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The Huron Expositor, 1898-11-11, Page 3
_. ti I 9 I I ` , 1 I a ii . _ Ii I * I I - I . i_ : I I , ' - _ , _ I - - ; 1 J- _ - --_ .- - _ .. max._ _ 9. 1 1 . - . _ _ , ._ , - I` I - _ r 9 I Ii� i. I r� i 1 ii i I I , i - I SI _ - �: - I '-- I } . ' - , I - ' a I I l j I i j I I I l : iI VIEMBER 114, 18f 'Sol ;' '. TAE fft4' ,$XPOSITORS . { i r _....._. _� - THE cid 's v©lI! I . I --t- -- . . IMPCRTANT NOTICES, I Tl i E K,I N ETOSCOPE. . . ' I ' i C BI ,F FUND13 TO LOAN at 6 per oen1,, pay - �— 1 Think st t oft thjat navinre on?ly dwells - able yearly, on flrat-cleat farm eeaurlty. Appply ! Queen 7iotor]ja'il .Permitting her grand- adhere solit de Ks message t�llp•r•- I top S. BATE?, Dcwinion Bank Building, Seaforth. Chil+lrvn to play tennis on Sunday has I 1 ' 16$6 i Theo only i prey of ilex hand ise3 uite a r `oket in England. -Philo- n so her oak and lonel etre: d- �. - d 1phla Times. 1 rale tongue her mighty heart could find s f �,PitK�'tNA, Dominion and Provinafat Land S has fastened itsl relentless grip upon J.Surveyor, Iitelabor of bhaAssoaiation of Ontario Svmobody� has been translating Wfalt In bo min .wave and tivhisperulg windy some mcnEber of noarl}? every family 13a eycia, Dublin, Ontario. 1386.62 ` " hitnlall a Le4ves of Grass into Italian. f i ill the land. C6m, tet authorities g ' Goad I Als Walt, himself ..would say, "Gosh I"- 1day, n this stri s thellf olif rce remains estimate that from eighty to ninety . 013 Y AT fr FER CENT.-�A large amount of ' That �trug' led i old Uplift strains. i nee has been lased in my hands to lend to Cleveland Leads. Erst r se t lis cr of pave an:f'i. mart per cent. Of the entire ;population o€ the newest thin s Prom butte grinding, glaaiefr's heart. this contill`ent stiffed from someformaf s: and an terms taeu{t the borrower. Alumir4ium huts a, g g and an 'arcus f,<rnra ,in sum I . Apply J. M. .Bz%T', Barrleter,Seatorth, _ (( for the use of Kkondike miners. They are Matarer womb, of Mother Earth flits repulsive a gi_malady. 1678•t#i� well adapted fi>< light housekeeping.- That traveled 'With Chef Andes' birth If you or any o€ Stour; family suffer Council lugs Ia.) Nonpareil. Now bears to ti11e thele granite piles, either from recogned catarrh or VI11 I SEATTLE, (;lark nt the second Division $ Their walls of books, these sacred aisles. , i -r from the lingering 'colas !Which mark (;eIIrt, County Commisaioner, of Huron, Con. I .A, fish rust Is being organized. It is _ I-. f, its early stage"Ont trifle with it. G aeyat,cAr, Laud, loan and Insurance Agept. Fands I sincerely ope-,l �t may not put the price of •Not in an i' le, aimless hour It is the precursor of consumption tuvootoo rend to Loan. Office --Over Sharp & necessary; brain! food out of reach .of the Niagara re eive4 his power, and death, r -9ivano' airsre, ;r n{ri s4reat�9ealorth. 1259 , I toiling newspaper men. -Denver Post. Or carbon ocked. the sun rays fast, - SLE -Beat Amorican Yelton' Corn �I K E %#`EA1 A F1 uite a ropriate, this, for an AmericAu tree revise spire and;mast. „e Dr. ' `• ogiN FOR 8 P ". always on hand, foe sale or exchanKe any kind Fond nature atnlles witll equal pride sin tt� lbs. cora icr lUo lbs. of barley ; 103 tba. �OS'xVe% Cilr�d l�� ii�l®�® rel estate coin to be the first to egeOn. On vaultin� done.and prairies wide. h ! of gr business in Havana. �. a are a gree p Her harpaiohord file singing tvi>{es, Catarrhal ° � �� ��� corn for ICO lbs. oats; feed wheat; at 30c a bu,hel. Little Pll< Warehouse, opposite railway citation, Clinton. W. (t, pie. We aught the her®, and now we are ger altars the electric fires. 16to=4 _� to Goak iia. --Boston Herald. never fails. It is the remedy of all ,11 PEF.F�IIv. ey also relieve Distress cin Vyspepsh ' iE ` K _ This hums trier bears kin its flow remedies, endorsed by the most ex- v T I The Germa ' military attache with I periencedandeminentnoseandthroat r . ,Y STRAY° SOW.- Care into the i premises of the Ind ge§t-on and Too hearty Eating A per. The wild unrestr the voice of woe, - , n Mullett Kitchener has criticised the wonderful `� specialists of the tray, and having a i I: under,. ncd, Lot 4 Conee66s o 6 i Chu 1st of Octoberlast, a cart od sow.. The EeCt ,re for Dizziness, ausea; Droves)= That first lifeless ocean bore .abon charge gt'the Twenty -$rat lancers as folly. In pain to artlirs primeval shore record of a multitude of radical, per I i owner can have the same on pravi a property and gees Bid Taste in the Mon , Coateel Ton $ o � p p -Erne t Lir ss in Overland Monthly. {nt-ctarges. ANDREIV 3NELL, Constance The kill' f eo to who are capable of y , a mnent cures of chronic cases which.' pay P inj the Side TORPID IVER Th snob fodwjlish thins rule the world. Phil- i 11 had been :declared insurable. It also ate, P. O• 1611-4 ' asci hili Ledger g TAO GELD FFl l EN C78, i cures cold in the head, influenza, hay , ct _ _ �` Re Hate the Bowels. Pure y Vegetable. P g. , I fever, loss of smell E deafness, sore b ,I` ` ' OR 'ALE. ,A naval, offia r with a promotion is like --- 11 i throat, tonsilitis, ass ma and all Simi- bTOOK F S S Alli Pill. S! air D0809 a farmer before the shell man at a fair---, Their Gree iing' 'wh�n They islets ire lar diseases. It is delightful to use. OR SALE -The ut,ders{ened has for sale 6 Short- S�>r>aall Prif�re� Y.. : now he ee s it and now lie doesn't. Can- After Y"re. `. - r I i';have had ahrctnia catarrh ever horn bulla fit for service ; a number of Short- gross sbbl u)d to o up the subject .and de An aneed o is ellatecl of the late Jacob since the war," says j; C. Taylor, of 2io r bulls, ra a few Leicester shearlin a Substitution' N. Clinton Ave,, Trenton, N. 7, I had ' horn cows u d h e , !t vise a rational stem o£ navy rci arda:= E _ i v3' �' Tome, a M ryltild philanthropist. M . despaired of ever being cured. I used . and ram lambs ;and 2 geed sound } coag working New York Tribune. ares. Prices and term® to sort urohasers. ,the fraud Of the daTome, it ap ears was n his early life a three bottles of Dr. Agrtew's Catarrhal tit p I - Perfused and my catarrh has entirelyleft DAVID MIL'. Ethel, Ontario. 1607 i The main Who proposes to soften the hostler, - By Industry aid thrift he soo tones of the nob putting chloroform I me." Rev. C. E. Whitcotnbe,rector f St, pi y p g acquired a' odorltte fortuneand for sonde l4falthevv's Episcopal Church, Hamilton, ,'e ! OU het CartOT'•Ss an the. strings is a humanitarian. He time before a is d( ath wds on!e of the rio1�- : Ont., vac a great sufferer, He used Dr. aHf STOCK FOR SER'VIC& y . ` would be That 'IIs a philanthropist besidrla est men in lira ptlit of the shite. Agnew' ' Catarrhal Portvder,;andnowpro- t y" could In na a to chloroform seine mon air, 'ro lie's Ac ua Canoes vhf e I claims 1 a safe, simple andicertain cure - I I it l}-- ARGE ENGLISH BERKSHIRE BOAR. -The Ask' for Carters if be ui R. A g � � The Lord Bishop of 1Toror to, Can., re - oder { nod has for s�rviae on Lot 16 Ceacea- I I ► 1.players. i working around ,the st4blo as a clirpel. - � coin artds the rerrleli over his awn L cion 3, Tucktrsmhb, a throughbred Large' English - i Quebed threatens to withdraw from the ter ,named Sal� Uel itt''alke r� who had signature. Sold by ug lsts. Berkshire boar. A. McGREGOR. 1611x4 I �'1 t and demand Canadian fodex+ation ii her liquor supply a better faculty for spelldin money tba i - Dr, �Agnew's Cu -e f; the Heart C Ole OAR _ -`_ Ii is out off t There are Maine and Vermopt for saving it' LAter in life�he thought t t relieves' heart disease in 3o minutes. OAR FOR SERVICE -The und4rsianed will Dr; A eve's Liver Pills -toe, for o keep for service on Lot 26, Cioneeasion 4, r 9 that manage to hang on to the Union by expedient to emi�d Air. Tolle in the pre - I gn e the best ,-- Anew c Stanley, apthorou hbredChesterwhiteboar. Terms- C 'rxer s Little Liver Fills, g t o wqs at one ti a doses ar g g their tee h and et a little rum too. Dont ©ice of a. crowd shat h� Ointment reissues in' a day eczema, til, payable at the thr..e of service, with the pprivilege by preoip tote.�Minneapolis Journal, n y a stablgmant %� of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DLEHL. Metter and all skin di3ease�. Cures ' I R 1591rtf i ' Anything in he natures of a donation is It was on the ceasio . of 'an entertai - Iles in s to nights. 35c- ; E�7TI L I t re • to lstrike the Spaniard favorably. dint at tit® Port Dep'sit Opera Hou , . ULL F`OR SERVICE. -The. undoreigncd 'will I he offer, o2 the government to give free nand the, citizens pf the ow wvrq crowd- -1 row - i �' . keep for service on lila premises at Roxboro, a thoroughbred Durhatu bull. 7ermp, $1 ; it pati t aiisportation' to the families of officers iitg around the ticket o ce *Indo, when ; before January, 1899, or $1.26 afterwards. JOHN Har'dware 8tore. om Cuba to pain has resulted in ,an 11'Ir, To approached , �Aurnttr pas - a 3COTr. r671•ti ii I a alanche of eddings over the island.--- cul through the drowd, find inanytstepp d - ' I i I. S . Louis Glob -Democrat. . >�aide, givin way to the nc oted I pails - Sold in Seaforth by L V. pie and Lutnsden MWilson. O FIG BREEDERS. -Tho undersigned will keep oa Lot 26` Ccneeasoa 6, L: R. 3., Tucketsm'-th, have a first-class line sof Cook Stoves A. stat stidia declares that the wheat tibropist sot at Io might assure hike tisk t I . a thorou fibred Ctirsarm WHITE Pia, a18o a thorourh- and epters. MoffatVe St4ved, fitted with s pply will soo be insufficient to provide sit once, in teadI o£ haying. to Wait hi s bred YOR sutra- Pro. A limited number of sows will steel ovens, are second to none wn . the mar. t e world with broad: 'Phis condition will turn. i i i b admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the; time ' Imperial Ra a is !' acknowl. e a ' v They wbrc glad to show tb it respeot f r *,OI I; of aervioe, or $1.60 it charged. Al -o a�ew Chester ket, Turney s I p pg probably occur; at just about th n n# R White Pigs for sale. JAN[ES GENIAILL 1608-62 edge to be the handsomest .range and the time tha the coal supply is exhausted, as the man Whtp hAc� gained the'top round in bent ba�er in the market. I scientists pred�ot, so that there would lie f rtune a ladder jI , , . I und wJio 1 new howo i A;,rwoltTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SKR. W ave a full line of Greenin s Steep ssist his fellow? men !'as tnAn in e g' no fuel -with which to bale it, anyhow, y h T VICE. -Tine under-14aed will keep for servte•1, Cow Chains and Cattle Irons, the 'best fix- ! roved could'itestt1 ' 1 i I i I i at. the Bruoefletd Josses Factory, , thoronlrhbred ture in!the market. I ! One man, howover, keit. his place. Th s you* Furniture wants can be befit applied by 115. VPe have the stock Tamworth Boar, ,rich rertsteredl pedigree. Terms, able [t t me of nor with privilege of re- Give! us a call, you will find qts prices was Mr. Towne's; old fri nd, isam Walke n; ppaay G EEK WIT. ,a turnin{f if necessary. Algo a number of thorough- right .natead of ,giving way a remarked in a tlla Krill ;,case you and at attractive pries. We have the finest Line in both ► bred young Tamworth Boars and Bows for sale. Fu rnIaces a s ecialt I tone loud enough to be learn by all pres- i I W "s I I HUGH XoVARTN Bruoefield, 1"41 P y .. The following are specimens of Greek , {1 , I _ — I Pe eat: I ni not fain to c give up to Ja e AYWOP.TH-PIG FOR SERVICE: The under Y ' wit: Tome 1 He ain't. no better khan I am. I A S S 0IDIT ENT AND GUA L ITY . signed hab for service on lot s2, concession s, s S & 1 ` e It was a sa7iying of Cato the older, used to know l im when ia',�e was nothi--� , MoRfllop, a thcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a "Those magistl aces who can prevent crime l}ut a stable ;boy. ;' i ! ; i Iimited number of sows will be taken.. Thi. Is an and do not in Orect encourage it." : Mr. Tome, did; not reply ntil after lie + extra good pig and breeders And it advanta eons to H A R D W A'R E , _ I ' y The season for the looking flout for Furniture is t hand, Having no freight - arc" their berkshire sows with this breed of pig. aocrateg used to say tlib best form of ad secured big iticket and )made way far Terme $l, with privilege, of, returning if necessary. do nter'rs Old Stanjd i Se ft)TIh. government was that in which Eche people hose who had so courteously wfthdrav�n aha beN, and the logy prices i e .are selling means a lila saving. JOHN MoMILLAN - 15o6xtf j I : obey the ruler$ and the rulara- obey ttie pr him: He tho�i said its a floret tone, Gil FOR BALE AND FOR sERVICE-The �*1=N%+6r"'ti4 lave. used to know a tZlan by t]]ejllalne of SA#n 9�3'� TE', D LIVE ,FUR rITi kl�; FRET. undersigned, bre Der of Large Raglish Berk- Philip in passing sontenoo on two rogues Walker, who was a oar�ent�I and I u _ th*, sbtrea,hi+e for solo boars Nndlsows to t3rrow. He will $ S „ Walker Isla -I ..:........ ......._.-.... sieo. keep for service the stook boar, "King Lee," ordered one of them to leave Macedonia derstand stint tltie same =Sal ther to ifr and carpenter still, I - ! . with all Spec : end the o y 1 orchased from Mr: (}eorge Breen, of FairviewTho eo lt3 ti lauded 'this mild rebuke, '�"� "�'�� 4; and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa: Term ' Catch him. P p pP! I TT -T_ I>�y Gr T' 4ab{o at tke time of gt deice with the rtvilo a And Sam �i alkvir slunkawe v ,('y Bret rnin li nt aessarY' if !booked $1.60. pJAhtrg'.9 Demonaz was once hoard to gay to a 6 -ORRAN E, Lot 26, 0¢n000sion 6, MoKfllop, Sea- lawyer, "Probably all'laws are really use- ' Our Undertaking cepa tment is c6mpl¢t acid Strictly 11p -to -date, with .a - orth P. o. 1466.62 less, for good men do not want laws` at all, `'- ( ,. � r I „ Ble»I.infiro In DIXX4isse. lar or Selection than ever be ore, f nd price? td l3tiit'.every one's needs. We have And bad men aide made no better ti thein. , 11 REAL Cicero when one Ne os tall hi he had They used'to tell the when iI was a little a q alltity of suitable chairs to be used at fuaer4ls,1, which we will lend fret of I 11 RT;AL ESTATLC; FOR SALE. p girl and had brpkgn m' dv test doll far r caused the deatt of more by his testimony 1>s Y chalp, and any, orders that we ar favored with', s11��'•ll receive our best atfen Un. �. �sE Will urAase a fine farm of 65 acres than he had ever saved b his advocac example, or. ! had;. been stung by s bee syn Gdder- y 9, , Ni h calls promptly attended to by our undeCttker, fir. S. T.ollnes, (11�� in Goderioh' toe cahip. There fa a replied, •"That is because my credit ex- the day bei ire ply 'best', friend s birtbdfiy i cod'brick house and frame barn and splendid00" �r art tb t eve af191oti' n is'9 blessing; In ich sheet, Seaforth, opposite tie 1}Iethodist chu�cli arehard. It is close to the village of Bayfield and OeedS rziy eloquAnoe. P y - �' P I I g O disguise, I was`nevew• cllvve>,+ at penetrat- i dee when about to be tried b Also - Aloib a W Y "�'� money m eaa '. Ala 0 v , convenient to Clinton. Terms - a } I p g Ing disgulisvg, bit thertl are times whorl I ROAD F 0 0 T, B Oma, I () O f f to loan at lowest rates. Ap ly so WILLIAM SCOTT, his countrymen on a capital charge, ab- ! 1697 s ♦ 0. agree to the truth of tbe! saytrig, especially 0 geonded, remarking that it was absurd , - n to seek to when the afflict one ate other people's. I when a suit lay against a ma s �1 � 1I� �C) TIET j}iAR&f FOR SALE.-Foreale, Lot 6, Coneeasi:sn 0, Just a,fe�P evenings agt'i I. blears a young i 9 17 ..+C�]- -j-. •--a-+r j` Hu11Eit, near village' of Keaburn, containing get oil when ho might ae easily get away. ;, about I00 sores, all alearrd and in a good state of ; girl, who; has j st COn a h61n0 after sly- ` cultivation. There are good builings, good orchard I - months out of to n, prying; the piano. I I and plenty of txeeitint water. This is a eptendid . 'POINTED PARAGRAPHS. was sownil<ahstru k with the lmprovemoiit N•••••�•••••O • ♦O�• O� r♦�••••O.1 - BUT, farm and will be slid c -heap, Immediate poseesslon. - I - ; in her technic s,ince I healfd her before * a )a lit ! • • _ T Apply to hilts. sCIi0ALE5, Constance P. o. 1807 It tales a pretty good carpenter to floor that I spc ke aboµt ]t. I 1 1 .Riau f O o� . ves • _, , - a pug St. "It's all duo to a little `run around' I . , i 1�i t c5 ROPER1Y IN HARLOCK FOR BALE. -Foe sale Many a manj punctures his tiro on the had on the middle $ztgvr of my right i � � R I P cheap the site at Harlock on which the black- road to wealth] hand," she lsaid. "I was doing mug h ,,,, GARDINGTEA; - , a smith shop sad Store were located. It is situated on The lore innings to man hoe the Ibetter practicing, hu ' was embrolpering a cc i • I yes M." RAp1 LALt3 ,� - . Lot 6 Couccesion 12. I,lllett; is immediately opp-,- site the School House, {n the centre of a rich fnrmtnChe enJo s his o its s. terpiece fora i nd whp is i o be marcid ♦ 1 PURE >� I country, is admirably adapted for hvsinesir par A woman's .sea o"f deli Son is to have , '',next month, arid I couldn't lose any time. • , . INDIANTEAI $Oy ,A tea •(�f good quality and; poses. 1 here ii one qu :rter acre, planted with choice g I put m thin b e on y cin finger, and a "wric AssounO"r""t kindly Noughts of her rival. P y g g • A8MANUM"Uar"+Q�ft7WL - 5tren' 0 Ali will find it morel fruit trees, also a large s-uble and driving house and I after a few a s I Could pse it just {a3 ♦ Out.e,,.eat , 7 y, s good well, Thin property will be sold cheap. Apply .0 The eiresA who invests in a title dries1. to SAMUEL RE1D, BruceOold P. O., or JAMES easily that wa s on the middle flngcir. eCOD ical in the,,end than the SoI 4vAT$ON Seaforth. i007•tfAnil not ulw ys par hese happiness. f Perh ,ps It isjthe microbes in kisses that When I began t play the piano again. I clalled "cheap, teas." If it costs o e per pound it will make, • -� t,l' J :was amazed t nd how,my third finkor ' - cause people to1all "dead in love." more and better cups of tea, I -1AR31 I4 TCCKERS3IITlt FOR SALE. --Far sate lied gained it trOngtb. It had always Lit 3= TUCKERS. L. It, R., Tuckerami h i The ] ss thought sortie leen give to a been my wreak p int before. 'i always nae Rahn LaI s is one third strong r 1lmvAC Ina, japan or Ceylon containint; tt0 acres, go of which are cleared, under- subject %he more libera their views aro, itYor thimble 1 ger now, anis you see the ♦i flea selling at the same price and les f it is required- drair.ed a,,rl in a high 6tate of cultivation. The rs- With Ithe excption of ourselves no one result, I've ad ised everybpdy to try t. 4 ==___=_=K__ t, alai tf t0 acre=s aro uneuIled ,hard wood bu9h. I � � i��•H•H•i•*H►�•*•••••-+ •f *•wN�•••�� , Thera is a good frame hutree ;Alar re bank barn,' ever do4s things as they should be done, 'It's an ill vitizd'-you',knovr, the rest. k > with tone a!abl{r g ; tt'ao 3 large slits and ether The happiness s of solve people depefds bti{tdings ; a large orchard of gond bearing trees. Upon tll,i it ability to make others unba I There' is plenty at orator. The ktrd is at rho very PPY lest c ua'itt and it is n fi-st-a'ass farm and must be W • '.0 Levo ! may laugh at • locksmiths, but it Tame Dee Arc IDana'eroas. /a ■ ■sd 1 �' »old t close up the aflates of the estate of the late never smiles at the owner , of a b]c cls re i I e o 4, e e e$ Y j Thv tameness f the Boer ii# the Duke'bf John 4alker It is within six miles of Seaforth and air she 1, i Bedford's Touw ds is ver remarkable, e, I I Clinton, and two miles. from Brueeffeld station, pUT V P ASA O QEA, P l g Y ? I I Att+o tv,tb]n throe quactcra of a tulle of u good T Gapitul and I labor would commingle Except the acclimatized Jl panese fr m schac Applv on tho premises, or to the under- ,� G !VES NEW L F , better it there weren't so many men trying owerscourt an elsewhere, they are wild I irtnar , I;ruotfleld P. u. J 3fE8 WALKER. iftl•tt I N C R EASES THE LOW - �- to g t capital. without labor. c eatures apo h in distant' islands sloth I g WILSON & Mac AUCHTON ,a - , - continents, from the Molucpas and Farr TEACHEF,' S W ANTED. 9 O F MILK i N O S. I n osa to the ,A.lta mountains�lr the swaniP I. �et►elno MILes ai eaDICK �0-_, THE INVENTOR. o -Canada, yet the diffl6ul is to keep l ' ' i T '�E CHER WANTED for School Section No. 12,. si ►+zs onTatna. �Ft "Iflom :� --- tem wild enough. : It is all aya danger � ". '. pI again remind the public that they a1�e just blaene'1 a choice Sine sof Stephen. buttes to Gourmenr•e January lst, A M I I ', I 1 +99. Apply to CASPAK WALPEIt' Secretary, A novel sort !of 'window glass has been o s to allow eta •s to :become tamQ u1i � < K Iran Bend P. 0., Ontario. 1610x4 1II entoci. Perone on the inside of the f miliar. If tli y 1' se them fear of m1{n i i •�� i i I .1- ; ` `?5 cents and 5D cantle a p okage. hot se eau see through it, but it is opaque trey are liable to lea meItulgerous lit I Ix E..'GFIFR. WANTED -wanted for cchool Section � to those on the outslde. esrtain seasons and !at eek persona in W , i j 1ta- E, Grey, male or female, holdinb a second- i I that cannot be exe;lied for uari : aIl(1 7rICC. 0111' r class t.urtifioate. State [salary expteted Duties to rk Or keeper as s vagvl as they d ', .�' 1 Skates made of hardened glass in uari- Heir own kind .ons q iently all familiar S. begin ``January 3rd', 1899. Applications received till HCME WCRK FOR FAMILIES, oust colors are n w' manufactured in En - ' _ S to Vila' november 12th at 2 p to Address illy has to be di ourg d 'at shad sedsan CO + 6t .RTH. our F 1. • f ,I ' '�:7 t - a '' . 1, ., - �, - I - a4,- o I ® it, ,t ;I . i 1 -__ r` store was a hundred feet u in the air, and. had to climb a to i� -1 yon pole 1:. . t get there, 1t would pay you to do it, - F rather than to pass us by, but as we � are situated in a very handy place __ ,_ known as Richardsons carder, right LT _ in the very heart of the town, Yost can't blame any one but yourself if f'= yoV fail to suet some of our bargains . M , We keep up-to-date shoes, shoes that are stylish, shoes that appeal to the r fancy of every* shoe buyer, shoes that tf : . give satisfactory wear and hold their shape. Here are some of our special . lines which we are sole agents for c .4 9 Iii! s Patent Long and a Shirt. Boots, Plow Shoes aIle Fe�.t Goods, hich axe the beat farmers' shoes in Canada. We use our best endeavprs to make this store trustworthy, to tell the plain truth, to call things by their right names, to be up and up evert in . the smallost transaction. The matt, woman or child that comes to Richard- son & McInnis is entitled. to a square deal, and they'll get it. every time ow Work and Repairing neatly acid , Promptly, aura satisfaction gu6ranteed Try us, t chardson d MoI nnic, Dealers in Good Footwear, WNITWEVS. 'BLOCK 13tAFORTH. - • I 11 , 29 1 '*i 0 � " - cu \ V.'i.,_ 4= C� 'a, �"" �~f W P W �. f C0 - 0 Id 0 , 60 .. --� `O W 02 :� 0 . 1 !4 CD I � rs CD t-1 C -t- Pi . 0 0®CD O ?t r 9 .rte ci- .Q - W Ics P itt --i M 4- P 1 0 0tt0 1 ED W 0 W O 04+ 9) C -t- CD u4i tt P )tj : 0 P) 0 �5 1 1 __ . 0 C", 11 �3.V ' 0 N. �# �9 'l 0 0� _W 109 n �i - hv ct i"" ,H .. P 0 0 �_ -.94M.0 ca .0 d - , rn M � .. P:� bd d W r CD CD ^. i , Co () � O Wg i�J . P c -r- 0 C3 5_ = - w•0 a r y, , JOFfN 3taI:iTOStf, Secretat?'-Teensurtr, Lthel r. O., sand. It is sal that that' are easier a d Ontario. 1611x-1 Nye. want the services of number of fami lighter for oxer isv thnlx .the steel encs. when the deer are ; lin st a mous to i i �t lies to do Irnittin g' }or us t `home, whole or ftiendly. With t e hinds thi is not nec6sj ii a �. 4 � * ;' Robe! - - -" spare Hme. the In6h I'% machine and sup- To -support a oamerh on an ordiiia Y sAry, and tlioir confidence i very pretty are oft the ins t 73 ild$. O PF.ACHERS.-3fate teacher ~ranted, holding ply 'the yarn free, and pay fo the work. as sent cane or st hfY a still hiss is provided NO h � 1 � (list or second cissa certificate, for School See- F + ape engaglig. Spegtator. I . ' ' a ,� :� tion :3',0. 9, (>rey; duties to Gommencc January 3rd, tn. Diit,ccoel anno h ndranco. $7 to$10 per week two spring clipga't the ends, which hod ; p _ I :Q � r�� t I Tn %� y� �utc� ri De' anment '-� 3 IbM ' Applications, stating salary, &, c., viii be re- made, 'n4 t t{me doe ted to the work. . the Camera in, place, fhb underside Of ho O ill V u11 g 1 = - - ceived tip to 6 p. m. on lotemher lFith Thev should Write at once. Name re ereneea. baso having foTlr sprig arms Which ier- Moaept. � � l _ !Y he corked apl•hcatioos. Addxo-a JOHN GRANT, 1 Marker -When you saw alio a year ego sL�iKSM1TN Secrdsta> ' TrEasurer f3rt:saeIe Ont. lfi2-2 CO OPERATIVE iNITTIN(� CO., TORONTO, Cenci downward to a 'clamping socket, i ' stud y about life insur nee, you told me that th e will endeavor to su 1 our CUStgmerli with, tl?e choice. t ineat. All finds : Special Attention ___� which slips over the end of the cane. company you w re with wa the best i� { pp y to Horseshoein and CARRIAGEOPp• of Dressed Fowl wanted. , Pr duce takeh in ex+rhan e for needs. General Joiobin �p _ Queen I! C �-Actlkil� wAtiT'LI) Wanted for School Section I the word. ; I L t' �� g' MAI�..i! oral. I_ �o Y, Tarbutt and Laird, Aroma, Ont., wale, i I � 11.1E to be the hnkler of a :at or 2nd c'a_•8 certificate.E ( O R ' G Iii LS • Insurallee �g nt-lily scall sir, it was; a I T g q�p� i - - - Otttie to heir{n the lot of January, 1899. Apply4 that timo, but the eompan I ala n6,v4 ! TELEPHONE !�. Goderich street, - Se&forth, rtatir. s lads wanted. Uiry te•tinionials. Apph•ri 4A New York izl� broke her arm shaking with, having! si ce had_ theoneftt of my R�iEMBEii. THE PLACE—MORTON'S _©:l.D SrtAO. � I ratio*is re• eived ap till }t.di of Novw. her. J011r R(� bands with bei peau. 'That's what alis services, has'of course talon that honoi , L. MC:DONALU, Secretar%, Bnx i5, McLennan 1', n,, � , r..�h i illiCLEOQ'S Algoma, Ontario. lULlx•i gets for treating hint to such a formal away from ler I i aroeting.--Phil:delphln North Aluerict�n. • T�Sell1en��%,�Oj f /` t_l�HTEST, ar.r as osa. i' Ni c f�''When a wmn#tn 'hays that on of 'herI3Pj'al-e. Miter- ' r okane Wa'h, who brad Va tj h t O -AND OTHER- 'ft"- -c hoc 'husband s fan il A lrl f o p , 9 W80a$0$?d3II s NE TEST, RSgo children looks >� Y, g . ,' TU Great English Remedy- it is her way of admitting that t is not been visiting in Boston say: � s c is tired I TE 'TED REMEDIES. tm ended b all ESTV - i- of being lau >hed at because ' ho has never Sold and recommended y C EAP { - as goodlool�ii7 as the rest.- tch .mon b g 6 s;�j©r11 . I p i`' druggists in Canada. Only reli- "NEST Globo. seen the Pacify ocean. Shedd elates alis t Sea forth. medicine discovered ,sir, W rt A specific and antidote for Impede, weak and m- ` �" ckagm guaranteed to cure all The Chicago i�ill]onaire who has paid a fails to see why her Boston rie, ds think I tion f the Blood, Diver Co plaint, sura Pa, Low Y � tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose form t#oiSexual Weakness, all effects o4 abuse OVERSHOE IN TH MARKET. it odd she has of seen the Pa ific when ---- � •j i of Memory, Bronchitis, Cansumption, Gall Stoma, of To- widow $105,000 !far the return of hie love D gt, Viy orezcess, Mental Worry, Excessive osa. letters is in a sltioli. to a rociato :i1e they have neve seen 'lym ut rock xlor . 1 i y Urinary bacc�, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt ,��`_ r p� pp ' ' � �,�� Jaundice, Ki nt, and Drina Diseases, Ca e Cod sand deserts nor elim ed to the ' .fit Dance, Female Irleguiarieiee and General ➢ability, of price one -package $1, six, 5. oiw will please, l wisdom �of Din Boucicault's caution, p FOR Q e Days Wofk LABORATORY--G-Goderich, Ontario. i xiz zuz 6 cure. Pamphlets free to any address. " r = { '` f (( '�''~ `Never kiss a 14dy through an ink bot- top of Bunker ill mgnumeiI t. FREE The Wood Company, Windsor Ont• � , Vt�e vetwsfineWatch,chain&c J • McLEOD Propirietor and M ;nu i. r t,__ �, 7 ti �, fie. "--'I�E1nsa8 �';lty ��arltl. Cor selling two doz. packages h, H nd t Soli i i Seaforth by' Lumsden &Wilson, drugg'ate• No TRouoLC (f The Vital Poin j sit Perfume w ton and the p Send aCttireP, 3 ': To Pus oN on • dressaad we forward the rf me, I She -Father eked the of d1t!y how p teals, dna our Premium itsc rro Sold by J. S. RoI3E> 8, Seaforth. RIVER AND SEA. m ney required. sell the Pe 1601.1 1601-t 'r0 TAKE OFF. O soon we would a in a positiOii o b mar- _ _ - -_ _ �'{ a sag your friends, return Tenex= and n r i died. ?. ; we send the watch, prepaid ?hs1 is a - * �/� '� i ° The upper Rhine is open to navigation He -Does de father's hed' th still can- � , r�r penGIno wen.rican waceh, Qttarantel da j� j od nmep{ecc, hJeu6 th s p.per- a Fid-rilrn i n H u l l ett far Sale Eric ii.�� ; I I--_ , i about 200 dais year. time robust?- hiladvlphia o th nvr-ATCH ( g• spedalcj Co, 6ovictorin st,Torente { �l%'� 1�tI The Vola w�ll merits bein ranked , I B TEN�E� Volga g lean. ____I, �.� t among the great rival's of the world. It i - D i `N\ ie navigable for `over N, 000 miles, Aind i o The Austrian government ilius v lamed The undersigned Executor of the Estate of the late E LER 1 N �, within a few hundred allies of St. I eters- the boundaries f Vienna t,1 such an lex- ThomasNeilan8, will rcceiveaffersr up to the 1st of Snap Bargain in Real. Estate and i December 1898, for the urahaae at thefarmbe- o P I metropolitan area s now t Cha a >f. :. eat the : is com- Tevv York Stocks,,,; burg, t L ve Stock. p I;:, . - Twice a esr t e Cas ran overllov�s and half as large as I,on(lon twi` a ati l rgtl ae longiri{f to the estate of the deceased, ce y P THIRTY DOLLA an acre well buv a I34 acre po sed of the west half of Lot 7, Concession 12, ="il ' i'. _ to ]lliong of fish do feed Paris and tarso trines larger ban erin, farm -a flrRt•elaae grain and e:tack tatm-near the s Hallett, containing 60 acres, all SrBt•oI1►8s land in a Bonds ASD , ; 1. 1 Qrtgage Sale, " - rt the whole of central Asia, if adv 'mage Village of 'Lunch, fn the township of Hay, County o1 i High state of cultivation. There is a frame spring Russian fam. 1Teti when moving Ito new Huron ; good build. ge, good fences, plenty of water 1 i "-� I house and frame .stable, A never tailing spring Chicago Grain A51> _ : _ ..R,t ^ could be takes .hese iminense resource/ and a most deeirabl place: also three thoroughbred Under o or it: mot a there will be off red .far g � homes kindle ho fire on Chef hearf7h with p " creek ruaethroughtherear of the fatnn. There ere a e - • 1, given by nature.f : short born bulls an three Yorkshire boars, All fit for I said by J. Brine, auat{oneer, a, the C . Ir 8 tb rood well and good orchard at the house. .'here are Provisions I coal/ brought f from the old residOneo. g Hotel, seato;rth on WED E3DAY, Novem„1ir 80th, 7 acres under fall wheat and the remainder is seeded ervice also sever¢ roadster homes, all cod steak, to grass. It is a first-class etslek term and must be C nd prices right. or particulars apply to $. RAN- 189$, at the hour of 2 o cloak in the attcrno n, that On Commission. i IE Zurich P. O, 1612-tf parcel pt land, being it 39, in Block G, o. James sold to windup the .estate. Terme and other pantie- 0 13urroNs. . 0 BUCKLES. I etreot, in Beattie di Star a survey of part of the uIara can be bird idem the undersigned, or from _____ __� _____ ___ - i MARRIA g E LICE SES vs//� Tarn oe �ndo n I This i�t the property owned byW.frame TiiOMAB NEILHarl JAMES gnton villa Orders Telegram or fetter re- .. r .i,' Mckillop Taxes. h 8p, 22x 0; kitchent Is ,rrM20 story and lbxl§, failmIn 13arlock. Egmondvitll6ei 5 y �� g ForWomen,Misse andLChol ren ISSUED AT ' CHARLES Donna, (collector of targe for rho Town- goo condition ; :hard and soft water. ceive prompt attention - b-1 of McKillo will be at the Royal H6tei, sea- i *ms of 13918--20 per nt. of purchase honey to MONEY T� L.DAi�i. • I p y be aid at time of sale, d• balance within �0 days 3= A — 19 E111cotG SALE dY ALL 8F -FOE DEAL 1P91 THE ����I1 i EXPOSITOR OFFICE, oE-Ti4 ,�- Mics Orth, every Prier and Saturday ¢itornoo#1 no ao ddress : RC 0111 2 foR the fourteenth day of December,'for, the purpose of I the easter. The best plaee Ali America for Young men and or partieularw, enquir 3 of the auetione r, or F. Money to losn at 4} and 5 per cent. per annum. Square,Buffalo. F S . I receiving tax mo lee• All taxes remaining uapaif `IfV B AFO�,TH ONTA IO. i women to secure e� Buanc: o i::: ,cacn�,, ; s=••, t s,n, psi atter the date named, .will be charged five per cegt. • ADy amount an Srst-class isrm land security. A ^ N OVERSHOE E S QE Q - ; i Meenanical DrRwint% or Pew,in:,: 1,111, , a� ruin:) :. . Ha mesttid, B1irr.ater, Se forth, or to Brews r, 3fuir- Y. a - The �,�1RD1GA R : tem of Actual llusu,ioss. i+osi„n a:u;i e Fear.:,t•,,lcat': xtra. her di I3eyd, Barristers, Brantford. ply to R. S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Af3ea- Teiephone 1.670 ,�$11eCa= O I N WITNf SSE$ RE U RED Detroit. y W. I, rn v1:LL lied, 1' ic, 81'E 1('k:1t 6ec iai2t°-td ➢ated this Iet of November,1898. 11612 4 forth. 1a07 / be{rin an Brno. �,,atnlc; i q Pico.- 11,•fereni . all CHARLES DODDS, Col lcllx4 STRA F - ON 4 I� ' , i, i _ I �'�.� _ 'II i j - , § - I ( j I __ . j1. i i i .. I t ( i i i i f I e ._ . 1, I I � j I i i I ., i . I i i , I _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ -__ . -1