HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-02-17, Page 7FEBRUARY 17. 1899
RI 17, 1899
trei's-ht cars
0,2{Iarse Shoes
flue cren-
- - •
1-OPt t4EAFOPerrii.
[tervarien of her beenty Lily
" 1 live plainly, take
eae in the fresh eir, and don't
4go a minister was preechinge
ine in a 1st tie Canadian villages
. very old, bat, very sprightly,
we in the dory he stopped be
speak to her. Finding he
ctv he asked her hew she came -
such good health so late in
few nitnutee' thought the old
-believe there are three things
ek far mv good health ; pleen
thinkirig, and hard work."'
with Lily Laegtry's.
lhlie Attention
wing directed to Cetarrhozone,
'rest has been aroused by ite
eut upon diseame germs. Cate
irritable throat, and such
Otly diseppear when this ap..
pinesecented gas is inhaled -
wherever air can go. 'Messrs -
Co., Kingston, Ont.,_ have
daiseed that Napiple ontfits of
will be given our readers free,
et if tent for immediately.
3-rey Council.
sal council of the township, of
he township hall on February
embers were all present, wi
the chair. Minutes of laab.
read and confirmed. The fol.
were received for the town
or 1899: James Irwin, Brut.
15 50 ; W Kerr, Brussel*
doved by James McDonald,
an Turnbull. that the tent
Kerr, for $44, be accepted,
awarrded the contract. -Cart
ditorie report was laid or* the
read over and finally audited
. Moved by Robert Living-_
$d by lamer' McDonald, that
report be adopted -that the
tructed to have the. a,bstract
the Brussels Post.---Idarried.
a the petition of Oliphant
lets, asking to have the dog
, snd referred to at last meet, -
ed by Robert Livingttone,
James McDonald, that no
roe -Carried. The following
presented, viz Duncan Mn..
• "Ridley and James Mitchell,
eer vices a9 deputy -return ing
ation ; trustees of Noho61 mice
4 and 5, each the sum of $3t
mil bowies at electton '• Jahn'
Da„iring road scrapers, $2,35e
eervices as medical health -
W. H. Humphrey, rag bolte,
lee H. Bartliff, • gravel,Pe
Itone and Alex. Stewart, wok
tuclitore ; Alex. MeNair, mak*
3661 /ittel/lent, $7.50 ; Melt
ravelling on Ride road at lote
onceseinn I, $.35. Moved by
• seconded by ISalie Like,
t accounts be peid.-Carria
ten adieu/mad to meet obtain
the 4th day of March next,
'ship hall. William Speeder*
erELLOW CIL is prompt to refire*
veughs entd4, sore throat, pain
nese,. q'ees%, eto Price 25c.
kehes at Sea.
[e ashen on steanishipa were
[. great cane, htMted to tbe
e or tees difficulty and
arc'. Among the new dia
[saving in thie direction is
ieh a_ very tarring air current
noshes are plaeed tn the chute
tlate. and are airmmt instant -
eh thin conductor into the
unt of labor saved by this
cely be appreciated by those
Na.tchecl the wearisome drag-
mormoue quantity of refuse
eel; in steamships and large
fost obstinate ocprna,
utly and permanently
ast middle life, and 1)r,
1.ut has cured Speedily and
It is a boon [ to ntothers'
boon to babyland--scald
eitations,•which. axe IICO0131-;
teethiiie nerio4 are.. nickly
restlessness passes away-,
where torture reigned with
baby this bairn brought rest
and a cure -4 affords in- .
stant relief fr•orn ths
itching distress. - -
Do you. suffer front:
bleeding or ulcer
ated 7 -No remedy
has brought so quick
relief, spared painful
surgical operations an
Dr. Agnew's Oiritmedtt
-it hag proved itself as
absolute cure for piles;
fl forms and at all stages-- I
will relieve the itChlago
Itions in an instant -
antes disappear after front i
its' treatment -the pain anti I
311 and the tumors vanish:. -
rr lady living on Paeifie Neeis.
51Y afflicted with scald -bead epee
',washes prescribed by her plefs-
erfised for such purpcises,but tber
-Dr, Agnew's Ointment was kee
, box cured the baby and curet ;
[tie piles which had been the ban,
,iy'a birth.
:tering, shortness of breath 04E,
Irh of years' standing-re:lie.*
in bilffleenesii and liver trouble*
u & Wilson,
11 11811 S
• If it was only health, we
night let it cling.
But it ,is a cough. One cold
no Sooner passes off before
another comes. But it's the
same old cough all the time.
And it's the same] old story,
too. There is first the cold,
then the cough, then pneu-
monia or consumption with the
long sickness, and life tremb-
ling in the balance.
loosens the grasp of your cough.
The congestion of the throat
and •lungs is removed; all in-
flammation [ is subdued; the
parts are pin perfectly at rest
and the cotigh drops away. It
bas no di eased ‘tissttes on
which to hang.
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out iniflammation of the
lungs. •
Advice Frei,
Remember mettle a limiest Depart,
merit, If you have any complaint what-
ever and desire the best medical adVICS
yon ean possibly obtain, write the
doctor freely. Yon will receive a
promptreply, wihout exert.
,Addrese, DR. J. O. AYER,
Lowell, llsee,
• Our direct connections will save you
time and money"for all points.
Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
to snit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for your accommodation. Call
for further information.
Grand Trunk' Railway. ,
Trains leave &Worth and Cllinton
Goma Wear --
Mixed Train..
Mixed Train ... . .
Mixed Train...
12.40 P. M.
10.12 P. M.
9.20 A. M.
6.16 P. M.
7.55-A. M,
3.11 P. M.
6.20 P, M.
, as
10.27 P. M.
10.15 A. M.
7.06 p. M
7.40 A.M.
2.56 PrM.
4.86 P.M.
Welling -ton, Grey and Bruce.
Ethel • ...„.
Wingham.. .
Paiteenger. bilxed.
10.04 P. K. 1.40 P. M.
10.16 2,10
10.28 2.45 '
10.40 , 805 '
• Paneeeger. Mixed.
6.50 e. et, 8.55 a. it
' 7.00 9.17 '
...... 7.16
Ethel. • ' 7.28
London, Huron and Bruce.
Oorse Nowrir-
London, depart
Exeter.. _. ..... . . .
8.16 A.M. 4.46 lee.
9.18 665
, 980 8,07
, 9.44 6 18
9,60 0.25
9,68 6.33
Clinton.. -......;..... e0,15 6,55
Londesboro ...... .... .. 10.33 7.14 '
Blyth 10.41 7.23
Belgrave 10 66 7 137
Wingham arrive ...... .. 11.10 8.00
,Clante Souls- Passenger. ,
Wingham, depart.... ..., 6.63 ex. 8.80 P. M.
Belgrave . .. 7.04 8.46
Myth. ...... ..... - .... 7.16 4 00
Londeste-oro........- ..". • 7.24
Clinton 7.47 .
Brucefield 8.06 i
Kippen- ..... .... ..... 8.17
Ilensall- .... . .... , -
Centralia... . .....
London, (arrive)
4 80
8.24 6.04
8.88 6.18
8.60 6.25
9.60 if. 6.20
Cook's Cotton Ito-ot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
0,000 Ladiee. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Coot s Cotton Root Cern-
-pound. Take no other as all Mixt aces , pills and
• imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1,• st per
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two B-eent
stamps The Cook Company Windsor. Out.
aar-Nos. 1. and 2 eold anti recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
Sold In Seafortb by Lumsden & ilson, druggIste
External or internal pernianett
surgical operation or caustics,
Write for book on cancers and t
DR. SMITH, Cancer Spec
ly cured witheut
or causiog pain.
more, Numerdue
Port Huron, Michigan.
P. 0. Hex 1043
Musical - Insrument
Owing to hard times, .N.re have cmi-
Pluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Price
Oigans at $25 aml upwards, an :1
Pianos at corresponding prices.; .
See US before purchasing.
Professor Drummond on oys.
' Here is Professor Drutninond'e musing,
but sympathetic end auggestive, dettoription
of boys as found in a state of nature in the
large cities:
"The boy is accounted for by the evolu-
tion theory. His father was a primitiVe
man. It is only his being in a town and his
mispronunciation that make you think he is
not a savage. What he repreeents is capac-
ity ; he is clay, dough, putty. This boy
cannot as yet walk straight, or ldresa better,
or brush his hair. He is not good. He is
not bad. He has no soul. He has not even
soap. He is simply boy, pure, unwashed,
unregenerate boy. Can anything be done
for him? Yes, a very great i vcntion has
appeared; it is known to th h initiated as
the ' B.B.' Until the ‘B.B.' w a discovered
scarcely any one knew how to nake a man,
a gentleman; and a Christian out of a mes-
sage -boy. The thing had happened, per-
haps, as a chance or sport, but there was no
steady machinery for it. Specimens could
be turned out at the rate of a score or two
in a year, but under the new process you
have them by the battalion. Tke message -
boy of the close of the nineteenth century,
in fact, will 800II become a tradition. All
that will remain of him will be a basket and
a woollen comforter.
"Like all really great itiventions, the new
process is very simple. It rises naturally
out of a process already ir use, or rather in
• uselessness, fer the old pr cons rarely affect-
ed anything. Let us uppose you have
gathered a Sunday ohms f boys, and treat
them at first on the old ok time -dishonored
plan. Infinite trouble and infinite bribery
have brought these oreatutes together; and
as they come solely to atnuse themselves,
your whole effort is spent in keeping order
-in quelling riots, subduing irrelevant re.
marks, minimizing attaeke upon the person
and protecting your Sund1y hat from de.
struction. No boy, you k2 ow perfectly, has
yet succeeded in listening to you for two
consecutive minutes, They haveothing whatever. Respect is u known, ,
obedience a jest. Even the minor virtues
of regularity, penctuality and courtesy have
not yet dawned upon their virgin ntinds.
"What is wr ng is that they have no mo-
tives, no intere t, and you,have not tried to
find these for t em. They are street boys,
and yoe have trjeated them as if they bad
'he motives an interests of domestic boys.
'i'ho real boy na ure in them hoe never been
consulted. Yoe may be a very remarkable
man, but it is net their kind of remarkable.
ness, so you are a person of no authority in
their eyes. You may be a walking' biblical
cyclopedia, but they have no interest even
in a stationary biblical cycloptedia. They
believe you to be a thoroughly good fellow
in your way, only it is an earth's diameter
from their way; and that you should know
precisely what their way is they gVelessly
give you opportunity of lean= every
single second you spend among ther."
Then after describing how the bye' bri-
gade in Glasgow was formed, and the boys
had gone through a few nightie drill, the
Professor proceeds to say:
"You do not start off with the old in-
jured Sunday air,:' Now, boys, behave your-
selves.' There Are no boys in the rooni..
These are privates, full privates. You do
not cringe before them and beg and implore
attention. You pull yourself together and
shout out that last word, "tenshun,' like
an explosion, and the very charge or accent
to the last syllable paralyses the whole row
into rigid statues. Following up this sud-
den advantage you keep them moving -
marching, halting, marking time, and doub-
ling, till they are dropping with fatigue.
What liberties you take this blessed night!
No lion -king making hie wild beasts jump
through hoops coeld be prouder of himself.
You order them . about like an emperor.
You criticise their hands, their faces, their
feet -even their boots -without a murmur '
of dissent. Number five's hair is pilloried
before the whole eompany,•and he actually
takes it as a compliment. Eleven' a coat
has.a tear across the breast which is de -
flounced as unmilltary, and -he is ordered to
have it repaired on penalty of the guard-
room. If three of the rear rank again kicks
two ot the front rank he will be put into a
dungeon. Any private absent from drill
next Tharsday wili be branded as a deserter,
while uitwashed hands will be a case for a
court mertial. ,
'''' Amazing ancl preposterous iilusion 1
Call thepe boys beets, which they are, and
ask them to sit up in a Sunday °hiss, and
no power on eerth will make them do it;
but put a five -penny cap on them end call
them soldiers, which they are not, end you
can order • them about till midnight. The
gonias who discovered this astounding and
inexplicable psychological •fact -i ought to
rank with Sir Lisette Newton.' Talk of what
care be got out of coal tar and waste 'paper!
Why, you take your boy, your troglodyte,
your Arab, your gamin on this principle,
and there is no limit to what you can ex-
tract from him lor do with him. Look at
this cpiondam class whicinis to -night a com-
pany. As class it was confusion, depres-
sion, demoralization, chaos.- As company,
it is respect, self-respect, enthusiasm, hep-
piness, peace. The bea.uty of the change is
spontaneous, semi ed without heartburn,
maintained withou compulsion. The boy's
own nature rises to it with a bound; and
the livelier the specimen the greeter , its
hold upon him." -From the "Lite oil Henry
Drummond," by Dri George Adam Sinith.
• •
. INSTANT RELIEP guaranteed by using MIL -
depressing after-effect.
A -Frost
"Blesithis little
as he beamed into t
(low of his drawing
under his coat-tails,
his eyes fixed on th
Tom, aged nine,
frosty pavement, in
cart 1" said Mr, ldboy,
e street from t e win -
(tom. He had hie hands
his' legs a -straddle, and
figere of his only son
ha was sliding on the
defiance of pollee regu•
It was a good s ide, considering hat it
was the sole work f one small bo'. He
had been at it all th morning in th inter-
vals of dodging the °lawmen, and h d got,
it to curve grandly rom the top of t e side-
walk right down to the lamp -post at the
corner. •One or tw timid people h d sug-
gested that it migh be dangerous, b , Mr.
Oldboy pooh-hoohe the idea.
• Master Tom came into breakfast, ad his
father remained at the window.
A man carne alon the street, a t 11 man
in an overcoat and n a hurry. He ad an
important business ort of look on his fece,
He stepped on the slide, then b gan a
wild double shuffle, whirling his arm about
in eestasy for a moment, then lay down on
the flat of his back, the shock making his
bones rattle audibly Mr. Oldboy 1 ughed
till the tears stood i his eyes.
The man rose and (dared around, hirst-
ing for *ore. As t ere was nobody about
whoM he could kill re hirpled off an 1 van -
Presently a very f t old woman, carrying
a veto/ fat basket, a peered. She had on a
poke bonnet as big as a coal-skuttle, and her
•feete in their territorial pumps, were a sight
She waddled seren ly on the slide, gave a
screech, and came d wn crash on the top of
the basket. Both ? flared severely, and, as
he vvatehed the gathieing up of the frag-
ments, Mr. Oldbo3 , held his Bidet!, and
vowed it was as goose as a play.
The next to appear was one of sheigenus
masher. He was very long, very lank, had
a collar on that inade him look like an
ostrich with its head stuck through a chim-
ney -pot, and, he carried a cane.
• He came up in a al epy, yaw -haw tiort of
way, as if it was ' weally a boah to be
don'eher kn w," till he got On the
slide. Then quicks Iver in an oven was
nothing to him. He gave a yell like a Red
Indian, and atarted ir the lamp -poet, &mar -
atarrh Cure
Cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, Rose Fever and
all Head Colds. 'Glv one blow with the
BI wer and the Powde Is dirtisod, making
a 8 re and Permanent Cure.
hanka i ro
•ost h
is aff
is f
• qt.
g th
at si
•stop hi
Tom fr
flew do
the pa''
ward, a,
the wei
cake, a
his cane and ya
about till he loo
tongs. When he
em braced ,it lovi
otion by spreedin
king- his spindle -
ed like a hilerious
reached the lamp.
gig, and it repaid
leis nose all over
Oldboy fairly sc7amed with merri-
le the unfortunate Was trying to re -
is visage to something like its proper
he policeman came up. He listened
tale of woe, and then approached
's doer and rang the bell.
ase air," eaid the housemaid, enter -
drawing room, "here's the police-
nd he says as salt must be put on
right, Susan; see itelone," said Mr.
and went to prepare for hia journey
as late as it was that morning, but
of making bad worse his wife' had to
to give him a home-made cake to
to a friend,
a, here's your car coming?" shouted
m the door,
right," and, snatching his hat, he
n the steps.
that tbere slide. Scudding across
meut, his feet Went suddenly sky -
d he charged headforemost into the
Those on the top of the car beheld
spectacle of a fat old gentleman
on his head amid the ruins of a
d applauded with might and main.
Mr. 51dboy did not go into the city that
day. o went into the house and got a
•cane. hen he got Tom to play at wild
Ineliens with him in the study, and real
Indians ould not have equalled the noise
they m de.
• .
er Effects More Danger -
o' s Than, the Disease. .
A Well Known Quebee Farmer Suffered
• Un Id Misery for Three Years Before
He • ound Relief.
The e idemic of la grippe which has swept.
over Ca ada like a scourge this winter, has
left thoo an& of weak and despairing suffer-
ers in • 11 parts of the laud. Grippe is a
treacher us disease, you think you are
cured, y t the,slightest cold brings on a re-
lapse. ts victims are left in a weakened
conditio , and fall an easy prey to its mani-
fold co tplioations. The blood is left im-
pure and impoverished ; the nerves shatter-
ed, and earn trouble and nervous prostra-
tion are oo often the result. The following
stateme t made by Mr. _Daniel Clostsey, a
well kno n farmer living near West Brume,
Quebec, ndicates the ravages made by the
after eff as of this scourge. Mr. Clossey
says :-' Some five years ago I had an at-
tack of I grippe. The earlier symptoms
passed a ay, yet I continued to fail in
health, nd suffered intense pain in my
head. 1 was subject to attacks of dizziness,
and unle s I would grasp something would
fall. I radually grew so weak as to be un-
able to d • any work. My lege and feet
were as cold as ice, even in the su mer
months. If I attempted the least ex r
my heart would beat violently. For three
years I as in this helpless condition, and,'
although during that time I was attend d by
three di rent doctors, their treatmen pre-
duced no the slightest benefit. At this
time I re d the statement of one who had
suffered f om similar trouble, who was aired
by the us of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill , and
lieve Dr. illiams' Pink Pille saved m life,
I decided to try them. The result wa aim -
ply man! Iloilo. A dozen boxes did what
three yea s of expensive medical trea ment
failed to accomplish -restored me to full
health an vigor, and I am again able o do
my work bout the farm. I honestl be -
and I am lad to make this statement for
the benefit it may bring to others."
After as attack of Is grippe Dr. Will ams'
Pink Pill is the only medicine that can
promptly restore you to health. They drive
every tra e of the poisonous germs froip the
system, b ild up and enrich the b1ooc and
strengthe the nerves. Sold by all d alera
or sent pot paid at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for 2.50 by addressing the Dr. Wil-
liams' Me ioine Co, Brockville, Ont. Al-
ways refu e imitations or substitutes.
Pips That Won't Freeze.
The fro, en water pipe hi a problem that
confronts- almost everybody where 1 rge
systems o water are in use. A new Ge man
invention • esigned to prevent this provides
an opport nity for its expansion by cold.
Into the ron pipe as far as it is above
ground th re is inserted a second narrower
pipe ot thn sheet tin or lead, which is filled
with an el stio substance, sue as rubber,
for instance. This insertion remains un-
affected b ordinary pressure, ut if extreme
cold shoul cause ehe water t freeze the
elastic ins rtion is eompressed y so much as
the volum of water is increes d by freezing.
In thawin the insertion expa ds again to
its origina circumference. TI e tin or lead
amend th instertiOn is for th purpose of
preventin the water from ass iming an un-
pleasant t ete or odour. Wat r pipes pro-
vided wit such insertion withstood a cold
test of 40 eg. C., while others that were
not provi ed with it burst every time.
Take Laza ive Bromo Quinine Tab
gists refund he money if it fails to
ets. All Drog-
ue. 25o.
The Tr ining of Chil ren to Be
Truthful. !
Most pe
bargo on o
child tru
crudest be
taught ho
of the wor
of accurac
of the.avoi
aside desir
mime with
yo ng be t
tha other
it ut tha
ple think that by laying an em-
tright falsehood they can make a
ful. Not so ; this is but the
Inning. The child needs to be
to be truthful in the full sense
. It should be taught the duty
,of discrimination,:of moderation,
able of exaggeration, of the self-
hich controls emotion and sets
a when they tempt to a compro-
truth. Especially should the
ught the supremacy of truth -
hinge are to be 'subordinated to
• it should never be subordinated
to anything.
habituated al
cation will be
ple and str
frank and di
faithful and t
To o e thus trained and
hypoor ey, sham and equivo-
impossi le ; life will be aim-
ightfor ard, speech will be
cere, ami °hares:ter will be
• Why gen on't Marry.
It is a melancholy f ct that young men of
the present d4 are le s irnpultive and more
calculatini, than they ormerly were. Love
in a cottage bias long been almost an ex-
ploded myth, and the deasant fallacy that
,where one can dine t o can, only require',
so it is eai , a few r onths' trial to be at
once and for ever isproved. We are
gradually coestomin ourselves to regard
rnatrimon as an Wei not to be entered
upon ligh lyn but de nancling the fullest
and most mature e nsidereeion. Many
young men whp willingly succumb to the
attraction hf a pretty face, and plunge un-
hesitatizigl m irt1ation on every avail-
able oppor1uuiy, how ver closely they may
flutter rou d the (sand e, take eapecial care
not to hur4 their wing, while on their side
the ladies are eqnall cautious as to the
amount of no gragemitnt they may safely
venture to es w. Oi the whole, match-
kneoris w.eee n vet moo essential than they
mn. 40 SE, OF BERLIN.
Cured f iuthbgo by Dodd's
idne Pills.
Berlin, eb,` 13- veryone in Berlin
knows And ew House. He is a respected
and prcspe ounresiden , who numbers his
friends by undreds.
For over ye npast, Mr, House Was tor-
mented by eve e pains in his back, which
increased in severity in spite of doctors and
their medic nes
,l He was. *led to try Dodd's Kidney
Pills. He id so. Th t night he felt less
pain. Dail. the pains abated, and in leas
than two w aloe Dodd' Kidney Pills had
cured him t or ughly.
-There is nly oneetur and unfailing cure
for Beak -se e. That c re is Dodd's Kidney
Pills. [Expe ienise has ptoved this thousands
of timers.
Charles K
making on
Withoet pr
given it a, p
evidence al
vouch fpr it
ance then fo
the newepa
afresh, Her
about What
ought tO pa,
of you,
thoughts cin
ance of mise
o be Miserable.
ley once wrete a recipe for
elf thoroughly miserable.
ing or confessing to have
al trial, but from interned
we .1 Mild be willing to
soy w th stronger aseur-
th t of mo it recipes given in
ers It h s just turned up
it is : "T ink about yourself,
ou want, v hat respect people
to you, an what people think
other words, centre all your,
elf, and yoji will have a.bund-
Learn to be
exhortations an
those who hre
short ;time s sh
learn to eon ens
We can end re
soon over, bibs
siple and pei in
trated beyo d th
venience, op
main fact in you
your me tet e a
down tw4 ords
e Sh rt.
fshort. Long vimits, long
long p ayers seldom profit
do wth them. Life is
rt ; mo ents are precious;
, abri ge and intensify.
any an ehe and ill if it is
• even leasures grow in-
olerable, if they are pros-
• limits of reason and con -
if branehes, stick to the
• case. If you speak, tell
d holdi your peace ; boil
into one, and three into
e elpfti Word.
Give t oung and str ggling a word of
en0OUra nt,w en yo can. You would
not leav t ose ilante n your window -
boxes wit t wa r, nor refuse to open the
shutters ha the sunligh might fall upon
them ; b t ou mild 1 aye some human
flower to n i er item wa t of appreciation
or thins n1 ght f enco ragement. There
are a few h rdy souls hat can struggle
along on to •y soi -shru is that can wait
for the de vs and bnnbea • s, vines that oan
climb wit io t kindly tra ping, but only a
few. Ut r he kind w ird when you .can
see that i is deserved, he thought that
"no one areban1 no on knows blights
many a NO if promise; 6 it the young
artist at his asel,t the yo ng preacher in his
pulpit, the ork an at is bench, the boy
at his mathe ati 1 probl ms, or your little
girl at the pi no, Lee wh t praise you can.
died trom
long time,
the distri
, •
h rne.s Beard
Jaluary 30th,
Sie suffered fr
a r lapse. She
an was one of
ied on Monday
t her home near
m is grippe and
had lived there a
he old settle/8 of
pting in oston is the e
can do bus nese success ally
?-Boston lobe.
ew termini( station wil ac.
000 trains day. That o ght
body to ipave Boston hat
iladelphia edger.
noy 1 of Bo ton used 85 000
ing to the ildermen of hat
ust ibo rain' creatures indeed
d it. -New York Press. ,
ago fad is to eat ice cream
• inc pie. This produces a,
ue s yle of stomach ache ex-
ag sque.--Lbenver Post.
is content to call it plain
oston refuses to recognize
di nified than "bronchial
St i Louis Globe -Democrat.
casting of making money
r. This ie a stock jest. In
it IS the copper that makes
the city. -St. Louis Repub-
Where ex
big hotel tha
without a ba
oommodate 2
to enable eve
Wants to, -P
Mayor Q
words in ta
city. They
if they descry
A new Chi
spread over
new and uni
elusively Chi
"grip," but
anything le
Boston is
out of her co
other places
money out of
New Orlea
and in proper
condition mo
the world sav
Orleans Time
St. Louis p
outside world
keeps people
town in the e
ance at To
a plan to rai
city by insure
putting the
not insure t
city? -New Y
s h s suffered in business
y v lues from its insanitary
e th n anyeivilized city in
• th city of Havana. -New
• -D mocrati ,
per are trying to make the
believe that fear of foetpads
away from 1 church he that
ening: Hew is the ettend-
y Faust'sPI - Minneapolis
Rimini of Bridgeport have
furals fel. 'improving their
g their lives. Is this not
rt before the horse? Why
eir lives by imeroving tho
•rk Berald,
W. S. Gilbe
working hour
The Frenc
house and al
There aro 700
ors and 5,000
Professor T
man historia
eighty-first bi
work on Romr
owned work o
Old Sleuth,
novels, died
61. His name
took him awe.
ive stories, an
produced one.I
Forain, the
eently asked w
the deeper a
"There ie no
replied, with a
into his voice.
nerves, at the
, the librettist, counts his
from midnight to noon.
painter Moreau left his •
h s piotues to the state.
11 »alntingjs, 800 water mi-
ke ,hes.
eodor Moinmsen, the' Ger-
aving celebrated. his
Ihday by completing', his
n oihm1na1 law, has now re-
• hi Roman history.
he tuthor Qf over 600 dime
1 $
tly in Brookly4R, aged
Herta P. Halsey. It
write dne of his detect-
ndor presstuv he even
• ay.
eh caricaturist, was re-
er he found depravity
the rich or the poor.
hing asi depravity,,he
t le disdain he could put
t the to it 11 diseased
t humor."
1, •
4 # • • • • ag; 0
• (itf''• 6176: 6Zig: *Mag..
e Well.
if %jou ar iii if is hot clot?
alone wit° itife.r/ but thos.e who clepend fA
uponyou, thoe to whom %jou are clear 8
-*fitter vac/ are a man or a woman.
0 The worst 4ii6ease6 in the world
. 6
are 61ight.4ierif5 af first . If tell
3... are feelin3 teafi, nervous or run
clown -0;f 'io are at ail unwell
or• tatie
and be made brithil active and sttliong. R cottimendeci
tisbsi the liberal moe4 doctor and thi e trained nusse.Bvt
troy must get Me #nuine.-substitutesi never core4 antione
5 i . 4,
• •
Froin Parrsboro, N.S.. Leachr.
There is scarcely a man, won= or child in the busy mining town of Springhill, N. S., who does not know Mr.
Moses Y. Boss, the trusty agent of A. R. Fulton, dealer in carriages and farm implements. Two years ago the
writer first met Mr. Boss, ad wa h struck ,with the extreme pallor of his couptenance. He seemed, in feet, like one
in the deadly grip ofteonsuMption. Recen1ybusiness again brought him to the home of the writer, but a remarkable
nhange for the better had ken place in 4e interval. Upon enquiry it waS. learned that failing health first induced
Mr. Boss to go upon the ro d as iateema in the hope that a change of scene would be beneficial. The result, bow-
ver,I did not meet with his xpectations. The food he ate distressed him, and the weakness and feeling of lassitude
became intensified. To un his•own wen+, he Was so weak and nervous, anldused up, that he fat that he "coact
e e feeling of lassitude troubled him no m re, and his labors were no longe irksome. By the time he had finished
ave dropped down and go e to sleep an wheree" Driving tired him and hen at home the slightest labor about
is fifth box, his health was fully restered, and has since continued to be oft lent, and he is not backteerd in tellirrg
is farm was irksome. He was in this ho less end discouraged comXtion w en a friend recoinmencled Dr. Wilkins'
ink yills. He decided- to try one' box, and before they were gone he fo lid some henefitifrom them. He ithen
ught four boxes more, an each week fo nd an improvement in his eOnditi n. His stomach ceased to trouble him,
is friends the sterling wort of Dr. Willi ms' Pink Pills.
00011110 ON SQM
Iv • •
ly 10 Pies like le
-aN REP.
At all dealers, or
Brockville, On at
dirtct from the Dr. W
' Medicine Co.,
cents a box or sii b+es for $2.50.
. 41
...0,,,..:gil: ::p.,,,,A, igi.:1,4..:glip .1§11 : ?;1-;.. 4:,,c21.1•dpig; igiOrg. 1. . . . . . . , . . .
• • • • • • A a 4 • • • • • 4.
h ,
• Two Newspaper Stories,
Over iniVincenn te Indiana, there 'lived a
young map, who or reeding of the destruc-
tion of th battleship Maine,- became filled
ade Cubs, with the first
pendent.. ,His name is
p, and he is mild to have
me, managing editor of
as follows :.
I want to gO to Cubs
nt and will live with
ith the Cubans'and if
y the aide of General
with a, deire to in
batch of War °erre
J. VVillou hby We
written t Bob P
the Cleve! nd Pres
"For vp per we
as your correspond
the Cuban, camp
necessary, I fight
Gomez." [
The recipient of he letter is a wit, and in
a caustic reply to sMr. Weep inquired of
him what sum he ould demand to go and
die with the Cu anst He was enutzed a
few days later to bd ha' ded a letter from
Vincennee in which the would-be i war cor-
respondent made this a swer : '
"Fifteen dollars per teeek and xpenses."
It goes without lsaying that r. Weep
was employed and n oat: strange • say he
was one of the bee men in the ijeid. He
is now numbered ith the regular writers
of the paper, and ,itt more than "$15 per
week and expenses," ,
About the same time Managing Editor
Paine was surprise on reaching his desk
one afternoon to fli d , a tefe,grein awaiting
his arrival on whic 81.80 was due. It WWI
a carefully worde application for a job
from a young man who resided in Zanes-
ville, Ohio. Such an assurance appalled
Paine and he sat d wn sad dashed off an
answer in keeping vith ii, popular song he
had heard the nigh before, and which bad
been rhnning throe h his head all day:
"Read your answer in the stars, read
the dispatch, and it was marked collect.
But on the follOwing morning he tore
open a eecond telegraln from Zanesville.
Here it id': 1
"The stars say come."
Within twentv-four hours the applicant
was on hand in Oleveland, and the; editor
gave the young man 'a position ose the
No Cocaine in Dr. A. W. Chase's
Catarrh Cure.
Prof. Heys, Ontario School of_ Chemistry and
Pharmacy; says :-" I have made an examinetion of
Dr. Chase e Cattrrh Cure for Cocaine and in all its
compounds, from samples purchased in the open
market, and find none present." We offer a reward
of $1,000, to be devoted to any charitable Inetitution
if any druggist or doator can find the least true of
that deadly drug Cocaine, contained in Dr. Chase's
Cetarrit Cure. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure recom-
mended by all dealers at 26 cents a box, blower in.
eluded free.
• Mr. Stead and the Czar.
It is always a pleasing privilege to me to
read some of the articles that issue from the
pen of William T. Stead, of London, who
has recently been doing Europe, and especi-
ally that part of it known [ as Russia. In
two late numbers of Review ef Reviews
(December and January) there are twe arti-
d common
a censori-
There is,
we cannot
after a re-
erwise, he
cies from him th
sense, with refer
and especially th
We are aware
t have muds g
nee to Europe
ose of Russia.
that Mr. Stead
ous writer and 1ies to grumble.
however, sometiing for which
forgive him. In his first article,
sums of things, historical or ot
declares 'England' did it. He e en goes so
far as to call Lord Rs:fishery an( 'English-
man,' and the gailaist Highlander* of Alms
'English.' When reading the article one is
struck with thel redundancy of the words
' English ' and ' 14;ngland,' remind ng a- the
semi -burlesque of one of the chiefs of the
Highlands of S tland when he was deeribed
as 'King o' the
Europes in Scotl
forgive all these
consideration th
'stows en the son
peror of Russia
gude Scotch blui
grieved to thi
against him, eve
ielands and lOrd o' a' the
nd.' We might, however,
hinge when we take into
• high praise Mr. Stead be -
of a Seotehman, the 'Ern-
' who is the possessor of
, and might have been
k his countrymen fought
in the face of the [ fact
that he had mad some of them generals;
cfothers he innite into RUllia as engineers
and mach trics,11 artisans of nearly eve
branch o ; induttry; if they were call
'English' it might be a slip o the tongue.
Laying Beide all joking Mr. Stead's inte
view with. the Emperor (if such isver reall
took place) it is not only graphic.but, w
might Mutest add, touching. The simpl
picture of al man with devout home attac
mente is an index to the highest powers • f
' the soul, and when that is enlightened au
purified, the intellectual is sure to be th
best. Disrespect to the home obligation
engenders the same sentiments towards gov
ernment in It. civil or religious aspect. Th
ineident in the Czar's early education relat
ed by Mr. Stead, of when studying 'Th
Lady of the Lake' with his tutor'Mr
Heath, the stanza, 'Long live theCom
mono' king, King James,' evoked from th
boy , the exclamation "'The Comments
King!' that is what I would like to be!'
• -portraying a soul duly imbued with sym
pathetic feelingt of the highest- order, an
in strong contrast to the prevailtug senti
mente with respect -to the Czar of all th
monies, whose despotic powers are too fre
ue tly Magnified to the extreme settle o
rutality. ,
T e imaginary evils of supposed Russian
i tri ues, and tamest unseently newsaper
tte pts to represent the Emperor as all-
ay, with 'his army making towards the
Indi n frontier, is nobly and forcibly put
forthin MS Own words,_ and which like a
ou linedg d sword outs keen] on the spee-
lati e wr ters of books as we as the born-
e new paper fire-eaters, who have done
toward. 1 engendering hostilities to -
wards Rus ia, than there was any warrant
in faCts or _discretion in keeping your own
secrets. Hear what the Emperor !lays, ae-
6ording to Stead:
1 qt. only the English could realize how
Mud! of these dangers they bring *upon
Distinguished everywhere for De-
licacy of Flavenr, Superior Qual-
ity, and Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous and denpeptio.
Sold only in quarter -pound tins,
lahelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited, Hommopathic Chemiets,
London, England.
•Elo • 40,-
nable to Work.
" I hid iRheu &Hem in my kneel, 'feet and elbows
lir. Jbe. Cucier, Victoria Harbor Ont.. writes :-
so bad was nettle tollwork. Nothing did we auy
geed till I get Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. One box
and a h co- pletely cured me."
Wc*zxs Bothered Baby;
," My baby ruffered terribly with worms. 1 used
one boAle of, r. Low's Bement Worm Syrup which
loom Jabot the purpose for which it was ir;tended,
and cured kii MM. W. M. Mmer.GT, Watford,
he you f I weak, run down, nervous, tumble to
w rk or *4 as you ought, take a box or two of
II b 's He rt and Nerve Pine, They'll build up
y er beaIthe and give you, strength Ad. energy.
Price c., all druggists.
Giver 40 years Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
St berry hes been the great remedy for Diarrhoea,
Dysent ry, Cramps and Wig. Always get the gents -
In. IeitatIon. are dangerous.
Good Spring Medicine.
Yoteught to talisomething tide spring th purify
y ur !Pod and giveyou strength and energy. Noth-
ing 1011 do you so Tnuch good as Burdock Bleod
te,., ft will cleanse and invigorate your eneire sys-
tein and banish tiredness and weakness.
Man or Beast.
"1, tieve found leiyard's Yellow Oil to , be the
beet thing for cello lumps and cuts on man or
literati ilt is a splendid- all round remedy." Dalliel
Brown,ifianks•P. 0(., Ont..
Ithemselves. They go everywhere and find
out all manner of places which we Ellselia1111
never heard of, when they imagine that if
we were so minded we would do them an
injury. . . . They keep it up until
those in Russia think England is our enemy.
. . . They make us do what we would
never have thought of doing, it English
alarmists nad not made us believe it would
be a good thing to do.'
Mr. Stead's two articles are well worth
the perusal of every candid mind, and what-
ever the future of the peace conference_ may
be, it is a pleasing thought to see the great-
est autocrat of the world, with his mind
filled with the thoughts of what is best for
the human race, without regard to forms of
government or religious creeds.
One of the funny things narrated by Mr,.
Stead of himself is his alleged interview
with the present Emperor's father, Alexan-
der IIL, in 1888. According to court eti-
quette the Emperor is the party to signify
the termination of an interviews but Mr.
Stead reversed matters and after obtaining
permission to make cerittin inquiries, which
were answered unrestrainedly, he dismissed
the Emperor.
W. N. Watson,
Fire and Life Insurances Agent, Houses to
Rent, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in the
RAYMOND and Wnrrn family and manu-
facturing Sewing 31 whines. Ah kind of
Sewing Machines repaired. Charges
Agtnt for, the
First -Class Wheels in Every Respect.
They are always the beet.
Do not accept any substi-
tute -buy none but Ferry's.
Sold by an dealer,. Write for
the elle Seed Annual -free,
LAUER RV &COOVIAdtmoriant:
Hardware Store,
Carving Sets -celluloid and stag handles,
,Carving Knives and Forks, Table Steels,
Rogers' Cutlery -both pocket and table.
Askhatn's Table Cutlery, Nevada leaver Tea
and Table Spoons, Plate Knives, Forks and
_Spoons ; Vase Lamps -special value; Bolt-
er's Hockey Skates -polished steel and
nickle plated; Spring Skates, Sleigh Bells,
Whips, etc.
Sills & Murdie
Counter's Old Stand, Beafortia,