HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-02-03, Page 24' agt Ifineity-flve Cures in One Hun Case.. - Within a period of sixty days, ne him dred cases of Asthma treated by ellarke's Kola Compound showed the marvel Ou,s per - *tentage of ninety -live absolute ceires-and thee* figures are gathered from I hospital records. $2 a bottle; three bottle for $5. Bold by all drugglitte, or The Glr faiths & Macpherson Co, 121 Cbureh street Toron- to. 21. Throat C ta rh Like all Other Wornis Cesarr Origin in the Simple Dot Neale(' -Japanese Catarrh Cure Cin4 Sures-Prevents the Deep Seam Ultimately Must End in Pul Troubles hash* d Cold s. and Which *nary Incipient and insidious is catarrh. Smelt beginnings develop Otto tho distressing dia. easeWhen neglected, tend the trail of suf. tering and hopeless striving for rellef 'con - Unites. But there is a new heaven for the catarrh sufferer in Japanese Catarrh Cure, whether it be of, the head, the throat • Cr the bronchial tube s4 And there are no per- nicious drugs to leave a worse ailment than the disease itself to grapple wit. . John Orow, 421 Keefer street, Vanoeuv r, RAJ. says- "For 15 years I was a great buffer* from catarrh. I tried everything u der the sun for the trouble, but, after o Ly tem- porary relief, three yeas ago I be iglet tend treed slx boxes of Japanese Oster h Vero and was oompletely freed from the diseitee and hare had no sigIn of a return of it. M wife woes ft for headaches, and it Ives !he indent relief. You take no cbai ces. printed guarantee in °Very packs is. 5 centre At all druggists. , 0 Sold by J. S. Roberts. , REAL ESTATE Oa SALL E1ARM FOR SALE. -For tale, the west tio aor PO U Lot 5, on the rth Concession of MoKillop. T or is *bank barn and earn° house ; it M in first.° as condition, well fenced and underdrained, iItbIe fo grain or pasture. MICHAEL GIVLIN, eeehw - P. 0. 1621x8 $700 V' aiiii1413recillu ateame tcr ecortanigfe°olinalls° Seaforth, at present °couple:4a by Mr. There are 8 recces, with hard nd soft w ' large stelae The lot le a core r lot and w with treatm and °arinate' trees, Ap SCOTT, ISeaforth. end pleas es lame A. Scot star, ale° P169341 ly to A 11 Es!BENCE IN BRITOEFIELD FOR 'SALE. , Formal° the frame dwelling house and lot nea the railway station in Brusefieli. The house con tains ten room ; a stone cella* and ha and sof water in the house; also a goad altsble, here ire quarter *ere of land. Apply to ALEX. M STAR Boncefield. 1516 -ti VARA! FOR, SALE. -For sale, Lot 5. Con X Mullett, near village of Kinburn, about 100 acres, all (Awed and in a go cultivation. There are good buillngs, goo and plenty of excellent water. This is a farm and will be gold cheap. Immediate Apply to MRS. SOHOALES, Constance P. ession 6 °nada{ stet° o eroher splencli ssion .1 1807 FOR SALE IN EGMONDVIILLE or le, hous and lot, ten minutes walk fro» th Fresby feriae church, west. The house le a go d lframe with stone foundation, with Atom d al Moderr improvements, Their is fruit' trees a d q malty o small fruit, with lawn and hedge, a i d wi 1:he Rol cheap. For futher particulars appl at t is Offiee or to MRS. C. HOWARD, Proprietres 16244 BALE -For sale 220 aro farm in cltilllop r being Lots 24 and 25, Commuter:I 10, d port part of •Lot 25, Concession 9. l'his land as bee in paeture since first cleared, 25 or 30) ors ago therefore is rich and free from foul we ds. 11 1 situated on the gravel road, five miles nor h of Se forth and nine from Brussel. Terms of paymen madeto suit purchaser. For particulars apply 4 W. GOVENLOCK, Seaforth. 169441 VA,RM FOR SALE. -For sal, in the To noble o „U Manton, the north 50 a4 es of Lot 1', Canoe aim 14, boundary line. About 47 acres cies, d, awe acres of good hardwood bush, about two acres o choice fruit trees, mil unsurpassed, well dr Med an fenced.; sohool half a mile away, poet film and church convenient; will be sold °beep. For par Maulers, apply to the proprietor on the pre gees, or Walton P. Ca DANIEL MoMILLAN, Propr etor. 1699-tt Op1MBERED FARM FOR SALE. -For al . the north half of Lot 9, Concession 14, o iliop containing 83 mores, about 30 acres of which re °leer- ed, well fenced and under good cultivation ;I t e bal, ance is well timbered with saw logs, railsOe c. This property is valuable for its timber, and wit be sold 4 cheap. Thirty or forty acres of the that r will be I sold without the lead if deared. Apply or 'the ad joining farm, or to Walton P. 0, JA 'CAMP BELL. 61941 LIARM IN ALGOMA FOR SALE. -For EMI° the J. South East quarter of section F., tow ship of Laird, °entail -40e 160 aeree. There are Iort acres cleared and free from stumps and under oro • Com- fortable log buildings. The balance is well mbered, It Is within four miles of Eohobay raliwayL station, and six miles of tbe prosperous vllhge of Port Findlay. This is a good lot, and will be soli °heap, and on easy term& Apply to WILLIAM IMPSON on the premisee, or to ALEX, MUSTARD, Brum- field. lb464f T_TOTEL FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-Fo sale o al to !rent the Blake Hotel, a good countr stand, situated about 4 miles from Zurie , 0 mile from Bayfield, and 7 milee from Kippen station, The village consists of store, blacksmith s op, and ell other convenieneee. Haif a mite from shool and church. Tne }muse contains six bed room ; plenty of hard and soft water ; good garden, s ble and yard. Possession must be taken on May lee Open for rent until March 15th For particulars pply MRS. WILLIAM NICHOLSON, Daehwood . 0, 1624-tf BUILDING LOT FOR SALE -The very building lots, being numbers 87, 88, ae situated on Main btroet of Egmondville forth. Thewhole °cut des about one wore, no sold in separate parcels or together to purchaser. Thee property is Just south Woollen Mills, and Mr. &Dickson's proPerty the corporation, and is considered tbemost d building site either for private residence factory. It is high and convenient. and has south and west. Apply to JANE nr JOHN 8 Formondville P O., Executors to the Estate late John Sproat. 1 eatable 39 and ad 8'a- nd will ult the of the uth of arable or a street ROAT, f the 83 -ti SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For ea th eplendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, n th North Road, a mile and a half from Sado th. Contains 175 sores, nearly all cleared and in hig state of cultivation, Tnere is a two story brie house, Kood bank barn and everything in fir •clae condition arid well underdrained. It will be Id a easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. ilf not sold before the fall it will be rented. A dos ROBERT GOVENLOCK, Seaforth P. 0. 16'& tit DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN ZURICH FS) SALE -For sale, a house and five acre lot land on one of the principal streets in the dll4g of Zurich. The house is a good briok, with va 1 cistern, and all other conveniences; also a frame stable. This property belongs told Diechert and will be sold cheap, as tile proprib removing to Dakota. Apply to D. S. F Zurich. 1 o i ITT, 24 IGIOR SALE 011 TO RENT. -That excellent a m, Lot 39, •Concession 3, Tackersmith, S. containing 96 acres; 8 of which is in fall wh a 12 scree of good bush, the :balance 76 acres in high state of cultivation. Fall plowing done* There is a good frame house and frame burns, also a hike pig house. Plenty of splendid water and good ore lard. It is about la miles from schools ; 3 miles' from Bruceffeld ; 6t miles from Seaforth and 6 mileslfrom Clinton. Apply to W. SCOTT & CO., Brumfield. 1622 s WARM FOR. SALE. -Fannin township of T eke'', an smith, being Lot 29, Conceseion 2, H. It. 8. oon- Wiling 100 floret! ef good land, well adapted for ither orain or stock raising; land la good state of ou aye tion, 8 acres et good hardwood bush. On the place are two good frame barns, stone stabling under one driving shed, never -failing aprlog near barn rick hoose ant kitchen, soft water Inaide, good we I, or- chard, etc. The farm is well situated, ban five miles from Clinton and six from Seaforth, on good gravel road; convenient to memo', church o i a Ito plates ; will be sold cheap, ae proprietor futend giv- ng up farming. For particulars apply on the p ern - ises, or to A. E. TURNER, Clinton, Oat. 161-41 OR SALE. -Farm and Village property fo sale In the Village of Eginondr Ile. Th i farri con., trine 77 acres, about 46 acres under cul ivation, bal- ance in pture and bueh. There is a river ru ming aortae the corner of a. lot. This farm is well ad pled for stock. lf not sold will be rented. A1 -o my house end lot in the Vi bee of Egm ',Idyllic. Tee house containe par our, dieing roone kitchee, bed- room, closets, hard and snit warn, and tire el as stone • cellar under haus • Thsre is also 0 i this property a bare ewe arid wood and coal i .usu. Will be gold °heap, as the owner is desirous of g'ving up farming. Thee° proportiee are within 11 Iles from the Town of Seaforth. For particulars a ress 11 to the owner. THOMAS DALY, Egmondville, Ont. 162 -tf Snap Bargains in Real Estate Live Stock. THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a 181 farm -a first-clase grain and stook farm-nea village of Zurich, in the township of Hay, Cour Huron; good buildinge, god fences, plenty of and a most desirable placo ; also three tlioroug short horn bulls aud three Yorkshire boars, all service; ale° several roadster horses, all good s and prices right. For particulars apply to S. NIE, Zurich P. 0. 101 and acre the ty of sitar bred t for ck, AN- • Kind Words Are Weshington, Jam 29. -In this die - &purse Dr. Talmage shows how it is pos- slid to help others who are under the pros ing load of fatigue and care and resp nsithlity. The text is Galatians :3, " oar ye one another's burdens, and so ft Hill the law of (Airlift." E ery man for ' himself! If there be room for only on� more passenger in the iiteboat, get In -yourself. If there bela burden to lift, you supervise while others ehoulder it. Yea be tho digit while othvs are the ci here on the right band aide -nothing i themselves but aug- leen!iing you. n opposition 'to that theory of Hellish • es Paul advance; in nay si teal; the aospel t tory, "Bear ye ono an- other'e burdens, d so fultill the law of t, b rist. " . 3 .1, c or y body ha burdens. Sometimes they come down upon the shou)dere, sometimes they atine down upon the head, Sc•InotinieS they come down upon the heart. Looking o ar any assembly, they all p,62111 well an bright and easy, but mill ;one has a b rden to lift, and some cf them have mo e than they oan lift. Paul proposes to -pit up these burdens into fragatents. You taki part of mine, ;And I mut take part of yours. and each 0110 Vill take part of the other's, and so we ‘111I fulfil) the law of Christ. • Air . .Appleton or Boston, the daughter of ift niel Webster, i 111103M Tbe great an important eas Lis way hemo stop tieughter and wen [wee dying after long lawyer, after pleading In the courtroom, on ed at the howls of his into:her sickroom. lehe-said to him, "Father, *by are you, out te-dey in this old weather -without an overcoat?" The great lawyer went Jet° ehe next rootn and was in a flood of tears, saying, "Dy ng herself, yet think - nee only of me." Oh, how muds more beautiful is oare for ()there t an this everlasting ta1ng care of, - o reedy's, ilieh!tin in the 1 all of the temple of Da ,lhec there' ar three et nes, each weighing 1,100 to . They we • lifted by a style of machine y that is n W among tee ldst arts. But in rny ext le the guape machinery, by which the vaster ttnd t e heavier t nnage- of he world's burdcj is to be lift be crushed heart of the huiiiar t you and 1 no t need to lear it of help- fulne s. ' Scatter Encourage the a superior style go. ]1' he have wit the show windows plimeht his taste. If be have a good business locality, if he have had great succees, if he have rilliant prospects for the future reoogn ze all tbis. Be not afralfi that he will (moms arrogant and puffed up by your pproval. Before nlgbt some shongoing per on will come in and li tell im that hie pofces are exorb tent end i hat his goods are of an inferior quality and that bl show windovr gave promise of far be ter things than i he founcninside. Before the night of the day in which you say encouraging words to that roerohant there will be some orank, male or female, w.ho will come into the store and depreciate everything and haul down enough goods from the hole . If ib. aft this ing fits uy- One d from race. Wh is the spi ind Words erchant. 11 he have of goods, 1 t411 hint bis clerk adorned and the shelves, cons- ehelr•S to fit out a family for a wiAttir without buying a oent's wort he inerohant be a grocer, ' there wi ,ome One before night who will o nto his eetablishment and taste of nd taste of that and taste of everyt Ise, in that way stealing all the pr anythina that he may purchase - g three apples while he is eating range! Before the night of ths day when prove that merchant he will have a ht which be will have to erase, a be made by some one who has m vay from the neighborhood wit ring eny hint of the place of dest on, Before the night of the day` u have uttered encouroging word e merchant there will le' some wo ho will return to his atom and say s lost ner purse; elle left it there in e store, she brought It there, she did t take it away, rabeltnoVr, s it is there, eying you to make! an* delicate and mplimentary inference that you Wish make. Before night that merchant 111 he • hid) o fashl ho wi b 11 nn fore,. N ow, e i g th ffed ough ni fr a a 3' you bad bad ved out na- hen t0. • an she if a ✓ that some styl e has a large supp n, and there wil I come into the st sr, protest, saying ut the receipt has been lost. courage that merehant, no fear - t ,be will become arrogant or p, for there will be before night unpleasant things said to keep on becoming apoplectic) with ethoro of praise. iEnciiiirsage Your Nallehltor. , Eneonrage newspaper men. If u ew bow many annoyancee they b e you understood that their most e b- ate attiole hi sometimes flung out •e -.- nee there is each great pressure on he lunms and that an accurate repo of speech , is expected, although the ut a oe be so indistinct the diecouree is e 1 ng stenographic gueu, and that t e •idnight Which finds 'you staleep dem s at they be awake, and -Met they a metirnee ground between the rhe.ls of ✓ great brain manufactories; sicken d the often approach of men ho nipllmentary nevvepaper noble. , or w o ant newspaper retraction; one Iay se t repert a burial, the next day te rep littie enconnter; shifted from pla o e by suderett revolution 1whiob is of goods of Ly is going out in some one re and pay a he has paid it a 111 pug be Vls j urn e if `y • mpa n 4 a g Inds $.a 11 , t w •rds teric to take place any day in our gre it listio establishments; preciario a coming more and more precario 18 u underatood it you would be more hetio. Be affable_when you ha e ax to be sharpened on their one. Discuss in your mitid what etsenth oentury would he without wspaper, and give encouraging to all who are engaged in this t. front the chief of editorial de - THE „ metit 0ow' io We boy that threw/ morning er sveising newspaper into bue00.i nt WIssidoW, many tee meohaillOs.. '1 boy will plumb pipes, or Di %yin ett4i1iiiine the 1 nga, r they will put down the car - or hey will grein the doors, or will feshi n the veardrebe; Be not ng those who never eav anything to °shanks except to find fault If he Vr ell, toll 11111, It is ODIOTI- d book is well bound, the • the ohandelier is e work is grandly atm anteng those employe anything to their e swear at them. Do n ill make that nieohan be done a Joe did y done. T1 deit swuhg, t Is well g * Oils ed. Be no never say es except t• fraid you uffed up and arrogant he will nes n want to be seen with workit n or t comes of in shi t sleeves, for before ti PI be a so agai ap ni that day when you prat o hiii there will be a lawsuit brow; t against him be ause be did not lInlsh his w* as moon ac he promised it, forgetfil of t e foot that his wife has been si k and two of hi children have died of fin ht hand Denouneed ps - he has had a felon on a hap et Iver an ✓ o the ri be mute th paint i Et very faint n colo , nit recognizing t e fact that t e moo ani n himself has ben cheated out f the Sent ingredients, and thathe d d no 1 nd out the trouble lb time,. or scold d at weetse he seems kt have lamed a hors byi --u-nekillful HhOeing when the hors WO for months ha 1 spavin or ring- [ be; or 1 springhalt. You feel you have th Jghti to find fault ritb a mechanic w . he does ill. Do ou ever praise a m o anki when he does ell? Be Synspretbetle. courage the -farmer& They come your stores, you meet them in tbe markets you. often associate with in the summer months. Office rm go through; the land, and they • on political filatforme, and they be farmers the story abou.1 the in- dent life of a farmer, giving ilat6ery e they ought to gore eyinpathy. Inge. of what? I was brought up on a ; I worked on a farm; I know all t it. I hardly saw a city until 1 was n, and I tell you that there is no of people in the country who have rdor and who more need your eym- than farmers. Independent 'if , of the , ourculto that stinge the es trees, ofrthe rust In the wheat, of long rain'!with the rye down? Inde- nt of the graenhopper, of the locust, e army worm, of the potato bile endent of the drought that burns e harvest? Independent of the cow the hollow horn, or the sheep with •et rot, of the pet horse with a nail s ',hoof? Independent of the oold that A Opt the winter grain? Independent stow bank out of which he must I himself? Independent of tha.00ld er when he stands thrashing his ed fingers around his" body to keep from, being treated? Independent of ozen Ewe and the frozen feet? In - 01 • of What? Fancy farmers who e made their fortunes in the 'city and o t in the ootintry to bond houses h all the modern insprovemente and k tanning a luxury may not need any a:, but the yeomanry Who get their ont of the sell and who that way to clothe their !amines and educate children and pay their taxes and the interest on mortgaged farms, en find a terrific struggle. I de - that office seekers and politioiana .up their gameous and imbecile es about the iadepennent life of a ✓ and substitute some word of coin- rawn from the fact that they are orn city conventionalities and oity les and city temptations. meet vivid remembrance ofe boy - is of my father owning in on a very y from the harvesting field and g himself on the doorsill because s too faint to get into the house, rspiration streaming from forehead °in chin, and my mother trying imitate him with a cup of cold which he was too faint to hold to n lips, while saying to WI: 'Don't gh ened; there's nothing the mat - little tiredi, that's all; a little iver since that day, when I bear lking about the independent Bre- mer I see through the sham. ere want not your flatteries, but sympathies. Give Praise Where Due. ourage the doctors. You praise tkie when he brings you np from an orisis of disease, hut do you prates ctor when, through skillful treat - of the incipient stages of diem's°, P8 you from sinking down to the arlsfs? There is a great deal of and heartless wit about doetors, °tic° that the people who get off It are the first to send for a doctor there is anything the matter. are those who undertake to say in thet doctors are really usslesa. an has written a book entitled, Man His Own Doctor." That ought to write one more book , "Every Man His Own Under - "Oh," says some one, "ptivai- Onstant presence of pain get arted !" Do they? The most cele - surgeon of the last generation a olinioal department of one of York medical colleges, the stu- athered in the amphitheater to 7 painful operation on a little he old surgeon said: 'Gentle - use me if I retire. These Bur- n do this as well as I can, and older it gives me snore and tress to see pain." '18119 have so many hardships, so terruptions, ete many annoy - ant glad they have so many °monk All doors open to thetn. welcome to mansion and to oot. ildran shout when they see them own the road, •and the aged, ing the step, look up and say, is that you?' They stand be - ✓ families and the grave fight - the troopitof disorder that wine their. encampment by the cold o one hears such .thanks as the re. They are eyes to the blind, feet to ;the lanse'their path is ith the benediotions of those ' ey have befriended. y there was a dreadful forebod- ✓ house. All hope was gone. or came four times that day, dren put d on tip Id, "Bus d tick, a .though w hat night p into °ley seek sten teellse d wise petit alas egg! it h Path th ps of Inie 011 t with the In h freez of la sh. weit nu thf th de ho go wi sol 'Ilv n hatO tber meim re+ mit fol spe far fort free enide ho d hoe d he Lw the p and to re Wit?"8 hi o be LIr teni tired Pe PI of Fa your dont° awru the mont hukc awiful cheap but that ulion .1 Nora our da One m "Ever author eb title( taker.' culans i hard h britted sod i th,l) Ne (lents seea v men, ex genus c 0811 get lucre di rhysi many 1 1 lances, eneoura ley ar tle o coming reCogni "Doctor .teiseen o in g bao -upifrom dceitor they are strewn whims t One d In o The doo The chi all Walk sound. olocik d orealked, still! I I A , fa Dig t. the, suff theieuff sluinber ensiled When sae* oh tried to cheek, -the o violet ir oonyales ohale mother' or tWo a to Or h country not the horsosti !zed for doctors way their toya, and oe and at the least 1" How loudly the d how th• banister tried to keep it so the doctor staid .all ▪ oonoentr ted all hie skill upon rare At 11 st the restlessness of leer muladde into a calm, melee and the d otor looked up and nd said, 'The crisis is past." topped up with pillows in the ir, she sat and the south wind blow -a ros leaf into the faded ad the chili ren brought flowers • a red olo er top,. ehe other a •m the law -to the lap of the ent, and B rtha stood on a high ith a br sh smoothing her hair, and e were told in a day •is might ride out, joy came back use. Andci as we helped the old ootor int his gig we noticed the step was brOken, or the In the knees, and we -all, real - he first tithe in lour life what o re worth. Encourage then*. - Eno chaste have t courtrloot bear Pon have to their prof Ing whio the only in Sinai WOO lawyer, an Christ' as t, yore in lei impertau e having o Story ind1 Eno ur school cola corn g a fi dal tie cut duvvn 13 owls d olu o br „ ON EjOSITOfl THE THRE heer the noweemet. e the 1a4ere, They are ofteu of their, feet:, lied so often athe the villiOnous air of e and they so often have to o ems responsibilltste and they intain against the sharks in ion the dignity of that can- es honored by the fact that n allowed to stand on Mount the Lerd wee Moses) the that the Bible speaks of • advocatle. Eneouritge law - profession of trona:misdeal. a profession honored by the bench a Chief Justice the bar, a Rufus Choate. the tenehers in Our public upation arduous and poorly In all the cities when there conomy on the part ot offi- rep thing to do is always to te cher& sabarios. To take 40 BO 0 or 50 .loy «hese par nts suppose them precoo ous, a) d keep the parents from findin ot tb ir mistake, to take an empty bead nd fill it, to meet the ex - motet on of men* who think their obildr u at 1 years of age ought to, be matbe nat al ne land inetaphySiciano and fluster clans, tot work successfully that great stuff g machine th • modern school eye e , le a vary arduous werk. Enoou age t am by the usefulness and the ev ria ti gness and the magnitude of their ccct1a4 on, and when you'rehildren do well co pliment the instructor, praise the teachett, thatik the educator. Encourage all invalids by telling them how snarly' ou, have known with the Name dilm n who got well and not by tailing i then of their eunken eye or ask- ing th4m h ther the color of their cheek is ree1Jl, hecto or Mentioning oases in whiCh hat' s yle of disease ended fatally or telli g 6 ens hovr badly they look. Encourage all starting in life by your- self h4om n renainlsoent. Establiebed merchants, b telling' these yet:mg mer- chants when you got your first customer, and ho y 1uLut behind the- counter eat- ing ye r 1 n'heon, with one eye on the door. Csubl1isbod lawyers, encouratie young lately re by telling et the time when ou, roke Own in your first speech, Est lishod Ministers of the gos- pel, en our e young ministers by merci- ful tine im1ft1on of theological candi- dates, ot alking oround with a pro- fund1ty,and kverwho1n1ngnesaof manner as thou h qi wore one of the eternal decrees4 Iotors established, by telling i young oatf) how you youreelf ones mistool th neasles fpr scarlatina. And if you ay nothing I to say that is en- courtigi g, 0 man, ;nit your teeth tight- ] ly bowl her and cover them with the cur- tain, et roufr fpm; co preoryonr lips, and put yo r ijafld over your mouth and keep et 11. Melo the Needy. A ‘rtietle n n was posing along, cross- ing a brid e in Ge enany, and a lad came along wlth a cago of birds for sale. Tbe- etrang r said, "flow much for those birds and t s cage?" The pries was an- nounced, t e pun:dunes wee made, and the first thing the stranger did was 4o open thJ depi, of the (lege, and the birds flew out in,4olthe sunlight and the forest. Some one h saw the purchase and the liberation sal , r'Whist did you do that for?" " said the; etranger, "I was a captive n.'y elf onee,, and I know how good it s 40 e free." Oh, ye who re- member hard' hips in early life,'but have coinelbeyond those hardships, sympathize with 'these w o aro in the struggle! Free yourself bel others tO get free. Governor Alexander Sthphens persisted in having I)llSjflQOS matters brought to his bedside. There was on the tab1e. a petition for the pardon of a dtstinguislied criminal, the petition signed by diitinguiehed men. Th re was also on the table a letter from a p or worno in the penitentiary, writ- ten and !gigue by herself alone, Dying tha be use I have been so meny Ale end; phens said: "You think e tim s and go well I shall get well now, but you are mistaken; I shall not re - coy re liaise' Is that letter by that woman in th , penitentiary? I think she has suffered enough. As • near as I can tell she has no !ramie. Bring me that paper thet I may sign her pardon." A gentleman e apcling by, thinking this too greatia respo tibility for the sick man, said:i'Governer, you aril very sick now. Perhaps you had better wait till 40 - morrow. You- may feel stronger, and you may feel Letter.": Then the eye of the ld governor flashed, and be;sald, "I know what I abi absent." Putting his slgrjaturu to that vattion, he Wrote the last ww'1 he ever wrote, 'for theft the pen fell from his pale and rheumatio and dy- ing: Jinn I forever. Oh,, my soul, hoer beisetiful that the closing hours of life -should be everif, in helping one who had no belpezil Eneourage thu troubled by thoughts of release and reriuiociatices. Encourage the aged by though s of eternal juvenescence. Encourage the herdsman antid the troughs of sin to go ha* to the banquet at th father's b naestead, Give us tones In th major key instead of the minor. Give s ‘Gorcint tiou" ingtead of "Nao- Yen bay nii." seen ears rics arranged that ne ear oi g downthe hill rolled anoth r Car Up the hill. They nearly balan ed tiao ot er. And every man that finds ife lup bill ought t ' be helped by those who have egged t e heights and are descending o the val.. Oh, let ns bear one ancithe 's rde si Etarn 1 In srifance. .A gentlem 13 1 his fortune b will t that staid1 at ho will and retend was absez t was absent br tbep a claimed his p rt and juror w re the retuti ea ro at all, biz onjlY came on, S of the Ei gli h yeaartnethaes ni pri th H� put on the ga b o village Wier that triad was place. lie • ti?d the 'eourtr 10 ittc off a ngland died leaving two eons. The son e d stroyed the father's d that be brother who ead and buried. The ter awhile returned and of the property, Judges o be bribed to say that er andison was no son n impoltor. The trial courtroo and for 20 atthew the pride jurisprudent*, heard e was ahout to be prao- his officeal robe He put miller. ilia weit to the to take a. Me I somehow got empaneledi as 0 • of Os jurors, The bri r came around, and the man gavel ten pteces of geld to 10 ether juror, lint as this was only a p or mil- ler tht.briber gave Goblin only ye pieties of gold. vrdiit was brought n reject- ingsthe ri bts 41 this returned broth He was t4 hate io share in the 'Ebert antic "H Id.y lord!" :said t • mill.*'. oF "Hold! We r not ail ag on $6 verdict. The e ther men have received ten pieces of gold in bribery, and I have received enly ' ve." "Who Ire you? Where do you COMO from?" said the judge on the be oh. The response was: "I am from Westminster:Hall. My name Is Matthete Raki,, Lord Chief Justiei of 'th Kinghl Benet). Off ' of that places, thou villa Al"' the no the ininah100 was balked, and si he young man got his inheritance. t Was all far another that Sir Mettla w 4 le took off his robe and { put on th g r of a 'miller. And so Obrist too o . is robe of royalty and put on the att r of our .humanity, and in that diegui e • won eur eternal por- tion. Now are w the sons of God! Joint heirs! We w•nt off from horse sure enough, but we got hack' in time to re- ceive our eternal inheritance. And if Christ bori our burden surely we can afford to biar ea h other's burdens. --- T - ----1------`----7 WIS1T MEN. i SignI names of The14 Prenerr fn Bethle- hem at the Time of Cirri t's Birth. , "In the appaarancoof those men (the three: vise men) in Bethlehein at the time f the birth of Jesuti,, there was somet I ig singularly signifi ant," write. Bev. 017 II, Bradford, D D„ of "The HomeJournal, "T ey repreeented the *fret ' riStmas Pr/enittl i the Ladies' 1thg inspiration and hunger o the nations. Something more than curiomittr Mind their ourney. The Messianie, expectation bad p rvaded the east and probably had flinch ,to do with their presence. The iim- Mediate occasion of their viit may have been the wish to payt reveren0e to earthly royalty, but more pr bably it Was insp,!red by whit has been b autifully called the desire Jof all nations. The ideals fof the past hid failed, 801 spiritual and pro- phetic souls among many Peoplevver = lookig tot sorne net and better faith. The est, as well as the west, was with- out any rational religion, but th'e lives of MOO WOTO as dreary and their 33earts as hungry as ever. The ancient faith spasmOdinally revited, tben flickered, and then died away. It Was the end of the old aud the beginning of a new dispensation in oth) r lands than Judea. The Ringing for sone new and brighter light on bu- mau I fe's mystery was intense and uni- versa] The melancholy of 'the Seekers, ,I. idely prevallin madness whiCh was after od,' like Ehlotetus and ldarous Aurel ue, was typida of along -continued and % mixed with a dim t'et prophetic anticipa- tion. The wise men °tune out of nations from hie)] in leter Omen' many wpre to (babe age to 'learnt as King in themealne of the Spirit. Tho' ere the precnrsors of the untold mulll�nm who werete find co het: 'And 1 I will j in Hi 'the desire of all natione, as warn prophsled by the bake all nations, cn41 the desire of all eations shall come," .iii II's Nvo I I Tire Ends Well,. , "D d you bear abo eBrunperte.,,,,i . , 1 "N , Walat Is 1GP "51 pod on the aid walk and Oohs kis arm.' "H m I that ;Was bad," "N that was good. Ho sued the city arid g t $10,000 ditinages." 11, that' was thtoed." at was h d!. As soon. as she it out, his wlfeI sued for a divorce and g t all the !none "I cc -I in l that was ha . e, that was goo. He was glad to get rid of her at an' rice." ' i "net was good." "Ns, that was bed As soon as he could be married agaih." " That was bad." "No, that was good Ills second, wife had twice as much money as he'd bad before." . "That Was good." -. "No, that was bad. They went to live in a flat. The janitor kept it so IMP that the silver melted and ii1 rah away.", , "Ole that was bad.'I' . ., "Ye4 but it wasn't the worat. 4 cold snap erne the next dear, and he fr ze to death. ' 1 dtse • tee found 1'' 8.ahgro,Traehnialitolocial bishop was a guest at a lia Tragedy in t e Church. Tho Baltimore New ye that not long dinner party in Baltimdre. "By the way," said o a of the g est , Epleco al Church?" a wonan, "do you knit that th r a e times hen it is dange Quiet° ante "What is that, ra lam?" s lill. the letsbop with great dig ty, straig toning bimeelf up in -his 'chat "I say there are 41m when it a pos tively dangerous to et i the uroh, cannot be,' said :the leho "Pray explain, madaml?" , "Why," said she, "ii is when there s a canon in the reading desk.. a.Ig guli In the ;Mint, when tho bishop is char Ing his clergy, the choir is mu derin tbe anthem and the organist is tr ling drown the choir." , I ll ii - A hearty laugh went the round 41 41. table at the bishop's expense, lid e acknowledged' tbat at such a t me e could well imagine idisagreeable t least, if not dangerous,i to be present. • Learn to F rgive. Learn now to forgiv(t Do not carry an unforgiving spirit with you through your life: it will hurt you more than any, - thing else. It will destiby the happineis of many around you, yet its chief 1400- ing ground will be found in your own heart. You hate your neighbor, *Yonder Is his dwelling, 150 yards away. Suppose you pass by a wood fire, as you pads pluok a half -consumed brand fr m it, flaming and gleaming, and thrus ing it under your garment to hide 14, yoi start for your neighbor's dwelling to b rn it. Who gets the worst of It? You w 1 find your garments on fire and yourself bunt- ed before you can ham* your nal hbor. So is he wbc carrieel ab untor iving spirit, in his bosom. It Flange th soul like an adder shut up there. I know of some who call themselves Christians who are miserable because!, their own re- vengefulness. Forgive our enemies and get dovvn on your knees and pray or ';ps them, and salvation will come into y ur 1 eoul like a flood. "Fether, forgive theme" Sweet prayer and blessed] exansple. 4 Breaking the Iflcoid. "There goes Mrs. Ho il*ihe; she seems ; a Very capable woman. '1 "Capable? That wonien can do any- thing on earth; she tatielit her parrot not to owear on Sanclaye!"..- -A Cairo despatolfannounces that a de- cree has been signed appointing General Lurd Kitchener Governor-General of the Soudan under the Anglo-Egyptian cenvev- tion recently signed, -A. M. Beattie, senior partner in the prominent Glasgow law' firm of Beattie, MecIntyre & Laird, has absconded With £40,000, and is believed to have gone to the Uotted States. The a air has created a great sensation. . .• • Ask your doctor how many preparatilms of coc liver oil there are. He will answer, 61-lun- dreds of thern." .irks1 him which is the besi. He will reply, "Scott's 417u1sion." Then see that this is the one you obtain. It contains the purest cod -live- oil, free fromunpleasant ?dor and taste. 1 You also t the hy- poph sphites and lycerine. All three are b erKled into one gland healin 4nd nour- ishing remedy. soe. and az.00, a 1 dreggists. SCOT 1 & BOWNE, Chm1ts, Toron o. Itis the Off Season just now for Clothing, but there is no Off Season " for Furnishings. Shirts wear out irrespcctive of seasons. We can also supply you and you are sure to be satisfied, as you can select from. a large and choice stock, while the prices are what you can afford. It ma.y be that you require some new socks. We have them in all weights, all grades and at all prices. In all orher lines of Furnishings we are up -to date both in style, quality and price. We satisfy always. . IGHT BROS., SE4FORTH, Ontario. 9 0 0 I restor • 31- O