HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-11-25, Page 2• te; i, = i•-•- :Qtrfila vtiti nurchaee the comfortable end pleas- ' -'11 tp i lit/ ant)y situated cottage on James street, ;..,•3 Seaforth, at present occupied by Mr. A. Scott. at', There are...8 rotates, with hard and soft water, also a large stab,e. The lot is a corner let and well planted with fruit and ornamental trees. lApp‘v to A. r t J SCOTT, Seatoriih. ' `1693-tf e Why Continue Suffering? Nature golds Oat: Her Arms to Help Yon— Clo,rice's Nitta Compound Ras Simms- itillyCoped With This Dread Disease , I antiCured to Stay Cured. ' in the Kola" plant—a medicinal !botanical product discoVered In Afrien.—has been -.- found the mecca for asthma patients. Com- pounds, of this wonderful medieliaal plant have been teoted in very aggravated and distressing cases of long standing and prov- sid to not only relieve instantly, but perform Speedy find permanent cure. Clarke's Kola Compound has had most successful tests In the leading hospitals of England and the United States and Canada. In three years In the Dornindon, alone five hundred testi- Monlals_ have been received. Wm r Brown of NO Burrard street, Vancouver, B.C., says:— have been a great sufferer f rom asthma for four yentle. For four months I could not work a day. I lost my appetite and loin 40 pounds in! weight. Physleltans told me to leave the country or I conld not live. Just about this time I procured a bottle of Clarke's Kola Compound and in one week was back to work. haVe taken the treatment two months and I am n. cured man," Sold by druggists' at two dollars per bottle; three bottles, with 'cure guaranteed, for five dollars.. ariffitha sta Macpherson CO., 121 Church street, Toronto, Ontario. 7. 1 ; REAL 'ESTATE FOR • i..S.AL FOR SALE —Fifty-four and a half acres of bush r beingthe east half of the eouth half of Lot No. 3, in the second conceasion cf the Township of Turnberry, County of Huron. On thia iot there is a quantity of yaluable timber, and it will b sold cheap. Apply to J. OOWAN, Wroxeter. 10013-tf "VARY& FOR BALE.—The undensigne hse twenty Choloo Farms for sale in East Hu on, the ban. ner County of the Province; All 81Z83, d prices to suit. For lull information, write or oal personally. No trouble to show them. F. S. SCO T, Bruaaele 184114f P. 0. • 'MR SALE, OR TO LET4.—A dwelling house JE• situated on Goderioh street, co(istaining ten rooms, good cellist., hard and sofa wit r and good onf•tioildings. Now occupied by J. L.! Smith, mer• ahant. .Poseession given about the 10 of Anna. Apply to A. G. AULT, Seaforth. 1697-tf I • liDESIDENCE IN BRTJOEFIELD FOR SALE.— lib For sale the frame dwelling house aed lot near the railsiay station In Bruoefield. The hnuae con- tains ten rooms ; a stone cellar and . laard and soft water in the humus ; also a good Istable. There ia a quarter acre of land. Apply to ALEX. MUSTARD, Bruoefield. 16164f ; — FOR SALE —The north west corner of La 2, Concestaio0 4, McKillep, containing acres of •land, good orchard, handsonsely situated, •aith •an abundant supply of hard and soft watar E m fur- ther pardon -tars, apple to MKS M. 111118 DIE. on th 3 premises, or to PETER. KERR or WM. 61T_TRDIE, Seaforth P. 0. • 160241 -110ESIDENCE IN SE4FORTEE FOR SALE.—For Xi) sale the comfortable cottage on North Main street, Seaforth, belonging to the estate of the late Moore Boyd. The house containa seven room, be- • sides a large summer kitchen and a good et -me cellar and gable. Mao hard and soft water. The property will be Bold cheap, ao the estate moat he wound up. Apply to JOHN LANDSBOR.OUGH, Seafozth. • 1597-tf u.013. SALE.—Fot rale 220 acre farm in McKillop, being Lots 24 and 25, Concession 10, and north part of Lot 26, Concession 9. Thia land has been In pasture eince first cleared, 26 or 30 years ago, therefore is rich and free frrrn foul wesds. It is situated on the gravel road, five miles north of Sea. forth and nine from Brussels. Terato of paym nt made to enit purchaser. For particulars apply to W. GOVENLOCK, Seaforth. 16944 - _ IGIARM FOR SALE.—For sale, in the Township of • .McKilloo, the north 60 acres of Lot 15, Canoes. Edon 14, boundary line. About 47 sores cleared. thee acres of good ' hardwood bush, about two acres of choice fruit trees, soil unsurpassed, well drained and fenced; sohclol half a mile away, goat °Mae ani church convenient; will be -sold cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to the proprietor on the premises, or Walton P. 0. DANIEL hicMILLAS, Proprietor. 169941 LURIE IN ALGOMA. FOR SALE.—For sale the Is South East quarter of eoctioo F., township of Laird, oontaining 160 acres. There are fort) acres cleared and free from stumps and under crop. 'Com- fortable log buildings. The balance in well timbered. It Is within four miles of Echopay railway station, and six miler; of the prosperous village of Port Findlay. This is e. good lot, and will be Bold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM SIMPSON on .the premitee, or to ALEX:. MUST‘aRD, Bowe. field, 154641 MUM IN TUCK ERSMIT El FOR SALF..—For sale, that splendid farm belonging to the eatato of the late Samuel Jarnooloata beirg comp -4;0 of Lot 22, Concession 3, II. R.8., Tuckersmith, contain- ing 100 acres, cf which all la (sleeted ex cpt 16 acre's, which Is unoulled hardwood bush • There is a good brick house, largo bank barn with atone stabling, and all other noeessary buildings. The farm is in first-class condition, and is one of the hest in the County of Huron. it must te sold to %vied op the estate. Apply to JAME3 SCOTT, BR., Seaforth P. 0. 1613-10 Oriental Story. 0 • Washington, Nov. 20.—Taking f r his text an oriental scene seldom no iced, Dr. Talmage discusses the superna ad- eantages of religion for this world and the next; text, Joshua xv, 19: '"hou has given Me a south land; give 111 also epringe of water. And he gave he the upper prigsaand the nether spring-." The pity of .Debir was the Bosto of antiqu ty —a great place for brad • and books. Ca eb wanted it, and be o ered his da gh r Achiah -as a prize t any one w o w uld eaptare that city. I was a strange ting fer,Caleb to do, and yet • the man -that multi take the city euld have, at any rate, two elements of an- hood—bravery and patriotism. Besidas, I do not think that Caleb was as fooli h in offering his daughter to the conquer r of .Debir as thoiasands in this day who seek alliances for their children with hose who have large means without any efer- TOUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—The very tdrairable 1...)• building Iota, being number' 87, 38, 30 end le situated on Main street of Egmondvilio and 3 -a- forth. The whole contains about one acre, aod will be Bold in [separate parcels or together to suit the purchaser. Tine property is Just south of tho Woollen Mill% and Mr. 8 Diekaon's prope,ty south of the corpotatien, and is colloid ered the meet clearable building • site either for private real. nce's or a factory. It is high and convenient, ani has a street south and west. Apply to JANE or JO;IN SPROAT, Egmondiaille P. 0., Executors to the Entato of the John; Sproat. 15834f CafPLENDID FARM FOR , SALE.—For sale the 0• eplendid farm QI Mr. Robert Govenlock, on tho North Iload, a mile atm a half from Seaforth. I contains;175 acres, nearly all elearod and in a high state of !cultivation, There is a two story brick house, good bank barn and everything In first,class conditioe and well underdrained. It will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. If . not gold before the fall it will be rented. Addrees ROBERT GOVENLOOK, Seaforth P. 0. 1693 tf TIARM IN TUCCERSKITH FOR SA LE. --For Sal the east half of Lot 21, Concession 4, L. R. 8., Tuckersmith, cent sluing 60 acres—a aqoaro lot, ---all cleared. undead rained and in a first -el los state of eel- -tivatlon ; go .d frarne house, frame barn and stables ; a good bearing orchard and two guod w; lis ; 9 acres of fall wheat and 33 acre 4 in grass. It is about three miles from Kippers and aix miles from Soeforth ; ie within three quarters of -a tulle from cermet ; it will be sold cheap arid on easy terms. Apply on tie! premises, or address Kipper' P. 0. JAMES BEFtitY• 161a 4f 'VARA FOR SALE.—Farm in township of Tucker - J' smith, being Lot 29, Concession 2, H. R. S., con- taining 100 acres cf good land, well adapted for either rain or +stock raising; land in good state pf cultiva- tion, 8 acres Cf good hardwood huah. On the place are two geod frame barns, stone stabling under one; driving shed, never -falling spring ned.r barn, brick ' house and kitchen soft water inet&, good well, or- chard, etc. he fa'rin is I well situated, being five r miles froru C Luton and six from Seaforth, on good gravel road •, convenient to sehool, church opposite place; will be sold cheap. as proprietor inteoda giv- ng up farming. For particulars apply on ithe pram • iSee, or to A. E. TURNER, Clinton, 0:,t. 1 1610-tf "L1ARM TUCKERiMIT El FOR SALE. -F. r sale, ja Lot ;al, Coves ; 2 a it. a, ;nit :•4111 h, containing- 0 sorea 9) of which. kre 1 oszed, under - drained ai.d.in tagh state of eultivaribe. Tne re- maining to acri a are u tPLIP.:41 hird d hush. There is a iro rani- h A -t• ; latare ha k see, with at tie abao g ; rs a s a, larfie ## cl told • r buildintot ; a 1 oat: °whorl to ao het ioo tr Therd Ifiql11,.V wute•. The lu• d -; ; ilia s ory beat qua -its told it i • a 11 eta- uss farm; .011 .ous be sold to close up the afraire of the estate of the late John Walker It is within six miles of Seaforth and Clinton, and two miles from Bruceileld slation. Also within three quarters of a mile of a god School. Apply on the premises, or to the wide - Signed, Bruotfield P. 0. JAMES WALKER. 16114f Money to Loan. Any amount of money to loan on good farm pro. porty, at 6 per cent. per annum. Straight loatia payments made to suit borrower, eatisfaction , guar- anteed, charges low. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER, COSENS, McDonald Block, Winghifam. • 1587 once to moral or mental acquirements; Of two evils I •Would rather me happiness by the length of the sword by the length of the pocketbook. _I case there its sure te be one good ole of character; in the other there m none at all. With elaleb's daughter prize to fight for General Othniel into the b 'ttie. • The gates of Debir thundeeed into the dust, and the c books lay t the feet of the cOnqu The work done, Cithniel comes ba cleim his bride. Having conquore city, it is 'o great tob for him to co the girl's eart; for. however faint ed a wom n herself may be, she a loves cour go in a Man. I never ea exception o that. , The we ding festivity having go Othniel a d Achsah are about to their new home. However lnadl cymbals ay clash land the laughter ring, parents are alwaye sad when a ndly cherished daughter Igoe. off to stay and Aoheah, the daughter of Caleb, novvs that now is the time to ask alines any- thing she wants of her father. It earns that Caleb, the good old man, had given MS a wedding present to his daug tar a piece of land that was mountainous and slopine southward toward the dese•ts of Arabia; swept with some very hot nuts. It wasicalled "a south land," but ‘Aola- Flab wants an addition of property. She wants 4 piece Of land that is well ater- ed and fertile. Now, it is no wonder that Caleb, otandin amid the bridal party, bis Eyes so full of tears because ibo was going away th t he could hardly see her • at all, gives he mere than she asks. She sada to him t 'Thou halt given me a south land. lye me also springs of water. And he gave her the upper springs and the nether springs." A Wforthleas Portion. The fact is, that as Caleb, the father, gave Achsah, the,daughter, a south land, so God glVel to us his world. I am very thankful he has given it to ye, but I am like Acheah in the fact that I an not . satisfied with the portion. Trees and fiovvers and grass and blue skies are very well in their places, but he who has nothing but this world for a portion has no portion at all. It is a mountailsous land; sloping eff toward the desert of sor- row, swept by fiery siroccos. It is "a Routh larid," a poor portion for any man Mutt tries to put his trust in it, What has been your experience? What has .been the experienee of every man, of every woman that has tried this world for a portion`, Queeu Elizabeth, amid the surroundings of pomp, is unhappy because the painter sketchestoo minutely the wrinkled on her facel and she indignantly cries aut, "You intuit strike off my likeness with- out any ohadows!" Hogarth. at the very height of his artistic triumph, is stung alin.ost to death with chagrin because the painting he had dedicated to the king , does not seene to, be acceptable, for George It. cries out: "Who is this Ho - earth? Tajee his trumpery out of my pres- ence!" • sUre than one • ant Y he as a rode were ty of rors. k to the quer ' eart- ways an e by, o to the P. -.1-1U-R0:‘ , ea:. ye at me close? nig ine ne says, ,"Beho d, 83 pine; h -Ye passed without any pr ottani result, eave fatigue of body and fa igue .of i mind, great discourage- ment f r the fhturet and great distrust for the past. ! Oh, my friends, this is . 14 "south land,t" and i,t slopes off toward &guts of sorrows arid the prayer which Achsa made Itto ,bar father Caleb we make his day o our Father God: "Thou bast g en me a eolith land; give me also sp ings of water. And he gave her the up er sprin e an; the nethereprings. lig Plea nye la Religion. Who e shill I find i words enough threed d with light to set forth the pleas- ure of eligion? David, Unable to describe it in Words, played It On a harp. Mrs. Roma s, not nding enough power in prose, inge.th t praise in a canto. Chris- topher Wren, ' unahle to describe it in langu ge, spru g itiinttiuthe arches of St. „Paul's . John uziy b, , nibble to present it In ordinary ehras ology, takes all the fasoint don of alle ory' Handel, with Ordin ry musio *Mehl to roach the heigh of the theme rouses it up in in orator o. Oh, there is n life on earth so happy as a really Christian life! I de not mean a sham Chriatian life, but a real Chriet Ian life, , Where there is a thorn, there s a whole garland of roses. Whcire there s one groan, thertit are three d x- ologieL Where there le one day of olo d, e u th a - is it h, there the L know their white wino; he lightnings of 4 e his armed allies; the Lord is erd, picking lout for him gre es by still waters. If he walk for n is his bodygnard; if- he lie do p, ladders of light, angel bloeso ro lot into is dreams; Mille be il y, the potent' es of heaven alio his earere; if ho it down to food, his ci, table bloorus tnto the King'sI b. n- . Mon say, "Look at that good 1 1- ith the wornout coat;" the tang Is d ory, "Lift up your beads, ye ev g gates, and let him come, I dious people ory, "Get off my ft Is whole elution of sunohine. Ta umblest Chrietian man that y —angels of Gd canopy him W von Shop' pastu heavel to go. ing, 'thirs cep plain quet. low of lasti Fest 13riveley Sheridan thrilled the earth with his eloquenoe, but had for his last words, "r. am absolutely undone," Walter Scott, fumbling around the inkstand, trying to write, says to his diughter: "Oh, take me back to my room! There is no rest for Sir Waiter but in the gravel" Stephen Girard, the wealthiest man in his day, or, at any rate, only second in wealth, says: "I live the life of a galley slave. When I arise in the morning, my one effort is to work so hard that I can ,sleep when it gets to be night.", No Joy tn'W•alth. Pick me out ten successful worldlings —and you know what I rnean by thor- oughly successfel worldlings—pick me out ten successful worldlings, and you cannot find more than one that looks happy. Cere drags him to, business; care drags him back. Ta ce your stand at 1 of the street and ysiognomies. Your ,o'clook at the corner eee the agonized ph high officials, your bankers, your insurt mice men, your importers, your. whele• salon and your retailers, as a plass—as a class, are they happy? No. Care dogs their steps, and, making no appeal to God for help or comfort, man are tossed everywhither. How with you, my hearer? Are you tented in the home of 14 r you were in the two rooms yo house when you started? Hav had more oare and worriment won that 550,000 than you Some of the poorest Leen haYe ever knovrn have been these of great fortune. A man of small means may of them as it been more 0012- onas than had in a you not since you id before? great busines4 straits, but th of all embarraesments is that who has large estates. The commit suicide because of losses are those who cannot be den any mores because they $50,000 left. On Bowling Green, New Yo a house where Talleyrand used was a favored man. All the him, andhekiael wealth almos be Put in ghastliest f the man men who monetary r the bur - have only k, there is Ito go. He orld knew unlimit- , le et nt steps!" the door keimere of 'heaven y, "Co e, ye blessed] of my Father, n- horit the kingdonill' When he comes to die, hough he may be !carried out in a pine box to the pttter's flied, to that pott r's field the ch riots of Christ will corn down, and the cavaloade will crowd all t e boulevards cif heaven. ' I loss Christ for the °resent eatisfac- t makes a man all right wit reference to the past. It makes a in in all right with reference to the future. Oh, these nether springs of tiP coin ort! They are orennial. • The found• atio of 0.d stand th sure having this seal "The Lord knOweth them that are his, ' "Th mountain's shall depart and the iiille b ,removed, but My kindness sha not d part !rem thee, neither shall the oovena t of me peace be removed, salt the ord, Who bath enemy upon the " 0., cluster of diamonds met in bur ished gold!' Oh, bather oprings of co •fort bu sting through all the valleys 'of trial am tribulation! When you see, world, what satisfaction there in religlon, do you not thirst he daughter of Caleb thiroted ater spengs? It is no stagnant med over with malaria, but spr rigs of ater leeping from the Rook of ges! Take up one oup of that spring er and across Ilhe too of the chalice float the delicate shadows of the enly wall,•theevellow of jasper, the n of emerald, the blee• Of sardonyx, fire of jaointhe . , , Sp ringst of Comfert. Wish I could liliike you understand joy religion is te ziorne of us. -It makes an : happy while he - lives and glad n he dies. . With two feet upon a ✓ and bursting .yvith dropsies, I heard Id man in the Oorbouse cry out, ess the Lord, ch, rity soul!" I looked nd and said, 'What has thin man got auk God for?" I It makes the limo ma leap as altar.; end the dumb sing. They eay that the old Puritan religion is a julleoless and joYIese religion, but I re- member reading: of Dr. Goodwin, the celebrated PUritah, who in his last mo- ment said: "Is this dying? Why, my bow abides in strength I am swallowed up od!" "Her ways are ways et pleas. ess, and all her paths are peace." you who have been trying to satisfy selves with the "south land" of this ' do you not feel that you would o have access to the 1 spiritual comfort? e to have Jesus Christ .4 NOVEMBER 25 1898 1 • inneei ant never we coachlyou up tee ttream." "Don't 'wrest neuralgic,. ens says, "I am sick." They are Tumor tired mi d if you take it sloWly," The Oran - there, Flight to farthest wor d is • only I the play of a holiday. They never sin .',there. It is as easy for them to be holy 681t is for us to • sin. They never die there.Yo might go through ell tho out- skirts of the great city and find not one plat*. where the ground was Lroken for a grave. The eyeeight of the redeemed is never blurred With te The e is .health • In every oheek. Thar is spri foot. There lethal@ ty on e Thereis joy in eve heart hosanna en every lip. How pity us as they look o or and and see us, and say, "Poor th down in that World!" And i is harled in o a fat they ry "Good, he is eons Whe w stand aroun the oo love o e whooe dein th is And e shake our eads forebodi they ery: "I'm glad is woese. H bee down there loug enough. Ther is d ad! Conte honae, ome heme I" if w could only get e r Icleae about tut re wothl untvvist d, our thoug transfer from here to •here whuld b hat s to a.ittle aid, "Papa, plea he sa th "To :Flo So son? I a don of rol gion. 0 you aft10 1 af t p of the n earth ✓ it as •r the ci, scu wa wil hea gre the the a wh ono an "B arm. to t in ant Oh, you wor this net Wo ben an of of orning like r springs o id you not lik over your cradle and bless your table heal your vvoends and strew Sowers oesolation all !up and down the graves ; our dead9 g in every ery brow. There is they mut ook doyen ngs, away when Some I accident, ng!" And oh of ome oing way il)91 has , he Ob, that t of as hild hen day, 80 With the I nt to us as it w was dying. She I go home?" ; An once." "To -day? glad!" Cheese tYnu I' wish I eould s these thought', 0, Oh hig est poesibla exhil dellveratoo ,is ng on vrith the s and the jot w Y thump of the h streke striking o . Better scour th , for harbor hi on s came dow t you. "Now is y when you holier an of the woeld, e a choice betwo s, between the " Id, which slopes glorious land offers thee, roaming se? Why let y cid with thirst you roll day, Eve mar ola ron • Jes 2ne tha 11)01 tion wo this "iti religion thet can give' - weetest pleasures While we live. ' is religion oan supply . e weetest comfort when we die. ut I have something better to tell Iron, suggested by! this text,. It seems thate oreaturee upon oldtFather Caleb ion the wedding day afe setain to sleep 4,320 hi- daughter wan ed to make her juit as' ' waking up pro d again—oreaticin and eech other, until e those slumbe ng, Brahma] wilt cou su net et, this it c It i tha tho val de 'Ina an Wa eve plu Ito oha re aro fee the sal St. th Porti n. 'ululate you istian an, to ration,, The day of timing; is coming ining wheels of the eels Of the night. art is Ionly a ham- anot deck y six In the ur sal d." •ill yo n•ee two por- "1., Potatoes., turnips, carroteeParsnips and uth land" of this • beets, sixty pounds. , to the devote, and Onions; 'fifty peunde go took the seat offered and did his fair oh re of the work. The coxswain, un- w1ing to let the crew appear too easily satiated, gave the word to quicken the etrelte and the men Iresponded admix- ! ably. .At the end of the afternoon, the calitain said, as the oreVr stepped out of th° boat, ",You got on Very vvelh sir. If yott come clown again,l we'll give you anether lesion." "Thanke," replied the stranger, "I'll be very pleased. If you let me have a line I'll be state to come," and hobanded the captain ta card which re- vealed the lact that the Stranger was no other than the then Champion souller the article yes- onioally replied. • Ike that, but it clo."—Mail and Hanlon." When coefronted wit teedav Aid Hanlan la ' es, it happened just was in San Franol Empire. A June 13th, 1898, is as In contracts for the s otiany of the underm the 'bushel shall be dot ink, unless a bushel b ally agree WI& bushe 'What, el Lime, et Indian cern, fifty -0Z pounds. Rye, fift -six pounds. Peas, si ty pounds. I Barley, orty-eight peunds. ;Malt, rty-six poueds. Oats, th rty-four poende. her chain of Beans, s xty ponnds.1 awl coil the Clover s ed, sixty peunds. miles ,away. Tirnoth ilseed, forty-eight pounds. Narrows to Buckwh at, forty-eight pounds. atioienearer . Flax seed, forty-four pounds. • Blue 'grass seed; fourteen pounds. not to -day - • Castor beans, ferty poundo. Wel lata and 31e eurex Act. Che Don inion Weigh o and Measures 1, Section 16, which was assented to low: Se and delivery ntioned articles, mined by weigh - measure is sped- upon—the weight egolvalent being as foilows: ty pounds. hty pound hich ith ur to hen the y here etbin . T annot give us anything fter awhile. , a changing wo Id. o yuu know even the mount int on the back of a sand strearus a e lea ing into the ey? The Allegha Ines a e dying. The o with crystalline mallet aro hammet- way the rooks. Frost and showers lightnings are soulptnring Mount ington and the year is digging ge. The sea all hifting shores • gee in bar and thy Father ternal water gue be con - here are the er springs and pper springs, tw nty-five dollars, and for eaoh Rubes- ou and I need so ttberet?ter than ' gliu4ntsiooiffiaernec.e, to e penalty not exceeding fort here and gio world can give u e fact is that Bituini ous coal, seventy pound.. Every person who violates any provi- •Iou of this section shell be liable, for a fIrajt offence, to a Ipenalty not exceeding Catshilis. ,Niagara for iteelf a quicker roma" the earth on is m king mighty . bay and frith and tontory. Some of th old seacoasts idiand now. Off Na tucket, eight below low white mazik, aro found the sturnpe of roes, Ishowing that Waves aro conqu ring val kung Ships to -day t e land. Parts t ova Scotia are over what on' a 1 ttle while ago solid ground. N ar the mouth of the Croix River is an Wand which in movements of th 111 certainly rotating. ea th is changing—o fell nd springs up in o.. In 1866 anot un.er the observatio earth is slowly but All tibe face of the angliig. In 1831 an the Mediterranean er ItIland comes up o a mer a oct sul as he looks off frem the beach. T e earth all the time ehanging, the co umns of a tonupis noel Bizoli • show th 1t the water has r sen n ue feet above th place it was w w re put down. Chu ri er, once vaster flowing through the ert, which was then an e, has now d staeani creeping do Tet earth itself, t af r water—nothin w rds molten rook, alo until plants an le might live, al changing all the wh now breaking off: doWn gradually in 1 ha i intirnat ng ng, a groat ohange to-com • infused into the who has never seen A Sleep The Hindoos bell or, ator, once made the water, then mo out of it lifted the 1 . and animals and in: e ye went the sun. the fire. Out of Then Brahma laid 1320,000,000 years. Int will wake ;up, will be destroyed, over again, beingin ha ta al vet he gives her la "south land." Not py as possible Though Othniel was t Ing her awayt and his ,heart was ost broken beoaus'e she was going, on y that, but 6eziether spring. Not upper, springs. 0 God, k thee that then hat land" in this world, Inge, of spiritual min- t in this world but more than all I he upper springs in on y that, but th nuy Father, I tha •gi en me a "sou an1 the nether sp to th nk 'thee for he yen! Gienp t le very forte he leen until we g m n, if you could th ou a go • th th •su us to us le a ti ti 1. t. a of Heaven. atedthat we cannot 880 t 1lit0 it. 0 Christian see what it place it is, would never get you back again to office or shoat, end the duties you ht to Derformeyould go negleoted. I • glad I shall not see that world until nter it. SuppOee we were allowed to on an exoursioin into that good land th the idea of returning. When we got, re and hoard the song and looked at Ir raptured faces and mingled in the •;nal sooleV,'We would ory out: "Let stay! We are -coming here anyhow. y take the trouble of going baok again thit old world? We are here now, Let stay." .And it would take angelic *lo- co to put us oet of that world if cnoe got there. 13ht as people who cannot ord to pay for in entertainment sonse- nes:come around it and look through door ajar or through the openings in e fence, so we cisme land look through a crevices into ; that good land which d has provided; for us. We oan just tith a glimpse of it, We come Dear, ougb to hear the anenbling of the eter- n I orchestra, though not near enough to k ow who blows the nornet or who ting- e s the harp. My soul spreads out both Inge and clasps them in triumph at the t ought of those 'upper springs. One of ti em breaks froM beneath the throne, apother breaks f rth from beneath the f a tar .of the temp e, another at tho door o "the house ofa any mansions." TJp- psr springs of gi dnesel Upper springs o light! Upper s rings of love! It is no f ncy of mine. "The,Lamb which is in e midst of the ing fountains ' t throne shall lead thtm to It f water." 0 Saviour, divine, roll in upon our s uls ono of those anticipated raptures! 'Ppur around the roots ,of the parched toIngue one drop- that liquid life! TOsS a fore our vision those fountains of God, in,hdtved with eternal Victory! Hear it! etriare never siek elate; not so nauch atheadache or twinge rheumatic or - ! 1- , 1 the universe Will -di wit timatiorielhough very fai ohange to come upon this spoken of in the ma may sleep, our God nor sleeps, and the hea away with a *rest' !none ments ehall Melt with for the earth and all *logs t shall be burned up. "Well," says some one, if the world is going froni another, then what is the ing for Its betterment?" on whielt I want to guatd want you to become misa great and glorious world. - afford to !pond 33 years demption, then you on a pray for the bettornient • and for the bringing on o time when all peonle tion of God. 'While. thor guard you against misan in 'respect to this subject hen hese oolumne , nC ging Our olorado 1 ; ban he Mississippi, great iAmerican des - an Eden of luxuri- indled to a small n. through a gorge. at wts once vapor, but water—atter- °ohne, off through ight live, and ani - d un�n might live' lo, n w crumbling, The sun, burning s sec et. Chaeging, on o 1 the the last • over the world even and pf the heathen he Bible, ass C.d. ve th m !, t Brahma, the 11 till go. Ho created d o or the water, nd, g ew the plants n on t. Out of his ut f his lips went is ear went the air. own no sleep off 4,- • fter !that, they say, •,1 d then the world nd he will make it up clIFI and, bringing t; the lying down 000,0 l$ years, then stroeing the world demo ition following ter 20 sleeps, each S 4,30,000,000 years 'eke zp and die, and hint, an in- t, of the great physioal earth ut while Brah- ever slumbers ens 611141 pass and the ole- o:Int heat, and at are therein "if that is so, one change to use of my toll - bat is the point you. I do not- thronio. 11 lo a If Christ could n it for its re- ord to toil and of the nations; that gioriou see the salve fore I want t hropio notion have present ed, I want you to tak ibis thought home with you: This orid is a poor foundation to build on. 11 is a changing world, and it is . a dyin world. The shifting scenes and the hanging sandit are only emblems of all s4rthly expecte- Oen. Life Is very xuuou elite this day through whistla we have Msoed. T9 many of no it is storm and darkness, then 1 sunshine, storm and dark ess, then after- wards a little sunshine, n w again dark- neseand storm. Oh, hell not your hopes upon this uncertain weed'. Build on God. Confide in Jesus. Plan iltor an eternal residence at Christ's righ hand. • Then, come sickness or health, come joy or sor- row, come life or death; $1 is well, all is well. In the name of he Iamb of Caleb and his daughter Aoh.: h, I this day offer you the "upper sprin s" 011. unfading and everlasting rapture Could Rowa Little. 11 The English Feral y eraid has the following: "The ea berS of a New York rowing club ono ound themselves a man short in a bo t' orew. A, stranger stood by the lan i g ' siege and was hailed by the o s ain,I"Say, mister, can you row?" "4 little," replied the stranger. Then, ihans1ver came from the etasswain. "If'on 11k4 to take an oar rxeseettaret • The Size oe, the 8.a. Here ere a few facts about the sea for youu scrapbook: The Pacific covers -68,000,000, the At - Ian hi 30,000,000 and the Indian Outten, A-1. tie and Antarctic; 42,000,000 square s. ¶ijo stow away the contents of the Pa- cifl ht Would be necessary to fill a• tank one mile long, one mile wide and one mil deep every day for 440 years. Put in fig res, the Pacific Infidel/a weight 948,- 000 000,000,000,000,000 tone. It would taka about 1,000,000 years for all its wa er to peer over the falls of Niagara. he average depth Of the Atlantio is no quite three miles; Its waters weigh 25,00,000,000,000,000 tons, and a tank to oo tain it would have to have each of it* sli sides 230 miles long. The figures of th other oceans aro in the same startle proportions. It.would take all the SSA weter In the world about 2,000,000 years torflow over Niagara. A tank to hold it all would have to measure nearly 1,000 miles along each of its sides. „ITh. Heart'a Life Work. The human heart is so quickly respons- i le to every touch of feeling in the mind that tho people of ancient times thought t at it was the abiding place of the soul, a d all literature, both ancient and 1 odern, contains many poetic references t this interesting fact. Tho amount of work performed during t e- lifetime of A person living to tha 1 mit of human life prescribed by King' avid—threescore and ten years—by this e nail but powerful engine is almost in- ti edible. It is six inches in length and 1 ur in diameter and beats on an average 7 timed a minute, 4,200 times an hour, 1 0,800 a day and 36,792,000 in the °bursa of a year, so that the heart of a man 70 years old had beaten over2,500,- 000,000 times. Curious Calendar Facts. There are Kiln° ourioui facts about the calendar. No century oan beein on Wed- nesday. Friday or Saturday. The game calendar can be used every twenty years. O tober always begins on the samei day of the week as January, April and July; S ptember as December. February,Maroh a d November begin on the same days. Mey, June and August always begin on digerent days from each other and every month in the year. The first and last days of the Year are always the IMMO. T esti rules do not apply to leap year, ween comparison is made between days before and after February 29th. , The anadian Bank of Commerce. _ OAPIT4- (PAID OR) $1,?( MILLION DOLLARS - $8,000000 1 tAEAFORT4 BRANCH, t . A general banking buSiness transacted. Farmers' Note:discounted, and spacial attenti n given to the collection of Sale Notes. - SAVINGS BANK.—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards. SpeciaiLfaci Ries for:transaction of business in the Klondike District. F. HOtESTD, tiolioitor. F. 0. G. MINTY, Manager. 1 Money, rderS, payable alt any bank, issuedat the following rates; lit.Q8 $20 to $30 .12 ider $10• 1 10 to $20 .10 $30 to $50 .12 Pretty Foot Goes a Long Way I want to see bottom then 1, tatting. 'Granby' on the now what I am Handy's Methods of G"tting Subscriptions . As is well knoWit, Evangelist Moody hes a wonderful faculty for gritting meney, whether it be a simple collection to meet some current expenees or mom. large subscriptions with which to erect a n w sohool building. Asked. once as to tlje secret of hie success in this particular line, the great preacher replied: "4 urge people to give until they feel it, and then t� keep on giving until they don't fool IV."—Ladies' Horne Journal. _ Gold and Irides Teeth. About 4,000,000 false teeth are Menu - f utured annually in the 'United States, sj'hule ono ten of geld, three tons of Inver, nd platinum to the value of $100,000, re used in filling teeth. • —Atethe Pape avenue crossing of the Grand Trunk Railway, in Toronto, the, writer night, John Butterworth, a Bernardo by, employed by Richard Wiggins, a dairy - an at Chester, stepped out of the road of a freight train, directly in front of a yard e gine, and was strpek and thrown against a telegraph pole. His skull was fractured and his hip broken. Ho died in the General Hospital twelve hotirs later. ' t i Lthin, light) ' ' ! 4 GR , •,• But what is the use of a pretty foot, in this country in the winter time, if you do not have a perfect fitting Rubber or Overshoe. • Now, this may be news to you, but you will find it to be a fact; there is only one make of Rub- bers and Overshoes, in this coin - try, that are right up-to-date in fit, finish, quality and durability and they are the iiby Rubbers and OVERS110.ES comfortable. Extra thick at ball and heel. N4Y RUBBERS *TEAR LIKE IRON." Custonyers. -. : 1 , • It is our belief thati the best advertising we can do is to sa iffy mr customers. In this line of al writing Nate are most suss id, for style, fit, price ,and workmanship, to say nothing of die satisfied feedings of our customers, are consta.ntly bringing us Lew customers and a return of old ones. For the Fall and Willer trade we will still continue to satisfy, and. if you •want to Iv V:O 1111t satisfied feeling you will make it a point to leave yrur order with us for your Fall or Winter Suit and Overcoat. WE SATO3FY ALWAYS' - RIGHT BROS, SEAFORTH. rn.ririrtnrinrutfutrin.nruistnruirtfu-tro.x; Tea It is well enough o Cup talk about the good qualities of a tea, i t but af ter'all it is what k The 1 is shown by brewing re 'hat is the final tet. 'est f he number of cups of good tea thatcanbe br wed frora a single pound has as much rel tion to ecOuomy . as the price per po nd. Fronya pound of Ram Lal's Pute In4lian Tea, 2oO cups of tea'can be Mad. , AO Ram Lal's Te.4' conies direct froni the gar- dens of India to the tea/tables of Canada in six weeks with all its strength and freshness retained. trtrinrutrinitarinn.rtrumrtruu-txtruyitnrir=trutruirtstrulzu La economy isWealth Whi' hot economize by buying your .Jr4_1_11_,I HP.A._13.= H - Where you co !g(1 the best value for your money. By buying the, large i . 1 (tut ntrties that we do, we can show you kill the 1 Newest brings in good niality paper .• i c '{i ,or very Ktle moicy. ' i ; 1 -Do not fb,rget we also -carry the largest assortment in , 06i -taint, Poles and Window Shades. , ' THE PLACE To Econ5mIzE is AT Papst!s Bookstore, 4eaforth. ealiatarCerlealearaneleIrMILIrtraCeraatralanteleNRIMINIMMIWilenea I How a person can gain a iboun d a day -by taking an (unce of Scbtt's Emulsicaln hard to cxplain, but it ertainly happens. It seems toi start the 'diges- tive machinery wOrking roperly. • You obt4in a reater benefit from 1 your food. The oil being predi eSted, -nd combined with t fle,eshy: ophosplaites, makes 2L. food onic of wonderful orming power. All physicians know this olto be a fact. All druggists; aoc.sand Sao°. SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemists, T OJAI F°R One Day's Work4 r We goe this fine watch, ;Chain &Charm e for schitlg two do7. pacliages of Iixqul- 1.4.• r.ite Perfume at Ik'n Celts each. Send ; address. and we forward the perfume, ' r postpaid. and our focitilum Lit. No money required. 1.-'014 the perfume '‘," .,,,l the watch. prepaid. This k a • AM011e your friends, rrturn money, and .0 -genuine American watch, guaranteed a 44lItis.,„;;(4' peod timepiece Mention thi S paper. , HomeSpecialty Co 6o Victoria St.Toronto aehetellheetegtelholgolhethelholltelleile A,jg in Your Bed. .1. . .. mmmm ................, -w,i,,, the first ttiought of such a thing is enough to make one shudder, but when you;think of "the pig" as a harmless rubber bag filled with hot 5cJ water, iimpart4t dryness and warmth to the surrounding sheets and blankets, the shudder gives place to a comfortable,' feeling of delightful anticipatio; or in case a sudden attack of inflammation seizes one, nothing affords quicker relief than the hot Water bo tle, and no hot poultice so conveniently applied. You all know th it a good fountain.syringe is a great security in any house. No one can tell when they might require it. Do you know that you can get a combination for $1.2: to, $3,25 (according to quality), that will answer tho , ' double purpose of a lipt water bottle and a forintain syr lige? Call and see the different'sizes and pri !es at /113. I ' \_. 1 , 1 711 soOTTIS1BtOOK DEN & WILSON'S - , MAIN !STREET -A.FORIT*, a horse, 1 14. SOARLETT. R1VATE able year tO14. S. HAY •survey. Land Survey° iurONEY A Disney farmers, in Fil prly tO J. M. 0111,JsIt - .0c orf, C enyaneer, Lan_ joy -este -a and ' Ivens' store,) MBER Fie JL tattle the t cession 9, Me ash suitable fi which will be Ur. Juince IIALL, E?OlSALE.- L horn-14 torn eowsood and ram lambe 71111M1. Pricq DAVID MILNI ST,0 eep 8•BOARsI: aoT:7313 aiex:,etr:al for itR of returning if i j keep for' roo thoroughbrel Lydon; Junnaej • 710 PIG BRE lan Lot 20, a thostoughbred, bred YOBESIIIM be adimitted to of service, 4ar $ White Pigs for Alf WORTH -at the Brueefis Tamworth Bow ; payable at taming If nee+ bred 'young Ts Ruoff MoLIAlti 31AMWORTH- ,signed has MlUop# ti Illudted munber extra goodplg . aroma their berli TArtne $1, with 11DIGS FOR • tindersit ahlre,,bse -koe13 for is erceseed iron And winner Jai —el petals] esti freturnirr, Ili PORRANCI, 4 ,Or1h . REAL' Vellet FOR. X Mlle% n Aleut 100 acree; 0111tiVatiOD, 131 endpbetyo1 e farm and will Appi)- to MILS, 113ROPERTY • ;cheap the -emigre:op and Lot -8, Concesel site the School -country, and is poses, There le trait tree, also geed well. Thi to SAMUEL R WATSON Redo 1A1111 IN ST 1), Colleen in about 100 hardwocd busli and in a &We/ honse, frame ba bearing orehard whcat and 25 ad and a half mile miles from MO estey terms, A' Brueefield P.O. Snap Bar THIRTY DO farno—a first -c Village of Zuri Buren ; good b and -a most des short horn bul serviee ; &loose and prices righ NIE,,Zurich UCTION PLEME., • unartietiona tro- t° sell by /midi Hay , -on Wedne• p. su.„ the folio Herees.--Oae h, old, 1 heavy dr purpote geldin ponies tieing lo harneas. Cattl in rail, 1 farro awing calves. - white boar, 3 br pifreo Implerne er, 1 • .pair hot puiper, 1 fannin cutter, 1 eet months' credit joint notea A annum will be - niu.stF posith rit JOHN MOI Auctitmccr, NOTIO Alter Deembli market for dre Prieee at T. R. 'en. IMES Don ship of liciiil forthi every F - the fourteenth receiaing tax after the date n eat* QU Notice is her lAcenise t.ommt pri%ilo.ge of Iran Kliugal of the to the skid traps baspeetor befor 1 A. I 13 telzkrattfactue Nal* i'aaas,ro • Mo dealets Antoo *ea •011 pipe tstiinalus floral Wnr