HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-02-17, Page 5- RI j7, 1899 Ig SALE 1-0 R , and up to that date Nve SACRIFICE. ell lined recrbt ar hall cost ar 25e for 10e, eed lieu's Suit in sizes at $9.50. 6r saw. RS 4ISSALE! cents per pound.4 OS TO 4fOrth. e -ho has been here for the ziting her grandmother, , returned to her home in this wet. Mr. George tifort13, forn erly of Rodger- nwri as a good eheese• 'village on Tuesday last, with a visit among hie . J. P. Ross, of Exeter, recently renewing ac- W.R. Hodgins had three him to rent hie vacant reloele during the past -business places in Hen - arid. -Mr. John Pepe, ,rly- of Hensel!, would t in the tailorine, busi- get a good opening.- hei Murdock have been Ltiee.n duting the past - Kerr peeached another on Sabbath evening of tempera.rice.-Miss been ;n Toronto for a reiting lier brother, has se A. Hodgins,of Lump, visiting relatives and ast week and this. dor villagers have been e eolis , and la grippe tk or so. -Mr. W. J. tieing carriage maker, wet dwelling for him - lining his shops. -Mr. eiinetaling mason and as that he _has already .nd for this season than ny vars. Good work of Parkhill, who was rias Dick's, has retarned 'ay Miss Ida Diets, who few days in. Parkhill. frern this village ate tntary supper given in. legg, the popular rail - ;in the town hall there, ad pronounce it a most tryrespect. har Kip- e tl-ings by halves. - e wae visiting- friends Clinton. -The Fares- Iodee atended in a f their !Ate brether, hiselhurst, who died was buried in McTag- Vednesday afternoon. A. -eats -re from Exeter a and joined ,eith the ie serviere ot the or- brureelletely after the G:14!iw. Mr.Warldell, Lee'. -4. had been in trite t length of time, tened by blood poison- ilig*.• injury which he , we ur Po previous. ;•hieh eprea.d rapidly Czquhart, iail oatmeal mills, is ray large quantities of ser, in the eld conn - T. Murdock has been as, week through an on, of Mitchell, has 7operty to the present MI Robert, Davidson. Lehi in Stratford hxst eess. The ball -room et and good znusie neere. Quite a num- reeena fiord, sr., of North tier serious accident -wee removing hay ne unknown way he r. Mr. Rutherford fiought nothing of it oed his work. Later part beget', to pain sent for. It trans- uh had been frac- Ea John A. Gray, of Donsmorel, and of Stratford, was veek. The mother tt on an errand and r. She had only e when On reaehing ee 011 the floor with se child lived some ow the aeeident oe- . 8 ag,4!,, and an edanee at the an• -•ew Grove eheeite .,,eeeday aftei noon r,f the More:lents te! and fool: the v repf rt of the ell en. The t it th e summer enufee paid twelve tad. The setielire . Mr, W. for the secre ary-trear- icese and butter FEBRUARY 17) THE CANADIAN Bank of °wirier e CAPITAL (PAID UP) Six Million Dollars -46,00 1,000. -SEAFORTH BRANC r A general banking business 'Aran- sacted- Farmers' Note! disco pted, and -special attention given 0 the collection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BAN K. -interest a low- ' d on deposits of $1 and upwar ,s. Special facilities for transact' n of business in the Klondike Distri t. Money Orden, payab:e at any bank, ismed at the fol:o wing rates :- Coder 810 .08 820 tio 880 .1) 810 to 820 .10 830 tp 850 .1 F. IIOLMESTED, p. C. G. MI Solicitor. Manage TY, 1624 THE IVCAREB PS. SNAFoRalf, February 16, 1898. k Pelt Wheat (new), Standard SO 68 to 80 70 otring.Wheat per bushel,....-........ 0 63 to 0 70 - doe per bushel-- - - — .. - 0 28 tO 0 29 Peas por bnahe/ . 0 63 to Barley per bushel.. —. - - - .... 0 40 to 0 43 • .1. 63 0 ls to 014 Bitter. tnb.........-.- — -- • ... 0 13 to 0 14 ege per doze._ . 0 IS to 0 16 our, per leo la_ -._ _ _ _ _ .... .. 2 00 to 2 00 . Hay per ton new__ e.,.. __ to 6 80 .. .. 5 00 Hides per 100 Ls_ -..-. .. . . ,.... 5 00 to 5 50 Sheep Skine . - • . . 0 60 to 0 70 potatoes per bush, (new).........- - 0 60 to 0 (30 Wcol 6 ci 0 18 Ben (tetariD. per barrel- -.. ...... 1 00 to 0 oo Wood Por cord OvniC).• - -- ... - .. - 3 00. to 3 75 Wood per cord (short)..... 1 ea to 1 75 Apples per bag2 Go 1.., 0 60 1) 1 co Clover Seed...... - ......... ... e. 8 00 en 3 80 mrk°,pheYr00gleed 1 0 to The... .... -.... . . ... ,5 25 to 5 25 , Pa Tallow, per lb. e j... 0:e to 0 e3 TeRereen, Febrnary 16th.-Pei1 wheet, 7 en; pip rt rtz wheat, 721e rt', 354-e ; nese, per heel:, 65r: harlee, 49.3 to 510 ; nett pr tee. 18.00 . 10.50 ; butter, NI me 15) ; ootaiae per bust. 703 to 75c : OEM per dot., 201 t) 2,53 irftn. hoge, per 100 ib, 85.10 to 85.25. • Dairy Markets. TORONTOi February 14th -Butter- The offerings ofchoice dairy are fairll there is a good -demand, and the market is eteady, at 14 to 150 for large rolls, and 1p to 13ic for dairy tabs. Creamery is steady at 20 to 21c for prints. rind 19 to 20 for paelred. Eggs -The offerings of new /aid aro fair, there is a good demand for thisrn, and i he et markis easier at 19e ; he d fresh are quoted at 15 to 16c, and the ruling jtice for limed is 14 to 15c. M ONTREAT„ February .14',h -Butter-- The market is dull, and 20c emu fitly be real zed for special goods ; boxes may be quoted at 19e' r0 20e. Seventy -pound tubs bring 19+ to 194c, and thirty -pound tube for !teed censurription sell at 20c to 21e 1 dairy voile were quoted as high as 15 to 156c, but it ie thought sales must have been email at the higher figure. A large order for creamery could not be filled, stocks are rod, small. Eggs -The market is quiet, but unc anged. No. . 1 candled stock, 16 to 17c; Nc. 2 do., 12 to 13e ; Montreal limed, lOe to 16o; west- ern limed, 134 to 14c ; western cold stor- age, 194, to Inc, and culls at 10 to 11c per dozen. • 1 Live Stock MarkeIts. LIVERPOOL, February 13th ---At London and here prices are higher to -day. Ameri- can steers are quoted from lli, `to 12c per pound (dressed weight). Live sheep sell at In to 124,c per pound (dressed Vr.eight). Re- frigerator beef is quoted at 84; to 8c-. pr pound. MONTREAL, February 14th-arade was fair for the first week of Lent and prices were firm all round. Mr. G. Martel bought six prime steers at 5e per pound, less $5 on the lot. Pretty good cattle sold at from 3': to nearly Vec per pound, and the common atock from 21; to 3c per pound. The best calves were bought up before reaching this market, and the highest price paid for a calf here to -day was 86.50. Nearly all the calves offered here to -day were less than ten days old, and these sold at from $2 to $4.50 each. Sheep sold at abont 31e per pound, and Iambs at from 4f to 4ic per pound. Fat hogs were rather scarce to -day, and sold at about 4e per pound for small lots off the cars. TORONTO, February 15th. -Export Cattle -Cables fron Great Britain remei ed firm. The supply of heavy exporters Were lighter than expected, and the light run 'vas dis- posed of without any trouble a steady prices, $4.50 to $4.75 per cwt. 1.ight ex- porters were in ample supply, but fetched firm prices. Butchers' Cattle -Choice were quoted at $3.75 to $4.25 per cwt. The sup: ply of common was a little lighter, there be- ing only a small run. which brought steady prices, or $3 to 83.50 per cwt. Stockers arid Feeders -Stockers for Buffalo were in ample supply, and the prices were a little easier. they being quoted I5c per cwt lower, or $3.25 to $3.50 and 83.60 per cwt for choice selections. There were only a few feeders offered, and such fetched firm prices, 83.50 to 84 per cwt. Milch Cows -There was a very good trade done in this line. All the choice cows were bought up early in the day at steady prices, or 830 to $40 each. Sheep and Lambs -Sheep tor export and butchers' use brought $3 to $3 25 per cwt, Bucks were quiet at $2.50 to $2.75 per cwt. Hogs -Choice selections brought 84.50 per ewt ; light were steady at $4.25. Thick fat were in ample supply at $3,875 per cwt.: Sows were quiet at $3, BUFFALO, February 14th -Cattle -Good, to best smooth fat export cattle, $5.65' to $5,76; good to hest, $523 to $550; export bulls, $4 to $4.25 ; good to choice steers, 84.50 to 65; common to good fat bulls, 83.50 to $4; good to best fat heif- ers, 84 to 84.35 ; fair to good heifers, $4 to 84.25 ; fat cows, good to beat, 83.50 to 84 ; common to good do., 82.50 to 83 50 ; stock- ers, choice to extra quality, 84.10 to 84,40 ; common to good do., $3.60 to $4 ; Jersey stockers, $3 to 83.50 ; stock heifers, $3 to 83.50; feeders,good to extra,. 84 20 to 84.50; ,common to good, $3.85 to $4.25 ; fresh Cows, choice to extra good baga, 83.40 to $4.50 ; springers, good to extra, 835 to 845 calves, choice to extra, $7.50 to 87.75; good to choice, $6 to $7 ; heavy fed steer calves, good color, $420 to $4,75 ; common, $3 to 83.75. Sheep and Lambs -The bulk of the sales of good lambs were at $5.121; ; lambs choice to extra were quotable at $5.15 to 65.20; good to choice, $5.05 to r.15 ; fair to good, $4.75 to 8.5 ; sheep, cho ce to ex- tra, 84.25 to 84..50 ; good to ehic,, $4.1 to 84.23; common to fair, $2.75 0 $3.75. Hogs -Large heavy were quotable at $4.20; heavy of 250 to 275 pounds, $4.25 medium, $4.25 to $4.30 ; Yorkers, 84.20 to 84.27i ; pigs, 84.25 to 8430 ; roughs, $3.50 to $3.70; stags, $3.90. • arriages. DOUGLAS- CHIC -At the residence of he bride* father, Tuekere lith, on February 1st, by Rev. it. A. Newcom e, of Clinton, Mr. Robert M. Deuglaii, of Grey , to Miss Nettle, eldest daughter ef Mr Herbert Crieh. 31Vitt'ily---St11711-At the residence of the bride's plvente glirtiesels„ on February 8th, by Rev. John /to.- a B. A., Mr. Edward P. Mule hy, of Wiarton, hi M.. Meggie A., third daughter of Mr. Walter Smith, of itruReel.. 8E1,1 NETTERFIELD-At the residence of the -old, ''r are r LOWt r Wine hem, on February -th, 1 Pastor Freed, of the Baptist ehureh, Mr. Franii Seli, of Wirighane to Mies .Amelia Net- terfield, of Turnbere,. SAVAGE SAIELTZER At the residence of the bride,, pareete, West V....war:cob, on Fobruary 1st, Mr. John 11. litvage, o' Orey, t'i Mira Etta, daughter of Mr. allo Mrs. 1•8rrieltze-r. %%Vf,IE HON El. Ai tIt- renidene.t of the h de's i.trent,,, on telnitary to:t. Ilt.‘ Wiliam An- derFon, M. A., Sir. JE1113Cti Thomas, Fepond 500 of .faires St. -2, he, keit., cf Pleasant Hill, Turnberry, to Miss Lottie Alteita, third daughter of John Hovey, Eeq., Births. ROGERS-In Fofdwich, on February 5th, the wife of Mr. Weng Rogers,„of a daughter. HUTCHISON-In Fordwieh, on February 16th, the wife of Mr. A. 0. Hutchison, of a SOIL VITTIE--In Gerrie, on February 51h, the ,wife of Mr. Thornae Vittie, of a son. PAUL1N-In Wroxeter, on January 8011i, the wife of Mr. A. Paulin, of a daughter. DAWSON-In Turnberry. on February 5th, the wife , of Mr. Philip Dawson. of & Roth • COPP-In Goderieb, on Feliftiary 9th, the wife of Mr. Oharies Copp, of a daughter., GRIFFITH-In Goderich, on February 4th, the ivite ot Mr. Charles Griffith, of a daughter. -BISWITHERICK-In Gorrie on February 1st, the wife of Mr. Jacob Beswitherick, of a daughter. AGAR -In Ashfleld, on January 28th, the wife of Mr. W. J. Agar, of a daughter, , BOYD-In Perth, on January 20th, the wife of Mr. F. J. Boyd, of a daughter. AITCHISON-In Olifford, on February 10th, the wife of Mr. J. R. Aitchison, Editor of The Express, of of a daughter. Deaths. LEE -In Seaforth, on February llth, William Lee, aged 89 yeaie. MILLER -In Clinton, on February 13th, James Mc- Gregor Miller, aged 65 yens. SFPRELL-In St. Johns, New Bnmewick. on Feb- ruary 9th, after a short IIipee, Wionifred May, Infant daughter of E. M. and Annie GI, Sipprell. K LLY-In Brunets, on February 6th, Thomas Kelly, aged 76 years, 9 months and 27 days. R SS -In Toronto, on February 6th, Roderick John, son of Mr.. Robert Rose, tornierly of Brunets, , aged 36 years. ANGUS-In Morris, on February 9th, John Angus, aged 86 years. TAMAN-In Goderich towrittep, en February 5tb, Mary Temlleon, wife of Mr. Henry Taman, sr. aged 67 years and 6 month!. BELL -Ln Gorierieh township. on February 6th. Robert Bell, aged 68 years, e0 months and 22 dayr. ' FAIR -In Clinton, on February 8tb, James Fair, sr., aged 63 years. DIXON-In Wingham, on February6th, Wm. Dixon, a.zed 74 years, 6 months and 16 days. MITCHELL -In Wingham, on February 6th, Clara, wife of Mr. Simon Mitchell, aged 45 years, 2 menthe and 20 days. CURRIE-In East Wawanosh, on February 7th, Maggie M. dgughter, o1 John 7 and Margaret Currie, aged 17 years, month l and 12 days. BATES -In Bayfield, on Februery 6th, Margaret, relict of the late George Bates. I COOK -In Clinton, on February 2nd, Catharine, re- lictrol-the the late John Cook, aged 83 years. WEB3TER-In Ashfleld, on February 4th, Daniel Webster. a red 64 yearS. JONES -In West Wawano , on Fe ruary 81h, Cath- erine Jones, aged 40 yt4r. MULLIN-At Pelted, on 1bruary 12nd, James Mul- lin, aged 69 years. CAMEKON-In Stanlmon: ebruary llth, Catherine Sinclair, relict of the late Aleiander Canteron„ and mother of Peter arid John Cameron, of Stan- ley. nzed 93 years. WHITEN? IN -In Stanley, OS Fehruary 14th, Mr. Jen 's Whiteman, aged 91 ysare. ktk41.11: -In Morris, on February 9th, John Angus, ageU 86 years. • --eamereseemeoreereeRareeedeerereeweemearrreeepeeeeete Four Calls In one day for well qualified young men and women to accept positions in business offieee, ia not a com- mon event even in the leading' business training school in Canada, the I Central Business College, of Toronto But -it aotually matured on January 26th, at follows : (a) Telegram for young woman, etepograpiter, from Fort McLeod; (b) Telephone for yelling man, clerk, Union,i3tation, Toronto; (e) ; Call ter young lady, telegrapher, Temple Buildirige Torento ; (d) Tele- phone for young mate etenogrupher, Dominion Ex- press Compeny, Toronto. This explains wby our competent students get good positions. We train them properly, and busi- nese men kr ow it. Membere admitted at any time. Catalogue free. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard ste., Toronto. 1586-52 SALE! REGISTE On Thursday, F3ibruary 23rdJ 1899,, at one o'clock p. m. on Lot 5, Corteession 8, Us. borne, li miles south of Winichelsea, Farm Stock, Irnplements &c. Ro ert Dennison, proprietor • Henry Brown, au tioneer. Oa Tuesday, February 28 h, /899, at 1 o'clook p. m,, on Lot 17, Concession 3, H. R. 8., Tuckersmitli'Farm Sto k. Hugh J. Grieve, proprieter ;' Thomas Brown, auc- Um:leer. On Tuesday, February 28th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 8, Concession 14, McKillop, Farm Stock and, Implement, William Glass, proprietor ; C. Hamilton, auctioneer. On Thursday. March 2nd, at one o'clock p. m., on Lot 26,1goncee3io0 13, Hay, Faern Stock, Implements and Household Furni- ture. John Deiti, proprietor ; E. Bossen- berry, auctioneer. r.rt-r.v..--,........11•11W0tval•IIIMINmvpwRIVSIMIDEPIAIONCICMPOrmargeml IMPORTANT NOTIC.FS. AHOUSE FOR PALE OR TO RENT CHEAP.- The house contains dining rooni, parlor, kit - ellen and four bedroorna 5 wood-hed 4rid hard and soft water. II. P. KENNEDY, Egmon ville. 1627s8 j P -DIGS AND BARLEY FOR SALE.1-The under - _le signed has a couple of thoroughbred Tamworth Boars about four months old and readyj for use. Also it lot of Fix -rowed Russien Barley, fttla anteed clean i and fit for seed. It yielded 60 buthel to the acre last•year. Apply on Lot 30, Coneeseio 4, Usborne. TEUGMAI CH*DepeRE, Her"eme ea 0.1I 162,7x5 -DOR SALE CHEAP. ---For Salo, Lot le, 2, 3 and 4, JC j Ranee L ; "Lot 8, Ranee N and Lot 4 Range M, in the Village of Hayfield, containiee 601 acres. The land is in a good etete of cultivatiop and has on it it frame dwelling. It will he Fold dheap and on easy terms. Apply td B. R. HIGGINS, iBructfield. 1 1627-4 I cefEED GRAIN FOR SALE AND tiTOCK FOR 1.0 I SERVICE.- The undersiened hns fer sale on Lot 16, Concession 2, Hay. about 126 inoliele Potter Pea,, e eleojabout 150 bushels ef blandeherri Barley and a quantity of Banner Cate. Thee a three of the leading varieties. and are clean. Healtio has about thirty bushels of Red Clover Se d, else clean. The folloving stock will im kept for servicb the coming Reason : A thoroughbt d Duette' bulli "Duke of Bengali ;" filen a larg Englfs Berkshire Boar, " Varna Prince." Both f f he abo e have registered pedigreee. Terms-Fo bull, el, at tir e of service, with _the prIvelege of eturning if n emery. If bcoM 8t.25. For boar $1, paya ile at time of ser- viee, with the privilee of ret-ur Mg 1 necessary,. JOHN ELD ,11, Hensel!. 1627-4 sALE OF FARM BY AUCTION -Mr. fames Jones has been authorized be Min Magai O'Brien to sell by public auction, at the Dor inion Hotel, Dub- lin. on Wednesdey, March let, 1891 at th hour of 2 o'clock p. roe Routh halt tof Lot I, and 11 of Lot 2. lilt) Concession 4, McKillop; abut 1 acre cleared and under cultivation, 35.acres slash° and under pas- ture, balanne culled bush; about ten nor s fall wheat and conslcierah'e plowing done; frame house, with stone cellar 22x30 ; frame bank barn, Iffix56, with stabling uuderneatie and it good orchar3 ; well wa• tered and convenient to the Wino of Dublin; schools, churches and -post oflIce. Terr-Ten per cent. on day of sale, 20 per cent. le 30 d vs, and bal• lime may remain oti mortgego at low rate of interest JAMES JONES, aectioneek, 1627-2 ---- it Brown SALE OF FA,RM STOCK.-- fr. Thomas Brown has been instructed hy M . Hugh J. Grieve to sell by public auction on Lot 17. Conces- sion 3, H. R. S., Tuckeramitie on T iesdat , February 28th,1899, at 1 o'clock p, fn. the follewin property, viz. : Stock. -Two cow', with call at too ; 3 farrow COWS ; 4 COWS, to CON° in the Fprine ; 1 c w, to calve In March ; 1 Jertrey cow, calved three onthe ; 6 °sleets ; 2 one-yeer-old steers ; 2 one-year d heifere; 1 thoroughbred Jersey heifer rising two years chi; 1 brood sow, to litt r first of March. Th whole of tbC at)OVC will posit vely be sold without reserve, as the Proprietor hp given up one of the fart s he was working and has more steck than he can feed., Terms -All sums of 85 an d under, cash ever that amount 0 months' eredit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A digeount at the rate of pi per cent.; per annum will be ()Mewed frir cash oh eredit amouritg. J. GRIEVE, I roprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 1627-2 AT;cTiON SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EI FECTS.- Mr. John Heitz -has instructed Mr. E. Bossenberry to sell by pubileauctiob on Lot 26, Concession 13, Hay, 1 on Thureday, March 2nd, at 1 o'clock p. m., the fol- : !lowing property, viz.: Stock -One mare six years old, • 1 mare 7 years old, 1 pacing gelding, 7 years old. one 'filly rising 2 years old, 1 fley rising 1 year old, three ;cows, 2 raceme 2 years old, 1 steer 1 year oicl 2 heifers 1 vcae old, 2 heifers 2 years old, 2 yearlings, 6 ewes, , :1 Leicester ram, ale° 60 Ilene. Inip'erneets- :Iwo lum- ber wagons, one new; 1 new top buggy, 1 rLir bob - Ishii, he, 1 cutter, 1 road cart, 2 set dor ble ; iarneee, 1 set single harness. 1 binder. 1 wieder, t Nae, e drill, land roller, 1 cultivator, 1 realer, 9iploss, 1 gang plow. 1 iron harrow, 1. turnip pulper, 1 farthing mill, ; wrigh Beale, 1 hay fork, 1 waymeraek 1 gravel box, 1. wheelbarrow'rakes, forks 1.1 vets *Klee scythes, cheine of all kinds, neckyokes and whiffietrees, one -sugar !kettle. 1 grindstone, aleo it number of grain bags, etc. Household Furniture -Two bedsteads, 1 eine, 1 cooking stove, 1 box stove, 1 ehurn, one meat tub, it number of chairs, and a lot of small articles ,teo numerous to mention. No reserve, as the pro- prietor 13 going to the Northwest. Terme of Sale -- All sures(lof $5 and under, cash; over thaeamount 9 Months' redit will be given on furnishing approved , joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allow- I ed off for cash en eredit amounts. JOHN HEITZ, ' proprietor; E. BOSSENBERRY, auctioneer. 1627•2 • ome rh IT CO GLUT IT CON I SPARC COSTS GT IS e THE HU sirhpie Facts Relating o pgilvie's Flour. est and Cheapest •in the Market. AINS A. LARGE PERCENTAGE Og N— • The bread producing proyferty- trength, nutrition, pau ole forming. Makes more bread, bet er quality, nd affords greater amonnt of nutri- ent to the consumer. AINS A SMALL PEROENTAGE OF he farinaceous or weak matter, hich, without the glUten, would ake dark heavy bread4 M ORR- ecause gluten is - the rriore costly roperty to produce. HEAPER IN THE END - s it gives greater and more Eustis- actory results. omestio baker a may overlook hese facts, but Ithe professional rade fully confirm them by their eadiness to pay higher prices for he flour, realizing it is to their rofit to do so. 0 not .forget these facts when ffered lower priced flour as "just good.'" gilvie's Mills, Seaforth. C DY S BLOCK. OF Alt is -s is, ma an • pur To em sto sea eve 81.18 , the and int invi see no t Sho mor all and PSE EW NG FOOTWEAR (nigh the calendar reminds us it ill February and the thermometer still b vering around the zero k, we a e now busy opening up paseing into stock our splendid !oases of New Spring Footwear. our many patrons we mint to hasize in advance the valuan in e for you. Our buying this on has been on a larger scale than , as we are especially anxio s to in our reputation of han4lling latest styles, the finest g ode, the largest stock of fine foot ear e county. We extend a co dial ation to everyone to drop in and ur new styles as we consider it ouble to show goods. 'Remember our Febtuary Sp Sale is still booming. Ten in which to securo bargai inds of Felt Footwear, S ubbers, etc. .Noti All persons Charles E. St Seaforth, ban 301h day ef De fore the let de signed gelicito their claims, last tr•entione d istr ibute the to, having ref shall have rece Hon the Exee. part otthe est shall not hey° purstmet no rh STED, Seafort Dated January SEA FOR TH, e to Creditors. cial ays 8 in °kir eyingany claim against the estate of Clair Simpson, late of tte Town of aceou tent, who died on or a.00ut the ecnbek, 1898, are. required on or be. of March, 1899, to send to the under - for the Executrix, fall particulars of lute- verified by affidavit After said dete, the Executrix will proceed to state r mong the parties entitled there- enee Only to the claims of whtch sh e- yed netice, and after such distribu- trix will not lee accountable for any te to eny creditor of whose claim she received notice. This notice is Oven s etatette in Hilt betide HOLM - 1'. O., Solicitor for the Executrix. 2815, /e99. 1625-4 T HURON' °WINTON CTION. Tuesday, Feb. 21, '99 Your Vo e and Influence respect- - f 11y solicited for Rob Holmes. t Kinsey FAb HIONABLE MI LINERY test Styles Air istie Work L SOLICITED I 011 S KINSEY, KIDD'd BL CK, - - - SEAFORTH. Exbeu :.rs' Sale of Farm Property. r of the Estate of the late Whitely, of the TownithiP of In the Mat William Tuckers ithe 7 'ere will be sold b public) auction, on Let 80, Concessioti 1, T okersmkli, County of Huron, *' ON SATU1 DAY, : ARCH 4th, 189, At 11 o'clock p. mete. C. Hamilton, auctioneer, the said Lot 30, Con ,ession 1, to the Townehip of Tucker - smith. The thr coneists of 303 acres of firseiclase land, on Which i a good two story stme house with frame kitehen, a so frame barn and shed. There is also it good beari le orchard. The farm is well wa- tered by it never- ailing spring and well. The soil is a good clay loam and well situated on the Huron Roaqbeizeg abou 3e miles from.Clinton and 6 from Setife th. , Terms of Sale Ten per cent. down on day of sale, and the balance u (thin 30 days thereafter, when pos. sessicin of farrn wi I be given but the 1 ouee will be reeereed for one n onth later. The pro erty will be sold gulled to a serve bid. For fur her particu- lars apply to W 8. LAWRENCE or E WHITELY, Exeeptors, °Unto P. O. C. flAmwros auctioneer, Both. Tli re will be eff 'red for sale on the a toe° date, at the sinne place, th following farm stock : 011C heavy harse 4 years old; 1 horse 8 years old, 1 mare 13 years old, 1 mare 7 years old in foal to "Sydneer,"- 1 well bred polt rising 2 y ars, three cows supposed to be In calf, heifers 2 ye ra old, 1 steer 2 years old, 1 heifer 1 year old, 4 calves, 1 brood sow, a out 70 hens, one pair obsieighs, an numerous oth r articice. Also it quantiltv of houdeh d furniture an( utensils. Te s -All sums of $10 and an er, cash ; for all sums lover that amo int 9 months' c edit will be given on fu nishing appro ed joint not s. Six per cent. per a num discount allowed on all credit purchases. ELIZ ETII WHI ELY. 1627-2 ON EXPOSITOR. NON CIU INd SA Th s week 'we hol _ present cold sncip—wh one slio ld be cold ivh • Menls Heavy Shirt Shirts and Drawe s, wort worth 65o, for 50'Men' Men's Heavy Wo lSootc Drawers I at 25c worth 25c, for 20 Wool Blankets, $i $3 25 fOrl 82,50; E. a reat Clearing Sato of Winter G ods, suitable for the n the thermometer registers 30 deg ees below zero. No n thy can get heavy Winter goods a prices like these :— Drawers, worth 3oc, for 25c; Men 's Heavy Fleece -lined ,for 39o; Men's Heavy Fleece.lined Shirts arid Drawers 1, for 790; irflteBe vaenedong , 0o ; Heavy nkets, large ze U1ste waterpreof, worth $ for $5.90 ; Boys' Overcoats, with cape, w rth $3, f dies' ASO:achan Jack Is, worth 8'27.50, for $20; Ladies' Goat Capes, wiorth $ ; Every adies' Cloth, Jacket in the house- at half price; Men's Blackl Hea ty ocks, whrth 25c, for 200; Men's Grey Extra Heavy Wool Sox, worth 35&, and 50 Ar tie Frost Proof Shirts and Drawers, worth Knit Shirts and Drawees, worth 65c, for 50c; Boy 45c and 500 ; Ladies' Heavy Union Vests, 1 -wool Vests, fine and warm, worth 60c, for , worth $2.50, for $1.95 ; Heavy All -wool B1 Comforters, worth $1.35, for 81; Men's Fri 30c, 35A 400 ; Ladies' A tandard siz Heavy Bed wind $1.50 for.$ Ribb for 2. and ;L .95 c. to ke a packag of ouxj 0.49_§3It your nerv s steady du ring he cold weathdr, you should have celebrated BIue Ribbon ?ea; at 25; 40c, 50c, or 60c per pound. 'VD McK NN9N & CO., BLYTH. t is it that Cures kit Others Fail? That ob tinate lg and distressing cough which so ften a ippe--it is Roy I Glycerated Balt)* of Fir. Many pe and aim healing ,say that larger pe For sale ple in st in di id soot t will c centage y all ct Seaforth and vicinity, after suffering for weeks, pair, have been relieved bf a few doses. Its ing properties are truly iwo derful. We do not re every case, but we do e1ay that it will cure a of cases than any other remedy you can use, alms. Manufactured Only by . DEN & WILSON, 01 --IM IS S S 0TTiS BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFpniTH, Seaforth dOegiat Institute FINANCIAL ST TEME T FOR 1898. RFCEXPTS. Government grant County grant (exclusive of fees) Local municipal grant Feel resident and non -r sident pul ile Fees from county pupil Fees from entrance and P.S.L. emu is. Fees feom departmentalileaving ex tots. Total Receips EXPENDITURE. I Teachers' salaries • Janitor's salary Salary Secretary and Treasurer Insurance Fuel Library Apparatus Printing and stationery Examinations sRuenpdairireesand suppliea Balance on hand Total Expe dituee 1627-1 I ' ff? Mt Oritario, 8 967 69 1,741 03 1,800 ea 603 00 148 60 65 00 133 00 , (85,358 22 $4,0t17 11 1 283 33 153 79 I: 45 00 24 76 7 73 f 29 30 I 32 35 179 00 130 75 285 36 26 85,158 22 LUMBER T• ia N6LES. Being alwat*f in communication dealers, the ,undersIgned is in a pe Lumber, Shingles, Ceda at the very leier et price otherwise. Yards -in 11 Seaforth. 162711 either e rear of P. 1f1E TIN 18 4..........,_ Although it is 1899, you must have Boots and Shoes, and it is to your advantage to buy where you can (ret the best v lue for your money. ke have some holiday goods left,. which we are offering at greatly reduced pricesp in order to make room for Spring stock. Quality amounts to little' unless the prices are right. Low prices are not bargains unless quality is there. Wu combine quality and price. These are yours if you make selec- tions from our stock of reliable trusty and serviceable gocids, mark- ed a„t rock bottom prices.• Call andsee for yourselves. - !Custom work . and repairing done on the shortest notice. Richardson cf McInnis, with the lumber Dealers -In • Good Footwede, Mon to supply - Posts, etc„ Whitney's Block, - - Seaforth. )3the car load or he Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. The milk routes in Cheese and Butter Id t by tender on Th o'clock p. in., in the draw, should can1-a4s .prepared to bid.. Ito further particulars, Searetatry -ETCT 'Orr s.A.r.,m QtrTEs ITAULABLE con eetion with the Winthrop an factmin Company, will be rsdey, Febru4try 28rd, 1899, at 2 act!. Pa ties intending to th r respect life routes, and be tes II let b the gallon, For apply to fl ANK MILLSON, 1627-1 Dissolutionl o Pa tnership. Province of Ontario, Cou ty of Huron. , I Notice is hereby given that the p rtnership hereto- fore subsisting hetween urS, the un °reigned grocers and butchers, to the Town of Seale th, in the County of Huron, under the firm] name 0/ Wilson & Mc- Naught)n'has thia jday heen dies lved by mutual conseet. Ali debts owingto said artnership are to be paid to John A. M Naighton, a Seaforth, and all claims againet tbe sit 'paetnereldp ire to be present- ed to the said John MNaugntoip, by whom the same will be paid. Dated at Seaf orthe te is SjIth day o February, 1899. { .11011;N OiLN. „ A U,G. Witness-- - J.' M. BEST. Notice t e itors. the Surrogate Co rt of the Count of Hur n Notice is hereby gi en, p rsuant o R. S. 0., chap- ter 129, section 88, th t all ',persons having claims against the eatato cf sae Miller, la • of the Town of Seaforth, in the t ount) of Hu on, gentleman, deceased, are required on or before the -26th day of February. 1899, to send er d liver to. , M. Best, Sea - forth, ()uteri t, the solicitor or Mar I. a Miller Mary Adams, M. Y. hfcLean and t Rev. . W. Ho'dgins the executrices and ciecutor ' respecti 'civ of the last will and testament of I the a1i deems d, bit particu- lars of tbeir clairns4 and all voucher and securities (if any) held by theme duly ve 'fled by affidavit; that after the said '25th day of ebruary 1899, the said executors will proceed to dis ribute t e assets of the estate among the parties entit ed tiler to, haying re- gard only to the °Mims of e bi h they shall then have received notice. J. M. BES solicit() fr mid ex- ecutors, Seaforth, Ontario. D ted thia 30th day of January, 1899. i 1625-3 Money to Lo Any *Mount of money to loa on go perty, a 6 per cent. oer any um. St payments made to suPt berm •er, eatie anteed, charges low. At office ;Friday a all day Saturday. ABNER COSENS, McDona d Block, n, d farm pro - night loans, mitten guar- ternoon and Wingham. 1687 FARM PROPERTIES —IN THE-..- Townshipsof McKillop and Grey, in the County of I 11,uron. i • The tollowing propertieti will bp offered for sale by public auction oa Wednesday, March 8th, 1899, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. AL, At the Commereial Hotel, in the town of &earth under the powers of sale contained in a certain Mort- gage, which will then be pro iticed Firstly :-The easterly 75 noes of Lot No. 28, in the 8th Cohan- sion, of the Feld township of MeKillop. Second ,f T'I- The east heti 1 the north half of Lot No. 28, in the 71h Concessio , of the said township, containing 25 acres, more o lees. Thirdly :-The pouth bait o the north half of Lot No. 25, in the. Ith Conceal° , Of the said town hip, containing 26 acres, more or less. Fourthly :- he north I- elf of the Muth half of Let No. 20, in the 7th Concession, of thej Faid towns/hip, containing 25 acres, more or less, eiieepting ene half acre sold to o e William Pollard. Fifthly :-!Lot NO. 17, in tbe 8th Congeosion, of the toweship bt Grey. Terms, - Tenor cent. eath at time, of mile, liberal ESTBEepa,f 0 E4%7 is terms for ray nent of balance. For ;further parlic, Wars and con Wto oos of sale apply F. HO LAI , Ontari' o, or o - 1 GIBSON & DEFRIES, Vendors' SoliOtors, 74 Church St., Toronto. ' t 1626-4 The MoKillop Muttal Firs Insiiirance Company. 1 FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, Preeident, Eeppen P. 0.; Thomas Fraser, tice-preeident, Bnieefield P. 0.; W J. Shan- non, &say -Trees. tfeaforth P. 0. Thomas Hays, Inspector of Losees, Seaforth1). 0. nianorosia. W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John 0, Grieve, Win- hrop ,• Georgr Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Hays- ea.forth ; Janies Evans, Peeehwood ; Jphn Watt, arlock ; Thomas Fraser, Brneefield ; Jo n B. Mo. an, Kippon ; James Connolly, Clinton. Robt. Smith, /Airlock; Robe. McMillen*, Seaforth -; tunes cumrntz Egmondv e; W, Yeo; Holmes. ille P. 0.; Jolu GovenlocL-. and John C.- Morrison, ditora Parties cleslrikus Ao effect Insurances or thou& other business -will be promptly attended to oe plination to any of the above (greenaddressed le eir reepeelive post ()from am Rickard & Co. SEAFORTIT, ONTARIO. ninual Clearing Sale! We fin4 that we are too heavily loaded in several lines of goods. In order to Make roori for spring goods, we have decided_ upon making a big slaughter Sale of the balance of all Winter goods for cash, commencing on Friday Sanuary 6th,, inst. A splenclid opportunity for those in need of the following, lin es All Ladies' and Child.rens Coats at 60c on the dollar. All Ladies' Mantle and Jacket Cloths at 68c on the dollar. All Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pea Jackets, odd Cots, odd Pants, odd Vests, Smocks, Overalls, and Cardigan Jackets at 78c on the dollar. 1 In other words $10 Suits for $7.80 - $5 Suits for $3.90 • $6 Overcoats for $468 ; $10 Overcoats for $7.8r All Lathes' Fur Capes, MU'ffs, Collers, Ruffs, G41niets at 75c on the dollar. All. Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Men's Ops, id. Gauntlets at big reductions on regular prices. A good selection to hoe m. All Goat Robes at 75c oi the dollar. Se ia prices on Saskate iewan Buffalo Robes and Black Cattle Robes. AIil Sh wls at 78e on thel dollar. A111 Be Comforters at 78c on the dollar. Al n's and Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves, Men's and Boys' Underwear, Ladies' tn. erwear, Blankets, Fang Flannels, Grey Flannels, and Flannelette at 850 cn t I e dollar. Sp cial prices in Winter Top Shirts. • W wi I also give special prices on all Dress Goods in. stook. Aij Ha s in the Millinery Department at half price. W w. I also give an extra discount on all Suits made to rcler. Lsk to see our uit t� order at $11.75. . Inspect our world beatinglop Shirts at 25c each. eglect to call and inspect the many NEW YEARS GIFTS We have in store for. you, ow is Your Klondike Opportunity Cr We cordially invite inspection. No trouble to show goods. PICKARD & CO DIRECT IMPORTERS, Opposite Town -Building, Corner Main and Market Streets. itewear Specials! Night Gowns. Full Size °Wei, made of good cotton, with lace triMming, less than the price ef Nextmakinf ltgedi3rE%neade. sY°pn°eItican't special 2 5t buyet. hethe cotton remarkable price Of 75e, with embry trimming in two or three styles. beauty is: what everybody says when they selleyse4lo_urstie.xt Gown in fine goods. T Three more specials at -$1.19, $1.38 and $1.48. In Fine 'White Chemise . all pries, froin 18c to 95e each. orset t all pri Special at 120 each. ter lines at 18e, 25c, 80c, 45C, e, 75e and $1. t. Het - 70, " t; • ee,,, e a.. • Fine White Skirts. A beauty with deep frill of Cambric, and two clusters of tucks, special 80c. Wide sulky frill, with it good English cotton, well made and wide width, at 75c. Our special Skirts at 98e are ma,de in iwo styles, one with a, deep frill of em- broidery and the other with a cambric and fini ll wiathheind, t9o. se artiondboth nicely tucked, See our fine double frill Skirt, -with wide embroidery and insertion frill, at Four more specials at $L49, $1.68, $1.89 and $2 25. Fine Drawers at all prices. Special --Full size'tucked and deep hem, special 15e or two for 25e. Lace or frill trimmed, special ,at 19e. Three cluster tuck8 and frill or embroidery trimmed at Special deep fril of fine embroidery and tucking, epeia1 for .50e a pair. Better specials at 75e, 890, $1 and $1:50. A call at our store and it look at our stock will convinee you that eve can save you the express on this elases of goods. To customers sending mail orders i We 'will pay express on any amount of $5 and over. it will pay you to try our store for good goods at the closest possible prices at • The Ladies' Store Seaforth, Ont. 14ecost's one Price ash. Store Under Town Clock, Cardn 's Block