HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-12-16, Page 7a 4 as' a eather i•••••••••m•••••...... tough„ at grip A AP') RTI4 , About five es, the clouds (dears and the DIV of this peri- nd. As no distance abovet togive oil carried up by ail it reached isation set in, 3ut as. the sun id the day be - 'dually ceased, t off, and by ia nevaseary to • tbe bt OCCO.8. al use. Price 25e. ,ughterei- daughters, the 'ears old. The latt, is said. tG• nt in padriting, aerie Lwowna, ra. the hero ot ef her father's ▪ a woman of a has elect/writ- et eared to see ure , would the the side of the recent visitor. very for many great value to at the letters are not to be HAIN - Cured by Pills. he newspapers published, feet rairacalons m- eek. after a pro- , Bladder and dock's. recovery Dodd's Kidney reported. Mr. M We Oxford 's Kidney Pills -ase and Lame t'or over a year. of earth cure by flother to light. firmed an im- v all round the ailed once - BS. he Ones ef the g. the poultry milk are good ne and for egg - the food often - be kelet until re cold, damp her food and' that have failed ati0n to pill owIs be stkp- nd ere aa with other hut can nearly eoorl advantage-. !pper, who have Pome time, in- af ter reaeh Ottawa more at dis- i't let u can cures riding Lrrhal rh for it four le the ;gists, ase of tactic, heves • 7 ci DECEMBER IA, 1898 THE 1dItON EXPOSITO eat-. 7 .1 I DIV" ever see o SNOW sor 111 UMW We never did; but we have seen the clothing at this time of the year So covered with dandruff that it looked as it it had been out in aT regular snow- storm. No.need of this snowstorm. As the summer sun would melt the falling snow so will lle S Hair vigor melt these flakes of dandruff in the scalp. It goes further than this : it prevents their formation. It has still other properties: it will restore color to gray hair in just ten times out of every ten cases. And it does even more: it feeds' and nourishes the roots of the hair. Thin hair becomes thick hair; and short hair be- comes long hair. We have a book on the Hair and Scalp. It is yours, for the asking, If j'en do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the 1120 of the Vigor, vrrits the (lector about it. Trobably there is some difficulty with yeta gen- -erat system which may be easily re- moved. Address. DR. S. C. ATER, Lowell, Mass. Our direct echanectione will, save you time and money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. - Our rates are the lowest. We have them to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR -- IST CARS for your aceommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave follows: GOING WIIIIT- Paatengor Passenger.... Mixed Train.... .. Mixed Train .... . . GOING RASO- Seaforth and Clintou Passenger_ Paesenger.. 'Mixed Train.. BEAFORTIL 12.40 P. M. 10.12 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 6.15 P. M. 7.55 A. M. 3.11 P.M. 6,20 P. M. Wellington, GOING NOFITII- Ethel. Brussels.. .. Bluevale.. Winghain Gorse Bourn- ..... Bluevale ..... .... . . Ethel stations se CLINTON. 12.55 P. U 10.27 P. RI, 10.16 A. M. 7.05 P. M 7.40 A.M. 2.66 P. M. 4.136 P.M. Grey and Bruce. ' Paimenger. 10.04 r. M. 10.16 10.28 10.49 Passenger, 6.50 A. M. 7.00 7,14 7.28 . • • • Mixed. 1.40 2.10 2.45 806 Mixed. 8.56 a. st. 9 17 9.45 10.02 Loudon, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Paetienger. London, depart 8,15 Atli. 4.46 r.m. Centralia.. 9.18 5.66 Exeter 9 80 6,07 Bengali. "- . ..... ..... - . 9.44 6 18 Kippen .. 9.60 6,26 Brueefitid 9,58 43.36 Clinton 10.15 6.515 Londeeboro ....., . .... 10 33 7.14 Blyth 10.41 ' 7.2$ Belgrave 10 56 7 137 Wingham arrive. .... . 11.10 8.00 Passenger. , ,Whigham, depart „ .. 6,63 A.M. 3,30 P. 11. ---- RelgrAve..,..... .. 7.04 3.45 Blyth 7.16 4 00 Londesboro... ...... - 7.24 4.10 Clinton_ .... ...... . 7 47 4 30 BrucefleId 808 4.6e Kippen. 8.17 4.69 Hensall........ .... . ... 8.24 5.04 - Exeter.. ,.. ....... .. 8.38 5.16 Centralia 8.60 5.25 London, (arrive) .. 9.60 A. AL 6.20 • tGoiso Scurn- Soft Elm Logs Wanted. Wanted at the Brumfield Saw and Stave Mill any 'quantity cf first -c ass Soft Elrc Loge, far which $7 a thousand will be paid. Logs to be out 11, 13 and 16 feet. Will also bey timber by measurement or by bulk in the Inieh. WILLIAM AMENT, Seaforth P, 0 1817-6 Gookri, -Cotton Boot Compqad. Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask _your druggist for Cook's COW Ii.* 6i Take no other as all Mixtures, pill* and Imitstions.are dangerous. Prise, No. 1,11 per ter; o. 1,10 degrees stronger,te per box. No. or 2, methadon receipt of price and two 14enli 41tamps. The Cook Cowpony Windsor,'Ont. ilfrNos. i and 2 seld and recommended by all zesponsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 sold:in Seaforth by Lumsrlen & WIOn, dreggititO. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrumon EMPORIUM. ESTBLISHED, 1873. Owing to bard times, we haire con- t. laded td sell Pianos and Organ at Greatly Reduced_ rices. Oigans it 9 5 end unwards,1 and Pianos at eon eseonding- prices. See us before purchasing, SCOTT EROS. The Horse wi' the. ShiftinHeid. BY EDWIN EWE1 An old Scotch farmer and hie man were one evening riding home ftio the market. The night was dark; and 1 hey were both rather unsteady in their ea dies from the effeets of numerous " hears!! •which Leith had been freely indulging in th ughout the day. At a rough part.of the roa the laird fell off his horse and eolled helpledi y into the ditch at the roadside 1 " Herman, Tam," he eh • ted to his !Irian, who was riding on a littl ahead, " ome awe' back and gie's a haun .1 There'a s me - thing fain aff my horse, I' no riehtly sure what." Tam drew rein, then, at r rubbing his eyes and trying to underst d where he was apd what happened,drow ly exclaim d- " Oh, Laird, 'm thinking it s yersel t at's fan aff 1" "Mo ! Losh ! d'ye tell ne sae? Ian, I kent there was somet i g had sli p'd doon ; but I ne?er, thocht t was my el' ! Seill, noo that Ye mention , dod, I. wadna wormer but ye're richt, for mv.ist assuredly did feel something hard gi me an uncitLbad dunt 1 It maun hae been he grund -1 Boo - ever, Tam, gie a haun' to 6et on my beast again." 1 . .After numetOus futile ind awkward at- tempts to regain his seat in the saddle he at last succeeded. ' Then Ta with great cliffi- and many a "whoa there,' "stand etill, ye auld limmer,"finally got on to his own horse, and was about to re ume the journey without noticing that -the 1 ird had got into his seat -facing the wrong ead of hie horse. " My conscience 1" mur aced the laird, -groping affund for the re 1:14 at what he thought must be the h riae's shoulders, " this cowes a' ;! Whaur t 0 mischief !late thee confoonded reins al pped awe' to? Noo, that's queer. 1 °arm lay my haun's on them. Hooever, they a e bound te he somewhar' arodn' the beas ie's neck 1" I So leaning its far over as he co Id with safety he made a wild sweep at where he tho ght i the horse's heal ought to b , but was h rri- tied to find n thing. " Gudesakes, al ve ! There's sorneth ng faur wra g here ! W aur he the warld is the puir be st's heid ?',.' 'I hen the truth suddenly flashed n him, an he shouted to his man -"He man, Tam ye amid, gomeral 1, It wasna e that fell a,ff aftet a'. It Wee my horse's heid 1 For as surd as death there's naeth ng here but the puid beast's twa shoothers ! I say, am, seein' that ye're a wee sobe er than me ye miebt gie a keek roon'eand look if ye can Bee an odd horse's heid lying' ony har' i aboot." Tarn, half- addled, did s he was bid en, when, happening to look u., what was his consternatioi to see the ho 'se's bead stick- ing out at th hind end of he horse instead of the front nd. " Mercy on us, Laird 1" e cried in alarm, " if that's ini, yer beast's . eid stickin' out at the hinder end instead o the front end. Just turn abnot and see fo el'." "My conecience me, Ta , d'ye tell me sae ? Noo,h'oo in e nam o' a' that's won - i nerfu' did it L th get roon' th re? I'll tell ye what, Tam, he beast's no army, shiftin' its heid aboot free yae end; to he tither when- ever it liked'. Losh pros rve us a' ! A body ne'er kens whaur to 1 ok_for the reins, forI could eweer to it that the beast's heid was in frontio' me afore t fell aff-noo it jeuks up a,hint line ! I'll 11 ye what, Tam, the beast's n�' to be tru eit ! The deil's in't ! Hooever, I maun j st turn roon' to humour it till we get ha e, whaur we'll mak' a moist thorough ee: mination o' this queer cratur' 1" ! A8 the pair clattered in o the farmyard the laird's,wife was waitin at the kitchen door with a lantern in her and and a grim smile on her face. " Od, woman," exclaimed he laird, anx- ious to have the first word in the harangue whiehhe knew was t flell w, " what a nieht I've had 1 Ws •a Me cy ye se me hame .va." "'Deed is't," said his s ouse. " Some nieht, if ye gae on as ye're d ein', ye'll no manage sae far. Ye'll be d ooned at the ford, an' that'll be the hin er end o' ye." "Ye hae unco little pit f r me,nruidam," said the laird, with a co ical attempt at dignity that nearly upset in while he sat in the eaddlel "Dae ye ee onything at the hieder end o' my horse? Weel. as shure as I'm satin' here, its heid drappit aff on the road comin' hame-ask Tam if it didna -an' we had an awfu' see in' to find it, till at last we got it stickin' o at the beast's hinder en'. Bring owre ou lantern, my womari,a,n' see for yersel'. 8 ein's believin, ye ken." , "Ay, seeia's believin'," ea d the laird's spouse, in a tone of cutti • g irony, as she held up the lantern. "An'1 yer rein heid hadna been fair bizzin --wi' d ink ye would hae seen that ye're sittin' t ide yer horse wi' yer face to its tail. 0' m n, ye'llebe the lauchin' stock o' a' the ki t aside gin this nicbt's ploy gets oot." • "Help me cloon, Mary,' said the laird, humbly. "1 houp you w nna be the first to speak o't, an' as for Ta , J he lets oot a cheep o' this affair I'll bre k his lazy back for him." • TO CURE A COLD 1 Dike Laxative Bromo Quinine giete rc fund the money if it fail • N ONE DAY, Tablets. All Drug - to Cure. 25c. 1581-36 Brave M Buildings are erected higher than they used to has come into use in the e ings. A11 very high build nearly fireproof as possible used, and fires break out point where water can be street. When a tall build a pipe is built in (sometim that has 'a projection which a hose can be attae is a tank whith is kept ful aid of an engine in the cell When a fire breaks out th to the nozzle on the floor Fire -engines are built n water almost three hundre at the rate of fifteen hund ute. Firemen are very go into a burning building until the stairs are bur flames from the windows ing down the ladders. A vented that will carry a li a tall building, just as it c the shore to a sinking ship. Water -towers are made very great height, and th able platforma which ena fight the fire from these floor as well as from the t The Outlook. n. now very much because steel cation of build- ngs are built as but wood is still high above the hrown from the ng is constructed s more than one) n every floor to ed. On the roof of water by the r of tile building. hose is attached here the fire is. w that can throw feet , in the air, ed gallons a min- e. They will fight the fire away, or the ent their corn - has been in - o a fireman on es a line from arry hose to a ow haveenov- the firemen to forms at any f the tower. - res gu rr le la Equal P The women have scored Iowa. Hereafter there wil between the salaries of m n the same grade in the pub he is not a matter of sentime t. that the women are devel pi ary skill and aptitude in ac classes. It is no unusual in a system of graded Bch nized as greatly superior same schools. There is t vantage that a woman can sist a satisfactory offer there are women, and the a ew yictory in no distinction nd women of 'schools. This It is a fact g extraordin- ing the higher hieg for a woman le to be recog- radical diesel- ae/ men in the e r not, as a rule, re- f marriage, but see increasing in 4, W.. 4f044 rylownwithiyawa.4i,:twisiwiwww • Dr. Wards food 86 Nerve •'• PHIS. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. frAWAYMPPMFAVPAMMY MAMMAYMM HUNAN SACRIFICS On the Alta a Diabetes-, Saved by Dodd's 11idney Pills, Oni Ha dly a family in the count4 is free rom Diabetes. Great thirst, failin sight, numbness in the thighs, bleed ng gums, swollen ankles, ma- ciatio , nervousness, pale or tu1 bid urine, loss of sexual power, deca ing teeth, pains in ttie loins -or small of the b ck, are alil positive signs that Diabetes is in t4 system. Do you know' how it ends? IN DEAT . - A pre4ature, horrible, agon- ized, •itiful death. The victim has no peace no ease ili life. His days are filled with tortures. His nights are wakin 1reams of agony. He longs to die $t fears the terrors of his end. He d'es, a bloated, fetid, repulsive mass f Corruptien. That is the only end -onchecked Diabetes. Dodd's Kidn ills will cure it. They drive it out f he system thoroughly, create new, lean blood, rebuild the uiseased kidne s and restore robust li ith. nuitthers,Who put merriage away frOm them, out of devetion to a profession. ' There is anther unexpres ecl thought -that the pos ponem rit of ma riage is not tts relin- qui hmente-'and th t proves to be well gro nded. And thee is still another. Rec- ognized aktll in a pr fession gives a woman -a sense of personal independence. She may not wish te be independent of her husband, nor have 44y thought but wifely devotion - at the same time, if anything brea,ke, or he dies, she does not have to look forward to a suttee as 4 desirable alternative. • Catitrrh and Hay Fever. If its Hay ever that hi the burr -bear of your life, you won't k ow the pleatiure of freedom from it till you've tried pr. Chase's !Catarrh Cure. , Baby's Picture. A young photographer, when asked what sort of sub facts preszteel the greatest diffi- culties to him, repli d without a moment's hesitation, " Babies " "1 don't mean the badies themselves," he added. "It is not so hard to get what consider satisfactory negatives Of them. It's the relatives that make all tile trouble. "For inetance," be continued, ", I took .photograls of a little ten -months -old fel- low the ot er day i six different poeitione. ' Yesterday II sent pr ofs to his mother, and to -day she brought 4hern in." "I'm sorry," she said, without any obvi- ous grief, !" but noie of those negatives will "Not one of tio six ?" I inquired, though I was prepared for what was to fol- low, "No," be said, "I'm afraid not. You see, I like this one very well, though, of course, it doesn't de baby justice ; but his aunt Ellen says it's en absolute caricature of the dear little fello . The ono she likes I • don't care for at all and his papa says he should neer know for whom it was intend- ed ; it looks so cro s, and baby is such a sunshiny ehild." ' "The Mee he likes, this smiling ! one, I shouldn't consider for a moment; • for it makes baby's mouth look so much larger than it really is." , I "His grandmother chose that one, but as Cousin Fenny said; there's a very queer look to the child's eyes in it -very queer I However, she likes that one where he's al- most cryieg, that 6:ober one. You ought to have heard baby'& grandfather when she said she liked it. • "Ho really decided the thing, for what he said seemed so Sensible. He asked Me why I didn't has4 some more taken, and see if there wouldnt be at least one that would really looki like baby. Now when can he sit again? t'e hard for me to spare the time, but you see it is the only thing lt� be done !" • THAT ac taking nne POWDERS. 250. • leg head ican be instantly relieved bv MILBURNN STERLING HEADACHE One powder, be ; tbree for 10e, ten for .Ample. 11 The vis tor looked around the gioomy celL • "Ib wokild take i big rescue party to get y u out of this," h said to the condemned p isoner. "Oh, I don't kn w," the latter remarked as he ste ped to he single windoW ; "a few soldiejrs would be enough." "A fe soldiers," echoed the visitors. "How m ny ?" The coridemn'ed easured the iro4 bar across th window with his thumb and fore- figer. • " A single file wruld do," he drily en- s ered. • • e • Collecting Rare Jewels. Among wonderful collections of jewels owned by Eng1is1 women, the Baroness Bardett-Coutts' u ique set of sapphires is celebrated ; the Marchioness of Bath's:neck- lace of black pea le, 'estimated as worth $500,000, and the Duchess of Westminster's Nassau diamond, nearly $200,000. The Princess of Wales has a beautiful necklace, which she always wears on state or gala oc- casions. ANXIOUS MOTHERS find DR. LoW's WORM SYRUP the best medicine to expel worme. Children like 1V -worms don't. • A New Story of Sir Walter Scott. A new story is inow told of Sir Walter Scott. It seems that he wee not a brilliant scholar, and was isual1y at the foot of his clams. After he 1ecame famous he one day dropped into t e old school -house. The teacher, anxious o make an impressien, put the pupils so as t ehodv them to fhb best advantage. Aft4r awhile Scott said, "But which is the chin0.ea ? You have one,surely. Show him to me." The teacher card up a poor fellow, who loOked the pictu e of woe, as he bashfully capita towards the distinguished visitor. "Are you theldunce ? asked Scott. "Yes, sir," said the boy. "Well, my ood fellow," said Scott, here is a crown for you for keeping my place warm." • Washtngton's Rules. One of George' Washington's earl copy- bdoks containa list of a hundred and ten "Rules of Civility and Decent Be- haviour in CoMpavy and Conversation." Here are a few cf them• :- " Every acti 4 in company ought to be with some sign 4f respect to those present. ".When you ineet with one of greater quality than yo rself stop and retire, es - i . pecially f it place, to give w "They that have in all p1ac5s precedency; leut Whilst they are young tey onght to respect those that are their eoJia1s in birth or other quali- ties, though the have no public charge. , "Strive not 'th your superiors in argu- ment, but alway submit your judgment to others with mod sty. "Be not hasty to believe flying reports to the disparagement of any. " Take all admonitions' thankfully in what time or pl cc soever given; but after- wards, not being culpable, take a time or place convenient to let him know it that gave them. e at a door ori any strait y fcr him to pass. flee in dignity or in office ct, .J "Think before you speak pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out our words too hastily, but orderly and dist notly. • "Speak not evil of the a ent, for it is unjust. i "Make no show of taki g great delight in your victuals? Feed! no, with greedi- ness; cut your bread with a knife; lean not on the table; neither nd fault with what you eat. "Be not angry at tabl whatever hap - ens, and if you have reason to be so show t not ; piton a cheerful countenance, es- eoially if there be',strangers, for good- umour makes one dish of meat a feast. "Let your recreation be ' anful, not sin- ul. " Labour to keep alive n your breaet hat little spark of celestial , fire called con- cience." . , * Hints For ihe jCitchen. • Sharpen all kinds of fish ere° with lemon aim. t -A dash of black pepper improves , vanilla e cream. . Sugar in the water for basting meats will dd to their flavor. This is especially true f veal. When using vanilla for flavoring add half 3 4 teaepoonfal of peach extra t. , Date vinegar added to the water inil Which fish is boiled will improve the flavor.1 When baking fish, place on the top thin slices of salt pork. 1 1 - To give an appetizing flay* to a broiled beef steak, rub a cut onion over the hot platter, then add the butter- ; • i HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL eutrob all pain in man or beast; for sprains, outs, ' bruieee, oallowit luutpe, swellings, inflimmation, rheumatism and neuralgia It is a specific,. t • ! Miscellaneous Nes Notes. -Samuel Sutton, Of BlYth, dealer in agricultural implements, has assigned to Joseph Carter. -A special from Rat Portiage, Ont., says word bits just been received that the lex- Mikado mine outfit, consisting of a team of horses, sleigh and a ton ' of suppliele, have broken through the ice and one to the bot- tom of the lake in sixty feet of water. There were four men, together with the teamster, as far as can he as ertained. They saved themselves, 1 -Mr: J, J. Kelso, siaperi tendena of the Children's Aid SocietieS, do 8 not be leve in a'Curfew law. Speaking in Ottawa, a few nights ago he said that the theory is all right, but In practice the 1 w haseefi a le failure in the forty towns inOntari(iwhere it has been tried. Mr. KelsO believes that if the municpality would eo-operate with tut, the offieers of the Children's Aid Society the reside would be more enco aging. -Dr. Bell, V. S. oflKin Kinston, saYs that to his knowledge; during t e past smarm, there have been 52 cases[ of black -leg in Frontenac county. He h* conducted 11 post-mortem examinations and treated one case, which he cured. He says the pay to prevent the disease is te separate the healthy cattle from those whicI are affected, and to plow up all the old p ture.! The di ease is so fatal that he ea Ruda die befc4re the owner ha con¼e to eali4e that t ey are affected by it. The d ctor farther says, if mate d of 59 in the the farmers, in lie cou7y are not careful there will be 5 cases next year or two. -L -A despatch from *beings n says : "Con- vict Robert Mackie, under Ong a tpn-year sentence in the KIIG .1t0I1 penitentiary for complicity in the N pane bank riebbery, has been set to work in the kitchen of that institution, pending the finding of some regular work for him.Th prisoner is ap- pearently happy. Helve is up a cheerful countenance, andobe s hi) licitly the orders of the guards over hi -The Robert.Simp on Company, Of Tor- • onto, have ontexhibiti n a autiful persian • rug of great value, I • is made from the finest of spunsilk, an oc upied the labors of one man for over a yeal, being entirely handmade. The pat ern of the rug is so worked out thatj frontl eaeh different point of view the colors a ter their ! shade, and so an endless variety o , beauty :is pre- sented, A handsomelY wo ked border, re- plete with minute persi n designs, sur- rounds a central pattern o artistic concep- • tion. The rug is valued at $1,900. -The first letter to be Sent to England under the new penny postage will be from the GovernoidGe era to Her Majesty the Queen, and from tie • ostrintster-General of Canada to the Postale-later-General of Eng- land. In like mannerthe nit letter from England, poeted on C1jristnas, will be from the Queen of England to th Goveenore-Gen- eral and the admiriistr tors of all colonies who are in the ocean post ge scheme. Of course, all such letter are ;n ordinary cases franked and free, 1ut he Jaying by stamp will be adopted fo these p rticular deters, in order to commemorate he inauguration of penny postage 011 bpth sides of the Atlan- tic. All these cotnmsimora ion letters will be posted at midnight on tie 24th. : -Inspector Murrai, of t eOntarid Crimi- • nal Investigation Departm nt, is enquiring into the South Dorohestet3 hog poisoning case. Mr. Alfred Stewart, who lives about four milee frorn Belmont, in concession 8, Dorchester, Elgin county; ad 85 beautiful fat hogs on Saturday nigh , 3rd, infra, the majority of which petaled th 200 -pound mark. On that night Mr. Stetiia 6 cooked a big • boiler full of feed for the h gs and left it out of doors all night to pool , ff. On Sunday morning he fed the hogs, and an hour or two later 00 of them were ead. Evidences of strychnine poisonittg we e apparent, and the services of Dr. McLaughlin, veterinary surgeon, of Belmont, we 0 obtained. He gave it as his opinion that poison had been placed in the hogs' feed dtiring the night, and the stomach of one of the victrins was -sent to Toronto for analysis, with the result that traces of the poison were found. Mr. Stewart's loss was $400. -A carload of oats was shipped from the Lueknow Elevator CompanY's storehouse on October 4th last, for Portland, Maine, and when it arrived at its destination it was found to be 123 bushels and 18 pourids short in weight. 'An investigation showed that several holes had been bor d in the bottom of the car With an inch au er, and the grain allowed to run out along tie track.: It ap- pears that the perpetrator of this.' diaboli- Dr. A. W. CHASE COMES TO THE AID OF Catarrh Suff rem SUCCESS in life, is alm st impossible for a man with bad breath.j Nobody wants to do business with hlm4 Nobody wants to associate with him. He iF handicapped every- where. Offensive breath c mes from Catarrh ; sOnictimes from Catarrh of the Stomach, some- times of the lungs, smetims of the head, nose, and throat. It is fr m Catfrrh somewhere, and Catarrh is anotherme fo uncleameess. Many men und;stand his, and inake every effort to cure it, buit it is beyond t e reaoh of ordinary practice. I No self-respecting man can ignore Catarrh. If he has it in any form he MI akes constant effort to be rid of it. Thera is something aboUt the manner of life and the climate of Canada that seeMs to breed diseases of the mucous membsane. Medical science ordinarily doesn't t -y to -cure Catarrh; it relieves" it; but Dr. Cl ase has beencuring Catarrh for over thirty years, and his name is blessed by 'thousands who have shaken off ths grasp of this insidious di Sold by all dealers, prie as cents per box, blower free. cal act pet temporary plugs into t e holes, well knoll:inn that with the sha,kin of the car these f would drop out and allow the grain toall to the ground. Before the ear it reached 'ortland only a portion of the plugs had fella (me, however,or in all pr4bability the whole car load of grain would have been scattered along the reds. Who the culprit is, or where the car was when the holes were bored ipto it, is a difficult matter to solve, but the Grand Trunk Railway Com- pany, who are the actual losers, will leave nothing undone to find the guilty perties. -A Toronto paper says : The eietion of the Cauadian roads, in going back tle the old passenger areas, with the consecernt de - °resole in travel, has stirred up t e hotel proprietors c f that city, and they are as art- gry at the "hold-up" as a football team de- prived of a velioryl by the unjust decision of a referee. he Resin, -Walker, and Palmer are all hit al ke. Oue hotelman, indignant- ly turning b ck the leaves of his =register, said that, it emit just 75 per cent. less business for is house. " We're in touch with the big business houses of To onto as no one else e e be," he continued, ' and it is the same 0 y thre. Toronto sim ly stag- gers under the blow." Another hotel - keeper, whose register book avera ed, dur- ing the cut ride, about two pages of signa- tures a day, remarked : "It) hile bit us hard. We're doing well now if ve run a page. Those leeter boxes," pointin to the big row behind the counter, "useto be full, but you've got ta hunt for a letter with a rnatch now" This was the tale o all to a greater or less degree. It A gentlem pense about ill Feel Better. n tells a story at his own ex small donkey, which he sent up to his country seat foi the use of his children. 0 out with her its paddock, don key lif te fully. "Po but suddenly the nurse an Papa will be O of his little claughtets, going nurse to admire the animal in as sorely distressed when the plaits voice and brayed dole - r thing 1" exclaimed the child; brightening up she tamed to said : "Oh, I'm se glad. reon Saturday, and then it won't feel so lonesome." • CALLED WILLIAM NA6IE8,-The lawyer representibgl Mr. Frank Knaak, f New York, who is! under arrest at Berl n, Ger- many, on a charge of lese majeate, as not succeeded in pbtaining his client's re ease on bail. It app#ars that Mr. Knaale hd been celebrating Thanksgiving day some hat im- prudently, axld this led to his ma ling the incriminatin lemark in a restaura t. The offensive wo ds, it is understood were "Calf's head." If it is proved that he ap- plied the wor s to the Emperor, it i likely that he will Ilo sentenced to a year'e 1 impris- onmenment, The defence is that the words were not app ied to the Kaiser, but to a namesake of Mr, linaak's. • 8KYsRArrrs A eret me -Fire _br ke out Sunday nigh shortly after nine o'cl ck, in the five store building corner of Br1oadway and Chambe street*, New York cccupted by Rogers,1 Peet and Company. As 10130 the entire bulling Was in flames, and the fire had take possession of the several Up- per floors; of ho Hanle Life Insurance build,. ing, a 20 stonay stricture immediately ad- joining. N*t to the Home Life luilding is the big Hestal Telegraph struct re, also 20 storeys bib. At 11.15 o'clock the top floor of the 1PostaI building was burning. At midnight ten etereys of the Home Life Insurance ilding were in flames. 1AI1 the woodwork the frent of the Unite States Life Insure ebuilding on the oppos te side of Warren street has been burne4 away. The great •ight-of the buildings ade; it almost imp sible to get water ther ' T PERSONALS-. What a •agn• ificent poker ,player yonr rnole Geo e Dewey would make it-mera- phis Comn reial-Appeal. , We are proud to note that Un Is Menne° t3pow is the same aristocra le windjannne as of yore. -0 aha World. 1 t Herald. It looks s though R1oharl Mansfield' would win he race for popularity in "Cy-. rano de rgerao" by a no . -Chicago ! Democrat. There a no flies on Mr jumped th secretary of tate' job for one of half the length and twiCe the pay. ---t Waco Timesi-Herald. / The Uni (Id States does not wish Agni-, naldo ill, it it would enter no objections if some on [introduced him to the empress dowager o China.-Rensas City World. j William Xager is running for the state legislature n Minnesota. Lager ought to make a gre t showing in a bot political campaign, lut he probably will be downed eventually. Chicago Times -Herald. dicate that o might make a ood enough The publ shed portraits of '3,fataafa fil- mier of fia oa if he would only get a suit - of clothes. His present costuine might do to go In bat ing with, but it Will never do' for an expo ed throne. -Bos ' n Herald. , Da!?. He - T E ROYAL BOX. Th. kin and queen of RimMania aril living a oui,et life at Ragatzi in Switzer.] land. The present bearer of the title is the only Prince of Wales who has ever reaehedi the dignity of grandfathership. King Alfons XIII is still bracketed as lord of Gibral ar, the country never hav-i Ing officially a mitted that the stronghold has gone out o its possession. The empress of Austria, contrary to th. Impression her photographs generally con- vey, had not dark hair, but locks which won her the sobriquet of Goidelic The sultan, In fear 'for his personal safety, has taken to revolver!practice. He/ shoots at n target daily and has, it is rs-i ported, become so proficient that he eau fire with equally fatal facility with, either, kis right or hisi left hand. SISTERLY CITIES, The American Blind. PeOple's moods - Lion is holding a convention in St. Louis. There is nothing to see in St. Louis, any- way. -Chicago News. Nauvoo, fl1s, is going to pave some of ; her streets with asbestus. The material , suggests that Nanvoo must b• a hot old town. -Pittsburg Times. As was to Imve been expected, Nevri York's Wool Exchange has burst, but the business of shSaring the lambs will cos- tinue to thrive in Wall street.-Bostolt Herald. Six New YOrkers yesterday started to . walk around the world. it Is said that' for some time residents Of Manhattan II- i land have been talking ef !the possibility of something existing west Of Parade, N. i. -Chicago Record. The term at a prisoner in a Mexican penitentiary hi divided into three periods. The first is occUpied with penal labor. The second is l'abor in the training school with *little play. Th. "prepara- tory freedom," includes paid well& and many urlyilegeo. He Explained It. A school teacher, who had received un- satisfactory answers from theil most of his pupils as to the difference between an island and a peninsula, put the question, in des- pair, to the last boy. "1 can explain it, sir," he said. "Get two glaeses, fill one with water and the other with pink. Catch a fly and place it in the water That fly is an island because it is entirely surrounded ,.....••••••••••••.•••,. by water. Ant now place the fly in the -milk and it will be a peninsula, because it is nearly snrrennded by water." And he went to tha top of the class. A E4aiSt from the. Heart. When iliveloo 'a men' had fought their way into Lacleuew, the Highlanders' piper, who hist his way, riuddenly found .one of the, enetny's cavalry, sabre in hand, about to Cut him o n ; his rifle had been shot Off, and he a no time to use his bayonet. 4, A. brightid a," said he afterwards, when relating the a • rei; " struck me ; all at once seized my pi e, put it into my mouth, and ave forth a s rill tone, which so startled he fellow tha he belted like a shot, evi- dently imagin ng it Was some infernal ma- chine My p pe saied my life." • C =anon Sense. in the grea nee of life common senee hasi the right if way. Wealth, a diploma, a pedigree, ta ente genius, without tact and common sense cut a- small figure. The ables an the impracticibles, though withed plornas and degrees, are left map kalif) behin • • The 'fi'et of Idleness. Idlieiness do -s more to reduce the average lengt of hum n life than the full normal exereise of o e's industrial energies. In other words, • ore men and women rust out that wear out Eaee and abundance of the good things .0 this life have apparently lit- tle influence ii staying the hand of decay and death, iflee mental and physical fecal - 11 ties are restra tied by will or circumstances from useful e ployrnent.• . • EPP COCOA GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavonr, Superior Qual- ity, and Nutritive Properties. Speeially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. $eld only in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., • Limited, Homwopathic Chemists, London, Eegland. BREAKFAST SUPPER E PS'S - COCOA 1609-26 Lingering Ooiighg that seem Or stick to yoti in spite of all you'pan do, are promptly _cured by l Dr. Wood's Norway 'Pine Syrup. Price 25c. "1 Was trou cehld get no ea which made a man, South Ri HICH CRADE urniture EMPORItill Leatherdale • Landsborough SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering neatly done.- We also do picture fram- ing, and a, choice selection of pictures always on hand. Curtain poles at all prices, and put up. We aie also Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, best in the market for do- mestic use, no travelling agents, no high prices. =.? In the Undertaking Department, we buy our goods from the best houses in Ontario and guarantee satisfaction in every depart: ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re- quisites for funerals, FREE OF CHARGE,. Prices better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on scientific+ principles. P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi- dence, directly in the rear of the Dornint.n Bank. Leatherdale • Landsborough, • SEAFORTI71. SIGN arache Cured. lede until I tried Ilagyard's Yellow 011, OF THE with earache for a long time, and omplete cure." Miss Annie Chap- er, Opt. e A New Man. , " I paustfisy me Jwaetro tho Heart and after taking t weeks they P. O., Ont. laoaeLiver Pills made a new man of bled with Indigestion, Fluttering, of ;pain in the small of the Beek, and Laxa-Liver Pills for about three Ted •me." Melville Miller, Bonged Try Dr. Low' ars troubled': Price 26e. No dieease c ti m of Burdoc fact that thous been cured and best of all reme Plessanb Worn Syrup if children th worMs. It always works well. ti re let t e powerful medical proper- 81o4,d B dem, as is proved by the ds of the most obstinate cases have ripaneptly cured by the use of this les. . ' An En Mr. David W on the Owen S ''Three boxes me of Rheum* suffered for of Rheitmatis all dealers, Rheumatism.. eke, of OWen Sound, Ont., Engine r , nd Brargeh of the C. P. Ita, Vrri Of Milbutn's Rheumatic Piths cur�d o • ins In my Shoulder, from which earsi They also cured my wife 7 yesrs' standing," Price 50e., ERECT IMPOR ackson SON, us or Jules Robin &I Co's Brandy, Cognac, France; Jere. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'e Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish 4 Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port f:r and Sherry Wine from France -and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario; Roy,a1 Distillery and Davie Ale and Porter, Torouto. 0 THE PUBLV We have o en connection wi h business in th minion Bank in where we wil se the Market at bo • deliVered to 4n i free, • d a retail store in our, wholesale basi- c of the new Do - Good's old stand, 1 the best goods in tom prices. Goods part of the town ELEPHOINE 11. I618-tf ()ODE IOH Man) Boi r Work& • (ESTABLISH •D IMO.) A. CER STA,L nowise, to stet & Black, idanufacturers of all Inds of Stationary *trine, Uprig t & Tubular ITERS salt Pans make Ste • etc Also deal° ogines. A zee of pi toimaiee work kr, Sheet Iron Works, eta, Horizontal ,0 Engines s speoialty. Ail tt1jng constantly on band ho tnotice. T. Stsibut. °missies. • 'a Upright tetoatio cut and pipe - relished on Opposite G. ffeKillop • Dir 1011IN MORBISON, DANIEL MANLEY, P. 0. WM. NotheiTIN Conn .10SEPH 0. 1114511BIS P 0, JOHN ff. BitOWN, JOHN C. IfORRISON, DAVID M. ROSS, Tr WN. EVANS, Assessor • CHARLES DODDS, 0 bRoIryAR.0HpDiPOLLAE. f. dory for 1898 ev, Winthrop P. 0. De uty-Reeve, Beenhwood ii; 110r, T./emit:my P. 0. N, Councillor, Beechweed eillor, Seaforth'P. 0, 01 fir, Winthrop P. 0. 1, Winthrop P. 0. ohwood P. 0. , Sesforth P.0. !flimsy Inspector, Lead. The Main Mutual Fite Inaranc Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN 'PROPERTY ONLY INSURED CM. Ge0.1 Trodden , lisrlock P. 0. • 3.• B. McLean, Rippen P. 0.; W. 3, Shannon, fleo3;-Treas. Seaforth P. 0. ; Tbo aus E. Bays, Inspector of Loma, sestorth Pi. 0. zeroes. w. o. Broadfoet, 'Se orth ; John G. Grieve, Wire throp ; George Dile, Ijeaforth; Thomas E. Rey' Seaforth ; lames Evans, Beechwood ; Thee. Cht.rbtitt, Clinton ; Thome' Praser, Bruccileld ; John B. hIc• Lean, Rippen. Aellx7S. Robt. Harlot& ; P.obt MeMiltan, Ikafeith ; James , Cumming cillric:ovd e; Ye.eo,xlioolmosn: vine P. o.; , John ve auditors Perlis, destroua to effect Inenrances Of Irmo -et Other binsin will be promptly atom:4*d tit on ppticationIto any of the above °Moen, addn•Nd Weir rtspeetive pest offices. 11 I • CIRCULAR SAW CD ct CD 1 i teedesee, BEFORE USING. A teaspoonful of Fear's Condition Powder in his feed makes all this difference. • AFTER USING. No wonder that every far- mer who uses it recommends it to his_neighbor as the best and cheapest condition pow- der made. Three pounds for 50c at FEAR'S DRUG STORE SEAFORTH.