HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-11-11, Page 71898. FORTH. .; he white paint home, ray dear ,ef four little, any day on and they are t ornaments in iId induce the •• off those finger heart sing if em there mild es and windosve • Let. each Sim and zeet to t'bristmastide- r homes. God h child in thie 4S day this year hy ia it called a because that's w that, eaid y call it a Tom- - eh r-Harper's• s sleep between e, showing the iEnglish church are interred. tintry," replied ey get a better 'a j• ump- into the 'end of a domes - til) his hat and here,' said his- auch tricke ias id pot on your 'Goods. selling for fail a beautiful earn - sr before. The give charming 7rght color on a (ly stylish. laborate than a .d wool °reports. of all the hall they make an ieh dark red is lea, The wavy # very diatinet, e graceful effect as a Shoe - shock to many y to learn that ehoemaker. handicraft the boy, the Queen .ing made it a eve done, that Lve a thorough - ie trade. The ene which at Albert Ed- wn Lalea, to put up elite.. instead t, is a practical great meow - re thee mem- asiata the ele- nd purposes in- eerte crurnbIee actien of the S, and will en - :therefore, pro- monumenta Any col- ee,, of eaurae, ering may be deviee or pat - g been tinder- s thick plate d appr opriate nd seae as no -ork Ledger. cean. n where the is true that. any body in equare inch ant thi ng at (ern h oles " f 13,2i )0 feet le nothing of id resist such ubt. It is wt 11-eorked 1!) feet is so roe its way It is also been weighed depth that releeeed that • and would ot even, be of lo 7, eon - hip, Uaiton ye; (lane ago ng through a Lally rescued the animal , would un - is ex eected .e, hely acci- #: Lh5rifleS,. lef.t ;a cone hie throat ishof epple- into the I met hed by t. The don- th hie tmgera gett ing any eueceeded in edges of the rat1n of ex - badly. Dr wally worse, a were called irtly.after 1`2` oilman 8 was near Picton, r phyeician, e temperance umares death t cyclone in s ago. The rchascd at a - aa partly sugar ;barrel ow that 'avaa got in it that NOVEMBER 11, 1898 Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and rlungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in Agers Cherry Pector From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak- ens; the cough disap- pears. Do not 'wait for pneumonia and con- sumption but cut short your cold ;without delay. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral Plaster should be over the lungs of every per- son troubled, with a cough. Write tothe Doctor. Unusual opportunities and long ex- perience em1nentlr quality fivl7r°JmElicanice.4rfiz reof atepareculars in case your eneb e . Tell us what your exy _ as been: with our Cherry 1 enteral. You will receive a prompt reply, without cost. - Addresd, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. v"111411ffigiezver /71. - 0 b. s - • _ _574 • 1\\ • Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points. - Canadian North Wegt Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stetione as ;follows (40UCCI WEST— Paasenger ..... Passenger, ... Mixed Train. • Mixed Train........ 'GOING EAST - Passenger Passenger.. Mixed Train........ SEA FORTH. CLIICTOLI. 12.40 r. M. 12:65 r„ m 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P.M. 9.20 A. lc 10.16 A. Bt. 6.15 P. M. 7.06 R 7.40 A.M. 2.65 P. M. 4.36 PM. 7.65 A. M. 8.11 P. M. 6.20 P. M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gorge NORTH* Ethel Bruatels.. Bluevale. „ . Wingbam Gots° Smarr - Moab= Bluevale . . Bruesels.... Ethel. Passenger, 10.04 r. g. 10.16 10.28 10.40 Passenger. 6.50 A M. 7.00 7.16 7.28 Mixed. 1.40 P. M. 2.10 2.46 3.06 Mixed. 8.65 a. M. 9.17 9.46 10.02 Loudon, Huron and Bruce. Goma Noierri- Paesenger. London, depart 8.15 A.M. 4.45 e M. Centralia 9.18 Exeter 9 30 Hensall. 9.44 Kippen. ....... . . .... . • • 9.60 Brucetleld 9.58 Clinton. 10.16 Londesborct 10.83 Blyth. 10.41 Belgrave...... 10 56 Wingham arrive . . .... 11,10 GOING SOUTH— Wingham, depart Beigrave Blyth Londesboro ..... Clinton-. ....... BrucefleId Kippen Hensall-.. .......... Exeter Centralia London, 6.56 6,07 ` 6 18 6.26 6.88 6.66 7.14 7.23 7 87 8.00 Paseenger. 6.63 a.m. 3.30 P. M. 7.04 8.46 7.16 4.00 7.24 4.10 747 430 8.06 4.50 8.17 4.69 8.24 5.04 8.38 5.16 8.60 6.25 9.60 A. M. 6.20 The Canada Business College CHATElAM, ONTARIO, Still leads its dontemporaries in placieg pupils. 134 of our pupils were placed in ehoce positions in the 10 months ending July let, an average of nearly 4 per week. What do you think of it? tt Pays.to Attend the Best. College re -opens for the fall term on Tuesday, September 6th. Write for catalogue of either departmeht to ..... D. McLACHLAN 8: Co. Chatham, Ortt. THE SEAFORTH musical - Instrument EMPORIUM. EST ABLI§HED, 1873. 1-- . - Owing to hark' times, we have eon- ,eltided to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced rices. -- -Organs at $25 nnil wmvards, and Piatios at co-rresporuln.:; Prices. See us before puichaeing. SCOTT BROS. She 4r0 won txpoito DISTRICT MATTERS. LThe following items foi last week, but were late.] Hay, Scuoor, REPORT. -The f monthly report for October tion No. 2, Hay, The nam of merit: Fifth class - fourth class -H. F. Johnsto gall, Alice DeUgall ; senior 3 J. E. Gould, Luella Munn; R. Munn, R. F. Northoott, by; second class -Mabel Ruasell. A. W. Johnston an cott equal; part 2nd -Mar Percy (nark, W. E. Munn; Northcott, Gracie Anderson, °att. The best spellers spelling matches wore: Fou gall; senior 3rd, Luella Mu John Re Munn; second, .Al part 2nd, Mary Johnston; p Anderson. _ ere intend d received t o IlowLngJ is he of sch ol s o- s are in or er ilton Russ 11; , W.1t. D u - d -Cor Mu n, junior 3rd J, aggie Suth r- ougall, W. J. Bertie Nor h - E. Johnston, art 1st -‘I ill Carrie Nor the mont ly th, Alice D u- n ; junior 3d, ert Johnst n ; rt 1st, Graie Henson.' Bnines.--sThe many friends of Mrs, E. Sheffer who has been in ill health for so e time and who recently went to the hosp'tal in London, will be pleased t learn that he is getting along nicely and, expects to be able to return home in the eourse of tw or three weeks. -Special meetings are now e- ing held in the Methodist church here. - Mrs, Joseph Morris, of Goderich, is visit ng at Mrs. John Bell's. -Mr. .eRae, tailor at Mr. MoKimis, intends moving, his famly here in the dourse of a few .days. --La ge shipments of ;apples continue to be m de from thirestation.-Mr. Peter Robertson of Chiselhurst, epent part of 'this week here with his brother, Mr. Duncan Robertso We believe the council intend putting iln a good stone crossing at the pest office c rn- ars which ia very much needed. --Am ng the pressing wants still of the village aite 'few street electric lights. -Mrs. R. W. liul- ton returned home from Bruasels last week where ehe had been visiting Iher sister end neice.-Mr. J. W. Ortwein, general merch- int, who was confined to the' house several days recently through ill health, is once more in the enjoyment of his usual good health and is pushing business with his old time energy. Grey. . SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the re- port of School Section No. 9, Grey,' for the month of October. The names are arranged in order of merit : Senior fourth, Lawrence McNaught, James Mann. Junior fourth. Ella McNaught, Hattie Fraser, Russel Robertson. Senior 3rd, Ethel MeNaught, Norma Sperling, Willie Harrison. Junior third, Olive Oliver, Nellie Harbottle, Willie Nlann, Frank Harrison. Senior second, Harry McNaught, Wilbur Bray, Norinan McNaught, Henry McKay, ,George Mann, Willie Mann, Wesley McKay, Willie Han- ley. Junior second, Robbie McKay, Katie Harbottle, Maggie Mann. Part II, Winnie McNaught, Myrtle Spading, Catharine Brown'Alfred Meehan. Senior part I, WillieHisloin Fergus McNatight, Ella Bray, Rae Ross. Junior part I, Alex. Mann,Olive Brown Roy Cummings, Myrtle Cummings. -N. J. Isbister, teacher. Belmore. NOTES. -Mr. Robert Lane, wile has been on a holiday trip to Dakota and Manitoba, returned home last week. -Mr. Robert Wil- son has retarned from harveatiug in the Prairie Province. -'The stnerarneet of the Lord's Supper was observed in the Metho- dist church here last Sabbath.---Oer teacher, , Mr. J. D. Campbell, intabeen engaged for another year. -Mrs. .D. ; N. McDonald is visiting friends at St. Helens. --The butter factory closed for the season on Monday last. The butter maker, Mr. WilleJohn- son, son of Mr. James Johnson, clerk of Carrick, has been re-engaged for next year. Mr. Johnson is an excellent butter maker, as the following commupication- will show-: " We are pleased with your butter, and no doubt in time it will become quite popular in our city if you keep up the quality and sendit regular. THE WM. DAVIES Co., Toronto." -A very quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard An- derson, on Thursday of last week, when their daughter, Miss Lila, was united in marriage to Mr. Howard Lowry, in the presence of a few immediate relatives. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Addie, while Mr. Ames Belden, of Molesworth, performed a like service for the groom. The lsppy couple took the afternoon train for Toronto, Stratford and other places. Ceramics of the Emperor of China. The present Emperor.of China is the most highly educated monarch that ever sat on the throne- of that country. His fad is .ceramics, of which he has a large collection, and he is the author of a learned treatise on color. Senator Davis' Napoleon Library. "1!; is more than uhirty years," said Sena- tor Davis, of Minnesota, recently, "since I began to make a collection of works relating to Napoleon Bonaparte. During this period I have accumulated about 800 volumes, some of them rare and priceless. My col- lection was begun before the Napoleonic fad set in, and was started because of the re- gard I have for the greatest, man France has ever -known." . President Kruger's Sketches. President Kruger delights in studying drawing, and often rnak4 pen -and -ink sketches of buildings and animals. Lately he has assayed to portraiture, and has al- ready filled a large volume with caricatures of his numereus friends and acquaintances. These are drawn either in simple outline or in eilhouette, and are said to be frequently of a most unflattering description. • Miscellaneous News Notes. -It is stated that Turkey lost less than 1,000 men in battle in the Greek war, but 19,000 died in Thessaly of disease, and 22,000 were sent home invalided, and of the latter 8,000 subsequently died. Among the dead were seventeen army kergeons. -Perhaps the finest example of long con- tinuance in office can be furnished by, the little Scotch town of Arbroath in Forfar' shire. Ito first and only postmistress has just died et the great ag_e of 98 years. She had held the office since 1840, when penny postage was established. --'A`hen, the Dyaks, in llorneo, have to decide which of two parties, is in the right, they have two lumps of aelt of equal. size given them to drop into Water, and he whose lump first dissolves is deemed te be in the wrong. Another method is to put two live shellfish on a rock -one for each litigant -Land to squeeze lime juice over them. The verdict is rendered saceording to Which man's mollusk stir8 first. This is just about as sensible and c, rtain a method of deciding disputes as that .dopted by peo- 011111111111111, ',moimorma.re en's Pst Enemy Onno ktIoltato before giving an answer, but those who know boot • :EADA0!111E. Thousa ds of women live in misery day after day, and w k after wdek, suffering untold agony from these dreadful headaches. Husbands are diaheartene ,, children neglected, and happy homes ruined. Most women striv to bear in patience the suffering L,vhich they c nsider part of life without looking into the caus • or searching for relief. 'ood cannot digest wit out the bile which the Myer supplies and hence he necessity of keeping the liver in good workin order. To cure the heidaches you must cure he liver and thus remov the cause of disease. 111 Ininiediatoly *ay Dr. Ch ing a medic and liver. testified dur ness of this home has e spent years of ne which acts directly o Thousand s of grateful ng the past ten years to remedy for sick headac en restored to happines e in perfeet; the kidneys omen have the effective es. Many a as a result} Dr. Chses Kidney -Liver Pills, the greatest discovery of this great stientist, are ut up to sell 254oses for 25c. All ;dealer!, pia of: hi her civilization, of a pealing tO the courts, 'while italias the virtu of being a deal leas expensiVos. . --i-Mr. J. N. Vanamburg, o Lakeview, near St. Themes, while picking apples the other day, fell from a tree, recei ing injur- ies from which he has since died. , -They have just Celebrated i Germany a curious m! lennium, that of t e sausage; whioh, in e;ect, dates back to th year 897. It has been rasserted that the Gr ka,,,, in the days of Horner, Manufruitured sausagee. But this prehistoric Mixture had nothing in conimon with the mOdern produc • . --I-Boeton's water pipes are hifested by eela-himdreds and thousands of them -and the water board is at its wits' lids to de. vis soie means to get rid of th m. They go hro igh the staitieers when young and small 4nd grow -to sgreat size, �bstructing the flow of water or etopping it altogether. Russia, with her population f 129,000,- 000 has only 743 newspapers but little mo e than half the number publi hed in the stat of Pennsylvania, which has 1,430. Of the 743,• there are 589 printed i Russian, 60 ila Polish, 44 in German, 9 in French, 5 in Armenian and 2 in Hebrew. o English newspaper appears in the list. -J•Superintendent Hedgeon. 1 his en- nou cement of the dates en whit) the meet- ing of farmers' institutes will b held, says tha the year ending June 30t was the -moo successful in their history. The total membership on the 318t ofJul last was 16,51 -an increase , of 64 fo the six mo ths, and he predicts hat t will be 20,000 by the end of Deeembr. uring the year, 658 Meetings were hel , an 3,270 ad- dreases given; 126,094 people at ended the meetings. It is estimated that a out 30,000 persons visited the eellege farm at Guelph. For the year 516 Meetings have been itr- • ranged, two regular, ,and three or four sup- plementary in each eisunty. !Nearly 750,000 letters ' hand ed by the En lish postal system last yea were 'so inel gibly dated and addressed that they cou d be neither delivered nor r turned to the writers,' The letters Undelivered for various reasons, but returned to t e seeders, were very numeroue, and they ad hides- uresi all told to the value of g500, 00. ' -Tne Yellow river, in China, h s changed its channel four thries in the rust 1,000 years, and the point at which it mpties in- to the sea has from time tlo time moved up and down the coast a'distanee of 00 miles. Its floods have drowned dyer 10,000,000 persons daring the past three eeOuriee, and the destruction of property has be' n propor- tionate. , --ISomgething like iritellige ce i often ex- hibited by plants. if, during a ry season, O bucket of Water be placed ear growing pumpkin or melon vine, in t e e urge of a few days the vine will turn f om •ts course and i get at least one of it lea es in the wat r. ----The British shipbuilder ba e broken the record this year with 598 mer hant ves- sels, of 1,346,250 tons, und r co struction on September 30th, being 35 ,000 tons iabome the previous best record while 92 warships, of :376,435 tons, are al o building. Great Britain's maritime ' sup emacy is - shown by the fact that 498 outf f the 598 merchant ships are being con t ueted for British owners. --Css Friday of ItiM week a tom acci- dent befel Percy, son. of Mr., Jo e.h Chad - Ili ton, of Ilderton. Th young n was at- tending a threshin machine t Mr. C. Laing's, conoession 1, Londo township, whep one of the beards over e machine broke and young Charlton was eaught in cylinders, feet first. As a res t he will lose half of tbe right foot and 0 toes on the left. -The New Zealand Assam 1 has just passed an o14.age peneion bill, w eh applies to all persons inter 65 years old. The pen- sion amounts to but $'90 per year, or about $1.75 per week, and no one whp as an in- come of over $r -aper week or prep rty worth more than $2,700, Will be entit ed to it. Twenty years' residence in the olony and ten years exemplary conduct are mong the other qualifications, ;the vagran and the drunkard being thus eihut off. -Foreigners who may hereaf r go to Berlin to find w rk will be confro ted with many difficultie . The police p rpose to examine all s!lchl perso e as to the r antece- dents, and will r fuse r sidence ea de to any who may have committed mis etneanors against property or who may save been bankrupt. Others mtist show hat they have money enough te eupport t em for a time, or must findhvork within a fortnight after their arrival ; otherwise the will re- ceive notice to quit Berlin at once -A coal mine in Scotland whish caught fire over fifty years ego and has ben burn- ing ever since, has at last burnt 1 self out. The mine ie on the Dalquharr n estate, -Dailly. It Was set on fire by he engine which worked the tans, and altho gh many costly attempts have been made to extin- guish it, they have been unsuccee ful. The flames have 'from time to time b rat forth from the ground in Volcanic fashhan. The fire was confined to one area b natural "dykes" of rock, which thus ea ad adja- cent mines. -All the niembersiof the Bisma k family are great in stature. Beside door in Friedriehshire is the following ecord in pencil, datediDecember 31 t, 1879 "Prince von Bismarck, 1 m. 88 (1 mete 88 centi- meters, or 6 feet 21 inch s) ; He bert von Bismarck, 1 to. 86 (6 feet 1+ inch i) ; Wil- liam von Bisinarck, I ca. 5 (6 fee !I inch) ; Count Rantzan, 1 m. 714 (1 meter 714 mil- ometers, or 5 feet 71, inche ); Cou tees von Rantzau„ 1 m. 716 (5 ifeet 71 inch/s); Prin- cess yen Bismarck, 1 m. 711." -LA terrible railway fatality oeleurred at the York road railway croSsing, h If a mile from Guelph, about six o'clock on hursday evening of laet weelal whenJame Albert, lr) the 17 -year-old son of Wil iam Da idoon, of Harriston, and brother of r. Da idson, of Guelph, was instantly killed. he unfor- tunate young man bad ben plo ghing alt hisobrother's farm, iri Guelish tow ship, and was driving his teamand Wagon t Guelpt: after work. When near the cro sing,. th 1 horses took fright at the incoming c. P, 14' mixed, and dashed !right in fro t of the train. The wagon was struck fai ly in the centre and the young was thrown ully fifty yards, plighting on a htige stone in the ditch beside the tra0k. The head and face i THE IILTKON EXPOSITOR. tiesk were smashed beyond recognition. The horses escaped unhurt. ,r1,1'0e train was stopped and the body pickedip. Dr. Dav- idson,, who was driving behi d him, came up and recognized the remai as that of his brother. This is the third aceident that has occurred between that spot and Guelph in the last few yea,rs,two of whi h have proved fatal Illinois statute on the subject of practising medicine provide that " any ed as p aotiising medi- g of this 8,et, Who r pres ribee for any another" Ib was in - called "Chris - yet there has Rhode Island ug for those hing that die - r, and physical perfection reeult of rayer, or that e brought nto harmony ng oin the lright side of healing art person shall -be regar eine within the meant treats, operates on physical ailment of tended to cover the c se of so thin science" healing, but as not been a ease nuder it. In it has been held that "pray suffering from dis ase or tea ease will diaa,ppe be attaiued as humanity will with God by look things' " is not practising t under the law. -The votes cast on the pr iseite have been tetalini up b at Ottawa, and the reeult of pretty accurately khown: available vote on the lists, 22. polled for prohibition; 21/ polled againet prohibition, an remained unpolled. This is of the vote so far as jt has b There may be some ijiodifloaton upon fur- ther analysis and tho ough earamieation Of the returns which ha a been officially made, but the statement miLy be accepted as prac- tically correct,. It will ' be leen that less than half of the available vote waS polled, and that less than one-quarter of it favored prohibition as a retnedy for the evils of the liquor traffic, On the provincial lists, which formed the basis of the plebiscite under the new franchise aot, there were - 1,233,637 available voters, of which 542,056 were il polled, 278,434 for pr hibition and 264,522 a,gainst. The favora b le; mapritie in the several provinces ag regated the adVerse ninjorities 115,047 jority for prohibition being against 94,015, placing the in the lead by 13,881 /otos, frees, '.I maun tell •e I atn to leave your 'Lady,' said a Scotlh serve t to her mis- 6 Very udden. service and be mairrit Is 1 his riot very sudden, Mary?' inqui ed the 1 lady.. 'Who is the person you exp et to in! rry ? '1!; is John ,Scot!;, tnietree .' I 4B t yu have known him but a shor time; 'how an you trust a stranger?' per isted t? e worhan, re- luctant to part with a good servant'Yee, 'tis true; but he's ke himsel' ntony years, and he says he's all ri ht, and I believe he is, for X asked him di he ken the ten com- mandments, and he g ve them ivory. one. I asked him could he say the shorter cate- chism, and he had it ivery !word then I told him to grip his hands quick a,nd hard, , and then lady, I saw he was strong man, and I'm pin' to gie him myiiand.' ' - 4 i . I The Reward of Hanightiness. _ The other day a chemist as awakened ing by a lad "Opening hie all boy, who ' hibition pleb - the officials e vote is now Of the total per oent. was per oent. was 56 per cent. he flat result en analyzed. 128, :the 31, and net ma - 107,899, and rohibitionists about 1 o'clock in- the mo clamoring at his shop door. bedroom window, he 13aw a 0 was gesticulating wi dly. "What's the matter?" nquired the chemid. "I want a penntth o' camphorated chloroform for t' to thache," howled the lad. • t ove eyed when he order iwas for which awakened from his pity on the sufferer. The found he hat chemist was,n hoW small th been so rude sluniber ; but, takin he dreased himself ah4 went down 'stairs to supPly the much e ired 'relief. While measuring the drug htl cou'd not help tie- ing a growi at the lad. , like your clic k," he observed, "to wake nie up at this t n o of he night for a paltry 'penn'orth of e "Oh "Then Yer c hey it And dignantly, nursing hi anothor eherniet.-Pea 11 rof Is it?" said t e boy resentfully. I'll tek nil cutm semewheer else, n keep yer ci1.rof�rrn. I wean't eaw for yer bo ming sauce." - he didn't. Ile exit off quite in - jaw, to wake up sons Weekly. Salaries In the ritilth Army. te The tommander in c ief of the British army eceives a 'sal , of $22,500, while the' ad iral, whose jo itio • is a aimilar ont as regards the D vy ind whd holds th poet of first see lbr 1 at the admiralty, drasvs in salary and llo ances -$11,330 andhrs the- uso of a hhusel The salaries Of 1 the officers next iii r nk itt the war offtee-rtwo generals, pwo 1tititenant gen- erals and eight Inajt* generals -total up to .$101,500, while at the 4#11.nira4y two vice a inirals and fur reir admirals re- ceivo early in salaries hid allowance's $47095, an average Of 8,$325$in the ease of eacll officer at the 3var o Ice and 1$7,930 in_tha of each office at thP.admir lty.- /sIeW 'Stork World. ! A Doraton linnoeent. Mrs.1 Greene -They say that when the nioi ge on fishing tr ps thoy take a lot of liq or Wong with the rs.Gray-I don' thirk that Is so. I'n sure it is not s9 whin my husband goo a -fishing. 1 hay over auled his lug- gage When -he got ho te on purpose to see, andi I have never bee to find a drop of 1 qubr in any of th hot les in his bag. -11oston Transcript. 1 THE NIGHT C ERES STORY. , A FACE Lq(E C!IALK., , I very bad attack of the Grippe one ye r ago last winter; left My systein in a. ve y weak state_ancl, my n rvous s stem co !stately unstrung' Afte- gettin over the dangerous sta of he disease I naturally expected t4 gain trength, but, unfortunately, did nbt do !so. On the contrary, my blood lacca e weaker. 1 daily lost strength and_ vit ity, and rn7 nervous system became s weak that it was a constant sotnice of uffering both day and night. I iota appe ite, the sight of food nauseated me, the iveak state of my system caused hortn ss of breath and unnatural actioii oP th heart, such as fluttering and vio ent palpitation, and my face was like c ialk. I was in this condition and const4ttly g tting weaker wherill began takin Dr. and Nerve Pills. ,I ad red the books Ward's Blood they distributed and their advertisements in the papers, and thought, "Well, I have taken so much med eine without benefit it is useless ko spe d any more money. However, 1 finall : made up my mind, It is a forlorn hope.; I can but try. If I am not benefited I 'wit not be hurt. So I bought one box and T ceived great benefit therefrom, so contin ed their use, and to -day am a well Man in onsequence; my blood is strong, my face as the ruddy hue of health, my appetite as returned, I sleep well, I have not the slightest in- dications of nervousness or leart trouble, and from a sick, weak, nervoits man Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills have transformed me in six weeks to full health and strength." I am yours very truly, (Signed) WILLIAM7LLARD, Night Clerk GraInci Ce itrpael tHeitbtoerl,o. 1 Dr. Ward's Blood and islrve Pills are sold at 5oc. per box, a boxee for $zoso at . druggists, or mailed ;on receipt of price by THE DOCTOR WARD do., Limited, - 7r 'Victoria Street, Toronto.= Book of Information free. • EPP S GRATEFU COCOA COMFORT Distingu shed everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Qual- ity, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in quarter -pound tine, labelled; JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited; Hokrimopathib _ Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER EPPS'S - COCOA 1609.26 1 " I was trim Lungs, and w Norway Pine S Ontario. Weak Lungs. lei with a Sore Throat and Weak s completely oured by Dr. CY0Od's irup." Frank Jennings, Coldwater, Mrs. David can recommen kind. It entre doctor could n bor, Waterford, Onterto, says: " I Ilegyard'd Yellow Oil for ;nine of any: meof a distressing pain that the. t cure." tuck to Low's. " We have tried a good many worm medicines, but during the past five years have stuck to Dr. Lew's, as it proved to be he beet." Samuel T. Sargent, Broek- vine, Ont. Laxa-Liver PI is cure Constipation and Biliousnesto They work wit out a grip or gripe and never fail to do good. Price 25o. oils Banished. Mr. 0. J. Murray, Charlottetown, P. E. I., writtie About eix mohths ago I was troubled with painful boil i and got one bottle of B. B. B., which oompletti- ly cured me." Rheumatic Sufferers. "1 heve tried Milburn's Rheumatic Pills, and find they do all that id claimed for them. I cannot eay too much in t eir favor." A. Swift, 199 Mame Street, Toronto, Ont. 89u rH HURON FAT TOOK SHOW Open to the World! The Bluth Huron Agricultural Society will hold a show for the exhibition of _Fat Stook and Poultry, in the Aericultural Buildings, in the VILLAGE OF EXETER, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1896, When the following premiums will be offered for competition : CATTLE -Pure Breeds. -Steer, two years old and under three; let 87, 2nd $6.- Steer. one year old and under two,1st 86, 2nd 84.: Steer calf under one year, 1st 44, 2nd 32, Cetv or heifer, let 06, 2nd $4. Grades. ---Steer, two years old and under three, let $6, 2rid 84, 3rd $2. Steer, one yeareold and under 2, 1st 85, 2od 83, Bed 32. Steer calf under one year, let 84, 2nd 82, 8rd $1. Cow, three years or over, 1st $5, 2nd $3, 8rd M. Helfer, two years and under three, 18t $5, 2nd 88, 3rd $2. - 811EEP--Long Woolled.-Ewe, two years and over, 1st 83, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Ewe, one year and under two, let $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Ewe under one -year, let $3, 2nd $2. 3rd $1. Wether, one year and over, 1st $8, 2nd $2, Srd 31, Wether under one year, lst 88, 2tid $2, 8rd $1. . 1 Downe.-The same as long wool. Grade Sheep. -The same ss long woolled, except that there le no third prize. : P108.-Berraw, neer six mouths and under tvioltve months, 1st $4, 2nd $2, 3rd 81, Barrow, under @Ix onths, 1st $4, 2nd 82, 8rd $1. Sow, ever 6 months nd under 12 months, let $4, 2nd $2, 8rd $1. 8 OV, nder eix months, let 84, Ind 82, 31d $1. Pon pf hree hogs best suited for the bacon trade, all bred nd fed by the exhibitor, let 610, 2nd $5, 3rd 83. A sweepetakes badge will be awarded o tho beig cans &ohne!, best sheep or beet pig of any age pr breed. Age of all animala will be com uted from .. December 1st DRESSED POULTRY. -Best peir of t rkey cook -I rets, hatched in 1898 -let $2, 2nd $1, 3rd Oe Be:la- sh of turkey pullets, hatched in 1888- et $2, 2 cit 1, Brd 60e. Best and heaviest turkey of any age, 82.` est pair af geese, hatched in 1898 -1st 82, 2nd Stie rd 60e. Beet pair of ducks hatched in1898-let 81, ad 76e, 8rd 25o. Best pair of cockerel' bathed n etched in 1898 -let $1, 2nd 75o, 8rd 25�. Best (Be - 898 -let 31, 2nd 75e, 8rd 25c. Beet psi of pullets lay of droned poultry -let 83, 2nd $2, erd $1:'• Dreesed means drawn and tructied. Best and largest display of dreseed meats-lst 85, nd $3, Std $2. All stock'exhibited will be for gale, 'Parties de- iring to sell stock can have the use of the grounds, vbether the stock is for exhibition or not. It is ex- acted that a large number of buyers wilt be preeent. mple accommodation will be provided for all a i- sle and poultry. Entrance fees will be charged as follows: Tho o• red cattle, 81 each; grade cattle, 50e each; sheep nd swine, 50c eaeh ; poultry, 25o petepair ; display f poultry, 26c ; dressed meat, $1. , Entrance to the rounche 15 cents. . JOHN MURDOCH, President. M. Y. MeLEAN, Secretary. • 1612 td AUCTION SALES. - --- • - , T3UBLIO AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK 1 AND IMPLEM ENTS. —Mr. W. MoCloy has re - Tired instructions from Mr. John Elsie to sell by public+ auctien on Lnt 23, L. R. W., township of tanley, on Tueeday, November 81h, 1898, at one 'clock p. ne., the following farm stock and imple- ents : Horsese-One gcnerai purpose team, 1 two - ear -old roadster gelding, 1 draught gelding one 'ear old, 1 smiting foal. Oattle.-One Mich mete, ewly calved ; 1 two year old heifer in calf, 1 farrow ow, 1 fat heifer two years old, 1 steer two years lei, 1 year old steer, 2 spring calves. Pige,--Six tore pip, 8 pigs six wear, iold. Implemente.-Ozie umber wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs, buggy, outte,a assey-Harrls binder, nearly new ; combined seed rill, new ; fanning mill, new; hay fork rig, corn- lete ; single plow, set iron harrows, seuffier, set eam harness, set single harness, grindstone, forke, eine, hoes, and other Articles too numerous to nention. All will pesitively be sold, as the pro- rietor has sold the farm, Terms -All sums :of 85 nd under, cash ; ever that amount 11 months' t•edit e ill be given on furnishing approved joint otes. Five per cent. disoount allowed off for cash n all credit nmounta. JOHN ELGIE, Proprletoe •,- YILLIAM MeCLOY, Auctioneer. 16124 LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EF' 'ECTS.-Mr. Wm. Thirelt has instructed Mr. E. ossenberry to sell by public "motion on Lot 5, Con- ession 12, Stanley, on Thursday. November 10th, 898, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the following roperty, v:z. : Horses.-Oneheavy draught mare ix years old, 1 driving mare ten years old, sired by 'ulton ; 1 aged mare, 1 mare rielog three yeare old, naare rising two years old, 1 foal, elred:by Wilder - lee. Cattle. -Six steers three years old,1 6 inflate (tows, in celf ; 5 heifers three years old, 5 heifers two years old, 1 steer two yeas old, 5 spring calves. 15igs, Etc. -Two brood sows, I brood sow with litter St foot, 3 pigs two months old. Also 4 dozen helm. Impleniente. -One wagon, 1 buggy, 1 road wagon„1 dart, 1 seed d itt, 1 mower, 1 hay • rake, 1 cultivator, plows, 1 sit harrows, 1 carriage, 2 set bobsleighs, 1 ay rack, 2 e31 double harness, 2 set single harness, 75 sap buckets, 2 sugar kettles, 2 fanning mills, 1 eet ij'elgh scales, barrels, grain cradle, chains, forint, rjikce. and ether articled too numerous to mention. oueehold Furniture. -One glass cupboard, 2 etoveli, (assess mar sverem). 31: Purely 8n it:114s .2. Nationallin its character. Fixed Premium, No Death Assess- ! 4. Fixed 5. Gives $soo, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,,o00 Insurance. 6, Over Ostir MILLION DOLLARS paid to members and their dependents since organization, 1879. 7. Careful hiedical ,selection. Death rate for the t8th year of its history,: la. 544 per 7,000. a. Ha, a iarger Surplus on hand for eaqh $,000 risk than any other. • : Soeiety of the kind in Canada. 9. SECURITY OF INVESTMENTS. Not a dollar of the Surplus invested out-; side of Canada. to. Premiums and Interest accruing, therefrom used onv FOR. PAYMENT , ofr PEA.TH CLAIMS. r;., At a cost of from ; to cents a day anY healthy man (an acceptable; riels), can secure $1,000 Insura,nce!i for his family or dependents. Pull in -formation sent on application to R. Estrorr,1 H. C. Ha Ingersoll, Ont.; ,Trtos. H, S.,1 Reantferd, Ont.; Brewer Gairrureo, Superintendent; ok• Orira#117ntion. Brf.ntcnrel (")..* be 4 THE Worn Advertiser! • 1899 .n ly Seventy-five Cerrts January 1st, 1900. TONY is 41e. ti I e to subscribe for thet t Weeklyaper published in! tariO. rite for u,r low clubbing offers. drelas-4. *STERN ADVERTISER, LONDON, Ont 1608-6 C000 COt Is s cessfu • 10,000 ies. _your 11 ggist ru. Take t#1, Other ;:t tstions danger bo ; No, 9, I degrees 1 tOar 2, mailed,on rocei s m a. Th Cook os. I and 2 soI res nsible Druggists N. 1 and No. 2 Sold:in Wil on, druggist,s. OF TH on Boot Compound ly used monthly by over ate, effectual. Ladies ask ; for Cook's Cotton Reef Css- ts Mixtures, pills and ne. Prig°, No, 1, v. per nger,fill per box. No. t price and two t-eent Dd psnyIWindsor, Ont. an recommended by all in =ado. fie forth by Lumsden & k CIRCULAR • SAW CD 1011 ae9 telinalliantamenes, REE 'We give this fine watch, chain and charm, for selling two doe. LEVER COLLAR BUTTONS, at ten as. each. Send your Ad- dress and wt forward theButtons,postpaid, and our Premium List. No money T e - qui red. Sell the But- • ,•••A genuine American when nei:ing. I•itietion ibis paper rr few home' work. welch, ounranteed, LEV FR tons among yo ur friends, return the money-, and we send the watch, prepaid. BUTTON CO., Letenteeleaestre-lreenreene •171"..1..elee A delalde St. n. Toronto, Got. 1 THE KIPPEN MILLS. The Kippen Mills are now working full blast. There is now plenty of water, and Gristing and Chopping Done every day while you wait, and satis- faction guaranteed. Also extra Roller Flour on hand for sale. THE SAW MILLS Are also running at full blast. Any num- ber of logs wanted, for whieh the highest price in cash will be paid. Parties having logs should call at the Mill and get specifics - tions -before cutting. Custom'Sawing done at all times. JOHN MeNEVIN, Kippen. 1612-3 HICH CRA -QE Furniture EMPORIUM Leatherdale Landsborough SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. 'Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture fram- ing, and a choice selection of pictures always on hand. Curtain poles at all prices, and put up. We are also Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, best in the market for do- mestic use, no travelling agents, no high prices. In the Undertaking Department, we buy our goods from the beat houses ill Ontario, and guarantee satisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and ail other re- quisites for funerals, FREE OF CHARt4E, Prices better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on • scientific principles, ---- , P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be I attended to at Mae Landsborough's resi- Idence, directly in the rear of the Dominsen Bank. 1 1111 1 coal stove, 4 tablee, 1 bureau, chairs and tubie „ he whole will be sold without reserve, as the pro- EMI.* prietor has sold his farm and is going to. the North- nr) West. Terms -Ail sums of 85 and under, cash ; "ar- ok•er that amount 10 m maths' credit will be given on 1 1+110 furnishing approved joint notes. A disoouet at the rate of 5 per cent. per annutn will be allotved for e h en credit amounts. WILLIAM THIR8R, Pro- letor ; EDWARD. BOSSENBERRY, Auctiot11672r..1, N. Watson, SEAFORTH, Fre and Life Insurance Agent, Horses to Rent, Real Estate Agent. Dealer 'in the RAYMOND and WHITE family and 'mane- facturing Sewing Machines. All kind of Sewing Machines repaired. Charges moderate, Acreut for the HITE AND GODERICH BICYCLES. First -Class Wheels in Every Respect. .EZIC.ES ' 1580-62 MOLES kiD LUMBER FOR SALE The undersiened has for sale, seoond class PINE AD CEO AR SHIRO o Itemeoce LUMBER, all kinds. Shli e n be seen at Kippen station. A c aid Hemlock Planks, Scantlings, e 0 dere can be left at the station, o JAMES COOP11 1588-tt heap, first and as. Also a let glee and lumber Ir load of Pine , just received. with London Road.; 0 GOIDERICH m B011er Work& (ICSTAIIJ'i,BIHED 18804 011. Y ST A. L Snoepssor tO,Clarystal & Black, MaUnfactureis of alt kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular ERS paio ma lee Stake, Sheet Iron Works, e c. etc. • Also dealers i Uprtg)it and Horisontal ado Valve winos. Au to Engines a opoolalty. All ESS of pip' and par- Sting oonsiantly on hand Ululate* furnished oa shortno$tcs. Worki—Opposhe 0 T. L Staid" 00ded-60 p Leatherdale Landsborough, SEAFORTH. H. IR...Jackson & SON. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF Jules Robin & Co's Brandy; Cognac,, France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Horhuad ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scot,oh Whisky, Olas- --gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walkerhs Whisky, Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davie Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE POLIO We have opened a retail store in connection with our -wholesale busi- businessain the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Greeds delivered to any part of the town free. . TELEPHONE 11. • 1518-tf MeXiop Direothiy for 1898. JOHN MORRISM Reeve, Winthrop P. 0, , DANIEL MAN -LEY, Deputy -Reeve, Beachwood P. 0. WM. McGAYIN, Councillor, Leadbury P. O. JOSEPH 0. MORRISON, Councillor, Beechwood IPO. • JOHN S. BROWN, Councillor, Seatorth P. 0, . JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. DAVID K. ROSS, Treasurer Wintlitop P. 0. I EVANS, Amestor, Beetthwood P. 0. CHARLES DODDS, Oollector, Seaforth I'. 0. RICHARD POLLARD, Bannon, Inspector, Lead - bury P . 0. ,The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 017102111. Geo. Watt, President, Harlot* P. 0. • 3. B. MeLetan, Kippen P. 0.; W. 3. Shannon, Secy-Treas. Seafortb P. 0, ; Thomas E. Hays, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth 0. latallOrORIL W. G. Broadfoct, Setforth ; John G. Grieve, Win throp ; George Dear:, _Seaforth ; Thomae E. Ham, -Se forth •, t James Evans Beeebwood • The* Garbutt , • !Clinton ; Thomait Fraser, Brimfield ; John B. Mc- Lean, Kippen, AUNTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock ; Robt. MeMilIan, Seoforth ; James Cumming Egmoncit lis ; j. W. Teo, Hobnail- ville P. O.; John Clovenlock and John 0. Morrison, auaition Puttee &drone So effect- 1.114111100011 or hum* riot othor buEntos will be promptly attended to os petteation to any of the above ofitoere, addressed ts tespective post oilices CZ,