HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-12-30, Page 44
ggr The figure between the parenthesis, er each
one, denotes the page of the ever on which the
aaverthroment be tound.
January Bargains -Greig & Meerlonahl I •
Two Days More- R. Smith 5 .
'Stocktaking McKinnon & Coes- 5
Big Discount -Lumsden & Wilson-- 5
Annual Meeting -IA. Y. McLean -5
Annual Meetings T. E. Meg- .5
Remember -R. B. Smith- -8
Wanted -G. E. King 8
Windmille :R. Bruce -5
Property for Sale -William Dynes 5
Tieke a Note of This -Reid & Wilson 5
Thanke -R. Wills -5-
Election Card - J. A. Wilson 5
Election Cerd-William Smith -5
Election Card -James Patterson -5
Notice -J. Wein- -8
Contradiction -W. E. A. Best -5
Great.Sale -421-Lumsden & Wilson- '8
Just Received -C. A. Humber & Son, 8
Leoture-Methodist Church -8
Shorthorns for Sale -IL Reid -5
Beavere' Concert -1
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Dec. 30th, 1898
Disputes between. Labor and
= ,,,,-,- Vapitai.
,, ,
The TororeW Globe in __discussing the
threatened teiegraphere' strike, saps :
The labor disputes of railway reed other
semi-public corporations are of direct inter-
est to the general public, as they are liable
at any time to tie up services which have
become the essentiale of modern trade and
This is- absolutely true, and its truthful-
ness furnishes one of the strongest reasons
why the public should heve some voice in
the settlement of these disputes- and the
disputants should not, as now, be permitted
to fight and wrangle over their difficulties
for weeks white the interests of the pub-
lic suffer. It further shows the neces.
sity for the appointment by parliarnent of
an independent commission, to whom both
parties should be required to submit their
grievances for adjuritment. A commission
eonoposed of two or three of the superior
court judges would be sufficiently independ-
ent of political and personal influences to
secure reepect for their dominions, while they
would be thoroughly competent to sift and
weigh evidence and render a just and equit-
able decision, A commission of this kind,
also, would not only save the public from
loss and inconvenience, but would. also save
both parties to these disputes from lose and
suffering. It is a rare thing for a strike to
occur when both parties to the dispute do
not actually lose more by theatrike than
they gain. There is always loini of, time,and
therefore much suffering entailed upon in-
nocent persons, such as the families of the
work people, as well as loss to the compa,n-
les, and frequently. more serious results.
Ali these evil consequences would be avoid-
ed by thr operations of a commission such
as that e have mentioned. It is quite
true tha many of the large corporations are
opposed having their disputes with their
work people settled in this way. This, per-
haps, is one reason why our parliaMente
have not long ago . provided artitable - ma-
chinery for the speedy and peaceable settle-
ment of all such disputes. But, as the
country grows older, and as capital becomes
more concentrated, and corporations grow
.1a,rger and more powerful, and the working
classes more numerous, the necessity for
arbitration increases, and the people should
see to it hat their interests are not longer
made su servient to the wishes and interests '
of large and influential monied corporations.
Mr. Hays, manager of the Grand Trhnk
Railway,has come to recognize the necespity
for some such method of settling these dis-
putes as we urge. We notice that he has
offered the telegraphers to submit the m ra-
ters in dispute between his company and ,
themselves to the railesay committee of the 1
Privy Council or to arbitrators to be select- ,
ed in the usual way. This is the first time,
so far as we know, that such a proposition ,
has emanated from a ,Corporation, and the
suggestion should be acted upon at the first 1
session of parliaments We know of no
legislation that would Iconfer a greater boon
upon the people than , an act that would
secure the peaceable settlement of these ,
disputes, so frequently recurring between ,
capital and labor. '
The Reform Candidate for West
The Lucknow Sentinel of last week
says :
Mr, Robert Holmes, mayor of Clinton,
and the Reform candidate in West Huron,
was in the village on Saturday
looking over the political battle ground and
shaking hands with _ his many
friends in this section. The 'many
Liberals who had met Mr. Holmes for the
firat time, while in Lucknow, were well
plearted with hint, and Mr. Holmes himself
wes more than delighted with the hearty
reception he is meeting from the Reformers
from all parts of the riding.
Reformers generally will be pleaeed to
learn of Mr, Helmes' success in his canvas.
He will grow in popularity as he gets ac-
quainted with the people, end on election
day, he with we hope, get West Hurpn in
line for Liberalism.
_ _ _
Editorial Notes and CoramOnte.
After a prolonged trial, extending over
two weeks, the West York election peotest
was, on. Friday last, ,dismissed, and the
court stated it would certify that Mr. W. J.
Hill was duly elected. Mr. Hill, therefore,
holds the seat, and Mr, St. John will have
to be satisfied with the notoriety he has
gamed during the four years he held a seat
. the Legislature. In diecussiog the case,
' His Lordship Mr. ,Tustice Fidennhridge re.
marked that, though the invest ig o iou had
been exheustive and there was some evi-
dence of appareatly corrupt offers, it waR
gratifying to, learn that in no imotanee had
retch offers been ameepted or acted upon.
By a repert recently issued by the Cute: io
Government, it is gratifying to notice that
the Presence is rmsking goad progress in
dairying. There aree now in operation in
Ontario 1,123 cheese factories and 234 cream-
eries. It may be noticed that the East is '
much more givee to dairying, for, of the
1,357 factories, about 75 per cent. are situ•
ated east of Toren to The . coun ;nee which
lead are Haatings, with 90 factories Fron-
tenac, 72 ; Leeds, 05 ; Preacote, 63 ; Dun-
dee, 55 ; Carlton,' 53 ; Glengarry, 48 ; x -
ford, 45 ; Russell 44 ; Lanark, 43 ; tor-
mont, 43 ; Northumberland, 43 ; Grenville,
40 ; Middlesex, 39. Ten years ago there
were not 10 per ce t. of the, present number
of factories in exi tence.
Several of the Conservative papers and
those opposed to reciprocal trade between
this country and t e United States are con-
demning in advan e the tree, y which, it ie
ex ected, will be agreed to by the Anglo -
A erioan corm lesion. 1 he Monetary
Tin es, however, e leading trade paper of
thi Province, ha no sympathy with thee°
peo le, and recognizes the benefits which a
liberel treaty will confer on this country.
It s ys : " They (the carpets) take a per-
t:ton 1, not a publi4 view of the mattenhaving
iro s in the fire that warp their judgment.
Th public view and lways has been
difr,rent from thie. Just now. downright,
opposition to reciProcity 's not readily tol-
erated in Canada ; popelar it neve was
and never can be 4 and so opposition as to
tak by-paths and seek to attain its en e by
indi eat metiers. One of theee take the
grot nd that if the Canadien commissi note
do ot get j' st everything they wan they
sho Id brea off the negotiations in high
dud ?eon. f hese tre bad advisere, an we
tru they w 11 not be listened to."
T e Mail ays :1-"Lilr. W. T. R. Pres-
ton, Mr. Ha dy's election organizer, is a
clas leader i a e urch, and, in addition,
asai tent _s, perintendent of a Sunday
scho 1." W 11, hat's not a bad recom-
men ation ffr an man, and it is scarcely
reasonable t su pose that he can be the
very bad ma the ail sometimes pictures
him, or that he d es the very bad things
the ail ace ses him of, else he would not
be a lowed t hold these positions.
T e difficulty b tween the Telegraphers,
Aas eiation end t e Grand Trunk Railway
auth cities has be n settled in an amicable
and eneible mann r. They have agree ' to
sub it their case o arbitration. The ro-
peel ion came fro Mr. Hays, the manitger
of the Grand Tru k, and was accepted by
the eprementative of tho telegraphers. The
threi tened strike s thus averted.
T e Toronto M il says ; " The East Wel-
, . .
lingt n petition w 11 now have to be drop-
ped, [tattle $1,000 necessary _for the con -
tinu nee of the pr ceedings has net been
paid in,". The M il should -new Withdraw
all t e naughty th ngs it said about the
bood ine, bribery and corruption in connec-
tion ith this election. If the Hon. Mr.
Gibs n and his friends bought this _ conetit-
uene las the Mail said they didoturely the Con-
sery tive party meld easily have raised the
required sum for the deposit End expose the
wron -doing in th ,courts. - The very fact
that he petitien h s been allhwed to rop
is th best evidenc that the Mei! was b ar-
ing f Ise witness. And as it was in East
Well ngton, ssewa it, we ven ure to say', in
all th other bye -e ections, daspite the howl
abou bribery, :etc. !
Mr William; Macdonald the well-known
I 1
tobac o manufacturer of Mentreal, has been
knighted, and is now " Sir William." This
distin tion was' given him, it is said, snit of
recog ition of.his princely gi ts to educa-
tional and charitable insti utions. His
gifts to McGill University al ue amounted
to ov r $1,650,000.. Sir William was once a
poor an and he has made hieLgreat wealth
out o tobacco and has made t e most of it
withi a few years. , When art Laurier
Gove ment changed the taxi on tobaeco,
Sir a illiam, by hia way of it, was going to
be ru ned, and he dosed his works for a
time, ut he soon got them going again and
he is till able to shove along and is evident-
ly m king money. He is another .of the
patridts that the Grits were going to kill
but ts o still lives.' ss
Ho . George W. }Rose, Minieter of Ede-.
catio , has been chosen as the National
Presic ent of the I3Pys' Brigad , in 'P.success-
ion tb Lord Aberdeen. 'Pt e choice was
made by a committee appoint d by the Do-
minion Council of the Boys' B igade in Can-
ada. The local members of he committee
were Rev. J. C. Tibb and -Mr. C. J. Atkin•
eon, of Toronto. A meeting f the Execu-
tive will be held in January. Lord Minto
is honorary president of the b igade.
The Ontario election peti ions, against
elections which took place in March last,
have now alr been isposed of, except those
of North Waterloo and South Perth, which
are before the court of appeal. There has
been a good deal of smoke, , but not much
Two more bye -elections for the Provincial
Legielature took place on Wednesday end
resulted in a draw, in so far an the standing
of parties is coneerned. Theee were in,
North Hastings and Nipissing. In beth
constituencies the Vacancies we e made by
the election court's, and in both the same
candidates were in the field, as t the gen•
eral election in March /est; and he election
on Wednesday leaves things as they were
before the courts disturbed t ern, except
that both the successful eandclates have
considerably larger majorities than they
had then, The suCcessful man n Hs.stinge
is a Conservative, alnd the sure Wel one in
Nipissing, a Liberal. Heidi g has been
Couservative kneel Confedera n, and we
de not know how hang before i , and the
election of Wednesday shows, t it is not
disposed to change ite allegiano
The trial judges have given t eir decision
in the East Elgin election case. They have
disinisse,d the petition and have confirthed
Mr. Brower in hie seat. Bu , I strange to
say, they have disqualified s ven electors
for giving and receiVing bri but hold
that agency was not proven. t will be
seen by this that Mr. Brower hada narrow
share. He evidently knows h it, to run an
election and keep himself arid iri party out
of embarassing entanglements a d at the
same time profit by the estrum 1 !advantages
going. Mr. Brower is a Conseas ative, and
the decision in his case will ,be! a set-off to
the West York case, where Mr. Hill, a
Liberal, was -confirmed in his s at.
in Detroit, was burned to death the oth
ple, railway watchman at a s rieveitno'raeseerii
' day. The:shanty where Galvin lived caug
I! tire, and he perished in the flames. ,
Cornelius Tnneacisee To STilINE ----A ge
eral etrike is threatened in the Joyce c
leries at Denhatn, England, which empl
40,000 men. One c011iery has already go
' out. The owners are earning to compr
mise with the strikers, and a protracted ti
! up is expected. I
'Leen Se Pr. -Millionaire Edward Bei ,
' president o the Bain Wagon Compan ,
at Kenosha, Wiscoinsin, whose death was
lately ahnou ced, was familiar, y known 8
" the Man ho never slept." For the la t
sixteen ear he did not sleep an hour 1
Iris bed. Constant c evot ion to usiness wa
the eause of his Isleeplessee 9. For th
greaser part of she last tow year it was hi
custom to take daily trips Ito Chicago ts
pass the time away in street dar riding. A
night he was always Ito be found either at
theatre Or billiard hall, which w re the onle
News ot the W
Bulte En TO DEATH. --J ohn'
I places
the !mug
of the
sleep. :
• denbe
York, o
in ruiner
His wif
are des . Alth
with the best m tl
forgotten in the re
were injured, an
is in a preea,riou
MONUmENT TO ARCA& -Cubans in Hav-
ana and other ci iet and towns of the island
of Cabs, are now circulating petitions for
subscriptions to recure funds to erect a
enonument to 0 4ral Garcia, in Havana,
and to construct a vault in which his re-
maips shall , bel p aced in the Cemetery
ColOn, at Hay n-
tribeeing as libet nis
will! permit then
stantinople, on t
the • Sultan's ai
yesterday by
which took pla
Gha,ni became n
less proceedings i
terror here by
threats of death.
embassies have fr quently demanded t
puniehment of ( hani Bey, bat always u
here he
c of the
es able t,o get a short nap,
Insaters end the clicking
trills alone lulling him to
Y CREm TED --The beautiful resi-
f °herb s El. Raymond, in New
the Mu uel Insurance Company, is
and his alinily wiped out by fire.
, his sist r! and Mrs. Fee, the cook,
eh the , house was fitted
rn fire escapes, the were
citement. Five remen
herles Raymond himself
n All Cubans are c
a4y as their scanty me
te do.
.-A despatch from n -
3rd, says : Ghani B y,
e-oamp, was murder d
a uz Perdue in a quarrel
e in a pastry cook's plaoe.
e -
ions owing to hi? law-
,Ipirus. He also inspired
toning money under
he officials of the foreign
euccessfully., 1
ale 1
A TILIETINO 0TUDENT. -James P. Mill r,
a Yale divinitY 6tudent, a three.yea kij
graduate, has been arrested for shop-liftin ,
after being seen to Purloin three books in a
'book store. He Is evidently a profession 1
shop -lifter, Fiv 'housand volumes we e
discovered at his ro ins and at his hom ,.
ranging from edi io s 'de luxe to pocket edi-
tions. Two deal rs hive already identified
2,000 volumes. Miller wore a coat fitted
with pockets and' slits, such as profesnional
thieves wear.
.TURKEYS $18 N CUBA. -The prospects
for a Christmas *Der was not bright for
Ainerican eoldie a pot remembered by
friends home, or f. r Americans in Havana,
who live outsid hotels, unless they are
bleseed with gold trines. Turkeys cost $6
scarce at than
apiece in town, $l8 in the suburbs, and are
ohicken brings $17:3) A
dozen eggs sell at 5 cents apiece. Bread is
9 cents a pound, ierloin steak 65 cents a
pound, cabbage 6 c nts a head, and lettuce
30 cents a bunch. eer is 40 cents a pin
. and ice $20 a ton.
Oeitae IN COFF N . -Mrs. Eva McNeal
female detective, Ito has been working or
some time on a ca e in Maumee city, for
New York firm, a& informed the Unit 1
Staters marshal htt she has solved t e
that the contreb nd was brought over t'
puzzle 'of the opiu mugglers. She stat
Monroe from Amli ristburg in fishing timac s,
and then shipped olNew York in coffine
and other recepta, les, She Claims that it
will take but a sh rtt time tolooate all t e
members of the g g, and that she is I
ready in possessio of the names of some of
' 11•11111111*_,
Munioipa Nominations.
The following prilreies were nominated for
munici,pal honors i
ties in this county
- SeaforthHB.
acclamation. Cou
Noble Cluff, Geo
the various municipali-e-
o Monday last :
uno, elected mayor by
eillors-William Ament,
e Sills, IP. G. Noelin
Robert Winter, J imes 13eattie, John Dar-
e I,- J. G. Scott, M.
Eason, J. S. Rober
A. Wilson -and Jo
win, M. Y. McL
Wm Smith, Jame
James J
Tuckersmith,-1 o
son, Peter Mc
Aikenhead, Peter
manf ere John Mc
reeve by acciama
Adams, John S. B
Alex. Gardiner, Jol e G. Grieve, John Got -
reeve -James Patt r-
. Councillors e-'-• Jo n
eary, Cha
1 y and George Turn r.
Morrison was re elec d
idn. Councillors-Ro t.
olwn, Joseph Bushfield,
enlook, Charles Li de, Joseph C. Morrison,
James O'Loughlin nd James Ryan. John
8. Brown and Jos p C. Morrison are the
only candidates w o were in the council be-
fore. Messrs. Da 'el ManleY and William
McGavin, old coun illors, declined to stand
Hensall,-Reeve la Urquhart, J'. H.
Beek and G. C. Pe ty. Councillors -W. R.
Hodgins, George rewn, J. W. Ortwein, G.
F. Arnold, Robert Pistterson, jr., and John
Coulter. _
- Brussels, -For ceve-George Thomson,
,!George Backer. ouncilloas-R. Leather -
'dale, J. Warwick, al Wilton, J. J. Gilpin,
11. L. Jackson, R goss, J. T. Ross, B.
Cochrane, J. Ferg On, A. Strachan and J.
Fox. o
• Bayfield, -Reev -By acclamation, Dr.
Stanbnry. Counci lors-ThornaaR. Elliott,
George Woeds, Ja eis Thomson, R. Bailey,
James Donaldeon. Thomas Jewitt, John
Falconer. Trustees ecclamation-J. Marks,
;Jame Fowlie, Wil hint Whidden and John
Ferguson. J
by acclamation, R
Councillors -J. Br
S. B4 McKelvie,
trusteee-John Da id
10eten-For re
Taylor, W. G. Bisse
al Le
cil, as last year, electli
sere -Thomas Hemphill.
ye William Rutherford,
. Hazelwood. School
on, Thos. Rae, Robt.
v -W: Bawden, John
t; IL Spackman. Coun-
s-John Tay on Joseph Senior, W.
ing, I. Atenst ag, R. Pickard, John
s, W. G. ' Bis ett, James Beer, A. G.
ns and John uir, . .
derich,--- Ma or - Robert Thompson,
a Wileon. uncillors-Wm. Camp -
Thomas C. Na, tel, .4. W. Ball, W. R.
Neon, g. Nicf oleon, J. Knox, D. Can.
talon, J. H.' Colbor le,' J. C. Martin, Dudley
Hof es, Fred J. ridham, W. Proudfoot,
E. C mpion, Charlet liumber, R. Radcliffe,
Char es A. Nairn, Joileph Whiteley, Trus-
tees, by acclarnatio TA. 8. Chrystal, John
Crai ie, Charles 131 ke. 'J. H. Colborne.
H llett,---Willia Gray bas resigned hie
eand &titre for t e office of reeve, and -
there ore John Bri hem is duly elected as
reeve of Hullett for 1 99. For councillors -
The candidates re a ning proposed are as
follows : John C,a bert, Clinton ; Robert
Ferris, Oarlock ; A exl. Leitch, Constance ;
Win.[ Moon, Loud slier° ; Wm. Patterson,
Auburn ; Adam Via ia, Clinton ; John Wil-
son. Auburn. 1 1 .
Usborne,--Thomes !Hawkins, reeve, by
acclamation, Fred , Hunkins, William Del -
bridge. ,Walter Keddyl, John Hunter, Wm.
Monteith and IT. rland for councillors.
George Kirkby. Courieillors-T. Coed, M.
: Morris, -Reeve William Isbister and
Cardiff, R. N. Duff, G. Taylor and G. Jack-
Stanley, -The co no 1 of last year were
all returned by accl m tion, and are as fol -
levee :' Isaac larrat eeee. Councillors -
Wm. Lamont, Jame cDermid, John Me.
Naeghton, W. J. Stin n. The school true -
tees for :Varna sealers ere re-elected.
Greys -Reeve-- be t Brown and James
Turnbull. Council ora-Janses McDonald,
Adam Turnbull, . Livingston and L.
Sineitihn'tn4,-4dayOr. 1) . .7. W. Shaw and
W. 0. Searle. Council ors, William Jones,
William (Towers, S G. Plummer, Oliver
Johnston, Thomas cKeneie, D. MeCorvie,
William Downs. J ., II, Wiltse, J. P.
Doherty, Jacob Tay or
Hay,---Rohert Tin; 411 and A. Ehnes for
reeve ; councillors - JaMee lionthron, Wm.
have been unable to Obtain their lames;
Consit, Alex. Thom sen and John Voelker.
There are other cou ci let's running but we
Nurese -The Chriettries tree and cantata
held by the Sunda,* School on Saturday
evening ,eas quite a suncess. The scholarn
acquitted themselves retnarka.bly well, and
Santa Claus amused everybody. The pro-
ceeds, $22, Will be useidlor school purposes.
-Lair. John McGregor, cif
iting friends at h me Oils
ham and sister dreve to Wi
day to attend the wedd
and Mr. Garnies.- Mr
'Manitoba who ha bs
weeks here, returne h
--George McCully,
holidays here
load of young people
Monday evening t
tree. They report
only one upset. -Th
mined a number of he
evening. -Miss Lily M
Willison, of London a
days here. -Mr. ahd
Leadbury, drove to Ki
Christmae tree Sete
George Knox and Mi
were married by the it
Londesboro, on Wedne
home of Mr. McGregor
large number of invited
trstford, is vi ,-
eek,-Lue Far -
, gham Wedne -
ing of Miss Isbister
, Maloney, of
spending a few
on Tuesday last.
r, cif Blytb, spent
ve ' to Londesboro
friiends,---A sleigh
tile Chrietin s
r•y ice time, a d
isse MsCully ente
a, f lends Saturd y
kin and Miss Mines
elep riding the holi-
Mi s McGavin, of
Vur to attend the
day evening.- Mr.
a J nnie McGregor
v. r. Hamilton, of
day evening, at the
tn t le presence of a
kue ts.
Londe bor •
Devras.-Mr. (Awe ale 1
the ripe old age of 93 ears an
His remains were inte red in
cemetery on Sa.turday Dece be
youngest child of Mr. ' . A. Col
week of intlamation of the lun
buried in Londesborp c me ry
day, December 28th, be ym
community go with the b re ve
PERSONALS. -Miss M 1 ell
is t is week the gues
-.L rs. Jackson and
Sun ay at, the house
Mrs Hagyard and q
are isiting at Mrs.
Oui ette is home s
holi ays.-Messrs.
and 1E. Gray are home
colleges, spending their
new and his sister Mitr
their home in Belgra
teachers, Mr. Phair an
their homes this week.
nd two children are h
NOTES, -Nomination
sual on Monday, the
town, youngest child
'S very low at present.
mas tree held in Knox
ing of December 26th.
s E
L hter ef
nIg an'
dai tge h e
✓ ea io
pe t
e, la t
f om
ay w
Num. -The attend
tions in the township h
very large. The folio
nee- t
II, on
a7t w4enkthast;
24th. e -The
died this
s. It was
n Wednes-
athy of the
of Clinton,
va Adams.
.toba, spent
- Miss L.
- Dr. Ag -
few days at
eek. -Our
irk, are at
held as
. Brown,
as a Christ -
the even.
he norhina-
Monday, was
entlemen are
in the field : For reeve -W sbieter and
George Kirkby. Coun illors T Coad, M.
Cardiff, R. N. Duff, 0. aylo , . Jackson.
The electors will have geed choice, and
the election will be a o e. A Mr.
Shaw was also nomi b t was not
present, and had no one for him.
A lively interest is bein
ty councillors. Three
W. H. Kerr, E. Bryan
one each from Grey,
Mr. Thomas Laidlaw,
chairman at the nornina
The storm again thii w
roads. TuesdaY Was
Talk about snow, why
ewith the fence tops.
home from Waterleo
ing of last week on a, vi
ing back on Friday f t
good situation on a
Christmas day w
was good sleighing,
--A. Russell is hom
!'eta,8k ,ena, n the coun-
en a e in the field,
nd J mes Bowman,
orris an Brussels.
, acted as
n Monday. -
locked the
day here.
on be level
ie arrived
sday elven.
he spent- the sumMer seas
Russell is home from colle
and will go back In a few ,cia.ye.---Mr. G.
Jackson had a horse b dly 'kicked a few
days ago. -Every elect r tha is ble should
go to the poll on), M rids an vote, and
show that, he or she hae Nom int rest in the
Welfare of the townehip
Hibb rt.
NOMINATION. -Then min tio of reeve
and councillors was hel in th township
hall, Staffa, on Monde . Hibbert has for
some years been noted f r th interest mani-
ere 1in municipal
lar numbers on
ay, a d with excel -
ether a d. general
1 et was no
the late
ek h s
e wi 1 s
C. ic
n •Wecin
it, a d intends go -
is w ek. He has a
ne ,r Hespeler.-
fine on , and there
lots ,
m M
itch -holes.
ba, where
Mr. John
fested by the ,ratepa
affairs by turning out i
the annual nomination
lent sleighing, 'fine w
holiday in its fevor, Monde
exception.) Many regr were
on account jef the a once b
through death; of Mr. Cam bel
reeve, who only some fi e
aided at the council bo rd.
also made in; feeling re arks
templated retirement, t roug
and disability, of the resen
worthy clerk, who for pwar
years has performed th ard
his office io the satisf
The following names w
nornieto,ien paper : Fo
McLaree, Wm. Sadler
garth, jr. • councillors,
Feeney, if'. Miller, WM
Melady and Samuel 11
after thanking his ni
withdrew. Mr. Mel*
a kindly criticism of th
also accused Mr. Tho
recreant to his trust
and .askecl him to
Whether Mr. Ryan's e
factory or not to the r
be seen. Mr. A. R.j
ent and spoke in supp
dature for the office of
The candidates for the
the Hibbert, laillarton
are : Messrs. Thonras
VValker,Hibbert ; Jame
and Thomas Jackson, of
Ryan and Jackson are t
eek ago pre-
Allnsion was
to the con-
geowing age
efficient and
8 (la twenty
ou duties of
clarion of everyone.
re lac d on the
reev , M erre J.A.
and Ro ert Hog -
Hugh Norris, • Wm.
rrie. Mr Feeeey,
Dalt inelle,Thbmas
ver nd seconder,
n ale re ired after
late co non. He
Ry o proving
cointy [councillor
plain his position.
lanation Was setis-
epaysae remains to
lker Was 'also pres-
t of ewn candi-
ount councillor.-
ount council for
nd ia ashen division
Ryan and A. R,
Doh rty,
Fulla ton Messrs.
e for cc represen
ECEMBER 30, 1898
eveningl was pl asantiv and sociabl spent,
and waS enjoy d by all. The happ young
couple Went to their own, home at oxboro
the ea e eve ing, They comme ce life
under t e mos favorable auspice'', a d their
hoks of frie d will unite with HE Ex-
eomon in wis ing _thism the grea st pos-
sible happiness and prosperity thro gh life.
Wuntimio ;1301,1,0,-A very happ. eVent
took.place on Thursday of last wee at the
residenae of he bride's parents, J r. and
Mrs. D neap leTavish, when Mr. homas
Nicol,' f Bois evain, Manitoba, an Miss
Jean M Tavisle of Seaforth, were u ited in ,
rnarriag . The nuptial knot was led by
Rev. S. Aches n, of St. Andrew's • hutch,
Kippen in 'th presence of O. nil bar of
relativee a d friends of the con racting
parties, T e bride was handsomely ttired,
and looked harming. The wedding dinner
wa,s moat umptuous. The presen s were
costly and onitiful. The bride roo is an
intelligent, enterprising and high y aspect-
ed merchan of the west. The bri e is a
highly cult re , brilliaet and much steeeomn--
ed young lady., Mr. Nicol is to
gratulated in 'securing sueh a refi d and
accomplish d bride to share his jo s and
fortunes in is prairie home. The happy
couple left by 1 evening train for ndon,
and other p nth • your corresponden joins
with mitny nt ers in wishing them every
blessing in 1 fe a -journey, and when taking
leave for the better country & gold n sun-
set. ,
'1 -''''''''
Meenisinett-One of those very
and pleasant e rents occurred at t
residence of 111 . I Charles Thom, of
berry, on Wed esday, December 7t
occasion being he marriage of his
daughter, Miss Jessie, to Mr.Edward
of West W a anosh, a prospereus
farmer. Ex ctly at 5 o'clock p.
vvedding ma 'Was played by Miss J
e room et once enter
rWooi linl ig, tit; 1 o' w the bride, leaning
father's arm. e was very prettily
in cream can e, as was also the
maid, Miss J n P of West Wawanns
of the groom T e groom was ably a
ed by Mr. illi m Thom, brother
bride.. That mySterious operation o
ing two into ine Was scientifically per
by the Rev. W. Leech, of Whitec
CongratulatiOn were heartily bestow
the newly wed ed couple, after wh'eh ell
repaired to the dining room, where o er one
hundred guests partook of a most 0 mptu-
ous repast, and! while all were in the dining
room, we took a lpok at the presents the
bride, which ves0e numerous, mag ificent
and beautiful, tee uding a handeom bed-
room suite from er father. After upper
the guests retired from the dining rim and
enjoyed therneelv a immensely at ames,
dancing, etc. kl having thoroughly enjoy-
ed themselves, th gueets began make
their departur a an early hour n the
morning, all wi h ng the groom and bride
a long and hap ,ei, journey through li e, not
forgetting the 1 d host and hos s , who
had put theme s to so much t o ble to
entertain the g ts.
e fine
, tne
., the
d the
n her
rides -
of the
d en
z V
LOCALS. ---1 11 es
Toting, of Roches
ing their paren 8
pering in the hie
and avife are sp
father's. -:.--M r.
visiting under
ter Laird died
was buried on
for some time,
only one week.
tree entertain
of this week,
hall being pret ry
amounted to a 0
of Elderslie, is vi
Miss Liza Jane
in Toronto for o
Christmas va t
Charles Willie
liams, ie home o
part in the ChrPrt
We are being tr
snowstorm, a or
frost of the a as
Evans, who is a
.legiate Institute,
with him paren or
stands the stud
who has a echo
for the vaeat
who teaches
county, hi hom
few were in to
nomination.- In i
one of those event
excitement coccerti
Earngey, when
Sarah, wan rnarr
nock, son of .
of Howiok. Invit
of about 120 witn
was performed Isen
L. B., of Gorda. :
ous, costly and ,nri
many friends of th
ing them a , please,
It is rumored thee
the very near fittet
the able mauagent
It was well pher
and Mrs. Wrighta
the Albion hotel, in our village.
re. Frank and
er, New York, a
in town. They
of the free, --Mr
ling a few day;
rt Greer, of Toro
parental roof. -Mr.
his home last wee
urdsy. He had b
was confined to hit bed
g her
e vieit-
✓ pros -
t e hi ee hr
to is
e'Cnht: eni
he Methodist Chr stinas
t, given on Monday
a grand succese, th
ell filled. The pr
t $50. -Miss McLa
iting friends in to
cLa,ughlin, who h
e time, is spendi
on in our village, -Mr.
son of Mr. .J. R
his vacation, an
entree entertainm
ated to an old-fas
pa,nied by. the h
n so fan -Mr. II
tending the Londo
is spending the ho idays
n. our village. H
ell. --Mr. James B
Essex county, is
--Miss Alvin& He
Proton township,
Wil -
rdes t
the holidays.-Qajte a
n Monday attending the
Thursday of last week,
which cause a ripple pf
d at the residence ot Mtts.
er youngest da,u hter,
d to Mr. Thomas rasl-
r. David Brad oek,
d guests to the n mber
sired the ceremony, hie's
he Rev. Mr. Gerbil t,
he presents were u flier-
ful. We join wit the
young couple in ish-
t journey through life.
are more to foil w in
e. -Our tink is man
nt of Mr. George asn.
nized on Monday. -Me.
f Dakota, are gue ts ttt
1 ill ()mall.
TIIII NOMINJNTIONS. - - • The nominat ion
meeting for our tillage was held in ,Cox-
itorth's hall on Monday . evening last and
notwithstanding other meetings and attrao-
tions, quite a large number ' assembled to
. show their inte eat in matters pertaining to
Ole chair, and declared the meeting pen
municipal affeit ., Mr. H. J. D. C oke,
village clerk an returning officer, oco pied,
for one hour forl nominations for reeve
aouncillore, and; at the expiration of
r time, . the following had been nomins.
For reove-D. Urquhart, G. 0. Petty Geo.
McEwen, J. H. Beek and Rev. J. S. Hen- '
demon. For coencillors-William Eldir, J. 1
Tuckers ith,
AVEsT END NOTH8. Rey. E. F. Arm.,
strong is spending his h liday a his home
he Goderich.-Mr. M y rs, 61, Clinton, ;will
paeach at Alma and T saner' churchea on
Sunday next. -Mr. a el Mrs. . Modelanda
. of Seaforth, spent Chr st as a Mr. James
Crichae-Mr. and Mis hitl y, of Michi-
gan are visiting at th home o their grand-
mother, Mrs. Whitle , uron road. -Mass
Annie is spending her o idays at her home
near Ifitchell.-Miss ttie ;rich has re-
turned home, after tea h ng t o years near
Walton. -Mr. and Mr eorg Crich have
returned from visiting f iends in Goderich.
MORE GOOD STOCK. r. Al :ander Mon-
teith, breeder of Here o d catt e, has late-
lyaThsposed of his thor u hbred bull " Bean"
to a breeder near Lon o who ele ted him
from a number of anim 1 sa o e suitable to
head his fine herd of refor To take
Bean'e place Mr. Mon e th h Purchaeed
a fine thoroughbred cal , eleven moatths old,
which won the prize ah d of ese owned
by H. D. Smith, the fa i U8 He eforal breed-
er, of Compton Quebe He Is ale° pine
chased the th'oroughbre co "Graceful
69th," bred by the late F W. ne, with a
fine heifer calf at her a d Th ee three ad-
ded to those previously o ned ake -a fine
herd of American recorde Hea fords.
MATRIIIONTAL. -A ver pret y marriage
took place at Largies, th resid nee of Mr.
Samuel Carnochan, 2nd concess on of Tuck-
eremith, on Wednesda even ng of last
week, when Miss Ieribella the e dest daugh-
ter of the house, was unit .d in marriage to
Mr. Joseph Scott, of R xboroe McKillop.
The ceremony was perfor lied by Rev. N.
; Shaw, of Egmondville. a d w witnessed
'ehan, aud Mr. Melvin 'cotte f Seaforth,
y a large number of ems s. TI e ceremony
took piece at 5:30 p. tn. he bri'cle, was at-
tended by her cousin, M ss Annie! Carno-
did the honors for the geom. , The bride
was not forgotten by her hunter us !friends,
and the presents' were nutherous,1 h ndsome
and useful. Aboue one h ndredgue ts par,
took of a most suMpt,uou sup er, nd th
ted :
II. Beek, John' Coulter, 0. F. Arnold, obt. '
Paterson, jr., IJ:chis W. Ortwein, Wm. R.
Hodgins, Henry Cook, George Brown and
Thomas J. Berry.j After the nominations
were closed, Ma, Robert Paterson, sr., was
appointed •by this nieeting aa chairman, and
the members of th old council were caned
ship, and the cauMates for office to speak
upon to give an ac ount of their' steward -
ie return to their nominations. The preeenn
council has endeaeored to guide the uni-
impel craft to this best of their ability,
showed fairly goeclImanagement of aff
and a surplus , of POO. At the tint
writing we learnt that there are eight c
cillors in the fiel' , and two candidates
the reeveship, t e latter being D. Urger
and G. C. Petty.
Locea BRIE --Our business men re
a good Christmati trade. -The nnowsto
of this week have spoiled the roads, part
larly those ru Mug north and month,
on Sabbath, it
deg on Monde_
was open to cu
to skaters in th
Christmas tree
dist church,
Coxworth's hal
un -
CU -
times day coming this ,ear
,as observed here as a holi-
,! and with the rink, which
len! during the forenoon and
'afternoon and evening; a
ntertainsnent in the Metho-
rid nomination meeting in f,
, tlee day passed osker quite Jai
We thilik WO
have deanonstrated to the satisfaction of ev rbody, for tinse past
three months, that we are sellini
, . _
At price's not appro4ched outside this -store.
Any rrsoU who hasn't yet tested the truth of the above statement
kindly inve tigate our integrity next time you are purchasing a bill of Dry Goo&
For ti
Grocery De
and Citron
required as
of Italian 11
Our B
e next six weeks we are going to give sp eiai attention to our
)artment. Select Raisins ; cleaned Currants--; pw Orange, Lemon
eel. The best qualities in the market. Also the new goods
result of the cooking lesons given by Miss Wilson, consisting
acaroni, finest Cream Cheese, Dutch Cocoa, Canded Fruits, Etc.
tter is Al,
oultry every day in the week in abundance,
ying 4ic per pound for iAl Bright Dried Apples.
I gar TI ey
1,000 Turke3s at 8c per pound
1,000 Ducks at l'6ie per :pollnd.
1,000 GPese at 5c per pound.
1,000 Young 0 ickens at 50 per pound.
must be dry ticked and heads off,
B. .GUIVN,'.SOforfit,
prestoffice to hiselhurst, Lumley and Hu
,ondale, has en awarded to Mr. Thomas!
Murdock, liv ry proprietor, of this villages
his tender be ng the lowest. Mr. Hadley
Doan, of dgertille, has faithfully per-
forined this service in the past. -Mrs. 4,
Murdock, wife of Mr. A. Murdock, boot
and shoe merehant, on Saturday last treated
their customers to lunehes in the shop. This
is a practise amnually adhered to ,by man
of the town and city merchants, and whl
mueh appreciated by the patrons, als
serves to cultivate a more friendly an
social.eleme4 between buyers and sellers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of this villag
spent Tuesda in Kippen with their frien
Mr. James Millar, who lately returned from
visiting in t. Louis, and who was ve
ill while ther and has not yet fully recov
ered.-We regret this week to have to r
pori the death" of a bright two year ol
child of Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry Solden, o
Manitoba, while visiting at their brother -in
law's, Mr. Sohn Johnston, of Hay. W
sampathires deeply- the bereaved parents.
Mre. Vanherne, of London, was in the vil
lage on Tuesday renewing a.cquaintances.
Mr. Joseph Norrie, who is attending th
dental deipartrn, ent of the Detroit Medical.
College, 'is laerea, this week visiting hiS
r, law, Mr. Geor e Greenslade, Mr. Troyer
has now move into his fine new brick
dwelling, and speaks in the highest terms of
the work as done by the Hensel' contractors
who did the work.; --Mr. Albert Kaiser, of
Sarnia, was in the tillage this week visiting
his parenes.-Mr. Edward Goetz, who is at-
tending the _Berlin College, and Master
John Goetz are home this week spending
the holidays with their parents, at the
Commercial hotel. --Mr; and Mrs, Shoat
and children, of ' are -spending
Christrnas and NeW Years. with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Johnston, Mrs. Shortt's par-
ents., -The annual a hoot meeting- was held
d, on Tuesda,y last. T retiring trustees were
, John Coulter, Thornas Neelands and J. C.
ry Clausen, but the last mentioned was re-
- elected, and Mr. 'Alex. McPherson and
e- John McArthur were elected as the new
d trustees. The board of trustees now are:
, Joseph Ellie, Wm. Stoneman, J. C. Clausen,
' • Wm. Illder, Alex McPherson and -John
e McArthur. -Miss Lamrnie had the misfor-
--1 tune a few days agoto slip near the door -
4 step, and, in falling, broke one of the bones
--a, in her wrist.
6 semaneem
sisters, Mrs. Alex. Murdock and Mrs. Louis R. 13. Heaoms, Brumfield, Nota,ry Peblie
Elerold.--Mr. Geiger, of Manitoba, has been!
visiting his brother, Mr. ()Wen Geiger, of
this village. ---11r. 0. C. Petty and Messrs
Grigg & Rivets made very fine displays o
Christmas meate.-Mr. and Mrs, Grig
spent Chrieterras With relatives in the north
ern part of the county. -The skating tin
is being well patronized. -The sacrament o
the Lordar Supper was dispensed qin ,Carmel
Presbytetian church n Sabbath morning
morning, was j:3 onducted by Rev. Mr. Muir .
last, The prepara.tor service, on Friday
a Brucefield.-1---Mr. W Doherty, of Hurt
College, Landon, and bo will in mid -sum
mer be regelarly or ained, has been ap-
pointed by hie lordshi , Bishop Baldwin, to
the pastotate of St. Pa l's church, Hensall,
and Stoat, DUblin bei g separated fromthe
Hernial and Staffa cha gen and united with
Mitchell. MrI, Dohert is a young man ofl.
good ability and fine p ennise, and his occa
tional services here Auriug the mane
were's° intiehanjoyed hat ',ley led to i
appeal being Made Um Mr. Doherty migh
be appointed ,to this charge.- -The annua
Sabbath school and 0 ristmas tree enter
tainments held in the Presbyterian churc
on Friday evening last and in the Metho
dist chureh ori4ionday evenifig, were eac
very largely attended and much enjoyed
and were successful in every respect. No
only were the,bearts of the children pleased
by the fine gifts they eceived through th
medium of the Christm 8 tree, .but all pres
ent were delighted witl the fine programmes
that had been tendered in the way of liter-
ary and mud* selecti nse, We only regret
that space forbids us rom giving a more
particularized account f these fine Sabbath
school entertainments, which are looked
forward to each year ith great pleasure,
not only by the chi dren, but by the
parents, friends and a 1. -Mrs. Swan and
daughter, Misit Tena, spent Sabbath and
Monday with frelative in Goderich.-Dr.
Sellery, dentiste accomp nied by Mr. George'
Trott, photographer, ere in Kincardine
the first part of this ive k visiting the doc-
tor's parents.e-I-Mr. Th mas Murray, high
school teacherelof Owen Sound, is spending
his Christmas! vacatio with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. FJamee b nrray, of this vil,
lage.-Mr. J. 0. Sterne an, superintendent
of the Methoditit Sabba h school, was pre-
sented with a handsome easy chair, &mom-
pitnied by an address, o the evening of the
Christmius treeenter ment, as a mark of
their appreciation •of his services. Mr.
Stoneman made a feelin reply, in which be
unexpected gift. -Miss
thanked the school for hi:mei; h ebretayu, toi ffu let aanl td,
is visiting ner musins M s. C. A. McDonell.
-Mrs. Sheffer 'was in
Conveyancer, Fire midi Life Losuranoe agent, Any
amount et money to loan- 1411 5 per eent., first-elase
farm security. Also a limited amount of private
funds at 5 per cent. At home every morning' and
Wednesday of each Week. Severed good farms for
sale. • 1 Ify7
CHRISTMAS TREE. -The Christmas tree
and entertainment held in the Presbyterian
church onerriday evening last was enjoyed
immensely by the childree. The recitations,
dialogues, singing, etc., by the little folks
were performed splendidly, Miss Winnie
O'Neil, of Clinton, gave a recitation which
was highly appreciated. But not a small
part of the evenines enjoyment, especially
to the little ones, was the entrance of Santa
Claus, who, when he got on the platform,
proe,eeded to shower candies around, and
bearing a large sack full of gifts, he indeed
was a reallive Santa Claus.
Noler.s.--The nominations and shooting
ma,tch brought quite a large fly:ether of pee -
Y i)le to our village on Monday, -We are
h Nary tO tide thaV Mr. Jameo Iketifileote sef
t the Mill road, is in very poor health, His
1 many friends wish him a speedy recovery.
- Mr. J. B. Jamieson is confined to the house
h through illness, and Was unable to perform
- his accustomed duties as presenter on Sab-
h bath. Mr. James Moodie very kindly led
s the singing. -Mr, Andrew `Beattie, of West -
t minster, and Mr. Wm. Beattie, of Both-
well, spent Christmas with friends here. -
e Duncan McDonald, of Chioago, is at present,
visiting his parents. ---The following Seas
forthites spent Christmas here: Mr, and
M ro. John Beattie, Colin Kennedy and
Wm. Kyle. -Wm. Mustard, who is attend-
ing the school ef practical seience in Toron-
' to, is home for a few days. --Beverley
Ketchen, of Knox College, with his brother,
Arthur, who is engaged in Farmers' Insti-
tute work, are spending the Christmas holi-
days at their home, -Mr. Aikenhead, of
London, spent Christmas at his home.. -
Miss Bertie Gibson, who has been visiting
' in Brussehr returned home last Friday.-
) Master Lonis Aikenhead and Peter Mc -
1 Ewen, M. D,, both of Detroit, spent Christ -
1 mas at their respective hozhes.-Mrs.- Alex.
Thomson, Bayfield road, spent Christmas
visiting friends at Georgetown.- -Mr. Robt.
McCartney, er., of Moosejaw, arrived here
last week", and will spend the winter with
friend's. Mr. and Mre. Hugh Thomson, hie
mother and siste.r, Mrs. Tuxford, are also
expected here this week. There is no bet-
ter proof of good times in Manitoba than
seeing the people coming oter and -spending
I the winter in Ontario,-Miea McTavish, of
London, is visiting her sister during the
holidays. -Mr. Scott hu almost disposed of
, a second ear load of oorn.-One of the oldest,
settlers, in the person of Mr. Neil Ross, was
laid to iest on Saturday afternoon, in
1Baird's cemetery. He was 92 years of age,
and had lived on the farm on which he- died
for upwards of 60 years. He leaves his
aged partner and a large farnily,all of whom
are married and comfortably settled in life.
An extended notice of this worthy veteran
'will appear next week. -Dr. McDonald, M.
,P., and Mrs. McDonald, of Wingham, at-
!Rfaotshae,ro, focn
'tended the funeral of Mrs, McDonald's
Ifffitoturdr.day last ; also Dr. Hugh
ndon a few days
ago renewing aequaintanOen-Mr. D. TJrgit-
hart wail in Chatham thie week visiting his
father, who very ilt. Mrs. Urquhart
and daughters spent Christmas in London
with Mrs. Urquhart's sisters. -Miss Vine
Kerr is home from Toronto this week for a
ew days, -Mrs, Chambers, of Clinton, was
ere last week Visiting relatieee.-Rev. Mr
Willson, of Bentniller, who was an assietant
mrnister on the Ileneall circuit a few years
gp, conducted servicert in the Methodist
hurch on Sabbath last. In the morning
a addressed the children, illustrating his
ermon in such a way as to riot only interest
nd engage the attentioe of his youthful
eerers, but also to iMpress through the
enses the divine truthe, In the evening ,
ie sermon was hstened to with much pleas- I
re and interest by a large congregation. -
P. Stephen Troyer end family spent
hrietmas in the villege With hie father -in -
briskly, and qu tar a large number .from the
country, in addition to many visitors from a
distance, enlivened the village hy their a
presence. -Th
Akron, Michig
ter, Mrs. M. K
spent Christm
mother, Mrs. B
111cAlpin, of
week and this
thers, the Mess
new contract,
for the tonveya
, Messrs. Broderick, of 0
neaccompanied by their is- , h
ely, of near the same place, s
ss in Hensall, with their K
oderick.-Mr. and 1 Mrs. D, . h
lencoe, spent part of 1 st ; 8
With Mrs. MeAlpin's b
McEwen, of Hey. -1
einmencing January 2
ce of the mail from Hens
o- ;
he u
d, I M
-On Sunday night- of last week, tire
!broke out in a shed in J. D. Aloore's lumber
Yard, in St. Marys, The shed contained
three car loads of dangles which were de-
Otroyed. The loss is al;out $3,000, The
origin of the Ere is supposed to be incen-
ielaeese -Cavalier, Nore
ilia et) te re:ti asi Ai tRsEei ill ir:fe Thel 1.:j .yd:r :it Ihnr; e:ci r r ire: 1
)aelnivibriost."'LelYodtehilare, 11Tn;aahlill
beBoibengr ptil:ryyedsdbayle
,After the eerenro
,etin)5treirteevd. tjhs:Aro.oAmi
the bride, all Ra::',
ast, which wag
he rest of the dr'
3. a e ilipat4ercnsi ap,B ildeV;tugis ,taeisT fl.r ce:15. yr. rol:(-ea:
Dasherood, Yarn
presents. Tbey 1
litho:ire hinom0esav.alsvie:,i,
future. At a lats
It eo nnigTd Ete Fat>. ' blserziclpitt:errso
nigth eb:Ntl. Lth.modisiss Bt :Ili;
'' mas holidays lanai
James Kirk, of FS
the guest of Mr. .2
night. -Mr. Wm.
the trimmer in ale
tttunr ciu'es dg ihv io umge .u -p af la
4shing busines,..s. ,
ITIOncy in it and n
1 _ 444s1u-ocoerfi hteheSts.a,AlairaL•Ys
es manager for tia
431aiyt.claell, ie home 1
ba,htaa s_ . _1-2: )8 ntwrra:Aeeeihiatrata,f, otorropflorues)arns:AfGiiajoasa_r'treeNbilli
th-e YW(41.rT, Delight!
-The Si retford
--Over a ton an
manufactured at tl
ilisacyjd. ,esno2fillaildiryeedrinhparteareetel
on it. 1
I ..t.r...•
1-743 Li '
* "N.
Fall Wheat (new), Ste
-Spring Wbeat per bus
0104 peT bushel__
pea/ pee
Barley per bushel,.
Rutter, No. I, Those_
Butter, tub_ ., „
per doe --
r, per lee _
Hay per ion pew...,
gide* per WO The.- a
iroadoes per 1;triii, ate
Bah (retitl) Der hsri
weed pea eon' Oetteae
Wood per -cord esherta
Apples per
Timothy Seed.. -.,-
Pork, per 100 /bs„...,
Tower% Decombl
spring wheat, 10,88
Alikr; barley, LS to
ISIO 00'; butter, 15e
to 702 ego per tl
hogs, pse 100 iteate
Toronto P
The supply is eti
mailer and the ma,1
for turkeys 5 to 6e
ducks, and '25 to 50
Tomexre, Deem
'offerings art fea
and the market
large rolls, and 10
Creamery as steady
and 19 to 20e for
fair 'supply, excep
scarce Paid -firm st
quoted at 17to IS&
there is very little
• senotations of finest
nominal finest I
western -dairy, 12a,
are firm and -sear
New laid, 24 to 30c
,Noa- 2 stock, 13c ;
115e ; western rim
cold sborageo 12 to:
Live Stc,
'London trade is
American. steers aro
Tamed (estimated s
-ator beef hi slow af
and about 10c high-
common grades wo
to best smooth -fat
a$5.50 • good to be
bulls, '$)4 to $4.25
-*steers, 14.50 to 1
butthers? bulls, $1
fat heifers, $4.25 t
end heifer's, good t
e fat eows, good ti
atockers thoice t4
$3.75 ttit-fei ; coma
• $3.60 s fresh cows,
$50 to455 ; good t4
ping cows, $24 to 4
extra, $3.5 to $45
to $1_50 ; good t
is:sd steer calves,
eomMon, $3 to
The offerings, wers
the first receipts al
in sheep and baths
•effeet on the mark
kinds of lambs solo
-opened on choice 1
$5. 60 ; good to
-fair to good $5, to
extra, $4:25t $
-to #4.25 ; feeders,,
-only four loads of
•buis Wast45,35 to
declined -to the bre'
market opened wi
tive demand, higl
Shotesble at 13.6
*3.64 $3:165 ; 1
contiutted to arrivl
tit the close, when
quoteble at $3.60;
mostly inside figi]
$3. 60.
On Thursday,
-o'clock p. on 1
Killops Farm 84
John Dorranc,e, pr
auctioneer. -
PROUT-In -Clinton
Hr. ague Proof. t
wife of Mr. J. 11.1
COATE8--In Usborn1
of Mr. Wm. Coat4
110D-OuRT-ITI 1.:781:10i
Of Mr, Andrew