HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-12-30, Page 84 I'DECEMBER 3 09 1898,0 THE HURON EIKPOSITOR Ong friends to "pond i the with.his friend, Mr. 'Pi M. Chesne Mi. Delj4y any to �o am
1131,111es-thatl lg� on the ballot James Beat. —Miso Mary Ali&,, returtLed last week from TO of came forwi a ad pre, ented W Ison's Oash, Grocery I James led p 'O _y r..Archy McGr Dgor. of �'Brodh �gon, Gil espie, M. Y. N I tiven and Tudkiromith.—Me srs, 9adke brothern of with a we) urse to ther with! in Holiday Big., gains
cLean, F. G. s'lengthened IAJoit" among re a e di 6e m 6y. hris4mas qmon
a�ud, e8b�m pen g friends hq�ie N4 w fruits and now seasork'a ireas now in stock. eelin, J 1 hn' H. � Reid, Goo rge Ai Sills, friends in Manitobal.—Me, -ff. P. , Kentle Woodhana have tirchased the red iri�ill address ex )rissive of i�
0 d V t, Mesers. 3millie hrodhers, London road, I near day prol)erty in this tw n aii�l intend to rcco�n- in which A . Delgaty i� h We' iavo now In stock the beat values in now se4 V rm. Smi b, - ohn A. - _.Vison, Robert met with a pafidffil accident on 'Satur eld and recogniV,- ann' Teas we �over had, elemptiting Young llysoo is Yal iable mervic4o and untiring Brucefiti do have adiked srther fine 4tock V linter. I t; will be noticed Aat there are Not which migh�l e e resulted much truct it and ut it In firot-class shape to to Ing h PF. I, I raoily b horse to th, stabl,d, This nolf, ' A" or will rtfundtbe rnonjyl The qua, �180,f new to -seloq',t f rom, but only six can iriore seriously. Paling, and was pur- of Toro to; Wile, has been retting of HurIfid. is a y� s d t ",ated e from stud�- work,,,pmd. deeply re the contiei� Cey'on and Japan ToM4 We guaran. '00-- T ,, r as eit A MONTH OF BA i, �ast A no namee nding on a lad- d work, — r. IF enry �0. Slban, son of orgy not &'one in the sehool but in cbmsti*n
llah!uff. Currants, Xuts.`Ioecl�, etc., IF vro,
n. stock �t b i eletzted, P,.00d are c not In der . cleaning be i verandah whqi Sloan Messrs� Colquhoun. , He wag
lowl't prices. Saine nice lines In Dinr�ar, Tea and m ard as formerly'Aut,by the7 general vote it slipped Gin uufler him,, and in his fall ing telegr'&phy her with,Hr. Somerville f6r plated'departure of himself andl! Mrs. D61. oha8ed f -om RGAIN& Tell �t SiAs just received, andat prices as low as tbe 0 9" and ech riatepayer can he received�a bad! and some- th two ears, b6ving finished his gaty. Th4 address wao signed on behalf of sired by the eelcbra�ed istock horse " Frince dried applos, the rAtepayer shaking- up . e 9 � ,- Prine Huriford was a w�nner 1; lo%%(4. Wanted good butter, eggs, t) ily vote for ji-x candidafed If ratepayers nasty cuts and bruises, but we are PI ti rday for Toronto. He�is the Centrilia school and bib� class Alekaud -1 _1 4
8 ct marketalile e Paslef ton Ja T -N FUR �JAOKETS potjtoe% dressed fowl, and all kind eased' course, yea highest price. ' i eks,- Will dolwill, J mes (,�k�e of first T rf7,e ao a r,liug in a class of 18 at proauce, for which we will pay the Ns ill bear t iis In mind i av save contusion. to state that he is improvirig, and will soon a remarkably qu ot, al eady, exempla�y .Andrew H U17i - Kr . we p 1� ith. Alr. J'Lilmarnoc -Mr. Lorne Porter, of young man, and w 11 be a favorite with the - Harvey Line. and J. Hap, C. WILSON, Seaforth. a he ratepe yelis, also, wifi vo,.e in the poll be, about again. a V ry totichin- r, much ou3cess. go.-Mig" %,,to Dolga , marthel FUR- CAPE.S i g aub-divioi n in which they reside, and Auburn, ew York, is apohding a few bell- �ublic wherever Mai �ty re )lied -in 13't4i Bank of Commerce Block.' te: wh ratepoyer o ly votes in he one divis- days� at the parental home here, -Miss ehoe,'of Toledo Ohio; is bpending the and both Farents and pupils w re visibly edoi all i ti, It i"�qu to likely that some very im- Stowa�l t I it' relatives at Melrose this Christmas holidays under the pa of. affected. Jupper having been sery E lyfn, rental r tra tion of r gt ol, tie I re lively this -M r. th The yearly no ina- p)rtant Mal, ill engage the atten week, � uvn"ie I don, Ndr returiled to their hom!s well plca�ed . FUR COLI,ARS
William Fov ilSliel h Awo,, D�m- D,0AHNION BAN P r itm -sorry to bid gqoa- i Nobil 1�11 - ip. TL nominees for Daitota, arid son 'of Fowler, f the d4y's prbeeledings,but tile council next year, and, as there will on- week in our tow sh on -was held on Monday at one o'(Iock.
14 be t3ix council ors besides 'the mayor, it the ripeveship are - both workers and will Harpurhey, is visit ing frileads here at priis- bye'to such an ardent teacher anq friend,. Af ter', the proposal of a. large uumbw of FUR CAPERPN JEi
4CAOITAL (Paid. Up), $1,600 00;. G31ioveq the r�tiepayersto carefully study leave� no stone ur turned to secure the covet. ent. -We iegret to learn of the serious i I- ratep ytra to rep�-asent, our counci'' for
-Mr.1a. E, �t ir Simpson, of REST$ $1,500:00 tie position, #rid to 'vote for - those who!n ed position. For years the north eastern neno. of Exe,ter. 1899, the meeting *,as adjourned till- oight they deem be�t qualified for the business in part of the - represent. Bank of Commerce, Mr.�Sitnplsou has boon tpeeches were c 1 rere
township has had no d Ii d NOT;"4,-Mr. John Harris, of. Workmari, o'clocc. After the 'MITTS S�AFORTH BRANCH, hind, ativel on the council board, and it is cer. confined to� his rloo f r O 13 of weeks, A8siniboia, was the gnest of Dete CtiV J "JL, the fc! Owing L gentlemen remain inl the
8 ni; in e leve.-4arneis Carter, Goo. Po e tainly a sensible move to bring out a Ytung and doe t ak tha� progress towar4s �s field-: this sMain street, Seaforth. Tn �sff,,Ps.-The Itiomination for man like Mr. Peter Gleary,-,Mr. Alfred recovery w ich hic fr' rids could wis Westcott and family week Councill re- to ablic richool ruatees took place in the flev- Messrs. Dai e arid Will cDonald of forth, visited E,Xkeir Reev( Iffilford resigning. MUFFS AND PUFFS A general banking business transacted. Farme Marebs, of Sarnia, is a uest at the manse v Levica Westcott, of Sea -can ti T
AndreW� 81 Har'y Ph0lips, Frank .Met- troit, W
otc3 In north relatives or, Tuesday and Wednesday Mo collected, and advances made on same'st eral Wftrds on Wednesday. and Robert, Df Wi dsor, spent Christ -
this Week. -Mr. J. S. Porter, who has been enwick, Wi liam
6f 1'.
-Messrs, W,. G. Bissott and Hugh Sp� 9 calf, J.: Emigh, in. F
lowest rates. ward, Mr. W -A. Ballantyne as re-elected in. declining Ifeall b for some Aime, is now mas at the manse. - -M r, 'eter Daly, in an are in the field for t4e revesh, ,JE
m a ti n. In the east ward, Mr. confined to bei. -Mr. and Mrs. John Hun. R, F. Case & Co.' meat 0 1`3AVIN GS DEPARTMENT. by ac�la st're, and MIr. P. ir, fir., Will am Harding, Andrbw Yout Darwin wer were ipendi Messrs. J41to Mu r an -d-- 9 nd Mr. John. e De poolta of One Dolls upwardo rebelved, aud ter,of Michigan ng a short time Colin Kennedy, of Beatti 3 Bros.' mea A. J. Rollins, J. W. Ta:ylor, John Evahis n L leteiestallowed at highest current rates. orninated, it d in the south ward, Mr. 0. last week with ffriends n this village. i partment, each hai large ad, attracti e and Irvine e'running for coup W.�Illthrop. I MILLINERY lisplays of Christrr as meats, etc., for Oie -A .4 T CLAUS' Th Winthrop added to p0ricipal twice each year -at the end of C. Willson and 14 r. A. P. Joint were nom 0
cillora.-M bs�th school'has deci4d. to Junt and Pecembor. No notice of withdrkwl is inated. Messrs. Youngand Willson s 6nd eaAl shop presented a ir. A. nell and Mri- Fr nk Huri� CAV.1n Church Sab Christmas season, i Poriny TRApp,,-During Christ. of Loudon,16pent, Christmas with their psi- 911AWLS
requ Xed for the whole or any portion of a deposit. on the Board ast year. in the event of an Tim ost attractive.ap earan(a.-Mr. and Mis. erect ar ol furnish &I Santa Claus' ca�in in an IThomas Reaman ain4 daughters� h, Winthrop, on Mon -AYS, W. K. PEARCE, - Wednesda Mae week Mr. A. W. Stobbie, egg I d `1p ents.-Mr Ingham, spent Christuriiis Cavan c ur
S. It election, it willl be held on y HarryJeffr, of on �Anbie, of Brantford, spent Christ-- g6ultry d�ea'ler (of this town, shipped from Verna Q
Solicitor Agent. r ex to commen cing at ten o'clock a. in. The with Mrs, Jeffrey' pareni so Mr. and Mae with reNtives. here. -There was nary -2n Tea will! be served from si x to ere two tons of dres#ed poultry all -of a blivl- is rgue Q
S. Bartoii.._rmi ampbell, teac�'� red by an interesting LOTHCAPES N ote for school trustees is taken openly and h��,� eight o'qlock, fiDllow which -was purchased on the berforth Of I
zard on Tuesday last. -The firf. t -carnival t by ballot, -Since the -above was itr ty e, Iftpins in Ladies',,Coats. ro' of Witidsor,'As Ope ing t ie holidays at her literary and musical' programme, after which is market, This. poultry represented over we learn that.11Mr. Young has' withdrawn h the season will be held in Baw4en's skatinj s are
far, Mr. home hero.17�71VU,sse Bella and Jennie Bal $500. Ssnta� 0 us will appear. As no pain' BLANKETS
i All told this' season, so. i. - t ame, and th re will, consequently, be no lantyne are also ho e ior the vacation I- rink on Friday, January Oth." being! is ared to make this a grand success Stobbio has shipped from kere two car P find %vc have too many Ladies' Coats on hand c ntest east wa resen for t ia time In the sea,on. in order to clear them W in th rd., The otmg people ill enjoy a dance in thosevitofail to be t will niim a
loads of live pen try- and over seven tons of Brussels.- ; I dressed, epres tilting a payment to -our Carino's hall this (Friday) evening.- iss treat.'- tomFoR ri,ms wt� ave determined upon the following sweeping re- 41- I O-, &UxTy CouNcii..- o the ]"Pie, I)FATH OV MR. WILLIAM JONES.-Mr,� Rodgers and Miss Smith, of London, re Hun io
Nmy OrFicmis.-T cregular meeting of due ons, commencing on Filday, November 26th farmer for pou try alone b ' one dealer, of. e tj
y t4 1:1 ( atwgiry for $8 ; $10 corktio for $0,87; $8 coats for Villiam Henty Jones, fourth son of Mr.' 200. i 'his ii- but an index of t e. large spending the holidays, at I Ir. A 40 rise 'a. tor i of dist*ict No. 6, -Ladies and G n io� Loyal'Ora;nge lodge No, 813, wait held at U." -, #�S coatif for $4. All lower flne# will be cleareit $4o 1 passed to the r
Mr. Will Ilethuna, purt er on the fea� ler meri,-I solicit your vote aa& influence fo � Winthrop, on Decembe 21ot, when the fol
arhount, f Mon( which is realised from t - or cent. off r,egular price, We have &too two HEAVY DRESS 'GOODS) ikv�
0 -or the 'winter d :i lowing officers were elected for the ensuing
reat - beyond, on Thursday of last week. Manitoba, is home: f -Xtr. county councillor for this di itrict, and :i
S,%bl Wats to clear at half price, Now Is your golde 1 what is gener&113 looked upon as being a opportunity. Remember, the goods we offer are all The event waq not unexpecLed, as Mr. Jones� Norman Camp ell, of Cleveland, spent elected wil use my beat ende4 vors to ad year :� John Bullard, W.M. ; Wm. Kinney, oomparati rely unimportant branch f farm
lea. up -lo -date goods. At their usual I this "'ason't; sty lad been ill'f�r several months. He was Chritma"Asa ho e.-Mr.'.�ameoblullen,lof Vance its iqteresto and that of he county
�D M. Joseph Hogg, chaplain ; A. Brown,
indu d also the advantages calised regular prices, we have never shown better goods nor not twenty-ffiie years of'age; When. quite Chatham, and formerly oq the Bank A Cmn- a whole. Ishing you all a happy N R S, R f in8trly i
ro Murdie, F. S. ; John Boyd,
betteirmado garynents for the price, we strongly Wit'i'g! ago od outside market or such a: lad be a- rtd out in life for himself, t; " th Year, I a utivi0m indies or their children In need of a coat to in produc All classes benefit from this merce staff here, entl Christmas wi treasurer!; Wm, Bullard, D.S. ; committee, friends h6re -Mr. So erville, Canadian Special Sale spract them� A bout e -Win.. Te,�worthy, Robert Boyd, J. H. -ight jr�ars ago he went to Augusta, we h1pe it will develop and I Yours truly, I leorgia, wber� his brother John re8ides,and express agent, reports th oprksa, business W. R Campbell,'J. Story, William Hogg David KFRi Brussels. increase.' .Vhere he is doing a prosperous business. par i -OF- Wm. Pickard & Go for the ChriotMai i eason heavj6r than for Tim CO�NTY COUNOIL Boyd and A.$ ling, lecturers ;,�LBrother-
Ile bad a good si�ustion in Augusta, and -many years.: This surely� is an indication, of election f orl county councillors I or this divial ston, inside titer J. Simpson, outside tiler. SEAFORTH. I id fair to becoming as prosperous and flue- HOcKi-M-The following sche uIe2 of better timeo:.�Miss Nettie Wilson spent ion is causi g a good deal of interest andl 0 ful as his e in Toront .-Mr. promises be e laer brother. About a ybar
matches in the intermediate series -of tho Christmas with friends 1 Von- hotter thad the regula� Groy
Winter Term Opens Janualy cg!! Cloth & Fur Jackets he ever, he caught a severe cold, which Ontario H)ckey Aqsooiation series,1 o which Harry Beattie, ba ister, of Ingerso�l, was municipal lections. There a. -e three can f finally ulminilLted in consumption. He re- Ing at home a 006ple of d a this didates in the field, but, of coui,se, only two Tow.-fstilp IN.AXC& L -According to the 3rd 1899. the SeafoAh club is a member, been visiti bout lie I financial otate merit, Issued by the council of t�rned ome -six months ago, in t drawn up week. -Mr.,, John McLqren, traveller for can be elec ed,
da with the double syste the
�Ope t at the change aud,the- home nursing ROUND. Ogilvie & Co., W'aspllinj on old friends in of voting i is i joult to calculate in ;a the to nship A Grey for the past year We want to close out every cloth and fur total r ceipti amou
Ot 11 may result. h ould enefit him. All was, of no avail, nted to $14,214, of town on Tuesday. -Mr. G to Of Vance ?w ny. election
jacket that we have in stock this season,
however, and he continued to grow weaker, A _J101 lingwood V., Barrie, January 3 oledo, Ohio, and- I Ir. Fr 4ak Scott 4 I Blue- .W which 89 was a balance from last year. eneral Will reliai64 is, however, that Mr.,, We have quite a nutnber left, especially in Barrie, r. Oolling�wood, January 9.
tlic end came on Thursday. Hei was a The dis ments for the same porio
V le, opent Christ as Vi th their 3aronto burst and Kerr. I to reeve of Brussels, will be "On tho'better qualities, and to clear the lot we smart, steady youvg man, and his B.-.-Midlandvl Waubaushene, January 3; h:re, Mr. and Mrs. F. -S'cott. and' other of th amountod to $1-1,533. There was expended h' imise is a severe bereaVement to his on road i and bridges, $1,597; drains and w ill make very low prices. This is -a good
0 forttnate lones. Mr. Kerr has
e Wauba iob ene V. iMidland, JAnuary 9. friends. -Mr. and Mrs. L. Sinth, Of long munic pal e.-�'perience ; he was a mom
�f ly C.—Hatriston v. Listowel, Janua time to select a first-class article at low Holds first place among the best commercial ry' 9 and especially to )his parents, to Hamburg, t Christ as with Triends in ditches, $1, 1 50 gravel, $567 charity, achools in Ontario enjoys a large patron- her of the ofinty, council, for 6ve years an figure. The winter has nly begun. Long Is $2,819, whom the sincerest xympatho numerous Listowi I IV. Har- ston, January 16, $167 ; achools es, -etc.,
e el' ht applica- town and vicinity. Mr. Smith likes Ham. salaries, fe
age have recently recei d V thetactan ability which he displayed soo time yet to get comfort from any our h V Berlin II, January burg as a place of maidenne and is doing A brought hi to the front, secured fo friends will be extended. e was ne er p $729,.and mbicallaneous expenses, $1 i542. ve ?or our gra- 9,; Berfin 'TV. �ipii Vic., January 18. and Jac tions fromr-business Colleges kit Bargains marrie4, Tbe�remainx were laid to restvin good businesothere.-Maiter Harrto Scot Th lia)ilitied of the wnship amounted to
t him �the position of one of duates 'to teach in their schools. Board the leading an the Maitland ank cemetery on aturday. K Via rloo II v, Nationals, January has gone to Blueval e tool wrid thd lidays $6,111, and the assotis to $9229,939. Th? Im. cheap, Write for catalogue. most iuflue�tial mom' bers of that body, ani For the 9 ; Nat on .19 v. 11 terloo 11 January 18. with - friends th M Harry Boosen- if he -is retu)rned,there is no dou A but he will bilffies are..". follow : county ra for to
2,213 balance eols, $3,410 Rem mber ithe Iasi F. -I Vii door Sarnia, December 31 loprietc;r c View hotel, occupy his old position, and in no place d - 4444�52 t two days' of the Hoff- Derry, r e'�L G *and "a Bch
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. d e
mha stoc k� I If 1 on have to drive '120 miles it will Sarnia,, . I 7inds r, January 6. ru bent r at!ns, innulal rental; 0d, was i town,on onday night. $W ,� experiencehnd ability count for more thao Gove pay you. R 8. Smith, Sehforth. 1020.1 C. V. Queen's, January '13 -Miss M Is, co-116cu M" ones, $80. The assets' are Holiday Trade aggfe Ne of Brantford spent in the counity council. The electors of No Grand Trunk Railway w,�,H11*). Choice turkeys, undrawn, Queen'i 1 vi R. M. C, . January 19. M. Ive 0 follo w: Taxes still uncolleo do 4 Christmas here wi Mrs., Broderick,- 6, theretor4,* will be doing themselves a ser� te
tloc ; butter, I and 17c. Also dried apples and H.-Frdiil�enacs II v. Belleville, January Mr. W. J. Shaman recei 1;i.2 in bank, $2 220 - cash on We have a good assortment of La. o40 i balat ce Rest fox, $1.75 mink 01.76; coon. goo. '07 sold a very vice by selictino Mr. Kerr as one of theii raw futt., 13 Be le ille v. Frontenacs 11, January 19. ve ChristrassandNew Years Holiday Rates ,Single G. E. Muir, Wingbain. 1620 handsome and sty sh ci�zriage horse, five representat hand, 150 ; i ale of debentures for Go' rn- dies' UmbrOl", Jackets, Wraps, ivev:-']?,D. EXP. fare going December 24th, 25th and 26th,returning JOUND T. arb old to Mr. Cutillrbore, jr., for $125. m bt di fain No. 2, $14,119 ; township 'hall, Underwear, Hosiery nd Glovs, Bi 1BIL So wit Presbyterian Book of--Praine .. i I I Nom][N.A�ia,N.-Thenominations were hol 7 -Mr. F. J. M,cGav in, wk, o� has a good post- $t,000 �� outlay on GovernmeDt drain- -No. 2 Bilk Handkerchiefs, EmbriDidered -1h, Fare and third, good going Dwember 23rd, a 7 -800, goo, 8t; also other special I.-Wir ner of A v. �Orillia, January New combine 13 in the town hall on Monday. For th 1!4th and !45th, returning December 28th. bi ber prices at Let o bin moden & Wiloo tion in Chatham as steno gtapher, returned recoupoid, $1,805. Haw&erel Ties and earfe
Years rates. on O's- Orilliay. A, Jan apy,� for h� 16201 Ribboiis and Laces, r. George Thompson and George Baeker. ir'. II. -Winner Of V.! Coldwater, January 'in Tucker8mith. i The noWr Winnip% and the West, via son to that towa on ends rv' after. spending reeveship t!'ere was nominated, W. H Kerr] E TO 'URLE so theO.T.-,R' ud-N6rfh Bay reduces the time oon- NOTT�' M. -All parties intend- 13 ; Coldwater v, B, J' o Christmas with his aren Wroxeter. note, ed Millinery,,Children% uary r, who )i 0, candidate r the co i4deirably. 'Tbrough tickets issued at this office and tending o join 11 the Seatorth Curling Club, are re. -Mrs. Rev. Neff� cPhe -oon and daughter Ker unty Cape, Fancy Linens, Table Cloths, n%- W checked through from the depob. q d III.-Virsity Ill You -ng, TorontOo ._�The Presbyterian annivoroary uested o oso�on or before Tuesday, January 8rd, 9 council. de lined nomination thus leaving NoTF's.- on that January 13 ; Yoan roptoo v, Varsity of Hamilton, are visiting the xiesidence of vicen. As the ritics for the season will be made up, - F -C � the battle to be fought out b �tween Messrs' will Oe hold on the 8th and 9th Napkins Towels, Quilts, Table Q Mrs. McPherson's lather, Rev. Mr. Barr.- Covers, Curtains, &c. W. day. Jo Secretary. 1620-1 III, January 0. Thompson andBaeker. Ter persons were ens od tili may be expected. -Mr. M iss Jennie Ba;kr ii i open ling the holidays -80MERVILIE CON11K4ikDI(_iroN.--Tbe Beo6ver Lacrosse ' IV.-VNinla'dr of '." v, Seaforth, January arl. nominat4pd for councillors, bt t, all deelined[ y,son of Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Club wim it dig nctly understoodl4hat they had no 20 ; Seaforth V under the parental roof. -On Monday night but fouri, t us electing Dr. Warwick, James othodist, minister here, occupied his -etion wha ver with the sparring contest held V.- contic - , anuary 2 Winner OfF v. �London, January 14 ;, last r. J. P. Bri e received a telegram in CarduO's hill n Monday night last, nor with the Ross, S. 1 ilton and B. Coe:hrane by so':- fa erwpulpitl on Sabbath evening last, -
London v. F, January .20. i froth Chicago acqu ntinglbim of the serious Commercial I Building, Seaforth. _so-c.11ied Seafo h Athletic Association, Sjgoed I cl Mati Thoold school" trustee boaro Mr. Edward gazlewood in visiting friends W. E. A By.sT S oretary B. L C. inner of . 1) v. winner of E, Jan- illness of his aau ter,� Alies Maria, who The has been visiting ;bere. 1or some weeks. was elec by acclarnatiom as follows here. -Kr. D.Ii-M. Walker of Niagara Falls, 7REAT SALE OF FANCYGOODS.-Fr6m.now nary �O winner. of E winner of Do Jan- Skeine, ousley an arrived here o Wednesday aftemoon and
d W. F. Vanstone.; HOW JAC211LBODUT YOUR to the of Jwuary, 1899, we will sell itivetrything uary 27. Mrp. Allan McLeat left the following will remain f �' a few days with friendis.- NOTE& 'Mr Huston.' of the 16th conceo. I
in the 11 -1 -VY of ",'ancy goodp, toyo, oW.,.st slaughter VIL-O. A. C� v. PrestOD, January 12 morning for Chicago, to with her sister 0 sion, Grey hali a Mr. Brl6nt 71
prices. Pall anil see at Lumsden Wilson* Sea- p narrow escape from wha�t He V.Iewood, of Trinity Medical reston v. O.A.C., January 18, during her illness. -Mr. 'W D McLean, Cc Ilege Toroi i to, in visiting under the yiiren- E* M� F -A VL Iforth. I m20-1 might havel proved a serious ac�,ident Chrigtmas Turkey ? VIII. - Litkefl Od V. Notwood, January 9 secretary of the Seaforth Bo�rd 'of Trade, Sunday a#ernoon. While driving i u ta' roof'st pre sent. -Miss Cassie Harrisis LE(7c;RB.--,Rautenberg, ornmercial frav- Norwood . Lakofield! January 1160i has teceived from he se4etary of State at hcne r a ho�liday,-Mr. Byron, Simmons eler will deliver ble.popular soniz-lecture- !'The town wih � team of spirited horses, troo If you have ordered from us you won't be dis- '-I.Veary Fool," or IX.-P.eterboro' v. dsay., January 9 Ott4wa, the certiflo ate oCiregistration as re- TrI6'e of the. d - The Jews Past, tongue (aaW out of the' neckyoke, and the hs'N_�cotoe bo" e from. attending business Dry Goods Co.
ap ted ai wil�j have bought a, lot of the best fowl Present and Fut re," in the Methodist Chui6b, cn Lindsay v, Paterbo.-o"Januar 16.' now 10 quired by law so Niat the Board can ! I
topf, delivered at-THE,HUB- GROCERY and Tuesday. evening next, at 8 o'clock, This leottireis y horseab3ca e frightened and ran w co lege,!, for C,:ristmas and�]Few Yeare.- X.-WinnerofIC 7.winner of H Jan be legally and offic aliy OTga ized and will I&MCHER 81101? from' the 201h to the 24th, so P throwin r. Huston out, but IbckiIyano%j. INI soJonnie v1sitink und I 1. well 11pol en of wherever it hag been delivered. and nary23 inner be a bft corporat 3ohn Leather- illor is or the par -
order now. a- 'Catmo."-The. old council
should be large]) attAnded. 1620xl f H'v. Go January 27. ng nori(us happened. -W. H. McCrack6la enit I roof at C4-th's Greatest Cash Ita also a time for sweets and we've made land, of ort Huro i, in ere spending his )ur Chocolates, CA.511 FOR is I d ng Christmas in Peterboro. -Luthb w0re're,elecite by acclimation.- It is as ample provision f3r the litile fol6. IOULTRY. -People wishing 'to holidays. Mr. Le 41b erl d . has a gents' lVef r Th Mae Hemphi Drier of v. d furni ming usiness in Port low Don Bons, and Mixed Candies of all kinds are here get cash and the blizhest price for their poultry, winner of IT, Jan. clothing an Ba 0 PO tage la Prairie, is spendi g fol 11 reeve ohn
for you at almost Christmas box prices. should call a T, R. F, CAse & o.'s butcher shop, Iof II v. 1, January 30. holidayE u der the parental He e D
nary 24 inner roof.. B�ay, ;vm. H zlewood,S. B. McKeivill and ry Goods tore. Our butchers are busy getting n a fail supply of Carmieb el'o look, Somforth, Huron and is, we are.p1e, ed to learn doing 1GII-tf I I'V v. F e get XII. -A inner winner of V, Jan- dently I k't the west, 49 he is trying to William Rut erforn, councillors. _Mr 0. T. ruezts� etc�, Such as you can. out)- find In a first-class well. -Miss Richmond, of Blenheim, is Vi diake a. blerry Chaistmas for MON�I�Y TO IOA-',; at 5 per cent on farm uary 30 ;winne is- his brother to go back with him, but John Gibson,, sr.,'.and daughter spent Christmas shep. We're goinz to 1. r f; V v.: IV, Februar 3. 4"Mr. H. Humber Igs will proporty�; terms, 0 suit borrowers. Apply to JkAiys y itipg at Mr. A. Yoang's. our many customer@, if price and good ihir L. Kirm:0 AN, Ba leter, Seaforth. 16115-3 would nit oave a O thing bebind.-W. with friendpin Bly-th.-Miss Laura Brown Robertson, Of Owen Sound, "nt Christffias N 1) f T 1. spent Christmas at hiB ho, e -in Goderich.- 0
do it. J. Arms br go of Condon, is open n has returned. fronil a visit 6 friends in Tpron- with her father, Air. Samuel Anderson; of
di f his J 9 receive a nner,.cf _N nn I -
d to of Toronto June. Turnberry.-Mr.
fine assortment X111. I 'v. wi er of 111, Mrs. John Copp pi. Toses "leaving shortly to holidays w th friends in Brussels.- i -Mr. Howard Snell, Knight, of Ripley, visited I Mi of Souveoir S no, Wedding presents, and a WIT February join her husband, who ha� been located in assortment edding and Engagement Rings 8cott wia isiting in London the past we4k. tion, has be' 0 Mr. Edgar Coultes; this week.--L�Mr. 8 rL_ 0 V past.-Tifn Xx- on on a Visit to friends, he i EATTIE BROS, iw XIV.- innerlof V V. X, Febru Roseland for. over a year Iting his sister, Mrs. ays on hand C. A. flu-mimR. SoN, Jewellers_ dan"of Michigan,, is vig-i POSIToR had a pleamotpl4l from Mr. -R. M dinprise has- hia outdoor ink in rtin- eatorth. 1620-1 1 XV.- inner �f V 11 v. IX, January 25. T. S. ning order for the season. -Notwithstandin John"Diment, jr.-Miss Annie Oliveir, of
Grocers $.Butdhers, KVI.- inner of V1r V. winner of XII, Menarey, o twriglil tayfield. f - f Cal Manitoba, on he , W, R. M 9 1 ,
Hendergiin'E photo studio will be open on the weal cDonald and M �8. Toronto, is visiting her graindparent.9, Mr. Thursday. Mr. Menare is a nephew of
February lee to b decide I on by y ;BLONVS.-Herb rt Snider left; on Saturday and Mrs, John Burgess. -Mr. Robert Stew- nday,:D�(-ernber 2(;rh, also Monday, January 2nd. I Hambly ho were here under the auspipes 8x_' Mr. W. J. Shannon of cKillop, and at SEAFORTH. TEL. NO. 8 me ecutive. i i f toll visit relatives n Michigay.-Clara Erwln art, of Toronto U,uiversit , spent Christmas
All ilay. llcudeieon, Sesforth. 1019-2 1 i of the cAizo,ris' committee, had a crowded y one time taught school in ucker8mith. He + -
house and they ave splendid satistall is�spendingtbeC ristmasbolidia a at Kin- at his home in the village. -Miss Tons, I has been a resident of M it b f twenty Tiw, BFak`l,IRs The inipper, under and we I tope in Ile near 'futu cardine. 0 , ege, of Sib. Roman, wo 8 Geddes, of Belgrave, "nt Christmas with
XVII -Winner f '11I v. XV, Fehr re to have the n i rid this is his raftlll�oiioliatl Z Huron 0 e on Christi fi
4 the auspices c f the Beaver lacrosse club,. ati 10. rivilege of' hearing them again. The Qk- b iss.-The Sabbath school Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Diment . .... �Clayton since tie. left here. He in 4 pros a mer- P cat artatitiment, on Tuesday evening last was Duff i home from Toronto. -Rev. W. J. the Grip. houg on Friday evening last, was thern T:ni fordo; wi I §e here sometime in January a rid is he 01 0 XVIII. -Win4i� of �XIV v. XVi, Febru- chant in Cartwrig,,it, soi toba, n t so well attew ed ai would have � been West, M, A., -spent Monday and Tuesday a M Ost decidi A success. The dining -room ary.,J.6. 1 and ha a done his st are'to`Oardo -building up the Hovi ards in February.- be I h the weatter '' en finer. It was so very was �astefullr decorated with flags and ovin( wi tb his people in Woodi!toek. -bliss Aggie ! a I my could come from the Smillie, of Harriaton high school, spent bunting- whiCe the walls ivere adorned with the Prairie Pr e.-Inornational trou e t at few IV v. inner of Kippen. at DISTRICT MATTERS. XIX. Winner i f N IV v. A and brass band, A London, will be'st t e Cc ntry, so it was thought advisable to re- Christm I
pictures of vic�torious Beavers of -different Salvat on barracks on Saturday and Sunday. ENTETTAIN31ENT.-The entertainmenti in, her home in Morris, -Dr. Thomas King, of Ohio, is home visiting hi sessobs. M, e host Henderson and his 1, of the I "il on Thursday evening of I t, t on Wednesday ev Ing -Mis, Nan Killoran �indsor, is home �ub io �a r I I n m to when a programme of rare merit will a THE'EXPOSITOR f�rom NOW od ife had a feust prepared fit for the ft. an' Mrs. William wee under ,the auspices o motherand otherrel tives, Master Har
9 LOCAL BRIE'Fli. --�M and Mrs. Alonzo� for th, holiday's. -N 4iven.-One of those events which � make Scott, of Seaforth, is visiting his uncle, __�uckersmith# was an ex�el-� at least two happy, was consummated on Frank Scott, -Miss Alice hfcLeod, niece o until the e.nd of i899 to new 9� ds,"and the large number who assembled Leach spent Chriebmakin town, the guests Amen have returned fro their wedding N o. �bonor to the Beavers showed their of �Mrs, Leecli's parent 9, � Mr. and Mm' 8. tour a id are now settled ii�,� their home on lent on.�. I On account of the e'ry enLthe t6 do! subscnbera for ONE DOLLAR; We dnesday evening-, wh marriage of Mr. and Airs. Thomas Jenkins, of the Blue a�preiaiation o� the banquet in a -most ub* Barton. h isbeen manager 'of a Goderich street.-Ive are I to learn that disagree LbI6 weather, the attendvaitew h . ad Miss Annie Donaldson, 4aughter of our re- Vale road, was married at their house Send in your naines at once. o4antialmrinor.- Attheconclusibn ofPthis cheese factory near! Mrs. George Ewing, wrio .9 been ill for a Li cknow or eight 'pea. was not as arge as itwbuld have been under part of the ev-�ning's entertainment, '.,Nlay-or spected townsman, Mr. James lJonaldson Mr. John Anderson, son of Mr. - Wm.Adori, nc Owl ba
mobs, and -having OM 31 ted perations for couple of weeks, is r favorabl) ircuriistanc�es ly recovered but those who and Mr. James Car "e,of the Brow on.line, e e O& e III Cunwtook the; chair, while Mr. -G. E, Jack- were prt se t enjoyed a' ra SOD., also of the Bin Vl r d, Th bride
the year w hi wi y to his farm bear and is able to go ol r K. Chittenden re treat and we I the usual holiday I rw Stanley, was cel6brated. Rev. W. Graham -ion TR.,iLV a5en uy son Ocupied heviotichairiand toast after, �p e� wits asigisted by her cousin, M Tennie
t aboro, , in the ?Uii ty of Oxford, where has received from Mr Osval well rep ki for bravin I the elements. The �urely tied the knot, in- st 1was dru, n many seo the prese.n�e of Jenkins, and the beat man was Mir. Frank by IV. Somerville, up -town agent for he alwayspe esinot Jones, of an Frar '�,box of "INTanila oupied by M Horton,: travel the following were ticketed to distant t6a and responded to i nds 8 , rii Iter. I He do Cisco, 1a chaii was 9 r. Henry
point. an a�lc and eloquent' sprech. The pro- I 2�imate friends and relatives. The bride Anderson, brother of the groom. Mr. and
intend returning t Ile inowi but has � en- cigars purchased bir him irillManils the' day and a mode I chairman he made. The pro- I 11
rhe Grand Trarik : James 'Stanzel, McKil- wag attended by Miss Millar,' of Cli ll go to their home, near grammewas easinglyvaried bySOD98 from' d o takethe a iagement of a large after the city was la,ken by, the American mew a lengtby!one �6nd all the pe top toToledo Oho ;George Baldwin, 8ea- gage, t. in ram r, Will cLeod, Pat Mulcahy a w ile Mr. W. J. Tough, of Stanley, looked Mosomin, N. W, T., in a few days. rid Frail Wil- formers, th old i6d young, forth, to Mount Pleasant, Michigan ; "factory near Stratford fop next seasob.�We f 6rces. They are c f A ver� 11 superior brand acquitted lis. Dr. Ma ay, on e a of Mr. Charles e. 00 r the interests of the groom. The large Thomas Nicol and bride to Win * i are pleased to I fL that the Broadfoo & and ou A ka would rejoice. .1 the heart and themselves in a most'! creditable'; manner.! n her of handsome and us0ful gifto to the "P'g' Powell of Philadelphia, presented each Box furni ure fa ory, i this town, is being sooth the'spirit of Much pi aik q is due Mr, T. N. I Foro I NI anitoba ; Al rg ,' Allan McLean to. Chicago - any vot ry of the weed. thp
iture fa I -the. br de attest to the high cisteent in which she ArcKfflop.
fit C i M ber of las � stiason'.9 team with a hand. worked to its utino pacity this season We m, y state that Mr. Jo es has return indefatigat le teacher of No. 2, for t FiNNCIAL.-TbeL financial statement for
Jo[m BELker Se�forth to Duluth, Minnesota, e ed Ke nil I t is le Im do, as a - and b I till many large orders ahead. They from Manila to Sa Francis o and has near- ner in w hic h the enterminment. was L carried. wi ihingMr. and Mrs. ("arnie happine a and
T silver mark of 'his al? a a Id. We join with the many friends In the township of McKiUop, which' has just
p r ciation of le ood%work done, by the have h d an lunusualIv large demand !for ly recto vere4 from tl te 8evere illness by which out and for the diegro' e of excell been published, shows the municipality to, pri loperity. F-PoNf C,%MFORNIA.-Mr. H. C.- Gilmour, Be ver8 on th i lacrosse field last, season. -ef ving the Ph had attained under his tui0on. W. their f rnit�re from ri ish Columbia jbis he was prostrated I ore I.e' il. children he in a inost. favorable finanicial position. t I man, e vier� of 11cosejaw, N. T., and- formerly of An ther pleas, ng! feature was the lireoenta, season, and that in ark Ide do th ippines. NOTr,'.- Mr. and M to. Balfour, of Mouint The year was commenced with a, balance of the to�wnshLi.p of Stanley, who. is sojournin tioti of a handi ome clock to Mr. R E Jack- best a d highest pri c furniture made Forest, ope t Christmas with his brother' Bluevai.e. $1,79.3 in the treasury and clored wit -The annual Christmas balance of $2,310, The in Ontario. 0alifornia, for the winLe Thiswaia'gifb from the ers of i gul r as it may a # true, that here, M John Balfour. -Mrs, John Me T�.RTAINIFNTS. r,writesi soil total liabilitiiir
from that place on December 20th fie fol- the club and � e players, markingtheeir. ap. �British Columbia i eq ires a much sup�rior Ceritralia, Kay of th village, is on a month�s visit "to I entertainment, given by tbe� pupils of the 0 I' . & the township amount to only $805 Oil draim
Iowa Ontario is a7beautiful little town of preciationof is.valuable and effici6ntser- � article to that- req lired and in demand in Prl.,1,10 Scilloor, EXAMIN LOW. Thurs. friends iu hicago.-MTs. (Rev.) McKibl�on Presbyterian Sabbath school, in the For. accoun't. The total receipto for the year Situated on the 'southern vices as man1kg+.r1 of the team and in the, Ontarid. Thefact6ryi , o !still Makin uslarge I, Decem�er 2204l,'was the day ot our ig ibe eat -,r's hall, last Friday evening, was the amou d to $11) 25, and thedlebursententa
3,000 inhabitants,
f and chil Ire , of Strathroy, are spendii nte Facitic range, in the orange belt. It- is intarests of Ger "JIL e generally. Th large shipments to the o.4 Country. I iness pu lie school exa ination Early in the Christm La olidays at the home of Mr. ' d me it successful ever given by them. Mile § AA .1 to $11,'08, so that there was a urplus on beatitiful to see therange and lemon trees 'crowd dislicfeed' i at an early hour in the 'continues to increx,'se a !it has done this 'r many of o r ratepayers, both ladies Ag gie Herbert�, mnrni 01 _-Mrs. R. M llie.-Mr. 4icker spent Christ. -the orgabW of the Sabbath. the year's- transactions of $517. The r4o-
loaded With fine yellow fruit. The weather morning, more than delighted with the, ex- 'I I i� I
i ant ye bf, the co 'Pali will Via forced to and ge Qemen, cou�d be seii n wending their MILB Wit I friends at Bright anCl L Brantfoid.. set ool, had trisined the pupils to sing an. ceita for the year were Made up in part as :4
Iitt vory warm and Ory ; the thermometer eel ent supper !provided by Mr. and 'Mrs. - � e their esta ish nt so as to increase i hoolward, learryinq baskets filled -The fair ladies of this rt are 'fast lea'v. 11 th a. choruses and m6ngs, which they did followw: Collector's roll, $4,206 -, county �4
-it,arid; from 60'- to 70 in thesh5.de through He 3derson and with the lengthy and enter- Mr !an Mrs. Alex. Th wa vi i Iit in or r to adorn- Jhe 1�1 in n excellent anner. A physical culture rates, &2,319 - to wnebip rates, $3,421 , school
- their o itput. - wil (go d things, to witne the day's pro- ing this the da -y -and goes down to 40' at night.. This taining programme which had been arrarged OT son, of , Guelph, t e lChristmas, at � e ceiiedin and to bid'farewe -to our geiiial homes o o beer rands, leaving our � boo 11' dr I ell presented by a class of t lye rat4w,. $3,603' - licenses, $329 ; interestn in-
place is titirty miles to the south-ea8t of Los for the beco �el4ra - was w we rid part. home of Mr. The so parents here, Mr. J. S.. 11 eiga in the 1; rel , who are -too slow in huotlfbgl�to gir . Some good recitations were given, vestments, $783. There were expended for
r. teache ho, ba Atigelem, and, has a great many Ontario Ving land Mrs. John T o ou,n. For the I tast taught here upwar a of t years, seven let Ve salaries, $712; roas, -8,6,172 bridge# and h, in a To the important question. The la Hartley Patterson sang comic song in people in it. I have met wit people from 1w
0 j t Ih
Vm. five years d of a rest from this D le�f it hi re 90C calverto,,$659 -gravel, $N2 charity, $101 and Mr V Mr.Tho ps has been traveling the laA b term, feeling the. n 8= Miss MeMlartrie, wh4 d style. The hall was crowded to' the
Tuckeramith. andClinton and al-mObt-all Archibald, of M ]'ill It ve become resi. for I a biscuit -an confectionery ficria in the close �onfinernent of he schoolroom, on for the home, of her si, Ur, M is. do( r. Rev. W. J. Went M. A., was chair. schools, $4,369. The 6wnship has a simug'
pi:trts of Ontk%rio." der tg of this �rilla e. Mr. Archibald has 6nelph his h4 ad- resigni d the � prinelpalship of ourl ,school Henry, of,,I:t. Tnomos, where, on Tuboday, Ma I. At the clQoe of Woodstock, an M el
the tatertailarnent, litth -nest egg of .$14,950 invested in form tiiehased tha comfortable and pleasantly !quarters. -We are isori 'to learn of the ill. some me ago. A @ she was 11 in marr. 'be) es of candies were distributed amo
V isgo to Mr.:Weybr it,.
podly number of teacii ng the mortgages.
Tim Tckw.� No.)11'1�ATIOXS.-The town Sitl dwe owned by the !nest$ of our old fria id, Ur. Thomas W rd, ere fr the virious local schools wer 0 the opinion: -A very pliatant event Ili ng. former1jr one of P Dr Huron's m: at popular. citi7e�x'ie. 'chi dren. It in 6f triany who at. Rirr1LY'WFD. 110011nation8 Look place in the town hall on lat Mrs. Pa L le:and we trust that he and -!of Verna. Although n Al confined closely to prese to help in the exa ination of the All her Iri a here wish Mr. and M to ed the entertainment that the Blusisle took plade at the residence of Mr. Jtme& Monday ever ing last. - Despita the tormy, his excellent ife: may long be spared to en- ithe house he 'in not alife to leave home, but scholar'@. The morning wor E was calTied on Waybret p mant sailidi down life's stres bo�o and girls can hold their own with the Hillesio of the 11th concession of cKillop,aignt and Alooday being a holiday, there. oy their wel arne , retirement from the we hope his. indispolittiCin 19 Only temporary in the junior department taught by our —Mr. and Thomas Mcclymont op i an girls of di4ch larger plaoces.—The On Wednesday evening last, when I& third wa.4 a, good attendance of ratepayers, the ino e exactin uties. of lifk—The Sabbath i and that we may 8 on Christint with their en rtai lingti en Ar -
see ho genial face efficient assistant teacher, N. in May Livens, daughter, Mr. a t in the Metbedist daugbter, Miss Lucy, was united in in hall being wo.11 filed. Mr. William Elliott, school enter in en,t on 'thuridsy evening &round as usual.— r. John Scott, son I of and w" watched with keen interest by all. Mrs. J im m Grieves, of London.— a, ch h, last T v' r ursday evening-, we
t Tiage to Mr. Robert Archibald, son of Mr.
was a gratifving success in Mi. William Scott,,! of cKillop, n c ve *V was returning ofificer, received nominations, as of I ist week fe&tU ear Lead- The classes did themselves a rid their teacher Misses on, of the manse, are he '� 0 lar ly a ndd, owing to Archibald. The ceremony "iVeh in ano�her column. After waiting the eye -y particill4r. The chief b " returned hojAe rom North Dakota for the holidays.—Mr d formed by . Rev. Mr. WasgraVe,. And wjw ur tea of the gieat credit, and merit the praise accorded from Cli to Rick ni t. a w se�vedin the basement,an statutory ho :r, and no further nominations pro Yra-mme being tho dialogues, kindergar. on la'turday. Mr. 18c tt;'was ccompanied them on all sides. - Dium ir having bee who h gal ad a wide reputation an a n first- _gven afterward -In the wiinewd by a large number of invit4d f
being receiv d. he declared Mr. B. B. - Gunii on hbnao and recitations which were mainly by Miss Jane Griev aughter of Mr. W',T. erved by the ladies of the section to 0 an and' for turning "'out d c r the -elate W k 9 Withim the past few weeks' the guests principally the relativ and im- ff&lo, a ota, who ditly elected Mayor, -bi acclamation, and pre )ar�d' under the care of Miss - McLarty, Grieve, of Buffislo, a came here :atisfaction of all, the after non programme work, hi s in se"on made one of. his b gr- ethod ta have raised over one hundred meftte friends of the contracting parties- lepart. to visit relatives a friends. Mi. Scott' was proceeded *ith. The holare sang a g6st smile 91.
read the joarnes of those proposed - for coun. the asteeme4iteacher of the junior 4 been in f f cutters and', sleighs, av' d lars,' nd their church is now clear of The cerem'ony over, the guests "t down to Be. f ' his stock of cutters :t. cillors. Mr. Elliott then vacated the chair, met to of olur p6blic schc u this coon Dakot r three years. He fitting Now Year's hymni the el a in c6mared u prepared by 'D._ re An excellent wedding -supper *ad Mr. A was appointed to tior we wish maies on of the likes the country �reill an(I intend the senior department were resumed. Their Christ —Next pectal men a joing .-LMr. William Riley, whb 4 a NOTE.
back in th r." John Stee o ar- ri gum ionmg oi: fa*orite I our citizens, on Monday eve - W. J. eat, W.- A rendered recitations by'Miss E.. Hot Badly isiaswers to the keen t, will give a Is t evening Wit that positiOn, He call Tuesday eirening, v. the amiable hostess, and after whieb the ed ULPOD the several wel: a sprint. the visiting teachers wm a pie loof to intimAte pl�e a plessantly and nodiably ponL: ,wLndidates �in the order i I he L
n which they had combo and -Miss Hallie Rose, of Seaforth, I rived! here from #it#bs on 1�oturdoy.— Ing onto I Oda number of his mission ork in India, in the Pre umer- CT'7 on ideach. spoke brieflyon whc do not We have rreceived o orfr friends, I " their good lad , to an church %Yte;� T bride wils not forgotten 'by her la
been nominated,;am belong to our Sabbath school. iq Mr. R. IR. Dihnis, ofthev thoroughum of the done byl - The.lecture will be illait @ friends. an
appe- trated� by on d the presenta sreceived PYL O�e gratifying featikre which Sho ct addresses ere delivered b! r Messrs. for�nerly of Tuck r" "th of the both scholar and teacher, a ad diew fo tizing ou v The a w" � of good stereopt can vie*rs. A collection w very high es�m NMI rth! Hl' be ItillyLexem ify the Most of Use, of an apprecis Wit takek U to be 9 ti f the da" Stand- the ymise and appla tasta " a Is, which re great c ke B they
Iirred to b G. I Jackson,, T. Hills and W. Baker, Christmas adi Xrtaco 01
W" re the -speakers, its onary so. which sh .In to the Miami' e is held; a were numerou0i, the excellent financial otanding of the muni- after which the proceedings were brought AM, Published *** n naconds, ontans, on audience. The eummise -over, the entertain- on oil W r y host and tess, Mr. and cie costly-' handsome and useful. Mr. "d I - - - In polawetipia with the churchL his
cipality, the actual do b �being oldly a -bout to -a close b the -distribu idayv,�'Decem r 118. It.is n given ltion of a dainty immense meat began, consisting of a eeches by the Mrs. ha 0 *ho were tb caterers I All lee re sinfiblanced Lobe Ven &at L 0. Mrs. 1rehibald settle down to the sterner twenty -fou thousand dollars, a showing bag Of CA2 Al . pagA so dach p Be or to 0 h of the pa, r of 56 )age beippIg asiddr- visiting teachers. clergyme and others, in. enjo at time. Iti, I - a l4te �hqii r, as 0 19 t appened to be e ry realities of life on the homeate fam tain a larger thav a N POSITOR. when thel gi for home, W hW9 which few townslof thakpize of Seaforth can: chil-Iren.—Ca , 't a. J kins, of abry teropersed by recitations a I songs by the to made W6 it t the elect of this township, sod if their future is 10
and t 19i higs , are ope ling the hir golf and for -'sizp downs dis. Among the brist shers! wm Mr. Mi R such plean at eventis. *� tr'
_anske, hat WOO e every need has Mai ine'City, - pe It in a volume itJige of Tim r. iley n y r our. . a, I M hool, on 'We4n r. brigbt� happy and cloudless " their very 'thi up :who, omm, t e retiring trust Is e circle of friends hope it will be, thV u Mrs. L' say n 9: ieen i tV . Baker, or., our voters i trustee who has bee Ibeent provided e :wn has been Chr strrias sewn,' with relatives lih e. a the no hpaper L Thom" *a Iregor, a in
L' r I Ire. W. a region, are accus ed to on behalf of the section, re a bosi-itifully tobpk durin or, returned horime el MeRwen, pitincipal 0 %,Jay of im en ins in a niece of wa
a & tie. I r
Ii Vew i in, t h I the, sumin keptin PO CDO gall of the Will be bappy and prosperous indleedii' provements, eel, protection apli- and Mrs. . S. ' rter.—M. D. tevenson look .,upon Montana a now at a and worded address eulp izina r. Delgaty d'uring 'the eek I halo - and I Jessie Fronri wigtint. throu h ut was and hiodati&er' left om Frids, I t somewhat back ar _�m literary an is" rpri". man aiad teacher. A85 0xP Ing great, re? rty.— lookin , Is st week, suffir. r for next —.Mr. Fmk Feelaev,.Of fftft, wo WWO meet' nces., etc, he ? M F60rnytf " usual, -rm Is an al and af but judging �y thi paper its neWspoper lgret at his deparl Mr. Ipty respond. w*i" b h I i
T ",
a, moit ha Oni19 an releable 0on, iki 0 days with relaitiven and 7rie do in or ed the low a fine young c Dw, w h wow h from the Clinton 061 i- west loot spring for his health, h" rsturnsA, -vieinity,— facilities are in so _t is W" a& t;fosed with. a vot, of than a for the chair- rest and Mr. Jacob go, midt has 09 With he oldest and ed in fitting terme. Oth speeches and only sick 8, few I _C 3ristmu a I -to - the holidLya. ree ch erj4 for ti ff d w mott, advanced a no of the great Ameri- reoitstions followed, but climax !pnolking, a uetkag d Christ It" 1� svile at tue, _K'S"re feeli
'r aty during ti is past ti o weeks On n'
h Swillis. who attend the �to 0 in 4 H. Hewitt, of Thorn. reache& when two oi the ior Pupils the w us ?njo a b curcitliew. T4e I Me, �'ome for the holidej er, council have iocoluat 0 o poisoz Ing cant' republic. —31r, Toro gve� b: h ;,!�n Tom
queen. Several beer o g to man and th t I a Land i 'i - . ed b; hi; t
4 thoiie nominated fc r the f bl 0 ime of his le0i. com�ni Sta a a out sixte a
71.1 who left withdirawn "but tie following are the He a now however, Ole �itio be about.rgain. dale, Middlesex' co bty, spent Christmas Migges Maggie C Is 1�0'o -&v being 10'ampeop rtunity woo. given iley io visiting- 'at horne.— mocoy di Kat Ell tJ in
Irr he wild sud woolly west.