The Huron Expositor, 1899-02-10, Page 5- 10, 1899.
ad up te that date we
N'tfil, lined, regular
[an cost.
a- 25c for 10e.
Men's Suit in
sizes, at Sq.50,
r saw.
nts per pound.
DS. TO • .
!Mils and succeeeful far
hip and feels it hard to
rest. We hope, how -
soon _regain his wonted
activsty.-Miss Ger-
i vieiting the Misses Dick.
Id in the rink on Thursday
lek- was very largely at
1 the bet yet held. The
a as preeent and (Harrows -
throughout the evening,
:ly to the pleasure of the
wo rink e of our ending
d the matchea played , in
lay of laet, week, had very
ting the renowned Embro
ig within one of tying the
Mr. John 8teacy and
:II were the akips and
laying.- , The past. week
eet we hlve yet had, the
teeing as low as fifteen
.—The friends of Mrs.
rill regret to learn 'that
led to her room through
)aet couple of weeke.—A
7 of grain, pork, wood
brought into our market
sent good sleighing.- -Mr.
Seaforth and Clinton
terests of his business.—
L'rueefield, is visiting the
r. and Dilre..A. 3,1ePher6en
eg at their former home
neighborhood. A wed -
at the peraortage here
on, by Rev. W. E. Kerr.
aetie's were Mr, James
Mary McCann of near
otte with their 'friends in
eppinees.—Quite a num-
have Accepted invitations
Lry supper to be given in
on Friday evening of
of Mr. R E. Clegg, the -
Jaek. Freet Le making a
a winter. Jack ham the
[eking things solid for
everyone Reerne to give
fer, yet iie sticks to it
ar discomfort.—Our ice
atronized and the tnan-
succ-ef•sful that anothei.
III be built this year.—
people from `romarty
en 'firesdey evening last.
eel Neely to the effect
,ny %sae beiug organized
a.eture of cordage and
oome haIf a dczen of
re suppoeed to be inter -
One was naughty enough
le company was a fake.—
reedding reported in Tits:
ur local paper from the
,anley waa a fake.
-in Winnipeg.
ntto Ira, Hotel, Winni-
rfnidav n.orning, Was dial
Ilf.4 Clefk Hanson, who
d Welds room mate, Mr.
he thought he smelted
:fund that the fire had
r -fed grate ix the dining -
wee thought not to be
mire& of guests took
me, however, took the
their .,elongings, as -
o.ldiog was) doomed.
it was ourid that the
I ling whs a Iliaaa Of
juneture the hose of •
mete and after the roof
; of the north wall had
arne had full swing.
tght, had one never to
:ine who was unfortura
more than a peeing
ing and its contente, or
rioug,h 'to witrits the
o as 11E' flames mounted
luurnotneter ranged be-
e 'meg 'below zero, and
tiug, :blighting la-eath
gueet and employee in
- By four o'clock rally
eenbled Walls remained
ea I of the evening be -
.ted to be about $7014-
: heist hotel,' in the
a1- :lipic tfilmY
T.:ea if thrIV:P4
of! aaraleered in the
Pr, one of them walk -
e, aril while he wee
!,]f et age fellew event. toe
;fr•- ihnr, with eop and
Led ticrtied them to the
Mr. Baxter had run
creere her' hueband
lee bine On his way
ry fellows driving off,
.1 after he had reached
carried off.
FE13RUARY 10, 1899.
:Biggest Wedding Ever Known.
On the day that Alexander the Great was
married no fewer than 20,202 persons in
one ceremony were made husbands and
wives. This seems impossible, but the
eve k really took iplatte, as historic records
tell us. This Monster wedding occurred
upon the conqueat by Alexander the Great
of Peraia, whichj was -then ruled over by
King Deriva.
Alexander married Statira, the daughter
of the conquered king, and declared that 100
of his chief officeri shouldbe united to 100
ladies froni the noblest Persian and Medean
_families,. In addition to this, he stipulated
that 10 000 of his Greek seldiers abould
marry 10,000 Asiatic women.
When everything was settled a vast pa-
villion was erected, the pillars of which
were sixty feet high. One hundred ger.
geous chambers adjoined this for the 100
noble bridegrooms, while for the remaining
10,000 an inner cora was enclosed, outside
of whieh tables were pread fer the multi-
tude. Hach pair had seat ai and ranged
themselves in a semi -circle round the oyal
throne. - Of °owe° the priesa . could not
marry this vast number of cou les, so lex-
ander the Great devised a ver - simple •ere-
mony. He gave hie hand to Satire, and kies-
ed her, an example that all the beidegr oms
ollo wed.
Thus ended the ceremony, nd that vast
number were married. T en folic wed
the festival, whieh lasted 6 e daye, the
grandeur of which has never heen equalled
A comedy scene followed the third ac't of
a tragedy at a theatre in an Zuglish provin-
cial town. The villain had met his death,
and the curtain wee lowered, but hung
suspended three feet above the stage. All
efforts to lower it proved unavailing, until
the corpse arose from the stage, and said in
sepulchral tones, as he dragged down the
curtain, "No rest, even in the gaar-reiv l"
Her only Chance.
Vanderbeek—This dress cost me
many sleeplese nights.
Mrs. Dyer—How was that?
Mrs. V. ---I had to wait nail Henry ,ettat
asleep before I could go through his pockets.
Town Topics.
Bank of Commerce!
Six Million Dollars --$6,000,060.
A general banking business trars-
sacted. Farmers' Notes discounted,
and special attention given to the
collection of Sale Notes.
SAVINGS BANK. -Interest alloW-
ed on deposits of $1 and upwards.]
Special facilities for transactionof
business in the Kloidike District.
Money' rare, pi,yable at any bank, issued at the
following rates :-
Under at° - .08 320 to 330 .12
$10 to 320 JO 830 to 850 %.14
Solicitor. Manager.
I131 IVIARF:Th`r".
SHAYOUTLE, Fabniary 0, 15198,
Fall Wheat (new), Standard} 60 63 to K 70
Spring Wheat pr bushel,- ..... ...„ 0 63 to 0, 70
Oats per bushel-. 0 28 tO 020
Peas per 0 68 to 68
Barley per 0 40 to 0 43
Butter, No. 1, _ 0 113 ti 0 14
Batter, tub- . _ Ct 13 to 0 14
Eggs per dos-- — 0 16 to it
Y our, per me it* .. 200 to 200
Hideo per 10'.1 the.
"Sheep Skine............ ........
Potatoes per bush, - -
Bali (retail) per barrel —
Wood per cord (long)._ „
Wtrod per oord (shor
Apples per bag
Timothy Seed. ..
Pork, per 100 lbe
3alloW,"per lb
6 00 to 5 60
6 00 to 1350
0 50 to 0 70
0 16 to 0 18
0 50 to 0 60
1 00 t, 0 00
3 00 to 8 75
1 50 to 170
0 60 to 1:00
3 00 to 350
1 0 to 200
5 00 to 500
02 to 003
Tomato, Febrnary 2nd, -Fall wh,sitt, 72ic;
spring wheat, 731e °ate, 8410 ; pen, per bush,
; barle 49a to 614c. ; hay per ton, 08,00 to
*0.50; butter, 241 to 16 ; note -fres per bush, 05c
to 70e ; ogee per dor 200 ta 26e ; droned
begs, per 100 Um, 05 26 to $0.50.
Dairy Markets,
TORONTO, February 7th—Butter — The
receipts of choice dairy are not large, there
is a good demand, and the market is steady
to firm at 1.1, to 15o for large rolls, and 12
to 14e for dairy tubs. Creamery is steady
at 20._to 21e for prints, and 19 to 200 for
packed. Eega—Are steady at 20 to 22c
for new laid; 16 to 17c for held fresh, and
14 to 15c for limed.
MONTREAL, February 7th—Butter—The
market iff quiet, but firm at 20e for finest
creamery, in boxes, and 190 in tubs. Dairy
butter is steady at 14ic. Eggs—There is a
fair demand. but, prices have an easier
tendency. We quote :—No. I candled
stock, 16 to 17c ; No. 2 do., 12 to 13d;
Montreal limed, 102 to 16c ; western limed,
13a to 14c ; weetern cold storage, 12 to
13c, and culls 10 to I lc per dozen.
Live Stock Markets.
LONDON', February 8th --Trade in import-
ed cattle is fair, with prices slightly in ad-
vance of last week'a quotations. 'United
States cattle are worth 64d ; Argentine 5id ;
sheep, 52d, 1,
Livanrooa, February 6th --United States
cattle bring 5gd ; Argentines, 51d ; sheep,
5 td. Trade is fair.
MONTREAL February 7th—The butchers
were present in goodly numbers, but trade
was rather al w, as the prices asked were
considered to lee rather high. The best cat-
tle sold at abut 41c per pound, but there
were no really choice animals among them ;
pretty good stock sold at from n to 41c per
pound. Three stripper cows of fair appear-
ance were Rohl here to -day for $100. There
wile a brisk demand for good calves, and the
best seemed to have been bought up before
reaching the market. Prices of " bobs "
are from $2 50 to 8350 each. and the others
from $5 to $$ each. Sheep sold at about
etc per tiotind, and lambs at about 4e per
peeled. at hogs are rather scarce, and sell
at from 4 to 41e per pound, off the ears.
,Butto, February 7th—Cattle —Good
td, beat smooth 'fat Carport cattle, 85 65
tat 85.76; good to best, $5 25 to $:.50;
,aXport. bulls, $4 to $4 25; good to, choice
.latitchers' steers, $4.65 to $5,• common to
geed, fat bulls, $3.75 to .$4 ; "feeder bale,
$3.25 to $3 50; good to best fat. heifer,
$-1. to 14.50 ; mixed fat cows and heifer,
ghod to °boles, $3.75 to $4 ; fat cows, goad
to beat,. $3 50 to $4 ; stockers, choice to
eXtra quality, $4,10 to 84.40 common to
good do,, $3.60 to $4 ; Jersey stockers, $3
tOes,a1.50 ; 'dock heifers, $3 to $3 ; feeder,
god to extra, $4 20 to $4 50; common tO
$3.g5 to $4.25 ; fresh cows, choice
..p4 ire, gond bags.$1.4 to $45 ; good to choice,
to $40.; epringers, good to extra, 855 tO
; calves, ehoice to extra,' 87.25 to $7.50 ;
IgOod to choice, $6,50 to $7 1 • heavy ,fed
,steer calves, good color, $4 to 84.50 ; com-
rtion, $3 to. $1. She( p and Lambs—The
Market opened fairly actix'n, and about .10c
l'Ogher ; the basis of choice to extra lambs.
being $5.10 to $5 20 -' prices declined to a
basis of $5 05 to $5.10 ; chola° to extra
mbs were quotable at $5.10 to $5.20; good
tp choice, $5 to $5.10 ; fair to good, $4.75
to $1 ; feeding I antra were quotable at $4,75
to 85 ; eheep, ohoice to extra were quotable
at $4.25 to $4 50 ; good to choice, $4 to
$4.2; ; the dose was steady at the decline,
but here Werel5 to 20 loads left over,most-
ly I te arrivals. Hogs—The market was
gene ally lower than on Saturday, but fairly
; the general price for Yorkers Was
$3.9 1 • mixed, $3.95 to $4 ; good to heavy
hogs $4 ; pig, $3.65 to $3.70; roughs,
$3 4 to $3 50 ; the close was easy ; York-
ers 0 the bavis f $3 90 ; pigs, $3 65.
To oearo, Feb nary $th.—Export cattle—
Cabl s from Groat. Britain show a little de-
cline in the expo t line. The offerings were
very heavy and the demand was good.
Heav exporters were quoted at 25c per
cwt. lower, or $4,25 to $4.75 per cwt.
Bute ere' Cattle- Choice were quoted at
$3.25 to $4 and 84.10 per cwt. for choice se -
leak° is. Comrnoi were in moderate supply
and b ought st.eudy prices, or $3,25 to $3 50
per e t. Bulls— rhe prices remained firm,
heav being quotad at $3 50 to $4 per cwt.
Light stook bulls Were in ample supply at
$2.75 to $3,25 per cwt. Stockers and Feed-
ers— 'he prices were a little easier, heavy
stock is being quoted at 5c per cwt. lower,
or $3, )5 to $3 65 per cwt. There were only
a fe light stockers offered, which were
easily disposed of at steady prices. What
few f eders oflerecl brought steady prices,
$3,.50 'o $3 75 per cwt. Milch Cows—Choice
cows brought 30 to $40 each, Calves—
CI oic yeah; weighing over 100 pounds
fe die steady pri ee'$3 to $6 per head.
8 eep and Latnbs Sheep for export and
bitch rs' use fete ed $3 to $3 25 per cwt.
L mb were in moderate supply and brought
steady prices-, $4 25 to $4 35 per &et. Hogs
Phe prices wereft little firmer, choice be-
ing quoted 12.',c per cwt. higher,- and thick
fat .34 per tivit.higher. Choler, fetched
$4 50 . light were' teady at $4 5. Thick
fat were in moder te supply at $3.78 per
cwt. Sows were • uiet at $.3 per Cwt. Stags
broug t $2 per cw •
Foult• Calls
In ono # ay for well qeslified young Men and women
to 5805 .5 positiane in huel..ese offluest is not a com-
mon event even in t ie leading buelute trainiog
8(11001 i Canada, the ,
Cen ral Business !College,
of Toronto i
3ut it actually occurred on Ja nary 26th, ea follows:
'(a) Te warn for young won n, stenographer, from
Fort McLeod ; (b) Tel phone or young man, clerk,
Uelon Station, Toront ; te) 'all for young lady,
telegrepher, Temple uildin , Toronto;- (d) Tele-
; hone f r yew man ttenog apher, -Dominion Ex.
prees C irpany, Toron o.
This xplains why ur co potent students get
good po Rio e. We t sin th m properly, and bust -
nen me k ow it. M mbers admitted at Any time.
Catalog ie free.
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Yonge nd Gerrard 54, Toronto.
STARK In Tornnto .spital,- on February 4th,
Altr el E. Stark, ()Mem ortke, aged 83 year,.
BIS:IE in Goderie on January IV ph, Catharine
Me eath Napa's, eller, of the la James Ma-
tfett aged 80 ye 6ro
MURRAY-In Goderie 1, on January 305h, Mary Ne-
ale( onald, wife of Mr. Allan Murray, aged 00
ye I
AGAR In Morris, on February let, Robert Agar,
eget 60 yea -e. 3n nths arid 9 deys.
GIRVI .40 Ashfleid en January 80tt , Hugh Clirvin,
aye 63 y. are and 4 months.
BARTL Tr -Ai. the family reeidenee 83 Elmwood
ave me, London, on earner) 6111, Anne Pearce
Bat lett, wife of Mr P. 11. Bartlett, barrister,
and slider of Mr. W. IC Pearce, Manager of the
D •i inion Rank Spaforth,
FLU RS '11 11 ETZ,---In iEgmendyille, on February
8th, Mar, reta Strub, relict of the late' John
Flureehuatz, aged 17 years and 7 months.
VERfT -In Bran f,rd; on February. 8rd, Mary
Jao' , relict of Hi ate W. H. Verity, formerly of
Exe or, aged 66 ye re,
Som Simpli Facts Relating
, to Ogit ie's Flour.
The est and Cheapest in the
G 1-11T —
The brei producing property—
strength, n trition, mueole formibg.
Makes mo o bread, better quality,
and affordagreater amount of nutri-
ment to the. consumer.
I The farinarous or weak matter,
which, wit out the gluten, would
make dark heavy bread,
IT Cesri Moan—
Because gluten is the more costly
property to produce,
As it gives i greater and more satis-
factory results.
Domestic 1bakers may overlook
these foetal, but the professional
trade fully confirm them by their
readiness to pay higher prices for
the flour, realising it is to their
profit to do so.
, Do not fo get these faets when
offered ow4r priced flour as "just
as good."
Ogilvie' MBls, Seaforth.
1 1
00D FARM FOR SALE in Grey townehip, near
k the! atetion, tou hing river ; 12 aortae of fall
wheat, 80 acre* seed. d ; • all fall plowing done ; pos.
THOM fi hlOORE, Box 200, Broach, P. O., Ontario,
seeelon Wen itomediatly. For pitrtioulars, apply to
F°11 SALE. ---The imported Genian coach horse,
Waldemar," hel ht, 14 hands ; weight, 1,600
pound; color, oro v blitok ; a coach horffe of the high-
est type, with good knee tuition. For full partieulars,
apply t SAMUEL IRVINE, Beigrave 0,
Brusge s, or to Thomas trines, Cranbrook. 1626x4
"DULL FOR, SERVICE.-Tbe undersignel has for
aervi00 on Lot 4; Conoosion 6, Hullett, the
thoroughbred ahorthoen, bull, " Scottish Robin."
Terme- $1, with the pritrilege of returning if noes -
fiery. lie also has for si tvice a thoroughbred York-
shire 1 oar. Terms, Mi. ANDREW SNELL, Con-
stance. 1626-51
TO RENT. -Contains acres; 00 cleared,
2. aorea of fall w eat in on,'the place, fAli plow-
iing. ell done, bank bar 60x80; With trick veneered
hotels, farm g ;rad sta e of oultiVation and choice
Roil. or full partleul re, see the proprietor on tho
place ; pnesesgion given by the lbtit of March ; school
convenient. SAMUFL RVINE, JO 6, C-nceulfon 6
Morris Balgrave P.O. 'Weals
1EN ERS WANTED. -Separate! tenders, -sealed,
will be received by Rev, W. .1. Waddell, Hen -
sale until 0 o'clock on Saturday, February 25th, 1809,
for the niason work, carpenter work and painting
necessary', towards the e ection of e new Methodist
ehureb, in Kippen. Plans and specifications ean be
seen at the residence of Rev. W. .1. Waddell, Han-
sen. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ao-
cepted,(i W. J. WADIiiELL, pastor; J. B
S eretary Tioard, 1626.2
TO 0$TRACTORS.- Tenders will be received,
ddreesed to the undersigned, until Friday,
Febru ry 246h, 1393, f r the erection of a brick
school hone° in the township of Hay, on Lot 16, Con -
e:0010 2. ' Plana and spileifleationsean be seen at the
reside' cc+ of Alexander Munn, Lot 16, Coneeseion 8.
The loves or any tender not necessarily accepted.
JAM 1ONTHRON, (Hay) Secretary, Hensel' P. 0.
sen t
15 00
sof t
to ent, the hem
wn and occupb
tain a parlor, di
ate , and the lot
f it trees and si
apply to ANDREW TY
12 TO RENT. --For sale 'or
on Sperling street, at pre -
1 by Mr. Andrew Tyreman.
ming room, aitehon, 4 bed
here is plentyaof herd and
alai teri eith a number of
all fruit . For particulate
EMAN, Seaforth. 1026.4
est stands in the county, large brick shop,
good ramelhouse with good barn, and other neces-
sary outbulidin a ; ale good orchard and garden ;
old es ablished • usineas, and lots Of work. Soh' et a
barg n Old eight awa , as the owner 18 desirous
of soi g weep. For pa touters, address enquiries to
EXPOS TOR Office, Seat rth, marked " blacksmith
basin es,", • 1626x4
of Mr
Mr. R
the w
asitserassaareeesaasaa '""4
•;. ,
THE irir
--in Turnborry, on January 23rd, the wife
James McGlynn, of a son.
In Usborne, on Janultry 255h, the wife of
chard Taaker, of a erne
t the rectory, AilsaCritigarm January gist,
fe of Rev. L. W. Diekr, of a on.
Marnag s.
BROWN FOGAL -At the rest ones of the brideie
parentc, on February let, b Rev. Mr. Yelland,
Mr. Joan A. Brown, of Grey to Mies Maggio S.,
oldest daughter 'if M-. W, ogal, of Ethel.
MILLER MeCREA---At the res denee of the bride's
father, Mr. Wm. M of Belgrave, by Rey.
F. J. Oaten, Ph. B., on Jou ary 25th, Mr. Edwin
Miller, of Hamlets, Mat itob , to tiles Annie Me -
Omer, of Belgrave.
WHITELY If chfILLEN-In -Go °doh, on January
3 sli, .yr Rev. W Godwin, Mr, John Wesley
whitaiy, of G.xlerich, to Affair Margaret Jane,see-
ond daughtar ot Mr !loud' MeMill.n, of Col'
FERGU10/v-- litORTERFIELD-At the Mime. Man -
cheater, on January Met, by Rev. Robert Ilen-
damn, Kr, James F .rautore of Bayfield, trelfise
Maggie Porterfield, of Marco 'h.
CUMING- NICOL-et the residence of the bride's
parents, Hallett, on Januar/ 25th, tie Rev. A.
McLean, Mr. Henry framing, of WhItewood, As-
airlibeia, to M se E, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mre Havel Nicol.
On Thu .sday, February 23rd, 1899, at one
o'clock p. m. on Lot 5, Conceasion!8,
horne, 1:1 des south of Winchelsea Firm
Stock, Itn lements, &a. Robert Dennison,
proprietor; Henry Brown, auctioneer.
• NO, ce to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court o the
aunty of Huron.
Natio° a h
ter 129, seloti
agairot t
of Seater h,
deceased, ar
forth, On 1
Adams, M
the exeou ri
will and t4st
Jars of OW
(if any) held
after the eal
estate among
gard only to
received neti
enutors, Seat
January, 18
reby given, pursuant to B. S. 0,, chant;
n 88, that all persons having I falai
tate cf Imo Miller, late of the Town
in the County of Huron, gentleman,
required on or before the 25th I day of
9, to send or deliver to J. M. Beet,ea-
e solicitor f 1r Martha Miller, M ry
'McLean and the Rey. J. W. Hodg ns,
s and executore respectively of the net
ment of the said deceased, full partinu-
claims, and all vounhers sad senuri fee
y them, duly verified by affliftwita 5115*
265h day of February, 1899, the * I4
woe. ed to distribute the awaits of he
the puttee entitled thereto, having e.
he claims of a Welt they shall then la ve
e. J. M. BEST, solicitor f r said bx-
rth, Ontario. Dated this 305h day of
rhe la clEillop Mutual Fire
urance Company.
3, 13. M an, President, Kip n P. 0.; T emu
Fraser, vie resident, Brueefield . 0. ; * J. slum -
nen, &my ewe Sealorth P, 0. ; Tho as E.
Hays, Ins tor of Lome, Sea rill P. 0.
W, G. B foot, Seaforth, John G. Griev'Win-
throp; Go ge Dale, Seaforth ; Thomas E. Hays.
Seaforth ; IJ met; Evans, Reeehttood ; John Watt,
Herlock ; b map Fraser, Brunefteld ; Jobn
Lau, Kipp n ; James Connolly, Clinton.
flobt. 8uit , Buttock ; Robe, atehfilleu, flea oritt ;
Jan es Cunim nz Egmondv o; J, W. Yeo, 11 Imes -
villa P. 0,; 3 hn Govenioek and John C. Mo risen,
eArnee de irous to effect 1000•11110431) W
•et oer bus nese will be promptly attended 110 Os
PPlifiati0f3 to aoy of the above efileen, eddy*eredIr
iheir rorinkin1.1 onut Afflorro
Your Vo
A meetin
of Seaforth,
ay, Feb. 21, '99
e and Influence respect-
lly solicited for
lc Meeting.
of the Ratepayers of the Town
will be held in the
y, Feb 10,
A 8 O'CLOCK P. M,,
For the purpose of considering the Case
bonus eche
the town,
e and other matters relating to
B. GUNN Mayor.
Helrit the Prr.
Pastor of t,h
will deliver his
Pint Presbyterian Church, London,
celebrated lecture entitled,
Fire and Sword in
he ,Soudan,"
In the Pre byter4an Church, SEAFORTH,
I ma
MOnday Evening; Feb. 13th, 1899,
• This lecture s undJr the auspice of . the Womene'
Chrietian Temperance Union, and the proceeds -are
to be devoted o the aid of the poor of the town.
Siegle ticket , 25 cents; double lekete, 40 cents.
All are cord lly inrited. 1620-1
—IN THE --
Township of IvicKillyp and Grey, in
t e County of Huron.
The followl g properties will e Offered for sale by
public wrath) on day, Mare 8th, 1899,
At tile Comm reial Hotel, in ti e town of Seaforth,
under the po 'ors of sale centsi ed in a certain wort -
gage which 111 then be pro 1 ced Firstly :-The
easterly 76 ares of Lot No. 28 in the 8th Conces-
sion, of the si id township of Mc Woe. Secondly a -
The cast h the north half 1 Lot No. 28, in the
7th Coneessio , of ,the said tow ship. containing 26
acres, more o lees. Thirdly :- he south half of the
north half of Lot Nce, 25, in the 7511 Concession, of
the said town hlp, containiog 25 acres, more or less.
Fourthly e north hilt of tho north half of Lot
No. Wain th 75h Conoession, ot the taid township,
containing 26 acres, more or lese, excepting ene half
acre sold to o e Williaan Pollard. Fifthly :-Lot No.
17, ie the 85h Conceseion, of the townehip of Grey.
Ternls. -Ten per cent, cosh at time of sale, liberal
Orme for pa) nient of !balance. For further partie•
Wars and con Wong of sale apply to
Seaforth, Ontario, or to
Vendors' S dieltorsa
74 ChurCh St., Toronto.
It is satisfa
That fact caree
actual experie
viding the hes
this store, we
ing the money
else we tell of ir
Plain drew;
worth Be and 10
guaranteed fast,
colors' fancy pat e
worth3ic, for 2.c,
Sc, for 40. Ble
40 incheit wide, f s
indigo blue, in c e
width, speeial, 1 c
bright colors, wort
There has b
goods. The m
ades, shirtings,
advance, and a
etion to know that goods at this store are exactly as advertised.
great weight with the buying public, who 1 ave realized by
that in coming here they'll not be disappointe Bo ides pro-
oods, the best assortment and the best servi e for isitms at
arantee them every satisfaction, even to the e4tent refund -
That applies as much to our special bargains ,as to anything
these columns. This week we are going to :
ds in seven different patterns, suitable for dresses, wrappers
er yard, for 5c. New prints in wide, soft cloth, light and G
rth 8c, for 5c., New prints' wide width, heavy cloth, light
ns, worth 100, this is a greatsnap at 6ic. Grey cotton, y
Grey Cotton, 3$ inches wide, fine even thread, good wei
ed cotton, pia wide, soft finish. worth 7e, for 5c. lApron,
colors, worth 124c, for 10e. Heavy American shirtings,
ks and stripes, worth 14e, for 12ic. Canadian shirting,
Shirtings, suitable for boys, worth 7c, for 5c. Fancy gir
7e, for 5e, besides other seasonable lines at equally low pri
•r Waists,
rk eolors,
and dark
rd wide,
ht, worth
tra, wide,
halms in
en a sharp advance in the price of Canadian color d cotton
ufacturers have advanced the price 12ic per 4ent olu cotton-
ngliams, flannelettes, etc. We bought pretty heavy before the
ong as our iiresent steak lasts we will sell at old price,
'aisTm IR,03g3
NNON & CO., Blii".1T
t is it that Cu
en Others ,Fail
• !-
That obs, Inate and distressing cough whit so oftenfollow
la grippe it is 0;
ROW Glyperated Balsam c'f,*ir,
, , ----- -L,
Many p o'ple in Seaforth and vicinity, after suffering for wee
and aim fit in dispair, have been relieved by a few doses. t
healing 4d soothing properties are truly wonderful. Wo do nO
say that I will cure every case, but we do say that it will cure
larger p r entage of cases than any other remedy you ern us
For sale b,y all dealeis. Manufactured only by
011, .A.1\T3J JDIZT_TG-6-S S,
▪ 0.
iLiall1Pickard &
Annual Clearing Sale
0 find that we are too- eavily loaded in several lines of goods. in order
maIo room or spring good, we have decided upon making a big slaughter
s le of the b lance of all Winter goods for cash, commencing on Friday,
J unary 6th, i at. A splendid opportunity for those in need of the fellowing
lines :4.— 1 ,
A44 ' 68c on the dollar.
11acket Cloths at
All Ladle and Ohildre s Coats at 60c on the dollar.
L iMantle and
All 1en,
Youths', Boy' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pea JaCketfil,.`
# 11,40hte edrol ar.
o d Coats, od Pants, odd Vests, Smocks, Oyeralls, and Cardigan Jackets at
ords $10 Suitt! for $7.80 ; $5 Suits for $3,90 ; $6 Overcoats for
$4.68 ; $110 0 ercoats for $7.80. All Ladies' Fur Capes Muffs, Collers, Ruffs,
and Gakinll-ts at 75c on the dellar. All Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Men's
Caps, and Gauntlets at big reductions on regular prices. A good selection to
chooee om.
. im Goat iiobes at 75,,, on' the dollar,
cial price t on Saskatchewan 13uffalo Robes and Black Cattle Robes.
All Shawls at 78c ma tho dollar.
Bed Comforters at 7e on the dollar. --
Men's and Ladies' Lined Kid -Gloves, Men's and Boys' Underwear
Ladi s rider ear, Blanketsli,Fa.ncy Flannels, Grey Flannels, and Flannelette
at 85e n the ollar. 1
Spacial p ices in. Winter Top Shirts.
W will also give special prices on- all Dress Goods in stock,
41 Hats in the Millinery Department at half price._
will rilsg give an extra discount on all Suits made to order.
ce on tilt to, order at $11,75.
:nsject or world beating Top Shirts at 25e each,
DoIVt neglect to call and 'inspect the many
We have in store for you
w is Your Klondike Opportunity
- Ontario.
e cordially invite inspection. No trouble to show goods,
Ask to'
plain]) & iffi DIRECT
Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Streets,
Whitewear Specials
plea- ng everyone who visits our store ith
Great Bargains we are giving.
,Bros: Old St
ardnO's Block, Seaforth
Al though ! it
Boots tnit
adva tap
get ti el b.
,w1Vbici, aVe
redu ed
room for
amou its
are T
barga ris
These re y
tions fiona
trusty and s
• ed at rock
and see fori
Custom work a
the sh rtes
is 1809, you Must, have
oes, and it is to your
buy where you can
,s value for yOur money.
so 'az holiday rods left,
a 4,e offering it greatly
1.1 es, in order to make
ring stock. Quality
o ittle unless the prices
Low price S are not
mit ess quality is there.
mbi' e quality and price.
if you make selec-
i stock of reliable,,
3 iceable goOds, mark -
I ottona
o irselve
d repair
prices. Call
ng done on
Richar &
Dealer in ood Footwear,
Whitney B gek, - - Seaforth.
Notic tc$ Creditors.
All persons hairing
Charles E. St. Ctair
Seaforth, ban aoou
30th day of
fore the lst d y f
signed solbeltor for t.h
their claim,
last mentioned la1.t,
distribute the estate
to, having re erenee
shall have received n
tion the Execiutrix tvi
part of the estatu to
shalt not havo reaeiv-
pursuant to the tatt
STED, Seaforth.r. 0
Dated January 28th, -
/iv claim against the estate of
S tnpson, late of the Town of
t nt, who died on or itoout the
, 898, are required on or be -
1890, to end to the under-
eentrix, frill particulars of
lied by affidavit After aid
m ng the parties entitled there -
Executrix will proceed to
oi to the claims of which she
tine, and after such dlsbribu-
pot be accountable for any
ny creditor of whose olaim she
d botbce. This notice f even
501 in . that behalf. P. HOLM-
, elicitor for the Executrix.
8 . ° 16254
The first week of our Special We kly
Shoe Sales was i success in eery
way. For the a %int4wookI we will
place on sale e llo ingsp Gioia:-
Men's Dongolaidaiters round
toe, regular price $L50, spe ial sale
price $1.15 ; Men!s Calf Laoed Boots,
coin toe, goody ar welts, regular
price $3, special eabe price $2,25 ;
Men's Leather Ldggings, beat grain,
regular price $L 7. , special sale price
$1.50 ; Ladies' Waterproolf Over -
shoos, narrow toe, regular price
$1.70, special sale price 1
Ladies' Overstockings, reguliir price
60c,, special sale price 45e;Bois'
Buckled Rubbers regular rice $1,
special sale price 85c ; Boys' Enit
Socks, regular priceOc r
Children's Kid Button Boots, size*
tp 7, regula.r price 6 c, special sale
price 45c.
A 0
New Flocr
The undereigned ,having p4reh d th
Seaforth, will have it ready t do coppin
nesday, February 15th, Good work done,
faetton guaranteed. Give u a rial, a
Mill,: -
Red Milli;
on Wedi.
and eatha
the Roc,
beaforth. '
LaOlies' Niglit Gowns.
Full sie (.in, nade of good , cotton, with
lace tt'iinmin, less than the i price of
making, and you can't buy the cotton
for the rice nly-25c.
Next imin r—a pedal at the remarkable
price of 75c,iwith embry trimming in
ttvo or three st.yles.
A beauty ' what everybody says vilien
they soe our next Gown in fine goods.
To sell ab -$i.
Three nio e ripe ials at -$1,19, $1.38
and 1.48,
! Fine W
all prides, fro
r ;
• A
ite Chemise
Ii 18c to 95c each,
Cors0 Covers
At all prices. Special at 12c each. Bet-
ter lines at 18e, 25e, 304, 37c,
45c, 60c, 7p and $1-
entec st's one Price Cash. Store
UrOer Town Clock, Cardno's Block.
Fine White Skirts.
A beauty with deep frill of Cambric, and
two e1ust4s of tucks, special -600.
Wide embry frill, with a good English •
cotton, w11 made and wide width, at
Our styles, special n with a deep frill of ciri-
kirts at 98c are made in two
broulery and the other with a cambric
frill with insertion both nicely tucked
and finished, at 9de.
See our fine 4oub1e frill Skirt, with wide
embroidery and insertion frill, *t
Four more specials at $1.49, $1.68,
$1.89 and $2 25.
Fine ])rawer i at all priees. Speeial---F1111
size tucked and deep hern, special 150
for 25e.
Lace or frill trimmed, special at 190.
Three cluster tucks and frill or embroidery
trimmed at 25c.
Special deep frill of fine embroidery and.
tucking, special for 50e a pair„
Better specials at 75, 890, $1 'and
A call at our store and a look at our stock
will convince yon that we eon VIVO you.
the exprees on this claw of goods.
To customers Sending mail orders We will
pay express on any amount of $5 and
over. It Will pay you to try our atom
for good oods at the clorrest possible
prices at t
The Ladies' Store
Seaforth, Ont.