks.
the farm whore they lived ever since, I
la I named John Walker w
drivi ng
. whilis 11any Finch was passing along the
-The Mftchell Recorder sayo:. 11 A -
rit h a load of logs and meet
ng a num,
t $treet, x feet slipped from ib�neath him,
I Z.
young man, Nr. Joseph Walker, of Chicago,
f i chool children took them
1P Dn the load.
and he on him shoulder, spraining big
dropped into! town on Monday, and left on
A 11 bad piece of road the I
)a all
arin se�trely. On Saturday, George Cottle
Tuesday for where he was married , I
1ie children escaping except
8 ie Davis,
met with a similar accident, and � has not
that day to Miss Maggie Hendry, who w#A -
60 at seven years of age, do,
ig tor 1 of Mr.
since - Wen able to use his arT. 0�1 Sunday,
visiting Miss! Challenger in town a, couple of
ob a Davis, who lives on th
a , Lft4 conces.
while on her way to church, Mrs, ' McLeod
weeks ago. ;Mr. Walker was some years,
Lot �., When she was released Ife � was ex-
had the misfortune td slip on the pavement
ago a resident of Mitchell, his father beig
iu�t . .
and break her right arm. -
employed in �he store of Mr. Thomas Mc- ' ,
-iriday two men entered -1 he store of
1 -Mr. and Mrs. John Diamond, of Blue.
Donald. The father has .-mines res!4$d in
V a on J� McCorvie, of Mu 1, and pur-
Yale, (slebrated the anniversary of
Monday last
Blyth, bat the young man has been doing ,
in for -
h ed a lKnife and a _plug 6f tobacco,
45 They for the
their w 5dding on evening of
a large number of their friends and
well Chicago Ins
tEn years. Mi CW-
im bridesmaid, Mr. Samiial
m untinq'i,to cents. )aid
acted And
00 al a bill marked f6r 110, and re-
r�laticr s from that vicinity having accepted
illVit*ti to be this iltuportant
I L 'do
of D.ublin, supported the biri -
V '
The left
ei " their change. Shortly after their
DUS present on
groom. ihappy couple on the even-
ep rt ire it was discovered tl at the bill
occasio . An oIaborW supper w" served,
ing train for # tour through Ontario."x
ras a Dom I inion d�llar bill raism i U a ton,
and m" f the sami guests who sat at the L
bridal 41,00,
'-On 8und�Ly. L Kdely known
26thult.,R, vn I ,
'r;esidont Pauls, in
Ir.. ;McCorvie set out in pu nit, aimed
twenty-five years ago were
of St. the person of Mr,
.- .
7it a revolver, and overtaki �� the pair,
again numbered witb the party, among L
William AitAeson, passed &,way attor an
3rc d berh'to disgorge, he t er ar-
t&em being the bridesmaid, now Mrs. Alex.
illnest of aboilt four months, during �Lthree
a gat t d n their arrival, t id and
.- �Z;
Orr, ol� Fordwich. and the groomsman, Mr.
weeks of b' h he -w" confined to hi* bed.
ave their. names as 0 arren and
Irank[Scott, of Bluevale. I
The troublie al;�arx to have been somewhat
ani tie', Harrison. ! ! .
I .
-A pleasant and hap event took A
the Mr. F
'of the medical atterdants
complicated, One -
- OIL Thursday night V while les,nive back ��
at residence of 'r
T"ker Harloelk,
attributing it to a cancer. and anotlitr to
I -
a I is chair, in the electric power house,
on Wednesday afternoon, March Ist, when
hearb dises*e.�i The doeeamed, who wAx in
Val [a rton, Mr. Thomas Potter'ra 1head came
� his daughtert Miss barah, becakne the wife
his 44th ydar,1 w" a mason by trade, and,
rt c(niact with a live wire of J, 040 volts.
of Mr. Thomas Ponfound, -a well, -to-do far-
owing to man genial qualities, had a, wide -
'him, under ordinary eircurnst�4uiLpes, repre-'
mer of, Stanley. Precisely at 4 o'clock,
circle of frienle who will sinoez*13 regret
ent i rower enough to kill a map'.� He was
while. he wedding march wag being. played
big early demw'. A wife and seven,children
ouu4 about half an hour later'lying some
by Mill Aitkon, of Clinton,thoL happy couple
surrive. A tber, Andrew, residw at
ix f 64 away from where he hO4 been sit-
ing, His assistant thought; Potter was
I upon phe carpet before the Rev.
ter!%, arewx�., of Londesboro, who quickly
ton, ,
Alvin* , d an only minter, died some
time -ago. . Aitcheson had an insurance
iesd * brat on shaking him foOnd life was
sonducM th�m *to the ambrosiod region of
on his Iffe of 000.
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