HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-02-17, Page 3... 18 isa Glotiiitsa rn hui We can ice atea k, it may We hate til prices. 2p -to L e esat is fy- (1?' . . A..? • or horse,, ritterIy run • erislameat of blood. eying ills is blamed • id harsay treated. IOU PURIFIER: • hers such an one, 4+ s to endure fatigue;, accomplish work • the flow and rich- 1AL SIZE' 2$ PERTS. CO ft. Proprietors. •••••••••••• MONTR AL. niture jving and receiving- .. -!tion of Vine acre else. Oddmentti -nt of the extremely tEE, NT: iF.ly tip.-..t0-(i4el, with a tiPrds.1 We have we will lend free of ive our best attention 18. T, Holmes, Gosier- , 0, • DRT EE[ rOCK &�,'S -' ILLINER with ily? 7- "tand 2 FEBRVARY 1 IMPORTANT NOTIOE • 1899. tal r 3.61oKENNA, Dominion and naLand le0Surveyor, Member of eAssoolati n of Ontario Let:th r1 Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1886.62 deve ring and state combined, welt treated near 1G1OR thrt Village of Menial a fine briok centre o4 village. Terms reasonable. Apply to MISS S. CARLISLE, Hensall. 161.6 TOB.N BEATTIE, Clerk ef the Seco d Mvl1on 0 Court, County Commissioner, of urn, Con. verencer• Land, Lem and Insurance Ag nt. Funds Invested and to Lean. Or:Bee—Ova S arp & Piens' store, Man efirect, Seafortb. 1289 00D FARM FOR SALE in Grey to; neFfp, near 1K Ethel station, touchipg river; 12 wheat, 30 acres seeded ; all fall plowing flOgelOn given immediately. Per partioul THOMAS MOOR1, Bos. 260, Brussels P. mIM13ER FOR SALE.- The undersign j eale the timber en the East half of cession 9, hicElllop. There is a q Ian &eh suitable for rale ; also tome hard which will be eold by the sore, and ha Mr. James Lockhart to sell tho same. HALL. mod of fall don h ; pm - re, ^pply to Ontario. 1626x3 d o ors for t 3S, Con- ity f good voo4l bush, ^ pointed G ORGE 1613 "rm.Ref TO RENT.—Centa ne 160 are 90 leared, Jr 22 acres of fall wheat in on the plea , fall plow- ing all done, bank. barn 60x80, with brlcl veneered house, farm fngod state of cultivation and choice mil. For full particular, see the proor etor on the place; presession given by the 16th of Ma oh ; school convenient. SAMUN:L IRVINE, Lot 6, C ncession 6 Morris, P,eigrave P. 0. 1620x3 T0 CONTRACTORS. --Tenders will b received, addressed to the undersigned, un 1.1 Friday, February 24th, 180', for the erection If & Nrick 'school house in the torvnehip of Hay, on 1 416, Con- cession 2. MOS and Pp acsifiestions can bo on at the. residence of Alexander Munn, Lot 16, •noeesion 8. The lowest or any tender not necesearil aceepted. JAMES BONTHRON, (Hay) Secretary, 11 nsall P. 0. 1626.2 MENDERS WANTED—Separate tende 1. will be received by Rev. W. J. Ws sail, until 6 o'clock on Saturday, February for the mason work, carpenter work an necessary towards the erection of a new church, in Kipper!. Plansand specitleatio seen at the residence of Rev. W. J. W sail. The lowest or any tender not nee eepted. W. J. WADDELL, pastor; J. DALE, Secretary Board. e, sealed, dell, Hen - 25th, 1890, painting Methodist s can be dell. Han - Beefily am B. DINS - 1626 2 BUSINESS CHANCE.—The general age • ay rights of " Our Native 'Herbs" (Alonzo 0. Bliss Co., Montreal) for Huron County ind Souther Division of Perth will bo sold irnme lately and on e ey ternsa, as ill health forces me to leave the count . It is a well established and profitable busineas, and has 46 sub agents at work. Call, or address A. • SHEA, '.1olernan Street, Seaforth, ntario. 16e4x4 N. B. Persons indebted to me mill pleas forward at once. STOCK FOR SALE. FOR SALE,—The imported German coa h Morse r ft Waldemar," heigfrst,14 hands ; weir ht, 1,600 pounds; color, crow black ; a coach horse of he ;gh- ost type, with good knee Action. For full pa tie tars apply to SAMUEL IRVINE, Belgrave P.).: .7, Illax, Brussels, or to Thomas In es, Cranbrook. 16216x4 DULLS FOR SALE. The undersigned ba for LI sale three Durham bells, from 8 to 1 m nths old ; roan and red in °pia. These are irett.clale animals, and are register d. Two of them Were bred from Thomas Russet's p tee bull. THOMAS CUD - MORE, Lot 80, Conceals on 4, Usborne, or Lumley I'. 0. 618 -ti IGTOR SALE, a number .1 Scotch Short -ho a Huila, eU from 8 to 11 month old, 866 to 086 ; a d a few from 12 to 18 months old They are a gra) d lot of breeding lusty fellows, 1 ood gra Piing ci fndition , are good colors. Also el het -of the two b Ile bred by J. & W. B. Watt, of Se ern, Ontario, viz: iscount 23106, two yeas old, dar red ; or May Du e 21048, dark roan, four years o d active and sure getter. Also a few cows and hell re ; no pets; nous sell to make room, as herd num is 49 head, and m re com- ing ; tonne easy. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, t. 1618 STOCK FOR SIIRVIC. OHORTHORNS FOR SALE.—The undersig for sale two good young Shorthorn Bul mastered pedigrees. P ees a • d terms HECTOR REID, Lot 7, Co cession 3, Stanley, field P. 0. 1 ed has '▪ w th right. Bruoe- 20-tf B0AR FOR SEKVICk-The keep for service On Lot Stanley, s thoroughbred Chester,/ 01, payable at the time of Service, of returning if neoessary. JOHN undersigneild will 5, Comm on 4, ite boar. tiring- ith the ptivllege . DIEHL. 9I-tf DULL FOR SERVICE.—The un j service on Lot 8, Goncessio thoroughbred Durham bull. T able at the time of }service, with t turning if neceseary. EDWARD ereigned bas for 11, Steriley, a ems 01.60, ; pay - ell RrNi'vl ilegel0f3f2oir-li DULL FOR SERVICE.—The un ersignecl hce for 1) service on Lot 4, Col:mentor+ 6, Mullett, the thoroughbred shorthorn bull, "Scottish Robin." Terme 01, with the privilege of reterning if neces- sary, He a'so has for service a tltproughbred York- shire boar. Terms, SI. ANDREW SNELL, Con- ( duce. 1626-tf 110 PIG BREEDERS.—The undasIgned will keep i on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. LIS., Tuokortinitth, a thoroughbred CHESTER WHITE Pea, also a thoroush- bred YORKSHIRE Pro. A limited number of sows will be Admitted to each. Terms, $1, p^yablelat th time of service, or 81.69 if charged. M -o a fee, 0 ester • White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 11108-62 1 MAMWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER. et VICE.—The underaigned will ;keep for service, at the Bruoefleld Meese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, with registered Pedigree. Terme, )1; payable at t ems of service with privilege of re- turning if neemeary. Alto a number of titer ugh - bred young Tarnworth Boars and Sow for sale. FitUGH MUOARTNEY, Brumfield. i 140r -td TIAMWORTH PIO FOR SERVIE.-The nder- j. signed bas for service on lot 2, concessi n• 8, McKillop, a thcro'bred Tamworth I pig, to w idh a limited number of . sows will be triltenThi. 1.1 an extra good pig and breeders find it advi tageo 11 to erose their beskshire sows with this breed o pig. Terme $1, with privilege of returning if i nese ay. JOHN MokilLLAN ; 1.60extf .103108 FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE.* The undersigned, breeder of Large English perk. ehlree,lias for sale boars and sows in arrow.PHji will also keep for service the stook boar, "Xing e," archaised from Mr. George Green, of Fairview, and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ott$wa. Term —II payable at the time of service with the prNiege of returning if neeoseary, if booked $1.1 J4MES D(M )ANCE, Lot 26, Concession 6, Mc illop, Sea - crib P. 0. 1466-52 AUCTION SALES. e [CTION SALE OFVALUABLE BRION B 'OK j%_ IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH IN i HE UOUNTY OF HURON. There will bo Offen. for Hale by public auction at the Commercia Ho I, in the Town of Serforth, on Monday, the .13th d of February, 1899, at 1:30 o'clock in the afttrnool , by virtue of power of bale contained in a certain ort- 4age, which will be produced at the sale, the fo low- ing property : Lot 33, and the Southerly I foo of Lot 37, on the West side of Main street, in the eaid I. Town of Seaforth, according to Jarvis plan or survey of part of Lot 2, in the let Conoestion, a rn of Melon Road of the Township of Tuokeren ith. Together with all rights to the party walls bet4reon the buildings standing on the property here!i de - ;scribed, and adjoining property as conveyed jend described in a certain deed, dated the Oth dajy of March, len, made between one Robert Scott and wife and me Thomas Kidd. The following build nips are Said to be erected on the premises : A ti ree ;storey brick block and a frame veneered mbulking. . Tere : Ten per cent. of the purchase money t be paid down on the day of sale. For balenco terms will be made known at sale. For further pa W- riters apply to JONES, MaoKENZIE & LEONAJtD, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto, or to F. STE 0, Sexiorth. 1623r4 The shove sale has been postponed until MON- DAY', MARC If 18111 At the same hour and place • ApplicationoParfiame t Notice is hereby given that an application will he tirade to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at itis next session, by the Corporation of the Town of SeAforth, for an act to authorize the said tow to -rebuilt a by-law to the ratepay ere of the said town to erOpower tbe eaid corporation to borrow a sum ofs exceeding in the whole 510,000, and to tsetse dehe..tures for the same, payable in twenty years, with in- terest thereon annually, and empowering the aid corporation to levy a yearly rate upon the wt4oIe rattable property of the said town, in addition to ill other ram, eufficient for the payment of said deb to - term and interebt, and authorizing the said corp ra- tion, in the event of the said By -Law being carred by a vote of the majority of the ratepayers of he eaid town, to make a loan of $10,000, without in °r- efit, to W. D. Van Egmond, to enable him to more the capacity of his woollen mill, and the numbs halide employed therein, in the Town of Seaforth to tie secured by s mortgage upon the lands, buil& Fr. machinery and plant of the said W. D. VanEgmo4ld, ia favor of the said corporation. P. HOLMESTJD, Solicitor for applicants. Seath ce, January 14 h, 1899. 1623 THE WAWA EAPOSITOlta OK HEADACHE Positively ured by these -Litti Pills* • ii "1lhey also relieve istress frorn DYspepsfa; Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. i A per- fect remedy for Diziiness, Nausea,IlDrowsf. ness, Bad Taste in therI Mouth, Coated 'Tongue t pain in the Side, TO PID LIVER,, They Regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose, Smal Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and d mand Carter's Little Liver Pills, IT• ID.49.71".8 TO The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONTARIO, Is certaii4y entitled to a distils1et position amongst the Canadian business ichools. It's work stands clear and above its competitors; Its graduates are ieminently successful in the business world. We have been too busy of late tio write advertiSemens, but the good work of placing pupils is still going on.1 Twenty or more have been placed since owl last ad. was sent out, and 1 our 'glace is too limited to allow us to list them here. From now en we hope to keep You posted in what• we are doing. Write for Catalogue of either department to D. Mr:LACHLAN & Co. Chatham, 001. 1 '7fore. Aft"' Wood's Phosphodine; The 1reat English Remedy/. Sold nd recommended by all druggiSts in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Biz kages guaranteed to cure all forms o Sexna Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or 8tirmilants. Mailed on receipt of pric,e, one paokage 51, six, $5. One tow please, six toili cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Win s, Ont. d No. 1 and No. 2 sold:in Seaforth by Luriheden A Wilton, druggists. SIGN e OF THE CIRCULAR EIA* k•sl tid Izs' o co t<J 0-01 CD 1..4 • CD CD CD ig te., C:1-1 54 es% 0 !eirjj o CD CD t•cl o o eer-• CD el 0 • 6 1:11 0 p..cfq c4 rei • pee Pei a) 1r' eas SD I-1 CD O -4 e -t- 171 71'' 121 as e -e• '"" -11. I cp c1,02„ !ai 0 0 0 " CD ere cee COC1D • P P 6-• • Pa Pie LOGS WANTED • —AT THE— BRUCEFIELD SAW I STAVE MILLS. Any number of Halewood and Rook Elm -Loge, fer which $7 per thousand will be paid for lint -elan quality. Fret -class Hard and Soft Maple, 56 per thousand. Delivered at the Brucefteld Mills. CUSTOM SAWING Done on the shortest notloe, and a first-class [job guaranteed. CHOPPING Done Tuesday and Friday of each week. Dons while you welt, and fird-olase work guaranteed. HEMLOCK LUMBER. Any amount of, Hemlock Lumbar, all usual sizes, kept constantly on hand., JOSIAH WATSON, PROPRIETOR. 1017-12 L FE IN LAZY PARIS. BU INESS WAYS THAT WOULD PARA- LYZE OUR HU TLERS. Th Working, Emirs re termer aline o'clock Tin Five, W th Two Hours edueted For Lunel -House Serv- o. its Have Every Aft rnoon O.R. 'ho last two decades aye marked the growth of not a few largs. commercial un- der taktings in Franco. S me of these cm- plo thousands of men have agencies thr iughout all the provin-es of the coun- try and are even represent d in every largo for ign city In Christen( om, but it is a cur ous fact that the larg r any establish - me it grows holm the mor leisure has ev- ery ody connected with . t. The young Fr net clerk or bookkhep -I. would throw up is pesition, even tho gh such an act mei nt bread and water fo years to come, if his employer dared to import what are bec ming known on th continent as "A nerican methods." H wants to come . dos n to his work coolie rily not earlier tha i 9 o'clock -it is oftener 10 that finds his before his desk --and if his hours at noon are abridged by .the smallest quarter ho r sulkiness and stroll ess aro the se- gue. , In positions just a grade above his tho incumbentS stroll !in a 10, lunch from, 'leo i to any hour they p ease and never ata later than 5 o'clock a their offices. This accounts for what s so often ob- ser cd with natonishmen by Americans soj urningabrPad. They onder that the caf are full at all hours f .the day with pro porous nion, whose cons ersation shows the to be engaged in wh 't even the blue ai blo ded Frenchman is beg nning to men- - tiO respectfullg' as "la coi.merce." The exp anation is now evident These ' 'mor- •clia its"-everY business man here is a "in( rchant"--sruminate over their affairs in t o shade o a cafe awning instead of - behind the forbidding railing of a private offic . Every ono of them might be a lit- eral., lounger as far as his appearaneel is con( coned. Ishisraculate boots, spotless line i and highly polished top hat -all pro - clan that they do not by any means give all t i eir time to "business," and that if all is hi. rry and industrial fervor at their of flees they at least will not stoop to beton a pa t of . it for more than four or fiv " hour a day. A for the proprietor • himself, he Is o tene than not a true rara avis at the es tabli !uncut. His head clerks and confi dent al men come to him in his pleasan !cowl ry villa or city palace when he do sires infornsation. He pays wages of slu i pert n tendonce and has forgotten, if h ever I h merit Ment 11.S63. iperfu land now, the name of his bookkeeper, vo so many large Paris establish in my mind while writing this tha oning one or two would be of n But in one of the largest soap arid nery houses in tho world, that fairy - color and fragrance that looks; out upon the Place do la Madeleine, one of th sever reminders of the employees consist of a ign hanging near tho door-"Mes steno the clerks aro prayed to recall tha not I ore than two hours can be allow aurin the snnuner for dejeuner." An even in tho large departmen stores which the French believe to bo un equal. for Eke and convenience by any other in the world, such a thing as a clerk worki g overtime or curtailing his mid- day n eul for any Purpose whatsoever has never, I am assured, been heard of. In the s iro clerks and accountants are obliged to at nd to their monotonous but never hurri.i duties. 1The moment a certain trikes they don their glossy high change their short coats for the length required on the boulevards mediately Seek their favorite restau- cafe, where they become gentle - leisure, "rentiers," and talk of p0 - friars or the last salon, with high - lel air and critical eye, as if there • 1 yards of :ribbon and silk waiting "hands during the afternoon. lie is very fine, and nobody would replaced by a different system per - But it is not what we Americans einem." It is not in accord with uasion that time is money, and lite loungers, swaying and idling •chairs while the sun on high Is 'g strictly to his daily work, do to give Paris the atmosphere of a The newcomer's first impression very class of Parisians rest and to and talk "affairs" at least two - f the day. • hat is true of large business s equally so of the small tradespeo- you are coming to Paris to live, months, be warned and do not aye the affairs of your menage between the hours of 11 and 2. hPgante, Court] and i rant mon o litical ly judi were n for the All t wish i haps. call"b the pe these p in thei attendi not he] beehiv is that reoupe thirds For houses ple. for son try to progres The chr rbonnior will not bring your coal, the gr cer and butcher will not deliver orders, • nd the concierge, paid to attend to your wants, will not bring up letters, papers or packages between the limits mention ed. That interval almost uni- versal] and quite inexorably belongs to each pe .son, however humble bo his state, born in the free and lazy air of Franco. Tho su , as before hinted, is the only cos- . mologi 1 adjunct which agrees to con- tinuo b isinessa Tho household servants aro per! aps the only exception, and they get ind Trinity by going off every after- noon th moment the work is dono to take a "petit proinonade au soleil." Unless you all w your filervan ts this "right," as they ,co isider it,, you will get but poor service f nd little faithfulness from them. The v ry omnibuses go slower and aro greatly 'educed irs number, the great de- pots are deserte.d and the resting locomo- tives s ore softly under the great iron arches, the long freight trains behind them pa .ked to bOrsting for those who are out yom er in the green country waiting for tho code they have ordered. But the freight trains, toe, aro waiting, waiting, waiting, and it will bo 2 or 3 o'clock be- fore the yarning ';v1alsble blows once more. The Inc ries of the Gobelins and those at Sevres, the ministerial offices and the tele- graph In as deep brace a 1 tho shad clist, fea the Ave ing, whe are goin danger n himself. pucincs i ing the wetxls g pavemcn reau-a11 aro wrapped in a siesta s ever clasped in its dreamy em- ttici Spanish town nestling near av of the Alhambra. The bicy- fill of the rush of carriages on uo de l'Opera during the niorn- i of energetic strangers a-sightSeeing, finds no spice of w. 110 has all the highway to The winding Boulevard des Ca given up to sparrows and buzz - Ono almost expects to find owing tip in the (frocks of the An Eyei'or an E e. . ,. The la NY of Afghanistan is n theory the same wit that of 'Mohlimmec an countries hi genert 1 -that a the Kor n. This is, an eye fo san eye, a tooth for a tooth, and enables t e party Wronged to avenge him- self on a .elative if circurns nces prevent him form reaching the aggr ,ssor in per- son. He co revenge seconie , among the Afghans, a point df h nor, which no man may wais o except with disgrace. MAR IAGE LICIENSES ISSUED AT THE N RON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Bin WORTH, ONTARIO. NO ITNE8SE4 REQUIRED. NO STYLE TH RE. A Lori ori t Club the M st Exclusive The th worl It is al member of Lend The q not tho west cnc for not were on club se merit fair it is bers wo suspicio • Every inod by inquires man h or repu smallest boos hav other, al As le not onl business clothes worth h ing his other s whispers upon,th per bag, blp near th the room, eXceedin That t la man's )cern of t seed ar b. easier st�i4e WOl pro ds leas in kno s th •Tie cl hon in Gar en, exp rises get rid o the cuisi caro abet good din gether, th •inonj cl scor4 of world for r Al; di. "bod of • hear the whits th else° In the Wori Idlest and niost e elusive club in 4 the Dianiond lub of London. one of the: most curious. The ao the great dial ond merchants In. sallfications for Membership are o vh1ch find favor in the swell cl bs of London.Birth counts in and dress for less. In fact, oft the members of the Diamond n 4lsportiig himself in the rat- ed al by tiio young bloods of May - sae to say that his fellow mem- Id fregard him with the greatest i. ca dictate for admission is exam- cemmit o on admissions, which minutely into his past, and no ov r been admittcd whose career ati n :has been s !robed in the de co. For this relson the mera- • t e utrripst confidence in each d all aro friend& members have office, the club is a place of refreshment, but of as Well. A gentlernan attired in erh, ps not worth,a sovereign, but s 2400,000 for all that, is discuss - in (31., There enters to him an - ably genteel gentleman, who so iething in l,sis ear, where - di r hands the !newcomer a pa - h li on being emptied on a ta- indow at the other end of picivcs to contain diamonds of si e and luster. ie committee is able to delve into iast is shown by the utterunc,on- e owner. His diainonds are being und the room. Nothing would the for some no to secrete a th erhaps $2,600, yet the diner v1t1 his dinner as if he were the treed party in the room, for he at h s gems are safe. b t eats daily at the luncheon th�l clingy little cafe in Hatton c,cnnying a private room. The ire so slight that the members, to their profits, expend them on re. i: Diamond dealers may not t dress, but they know what a er hould bo like, Taken alto 11 o'clock repast of the Ma. b nay be pronounced on the unity to be the finest in the hd money. utes aro settled by committee. A arbitration" is. formed, which videnceand gives the verdict, laser abides by. -San Frans lian Iri th Yore, coil who they the t the e house the so ble w Chronicle. he roo-i; In Indlan lerritory. ho so kal patch" "s still the main re- in t to Inch es, only old wns bins has fka p thou o interior o a one enc n bankers, 11 to the ey corn from planted b tion it rece An Am to raisea s these will 1 from girls 'ate a off. I which stick i Corn into t brine I ken s On th the po month Democ SO the Indian nations. unters Indian law - radian graduates of Oen bus'ness men, Indians Ametkans in that ship. put back of • the railroads, are o patelies. The log - co the tepee and de existence possi- The sofka patch 10, iffer from IlaI eitize away fron nd the sof aken the p1. tch hoe m• Use chase. s of the w1i1te man, a field of we; to five a1eres in extent. It is cl, and lwhat little cultiva- samecharacter. 1 hardly undertake prospects of one of An Indian family the sofka produced . The women and Ily platit and cunt- . A ree is sawed irned large hole, ses of a mortars A shape of a pestle. t water, dried, put d pounded1 Strong corn has been bro- duct is then sofka. whole families of h ve is of th ri n svoul ot on the ptches. e al wpater on Wo• three acre f thtilfaMily usu d their the cro hie butt is b fu fllls the purp h n nto the 0 sTake, in sa o1 rne• hole a ; ad ed hen the cie ti , The pr s p ml ive fo rer nd ans of e territory eubsist fte month.-Cer. St. Louis Globe- . 1. C pp r en Warship. All o th governments have fallen back upon ccppe or icompositions in which cop- per is tie •red minant metal for sheath. Ing the.w sh p..Electroplating the bot- toms o ships w th copper has recently been expeein ented eatensive1y with, and this does a ay fr1thinanyof the old objections to coppr s eat ing. Where the copper plates Werenailed on the ships, "pitting" nearly always started at the nail holes. If the salt water was allowed to enter here even Ir th sMallest quantity, corrosion wogredaage to the steel hull. milda at once and In a short time d In e 'ect iplatilng, however, the copper sheathi g I put on in one unbroken ruass and th re i ii.4 danger from 'pitting." When t e w ole surface has b4on electro- plated ith opPer a smooth 4nd unbro- ken s face iS presented, and it fits so closely hat the . sheathing ca not be re- moved ith ut metirnes chipping off the iron.-' Sh 1 i g Warships,' by George E. Wal h, I th American Review. If one to Spare • The boy h en taking pi no leesons for just a 'eei Them his rnclther went to the mus cal college, hunted up his teacher and ou4plalned that, though her son hadl receve4• three lessons, he could not Yet play single tune. The instructor politely expl ined that it was necessary to Brat teiseh ac les, then exercises,and after these were i astered his mother's wish could be grat fled. The fond parent was not Hatred, but she concluded to try it awhile ong r. At the end of another week she w back again and loud in her denuneiation of thoteacher and his meth- ods,ause ;so fax as she could see, her son ha mad, no advancement. "W ll, made, ," said the exasperated prof or, "I car teach your boy some- thing, but I annot give him braius." "No " ens% erc1 the mother scornfully, "you poor rat n, you don't look as if von had any to Hp e. UE Czar Paul plan f r inva hand o an a Rad uni, klieg lo the pr tectora sinatedr M. Lambe wished to c ,the coast of A He was asses sins, wretched pockets were guineas 1 -Po di Ing ss co to abi ina nat un ie. h Guineas." ussed with Napoleon a India. He died by the, 1 Madagascar, asked for France. He was assas sul of France at Aden, French settlement on on the route to India. and when his asses - yes, were searched their to be full of Englieh A. Touehin Rempnibrance. On a rai1way j•urney Morley had for a companion an Old entleman who had been trying to make I sell more comfortable with the aid of somewhat deflated air cushion. Prof*? sso Morley was glowing to blow itup for hii, but him action was ar- rested by the eic 1 ation: "Stop, sir, stopl %not cushion n no my &mailed wife'" breathl"-Lif of : enry Morley. • - T. R. CouzIticc, of Holmesville has re- signed his posi ion an teacher at *lie and lett for Sioux Cty, Iowa, where he tales a position as sup ly in the ministry. - On Tuesda eVenieg of last week, the debate on " Cttpit 1 punishment" came off in Smith's ache 1 h nee, Grey, with Mr. JO& Elliott in the 4hai. For the affirmative, Meant, Brydor, °Ewn and McDoald, hold the ;orb wile on the other side, was 845/1/0r1.12ESLff NEW Y AR1S CALLS. How the Canto a Wax 0 xe ved In Old /View York. Among the festivities of old N w YOrk the observance of New Year's da held an important place, :ay8 Mrs. Julia Ward owe in The Atla stic. In every house of ay pretension the ladies of the f rally at in their drawing om , arrayed 'n their best dresses, and t e entleinen of their acquaintance mad s ort visits, during which wine and r ch cakes were offerxt lit was allowable o ca11 as early as 10 o'clock in the m erni g, but the Visitor Iscenetimes did iltIli. fliolro than appear and dsappear, hastily muttering something about the "corpil on. of 'the seami." The gentlemen p ided, the selves upon the number of visi ;$ pad, th ladies upon tno number receive . Girls at school eXed each other with em lative bo sting. "We had 60 calle s on New ear's "Oh, but we had 651" This perfuneto i performance grew very tedious by th time tha. the c Ring r. hours were ended, ut apart f om t s the day was one on which familles w!ere greeted by distant relatives rarely se n, while old friends met and evived 11 eir pleasant moiuor1es In our limes he rooms were all thifown open, and b I ht fires burned in the rates. I recall a is.ew Year's day, early in the thirties, on wh eh a yellow chariot stopped before (stir 01 r. A stout, elderly gentleman descended fr m it and came in to pity his conspliment to my father. This gentleman was J hn Jacob Astor,. whostag alreadkown to be possessed of gran wealth. The pleasant custom just described ' as said to have origijllated with the Du h settlers of the olden time. As the eity gr -w In size it became d4llllcult and we ni impossible for gentlemen to nizt e he necessary number of visits. Fin fl, a number of young men of the city t4o, it upon themselves to call in sguakis at houses which they had no right to sr ole t, consuming the. refreshments providd or other guests and making then solve id greoable in various ways. This offe • se against good manners led to the di: • tinuance, by common consent, of th N Year's receptions. A BARGAIN IN FUNERALS. • • 3 ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. ; fritple r strrettirdtroordte hsd the agency for the sale el our Issf for One Hundred :11/144osigrijDolarterisra°14.0.6:1414 TER° Man o 01401211211:13Mint= mar" 4.4 , 12 Saved ,t1 Ici tt 44ri N: 'from tt ..,._ rtIlu_ rY_ zat xnumunnurpna Many are t e widows, children, ister, motliers and dependants Saved: from Ienury, privation and Want :by th promptly paid poll - Cies of the ana arn Order 6Aresters Two of three cents a day Flake at least $rooO safe for those you leave behi d yOu when you are Called henc A Government Investment of i$root000.00 included in a 'Surplus fiund o $674,149.85 invsted' in Cam.-cra's strongest Financial In- . • stitutions are some of the safe- guards offered by the C. 0. F. ' *or f utther particulars enquire oflanyl of the Officers or Members of the 'Order, or address R, lOn, [I. C. R., Inger:OM 11105 WHITE, High Scey, Dr:afford ERS GARTIJN, 5 0 Brantford, How Lilian. Bell'. Frivolity Shoe s Her Serious English Corssins. ' We were going on a coach to Richmo with Julia and her h band," wri s Lilian Bell in The 'Nom 'Er Honse Co panion, describing many amusing Inc dents of her stay and adventi4res in Lo don: "It was a lovelyday. TheItreos Were mass of blobm and everybed , ought have enjoyed himself. We we having very good time of it an ong on/Selves Ing the absurd signs until we iloticed th „three girls who sat opposite to' les. The bad serious faces and long, eensureptiy teeth, which they never succeeded in co pletely hiding. I kneW juat how the would look when they were dead. I kne that those two long front teeth woul still- They listened to all vie ,said with out a flicker of the eyelashes. Ceasionall they looked down_ at the size f,Julia'sli4 Ile feet and then involuntaril drew their own back out of sight. "Presently I espied a 81tat , . 4Funera1s For This Week Only,at Half Pr (e.' I selzej Julia's hand, 'Stop, oh; stop the coach and let's get a funeral V We may never have an opportunity to get a bargain in funerals again. And the sale lasts only one week. Everybody told me before I came away to get what I wanted at the Moment 1 saw it, not to wait, thinking I would come back. • So unless we order one now we may have to pay the full priest. And a funeral would be such a good investmenta, it would kpep forever. You'd never feel like using it before you actually needed it. Do let me get one now l' "Of course, Julia, my sister, and Julia's husband were in gales of 'laughter, but what finished me off was to see three seri- 1 ous creatures opposite rise as if piJ,1ed by ono string, look in an anxious w at me • and then at the sign, while the t1eth be- gan to say to each other: 'What dld she say? What does she mean? What dces she want a funeral for?' " '1 •1 • Old Sumptuary Laws, The sumptuary laws that were p the middle ages are quite foreig spirit and temper of the ninetee tury. They aimed at keeping eacli his proper sphere by fixing limi expenditure of citizens upon ap ed In to the tsi'Pll o th(t1 an other personal concerns. A complete schdi- ule of the clothing that shoulil, be *Orn in every class of society was preseribed in the act of the third year of Edward IV (1464)1 Apparently an excess in attire sprang up that had not been provided for in this act for another orte followed in the ensuin year, prohibiting the wearing Of slates wit long, peaked toes. The thpieturs of ithe peo IT pie of e Elizabethan age epict wha many would consider an art stic taste in apparel, but which was looked upon at th time as an excess and called for a procla motion (1580) against- broad mil, lon cloaks and swords and long spikes on t bosses of shields. -Cor hill M4igazino. Not So Easy to heat Him. The Indian is improvident, but he is keen enough at a bargain. An anecdote told of Joseph Rolette, a rarnons trader of Prairie du Chien, well illustrates the point. The story is told in "Leading Events in Wisconsin Hitory." A lady who visited Prairie du Chien in the early days of the territory remarked to Mr. Rolette: "Oh, Mr. Rolette, I would not be en- gaged in the Indian trade; it seems to me a system of cheating the peer savages:" "Let me tell you, sndarn," replied he, with great naiyeto, is not so easy 0. cheat the Indians as you ina,gine. I have tried it these 20 years and have never suc- ceeded." Cutting Bin Stick. To cut his stick, in the sense of going away in a hurry, has long been a common expression, though it is not heard by any means so frequently as It was 40 and 60 years ago. "Hey's cut- his stik" equals run away. "Now, the, cut yer stick!" equals be off. • In playing cricket When I was a boy the record of runs for each player was notched on a long stick, and runs were only known as "notcheS" in those days. I have seen the records Of bigger matches also recorded on sticks 'by means of notches, say, 45 years ago. -Notes and. Queries. It is caleulated that &fluent speaker ut- r ters between 7,000 and ,500 words in the course of an hour's un nterruptecl speak- ing. Many orators of more than usual rapid utterance will reaoh 8,000 and even 9,000. But 125 words a minute, or 7,500 an hour, is a fair average. Take things as you 114d them, but don't lake all the things you Od.-Washington Oapitl. FOR The sj Weak and Nervous, br.1 Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills. THE STCLAIR RIVER • SAR NIA. ONSARIO. SU DENTS Are floeking to this worthy institution from all Parts of Ontario and Michigan. We lassist all competent graduates in securing employment. Write for our beautiful new prospectus. • A. S. NIMMO, Proprietor. 1t6-5 t7, as• ar. taa INDAPO THE GREAT 1411V000 REMEDY PRODUCES THE AISOVE Results in 30d1ays. ()urea nil Nervous Diseases, Ealing Memory Paeefe, Sleeplessness, Nightly Reale- sions, eto,, earned by past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken OTESZIS, and quickly bot surely restores Lost Manhood in old or young. Haab' carried in vest pocket, Price $1.004 packae, Six for $3.00 with a written geuvrantra to OtVre ur money refunded.' DON'T BUY AN IMITATION' but insist on having INDAPO; If your druggist ASS not got it, we will send it prepaid. HIND00 ILEIEDY Frapril, Chlera, TU. or our Amts. This rapid increase panes it Ise remedy that every's' who tries it speaks well of. Yours respectfully, L Y. FEAR, seshatt, Ot. HICH IcRADE Furniture EMPORIUM Leatherdale Landsborough, SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. 'Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture fram- ing, and it choice seleetion of pictures always on hand. Curtain poles at all prices, and put up. We are also Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, best in the market for do- mestic use, no travelling agents, no high prices. In the Undertaking Department, we buy our goods from the beet houses in Ontario and guarantee satisfaction in every depart: ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re. quisetes for funerals, TREE or manor. Prices better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on scientific principles. P. 8. Night and Sunday _calls will be attended to at Mr. lAndsborougins real= dance directly in the rear of the Doinin4..n Bank. Leatherdale & Landsborough, SEAFORTH. BEFORE USING. We never handled a preparation for horses and cattle that gave such un - hounded satisfaction as R'S ondition Poders. hey prevent stocking or swelling ili t e 1es, tber keep the hide sleek and nimal in first-class condition. • e packaga for 50c at R'S DRUG STORE SEAFORTH. A teaspoonful in his feed makes all th's difference, •AFTER USING. 1. R. Jackson Julet Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognacs • France • Jno. de Supper & Son Hol-, • land Grin, Rotterdam, Rolland; • Bull oh ilk Co.'s dcotch Wliisky, Glas- t Boot 's Tom Gin London England; gow,11 Seotli.nd ; Jamieson's Irish Whitley, Dublin; Ireland • also Port • and :Sherry Wine from *ranee and • Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davis' • Ale and Porter, Toronto. to THE1PUBLIC : We have opened a retail store in connection with our whelessie busi- business in the rear of the new Do- minien Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices.; Goods • delivered to any part of the town free. 4f ELEPOONE 11. 1518-tf Sy McLEOD'S tem Renovator -AND OTHER - TE TED -REMEDIES. A spestc and antidote ter Iinpnr. Weak -sad les- povuiihed Blood, Dyspepsia, El Palpate - hon of th. Heart, Liver Oeseplaini, Nsaragia Loss of ¥emory Bronehids. Donsumpthis, G Stones. 3IWidIOe,j Kidney and Urinary Memos, ;St Vik' Dario*, F Insgularieles end General Debtlity, LABORATORY-Goderioh, Ontorio. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manu facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. isca•tt IDLACKI3MITIFS BUSINESS FOR SALE. -Ove of DI best stands in the oonnty, large briok shop, good tram* house with good barn, and other neces- sary outbuildings; also good orchard and. gsrden ; old established hukiest, and lot' of work. Sold at a bargain it add Merl sway, as the owner is, desirous of going west. ForparMerilars, address enquiries to XPORITOR Otlice, • Bastorth marked " blacksmith heslases." 100x.4 NOSNHOP 'OM'S 1313011 11 0 cia ct cia GODERICH Steam Boller Work& cEETABLISHED 1880.) A. 4JHRYSPAL to Chrystal & Meek, Manufaotn ef all kinds of Stationary MarIh., Upright k Tubular BOILERS SIs Pansouths Sts.oks, Shoot Iran W•rkiii• urines. A Sothis a specialty. AU Aho dealer* tal hi and Horiscatal 1114. Valve giad "P.-0.11"fir.rlit.isdiSmsberlishis,". God117 satels." "24 MOiNIEY TO LOAN. Mosey to loan at 41 and 5 per oent. per agnoco. Any amount so Ihrsi-oass tarm land eternity. Ap. got R 5. NAIB, Daniston Bank Bui/drogi_g•a•