HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-01-13, Page 59 ORE NOR erbody, for these past DIMING tore. the abov8 statement ng a dill i f Dry Goode penial attention to our :now Orange, Lemon a' all the • new good; is Wilson consisting nded Fruits, Etc. fipples. ound.. rforth. Ozer* dispoee<3 of a fine Sic to Mr. J. Andrews, might have'iproved t happened to three of week. When coming fight their horse became ver the end of Mr. R. -owing the occupants The horse became en- s and before assistance e had worked its way and water. Mr. A. by, came to their toned the the harnesas and o Serious damage was 'lo. *in the report of the ma, at Oegoode Hails Buchanan, B. A., of t in the second year. e a very severe one, had over 55 students y of whore- are honor University, his stand a is highly creditable. `he Saginaw Evening .h, has the following er and Dr. Robert 1 in marriage at the es. parents, Mr. and l€a South Fourteenth• Saturday afternoon. formed by Rev. W,g- * was attended by i Mr.Richard .Mueller, was best roan. The d by the immediate Ltd was followed by pr- and Mrs. Stein- clidasye in this city, ;o to Richwine, where sing physician." Dr. lir worthy townsman, L and his nureroats THE EX i°OSITOR in Steinbach a Jong, life. frneetine of the Hay wee held in the as the largest and of the kind ever all was packedjwith itor's for the year are Sherritt and Robert the new board of unoil chamber. F. treasurer, H. Lip- of other bueineee esdey afternoon the ay Branch ricul- the town hall here. ted chairman and The annual report, was adopted, and d of $83.31, which ty. The member- following are the resident W. T. ent s Henry Lip - ; i - ; directors, W. IL faced" Haberer, C. Schnell, Edmond ruest Giea ; J. A. ardy►, auditors ; D. urer. A committee ak s the necessary an addition to the f4 , L. Wing, from eting in the 14th Sunday. In the ' the Evangelical t and wife were ay, attendiig the John. Stabler. nd . C. Oswald re - trip to Pigeon, hey enjoyed the Groh has returned Milverton_---Ivi iese salt, has been here ac arsintance8._ e babe returned to hisbrother-in- ' r. D. McCormick into his hotel, ovement in light- Jr <ldeat daughter of aple Grove farm, Vednepday, Jan - well, of the Gore took- place sot ii iby Rev. D. dil- 1 .names' church, kof abort ninety dwell will reside e 5th a once, sion, JANUARY .1 1899. Life Insurance in the Year 1898. During recent years perhapsno business of a financial character has attracted the serious attention of so•many people, or has made such rapid advancement, as that of life insurance. The total life insurance in force in Canada at the close of 1897 was somewhat over three hundred and forty four millions of :• dollars ; and at the close of 1898 it has been estimated that the figures will not: fall short of three hundred and sixty trillions. The place which life insurance to -day fills in the world's economy is so thoroughly and appreciatively recognized that it -ii the ex- ception to find an insurable pereon unin- sured ; and with many intelligent and thoughtful business, profesoional and linen sial men, life insurance has been' made a rook upon which,their families' future wea mainly depends.' It is, therefore, little to be wondered that at this season of the year, when reckonings are being made, policy holders and all in. terested in this tar reaching and important business should. anticipate with Horne degree of eagerness the announcements of the re- sults of the year's work. This will especial- ly be so in respect to The Imperial Life As- surance Company of Canada, whose progress and prosperity have heretofore` been referred to. The exact figures of this company's busi- ness for the year 1898 have not been made public at the time of writing, but it was learned that proposals had been received for insuraces aggregating no less than $3,- 650,000, and that that accepted ropoeak and policies issued were sornew t over $33, ,000, The premium income as been sub tantially increased, and thea to cor- res ndingl augmented. hile it Was generally believed,' from the strong financial and vigorous ma ner in which the company was formed, the par- amount desire to make policy -hold rs' se- curity as strong as possible, and the enecees- ful and capable meta which compiled the dire torate and management, that Te Im- perial would take high rank am ugg the Canadian life companies, it was ha dly to be eepected that it would so rapidly lead ab many, and take such I prominent oeition among the oldest and most successful of the life companies of the Dominion. —On New Year's Day the by-laws a Wish- ing the ward system and guaranteeing the debentures of the Whyte PackingCompany, of Mitchell, were car fed at Stratford he very large majorities. The Latter ba only 169 votes polled again t, This will insure the $30,000 loan guar ntee, ai.d will practi- cally decide the qn :dim of the 'hyte packing business leaving Mitchell: for Strat- ford. .Bruce eld.� R. B. 73/Go/Ns, Brneefield, Notary a -ilio Conveyancer, Fire ani Life les:aranor• Kent Any amount of money to Loan at 6 per eeatih, on fir t•elese farm security. Also a Iirr, ted amount :of •rive.te Lunde at 5 per cent. At h me every moral g and Wednesday of each week. Several good fa a for elle. I 157 THE MAEtKsETti. SwApoaTn, January 12, Fall Wheat (new), Standard .. - , p0 88 t Spring Wheat per bushel,— „ 088 QMIs per bushel—__..�,- 0 28 a Peas per Mabel - 080 Barley per bashedr � - .. - 040 Butter. No. 1, Ioose...,.., 0 13 t rndoe_. 6 per ..���..--.�...� 0 18 r, per 100 to 1`90 Hayper ton new_,...;.----._..„ 500 Hides per 100 Itis, . k 600 Sheep Elkins . . ....•..-....... 0 50 Potatoes < er bash + . AMP 0 18 ppee , (new)050 salt (rota 1) per barrel, 1 00 !wood per cord (long).... _. _. - , _ 300 td Wood per oord (short) ....... _... • 1 60 to ,files pas bag.¢0 60 to Glover Seed .,..... -.. ... •.•• 8 00 to Timothy seed_-.. .. 1 0 to Fork00 to anon, per per lb ... .......... . 5 02 to THE firm. Choice fetched $4.58 per owt. Light brought $4 25 per ewe. Sows were steady at $3 to $3.25 per dwt. BQs's'AL°, January 10th-- Cattle —Good to best smooth fat export cattle, $5,40 0'15,65 ; good to best, $5,45 to 1550 ; ex. port balls, $4 to 14.50 ; good to choice but- chers' -steers, 14.65 to ?$5 ; common to good fa bulk, • $3.75 sal $4 ; good to best fat heifers, $4.25 to $4.503 mixed fat cows and heifers, good to choice, $3. fat cows, good to beet, $3,25't stockers, choice to extra quality, $4 ; common to good do., $3.60 I Jerjse stockers, $2,75 to is; stn k ito $3.10 ; feeders, good to extra, $8.85 ; common to good, 13.75 to $4 fre h c ows, choice to extra good beg, 350 to 55-i good to choice, $42` to $46 ;1 shipping cows, $224 to $30 ; springers, good to extra $35 to $45 ; calves, oboioe to extra, $7.75 to $8-;! good to choice, $7.50 to $7.75 ; heavy fed steer calves, good Dolor, $4 to $4.50 eomknon, $3 to $3. i 5. Sheep and Lambs— Lig t handy lambs, choice to extra, were to $5.40 ; good to choice, on to good, $4.75 to $5 ; tra,$4.25 to $4.50 ; good oice, $4 to .25 ; the close was fairly steady ; there were eight loads of Canada's, with sales mostly at private terms. Hogs— The!supply was liberal, and opened fairly active at the decline ; heavy hogs were quo- table at $3.85 ; moderate, $3 80 to $3.85 ; Yorkers, $3.70 to $3.90 ; pigs, $3.60 to $3,65 ; roughed; $3.10 to $3.35 ; stags, $2,50 to $3 ; after the bulk of the offerings were sold the market on light hogs declined Sc. 5 to $4 $3'50► 33.75 to Ito 33.85.; heifers, qn �5 I ghee to table at $5.25 $5.25 ; comm p, ohoioe to e ?`"Ek demesem BEST JOB Invariably goes to the one with best brain—one who has a ucation—special training. Why not qualify for on of the best places gong. You have the ohanc . The Central Business College, of Toronto Opens he door to success for msdy young Men and+ Wome each year. It rffere edlendid equipment, thorou h work, a strong staff and good result.. You say enter at any time. Write for prospectus. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yong. nd Gerrard sis., Toronto. 1686.62 Births. . ELOIl3 In Tuckersmith on December 29th, the wit�of Mr, R. T. Elgie, of s daughter. J OWE-rIn Winggham. on January (S;d, Mre. (Rey.) Louie of a danirhter. JOHNSTON—In Clinton, on January 4th, the wife of Mr. George Johnston, of a d n hter. RICH -,-In Breasts, on January 3rd, the wife of Mr. W. A. (Mob, of a daugh •r.l ROVIn Lower Wingbam, January 5th, the wife of Mr. Robert Groves, • a, son. KRI E -1n Lower Wing ani, on December 80th the wife of Mr. Jam.00krldge, of a daug ter. OKAY -1 -In Culross, on January 3r,, the wife of Mr. Alex McKay, of a daughter: , OB1bJs N-10 Turnberry, on ►eo�mber 29th, the wife f Mr. James Robinson - . fa daughter. ARTER In Clandeboye, on J'a • nark 44h, the wife of M James Carter, of a ds ghfief', TOKLS AUSTIN At the resid nee of the bride's pare to, Delmore, by Rev. M . 8te$ art, on De. cemb r 28th, Mies Ruth Sto es, f ip Mr. James ci98. Austin. both of Belmar°. . OHWA2 Z BLAKE -At the teal • enc of the bride's father, Colborne, on Deoem • . 28 , ,by Rol , W J. Willson, Mr, John Schwan to M e Catherine, third ',daughter of Mr. W. B1aa e. TALKER—LAIDLAW—At the reed nce of the bride p father, Morrls, on De . mber 28th, by Rev. A. McLean, Mr F. Dixon Ste 'ter, 1 East Ws- wanoih, to Miss Jennie aide.. dao titer of Mr. Thom pe Laidlaw. ZELL-4VE88TER—In Ashfield, on D by, Re, • E.011vant, at the rear enoe father,, M. Peter Uzell, of Kinloss, Webet'r. EBSTER—In Ashfield n JaiOlivant, at the reticle Mr. Joseph Helm, to Miss $0 70 O 70 O 29 65 0 43 0 14 014 0 18 1 90 560 560 0 70 0 18 0.60 0 00 8 75 00 00 60 00 5 00 0 08 ! Towns, .Jannary 12.—Mall wheat, %0 i 2 • fring wheat, 30.71 oate, 34o ; pori, per b _c ; barley, 47 to 43o ; hay per to a, 09.00 to f1ring ; butter, 150 to 203 ; potatoes per bag, So 70o ; eggs per doe., 26o ; to 301 ; dressd bogs, per 100 ll 85.26 80 $5.40. Dairy Markets. TORONTO, January 10th—Butter-1 he receipts are fair, there is a good demand d tie market is steady at 13e to 14o for large rolls and Ile tp 13io for dairy tubs. Cream- s y is steady It 20o to 21c for prints and 1 c to 20o" for packed. Eggs—Are in fair s rply and th market is steady at 22o for n w Iaid, 17c or held fresh and 15c for li ed. MONTREAL, January 10th—Butter—The arket has a lower tendency, $nett ore m- e y for export selling at 20c in tube nd lf1?,c in boxes. Eggs—There is a fairl,de- m td, with prices $rm. We quote—N , 1 o filed stock, .1.6c No. 2 do, 12io to 13 c ; 1M etreal limed 14ic to 15c ; western li ed, 1: c to laic, an culla 90 per dozen. ' Toronto Poultry Market. .The receipts were small,, there is a fair inquiry and the market is steady at 7c to' 9c for turkeys, 5o to thi for geese, 40o to Oo for ducks, and ii0e to 50e for chickens. Live Stock Markets. LONDote Jannary 9th The tone of the -cattle market is firer ; eh ep fair. Uni ed States cattle,5id to''6id ; Canadians, Ar entine, 5d to 5 ti ; Ca adian eheep, bid, lair he aid to 6t! ; ,Argo tine sheep, 50, la he bid to 6i i MONTREAL, J unary 1 • h—The hutch re were present in lee nu berm and trade wee good, withdecidedly higher prices len round. Primeeves sol at froth 4io Ito 4c per lb., pretty good o ttle at from no to 4ie per Ib. ; mtpon s ck gold at from `.ic to no per lb., and it i probable some f the eaner beasts will he Id for less th tic , r Ib. Five young c Ives were sold t fro $3 to $6 each and t o calves,. abo t eight months old:and wei hing 1,140 lb ., were sold at 36.40 per 100 lbs. Sheep so d at from 3c to a little over no per lb. Lam sold at from 4-1c $0 41c per lb. Fat ho' s are higher in price and sold at from $4.30 $4.50 per 1a01bs. off the care. TTWeeerro .7'anuaryy 11th; 1899.—Expo Caths—The offerings♦ were equal to the d mand, and the prices remained unchange Heavy exporters fetched $4,25 to $4.50 pe cwt. Butchers' Cattle—Therowas a fairy good trade done in this line. A few bunch of choice brought $4 to $4.25. .Comm - were steady at $2.75 to $3 25 per cwt. Bull --The supply was 'light and the deman was I Moderate. Heavy exporters fetehe. $3.at' per cwt. Light were in liberal sup ply and brought firm prices. Stockers an Feeders --There was a very fair trade don in st ckers for Buffalo. The prices remain -ed ur chars ed fro Friday. Heavy stock ers *elle $3 $3 40 per cwt. The were I only a few feeders offered, which brow ht firm price Milch Cows—The sup, ply as a little he vier than usual and the demi d was mode ,ate. .Choice cows` fetch- ed $t to $50 each. Calves ----Tho offerings were equal to the demand. Choice veals brought $3 to $7 per head. . Sheep and lambs. --The offerings were light and the de- mand liberal. The prices for sheep for ex- port and butcher,' use were a little easier, while lambs ruled steady to firm. Export ;;heels 'etched $3 to $3 25 per cwt. Lambs brought $4 to $4.25 [per cwt. Bucks were slowa $2.50 to $2.75 v per cwt. Hogs --The supply was muchheavier than anticipated, there being about 2,800 hots offered in the annex.` The prices for choir's and light were a little firmer, the former being ducted at 8e per ewe. advance and the latter 12o per cwt, higher. The offerings of thick fat were .tot quills s0 heavy, and the prices remained 1 Jane ELM— Rev. father eter. 0e o ioepnber 28th, f the bride'. o Mia Mary nary 3•d, by the bride's Jennet Web. Deaths. 1 R • BERTS Seafortb,on January tb, Matthew Robe on, aged 68 years, 1t m nthe, and 8 davit. G BSON In tioderieh, on January 8th, Alexander Cunha m Gibson, aged 71 years, 3 menthe and 19 daubb ALKER-1-In Wingham, en January et, Hannah Voddep, wife of Mr. Thomas : Walk r, aged 84 E s. LOTyears, months and in Wfeghain ion January 1e Margaret, wife of Mr. Thames G. Elliott, aged 3 ears 10 months and 14 days. ' S ALL—lb Rinevsle, on Jamie god, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Tho. • as S all, of For- est, aged 5 months. 8 ROUL-HIn Go4erieh, on Janua 4th E Izabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Da id Sproul, aBed 2 years and 20 days. IMPORTANT N CES. ENDERS WANTED.—Tenders will be ,eceived 1 by the undersigned Trustees of School Section No 3, Tuckeremith, up to Januar} 18th, 1899, for 12 cor • s of good beech and maple woo• ; wood to be cut 22 aches ong. WM. ELCOAT, . MelitENZiE, E. PA PLE, Trustees. 1822x1 las of cis fee Die rem Zuri cOn sur sta go hou It f Bru Clio ESIRAIdLE PROPERTY IMI ZURICH FOR SALE,—For sale, a house and five acre lot of, on one of the principal streets in the Village urioh, The bows is a good brink, with well rn, and all other conveniennes ; also a good e stat{le. This property belongs to Mr. N. hest an will be sold cheep, as the proprietor is ring t0 Dakota. Apply to D, 8. FAUST, h. 1822x4 13AL OR TO RENT. -That excellent farm, Lot 89 Concession 3, T.tckeramith, L. R. 8. fining sores ; 8 of which is to fall wheat, 12 of go bush, the ;balance 70 acres in a high ofcult vatfon. Fall plowing one There is a frame house and frame burns, atao a large pig , Plenty of splendid water cad good orchard. about 1a miles from schools ; 3 miles from field ; ei miles from Seaforth and 5 miles from 0. Apply to W. 800TT & CO., Brueefieid. 1622 URESERVED AUCTION BALE OF FARM STOCK,,- IMPLEMENTS ANDD HOUSEHOLD — EF' : • : Mr, Wm. MoOloy has been instructed by the ' °outer of the late John Walker to sell by public *notion on Lot 34, Concession 2, L. R. 8.. Tucker- sml on Tuesday, January 241h 1899, at 12 o'clock, noon the toJowing property : l`3orsss.-•Ooe three- year. .id heavy draught gelding, 1 mare seven years old, 1 general purpose hone seven years old, 1 oar- riage horse four years old, eared by 8t. Blaze. Catty . —Five cows, supposed to be in calf ; 1 newly calve . cow, 2 Iwo -year-old steers, 2 two•year-old belle 3 yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer, 6 calves. Shea . and PIge.—.Three Shropshire ewes and l ram, 1 br. .dsow and 6 pigs four months old. Also about 80 h ns. Implements,=One wagon, 1 pair bob- oleig 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 double buggy, 1 combi ed drill and ,.,seeder, 1 set iron harrows, 1 wheel rarrew, 1 sugar kettle, 1 pair scales (weight 400 • ,unds),.1 gravel box. 1 watertrough, 2 sot' team „ernes', 2 set single harness (one new) 4 bee oozes, Also about 8 or 4 tons of hay, and about 8 loads i t marigolds. iioubehold Effects.—One ex- teneio table, t kitchen table, 1 parlor' stove, 1 Daisy churn, 3 milk cans, 1 cream can milk pans, gems, 2, be; toads, 1 halt -dozen chairs, path, washing meat ' a spin lug wb• el, I kitchen o4 b,ard. The whole 111 be mold without reserve, as, the 'sent has been a id. Terme,—All sums of $5 and under, cash ; over •at amount 10 months' credit will be g.ven on epprov • join`, notes. A discount' of 6 cents ea the do tar ill be allowed for dash on credit amounts, JAM :.: WAL . ER, Executor ; WILLIAM MeCLOY, Auctio ear. - . 1022.2 PUB IC A CTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, I PLEMENTS, ac.--i4r. Thoma Brown has been in truokd by Mr. John Borrasca to sell by pub- lic suet • n on Lot 84, Concession 4, McKillop, on Thursd v, Jan ary 19th, 1899, at one o'clock p, m.,. sharp, the 1 !lowing property, viz Horses --One, general purposehorse twelve years old, 1 general, ppnn horse eight years old 1 good driving mare �8tarawe ve ars old, 1 spring Dolt sired ' byMorning ." Cattle --One cow about to calve, oowe su !paled ' calve in the spring, 6 heiferrising two years al : 4 stoere rising two years old, 0 spring calves. Sheep and Pigs—Five well-bred Leicester wee, 1 tier in Months Farbo- nis b Masse row1, t a hsry elve arness, io c trougrough, 4 see, n h, The whol ss the hioage. ; ov ren on t of rash on a Motor ; T arca t oroughbred Berkshire brood sow to ry, 26 store pigs from two to five oid, mplements—One lumber wagon, 1 leig 1 single bu gy, 1 cutter, 1 Maesey- nder, Coedit mower, 1 Cossitt bay rake, ..Barri straw outieri 1 Ifassey-Harris pai- d roller, 1 set diamond harrow', 1 disc her- o -furrow pro', 2 single plowee, 1Whiteman ster, 1 fanning mill, 1 hay rook, 1 combined e dri .1 set single harness, 1 set double Cole n soutier, 2 dozen cow chains, 3 eine; 2 dozen grain beer, 1 large weber- go!oak barrels, also forks, hoes 'whims. kyokes, and other articles. Ail of the areinearly new and in good conditloa. must positively be sold withoet reserve rioter has sold his farm and is going 40 emit of elle.—All sum,ot $5 and nodi*, the amount 9 months' credit will be approved joint notes. A dis- cent. er annum will be allowed f it intonate. JOHN DORRANCE. Prop OMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 1621.2 ON PXPOS $ E REGISTER. n Thursd y, January 19th, 1899, t 1 o' • lock p. m., on Lot 34, Concession 4, Mo - Ki lop, Farm Stock, Implententb, te. Jo n Durran , proprietor ; Thomas' Br wn, AU `tioneer. I" 11 n ` Tuesda, January 24th, 1899, at 12 o'o ook, noon,' on Lot 34, ConoeesioniI 2, L. 8.,Tua kersmith, Farm Stook, Im- ale ents and Household Effects. James W Iker, executor ; William McCloy, auo• do ser. M eting of the Huron County Council. T Hu • o will nml eet i n tbethe �flounol! oChamber Ooder oh, on ueedsy, the 24th Inst,, at 3 o'olock p. m. W. L E, 'Clerk. 7822.2 ANNI/AL MEETING. Th Annual Meeting of the Constance Cheese end Bp r Manufaotu�ing Company, will be held at Con- sten'•:, on Monday` January 18th, 1899, at 1 o'clock p. m A. full atte ante Is required. - 111EO. STEPHENSON, President 1 •1.2 Mc Hiop A utual Fire Insurance ompany. ANN AL MEETING Th annual meet ng of the members of the W- NW° Mutual Firs insurance Company, will be he d in the TOWN HAL , SEAFORTH, On Friday, January 20th, 1 99, At 1 o clock p. in., bar the purpose of receivin the annuli reporte, electing three direotors. an the trans Ron of other business. In the event of a ote numb r thereof. each ember wou d either bring his ,po cy ot• the being ken, 11 wol d greatly expediate brine s if GEORGE WATT, Preeident. W. . SHANNON, Seoretary. 10214 Are fl all pa We 1616-6 Fa urn sieta 81 AONICONTARIO. STUDENTS eking to this worthy institut on from 14 to of Ontario and Michigan. , . assist all "competent grad ate' in the 'dila ▪ on of Ag oultuial Subjects will e he d Institut as follow •— Bru se's, Wednesday, January 1 th. ; W. thistle, Wroxeter, Raising Rocs for . W. tinhorn, Leamington Cultivation Of Export. Evening Session at 7 o'cl k.- -II P. P., Address ; Musical Freon* Its and Flowers for the Lawn ; N. Moo- atford, Farming as a Profession ; Thom* inlets Meeting.—Afternoon Session, at 1 agement riSd Feeding of Cowl ; .1, Constance, Hogs ; W. W. Hilborn, Emetn,t. ultivation of the Orchard ; N. Montiethl Underdraining. Evening Seseion at 7. Chairman's Address ; G. F. Blair, Brussels, W. W. Hilborn, Leamington, Small Fruits Planta ; /4. liontieth, Stratford, Fannin glen ; Musical Program. All are cordially The Dairying Profit ; the Ore Cattle to Chairma Smell F tiet/t, St The B forth, M Stratford and Hou s4 a Prof IT? r. c0 IF YOU HAVE /kTOT got the grip, pleasanter cgmparn n to go to bed with these cold nig tat. We have them from 75c each up ard., They ma e the cheapest, solid mfort you can b y these days. IF YOU HAVE OT IT, we c n supply you with any of the favori e remedies, such as Q inine in powd r, tablets, laxative bromo quinine tablet sweating powders, &c. Keep a supp of these on hand, and get a hot wate bottle at • SpEN IVILSON'S OFF SEA but there is no " 0 Seas Shirts wear out irrespective also supply you and yob are as you can select fro a la while the prices are wh t ou ; be that you require so e ne them in all weights, a 1 In all other lines of Fuinishin !both in style, quality and always. Lt now for Clothing, n " for Furnishings. f seasons. We pan sure to be satisfied, ge and choice stock, can afford. It may socks. We have es and at all prices. s we are up-to-date rioe, We satisfy THOMAS. STRACHAN, GEORGE HOOD, CicADY'S BLOCK. AINS IN FOR ARY. BAR SHO As anno oed Iasi week, we are having a CI aring Sale' Of all Felt Boots,1Socks an Legginge during ads month. Th success of this sale is already ass red, and 1 Many cuetomers ! have say d money by purchasing their foot we r supplies'e,t thia store. For the bal nee of this month, the following bar sins will 1?e placed on sale : Men's fon buokled felt boots, sizes 6 to 9, onl $1.50 a peir. Men's long felt 's heavy gum rubbers all sizes, onl $1 a pane Men's knit socks, the 5 cent kind, for 60 cents ; the 65 cen kind for 150 cents, and the 50 cen kind for 40 cents. Boys' knit sec s, onlY 25 land 35 cents. Boys' gri rubbers, only 90c a pair. Boys' and iris' eocasins, sizes 3 to 5, only $1 a pair, Ladies' waterproof over- shoe , sizes and 3, only $1. Ladies' felt oled slippers, only 25e and 35o. Lath s' carpet 'dippers, only 25 cents a p Lowest prices in men's leat er men's, wemen's and chil ren's overshoes and rubbers. 8.EIFORTII, Ontario. OS., SEA_FORTII, ONTARIO. Annual Clearing Sale ! We find that we are too heavily loaded in ievered lines of goods. In order - to make room for spring goods, we have decided upon, making a big slatgliter sale of the balance of all Winter goods for cash, eommencing on Friday, ',Tannery 6th, inst. A splendid opportunity for those in need of the following lines :— All Ladies' and Children's Coats at 60c on the dollar. All Ladies' Mantle and Jacket Cloths at 68e on the dollar, `f All Men's, Youthe', Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Pea Jackets, (KidodliarP. ants' odd Vests, Smocks, Overalls, and Cardigan Jackets at In other words $10 Suits for $7,80 ; $5 Suits for 33.90 - $6 Overcoats for $4,68 ; $10 Overcoats 'for $7.8a All Ladies' Fur Capes, Collor's, Buffo, andi Gaunlets at 750 on the dollar. All Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats, Men's cb from. Ca and Gauntlets at big reductions 'on regular prices. A good selection to All Goat Robes at 75e on the dollar. Special priees on Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes end Black Oatt e Robes. All Shawls at 78c on the dollar. All Bed Comforters at 78c on the dollar, en's and Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves, lIen's and Boys' Underwear, et 8 c on the dollar. , es derwear, Blankets, Fancy Flannels, Grey Flannels, and Flannelette Special prices in Winter Top Shirts. We will also give special prices on all Dress Goods in stock. All Rats in the Millinery Depertment at half price. We will also give an extra discount on all Suits made to order. Ask to see our Suit to order 'at $11.75. Inspect our world beating Top Shirts at 26c each. Don't neglect to call and inspect the many NEW YEARS GIFTS We have in stere for you, Now is Your Klondike Opportunity ! tarWe cordially invite inspection. No troub e to show goods. IVN. PICKARD & CO. DIRECT Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Streets. kii\v-xo I31.,"Y"` T MAX This ek we ill lear out the bale Winter Jack :t et. ere s a chance for you. Ladies' I: lack Ni Ter ead Cloth Jack4s, up-to-date sl ev s, wort $ .50, sale price 3 boucle effect , t immed wit braid, velvet 11 price $6.95; La ies' Black Goat Capes, f s $9, sale price $5 95 ; Lathe Black Astrac an storm collar, h $25, sal price $18.95 ; dark fur, m e selected kins, worth $2 Skin Coats, e est wea coat in the m k collar, dark lo slash pock ts, worth $6, le If you an anything Winter Goode co We are Stoc ta mg and fin a number of rem Etc., on hand which we wi21 sell at alf price. SALE. ea of our Mantles, Jackets If you have not bou ht velvet collar, very stylish,' w nd green, high storm collar, 0 ; Ladies' Black Cloth Jac rs, very styrsli, worth $10, Jackets, close glossy curl, s Australian Coon Coats, or $15 • Sou h American ht colors, high storm collar en's Frieze Ulsters, high st e and see what we are-offeri and Our rth ale 1 LOOKOUT 8 1 YOU WILL MISS Something i Pentecost Store, ' Are I -falling Their Antival Whitewear Sale. 1 NN N & pc). Tlvy HOF Another large consignment of those choice as, whtcb makes everybody smile tb t tastes them, in black, green, Japan a d tea siftings, and which bring new cus mers every time. Lake her- ring, sal on trout,iNo. Lebrador bar- ring in arrels an half barrels, fresh heddies, herrings rin boxes, boneless codfish, nd quail on toast. A new lot of fresh roceries, else buo wheat flour and map e molasseii, sweet cider and minceme t. A Clearing 8 le for thiety days in China, Crockery and Glaesware. Come one, come ail, nd get seine of the good bar- gaine, as they emit be cleared out. Wanted—fres butter and eggie chickens, white'bea s and dried apples), for which the highe t price will be paid. The rea DAYS WE WIND U MAN STOCK 0 1 THIS WEE urons for Frlda tal be trenuin opds MORE ! DRY COON N thing in 13eaforth or vicinity ever before came near this great offering. In he meantime if you wan atything in the way of II.:01ZY GOODS Dim't fail to take advantage of the GREAT DISCOUNTS Which prevail in very Depart- ment of the store. T e stock must be lowered to a cons' erable extent before February lst,, STOCK TAKING TIME. Lookout for Detail Actvertisement ; Next Week, Or Write for ; Illustrated Circular Of Whitewear and Saturda ei7VDREW 8, Card Thanks. . I desire to return M sin re thanks to the Officers of the McKillop Main Insurance Company, for the prompt and vain .1ciry manner in which they have settled my dein] or 1* sustained through the burning of my barn so its tents. Al the in og risks, and • In - Jul his examination after way make a enemies of any mend this sOmpany to ALEXANDER INNER, 16224 agents sre very eareiel 'is still more , which is the only oonapany, I can honestly all my brother farm facirillop Directory for 1899. JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillo_ ,r Winthrop P,O, JOHN . G ME, CouneilieL Winthrop P. O. DAVID WIL ALEX. A INER, Councillor, IsofiburY P. O. JOH: JA 0 RISON, Reeve, Wtnthrop P. 0. S, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. YENS. Ammer, Beseiftwood P. O. CHARLES D Collector, SeafOrkla P. 0, RICHARD PO D, Sanitary Inflpeeter, Len& bury P. 1411Tiost Your Own Price For Furs and 'Winter Goods of all kinds, Winter Wrappers and Waists, Ladies' Coats, 'Men's and Ladies' Underwear, Blankets and Comforters, Children's Eider Coats at a Great Sacrifice. Remember this Store is the one hat is always up-to-date And in the lead for selling Reliable Dry Goods t the lowest possible prices, Pe Under Town Clock tecost's one Price Cas.. S ore Cardno's Block Peniecost's