HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-11-04, Page 9Wilson s Oash Grocery IIONMIIMM11.01.01101•Mr New trultstind new sealant. Tome now in stock, We have uow in stook the best values in new sea- son's Teas we over had, comprisiog Young Hymn, Ceylon and Japan Teas. We guerantee satisfaction or refund the money. The best qua ity of new , Raisins, Currants, Nutt Peels, etc., now id siock M 'lowest prices. Some nice Dries in Dinner,' Tea and Tellet Sete just received, and at 'prices u low se the lowest. Wanted good butter, eggs, dried apples, potatoes, dressed fowl, and all kinds of marketable produce, for which we will pay the highest price. • C. WILSON, Seafor•th. 1874 Bank of Commove Block, Fine Tailoring. We beg to netIfy the public that we have engaged the services of Mr. Harry Speare (who is so well and popubirly known in Seeforth in comical° with fine rt tailoring) Remitter and manager of our Tsiloring Department. Our stook of Clotheand Twe de Is now complete, and will be found up-to,date in every particular. Readyroade Clothing stock room is filled to its utmost capacity. We cordially invite in- spection before buying to both our Ordered and Readymade`Departmente of Clothing. Wm. Pickard & Oa. SEAFORTH. Grand Trunk Railway Company of Catada. Te Mr. W. Somerville :- This is to authorize you on behalf of the GrandTrunk Railway Company of Canada to sell Passenger Tickets in the Town of Seaforth, Ontario, until futher notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grand Trunk Railway Company tted Canada have here- unto %Mixed their Corporate Seal, this fifth day of February, 1898. [Swat Charles M. Hays, General Managcr. DOMINION BANK CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000., R EST, $1,500,000. SEAFORTH, BRANCH, Main street, Seaforth. A general banking businese transacted. Farnaers' Salo Igotee collected, and advances made on same at lowest rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of One Dollar and pwards received, and interest allowed at highest o rreot rates. Interest added to principal twice ea h year -at the end of June and December. No n ce of withdrawn is required for the whole or any rtion of a deposit. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Aget6. Large School: in Small City. EN74•44 STRATFORD, ONTARI Gives the best training in co meroial science, shorthand, typewriting, &e., which enables the poesessor to secure the test situ- ation* Our graduates are always success- ful. Write to -day for beautiful catalogue. Moderate rates, board cheap, enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 ' PRODUCE WANTED. - • We buy for cash or trade all kinds an any quantity of Produce, such as Butte Eggs, Dressed Fowl, Dressed Hogs, Hide • Tallow and Potato:test Do not fail to call, 8 we will make it woeth your while. BEATTI E BROS. Grocers ButChors, SEAFORTH. TEL HO, 1698 OxpOottic4; DISTRICT MATTERS. A SIXCESSFUL STUDENT. -Mr. Fred Law- rence, who wrote on the•Latin and Greek papers of the fourth form examination, la. t July, and was reported passed, has been notified by the Education Department th t he abtained honors in these subjects. If s success, cou.pled with that of Miss•McKii - ley, ann, unced last week, makes the (second student who obtained such standing, and speaks well for both pupils and school, t being some years since two students wer on this examination, so succeasful. • HORSE Precriestde-The North Britis Agriculturist of October 19th, sap " Charles Mason, of Brucefield, Ontario, Ca ada, lately paid a vieit of inspection', to tee lienhill stud, and sucoeeded in purchasing from Mr. examiner the well known stallien Union Bank, 10016. This very good hors now a dx•year-old, was bred by Mr. Crai of Thornhill, Dumfries end was got 'Lord Erekine out of th'e Macgregor mar Lady of Carse. Union Basalt has been a prominent prize-winner at the leading Sco tiesh allows, and in all the districts he h s travelled he has proved himself a sure gett r of first-class stock, juef' the kind to devel p into the massive street geldings that a •e now in so much reciaest. From his hi h breeding and individuel merit, as well' s his breeding record, ha cannot fail to pro 'e a valualsle addition to the Brucefield stud " Tit es EL trete. -The following were tick ed to distant points fromehere recently, 1 Mr. W. Somerville, up -town agent of t G. T. : J. II. Morin, to Montrea fienry Atkinson, to Montreal ; F. C. e. Minty, to Muskoka ; M re. Coulter, delegate to the Women's Cheistian Temperance Un- ion Convention, Ottawa ; Ben Dorrance, to 'Chicago ; Mr. Tyndal, to the Soo ; Mrs. George Fowler, to Sheldon, North Dakotat; James Hart, Winthrop, and John Turner, jr., Seaforth, to Muitkoka ; James Hays and daughter, Mrs. Thomas McElroy, to visit relaeives in Huntsville, Muekoka ; Miss (trace Connor, of Chiselhurst, to Boston, where she reeides ; Captain and Mrs. Fisher to enter the Salvation Army work again at liornelleville, New York : the Misses Long Co Detroit, after a two months' visit with their sister, Mrs. dames Murray, Crombie street. Imroters AND Exrorers.-The imports for the port, of Coderich, Which includes Wing - ham, Kincardine, Southampton, Clinton and Seaforth, for the quarter ending September 30th, were as follows : Dutiable goods from the United States, .$22,233 ; Great Britain, $11,465 ; Germany, 51,337 ; Belgium, 5138; India, 5,5; a total of $35,168. The duty collected from these imports, lees geode amounting to 5692, which were not entered for consumption, was 1$8,585,16. The free goods imported amounted to $40,485, and were from the mines, including cdal, 57,664 ; forest. 54,389 ; animale and their prod uct 8, including hides, $20,3a1 agricultural im- plements, 53,14S ; neenutactures, $2,296 ; and miscellaneous. S:4:6.13. Tho exports were valued at 5131;151, the following be- ing the lead in,g items : q'o. Great Britaie cheese $36,476, eggs $181,702, horses 52,000, apples 515,273, oats $1,520, peas $6,610, tour $3,140, °Lamm! $6,81,1, hay, $4,780, 1 organs $10,259, ;household furniture $8,419, : a total of $113,900 ; to the Unitel. States- ; cedar 'posts $4,445, trout $2,141, lambs ' $2,627, apples $1,559, hams $22% malt $227, j:) &shot $751, lumber $365, oat hulls $276, agricultural products $3,040, and mi cellan; emu( $1,265, a tptal of $16,016 ; to th West Indies -oats $1,700 ; to France -dried ap- ples $450; to other eountries-principally organs, $1,695. ; ----r--- • A Usios MIlETING, -A unionmeeting of the Chrietian Endeavor Society of the Pres- byterian -church and the Epworth League of, the Methodist Church, was held in the base- ment of the latter church on Tueeday even - and wee well attended, not only by bers ot the two societies, but by onnected with the- two congrega- Jades Moltheb and Cricht - the dele- om the respective societies to the 1 convention recently held at Ham- TifE 11URO E3q0SITO ing last, the me others tions. gates f provinci ilton, gave most interesting reports of the doings of the leig convention, Which were exceedingly intereetin and instructive t those w o listened to t em. In addition t these re orb, an excellent musical and lite - ary ,pro ramme was given by membera o the socreties. The chair was occupied b Rev. Me. Russell, pastor of the Methodis church. The meeting was a most pleasan and profitable ene to all who were present. • Court Dessal,-A sitting of the division court was held ,in the town hall here on Fri. day last, Judge Doyle presiding-. Several cases were disposed of, and the court was occupied until late in the evening. The principal case, and the one which took up tho most time was that of Mullett vs. Brock, in which the plaintiff sued the de- fendant for a,' balance said to be due for placing an iron roof on the barn of the de- fendant by the plaintiff. Thei claim was resisted on the grounds that the reef had not been properly put on, and that Ms not weterproof, and a counter claini for' dam- ages was entertd. A jury was stvorn in end sat upon the came, and a large number of witnesses pro and con were examined. Mr. J. M. B st represented the plaintiff, and Mr. R. A verdi is a pros appealec not be arrived et between the parties. NEW PvErADII, Suor.-I beg to announce - that I have opened out a boot and aloe repair shop, oppsite Fear's 4rug store, Seaforth, where I will ba pleased to meet who may favor me with their patronage. First-olaas work done on short node°, and satiefection guarantee& Ordered work a specialty. Luis Wirr, Seaforth, formerly emyloyed with Mr. W. 11. Willis. 16104 WANTED.-Ohoice butter •17c, dried ap. ples and poultry:" 0, E, Wingham. 16094f CASH FOR Forms .-People wishing to get cash and the highest price for their poultry, should call at T. R. F. Catio & Co.'s butcher shop, , Seaforth. 10114f CrIRL WANTED at the Am- ends. Joits Ammer. 16114f from t4o to four dollars per ton clear from the hay press, and there is a great deal of hay shipped from Caritonyille, Apples are a fine erep here this ye r and the apple deal- ers are. oing a great ueinese, prices rang:. iog iron' one to two d tiers per barrel, and the bu rs seem to be pple hungry at these pfices. We have no ravel roads here -such as you a e in Huro ,, nothing but mud roads, in -many p aces pretty much a• t nature a a them, so yon can judge it i hand g , ti g around n the spriug and fat during li wet seas° ..__ 1 * \ Eilet a VILLE NOTE .-On Wednesday o last ' k, Inspector , obb, the trustees an Iv Rev. r. Shaw paid visit to our schoo and I ex missed the selves as well please withit c ndition of hinge in both depatt ments. Ma &ewer was off duty Is week O °count of severe attack of II, noes, b he is irapr ving nicely and will soon 11 right ag in. -Rev. Mr. Sh w preaohe n St. Mar a on Friday last or Rev. A e . Grant.- allowe'en passed ff about e ;mat in thi village. Stime very stupid hi gs were do e under the name of fun, -ao ehe boys w o took part in tuch pranke will perhaps ive long enough to see 114 foolish and in many cases, how mean ey, acted. -M . De Sproat, of Bel - grave, wa a welcome visitor in the village for a Purge of day last week. -We are pleas Ito Inote impro ement in the health pf M . J mes Lauri , who bad been very 13 ill fo (several days. One of our eitize s, who ns roperty in Seaforth, -justly, fe le E aggri ed t having it o wantonly destroy d as w do e on Hal owe'en night, and ive shoo not be surpt4sed at an action for darn s agairlet the t wn authorities. 1 , D t BEVY ,OF HU ON CHAPTER. -le half y arly meeting f -the Chapter of t a Deane y of Huron w s held in the se oaf room f St.. Paul's chorch, Ctinton, on It on• day o last Week. Rev. Rural Dean ins, o Seaforth, presided, and Mr. Mi Blyth, was' appointed oectetary. A intercepting diecnssion wait held in co tion with the manner f collecting the . Collins, of Exeter, the detendant. ous dineesan fun& a t was given for the plaintiff. There be pet forward 'thi et, hint/ever, that the case will be amount- required fro if a more amicable settlement can follow ng gentlemen local lesions commit tion ith the r ral de T till and S ith, i. an olmested. The the tin eting, po nted ing I ot that he d next to the larg coo children den ing ce chore at enda ce, and in attendance at the Holy Om uni n. A good service wee held in St. Pau 'a chi rch i the evening, when a large eongregation was in attendance. The several clergynten p eeent Resisted in the eervice, and an, ea cellent sermon wag preached iby Rev, M . Turnbull, of God°. rich. - The next me ting will be held in Repeal!, il .A ANII,A PAIR. The Huron boys who go a oad, g:enerat y rerneember THE Exeosi- TOR., ad f there is any send i the U in Me Engli ceded promi It is Carmichaere Bloo Dtsieso Roo crican Hotel, Br WOOD FOR ALE. -We have 50 cords of the best dry her wood, 4 feet, at $3 per dont. Rein & Wit,soS, Seaforth. 1611-3 Loon, out for a big auction sale of all kinds of onsehol oods, furniture, carpets, feather • kinds of crOckery and g:ass- ndred or more things to6 'rumen ale will be bold in the vacant orth of ,Roid & Wilson's hardware , Nevem er bth, 1893, at 1 o'clock beds, .pIllawe and ware, beeides h ous to meinti3n, ,itore twoldoore itore, on Saturda -p. In. nod in the vening a 7 o tIciek. A. G. AIM; propiielot ; Thorns' Brown duo lancer. 1611-2 The greateet and best in the world- Herbageuru, for horses and Cattle,at Reid & Wilson's, Seaforth.' 1611-3 Miss Mabel . Thomson, Honor Graduate and Gold Medal's of the Toronto Couervatory of Music (pupil of r. Rechab Tandy), is prepared to accept pupils in Voice cultnre and theory. Pupils prepared for cons rvatcay and college examinations. Also choral and ight singing °lames for children under 16. Mies homson may be consulted regard- ing tuition any turday afternoon at Mrs. E. Hol- combe* John at et, or by private communication to Mitchell. Ola wilg be reoeived on Satur- day, November th, at haltIpast one afi Mrs, Rol- combe's, John et out, Seaforth. • 1612.2 A Pic: Is OUR BED. -For Cold Weath- er. Look for n at Lumsden & Wilson have to say about it next we k- 1612-1 Mew Good for !nen,- new Rubbers, new Spate, new Fall hoes, etc., oto. You can't do bet- ter, nn amiter w at you want in Shoos; than to deal with W. s, hoots and Shea, Sealer*, Ont. 1612-1 POL'L ftY FOR SALE -Prize winning] Bar- red and White P -mouth Rock stock for sale. ' Write for prim. %RD, Se forth. • ' 1612 NEW Rub e :me N w Overgaiters, r New Comfort Shoes, New 8 sting and Fall Shims for Ladies ; no butte pl ce buy them than at W. H. Wit,Lis', Boots an 8 oep, Seuorth, Ont. 14512-1 SEE the di et nt designs in Wedding Riogs at Papst's oo an Jewelry House, Seaforth. Some aro narro,. an t ick, others s trifie,wider. Made in all qua] tie , from 10 to 22 K. W. R. tiouxres., Manag r welry Departim et. 1612-1 FoR the Ri ht Stove, of the Right Make, and at right prici , al o for a bargain ofi Solt Feeding Coal Stoves, with or ithout pVfital, try S. tf Olken & Co. . 1612-1 OPAL Rings an( Lorgnette Chains in lat- est designs at Pe ut' Book and Jewelry House, Sea - forth, W, R. C ere eit„ Manager Jewelry Depart- ment . 1612-1 COAL OIL and Wood delivered to any part of the town. ewe orders at store. S. Mob - herr & Co. 1612,1 WANTED at A. YOUT3g18, SedrfOrth, fresh Butter, fresh EY;gs, Ohlekene sod Dircks, and any .quantioy f Dile(' Apples. Will pay tho highest price, 16124 , • , ' THE PIEP,ATING C./Inure-The regular meet- ing of t e Literary and Debating Club was . held in he council chamber on Tueeday evening. The question up for discussion was " R solve that Britain should/ be u - held in her pr sent ateitude on the Fasho a, question " Both sides of the question were ably dis usse by the different speakers, but the judge gave their decision in favor of the negative on the ground that theylad scored more points than their opponents. Next Tuesday evening the subject will be " Resoived that the Government should own and control all railways." The affirmative side wi 1 be upheld by H rry Spearce leader, W. Eti . Best, C. Sparli g, and S. 0. Stone, assistal te ; negative, W. D. McLean, leader, and J: G. Greig, °Oscar Neil and Andrew Scott, ssiatarits. - • 1 A F ex Wonns FnoM es OLD FRIEN D, - Mr. J hn Therp, Pomo years ago a well- known reeidont of the 2nd enneetesion of Tuckersinith, but now r iding near Careen- ville, Saralee. county, ichige,n, writee as follows : "Tire Exeosi on, which 'I receive regularly every week, a I which is always a most welcome visitor, kr. ps me we I posted in what is going on in a e 1 around eaforth, and especially in that g( (1 old tovenship of Tuckersmith, where I cite I see many familar natnes, althou h 1 alto n tice many changes, r espechelly arre ng the old ettlers. It is over thirty years s nee I first ent te Es e on the 2nd concession of Tueltersmith, (1 I am sorry to mei° that man of the old settlere and pioneers with whom Was familiar have -passed away, but there re still a few old neighbors areund that bridge known RS Broadfoot's b edge, who I wotild like well to see. I no live four iles from Carson- ville, where have bee for ebout seven years, and am engaged i farming. Carson ville is a nice, live ht le village with a population -of about fou hundred'. . It has two banks, si br seven emeriti stores, three blacksinitis m ops, two hoteis, and so on. Hotel licenter; here are ,500 a year, so Vou can guess the e is lots o whiskey and beer coneureed here. The c unty seat is eight mil s* West of arsonvi le, and is called 13 San lac ;Centre, There is a good farming cou try around t. Th fleet annual agri- oultural s , ow was held .there on October 12th, and a ood show it was. • I showed my hone r heavy draught and got first prize. W ad no ram hero fora three months, u til ab ut the 13th of October, but since thet w have been avin tmore it than we care or. We had a sp endi grain and hay crop th i season. Of late years, however, there le s not been much grain grown, as the! fa niers aye run mostly to hay, and as Aires lt it i very oheap, being 1 V d an extra effort, year to raise' this deanery. were elected on ee to act in conj n : Reverend Mem dg- , Of ery ee- tll the he the rs. nd Messrs. Rano oed chairman, in ()Perking to the very eneclurag- anery of Huronl Vias ty of Middlesex iin he Sunday school, lin a ihare of it. iMr. C.,A, Stewart, of thing good going, ited States' V lunteer Signal Corps, ila, has sent us a copy of the fleet h paper published in that city. Ira is ly a MOst creditable production, , d es ranch better things in the futu e. elli atronizad by advert sere, most of , are Sp any Spani ot appear Spanish a ed up. T i whom ju ging by their name name for wh oh there does iards. In fact there are so be any English words, that English are pretty well mi name of the new paper is the Americ Soldier, and is edited by Geer e A, Smit 1 We f ncy the principal part o its circul - tion i , among the American soldiers, as it seemsto pay more attention to them in its local nd news olurrins than to any other intere t. i Ther is no doubt but that as soon a the Am Hoene get things properly straightened o t in the Philippine Islands there will be a stream of emi ration there from he Unite States and ot er.northern parts and before many years go round t 'ere is but little doubt but the English la gu ge will be the leading language there, es ee ally in bdsiness and commercial cir- cl s. • , FR m PORT FINLAY, ALOOMA.-T e im- pressi ne made while visiting abro d, by some f our fair maidens, was made maul - feet 1 tely by the appearance of ne of Huret's worthies, in the i person f Mr. Iferre, Tyndal, who attempted (wit a de- gree f FSLIC ess) to quietly carry awa, from our midst; n mareiage, Miss Agues I . Mur- ray. How ver, !quite a number of o r mat- rimonial in lined yoUths were not s easily to be; out one. Some of them co bined togetl'er the evening previone to th wed• ding ( 13,y, aving as leaders two well made - Iv, en ne roes and mad 'their way to t e resi- dence of M . William Murraye fettle of the bride o , where r. Tyndial w s stop- ping. ' Th two colored gentlemen eat to the d Or a d demanded an indemnity of ten dollar for heir wounded affections, which amou t sti I remains uneatiefied. On being refute d th iiberal offer made, they t pnce comm nee I a continuous bomber Tent, whic last d one hour with the ab ve re• sult, yft.,efer dhitibche bthriedye deinsdpergsreedeete A er the cerem n f marriage was over, the °Row - inn d ere all in rea 1 e 8 to leave fo • Desberals, a ,dis- tante of te miles, wher they intend d tak- ing t e .40 train for SI ult Ste. Mar e, On- tario, it was discovered i hat all the rolling stebk i the vicinity lwasi disable , the wheel eing removed The young conple li were h n left t the t7der mercies f Rev. A. Y artley, who c nveyed them in his bugg . a dietanc of thee° miles, whe e they emir d tranepo tation I catching the . • the n ck of time. We ish the happy cOuple all kit do of gool luck, and long life. To be i forew rued is o be ferearmed ; II mites bewa e in comi g Co Algoma for a li e part- _ ner, TATTLER. 1, LOI ALI BRIMS, Janies W84011, of this it wn, has again secured ot his ompa- oies, he! Gore and Mercan ile In urance comp( Mee, the risks on the Cpunty House of Ptefu e buildings. They have been insured in th se, companies for the past three yeart, and 1 stiweek County Clerk Lane negotiated with ri, Watson for their renewal: The total 'mummies on the house and batn, with their contents, amounts to about $10,000. - The f ten in Tuckersmith, belonging to the estat of the late Samuel Carnochan, •r., was ffeted for sale by auction at the 0 in - mere al hotel, on Saturday, but was riots Id, the r setve bid not being reache(t. The hi h- est b d was $5,800. -Mr. John Robb has i ja- pe° of his residence in Seaforth to Ir. W. Free an, for $500. Mr. Freeman ii tee de occu ying it himself, and will have a 0 ce, comf rteble horne,-Mr. James 13. 'Go en- li lock, writing from Neepawa, Manithhe, on Octo er 28, saps : No snow here eitt; ell busy ploWing. All the crops were gd d ere it this eam-The dehorning season is' ow on and ur 'Veterinary Surgeone are bus ly 'en- gage( dehorning farmeretcattle, preperat ry to t ein being housed for the wintetH 14 est of th farmers in this vicinity nevi h ve their cattle &horned, as they fin_d t ey are um lees trouble and thrive bette a t e the h rue are re.moved.-A foot ball' a c , betw en the Dublin team and the Col eg o.te -Insti ute boys, was played on the rec ea - tion ' mends on Saturday last, which ren It - ed in a victory for Dublin by two gee] to one The match was for the Crawford I up, of w ich the Dublin boys have ' been the cute ians for some time, and t judge, by prese t appearancesathey will old It f for some time - to come. -Mie John Mellis, of Tun xeosrrou staff', who has been laid ep for so e weeks with typhoid fever, is now abbe go about and will soon be at work again -Guy Brothers miestrels appeared in - 1 , Ciardno's hall on Ir day evening het. They had,* good -crowd nd gave a good show. - ..lie Beiver Lanro ie club will hold a smok. log concert in the Oen hall "this, Frid y, evening. There ill be a good time. --It r. Livingstone Wood ey, who has been con n ed to his residenc for some weeks• throu illness, is now ab e to walk out. --W e here heat week, th Guy Brothers left au r der with Messrs. reig & Macdonald, olo h iors, for a comple outfit of stage °onto e for their company -Mies Mabel V. Thorap sou of Mitchell, g Id medalist of -Toren Coneervatory of Music, is organizing a Wes .in tepee' music herel and will receive des pupile at Mrs. Holeombe's, John street, o Saturday st half -put one. --Mrs. J. C.Grei took part in a Mincert at Woodstock o Monday eveningeteHallowe'en passed ove very quietly,in toWn. Of course, the bey did some little miteshief,'but no serious yio lations of the law were perpetrated. ---ii r and Mrs. Charles tutledge,of Tuckersmi h, arrived home on T urday night of last w e from their trip tO North Dakotas T e many old Huron friends who_ere located il were absent about; two months and visi different parte of the State. Mr. Rale gee Was well pleased With what h saw in Da 0/ ta but is better pleased than ever with hie -home .in TuckerStnith.-Miss Nettie ill son's cooking classes, now in progress in he Young Men's Christian Association Too no, are being well patronized by the ladle of the town. -Mr. S.1 Bennett, of Wine) m, fofmerly of Seaforth, spent Sunday nd Monday last in toiwn.-Mr, F. Holmested. acting for Mr. Chan. Wilson has issued a Writ against the corporn.tion to require the d ep- iug of Silver Creek, north of the rail ay track, in accordanee with the original speci- fications, and also tv remove the water -works dam which crosses the creek, M r. W ilson claim- ing that by reasonl of this part of the creek not having been deepened and the dam ob- struction, the water is forced back on his land to hie injury.! •It, is hoped some settle- ment of this diffieulty will be arranged so that a costly law- 'Mt maybe avoided.--tOn Tuesday evening last the members of the Woman's Auxilia ,Missionary Associatr, of St. Thome? church tendered a fare ell tea to Mr. and Mrs. Bullard, who are leav- ing for Toronto. 'All the membere of !the auxiliary were present, together- with the rector and Mr. c, E. St. Clair Siinp 013, church warden. A. very pleasant eve ing was spent and regtets expressed on all i dee for the less of t ' o such excellent oh rch workers tte Mr. an Mrs. Bullard have pr ved themselv s to be. At a vestry meeting eld later on r. Beide *as elected people's War- den in th place 0 Mr. ullard, who forner- i ly held t e positicins- r. Frank J. Ew og, eldeet son of i Mrs George Ew ng, of this town. is rneki g his mark in the West. Dr. Ewing iis s touted at Brook,' n, British Columbia, Where he has charge of the hospital of Man , Foley Bros, and Lar- son. The Brooklyn ews of a recent date speaks in very flattering terms of the toe- tor's emu:less bathe many cases which h ' is rciquired to treet. We are pleased to letarn o hie well doing. -Rev.- Mr. Wylli of Philadelphia, and formerly of Paris iliOn- terio, Was the gout of Rev, Dr. MeD'o ald this week. Mr. Wyllie had been preao ing 11", in Walkerton end called here on his ay h me. -Mr. James Dickson, of Goder oh, visited friends here last week. -Last week, Mr. T. 0. Kemp4 who is sojeurning! at Beamsville,, sent home to Mrs. Kemp a lbox of nice ripe raspberries of the second gro th, lil geOwn in that eighborhood.-Mr. John Rebb .and family eft here on Thursday for Detioit, where th y will in future reside, - Mr. Herbert Fo , ler, who was studling with Dr. Gibb during the holidays, ha& re- turned to Toronto to resume work at the Veterinary Collo e -An unfortunate yo4:ng woman, named a prep Kennedy, for er- --1 ly of Seaforth, b t latterly of Tor to, committed suicide lin that city on W4 es - day, by taking a !dose of carbolic acid. - Mrs. Wm'. McKenzie, of Silver Lakej As- sembly, New York, is visiting her br t er, Mr. J. S. Welsh. ' , • :' 1 Heim Timm Ct 'Ali !-Another nf happy occasione w ich causes hearts joice and excitem nt among many, place in October 2-th in Zion Taber 1621 lichigan ave ue,' Chicago. It w marr age Of Mise Lizzie Atkinson, s d ug ter of Mr. °see& Atkinson, f 8 h c ncession of uckeremith, to Re ilhide, of I' iladelphia. The ogle re- ook ele, the end the . J-. b ide was wen away b her brother, Mr. John Donald and Miss J hason, both of Chieego, Atkinson, and w7 assisted by Mime Me- tope ere - nest r of liter the the be- nds ie, re - was while Mr. Atkin on. and Mr. Glad Dowie ably aseiste the groom. The mony was perform d an able and ea manner by the Re . Alex. Dowie, past the tabernacle. D . Speker's little da Ruth acted as fie er maid, scattering sweetly scented talsi• of the rose in path of the newly arried clouple. A • ver the bride party with other fie of nir. and Mrs. Do adding dinner was leasent social time, re. Wilhide left thecifol- adelphia to stop ov e• at theri plac,es on the Way, en greatly bleeped in the eryin Philadelphia, land new and most excellent rove a blessing to molti- and Army God direct and in the extension of His HO )VAS THERE. B yfl ld. If you are in an dou t about the lateet designs in fall milline y, see ur Miss Davidson, who will settle 101 I your oubte.1 Dress making, newest stylee, at moderate pr ces at! lin Mattin's, BaySeld. mg dro wh par spe low Nia Mr. wo e to the hem re a beautiful d and a very t. Mr. and ng day for Phi ara Falls and Wilhide has b of -tile *minis we rust-Veith his ; partner they may Wes in that city, bless all their effor i Kingdom -re -ONE • '2-1 If you want soli co 'fort this winter buy an overcoat and w rm derwear. Get at° Edwards' ono price et re an you will save m ney, F. A. Edwards, Bayti Id. 1612-1 Brame -Miss -I urt, f Alpena, Michi an, is visiting relativ s her .-Robert Ho ard, who is breakeem n be ween Smith's tails and ittiontrial, w ho' e for a short isit rece0tly.-Miss ierly, of St. Thomas, was the guest of Mr . (Dr,) Sheppard.- Vm. and Mex. Fergus n, Alex. Brown, ohn Thomson, Harry alconer and James F rgu- son, who were en aged on the survey oat ; ,Bayfield " this a, mmer, have arrived h me. I -Albert Veneto e has gone tete C into to learn baking. --Mi ses Maggio Fele ner and Annie Whiddon, f Goderich, spent Se play here. -Dr. Gray, ho assisting Dt. nn, " of Clinton, was c lling n friends here ues- day.-Wm. Bates and family moved rom here last week to a pla e near Goderi h. - Mr. John Eason h s returned from a visit to his daughter, a Nai n. -p. MeLep , J. Thomson and W St, rgeon 'arrived rom Port Frank .on uesda , where they had been fishing. Th y rep rt several nets lost and few fish caug furna,ce is bein put Se forth:and Egniondville eat down to a su ptuo s repast. The remainder of th ev rung as vent in a "'Wel manner, unt I an early our When lunch was served, afte wh oh al dispersed to their homes feelin th the had spent a pleasant (merlin Th presents were numerous, beautiful an I cos ly, and testified to the high esteem in wh ch the yonng couple are held. Thei y friends unite in wishing them a Ion ple sant journey through life. iu for the school. C anbrook. WEDDING- BEL a -A very happy e ent took place at the home of Mr. Donald Mc- Dougall, of Gran rook, on Wednesday the 19th of October, when his fifth daug ter, Miss Annie, and Mr. Hugh J. Ramsa of Waiton, were u Red in the holy bon a of matrimony. At four o'clock the popular wedding march, geohengrin," was played , Mies Smith, o Walton, while the ed - ding party took heir eilaces in the di einiogi; room, which was ecorated for the occ • with bou_quets of flower* The bride lo ked charmin in a dress Id white silk ace, trimme with si k lace, pearls and ribbon, with a beautiful bridal 'veil to match, and orange blossoms in her hair.- Miss M g ie Ramsey acted s bridesmaid} while r. Alex. McDougall assisted the groom thr ugh the trying orde 1. Rev. Ilr.1 Melt of Cranbrook, perf rmed the ceremony i his usual affable ina ner, The congratulations over, one hundre and twenty invited g este from-Cranbrook, Walton, Kippen, Kin urn,, bashwood. . Poix7na.-bire. G. Macliger, sr., is ver ill . at t e bottle of her aSsn Mr. Godfre Madiger. - Mrs, Elio Bree er is , also on th sic listd-We welcome ou retired ferme Jo n Voniker, to our villa e. We hope b ma ape d a long and , appy life in ou painful a cident while pick•ng apples. Th - midst.- r. Louis Kraft, inc., met with ladder el pped, throwing h m to the groun _ and brea ing the cap of his ,knee. • Morns, - NOTES.-Sames Clark is laid up With very sor finger at present, and is under th doctor's are. -Mr. M. Young, of the 6t line, in quite poorly now. ---Turnip hervets is in full Swing now. -The roads were neve better foe this season of the year.--Beve tenders were put in for a new churoh a Belgrave. Tenders were opened on Meade evening. Two from Wingbam, one fro Goderich, one from Brussels; and thre 'from Belgrave. The Brussels firm got th contract. NoTES.-Low E. Eckthmeiel; has phichesed valuable farm in Morris townehip, nes Jamestown. The price paid was $5,2501. Quintin tdcBlain and family intend lea,vin on Mon ay to take charge of a farm nee Brantfo d. They expect to driveet-Rev Mr. Ye land has not yet recovered from Ch (widen he met with at Cranbrook a fe weeks go. -Dr. May, superintendent o public ibraries for Ontario, paid our tib . . . rare, an official vilest on Tuesday of hie week. Ille seemed well pleased with Ilii visit.- szir11.1_ju failing. • J. Chaffe tailor, is crowded vegth t npw. He is giving great Retinae.* les E. Inilay's health ia gradualli • Chiselhurst. A Go D Pio.-Mr. Duncan McDonelde of near ere hae.purchased the there gh-; bred Be ksh'ire pig which has been 'se by, Mr. Ja es Dorrance, ol: McKillop, as hire stook ig. He was bred by Mr. S ell of! Edition on, and was from the famou B shire, " Theron Lee," imported by M . elli from $ dela: Missouri. He is oneoof the best sto k pigs ever owned in Huron, nd Mr. M Donald's enterprise in- securin so gond an animal should be duly appreci ted by 1 hie eighbors. Blyth. s, --Farmers are busy teaming t eir Or Shiptrient.--14r. George King, linton hist week, -Mr. Jonathan proprietoteof the Commercial hotel, d his hotel to Mr. James, of Brue- r. James comes hi hly recom- BRIE apples was in Ernigh, halt ren eel* mended as a genied and hospite le landlord. He takes possession the middle Of this metal, It is Mr. Emigh's intention to still relicts in toWn.-Miss Amelia Anderson wee in Toronto this week. -Mr. George Polwell is busy' getting the apples he has pu cluused ove niefersary,servi °dist church o the co ntry, paoked.-An- s will be held in the Meth- Nove ber 13th, when Rev. Jatnes Allen, of To onto, will preach at both eervices. A platform meeting will also be held, when addressee will be given by Rev. James Allen,of Toronto ; Rev. Jas - pe Wilson, Goderich, and others • Contri• bu ions will be taken up in aid of the church fu de. I • Brucefteld. R. B. H1GMNS, brue.efield, Notary Pcblic Cotaveyancer, Fire add Life Insurance agent. Any am.ount of money to loan at 6 per cent, din first-claes farm -security. Also a fitted amount of private -funds at 5 per cont. At ome every morning and Wkinesday of oaoh week. Several good forme far salr. 157 GeTnenretta-Mr. Shedden, of Toronto, was here last week, urchasing heroes ler the Grand Trunk Rai way. -Mr. John Ha t h 's erected a very peat stable at the rear f hi blackemith shop. Mr. Josiah Wats n is ow running his ch pper two dare eve y w ek, Tuesdays and Fridays. -Miss El a R se, of Clinton, is at present visiting h r si ter, Alm ‘Vm. Berry, and other friends in ;this vjcinity.-Master David Ross, tpf T ronto, who is at present taking orders for he man with the book," iie Stratford ald paid a vieit, tO Bruedeld fr ends on Saturday, -remaining °tear Sab- b th. Evidently David i a boy who W n t shrink from a bit of ard work, ashe w lked the whole distanc from Stratford, le ving there Saturday at noon, and anis,- in at Brucefield the sam evening about- 8 o' :lock. He also intended returning on Not. e cannot but commend he grit and pluck of a lad not yet 16 years Id, who wpuld On- dertake to walk a dista ce ovei thirty in les in an afternoon. -T e farmer are all blielly engaged in getting in the r ot clop, It is somewhat unustial te ee potato dna gi g in November. ! Ai • Brussels , 1 number of firet-dass farms for sale in M Ws and Grey, on cagy terms Also any amount of oney to loan on farm security at 6 per Omit, with te e of repayment to eult the horrower. Apply to F. , Scori, Brussels. ' i MEN& -The nest ente teinment,151ifer tb auspices of the citize s course, is fixed fo November 170, and is to be an illustrat- ed lecture by Frank yeig , Of Toronto, en - ti ed "Britain'e Girdle of the World." ; It is igbly epoken of by the nress.-The town- sh p of Grey are issuing $13,600 in deben- tu es at 4 per cent., covering 20 years, to be expended on deepening what is known as th Beauchamp creek, in tbe south of the to nship, and which was commenced ome rfi ago but which hae been in th law co rts ever aince. --The board of healt 'held th ir regular meeting on Monday nigh and re eived the annnal repcirt of the anitary inepector. Brum% ainbeen verY, healthy for tbe past year, the only contagi us dis- ea es being two of ty hoid fever,lb th hav- in recovered. -A eputation fr m the M °bevies' Inetitnte oard is to w t on the - co nail to see if they !will not take vets the lib ary and make it a ;free library, s is how Era. vided by statute. How would it clis to e it placed in one of the vacant Teems in th echool. ye • Zurich. imam{ for the Great Reducing Stock sce . In order to reduce our great stock of Hard- ware, Stoves and Tinwar^, svC ave de -tided to hold a speCial clearing sale for 30 dayg. Cook Btoves, new. fro $8 up, Great bargain n heaters, both anal en wood. Good Lantern, 3 cents each ; Rouod An y Wain Washers, 83 25 amps fowl 16 cents u 3 Tin Palle for 30 cente P ow Pointe-, 20 cents. A ve are a few of the ma y bargaine we have to off ,r. Coale along and see f r_ yourself anid )1,6cru12!w2111 be ;convinced that Hartieili'lcTig Hardware Is tbe chebpest Spot on earth. Te n .cash. 0, 'Hams's, MEM -We have t is week to ehroniele death of one of the oldest and most sp cted residents of ay townehip. in the pe son of Mr. W. True ner, pf the 1.4th ()On- ce ion. The decease , who was 84 yearn of ge, had been a resi ent of the townphip for 40 years. Old a e Was the cause of de th. leaves th ets 'sons and three da ghters to mourn b e los* The funeral k place on Sunday o ing last, and was lar else attander1.-On Sunday afternoon les Mr, Louis Kalbfiei h buried hie infant eh Id -Mr. John True ner,of near'Kilman- am la, Michigan, and his brother-in-law, M . Joseph Karcher, ere here attanding• th funeral of Mr. Trueenner's father., -Mr. t'l 'George Willi' 0 has been her_ on in the east fo Thatcher t, jri, Kochte farm,i ad sport* have, bee and black egai Washingeont is and friends.4-M his daughter lei tour to Marl•ett a pleasant time. NOVEMBER 4,1.898. ne r Sebewain,' Michigan, a Visit. He is now Welting a few days. -Mr. 'John tut purchased Mr, George Wing his own place.e-Our bagging lois of rabbets relselately.-Mrs. Fee, of here visiting her relativee . William McClinchey and last week on a driving , Michigan. We wish •them Nan:se-Mr. t. Ratz, Mr. John LiPpert, tephen. sr., and Mr. Jo A Ratz started on Menday they will spend EL while stalking deer.; We for South River Nipissing district, where hope they have pleasant holiday and return with plenty of ison.--The finenew dwell- ; ing houses man f the farmers have erected this year show e increased prosperitY they are enjoying und r the present Governenent. ---The handeome teivo.story brick cottages of Mr. Wm. Bourke and Mr. M. O'Rourke are al ost completed', bile Mr. Witzel and Mr. Peter 3,1eKenzie 1 ve extended their houses and veneered the with bricke-Those who &deluded -the Ma cebee coneert in Dashwood la t Wednesday evening report having a g od time, A good crowd came out despite the unfavorable i weather. -Mr. Donald Stuart, of the 12th concession, sold his farm of 100 acres for $4,000 to Mr. Silere near D hwood.-Mis Nora Conine, - of Detroit, he enjoying a holiday at home. -Mr. !John B rry,lof Mount Carmel, has purchased 50 acres near his fat*. . , • GATIIER*INORP.frmtrsA. Rlbieehrtar. dson an& Mrs. Shaw, of Toronto, , are visitiog at the resi- dence of James Hayden. -Mrs. J. A. King lettVes for Winghern this week. -Mrs. iJofm &pale is very loW at preeent, and but dight hopes of her recovery are entertained. -- Miss Tens H. Hawkins has been engaged to teach in our schoollfor the coming year.- mr. C. Ifawkinn, f Windsor, visited his kinsfolk, in Port A bert, on Monday.--t•Miss Bella Hart, of Arthur, is the guest of, Miss Mary Cunningba ,-Miss Jennie MeKen- r zie, of Goderich, i visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Wm. MeMi lan's.--Mr. Walter Haw- kins has been re engaged in his peesent school for 1899, et Miss Tena Good, f Gore Bay, is visiting an increased salary. - friends here. Wroxeter. NOTES.-Mr8 G rge Dane, of Hamilton, is Visiting fri nd here at present. --The printintapress Whi watt employed iti pub- lielfng a newsp pe here some time ago, was shipped to o en on Monday lest. - Mr. John Ainsl y, county bridge inspector, ci was in town 1 st week, and gate inetrue- tion to our vill g constable to proeecute all arties drivin ver the Wroxeter bridge faster than a wai . Mr. Robert Black and wife were in . I_ ra last week viSiting Menthe -A numbe of the ladies of the Wo en's Foreign Missionary Society. here attended the annual thank -offering meeting at Gerrie on Thilieeday.-Mrs. Thomai Tip - ling, of Godericht was the "guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. T. F. Miller, for a few daYs last week.-Belzao, the wonder worker. gave an exhibition df his art in the town hall on Thursday night of last week.-Firmers from near ' and far are getting their apple butter, • syeop, eta., manufactured here. -- Mr. M Snell, jr., of Prince Albert, is down bete t present visiting friends. •-4.- The Wroxe r louden have organized for the season. -T e recent heavy rains have lad a salutar e not on the mill dam, much to the relief octthe flour and oatmeal mills. - Mr. John often, though in his 82nd year, W49 uneblelto Withstand the temptations of the chase again this season and is -off to Muskoka io untin apparel. John ' Ball, John dfavis , Wi ham Harris and Wm. Yeo ccorapanied , him. -C. W. Andrews was in Toront4 last week on very important hotline 8. -Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Teesw, ater, preach d in the Peesleyterian church here lard Sabbath, and the Rev. R, S. 0, Ander- son, of this place; was preaching to the Women's Foreign Miesionary Society of Teesw ter -William Sanderson shipped a ait car lo a o calVes to Buffalo last week. - Those vh attended the Bible Society meet- ing, in th basement ot the PresbYtibrian church o M nday night Jut, were triated to a st rri g a chess by the agent cif i the societ , t e R v. Mr. Magwood, of Arthur. -Mrs W Ilia Wilson is visiting frith& in 1 Toren ce • , uckersmith. NoT s. M . James Dallas, who went to ; Visit f ien s in tbe vicinity of Guelph, in I the ho e f benefitting her health, huntaken much wo se, and Mr. Dillies waS tele - 'graphed or on Monday. -Mr. Joho Mc - I Nitughton had a ploughing bee on his farm, , on the 3rd concessien, on Saturday, w en a i Inumber of nei hbors turned out and d d all ' Mr. Mc a,ug ton'e fall ploughing. • hey ploughed bo t t iirty acres. Those present weret erv d meals at ltelesers. Berry's, Chap- ' man's and Chesne 'a, and all speak in the highest. *MC of the treatment they re- ceived at 'these laces. Mr, MeNaughton has h d his farm ented for some yeari4 but inten s returning to live on it in the spring, This kind treatment on the part of WS old neighbors shows tbat they are eileased to have him back in their midst again. Wen -In -so BEnes,-A happy and pretty wedding Mink place at the residenee of: Mi. Williem Murray, Algoma, when his daugh- ter, Mies Aggie. wets united in marriage to to Atli, Heery Tyndal, of Tuekersmith, The bri de was prettily end becomingly attired. After a brief and teasant stay at the home of th bride, the ppyl couple departed on a lai down the 1 k s. !After an enjoyable vieit mong friend hey arrived at the home of th groom, wher a hearty reception was given them by Mr. nd Mrs. Tyndal anti a num er of invited friends. The beautiful array of valuable presente showed the esteem and regard in which the bride and ! groom are held. We extend our hearty con- gratuletiohe and hest wishes to Mra. and Mrs. Tyndal, an welcome them to our _ midst.. Cousicar.--A m ,eting of the councii WW1 held at Kyle's hot I, ou Tuesiayi, NovdMber 1st. 11 he me bets were present. ' Mr. Wilha ynes wa appointed pouridlOteper for {Harp they and vicinity. The annual meeting of the el (Acne, for the nominetion 1,4 of cendid tes for t e council of 1899, WM be held at D xon's ha 1, Brucefield, on Dacern- ber 26th, t one o' lock, and if a poll he de- manded polls will e opened the follitwing Mondanle at the sual places,: with .Theeph Weber, James Br adfoot, A, G. Smillite and W. Si elate as d puty returning officers. The B i acifoot creek drainage debentlurea, amount ng to $2.384.21, have been sold to the " Oreille Court of Judicature of On- tario " t n per cent. interest. Gravel and other ceohnts were passed amountik to over $4 . he next meeting will bed held at Brucefiel , on Friday. November 2,3h, at 10 o'clock a. in, A.. G. Smillie, clerk... • -Mr.zDu . teacher in Wallace sehool, itnertemn,dasiii.doin •iiis i the Normal schootnext k i itths, of Listowel, bas been engage ite ea her in his st,ead. f, -Meier* Elgin a d Steve Hays, of i Wal- lace, who ar at present in Manitebae have purchased 1 d, iaiad are intending to tnalte their hoine t er , , -Spegial va gelioal meetings are 'being held in the Mite ell Methodist church, Miss Morton, of Toronto, ie assisting the *tor, Rev. Mr. Helmets. tendin the marriage o Mrs. Millis' brother, York, aye t een visitinf! in Mitchell and at - 1 -D . and Mrs. Bullion of Rochester, New 14-1.. Mj.r.Maiirce°r11. Jone4, of Mitchell, who went to Manitoba e 31306 time ago lute re- turned, not et ill pleacted with diat Pro- ' The Busy Store It will not be many weeka befeire the clay winds will blow, and the snow begiate make its appearance, and all nature wat look and feel decidedly winter , Lighter clothing will have to be replaew, by the heavier kinds, and more 00The fortable things will be needed, such*, 'Furs, Jackets, Wraps, Underwear, Blankets and Comforters. To meet *, . demand there will be for thole gook we have put in a large stock, which hitt been carefully selected as to quail% and bought at as low a figure as eselie eould proeure it. Come and see our Fur I Muffs, Caps, Mitts and Storm Collars. Ladies' Fur Capes 27 to 30 inches long, assorted furs -$8), $10, $12, $15, 518; 520, S25 and up, wards. Ladies' Fur Caperines, New styles, assorted fors -56, 57,54, $10, 512, $15 and upwards. Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Latest sty1ee-$3.50, $5, 86.50, 58 MI6 510. Ladiee Fur JackOts, Short or long -525, 527.50, $30, $40 and upwards. 1 Extra value in shawls, Jacket Clotbs, Cloth I Jackets, Capes, Hoods, Caps, &c. HEAVY CLOTH CAPE8-$3.50, $5, $6.5 and $8 each. LADIES', CLOTS JACKETS, assorted- matetials--$3.50, $4.50, $5, $6,50, $8, $10 and upwards. HEAVY WOOL WRAPS, assorted pat- terns -V..50, 52, 53, $4 and $5 each. Large assortment of Flan- nelettes for Linings, Un- derwear, Wrappers, &c. FLANNELETTE FOR LINING -3 centee per yard. VERY WIDE FLANNELETTE -5 cents - per yard. CANADIAN HEAVY FLANNELETTE- tio and 8c per yard. ENGLISH FLANNELETTE, ex re, heety- 100 and 3..*c per yard. FANCY WRAPPERETTES-8c, i0c ande 120 -nice patterns. HEAVY GREY FLAN,NEL-15 cents * yard. HEAVY GREY FLANNZL, all wool 20 cents per yard. EXTRA FINE GREY FLANNELS, light - or dark, 2,5e per yard. We have a good stock of Blankets, Comforters and Quilts at the closest prices. , Bought several months ago, but only lately arrived. A great line of BOYS' AND GIRLS' WORS'TIM RIBBED STOCK- ING -8, alto a case of EXTRA GOOD - UNDERWEAR. You will .find in our assortment a big col- lection of many good things. What we show and sell has our endorsement. ! You ean eafely depend upon both quid- ity and value, We are just as particu- lar in making ouri4eolections as it is pos.' sible to be, for we know that anything that is not good is detrimental to our' businese. Come and see our stock for the cold weather, and ask us all the questions you like about the goods and priees. . . . The . . eFAU Dr'y Goods Co. C:411 -es Greatest Cas Dry Goods Store. vinee,where he says things ere in bad ship& In some places wheat is still standing in the stooks, covered with snow, -Mr. Duncan Stewart, of Stratford, the - genial agent of the Ontario Mateal Life Itt- surance Company, hu returned from a VW. months' visit to Manitxoba. --Mr. and Mrs. M. Dent, of the Men- chante' Bank, Renfrew, were visiting fa: Mitehell lesit week, at the homes of Mri, and Mrs. .A. Dent and Mr. and Mrs, W,W. Hicks. -Rey. E. N. Baker, of Chatham, has ae. eepted the invitation to the pastorate of the - Central Methodist church, Stratford, sale- ject to the consent of the stationing oonee mittela the there he t, inat d Tlie.ri,we t kini mat An o lov4 the the . the WF l'e°11:131‘1: Ti ined an< We hal ' Cotton Fl de Our pvni Our Owl th Our Own Our -0 Heavy D The Scot We alc 1)0 ou Las thin On tirn Auieric applies remitti APP