HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-03-03, Page 2Within a period of. sixty days. one
ared Canes of Asthma treated by Clar
Nola_ Compound. showed the marvellous
tentage of ninety-five absolute cores
theme figur.es are gathered from hos
records. ,$2- a bottle ; three bottles foe .
Sold by -all druggiste, or The Griffith
MaePherson Co., 121 Church street To n-
un -
A Guaranteed Catarrh Cures
Japanese Catarrh Cure --use box
buy them at one time—apply exactly e -
;cording to the directions—and if you are ot
cured see your druggist; he will arra,
to pay you your money back. There' a
pooltive guarantee vvith every box te .t
Japanese Catarrh Cure will cure. No c e.
you get your money back, Guarantee n
every package. 150 cents at all druggists.
•Taken internally. applied externally, Grif-
fith's Menthol Liniment goea quickly to he
Beat of the trouble, gives relief like ma le,
effects a speedy cure and prevents seri us
lung vomplications which result f ore
a negleeted cough or cold. Igo
home should be wl Mout it. Ire.
Charles Bennet of Vancouver, B. C.,
writes, "Ia our family we swear by
'Griffith's Menthol Liniment for cou hs
and eotds. We have used it in the simp est
coughs and in stubborn colds and it
has never failed to give almost instant re-
siteramvss Tim mum' Anneirn.
'AT 41. DRUGGISTS -2e °Mt
eat The house eontains dining room. parior, kit.
a en and four bedrooms. n wood.hed and hard rid
son wetert P. KENNEDY', Egmondeill 10. 7x8
ewelline n oci 'dere combined, well situated ear
11LE —In the Village of Herman, a fine b ick
centre of vallage. Terms reasonable. Apnl to
MISS S. CARLISLE, Henson. 16 6
M, in tho Village of Boyne d, cOnta'ffing t91- ao es.
The land is In u good Alto f cultivation and has on
—it a frame dwelling. lb Mil be sold cheap an on
easy terms. Appty to B. Br HIGGINS, Bruce -fink .
1627 4
lb For sale the frame dwelling house and lot n a
the railway station in BrulrlIeld. The house n-
taina ten rooms ; a stone collar and bard and oft
water in the house ; also a good !stable. There
quarter acre of land. Appl;/ to ALEX. MUSTA
Brumfield. 151e.
ler OUSE: FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For sale o
k.e to rent. the house oi) Spoiling street, at rel.
seni owned mild occupied by Mr, Andrew Tyrent
rooms and woodshed. There is plenty of hard n
soft wiver. and the lot is planted with a numb° o
choice fruit tree:. and small fruit% For partiou' ire
apply to ANDREW TYRENIAN, Statortb. 1626x
MIAMI FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 5. Conoessina 6,,
about 1-00 aores, all cleared and a, good state
cultivation. There are good bulling; gaod orcha d
and plenty of excellent water. This is splend d
farm and win be sold cheap. Trornndiate possessi n.
Apply to MRS. SCHOALES, Constance P. 0.
12 being Lots 24 and
vart of Lot 25, Conce
in pasture since first
therefore is rich and
situated on the growl
forth and nine from
made to suit purchase
220 acre farm McK111
25, Concession 10, and nor
ion 9. This land has be
cleared, 25 or 30 years a
reo frtno foul we" ds. It
oad, five miles north of 8
ruoselti. Terms of payme
For particulars apply
"'GUM FOR SALE. For sale, in the Townskip f
,r MeKinoo, the nor h 50 awes of Lot 15, Clone ss
elm! 14, boundary line. About 47 acres cleared1 thr e
acme at good hardwo d bush, about two acres f
ehoice fruit trees soil nsurpassed, well drain d ar d
fenced ; school half mile away, post ofil .0 ar i
loulatis. apply to the proprietor on the prenif es, r
Walton P. 0. DANIEL! MeMILLAN, Propriet r.
best stands in th (purify, large brialc oho
eery outimildinge; AIS good e milord and garden ;
good frame house with ood ham. and other bee()
old estahlislond business and P ts of work. Sold at a
hargain if sold right away, as the owner is degree s
cif going west, For particulare, address enquiries o
business." 16213x4
South East quarter of section F.. township df
ntaird, containing 160 acres. There aro fort) lien*
(Reared and creo from atiimps and under crop. Co
fortable log building% Th. htlance is well timbered
To fa withle four miles ef Echointy railway station
and six miles of the prosperous village of Po
Findlay. • This is a good lot, and will be eold ehei
end on easy terme, Apply to WILLIAA SIMPSO.,
field. 1546-tf
st_TOTEL F•'/11, SALE OR TO RENT.—For safe o
11 to rent the Malta note', a gond eountr.
Erma, nitusited about 4 relies . front Zdrien, 9 mile -
church. Teo locus° contains six b renus Mere)
of hard Nod sett water ; gold gard fere, EttAblo fttil
yard. Possession must be taker] oo May lat. Opet
for rent until Morch 15th For partioulare apply t
11110-UILDING LOT FOR SALE —The very di sfrabl
1,) budding lots, being numbers 87, 88, 39 an
forth. The whole emit -dna about one acre, and wil
()amid in separate parcels or together to suit th
purchaser. T1-.14 property is just south of th
Woollen Willa and Mr. &Dickson's property seuth o
the corporali .n, and Is corAdered the most desirahl
building site either for private reeici.nce'e or
faetory. It is high ancl convenient, and has a stree
south and west. Apply to JANE er J01111 SPROAT
Egmondville P 0., Executors to the Edge of th
late John Sproat. 168341
splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, on thr
North Road, a tulle and a half from Seaforth.
contains 175 acres, nearly a I cleared and in a hig
state of cultivation, There is a two otory brIel
house, good bank barn and everything. in first.clas
Condition and well underdrained. It will be sold o
early terma, au the proprietor deefros to retire. If
not sold.before the fall It will he rented. Addres
ROBERT 00YENLOCK, Soaforth P. 0. 1503 tf
VIOR SALE OR TO RENT.—That excellent farm,
JU Lot 39. Concession 3, Tickersinith, L R. S.
containing 90 acres -, 8 of which is io fill wheat. 12
acres of good b nth, the • baladce 71; cored in a high
static of ettitivatioa. FIB plowIn4 done' Th 3re is a
good frame house and frame barns, also a large pig
house. Plenty of splendid water aced gwd orchard.
,I11 is about 1/ miles from ; 3 mules front
Rrucefield ; 0) miles from Seatarth and 6 miles from
Clinton. Apply to W. SCOTT & Brucefield.
ARAI FOR SALE.—Fartn in township f Tucker-
teleing 100 acres f good land, tvell adapted br either
grain or etock raieing land in good state el cultiva-
driving Oval. never faking tering near barn, lir dr
chard, eto. The farm is well sit into 1, being five
mike frinii Clinton 'and six from Sectfotth, en pin!
gravel rood ; convenient to school, church opposite
place; he sold cheap. as proprietor intends giv-
Wes, or to A. E, TURNER, Clinton, Oot. 10104f
Snap Bargains in Real Estate and
Live Stock.
THIRTY" DOLLARS' an acre will but, It 131 acre
Village of Zarlen, in the townehtp of Hay, Couniy of
Huron ; goo buildings, go..4d fences, plenty of water
and a cloirab,e place ; also three tno Allred
short horn hulls and three Yorkshire boar3, all flt for
servitie ; alio bi.0 ere roadster horses, all good stock,.
and pekes right. For particulars apply to S. RAN.
141E, Zurich P. 0. 161241
0 ID
Washington, Feb 28.—Many tender
discourse, and senile of boyhood and
girlhood days -will ie lived over again;
tett, I. Timothy v, "Let them learn
During tho summ ir months the tond-
o ,cy is to the holds, to visitation, to
it reign travel end t e watering nieces,
a d the ocean steamer are thronged, but
it tho winter it 15 rather to gat ier in
d mastic circles, and during theme
ii oaths we epeml 'in ny of the oure
withie doors, and the apostle co es to
ue and Epps' that- we I ought to ex raise
Ciristitin behavior amid all snob (rheum-
etrinces. "Let them, learn iirst to show
piety at home,"
Tbere aro a greet nanv people lo ging
God. They' admire Luther at, tho Diet of
Worms and only wish that they had porno
ouch great opportunity in which to dis-
leire Paul makihg Felix tremble, and
:hey only vvish ttat they had some such
erend occasion in which to prearth right°.
come, .All they want is • an epporkainity-
ie exhibit their Christian heroism. Now,
the apostle practically Says: "I will
reow you a place where you can exhibit
all that is grand and beautiful and glori-
ous in Christian characver, and that is
the domestic 'Aral°. Let them learn first
to show piety at home." If one is not
faithful in #n insignificant sphere, he
will not be faithfu in a resounding
sphere. If Peter. will not -help the cripple
ac the gate o the to! pie, he will never
bo ahlo to pr mill 3,010 into the kingdom
at the Pente ost. .I Paul will not take
pains to inst act in he way of salvation
the jailer of . he Philipplan dung() n, he
will never in ke Felix tremble. e who
is not faithful in a kirrnigh wo Id not
be faithful in an Ar ageddon. The fact
s, we are all placed in just the osition
n which we can matt grandly ser e God,
nct-we ought not to be chiefly thought-
ful about some spher of usefulnes which
ve may after awhil gain, but
great or
wont th
bring d
birds, a
are am
for 1_ fe
cam ba
wit out
any ret
up is g
agai al
and epr
yet that
thou n
a pe oil
blow as
affable i
issue of
that ni
bills n
home I
grace in
ward a
from the
Ithologist, with gun jam! pen
.ough the foredo of ./knieritia
W13 and to sketch the beauti
d after years Of toil and eel,
leted his manuscript and put
oil leiroles all in;
to ;newt and all g
ful 'makes bad bo
os- tion for bad n
it 1
k in Philadelphia and went
days of recreation and rent a
k and found that the rats b
any discomfiture and with°
or bad temper he again Wok
n and his pencil and visit
the great foriiets of Amer'
duced his Immortal work, .A
are people with the te
th part, of that loos who a
reconcilable, who at the loos
r an article of raiment w
°rig and loud and sharp am
storm. Now, ,that man who
publio and who is irritable
tusking a fraudulent and ove
off. A
nd bom
tadut That
took, and he is as bad as a ban
ght have. $400,000 or $500,000
iroulatien with no specie in -t
et us learn to show piety
d pitiblio plausibility rrrel
here, If we have not g nuin
we hlive it net there, we ave
the family circle, all o r.on
slimY, putrid pool of our ow
Un ited
to Melxio
anon a s
tide we
arms; w
head on
victer es
tacks f
camp re
torn sill
There we
port. CI
father a
band f
Event hilarity, ail bright.
ocl cheer. A dark home
s and bad girls in prepare -
on and bad women. -
Respo lability of Parente.
ove all, y Mende, take into your
s Christi an principle. Can it be
inmat s eon ront the voice of
pray r is neve MeV hat! No- suppli-
Cation at night for protection? What! No
hanksgiving in the morning for care?
oty,i my br ther, my sister, will you
newer God 1 the day of judgment with
uestion, and therefore I ask it, In the
enth chapter of Jeremiah God says ha
III pour out is fury
are de
ering t
hat mill not
is •nts when yo
he moss is co
kg, aok and thin
he Bible
,t Mark 'of tears
consoing pro
" do not inculoO
r not warn the
n not inYite the
ou are everywhere, whether yo
ate it or not.
A Blessed Harbor.
home is a refuge. Life le th
triages army on the national roa
—a Icing march, with ever an
pitch our tent ..and stack th
hang up the war cap, and, ou
fur knapsack, we sleep until th
bugle calla us to march to th
ow pleasent it is to rehearse tb
and the surprises and the at '
the day, seated by the stil
of the home circle! Yea, life is
sea. With shivered masts and
and aleak, we put in at
r of home, Blessed harbor!
go forirepairs in the drydock,
le in the window is to the toil -
he lighthouse guiding him into
ildren go forth to meet their
fps. The doorsill of the home a,
wharf wi ere heavy life is unladen. There
is the pl e where we may talk of what
we havie done without being charged
with self! dulation. There in the plaoo
where may lounae without being
thought e ngraoeful. There is the place
a may express affection without
ght silly. There is the place•
vet may forget our annoyances and
ons and trou bles. Forlorn
rim, no home? Tben die. That
er. The grave Is brighter and
ind more glorious than this
it no tent from marching, with
or from the storm, with no place
n this scene of greed and gouge
• d gain. God pity the man or
a who has no borne!
or home is a political safeguard.
t of the state must be built on
of the borne. Why cannot
o ne to a placid republic? Mao -
flints his Minietry, and all
of thousands of renchmen
fearing the return of a mon-
ei Dreyfus case le t this me-
noe, as a nation, b is not the
of a Christian erne. The
republic. The virtu s cultured
ily circle are a absolute
✓ the state. If the e be not
re there will not e enough
p inciple to make the state
No' home means the Goths
d Is, means the Noneade of
s the Nurnidiaus of Africa,
om place to place according
re happens to change. Con,
Plaine; storm that upsets the
oh the family sail will sink
of the constitution. :fails and
es and armies and • naviers are
t defense. The door of the
e best fortress. Household
o r dwelling houses are the,
home, no republic!
pon the families
ame, Ob, par-
d and gone, and
will y ur children look
of fathe and mother at
? 'Will they take the old
and open it and see the
f contrition and tears of
lee wept by eyes long be-
nt° darkness? Oh, if you
e Christian prinoiple in
ur children. and you do
,against evil, and yen do
to holiness and to lelod,
at last make shipw eek
al soul, on their doe t bed
of judgment they ill
he register or the st ve,
Wall, should corne out
our ohildren? What a is -
1 and immortal life of
s°abna,ok to one of the est
Peayer like a roof ver
atmosphere in it. ar-
ions of faith in trial nd
HON. The two pillar of
forget that early borne?
power forgets the sun
YOA, when the mariner
that guided him. Yes,
gone out on the heart's
ry has emptied ite urn
84, Then the home of my
ergot thee! The family
e, 'e iniportunity and a
RS, D110 aoices of affection,
r dead, the father and
locked arms like inter -
es of trees making a
off Inver and peace and
I Will forget thee --then,
toil know, my brother,
times you have been
een describing. You
✓ ging temptations, but
I ell you a nian who has
ome as tha never gots
who has had a bad
ets,:over it
ea yen.
type of eaven. At
e aro only p 'grime and
"Heaven is ur home."
✓ knock at the door of
n in ail t at country
n le grave. HoW glad
the holidays to gather
is almost a ways a son
n the count y, perhaps
orld, Oh, how glad
r will be w en he gets
lelightful it 111 be for
e S to meet after long
they parted et the door
ow they meet et the door
rice they saw only
larkly." Now it is face
incorruptidn; mortal -
here are noYe all their
n and troubles? Over -
d Sea of death, while
dry shod. Gates of
amethyst, thrones of
Jr my soul So much as
e. Once there, let
owl like Storms and
! Let thrones rot and
mo! Let the world die
ggle and be buried
I planets and dirge of
t everlasting ages roll
Horne! No sorrow.
tears. No death. But
e, beautiful home, ever -
e with each other,
home ivvith GA!
an ink lounge when
Iran all around about
d they wand
111 1 fidelity and
den the day
e Seated by
d what if, on th
d the history of
yelir loved one
✓ ing it, 'compost
y mind ru
e of earlY homes
- it Peace like a
that earthly bo
BUG shall eve
Yes, when the
that warmed it
forgets the etar
-vehen love has
altnr, and mem
into fcirgetfuln
childhood I Will
altar of a let
mopher's tender
the; funeral o
tir)iging len n
and only thorn!
kept out of RI
Recite as 1 hav
have often ha
had Eu3h a go
earl home no
Ty p;t4
A a in. home
our bout estate
gers here.
Dee h will nee
that mansion,
there ,is HOD a s
pdrents are in
noticed that th
perhiips absent
absept from the
bur heavenly Fa
all his obildrea
separation! Ono
of the tomb, N
of immortality.
to fa e, corrupti
Allis and sorra
whel ed in the
they pass throug
pearl, capstones of
domi ion do no s
the thought of, ho
earthly sorrows
empiree wither; 1-1
in earthquake tr
amid ptocession of
in irresistible s oe
No orying. No
home, sweet bar
lasting home, o
home vvith angels,
A. Drea
Ono night, lying
very tired, my chil
mo in full romp arid hilarity and laugh -
e half awake and half
d bis dream: I was in
was not Persia, al -
oriental luxuriance
a It was not the
h more than tropical
the gar
earth II
is bet
no bar
the wen
ana los
the saf
who af
right Id
Ch rieti
stone fo
in the
the all neeessit
with en ugh
ad ere.
eh' ngin
as he p st
different men the fou sled be
1.10 el
the friga
pen tentiar
not our
o is
lite, sits
chit eney
gra! dust
urn h.
don aroun which the rnost of our
thoughts ill revol e. That word . is
'meaning of that wor
you ten di erent d bnitions. To one' it
means love 8 the- be rth, plenty at the
gence at the books, d votion at the ale".
In that bola °hold di oord never ileum's
its war who p and d caption never tricks
with its fals: face. To him It means a
greeting at he door nd a emile at the
(their, parse hoveri g like wings, joy
chipping its ands w th laughter, Life is
sleep the s adows. Ask- another man
what home i , and b will tell you it is.
want lookin out of cheerless fire grate,
kneading h nger in an empty bread
tray, The damp ir Eihiveting with
Climes. NO ible on the S elf. Children
robbers and ruurd rers in embryo.
in the background
the front. No Sets -
over that doorsill.
Shadow of infernal
It i
nature of rutb. Wan
and sin sta4.1g from
leith wave rolling
Vestibule of the pit.
walls. Furnace for
chains. Fagots for a
pile. Awful word.
rinses, it weeps with
woe, it swears with
despair, The word
case means everythin
"home" tn the other
thing terrifie.
I shall epeak now
ebaracter, home as
,first place home i
'he in gay costume,
dishabille. As play a
cue way on the stag
another way behind
vate character ma
from public characte
is often public) char
side out. A man mi
hie parlor as though
don of srnilee, and y
a warm) of nettles,
11ll n who all day
co irteous and ge»ial
in cornmeecial life,
irr tability and their
ditconvent, bat . at;
breaks and scolding
anti freshets. t .
Reputation is only
ter, and a very ema
wilt east a very long
may seem to drop w
and the disposition t
icarno as a sheath of
they may only be
,There is many a ma
pu blio life and amid
Who in a cowardly w
and him petulance ho
fp the domestic circle
do not display their b
is heeause they do no
eel down. There are
petulance and their 1
the same mason that
notes go to protest—
for the mime reason
nt a man in their -
his stook below pa
• Show Piety
As at suniet someti
so after a sunshiny da
!tempestuous night. Tit
4n public( act the phila
home aot the Nero wit
ng everlasting
nding funeral
spelled with
it obokee with
oath agony of
" in the oiee
ht. The word
means every-
honie as a test of
me alit a sehool and
riven. And in the
a pewerful test of
ition in public ay
tors ay appear in
and may appear in
he scenes, so pre -
be Very different
- Private character
°ter tamed wrong
y receive you into
et his eart! may be
There are buginess
long re Mild and
and ood natured
ammin ba k their
nightf(111 the dam
ours f rth in floods
shade . "he lips
sunbea g, apd yet
inagnifloe t` show
ed sto k- if goods.
who i iti able in
ommer al spheres
y takes 'hi anger
e and dro s, them
The rea oil men
d tampon.: n pubic
want reit knock -
hey do net et their
t iloes not pay—or
that they de nov
took comp ny to
lost it do reciato
must be tu
and it ne
cd, and
large as t
cult re.
new gro
come up in
time you ht
tion all t to
come up g
and ever
20 or ;30 dr
You praise
too much s
is not awt r
result of 18
beauty, s
to unler
will find
before a
deeds and e
actor, and
the second
ham bega
down in t
begat Aro
ted. What
parents in
Oh, ma
place on e
children t
rectitude n
and spots
to keep st
cover up y
as West's
cents." R
and "The
Night Mar
cods of Character.
home is a school. Old ground
ed up with subsoil plow,
e harrowed and reharrow-
the crop will not be as
of the new ground with less
, youth and childhood are
and all the influenees
their heart and life will
a ter life luxuriantly. Every
given a smile of approba-
ooci cheer of your life will
i in tho geniality of your
el every ebullition of anger
11 controllable display of in -
l be fuel to their disposition
4 years from now—fuel for
q arter of century from this.
he intelligence of your child
inetimes when you think be
f it, and you will see the
°fore ten years of age in his
effeotations. Yoe praise his
p tieing he is not large enough
t nd what you eay, and you
n standing on a high chair
ttering mirror. Words and
neples are the seed of char-
hildren are very apt to be
dition of their parents. Abra-
same, so virtue is apt to go
aneeetral line, but Herod
laus, so iniquity is transmit-
st responeibility comes upon
low of this subject!
your home the brighteet
b 1f you would charn3 your
,he high path of virtue and
1 religion! Do not always
ids the wrong way. Let the
puts gold on the gention
ho pansy, pour into your
o not expect the little feet
to a deatt march. Do not
r wails with such pictures
eath on a Pale Horse" or
"Maseaore of the Inno-
her cover them if you have
h "The Hawking Party,"
MIH by the Mountain
"The Fox Hunt," and the
mid --Flowers," and t the
one," and "The Saturday
ting," Get you no hint of
rom grasshopper's leap and
Iamb's fri and quail' whistle and
rook at the muntain top dear down to
the neeade erns under. cithe shadoee of
the steep cen es looking t see where it
can find the teepest place to leap off at
and tenpin ust to hear i self talk? If
all tbe skie hurtled with tempest and
everlasting s orm, wandere over the sea,
mad, frothi ab the. mouth with mud
and every mountain ,strea n were raving
foam, and here- were nettling but
imoons bl iug among the bills and
here were a ther lark's carol nor burn-
ing bird's rill, Nor wateefall's dash,
ut only e r's bark ,and panther's
cream and slf's howl, then you might
ell gather i • to your homes only the_
hadovvs, Bu when God has strewn the
ith oladne s, let tie take into our home
es the wind rises, ; b
there may be a s
re are people who w
thropist who at s
respect to their e
ter—on the loun
asleep —1 d inane
a far country. It
though more tha
crowned the Olt'
fruitftilness fille ens. It was not
Italy, elltheugn an Italian Soft -
around looking for their and nettles,
but I found that none of them grew
there, Find I 8 w the un rise, and I
watched to tree s t, but it sank not.
.And It slaw the eo ile . in holiday attire,
and I said, "W e will they put off this
and pat on wor an's garb and again
delve in the mi 0 and swelter at the
forge?" But the ever put off the holi-
day afTlre.
Make 1 lin Industrious.
attention const nt y I. to it they were
simply, kept b sy at some evholemenne
Work dr play ev ry minute, they would
be far more hor ugbly helped and
cleansed than vv uir be poseibIe in any
other Manner," is the opinion expressed
by Kate Upson la k in The Woman's
Home Companion, who elainis that
"most parents e ,the do not realize the
gravity' of this t sk or are too lazy or in-
capable to atten to it. .For young people
work IS worth all the 'White Ribbon'
exhortetions in he orld, tatetul as they
may soneatimes ea The first duty of the
rich is to be Ind strtous and to inculcate
habits tif Indust y i their [children. If
they are only ta gh to keeei constantly
busy in some us ful and ennobling em-
ployment the oh no e of their evolution
1nto honorable me and Women are a
million times there sod. AWaken their
yourself mother . le is the parent who Is
usually best fit, ed to form tbe early
habits o the oh Id If be will only take
the tronble to do it. The making of col-
lections and the ar study of almost any
branch 4f natur 1 istory are likely to
manag plant of pri
used to teusy bhil ren
ting press, may be
inembez of the Re
Dr. Adler, the!
Britain has receiy
of docter of laws ft
The II/Like of RI
cilibtir-#rat vans., la
elt has been elected a
ulai Army and Navy
c "ef rabbi of Great
d nn honorary degree
m Glasgow university,
,tlatnit, who is in his
now sae of the very
row men ming wno ligute in V161'401'8
r. Joseph Wood, -the n w head ninetei
of arrow, has never ehru k fintn the nee
of t e cane, believing it be "a,practical
an salutary method of ov °ming school-
boy idleness and insubordi ation;."
-lhe only colored man in he house, has!
few of the facial characterl tics of, MS race.,
vex ity and is described as nodest and 1111-'
ass ming,
Gil ia, has entered Union colic e, Ho is I
the first Cuban to take advanta e of the 1
org ',Mud for the purpose of 'g vine. free
Flrank J. Gould, the youngest son of the
late Jay Gould, who came of age recently,
has bought n, seat on the New York Stock
Ex flange, The amount paid by Mr.
Got Icl was $30,000. All four or the son,S
Wis , who recently offered to give the ei
a so dices monument, to cost $10,000, ir
nal given the city $100,900 for a fr
I line ry building and promises that wh i
is is built he will furnish it with 25,04
well selected volumes.
Chauncey M, Depew says that be wa
the other day acceded by a beggar, t
whoin he gave $1, "May I ask you
l 8.131;0?" said the mendicant, Mr. Depee
Jaughed. "Oh, I'm Grover Cleveland,'
The Marquis of Normanby, who is als
an earl,. a viscount and a baron, is
e/ergyrnan and has acted as curate and
vicar for #`0 years and lived on the seipend.
His tnagnificent seat,' M-ulgrave castle, is
king an
best Work has been d ne in missi
EX-Prcsident Harrison was t
even ng walk 111 Indianapolis rot long
ago vhen a, wonian called out that her
!env was being robbed. At the Seine
time two )nen rushed out and spita g into
to an -
a Cal rJago.. Mr. Harrison leaped
01'1)0 carriage, pursued the Algid es Over-
RcHiingtc n -Elms of St. Louis, 77 Years
old, was I, le first messenger b y St.
Louis. Ile is the oldest telegr. ph& in
Ainetlea. lie is oldest in service . f all. the
empl kyees. af the Western Union Tele-
graph eonip iny in the United States. ; He
Las Ferved in every position in the pele-
end t theme' ig to the offices Of manitger
Ey( ry year tho king of Italy receives as
a Ne v Year's gift, 6,000 cigars from .t.lie
(Mine ot of Austria,
Th - eldest queen in Europe is the queen
of Thinover, who.will be 81 next. April,
whilc in the following month Queen Vie-
torieTwin. be SO. .
TN; dowager queen of Holland strongly
objee 14 to the title of "dowager," and hen
daughter has issued a decree that the
elder' lady is henceforth to be styled
"Quden Emma of the Netherlandb.''.
(.2tive Emma, does not intend to be pushed
into lie background. .
Th ; Princess of Wales possesses 6., cress
which is supposed to aIways bring geed
luck to its owner. It was -formerly the
property of the king of Denmark, having
been lircovered years ago in the grave i'of
the beautiful Queen Dagmar. Besides its
taiporqitibus Interest it is a fine work Of
art, a id was given by the king to the
prine %;,3 on her marriage day.
An English woman who has lited many
years in C!iina, says that the • ernpress
down er has mine. lkill as a, painter.' She
is foil;1 of wrestling, and Trequently ill -
I 'Age -3 in thiil rut lier virile form of exer-
"..e. . f4bc; is v. -c11 read, is fond of Euro-
peen Music teed has some skill as a pianist.
:-:he IS said b: '',11 by her friends and ene-
mies 10 be without any sense of fear. i
rtrE, poultry a. dry, gravelly spot Is neces-
.12 11';e. hens ';et too fat, feeding with oats
is a combination of the turkey and the
f.1* a fuvii day. will soon reduce them:
C:iii:iel:li 11111 good layers, and their flesh
The Spanish white Leghorns and ki-
netrcus all lay large, white eggs and • are
In feeding all kinds of small grain at
1:oon ,eatter it among litter and let the
Neat!;1.iot oil is said to be better than
herosene for many of the ills of fowls be-
cause it is less irritating,
. While sound oats are egg producing bet-
ter retinlis will be Secured by alternating
them.'With wheat bran. Leghorns, Minor -
me elle J'oevls with the big egg produeing
remeds, but they are not the bbst table
towisl .A. fowl that is inclined to fatten
rapidly is ra.rely a good layer; the flesh
it carries makes Mazy, laid this never
peoreetes laying. Even - in winter it is
ineet to change the material in the nests
El4lients without tusks are numerouel
It estimated that one crow will de-
et roy-100,000 insects every year
Tiel guinea pig grows more quickly
than any other quadruped. :It is fully
grown when 6 weeks old and begins to
bear Young at 2 months.
The chamois is usually, identified with
Switzerland, but the animal is less -,emen
mon there than in .any other .conntry
which it inhabits. Austria is the real
hornet of the chamois, where it eis most
pi en Tut.
Spein's troops are said to be starving,
Whatl Spain needs is another war with
some good, kind country thiat will capture
her soldiers and feed them haek into con-
ditiori.—Pittsburg Times.
11 Spein, it is said, has giyen a lie on the
$20,000,000 she is to receive fr m the
United States, although the mon y is not
yet in hand, which goes to Show t et evien
benefit foe and one who is n t.—B ltim re
Opel"! knows the differenc bet een cisn
Clearly Definled.
he elass in ancient historyl filed into the
boOk. " Mr. Terwilliger," h said, turtling,
he professor, on the rostrim, opened a
se ts rte the front.
so that lie faced the young m n three seats
from t le middle aisle, " will you tell us
kiemethi g about the system of marriage
that prevailed among the early' Greeks ?" :
began, 4,'` a man was allowed to take unto
" Quite right," nodded the professer,
" and new, Mr. Terwillingert Will you tell
us how the Greeks defined their marriage I
system, What they called it ?I' . T '
The broW of the young man contracted.
Then his I flee lighted up and he replie
with gusto,' " They called it ---let me thin
—ah, yegi-they called it monotony, eir.4- I
MARCH 3, 1899
andsome Furniture
he multitude of sensible people who are tired of giving an receiving
useles nothings, appreciate the magnificient selection of foe Furni.
tut° e have collected. for dais seaSon's trade.
ere are hosts of handsome pieces you W111 find nowhere ehe. Oddments
thatw 11 give a fall return in tise and pleasure for every cent of the extremely
low p ees we ask.
our Iredertaking Department is complete and strictly up-to-date with a
larger selection than ever before, and prices to Suit every one's needs. itTe have
a quantity of suitable chairs to be used at funerals, which we will lend free of
charge, and any orders that vve are faVored with shall receive our best attention
Night calls promptly attended to by our undeitaker, Mr. 8. T. Holmes, Goder.-
ich,street, aforth, opposite the Methodist church,
9ood Value in Tea
is measured by
and th
be req
can't g
no mat
not the
der le
Pure Ind an
Strength and 4Nality.
here is the economy in. burg a 25 cent tea
n using three times the qu ntity that would
ired of Ram ;Lal's Pure Iiidian Tea. Yon
a good quality of liquor o-4 of a cheap tea
er how much of it you us . You may get
bit- ter taste but
vision. 'The is manufactured
in India and conies straight to the br
Canad in. six weeks with all its streng
''m Lal's Tea is a Pure Ind
lind does nor go off in
aroma that
from theten-
Ram Lal's
n the gardens
akfast tables of
h and freshness.
an Bknd
hat is it that Cures
hen Others Fail ?
That obAinate and, distressing cough which. so
la grippe—it is •
Ro al Clycerated Balsa
Many eople Seaforth and vicinity, after su
d al uost in dispair, have been relieved by a
healinl and soothing properties are truly wonder
say that it will cure every case, but we do say
larger percentaae of cases than any other rem
For sale by all'Ilealets. Manufactured only by
often orows
of Fir.
ening for weeks,
few doses, Its
We do not
hat it will cure a
dy you cal use.
is one day less of life '.eft for yoll.
There May be thousands of days
to come but there may be only one
--h-that IS the point. Are you
taking chan es and carrying your
own risk ?
1 If so, are ;ou wise? Would it
not he b tte to join your life with
lo,000 o he in the
id. protect, thcse you love anid
g caused the untimely or tin-
e :pected death of their bread-
tieulars oft le cheapest,
sdfest enc..; best Insura we sent free
applic,..;tion to
ERNST out -
veep n
Moiie to
a y amount o mo ey to loan o good farm pre -
pert*, at 5 per tint. per annum Straight loans,
antedd, charges !Ow. At office Fri
• '1.- McDonald lock, Winghla5m87,
Pao ey tb loan at anti per,cent. per annum.
Any oune on florae ries f rm Med aecurity. Apo
R HAYS, ',Dominion Beek Building, Bria.
Bin 11111111141111111t
I 1111111111:41111111111n -
an 4
FE' FE -
In buying geenit
"economy Is extratra
aganest,” because the cost
of cultivation wasted. on Inferior
Seeds alwaye largely err:iv:de the
original cost of the best seeds to
be had. The hest is alwitys the
cheapest, Pay a trifle more for
and always 'get your money'.
worth. Five tents' per paper
everywhere._ Always -the '
best. EleAnnnal free.
DAG Jr REY ilk CU.,
Being always in onunnuicItfon with the lumber
dealers, the undersegned le in a pesition to supply
Lurnber, Shing,14, Cedar Posts, etc,
at the very lowest prieee, either by the car load or
otherwise Yards --in the rear of the Queen'. Hotel
Com eree,
leaving the
A 13
security st
Joan. App
011.14 Al
order will 1
for the bus'
Lot 26, Conl
_IN Rita
that Williau
new at Sear',
style and fin
assignment -
the bent f1b4i
Ararat Sea 1,i1.
known as 4'
by the land
large white
year, mod we
Arms year th
bushel, nr
P. 0.
Boars about
slot of six -r
and fit for sec
tale the'
vession 9, II
ash suitable
which skill I
Mr. James 1
alio about 150
nuantIty of Ili
leading vatic Lb
thirty bushela::
following btOCk
Itensall;" aim
"Varna Prince
pedigrees, Te
the prive
vice, with the
je -Wahiawa
pounds; color, c
at type, with go
apply to SAM IJE
Onuses, or to T
laltptiLLS FOR
kip ssle three
anixnals, and are
from Thomas R
MOUE, Lot 30,
I? keep for 1
91, payable at tha
of returning it no
LP Service on 1
thoroughbred DI
able at titaeol
turning if neeeen
lervice on
thorou0bred the
Terms- with te
Nary, lie it'SO hit
shire boar. Tenn
110 PIG B
ea. on Lot 4
be admitted to ccer,
el service, or
White Pigs ler *sic;
it the nroneum
Tatreworth near, all
bred young Tamwil
Aped has for
limited number of
extra good pig and lir
ernes their eerkeliire:
With prIviii
thire. hell for sale boa
*It* keep for service
urcliatied from Mr.
mem winner at Afontre
-41 pee eble at the ti
of returning if rieeessa
1100 1.781.40 AUCrioN
Mr. John Cliam
MeOlr) to aell by pit
boundary, Hay, fait a
urday, Marcia 4th lbfr
follotting property,
team, five years w
mare, in foal ; ri
(broken) ; yearling ge
foals, eight months
calf, or "till) collet -too
one year old, Piga -13
March. Vrinf. —All
furnishing aPPloved it)
retool 5 per eent, per
cash on all aredit at
Proprietor ;WILLIAM,
A leCtriON SALE -011
sale by public auction
the Town of Serforth.n
Oebruary, 1899, at 1:304
virtue of power of sale
gage, which will be prof;
mg property : Lot 38, a
Lot 37, on the West sid
Town Of fileaf-rth, act
survey of part of Lot 2,
of Iltnon Road of the
Together akith all rights
the haildlnesstardings
earthed, and adjoinieg
March, LS7I, made betw
wife _and one Thomse
are 8*Idlo be -erected
Stokly brick block and
paid downLon the day
will be made known al
blare apply to JONES.
Solicitors, Toronto etreel
The &bete sale has be