HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-12-30, Page 5LS98 I fa IN Wit Via k statement ry %JO/U( t4 r - OH to intr Lernon s'et at004 nisting Etc. qr. Troyer new brick at tern of oritractors Kaiser, of ek visiting who is at- .Maeter spending as, at the rS. Shoat ,spending Mr. and era, s Was held had steee were and J. C. d was re - arson and the new now are : Claus en, and John misfora the door- ' the bones ary" Pabile agent,• Any on first -Oases et private- eerning anti t farms for lee ;tines tree lehyterian a enjoyerl ecitationes ittie folks Wionie ton which t a smali especially e of Santa platform, ound, and o indeed &hooting er of ped - We are eifeet of •ith. II ',severs-. the house perform on Sah- indly led of West - of Both- a here. ,t, preaeot 4 -sing '-ea- Mr. and edy is attend - n TO tx)ri- - Beverley s brother., •rsInati- roas holi- head, of home. yr -siting Friday. et-er Me- Christ rs. Alex. laristmaa Ir. Rain. yeti here ter with mson, his are also s no het ba than speeding 'avish, of _riug, the posed of he oldest, tess, was oon, in e. of age, 1. he died eves his (jf whorn in life. veteran aid, M. ham, at 1)(111.11,1'e Tlugh Nk,lire /umber enteined -es,. de- s The incen- DECEMBER 30, 1898. • Blake. • WEIMING 13LLS -On Wedneday, • De- ieraher 2811, a very happy event took platte •st the residence of Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Alln, when about fifty guest s assembled to witness the marriage of their third daugh ter, mias Janie, who was united in the holy bonds of inetrimony to Mr.Christian Haugh, Cavalier, North Dakota. The bride was /mistd by her sister, Miss - Maggie, and Miss Lydia Haugh, and the groom by Mr. Robert Drysdale and Me. Jatnes Allan. At one o'clock-, while the wedding march was being played by Mr. F. W. Hess, the bride -entered the room, supported by her brother. After theeremony, which was performed t by Rev. J A. McDonald, brotheilaw of the bride, 11 silt, down to a sumptuous re- past, which was prepared by the hostess. The rest, of the day was spent in music and social games. Guests were present from Dashwood, Varna, London, Heneall, Kip - pee, Fair Grove, Michigan. Zorich, and Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Haugh were the rscipients of many iisseful and handsome presents. They intend leaving for their home in Cavalier, North Dakota, in the near faure. At a late hour the guests left for their homes, wiehing the happy couple a long and prosperous life. Imi-Quite a -number from here at- tended the Christmas tree and cantata in the Methodist church, Zurich, on Monday night. -Miss Bella Sparks spent the Christ- mholidays under the parental roof. ---Mr. James Kirk, of Fair Grove, Michigan, was the guest of Mr. A. Thompson on Sunday night. -Mr. Wm. Dougla. who has spent the summer in Marlette, Michigan, has re- turned home. -Mr. Robert Allan, jr., in- tends giving up_farming and going into the fishing-husiness. He thinks there is more money in it and net such hard work. -Charles Weaver. grocer, of Mitchell, has 8 Old Out to Mr. T.1MeDavis. -Mr. Fred Strk, a former reaident of Mitchell; is home from Manitoba for a holi- day. fr 7 -.1 -The St. Marys Collegiate board have re- •dureci the salaries of their teachers by about • -The Stratford city council will have a balance of $1,000 to the good at the end of the year. -W. T. Douglas has reeigned his position as manager for rho- Bell Telephone Company at Stratford. • -Watson Garbutt, of Carliegford, is cor - find to the haslet, or account of a bite , a the leg from one of their hos. • —Over a tonand quarter quarer of butter was Manufactured at the Honey Grove creamery • durin4. the oast month. -A little daughter of Mr. Charles Rds, sr, of Brodhaen, had lone of her feet bad- • ly eealded a eouple of v. eeke ago, by ac- • cidentally upsetting the dontents of a teapot 14 44 tr II Is .rsties f • SY.FORTH. December 29, 1898. Wheat (new), Standard. .. . . 80 67 to $0 89 Sp ng Wheat per bushel, L. - 0 67 to 0 69 Ois per lanshel- - 0 27 tO 0 28 Pe per bushel... _ 0 60 to 63 • Bs ley per bis: . 0'40 to 0 43 Bu ter, o. 1, loose_,_ _ .... 0 15 to 0 14 Be ter, tub. 0 13 .to 0 14 E per doz.-- - - 0 36 to 016 Flour, per 100 Its _ 1 00 bo 1 90 Hay per too newa,_.... 6 00 to 6 60 Hides per 100 6 00 to 6 60 O 70 O 18 O 60 000 8 76 1 75 100 3 60 2 00„, 5 CO O 03 Woo . ... - Poato-es per (nw)... . . ... - 0 60 to salt (retail) per barrel 1 00 to Wood pea aord (long).— — 3 00 to Wood per cord (sloort) -, 1 60 to Armlet; per bag._ 0 60 to Ocover Seed.. . • . .. ............... 3 00 to Timothy Seed.. - . . . 1 0 to Pork, per TOO .. 5 00 to allow, per lb.... — .... 02 to TORONTO, Dcemberwheat, *0 70 spring wheat, 40.68 ; oat, 31c; peaa, per bush, act; barley, 50 to 50o; hay pr ton, t6.00 bo no 00 ; butte, 15e tr. 20 .1 ; Dots Toes per bag, 60e o to 70e a: egper doz. 19o; to 20e ; dressad. hog -e, per 100 lbs,5 00 o53O. Toronto Poultry Market. The supply is atill liberal, the demand is smaller and the market is easier at 7 to 8c for turkeys, 5 to 60 for. geese, 30 to 70e for ducks and 25 to 50c for chiokene. Dairy Markets. TO/IONTO, December 28th -Butter- The offerings are fair, there is a good demand and the market is steady at 14 to 15c for large rolls, and 10 to I30 for dairy tubs. Creamery is steady at 20 to 21c for prints, and 19 to 20c for paleed. Eggs -Are in fair supply, except . new laid, which are scarce and firm at 20 to 22c. lield fresh are quoted at 17 to 18c, and limed at 14 to 15c. MOTREAL, December 28th--B1otter- There is very little doing in butter, so that quotations of finest creamery are soniewhat nominal :a finest crearnery, 19:7 to 'western dairy, 12i to 13c; rolls, 14c. Eggs are firm and scarce. Quotations are :New laid, 24 to 300; straight candled, 1.6c ; No. 2 stock, 13c; Montreal limed, 14 to a50 ; western limed, 13 to 14c ; western cold storage, 12 to 130. Live Stook Markets. TVERPOOL, December 27th. -Here and in -London trade is dull, and prices weak; •American steers are selling at 10 to 11c per :Pound (estimated dreesed weight) refriger- ator beef is slow at 8c per pound. BUFFALO, December 26th -Cattle -Handy butchers' opened in fairly active demand and about 10c higher, and the medium and common grades were /shout steady. Good to best smooth fat.- export cattle, $5.25 to '85.50; good to best, $5 to $5.25 • export bulls, $4 to $4.25; good to choice butchers' steers, $4.50 to 84.75 - common to good butchers' hulls, $3 to $3.40; good to best fat heifers, $4.25 to $4.65 ; mixed fat cows and heifers, good to choice, $3.25 to $3.75; 'fat coVae, good to choice, $3 to $3.25 stockere'choice to extra quality, average $3.75 toSel ; common to. good do., $3.50 to 83.60;• fresh cows, choice to extra good bag, $50 to $55 ;good to choice,$45 to $50 ; shi ing cows $9....4 to $30 ; springers, good to extra, Veto $45; calves; choice to extra, $7 to $7.50 ;good to choice, $6 to $7 ; heavy fed steer calves, good color, 54 to $4.50; common, $3 to $3.50. • Sheep and Lambe+ - 'he offerings, were42 loads total, but after the first receipts about every train brought sheep and la.nbs, which bad a weakening effect on the market.. The strictly choiee kinds of lambs sold all right. The market •opened on choice to extra Iambs, at $5-40 to $3.6O; good to choice, $5.25 to $540; fair to good, $5 to 85.25; sheep, choice extra, $4.25 to 8440; good to choice, to $4.25 ; feederse5 ess 85.25. There weie only four loads of Canada lambs, and t e b.90118 was $5.35 to $5,50 ; on the close prices •dclined to the basis of $5.40. Hogs -The market opened with about 60 loads and ac- tive demad, 'higher prices. Heavy were quotable at. $3.65 .to ; medium, 3.624 to $3.6,i,igs, 83.65 ex, WM. Hogs • continued to arrive, and prices eaeed up un- til the close'when the best weights were quotable at $3.60 ; Yorkers, $3.50 to $3 ; mostly inside figures ; mediums, $3 55 te $3.60. • SALE REGISTER. a Thursday, January 19th, 1899, at 1. o'clock p. xn, on Lot 34, Concession 4, MO' Killop, 'Farm Stoek, Implements,• Ete. John Dorrance, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. Birtlar. PRO -GT -In Clinton, ori December lath, lac wife of air. Isaac Pclt, of a on. C HOLTZMAN-In editon, on December 14;th, the tile 61 M. J. IL Holtzman, of a disuelater. Usborne, on December 20th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Coates, of a son. HOW; tsborne, on December lath, the wife of Mr. Andrew liodgert, of a son. TIE BES z Inv' ably goes to the one with brain-bno who has ducation-opecial training; Why hot qualify • for or of the he places goin . You have the chant) • The Ce tral Busines College, • of Toront JOB Opens the door to euecess for ma y young Men and Women each year. It effort. e lendid equipmn, thorough work a strong staff and good results. You may ent r at any time. W ite for prospectu. W. H. SHA Principal. 686-52 Yonge and Ger ard gs., Toronto. Ji AL, THE HITAON EXPOSITOR. CE1YTRATA Hardvv re Store HOLI Y GOODS. • C rvitig Sets -4e11 Oaring Knives nd Rog rs' Cutlery bo Ask am's Table ut and fable Spoons P Spoons; L Vase Lamp er's Hockey Skates nick e plated; S ri Whi Marriges. NICO -MoTAVISH-On Decem or 22nd, at the re idence of the bride'paten 43, in Tuokeremith, by Rev. S. Acheson, Ma rho as Nicol, of Bole- ee sin, Manitoba, to Mies J an McTavish, of • Re forth. AYL R-RULDGE-In west Wawanosh, on De- ce ber 14th, by Rev. Mr. Mill Mr. J. Taylor, to MI s Minute Routiedge.• AL R-SAAKEL-On Decent er 14th; at the Oe rio •street parsonage, 01 nton, by Rev. B. moot, Mr. Peter %riper, of Mullett, to Aliso y Saakel, of Fullerton. ESON-At the Ontario stet prsonage, ton, on becember 14th by Rev.. Clement, arlot Eason, all _ he reeideri e of Mr. J. B. to, 1y Rev. Mr. Gu ph, to Mies n S ith. of Grey. odi parsonage, Swann, Mr. oh, te Miss Mary of Mr. Thomas ' • uloid and stag hatidles Forks, Table Steels 1-,h pocket and table, ery,lievado. Silver Te; ate Knives, Fitrks s -special von e ; Bok -polished steel and g Skates, Sleieh Bells, 8, etc.. Silis 'BM P Cl M . Albert Kenip, Mss Ci of Hilton.• HIT SIDES -SMITH -At 8 • ith, of Grey, on December 3 Y !land, Mr. A. Whitesir es, of A nie B., daughter ot Mrs. Ow EN -MILLER -At the Met ley, on December 14th, by not M. MeSween, of Goder n Miller, youngest daughte ler, of Ripley. H-STRACHAN-At the • e's parents in Grey to ber 2 tot, by the It v. Illytb, uncle of ' the b ide, R v. John Roos, B. A:, of Bruin: Is, 1.1 Cobh, of Kincardine, to Miss de ghter of Mr. John Strachan AU DERS-RITCHIE-In Morri of the bride's parents, on Dece ber D. Forrest, of Walton, Mr. W rv M ee Jeoe, denghter of Mr. Carl ND RSON ---1cLEOD-At the reId twat eet residi Y• cen e V. °Oda ea of the on De- a-ssiliteLeadbri; r. Alex D. ary, eldest at he residence 1st, by Rev. aundars, to Ritchie. co of Mr. nolo of the , Mr. John erritory, to nee of the er 28th, by rch aid, to Miss Il H ltt, Esq , all ie este, nee of the em er 28th, by Stalker, of Ws. daughter of Mr. • 1012118 Jenkins, Bluevale ro br de, by Rev. D. Rogers, of B A rderson, of M0000rnin, North M 440 Alice -,VoLgod, of Turnber ROB 11A LD- - HELLEN-- At the de's father, MoKillop, on D It v. P. Musgrave, Mr. Robert L tcy, third daughter of Jame of M TAL ER -LAIDLAW---At the br de's father, Morris, on De R v. A. MeLeau, Mr. F. Dixon a• nosh, to Miss Jennie, eldest nmas Laidlaw. IN-MoKENZfE -On Decem D. hleDsnald, D. D., at the bett Hawthorne, of Egnion nkin, of Seaforth, to Miss fill ANJ A. • 0 y. I AU -ALLAN-At the residen e of la • the bride's fa er, by Rev. J. A. McDona d, on December th, Christian H. Haugb, sq., of Cavalier, • N tth Dakota, to Mire Janie, (laughter of Mr. R aert Allan, of Blake. EID • 0AMPBELL--On December 28th, at the rota. • deloce of the bride's parents, by Rev. P. Mee: grave, Mr. August Rsid, of Hullett, te tdiee Mar - girt Ann Cambell, of MoKillop. er 28th, by Rev. residence of Mr. ville„ Mr. John ole McKenzie, of Deaths. JON In Seaforth, on Decemb 11 my Jonea fourth son of aged 24 years, 8 months snd 22 ROSS- ern Tuckersmith. on Dees. Roos, aged 91'years, 9 months a °wale -In Brussels, on Deceffibe Lowry, aged 72 yeare, 11 month ROOKS In Exeter North, on Dee Brooks. aged 62 yews and 9 mo HOMPSON- In -Denver, Colored 10th, J. J. Thompon, M. D., f ton, aged 35 years and 8 moat r 22nd, William r, Robert Jones, jays. ber 22nd, .aTeil d 6 days. 19th, Edwar C. and 26 days. mber 2.1st I the. on Demi ;matey of K Counter's 011 Murdie WARE, Stand, Seaforth. ICE!. The Annual MceUi ot) the Tu kersmith 'Br nch aericulturai Society lite e held a • the Commie dal Hoel; Seafoith, on edOesdoraJ -nury Ilth, 199, at 12 p. in., to • re eive tho nnual etatenent, auditors' report, and 1-apoint• offi ere for the year 1899. • 1 • • THOMAS E. AYS, Seeretaay. 1204 • • 0 Pumpinti !Wi dmills. THE c R. TWO HOFFMAN 9. S ITH, Dry Goods 40. AYS MORE 1 E WIND UP THE 1 1 TOCK OF 1)11Y COODS rms WEEK. for Friday and Saturday cus The reduCtiois • WM be tremend M, - 551 WILLIAM St RE ET, -IpNDON1.8200,-nat. • ber rk- LISIDLLL--In Mulberr, on Dec mber 37th, Bes- sie,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meade'', aged 84 yea. sanca 20 days. IGGINS- -In Motor, on Deoen'beil 22nd, bfargarat relict of the late John Biggine, ged 72 years.; S EWART --In Cranbrook, on Dece ber 2nd, Mary W. Brown, relict of the late Joun Stewart, nged 67 years, 11 months and e2 day OUATT- at Moose mw, Assinib la, or December • 14th, Willard James Itooatt, nfant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rouatt, for.. arty of Tucker - smith, aged 9 months and 16 da '8. IMPORTANT NO CES. 1 HORTHORNS FOR SALE. -The for site two good 'young Shot r eictered pedigrees. Prices an ECTOR REID, Lot 7, Concession 3 fifld Pa 0. undersgned has horn Bella, with terms right. Stanley, Bruce - 1020 -11 fiesttorErtiv IN IIARPURHEY sale, the :residence in Harpu occupied by the undersigned. Ther house, bricked inside, and a stable, and a ,half of land, also a splendid kinds of fruit, both large and small on the main street, and has all venencee. Also the Park lot imi rear of the above, containing eight on whieh there is a grod house aleo an orchard and well. These ,pr sold together, or separately. • Thee admirall.ly adopted for a retired fa garden r. Apply on the premises t or addr ss Seatorth P. 0. WILLIA OR SALE -Far hey, at present is a good frame Iso over an acre orchard of all It is situated neceesary eon- rediately in the and a half cres, nd large $ able, perties w 11 be propertie are er, or arket the prop 'etor, DYNES. 16 0-4 INT • NotIce is hereby giv that the 24th Annual Dieet. ing of the members f theHay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Immune C palmy, *till be held at the TO% N HALL, ZURI 11 on TUESDAY, JANUARY 101h, 1809, at 1 o'clock p m. • Bueiness-Receivin; the Directors' and Seen; arys an ual reports, elec- tion of director, and °Mr r business for the good and welfare of the Conti/iy. MA members are requested to attend. L NT, Pr sident ; HENRY EfLBER, Secretary. 1619x8 -B. $eaforM a W. ANDRTP 8, Monager. CADY BLOCK. EXIT 80 TE' 1699, Another year has rolled around, and the New Year finds' us still doing business at the " Oldtv.ind. " During the year just closing , have by close at- • tention to th ints of our customers, coupled with good goods at right • prices --made 1,he acquaintance of many new fac s, thus securing them as perrnanat cu t merle while retaining the confidenc 4f old customers, who • have dealt at hs atore since its open- ing day seven n years ago. T1 all our customers ( ew and old) we, there- fore, extend o r thanks for trade given us in the past, 4 d assure you of our4 desire to merit ts continuance. Dar- • ing the cornin year, 18E19, it will be our endeavor, s in the past, to handle the best goods in the Shoe line to be • had on the mkrkete We always biy for cash, thus 1 securing the best d0 - counts, and if4ie are, therefore, in a • Iposition to sell our, goods at the lowest possible prices' With honest goods at right prices a qur motto, we ex et 1899, the lasts ear of the century, to be the banner e r' in the history of the store. it S0(l She sea o1ONN JEE§: • . I On the 16th of Janu ry, 1899, we enter up ourstock, but beforh that time ust be reduced to the lo est possible point. All Wint r Goods will be regardless of cost s e will, carry no goods i over ' good quality and prices \will sell them. e must have- our stock I clean and up-to-date for new year. In the follovving list You will find god s suitajble for the present on and money savers. Winter Dress Goods, 38 for 12c ; Heavy Tweed for 15c ; Fancy Dress G colors, worth $1, for 75c nches wide, Werth 121; for 50 • Twee Dress Gool d , worth 20e ss Goods, worth 21.5c for 19'43, Colored Cashmer , worth 25c od , shot effeets, worth 7c, foe 50c ; P ain Covert Suitings, ne ;Ladies' Walking Hata, all Icolors, worth 504 for 250 ; She ey's Rigby Waterproof Fricze Ulsters, tweed lined, high storm colhir, slash pockets, wo th $7,50, for $6 ; Men's ;Frieze Ulsters, tweed. lined, Worth $6, for $4.50 ; Fancy Fla nelette, -in floral designs, Suitable for children's droSses, worth 10c, for 8e ; G rey Cot on, yard wide, worth 4c,' for '20 ; Cheek Csinghams, new patterns, worth 70, for 5c. 'Wishing our hundreds of customers Pr sperous New Year. throwYbout the county a Happy' and b 1A.INTI) 0 McliINNON • LYTL Discom4 en se 00 Everybody knows th all being one of the aim allowed to the bookeller' who desire them. Thi mental stores to seize upo at cost in order to give th' cheap. To ithe Electors of iSeaforh. LADIES AND GENTLEllEY aving bee re- quested by so many to remain in th field as a stida date for your Council for 1899, upon reconsider tioo, I have deoided to do so, and I r spectfully Holiolt your vote and influence In my beha f. If elected as a member of the Council, I shall d my nth.. st 10 further the interests of the tpwn Ith a gen realty not inconsistent with safety nelconomy. ours truly, JOHN A. WILSON. 16 0 - To the Electors • of Seafo LADES ANO GENTLEME name t be brought before yo municipal honora, I hereby eel fluence in my behalf on Jan all a happy New 'Kear, I will ev SM1TS. To the Electors of LADIES AND GENTLEME : date for the Reeveship of Tuoere not be possible for me to see ou tween 1hie and Monday next, 1• beg way your soffrageo, trusting that the loony years I bave been a reel ship, hes been such as, to reerit You're truly, JAMES PATTERSO • • SOUTH Hu AGRICULTURAL' he Tc,wn viog allowed my candilate for our vote and in• d. Wishing von &In yours, WM. 1620-1 ckersmith. s I am a candi•- ith, and it may 11 personally be- te, solicit in this y conduct during ent of the town - your confidence. 16a0-1 The Annual Meeting of the me Huron Agricultural Society will Hall, J3rucefio1d, on Wednesday, January AT ONE O'CLOCK, For the purpose of reeeiving t elects g direotors and Gni ears, an other wiliness. A m eting of the directors will place o the same day at 11 o'cloc JO N MURDOCH. President. ON OCIETY. bars of the South e held in Dixon's 18th, 1899, P. M„ e annual rrporte, the transaction of e held at the same k a. in. RAN, Secretary. 1620-3 pplication to .P Notree is hereby given that an read* to the Legislature of the P at its next Session, by the Corpo of Safforth, for an Act to author submit a By -Law, or By -Law. the said Tenon, to empower 'th bone* a sum, nog exceeding gregate, and to issue debent payable io twenty years, wi annully, and empowering the levy ri yearly rate upon the whol of ea d Town, in addition to all o 13 for tl e payment of said debentu auth tiziog the said Corporation said y•Law or By -Laws being the majority of tbe ratepayers make a loan of 820,000. witho F. Case & Co , to enable the openite a pork packing hoire i forth to be secured by a hull Inge, machinery, and pl .er Case & Co., in fa•eor of the to ra ke a loan of $17,C00 to enable him to eetablish and loon iry man and maelitniet in secy. ed by a mortgage upon t e mes inery and plant .1 the s in f 4xor of the said corpora the 1 said Town to remit tax taxa) upon the property an R. . Case & ,Co., and Bo ternnot exceeding tatenty ye rliament. 5. 10 oolo • proper price of School Boks. A uniform price to of the depatment, a Mall margin of prafit is to insure therebeing liept within the racI of all state of affairs has 10 some of the big epart- School Books as an advertising line, sellin them impression that they sell all other goods q1t1a1Iy To meet this unfair c mpetition we have determined to give a Discount of Ten Per Cent. SCHOOL, When ch. ON ALL OOKS SOLD OR CAL,11L •rge, the regular price stil prevails at [ , III ; ison s Lumsden SCOTT'S BLOCK, MAIN SEAFORIT Notice to 'Ore Of Wiegand Truemn ship of Hay in yeoman, decease Pnrsuant to Chapter I is h reby given that all p the 'state of the late eai on, r before the first day to the undermentioned of the eaid Wiegand Tr their claims. And after ecutors will proeeed to among the parties (Taal only to euch clairns of wh given as above required, to any person, or persons they shell not then have HENRY JOHN D Dated at Zurieh, Deee itors. r, late of the Town - he Co nty of Huron, R. S. dies ha Wiega of Febr xecato inner, f the sal istribut d •ther eh notict nd the of wlo ecoived IPPHA ICHER 0., 1897. Notice ing claims against d Truemner, are arv, 1899, to send of .the lett will ill particulars of date the said Ba- the said Estate , having regard obeli have been will not be liable e claim, or claims otice, DT / Executora. 1 bet lath 1898. .1619-3 application will be evince of Ontario, ation of the Town e the said Town to • the ratepayers of said Corporation to 7,000 in the ag- ree for the same, Interest thereon, said Corporation to rateable property her rates sufficient is and interest, and n the event of the • rried hy a vote of f the 8 id Town to t inter° t, t,o T. R. to e Oldish and the own of Sea- ae u n the teed, f tbes id T. It. F. d Oar ..ration, and obert Bali, Jr., to t. nd h s business et he said Town, to be land a id buildings, id Rob rt Boll, Jr., n, and authorizing (other than school ant0 the said T. rt Be 1 Jr., for a • O. HOLM TED, Sllitor .Seseortb, December 28tb, 1 9 . o Applicants. 1619-6 GENTL' A stylish hat would iae mas Present as you c uld gi daughter. A large eatly t choose from. Winthrop The annual mMeti ers of the Winthr will be held in t rd, 1899, the patro holders at 8:30 p. sented, officers oleo the coming season last sale will also ?resident ; JAM heese and Butter ompany. g of the patrons and sharehold- pabeese and Butter Company, e factery on TUESDAY, January s to meet at 1:30, and the share - the annual report will be pe- t; and arrangements made f or o perations. Cheques for the be distributed. ALEX. KERR, K ERR, Seo-Treas. • 1619x2 Wishing to purchnse fol will find it to their a cell at the new milliner MISS KI KIDD'S BLOCK, EN, nice a Christ - your wife or immed stock to themselves vantage to store. SEY, SEA FORTH. 1009 „It ANNUAL M ETiNG., The' Annual Meeting o the • .stance Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Compan , will be held at Constance, on Friday, Deeemb r 80th, 1898, at 3. o'clock p. m. A full attendence 's required. • GEORGE SEPHENSON, • President. 1619x1 STREET, ,! Shoing the ramily leone of th and t calls term a WE famil as sty and t witch Ileathe •igen of out g we'll We m the eh in qui .down profit. and t • for yo refor by bu Call and see the o 15i8 fort, f the problems th th lath Pickard Ca, S 1111,A FORTH, ONTARIO. hritmas Presents AT RGAIN PRICES. Ladies' or ge tlemen who are looking for Christmas presents for husbands or wives, sotis or au hters, uncles or aunts, nephews or nieces or sweethearts, cannot do better t an peruse the following list of 3310St useful 98 appropriate article* for the pu po e. Ldies' and C ildren's up-to-date Coats at and below cost. Ladies' Astrachan Yur Cots t $1950, $25, $32, $35, and $40. -Ladies' Fur Capesat $750, $10,j$12, 1 $20, and $22.50. Ladies' Fur Ruffs and Collars at $1.50, $12 ,. $3, 4, $5, $6.75, $10, $15 and $20. Ladies' Muffs, all prices, from $1 up to $1 Ladies' Fur Gauntlets at $3, $4 and a Ladies' and Gents' Lined and nlined Kid Gloves, Ladies' Parasols, Ladies' or Gents' Umbrellas. Silk or -sista from $1 up to $6. Lathes' Shawls, Ladies' Dress GoOds lin pOplins, Wool Satins, Crepons, Fancy Blacks, Serge; Muscovites, Box Cloth; Amaz ns Bedford Cords Ladies' Silk Hndkerehiefs, Black Dress Silks in Bengalines, Peu de Sole, Cords, Comittss, our celebrated Times Silk Goods. Ran e f above Silks at 75c, $1, $1 25, $1.50 and $2 per yard. Men's Silk Ti s in every style, Men's Lined and UnlinedKid Gloves, Men's li'V'hie- and C lored Shirts, Men's and Ladies' Silk Ha-ndkerehiefs, Men's Fur unlets, ?en 13 Fur Caps in Beaver, Western Beaver, Nutrid, Persian Lamb, Ast han, etc etc. Big r nge of en's Fur Coat, in Coon Australian Coon, Wombat, Wallaby, hinese Dog, Bulgarian Lamb and Siberian Calf, Good selection of Robes i Saskatch wan Buffalo, Goat and Galloway Cattle. We cony the largest ranbe of. Fur oods west of Toronto. • Table Covers Tapestry and Chenille. Curtains in Lace, Chenille, Tapestry, Swiss and 3russels Net. Large range Bed Spreads. We will clear all Boys' and, Men's Tweed Overcoats at 25 per cent. off regular price. We n w give a special big discount off all Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits ,i Odd Pants and Vests. Special line of Men's Vests at 50c each. Good Line Meth; Pants now at $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. We will sell all Ladies' Hats at hOlf price. • A nice present would be a piece of Table Linen, or a dozen Napkins. Overe ats and Suits to order. We guarantee a first-elass fit. 6 • We cordially invite inspection: No trouble to show goods. 1 ICKAID & 00. i) DIRECT IMIIORTRS, • treets Opo4te Town Building, Cotner Main and Market s Suggestions _ BY , ion Are tst The Leading Store for Novelties and Fancy DO Goods, Etc. ome Nice Presents for Children A, nice Coat a nobby' Tam_ or Hood ; a nice Plaid Dress warm pair of ; a good pair of Hose, a pretty Handker chief ; a nice piece of Underwear, etc. A Fe Nice Things Tor Ladies Sonie A nice Set of Furs ; a nice Fur Coat- or Gape; •a pretty Silk Waist ; aood. Black or Colored Dress • a nice Shirt Waist; - a stylish Wrapper;'niee Corsets - fine 'Underwear ; a stylish Parasol; a warm Shawl; fancy Work Baskets. Presents for the Men and Boys Pretty Xmas Necktie* ; nice Cashmere Scarfs ;_ nice Black Cashmere Hose • fancy Br9.ees ; nice Shirts; Collars and"Culfs ; Sweaters ; fine Underwear. 0. For Your Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews, Neices, Husban 5; and Wifes, Brothers and Sisters. We will exhibt an immensearra.y of useful and suitable goods for the Xmas trade. All the above mentioned lines will be sold as close as possible. A call at this store will pay you. Our Fancy Goods and SmallWare Tables will be full of Novelties. • house has to s4uggle with, bead e size of the shoe bi/Js usually. rth a groan. But these mat - ways right thernsOlves when ndertake the contract. The just as well Aw, with just ah shoes, as they ever were. e bill is _less. A speo'es of 'aft, perhaps, or a sort o shoe magic, but we know t e' reas Ind the inside of it all. With. ;n into a long expla ation, ive you the truth in a n Wien. e it our business to that s we sell are the highes grade living wimmheeurctoeh, Is less, gins, made. cam- Oty. Next, we put th Sp the lowest ppeibIe If you are dealing els •ibk you are paying too r shoes, now is a good and make your shoe bi ing from us. our Patent Leather Le ly perfect fitting leggin Made for wear style an and sells at sight. Richatd,son.d mo nis, Dealersi in Good Footwe r, Whitney's Block, - - Sea orth. AN The Annual .and Butter Ms McKim's note 1899, et 1 o'cl are all regime THOMAS Mc qAt. „liffizETIN Mieeting of the:Melton 17 n Cheese' nofacturing Company, will fi held at Welton, on Inesday, Jan 3rd, c p. Sharehelders an , patron0 ed to 1e present. 'ADZFAN, R. IL FERGU ?reidet. ecretary. 1019-2 A WOO About Furs Having had large experience in the Fur Trade -(especially Furs for Ladies') we would invite any person to inspect our stock of Coats, Capee, Collarettes, Ruffs, Muffs, etc., before making your purchase. StaMped Linens, Ee. A Bi • We keep a full and conapIete stock of these goods. Agent for Beldings Art Wash Silks. These are nice things to work at for • Xmaspgreenstfoentsr. • . Butterick's Ptterns, Del Aineator, Glass of Fashion. Snap in Ladies' 4ackets Wi3 have just purchased from a large concern a complete set of Diaveller's Samples which We bought at half pric'and for 10 days we will sell this lot of (60 only) Coats at the witolesale price. -R ember we only have 10 or 12 days to sell these good, as we w4int the room for Xmas goods. Remember at the wholesale pree ! A $5 Coat for $35�; a $10 Coat for $6.75. The whole lot. of 60 Coats to be sold at these reductions. Its one great chance in Seaforth this Fall to get a good. Coat at very little money. Under Town Clock Pentecost's one Price Cash Store Cardno's BlocK Pentecost's Penecost's 31