HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-12-16, Page 8.
Wilson's Cash Grocery
Nur frulte and new semen's Teas now In stock.
We have now in stock the beet valuei in now sea -
eon's Tens we ever hat+, comprieineYoung Hyson,
Ceylon and Japan Teas. We- guarantee satisfaotion
or will refund the money. the best qua ity of new
Raisins, Currants, Nubs, Piste, etc., new iu leo& at
lowest prices. Some nice ,linee in Dinner, Tea and
Toilet Sete- just received, end at prices as low se the
lowest. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples,
potatoes, dreesed fowl, and all kinds of marketable
produce, for whiele we will pay -the highest price.
VVILSON, Soaforth.
ins eauk of Commerce Block.
CAFilTAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000.
REST, - - $1,500,000.
Main street, Seaforth.
A general banking bulginess transacted. Farmers'
Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at
lowest rate.. ,
Dwelt" of One Dollar rind upwards received, and
nterest allowed at highest current rates. Interest
added to- principal twice each year -at the end of
June and December. No notice of withdrawl is
required for the whole or any portion of a deposit.
Solicitor Agent,
Bargains in La4ies' Coats.
, We find we have too many Ladies' Coate on hand
for this time in the sesron. In order to °leer them,
wo have determined upon the following eweeping re-
ductions, cornmeal:Aug on Friday, November 26th ,
$12 mete go for ; etle coats for 86.67; coats for
S5.83; 16 coats for N. - All lower line' will be cleared
at 20.per cent. off regular price. We have also two
&Isle floats to clear at half Ow. Now is your golden
opportunity. Remeniber, the goods we offer are all
this :season's styles, up-to-date goods. At their usual
regular prices, we have never shown better geode nor
better made garments for the price. We strongly
advise ladies or their children in need of sacral to in -
erred them,
Wm. Pickard & 0o.
Winter Term Opens January
3rd, 1899.
Holds first place among the beet commercial
schoobt in Ontario ; enjoys a large patron-
age ; have recently received eight applica•
-done from business colleges for our gra-
duates to teach in their schools. Board
cheap. Write for catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52
Grand Trunk Railway
Christmas and New Years Holiday Rates.--i3ingle
fare going December 24th, 26th and 26th, returning
27th. Fare end third, gond going December 23rd,
`24th and 26t6, returning December 28th. Now
Years rates on same basis.
The new eervice to Winnipeg and the Week via
the G. T. R. and North Bay reduces the time con-
raderably. Through tickets issued at this office and
beggage checked through from the depot.
Commercial Buildini, Seafort11.
Christmas Turkey ?
If you have ordered from us you won'i be dis-
appointed; as we have bought a lot of the best fowl
to be- delivered at THE HUB GROCERY and
BUTCHER SHOP from the 20sh to the 24tb, so
order now.
Ite also a time for " sweets," and' we've made
ample provision for the little folks. 3ur Chocolates,
Bon Bons, and Mixed Caudle') of all kinds are here
tor you at almost Chrieknae box prices.
Our butchers are busy getting in a full supply of
meats, etc., such u you can wily find in a first-class
shop. We're gcing to wake e Merry Chsistmas for
our many oustomere, if price and good things will
do it.
Grocers / Butchers,
Watches, Clocks.
.LadieS' Long Chains
Chain Bracelets'
Dainty Gold Rings
A fine assortment of Dainty Articles
:suitable for Wedding and Chril+tma8
0. A. Humber' it 8on
Jewellers, Seatorth,
urea itx'poliitor.
'until the end of 1899 to new
subscribers for ONE DOLLAR.
ezicl in your names at once.
TRAVELL" ERS. -The following were ticket-
ed to distant parts thia week by W. Somer-
ville, up -town agent of the G.T.R. Meseri.
Wm. load Charles Aherhardt, of Tneker-
etrath, to Buffalo, to see their mother who
ie in poor health ; Mre. West, who has been
on an extended visit to her parents, /Or.
and Mrs. A. Canino. to her home in Grand
Rapids, Michigan ; 11. W. Cromwell, jr.,I to
New Orleans ; Mr. and Mre. W. Ament, , to
'Ypsilanti, Michigan ; Mien Prendergast, to
Newcastle, Pennsylvania ; George Weir,' of
Langdon, Dakota, brother of John Weir,
8eaforth, to Glaseow, Scotland, by the
Author Line from New York.
PRESENTATION.—Mr. James Scott, sr., of
Roeboro, who has been superintendent of
the Roxboro Sabbath school for a great
many years, wail waited on at hie residence
;+. few evenings ago by a number of friends,
and on behalf of those interested in the
school was presented with a, complimentary
address, accompanied by two handsome easy
chairs for himself and Mrs. Scott. The
presentation was made an view of Mr. Scott
leaving hie old home and coming to Seaforth
to reside. The address was signed by John
W. T. Dickson and James Walker, and is as
follows : " Respected and Dear Sir, ---It is
with feelings of the deepest regret that we
have learned of your intended removal from
our midst, in the immediate future. We
eannbt at all convey to you our unfeigned
earrow at the intelligence, which comee
us as a reminder that we Italie here no
" continuing city," bnt are meriely travel-
lers, restinf, here and there by the wayside.
We eannott'speak of your generous self-
denial and unvarying concern for the wel-
fare of our Sunday school, as also of the
neighborhood with which you have been! so
long ideptifled, without the most profoand
gratitude and &Anew!
labors of love and wend
Our earnest prayer and
Scott and yourself ma
spared to each other, to
us, who have so often'pr
nese and example of yo
of the Sunday school ant
hood we aok you to accei
alight evidence of our gr
membrance. We hope
the reward' of your well -
new home ; but we true
remember with affection
dgement of your-
ing in slur !midst.
ibh is that Mrs.
be niany years
eur family and to
fitted by the kind-
hoth. On behalf
of the neighbor -
t these chairs as a
teful loVe and m -
on may long enjoy
arned rest in your
that you will also
those *cues and
faces; amongst whom y ur life work has
been so great a bletsing. The !Lord bless
thee and keep thee, the rd make his face
to shine upowthee and b very, gracious un-
to thee. The Lord lift p his nountenance
upon thee and give thee eace."1
WHEN, buying robes look for euality
flret ; inferior furs aro dear is any priee. Just to
hand, a few Northwest Gal owev Co* Robes, the
best in the market ; also a -lar e stock o Go t Renee
to choose from. See them, dere buy ng, t Brod-
crick's harness shop, Cady Block, oppoeit Coin-
moroial- Hetet, Seaforth. 618xl
FOR Sleigh Bells, Ho e Blankets, Cross-
cut Saws and Axes, try S Mu lett & Co.! 618-1
Papst's Bookstore fo fancy calendare,
cards and beoklets. 0. W. P pot, Seaforth. 1018-1
SKAns-hockey and pring-of the best
makes and right prices. S. Id !lett & Co. 618-1
Sterling silver novelti
gentleman find high favor a
Papers Book And Jewelry Ho
ONE DOZEN self-feedin
and remind -band, with or wi
s for either lady or
iong holiday buyers.
Ise, Seatorth. 1618-1
ceal stove , new
out ovenr,
your own price all fully gua anteed ; treat ourself
to one for Oleratmas. S. Mull tt & Co. 1618-1 '
Sala have you made y ur Xmas sel alone;
uble tre
. -
is still L
work ;
or axle,"
yet ? My Arne is epen for ins ieetion ; ne tr
show goods. DALY, the jewel er, iteatrth.
decided to rem an in Seaton
prepared to take orders tor a
always on band, an assortmen
and hair exchanged. Reside
of Market end Jarvis inreets,
Rnsos of all descriptio
forth ; prices right,
ASecul line of Christi
A, Yenng's Serforth.
A bible makes a nio
All sizes of type, In different
t Papst's Bookstore, &Worth
In selecting a Chrie
lderly peoPle, what ie more
pf gold or gold filled spectscl
focus of the glass if I know th
suitable will make further ex
mu and exchange 1 nue
Prices ae low as a good art
tested free et J. S. Roberts' D
MonE dinner sets an
Young's, Senforth, thin week.
Now, a pair of gold
make a Were aneptable prese
can have them at all prices at
flo ! for Wingham, wit
shops and 40 groceries. But
Turkeys, undrawn, 9c ; every
granulated, 1G. E. RING, Wing
STERLINO silver novelti
repairieg a lq:escialty at Daly's,
the beet invention of the age.
of them, and have no more
Item k Wiesoe, Hardware M
Levi Smith
for the winter
I kind!, of hal
of Switches
ee as formerly,
eatorth. 018 2
s at Daly':, Sea -
's fanu biscuits at
16 8-1 ,
Christmas dr!
indings, will be ound
mats ?resent
s ? can guess
age ; but if not quite
rnination after Christ-
ithout further 'cost
ole will illow Eyes
ug Store, Sear.
1 18-1
toilet sets at A.
1 18-1
spectacles ould.
t for Ohrirtmi ; you
aly's, Cub. 1 'fel
ervioeab e than a
its ten dry
r, 1643 to 17e ;
dy gives 20 pm.
am. , 16
rids of
of all kinds and
eaforth. 1 18-1
tters and sl ighs,
Call, see and one
Id feel while d King.
chants, Main: trod,
LOST. -A small, leath r-coveredtp ayer-
book, with red tipped leaves, e the: Gefrge etreet
or Main street. The finder wi center a fa or by
leaving the same at Mr. Peter mew st re.
1ROASTINO PANS. —NoW the tight o sthe
ye r when you need one of ehese useful a Mee.
W have them for the emallestichlok n to the largeet
tu key, REID & WILSON, Seaforth. 16184
SOME big snaps in Pa
ire. Leatherdale & Landsb
lor Suites and odd
rough, Seaton . •
1 i - 1 18-1
ASH FOR POULTRY.— eopla wishing to
sh uld call at T. R. e', One9 Ca.'s butcher shop,
ge cash and the highest p Ice for their pthiltry,
Ca michael's Blook, Seaforth. 1611-tf
WE sell the best and c eapest ash eaten -
in n tab': on tbe market -day'. Leatherdsle &
La &borough, Sc.:forth. , 1618-1
For baleeheap, a new leLaughlin Port-
ia d cntter. The finest this well-kn wn firm makes.
W 11 be sold et Ites than wi ole le cost. Reid &
Wi lion, Hardware Merchants, Main street, aleoloo.rath.
WE sell the best and ch ape t :oak centre
ta les on the market. Leather alel Landsbo ough,
Se orth.. 16 8-1
Ireasestas presents fo chi ren, bo e or
gi le There it, nothing more ensibie or usefu than
eh ea or slippers. W. H. W Ills, Boots and hoes,
Se forth.
- 1618-1
s the Undertaking d partment - of our,
wo k, we have a light, low do n Winter hearse, the
.on y hearse we consider sefe to take out ore bad
ro s. Satisfaetion guerantee at moderate prices,
Le. therdale i Landsb •rough, 8 afortn. 16 8 1
Ili pets, cerpot elippees, cur Inc sheeA, hbokey
bo te, fancy elippers, and 1 te of other seful
art cies. Ws. 11. Willis, Boots a id Shoes, Sealfoo t8h4.
BE our:Ash and Oak • edreom Suite be-
nts you- buY. Leatherdale Lendeborough See.
fOr h. , , 16 8,IJ
"IHRISTMAS PRESENTS FC It L '11 toss.- kat -
in eh us, telt - elippe•s, ea et Slippers, leather
ell pers, spate, feh jielets, and heap of other 11001
thl go. W. H. Vii.he, 13oote an ' Shoos, Seatolrtis 8.-111
!--' 1 1
'PECIAL diSeonut on edding and all
Oti Settees presents. Lee,therd le & ' Landeble6r 8u-g1h,
Se forth. _.. _.. ' . .
plendid 'stock of new hrietmas toy and
fisoke„ W. Pripet, ?eat° h. 16 841
ND No ' FOR CHRISM S. -For the past
fa weeks we have been preper ng for it, havin just
Kee ived a lar e stock of -the fl est raisins, cur ants,
spi es, candied lemon, orange al d citron peels for the
Oh Waists trede ; a niee ase etment of medics,
le ons, date , welnuts, almon 0, filberts, permute,
ea es, biscuit aryl other- seas nable goods, allinew
an fresh ; ow geode constaii ly arriving -we lake
a )ecialty of toed Our buteh rin de rtme f will
be ound repl to with a full line of t e c oicest eats,
lar , sausage etc. Sole age: -t for 1Shaeffor's haws
an bacon, t a fe est in the ma ket, Remember the
pl e—Elortc I's old stand, opp site Commercial Ho•
tel, Sea forth ;i telephone No, 14 Wileon & fdeNaugh-
to , grocers ar.d butchers. 1618 1
un01 the nev/byear, I will eh one of the Wawa
assortments f framee and pie res in this section of
the' country. Having received his week, direct from
the manufacturer, a large ship ent ot frame and
*tutu, I will be in a poeition to meet your ants
for the Xmao end New -Year rade. I want your
trade. tiondereon's is the pla e for your art sup-
plies le 8-1
MONEY To LOAN at 5 er cent on arm
proa.rrty-; terms to rit borrow r8. Apply -to JAMES
L. RILLOHAN, 13arrls er, Seafort
meetine of the li Erary an
was held in the o 411 oh
evening. Ori tic aunt of t
and bad roads, t e attend
large as usual. After th
was gone through, the deb
ing was called on. The su
solved that the alrrest of
justifiable," and it was a
decieion in favor of the
given. The subject for
regular meeting is : " Re
necessary for the advancer
tion," with leaders and
lows : Affirmatis[e, Joe C.
donald, 8. G, Stem, Dr,
tive, II. Speare, O. G. Wi
son, Dr. Bethune. The 's
that all those who sold tic
enough to hand in the ltst
the amount of fees the h
cipalities in this county
road gradere. •They find t
implement and of very co
age to the roads,, in k ep
rounded off so as to per it
off into the Water cou se
the made. But, even it
roads are still much inj re
ing on them. This cog d
entirely by having a ste m
them after the new gravel i
thus solidifying them. Th
away with much of the in
discomfort experienced by
to use newly graveled
roller, however, is a somew
plement, in fact too expens
town or township munici
take. Bat, if several mum
Y.- The regular
debating club
mber on Tuesday
e stormy weather
nee wait not as
usual business
te for the even-
bject was : " Re-
. H. Pon on was
y discus ed. A
affirmative was
debate I
lved that
ent of
Abell, R.
son, R. E
eta will e kind
of nanicon with
ve received.
r next
war is
as fol-
. Mac-
al of the muni -
now have in use
em a very useful
siderable advent -
ng them nicely
the water to run
at the sides of
the grader, the
by water lodg-
e avoided almost
roller run over
placed on them,
would also do
onvenience and
those who have
°ads. A steam
at expensive im-
ve for any one
Miter to under-
ipalities were to
join gather in he p robes
would serve them all, a
, Would not bebuidensome t
sten , if each eCunty ' eoun
to purchase a rol er itwoul
the eicpenee wou d not be
any. Tuckersmi li, S afort
conld,lwithout a undue ex)
partof either, get a /Oiler t
work f all, and' we are su
mut hat would result to tl
aethe saving in ravel woul
(arrive sate for t e outlay.
.good thing if the three mun
agree n a scheme of this k
all alike interested in good
• contiguous to- e oh other
could be made to serve all e
8.-A mee mg of the t wn
on Mond y evening. A
g the fo lowing pol ing
-returning officers for the'
was passed : No. 1 at!
ash, deputy ; No. 2, t wn
deputy ; No. 3, 0. C.
0. C. Willson, depety.
mount of $437 92 'ere
on water tax was gra ted
law. A rebate of t xes
recreation grounds ilt
e of $1 in axes was gr ut-
e, &emu.. The ma or,
eeve we e appoints la
se the mu eil and to eon-
s of the B ard of Trade in
g induce Mite to certain
clerk wa instructed' to
tenders fer cordweed.
g of the c %Weil was held
00Ult was held
by•la appointi
places and deput
-munieipal electio
Cashe,store, E.
all, Wm. Elliott
Villson's store,
•Ancou te to the
I palmed A reba
:to Mr. J. C. Lai
for 18 7 on th
granted. A reba
ed to pull of t
reeve and deputy
committee to adv
fer with the offic
reference to offer
ies. The
se again fe
tot y meet'
raday nigh
of a roller, it
d the expense
any. For in-
il district were
serve all, and
burdensome to
and McKillop
einditure on the
at would do the
e the improve -
e roads au well
do more than
It would be a
cipolities could
'rid, They are
°ads, and are so
that one reller
ding took place o Wetland 7, at the si-
dance oaf Mr. Rolf rt Winte , North Main
steeet, 1 when bit eldest aughter, iss
Janet Elizabeth, as united in marriage to
Mr. William A nt. ' The ceremony as
perfornied by Rev A. D. M Donald, • .
and was witneese by a nu ber of the r la-
Satives and imme ate5/riend of the o ng
couple. The cer on over the comp ny
eat down to it et. ptueuri adding d uner
and afterwards d ve to the station here
Mr. and Mrs. Am nt tRook t e three t'el ekl
train for the - 'e ts4Whe they ret rn
from their trip thl y will set le down to t
sterner realities f marrie life in th ir
pleasant home off oderich s reet. Mr. and
Mrs. Ament ate mong Sea orth's populer
young people and, their hosts of friends here
and elsewhere will unite wit TitrE Exrosi-
TOR in wishing them a presp roue and jo7-
ous married life. 1 ,
at pretty Wed-
was intended for last week, but owing tai
some mistake it did not ap ar : The firsta
meeting of the S forth Col e iate Institut&
held on Wedneed y, Decemb r 7th, at 3.30
literary, society since election of officers was ,
p. m,, and a yery intereeti g progra me
was rendered. The newly el oted presid at,
T., Neil, gave an excellent addr ter
which a number qf successful (Audi eteS in
the recent contest were calle also the
honorary president, Rey. J. W., : •d ins.
In addition was the followin progr \ + e :
Piano solo, MUM T. Latimer ; music, gu tar
and mandolin, Mies F. Wei and Mr al'.
Daly • reading drecorder M•es M. Be ttie
and floyd Hodgins. Th meeting cl sad
by- snging the nationa &ahem. ext
meeting will be held on J nuary 4th, 1 99.
half -yearly electibn of offi er for the . Eg-
mondville Young, People's S iety of C Hs -
The following ar the officiers for the next
tian Endeavor toclik place bn December 1 th.
year : President, Mr. John clklay ; vice-
president, Miss Bella Hann h • secretary,
Miss Grace Elliott ; treasurer, 'Miss Mar-
lette Porter ; correspondilig eecretary, Mr.
D. Stevenson ; organists, Miss Odle Ken-
nedy, Miss Flora Porter, Miss Belle , Han-
nah • conveneni of conimittees,-prayer-
meeting, Miss C. Porter ; lookout, Mr. J.
McNay ; social, Miss ;Addie Stevenson. a
music Mrs. N. Shaw. 'T e society contin-
ues to' prosper, ai evidenc d by the large
numbers who always a tend the prayer !
meetings and thel deep int rest taken in the {
work by the young people
week we menti ned the serious illness of
Mit Duncan Me regor, of th 6th comes -
Mr. John MeLeit McG7gor, only son of
sion of McKillop. We deep] regret this
week to record 'his demise. He died on
Wednesday morning He ook a severe
cold about four Weeks ago. Ihis developed
into congestion of the lungs, bids, after a
severe struggle, proved fat 1, despite all
that medical. sklill and kind nursin could
do for him, Po nearly two weeks e -w.as
, unconscious. e was a brig t, intelligent,
I robut+t young man, twenty-fiv years of age,
i and was beloved, by all who k ew him. His
early,demise is keenly felt b his parents
end friends, ands the sinceres sympathy of
many friends will be extende to bin and
Mrs. McGregor in this the ho r of their se-
vere bereavement.
r ;
1 •
son of Mrs. Sa ,uel Halliday, of the Mill
DEATII OF M iS, 11ALLIDA ----Another of
the pioneer rein eats of Huro , in the per -
road, Tuckersmith, departed this life- on
Monday morning last; having reached the
age of 72 years. Mrs. Hallid y was a sev-
ere, but patient, sufferer, havrg been ill for
nearly -five year.. Her maid n name was
Isabella Black. She was bore in Creetown,
Kirkmebreok, Kircudbrightshire, Scot-
land, and Same to Canada with
her mothet and went te reside in
Ashfield with a sister, Mrs. J mes Yeung.
After residing here for some ears she was
married to M"r. Halliday, in
oderich, and
came to reside 4n the farm on the Mill road,
Tuekeremith hich Mr. Helliday had tnken
up some time reviously, and where ehe
continued to re ide until her death. Mr.
Halliday died a out 19 years ago. The de-
ceased leaves a family of three daughters
and one son, M s. Robert Monk and Miss
Isabella, at ho e ; Mrs. J. J. Elliott,of Sea -
forth, and Jo n, at home. She was in
every respect a moat worthy woman, and
enjoyed in a high degree the respect of alll
who knew her. The remains were interred!
in the Egmondville cemetery on Wednes-'
day, ,
• .
Eo MONDVILLfe NOTE:S7---n-.1e tire. William
and R. j..Muldrew returned front Manitoba
on Thursday of last week. They came down
on learning of the weak condition of their
mothen-Mr. John Bristous-Who went to
Roseland last sPring, has sent home to h•
parents bere very encouraging reports of hi
experience in that Olden region. -Mrs.!
Marcus returned last week fro n a lengthenj
ed visit among relat'ves a d friends i
Ridgetown.-Preparati no are being made
for a imolai gathering, o Thu sday evening
of next week i the basement 1 our church,
of the children and teechers of our Sab
bath echool. he parents an friend's wil
be kindlyawel med.--Mrs. 1 alliday died
on Sunday nigh . She had en a severe!
sufferer for a lo g time and death was al
merciful relief i her e, as 't always ie
to those who a e prep red , f r the great
change. She le ves a s n and three daugh-
ters to mourn h r loss, and y her death
the Mill Road i depriv d of t e last of its
wor y pione r set Jere.- r. Joseph
Spro t is kept oving prett lively this
win r. As an xpert v luato , he has bad
frequ nt calls to the lumber re ions of Al-
goma, and Parr Sound. Th trips back
and fbrward are all right, but he says the
tramps in the oods are by no tneans a
pleasure. -Mr. . E. Jackson spent a cou-
ple of days in B yfield, at the beginning of
thie week. -The ladies of the Women's For-
eign Mission So iety of our chetah held
- ;
their annual meeting On uesday eftern n,
in the manse, the president, Miss Grah m,
in the chair. After devotional 'exercises,
the reports were read, the financial entitle
usual, proving of most in erest, This y ar
has been o'ne of marked, rosperity, as he
money contributed from 1 sources eanou ts
to the handoome sum of 135, bein move al
dollars in advance of any ormer y ar.: he
election of officers for the coming ear e -
stilted in the following e ohm : ireaid_e
Mrs. Melte ; first vice -p esident, MrS.
Elliott ; second vice -pr eident, Mrci.
Carter ; secretary, Mrs (Rev.) I $ba
treasurer, Miss Lizzie ., emmell • ea
secretary, Miss Grace Eiliott.-Is it a f
that the morality and refinement o a eo
' can be judged by their a usement , field
creation% ? If so, the mo ality an41 efi
ment of the average New 'raker i us b
a low grade surely, w en over
could be given to see t
finish. What an elevatin spectae e
form of men, pound each ther to he
io, beasts
days' bicycle race must have been, f
8,000 or 10,000 people wh gather° n
, to witness the brutal seen ! Is t e
; ad progress of the age in hich we liv
farce ?
DIVISION COURT.-Divis on court wa h ld
here on F'ridaY last, Judg Doyle pres ding.
Tbe sitting was a lengthy one, continuing
until after nine o'clock in. he evenitig. The
time was principally take up by t, wo jury
cases. These were MeC telieo.0 vs. Mc-
Clure, and Hart vs. Mc i troy. The first
was an action brought by D. McOutcheon,
of MoKillopatgainst Georg MeClur ,jr.,also
tained in a collision. It e erne tha in May
of MoKillop, for injuries a d dame es sta-
lest the parties were driv ng on Cloderich
street, Seaforth, in differe t directions and
in some way or other the buggies col ided.
Mr. MeCutcheon and hi daughter we're
thrown from their rig, end his buggy' and
harness were somewhat in 'ured. The jury
brought in a verdict for $3 60 damages and
costs of suit. The second ose was that of
R. Hart itgainet Thomas °Elroy, both of
MoKillop.' It aeons that : art was a tenant
on a fa ' of lalcElroy's an got in arrears
for his rent. The defen ant notlied the
plainti to vacate his pre ises, an failing
to do this, he seized and • Id some chattel
propertY for the rent due. Owing to some
informalities,thliseizure pr ved to lstie illegal,
and the action was brough to see re pay-
ment for the goods thus il e ally sold. The
jury ga e 'a verdict for $1 , which they
coneide ed the value of th goods sold, and
from w ioh the rent due as to be deducted.
This yeedict, of courSe, c rrie. costs. Mr.
J. M. Best appeared for t e plaintiff in each
case, and Mr. R. 8, Hays or the drendants
LOCAL BRIEFS.—Mr. T. . Kemp 'returned
home on Friday test. -M George 'Weir, of
MiltensNorth Dakota, w here Nut week
Visiting,his brother, Mr. John lir. Mr,
Weir has been tt resident of D kota for
about t enty years and h @prospered there.
He has large farm, and le aleol county
commiseioner. He is neve on his w y to the
old cotintry to visit hie 1 mother ad other
relative. there, and hopes to eat his, Christ-
mas dinner in Scotland.- n Fridaseevening
last, as the five o'elook tr 'in east wee shunt-
ing at the station, here, t e engine ' and one
car became derailed, and hefore they could
be got on the track again ;assistance+ had to
the accident occurred on a eide track, add
be procured from Stralord. Foitunately
the regular trains were not delayed. -Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew' CaldweE, of near !Sheldon,
North Dakota,are here j 6 now, the guests
of Mr. James C. Reid. r. 1 Cald ell for-
inerly resided in Hibbe t, and oved to
Dakota about eighteen y ars ago. This is
the first time be hat visi d Onta ice We
are glad to learn that he has done; well in
Dakota. -Rosa D'Eriaa a to ap ear here
again, in Cardno's hall, o Tue.& 'evening
next. All who desire to hear the autiful
songs of Ireland well, s ng +ghoul ! attend
title concert. -Mr. 8 ank,i, proPrietor of the
union bus, since the eep now set !in, has
been in the habit of dri ing many of the
mailer children to sch 1 and calling for
them again in the fter oon and driving
them home. ; Such t oug tful generosity on
his part wil4 we are ure, be appriciated by
the people generally, wh will n t forget
Mr. Shanletakindnes wh n any a rvice in
hie line is required. Mr. Duncan cLaren,
of Hibbert, Who wa in own on Wednes-
day, says he' has be
township for 45 year 7ifn ,tthhaatb
time never seen SO 1M his time
of year. -Owing te of thp
roads, both north ie stages
have abandoned th
have a hard ! enough
;with their Open ri
!Skating Ri k Com any
flood the bo , ling green,
air skating rink in minim
ered rink. When this is
should have lots a ro
e -
r he
gh ly
o et-
a I a
n a! resident
, an he has
oh now at
the bad eta
and south, , t
ir overed igs and
time gettin th'rough
a .-•The Cu ling and'
• have eoided to
nd have an open -
tion wit the coy -
done th 'skaters
m. -Mr William
eet in depth. ----The man friend f Mrs. P.
1 utledge says he meatier d the ri w on the
! evel in Tuckersmith, and fiuds i ver three
tsogan, who has been se musty ill, will be
leased to learn that she a improving some -
he town had a social ho in C rdno's hall
hat. -A number of thl youni people of
n Friday evening, an spent a pleasant
13 tme.-Mrs. Robert Sp ding, f Vernon,
ritish Columbia, and her littl daughter,
re at present visiting Mr. Spa ling's par-
-tits, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sperling, of McKil.
op. Mr. Sperling is principal o the public
tohool in Vernon. He b s been there eight
ear., and both himself nd Mrt. Sparlin
re delighted with the ountry.-Rev. Dr
cDonald goes to Ha nilton to -day to
' reach for Rev. N. McP erkon and te bap
ize Mr. and Mrs. McPh rson's little son, -
Ms Tillie McLean, Of 0 tawa, iS at present
Yisitin at the reeidence ,of her uncle, Mr•
. Y. oLean.-Despi ' the stormy weath-
r and bad roads during the week., there
aye been lar e numbers of people in toWn•
nd business as been g od.-Mr. and Mrs.
aeorge H. Barr, of Seb ingville, drove up
n Wednesday and went out to Mrs. Barr's
Mother's, Mrs. James, err, of •McKillop
They had a cold ride and bad roads. -Mr
Isaac Miller ie still ve y ill, With sligh
hopes for recovery. -T e anniversary ser
vices in the Presbyterian church take place
eext Sabbath, . end th anniversary tea
meeting on Mo day eve ing.--S ' Thomas
church Sunday °heel pr pose ho ding thei
annual entertai ment in he echo 1 room on
Wednesday evening, De mbar 2leit. Brigh
it oruses, dialegues and a Chri tines tree
tll constitute the p gramm . - Judge
Johnston, of Sa 11 Ste. ' arie, ha just been
made the recipi nt of a N ery handsome gold
watch, the gi t of hi brother dietric
ij dgee, in reeognition of his valuable
rvicee as seoretary of the board of
'strict judges. Judg Johnston is an
o d Huron laoy. He is a native of Goderich,
a d practised as a ba • ter there revious
his appointment to tls
CEMBER 16, 1898.
lil&r$ Rupp, f Forest, after a few Weeks
visit, to ber cle, Mr. H. Rupp, retnrned
hon4 a few ys ago. -Mr. Chris. Sehoch
has nold lpar , fl ,iiis farni on the 14th I con-
ceseion to Mr. Wrn. Heyrock. He intends
etarting a brie larEd an.ye_x.t spring.
SenOor, MomNo.-The first meetimg of
school section No 10, Hay, (recently
fotmed), will be held at Mr. Alexander
Menn's home, on Wednesday forenoon, De-
cember 28th,lat the hour of l0 o'clock., All
intereeted are specially invited to attend
th same.
, - I
TEresH-Miss Al ie Emigh is at present
thy guestof Mrs. P illip Murray.--Mes. R.
Niahol has returne from visiting friends in
London,. -Miss • Emma Thomson, wile has
be n attending the model school in Clinton,
h returned home, having finished her
co rse there, 1 -Rev. Dr, McKay, of Toronto,
ae ompanied by Rets J. S Henderson, of
H nsalf, will deliver an address in Elake
Pt sbyterian, church on Thursday. -Owing
to, the drifted roads, business has not Aseen
as st-iisk as it might have been. -Mr. James
De gaty, whq is at present teaching sehool
in Oentralia, owing to ill health, is going to
molve into our village for a year's rest. ,
Eats.s-The heavy snow storm of hot
we k hainalmost made the roads impassable.
It As tt rare oceurrenbe to see such a severe
storm so earlat in December. -A number
fro t ii vicinity attended the funerel of
the at Peter Camphell, reeve of Hibbert,
whi h took pleee from hie late residence, on
the 10th concessio , near Cromarty, on
Thu eday of last eek. -Mr. Robert Hog-
gart 's 'sale took pla 0 on the 10th conces-
sion, of ibber , o Tuesday of last week.
Although the day Fkiks rather) stormr and
impieasent, a large etowd turned outs and
is 1stec and imnlemente brought good
riche. 1 r. Ileggarth has given up farming
or the r +tent. Mr., William Nicolls pur•
hued i farm, containing 50 acres. Mr.
icholl has now 100 acres, -Mr. David
°itch, w o went to the Northwest in the
arl pa t of last summer, has returned
o e. e likes that part of the country
, . .
dent, Miss Wilson. About $181 wns real-
ized. -The Ileaver lacrosse al b! will give
one of thei: Opular smokers 01 the Wien
hall this ( riday) might.- he "Sochi
Twelve" iat nd having another social on
the Friday eirening between Chrietmcie and
New Yearf.4.The skating and ending rink
will be open this evening for t je first time
this seasoin and the ice is in good condition.
, R. B. IfidorNs, Brucefield, Notary Public
Conveyancer 'Fire ana Life lesuranoe Agent. Any
amount of money to ICIED at 5 per cent., On firet-claas
farm securi y., Also a limited amount of private
funds at 6 per Cent. At home every Morning and '
Wedneeday of each week, Several good farms for
sale. . I 157
NorEs.--sliev. R, P. McKay, of Toronto,
Foreign M seionary secretary of the Presoy-
terian chute)), ill deliver an address in the
interests oi for ign mission work,lon Friday
afternoon of th 8 week, in -the Presbyterian
church. -M , cott has received a large
consignment of corn, which he ii disposing
of at a rap d ra tO the farmers. -Our mer-
chants are b e preparing for tbe Christ-
mas trade, i a d are tastefully arranging
their , waree in the +pet tempting
is "Plenty of s ow !"-Mes rs. G ahem and
style. -The dai y salutation you hear now
Collins are , b eily engage pr paring for
erecting large barns next sum er. Mr.
Maines, of Blyth, has the co tree for both
of them. -Mr. John Rose attende court in
Goderioh as wi nes, in some app e suit -on
Tuesday. His lace was taken a the sta-
tion by the com any's relieving .a4ent.
et lipin re, curling shc- a, hockey
slim, ens and tote of, o her useful
H, Willie; Boots and Shoes Seafortb.
OTES. -Mr. H. atter has
list for a few weeks, but is
ng.1-Master Earn Crich is tin-
e Doherty Organ Factery, Clin-
nd Mrs. George Crich s,re visit -
rich. -Mr. H. Elcoat intends
e winter with his hrother, ha
He isnot enjoying geed health,
ge of climate may benefit him.
mene, of Ueborne, ie visiting
,--elies E. Roweliffe, 'who has
her sieter, Mrs. J. Oriels, re -
this week. -Mrs. Armstrong,
liremi tehtieronwge.ek visiting her son,
el epees, ear
boots, fancy
articlee. W.
been on th sic
now recove
gaged in t
ton. -M
ing in God
and the cba
-blies CI
friends. her
been visitin
turned hom
of Goderich
Rev. E. F.
Charles Tro
hit family,
daughter, C
on Saturda
promising y
one years o
not only by
but by all
Her death
circle. Tx
many friend
this sad occ
ing shoes, fe
slipper', spats
things. W. H
church, Me
ing and Chri
Sunday sch
December 2
six to eight
ing of ape
CAhpr se tams (tenet te
cordially inv
Hills Green.
ch sympathy is felt! for Mr.
or, merchant, of this place, and
0 account of the death of his
itra Elizabeth, which took place
last. She wee a bright and
Ong woman of nearly twenty -
egad end was greatly1 beloved,
the Members of her cocain family,
ho enjoyed her acqemintance.
akes a sad break in the family
; EXPOSITOR unites With the
lof the family in sympathy on
1 • 1
t slippers, carpet slippers, leather
felt jullets, and heaps of other useful
Willis, Boots and Shoes, Seaforth.
eau:IL-The people of Duff's
iiitend having a tea meet-
tina.s tree for the benefit of thei
a on the evening of Friday,
d, Tea Will be served from
' locks A programme consist-
chea, music, recitations and
e distribution, will, be 'yen.
ening is expected, and a I are
'tea. '
bell, whose
fore, and wh
attack of pa
Tuesday of 1
native of G
this country
lad. He w
Hibbert, cot
on the farm
he continue
wise a man o
genee and a
hearted. H
affairs, and
the townshi
reeve, occup
of hie death.
eient publi
deeply regre
industry an
a competenc
one non wel
eral in politi
Cromarty P
causes a ble
so long lived
'respected, t
girls. There
shoes or irlip
Seated)] '
Locan No
in Duff's chu
week, had t
stormy weat
about 'eight
aid of the b
church, whic
which passed
The anniver
church will ke el
next week.
pected from
ens ; Rev.
Blair and
Misses Moor
from Brussel
HE REYE.—Alr. ' eter Camp -
illness we have m ntioned be -
had heen sufferi g from an
alysisSdied from i effects on
st week. Mr, Ca pbell was a
segow, Scotland, 'nd name to
with his father When quite a
. l'
s one of the moneee settlers of
ing here in 1853, and eettling
n the 10th concesoion, , where
to reside until his ! death. He
more than ordinary intelli-
ility, and was genial and kind -
took an active part in public
aefor many years la member ofs
council. He else serVed as
, and for the past two yeers was
ing that position Iat the time
Ile 'was a fait ful aad effi-
servants His d ath rill be
ted by all who kn w him, His
good management secured him
, and he leaves al wid w and
provided Tor. He wee a Lib.
a, and a consistent me ber of
ebyterian chureh.! His death
k in the eommunity where beg
and Where he was so highly
at wil not be easily filled.
presents for children, boys or
nothing more sensible or tuieful than
ere. W. II, Willis, Blots and Shoes,
ES.--3,'he Union Sabbath School
hich Wu to have taken place
ch., oti Thursday night of last
be poStponed on account of the
collection amodnting te
della s was taken' u
chureh here last Sa
ilding fund of the
was destroyed b th
over 'that localit
sary ea meeting
on Friday
in the
bath, in
t fall. -
of. Duff's
eventing of
Af er upper addreesee are ex -
eta. Mr. Whaley, Of St, Hei-
r. Tiffin, of Walton a G. F.
. H. Kerr, of B tinsels. In-
esti° will be rendered by the
, of o•eaforth, and la quartette
*ill contribute Vocal selec-
belay will preach the
e on the follOwing Sab-
y.-At the recent annual
n branch of the Upper
ty addresses were given
Tiffin, Forrest, and the
, Rev. Solonion C. Ed -
t tions. Rev. Mr.
• anniversary amino
bath, Christrnan D
• meeting ot 'Walt
' Canada Bible Boole
r by Revds. Messrs.
agent of the societ
t monde, B. D., Monkton. , Rev. Mrs
Tiffin was eleoted president, and !the other
members of this, y ar's board were reelect-
ed. Walton bran
t lest year to th_eBi
bench.- °mina -
t ons for councillors for- county icouncil di•
v don No. 5, comprising Tuckers! ith, Sea..
f rth and McKillop, wi be he d in the
t wn hall here on Mond 37 next. The road.
ere too much for the Brussel* stage on
as unable to make
heavy snow has
e to be late nearly
club hal now start -
e to do some -good
ey will have two
nd a ju ior.-Mr,
moving from Sea -
f rth, and will have an election is le of h•
s ck and implements on &turtle , Decem
✓ 24th. -The annual entertai ment o
5 nehine Mission Band, f the F'resbyteriart
c urch, was held in th basement of the
church on Wednesday ev ning, when a good
programme, consisting. f recitations and
music, and a cantata, th " Chain of love,"1
wag rendered by the ehiyren of the b nd. i
oat i
to i
turday last, and it
usual daily trip. Th
so caused the train
ery day. -The hockey
practice, and expec
eying this season. T
ams, an intermediate
Misfit Kehoe intends
h contributed about $50
le Society.
D. S. Faust no
a lin. It is better
I will pay intending
D. 8. Faust, Zurich.
i CALL and see t
"Jlewel, with steel dye
doubt what we say, es
. hristmes trade, and
s have sold sixty in
'Loin all. Also see
I ruling hardware. O.
BRIEFS. -Mr, 5
ntly sotd his fa
days ago, into the
oater.-Rev, h
i to the new C.3ath
mmodious and c
1 : ared to enjoy its
pe the reverend
Listowel, agent
mpany, watt in
a d secured a num
agan, principal o
h been ill for a
be eut again, a
a hool duties. -Mr
her husband with
f w days ago. -
s ld hie farm of 1
S ith, for $5,000.
miove to North Da
The children acqitted themselves in a
creditable manner, and did. real credit
the instruction given theist by their p
has hie Christmas stock ,
more oompleie than everr
urchasers to call and see itr
e new cook stove, Grand
beet stove on earfib.1 If you
(and we will explain it to you
two years ; 10, ..10 sold in On.
ur stook of Silverware for the
t the lowest prime, at the big
HARTLEIN. 1018-2
mnel Levigood, who re-
, moved into town a fetv
house of Mr. Nicholas
. Valentine has !moved
lie rectory. It is ,a most
mfortable house nnd we
entleman may be long
comfortii.-Mr. Walters,
f the Waterloo ineurance
wn on business this week
r of risks. -Mr. E. J.
our public echoed, who
ut three weeks, is able
d is attending to his
. Ed. Apple presented
a bouncing baby boy a
r. David Isevigoed bee
acres to Mr. Wendel
Mr. Levigdod intends to
ota in Februarys-Mias
DrYflidale• _
JOTTrrti s. -Mr. Charles Cleave, who: hu
hee visit ng relatives in Winghans, hail re -
ten a spe ding his Christmas holidays in
tu ed h me. -Mr. Arthur Screenan: in•
Southern ton. -Mrs Thomaa'Johneton,1 jr.,
paid a fl ng visit to Bayfield last Seturday.
-Mr• nry ' Howard, our well-known
farmer an atoek raiser, met with a bad ace
+ident on day last week. He was milxing
eut feed ' the Tanager, in front of au !anis
Mal, whe , over -reaching himself, he egged'
end fell i to the manger. The anima be -
pante enr gedaand not being dehorned, at -
tacked h m in iously. He made eyery
effort to escal , but everything seemed;
hopeless. The , huge brute seemed to be;
ouerpowe ing him, when his brother, who,
Was mirk ng i another part of the building,.
beard his cries and came to his assistance.:
He mana ad t hold the.brute at bay with
the pitch ork nail another brother ran to
Mr. Duch I1116 blacksmith shop for help.
When help'arrived, Mr. Howard was qdiek-
ly taken to his b me, whet medical aid iwas
summone ,1 and be was found to be serionsly
BYrows. -4-Ed. id was visiting for a Ifew
days last week in Wingham.-Thernas
Sanderson wita in Clinton the greater part
of laid week..-ohlise Lily Martin returned
on Monday frem a ivisit at Wroxeter. -
James Marks and John Erwin have returned
home after puling the summer on the lakes.
-The young people cif St. Andrew'sSabbath
school are busy preparing for the annual
Chrietmas entertainntent, which is to be
held on Tnesda December 27th in the
wil likely be the only
ent, and should be
. and Miss Corbett,
e guests at the rectory.
ce in last week's storm
town hall. This
Chriatmas enter in
well patronized. M
from near Parkhi 1,a
They had an ex rie
they will not boon fo get. They left home
Tuesda and wera w•thin about four miles
Of Bay eld when the became snow bolnd
at Mrs. Snowden's, here they were obliged
to remain for six day .-Mr. James Barns
has purchased from m. Clark, of Seaforth,
the Bayfield breeze of ;bit bakery nd
grocery buitiness for the past year ca ied
on by Mr,. 'John 'Big art. Mr. Burns Iso
purchased the premi es, and took possession
on Tuesday. We w• h Mr. Burns BOMAN in
his , new venture.
. Bluvale.
NoTEs,--1-The anniversary serviees of the
Methodist church Were held on_ Sabbath
lie . Rev, D. Rogers, the pastor, preached
he morning, and Rev. W. J. West,
M. A., of the -PresbYterian church, pressich-
ed n the erening. The choir had tapered
ape lel music tor the occasion.- he ,an-
nual Christmas entertainment of the Blue -
✓ lis Presbyterian Sabbath school will be
h Id in the Fereeter' hall, on Friday even -
i g, December 23rd. For several years past
t eir entertainments have been very slic-
e ful, and, judging by the way the par-
t cipants are working, this one will not only
e ual but excel the former efforts. -The de-
b te, " ResolVed that a monarchy is a bet -
r form of gevernment than a republio,"
d cl not come off, on account of the very
s Cmy weater. No mare meetings of the
d bating soci ty will be held until the even -
i g of January 9th, when a debate will be
given, ' the 'abject of which will be an-
nouncedin ime. —Mr. T. West, of Wood-
stook,ivisi his brother, Rev. W. J, Went,
at the 'imans , a few days recently. Mr.
'West Imo v sited relatives at Gorrie.-Mr.
John utla d has moved his family to Brus-
sels, and M , and Mrs. McGutre, of Listo-
we , have m ved into the hotel "vacated by
Mr, Putlau .-Mies Mabel Coultes has re,
torne4 from a visit to her brother, Mr. Ed.
gar Coulta, princi al of Ripley public
school.-- -Mows, Chriatopher Thornton,Will
Gardin and Walter Itu in have returned
home from Manitoba.-- he annual meeting
of he missionary society, in connection with
the Presbyterian church, was held in that
ch rah on Tuesday. afternoon of but week,
wh n the' following officers were elected ,:
Mi s Collie, re-elected president ; vice -
pr ident, !Arai. R. N. Duff ; corresponding
sec etary, Miss Mary Scott • recording sec-
retary. Mrs. m. Messer ; 'treasurer, Mrs,
George MacDonald. -Johnnie Thornton,
son of Mr. Christopher Thornton, had the
ends of his flogger. badly bruised by coming
in' Contact with the entailing knives in the
flax mill, one day recently. -Mies ,Ida Dil-
lik, of Cranbrook, iatisiting at Mr. George
Hudeon's.-Mies Tillie.Fluktir Is at preeent
in Very poor health. Mr. Robert, Currie, of
dereon, of Terriberry, is seriously ill. -Mrs,
East Wawatiosh, v• ited at -Mr. R. N.
Duff's on Saturday la 6.-Mra. James An-
Riohardson, +f Berlin, is visiting her mo-
ther, Mrs. Jetties Anderson, 'of Turnberry,
-An e tertatoment, under the auspices of
22nd, tse take the place of the usual Christ -
the Me hodist Sabbath school and Epworth
League will Se given in the Methodist
church on „Thursday evening, Dteember
mas entertainment.--sMiss Maggie Hyslop,
formerlY of Birevale, but now of Kansas, it'
viiiting relati es and friends here. -The
anew never fell to a greater depth so early
in the semen, in this neighborhood, per-
haps, than it did lest week, and it is snow-
ing yet. The road from the vane toward
the etaticm wee drifted full, SW if it were
mid -winter, and on Monday, the first really
set led dey, had to be ploughed out. And
yet the weather prophets have been pre -
die ing, by the November ehtuader and
ii.DECE Mae -
This is the closing month of the year,
we are anxious to close out a large peruoit
of our Winter :Stock by the new year.
accomplish this, we will offer every day
month better values than you can -usually.
find. This will be
FUR °tins,
Special Sale
Cloth Jackets.
Not as many in stock as we had at the•
beginning of the season, but still we havee•
some good ones left, which we will clear at
prices thet you ean't afford to pass by, if
yott really need one. We want to finish our
jacket stock this month, so the prices will
be all your wati. For the
Christmas Trade
We -have a good isseortment of La-
dies' Umbrellas, Jackets, Wraps, .
Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves,
Silk Handkerchiefs, Embyoidered
Handkerchiefs, Ties and Scarfs,
Veiling*, Ribbons and Laces, Cor-
sets, Trimmed Millinery, Children's
Caps, Fancy Linerue Table Cloths,
Napkins, Towels, Quilte, Table -
Covers, Curtains, &c.
. . . The . .
Dry Goods Co.
C4th's Greatest Cask
Dry Goods Store.
other signs, au open winter. -One day,eiirly
in last week, two men started to drive from
Lueknow to Orangeville,in a buggy. There
was no snow at Lucknow but when they
got as far as Bluevale, and 'beheld the great
drifts of snow they longed for the wing. of
an eagle. -dr. John Anderson, of the
boundary, has returned from Manitoba. -
Mr. Wm. Sanderson is buffering from a se-
vere cold. ---Mise Bertha Jamieson, of New
York eity, is visiting her sister, Miss Jamie-
ionjof the post otfiee.-Mies Brinker, of
Hamburg, is s nding a few -weeks with her
hrother, Mr. . R. Brinker.
LOCAL BETEFS.-Our enterprising horse-
man, Mr. T. J. Berry, has added another
fine Clydesdale stallion to his stables. This
horse, the celebrated " Royal Warrant,'
(1664), was bred by Robert Stevenson of
Stranraer. He is a very big and very s'ty-
lish horse, and looked quite fresh after his
long winter trip, when he arrived here on
Saturday last, He was brought over by
Mr. ThornaS Broomfield, of Brussels. Mr.
Berry is bound to have the best in the horse
line. -Mr. Dougherty, of Huron College,
preached in St. Paul's church on Sabbath
last, with very tnuch acceptance. -Dr.
Gunn, cf Clinton, was in the village last
Friday, in eonsultation.---Mr. A.. Dent,- of
Mitchell, !pent Saturday the guest of his
sister Mrs. Jas. Leatherland.-The Mimes
Reit!: and McLean, who have been attend-
ing the Clinton model school, are home. -
Mr. Leidie Colwill returned home Friday
from Clinton model school. -Mrs. Nichol, of
Blake, and Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks were
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs, James
Sparks. -Dr. Ferguson was in Kirkton ott
Thursday of last week. -The Messrs. Wm.
and Edward Dignan, eIdest sons of Mr.'
Warren Dignan, ot Hay, have purchased .
from Mr. Robert Bell, jr., of Henson, big
farm on -the 4th concession of Hay,-Rer,
Wm. McDonagh, of Stratford, will conduet
the miseionary anniversary services of the
Heiman Methodist church next Sunday, MO
11 a. m. and 7 p. wt. A great number -of-
people of this vicinity will be glad to hear
him. -A large number of our villagers, not-
withstanding the very disagreeable weather -
and bad roads, attended the funeral of the•
late Clara Troyer, third daughter of Mr.
'Charles Troyer, of Hills Green. She was in
bright young girl in the very bloom of life,
being only 20 years of age. Very much,
sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents -
and the other members of the family ire
their sad affliction. The funeral to thin
Hill's Green cemetery, on Tueaday forenoon
last, was very largely attended. -Rev, B.
1'. McKay, who is at present engnged
lecturing in thibounds of the Huron Presby-
tery, in the interest of the foreign missions
of the Presbyterian church of Canada, de-
livered a most able and interesting address
in Carmel church on Wednesday evening
last. The attendance was pod, and the
lecture much enjoyed. -Business has been
rather quiet in our usually stirring village
during the past week, owing to the drifted
state of the roads. -Our merchants are 120W
displaying fine Christmas stooks, and their
stores look very attractive. -Skating and
curling are now the order of the day, and
our rink is already being well patronized. --
Miss Whitesides was able to resume her
duties as teacher, on Monday,
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