HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-28, Page 31898 ce. 000000 euntod es d pwards. District. Manager. i retty inter rfect 1 shoe. F , you, fact; rRub- poun- 1 te in, lity 4, heel. your oti for Summer - :he first cold Line of Fall w hil e better ' than :n these we PRIQE.- ar ted r yard l_six .tich- chez.. own, mix - 73 ,cket, good N. scpnient Th . don't re have it, which we goods. ranges 111 stoves, 0, FORTF-1. OCTOBER 284 1898. ereaselealea HURON E.X.POSItOit. • IMPORTANT NOTICES. Thp RVPATE FUNDS TO LOAN et 5 per oent,,pay onfiret-olaes frri HeourIty Apply rt 3- nAX-114, m 1 n.10ntp_ ea 414Bi 1685 T ;)toKENNA, Dominion and Provincial Land d. surveyor, Member of theAssociation of Ontario [meatier/Gym% Dublin, Outarle. 1886-62 MONEY AT 5 PER CENT.—A large amount of money hes been placed in my hands to lend to farmers, in sums and on tortes tomtit the borrower. Apply to J. M. Base, Barrister, Seatorth. 157841 TOLIN BNArrIE, Clerk ef the Second DIV1Mon County Commiseloner, of Huron, Con- eyericer, land, Loau and Insorance Agent, f_ntids la,seeed and to Loan. Office—Over Sherp & Keel' store, Main street, Sestorth, • 11289 frORN FOR SALE —Best Ameriean Yellow Corn u always on haud, for mile or exchange any kind et grain •' 112 lb& corn fer 100 lba of barley; ICS lb% corn for 100 lbs. oats; feed wheat at 300 a bushel. Warehoute, opposite railway etation, Clinton. W. 0. PERRIN. 1610.4 •-iDSTRAV LAMB.—Came into the promisee of the undersigned, Let 16, ConeeeMon 7, Hibbert, about the middle of Alive, a evie lantb, on which there le a privet° Mark. The owner c n 'have the mane On proving property and paying charges. ROBERT BARBOUR, 1608x4 TN THE SI* RROGATE CO UR T. OF THE COUNTY' 1 OF HISRON.-e-L. the estate of John Walker, de. I ceased. Ali person having claims againet the epsteite !of the said deceased, are required on or before the Zia day of November, 1898, to file the same wlth the nndersigned, duly verified. Atter wh ch tho1 said Executor will dieteibute the proceeds o the eatatel among the puttee, entitled therete, h ing reigart only to the claims et which notice have been peen,. JAMES WALKER, Executor, Brue field P. 0. Dated, October 1st 1898. B. R. HIOGINS,ICon- veyancer, Etc., Bruoefield. 1U08 TN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON.—In the Estate of John Cowan, de- ceased. All persons having claims against the datate of the said deceased, are required on or befo e the Stet day of October, 1898, to file the same with the undersigned, duly verified, after which ,the ll said Executorewill distribute the proceeds of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice ehalli have ,been given. JOHN FRASER, MURDOCH ROSS, Execut- ors, Hayfield P. 0. Dated, October let, I898, B. 0 HIGGINS, Conveyancer, &c., Brucefteld. 40S STOCK FOR SALE. "'DIGS FOR SALE. --A number of eheice young I Pigs for sale, Apply to J R. DICKSON. Rox- boro. 181.0x2 MIOR SALE.—The undersizned hasfor sale 6 Short- horn bulls, fit for service ; _a number of Short- horn cows and heifers ; a few Leicester theerlings and ram lambs; and 2 gocd sound young working mares. Prices and term+ to mist purohrteers. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. , 1607 — BERKSHIRE SOWS FOB, SALE.—For sale, a num- ber of firstadase-Berkehire Sowa, from five to eight months old. A pplp to the undersigned, North- ern Gravel Road, McKillop. JAMES DORRANCe, eaforth P. O. 16094 EBESHIRES FOR SALE. --The undersigned he J11110 . for tale on Lot 10, Conceeeion 7, Stanley, th ollovring throughbred Berkshiree : One yearling boar, 2 boars six months old, 3 sows six mouths old. This is all firet-class atoelc. Price 915 each. WM. MeALLISTER, Varna P. 0. 1609-tf STOCK FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR sEltviOE.—The undersigeed will keep tor service on Lot 25, Concession 4, Htanley, a thoroughbred Cheitqwhits boar. Terms— IT, payable at the time of service, lth the privilege of returning if neeeseary. JOHN V. DIEHL 1.591-tf "DULL FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will keep for eery* alt his premises at Roxboro, a thoroughbred Dttrham bull. Terms, 91.; if paid before Jauuary, 1899, or 91.25 afterwards. JOHN SCOTT. 3671-tf lalte OAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will eUtt keee *or ser,flee on Lot 8.1-, Concesaion 4, Tuck- ersmith, r thoroughbred Chester White Boar, purohrieed from L' i George & Sons, Crompton, Middlesex aounty. Teems -81, payable at time of sersice, with priallege of returning if necessary. JOHN W. ROUTLEDGE. 164041 TO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep on Lot 20, Concession 5. L. R. S., Tecketairdth, a thoroughbred CIIESTER Willem PIG, also a thorouiln bred YORKSIIIRS Pio. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, 91, payable at the tirne cf ifervice, or $IM if charged. An,o a few Chester White Pigs kr sale. -JAMES GESIMILL, 1608-52 TLE ER LIS ICK DCHE • Positive y cured by these ttle Distress from Dyspepsia, Too Hearty Eating. A per- Dizzine+, N4isea, Draws!. the Mcuth, qoated Tongue TORPI LWIR. They els. P y Ye etable. &flail D01504 !Ma " They also re Indigestion and, fed remedy, to ness, lad Taste Pain in the Sid Regulate the B Small 1,19 9 Substitut the fra • See you Aski for InsiSt an *Carter's ricIAMWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- I VICE.—The under,dgned will keep for service, at the Brucefield Jheene Factory, a thoroughbred ' Tamworth Boar, with regieterect pedigree. Terms, ei; payable at term of service with privilege of re turning if necessary. Ale° &number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Semi; and Sovls for sale HUGH MoCARTNEY, Brucefield. 140541 -TIAMWORTII PIG FOR SERVICE,—The under. _se signed has for serviob on lot 82, concession 8 McKillep, a thcro'brect Tel:law/0We pig, to which limited number of sows will be taken. Thi. le a extea good pig and breeders find it advantagoDue to °roe their berkehire sows with this breed of pig. Terms 91, with privilege of returning if neceseary. JOHN MeMILLAN 1605xtf f 10101.1Gti FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE,— The • uudereigned, breeder of Large English Berk- ehlree,hiee for gale boars and sows in farrow. Ho will 6.40 keep for eervice the stock boar, "King- Lee," drehaeod from Mr. George Green, of Fairview, and whiner at Montreal, Toronto aud Ottawa. Term —91 payable &lithe time erasers/lee with the privilege hemming- if necessary, if booked 91.50. JAMES sORRANCE, Lob 28, Coneeasion. 5, MoKillop, Sea- orth P. 0. 1486-52 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. This ROPERTV IN LIARLOCK. FOR SALE. --For eale I cheap the site at liarlccic on tvhiola the black- timith snop and Aare wore located. It is situated on Lot 6, Concession 12, Hullott ; is immediately one - site the School House, in the centre of a rich farming country, and is admirably adapted for busineea pur- poses. There is one querter acre, pl silted with choice fruit trees, also a large stable and driving house and good well. This property will be sold cheap. Apply to SAMUEL RE1D, Brucefield P. 0., or JAMES WATSON, Seaforth. 100741 $10 /In Will purchase a floe farm of 65 acres . ,.(11/k) in Godmich towrship. There is a good brick house and frame bdrn and splendid orchard. It is close to the village of Hayfield and convenient to Clinton. Terms ease,. Alen money to loan at lowest rates. Apply to WILLIAM SCOTT, Brucefleld. • 1607-8 all IP on a of t e clay. et C rt rs, arter', I demand ittle Li-ve Pills, I dir We hav and Heath steel oven ket, Gar edged to beat bake We hav Cow Chai tare in th FARM FOR SALE)L-For eale, Lot 5, Concession 6, Hullett, near village of Kieburn,econtainhig about 100 aches, ell cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are good builinge, good orohaed i and plenty of excellent water. This s a splendlid 1 arm and will be seld cheap. Immediate posseasictn. Apply to NIES. SGHOALES, Constance P. 0. 160 -r - TEACHERS W ANTED. — -7-- - TEACIIER WANTED ler ScLool Seetien No. StephenDuties to commence,. Jant, r ry 2, 1588- Apply to CASPAWAPER, , eeretse . R L Grand Bend,P. 0., Ontario. , • 1610x TEAGHER WANTED.—Wanted for School See - tion No. 6, McKillop, male or female, second or third class eertificate ; second pri farred. Dutiee to commeece in January. leita. Applications receised up to November 16th, 1139S. Addreas WM. GEORGE small, Secretary -Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0., Onti • 1606x4 • Notice to Creditors. a fi s. , are ey's •e th in t a f s an mar Give us a right. Furnaces a s Counter's NTiZIOL are itore, at -class line of Cook Stoves fitted with in the mar - is aeknowi- ge auk the Ioffa.tt's -Stoves second tb, none Imperial Range handsomest re, market. 11 line of Gre ning's Steel Cattle Irons, he be t fix - et. all, you will fi d our prices ecialty. & 1M LI r le RDWARE; Id • Stand, Sea orth. The creditors of George Watt, the youngen.latel of the townehip of Hullett in the county of Huron, fanner, deceastd, who died on the 161h day of Feb- ruary, 189e, are required on or before the let day of November, 1805, to send to tbe underaIgned Solielltor for the Executors of the will of the said George Watt. the younger. fultparticulara of their claims and of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. After the said date the Executore will proceed to dietributti the estate of the deceidied among the parties eatitled thereto, having refereace only to the claims of which they shall have receStred notice, and after such distribution the Exeoutors will not be accountable for any part of the estate to aey person of whose claim thc3r bhEill not have re- ceived notice. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. F. HOLaIESTED, Sestorth P. O., Solicitor for the Executors Seaforth, October rd,189. 1608 4 t_ 1 fore. After' Wood's Phospindine,), The Great English Remedyi [ Sold and recommended by;s11 druggists in Canada. Only reA- able medicine discovere(l. 8 kages guaranteed to cure 1 forms!) Sexua Weakness, all effects of Alm or excess, Mental Worry, Exceesive use of T ham), Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reed t of price, one package_ $1, six, O. One will unt4 cure. -Pamphlets free to any addres Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Sold in Seaforth by:Lumsden & Wilson, draggles Encou T aging Results Pro!er Feeding There is a w de diversity of pi- nion about w at constitute a a good cow 3ut none about he beneficial effects resulting from the use of Dick's Blood Purifier as atonic, appet- i Ler, blocrllpuri- fier and tid to thorough diges- tion for cows, sh cep and horses - when they are put on d dcr in the of the st nutrimen fod- Vali. I mach from 1.•,4 , staNes, Agents, t assists the organs to extract all. the the food and puts them in good strong heal- thy condi tion. • for the spring time. 5 1 CO.. • • 'DICK treat. Proprietors. 25 Ants and 50 cents a pac age. '• ateferser • steterereeeleveaeaeevase • 1,7,)7 to 110 (;*.,1 _ _ Waapli, -,..hotirs;any in leasure ' one con d the work. We want' reliable 4. fanallies i I every locality to help us manufe.cte r ) ChildrenIo nes, Gaunt- lets a,nd 13 c de Le ginge f r the trade, 4, by a now 00098 o canv sing or ex- • perienco o ineed. Steady Iwork, good e.S., pay, whol ir snare time. Write to•day. 11.thire-N, 1,E GQ-OPETI,ATIVE KNITTING Co., 16 Lel dor Lane, Torooto. 8111114 TEMPtEP,S. His Elinestbly Vfifeetc, .41, Uncle Jim," said the lawyer, "the doctor says there's no hopo for you." "Yes, Stun citor tells me1 gwino ter cross ever." i • "Have you Made your will?" "Yea, soh, I done will ter go." "I mean," said the Ilawyer In an ex- planatory way, "have 1 you anything to leave?" ! ! - "Oh, yes, suh"" explained the old man joyfully. "A wife and de rhettraatisin!"-t Atlanta constitotion. • l ° Yale Than'. Little Joe. Professor Vivo Peolcused to tell a story of how a Yale!Man saved his 1le, He was about to be hUrig in Teas for orse steal-- ineand said: ' "Hold on, g ritlemen I Do yon know:who you are han ing? I am a graduate of Yale college, tnI here is my diploma)" It being printed on vellum in Latin, no one could reedit, and, thinking he must be an importantpersonage, they let hien go free. --Green Bag. ' The I intent Prontl China. 1 ' I' Ching-a-ling-a-ching-chingl Mighty lotta fun; Catehee littee Kang-Sen4 : Got:tee on the lun! Longee coma maMma; • SaVee muehee how; , Quiclkee catehee pigtail; M kee mighty low. •. Ola matinee Li Hung, , Wearee yelly coat Plenty lenge° fleather-4 Lookee like, a goat. 1 1 ,Chi g-•a-ling-a-ching-ching! Gettee. lotta fun; „SlaYbe'littee Kwang-Su M kee mamma lun! • —Olevelar Plain Dealer, Slender Support. "I'M willing to stand on my merits," exclaiMed Willie Wishington, Allis Cayenne looked at him thought- fully and then exclaimed: "Mr. Wishing- , ton, have You eviets had any experience as a tight rope walker?"-:-Wnahington Star. Some In H Is a hands° the horse ; Harness,t Passed. 'T Horse Bla Rugs, Goat have also a Valises. P ness horse, We cannot sell you t we've a splendid stock at Id quality of which is unsut- e largest and ,best stock of kets, Pluah arid Waterproa Robes and Whips in town. W ded a nice line of Trunks an ices the lowest. RODERICK, EAFORTH. W. N. Wats° Fire and Li Rent, Re RAYMON factoring Sewing moderat Agent for WHITE First -CI PRI EAFORTH, e Insurance Agent, Houses 1 Estate Agent, Dealer in and WHITE farnily and ma Sewing Machines. All kin Machines 'repaired. Char HD GODERICH RICYCL ss Wheels in Every Respec IG -II MO. • 1PIN .Iohnny—L tiouldn't rii His Siete Well, W in. the Pape he said Lwi to he 11 of es Ss 0 'It's alw But, n ,Improv • As if ' JIt's al But n truetion of Youth. The verbiage was so 'bad I e iny,veheel. —What are you talking about? en Isavv the word 'verbiage' 'ciap'f5agkod Pa what it meant . - —Cincinnati Enq irer. oleo, of Two Evils. ys very wrong to fight, ne the 10:5,9, my son, your muscles—don't rel 11 strife were done. • ys very wrong to figh ver close your ears When -Uncle Sam suggests that he. May reed new volunteers. It's ale, ays very wrong to fightj The is eying's old and terse, , But to unkn battle and get whitened— That' infinitely worse. ashington Star. Wens. a voice of thun- ou'll drive me to ith a curl" of her e driver .0111 do NO Iler En "Woman!" he cried i der. "Don't you know my grave?" . "No!" She retorted, ruby lip: "The hoar that!"—Up to Date. • ' As tlJe lioneymoo Dwind She—I-really ought to have a not Be—How would it di to stioki feathers in the top crust of one d pies You I baked last w ok? Yo have soinething that w uld last Cincinnati Engnirer. The flimsiest Het No Ianrel wreath ent My very- name poste • Shall never know, a •The .slightest shade A herb .br'ave, trium JI've this day proved jNot 117 the battle's c INet in the sight of is• hat. a fere those would hen.— ht of Val r. ine for 0; il* d yet, wit out of a cloub , hant, free yself to lilei _ imson fraY, en, I -say; ' Vhat Which I did was braver ler 'Irli,an nny fearful fe r of war, j Than any deed whicl 'song or book Perpetuates -4 fired he, cook! J - I — ew York Ihruth. J . • °buggin. i ,•, g'i . , The grand vizier was ambitious.t "I think," said he, " hat my head will be On a Medal some day" I "Ha!" said the call h. , "Goo4 idea! I'll have it struok off at once !"— ndien- apislis Journal. i - ! ITwo Winds of alilusr. • A little boat ,is seen afloat TJ )on the moonlit water, .1,v In hich a youth does sit, for ootb, With his neighbor's daught r; He 1iugs the sbore a rnile or ore, Meng the laughing water, , 'Then lc A the boat serenely Beat Alul hugs his neighbor' e dau hter, —Chicago ewe. • 1 THE T 1A1 TTLER. Mary Leiter urzon is nosv,Baron ens urzon of Ke1ietrn. . . Georgia M rri ins of Bucyrus, 0., if devoting her atte ti 0 to the fuel value 03 foods Ism Flood of an ranoisoo has recent ly iven $2,26O,00 o the University 0i Ca4lfornla in the sha e a real estate. • s Thiainas . ears»f Bennington, Vt., ha received a °heck for $160,000, het share in her gra i dfatherls estate in Eng. land. •1 4 . Mrs, Lynn Li ton had rather curioin Ideas in regard o °yet ng, She described it is "a queer cr ss be ween the treadmill and the tightrop ." Miss Mary Fr note clCay has beeorns P minent in Denver by claiming to ta th best woman fence in the world, and sa ering to prov her t tle anywhere and at any time. Mrs. Wealthy Walker of Monro, Me • Died 88, drove 1 0 m11438 to Poland to dine w th her five els .rs. S e drove' seve mile} farther to see • er br ther, and then re Willed home: • The young Co ntes of Cromartip Is de eland to have r fused more offers of mar- riage than any othe lady In England. She has in her o n ri ht an income from . land of $50,000 year. Mrs. Takahas i, w ose Japanese' hus• band is the p blither of The Shi po, s 11awailan news )aper, has learned e owl Ipnglish in a y ar to °come the buSinest head of the pub icatio . 'pone r Massey, wko 11 IiirMrs. Ellen ominent thr ugh , er anxiety to have the word "wo nan" stricken from the: tame of the Ge • eral adoration of Wolff. n's Clubs is a da ghter of Platt E. ,Spencer, origin tor o the Spenceriain ay& lbern of handwri ing. ! Clogher, Irell nd, • as appointed a wom an rate collect° and nsists on her Levine the place in spi e of he objections f th( Dublin officials She is a Miss Mag 11 and had done the ork if the office 1 r fivt years owing to ihe i loess of her ether; who held the p aee pieviously. Mrs. Ann Fl tcher of Langton, 5 fishy, England, is thd prod fiponsorof 00 ba 13 bies. Childles her elf, she dearl level other women's hild en); and as bab aftef baby appeared in the hamlet it h a beer her delight to 4arry it nee the chur hyard path. In a h inle of only 160 babiet come slowly. i • Mine. Litton Ber et is at the ead Oi , one of the larg st w °telltale feather iousei in Paris. It is sa d that she sho s ans amount Of tact in er , business dealing} and prefers foreign re as customer& It the last 12 years sh ha e increased the an nual returns of herj concern from 600,00t to 2,000,000 francs. • Time to dpen. The resident—Is the list of players thoroughly advertised? The Ilan—It is. The I resident—Then I guess w as well open up the college.—C1 Plain Dealer. ootball might veland , 1 A Paternal Wail. • I'm weak a d worn and weary, I ain fraz- zled. to a thread, I never get a breath. of peace till Dick is safe in bed; . At Morin a • night, I growl and bite; I charge, I pitch and teare I have to b those' tinimals he sawl at the' couinty fair. —Chicago *cord. , CriMROIlb lick, / Yeast,..—W "Beceuse got on a sin Statesman. honld Be Easy: ak—Jeliorobes are not hard to y so? , it is said 260,000,000 can be le postage stamp."— onkere Th Soldier's Return'. They gree ed him- with smiles an Filled hi With beef aml mutt And carri d. away for sonvenirs His last ertalning butters. . nd lanapolis Jo n— WI NI DAVIS. She was bet ve4 by all, not only be cause she was the, daughter of Jefferson Davis, but bconuse of her bearing and ben grateful . appr Oa ion of the affectioe shown her at al ti es,—Macon Telegraph. The tenderco &Grand Army escort fee the remains of i1si3 Winnie Davis and the grateful }weep ande of it I by Mrs. Davis speak volumes. ' SesationalIsm has passed , away and we 4ro one peopile as we nevei were before.— dente Journal. / There is SOIE thi g peculiarly suggestive ' of restored pet ce ind good will between the seotions inf th4 fact that , this gentle child Of t e s utli should haveelosed he eyes in de th indr the skies of Narragan sett P1er.+AI4anta Constitution. As the augbex of Jefferson Davis an as the "DEMO ter ;)f the Confederacy" she . was close to th -hearts of the people of the ' south. A wont n i.if lovely dieposition and noble aspirati ns,, she had hosts of friondi in all parts f the country.—Savannali News. i Personally isS Davis seems by t.1-* tes, timony of fide] ds who knew and loved het to have posse sect a most amiable and in tereeting oiler ot r. Her fine qualities oi head and hen t w ,n the admiration and affebtion of 11 1th whom she came ix contact. —Bol 1111 re News, --, J -EW E , Th6 roarqu so, one of the most beautiful • and effeegve f ring forms, bids fair to re gain seine of tho great popularity it ncji long ago Onjo e • ' . As spectre° is sf fetching cravat pins kg men may he iieitionod a riding crop sup porting bits nd spur, a fox mask of dia monds with 4u14y eyes and a stirrup an leather. .0Pa1s Set b tween disks of crystal anc connected with sections of gold links int( a long (Main r present an artistic anc unique Cone 'pt on. Ciystal, by the way, seems increas 11 ly in es idence. • i The wide ands of d amends or pearl} that are wor tightly o asped around the throat contlit o bne of the most iniportani ornaments 1 r !evening dress and cone° queiitly oocu y !much space in jewelers oases. Very charm! glass, inoludin modes, cream silver gilt to such as the w 1 —Jewelers' r .) rnal. ! No, 1. of CourSe. •!%) hairs of yo r Freddie. out a hair)— Philadelphia Parson— von the head areenumbered, Freddie pulling number is this?-- • American. litt4 What • North; 'TWas,in a dream{ he'll ne'er forget; He made ten thousand dollars let, And he awoke to swear a bit And find he had ten t•housand— it! •—Up to Date. A Good Plan. "I wonder why artists are always so : I careful to sign their pictures?" i "Poseibly eo's the public can tell the top II from he bottom. —Metroperen, ) MARRIAGE 1.1(bEIKISES ISSUED AT THE URN • EXP,OSIT R 1OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ON A Id. NO WITNESSES REQUI ED, 1.4Y JOTTINGS. g toilet appointments ir • boxes for powders; po etc., have the tow populat with some dainty design, rose, enameled in colors TAE4-E DON'TS. e t cigar while eating soup c token if you want chick a rate egg; it comes cheaper. o r elbow on the table. 1.1 re to put it, put it in you] Don't smo • Don 't brde en, but order • Don't put at a loss vvh pocket. . • Don't fasten ..teck. It is 110 lar there. Don't picli the table. Ha back yard. Don't eat at a board' you get the t Don't put there is not ance it on t to you.—Ld our napkin around youi customary to wear a col our teeth or a quarrel at should be picked in the 'our meals with your finger} g house. Try your mouth ste better. vo11r knife in your mouth. II oo n on the table for it, bal s oulder of the person nem do Answers. The lyin the Dreyfus case seem. to have been of the endless chain variety —Washing n Peat.. Ananias was .an able liar for his dayi but be wordta be obliged to exert himseli to hold his otwi in a French army investi gation.—W hington Star. The new rench minister of war wear} a monocle, le chances are that he wii. need a glass fe, his other eye to see mud joy in his joia.-e-New York Feces. • I France is again learning the truth 01 that old; old ying that nothing is evei finally sett% ' n this world until it is set tled right. , To e' lesson comes hard some times, but1 es.—Doston Herald. -Mrs. Hit i over 45 years of the same ago, are vis t Logan. —Two unlit} of Mr. George upper be mtitave their exit o and Mr. Henry Kenek , an, Iowa; who left 'Logetc e, who left Mitchell 24 yea g friends in Mitchell a d n parties entered the hou e ood, Mitchell, through n one night last week. Th e alarmed as they ma e ut disturbing anything. FO n ed A.D. 1728 • • -4 • it • • THE iROMAN OF THE . SEACOAST , .A series of thrinlllwil articles of littlet:.os phases of life aloi g the Atlantic coast. I—The Li it s Along tite .Sio et will describe the wob- drous hanges in, 'ght- ing, and of the p -Hetet systen •by whie. ojrr Government tale •s charge of the tborsftIid and More lighthrus s of the nation. e BeniaMin Franklin , ..e• Ay '‘'')- :mei . Chip T nfge Studies of .Contemporaries . , Is the title of a weekly page that displays at •a glance the panoramq of people. prominently before the publif—portrait, and paragraphs that tell the week's history among the, notables. e • POPULAR !BIOGRAPHIES The Post will give, M the course of the y„enr, thousands of brief bi ()graph i ee, and sketches of its wrtters and authors, illustrated i Wherever possible with photographic portraits. 1 II—Whei,r the FiSher Fleet -Goes Out to Sea. of a class seldom, he rd .Nova,Scotia. ft their liardships and stifferitlg8. " Iffe-Saperi .Along the brave men who dare death a e w day li forms With th yes of thos shoWing ti The thrilling dangers shermen in their daily lives, • • • Oft.St will tell - of the -every- -darkness in .their angriest orkingS of a system that saveathousands of lives yearly. IV—The MWo Wreck Ships. It P ers no longer exis ; thiarticle Will tell of wen who larcoe to r ck , by means of false signal their treasures. i V—Perilsof the SinUgglet's L(fe. The stems offtials-a businef- o be, -. s in this series will be the niost striking that have ever osi, •• - e l'e . • - • 1 • • . , .. . • ••• . . , " •1 , ' • ' • ' to circumvefit the C than it is, shiSpos0 The illustratioi appeared in the 3outer-1y supposed that wreck- -Organized bands of . wreckers rich vessels for the sake of . •. • 1 ilisks that are taken nightly s; that is much larger to-daY • • • • . . . . 1111: T: BI 1MILr •OW 1Tp •EPT (it • HE REGUL.A THE BEST POEMS IN THE WORLD The poems in this se- ries will be admirably illustrated, and, wher- ever possible, there will . be given a sketch of the life of tbe poet, with •a portrait, and the story of how each poem came to be written. • The poeM-s will be selected, not from the standpoint of theeu tra-I tera ry man or woman, but for their appeal to lovere of sentiment. Will be pOeniS of the emo- t tions—those that ap- peal to the heart; poems that tell a story—those that ere filled with hu- man interest. Thefbe- long to what may he called the " pocketbook school of poetry"— those poems that one cuts from a newspaper and carries in the pocketbook till they are worn through at the creases. •. •. RDAY VENING ,POST WILL D TO ANY ADDRESS FROM JANyARY 1, IS ON RE - ONLY TEN CENTS SUBSCIkIPTION PRICE IS $2.50 PER YEAR • THE 'CURTIS PUT'ILISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA P w ct• 0 t$ hm--1 1-41 CD rn CD -*I 0 I:5 CD It 4,.., OCD 4,1 t—h o r-5 0 17:$ p., o 1-1 g CD CM 0 Sn CD CD • c. CD 0 1-1.3 0. 5 0 0 cit, 0 0 <i CD CDrn Ca P CD 14) 0. CD cfc% CD 1-1- ra /1:$ OUR .••• Your Furniture wants can be best • supplied_ by as. We have the stock that will please you Eu:&1 at attraotive prices. We have the finest line in botth ASSORTMENT AND QUALITY. The season for the looking about for Furniture is at hand. Having no freight charges, and the low prices we Oe selling means a big saving. Ilreir WE DELIVER FURNITURE FREE. Our Undertaking • Department is complete and strictly up-to-date, with a larger selection than ever before,, and prices to suit every one's need& We have a quantity of suitable chairs to be used at funerals, which we will lend free of charge, and any orders that we are favored with shall receive our best attention. Night calls promptly attended lo by OUT undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, GmbH., ich street, Seaforth, opposite thei Methodist church, BROADFOOT BOX & CO., SM.A.POIRM9a. About FlavoringExtracts A great nany people are in the habit, of buying ExtraetS, or Essences in fancy bottles as put up for Oneral stores. This is unprofit- • able. If you will bring your empty bottles to us, we will eell you Lemon, Vanilla, Pep- • perment, Cinnamon, Ratifia, Peach, Straw- berry, Raspbeity, Pineapple, Almond, or other flavors, equal,.or better in quality for about • half the raoneY. Those who are not now do- ing so, will find this the ,better way. Try it at • MSDEN & WILSON, SOOTT'S . • MAIN MO EY -TO LOAN. Moneyto lolt at 41 and 5 ny amount on first-claes far y to R. S. flY8, Domini° rth. per cent. per an land se tirity. Bank Building, 1 um. Ap- Sea- ancLEo,DIs System Renov4os —AND OTHER— TESTE1D •IFtEME IE ta. Lose tu.1 ty• A specific and, antidote ter bite, Weak an verished Blond, Dyspepsia, S eepl ees. P ion of the Reed, Liver Coup t, Neurslgb femery, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall 8 ? .laIdice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Da ea, Female Irregalstieles and Generiil Debi BABORATORY—Goderich, Ontario. 1 J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor Lind. I facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaorth. , 501-t • l' an.0 STREET Tie H9ffmall. Stock — Moving. Out Rapidly. There is no uncertain sound about it No disappointment. Values beyond dispUte, or comparison. Crowds who came last week and could not be waited on sawenough of how the stook- is being sold, to call again when our stat of sale men could do them greater justice. TIME Is YET 20 DAYS .TO GET YOUR SHARE OF THE PROFITS R. B. SIVIITH, SEAFORTIL C. AND11EWS, Manager.