HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-11-11, Page 8f
"I I. I 2 EN 111 N IN IN I 1 MINIM
Oash 'Grocery
New truite end new season's Ts388 now in stock.
WehaVe mai in stook the best values in new sea -
eon's Tem we ever bad, conaprising Young Hyson,
Ceylon and Japan Tem. We guarantee satisfaction
or will refund the money. The best qua ity of new
Raisins, Currants, Nuts, Peels, etc., now in Mock M '
Towed rice& Some nice lines in Dinner, Tea and
Toilet ets just reoeived, and at prices as low as the
ioweet. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples, ;
potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinds cf marketable
produce, for which we will pay the highest price.
C. WILSON, fieaforth.
1371 Bank of Commerce Block.
Grand Trunk Railway
n3pany of Canada.
To Mr. W. Somerville :—
This is to authorize you on behalf of the
Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada
to sell Passenger Tickets in the , Town o
Seaforth, Ontario, until father ncitice.
Railway Company of Canada have her
unto aitixed their Corporate Seal, this fift
day of February, 1898.
Charles M. Hays,
General Manager.
CAPITAL (Paid Up), -
Main street, Seaforth.
A general banking business transacted. Farmers'
Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at
lowest rates.
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and
interest allowed -at highest current rates. Intereet
added to principal twice each year—at the end of
June and December. No notice of withdrawl is
required for the whole or any portion of a deposit.
Solicitor Agent.
Large School in a Small City.
Gives that best training in commercial
science, shlorthand, typewriting, &c., which
enables thel possessor to secure the best situ-
,ations. Otir graduates are always; success-
ful. Write to -day for beautiful Catalogue.
!Moderate retes, board cheap, enter any time.
W. J. ELIAOTT, Principal. 4444-52
We buy for cash or trade all k nds and
any quantity of Produce, such as Butter,
Eggs, Dreesed Fowl, Dressed Ho Hides,
Tallow and:Potatoes. Do not fail o call, as
we will make it werth your while.
GrOcers putchers,
Bargains in Ladies Coats.
We have still! left on hand about 200 Ladies' Coate,
all good styllsh garments. We have determined to
clear thern Mit- For the next two weeks we will
slaughter therai as follows : Sl2 goods for $9 60 ; $10
coats for $7.9b ; $3 coats for $8_60 ; $6 cleats for $4.80 ;
$4 coats for 1$3.20 ; $3 mate for $2.40. Also two
tables of coatt, which willh& sold at half price. The
earliest buyers get the bestecholee. At regular prices
we have nevelt, in past seasons, shown es good values
as we are shelving thie season. We cordially invite
nspection. , _
. Pickard &
make up for the addilbional cost of manu-
facture, and there is no doubt but he is
right. „ They have al eady , opened a peat
pit in the Ellis a amp, near Stratford,
where it Weak' ther , is an Imost unlimited
supply, and are prepering o manufacture it
there for supplying the market in that die-
trict. They also say that there is an equ 1-
ly large supply with n easy reach of Se
forth, and iteatiefac ry arrrangements can
be made they hope t have it manufactur d
here. It is said tha the pest inanufaetur d
by this process is fu ly equal to coal f r
every purpose for w ieh coal is used, and 'it
can be produced at t ttle more than helfeithe
cest. Shoeld this pi ove to be the ease, it,
will be a matter of ery great importance
and profit to thigprieeince, as the supply of
peat ie almost unlireited. i
' • .
Cox Acqitted. i Police Magistrate Sea-
ghr and Horace Hoe on, J. P., of Goderich,
gave their decision i the Cox murder case
Saturday afternoon The Police Magistrate,
who delivered the .e.egment, reviewed the
ease at corisiderahl ength. The unanimoue
deciaion ot the ben was that Mr. Cox was
justified in ahootin Beattie, and on Cox
'being discharged t ere was considerable ap-
plause in court, w ich was speedily stopped
by the authorities. / Before the court was
dosed the Crown prosecutor, asked the
bench to bind over the constable who pre-
ferred thelobarge t prosecute at the spring
assize', 'nit that o cer refusing to be bound
ever, the eourt clo ed. In the absence of
the full Judgment o the .poliee magistrate,
it is impodeibte to ay what I induced the
pourt to pursue so extraordinary a course,
ai in view-ot the , ence published they
haye certainly min ed -a very grave re-
sponsibility. E ii,
f 1
'The greatest' and beat in the World—
*rename, for horses and cattle,at Reid & Wilson's,
Seaforth. 1611-3
"1- !NEW REraIn SEton,I beg to announce
. that I have opened out a boiat and @hoe repair shop,
opposite Fear's drug'store, Seafortb, where I will be
pleased to meet all who 'may favor me with their
patronage. First-class wOrk done on short nooice,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Ordered work a
specialty. Louis WITT, 8 forth, formerly emyloyed
with Mr. W. H. Willis. 1610-4 -
WANTED. —Ohoice utter 17c, dried ap.
ples and poultry. I, G. E. K NO, Winghana. 1609-tf '
CASH FOR P' ULTRY.—People .wishing - to
get cash and the highest price for theinpoultry,
shoiuld call at T. R. F. Cape & Co.'s butcher shop,
Caimiehael's Block, Seaforth. ' 1611-tf
ri . n Hate!, Brussel& J01114 ANENT. 1611-tf
WOOD FOR SALE.—We have 50 eords of
the best dry hardwood, 4 feet, at $3 per cord. Ram
& Wilms, Seaforth. 1611-3
Wood taken in exchange for furniture.
Leatherdale & Landeboroligh, Seaforth, 1613-1
Society of the Methodist church will give their an-
nual dinner on the evening of Thanksgiving Day.
Dinner will , be served in the basement from 6 to 8
o'clock, after which an intereeting program will be
rendered in the church. Addresses by res dent min-
isters, recitations. readings, interspersed with choice
selections of music by the choir. Adm' sion, 26c.
By order of President. • 1613-2
Call and-seeour stock and get ur prices
. before you buy. it will be money in yOur packet.
Leatherdale & Landeborough, Seaforth. i 16134
In a letter just received from the Principal of 4The
Canada Business College and Shorthand School,"
Chatham, Ontario, we are Informed that the attend-
ance is now larger than it was at the December
closing last year, and they will no doubt register
quite a number yet, during November and the early
, part of December. There is quite an advantage to
the intending stuttlent to etter before Christmas, and
get in as much t me as possible before the heavy
rush of new pi pile, which they always have in
January. A wor to the wise is sufticient. 'The at-
tendance this year shows representatives .frorif the
Pacific to the Atlantic. The patronage froin dietant
places is larger t an ever before. The school is cer-
tainly worthy of he large patronage which it, le en-
I 1613-1
Newly bUilt houses furnished throughout
meeting of the town council was held on
Tuesday evening to consider the report of
-the committee of council on the claim of
Mr. Charles Wilson re his claims against the
council, on a.ccount of the datning back of
the water in Silver Creek. The committee
recommended that the case be submitted to
arbitration, each party to choose an arbi-
tra.tor, and in the event of their' being
unable to agree, to have power to add an.
other to eheir number. The committee also
atipula.ted that the only matter to be dealt,
with by the arbitrators be that of damages.
This report was adopted by the council, as
they claim the matter of damages and that
of the claming back of the water to be two
different questions, to be dealt with separ-
Bra,seii is DETROIT.—The following dis-
patch from Detroit, dated November 7th,
appeared in the daily papers of Tuesday :
Patrick Murphy, aged 40, who lived alone
in the rear of his blacksmith shop, corner of
Chene street and the Michigan Central Rail-
way, was burned to death end the shop de-
stroyed by fire at 2 o'clock on Sunday
morning. Deceased was a native of Huron
county, Ontario where his parents still live.
He had been in 'business where burned out
since coming from Canada five years ago."
The name of the deceased was Michael
• Hugh and not Patrick. He was a son of
the late Michael Murphy, of McKillop, near
Beechwood. He learned his trade with Mr.
Themes Hills, of Egrnondville, and was well
and favorably known around here.
s ,
Toe Smoaeo.—The smoking concert,
under the auspices of the Beaver lacrosse
club, in the town hall, on Friday evening
last, was well attended and a good time
spent. During the early part of the even-
ing many a good game of cards were played,
while the smoke curled merrily upward.
Later on President Baker took the chair,
and a good programme was rendered. Songs
by Mesars. W. McLeod, W. Moran, and
George Mahn° were much appreciated,
while the rnueic by an orchestra, composed
of Messrs. L. DeLamy, J. Daly and W. Me•
Leod kept thingslively, a.nd Mayor Gunn,
in a neat speech, expressed the sentiments
ot all present, A couple of well contested
boxing bouts brought a pleasant social even-
ing to a close.
PEAT FOR Frere—Mr. A. 0.. Ardagh, oh
Barrie, and Mr. E. J. Checkley, of Toronto,
were- in town on Friday last, spying out, the
'arid with the view of starting in this visite,
ity an establishment for the preparation of
peat for fuel. Mr. Ardagh has the pro-
prietary right to nnanufecture this fuel in
the ceunties of Huron, Perth aucl Bruce.
He says there are rnillione of tons of this
fuel in these counties. His idea is to estab-
lish a manufactory in the vicinity of each
trade centre in his territory near w ieh peat
ia to be found, and to manufacture the fuel
for the supply of the local demand on the
spot, a.s he ver3 correctly thinks it cau be I
made more cheaply and to better advantage
in this way than to have the manufacturing
all done at one central point and supply the :
demand by shipment, as the saving in trans- ,
portation will, in this way, do more than.
tor a small BUM of money and to your satisfaction.
Leatherdale Landsborough, Seaforth. 16134
For fine rubbers the " Maple Leaf " are
tbe best. In pure gum beery nibbers buy the C. R.
brand. Big new 'stock of shove brands just arrived.
W. H. Willis, boots and shoes, Seaforth. , 1613-1
See our op ings and matresses, beat in
town. Leatherd le & Landsborough, Seaforth.
Why pay $9 for a dinner set when you
can get it for $7. tW ? A. YOung, Seatorth. 1613-1
Ncw you know that you can hardly see to
read this fine print, so why don't you go to Daly's,
Seaforth, and hav,, your eyes tested ? No charge for
examination. 1618-1
Our stoekin
assorted wool a
Mills, Seaforth.
nem' is all, made from"pure
d guaranteed good. The Woollen
Something- ew and cheap in parlor suits
this week. Leatherdale & Latalebrough, Seaforth.
1813 1
No person can deny the feet that you can
buy watches at Daly's, Seafarth, just a little cheaper
than elain,vhere. Now be convioced of this by call-
ing and see foe' y ourself. No trouble to @how you
our stook arid qUote you prices. Dalylhe watch-
maker and ,aptietan, Seatorth., 1613.1
We give a big discount for cash .on every
aitioie we sell. Itatherdale & Latideborough, Sea -
f o rth. 16134
If you want anything special for Xmas
presents be sure and leave your orders early. We
can supply anything in aohd gold, ottrling silver or
fine Out glass °ode. Daly, the watahrnaker and
optician, Seafort 1613-1
We give a pecial discount -for cash on all
wedding presents. Leatherdale & Landsborough,
Call and s e • the '25c tweeds, all pure
wool. its a bar ain at the 'Woollen Mills, Seaforth.
Potatoes taken in exchange for furniture.
Leatherdale & Landsborough, Seaforth. 16134
For good woollen sheets go to the Wool-
len Mills, Seaforth. They; are nice an d warm in cold
weath er. 1613-1
FORTH TO THINK AlltIT.—During the past
two or three decades Seaforth has had a
good many ups and dawns, but in the midst
than hold its own, an the town hair been
ef them all it has dilie considerebly more
kept, in the front rank of the provincial
'towns of its class.' This result, however, as
not been accomplished without cease ess
watchfulness on the part of its citizeps, nd
e tiontinuous and coMmend ble loyalty on
their part to the best intere ts of the pl ce
and everything that would end to its p os-
perity. We will not ' gain ' anything, h w -
ever, by shutting o,ur 'eyes t the fact t at
for the past two or theee ye re lee have ot
been making the pro ress e ehould nd
that we must maliegf we intend to eonti ue
our town in the positi n it has so long oc-
cupied. Several ente prises that we u ed
to depend on largely, nd that were of est
advantage to the to n have, for vari us
reasons, suspended, or largely stispend d,
operations. For example, tbe salt indust y,
which in past years w s of immenee ben fit
to the place, is no almest wiped o t.
Owing to causes whic we heed not here x -
plain, but which are flown to every pers n,
this industry is done nd will not likely be
revived. The flax mi 1, Which gave empl y-
ment to so many p ople end put m ny
thousands of dollars hi eirmilation annua
has been suspended for the past two ye rs,
and itis the opinion f many that this b si-
nese also is played ou , and ill not ags in
closed up, with what likelihood of re -op L1-
be revived. Latterl , the f undry has b en
ing we do not kno The suspensioh of
these three enterpris s, whiela we have m n-
tioned, has caused t e removal from to n
of hundreds of good itizens, and has cut off
an annual e4enditu e in our midst of s v-
eral thousand dollars It isi tree that we
have had extensions in ether directi ns
which have made up in some measure or
these -losses, so that ve have not felt th m
so keenly as we othe wise would have do e.
For example, the Br adfoot & Box comps ny
a/.e continually exte ding their works ; r.
Wilson's important e g trade is year by
Year extending, and s the cause of the is-
tribution of increase sums of money n-
nually. Mr. VanEgr ond's woollen mill is
an impertant and pr fitable industry to he
town. Mr. Ca.se has also considerably x -
tended his pork pack ng indestry since he
took hold of it, and i , we believe, desir us
of still further extending it,and other enter-
prises have beep etarted on a smaller scale,
and besides,the magnificent farming country
ry to Seaforth is' continually
whtch is tribu
infproving an
the enterprise
continually dr wing large v
from a t ritok which is m
other to no th n tO Seafort
to t ese, than a to the e
deal es, eafor h has long en
tt hi ei se
pro 1
of it
nereasing in wealth, while
f our merchants has, and is
lames of trade
re tributory to
. In addition "
terprise of our
eyed, and still
g one of the
n Ontario, and
y paid out in
eep, styine and
other town of
a, the reh tation of bei
stock markets in weate
is, perha s, mire men
th for le roes, cattle, 8
y in a y ar than in an
in the province. Onr millers and
s have also done their
g Sitiafesth's reputati
t. With all these adv
eaferth has not suffere
ight have expected i
heavy lessee it has sus
h thisis the case, it d
tthrone and property h
hands and go to slee
wo yearkeave have 1
s. We Imust devise s
up for these lessee.
wn up, and we must
of the procession. If
't will go back. What
oing to evert this sta
ot be able to revive 1
i dustries, as their day
y, not only in Seafort
ere is not a better
ce for a,foundry and
!there is in Seaforth, a
a more cemplete plant
and convenient buildin
ised th n the Colemae p
tinge, and i
sue a fine
is da
Id cert
• would be a eh
pr perty to lie i
ly going to oth
y come here if
e understand th
pany are anx
as to give .
o fifty additi
most an mil'
nets. It is a
Id greatly e
tiring business
encouragem nt. These are
whioh we `no have, which
as and a reput tion establish-
ich the toien is- admirably
cure their ex-
ce they require,
assistance, it
so. That, of
rities to ascer.
tain. The time seems to ha e arriCed when
the people meet wake up tol the situation
and look around them. It ie with municip-
alities as it i with individuals, business
only comes to those who hue le for it, while
the drones and slow coach a get behind.
We throw out the hint, a, it is for the
authorities and others who re pecuniarily
e action. For
as ever given
e narned,it has
era, ion.
foot & Box
from t irt
their viork
arid th re i
for Ow p o
Mr. C se
paelcin an
the necess
all industries
hav a basin
ed, nd for w
ada ted, andif waicould a
teneionby giving the assiiita
that is if ' they do require
would pay us well to d
course, is for our town auth
art in main -
n as a grain
ntages, there -
as severely as
view of the
ained. Itut,a1-
es not behoee
lders to fold
. Within the
st many good
me means to
e must keep
keep it at the
e do not de
re our author). -
of things ? We
e salt or the
eems to have
pening in the
machine shop
d for the oiz'e
nd more suit-
s could not be
ant and build -
me to permit
le long, while
✓ towns that
it were in op-
t the Broad-
ous to enlarge
mployment to
nal workmen,
ited demand
o stated that
large his poik
if he received
interested in the town to ta
any assistance that Seaforth
to enterprisee such as we ha
received good value in retur
dow in Mr. :Case'a meat store and one in
Mr. Papist's bOok store, have attracted much
attention froin passers-hY (luring, the past
week. The heason wag the beautiful die.
play of chrysiaithemume 'Which was enade in
each window. Those in Mr.! Case's windovv
were grown by Mr. John Finch, and those
in Mr. Papates window, werei grown by him-
self. Both displays were Most attractive,
and calculated to delight the ey of any
person who has a love for the beautiful in
nature. Bet' gentlemen make a s entity
ese beautiful Plants and de-
ure momenta to thei
t be,
n and
pat as
a, in
, and
f the
of -growing t
vote their lei
tion, and a d
and wear° 8
attention afferd Messrs. Fin
much, pleas re as the pu
viewing the isplays they m
be amply r peid for the t
they devote to them. Mr.
his collection„some of the la
beautiful speeimens we have
they do redit to the taste a
lightful pasti e it
re that if their culti
h an
lie d
me arid t
Finch h
gest and
ever see
d skill
the folio mg reference to Wm. Br
son of Mr. Sidney Brownell, of this
" On Thursday evening of last week
supper was served here in the' Me
church, one of the succeseful feat
which was a presentation to Mr. Br
who has for ever three years been tea
the Bible °lees and leader of the sin
both school end church. The fine eening
brought out 0, large crowd. The sPeakers
for the eveni g were Messrs. Fairbai n and
Hutton, of ungannon ; Ha ilton, o ,Gode-
rich, and Hatla, of Nile, all giving e eellent
addresses. Besides, we ha ' two go d reci-
tations, ably rendered by Mi s Sprui k and
Mr. Courtic teachers of Nile lichee'.
Goon -Bee. e--- The Shep
done of the Goderich Star
town :
a .hot
res of
her of
ing in
The Nile c
music, but b
music furnie ed by ,Mr. 0
programme at the aoCial the
was the best we have had fo
The proceedii amounted to o
the progranime of the fir
Brownell wa called forwar ,
complimentary address had lb
Mr. John Johnston, he was
Mr. John Echlin; superinte
Sunday school, with a purse."
oir , gave us some very fine
st .of all was the instrufnental
'chile. The
ext ehening
some time.
$61. 1 After
vening, Mr.
and efter a
en reed by
resented by
dent af the
erdeen Free ress, of October 18th, contains
a lengthy re ort of the auction sale ilof the
Scottish Shoethorn bulls f om the he de ot
Mr. William Duthie, of iollynie, and Mr.
William Marr, of Uppermill farms, I Aber-
deenshire, Scotland, and I few particulars
gleaned froni this report iay be of interest
o are interested
hese gentlemen
calves, and these
nany prominent
nd new worlds.
cessful ever held
Duthie offered 24
all sold !at an
to those of our reeders w
in the) kini4 of stock.
have an anneal sale of bul
sales are abtended by
breeders of both the old
This sale woe the most au
by these gentlemen. Mr.
young bulls,i and they wer
average price of .C80 9s Id, and the twenty -
£1,930 19s. The highest priced aniipal in
four ,s, anima s brought tl e snug sum of
this lot was; " Pride of t e Ring," ;which
Aves purchata by Mr. P. J. Ni118, o Rud-
dington Hal , for 250 guin as. Mr.Merrsold
19, at an avera,ge price of £76 4s 2d, the
whole lot realizing :61,447 193, and the
highest one 330 guineas. his was " Scot-
tish Champien," and the -p rehaser was Mr.
Harrison, of Jitainsfotd II 11. We do not
notice among ' the 1•st o purchasers the
at two or three
d for American
at these prices
names of any anadians, b
of the bulle were purchas
breeders. Breeding cattl
should be a paying usine
} •
LOCAL BRIEF$. -111r. R bert Dickson, of
Detroit, and his son, Mr. James Dickson,
of Langdon„Da.kota, were in town oh Sat-
urday calling on friends. Mr, Dickson is
one of the pioneer reside ts of Langdon,
where he has prospeeed. e says there are
a, great many of the settlers ill that district
from Huron and most of the settlers are
Canadians. -1 -Mr. John Walker, formerly of
the Mill road, Tuckersrnith, who has 'been a
resident of Seaforth sipce last spriege re-
nioved with his family to St. Thomas 'on
Friday laste—Mr. John Stogdill, of this
town, has gene to Exeter, where he has
started in 'the laundry business. The
people 9f Eaeter will find Mr. S'togdill a
good Ivorkman, a square business man and
a most worthy citizen. —Mr. Wm.A rchibald,
of McKillop intends retiring from farming
and coming to Seaforth to live. We are
glad to welcome him and can make room
for many more such as he is.—The oatmeal
mill is shut down this week for lack of oats.
—Mr. Thonias Thompson, of Listowel, pro -
'dor of the Seafoith 'a 0 Brussels ati a i
past season Mr. Thompso has been in Itis-
ine, was in 'lawn ort . 5 turday. For t 6 ,1
towel in charge of the p duce business' of
Mr. D. D. Wilson there, nd he expects to
remain there permanent' now. Hee li es
Listowel and sayo it is a mart town.— he
Wingham Advan e of las week,in its rep rt
of the re -opening services! of the Cath lie
Chitral there,on t e previ us Sabbath, sa a :
" The choir was (noted y Miss lion° an
and Mr. J. W. Duncan of Seaforth. In
the morning, the latte, sang ' The H ly
City,' with good, effect." Mr. Duncan i a
pupil of Miss Grace Mc an', of this to n.
---The members ef the 'Methodist ehu ch
choir drove to Clinton o Friday even g
last, to attend the Cro ey-Hunter revi al
meetings there.—Mrs. Try Jeffrey left on
Tuesday for Winglia,m, It join her huabe d,
who has a poeition lb ere.—Mr. Geo e
for ' of
R. F.
T ere
r. J hn
cursion. he
was a beaut
Massey Moeris, of Toronto, and
y manager ef the ank of Crmme
, was in town on Simday last.—A
peep e were,
e alarm. It
n Sella ay .
, this t me
n th ho se
reet. ose
ht f it
eside a v
eon got; il i tEh
Mr. Know s, of (Galt, fo, mer of
, will deliver an a , dress i ' the Pre
n churchneat Mon day e ening, u
uspiees Of the Ch istian Endeavor
, and a chriolial in itation is exten
1. Mr. Knbwles is one of the
g men of the chnr h and' eve are
o hear him ion Mon
Fitzgerald met with a in st painful mei
about a week age. He Was worki 4
some -aoide and us some *ay had hi ri
hand badly burned.—Mr. and Mra P
Cowan, of Warsaw, NeW York, and for
iiold residents of Huron, ere visitin am
i --
friend, in this vicinity , We iwere visi
by a thunderatorin on S ,turday mor ing
for a time the lightning was quite h
On Sunday we h4a a ch, nge in the
a Northwest blizzard. Messrs. T.
Case !it Co. got in a finej arge deer o
day. ' It was shot in NI skoka. by
Turner, of thii teem, 'w. o is :up
his annual hunting .e
wei hed 183 pouisds, an
eleceric lighte, and the
wag entirely discounte .—Mr. Joh
of oronto, reformer ol resident
fort , has been ailing on fritnde
to a
that all who o
evenhig will oy a literary:1 treat.—
assi nee of t ,e estate of Logan & C
payi g a first dieidend of 40 pet cent. to
ored tors. -e -The ounei
o'clock Friday tn
ed out of bed by
ed to be a false al
t there WW1 anothe
ed by a burning ch mney
rs. Wm. Spain, J rvis
were out Satur ay ni
er difficult to nevi te.
wind, something ent w
he fi
are putting n a
tile rain on the north,side bfl west Go
hill 4treet.—Mist Tillie Shannen, clang
of Mr. W, J. Shannon ltleKill'op, is s
ing a, few holidays via ting friends in
dep.—Miss Ma el V.` Thomion, who as
arra ging for a c ass in vocal dint= here, has
accepted a positi n in the Torento Con ere
vato y of Music and Will consequently have
to a andon the idea o forming a oleos in
Seaf rth.--iOn a 'count of the special Mee ing
of c ,uncil n Tu sday eyening the reg lar
meeeing of the L terary and Debating lub
as postp ned Until next, Thesday ni ht.
embers should Imar ,his in Mind and m ke
t a point to be at th meetink next T es -
ay night.Meles. , homes, Murdock
arry Cainpbel , of Ohicago,eione of
urdook Canip 11, aee at present at ho
hey were balled ere en account of the ser one
Ilness of their m, ther --The !glop boys ad
o shovel the Imo* off the side -walks for the
ret i time this season :on Thera
orning.—Mr. and IMrs. Durward
he celehrated Seottien vocaliets and 0
Hers, will be ig Cardno's hall, Seafo
6 the evening of November 23rd, the ni
!fore Thanksgifring. This tie the sec
isit Of Mr. and Mrs. Lely to Seaforth,
n the fermer occults they ; Charmed-
-delighted all wh hea d them; As a
dew of Scottish song and stoey Mr. Lel is
the best that lute ever visited Canada.— he
present gaff of Public school teachers aye
all been re-enga ed fo next year at t eir
former salaries. Mr Thomia. AVard, of
Varna, was in own on Thursday on his
way home from
With a lot of eat
Mr. John Britto
A few days ag
horses which ha
Two of them ar i bay . and
bays be ng heahy draught
eoadster .—If the person
Umbrell , with a silvee furl
the Com ercial hotel durin
Saturda night, will retur
, he
very pleas
day` evening last. Af
usine s had been
ours were . vent
pipe of peace bei
a pr sence.—Mr.
ville eemoves fr m
xt, o the farm in
hich he recently
ah induetrio
weethy citie
re lvill wish hi
by -
So -
. is
orento, where he had been
le of his owe feeding.—
,of Constance, was in town
looking foe four young
streyed froM hie farm.
tint black, the
and the black
who took a•silk
d handle, from
the fire of last
the same to
ill save himself
hers of Branch
Association, of
nt re -union in
is -
further rouble. Th
23, Oath lie Mu ual
this tow , had a
their hal on Me
the regu
posed of
very con
here on
and his
ar orde of
a couple of
es, etch th
, of Egmon
Tuesd n•
neer D hw: od,
d. Mr. !Mor ntz i
g man aed a, meet
umerou frie ds h
well in his new ome. ,
I ...e.
PRESB ;TERI!' OF ttURO . —This Presh
tery met in Clinten o' the th. The dep
tetions ppointedg tie visit th augment d
charges ave repartegwhich were receive
one of w ich wag eery encouraging, namel ,
tat of he depatation who eisited Uni n
c urch, Goderich to nship, which stated
that the teed congregation had resolved to
iperease 'heir contribations for stipend ;by
the sum 'f $30 q pos ibly mbre. The el rk.
stated tflet the Asse bly's conamitteekra t-',
ed the supplements a ked for !by the Pr s-1
bytery. 4 was hgre d to approve of " the
remit on the supply • f vacancies." The re,
Port of t 'e auditing o the treasurer's book
bestructe , to take action, in order that the;
Was rece ved and ad pted. Sessions were
request of the Aesem ly, respeeting missione
ary cominittees ie co kregatioes, be carried'
hut. Most's, Ander on and 1 Martin ere
appointed to addkess he annual meetin of
the Women's Fo eign Missionatry Societ in
january next. resplution respecting the
death of br. Coo ran • was a.dopted. Irhe
next regular meeting will be h Id in Clifton
on the 17th of Jenua, y, at 10.. 0 a. m.
La elet.
Noeesh--Mr. dyru Hallmae had- a eat
niany lambe deli ered to him et Clifford esti
Tuesday. Some wer bought et $4 per une
deed, others at f om $3:75 tit $4 per hune
dred. They were bo ght froan Mr. Halle
man by some .13u alo firm at $11 per cwt.--;
Another Indian me icine`conipany struck;
this hamlet a we k a o, and fir a week en.'
tertained fair udi noes. Itl is no good
though. It is n ithe fair, hellcat, or right.
tit patronize such co panics. 1 They try to.
rope in all the one they clan, the hard'
earned dimes of lows men and women o-
ipg to swell the doffe s of an indolent, a d
we think we can afe y say, (4 a not v
ntoral race. As or t eir medicine, a go
drink of whey ha as mach virtue in it.
Myles Scottovh ran the Fordwich che se
factory all minim r, i home again, and .11
ren the chopping mil here as usuul.—T e
farmers are all th ouigh with their roots.
Mr. Andrew Br who kept the ho I
here up to last sp ingi end whp then we t
to Manitoba, ret rned to his borne here n
Thursday night. Heaves working there II
summer at his tr de ele. a bricklayer. -111 a.
Bell's house, whic ahn is ereetieg on t e
late George Ingli farm, is aearing co
pletion. Wm, Cook, hf ouriburg,is the c r-
penter.—Though Ora geville got into t e
final with Orillia. th h. defeat was sure
humiliating ; 11 1 a a ;goo beating.
Robert Cornell, who orkecl in the vicini
of Clinton for ne rly two yeara, owe ho
here last Saturday. He is ge ng to leave
for Londeaboro on Saturday, w ere he. Will
learn the milling.—The farm rs in thie
vicinity are going in good and 1 etrong i for,
apple butterlthis fall. To get+ 1 any of 1 the
three or four kettles at Clifford, 'a netice ot
about a week muat be given.-altir. Mitten
King, of Detroie, is visiting Ists • relatieiesi,
Mr. Dulmage ' and Mr. Rutteei, ef (inir•
' •
burg and vicinity.
PENOILLINOS.:—On Tuesday, NoVernber.
8th, Miss Joanna Collins, daughter Of Den-
nis Collins, of Khiva was married to!Mr,
Timothy O'Rourke; of' the mantelpiece, !The
ceremony was performed by Rev. !Father
Trehar, in the Mount Carmel church; in the
presence of a few friends. In the afterneen
they departed on the evening traie for a
trip to Detroit and other placieg We .ex-
tend congratulations and best' with 4 fo a
bright and happy i future. --Mr. Doeglci
auction soled farm atock arid implements
Stuart, of the 12_th oncession will hold i -an
on Wedneadey of th's week.—Miss ILillitin
Coward is Visiting a Khiva.
• .
i CP nton. 1 ,
union revive' meetings conducted 'in this
town by Rev, Mesere. Hunter and Croseley
for the past four weets, came to a *access-
ful dose on Tuesday night by al'dou!ole-
header in the two Methodist' churches.
Great crowds have flocked to these eervices
every night, and sometimes many were
turned awsy. During these meetings Oyer
300 persons have expressed a desire to Rye a
hole town and ,eur-
ve been aroueed end
meetings. On Wed-
wd assembled at the
angelists goer:Irby°,
Christian life. The
rounding country h
blessed through these
nesday morning a er
station to bid these e
Hib ert.
We are manufactur
leggings -in the business.
make you 1 pair while y
when you want long boots
W. H. Willis, boots and sh
re of the bestl leather
f we can't lit yeti we can
u wait. Don't forget us
or anything in our line.
es, Seaforth. 1618-1
Ann Sellery, of the 9tis concession of this
township, passed peacefully away on Thurs-
day Of last week. She was 44 yearreof age.
She was the eldest daughter of the lete Mr.
George Sellery, and always reeided ion the
homestead, where she was born. About 18
months ago else contracted a severe cold,
from which she never recovered. he was
a patient, though severe, sufferer. he was
highly esteemed by all who knew liere and I
greatly beloved by members of her own i
family, and she will be much missed, not 1
alone by theM, bue in the neighborhood, as 1
her genial dieposition and many kind acts I
had endeared her to all. The remains were I
interred in the Staffa cemetery an Sat-
urday. 11
• 1
Colborne. 1 j -
NOTES. -311r, Thomas &Howe hat leased
the farm of Mrs. George Morris for la term
of years.—Mr. F. W. .McDonagh, ofparlows
hat purchased from Mr. George Pertee, of
Goderich, his handsome roan driveni—On
Monday, November let, A. W. Green gave
up possession of the store and post 'piffle° at
Carlow to MT. ' W. Howell, who has pur-
chased the property. While hate Miss
Green conducted a very successful year's
business and made many new and warm
friends. Her very kind and obliging man-
ner will be much missed by those whom she
came in contact with, and the best df whoubs
of her many friends follow her in what evee
sphere she may onter.
Brumfield. i
R. B. Blooms, B ucefield, Neter belong
Conveyancer, Fire and
amount of money to loa
farm security. Also a
funds at 5 pen cent. A
Wednesday of each wee
zie, of the 2nd con
is the possessor of a
pony. This animal
is beautiful, Until
used in the great P.
parade horse, and i
he was purchased fr
the far away South
BUIEFs.— Mr. Al
been visiting in th
Manitoba for the p
Life Insurance ag, nt. Any
at 5 per cent., on, firstailass
baited amount ot private
home every morning and
. Several good tarins to
- ),-6D
, ,
Y.—Mr. Alex. Mc en-
ession of Tuckers ith,
very beantiful Arabian
is as remarkahle as he
veiy 'recently he wks
T. Barnum shoev, ne a
the first place it ie sidd
m a Bedouin 4hiefe in
.—Coer. , , ,
x. Thompson Who has
vicinity of bicicisomita,
st couple of months, re-
turned home last w ek. He says the crops
in that part of Manitoba are good, and hells
quite taken with the country.—Dih. Wm.
Simpson, who has been working Me. Alex.
Mustard's farm in Algoma, returned home
recently.—Messrs. Robert Ross and WM.
Murdock brought home a fine drove: of cat-
tle from the vicinity of Paisley' on Friday
last. There were 80 head of fine (settle in
the lot. Mr, Murdock will feed a
head this whiter and Mr. Ross a
number. They drove the cattle
way.—Neil Smith, who urchased t
nerd property, in this vi lage, is ha ing the
shop fixed up and will occupy it himselfhi—
Rev, W. Muir preached at Blak.e 011 Sunday
afternoon. On Tuesday he attended a meee-
ing of Presbytery in Clinton. —Rev.
Murray, ef Kincardine will conduct an
versary services in the 'Presby terian
on Sunday, the 27th inst. Further arti
lara will be given later.
• ,
NOTES.—Misa Mary Nich la is
of thi
out 60
all the
e Keh-
friends and acquaintances i
this week.—Mr. T. F. Eyre,
who took out, an agency for se ling,mec inory
—Alt' the farmers of this vici ity have taken
a short time ago, ie out h titling. e e -
ports having met with good emcee so f le
up their roots, and fall plo ghhig is the
order of the day.
CHURCH OPENING.—The new reabyterian
church building here will be opened for
divind service on Sabbath, the Oth inst.,
when , sermons will be prime ed in the
mornihg and evening by Rev. R. R. mo -
Kay, 'Foreign Mission secretar , oronto,
and in the afternoon by Rev. M $ aw, ef
Egmoedville. On the fellow' g onclay
evening there will be a fowli &ippon when
refreshments in abundance and of -the best
will bli served in the basement, ane after
there will be a splendid musibal and literarY
feast. The Chiselhurst people mei to he
congratulated on the completion ef their
handsome and commodious new chureh, a d
we are sure these opening services will 1 e
very largely attended and will be bo h
pleasant and profitable.
, •
A number of first-class farms forlos7a81-ettin
Morris and Grey, on easy terms Also any I amou t
of money to loan on farm ftecurity at 6 per 040, wI h
terms of repayment to suit the borrower. Apply 0
F. S. &Orr, Bruasels.
NOTES, —Dr. Kalbfleisch, who has been
sick for some time, is now improving, and,
to assist him, he has secured the services ;of
Dr. Monroe, of London, late of Toronto
General Ilispital.—H. Jamee,of the Reveeee
house here until it was closede and lately
bartender at the American, hai rented the
Commercial hotel in Blyth, owned by j.
Emigh,and will take possession next week.,
James Ballantyne's , bakery is now in full
blast —John Putland, of Bluevale, ha.s set
cured.a situation with J. Ament, of the
American hotel.—The Brussels planing mill,
owned by Philip Ament, has secured the
contract of building tbe new Presbyterian
church in Belgrave, to be built next ishring,
Mr. Ament intends going extensively, into
the building and contracting business, In the
future.—Mr. Urquhart's successor at the
Standard Bank is Mr. MeLelland, of Forest.
—At the council meeting last Monday, a
delegation from the Mechanics' Inetitnte
waited mathe council to see if they !would
make the Institute a free library, The 1
council acquiesced, and J. H. Cameron, Jas. •
Fox and James Irwin were added to the
board 4 the
board Will ate
the nene meet
free. It is ho
create a gre
There are oirer 2,000 volumes in the lib ary.
—The ,Bru eels Herald starts again 'this
week with r Jamesol,___rwin as proprieter.
yfleld. i
Mies Martin is showing some very Inice
tars andl caps fot girl* and children. Speiceisrl 1st -
Motion giYen to dressmaking—rates reasoiiable.
Miss tartin, Hayfield.
Co pare the expenses (rents, taXeg, in -
sUrance, clerks and book -keeper's salaries, bad
&Ai and extre cost of carrying large Moe a) of
rep le tbe larger towns with the expenses of F.
. Edwards' tio Credit store in Baytield, then hink
ut whO ie beet prepared to give you the best ;value
f r yonr money. F. A. Edwaeds, Baylleld. 1084
, , ;
BL WS.—Rev. Wm. Graham attended
he P esbytery meeting at Clinton Tuesday.
Ca tein Gadzsky is the new officer o the
alva ion Army ere. ---The Orange Y ung
;gums and a nu ber of their friends' had
n eejoyable 'ti kit Saturday nigh at
heir hall, when enters and other delic des
ere erved.+M o. Huston is visiting her
aug ter, Nis. ev.) Fortune, Alvination.
i There hu been n exceptionally good crop
f potatoes in his • vicinity. Mr. Allan
eGleis, on the f m known as the Grainger
rm, ranted 225 ushels from one acre,1 and
(Mid like to kn who can beat it. --Next
unday is Bet ny church annivereary,
when services W I be held morning! and
evening. i Rev. r. Shaw, of Egmondtille,
iii to preach. T [service in St. Andrew's
cihuroh, Bayfield, 11 be held at 2:30 P. m.
a—The Lou G ah Mission Band puepose
bolding a con erli in St. Andrew's church
cer Thankagi ill, evening when Rev. i Mr.
iuir, of Bru efi idi is expected to be Pres-
tlieBe elxgripavp:. O. J. Tippet, Ella i and
nt.—Mrs. Brand ri and family are viatting
ieeds at Berlin. Wm. Herd is buil en -
i spending a week ;ivith
aged building a ew residence for hiesself
n the ri.uble lie . .- l
NOVEMBER 11, 1898.
public library. The school 1 N
int their representativ ' at
ng, hvben the library ' ivi be
perle that the new move will
ter interest in the lib ry.
POINTERS.—M a Jennie Aikens has gone
o Genesee, Illlin s, to virsit her aunt or a
ea Katie Pierce, of mit-
w *nth&
hell, ao up t way ei. few days vis ting
deeds 'Fran eConnell was in To onto
st w e on !b iness.—Edward Kink, of
ache 1, was ia ° ur village last week -see-
ing fr. nds.—fil Potter, of Buffalo, ' ew
ork, called tie see Mr. and Mrs. ohn
'Connell one 4 last week.—James iWil-
I ams, r„r.1 has go e to Detroit for ai few
ays on ! milita business.—Edward iCar-
nter and hie aughtere who hate 'been
eisitin 'ainong friends for some weeks , ast,
eft on MondaY ter their home in Dulu !L—
eery Murray', has gone to Stratfor to
,ake a, oisition es brakeman.—Walter.Car-
pouter eft the other morning for Du nth,
sWa enhades 1 .3n .
i A nu her of our young geed, men
inten i to remain for the se nter
a wen to a partrin Kinkone laet
Friday vening and had a yery enjoiable
time. he moon shone too brightly °alibi'.
lowe'e or inuels mischief to be done. I The
enmeel themselties inside. This is nitwit
boye, wever, who were not busy ()aside
the bett r way.
_ eneall. i
G. J. nertERIAND, notary public, convey -
tee" e t and i11811 r of marriage licensee, his any
missionerilin High Court of Justice, ;Inoue-
quan t Of beth lose companies and private funds at
lets, dw lli ge and arni property.' Oflicic—sit the
the v ry lo est rite ' of interest going, and terms to
suit bor w rs. Bar sins to offer just now in village
Post WU e, tiensail: laio tt
A UP.ONrre VENTURE.—The gentle-
men te e ed o In the following extract,
whiet e take from the Beeton World, is
well own to many of ' the readera of I THE
ExpOr_Isi 0 , all of whom.will unite in Wish-
ing hi Enloe se in his new enterOise :
mill w set i 'motion on Saturda.y!last,
" The iT8e* rna hihery in the new floaring
and very da eince it has been running
smooth yiwith tie a jet. or hitch. The bnild-
ing is al fou ((tory brick and has ,been
special y ;desig eil and built to affordi the
best p stlible milling accommodation. ; The
machinery itt what is known as the G34.ator
eystem !This process is now in use in many
of -the arkest mills iie Canada, and is giving
splendi atisfacigon Mr. Hunt, °weer of
the mill, a a son of Mrs. ri,,abert Hunt, of
Hensel , nd is g practical mill-wrighti and
that h uhderstaticis his business thoroUghly
is showon by the pezfect manner in Which
thedifferiene piee a of machinery ribouit the
mill ar working, He has eecured the ser-
vices o ails expert enced miller, in the person
of Mr. ames Ai ke , of Clinton, and &Aso a
Prated 88 e gine r, nd the flour mantifac-
eured so far is 'p on uneed a really fine ar-
eicle bei co pens, t jadges. We hope -it may
ire coriehig into
prove it fma del ucceas." I
I Loceh, B WS, Grain, pork and apples
arket in large quantities.
e --The armors ar . stall very busy secering
their r ot'ciores andigenerally preparing, for
winter.—iMr. Jo n McCutcheon, of Croton,
Kent oonty, w a SO favorably impressed
with °stirs. Berry & Geiger's fine entire
horse, 'Kilburn," which he saw at the Tor-
onto e h bitio , that he came all the way
here this wee( , to patronize it for thp im-
proveree ti o, stock , —Shipping continues
very bei k itt he depot in all lines, and par-
ticularty so 813 to apPlea—Our evaporator is
also bei g w 11 atronized, and is giving
employ ent cl yad night to a large staff
of hands —M ,s. i ihard Wright has lbeen
spendin the pas week or so with her
daughte in Gor e. —Rev. Mete Kerr,
eyangeli t, of orcluto, is assisting thel pes-
ter of t e MethoOst church, Rev. W. E.
Kerr, at speeial rereival meetings. Thn at-
tendanc so far ha been fairly good, 1 and
c nsiderable inter et is being awakened,—
Mr. end Alm Wm. Hoggarth, of Cromkrty,
Were in the villag bn Saturdisy last, eisit-
i g Mr. Hoggart 1 s parents. --Rev. 0. L.
ills, of Blyth. a 4 formerly of St. Raul's
c urch, ensall, , as in the village this
nek.— rs. Elder was in Vaborne , this
week vis ting her daughter, Mrs. Andrew
M ir..-1% r. George Ingram, of Tuckersfnith,
h sold is fine farin, lit milea east 04 this
viilage, t Mr, John Caldwell, of the eame
toWnship, The priee paid wagen the neigh-
borhood of $6,000. Mr. Caldwell hes se-
cured a fi e farm a d one that is siteated
aviehin a ery short distance of his prpsent
one. Mr Ingram has decided to k,o to
British C lumbia i the spring, where near-
ly all his amity ar now residing, andi who
are pleas d w th that province.- Mr, IfeWitt,
a etudent of urou College, preached !very
accepta,b1 in It. Peel's church on Sabbath
Morning last —111itie H. Sutherland , epent
the past •ce wiehl [friends in Clinton.—
fer, who i ih he bolepital at London, ie im-
We are lieu d to teem that Mrs. Ef $hef-
proving n eel , and Will in the course of a
turn hom .---- re. G, A. Found, of Rihley,
week or a be eufficiently recovered te re -
is Visitini her parents, Mr. and Matt R.
Carlisle, of IT y.—Mrs. C. E. Crabb Wes in
Goderich, her fortnee . home, this wo4.-- .
We are ple sed to see that Mr. Ridhard
Sainuel Smill'e.—Mr. Daniel Kydd, who
Wright, wh had hie hand severely! cut
while workin in the planing nulls, °Wing
to the breaking of a knife. is once more able
to resume h a work.—Mies Sturgeon, of
Dakota., and f rmerly of Clinton, is iti the
village thia eek viaiting her uncle,;Mr.
has been in Manitoba during the past
year, working part of the time ati his
trade as ' a blacksmith and part of
the time on a herrn, returned home the
first part of the week.—Miss Croyedale and
Miss Robertson weee in Exeter on Tuesday
renewing acquaintances.—Mr. JameaBell tr.
was in Chatham recently spending a Week
with friende.—The Fansville Methhdist
church property is hffered for sale, thecon-
gregation there having united with the
Methodist church cif this village.—Mr. T.- J.
Berry, our well known horse buyer,: has
leased Mr. Thomais Welsh's dwelling and
Heart what we have to say
About Jacket Cloths;
For the balance of this month we hell
clear, at a 'heavy discount, 500 yards of
Jacket Cloths, suitable for ladies , mime
and children's wear. Now is the time to
burgood cloehs, and get them made up fore
the winter.
, The Priees were
$2.00, $1,75, $L50, $1.25 and $1.00
per yard.
Cnt down now and until the lot is cleared
$L50, $1.35, $1.15, 85e and 65o
Positively no suehpevralynaerdh.as ever been offers -
ed (so far as vee know) in this locality.
About Jaickets and Capes.
We have something over 200 yet to dis-
upposeof°gLoodTchleoYthaer,eattihdigeseoirnin's satyvlaes-gennityter
colorings. For the balance of this month
they will gra at
$3.50, $3.85, 14.65, h
$5.35, $5.95. s .50,
17.25, $7.85, $8.40,
And any that may belhigher in price will be -
subject to a liberal reduction.
About Fur Jackets.
We have several extra quality Ladies'
Black Astrachan Jackets —bright, gloesy,
soft fur, nice curl, well put together end
well lined, which are being offered at
$25.00, $27,50, $30.00,
$32- 50, 835. 00, $37. i30,
and $40.00 each.
These Fur Jackets were made specialIT te-
our order, in different lengths and wen.
with the latest eut of collar and sleeves.
•About Fur Capes.
We have a good many differentkinds,
different lengths, and different eizes, this,
eeason's purelaaees. The prices are
$ 8.00, $10,00, $12 50,
$15.00, $20.00, $25.00, .!
With a nu ber of prices between these -
figures. We are ale° showing ,tome
lent value
Ruffs., Oaperines,
Storm Collars,
Caps and Mitts.
Aboat one hundred ends of Dress Ma-
terials, plain or fancy, suitable for skirts or
waists, lengths from 2 to 5 yards each ;
be cleared. ae a very low figure.
Any lady who may need any of the
goods mentioned in this column, and Who
wants to get the moat and the best that her
money can buy, should come to our store.
. . The . .
Dry Goods Co.
Greatesi Cash
Dry Goods Store.
hes this week moved into it.—Mr. Peter
Robertson, of near Chiaelhurst, was in the
village recently -spending a few days with
his brother Mr. Duncan Robertson.—Mr.
H. J. D. Cc:oke was in Groclerich on business
on Wednesclay.—Mess Foster, ef Varna,
was here last week viaiting her cousin, Mr.
Thomas Cameroni—Mr. Healy Doan left
here on Thursday for St, Thomas, to attend
the funeral ef his sister, Mrs, C. Brown.
HaerEaTINGs.—Rain and muddy roads are s
the order of the day.—Rev. Mr. Muir pas-
tor of Brucefield Presbyterian chureh, de-
livered a very fine sermon in Blake church
on Sabbath lest. Owing to the inclemency of
the weather there wae not tie large a congre-
gation as was expeeted . —Mrs. Jas. Sparks
and daughter, Miss Mabel, were recently
the guests of Mrs. Sparks' daughter Miss
Belle, who ' is operator here.—Mr. 'Robert
Nichol, who has been spending a couple of
weeks in Lendon, has returned home again. ;
—Hallowe'en passed over without much
Tlamage being done, excepting a few vehicles
being run tct the bush.—Mr. John McCon-
nell has beep engaged as teacher for Blake
school untillahristinas. We are pleased' to
hear that Mr. Ryan, our former teacher, is
getting better.
NOTES.— our cart; of apples for Great
Britain were loaded here ou Saturday last.
Something ever $1,200 Was paid out, for the
loa—M iss Roxborough, of Peterboro, the
guest of Mies Anderson, at the manse.—
Messrs. Doteglaii & Barnerd, butchers, haye
dissolved partnership. The business wilL
be continued by Mr. Barnard, while Mrs
Douglas hasi taken a sit at his old. trade of
tinsmithingi in the employ of Messrsk
Rutherford eind Munro.—Mrs. Robert Milt
ler is visitink friends in Goderich.—Mr.
mBliallefikuhmase en doing some repairs on Ore
1 tely.—Charles Pope is putting
up an elega t front fence at T. B. Sanders'
new house. Mr. Campbell is removing to
Mildmay, where he is employed by S, Bi
McKelvie in the woollen mill there.—Johil
Bray is buying turkeys.—There are rumors,
of a wedding in the near future.—Hermani
Morrison is apprenticed at the Gerrie C. P.
railway station.—John Vogt is removing'
his shop from the old stand, near the belF
tower, to his property across the dam,—
James Ball has returned from Manitoba.—
Thomas Gibson, sr., has been in Goderich
this week.
Sonae Will Be Disappointed.
It is scarcely conceivable that the publi-
shers of the Family Herald and Weeklet
Star, of Montreal, will be able to supply all e
comers with their beautiful premium pic-
ture, "The Thin Red Line," the moat thril-
ling and life'like brittle picture in the annals
of the British Army. The picture is reser-
ved for Family Herald and Weekly Star
readers. None others can have it. It is _
said by those who have seen the scramble
that the ruin) for the picture is phenomenal,
An old trilth
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