The Huron Expositor, 1899-02-10, Page 88 TIE Ht Wilson's Oasli Grocery New fruits and new season's 'Teas no in stock. We have now in stock the best values kit new 8011 - son's Teas we over had, compritting YoUng Hyson, Ceylon and Japan Team. We guarantee 'eatiefaction or will tifund the money. The Vet ritually of new - Raisins, Currants, Nuts, Peels, etc., n- w .in met .st lowest prices. Sante nice lines in Din. Or, Tea and Toilet Seta ;lust received, and at prices les low as the lowest. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples, potatoes, dreseed fowl, and all kinds d marketable produce, for which wo will pay the bigh 1st price. C, WILSON,- fort1s, 1374 Bank of Comm roe Blotik. DOMINION B 0,000. SEA FORT H BR OH, Main street, Seafor h. A general banking business tkansacte Farmers' Sate Notee collected, and advances mad on same at SAVINGS DEPARTM NT. Deposits of One Dollar and uitwards r helve& and nterest allowed at higheet current rate . Interest added to principal twice each; year -a the end of June and December. No not* of withdraw' is required for the whole or any prion of deposit. ltill ca.use the seller must be satisfied ae well as H was the eldest son of the late pr. Sansuel ha the buyer am long as the town controls the Su rk, and was a native of Sea orth, Bud seales. No town official can act as weig ' I lived here nearly all his life. In cm - y with his brother, Loftus, he had been vying on a very successful tailoring bOsi- 1 s here for some years. He was a quiet, dy, industrious young man, and wee eh and deservedly respected by the zone generally. He leaves a widow end child besides his aged mother to mourn loss of an affectionate husband and er and loving son, He was a member of fire brigade and also of the °resters, and these two wed their respect for th rade by attending the funer marching to- the cemetery. master and attend to his other duties at th same time. rhe shipping of hay, stra roots, etc., is a larger industry than cattl and why should they not also be stipple with scales and save them buying or borro the Canadian I acific Railway soon, an then, of course, we will have to put in a other soales at their station. There appea to be only two reasons for putting in a extre scales. One is that the cattle buye can have it to limas he wishes -and I. ve 1 sh ture the assertion that the town will aba ! oo don it in a short time -the other is tha 1 an some person may make a commieston b getting the contract. lf this is a sample legislatien for 1899, the old economic part will have a snap at next election. Your truly, -Tex PAYER. Pa oa ne ste I in th i of • EGMONDVILLE NOTES. -Me. James Me - cane time with relatives here, returne oine on Thursday of last week. She wa accompanied by her niece, Miss Maria Hills who will spend a few well-earned holidey with relatives in St. Marys and vicinity. - For years the people of our church have been struggling under the debt incurred iti Solicitor Agent. the past, the returns from our anniversary! eervices having wiped it out, and congratu4 Stocktakin In about ten daye we eommen taking. It is particularly desire have our 'etock low at stocktakin too many winter goods still on h mined that they will have to g price may be: The following line desirous of selling : Men's Fur C Austrian Coon, Womoat. Chinese as follows : sn ClOats for 816.50; Cloth and Frieze Overcoats : Coats for *3.60 ; 85 Coats for t1i2.80. Belo' in same proporti Coate for ; $3 Coats for 81.80. be found on following lines : Lacli Men's, Youths, Boys' and ChB Coats, Pants and Vests ; Ladies' Collare, Ruffs and Gauntlets ; Me Big discounts on many other line entire store. our An ual Stock - le that_ e shated we are p Coats og and 16 for Costa n. Lad wever the Dunmore, are pleased to welcome her back. in iitnek, 1 -Mr, Thomas Hills is having brick hauled r $22.50. ; for the purpose of veneering his blaokemith augitroo, ' shop during the 'coming summer. Mr, ntilis or $7 • es has full confidence in the business poSsibill- Cosafor 1 ties of the future of our village, and apares s Cloth no means in keeping his property ln ' good imilar ill repair. --Mr. and Mrs. James Cumming si slant cloth, . who are ardent lovers of fl&wers, are the rense /3 its, odci proud pessessors this season Of a choice lot ur Cap Muffs. of winter bloomer& the equal of which is Bed tarrioareud. rarely to be met with outside of a conserve - throe out the tory. ti Ch th wh to Fir tur Sea pro the • EV. MR. CLARK'S LECTURE. eted last week the ladies of iatian Temperance Union b services of Rev. W. J.Clark is not a, stranger to most of our readers, eliver his celebrated lect re " With and Sword in the Soudan.h The lec- will be given in the Presbyterian church, orth, on next, Monday evening. The eeds are to be devoted to the poor of town. Aside, therefore, from the rare me its of the lecture, the object is such a cci mendable one that we think we can pro ise on the part of our citizens a large and ence. Mr. Clark has delivered this leot re in several of the cities and towns of Ont rio and everywhere it has been highly ended. The following, which we take the Stratford Beacon, is a sample of ulogiums it has called forth. The on - says : " The basement of Knox lawas well filled last night with a very eiative audience. They had the priv- of hearing one of ' the finest lectures delivered in Stratford. The lecturee, ev. W. J. Clark, pastor of the First putation of being a logical -and original her, whose sermons develop the spirit - e of the congregation. Last night he to ---his fame by the masterly descrip- ord-painting with wnieh he adorned hject. Genuine eloquence marked his se, whilst its effect on the hearers was ing and patriotic.", ir departed 1 in a body, As we in. he Women's ve secured of London, lotions are the order of the day. -Mrs. John corn Lawrence, of Morden, Manitoba, who ha , fro been visiting relatives in Torento and St. 'I the Thomas, is spending this week With her idea Bea' ter, Mrs. Wm. Carnochan, of Tuckeramith. ehur Her many friends in this vicinity, who navie appr kindly recollections of her as Miss Hattie __lege , ever the Pres the r prea adde tive his s addr inspi Wm. PiOcard & coo. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. D n't wait for something .to turn up, Get a 'business education and turn some - thin up. Active educated and well-train- ed young men andwomen are wanted every- whe e. We admit students at any time. Wriee for circulars. W. j. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 WATCH REPAIRING IS A SPECIALTY OF OURS Try us- All work warranted. elm a full asiortment of Wedding and Engagement Rings Always on hand. Jewellers, Seaforth. 1618 Your Needs for .184 9 Our stook of Groceries is new and complete. Our buteher shop is up -to -data with choice eats, poultry, &c. Our telephone is Nis 8. Our delivery to all parts ot town is prompt. . - Our prices for produce of all kinds is the hig est. Our -invitation is to beth buyers and Belle a, and our place of businese is eauth Main Street. Grocers Butchers, 698 el %there, dried apple and raw furs WaNTED-1Butt7-, 16c and 17 • Weee sa; Bnaas. -A very pretty wedding took place in St,. Colurnban church, Irish- toevn, on Wednesday morning, the 8th inst., when Miss Lizzie Downey, daughter of Mr. Stephen Downey, was united in marriage with Mr. WM. Devereaux, of Tuckersmith, near Seaforth. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Downey, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Fathers Fogarty, of St. Golumban ; Kealy, of Raleigh, and Gnam, of esson, and was witneseed by a large nu be of friends'. The bride, assisted by her co ei , Miss -Maggie Pierce, of Mitchell; was ea tifully attired and looked charming Th groom was supported by hie brother Mr. Robert Dev- ereaux, of Seaforth. At the nolusion of the ceremony the party repaired tei the home of the bride's &rents, where the guests at down to a sumptuous wedding brea fast, at the close of whichtoaste, appropri te to the occasion, were given and respended to y many pres- ent. A granO•eception as given in the evening at the -beautiful h me of the groom, Fairview Hall,where man in ited gueats as- sembled to welcome the ha p young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux ere the recipients of numerous beautiful an c stly presents, showing the esteem they are held in by their many friends and acq ai tances. THE EXPOSITOR, extends cong atu ations to the newly wedded couple and rus s, with their legion of friends, that the su of prosperity may ever shine apon the Nonce is given that al the firm of Stark Brothers, Seek Loftus Stark, proprietor. Ask for a sample and p tea at A. Young's, Seaforth. ice ounts owing re to be paid to 1626-1 of the bank 1629-2 THOROUGHBRED POULTRY R SALE. -A few Barred eke, White Roe s, Aght Brahrnas, Pullets for salb All pries win ing stook. Willson 1625-2 01111.L WANTED. te t go to Mon- r tana, a good reliable girl to do en r bongo. work. u Wages, $15 per month. Apply by !letter te 4.13 Lot Egm resid and b to be wife friend on M Georg ing Ford of w were coldes • AL BRIEFS -Mr. David Moore, of dville, who has been confined to his ce for several weeks with la grippe onchitis, is now sufficiently recevered ble to drive oute-s-Mr, W. J. Fowler, nd child, who have been visiting in this vicinity for some weeks, left tidily for their home in Dakota, -Mr. Murdie, of McKitio0, was address - Farmers' Institute meetings at ich and Ethel last week, at both Loh places very successful meetings eld.-Monday morning last was the of the season, the thermometer reg - fourteen degrees below at seven o clock. Fortunately, however, there was not m oh wind, and the low temperature was n t so seeerely felt as on some other occasi s when there was less depressdon.- Miss elen Dickson, daughter of Mrs. John Dickso . of Roxboro, McKillop, has recent- ly gra uated as a nurse at Harper hospital, Detroi winning a gold medal and her diplom . Miss Dickson spent the holidays at her ome here, but returned to Detroit last we k to resume her professional duties th'ere. The main driving belt in the Broad- ootd3o factory broke on Monday, and the mploy es had a half holiday until it was epaire .-We notice that our old friend, r. Pe er MeEwen, formerly of McKillop, ut no of Tyner, North Dakota, still keeps o the f ont. A. Bathgate paper of a recent n town the other day with the carcasses of wo elk one of I which had a magnificent air of ntiers, and a small red deer. He ecured them on the first mountain, orth homes and Fred Jackson, John Wiseman en of 'linton, were in town on Friday.' he " hub meet have been nearly depopu- 1 ted. -e re. Mena of Waterloo, visite hee- 1 t. Ha nan, of Stratford, preached missions ID y ser ons in the Methodist church on nday last. -The young people of the wn ha a most pleasant dance hi Cardno's 11 on Friday evening last, at the at - me liven by the Social Twelve. --The lowin persons have thia week had tele - ones laced in their stores and offices: Dr. arrows, Adam Hays, Peter Dill and John opp.- r. Hunter, who was seriously ill the re idence of his brother-in-law, Mr. . Hol ested, has, we are glad to learn, fficien ly recovered to resume his business has •eturned to Toronto. -Mr. Robert nniso , having sold his farm in Usborne, pure ased the interest of Mr. Wilson in Nangliton, and intends coming to town e man and we have , great p comin him as a citizen of Seaf hope is stay with tiee will be d profi able. -We understand k, of Hensall, has 'purchase 1 elev tor. -The roads in all one. Of the best farthe lin the county, either for grain 11 st raising, stock Ibr dairying, being Lot , Conet ssion 1, '1 Towh of Seatortb. For particular apply to C. ' STEAMSHIP AND RAILWAY TI We reoroeent, the following Steamship s :- " Dominion." Allan," " Beaver," " White_ tar " and " Anchor Line " The old arrangemer for ticketing to Manitoba and Northwestern poin via North Bay is in force again, and you are not t to the incout-enienoe of exchanging your cieket r re- checking your baggage at Toronto as formerly We iseue through tickets and through baggage oho I s to ail Commercial .Buil-ding, SeaforLth. ghe 11T01/ tExposit DISTRICT MATTERS.. TUE LITERARY" SOCIETY. The Collegh te Institute literary eociety met in the s- Preaident F. C. Neal in the chair. The f 1- lawing programme, was given : Pi no soh), Lloyd Hodginsl.; reading, Miss Ida Arnold reading of ecer , violin lo o, Alise 13. Punchard. Mr tone acte as critic. It was dec4 hold the x ext meeting on Weclnes ay evening, Febri ary '2•2nd, commencing a 7.4.3. The thee bg elosed with the national anthem. • mateli in the Huron hoc association celies witS played on the here on Wednesday night, between Cli and Seaforth. The result was a victory Seaforth by nine goals to four, As an .hibition of hockey it was • decidedly p , and resembled an old time free-ancl- game of ehiney more than anything e The players took every possible advent of the ignorance of thelpoints of the g on the part of the referee and as a co quence Tonle were quite as frequent as plays. However, they perhaps made more amusing for the spectators than ha been a real hockey game. The mt.( niatcb vvilI be played in Clinton this ( day) night_ ey ink on or sy e. ye it it THE NEW. 1-1/Eft ;if SCALES. ----DEAR I l'OsITOR, 1 notice that the council have solved to purehase another weigh scal Had they decided to build another to n hail, I would not be more surprised, as need the one as much as the other. It s only a few years since the town spent t n to twelve hundred dollars in the purcha e of extre property, gravelling', builclin yards, etc., just to suit the cattle buyer , and still some of them, who have never been satisfied with the men who have bee a.ppoined from time to time as Weigh m term, remain dissatisfied. The s ale wor has been seriously decreased by he reduh• tion of the quantity of hay, etc. used town, a,ud there is no reason why the wor ehould now be divided and the ex ensee i creased. There is not a towre in the pro ince having as commodious and convenien accommodation that would ente tain idea of putting in another scale. scales is only part of the cost. ' het4r3eWwfil be to pay yearly, ground rent, muter about $200. I say corn tent, be a higher repute ion than the Ceettal lege of Toronto. Its different departn very well filled ith young men and % the daily roll ea 1 (or January average the demand for ho useful and erect' . TEA.—Right he the tea bus nese at A. wel a ton of a rough162p6r: tate - eft ents must be has omen to make the 15. This not Asic ge, but shows al in educe- tf! I ears 1i6n26t4his 141137 secure a debt, we b tight it for tne-f Ord lege than ,e it cost to import, w are going to sell it at j-ibbers t.too 1626 2 I 11111 prices. A. -Young, S atm& elating at Stark:13r Main street, Sealprt DEATI OF • 11/4118 feelings' of the sin our citizens lear Bennoch, which at the- residence o on Sabbath evening last. Miss Bennoch Mr. and It ten class in Seaforth a Farquhar, , and, during her rief town, the endeared 'herself to all Laren. -M 11 extend to the here ved the sincerest syrnp thy eider the G can give. The Stratford- ters of int ening by the cleat of week, atte of the had ate ns in Suiting are now and Over- arm.. 1656-1 their tea own fo and k, call s Bee:some -It is with ' Ale erest regret that many of ie t ed of the death of Miss 1 ent6 sad event took place \Yin her parents, in Stratford, icee easure in irth, and pleasant that Mr. the red irections bout as good art they can be, and e taking advantage of them to get ing done. -Mr W. D. Stewart, ul, Minnesota, and son of Mr. Stewart, of Sea,torth, has been the past week, visiting his par - thee friends. -Mies Morrison, of Manitoba, was in town this ng on her nulnerous friends.- rs. A. Bolton, I of Uaborne, near pent several days this week in yor Gunn ha the ratepayers y) evening, at se bonus ache le, and other mat - rest to the town. There should on Bank, was in London this ding the funeral of his sister, tt. -The Royal Templare are held last Friday urch, was very nt address was , of Kincardine. Loftus Stark has p rchased the stock and busine s of the late fir n" of Stark Broth- ers, and wi 1 continue it en as formerly. - Mr. David (adkee the new proprietor of the red mil , will b'e in shap,e for business next week. With two floor mile in town, E• tched, is visiting with her Ella McKay. load of young town were very pleasantly en - n Wednesday evening last, at ce of Mr. and Mrs.` Jewell, in les Mr. and Mrs. Jewell and fain - in a short time for Manitoba, is opportunity of saying fare - few of their friends, who wish success in the far west. taught a kinderga couple of years ag who made her acc many here who w parents and famil that human heart Herald of Monda Mr. and Mrs. Jam is plunged in ino their daughter Eliaabeth, which sad e occurred yeseerday evening. Miss Ben had been ill piece 'eptember, having a that time rMigned her place as teache one of the kinderg rten departments of Stratfoed public choola, which she taught auoce sillily for a couple of y class at Seaf rth. : Up to the time of !her illness, Miss T3enno ,h was one of the i ost loved teach rs at Knox church Sabbath school.. He dispos tion was an e en, kind- ly one, and she wa beloved, hot, i by pupils and b her aturer associ tea. many her de-nise ill be keen] and feignedly mourned. She had at ained • surprise!and egret as felt among our citi that Mr` Alfr d E, , bark, senior ember o , the firmlof M sees. Stark Brothers, had d•e to Toronto to enders.° an operatio there The opeeation was very successful, and he seemed to be gett ng elong w II until hospital utho ities. Mrs Stark was called for him end he passe 1 a ay on s aturday morning,' whe the sad inteilige ce was communipated to his friends here by the to Toron o on edne day nd was in attend- ance up n h r husband until the last. The rem ins', , ere roug t home 011 Sat- urday, t e funeral ta ing lace on Monday from the residence of the °ceased to the cemetery, ' Mr. Star was 33 years of age. of this town for 8 o'clock, to con - Bible Society meeting e Methodist .3 d. An excell night, in tl small inde given by they well them rain d, Mis e fro ined, reside ill lea took t to a every 3i DURING t t have been ma day the fit, sty best ordered w Edwards is ha all ab low cash cemeter Manson, Go Sturgeon, social ender church, at t largely atte of cleiice pr played, and proceeds am congratulati the occasiora • e past few years great advancers e in the manufacture of clothing. To- le and make-up are fully equal to the ork, and at much less cost. F. A. dling a good assortment of reliable fling for men, boye and childr1e6n2,0.aind n the report of the meeting of company, the names of George hen line, as director, and James the auspices of the Methodist e residence of Mr. H. Peck, on Friday evening last, was ded. Theret was an abundance visions ; various garnes were all enjoyed themselves. The unted to over $20. --We extend ns to Mr. James Ferguson on of his marriage to Miss Maggie ON. • EX.POSI1'OR splendid hi Yh.olass concer will be given n February 1 )th, and in the temperance hal and instrumental solos, d ets, quartette musical drama " The Fort n3 Teller," and orchestra of five mete= nts will rend choice selieetions.-Every advantage is be taken of good sleighin and teams busy haulin wood, logs, ice, etc. • Walton NOTES. large number' of our eitiz are suffer n with la gripp -Word was r T. B. Ha ilton of Belmor: Mr. Hamilto was prim p 1 co/the school ere a few; year agoas-Mr. 'ateon Best ant wife, of Mani tend having; valentine son al next Teesda evening. T e committee in charge ar working wel , so every on may expect good time t this -novel entertainment Lunoh will b served after t e programme. • Brucefieldr R. B. H veers, Brucefield Conveyancer ire and Life teen amount of -in ne to loan at 6 per funds at 5 pe nt. At home o Wednesday o e ch week. Save salBe.ULL SO .4 -Mr. , John urday pure a ed from Mr. ago purcha ed a bull fro the 2nd con,ceSsion, of no noted for hay' g the bes Swan, by hit purchase fto will be the time of causing on this li e. Many proeni have been ts see the above al nounce him aslthe first ire hi ur saw -mill lea er ect hive of industry th se days, and eur fr end Josiah is wearing lenial smiles- r 'Scott has down mated 1 for a new !re id nee on his Hugh Grant o' Manitoba, t present vis- iting friends he this vicinit . -Thomas Gil- neighborhoo .-aMiss Anna cies is visiting Berry, Londe ; road. -Mr uir and r. Society work --Miss Lily M wan has re - ill Dr. Murray .13 in this vioi doing B ble turned home after a few- eks' visit in London and ettoit.-Murr ibson, With his sister, is Mary, attae ed the fun- eral of a frien in London 1 it week. --Mr. David Baird of St. Paul linnesota, is staying with 1 S. GeorgeBair , in the vil- lage. His vi it ts owing to the poor state of his father's health, which, W e are glad to say, is steadil Improving. Me. Baird will return to St. Paul at once 1 his father keeps better. gold weather is now the order of the d y !and Jack Fro t is making up for the mil eas of previona years. -Mr. day) in the Pr s yterian chute ount of private ,ery morning and 1 good Immo for 167 wan last Sat- illiam Berry, bull, "Royal ome short time r. Buckler, of e smith, who is ✓ of thorough. section. Mr. Mr. Berry, mproved stock ent cattlemen I al, and pro - lase in this 1 a DEATH OF We sincerely sudden demise in the vicinity Charles Girvin sad news of hi over his lark acquaintancee ting out of b plained that was called in ere the physioi passed away. who was, on a c which he filled ly known an whose integrit dealings were many years a cil, and for the • ELL -KNOWN RESIDENT. -- ret to have to chronicle the o Hugh Girvin, of Ashfield, • Nile, soneof the late Mr. f West Wawanosh. The udden call has cast a gloom circle cf relatives, friends, a d neighbors, We have at the deceased, after get - n Monday morning, com- e felt unwell. Medical aid soon as possible, but alas, had arrived, he suddenly Tb • d unt of the public positions ith credit to himself, wide - highly esteemed as a man of character and upright epeoachable. He was for her of the Asitheld coun- ,ast few years reprairented this district iitv the County Councill The sorrowirig wido! is bereft of a good and nd the children will sorely kind father,f His sister, Colborne townshi , and s, Charha( and Ja es, of will sadly miss his genial ity at orthy loving husband, feel the loss Mrs. McBride, 'o his two brothe West Wawanosh presence and coh sel, and the commu large will feel the' loss of a good and citizen. visited his beet last week.-Tise brook, are visiti Mrs. George 1 o number in the vi I Ro e last week, of p The remains wer tery on 'Friday. 1 AN- OLD TIMEI4 of Morris, is an in with. He was, wards at Toronto uated at Quebec their shoes from army officer cam of boots. Mr. lib and made ehe bo When the boots es amined them critic said they would no his feet a second i have the boots wee not suit either. .M all his might the t boots faultless an was so highly ple s pairs. Thie same England, ordered a paid his bill with field is proud of t e fact that he made shoes n he was governor gen- e frequently made shoes ars a pair. 'TE.—The meeting of te on Wednesday after- s fairly well attended. ting meeting and the II place after each ad - • orge Fluker, of Manitoba, er, Mr. Thomas Fluker, Misses McRae, of ran - Mr. and Mrs. George alter Huggin and Miss t Sunday with their unt, tili ge are suffering fro bad t Agar, of Morrie, died Mr, Robert Bloomfield, eresting old man to talk 1 en he first came to this er at Quebec and after - The garrison was site d the soldiers ordered` n. One day a British to hiin and ordered a pair mfield took his measure ts i carefully and well.. re ready, the officer ex - illy, tried them on and suit him. He measured e and tried harder to factory hilt these did . Bloomfield tried with ird! time to have the hen the officer came he d that he took the three cer when going home to oes for his fami and e guineas. Mr. loom - for Lord Elgin, w!le eral of Canada. I val ed at fifteen 101 the armers' Inst t noo of last week w disc sions which to w dreg , were very v ly. Many questions in wer asked by the farmers of the speakers m and ere well an w rad. Mr. Gould, of ai Uxb idge, said it a the liveliest; most irk- ! ta tere ting and alto et er the best meeting , E he h addressed this season, so far. This ,; in fore regresisive a d otter farming may be ! lo look d for in this dietrict, in the future. • w In th evening Mie Gould spoke well on ti " Remedy for ovIerl production and low : ho prime." Major Shepherd was ill in the after- ar noon nd unable tcaseeak but in the evening nu gave is lecture on 'It Three hieterical days co on Nngitra iver.' The three , historical So Beav r Dams and Lu dy's Lane. I The lee- an tura as very good a d interesting although M the m jor had to cor il it considerably be- lee cause he was. suffe in from a had cold. Bi an easy, plemant m of Mr. McMillan, o sang a Gaelic song. of them but they lis and indeed it was a we understood it or nner. At the request Hullett, Mr., Strachan It was Greek, to! most ened as quietly as mice dry nice son !whether ot. Blythe evening, proved to e the most succe sful one ever held in th. villege. he izes beet girl'a costume Miss E. amil with beet costume, . iss Mabel ramesonn ,;; best boy's costume Mr. Rober Car er ; most comical gentl man in cost me, Mr. Brown, of Wingham. Dr. McAs , of el - grave, was in tow last Wedn sday on anise at the monthly air last Tues ay. business. ---There wal a very larg ' att nd- ing its victims among the residents Ihere.- WEST END NOTES. -The aripesE_I 0 Inv Mr. Whit Crich, wh has been Beriotksly ill, is now recoverin .---Mise Cleinens re- turned to her home i Usboirie this week. - Mies Annie spent Su day at her home near Mitohell.--Charles rich, of Toronto, is home at present. WEDDING BELLS.- The residence of Mr. his eldest daughter Nettie Was u; led bi Herbert °rich was this scene of an I nterest- ing event on Wednesday of laet week, when marriage to Mr. Robert Douglas ' f Walt tracting parties were resent and { v. If , ton. Only the near tredve@ I of' t, e coni Newcombe, of Clin n, officiate . Th young couple left immediately h thei home near Walton. Their Man frien wish them a happy and prosperous iliourne through life. Constance. be given by the youn 'people in th Metho. dist church on Thursday eveni g, . ebruary violinist, assisted by local *lento Come tn., after which a musical. and Mere y pro- gramme will be rendered by M darn Walla of Clinton, soprapo ; ties W shin ton, of and enjoy a good entertainment. -T e Ep- worth League service Will be held * usual on Shnday, at 7 p. me! the top0 to h given T. Rogerson entertained a nu ber of young by Miss Lottie McCully.-Mciand ih, rs. J. people at their home on Thur day le ening last. -Miss Ella Scott, of Leadbur spent Miss Snell has returned home- after I Eli; ab- sence of two months with friends at lyth. • NOTES.-Mrs.baween has a attack of the la grippe. -M s..E. Blackle is recover- ing slowly after an attack of ongeotion of the lungs. -Mr. Nelson Marsh 1 is on the sick list. -Mr. R. Fleteher has purchased 4 new driver. -Mr. A. Gbod had the misforl- tune to have hie hind frozen o Monday -of last week. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinsoti left on Tuesday for their home n Carberry, Manitoba, after spenditif a conple of monthet on a honeymoon tri . Tieh EXPOSITOR joins handiOwith a host of frieelds in wishing the young couple a long and prosperous life. - Miss Rachel Kirk spent Suuday at home. R. S. Richardeon, of Z le ford, spent the past week in uring in out village. -The wedding !of Ch ries Brooks i announced for in a couPle of I weeks. -Mrs. in our village. -Mr. Ge chelsea. spent few da with friends the Tufts intends e ecting coming surnme .- gone to visit fri nd AN N UAL Al ER neurance Com INC nd Hi any was ay, when there was an eeting was the receivi rich, 'spent Sunda rge Easson, of Win- s of the past week - W. J. fine residence the ass Martha Tafts has • .-The annual meeting bert Mutual Fire held here on Mien- usinees before he excellent turntut g of the ,rePorts vd the election of two director*. The lection resulted in the( re-election of the wo retiripg directors, mile that tha board rs' ft - ill be the same as last year. Mr. ameron wee again appointed se s ending and in a flourishing cenditiOn. The t tal number of policies fn force at the e d of $3,620,625, which is efoured!by preini m nbtes amounting to $107,91232. Duri g! the year 794 policies were issued, cOveri an insurance of $1.323,555. The totai losses! ainounted to $8,958.83, 87 per cene. ef which were caused by lightningt The cash balance on band and in tt bank wai $1,- 782 82. The reports are ost encouMging, and place the Usborne companyi in the front reek, a8 one of the best aed move econemical mutual companies doing husiness. NOTES. -Mr. Tht*ot3enritrie;ittie hat sold his h uee and lot to Mr. Biown, sr., and has b ught a house and lot from Mr. Robert McLaughlin. Mr. McLaiighlin has bought a arm on the Belmore ro d, e, short dis- ac." is an experienced farmer, and un - o to it about the middle of this month. • de stands farming both pifactically and the - or tically. His femiliar face will be geeatly mi sed in our villisge.--1-Mr. McKee! hae bo ght Mr. George Nash a house and lot. R tired farmers hke Mr. McKee will find th cost of living here is ise stria 1 as that of liv ng in any other place frord ng equal ad-. da ghter, Mrs. 11.1 Ross, f th s village. - Th Rev. Mr. Perrie, of Wiliagli m, occupied th pulpit in the reabytehian k church here on Sabbath last. is discourse wat listened to with keen inte est. -The R v. Mr. _Dob- son is suffering fro a throat affection. held in the Waltbn Met eldist church last Zi residence of Mr. Jehn Repine en Sabbath eve Smi den nod wer hIravai tives ill, we feel sure, preside a ument d the young people in their lents.-Miss Alice Dun 0.8 and, Mis mma J. Forbes have been round request ons and have rnet with good Ouccess.- lomon Bell and his shit r; Mag e, have gs at their saw -mill. -Mise Annie cNab, ho has been on an exten ed visit rola- yes in the United Sta te has 're urned me, looking well. Her ny frien s here Id weather and are wief ing for piing., e pleased to welcome he ack.--A great miler of people are tired f the sneeneely en way visiting relatives in ullarton d ibbert.-Mise Bella Davi eon and iss nnie MeNab have been around col - tin money in aid Of thn Upper Canada hie ociety, and heve Met with good sue- se-rThe Government re being rebuked some quartets for exte dieg aid to imini- nts from the east of ti ope, and with - ding it froM our native Q adians. How- e, if the same amount oil a d was given to ing last. -The follovifers of' Joseph h had a sacrament servicei it the reed- s of Mr. James Bell or( I Sabhath after- . -Mr. and Mrs. HodgrOne Of Hilbert, visiting at the residenee Of! Mr. J. J. e one day this week.--t-Mre.! McIntosh choir is being organiz d connection Bethel church. Mis !MareeE. Rae; ung lady who is spok n of as o ganist, the inst evelopin " The man behind h dresses. Mr. Thorp was chairman, a pohit plow." Rev. Messrs. in West gave short ad- gra Strachan,, of Grey, hol on which he filled in eve FEBRUARY 10 1 Canadians, it is questionable if one in eve twenty of them who go te the United Ste woad take advantage of it. Their obje .113 in going there is very dee for adventur and eometimes questiona le adventures thalt. Again, we agree With the Montr more desirable class than the ignorant an uneducated refuse of the cities and towns Br4s.in. Whatever may b4 said about soul of the acts of the Government, in this ma, ter they are all right. • tes et 0 at eal eh of NOTES.—Mre. James Maiming is visiting. Trie ds in Greenway this week. -Mr. J Br wn sold a valuable horse on Monday las for the snug sum of $1,30. This is be- gin ing to look like old times. ARMERS' INSTITUTE Al EMI -NIL -The Far- mer& Inatitute meeting held here on Mon- day was very successful. At the afternoon me ting there were aboue seventy of the sui ounding farmers in at, endance, while te ed, and those who wer not an hand ea had difficulty in obtal ing seats. The ad eases were practical an useful, and all w heard them were well '1.188.80. At the e,v ing session, in addition to addresses by M Mrs. McNeil, Hamilton- and oithers, the pie sure of the evening wasanuch enhanced S. Pollock, A. McIntosh, Maggie Pollock and • Belfast. BITUARY.—We regret very m eh to be cal ed upon to relate the deeth- o another ot ur citizens, in the persoie of Mr. James Mullin, in the 69th year of his age. He wa one of the pioneers of ;Bruce county, hay ng came here over forty years ago, and has been a residence of thiS section ever since. We are glad to say that his friends were many, as he was ome of the most widely -known men this Mdtion of country. The funeral, which was as large as has been in these plias for some Vole, took place from his late residence here on Saturday, 3rd inst., to the Dungannon cemetery. Among his relatiyes from a diseance we no- ticed Mrs. Philips, eof CoOkstown ; Mrs. Eagan, Ottawa, daughters or dece ed ; hie brether Henry, and son, end hi sister, Mrs. Wm. Hoare, of Georgetown ; r. S.T. McKinnon, wholesale milliner, Toro to, and Me. D. B. McKinnon, of Blyth, bro hers of Mrs. Mullin. e0thers were there fr m God- erieh, Lucknow and intermediate points, some of whom were Mr. Robert cLean, Dr. and Mrs. Whitely, of Goderi h ; Mr. Frank McDonagh and Mr. lames °Bride, of Smith's Hill. The funeral service was condacted by the Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helens. A very pretty wreeth of flowers, as a token of love from the sons of the de- ceased, was laid upon the coffin. The pall bearers were five of the Clect3ased's sons, Robert; of Lucknow, James and Torrance, of Toronto, John S. of Gore Bay, Horace H., of VVinnipeg, an'd their cousin, Robert Mullin, of Georgetown. Chisholm ,who is in the Northwest, was unable to rea'-el here in time for the funeral. Hills Green. Love had an adventure a few days ago, whilieh might have reedited more seriously. Mr. ,Love was engaged swamping out logs on the farm of Mr. John Cochrane, of the Pare line, Hay, when the team which be, was; driving became unmanageable and started to run away with a log. In some way Mr. Love was throsvn with great force on the log, and to which his clnthes became fast, the !horses at the same time going at a furious rete. In some way be OA freed from his perileus position, and althmigh consider- ably shaken up and bruised, he, is not seri- ously injared, and is now able to be around all right. Norhe.-Mr. and Mrs. James Spackman were waiting at Mrs. James Jerrott's this week. -4 -Master Wm. Phaff spent Sunday last with Master Niel Maxwell. -Mr. Robert Love id confined to the house with a severe cold. -A number of tbe young people from this vicipity attended the lecture at Kippen Monday] evening. -We are merry to learn that Mrs Ilugh love is ill, but hope for her speedy recovery.-Annivereary services will be held in the Presbyterian ehurch next Sabbath Sermons will be preached by Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Hensall; morning and d a number of their most intimate friends to an oyster &upper one evening recently, it _being the occasion of the sixth anniversary of their marriage. -Mr. Alexander Forrest and Mr. Wm. Cochrane gathered two sleigh loath( of !young people from the Parr hoe, and drove to the residence of Mr. Mellick, Goshen line Hay, one evening last week. Theef eeport having had en enjoyable time --Mr, and Mrs._ Wm. Logan entertains ed a number of young people of this vicinity one evenine last week, and all had a pleas - :int time. -Mr. Joseph .Hagan disposed ef his valuablel team of horses in Seaforth la.st 61,,vrogRucros. -Rev. Mr. Andrews preached an excellent permon last Sunday evening, taking , ttext from Job 21, 22. -The Leagme last Monday evening waa taken by Mr. y4 r ; it was not only an interesting meetie , but a profitable one. The topic` Monda Miss S invite! t Idle i even the market plaice." Next ng the topic will be taken by on. The League intends hold- t-hom on the 20th,- when they will e Ch istian-Eudeavor of this place end thetBiyti League, and the members of term a e : Hen. president, Rev. J. , W. our Jure LIMgue. :The officers for this A.ndreeve ; ,president, Mr. Fair ; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Crawford - 3rd avice-presi- dent, Henry Lennox ; 4th' vice-president, Mrs. Pa./diner , secretary, bliss J. Kirk; cor- responding secretary, R. 13. Jeffery ; treas- urer, As Woodman ; convenors of commit- tees -prayer meeting, William Lyon ; look. out,'Mrs, Oliver ; missionary, Al ay Andrews ; visiting lend relief, Mrs. Woodman ; literary, Henry Lennox ; social, Mrs. Parlmer ; flor- al; Mary Lyon ; music, Lavinia Brigham. - Miss Addie Crisp is this week at the home Agnew were visiting friende here a few days last week. -Mr. J. Agnew was here on Sat- ur ay. --Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Brigham at ended a party given at the home of Mr. J. Mills, of Harlock, last Thursday. Near- ly One hundred guests were present. ---The many friends of Master James Brown will be pleased to know that he is slowly im- proving. -Mrs. J. Stevenaon is on the sick lists -Miss Al ay Andrews and kiss Kirk are improving. Varna. CLEA N4 S.ktE.—For the next two weeks we offer ispec*al reductions to cash buyers in all lines, all our venter goods at and under cost. Men's fricee overcoa s were 35, now 88.76 •, ditto, were in, now $5 ; boys ditto were $5. now 83.60 ; ladies' fur capes were 810. , now $9 , ladiea Astrachan jackets wme $35, :now $32, We have juet to hand 4 choice lot of tea, ireetly 1 nported from Japan. Try our Maple Le f brand. earrie BROS. 1626x1 tliOTTIN05.'- hat a wonderful change singe the winter of 1898, is the queetion of the day.1 V'arn has always been noted for being att e ter rising town, and is well worthy f 'she ale this winter. Business men wor ing over time and employing more men to try to keep up with the demand in many different ays, the streets resemble the crowded th roughfares of some large city, every pereo appeaas to be busy and every line of business is pushed to the ut- most. We see new customers coming daily to trade in the town ; our stores are parked with the latest styles of goods, and ere sold tit at prices hat are bringing people far and near to nepect them: Our bleakeinith thops are erowded with work, and the ring of the hannner is heard late and early. The Goo Early SPRING rade ! —New Grey Cottons —New White Cottons- -New Pillow Cottons. —New Sheetings —New Prints —New Ginghams —New Zephyrs —New Piques —New Ducks New Shirtings —New Tiekings —New Cottonades —New Linens New Flannelettes --New Embroideries —New Draperies —New Costume -Cloths —Ladies'Spring Suits lileFAUL Dry Goods Co. C4tles Greatest Gas Dry Goods Store. shoe shop is also an attraction, and presen industry and workmanship not to be ed. Our wagon maker is also rushed, wh the cooper shop is in full blast, and is ve ceiving fresh orders daily for his neck yokes? whiffietrees, etc. The tailor shop is alas booming. Our genial harness maker is di than busy, his local trade is growing, the foreign trade is the best he ever had, ceiving as high as ten orders in one day for harness for the Northwesa Of course are bashful, and do not like to enquire t closely into the business of dress makin but we are certain, from the amount goods sold by the stores, the dress make fingers are not idle. -Our carpenter a framer is getting neiw contracts alt the time, and eXpects a, big boom next eeason.-The- annual meeting ef the Bible society vraie held on Monday evening last, in the. Metho- dist church. Rev. Dr. Murray, of Kineare dine, delivered an able and instructive dress on the workings of the society.-* grand concert will be given in the temper, ance ball on Saturday evening, by the Smith family, of Bayfield. The programme will consist of solos,' quartettes, glees and- musi- Cal drama, " The fortune teller," recitati and a society play, "Popping the guar. tion," while au orchestra. will discou sweet musie.-The Canadian Order of Fnri- esters intend having a debate at' their next regular meeting, Friday, 17th inst., subject,- " Resolved that fire has been more destruc- tive to life and property than water," cape tains S. -C.• Rethwell and James .A.rmstrong,,- WEI -Shortly after one o'clock aursdgy last week some of the near resident* noticed a break-out of fire in the. roof of the high school gyinrimini* Mitchell. As soon as possible the Aar. was given, and the hose company wer oat and on the spot with one stretch of how - from the hydrant at Trafalgar street -nee; The Bre was so far advanced, however t nothing could be done except prote t the high school building_ The gymnasium week burned down, at a loss to the town about 8300, on which there is an insuran of 3150. -The home of J:Pearn, of Anderson was. the scene of a very pleasant gathering 'late* ly, numbering some 90, who drove to his house. After Mine time was spent in hand* shaking, Mr. Pearn was presented with * handsome gold watch, accompanied by ait appropriate address. Me. Pearn is about to leave that neighborhood to reside near St. Marys, and his many friends took this% opportunity to express their regret at Ids departure. He and Mrs. Pearn will be much mimed, as he was an active church worker, being superintendent of the Sundal school. for several years, and leader of the churah choir, while Mrs. Pearn was an ane niOn Society. You haN fami ce- backj you with supp wor we have chant as it place hap hard The point the f you of An er thi compe work 1 you 44) hap -ha And herein. cation we m vicinit every And we for the of R ordina Our own. an vastly because materia heav then th kee usually Wearing We also ni Men's 8 very go necessai of the f The three priced at for real, and Ves home ina lines a remnant sequence prices of no attem prices, , A now we portant d and Over in stock ported 8 England Serge; and wean sight wo going Overcoat can do n can do for We 'quote a prices on Men's pv a coat se are showin and $1.25 again the put you we have which will Greig the Wrong MON