HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-12-30, Page 1�
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1.1suaRy, : — I I i 1 1 1 i MCLEAN BROS., Publishers. t
i 1. I i . . THIRTIETH YEAR. `__ .. � i i i . i I I A,
- �
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. � . f I i I
I 1 �, I - ; . $1 a Year in Advance. � ,
I i I . . I � I . I I .
I 1 . . i, i . .i 111�AY DEC�14BER 30 .898e' 1 � I
� WHOLE NUMB' . i 9 . 9 1 7, 1 1
i ER, 1..620.. I i . ! I I I i ____ A
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IINU ; . _� . - . I � I " I � 'dward, of Brussels; Wil� .- �
I .
I I I at first thought it a W,'nderland freak, but] russets $82.27 ; Ethel $99.4� ; Fordwich, also deceased, -E
� mission cont ed the acquisition of thati I UPPLIES W oxeter, $51 ; liam, . of Londo ; and Walter, of Brussels. & �,
THE , Plitt . L 1X'MA S S i106.30; Gorrie, $167-21 ;
I JANUARY . - 1 portion of t e � political prisoneifla estate, on investigaUon discoy,pred it to be a large _ . . i A . n
I is b ; . tluevale, $111. 85; Asbfield, 100; Ripley, —On Sunday, 18tb inst., Mrs. Jane Stewart, I!
— ! � . . . i
� I- . D-RAR'EXPOSTTOn, The Russian " Sp rit �8ever'al thou a d dollars' worth, that would. bolt of linen� wit i a ood and shoes . I I.
� , � s alamin8t it had carefully placed o ut the deception. � . 0160.67 ; Whitechurch, $114.9 ; Belgrave, ,vidow of the late Charles Stewart, of West I
-, L Wrestlers," of which little, was known in beleft.over henallclaim . I . - �
. . . - ' 4LL ! I
- . I , ,
L ying � B.�OkS OF ALL KIN�,S FOR I ILL 4 8 IN 180.86. ExOlter District -_-E eter,; Main Wawanosh township, and mother of ,john -]
- America until a few weeks ago, are now :at. been eatibfie( , 1 He had been requested by The woman wai al�lo': ed to go on pa g 1
. I . - I , i . . reet, $200.0,James street, $ 0. 29 ; Cen- Stewart, of Listowel, died at her sonis resi. I
� tracting widespread attention. Seven thou. his Spanish (oldrespondents to remit money the duty. I , � ' I
i . 7 —LEAT fl
- � low of Donald J HER CLOTH or tralia, $145.8�1 ; Hensall, 66 01 ; Xippen, dence, aged 83 years and 8 months. The P
. BARGA I N Sal, sand five hundred -of them are now prepar- vitith which W'Ipay the child's passage to —Catharine ,A..nd ' $50.lr L
� . t ).
__ . I �. —FANCY BIZINGS I Totials—Goderic istrict, $2,291- deceased had been living in Listowel ,.br i
1 ing to migrate to Canada and form an ex- Brandon, bu e determined to take the McIrchie, of Cor Wa 1, �Oied recen y a e I (), ( - flL
L - e I 8 ( 7 ; Win ham District, $ ter about a year. She Wass native of Aberde-en
- . . elusive Lmoney over h him. On Tuesday last he rip6 old age o $ y ,I . Mrs. McIrchie I SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT . t 1-11
.. . � settlement of their own. In fact the 11 i� . � . � t,12,03,85. . shire, and was married in Scotland, in 1.833. i
L 6 ra section of them u L ie- ond, Scotland,'and � — ;
I . .have already sailed for I bade wife tin I Ohildren good-bye and set ou't was born i I : .
_L They' are to o � cc I - - in , 4�s is I —Adam G'sen, of the town h- The family Consisted of six sons and three I
- ,; this country. upy a portion I upon his journ y. At' %V ,uipeg be pur- -was married the e the place made 1 I
� . , The special ftatwe, of inteiest to cloth- . Sibbath Schoot )�ihr I rY eld, iaprob bly the oldest el, x- daughters, who were all born in the old . I
- . of fertife agrimilturnJI landi equal to about chased a ticket for Havre. When 4e ar-1 .famous in the b oks of! Ian ,McLaren, who i � rcisedhis fr chise in the �ecent, West country. They came to :Canada in 1855 A
I . - ing, buyers in and arourid, Sea- , i L I i I � �
L __ twolve townships, with a the borden of the rived at Obta*?a to -day he found tb&t his rechristened it;Dramto hty. I , Boo&S at S eeial Prices, ; .
. ..... - . . I - , ; P uron :bye-dection. Mr. Gre n was born and settled in Wa-wanosh where Air. Stew-
, . . . I
' I
. forth during January, Will Ill)- territoryot AsHinib6ia, and which reaches' coming was io� altogether unexpected. He� -The Tuck6tte, of I milt' n, made their 1 1 . I trigland, in the y ar 1800, and art took upland, and where he died about I
. � . . ear Bolton, P
I tlot�tbtedly be our Special Sale, over in o Saskatche�van and also into Mani- called upon &O. J. A. Smart, Deputy Min- regular Christriiss distr bution to their em-
, I .
�., . 1. . . � I . ,. Mr. harle' af L I us b 2 almomt reached the century mark ; 16 years ago. Three of the tons Were pby-
L a leven w .
. . . I 0 1tob, '. The intere . � ; , - ployeeB. . . ; I.. as the for- win 0 a;3 . �J
� . I which we purpose holding dur- I st bxcited by this acet pro. inter ofthe n�erkdr, to piocure such ore P rth, and, al4hougo crippled with rh ninati8m, be siciang, two of -whom and the eld"t are de-
: - l ... ildi or 21 Alex. er, so� , , lil
ceeds. largely from its havin been subjected, dentists as ,t o lol,"identify him during the tuuate reoipie;t D1 a I ' Ot ;
. in- the month of Januar . . - I ilt� i � I is otherwise in Rood health. On December ceased, the surviving children being Alex-
. 0 y, 1899. 9 ''. J c
L dnr nlg the last thr" years, to. a terrible course of his t=-618 abro�ad. Mr. Smart, years servi ce the rm, add a hand- .
. . ! MARRIAaE Li( H_�;.qp,S L IsSUED. ; 8th he Cast his vote in favor of I�Hon. J. T. ander, county councill6ir and ex -reeve of
- e L I �
I . - periepution 'Learried on with the greatest havint been nOtified by'Mr. R. J. Whitlaw, some check 'lowarde . redtion of a No Witnese4e Required. . Garrow, '� I West Wawanosh ; John a carpenter m Lis- 1,
6 . ! - We have deemed it appropriate, a�id at Beer and it is this uDjust treatment that �thew olesaloq'ierchautof Winnipeg, that house. i . . , I
' �__, 1 an towel; George a doctor in Henderson county, �k
� I -The fin; cial statement for the town-
, "y
; � the same time likely to prove forces �hem to quit Russia and find hornes Mr. Emerson *as on his way, had procured John Mur a.r, the I erator -on duty on � i � I B 'just been 1�!ublished and Illinois; and two married daughters, one Mi 4
. I I � : . ,� � I hip of Ho ick has
L I - in a free land. Copies of,thoE Ottawa newspapers containing -the morning of, the wreIl at Murray Hill, 11
j ! i an inducement to shrewd buy- I; is . I received by was arraigned I le -fore agistrate D Wednesday Mr. McPhillips, vilid is defe,poling shows the, ,otal receipts of the township North Dakota ancl the other in 11linoiB, �.
�. . � . I the strange r6ligious doctrines of this � letters exactly isimilar to those amble, Brown, was notified by. � the Attor� . —0 *4
. I . � . ers, to give our customers the � . for 1898, to lbo $18,860.51, with total ex- - �� A
L . I , I sect �bat seems to attract the most attena 'Mr Cobourg, arid coma itted for trial on a
,'� �i , Emersoo, ond he showed these to his at . leav, ng a balance - , I
I : I . ney-General that the State Department 4 'Penditurea of $15,980.87 ; leav Perth Motes. --- 11
I I ", chance of obtaining. 4 beautiful tiori, land which has, no doubt, been Oc visitor. It *its not eas� to - convice Mr. charge of manslaughtei, preferred by.Mrs. '
. I . Washington bad sent a do'Mand to the of $2,879.64, The principal xpenditures
. I ! - 0Lak Bedroom Suite entirely cause of their suffering in their native la#d. Emerson' t e t be was the victim of one of W. 11. Brady, widow o ' the f the .. � _A furns, a has been placed in the Lath. V �
I . I I - � - Dominion authorities that Billo a be roturn,- were roads and bridges, $4966.75,,and I
. - � ner of The adherents have, by th-6 teptimony� of the most im )uo,'�i:it swindles that has ever peasenger train. . � � eran church at Brodbagen. � 1i
L . . .
I f ree of cost, The. maw edtothe,United States nlatil regu exw
. all wbo,eit-her in official. or private capaci�,y, been devified. Jt was not until he had com- -It is proposed to fo -m a Canadian Rod schools, $6,!i219.33. The towfiship has a
; . $ tradition, pioceedirige,had take place A81 r and above all liabilities of -Mr. * m. Brook�s, a student in S. A, I
. . � � balance ove . 4
: � bestowin(y the suit . a Rose League in C,anada aftet the style of !�Cd dg � I
! 0 e is as follows -
I ! � " �� . have known them,always been distinguis ed pared notes Ni h Mr. Charles Cummings, d Brown is a citizen of the UnJ1 d States, il $820.14. , I u B re in Mitchell, came out
- I a L t ge'ei u
i - thePrimrose L)ague ilof'Eigland, an . . h flyi bout from his first term -in the t
�.. LL for their h6nesty, sobriety,. industry nd well-known ,es,dent, who had rerceived aim in more than likely MiniFter of -The decease of Miss IAlv Dobson,grand-. 9
ii" purpo�a w1.1 be held in T rontoSchoolof Pharmacy, At the re- a
. � To every purchaser of a suite of clothes peaceful obedienoe to the law. The Russian ilar letters, ;lit t he was satisfied that a meeting for that . Justice will have to acoede t� the dcmanO daughte�of Mr. Lawrence bobBon, an old 0
1 [ � .L I
E : i
I I � .
. we wid give the privilege .of Government has - frequently interfered to �fraudhadbeen iractisedup-olihim, Hoban Toronto shortly. The'! objects of such a
i - � ran a Bad cent examination he stood second in his
: . . . I . . . 6f the United States auth i . i and well knc wn resident of.Ethel, w t
� i r " prevent the extension of their doctrines, cancelled h a pagsage .and will- leave for league will be to perpet4atee 'ir John Mae- . I class, taking first -ohms honors, - .;
, I . ;
� I I 11 surprise to many. Miss .
. . one (Tuess at any number be- � - . donald's memory and ptomo I the principles —9 � I Dobl,sou's ' health -The anniversary servizes in connection
- 0 L
; . I �, ' and 4as-transported their settlements hither Brandon to- norrow. I 1,
: . � I 0 had been fai Ing here, and it ws� hoped that
� . � tween, 2,000 arid 4,000. These I Champion. � with Knox church, St. Marys, on a recent �
. . ai A thither to isolate them, but, wherever � i of which he wao the le,rde , I CE T J!
- . . . i darn was knocked BEAVERS' CO: . " it trip to lqorthem Odtario Would prove
. numbers will all be placed in a es t" � a : - — hc,Pf u,, � Sunday, were most successful. The ser- ,
� ... . an . L i I
� - W �,:
7 ,
-C, 11 . invariably evinced Couinty Finanew, -M re. ,��a� P so last summer sh-,� eut to the �
� & up ; then tt e si 6me docile submission and a eef nl quali- , , 4 . down b ,�u_ y 111oree n London, on The managorrieut-of the Beaver La rosee home of her father, at Rat I . �ortage. mons were preached by Rev. John Clark, -of . 1J
I � i I .
. . ,L In his speeoh'at the count � . 'a- l0owan avenue church, Toronto,�, On Mon- , I
� one wilt be withdrawn b some tiPs. Agriculture a their favorite pursuit; Wedneslay of last weo�k, an ,was severely !Club respectively afilk the attendence f the a4ad of improving she continued to fail,and I-
I y . i 1 nation meeti agi for division C. 6, Mr. W., , N
" mal .1swev e*d to the Bide- day evening an excellent -entertainment Was -1
, they isive been. active pioneers in many Wild - injured. The �ni ntry died F 'd, of last week. 1 She ,was a .
iL .. L -1
� I disinterest6d person, who will H. Kerr, on 3 �f the candidates 'for thab , I citizens of Selsforth and surrounciling on ri y given. - - .
I gave s iders against a ' b,ig t 0 girl and a general! favorite. - �!
r� . place -the number withdrawn in ptace, i, making the wilderness into a. usof ul division, and an oldi county councillor, 'walk and toalo!i h y un; E -Mr. A. T. McDonald son of the late J.
� . and r ropperous farming community. Their fence, breaking several �ribs and dislocating . at their Seventh Annual Concert, tp . i
le, the f ollowil ig I interesting particulars con- . � -
. _. L I I d, who has been
i . envelope, whEn it will 'be e: clu�iv'e mode of livi . � The -One of the happy events Of the iseason P. McDonald, of Stratfor'
i an x ing seems. strange th her shoulder. i � - on. Monday, January 2nd, 1899. 1 '
. cerniu*g the do a afno�e and the expenses I � I took place ai the comfortable 1 residenee of , I
� . I 1. engaged in newspaper work in Denver, Col- -
I pos- us- They have no churches, no ,priests or fin I rporal am retired sol- I Beavers have for years succe af ally � kep ! ,Mr. J. B. Smith, on the 4th tine Of Grey, � I
. opened, arid the person ii � � 'y o 1 . il V . or"O, was recemly made the recipient -of a
. - . of the CountV ouse efuge : --,cc I � b sk
. - . ministers, and lack form in every ahape. A . i .3,. dier of her m4�jjllilli =-�`ctlh Regiment 'k
I t ty 5, I I I .
� t .,$Ion of the corroict number, or The total deb utur debt of Huron was V,� 9 on Wednesday, December 14th, at four handsome diamond -ring by the City council I
I, ; I . i I -
L Aj Theirl belief L is similar somewhat o the le of the I the good :name of their town Ito the front. '
. so -on yiears,�a, in ;
- t le for twenty d a vateran c a shoald x proix&of- 6iclock, when. a company of about 100 i guests and the employees of the 4y h011, on the I
I �
i I � , on . -or form 000'and th gets were $12,066 Crime�, died at his - re n Galb on !& ,re , I -
the number nearest to it, will Quakor ly,they have no church , mortga I , idene cord our peo-pl I earn e to witness the marriage care- I
11 on form Been ity,at 5J per cent.intereet,plue I for the generc us patronisge. I � event of his removal to Chicqgo.
4 be entided to the suite. of any kind, and they live entirely inside I . e I They are gratefu
(ets � . $5,5W in tre nary, interest, &c. mak' g a Thursday age , :79 yea a. Deceased earn mony between Miss Annie B.� daughter of -Mr. Edward Mol-Arenis delivery. hone I
i , In 1-1 I L
the 6oundary of their own domain,'and ' to anad aboot� 30 yea a ago He wise 0 ' 'an support accorded them a 5 all tit' wi, in C
� . jL . - ki . , , , -9m I
I I t . I of $17, 64 and leaving a. batance of )n . Mrs. Owen Smith,I and sister of the host, to ran away in Mitchell the other day' d
. I I every hing is possessed in, common. - The total fe left -of er majesty's Twen� e past. on account of the niany pi4toate� Mr. Albert E 1��iteeides, foreman of the broke the plate window in lAinon Brothers
I I.
I 'debt of $55, . 'The county rate in $13,000 Of the ve L , :
. I . 3 � I I
. t It need not be a ques. with any one t is gathered all together, and then " tiet4. to fight ,'during the past ii�aflonf , nt of barber shop. The brute took' to the aide -
I . -
. I � Ai a ,tme the Ontario
I i the .
. ` why we do thi how we can divided according to the number in 'the less in. cc �ty than last' year, district Experimetil
: and fur f . follows : _.-Hugh Bro",'the man who found th they hall ' I L Agricultural Coll -ge, Guelph Rev. Mr. street, - .
I - . � I afford to make t ia outlay. A F3 f ih If one part ot the settlement has a No. 6 sharin In the decreme as I L . ' walk on the south side of Main .
� season. . 1, t . ami 44 Money lost from the bod of Willi thereexpeneosehav been-, high, and th0i ,are� IYelland, of Ethe , spoke the nagic words, t the
�- - sho, a I ns a
4 Murray Ai 1
a matter of fact, that is our , it � P !fiti 1
5cially it, �� ; the in'auy year, the other parts. nil ke I Grey iu1897 , $2,92 Lunness, oL Toronto U, the in need of fbinds to ettle all their liab he'r brother. which wao'crowded with pedestria.
� I ii' I I` %he bride being gi an &we; by
. � t 2,213 �80 1 1 time, but they quickly scattered, without
le, lot we . up tho� deficit. And what have been the - I -eck was found gu Ity o trandulentl Oro] to allyLbody.
i , . . P � Kindly make you arrangemeats for 1, of Ito, is 1 in I
; "I - business and "We may be do. practical results of this spirit of co-operation I . w] gon- I -, Wm. Carmic at St.
, � � ) . Y. .
"s a gmod . �� pended upon ,to lcok well to our and mutual aid among the Doukhobore ?- - lKedneed $ 708 33 misappropriating the I mo and w day next, no that YOU will all ba in Cai Michael's Hospits. in that city, in a precar- L'Irmyr, James Osborne, of Lintowel, night .
I .
l; aIC4 I . . sentenced by Judge ier, o Belleville, t I i duo's I
I '
I I Lonix P. own W - Just'this :. That the have prospered when- , Morrii iin 18.97 - $2,650 13 . � L ions condition. I's is a commercial travel- watchman and constable, received a few *
,� i k elfare on this as on every y . four months in tfie cout ty ja 1. hall, at 7.30 p. m., and give the Chao ions 11
C, I � I . - � . ever the Government has left them alone ; , 11 ' 1898 1,947 80 . . , . ter, and while in Millbrook a nght or so ago days s*o the sad intelligence of the deathef
z of our I rf other occasion. � I i � -Robert King, a forme, hotelkeeper of 1898 a' bumper I Louse. , Tho coonceit like fell on the slippery sidewalk. In felling he his youngest brother, Thomas, and also of L
f�` ' ____ was arrested at Paisley by I inkerton me - I i,
I � that, banished to the inclement west moun- . I - . �
: . tains of the Caucasus, where even the bar- ' ed d dedby Judge Ba -the playing of the i Beavers, Nv.ill be �f the �r'okel_ a plate. glass win,dow- . 1�a isi a very his wife, at Winnipeg, their deaths occur
I . I � I ce from Chicago, and remam all at L i heavy man, and the fat' tu _ h M. He I
. To make ourselves more clearly under- Bruss(il'in 97 8 .,i�5 00. 'highest order. Pis of Fear�s'drug- An her. Pusunionis I
� I ley crop failed as often as it ripened, and ledimgs next Satu - 4 1 � i 'was unconscious on the streetl for, several I
: , . #I rett for extradition prom . ;
I -
. '' I 98 246 40 7 � a consumption were the causes of the
stood in this matter, we "have left t� the mercy of wild bill tribes, who __ . day. He iA charged with passing a forgeT store. I I .1 within a day ofeach ot
. Z . . . . I � - � � � � I bourn before be was found, &�_q his hands double bereavement. Z
� . were �ontiuually fighting and -stealing am - i I - I I . � . i
. tim y to state that it 4ppears - draft for $5W o4 a bank at, Book -Rapid ,
� - Pi onj � Re ced ' ' $ 87 00 - � . I � and feet were frost-bitten, The exposure -Logau township shown up wall this I
. �re n Notes -1 .
sli,htly thernielves, these Doukhobors proapt Iowa, but it is unders d th re, are othe - , ]�[uro I .� � na a great shock to his - systerrilF, and it - is 'be councU of ' - '
ade ., td- us that our sto,-k is 0 Total Mad 'lon i district No. 6, $1,505. - . . I 1. year with its finances, and t
� . - Dr- i
and inspired respect among their neighbors. ar# % i � I
� r. W ith ch an agains him. --- JThe other day a horse belooging I probable he may die. 1898 is to be congratulated on its sueewful i
I heavier than we deem advisable Twe4j years ago there were fully fif- 97, a good a owi g for the yea .
� _... . I -Imniel Linden, wh is &I leged to havJs Wilkie, of Clinton, ran� a;way, and sinashed --On Thursday morning of last week th . � .. lw I
I - a
; La- for this season of the - year, and teen �houaand Doukhob,or now . eareful mant ... ment the rate should not in- I �� management of its affairs. The reoetp I
. - � *John cLaughlin at Lo i � 4 I
I 9; there are atolen $565 froth I � Win, relict of i
-4, . ��� . I Om. cresame unlew nlool�'ed-for expenditure had his cutter. spirit of Mary Williamson ... reached $21.M. and the expenditure i
I so we have decide� to clear at don, a few week agO# id who It
�'Itp scairc�ly halt that nuinber, who are c- Won form .
_ . be made., tside of the debt and roads I * I -Ethel May, third daug iter of Mr. the late John Stewart, of Cr' brook, took amounts to $16,194. leaving a cm -h balance i
?ves, . Mg tO Canada in toto ; thoeFrest have died to u a -road a b tter cold night Georf( I art ad be poorly -,15" -her- assets net � 3.
- prices which cannot fail to move , . country 81 . ii Imlay, of Ethel, dii)d )n Sal urday,1 it� ilight. Mrs. Stew b en . �
. � een'i i Social" and bridgea t e County House of Refu . .� � _ on hand of &I i. The ot .
ered b imprisonedi or sent to Siberia. . ye ?n: , is i a a precarious i
arf a I the trend of clothing buyers in ly, w can learn but little respecting the Wan the oth r important matter he won & in state of in icatio, 17th inst., in his 22nd year. for several weeks. Heart failu re and other $1 139, and the liabilities only $3,431. V
. . condition a in that city. Both J
. t the hospit -The handsome resid6uce o' Mr. 0_ B. inplicatione were the cause Of death. She !:�;ne of the best - known residents ,Of I
I refer to. I 897 the expenditure on,thle . I
cor- : direction. �, his feet have n amputated McKinnon' in Blyth, has beo Ple mearly: 68 yea a subject of Stratford pawed away at noon on Monday 4
our Special prices- Don 'hobors, but#when they have settled � and his life is
ren�s 1: . $5,3M, but this year the- . an I ra of'I age.
� . I 9 .
I , have done this before, and will among us we shall no doubt ,�aow more of institution I co - notice was born in of last week, in the person of Mr. John Hoy,
[,tbs, . i- . I I ,estimated tunt was $4,000, and was no% despaired of. d taken off the contractor's siads. I - ,. - Scotian , and., along
; . them ' I -MiBsKate' Ope, daughter of Mr. and an
1 (to the same'a,gain. What those � quite reach The total expenditure on -Herbert Young, of Blyt has With her husband, lived,. in Grey to hi
'able . . wris IP who lived near Mann. Dafton * Sone I
� I
: .� . . Thre Dominion 'Governmen ringing Aon up to December Wet, 1896 Mrs. Peter Hope, of A r, was -at noon his fir -at examination at the onto = I
) f ' fOr a good many years, coming to Cranbrook woollen mills. Mr. Hoy had been'ill for a ,
. t . I . I ' - _ .
I I special prices will mean, and the those people out at their own request, the this inGtitu . Thursday Ifoum'i drom ney � n the village of pharmacy. . when they sold1heir r ased was
. - I , usini - I an
� . . sav i expenses and was $24, This item also includes keep . � faithful membe- of tbs- Presby au number of - ye , but, -foi the Past year file
: � . ing that will follow in the Gove!,rnment paying alL their - dam. The dec� seed lel t hot is about half - -Mr. J. C. Gilrov, a former b be Mal teri had been steadily declining, and dropp!d
� . ii1so sup. of inmates, 'urnishings, and all'expenses up er � Ing �, . a r
. wake thereof, the following quo- sending them up to the far west, i ten in the. morning, aid was nev . �
, - . n . of Clinton, who went to Be i N Vy. T. . ' born m
0 hem with sufficlent food and cloth. to that dot i, Perth, Kent and Bruce cou - Put the famil3 - . churob, and was most highly j esteemed by off at the age of 44 yeixs. He Wan
I � t a nod dis �
L tations wijl give some faint idea - Plying t & position ties had en i -ted Houses of Refuge since ours again wen alive,lby a short time , Boyle he lifes the I �Ome o: all who knew her. Mr. Stewa�t died a few South Easthope. and had lived in Stratford
, ,. �
. ,
I ing 11� keep them until they are in covery being m4de D 'hol: �8 ater. She I . -
. -1 , his adoption a endidly. � are ago. Four children surv�ve.
I . to sustain themselvea b their own efforts. *58 built, ao� Grey county would vote on I y . the greater part of his life, having been on,
. . . I � y I ry 2nd. Huron w" in bar 4341year. i -The missi n band�in yactio 4 Witt - Biggin, of Clinton, � died at her I
I also, I understand,' intend to assist the q esti ni on Janus cc -Mrs. engineer in the woolleh mills for about fif-
I They, a 0.% f It, i -S. Kleinschroth's , stable, at�Ethel, was ,K ndeeboro, ha a H ember
� . �i A] I the , O� $6 and 86.-50 suits will . Hou f Oge cost less than any other in i . nox church, residence there on Wednesdai in
r L I . ,k5�5 I L them ih providing seed and certain farming � I burned down 64 Ban ayl 8th inst., and, ship of twen y -nine, and last year irailse� orning of t6Ln jeora. '
I I I I � the proirindi , and is managed with the least . - last week, af ter a short illnesi. She was a he following Pupils have passed tte
L be placed on the monthly list at implements in'the spring. . � I
. I contents, consie,Wng of a ho 0, 6 pigs, con- $25 for mi3sionary purposes. 4
i I � i � Now, all this is highly commendable, and � hirei help' ny. Since the opening 159 veyances, bay,, well. di gi implements, 4 native of Ireland, and lived in Hallett for model school examination at Mitchell: Ads - .
: the un iquely low figure. of $4.32. ' 3.) -George F van$, of 1� Holinesvill StO& -
� . � - shows that the Government are alive'to the: inmates ha 1�een received, of whom - to., lost. As no i� isurance,a sub- 11, " 51 0 ears, being an early settleir, since then Beattie, Seaforth ; Latin. Brown, St. Marys;
I . a ,3 � ere wi is first in the, liet of successful stud '
. I , _,1. .our country, � were Sent i �898. - I en vert gen)rously carried a has been a resident of Pinton. She� Rossie M. Caution, Mjwhell;'Agnea Dough-
. i btser, interests and,prospdrity of I noription ha t -he Christmu examinations at the Vtoor o n
- ' .
� TLe ,�,, $7.50 and $8`-_su'Lts will a so ' . ; - __ - I I survived her husband,some Pfteen-yeare, arty, Mitchell ; K.Ste A. Forrest, Amutree ;
I ..
� for We must all admit that, notwithstanding I -I __ - through,and It 8 hope the 92W lose will be to ,School of Pharmacy. I , two sons and two Racb P
- . : appear on the 8&nie list-. at -the that J it is considerable ; expense, we are as-' � , Canatia. . made up. . -Mrs. John West died at - her h6me ii ai kd leaves a family of �el Kirk, KirktoV; Kate urcell, Sea- .
� . I I ' - . - i Cli I
I � penny eta went into effect . a a re - , an don 4ters-Mise Biggm ; Mrs. W. forth ; Theresa Svntzdr, Brussels ; Robert I
] . I a Lucknow, on Thursday of last wee mBg1n all of D. MoNay, Mitche
I .,:pecial price of $5.33, curing a most desirable class of immigrants. -Imperial , PO ge . -A sult of a- vi lit to Ithe- Northwe t 4 9 , I
Cash. � . - . I There is one thing, however, Jthat seems on Christmi a i iay. * __ ' during the pas summer of four farmers the remains were interred i: Dun 0 J� x1ler, Thomas and John 41;4. M. Woodley, Sea -
I i 0
: � All � e.9 andet"O suits will strange to.nie. The Government have agents �The W 411 er tobacco farms, Windsor, i #Nun H lett. The deceased was high y respected forth. Certificates of the foll6wing will -not
I I I -
! i I : 1, I -e-
-1 � the $8.50, 1 month .at and Commissioners in foreign countries do- produced 2(0, )00 pounds this year. from Minnesota and Wisconsin, the Depart- oernekery. � by her se4uaintances. be issued until they have sent in the r
I .
i; i . be .priced fof the � ment of the Ini erior i advised that 200 -The other day a horse wai i being idriven, I home of Mr.
: I irg their utmost to sechre immigra L - I move to I � :1 --I' Daisy Bank Farm," the I quired non-professional Certificates to secre-
� . tion to -Two fa ni lies in Toronto are o9eout- families from� ti e states named wit along a street in Goderich, wl en it a7nk, ul -"William Davidson, Stratford -
e. ; $6.33. � ' t ing a claim -.o the estates of Manzi, Men, : 140 � omem Jenkins, Bluavile roma, Turnberry, tary of board,
I I I I I Canaida. Large sums of money are spen the territories �ext spring. They have de- to its eare in an old drain. I Was ttei: . �
I . I � 1, . . . a happy event on Wednes- Mimes Carr - Keen, McKay myth .
r— ; annually in this way, and. yet .our popula. sena, 'One of �avoleon Bonaparte's officers. aided to ulocate in f OUT townships in the out without receiving a . was the scenes of # - -- . , Nais ana , �
I , ny inj a vies. 1 .
I A I I th u $1 0 and 8 1 1 suits are going to i - da of last week, the occasibn being the Scott. A
mie. He ' -,�* A-* � tiondoes not seem toincreame so fast. The: -Lord 81 ratheons has given the sum of 'Beaver Lake cc Unt hioh is east of Ed- -Mr John Campbell, of White huroh t .�
. . - . � I . I ry, r L - � I 1-
lik III ce of the month -1 . . . M,IN4 r f his niece, Miss Ali MolAod to -Judge Barron; of Stratford, is an inde- .
�_ rot is that we are bringing in foreigners, t is fund for I 1; I . aines, rein - . I
�n fittiag 11 - sellforthebalan see $5,000 to the - relief of St. monton. I I has' p�rohaaed Mr. Edward H mo iage 0 On MOO ornin, N. -W. f ti able worker in the interests of good . L
_ , of
rnterprise - . at $7.33. 1 . some of them of a not very desirable class, James Metilo4ist church, Montreal, from -Mr. Gharle� Ryan,11colleetor of customs) . W* h m, and intends mo�ii�ng t L , John Anders a a
I � . I pencei ing a erion, o Turn- ro2a. Several timew since his sAvent to
� to the country, and debt. � ! T. � son o Mr. .William And , f
Iuccess.- 4 . at considerable expense � - at Georgetown,! died soddenly at his home that to;n to reside. . I -
v Be ore of the Hamilton, Chedoke I �ullett her to nehip. The ceremony was Per-' Stratford has he referred in no unmistake.
ed from Thiis'.'it will be �seen that the prices allowing our own young men, e"cially far- -The dir on Wednesday 64 last ;eek, He had been Willie, son of D go of I 1
t I ) . & Ancaster el ctric railway have decided to - h. 4 0 ' bout 8 p. m., ad th - 11 for,med b the _Rev. A Rogers,� of Bluevale, able terms to the'necessity for and adv#m-
Ving to a L . herein q,a' t4; -are altogether out mere sons,' to seek homes across the' border, I in is room r.bading, i Id a h- � misfortune 'a few sys ago to h&vl ..� of in-� tages aceruiug fron! highways in good con-
; Burgess, - i I � in the cutting &
- apply for a oh�rter tobuild a line to Brant- the . esence of a large number .
� bea en paths ol it his heO had fallen back as -finger ha� PU v ted g ts� Miss Jennie Jenkine,cousin of dition. At the sessions of the county court I
0 . .
�. plaul!u L I , a result his leftfore ranma t e bride, acted as bridesmaid, and the just closed, his honor asked the grand jury
Of the -ary I i er, Miss An is, went to his room his hand caught
! - f oLrdir without doing the least to try and offer his daugh . I box, d
them any inducement to remain in their ford. I
I . I I and noticed th a to be
��. prices. I may!be further stated native land. Why.not take the young far- -Fire as I Wednesday morning destroy- I (,11 1: I
,; fr4 (r'uv y if in sleep.' She 6alled him, and receiving tated. question of statute
. t Is warehouse of Greon- � I - oom WE& ably assisted by his! brother, Mr. to pronounce on the
� who is just going to cross.over �into the - ed the larg( v�holeea I -
that . the following quotations Trier, no ecame lallarmed, and calling ne day last week as Jo in H6.vitt, o �
�itnitobr�, United States, pay his passage to the - west, e --- 0 1 . I I labor, and Oi ted- out that over 32.00 1
� I .shields & 0 o. 'in Montreal, doing damage to . I that hew M auk Anderson. .
Jb I
"s erif
11 e, Past c ats—boys' . it was found I with a comp&41on bi. . - jam Wilson i fa= were put in on the roads
h , , for Over and men's, -' in a usig�bou , as Brussels, was scuffling n named Will' days statute
. I jgive Ihim a farm and help him to sta t on it? 14�,000,006. � : An old me
� g*etovrn, 7 r the extent ( f dea.1 I �, � . caught the little finger of hii; :1 left hand ii - I If d at $1 a .1
: �
I ; su*ts--,.,wfl'1 hold good -The Government are doing all this � for for- -The Lo 2d�fi Street Railway Company I who had an a resident of the vicinity o in Perth eminty, which, �commute _
� William. - I also boys 1 �, , I -NOW that the Le Rpi mine, at Roseland, hiP,.coat'and broke it between! the inecom - � -ty years, died very day, would give the large, &,mount of over . -
� - . : . . i� for over thh,
in � I
... of J�l r. for the month : . eigners,� why not do it for our own farmers threatens tc ste the city for $20,000 dam' has been o er-eiiiiscribe � by the public i and third joints. I I Lucknow I
0 - d I at ddenly at the residenee of I Mr.. James $32,000 to expend under, proper supervision
I i I sons? We have millions of acres of un- ages for bres- W'of duty during� the recent Is 14, 0 0 he - John ' . - I
�_ fr. Pat- England, i i a id to b the intention f t Willie Sherritt, son of , Sherritt, oc:
� r � 9 ats at $4.33 ; occupied 1-nds in the west, and some trouble wi t rest railway emFloaees, � R id, in Lucknow, oict Thurs4ay morning, and with much better results.
I hte st I
r of the EA I v i i's S�5,50 and 86 overco .- 11, sh mauageme td -operate, the property on & Blyth, who has been an inmato of the say.' .
9 I
I - of it good farming laud, and , we see -John 4" Olm, ex -mayor, 0 wen larger seal . I� it is possible the mine" will 1; 86h. inst. Dr. Tennant, who hal'd been called -The nominations for the Perth county
. week . men's $7, 7.50 and 8.00 Over- at London for some time died .in thay -1900 to k. 11ace
st 6 ,a lum . J , Jay, ,
1 7 ty, to Bee Wilson on Wedneso ,, found him council for the years 1899 I I
ter, Mr. . thousands of the finest young men of Sound, and a ,ormer warden of the coun be made t o yield dividends t the � rate of - titution on Sunday said th . , the resus a's -
i men S 8.50, . ins e, � I ing.in,bed unconscious, and ' the pupils on Monday of last week, wit U,
mes INIc- I coats at i $5.33 : Canada, the cream -of the country, going died in that t.�wn on Thursday last, age 74 $1,000,W per I annum. �i Th a will make 't brought to Blyth for intermmen . � y a were very much tracted, be indicated below- Bv acclaination-district 4
, 1 9, oo and I 9 150- c6ats at 6,33 ; every year to swell the rising population of years.. He bad A of 20 per cent. per 11 i of the eye I
� .
. nsall, ic . e (o f y a r q. . �Jo n 0happle ibl - th oldest in w of the opinion that the man Was
� dwelling 1. Diellis io.'00 and 11,00 0,rer- that #eat republic south of"us. Look at the coupl annum in its ent e capitalization of in Hullett,and oE A re "dents M
I -No Chr stmamboxes were allowed to be f I 000,00(. i a noring from the elloapte of narcotic: poison and T. R. Hay; district No. 4, North and
� C d' that are in the border cities and _ `11� I dead in bed 'flisday of las
I been in ill health for a pay dividf nds t the rao ' ' "' either Nb. -I, Wallace and Listowel, Messrs. Pool
keloflhe Yold
I Ddersor- � � coats at 7.33. 1 ne � 9 was found on Thu , and'i when W it- South Easthope, John Hay and John j
. 'ana"I:f the States, The figures would as- received b3 . the sons a in the Kingston sby- 11 an
. t'owas ri o hade, 31ot.ou thebrain - Schae-
Exeter. _. . . -Rev. . J. Clark, 6f the First Pre week. Mrs. H. Hill, Mrs. 8. Thu
I , us Th etrate into the penitebt 0� P I 6 � u died,the next day, Dr. Tenlasint, refused far; district No. 6, Downie and Blanshard,a
I ' ' ey even pen ar � account of tfie number of . ism surprised on Mrs. John Walker were bib do u lite I
11 V. Mar. . It niny be mentioned in passing that I rtj terian church, London� I ;1. t� give a burial certificate, Be , I
. =ern .�tli contrabant i ,else that have been smuggled `bderi . I t.tibg forth the N. Monteith and W. F. Sanderson. Con -
a former . tea. I have stood on the wharf r Christmas eve, by re ! ix' a handsome. --jo ath&n W. Miirtin, of G ,h we riet No. 2, Morningtoon
-, � tock is one wh�ich com- Ii. Moltreal and saw ships come in with in in this: y1in former ears. . ng in gold, the I cause of death. An inquest won held, when tested dAtriete-dist �
11 preach as our s ) purse-wbi h contained 11 success ul at the recent civil Be via exam t I ryretumed siverdict that de'ath-',re- and Ellice,PJarnes Torrance, Andrew- KW�Lry - _.
: inan, . I and , as B�e ju i
ds the admiration of every three, four Or perhaps five - hundred immi., -The 'c;st'mg department has under gift of the ladies of the n regation, to be inaliloo . He wrote at Hamilto and Roiab Armstrong; district No. 3,
� ethodis� � , are e _� e . . 11 9 . Ited from natural causeso
- ; . .i it necessary to grants on b3ard. What a contrast they ard seiz e, enz vessels captured by th employed n purchasing � bo ke for his lib- ` a . 1.
in the person who, firidz ing icit I ev . g an the �pr liminary and qualifi3,'i e 01 . -The Winchelsea creamery h" done a Elma and Logan, James Dickson, 0. H,. �
d �o our Canadian young men who annuall tiv serIvice for emu ill elegant - . eep a � I
he even- z i (five due consideration to variety, . � . . I ggl* rary. I.Al er on in the , nin tiODE& d also an examitiation, I boo 11 which was Merryfield and C. Querengesser- district
. -
I I . 0 leave behihd them their native land to whiskey. each ease the vessels, Where %b e i rary c la a � ! ecesslul. business this summer, I ..
will be -A. " I and servic I upholster d in ing. , fyi. to the trous as the f I .
I '. , N quality and price, I . convictions re obtained, will be sold. I , . ati 61 owing .No. 5, Mitchell, Fallarton, and Hibbert, i
I V ,J - makeroom, so.to'speak, forthose pe I esi evice. Thi into i, have- .
Aversary m ?,a 11 ; leather, was left at his i a was -Plumateel & Gibbings, of C . 9
. lethodist ; . ___ In years goi[Le, by wq used to hear fro on_ _Mrs. �St art, a middle-aged lady from the gift of the oung man a 4 women of the sold to Mr. McManus, near God elrich, a ure8 I 0 OW. . 7or the month !of May James Dougherty, Joseph.Jackson, Thomas -1
. � I who will ,say servative Olatforms the patriotic boast of Ingersdll, w iocame to London on7-Saturday Study condu - 1 .032 undo butter were made,which gave : Ryan and A. R. Walker. - I
'tratfard, I 4 )f A;ourse there are people I Society fog- Bi e cted- by Mr. very fine. 7 months' -old thorou�gl ibre( t Short � aturday 44
I � 19 what an 11 Canada for Canadians." Now we have a to I , d for -There pawed away quietly on S
I in. their ininds do Om0 lop ing,fellon- the icy side- ark., prico, Th *.y also t e pati ons seventeen cents par poun 14
. -&r. IN-lr. � , born bull call at a fair' i butter At. June 28,382 pounds "buttert morning, 18th inst., one of the oldest and R
. ; 11 C1 nding i shooting match at thoroughbred Yorkshire . I I
speaker. ainount of people changoi of Government, and I think we walk that a texfnoon and broke her right _Wbils stt V
wind those . , a sold one of their I i .
� I I %ving 6.90centefo It uly 27,050 most highly respected residents -of Listowel,
. . , i lit change that phrase also and say arm near �h, wrist. 'Mill Do wnie' Aldlorcugh, k1b. Flag - P butter fat'- J� . .-
Phe. mis- . . � 0 wasting." ; I ,in r boar gatothesame arty. I -
. uts per poun
are given t -1 - "Madiane for Canada." I.amnotwriting -The Gjarild Trunk Wlegraphere and w W fatall r BU: He van asked by one of _ P)unds tter, pairing 16.75 ee d in the person of Mrs. Elizabeth Clayton,
Ii,Ill Year. I . � . . ,6ecilp a young lalof ten jy)ars, son of pounds butter, mother of Mr. W. R. Clayton, of Lintowel.
I I am Grand Chief Powell, of the Order of Rail; 0 e men - pirleso�nt to j ; b itter ; August, QA801 1
- . I Te -le, a libro have P in cents per
. tj' . -having bee
��A 'this ,with any political inspiration. jo � 6nd arrange the ullett, � .
.. f)wever we are not holding ouraelve Geo. Farquhar, concession 4 of H un for butter Deceased was in her 93rd year, � a
� - -
1. � � .1 not going 0 condemn the - methods of any way .1 P accepted Mr. Hays te rget, an 1', unknown 0 hm, a loaded rifle very painful acoi4i t or � Tues- I ; q . )n February I
.the first .. . respons for -what people � met wit" �� is f September, 22,295 unds buttor iverpool England, (
I . ible � Government or censure the action of our offer to 8 it� the' differences to arbitra- W an Place i U01n. the r st, 3ointing towards day evening of last week. W A. und a I 9 � I
� I . ... t ; Oc ober,' 14th, 1806. She was a daughter of Major
11 - .
I -lit - I I � i - , ' biB Is t hand West; 6ugh, i by the I ing 1 .32 cents per Robert- Daniels of tbs. Royal Dragoon ,
- in A . .. present', Government. On the contrary, I tion. cutting box . f I 1 .34 cents per pound butter f I
� 'he eer- . � think. . ! . . � iller, J. P,, a * t target. The unfortunife man was bend, 80 podnds butter,
I think, ih;�A', great many ways, we owe much -Hugl� .. * nd, old and i,lf_,v.r in 1 ,6 . J,
I - - . I Wi 11 lose .
. .
Trinity . us to state our aiLa I � � . . the; act of i djusting the target, knives and severely mangled � is d for butter fat. We patrons had to Guards, under the command of the Duke of � I
I It, ofdy remains for to.the udw- GovernTent, for in the last two hfighly re p t d"resident of Toronto, died V iiioiny in some 'unac, untable way, the e P on I
- ift the firet finger, and parts of h -. a c66d and
teresting ' ea Of � I
h da f oplexy. He ' r : .
. Q. The - and object in the matter of so years, ce their accession. to power, we S�turda 0 was 80 yea - C( ateiiis qf the e W re discharged. The I for � the drawing of the milk out of thetie Wallington, and had a distinct recollectil
I . , �� -. age, .an - bi Illett :I Flag i the back below ti -e third. , ipce David iggin ,rices, whic] . ,ather bidding farewell to his family 11
sed an era of prosperity in Can aittended his official duties the - � i averaged 2.38 cents per -of her I I ;
I - Inuch I talk, and leave the iest 'ha" � . a B'ruck _A few days a bro- pound for butter fat. The factory ;�s still previous to his departure for the battle of 4
, - ;'v" - pre" -, pierced the outer edge of th .
. - _. I � - 1. t1los ada such this generation has not seen be vious . - sl oulder I a. 0 of ( I who the Waterloo. She was married in St. George's' -
i are now Be of I � - tion at e ther of Mr Job Coolpwr into ilanning and expects to continue during
an I I Two tr a got into an 'alterce, I �
I with the good se e fore. �'�� ,� It ng, and cams out bel he heart. so time
I � has been employed in Toronto f, ,
re dated. - . I inter an it still has a large paeropaje. - church, Bloomsbury, to William Clayton, -of
- . who have been our customers in , . J. J. RVAN . the Paris st on on Thursday of last week, � .
� -Charles Truckle,�We�jrloyed at the had the misfortune to fall into , I& e vat ,� t A
I serviees I ,'berately shot hiffi. . 11 � -Oa Monday e Dn inst.1 the Her Majesty's postoffice department 14n -
I -Lo have seen tit , 'a � ' very
. Cote 8t. Paul, December 15th, 1898. when D i, �l 'Stevens del) I ivening, the I
.- , past, and wl . , else- is injur� .
� the � � Brautfor� pottery, na, ro y escaped of boiling Water. H i 11 , - don, England, but Was left a widow in little
' .
nson, and I - I to stan I ; . : I ,coronei's jur?1, had returned a verdict of g f two live wir I �
i . ongillig to Eh E ectric and 0 niferings 'I I�o4Ty, of . I
Ile was . i i � 411— I i compani n, �ilifig him `� instantly. The removed 0 city s3irit of Edward Christophei, I
hrough thick i trocution by the or as. serious, an4 he was With her two sons
I d by us :t i I . _ per. ended �h a I 'ruseels, took .its flight. Thl old ! gentle- more than ten years. i
H W11hool � : The Old Game. - I .1, wire �t hospital, where death ' . she acclompanied her sister, Mrs. Edward
I , i i i d thim. I I " wilful urc'pr" t him, . Ve man bad been quite poorly for, the Out six
. Ill � any got cilioso ld with a private on Friday. He wam's nati Of Clinton, Haines and -family, to Canada,
Pied the I ,W-e-,bave r6ferred to, We A dis)atch from! Ottawa? shows'! that all -Job MOrvett,&g1iavZn8g near SpsiFts, met a "g Cc I � 11 eeks, but hew" possessed of "Bueb a vigor- and settled
0 thv.class " i i v iretwhi su�pllee h4ht for the pottery and aLred about 33 years. i I . I
; busineaa � - __ ) j I in Caledonia, but removed to Ustowel in I -
. ' I
� an only ex- � our heartfelt the 1,1,,greenibs '* � are not dead yet. It wi infu laccident a few days ago. He , go McDonaldo;�ar., of us conatition that his many fried4 hoped
� e, 'Press. � � f orn the reei railwa, r f : werhouse. This -dr. and Mrs. GeOrA . ( -ties. i
held in - I says :'Mr. G. C. F�merson,'a tent manufac-, and his 1roth r Charles were felling. a tree, . � a would rally, but it was not 0o, _a4d, with the early six �,
I '� thanks and f1,11-st' that all may I - e private Wi[ -a v ith 2,000 volts of Molesworth, have been married fGr fifty t and best known reei- I
. -
ramercial ) . turer at Brandon, arrived in Ottawa to -day when it BE off the stump, and - falling 04 .Cit . olear conscience of the hiturel opening be- --One of the olden . �
. I . .i eta 0 t . Towarde duik the employees a and an a memento of 11 he occasion I i
I '
.1 i . L I I i
'rJown so be as well betweem us and them *& to Spain to, rescue the helpless on his fo t, b oke several bones and three .. L . � a m, he �assed peacoefully� away. De. dents of Stratford pasited away early Sunday i
� . 1 on bill I Y, - . , Cent lights y are aughter, Mrs. A. Petrie, ho lives at ;cre bi - 1 4
�rtled, and. . . tions in the ter of an imprisoned father, Augue-, toes.. I gain a Ing on tha invandes their I I rn in London, !England, on ..morning, 18th inst., in the person Lof Mrs. �
I am by ail is, hand- . . 9
. 4
14 ;n our businesq rela daugh I 6eived a )v , , though Skagway, forwarded th I � ased won bo the home of her dough- I
1� 0 _r , Or shocks th his Isabella Adams, at I
� �
-Aulguati :, the tine Laruente, of 'Valencia, and to ciaim� the -Win "�( [lick, employed in Garrow's a d sever at re it WHO i ed- in the bristmas eve, 1825, arid, alo4g I
� I
� I .
__ n t serioi Ones�. Tri �ckle some nug I a deceased lady had .
[lie 'Iev.� . . f.uture as it has been in get of gold. . . y to- ter, Mrs. Gough4 Th
I. ; I , -P . . I reward that his h manity merited. �Some inill, St. T io1nas, while at work, got his . . large a good sized I uts, came to Can"s. in 183% 1 a I
, Ifermar: . past. a wet I ce, and re&A n t tu on tbs Atlin district and in as I I
t I time ago Mr. Ems -son, who is a well-known right ha d -a 6lght in a circular saw. As a I �. vallue eT nd at is iinGuelph and afterwar(U i �Gualph been ill for about a year, but had been --on- i
, result t , mb and two fingers we 11 - a I . � I �
� . � fi 1% only a low w4# I
-as built�' So ilow *U coacludilig .our remarks for V 1ra retaken li 4ht ge was I im.med I ;ade'the con- beon. ,,,Aside from its 99 i , ier *ug It! school fined to bed for .ks. Mrs.
, i � I I citizen of Brandon and the head of a family t * ted as a meme 1 Of , the cc- ,township, where his fath X
i. ted rOC7, ly d ictor ol the current ID h wet floor. The mu,ch reels - I . I berdeenshirZ .
. the week, we assure our Tnany` received an appeal on behalt of a Spanish off, and ,he *at of the hand was bed � . 6 .. I I I divisicio comt Adams woe born in A ,Scotland, �
- was ap.1 ., hioeratok. � u ifortun kte n�an cot Id ! iot pull himself camou. � I - I d occupied the position of I Canada about the -year -
9 L . . .- I rk. Mr. Lowry farmed for' a number of in 1818, and came to
. friends of our best wishes for .0 i I goll, . Ile remained - the 74th an . ' IM2, locating in H It
girl whose mother was dead and whose L nual ei rt of the 1
1-9, Rev.' - I " - in a vay and wr thed in amilton. ,There the i
I - man of P perty, had Rob re after the, postoffices i then mdved to .
our father, a man of b a drawn )or a �ve near Guelph and .
well as of . . ii this awful positions, fe,� moments when NmKi 5" i Society of the Meth dist church I .
tinued. so their welfare, as ei y and for a time, subse-
� into prison for PIC, ting against the Govern- Welland to st 1 week, robbing Stevensville lam, where he spent nine jVLears Bitter. lived with bar hush
.., (when� . minister to I the wire was burned throuvh and the cur- in Can for 1897 we subjoi a list; -of the .
, ! earnest desire.: to t. AccoulphlOyilig the btatementof the: on Sunday, R ?�rt Robinson on Tuesday and top o� the foreign I d moving to Brussels in ithe �riug of quently residing in Elmira, New York;
� - I 4 . air i Ously.
Mr. Ed -10 - full "' -rent a d. Tbs' right 4 d was horribly sums donated and subse I
- a wants to the maiden's sad plight was what - Chantler a On*Wednesday nil ht. .About fif - and Baden. In 1862 .
I thei 0 r8619. and has resided there icon. i Toronto, Birsimpton I
I'Mr. TW-' r clothin' . pur it, secured burned, �wo'fiagera An a thumb being mission cauite :-Goderil- - 11rict, � lint -on, I .
� : ; our ability. ported to be in attestation' of its teen doltre iii cash and goo a were I 1ror about 14 years deceased w not in very they removed to Stratford, and shortly
. (,.,t of . burned to thebone. Rattenbury street., $18 . , 0�(sri street, i
I .
r. Kerr truthfulness fromla ]ROman Catholic priest, at Port Ro il"Bon,but not much at the other � �9, robust health,his hemart being a *w k part. afterwards took charge of a farm on the
tc a photocagh of the girl, and a plaintive - laces. , i I 1. .. , - � g. eg B . own, a cu ed of the. murder $179.70 ; Goderich, Nort #rest, " itoed i i 11th concession. North Euthope, where
. mure of' P � -Pe aforbi, f5l.;� ; .pilye&ra ag6 he was united i in age to
. added '! , , ing wi �h simple, childish ear - 'ui day last Customs-Offioer Pont- of Police nan .00hey, t . I I 'in M urdy, they lived for a few years, locating on a
. . letter p, e - On 1) udon, may have Victoria street, $62.13 ; I. M . S.r
� : $110.82- 1 f153& 37 ; � ah, daughter of Cap
� I I ONALD to 6 ing- ly ! IP -
J. Tar; & MAN I who owned a part of what is Flow o nod at farm near the Little fAkes, latterly. Wbile
I CREIG neatness for assistance. Mr. Emerson is a ing, of V Tindgpr, OntArio, noticed a woman to be ta en ba. k of Wash Holmseville, P .[JI . I ; Ban-
ucceeded - �, etroit ferryboat wheeling a. ton, ano� forn[ially a tradited. Through Dungannon, 8192-25;! . Is, 318 ,
. large -hearted min, and his sympathy was I e zgi n � I - , Wis6n, T�eir 6hildren there Mr. Adams died. This was 30 yvars. � I
I . t . I bu g the D * miller, $88.51 ; Aubuin, 7.09, , _�beModel Farm, Guelph. _ I I
the pres-, . -1 I stirred to such a degree that be resolved to- ! y fla 1W ich, appa�reutly a baby ,Wan hat was thdught o b 3 a Clever scheme, $80.55 ; 1,01 or I . rtHuron ; Mrs. ago, and afterwardsi'Mrs. Ads -rine, being in �
11 of e1ch� � I _. � 1 11 . 0 1 border without adegboro, $169 32; ickeremit1h, :are : 'Mrs. Donnelly, of Po T
. �
� CLOTHIERS) &C) go tp Spain to get� the girl, adopt her, ami-snugly6A . Adiminutive hoode&hea,d ;e was got across i the 4 M ' itobs, ; comfortable circumstances, tmvelled iexten. 4
I A � . � i I his $67.23 ; Ba�yfield f e3i 80 ; Val ins, $135 �5. VVeeley Hunter, dbee"ed. 4 so .?
hs! up 0 1 1 make her a membj�r� of his already large and a tiny pair of feet showed from beneath the preliminary of lextradition and . are has made
.1 I
I the n'ew, �A � counsel lodg d , a : PrD t OVith the Wingharn District -4i hai II, 06- J)laniel A., George and Alfred, of Biussels ; sively, but for the past few ye
I . I - ' 65 1 y - her home in Stratford.
� . ; . I family at Brando* I There is also a practical the fol& of the shawl, but the body ap- � th 81 United $t , I ic no $�l 34 Cordelia, who died 'When 14 ; Mar� Ann, I
Al . ates. Kineardine, $131,87 4 Li 1, �2p; 1 � �
,and more, fk� - ONT. sideto Mr. 'Emerson's character, for his peared sp! lirge as a sack of flour. Panting Attorne3 Gen ral of I I ; .
I .
property' SEAFORTIL . 1 � - ! i I I I I
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