The Huron Expositor, 1899-02-24, Page 524, 1899
aid up to jhat date we
well lined, regular -
rsall cost.
kir '230 fOr 10e,
..ed Suit in
I sizes, at $9.5o,
✓ Sta.W.„
cents per pound.` -
it team after team dawn
• Friday —Mrs. Wm.
7tla concession is rather
poorly for some time.—
• aboat a dozen tea,m
he mill here en- Fridays
many Ig ix the yard
‘'`e are in, luck taget such
rn in our rni st. —There
E -livered here oi Monday
'Ir. Harvey, f Fergree,
re.Etev. In ISmthh, the
o is an exeellent ainger,
id altogether' there prom -
time. The proceeds are
1 Rush kr kettilog an edu-
ig man, it Will be rernem-
t in a threehing machine
iy Andrews, of Wiener,
erre last week to take care
e Philip-Ileker'of Grand
the Benger farm for a
rrs.—Rev. ,R. L. Wilson
L Mins, a distance of 67
mather*a funeral.—A
their euramer's supply
-Miss S. McLachlan
week,—M. A, M. Wit
:ery sick with la grippe,
Andrews es
Etd at her hOme in Green -
r, from the effects of Ia
Wilson, widow of the late
The demeed lady had
el age of 72 year* and 8
iurvived her husband a
he having departed this;
- She was beloved and
D knew her, and was
he siok and needy. be
*r of the Boston .Metho-
be greatly missed by
where she willingly
yea cause. As a token
41e decea,sed the ladies
presented a beautiful
a planed on the coffin.
at. her late home, on
acted by Rev. Mr.
in the absence of the
a were laid to rest in
- on Monday, beside
and. A meetorial ser -
he 3,Ietho4ist church
eual hour of service.
eilow's concert in Gid -
decided succese. Ie
est of the searion.—A
place on Thursday
sidence of Mr. John
et, when his eldest
s married to William
-ton. The Rev. John
e of the bride, tied
e young couple will
Willie Chester, the
nd Mr. Wm. Creech,
14th inst., aged ilf
sufferer from diabetes
i ma to his death. The
1 Thureday hurt to the
rohn Alooreshead, R r.,
r House of Refuge,
the 14th int., from
:eident of this village.
r^t. here and taken to
1 Edward Hunt, Mill
oek place on Friday
3 in his 79th year'. He
r wife in the 'burial
emetery.—Joseph and
, Mr. George Vosper,
homes with a mild
Mr. William Westcott, '-
t this week on busi-
hnech, Brantford, &t
his brother, Willie,
lot. is on his rournise -
till confined to hi* bed
1.—Mr. Fred W. Col -
w, has been compelled
1- at the post office
(.eorge Turner,Bruce-
1 onday on businees.—
Tiernann, Dashwood,
o Toronto on Monday
1 .lories shipped two
Toronto on. Wednes.
butchers' cattle on
,e5on, of Russelds.te,
ertunate aecident on
set week, while run -
resulting in the lose
fiugers of his right
prominent and high-
Elma, township, died'
7th concession, on
rile camel of death
.in. A widow anal
FEBRUARY 24, 1899.
Nonen—Alex. AleFerlane, of Michigen,
-who has been in the Wolverine State or
the past 12 or 15 years, was visiting iia
brother George, during the past week --
Misses Annie Belden and Rachel Pate ck
were in Elma last week, attending the w d -
ding of Miss Olive Smith, a former tea° er
in school section N. 16.—We are sorry to
hear that, Aaron McFadden, 12th eon° s-
een, is not, enjoying good health. I is
trouble is enlar gement of the liven—Rich rd
Bedford and family, 10th concession, hajve
moved to Londeishoro. Mr. Bedford ill
take a trip to Manitoba in the spring,wh re
the family may locate if everything is agr c-
FATAL ACCIDENT.—A fatal accident de -
=red ou 1,4, 29, concession 17, on Saturday
forenoon, February Ilth, whereby a young
man by the name of Frank Inman lost his
fife. He witi working for Mr. Aikens , aid
in company with another young Man
,engaged in felling a tree when it etruok a
,small ash tree, which looked as though it
was going with it, when it sprung back faid
the top broke off, striking MI% Taman 4n
the head, killing him instantly. The e -
mains were removed to his brother's re i -
donee, on the 16th concession of Elma. .M r.
Inman was an exemplary young man and
leaves many friends around Monkton, whe e
he ,ras well known. He was a member f
he Monkton Presbyterian church, and u
til recently had acted in the cabaeity f
usher there.
TEE INDIAN Won.---Tireeday evening Of
last week the subject of debate in Smith s
school was " Resolved that the Indian su -
fered more at the hands of the white twin
than the Negro." Henry Keys was appein
ed chairman. The affirmative war; (septa'
eti by W. Yuill, who was supported by '1.
McDonald and Andrew Lamont. The negst-
titre was captained by R. Hoy, eupport '
by James Hogg and John Lemont. DeciFtfl
n ns given in favor of the affirmative. T e
programme consisted of , recitations hy
31isses Ella Smith and Af. Laing „ solo y
Miss A. B. McKinnon ; readings by Aliso a
M. Laing, N. Smith and Allan Lamont. and
harmonica by Allan Lamont and A. Yuill.
Thi e ;moiety has awakened considerable i -
terest in the surrounding country and h s
;done arid is doing good.
'FARM SOLD.—Mr. James MicIlyeen, er
reeve of Stanley, has sold his farm, on t
Goshen line, in that township, to M
Charles Johnston, for the sum of $4 80.
The farm contains 81 acres, is a good p
and has on it good buildings. The price
which it was sold shows, however. that t e
price of land is on the up grade- in this
vicinity. Mr. McIlveen speaks of r emovi g
to Manitoba.
BREEZES.—H. W. Erwin conducted ti o
funeral of the late Mr. Cornell, at Goderic ),
on Monday.—Miss Maud Fergueon has r -
turned from a visit to Goderich.—Therelis
been very few fish caught here during ti e
winter.—Sonic splendid ice has been har-
vested from the river lately.—Miss Seit
•Morrison, of Winnipeg, a former resideint
of Bayfield, has been visiting friends here.
—The snow is about gone in this locali y
and wheels have again to be resorted to.
Miss C. L. E. Martin left on Wednesday f r
Toronto, for a short stay.—Wm. Brandon is
the proud possessor of a very.promising co t.
He has beautiful action and great spec ;
was sired by King Stanton, owned 1 y
Thomas Murdock, of Hernial, and wi h
careful training will no doubt surprise t e
people of Canadee—Bayfield is Well-kno in
for its geese. A. E. Erwin has a goose 30
years of age and as lively as a two-year-old.
Who can beat this?
day morning, 3rd February, James A.1
•Gardiner, of this place, entered into rest.
He was born at Middlebank,'. Midnemph-
lar, Lanarkshire, Scotland, in the year 1819.;
'For almost 50 yeare he resided in Bayfield,
and so endeared was be to this community
hat his disease will be sorrowfully felt by
all, and the day of his funeral was a day of
mourning. He served his church as he
served his friends and his home, with singu-
lar and constant fidelity% There are many
whoare Iese rich in heart to -day because the
good life has been taken away, and only
those who knew him could appreciate his
worth. The funeral service was conducted
by Rev. Wm. Graham, of St. Andrew's
church, assisted by Rev. John A.MeDoneld,
of Bayfield toad church. The address of
Mr. Graham was a very tender and thought-
ful one, and carried great comfort to _the
bereaved relatives. At the grave the ser-
vices of the Churoh of England was feed
Thy two sons of the deceased, who are both
clergymen of that church.
Perth Notes.
—The other night the green house of
A. Burns & Son, $t. Marrs, was destroyed
by fire.
—Dr. Ross, of Stratford, is giving up
-his practice in that city, and is going to
—Mr, Henry Schmidt has sold his fifty
aere farm, in Ellice, to his brother Charles,
for $2,000.
—The Fullerton Butter Company have
purchased a new separator fontheir factory,
at a cost of $475.
•--A new creamery is to be established at
the bend on the Huron road, a few miles
earn, of Mitchell.
—Stratford papers have requested the
ladies of that city to remove their hats ati
all public entertainments.
—The Mitchell Sporting Association are
already making preparations for a pro-
gramme of sports on Queen's Birthday.
—Seccessful meetiugs, under the aus-
pices of the Farmers' Institute, were held
at Bornholm, Staffa, and Russeldale last
—Mr. T. G. Huriburt, of Zion, purposes
leaving for Manitowaning about the 5th of
March. His family will follow him about
the first of May.
.—Mr. Gideon Jacobs, of the Black Creek
batter factory, WEIS run into by a runaway
team, the other day, and had two of his
ribs broken.
—Jane, daughter of Mr. Struthers, of the
16th concession of Elm, died on Sunday,
12th inst., in her 23rd year. Consumption
was the cause of death.
—Some of Stratford's enterprising citizens
are making a move toward developing the
Ellice peat deposits Ifor fuel. The Ellice
deposit e are claimed to be very extensive
and valuable.
—Mr. Robert Ward, of Motherwell, has
dieposed of his farm of 100 acres to Mr.
Ross for $5,000, aud purchased the old
homestead farm from his brother for $6,000.
Mr. Ward gets possession about the middle
of March.
--While cutting wood, on the 17th con-
cession of Grey, on Saturday, llth inst.,
Frank Dineen, of Monkton, was struck on
the head by a faIlin tree, and instantly
killed. He was 28 ye rs of age.
—A prominent citiz n of Tavistock, Mr.
John Foik, manager o the Arlington hotel,
died suddenly on Moi day morning of lest
week. The deceased was for a number of
years a resident of Str tford.
—Ala John McPheee of Carthage, has soM
his tams of 100 acres fer the sum of $4,700,
and has the use of the farm for one year,
Which is considered (final to about $5,000.
Mr. Inas: Ashin, of Brantford, is the pure
—A very pretty wedding took place on
the morning of February 7th, at St. Pat-
- rick's church, Kinkora, when Miss Mary
McDonnell, daughter of Mr. Patrick Mc-
Donnell, was united in marriage to Mr.
dohn Walah. The ceremony was perforthed
by Rev. Father O'Neil.
—Mr. Andrew McLellan, of Hibbert, de-
livered in Mitchell, the other day, to Mr.
Thomas Heal, seve
steers, 'which aver
for which was Peid
total of $436,1 .
—Mr. Georg Kre
brick house, i Fel
$2,000, came n ar b
Saturday eve ieg.
foolishly lathe the
stovepipe hole, end,
laths caught e, an
flames spread, nd c
tent of nearly t.; 00,
head of three year old
ged 1,385 pounds, and
1 cents per ponsid, or a
!flyer's handsome new
tutor, which cost over
ing destroyed by fire on
The plasterers very
himney right up -to the
big fire being on, the
in a little while the
used damage to the ex-
Miscella eau News Notes.
1y stated that Hon.
-ortly return to Canada
onroe, of Woodstock,
ng, aged 103 years.
ge is amply proven.
e years she has never
d a wonderfully clear
—It is authirctiv
Edward Blake w,ill sl
to retside permenentl
—Mrs. Alexander
died Monday morn
That she was that
During the last twel
left her bed. he h
—A diaastrixus fir
Monday last, rsu1ti
a three story brick
J. R. Stauffer. In
ed the office of the
paper, the whole pia
valued at $8,000, w
ed. Mr. Stau ee's b
with his entire took,
The loss is es mate
covered by ins mice
occurred in Berlin on
gin the destruction of
uilding, owned by Mr.
is building was locat-
erlin Telegraph news -
t and stook of which,
re completely destroy-
tton factory, together
were also destroyed.
at $40,000, mostly
--Mr. Waite E. -A array; private banker,
of Aylmer, and one o the moot prominens
citizens of that pll co, died on Monday.
Mr. Murray had bee. in failing health for
some time, and was reported to be improv-
ing, but death eame s dderily. Mr. Murray
leaves a widow end t o sons.
—Mr. Themes K:ys, of Wolfe Island,
near Kingston, has r covered his voice in a
remarkable manner. Several years ago he
received an injury, a d his voice failed him.
He had entered a sin for damages, but in
December he was eel ed with la grippe, and
after a severe siege, recovered, and with it
hie voice returned a clear and strong as
13a7,ik of
°mem I
Six Million Do
general .anki
sacted- Fariners'
and special sate
collection of;Sale
ed on deposits of
Special •fac1litie
business in the K
Money Orders, payable
following rates :-
Under 810 .08
810 to 820 .10
ars—r 000,000.
g businesstran-
Notes discounted,
tion given to the
nterest al I ow
1 and upwards.
for transaction of
ondiket District.
t any bank, issued at the
820 to $80 .12
e430 to 860 .14
F. 0.0. MINTY,
Fall Wheat (new), Standar
Spring Wheat per bushel,
Oats per bushel.. —
Pose per - -
Batley per bushoi;
Butter, No. 1,loo_
BItter, tub........ _
Egge per doz...- _
Flour, per 100 tbs..
flay per ton neve.4._
Hideo per 100 !be_ - _
Sheep Skins
Potatoe's per bush, (new)
nu, February 28, 1808.
•••••••• on,.
••• .00000•••
Balt (retail) per barrel- •• •-• •••.,
Wood per cord (locif)--'- -- -- • • - •
Wood per oord (ehort)...
Apples per bag._ _
Glover Seed
'Timothy Seed
Pork, per 100 be....
Tallow, per lb.... - .........
80 68 to se) 70
0 68 to 070
00 6238 ro 029
O 40 to
O 18 to
O 18 to
O 13 to
2 00 to
6 00 to
5 00 to
0 60 to
O lgeto
0 50 to
1 00 to 000
3 00 to 3 76
1 50 to 175
O 60 to 100
8 00 to 3 60
1. Ota 200
6 25 to 5 25
02 to 0 03
-0 43
O 14
O 14
O 14
2 00
6 60
6 50
9 70
O 18
TOnOirrO, Fehrnary 3rd. -Fail wheat, Mc;
spring wheat, 7410 .'et e atio ; peas, per but/h,
66e : barley, 47e to 601e ; hay per ton, e6.00 to
19.50 ; butter, 34o to, 163 ; notasoes per bush, 70e
to 75c ; eggs per dad., 200 to 203 ; dressed
hop, per 100 IN, 0.15 to 5.30.
Dairy larkets. '
TORONTO, February 21st—Butter— The
receipts of choice d iry butter are fair,
there is a good demani for choice, and the
market is steady, at 14 to 151e for large
rolls, and 11 to 131e f r dairy tub. Cream.
ery is steady at 20 2.o for prints, and
19 to 20c for packed. E gs—The offerings
of new laid eggs are fair, and, ow-
ing to the expectatOn of an increase
in the offerings 80 0, the feeling is
somewhat uneasy. N w 1 id are quoted at
18- to 19e • held fre h 121 to 13c, and
limed at 14 ix) 15c.
MONTREAL,February 21s Butter—,There
is now much going on in t e local market,
and the same uncertainty as to price a pears
to exist. As finest boxes are still offe ed at
20c, however, that maks the quotation.
Dairy rolls are said to bring as high es 15o.
Eggs—The market is quiet and unchanged.
No. 1 candled stock, 16 to 170; No. 2 can-
dled, 12 to 13c ; Mont eallimed, 141 tO 16o;
western limed, 131 to 14o ; western cold
storage, 121 to 13itc, and ulls at 10 to 11c
per dozen.
Live StockMarkets.
LONDON, February 2 th-eBoth in London
and here prices are hi her to -day. Ameri-
can steers are quoted a 11 to 21c (dress-
ed weight) ; live ghee are quoted at 12 to
130 (dressed weight). efrigerator beef is
higher at sac per pouni.
Monerizen, Februar 21st. ---The butchers
were present in large numbers and trade
was fair, with very lit le change in prices
excepting the comm.n stock were lower
priced than on Thus day. Mr. Ironsides
bought about 30 head f cattle for shipment
to Britain. He paid 5c er pound for four of
the best, leas $2 on the lot, the others cost-
ing from 4e to nearly 40 per pound. Prime
butchers' oattle sold a from 41 to 4lic per
pound, pretty good sto k from 3 to 41c,and
the common stock fro 21- to 31a per pound.
The best calves were old before reaching
this market. Mr. O. rown paid $11 for , a
seperior veal and $42 f r eix others. Nearly
al the calves in marl* were leas than two
w eka old, and sold at rom $2 to $5 each.
Sleep sell at about ie per pound, and
la bs at from 41 t 42c per, pound. A
spring Iamb Was ben t by McDuff Lamb
fo $6; Fat hogs are iigher, priced and sell
,nt about 41c per poun off the cars.
BUFFALO, February 21;st—Cattle — The
ba is was $5.50,with e aw.sales up to $5.70;
5 to 25e lower ; good
port cattle, $5 60 to
.15 to $5 35 ; export
d to choice butchers'
common to good fat
dere' hulls., $3,25 to
t heifers, $3.90 to
heifers, $3.75 to 84;
ern, good to choice,
s, good to best, $3.75
th stocker trade was
to best smooth fat e
$5 70; good to best,
bu $4 to $4.25 ;go
a era, $4,40 to $4.80
bu Is, $3.50 to $4 ; fe
$3 50 ; good to best f
$4 25 ; fair to good
mi ed fat cows and hei
$3 50 to $3.75; fat 'co
to 3.931; common to od do., $2.50 to 83;
st ckerseshoice to eve quality, $4 to $4.25;
co mon to good do.. '350 to $3.75; Jer-
ries stockers,$3 to $3.5( ; stock heifers!, $3,75
to 3 95 ;feeders, goo( to extra, $4.10 to
$4.25; common to good $3.85 to $4.25 ;fresh
co s, choice to extra go d bags.$45 ; spring.
era good to extra, 8 to 842.50; calves,
eh ice to extra, $7,2o to $7.50 • good to.
oh ice, $7 '• heavy fe steer calves, good
1 r, $4.25 to $4.75; c mrnon, $3 to $3.75,
Hogs—The market open d 100 lower, with
mi ed 43.85 to 83,90; Yorkers, $3,75 to
$3.:0; pigs, $3.65 Us' 8, .70; roughs, $3.25
to 3.40; stags, $2,50 o 82,75; the bulk
of the hog
8.50; on
ors was $
choice to
$5.05; go
good, $4 7
$4.25 to $'
common ti
ket was fa
all cleared
for the bee
sales were at Sa
the ,close the priors
70., Sheep and
xtra were quotai
d to choice, $4.90
•4:; good to choic
god, $2.75 to $3.
rly steady through°
; tbe basis on the
60, closing at
bid for York-
le at $5 to
to $5; fair to
°ice to extra,
,$1 to 84.25;
75; the mar-
t, and about
close was 50
In one day f
to accept poe
mon event
sehool in Qin
o(.1r Ca Is
r well qualified yeung en and women
Mona in business ofRees is not a corn.
ven In the leading Wetness training
.• a, the •
Centra ithusiness College,
of Toronto
But it *dual! 003iurred on January 26th, as follows
(a) Telegraf for young woman, stenographer, from
Fort McLeod (b)1Telephone for young man, clerk,
Union Statior, *Toronto ; (e) Call for young lady,
telegra her, omple Building, Toronto ; (d) Tele-
phone lor yo ng man, stenographer, Dominion Ex-
press Compan , Toronto,
Thie explai s why our competent students get
good position We train them properly, and busi-
ness men Ir -o it. Members admitted at any time.
Catalogue !re
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Yonge and G rrard ate., Toronto.
6th, the v•
Mr. I A.
of Mr. A.
Mr. Peter
_MUIR-1n Wr
Mr. Wm.
oflMr, Jo
Dri, E. H
of Mr. W
John Ta
16th, at tl
Rev. Joh
Mr. 'Wm,
eldest da
Ilford, Essey, Englan4, on February
ife of Mr. Allan S. MoLean of & son
orth, on February 1806, the wife of
cid, of e son
n February 10th, in Howlok, the wife
. Johnstoo, of It daughter,
Morrie, on February 12th, the wife of
toffat, of a eon.
xeter, on February 14th, the wife o
uir. of a son.
in Ethel, on FI bruary llth, the .wife
n McCallum, of a daughter.
Toronto, on February 80h. the wife of
Horsey, formerly of Clinton, of a
En Stanley, on February 14th, the wife
!lace Johnston, of a daughter.
ANDCOCK-- At the residence of Mr.
blyn, on February 16th, Mr. Harvey
o Mr. Loretta Handeoek, both of Hut-
DMORE-r-In Exeter, on February
o residence of the bride's father, by
Ball, of Kirkton, uncle of the bride,
. Redden, of Crediton, to Miss Amelia,
ghter of Mr. John Cudmore,
MeINTOSEI- t Cranbrook, on February 14th, Eliza-
beth, relis of the last :John hlehatosb, aged 80
yeers and 3 snoethe.
BEECROFT In East Wawanosh, on February 10th,
Mr. J. Be croft, wed 78 years.
Turnbert , on February llth, Hanna
Christina relict .of the late Charles Homuth
aged 84 y ars, 1 month and 26 days.
DARBY-In Nikeeng:awyn, on February 10th, Mrs.
Robert D rby, sister of Mr. Charles Howlett, of
Brussels, ged 70 years.
GROSSMAN- In Hullett, on February llth, George
Crossma , aged 80 years.
KAY -At Go ericlo, en February Oth, Ma.ble E. Dick.
, insets• wi e of the late Wm. 1Kay, M. A., aged 75
UZELL-In linton, on February 80h, Mary A. Uzell,
reliet of e late John Uzell; aged 66 years.
GILMORE-I Ashfield, en February 10th, James
Gilmore, ged 70 years.
DRENNAN- n Ashtleid, on' Rbruary lOth, Mr. J.
Drennan, aged 46 years.
ARMSTRON -In Stunley, on February lath, Raney
Armstro g, aged 81 y,
HILEf3-In Hallett, on Februarly 14th, at the resi-
dence of er sorein-law. Mr James Elsiey, Ann
Lyon. rtl et cf the late Wm. Hiles.
MORESUEA -At the Count, House of Refuge,
Clinton, on February 14th, John Moreshead,
Virmerly f Exeter, aged 79 years.
CREECH-In Exeter, on February 14th, Willie Ches.
ter, youn eat son pr Mr. m. Creech, aged 10
yeara and 12 days,
ANDERSON- In Stephen, on February lath, Joseph
Anderson aged 80 years.
SOMERVILL -In McKiliop, en Wednesday, Febru•
ary 22nd, Elizabeth Diekson• relict of the late
Mr. Wm. Somervi le, aged 79 Team
—Funeral o Saturday, at 2 o'elook, to Maitland•
bank cernete
On Tues
o'olook p. 1
R. S., Tue
Grieve, pr
ay, February 28th, 1899, at 1
., on Lot 17, Concession 3, H.
ersenith, Farm Stock. Hugh J.
prietor ; Thomas Brown, etre-
On Tuesd y, February 28th, at 1 o'clock
p. m., on Lilt 8, Concession 14, McKillop,
Farm Sto‘k and Implements. William
Glass, prop4 iefor ; C. Hamilton, auctioneer.
On Thurs ay, March 2nd, at one o'alook
p. m., on Lt 26, Concession 13, Hay, Farm
Stock, Imp ementa and Household Furni-
ture, s- John Deitz, proprietor ; E. Bossen-
berr , aucti neer.
On Frida , March 10th, at 1 o'clock p.m.,
at t4le Co mereial Hotel Yards, Public
Stock Stale it Horses and Cattle. Thomas
Broven, Auctioneer.
04 Satur ay, March 4th, 1899, at one
o'cloek p. m., on Lot 6, north boundary,
Hay. half a mile west of Kippen, Farm
Stock. Joh Chambers, proprietor; Wm.
McCloy, an tioneer.
e Si
The Best
ple Facts Relating
gilvie's Flour.
and Cheapest in the
bread producing property—
gth, nutrition, muscle forming.
es more bread, better quality,
ffords greater amount of nutri-
to the consumer.
farinaceous or weak matter,
, without the gluten, would
dark heavy bread.
Beater e gluten is the more costly
prope ty to produce.
As it Ives greater and more satire
factor results.
Domes ic bakers inay overlook
these acts, but , the professional
trade f Ily confirm t em by their
readines to pay hig er prices for
- the flo r, realizing i ie to their
profit do so.
Do not forget these facts when
offered 1 wer priced fl ur as "just
as good.'
Ogil e's Mills, f:eaforth.
Special Attenti
to Horseshoeing
General Jobbin
Goderich street,
MAKER WieeeZ 1
- - - Seaforth.
1DUBLIC aeon°
1, Mr. John Cha
ktoCley to oell by p
following properly,
team, five years old,
(111:4111,en1111 1;eaal,rlin1Fr
•fosls, eight montns
calf, or with calf at fo
old ; 3 heifers, rising
' g'ierOrr Tledr'm
March, 11
1 over that amount 9 m
furnishing approved j
rate of 6 per cent, t
I. ear:or:4'all
bets has instructed Mr. Wm.
blio auction on Lot 6, north
mile west of Kippen, 08. Fat.
/9, at one o'c'ock p. m., the
viz • : Horses. -One carriage
eighing 2,700 ponds ; 1 brood
oadster fllTy two years old
elding ; 1 01 , one year old ; 2
o'd. Cat:le. -Eight cows, in
•t ; 8 steers. rising two years
wo years old ; 6 Wye' rising
•ne sow, to litter first week in
urns of 95 nd under, caeh ;
nths' credit ill be given on
let noses. 4 discount at the
annum will be allowed off for
MoOLOY, auctioneer. 1628x2
Out SA
Dry Goods
er Go
IN •
Ready a e Clothing, Mantles and Milline
*on Bankrupt Sto k Co.
tinan Brothers' Old Staid
! This is t
! Our quot
retail prices, b
Tever in the
ress Goods,
' Black Lus
leek Lustre, 4
lack Brilliant
lack Brocade
11 -wool Princes
ast black, wort
lack all -wool
for 85c; Black ,
43 inches wide,
We make
breaker with
large and vari
creasing every
e ieason of the year when Black Dress Goods are in dematd, the
O ffer you here speak for themselves,
Jr ns for durable and stylish Dress Goods are always under usual
t his lot is 'especially so, owing to an extra, large purchase.
ist iry of this store have we shown: such a large range of Black
R ad on :—
re, 36 inches wide, bright and glossy fast black, worth 25c, for 20c ;
in he wide fine I finish, fast bl ck, very glossy, Worth 300, for 250 ;
ne Dress Goods, 42 inches wide,' beautiful finish, regular 600, for 50c ;
• ustre, 42 inches wide, fieral designs, bright and glossy, special 50e •
ir ill Serge'fast black, 25o ; Black Henrietta, 42 inches wide,
5 per yard, for 40e; Black all -Wool Henrietta, 50O, 60c, 750, and $1 ;
ira z Cloth, reversible, it makes a lovely mourning drug, regular price $1,
i Soliel, 45 inches wide regular price $1, for 90a ; 'Black Crape Cloth,
pe ;al 45c ; Black Satin Reoyal, albwool Dress Goods, special 50c.
$ecialti, of mourning goods. This month has been a record
8. February is always looked on as a dull month, but with a
d stock we carry and the low prices we quote keeps trade in -
month in the year.
.A.IsTr) QTEg-
T er. BEST, Ba
Notary Publi
Papet's bookstore, M
deter. Solicitor, Conveyancer,
uo steirs, over O. W.
in 8$rect,Seaforth, Ontario.
ed immediately
-.test treble wages
ED —iirst•clars sawyer wait.
God careful man and quick.
in Ile paid. Josiah Watson,
Conetance an
man I beg to deny t
have been married,
rt heving gained circulation in
vieimity that I am a rnarrieB
e report, as I am not, and never
I. H. RAY. 1628x1
-IVIONEY LOST,- est between Tuesday, February
14th, and Friel y, February 17th, a mil of bilis,
amounting to $16 -three fives and a one -Bank of
Commerce. The find r will be liberally rewarded on
leavi ig the s.tme at T B EN,OBITOB. Office, Seafortn.
•111. A laree amou
security at 6 per cent
loan. Apply to J.
t of money to loan on far
Lender will pay all costs of
. BEST, Barrister, Seaforth,
Ji Two good milk
capable of carrying
order, will be sold eh
14)re use for them.
for the business. Ap
Iot 28, Concession 4,
agon with pole and shafts, l
a ton , each, in good running
n, as the undersigned has no
Mao a good road mare suitable
ucke rnitb. 1628-01
.Lj- given, pureuan
t at Williarn Casey a
n fle at Seat -nth, Ont
style and firm of C
signment to me o
t e benefit of their or
e ant, Seaforth, Asei
eitor. Dated Februs,
NME NM -Notice lit hereby
to the statute in that behalf,
d Jane Casey, carrying on bus/t-
rio, as grooer., under the name,
y az Co., have this day made an
all tb ir property in trust for
ditore. WM. PICKARD, mor -
nee, bat J. M. BEST, his Son-
y 16tb, 899. 1628-2
13 Concession 13, -
know ri a 'the one.t
This seed was impor
by tbe undersigned
large white oat, yield
year, aed weighed 4
slow year they welg
bushel, or in bulk 60
P. 0.
undersigned has on Lot 21,
MeKilloP, a quantity of oats
ousand hat, suitable for seed.
ed front LaCrosse, Wisconsin,
tbree years ago. They are a
ft 00 Intehelef to the sore last
lbs.' to ;the bushel. ; the pre -
ed 50 II* Price 70 cents per
I ' 1628-tf
Sli0E A ENO.
give satisfaction.
14 dozen pairs, m
—trill dog, lea
lasts—some in
some with fancy,
tops, but every p
Geneine Slater
price stamped on
pair. Everybody
re beg announce to the
tlemeu: of Seaforth and
laity, that we have re-
ved an opened up our
ring an
!Slater oes.unimer stock
later emu are so well
own, a d are giving such
univelmal satisfaction
ougho Canada, that it
ardly eeessary for us to
ite the up in THE Ex -
MIL But before you
y your next pair of shoes,
embe that Slater shoes
ade u the largest fee -
y rnakg men's shoes in
nada. hey are Goodyear
It sew are made of the
best le 1. ers, on all the
et A Helen styles, and
ery psi/ is guaranteed to
Our ne stock comprises
de on he newest shapes
ideal, -o1n and natural
hocola , some in black,
eating t ps, sone with kid
ir the •p notch of shoe
shoes lways have the
he sol —$3, $4 and $5 a
invitedj to call and see
; 1
IS the place to get ,good bargains,
4 the annual stocktaking sale is
Maw booming for $0 days, in -order
t6 reduce my stock before stock -
t king. This sale is no humbug ;
I always do what I' say, therefore
I invite all to give pie a call and
secure some of tl et bargains that
a 'e going: 1 have just laid in rt
v ry large stock oTeash as
g eep, black, Japan and tea -dust;
a o a Ceylon, one ,14 the best teas
t at elver struck Seaforthi direct
fr m the growers j4t is Or1ly$1
a pound, and is 1Snnaeqii very
choice. , ;
Wanted ----,-Butter, eggs dried apples and
• petatoes, for wh nh. the- -?highest
Prket prices wil 1 be;paid.
Notice tol recilitort.
In the matter of the Estateof Rainey ArinJf
strong, deceased.
,. I
Notice is hereby given th 't all peraons havin
claim against the estate of tm aid Rainey Arm-
atrong, We of the township of $tauley, in the Count
of Irma, yeoman,rdeceasted, who died on or *bolt
the 130h hay of February,. A. .18112, are required to
send by pod prepaid, or to de I Or 10 James Soler,
Blake P. 0., htenley, one Of thi mentors of the wil
of the asid deceased, on or Ibefore q the 8th day of
April, 18 0, their names, addrea and descriptions,
and a lull statement of pettionl re of their chtimis
and the risturoof the securities (11 Any) held bythem,
duly veri ed, and that . alter th ,said day the i EX -
°castors will proceed to distributethe meta of the
deceasedatmong the parties 08110 104 thereto ,having
regard only to the claims at will h they shall ithen
have not ce. JAMER Scorr, SoIIcit.or for JAMES
SOLER and E. ROBINSON, Exsotaors. Dieted at
Olinton, ,he 21e1 day of February, . iaaaa
1.11 CT or4
t F ;t1,
41 ,e4e.
RI•4• "r"
Is a gold time to begin your Course of study.
Four students placed in 400d positions
last week. 1
A beautiful prospectus mailed free to any
A. S. Nimmo, Proprietor.
Shorthorn Cattle, OlydOsdale and
Roadster Hors.
Mr. John Avery will sell by !Publid Auction at his
farm, LOt %, Concession 1, Stank --3 miles from
Clinton, n
th 1899
tile, Clydesdale
we, 2 pure bred
heifers. All are good individuele &n4 tecond to pone
in Caned in breeding. Alen A Cmares, (33 tra quality ;g -a
pair two year old geldinldesdale brood
extra lar e, sired by Jae Anderson 4 head of good
roadster d carriage horse, and alsicatalogue. A one pure bred
Duroe Jersey sow, in pig. Write, for
conveyan e will meet the noon traits at Clintm for
the conve ienee of those comielg from if. distance.,
Terms, Nine months' eredit on firreirliing sale.
factory se rity ; a discount of 5 per cent. allowed
for tag/.
Auctioneer. Propri000r,
His etooli
ard road
Five p
nesday, March 1
of pure-bred •Sharthprn d
reerbir'eoembes'uevsi,zpure red
}Dim Pickard &
Annual Clearing Sale!
CH i
We find that we are too he4vily loaded in several lines of goods. In order
to make room fel' spring goods, we have -decided upon making a big slanghter
sale of the balance of all Winter goods for cash, commencing on FridaY.,
January ,6th, inst. A splendid Opportunity for those in need of the following
All Lathes' anti Children's Coats at 60c on the dollar.
Allladies' Mantle and Jacket Cloths at 68e on the dollar,
All Men's, Youth.,', Boys' :and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pea Jackets,
odd Coats, odd Pants, odd Vests, Smocks, Overalls, and Cardigan Jackets at
78c on the dollar,
In bther words $10 Suits for $7.80' • $5 Suits for $3.90 ; $6 Overcoats for
$4.68 ; $10 Overcoats for $7.8a: All Ladies' Fur Capes, Muffs, Collers, Rua,
and Ga0alets at 75c on the dollar. All Men's and Ladies' Fut Coats, Men's
Caps, anicl Gauntlets at big leductions on regular prices.. A good selection to
Ichoose from.
All Goat Robes at 75e., on the dollar.
SpeOial prizes on Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes and Black Cattle Robes.
All Shawls at 78c on the dollar.
All Bed Comforters at 78c On the dollar.
All Men's and Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves, Men's and Boys' Underwear
Ladies n erwear, Blankets, Fancy Flannels, Grey. Flannels, and Flanneletts
at 85e oi the dollar.
Spe ial prices in Winter Top Shirts.
We will also give special pries on all Dress Goods in stock.
All Rats in the Millinery Department at half price.
We will also give an extra 4scount on all Suits made to order. Ask to
see our Shit to .order at $11.75.
Insp4ct our world beating Top Shirts at 25c each.
Don neglect to call and inspect the many
We have in store for you.
Now is Your Klondike •'Opportunity
g‘iNre cordially invite inspection.
N o troubie to show goods.
Op site Town Building Corner Main and Market Streets,
Whitewear Specials
Ladies' Night Gowns,
Full size Gown, made of good cotton, With
lace trimming, less than the price of
making, and you can't buy the cotton
for the price only -25o.
Next niumber—a special at the remarkable
price of 750, w th embry trimming in
two or three styles.
A beauty is what everybody says when
they see our next Gown in fine gods.
To sell at—$1.
Three more specials at --$1.1g, $1,38
and $1.48.
PI vvtifte Qtiernise;
In al Orices, from lArt. tn 95c eaell.
orset Covers
At all nri es. Spacial at 12e eaeh.
;Ali terli, es at 18e, 25e, 30c,
.00, 0, 750 and $1,
Fine White Skirts.
A beauty with deep frill of Cambric, and
two clusters of tucks, special 60c.
Wide elubry frill, with—a good---E—nglish
cotton, well made and wide width, at
Our .special Skirts at 980 are made in two
styles, one with a deep frill of em-
broidery and the other with a cambric
frill with insertion both nicely tucked
See our finflnigeoub
hded'ale ge:Cfriil:
uSkirt, with wide
$em1b.39.roidery and insertion frill, at
Four more specials at $1.49, $.1.88,
$1.89 add $2.25.
Fine Drawers at all prices. Special—Full
size, tucked and deep hem, special 15c
or tyro for 260.
Lace or frill trimmed, special at 19ot
Three cluster tucks and frill or embroidery
trimmed at 25c•
Special deep frill of fiue embroidery and
tucking, special for 50e a pair.
Better specials rat 75c, 89c, $1 and
A call at our store and a look at our stock
will convince you that we eau save you
the express on this class of goods.
To customers; sending mail orders ; We will
pay express on any amount of $5 and
over. It will pay you to try our awe •
for good ,gcpds at the Mount possible
prices at
The L dies' Store
Seaf rth, Ont
Pexit cost's one1 Price qash Store
Uncier Town CIck, Cardn s Block