HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-12-16, Page 51E
•• these past
Dry :Goods.
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DECEMBER 16, 1898.
Bates, --Our afternoon mail train from
. the east, due hero at 20 minutes to three, ,
haa been three and four houra late for a,
•week past, --Theetkating rink is opened, and
the young people are happy, -A grand bill
• of fare is in store for those who patronize
the social in the Methodist church, on tire
19th at. The Wingham orchestra, of 15
pieces, under the distinguished leaclerahip
of 3. A. Morton, Esq., is to be present and
a good time may be expected. -The roads
are well nigh impassable in this vicinity,and
-clergymen having country charges are being
greatly inconvenienced by the depth of
essew.-The C. P. R. pile driver is again at
work on this eed of the line. -Mr, Alex.
Gibson was in. Wingharnon, business last
Tuesday. -Mr. D. Martin was hi Harriston
on Saturday last. -Mr. Wm. Knoxa attended
the Fat Stock Show, at Guelph, last week.
Mr. Knox know e all about the practice'
work in this line of business.
Cease -Farmers and other intending
pur 'haws will find it to their interwat to examine my
stock ,of piano box and Portland Cutters before plat -
chasing elsewhere. Prices right, and satisfaction
guaranteed. L. BEATTY. 1018x1
Nores.-Though the snow has been very
deep during the past week aid the roads
. drifted to an impassible state; t e mail has
got in here every day. Mr. H milton, our
- mail carrier, has had quite a time. As an
evidence, of the ititensity of the storm
' here, it may be stateci that it is the first
time in 9 years. the school had to be
closed for want af pupils, Oi Thursday
only two of the burg boys ventured out and
•school was closed at1 noon. Oa Friday none
at, all gab out. -Mrs. Darroch, cf Harriston,
la visiteag her son and other relatives here. -
Mrs. Myles Scott went to Guel it on Thurs-
day to ecoompany home her ister, Mrs.
. (Rev.) Shaw, of Beyfielca-Mr. hil. Baker,
of Beirnore, was at Isaac Gowd 'a a whole
week painting sleighs and wait ng for the
storm to abate. He left on Saturday and
was determined to -get there omeway.-
The burghers are having a won erful time
• getting wood these days. ---Yo r ex -pupil,
Mr. Aitcheson, ,f3f the Clifford Expraes, is
thriving these days on Gyrator flour also a
• new kind of coke. He is nchhoggish about
• them either and invites his friencla to ti c
feast. -R, Gardner, of Clifford, will hold is
concert here on Saturday, the 24th lost,
He will be assisted by good local talent told
a fine concert is assured. -Mr. &MALI, of
•, •Clifford, bought up a lot of hogs round here
for shipment last Thursday, put owing to
the blocked roads they were notified to -hold
the grunters till next week. The price
paid as 4 cente.-Though the weather was
rather bad there was a good crowd out at
Bible Society meeting on Tuesday night.
We had no agent for this year, but the
• Revs. Young and Smith, of Clifford, gave
excellent addresses and an agent vias not
missed. The sooner the majority of the
agents are cancelled just the sooner will
• this society gain greater prominence. The
money that is now paid to • agents would
. disseminate a lot of bibles among the need-
ful ones. Our local preachers can do the
work just as well.
NOTES. -Our country roads are in a ter-
rible state. Farmers are trying to make
tracks, but it is a hard job as the drifts are
as hard as sand bars. -Mrs. Peter Centel=
visited at the town of Wingham on Mon-
day. -Election talk is sal the go since •the
storm. Mr.C.Taylor is in the field foe coun-
• cillor for 1899. Mr. Taylor will make an
excellent ceuncillor for this township and
will no doubt be elected. The same may
be said of Mr. Bowman as a county coun-
cillor for division No. 6. Yelling, January
. and, 1899. A good many More are in the
race too. Election day will tell.-4Those
who have stock to take to market nearhave
a hard job to get along on the roads. -
Messrs. D. and H. Russell, 5th line, are
• visiting their parents: The boys have been
in the states quite a while. -James and E.
Nichol have been teaming baled hay to
'Brussels lately. -The fire at Oaklee's could
plainly be seen from this locality last Tues-
day evening, -Mr. A. T. Cole has purchased
• a thoroughbred short hern bull from Mr.
- Corley, of East Wawanosh, for which he
aid a handsome figure. -Now comes the
riatmas tree season. Something every
evening now for two weeks, then we will
have a rest. --A social will be held at Sun -
.shine next Tuesday evening.
Perth Notes.
-Mr. and Mr. 1J. G. Grose's, of Milver-
ton, have just celebrated their silver wed-
ding: ,
-Mrs. Hannah, of Omaha, is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stewart,
.of Fullerton.
-The Whitea, of Mitchell, have decided
te remeve their packing establishment to
. --Mr. Isaac Shipley, of Mitchell, returned
last week from Manitoba, where he has
been since harvest time.
• -David Dickson has solA, 25 acres'west
half of south half lot 4, concession 13, Dow-
nie,. to James Denseith for $1,200.
-Thirty-six dollars has been realized as
a result of the recent self deni-
al effort of the Salvation Army in Mitchell.
-The Milverton school board have en-
, gaged a Mr. McLennan, B. A.' of Lancas-
ter, as principal of their schoolfor the .com-
ing year.
-Miss Annie Grant, daughter of Rev.
A Grant, of St. Marys, has left for New
York, where she has entered a, training
school for nurees.
• -The Stratford Collegiate board are tak-
ing steps to have a gymnasium erected for
the use of the pupils in connection with the
• -St. Marys has been having a very sue-
aeasfttl Art Loan Exhibition. During the
. past ttvo weeks many curios have been on
-Mr. Wm. Herbert, of Logan, has pur-
chased Mr. John Leyburn's 50 acre farm on
the fourth eenceeeion. Mr. Leybnrn has
purchased theaWaugh term at Whirl Creek.
-Mr,Samuel G. Coppin, of Logan, has
bought the fifty acre farm in Hibbert from
the executors of the late Wm. Meehan, V.
S., who died from an accident recently, in
New York.
-Jacob Brenneman, who went to Nebras-
ka from Wellesley last spring, arrived home
• with his better half last week on their wed-
• ding tour, and are sPending their honey-
moon with his parents.
-T. R. Race, of Mitchell, has returned
from his visit to St. Catharines to attend
the Ontario Fruit Growees' Association.
He was re-elected a director of that associa-
=Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Stratford, re-
ceived on Wednesday of Iast week, a unan-
imous invitation to the pastorate of the
Park Street Methodist church, Chatham,
• which he has accepted, subject to the action
.of the etationing committee.
-On Wednesday, November 30, David
MeNairn, of Logan, was united in marriage
to Miss Lizzie Scoines, also of Logan. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr.
Bradley at the residence of Mr. J. Corbet,
• Mitchell, only the intimate friends of the
tontractieg parties being present.
• -Two men attempted to kidnap little
Gordon. Purdy, of St. Marys, recently.
They struck at him with a elub, but the
boy managed to escape. The men both
flourished revolvers. A reward of $100 has
been offered for'the conviction of the parties.
• Mr. Purdy also offered a large reward.
-Mr. 3, G. McIntyre, forrnan of the
boiler department, Grand Trunk Railway
Stratford, has been discharged. Mr.
Me ntyre had been in the employ of that
company for 44 years and no reason can be
given for his diecharge xcept that of ad•
vanoing years. Mr. Me tyre is succeeded
by a Mr. Ord.
-Ma Thomas Gill,of ,aan,has purchased
a house in Mitchell, and ill move in before
the New Year.
In three years the e
an Atlantis" steamer e
A "unicorn carman
dialect, is a man who
This philological fact
coroner's inquest.
Corks for bottles w
ed in Spain and Italy
the fourteenth century.
contemporaneous with
In order to capture
loan tribe whips the wa
of a tree which contain
pensegi of running
coeds , the past of
me o
the London
hreO horses.
t at Ib reoent
first anufactur-
me ime during
Corkscrews were
sh a South Amer -
r wish the wood
a substanee hav-
ing a wood° influence on the fishewhich
are then readily caught
The Sandwich Ulan
the Sea that they actual
dren to swim long bef
walk. The tiniest MI
water well out of their
• Rome's trades Unions
, sib's view of the mem
eral disarmament and h
• by putting down the pr
fan workmen of carryin
A medical writer in
segregation of patients
• way of dealing with t
pugnant to the Hind
to die by the million
to it.
The Paris exhibition of 1900 will con-
tain the largest theater
cording to the report
architect who has been
construction, it will -a
to 15,000 persons.
ere are so fond of
y. teach their ohn-
e they are able to
es- play games in
have taken a sen -
proposal for gen-
Te voted to begin
tioe among Ital-
and using knives.
ndia declares that
the oura effective
e plague, is so re-
s that they prefer
ther than submit.
n the world. Ace
f M. Raelin, the
fitrusted With its
ornmodali 12,000
, Hundreds of, citizens h
'by the beautifol picture
ears. ',unladen & Wil
s the favorite battle pict
take entitled 1" The Th
cene at the battle of Bal
ure_is given absolutely f
eome subscribers to the,
paper "The Family H
Star," of Montreal, emkno
greatest family • paper
wonder that orders are p
ands. It is the greatest
end. Our readers shoul
paper and picture. The
ve been Wracked
zi the window of
on, Seaforth. It
re Of Great Bri-
m • Red Line," a
ohs a. This pia-
ee t all who . be -
world renowned
rald and Wcekly
led ed to be the
n eicistenc. No
uring in by theme
°Beira worth off.
hare a look at
are magnificent.
TEE El 11.443R
Err s .
SIAPORTII, December 16, 1E93.
Pall Wheat (new), Standard... $0 60 to $0 83
Spring Wheal per Nubia- o 06 to 0 88
Pat. per 0 27 tO 0 27
ea, per,bnehel 0 60 to 80
srley per bushel- 0,140, to 0 43
utter, No. 1, loose- - .••• • • • 0 13 fto 0 14
Entter, tub........- — 0 13 to 0 14
Vggs per doz •• 0 14 to 0.15
tour, per 100 lbs- — ••• • • • • 1 DO to 1 00
ay per ton new_ .. 5 00` to 600
ides per 100 tit- • • ........ .. • ..• 5 00 to 6 60
'heep Sklne • 0 60 to 0 70,
oat: .. . .... .• .• 0 16 to 0 18,
otatoes per bush, (new)-... 0 60 to 0 60'
an (retail) per barrel- .. 1 00 to 0 00
ood per cord (long).• — •00 to 8 76
ood per oord (short) ..•••,
....••• 1 60 to 1 76
pples per bag— 0 80 113 1 00
lover Seed. • 8 00 to 8 60
mothy Seed ...... -..... .•1. 0 to 200
ork, per I00 Th................ -500 id 500
allow, per lb... -02.10 0 03
• .1. ••• MO
Toiwirro, December 16. rall wheat, LO 87 ;
pring wheat, 80.67 oate, to; peas, pur bush,
Sc ; barley, 40 ao 62o; b y perto .aa
10 00 ;. butter, 150 10 183 ; p..088 per bag, (103
iao 650 ; eggs per dos., 1 ; to 223 ; dressed
hogs, per 100 ibe,:$5 00 to $5.2..
Dairy Mar
TOR NTO, December 1
receip s of large rolls are
ood demand and the ma
4a to 15c for choice. Dai
at 11 t1 13ac. Creamery
the de and for export to
Prints are quoted at 21c,
to 19a . Eggs -Are stea
laid, 1 e for fresh gather
, Mo. TREAL, December
eteady and firm, at the
home tane past and sales
are re airded at 20ac. 'Un
in Inti6h demand, and ran
Dairy 's steady at 14 to 1
ness w s faitly active; th
with 1 ssening reoeipte, p
firmer sc that strietly;fre
had fo less than 30e. ! Ot
fresh, selling down to i ab
eold storage are in the ;ma
to 13e. Quotations are :
0c; straight candled'? 1
13e ; Montreal limed, 14
limed,' 13 to 14c ; wester
to 13c1, and culls, 9 to 10c
Toronto Pout
The Stocks here are dOm
'here is a good deme,4l,
rmer, at 8 to 9ac for tu
eese; :30 to 60o for dicks
hickens. •
th-Butte- The
mall, there is dt
ket is firmer, at
y tubs are steady
a firmer, owing to
reat Britain, and
nal packed at 19
•y at 20c for new
d, and 14ac for
13 th---=Bu tter-Is
rices ruling for
• f finest creamery
• ergrades are not
e down to 18ac.
•ac. •Egas-Busi-
morning, and,
ices have become
h stock cannot be
• er qualities, less
ut 23e; Western
ket and sell at 12
New laid, 23 to
o ; No. 2, stock,
to 15c; western
cold storage, 12
r dozen.
a -
letely claimed up.
nd the Market is
keys, 5a, to 6c for
and 25 to 45c for
Live Stock .61 rkets..
Loaecee,December 12th Live stock trade
slo ; Canadian and Argentine cattle,
gad ; rgentine sheep, 5a ; Canadians, gad;
lambs 6d.
Liv arooe,December 12 h-Canaclian cat-
tle, aa . •
Mo. TREAL, December 3th-Cattle-The
sales aried from 41 to 4ao the. latter being
for th best, good at 4e, a d lower grades
at fro 2a to 3e per pou d, live- weight.
Sheep Many of which w re purchased fok
shipm nt and sold at 3 to ac per ponnd,the
culle a Ring at 21 to 2fe per pound, live
weigh. Young sheep we e all sold at from
3a to, ae per pound, liv weight. Piga
Teens was a -good supply o live hogs, which
were i4i demand at $1.5e f r the best; and
for heivy fat, $4.25; light etockers, $4, and
the po rer grades, $2,25 t $2.50 per 100
pound, live weight.
TORONTo, December 1 th.-Teade was
fairly active, with _prices igher for export
and Christmas cattle, but the lower grades'
of butcher cattle were slo sale at Friday's
quotations. Export Catt e -Choice heavy
exporters were from 15 to 20c per cwt.
highea, selling at $4.25 to $4.50; light ex-
portere sold at $3.85 to $4. 5 per cwt. Loads
of good butchers' and expo ters mixed sold
at $4 to $4.12a per cwt.' etchers' Cattle -
Choice picked lots of butc era' cattle, equal
in quality to the best exp rtere, but not as
heavy, weighing 1,000 to 1 150 pounds each,
sold at $4,25 to $4.5Q; lo de of good, $3.75
to $3.t0; medium, $3.35 $3.50; common,
$2.90! to $3.20; inferior, $2.75 to $2.85.
Loads:of Christmas cattle sold at I $4.25 to
$4.50, ;and there were tw br three extra
choice'show animals, that brought $5 per
cwt., ut these were exc ptioos. Stockers
-Bu alo stockers were e sy, with prices
unchaiiged, selling all the way from $2.75
for inferior to $3 for medi- m and $3,15 to
$3.25 for steers, weighing 04to 700 pounds
each, of good quality. Fee ars-Good heavy
feeders of 1,000 to 1,150 sounds each, of
good quality, are scarce, nd worth from
$3.40 to $3.65 per cwt. M Ich Cows -About
ten milch cows !told from 30 to $48 eadh.
Good cows wanted. s heep-Prices for
sheep 'were unchanged, Ewes sold at $3.25
to $3.40 for the bulk, wi h ehoice picked
sots at $3.50 per cwt. 1 ambs-Prices for
'Ambit were unchanged at 3.60 to $4.10 per
ewt., the latter price bein paid for ewes
and Wethers only. Hogs Deliveries light,
with polices unchanged. Choice selected
bacon hogs weighing from 160 to 220 pounds
each, unfed an
$4 15 to $4.25
hogs, $4 per o
• BUPPALo, Jece
dote was easy. 0
steers, $5 50 tic$6
fat export cat is,
beat, $5 to $5 25;
to choke buteber
to best fat heifers,
heifers,' $3 60
tra quality,
do., $3.60 to 385
era, good to extra,
to good, $3 5(a to
ket opened fairly
$3.30 to $3 40.1 H
at 8340 to $3 45;
mixed, $3 35 to $
pigs, 3 3
Yorkers were on t
took good weights
pigs dull at$3i30.
were too many In
veiling : condition
There was a heavy fill of snow, and much
delayd, and 92 loads on sale,
1 ads of Canada lambs, which
84.30. The bads of choice
rn Il mbs prices was $5.25 to.
t� extra were quotable at
watered, off oars, sold at
wt.; heavy fat and light
t., hile light are not want-
ber 13th -Cattle -The
oice to fancy Christmas
20; good to best smooth
5 25 to $5.50 ; good to
export bulls, $4 ;.good
tamers, $4 75 to $5; good
to $4.25; fair to good
; stockers, choice to ex -
o $4; common • to good
, stock heifers, $3 ; feed -
$3.75 to $4.20; common
.60. Hogs -The mar-
Otive on the basis of
avy were early quotable
edium, $3.35 to $3.42e;
40; Yorkere, $3 25 to
to $3.35. ,Oti the close
e basis of $3.30, and it
to bring the 1 price, and
Sheep and la be -There
bs on sale f r the pre -
of the mar et to -clay.
of the stook
including 18
sold at $ 4 20
to extra west
$5 :is. 'Cho it
$5,25 tn$5,35j; good toashoice, $5 to $5.25;
COIflfllOfl to go d, 4 75 to $5 ; sheep, choice
to extra, $4 to$4 ; good to choice, $3.75
to $4 ; eoinmon t, good; 12.80 to $3.50;
feeder lambs,o 83,15. At the close
there were sof ral loads left over.
Invariably goee t
had edu tion peoi
for ono lf the :pest
chance. TIh�
Opens th door to
Women each ye
thorough work, a
You may ante!
Yonge and Ger4x
one with best brain -one who
I ;training. Why not qualify
places going. You have the
iiness • College,
sue all for many young Men and
r. It offers splendid ermiptnent,
tro Meted and good results.
any time. Write for prospectus.
W. SHAW, Principal.
s , Toronto.
• 1586-52
• irt
M -
rKAY1,In Brds le, nl DbecSen% ber 8th, the wife of
Kr. A. M. no sy, of la eon.;
STRANGAn Usiberne conoes.lon 8rd, on December
4th, the wife 01 M enry Strang, of,:a son,
COATES-In Usb rnei on December 4th, the wife of
lir. Paul Coat a, af a daughter.
gh an on December 5th, the wife
of Mr. A. Gin bah, of a daughter.
COOK -In Wlngharn, on,Deceraber 7111, 11m. Charles
Cook of a daughter.
RIDDEL -In Mullett, an December 6 h, the wife of
Mr. fioward Rlddell,iof a daughter. -
CRUM - Tu erstnith, on December 10th, the•
• wife01 Mr. mph Crich, of a eon.'
PLEWE T okerernith, on November 251h, the
wife of Mr. W G. ,Piewes, of a eon.
STARK -In Sea o th,'orr December 7th, the wife of
STEWA T -In bor e, on November 201h, the wife
Mr, ftus t rk, a daughter.
of lir. John Stewart, North Boundary, of a eon.
' 1M
AMENT-WINT R- t the residence of the bride's
father, Seal h, tfl December 14th, by Rev.A.D.
McDroJane Eliza h, ldest daughter of Mr. Robert
ld, D., Mr, William Anient, to Mille
Winter, an d Sea orth.
BURBRIPIGE-G IR E -At Park River, North5Da-
kota, at the ieaId noe of the bride's father, on
Novemb r 8Qh, b Rev. G. D. Acheon, Mr, W.J.
Burbrid e, tc MIs L zzie 0„ eldest daughter of
Mr, Thomasl1rteo, formerly of Meltillop.
COCHRAN P WE L -At the residence of the
bride's b oth r, G orge Powell, Esq., in ,Blyth,
on Deem bur 14t by Rev. A. McLean, Mr. John
Cochrane, to Mi s Hannah J. Powell, both of
Eon Wa awash.
BURGESS- ALLEY At the residence of the bride's
'nattier.ig bout) street, Goderiel3 on Dwain-
berlth. y ev, awes A. Anderson, B. A., Mr.
Ralph Kerr Iiurges4, Jr., of Toronto. to Miss
Elizbett Me de, eidoet daughter of Mrs. ILL A.
Bailey, f G4.) erloh.
MU It KAY- UT ERFORD-At the residence of Mr.
Alex, P eble BrUseels, on December 71h, by
Rev. John Rolm, II. A • Mr. Donald Murray, of
Atwood, to his. Sarah Rutherford, of erustels.
McG REGOR- -In' McKlIlop, on December 14th, John
McLean McG ger, only soh of Mr, Duncan Mc.
Gregor, aged 25 y are, 10 months and 28 days.
CAMPBELL -In ib ert, on December Oth, Peter
Campbell, Reeve ot ,Hibbert, aged 65 years.
HALLIDAY-In, uckeremith, on December 121h,
Isabella Bieck, relict of the late Samuel Halli-
day, aged 72, earl, 6 months and 21 day.
McKAGUE-In 0 hoes, on December dth, J. R. Mc-
, Kee ue;`aged 1 year, 10 months and 8 days.
KING- -In Turn erry, on December 61.h, Pearl,
daughter of Mr. Wnl. King. aged 5 years and 27
WALKER -In E els 8 awanoeh, on December 1st,
G. H. Walker aged 8 years, 11 months and 11
' days,
YOUNG -At his eside co, 1397 Huron street, Tor-
onto, on Deeeniber 3rd, Rev, ' Wm, C. Younv,
formerly pastor of Knox church, Bruesele, aged
09 years. I
GILL -In Clintoo on Doceniher 7th, Jane Hall, re.
Hot of the Iatu Thomas Gill, in her 76th year.
CARRICK-In Clinton, on December 7th, Mary
-Elizabeth, eld et daughter of Mr. Henry Car.
riek, aged 24i 0411. —
TROYER-HAt 1 s Green, on December '10th Clara
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Charles Trder,•aged
20 years, 5 menthe and 7 dive.
• On Wednesday, Decestaber 14th, it one
o'clook p. m., 9n Lot 2, Concession 11,11. R.
S., Tuckersmi h, Farm Stock and jImpIe-
ments. Dun an McTevish, prop ietor ;
Wm. MeCloy, auctioneea.
On Friday, December 23rd, 1S98, at
one o'clock p. m., sharp, en Lot 22, tlionces-
sion Lake Road West,' Stanley. Farm
Stock, Implements, etc. Moses La rainer,
proprietor; EJ, Bessenberry, auctioneer. a
On Tuesday; January 20th, 1899; at one
o'clock p. m., on Lot 7, Concession 17, Grey,
one mile and a half east of Walton, Farm
Stock and Implements. Thomas Joanstoe,
proprietor; F.i18. Scott, auctioneer.
On -Saturdr y, December 24th, at one
o'clock p. m., .at the Commercial Hotel
Yard, Seafort ,Farm Stock and Implements.
William Ke oe, . proprietor; Thomas
Brown, auctio ee .
SHORT HORNS FO S A LE. -Th e undersigned, hag
for sale two ood young Shorthorn Bis; prices
and terms right. HECTOR REID, Lot 7, Conceesion
3, Stanley, Bruo eld P. 0. ' 101843
N V class cert ilea
required; dutieg to
Algoma, Ontario.
I signed has foe se
Killop, a thoroughbre
George & Sons, !tiro
the eseepstakeS 13er
at time of service.
cher, at once, holding a third
(female); state age and salary
commence January let, 1899.
ecretary, Ironl3r:dge P. 0.,
FOkli, SERVICE -The under.
vine on Lot 34, Concession 8,51c -
Tamworth Boar, bred by H.
pton, Middlesex comity, from
at Toronto fair. Terms -81,
M. A. ROSS. 1618x4
GIOR SALE, a tcm'er of Scotch Short -horn Bulls,
J from 8 to ll no ths 886 to $85 ; and a few
from 12 to 18 mcniths old. They are a grand lot of
breeding lusty fellows, in good growing condition,
are ood colors. Als either of the two bulls bred
Salem, Ontario, viz : Viscount
ars red; or May Duke 21048,
s old, active and sure getter.
nd I eifers ; no pets ; must sell to
rd ntinabeilp 49 head, and more com-
D VID MILNE, Ethel, Ont.
• 1618
by . & W. B. Watt, o
23706, two years old,
dark roan, four yea
Also it few cows
make room, as h
ing,; terms easy.
Quick selli' g is een in -every department of this store. Not the forced
kind ; but the esults of well sel4cted stocks of high class goods. Every day
brings its quota of,ba gains, made 80 by the quick handling of many goods, and
these items will be of timely interest to the hundreds of shoppers who draw on
us for most' eve y nee for home and family :- i
Four ipou ds b st selected Valencia Raisins for 2e, 3 pounds choice
Patras Ourranta cleared in Carteons, for 25c, California Seede Raisins, in
one pound pack ges, or 110; Esttract of Lemon and Vanilla, 10c size for 5e ;
Condensed Min emea per package, 10c; Matches, the 10c size'er liox 5c;
Children's Ha dkerc iefs at lc, 3c and 5c; Children's Silk Handkerchiefs,
embroidered ed es, Lair 5c; Ladies' Swiss; Handkerchiefs, embroidered,I 5c, 10e,
15e and 20e, inen1Towels'45 by 22 inches, knotted fringe, Very, fine, or
35c, Table Linen; wide width, half bleach, worth 35e for 2e, a large assorts,
ment of Cloth Jack is and Capes, 20 per cent. off regular prices to deaf ;
Heavy Woollank ts'standard size, worth $ .50 for $1.95 ; Grey Cotton,
yard wide, worth 4c f r 2ic ; Bleached Cotton, rard wide, worth 7c for 5c -
Fancy Striped lann lette, worth Sc for Pfc.
so.A.:z3Er towimPRIC
Ten 0' cl
Dry Goods
vest (se of the Hoffman Stock must be sold out before
ck, Saturday, December 24th, 1898.
caSe now of not what the goods cost, but what
L they are worth to you.
If yodwant Dr Go ds for yourself and something for a friend; if you want
to load a. Ch istrnas Tree for almost nothing, come early to the
ng Out Sale of the Hoffman Stoc
e erai and Fancy Dry Goods.
Ladies' 0 ats at 95e, $1.95, and $2,95 ; worth three times the price
SMITH, Seafort
W. ANDPEW S, Manager.
ffi Pickard & Co.
istmas Presents
Ladies' or Cr ntlemen who are loOking for Christmas presents for husbands
or wives, sons 4r 1anghters, uncles or aunts, nephews or nieces or sweethearts,
cannot do better han peruse the following list of most useful and appropriate
articles for the p rpose.
• Ladies' and Children's up-to-date Coats at and below cost. Ladies'
Astrachan Fur 0 ats at $1.9.50, $25, ;$32, $35, and $40. Ladies' Fur Capes at
$7.50, $10, $0, $16, $20, and 82250. Ladies' Fur Ruffs and Collars at
$1.50, $2.25, 43, $4, $5, $6.75, $10,415 and. $20. Ladies' Muffs, all prices,
ftom $1 up tol$ 0. Ladies' Fur Gauntlets at $3, $4 and $5. Ladies and
Gents' Lined and Unlined Kid Glov s,- Ladies' Parasols. Ladies' or Gents'
S k for Waists from 81! up to $6. Ladies' Shawls, Ladies' Dress
oods in popl n'i, Wool Satins, Crepons, Fancy Blacks, ,Serges, Muscovites,
ox Cloths, A azons, Bedford Cords Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, Black Dress
ilks in Bengalines, Peu de Sole, ,Arraures, Countess, Our celebrated Times
ilk Goods. Range of above Silks at 75c, $1, $1 25, $1.56 and $2 per yard.
1 Mens Silk Ties in every style, Men's Lined and Unlined:Kid Gloves,
*en's White and Colored Shirts, Men's and Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs„ Men's
$ur Gauntlets, Men's' Fur Caps in Beaver, Western Beatver, Nutrid, Persian.
Lamb, Astrachan, etc., ete. •
Big range of Men's Pur Coats, in Coon, Australian C
oon, Wombat,
Wallaby, Chinese Dog, Bulgarian Lamb and Siberian Calf. Good selection
of Robes n Saskatchewan Buffalo, Goat and Galloway Cattle. We carry the
largest ra go Of Fur koods west of Toronto, -
Tab' Covers in Tapestry and Chenille, Curtains in Lace, Chenille,
Tapestry, Wise and Brussels Net Large range Bed Spreads.
We ill clear all Boys' and Men's Tweed Overcoats at 25 per centoff
regular p ee. We now give a special big discount off alt Men's, Youth's' and
Boys' Sul Odd Pants and Vests. ,,Special line of Mens Ve8t8 a 50c each.
ood Lin Men's Pants now at $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.
We ill sell all Ladies' Hats at ,half price.
A ni e present would be a piece of Table Linen, or a dozen Napkins.
Over oats and Suits to order. We guarantee a first-class fit.
EirWe cordially invite inspection. No trouble to show goods.
1 I
lOppolite Town Building, Corner Main and Market -Streets.
Friday, Saturday a
Only one woman's
Only one man's $80 fu
two pairs for 25o; m
25o; men's fur cape
for 250 ; men's buckl
buckled overshoes, li
overshoes for $t; w
trousers made to you
order, $1.10; suits m
overcoats, skirting at
pea jackets. storm cl
quilts from 750 up;
for *4.71; women's a
490. Mph, selling
able gooda just whe
d untilksold wive are :
1 fur east, worth $25, for SID.
coat for $20, Men's wool sox,
•n's union sox, three pairs for
r $1 25; wool tame 15e, or two
d heaq robbers for 11 ; men's
]ed, 10 81; woman's button
mares !storm rubbers for 86c;
order, 82; vests made to your
de to ypur order from $8,60 up;
82; men's all -wool reefers or
Ilare, good lining, for '$2.75 ;
nly one' down quilt worth $7.50
d misses etrong laced shoes f or
the order here, and of imam.
you ant them, Cash and
Christ fliat
.A. 3.1e1CIM, Hensel'.
hat i�Give
The ConniT urn Solved.
Give some artio of Footwear for your
Christmas present , and you wi11 be
surprised how it will be appreciated.
Shoes are nocosaitie. They are worth
having, and the present worth having
is the artioie giving comfort as well
ae pleasure. Look over the following
,priee list of ,Chris mats Footwear, an• d
note what satisfsmt ,on and pleasure and
good value ean be had by dealing at
this store :-
Men's Carpet Slippers. 35e ; Men's Felt
Soled Slippers, 50c • Men's Storm
Rubbers, 65 ; Men's Chocolate
gator, Slippers, $1 Men's Fine Kid
Opera Slippers, 81.50 ; Men's Red
Lined Overshoes, 81.40 ; Men's Fine
Jersey Overshoes, 51.70 ; Men's Choco-
late Hockey Shoes, $2.25 • Men's
three -buckled Over hoes, $2.50 ; Ladies'
Carpet Slippers, 25c ; Ladies' Felt
Soled Slippers'25 and 35c ; Ladies'
Over aiters, 350, 50c and 75c ; Ladies'
Over tockings, 50 and 60e ; Ladies'
Fur -bound House • Slippers, 51; Boys'
and Girl's Mecca ins, $1 and $1.25 ;
Boy'e and Girl's Qarpet Slippers, 25e ;
Boys r 'School Shoe, $1 to $1.50 e 'hil-
dren s Carpet Slippers, size 6 ti 10,
25e ; Children's Moccaains, 75c and
51; Infants ,, Fan y Moccasins, 40e ;
Infants Soft Sole Button Boot, 40e
and 50c.
WINTER ter begins Tuesday, January
3rd, 1899. 1
SUCCESS aivats all those who take a
course at this iecathy college.
WRITE for new catalogue.
NIMMO, Proprietor.
Money !Loa n.
Any amount of money to Ian on good far pro•
pertv, at 5 per cent. per a num. Straight loans,
payments made to snit borttowek, satisfaction guar-
anteed, charges low. At offi4te Frday afterrip n and
ell day Saturday.
Id Block, Wing 4M.
Municipal Nominations
Nominations of candidates for Reevo and four
Councillors will be held in School HouSe No. 6, on
Lot 16, Concession 8, on Monday, Decernber 2(3th,
1898, at 1 o'clock in the afterno
JOHN C. MORRISON, Returnidg °Meer.
.If speculation as a method of making
money interests you, commueicate, with us
at once, and, we will demoriatrate to you,
how large profits can be made in the stock
market, where, perhaps, you :formerly made
heavy losses. e give suchi servi4e as en-
titles us to the lpatronage of pr fessional
speculative, and to those who deat by cor-
respondence, we xtencl every meais of help
known to us afte years of eaperie ce.
Prudential Inform4tio4 and
Investment Company,
Prudential Building, Buffalo, N. Y.
A stylish hat would make as :ni
nuts Present as you could give y
daughter. A large ready trimm
choose from,
Wishing to purchase or the
will find it to their advent
call at the new millinery sto
a Christ.
u' Wife or
4 s ock to
Special to
When Disposing of Your
:Christmas Poultry
Don't Forget to Call at
Case's ButcherT-Shop
Where You Will Oe
T. R. F. CASE &CO.
s Suggestions
ollt000st Store.
The Leading Store for Novelties and
Fancy Dry Goods, Etc.
e Nice Presents for Children
nice Coat; a ndbisy Tam or Hood.; a nice Plaid Dress; a.
warm pair of Mitts; a good pair of Hose; a pretty Handker-
chief; a nice piece of Underwear, etc.
ltice Things for 'Ladies
A nice Set of Furs a nice Fur Coat or Cape; a pretty Silk
Waist, a good Black or Colored Dress, a nice Shirt Waist;
a stylish Wrap er ; nice Corsets' • fine Underwear ; a stylith
Parasol; a war ShaW1 ; fancy Work Baskets.
Sensible Presents for the Men and Boys
Pretty Xmas - Neckties; nice Cashmere ,!Scarfs ; nice Black
' Cashmere Hose • fancy Braces ; nice Shirts; Collars and Cuffs ;
Sweaters ; fine Underyear. .
- -
or Your Aunts, Uncles, i Cousins; Nephawa, Neices,
, - I , , *---,
iusba#ds and Wifes, Brothers and Sisters.I
We will exhibt an immense array of useful' and suitable goods
for the Xmas trade. All the above mentioned lines will be sold
as close as possible. A call at this store will pay you.
Our Faney_,Goods and Small -Ware Tables wiltbe full of
Wbrd About Fur's
Haling had large experience in the Fur Trade (especially Furs
for Ladies') we would invite any person to 'inspect our stock of
, Coats'Capes, CoilaretteS, Ruffs, Muffs, etc., before making your
' purchase.
tam ed Linens, Etc.
We keep a full and ,complete stock of these goods. Agent for
Beldings Art Wash Silks. Tiiese are nice things to wok at for
Xmas presents.
• lAgett for Butterick's Patterns, Delineator, Glass of Fashion.
Big Sn4lp in Ladies' Jackets
We have just purchase's' from a large concern a complete Set of
Traveller's Samples which we bought at half price, and for 10
days we will sell U.:is lot of (60 only) Coats at the wholesale price.
Remember we only have 10 or 12 days to sell these' goods, as we
want the T00111 for Xmas goods. Remember at the wholesale
price ! A $5 Coat for $3.50 ; a $10 Coat for $6.75. The whole
isit of 60 Coats :to be sold at these reduetions. Its one great
• c ance in Seafor'l this Fall to get a good Coat at very little money.
• Under Town Clock
iDenOcost's one Price Cash Store
Cardno's Blom