HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-01-27, Page 727, i899 JANUARY 27. 189 %ea., 3Jeft.elee) •••••••MenswOldenleOnlayeme•ree.eiweePeildeeel,,see. eeeeme.....eatenkeeelownere(eeeete•Amaelete m•=zar;,-oz_, 8EAFORTH., eAled on to rehounce pleasure ia it retionaliy. The eneegy ala expend in aice and folly, Orly directed- run a. businese . . id bring up a family in corn!. Mess. nsitiess depends happily much ton sense, care and attention; s. shop and your shop will keep, tters as in great, order and Ty important. le Sovereign of Soyereigisa se is- to uee it wisely. too many eggs in one basket. .you may be advised, however reay have looked into the mat - may oecur to upset all cal- ls, wisest merchantand bank- riltes. All that any sensible, te expects is to be generally ' >r external 1.2..3e HAGYA.RD'S YET., be excelled as a pain relieving and tor ail pain. had Her Way. • to ask you for a ticket for Ad to travl free. He occupies And the car's crowded. There- ading up." right." time to argue the matter, 'II have to pay for that boy." r paid for him yet and. Pm not a new." q for that boy, ma'am, or 1 and put him eff." / riht. You pat him off if t the way to get anything it to know what, the rules of ma'am. How old is die I never saw hirn before. - tid -ee for him, you'd better rat teman down the aisle. He. d Darky Stories, min who had made a flying el a negro $10 to make a trial greed, got in position, and he rie were hoisted`by block and hirty feet item, terra firnia. pe was loosened the machine :dant ing caurse *toward earth ▪ to 0 an adjacent millpond. I'd with the negro beneath th, the terrified inventor stood asietanee. he negro's head bobbed up he stru...k oat. for dry lan& his first spluttered words te of God, Meese John, why • dat fool thing Whar ter .-t;,1:e.ng informed that a mem- , had forged a note 00 a bank, • corne4 er eddication. I got ea, t hank de ',turd, not, one • er write." -s v Peanuts Grow..: hi4hr,. to see a peanht plan - tie vines are in btoseotm. The brIgh''. yellow, and the vines n. As soon as the 7blossom reueh appears on the Vine and. 'auk the ground. The:peas, as n the plantatiOn, form: rfneAth the ground, Iike pota- khe crop is gathered in Ooto. is plee•ed up and the nuts �t'.T.oesend ell ere piled And h:.!0- ti,tys the nuts e pulled eff, placed iu bags 11,0- feetories. There they are e, et:sorted, polished in revcd- end putiu o bags ready for , e reeent Sptatish-American 0 t he American Government i ete in to over $2,000- per day. : What does it do? It causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely as nature intended. ; It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great caus(1*1 of balddets. It makes a better circu- lation in th scalp and itops the hair from coming out. I ii Preveis Mil i turesidne0 H Ayer's air Vigor; will o surely make hair gr on bald heads, provided only there is any life remain- ing in the hair bulbs., ; It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a mome 4.as will a hair dye; but in a ' short time the gray color ' of age gradually disap- pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair land Scalp? It Is free'. i If you do not obtain an theleeoefite 1 figitr:t34 fret; th,frIr of the Vigor Address, /ALAI, E. All*, •Lowell, imam. • •100" i tz:- .tt. ; I 171 61-0, ,..1 7-----.----',..----`-..iigio,----.. ..'011*• I Our direct connections will save pou time and money for all points, • Canadian North Wes t Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have t6 bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR 1ST CARS for your accommodation! Cal for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stet OD 8 follows: GOING. WEST- SEAPicanT. (.1,INYON Passenger 12.43 P. M. 1.2.55 P. M Passenger.... 10.12 P. M. 10,27 P. M. Mixed Train_ 9.90 A. M. 10.15 A. M. Mixed Train ...... 6.16 P. M. 7,05 P. M Gomel EAST - Passenger.. .. 7.65 A. M. 7,40 A.M. Passenger_ 3.11 P. M. 2.06 P. M. Mixed Train.... .. 5.20 P. M. 4.36 P. M. Wellington', Grey and Bruce. Gorse NORT11- Passenger. Mixed, Ethel 10.04 P. M. 140 P. m. Brussels.. .. • , Woe 210 Bluevale.. .. 10 28 245 Wingham 10.40 3 06 Goma SOMI- Passenger. Mixed., 'Winghana 6.60 A. M. 8.56 ..t, it, Bluevaie 7,00 9 17 Brussels ... . ...... 7.10 9.46 Ethel 7.28 10.02 'London, Eturon and Bruce.; GOING NORTII- London, depart Centralia Exeter Hensel] Kippen Brueetleld. LOinton Londeeboro Blyth. Belgrave.. .. • ...... Wingham arrive ...... GOING SOLITII- Wingham, depart.... .... Belgrave Blyth. Londesbnro Clinton Brueetield Kippen. Hansen Exeter.. • • Centralia London, (arrive). Paesenger. e.1.6 sote 4.46 P.M. 9.18 6.56 9 30 6.071-;, 9.44 6 18 9.60 6.26 9.68 6.83 10.16 6.56 10.38 7.14 10.41 7,23 1056 787 11.10 8.00 Passenger. 6.63 A.M. 8.30 P. M. 7.04 8.46 7.16 400 7.24 4,10 7•47 4 30 806 4.60 8.17 4.59 8.24 6.04 8,88 6.16 8.60 6.26 9.50A. M. 6.20 -His 1.,ordship, the Bishop of Kingston, has been presented by his parishioners with a span a horses, robes and sleigh; the whole out -fit costing $1,000. • -It has been ruled by the Treasury De- partment, at Washingoon, that all banks in the United States paying out Canadian bills must pay a tax of ten per eent. on such cir- culation. -they never re dyspepeia, the stomach, • neeinea, iin- head2.che, and - and unfair - 'it'd only he ABLETS. etable pepsin- fr•ea and pineapple l'24 the pineapple after your meals e stomach. This h. The tablets ,They give lea- ' your stomach boy. dy. jfeera , Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfu'll:, ased monthly by over 10.000 La dies, a1c, effectual. Lad les ask _your drngenst for Cook s Cotton licst Com- pound. Take no other As all Mixtures, pills and m tations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, 81 per box, No. 2, 10 degrees stronger.$8 per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8-een t starnps The Cook Company Windsor, On. free -Nos. 1 and 2 so Ld aria recommended by all , responsible Druggists in Canada. -Sold in Beaforth by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM. ESTBLISHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have con- cluded to Rell Pianos and Organs at Greatly /?educed. Prices. .Organs at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at corresponding* prices. 8se us before purchasing. & Wilson. SCOTT BROS. 41.41 nron Cxpooitn. DISTRICT MATTERS. LThe following items were intended for last week, but were received too Howick. ; DhA, DROPS.-Mesers. John Montgomery and William Allan are rushing in the logs to the Lakelet mill these days. -Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard, of Redgrave, Visited, friends at La,kelet last Menday.-Last, week was a busy' week for the farmers who had any hogs. Some had to deliver them in Wing - ham and Gorrie, while others went to liar- ristoin.-Miss Giles, of the 126h conciession, was imited in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Killbottorn, of Paisley.: -The social und the Orange Young Britons, of Orange Hill, at Mr. Gregg's, was a decided success, ther being over, 200 present. rho neat sum f$24 was realized. -The Clifford Ep- wotji League will give a literary entertain- ment in the Methodiet church, Lakelet, on Thurkday, January 26th. Visitore are cor- dially invited. • rolVER, TROUBLES, billouseese, sallow oemplex- Jou, yedovr eyes, jaundice, eta, yield to the ours, tive power e of LAXALIVER PILLS. They reeuro to cure. • Lumley. NOTES. -Mrs. J. Hohl and two children, of Rockland, Dakota, are at present on a viait to her sisters, Mrs. James Horton, of the boundary, and Mrs. H. Horace; of Chiselb.urst. She was formerly Miss Maggie Wren. -Messrs. W. Bell and George Miller, er., of Cromarty, spent last Sabbeth with T. Vennon-Miss Emma MoTaggart, of .Detroit, is at present visiting her parents. - Messrs. James Horton, 8. Horton and Wra. Glenn attended the funeral of the late James Broadfoot, of Brucefield, on Sabbath last. - Miss E. Creighton, 6f St. Marys, is at pres- ent visiting her cousins, the Misses Maggie and Maud Glenn. -Mr. W. Simmons has' returned from the west to spend the winter. He is a brother of Mr. J. Simmons, of the boundary, Hibbert. • WORMS cannot exist either in childrenor .adults when DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is Used. 2i0. All dealers. • Ohiselhurst. CoNOREOATIONXI; MEETING. -The anual congregational meeting of Chiselharst Pres- byterian ehurch was held in the basement on Monday, 16th inst. Despite the t con- dition of the roads,there was a good attend- ance, and business; !was transacted ih a very amicable manner. The treasurer's report' showed the church to be in • good financial standing; although the re -building and fur- nishing amounted to $1,14L The old officere were all re -appointed, viz. : James Connor,. secretary; Henry Herton, treas- urer ; John McLean, leader of -choir;'/dies Eliza J. Taylor, organist e Charles Aber - hart; chines Morrison, R. N. Gilgan, Man- agers ; George W. Wren'Daniel McLean, Chaides Aberhart, R. N. Gilgit's, collectors, and Robert Newell and James Morrison, auditors. i Wroxeter. Noeese-We have two healthy citizens, a hotelkeeper and a butoher. They weigh re- spectiveiy 2534 pounds to I a hair; both genial and good natured Men. Don't run against them. -Mr. A. L. Gibson's funeral took place here on Wednesday of last week, and was largely attended. The sons of the deceased were all present : 'George Frater, from Montreal ; Thomas W. I and Johnefroin roronte.Mrs. Gibson and amily have the sympathy ' of their many riends here.- ordkvioh defeated Wroxeter at hockey on the rink here last week. Mr. Jack Brawn ltook 1st prize for fast skating, and George • Kaa,kes, 2nd. -Miss Jones, of Harriston, as the guest of Miss Mary. Hazlewood on , abbath last. -Claus Knetson left for Bee - on last Thursday, much to the regret of he many friends he has made here. -A load f young people, wearing the Listowel ockey club's colors, attended a match b ween Harriston and Listowel, in the forme own, on Friday night last. -The meetings f thelarmeracInstitute here, on the 16th, ere well attended, afternoon and evening. uch good advice was given by the speek- • rsaMr. Monteith, of Waterloo, and Mr. ilborn, of Leamington. The Gibsbn cigar- • ette rendered some excellent selections, hi& the Gaelic song by the chairman, Mr. homes Strachan, was much enjoyed. -Miss ean Davidson was visiting at her brother's, in Belmore, last week. -Mr. John Smith as moved his stable to his new lot, 1 0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tette Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Drug. has :cloud the money if it fails to Cure. 25e. 1681.36 • Hensall. LOCAL Bniaas.-Our curlers intend in a ouple of week going to Exeter to plai the Zorra boys. -Miss Doughty, of Galt, who was here for several weeks, visiting her ousin, Mrs. C. A. McDonell, returne on aturday last. -Miss Annie Pattie, of or- nto, is this week visiting her mother, Mrs, m. McDougall, of this village.- iss elen Swan has recovered nicely frotr her cent severe throat trouble. -Rev. Wj J. addell had a miractilous escape from hat ight have proved a fatal accident on rluee- • ay evening bat. He was driving honze in he night-time from his e.ppointment at en, when a bolt in his Bulky sud roke, allowing the front of it to drop izpon he horse's heels which very natu ally aused it -to run away. With the thum ing f the sulky, the seat, which was on hi ges, ew forward,' pinning Mr. Waddell u der , so as there was no possible means f es - ape, until the seat was broken by coining contact with the rough roads. ith reat presence of mind he drew his arms and gs as closely to his body as possible, s as ot to get them caught more than pos ible i the wheels, and time, while he received painful bruises, he escaped from having any bones broken. He remained in this pos tion far some time, when he was thrown ou be- hind the fig. The horse was afterwards c ught, apd the reverend gentleman is ery t4iankful t at he got off as well as he di uite a n mber from Zurich attended the carnival oii Tuesday evening, but the r ads between 1lxeter, Clinton and Seaforth ere tWo bad td permit of any coming from hese tOwns.-Idiss Vine Cook returned 'ome this week frorn Sebringville, where she had been attending the marriage of her co sin, and afterajards visiting friends. -The first earnival of the :season was held in our rink on Tuesday evening last, and, notwiths nd- ing the very bad state of the roads an the aneertainty of the weather the first pa t of the week, the attendance of both sk ters and spectators waa large, and the car val was 'quite a success. The following is the list of those receiving prizes in the diff rent races and competitions as to oostu es : Ladies' character, Mies Josephine F rd ; girls' charaoter, Miss Melinda Ortw in ; gent's character, Mr; George Joynt ; oys' character, Jimmie Bullard; two mile ace,, open, Albert Reichert ; boys' race, info Sheffer. -On Tuesday evening, at 8 o'cl ok, eimeaesseeemeeseesomesese,--,a, is only cA(t17,(6, (-} icise CURE DYSPEPSIA t :re THE The Catarrh Clutch SMO•0111•Milt This Disgusting Malady is at the Throat of 900 of every 1000 of our Country's Population. Thia Is Not Hearsay. It is Borne Oiit by Carefully Col:Oiled Statistics of Diseases Most Prevalent, its Development is Watched Car fully Because it4 so Sure a forerunner- of C nsumption if N4Flected. Most Catarrh Cures Co tain Cocaine, wIti.h is a Dangerous Narcotic, and Prof. Heys, of the Ontario School of Chemistry and Pharmacy, . saYs:- " After an examination Made fronil samples pro - on the open market, I declare t at there is no COqk I NE contained in thedereparatio of Dr. Chase's Catait h Cure." Most asitfuishing re ults are daily comiSg Into Dr. Chase's office ofthecurles made. Here are few In condensed form. We a It you to call or wri e to the following parties If at all sceptical : PORTLAND Catarrh for ase's Catarrh OSWALD BURKHARDT, 159 STRI,ET, TORONTO, guttered fro nine -cars, and was cured by Dr. C Cure. • It J. PALMER, HAIR DRESSER 673 QUEEN STRLET WEST, TORONTO, could not sleep for years on account of the mucus drop Ing into the throat; cured by Dr. Chase's Catarrh tire. M.RI WHITCOMBE, OF HE ETHODIST nooROOM, TORONTO, suffered r two years; cured y one box of Dr. Chase's Catarr, Cure. MR . COWLE, 467 QUEEN STR ET EAST, TOR( NTO, thirteen years ago was ttacked with Hay ver. Never knew what it w to have any relief mill she used Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. If anyon . troubled with Catarrh calls en Mrs, Cowie she w 1 give her endorsation as to her cure. a ver happy event took place at the home of M 1D. McColl, ef Usborne, • formerly of the t iwnship of Hay, when his daughter, MSS da, was united in marriage to Mr; Edvv Caldvill, eldeet son of Mr. John Caldv 11, of Tuokersmith. The ceremony was • rformed by Rev. J. S. Henderson, of arm i church, in the presence of a large numb rof the relatives of tbe contracting parti la and a few intimate friends. The bride was very handeomely attired in cream and re natural flowers. The brideemaid, Miss ijlabel Caldvill, sister of the groom, was a io very becomingly dressed iz cream. The room was supported by Mr. ij. T. Mc- Coll, irother of the bride. The b ide, who in a v ry popular young lady, was nade the recipi t of a large number of vi$y Aseful • and h demise presents. After the ',happy yolin couple had been warmly congratulat- ed by he guests, all sat down to a sumptu- ous g ast, where, in addition to the good thing provided, wit and humor ' lent 'their• char to the festive occasion. Atter spend- • ing a very enjoyable evening, the happy coupl drove to their home in Tuckersrnith, the groomean industrious and pros- perou young farmer, had lately provided for hi self in view of the important event, ! We a te with their many friends in wish- ing tern long and continued happiness throu h life. -A number of the ladies of .Carrn Presbyterian church attended a, aneeti g of the Presbyterial Auxiliary„held Cli ton on Tuesday last. -Rev. W. E. e.t.a elivered the second of hie course of spe.cia sermone in the Methodist church, on Sabha h evening last, to a congregation that not on y filled the spacious church, but the gaiter., also. His subject was "Blasphemy," and h' scored profanity or swearing in no measu ed terme or unmistakable language. Doctors Testify. Ther e strong testimony by eminent phyeiciahe of wonder ut oures made by Dr. Chase's Family Rerne. dies -p rtIculsrly Dr. Chase's 'Ointment. ' 11 t tions a cro had it be abl audder city.. I s to ment, Miltois The face ; 1 the hp' when it was inistak • A Resurrection.' - e reader can nonceive what his emo- mild be upon meeting face to face in ded street a man whose funeral he ended seven years before, he will to realise how I felt when, I came ly upon Milton Ross in a distant ped abruptly, rooted to the pave - sit were, with the shock. 1" Why, I cried, holding forth my hand e was not a sign of recogniti n in his deed, there was that faint curl of hardly a sneer, which is often seen person is saluted by mistake. But mpossible that I could make any about this man. Years 'before, had m t him almost daily in our borne, had freque tly transacted business with him- knewm as the saying goes, as well as thoug he had been my brother. And what i I had attended his funeral seven years li fore ? Here he stood, in his own person i the same Ws when I last saw him in life, be ring no trace of age or change. " You surely know me, Milton," I said. "1 am John Tanner." Thist fine there was a very decided sneer, and it it -as in his speech. "1 4 n't doubt that your acquaintance is a very • esirable one. Mr. Tanner, to those who ar honoredavith it; but 1 have • the misforl no not to be of that, number. Please stand a-ide, sir." _ I ob' yed in dumb amazement, and he walke on. Every word and motion gave me inc need assurance that there was no mistak. Not only was the voice that of Miltonj Rose, but the manner and substance of his et eech had that half -sarcastic dash for whl h he bad been noted. I watched him as e strode off through the crowd ; and th e was his peculiar gait, that I could have s era to anywhere ; a weakness in the right hip causing the step of that oot to be shorteit than the step of the left. My h siness in this town was fi ished,and I was a my way to the station hen this meethr occurred. My resolutio was at i once -tit es to wait for another trai . !Nature had giv n me an investigating di position. I was n t the man to see dead mei± walking about, 'thont calling them to account for the ece ntrieity of the proceedi g. So I followmy quondam friend down the street,' eeping him easily in sight. Once I stoppe a gentleman who had the air of be- ing a re ident in the place and begging his pardon, a d indicating the object of my pursuit a ked him if he could tell me that man's 1•a e. He could, certainly -that was Steal y Robbins, the merchant. " Li es here ?" "01', y " Ho long ?" , My i formant reflected an instant,' and said th time was rather more than mix years. 1 [ I con inued my pursuit. It led me into a large d pery establishment, over the hand - ;some fr nt of which was displayed in great gilt lett re the name of Robbins. Walking Straight back to the office, I found the pro- Prietor lone. I •His kir forehead contracted into a frown as he ea • me ; and then he did a thing which s emed to me significant. He closed the offic door. "Sir ou are laboring under a very great delusion " he said. "Sir, 1 am not !! You were long a resi- dent of --. • Yod were buried there seven years ag . How you got out of your grave and got o much life into you, I don't know, but I ha e the curiosity t4 find out. How W11.8 it ?" The m zi certainly had mazing self-pos- ession. had adopted a one and manner of cool a autism:1e, hoping o throw him 'off his guar ; but he over etched me. His face wor an easy smile, a combination of amusern tit and irritation, and he replied promptil to my accusation -- 8.2) My ear sir, please remember that I am a busine s man and have not the time for any sons tional nonsense. You look like a person i possession of his senses, and I am willing t believe that it is only your zeal that has led you into annoying me about an accident 1 'resemblance. If you have no other b •iness here, I meat wish you good morning." Howp ovokingly cool he was, to be aur.! But I w not to be thrown off the scent by any such device. I put my card down on [IRON EXPOSIT the de k bef re him' , . Roe ," I said, " there is my name • t is We 1 eno gh known to you without the card! I sha I leave this town by the five o'cloek train ; in the meantime I shall ba at 0-- Hotta 1 You'd better call there and explain this esurrection to me." He fl pped away the card, and took dowO the led er. My hand was on the door -knob when h flurr his stool round and faced me. . "Yon don t -that is -you won't think it necessary to elegra,ph or write to 5-- be -1 fore I see yo again ?" Confession poke in the words. " Milton," I said, "this masqueradin has gone fee nough with lie. You see can't be decei ed. Speak cna now, like a man, and exp am yourself," I saw a ra id change in his ace as he opened the d pr himself, and call d out - Mr. Perk ns, I shall be particularly en - our. I must not be dia- 1 ay to his private office,locked sked Me to sit down. Then me, and said in a defiant plainly assumed - ben ? ight, M, aTanner, I am Milton . 1 day nigh Represen n particular ; only it strikes Ho s you've missed your Irma -Dingley weWBSarl. (2 m 88 tohe here ; e dbouintgfro ptrhoespemroauos. side worl 3) should say yent would make daughter rri ou've faced me own for the -.The John ado vanished in an instant; place pa e at t beeh too gr at, and his Logan. as complete. e dropped Mr. Edm helplessly into1a chair and looked pitifully hundred a ceived w showed th. esteem in whi h they were held, 1 --A. ter ific wind stor caused an almost iii \ complete aralysis of th telegraph service out of the city of Pittsb rg, Peonsylvattia, the other ay. Wires were prpstrated in ell directi Western pijoaninietsB. wa through t iiumber of signs, pol gaged for an turbed." He 1(1 the the doo and he steed befor voice th4t was I yo are r Ross. hat " Nothing me that perha tam. Yeu se drapery busin last half our ner in wiola a capital 'actor His cool bra the strahlsha break-doWn edly t Wiilia preen • feat m gutein Germa approv which, key sen many. 210 618 ?4, the nu -sun Rai wa for ea Street ailw cern, an th they rec ive they de. -The ary 13th Friday There w roads, an nese was conjuneti bad ome -Hon. publican R. ; e outcome ithe act of Emper on his ret froth the Orient,, mg the Salt n of Tnrkey with a pe del of the re st modern Krupp fie roduced into' e German army. T newspapers at; the thne comment ngly on the EMperor's ehrewdnee hey predicted; would result in Till ing a large order for guns to Ge fli HoW to Care for Gems. supplementary Meetings. or' • earls should never be dampened. They ,r; sho 'Id be exposed air as much as lam- , SOUTH HURON blue aillurquoiees must not be whetted and are ed li le to change co Opals tritest, be k a high temperatur r- at me. " For tee la "Tye been s damned. Yo t half hour, John," he said, iffering the tortures - of the are the first person frdan or anywhere east, who has come across me sinc I disappeared. I have been schooling 1-riys If for years to play the pat I have been tryi g to play on yo have been my be my friend ; flounce ? up to the taw "Mr. Rose, grave, where mere matter o aware that yo com unless it ist punishitble pretend to be alive." • "-For heaven's sake, me now. What will m you betray me ?" I looked at him curio 'a I 'should jadge that lately frota " have never heard dare to mune t " Theni atm she died three The mon ju roma like er tears of je at , and ou John, y u used to now what will y u do? De - aye me this my out' prop eiriosit e place yielal rbeeaign ped to h s teet and paced the zy perso , and actually shed he anno neement. "May ! he happier in heaven than she ever was;frith me on ea th," he said, when his excit t • had somewhat calmed. " Three years ago, do ou say? It ia not two year& a:inc I met h re the only woman that, I ever lov d. The ove and disappoint- ment of t enty years go came back too powerfull to Ise resist° . Rash as it was, wrong ar believed it, 1 married her. And now you t411 me 1 had a perfect right to AO." "So it ppe re. But yin' haven'e told me yet, h y u came t life," it. First, though, how did things, m affa rs, go on at 5---, after -- after -- arrested • ueradin rly belo to me. itted a or a de Give me out of the g to, is a I iun not y crime - d man to ohn don't jest with -Mrs. Ross say . if sly, you hadn't heard from; I did not r make an inquiry." eresed to know that "You properly tionlarly the vicar mean ndee inc o ent pronounce it. sp side. I think t look up smile o and send them interesting read affairs, you pro tell you that th y were shape. Your e tate was if I remember ightly, w To tell the rut.,tyour w take your Itas " I see,"aaid Ross, wi solation e in barel after y Your e, very o far out ial eulo at on m the ne o you ; t ing. As ably don ery much "she found co "She merrie funeral." 1 " Well - to ask who " You ca no "01 eou ee. " It was 5 ti "What. h Well, what wo 11 he ight ; but happy ma guess." ot." re Bra& t insigni 't a wom The tension and stress • ton Ross had a ffered we e was able to oin in th ast remark pro oked. o give me a be f accoun anner of his • blappear • ith the disgu se that is ames of pets° s and pisode is committed to p phase of oor slieial life to contemplate, is none t at. _ ur death? Very uneral was a par-, ell attended, and of custom as to ium at your grave return I'll' have to spaper obituaries ey would be very for your business b need to have me ound in excellent valued at £6,000, th but little debt. fe didn't seem to to heart, and-." h a broad smile, sewhere." • a year after your curioeity leads me was." cant little whiffet. n do ?" nder which Mil- e now gone, and laugh that his hen he proceeded of the cause and nee from 8--. here. given to the laces, the whole int as illustrating hich,if unpleasant e less an existing Milton Ross, s we knewhim in 5--, *as ieprospero and po lar man of busi- Ilene and fortu ate in a the relations ot life. Years of edlock had brought him no children, but it was nev r suspected that the pair did eot,enjoy an average share of marital felicity.' The secret truth, decor - (Moly veiled froth the word, was that theee two, whom God was supposed to have join - ell -together, bore the yokeot matrimony as an insupportable burden. A strange • com- bination f circemstances1 presented to the husband he opportunity Of releasing him- self from his hateful bond , at the price of thehi the Ai tropol on a brief • visit, he had sacri ce of property, ame, and lifelong atutoeiati n. He promptly seized it. Being °Cession to be absent from his hotel over- night. The paperof the next morning brotight to him an account of the destruction of this house by re. Several guests had Ictst their lives ; lo e of th bodies recovered had not been potii ively id ntified, and prob- ably could not be, from its condition; but it was thought to be that of Mr. Ross, of 5---. For twenty-four our hours there- afterethat individual' aeol ded himself and awaited events. The p ess of the next morning stated that the body had been sent to 5--, as nog estionab y that of its un- fortunate citizen. Confident that he had left no clue i' or about the Metropolis by which the truth could be known, Ross ac- cepted the fate assigned him, and became tactically dead and buried to all his past hie. Neither meli interest, in this drama of real life, nor its own nities, would have been satisfied withoutmy in roduction to the I present Mrs. Robbins, and I did not hesitate tol accept Milton's invitat on to dine with hin. He too me to a be atiful home, and in roduced me to a charmihg woman. I am p inting tio more nor drawing any lessone ; ye, truth compelsme to say that here was poSitive wedded happiness; if the thing ever existed. But l I l wonder what the lady theaght when I tl inadvertently called her husband Mr. Rost. ' • , - Miscellaneous News Notes. -In the little village of Plaugasel,France, at one stroke , y the priest of the parish the other 'day, 32 marriagea were celebrated church-Tofficials of the Foreign Office do not credit the all ged defeat, on December 28th, of the Anglo-Egyptian forces on the Blue Nile by th dervishes. under Emir Fedil, and the total deatruction of the Tenth Sondanese bat -talion. -An Imperial rade has been issued, or- dering the purcha of 162 Krupp field guns and 30,000 sh,pn, 1 shells. This is nnbonbt- Be as a black day. It being not oul ut the 13th clay of the naonth s a most tr yelling on the raiI- n purchase were made. Bus - dead. The uperstateous Bay this n lei thirteenth and Friday is a foe the year. Nelson Dingley, leader of the,Re- ide on the floor of the House of atives, died at Washington, Fri- , after an illness of several weeks. (Italy known as the author of the ill, but eared little for the out- . The United States was his e leaves a wife and five children. arriage of 'Miss Mary, eldest f Mr. John Thompson, to Mr: bar, teacher, pf Downie, took e residence of the bride's father, he nuptial knot was tied by Rev. nds,, in the presence of about One d 'forty guests. The presents ,re - re numerous ad costly, which armors' Institute pt from fire andihiaebaite, to s lit and fail from hreeinrdseertstithhgesm. oral may be washed with soap and w ter. • Jet must be repa red by means of jewel- er cenient. vory may be washed and exposed to air and sunlight to keep it a good color. nings of the Toronto Street' he past year amounted to $1 - rid the ne profits figured up t'o of $404,7 8.80. The Toronto y is, evi citizens s ently, a paying eon.- ould see to it that from it a better service than gians observer Friday, Janu- I • OUT OF DEATH'S SHADOW. Y Te Experienee of a Lady Who _Had Gry-en Up Hope. JIN Oh, I, 'That That That And I Upo Upon ns, and com nion and Post cut off from nsiderable e city by the persons were i s, etc. unieation by the I Telegraph Com. all but southern amage ' was done igh winds, and a jured by falling GLES AND JESTS. What I VeuJ Be. ould be te solitaire trembles n he4 ear, might whisper Ilove words there none but her could hear! ould be the glolve Close pressed her 'wonder hand, . erTounded cheek to rest gr wave a fairy wand. And I ould be the rote that rides The Mows of her breaet, That might know -its flowing tides, Its • tact or unrest, And I would be the looking glass That bangs upon her wall,- Wher beauties of the lovely lass In s eet reflection falL Yea, I would be' the looking: glas$, Wit longing eyes to- see. For then I'd know. she -could not pass -Wit out a smile for me. • -Holston Globe. Johnn 'across th cape bin Papa - to get aro totbe hit lm -on t ilohnn [ .t -a -- /lot thro That Won Transcrip "1 tp mnem ni eitatio tion of "An Mom contio it • tion of pressio uential ton 1"- 18 tei d I ni Yoh IS Yoh Yoh's In y yoh h It al She'll She' onosibly Provoking Pa, why does the man run street so raid )31 Is it 0 es - run over by tie electric? o, Johnny. ¶l1e mai is trying nd in front or the c r in order y tbe bicycle hat is 'laying for e other side. WM it hurt 1he man? But let us hope it will the • other in o off his *heel.' d be very prOlvOking.-Hoston b. e Beet of the Lot. ou, sir, that the' coexistence of survivals; with sensorial ex - ie the only conceivable defini- iporal apPrehension I" tell you that the invocation of s is extrisdistal and that sensorial is the datum. , The juatapoii- nemonio survival with sentorial discloaes no *arrant for se - and coeristen lal discrimlna- ick Me Up, Rivalry, welkin mighty $ rumptiouil, •ickaninny boy ittin drefful b ptious h self assamin y. ah yoh mamm no use to fro n, top dishere ca gwineter call h down! De white folks, dey be n pettin ' oh turn. An -coaxin yoh to 1 rn Till, y h's mebber, mo fohgettin How yoh better min Yoh acts ter Watch, 'ze stathi, An b kyaliful what oh do,' 'Case'ars Filip ners adtin, An d y's mos' as nia ag yob! -Washington Star. How It llappeeti. stiedpru ever rad a pOcm that Pen rn a -Yes. •()Do that sam thing. "Impo sible!" "No, it s not impossib treetphe.,,ed tor? and ed s • Booker put you t say own did e. 1 dffered it tor put me to ariable Sentinient. "What is your ,opirrion of antinicipal ownershi of street eallwaYs?" "Well,' answered Senror Sorghmn, after mu h thought, "my pinion on that point dep nds," 1 i "On w at?" "On who :happens to be owning the muniolpe, ity."-Ex.change. Before and After. Ile craved And raved, 'Then swore Before His dinner 1scold fin ; Reviled, Then smiled And 1aughet And chaffed Was 'sweet • To meet; Would lend A friend 1 No end, Beeause he'd dined. i -',Pick Me tip. Couldn't De It. De Bro e -How much is this bill going to be?, Photog apher-Ten dollars. Look pleas- ant, ple e. De Br ke-Imposeible.-Jewish Com- ment. , wouldn't G este.' "Why, hi, why did I .vezi marry yout" she, oried. 1 "My d ar," be replied calmly, "you knew 1 n ver did like thee,m conundru parties or puzzle symposinths."-Chioago Poet. Literal. "He w !tee left handed, o. 74 4y, But don't see a sign 4t it Look ere," she said, "This cains to - Han righting, every 111 e ef itl" The ot ex' eald, "I'll let or be Prey ded you will let me: see.% -i 1 - Bad mS, to make her le It, , . 1 Be 11 old it up Up letter . 1 , -Chic. Tribunal, , I To turecl with pains in the Stomach for Four Years -Doctors and Hospital Treatment Failed to Help Her -In Her Extremity Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Re- • stored Her to Heaibh. - From the Pembrok Observer. herever an is to be found there also, sicic by side with him, is disease and suffer- ing These who have devoted their lives to the alleviation of the suffering and bodily weakness of the human organization are surely benefactors of their kind, and deserve the praise of all mankind. For special hon- ors he this Jine may be pointed out the dis- coverer' of thi wo derful remedy, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pil s or Pale People. Recently the ease of Mts. Maggie Brunette, of Chi 'sister, Quebec, came prominently un- der the notice of the Observer reporter. He felt it to be hie duty, on hearing of Mrs. B ru 'ett 's restoration from prostrate illness to health, to interview the lady and record her oxpe fence for the benefit of others who may nee the healing influence of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Brunette's farm hoins was found to be veryl comfortable and eve (elegant, located near 'tbe base of an immense hill, an outguard of the Laurentian Mo ratline. The reporter was warmly wel- comed, and Mrs. Brunette said she was very glad to have an opportunity to testify to the great, benefit Pr. William? Piek Pillihad conferred uponi her. She is 42 years ;of age now. Her husband, the late Charles Bri. nett.e, died 14 years ago, and after his &BA* she vorked very hard for some years, with the ie1t that she became completely von do4i, so' m uch so that, although quite tall, she weigl only about 00 pounds. After takiegith slig test food she felt such die- treea that she Was compelled to lie down for howls, 'being so weak that she was unable to sit izp. At last she thought she must have ,beeiz attacked ,by cancer of the stomach, so violent were the pains that constantly har- ras#ed her. She consulted the best physi- cians and spent more than a hundred dol- lars in tre&tmenb and medicine, in addition o which she silent nine weeks in the hospi- al at.Pembroke. But withal she was ill e our years, and despaired of eVer being Finally she decided to give Dr. Wil- iams'Yink Pills a trial, and aecordingly she roe red six boxes. Although [they bene - t h r almost from the time she began takirig thenp, she kept on taking' the pills pti sbe had taken sixteen boxes, and then felt that,she wee completely eared, the pills accoinplishing in three menthe what four years of medical treatment; had failed to do. Front that time nearly three years ago, Mrs. Brunettehas been in good health, needing no in dicine. " You can isee,"' said Mrs. Brnette, as the reporter vvas &parting, 4- th it am in perfect health, I attend to all my houschold work and the dairy and poultry, and have a, large number of cows to milk never fail to say a good word for Dr. 11 'tuns' Pink Pills when r have an 'opts+) unity, tor they 'did wonderful things for rri "1 Mrs. Brunette is a well educated lady,, 8peaking French add inglish fluently. • # Pointed Paragraphs. The Only sure thing about life is the end t h e reOf Peoplewho drown their troubles usually preserve them in alcohol. Some novels are bound in a uniform style , of The fatigue teea r aman puts into a task the more labor it requires. The cup of happiness us ally , springs a leak before it begins to run dver. Soule girls set their caps for ,husbande and other set their 'capital for The joke you play on another follow is a mean trick When he plays it On you. In nine cases out ofteri the father-in-law of the man Who claims to be ilelf•ineade1. responsible for the job. o Edward P, Hale, one of. the best known homeopathic physimaus la the coun- try, and authon of a number of medical works, died at Chicago, the other day, after a short illness,. He was born in Newport, New Haven, iM1829. -The Galt Reporter of last week says: "Tho question of allowing allowing the school child- ren to give !presents to their teachers at Christmas time, will likely be diteussed at a near meeting Of the Galt School Board. Quite a number of presents Were given this Christmas, and it is said that the parents of some of the children who mold not afford to contribute) anything toward the presenta- tion complain that their children feel very sensitive about it, and are ashamed to.go to school. We understand that there is a resolution on the minutes now forbidding the practiee, a resolution that was palmed many years ago ; but the children get around it by !going to the home of the teaeher after school hours, and making the presentation quite independent of school associations." EPPK$ COCOA GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Qual- awl s Nutritive Properties. Specially gtatefid and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, HornceOpathie Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER 'EPP S - COCOA 1.609-2t P rmaneut Cures. ! Of such dis Salt Rheum, Scroftils, SOres, Macre, Dyspe ia and Constipation are made by B. B. B. The ally papers are full of statements Of those who hay been permanently Cured by B. 13. B. Cr. Ps and Colic.. Are alwaye p omp4ly relieved by Dr. Fowler's tract of Wild S Awberry--the beet Dialehoealremed in existenee. NOTHING fiO EFFEctivE for iceockliog severe Coughs and Colds s�Dr cod's Noisvay Iliac Syrup, Price 250,1, all dealers; 4** - D. Love* Worm Sprup. Is the nicest and mint effective remedy for expell ing all kinds of Worms. No need of giving any Cathartics When it is need. Price 260. ere • ite HAGYA IYS YEL W OIL cures all ciPsin and takes out [Swelling ad Itgiammation ker than any other remedy. rice 25c se, ' Quick CUre'of Sciatica, Br. A. Taylor, 74 Afton ave., Tiorostai writes: " was greatly efilicted with &Atka. but after us- ing. one box of Milburn'. Rheumetic Pills I was able ' to go to work in three dsys, and have 'not been since." BAYFIELD, January 31st, 1899, I AT ONE O'CLOCK P. lif, feetings will be addressed b ' A MN" 'Weikerviile, subjeet-" The Condition of the Soil in Relation to Crop Return." A. C. Hallman, New Dundee, subject-" Practical Hints or, Swine In. dustry (Bacon How). A. W Campbell. Provincial It'.d Instructor. subject-" Good )-toad." A. Innis, Clirzt.on, subject-" HeB rse reeding in General." A. Muttard and others will give addresses. EVENING SI1SSION-7:30 E. : A. feNdll, Walkerville, subject -11 The 3eia1 Side of 1arm Lite." A. C. Hallman, New Dundee, sub- jec " The Winter Cere of Idle Harem" A. W. Canjpbeil, Provincial Road Instructor, subject- " oti Roade." D SEIWOOp, Moser's Hall, Feb- ruary 1st 1899, AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M. A 7.cNellI, Walkerville, subjeet-" Fruit Growing sea peciality. or with General Farming." A. C. Hall an, New Dundee, subject-" Cultivation of Fod or Corn and the Silo.',A. W. _Campbell. Pro-- Baker, Dash- ovtihnedires.1 Road Instructer, subject*" Good Roads." The meeting will be addressed by T wood ; R. Turnbull, Brewster ; Smith, Hay, and EVENING SF.S8I0N-7-7:20 P. M. A. McNeill, Walkerville, eubject---11 The Ptiblic &kids from a Farmer's Standpoint." A C. Hall- man' New Dundee, subject -14 Clover." A. W. CampLbell, Provincial Road Instructor, subject -- "Good Roads." FARQI.THAR, Public Hall, Feb- ruary 2nd, 1899, L AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M. • A. eNeill,Walkerville, subject---" Underdraining." A. Hallman, New Dundee, subject -14 Cultivation of F'o1der Corn And the Silo." A. W. Campbell, Provi dal Road Instructor, subject-" Gocct Roads " W. W. Cooper, KIppen, subject-" Care end Menage- tnent of Live Steck in Summer." Also 11; Smith, Hay ; W. M. Doig, And others. EVENING SES3ION-4:80 P. M.; A. MoNeill, Walkervilleoesubject--." Fruit and Flowets for Country Homes." A. C. Hallman, New Dundee eubjeot-" Arming is an Occupation" A. W. CaMkbeli, Provincial Road Instructor, subject- :" Good gads." D. MCINNIS. R. GARDINE11, , President. Secretary. 1623.2 • THE GLOBE, :TCRONTO, CANADA. The t eading Newspaper of the Dominion. THE DAII.Y... , -Has over 12.000 more regular 01re-dation every -day than it lutd in 1897, And nearly 4,-000 more -thin one year Ago. - f IT GROWS BECAUSE 13. MAUS. ! . IT HM3 ALL THE NEWS EVERY I THE SATURDAY ILLUSTRATED With:its 24 or 28 pages every Saturday, its illus- trated suP lement, its many special festuren e-sho e‘lf stories an sketchy articles-beeides,haviog the mar- rolt new of the day, bre become a strong rive] to the hest monthly magazines. IT IS CANADA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER,. You CO hive1TIIE GLq13E every day and the SATURDAY'T.LLUATILAYED fOtawfut ,the mine price as you hsve to pay for many of &seemlier denies. - THE WEEKLY GLOBE...• -. Has bed several new features *tided, has All the news of the week in concise form, And keeps its read - ere in chess touch with every pert of the world, and more especilally our own country. -% Subscn'ption rates and full partleular• oan be bad at the cfliee of this paper, any newsdealer Or postmaster, or send direct to • THE GLOBE, Tordnto, Canada. DAY, 1623-3 SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW t<1 taj 0'1 g'o )472cn • CDsae 0 RI' Pao r',4 • 2,:s r4" .wc1)CDLJ o e4:1 0 21 1,1 1:$ (4 et, e/N°3 1-1 )91 lc/. 5* gj '41 a, Dog °2 5 cp tIsn r Cet /-14 CD 0 ri <1 el LI CD it.eDi tee rn Z1' a) P ee : •=e M CID 71 g f•c/ OCD MOOT I en tot no r eisz 1.e14#75 PD ▪ 0 .- 0 "I fa, it 0 cp g-) tnd CD CD cf.. 0 rig 0 01,3,. tj -A0 0.41 i•••• ET....r1 CD CD CD Application to Parliament. Natio° is hereby given that a,n application will be made to the Legisioture of the Prove:me of Ontario, at its DeXt ffessiori, by the corporation of the Town of Seaiorth, for an Bet to authorize the said Town to submit a By -Law, or By -Laws to the retepepsre of the saki Town, to empower the said I:leverage-a lat borrow i sum, not exceeding $37,000 in the ag- gregate, and ID issue debentures ler the same, payable in twenty yore, with interest thereon., annually, and empowering the said Corporation10 levy a yearly rate upon the whole rateable" of said Town, la addition to all other raise autttoo,t for the payment of laid debentures and interest, and authorizing the said Corporation in the event of -the said 13y -Law or By -Laws being carried by a lote of the majority of the ratepayers of the said Town to make a loan of $20,000, without interest, to T. R. B. C,ase & Co., to enable them to establish and, operate a pork packing house in the Town of Sea -- forth, to be secured by a, mortgage upon the lend, buildings, machinery, andpient of thessid T. It. F. Case & Co., in favor of the said Corporation, and to make a loin of $17,C00 to Robert Bell, Jr.. to enable him to establhh and extend his business of foundry man and machinist in the siaid Town, to be secured by a mortgage upon the land and buildings, msohinery end plant the said Robert Bell. Jr., in floor of the said corporation, and Authorizing the said Town to remit taxes (other than school taxes) -upon the property and plent of the said T. Case In Co., and Robert Bell, Jr., for a term not exceeding twenty years. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for Applicant,. 6eafortb, December 28th, DAM. 1619-11