HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-28, Page 2- THE HURON POSITOR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ISIOR 8.ALE.—Fifty-four and a half acres ot bush U land, being the east half of the south hall of' Lot No. 3, in the emend concession f the Township of Turnberry, °minty of Efuron. On this lot there is a quantity of valuable timber, and It will be sold cheap. Apply to J. COWAN, ,Wroxoter. 160641 Choice Farms for sale in East Huron, the ban - FARMS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has twenty' ' ner County of the Province ; all elms, and prices to suit. Foe full information, write or call pereorially. No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOrT, Brussels P. 0. ' 139141 'DOR SALE, OR TO LET.—A. dwelling house eU situated on Goderich street, containing ten tads:as, eared cellar, hard and soft water and good ont-bnildinge. Now occupied by J. L. Smith, riser - chant. Possession given about the let of Aerzust. Apply to A, G. AULT, Seaforth, 1597-tf 4tErtertelill purchue the oorefortable and pleas- antly eiturited cottage on James street, Beeforth, at present (=opted by Mr. A. Scott. There are 8 rooroo, with hard and soft water, also a large stab e. . The lot is a corner lot and well plauted with fruit and ornamental trees. Apply to A. SCOTT, Seatorth, 159341 latiESEDENOE IN BRUOEVIELTY FOR SALE.— ..IA For sale the frame dwelling home and lot -near the railway dation in Brueefield. The home con- tains ten roonie ; a stone cellar and hard and soft water in the house; also a good !stable. There ie a quarter acre of land. Apply to ALEX. MUSTARD, Brucefield. 151641 — 161OR -SALE —The north west corner of Lot 25, X Concession 4, MoKillop, centaining-2 .cro8 of land, good orchard, handsomely eituated, with an abundant supply of hard and eon water. Far fur- ther particulars, apply to MRS, M. MUltDIE, on the PrOD3/80O, Cr to PETER KERR or WM. MORDIE, Seaforth P. Q. 180241 FOR SALE.—Fot sale 220 acre ferin in McKillop, being pots 24 and 25, Concession 10-, and north part of Lot 26, Conceseion 9. This land has. been m pasture since first e1ear6d, 25 or 30 years ago, therefore is rich and free from foul weeds. It is Isitusted on the gravel road, flee miles north of Sea - forth and nine from Brussele. Terms of payment made to su t purchaser. For particulars apply to W. GOVENLOOK, Seaforth. 169441 MIARM FOB, SALE.—For sale, in the Township of MoKillop, the north 60 acres of Lot 16, Coeces- Bien 14, boundsry line. About 47 scree cleared, three acres of good hardwood bush, about two aortae of choice fruit trees, soil unsurpassed, well drained and fenced; school half a mile away, post onto and church convenient ; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to the proprietor on the premien, or Walton P. 0. DANIEL MaMILLAN, Proprtetor. 159941 MIAMI. IN ALGOMA FOR SALE.—For sale the• Jr South East quarter of section Et, township of Laird, containing 100 acres. There are fort) acres cleared and free from stumps and under crop. Com- fortable log buildings. The balance is well thnbered. It is within four miles of Eehebay railW\ay etetion, end six miles of tho prospereus village of Port Findlay. This is a good lot. And will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to WILLIAM AltIPSON on, the premises, or to ALEX. MUSTARD, Bruce - field. 154641 BUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—The very desirable building lots, being numbers 24, 38, 39 and Ir situated on Main street, of Egmondville and Ssa- forth. The wholescontains about ono acre, and will DO sold in separate Parcels or together to suit the purchaser. This property is just south of the Woollen /dills, and Mr. S.Dicksorfs property !south of the corporation, and is considered the most desirable building site either for private residence's or a factory. It is high and convenient. and has a street south and west. Apply to JANE ar JOFIN SPROAT, Egmandville P. 0,, Executors to the Estate of the John Sproat, 15834f SPLENDID FAItel FOR SALE.—For sale the splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlock, on the North Road, a mile and a half from Seaforth. I contains 175 acres, nearly all cleared and in a high - state of cultivation, There is a two story brick house, good bank barn and everything in fiest.class condition and well underdrained. It will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. If not sold before the fall it will be rented. Address ROBERT GOVENLOOK, Seaforth P. 0. 159311 -USESIDENOE IN SE SFORTH FOR SALE.—For IA/ sale the comfortable cottage on North Main street, Seatortb, belonging to the eget° of the late Moore Boyd. The house contains seven rooms, be- sides a large surnmer kitchen and a good stone cellar apd , stable. Also hard and soft water. The prOpetty will be sold cheap, as the estate most be wound up. In the mean time it will be rented, and the tenant will be givq.n a leased for eix months if de- sired, Apply to JOHN LA.NDSBOROUGH, Seaforth. 1597-tf 1G1ARM IN HULLETT FOR. SALE.—For sale, the X centre part of LOW 8 and 7 on the Isith Con- cession of Hallett. Obtaining 105 acres, ail cle ed and in a good sta0 of cultivation. Nes, frame house and barn and stone stabling tinder besn. Plenty of geed spring watar. Four miles from Biyth and about twelve miles from &Worth and Clinton, good gravel coeds running in every direction. School within a mile. A good place and will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to either the undersigned Executors of the estate. ALEXANDER REID / R. R. WATT r Harlook 159S-tf TURK IN MORRI FOR SALE.—The north-west Jr quarter of lot 1'in the 8th concession, town- ship of Morris, contelising fifty acres, forty-six of which are cleared and under cultivation. The soil is good clay loam. There is a house, bulk barn, orchard and plenty of water. Alec) the south half of lot 16, in the 71h conOession, containing one hundred acres, fifty-five of which are 'cleared. Tnere is a good frame house and email frame bane These propertiee will be sold together or separately, on easy terms ani cif tn. For further perticuia.rs apply to ROBERT H EIES, Blytt post otfile. 1601-tf 11 1 FARYL FOR SALE —Farm in township of Tucker - smith, being Lo 29, Concession 2, II. R. S., con- taining 100 acres f g ud land, well adapted for either grain or stack raisin ; land in good state of cultiva- tion 8 acres cf good 1 ardwood bush. On the place are two good frame 1 erns, stone stabling under one; driving shed, never -f iling spring nearbarn, brick house and kitchtn, oft water inside good well, or- chard, ete. The fare is well situeted, being five miles from Clinton and six from Saaforth, on good gravel road; convenient to stelool, church opposite place; will be sold cdeap, as proprietor iotenda give rig up farming. For particulars apply Oil the prem • ins, or to A. E. TURNER, Clinton, Ont. 18104f FARM IN GREY FOR KALE.—For sale, Lot 8, and part of Lot19, Coneestsion 10, Grey, contain- ing 105 eon ; about 140 acres cleared, well fenced. underdra.ined and in la first-class otate of mil, ivation, The soli is at; good as aut- in the county. There is a good leanse houae, letge bank barn, with, stone stab- ling, ate other neceesary buildings, all in good re- pair ; a good bearing orchard' and plenty of good water. It is within S. mile and a halt of the profit) 'r- oue Village of Brusselk. It is a splendid farm, and will be sold cheap aird on very easy tonna, as the proprietor is withoet help anti must retire. Apply on the. premises, or addrees) Brussels P. 0. JOICN HILL, Brussels. ,1 1801-12 TIARMS FOR SALE OR TO REN.—Fsrms in Tucker -amine biting Lots 2 and le on.. the 3rd Coneesaisn. Lot 2 being all seeded to- grass ; an Let 13 there is a lorge frame house, with stone cellar, heated with fUrnace ; large frame bun, with stone stabling undarneath, and well handy, with windmill to pump water;'large atone pie pen ; frame driving shed ; implement 110t190 ; work shop and woodshed. It iewell fenced and in a good sts.te of cultivation, being watered and a good clay soil. It is a mile add a hall from Seatorrh on the Bayfiold road. Thi a is a choice place and wilt be sold or rented on 1 reasonable terms. Apply to WILLIAM ABERIIART on the premises, or to Seaforth I'. 0. -tf Mone* to Loan. Any amount of money to loan on good farm pro• pertv, at 6 per cent par annum. Straight 1 rani, payments made to slit borrower, eatisfaction uar. anteed, charges low. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER CO3ENS, McDonald Block, Wingharn. 1187 'DETA The best place — women to secure a Mechanical Drawin tem of Actual Busin begin any time. Detroit. _ W. F, "Prfw michr.A America for young men and Business Education, Shorthand, or Penmanship. Thorough; sys-, s. Session entire year. Students talogue Free. Reference!, all ELL, Fres. P. R. SPENOER See. Special Attention to la orseshoeing and General Jobbing. stred,oderich Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and PARRIACE Opp. MAKER Ws32. e di• Seaforele 1 2 0 0 3 0 01 10) "Washington; Oat. 23.—Dr. Talmage in this discourse.sets forth radical theories, which, if adopted, would brighten many domest oniroles;,teXt, John xx, 10 "The disoird s went aWay agian unto th ir own homes. 1 A oh rob with n a church, a republic within a republ o, a world within a world, s spelled by tour letters—homel If thin s go rig t there, they go right everyw ere; if t ings go wrong there, they g wrong e erywhere. The doorsill of the welling Ouse is the foundation of ohur h and et te. A man never gets-, higher ban his cwn garret or lower than his ow eellar. Iomest10 life overarches, and tut erglidles all other life. The high - e t hon e of ', co grass is the demestio circle; he rook' g chair in the hurserY Is high r than a hrone. George Washing- ton co mended he forces of tho iUnited States, but Mary Washington co mend- ed Geo go. Chr sostom's niothw made his pen for him. f a man should s are out and re 70 year in a straight line, he could ot get ou from under the Shadow of his wn mant lpieoe. As 1 dividuals we are fragment. God makes he raoe in parts, and then he gradna ly puts u together. What I lack, you m ke up; w at you lack, I make up; our de °its and surpluses of charactet_ being t 0 cogwh °le in the great social mechanism. One peison has the petienoe, another has the mirage, another has the placidity, anode° has the enthusiasm. Time vi lob is la king in one is mi, de up 3! by anot14er or m de up by.all.% B1ffalooe In her , grous in brood, quails in - flocks, t o hums race in circles God has most beautif lly arranged this It la in this Waythat he balances sooletV; thie conselive an. that radical keepinte things e en. • Ev try ship must have its mast, cuator, !carrell, ballast. Thank God, the, foreP inoeton and Andover, for the opposites. , I nave no mor right to blame a man for being differe t from me than a driv- ing wheel has a ight to blame the iron shaft that holds 4 to the centee. i John Wesley banes alvin's "Institutes." A cold thinker give to Scotland the strong bones of Itheolog . Dr. Guthrie clothes them with a thr bbing heart and warm flesh. The diffic lty is that we are not satisfied with jus the work that God has given:usIto do. he water wheel wants to come inside tae mill and grind the grist-, and the i opper wants to go out and dabble in th water. Our usefulness and the welfare f society depend* upon our staying in j it the place that God has put us, or in ended we should Occupy. Marri go Garlands. ,For more co paotnetes and that we may be more use ul we are gathered in sill smaller cir les in the home group. And there you have the same variety again—brothers, sigiers, husband and ife, all differen stes. It is for . If the husba ife must be all a 'sanguine in o her must be dinner are nece inner for Chris ere will be ere be no Mar on is most den has gone, own, the anitn frith his hand t came up to get shot forth ' tusk anther at pa oaks plunge til aloes sockets 5 own from und re. Eden has g ttle fragnsent 1 e river Hidde o marriage in 4 the beginnin Ib. Now it Is This instituti efamed in our tarty and the things, free lovi rn this earth bile the pulp tively silent, no qualed by their e ed , this educat, have ta duc marriage, whio time told stern' question of rest a question char sorrow, with be this new dispen Alas ftpr,this mi 1tith the marria enom of adder las for the wh hat kill the ora f Jesus Christ E nci to assail w as been made itution, whic appinese and e make it a mer n exchange of quipage, a busi stuffed up with and knight erre and feminine angelhood. The two after ed' up to find that in- radise they dreamed of thing but a Van Am - In temperaments and nate that it shoirld be d be all impulae, the prudence. If ene sister her temperament, the lymphatics. Mat and sales. There wil be no if there be no Martha.; o audience for Jesus if . The home ori aniza- eautifully conk meted. he bowers are all broken is ' that Adam Stroked at morning when they their names ba and sting and ther, , and mida with dotted w e twain come the sun in lib ne, ut there is ft, el ou tituti , tak an a n of ,f17 mos into ts h nest en u ation 113 .0 e since °tiled Iron hg and hirling od and oat one floated down on of paradise. It is n. It does not, as away from man a dition of ribs. arriage its been ocialism a d poly - damnable aye been ti a Turkish of all ying to harem. ve been c nepara- heir cheapness only ness, ate trying to on themselves to In regard to holy kes or' breaks for this is nota mere ence or wardrobe! It is ed with gigantio jey or Lyon or !hell. Alas for ation of George Santisl ling of the nightshedo e garitunis! Alae,forethe spit into the tankards! te hosts 9f eternal death e blossoms 1Tee gospel s to assert what is right at is wreng, .tettempt take the marriage in - was intended for the evation of the raorseand commercial enterprise, houses and lends and ess partnershiP -of two the stories of romance try and ,unfaithfulness awhile have rou etead of thes p they have got n burghle menage le, filled with tigers and wildcat. Eighty thousand divorces in' Paris in one y ar preceded the wont 'evolution that ranee ever saw. And I 11 you what y•u know as We11 as I do, hat wrong not one on the eabjeot of `hristian marri gelare the cause at this ay of more moral outrages before God nd man than ay other cause. God • n the Home. There are somt tihings that I want to I ring before you. I know there are those 61 you who hay had homes set up for a great many yea , and then there are those bore who ave just established their home, Thee' hayonly b n in that home 14. ..-or",,""•. taw months cir a feW years. Then there band's Work Cover him With the soot of ate.thoee wbo *ill after awhile set u 1 the furnace'to: tb od rs of leather or for then:feel/se a home, 'and it is righ soap-facterles, let not the Wife be easily that I should kieak out upon the • themes. My find o • in yonr new •a guest at B bit the &yin 11 lineal to you is, have God home, and let him who was ethany be in your househol e blessing' drop upon you every hope and plan and expectation, nose yountapeoplu who begin with God end with h von. Have on your right hand the engagement rieg of the divine affeotion. I one of you be a Christian, •let that one take the few verses in the evenin • kneel down end commen him who setteth the soli want' to tell you th angel passes by witlio entering the eloorpost blood of the everlasting Is it that in some famili along w41? I have 'wa and have' come to a oonolusion. In the !first instance nothing seemed to go pleas.' intly, and after awhile there came a devastation, domestic disaster, o estrangement. Why? They started wrong In the other case, altneugh there wer hard:thine and triale and some things tha had to be explained, still ;things went o rlensanti until the very last, Why? The started ri ht. My eee nd advice td yen in your hone Is to exer Ise to the voty last possibilit of your n ture the late of forbearance Prayers i the household will not mak up for ev ything. Some of the best Deo ple in the world aro the hardest to ger along wit. There are ileople who stand up in pra or meetings and pray like angels wh at home are unoompromieing and crank. You may not haVe every- thing just as you want It. Sometimes it will be th sometimes stand pun you will h er coming conflict, ihle and read a time, and then 11 yourselves te ary in families, V the destroying t touchine or! sprinkled with! oevenant. Why' tr they never get' lied ouch oases' duty of th of the wife t tiliously on tve a \Vittorio up at nightfa .Never b you have. Let that b best thing father, wl That once, one of his lost his pa misinform out his mi - She same d gether and planation t Thomas, very unfaitly. I an very sorry for, it. rebuked you in the • prepenoe of th whole family, and now I ask ilyour for giveness in their presence.", It must hav taken some cour tge to do that. It wa right, was it not? Never ' be ashamed 4 apelogize for doehetstio inaccuracy. Fin bat are the weak points, so, of your companion loot from them. Do not our temper too hear thei : he wife be easily fretted e household, lot the hus- band be careful; where he throws his slippers. If the ijuaband owns home from the store with hs patience exhausted, in not let the wife unnecessarily cross h1s1 temper, but bo h stand up for your! rights, and I will -promise the everlasting sound of the waewhoop. Your life will be spent in making up, and marriage will be to you an unenitigated curse. Cowper said: • 1 The kindestlatid the happiest pair Will find oceasion to forbear And eoinethincia every day they live, To pity and p rhaps forgive. _ ' I advise aiso tha you make your Uhlerj • pleasure circle ailo; nd about that home. It is unfortunat when . it is otherwise. If the husband' sPends , the most of his nightaway from home, of choice and not of neoessity, h is not the head of the. household; he is.00ly the cashier. If the ' wife throw the, ear& of the household Into the servantisap and then spend five i nights of the week at the opera or theatre, she may clothe he , children with satins and lace and ribbons that would con- found a Freno1milliner, but they are • ; orphans. It is sad when a child has no one to say its p,ayers to because mother has gone off to the evening entertain- ment! In 'tidbit they bring thilcleen and throw them td the crocodiles, and -it j Seems very cruth el, but e jaws o . social dissipation are swallowing do*n more little children tb-day than all the mein - eters that ever I:tray/lea upon the ban of the Ganges! Goeiess Firesides. I have goon the sorrow of a godless mothee on the death of a child she lled neglected. It was not 00netroh grief that she felt from the fact Out the child.was dead as the feet that she had neglected it. She said, "If I hadlonly watohed over and oared for the ehild, I know God e tears •gtirknt: de emed as m their hair, it terror ✓ right e little e coffin, ent they eholver es tears d s ul, est 'nd caner en- sihsd axlees. 1 n ver ill s nk eh up be eir 111 your bri ht - re those hriltian •ore of mPIletbeY eh,no ant aid to a y wife the ad- o ought ses and ught to o know a bust - tell his he a• moralisen w wh i itchh f e . s on the ✓ hand, pathetic no easy woman rdons as irl, has e man- cknowledge ashamed to ono wrong in • a law of you I ever hea om I never having /tong children, he himself havin fence and perhaps having bee d of the child's doings, .foun take, and in the evening o y gathered all his family to said: "Now, I have one ex make end one thing to say his morning I rebuked yo husband and yield, but both our rights, and With no B1uch-1 1 to dead° the rong. apologize when domestic, affairs. household.• The d of my grand - saw, Was this: teously rebuke out the points, vi if I may call the and then stand carry the fire of gunpowder. If by disorder in t ;kg would not Inters tak n it." T came not. It was a ry, blister' pest—e, scoiehing sim on of the When she Wrung her ands, it s if she woulr1 twist he fingers fr sockets; when eshe s ized her seemed as if she h d in wil grasped a coiling serp nt with h hand. No tears' Oojnrades of one came in and we t over t neighbors came in, a d the mo saw the still face of le child th broke. 'No tears for h r. God gi as the -summer rain t4 the perch but in all the universe the dr hott se, the most soor hing and Ing hing 10 A mother s heart if nog ected her child, when once it God may fdrgive her, but she wi forg ve herself. The memory the yes deeper into the sockets a d pi the ace and whiten the hair an eat the eart with vultures that wil no sati fled, forever plunging deo er iroul beaks, Oh, you wanderers fr hone, go back to your duty! Th eet flowers in all the earth vvhi h grow in the garden of a hou eholdd olambeeing over the a C ristian home. I dvieeyou also to cultivate a of oboupatton. Sir James Main of lie merit eminent and ale tha ever lived, while standin very height of kis eminence, great loompany of scholars, ," made tile." Tbe wife ought to b vising partner in every firm. S to bo 'interested in all the lo gains of shop and store. She have a right—she has a right— everything. If a man goes into I nese transaction that he dare no wife of, you may depend that the way either to bankruptcy ruin. There may be some thing t wish to trouble his w are not tell her he cornfiture. On the oth d ought to be syn ife's occupation. It i eep house. Many a who oqtl4 have endured mart well ale •blatgaret, the endured, actually been worn out byl hou clement. he dovis n but if ,be road th di the hUsba with the thing to Kitchen Martyrs. There are 1,000 martyrs ot the kitchen. It lei very annoying -after the stove or e nure- nd say: e. You h hour. vexations of the day around the the register or the table'or in t ery or parlor tle have the hush "You know nothing about troub ought to be in:tbe store half SYmnathY of ore:lunation' If the n disgusted at the be savory aroma. You interests are one, y hold of the work of imed hands or 'm- oths are one, your r losses are one. Lay life with both hands. Four hands to fIghtithe !Glatt ' ; four eyes to watch for thedaiuger; f r shoulders on which to clout tl6 telala, It is a 'very ead thing when the painter hoe a wife wbo doel not like p °tut s. -It is a very sad:thing for a pia 1st ,1 when she has a ifusband who does ot li e music. 14 18 a very gad thing whe n Wife is not suited unless her husband has what is called a "genteel business. ' Se far as 1 under- stand a "genteel b shades," it is some- thing to which 'a m n g es at 10 o'clock In the morning and fro ' which he comes home at 2 or 3 u'ol ck 14 tbe afternowa and gots a large am unt of money for do- ing :nothing. That is, I believe, a "gen- teel business," and there has been many a wife who has ma 3 the mistake of not being satisfied unii the husband has given up the tenni g of the hides, or the turning of the bard ter, or the bullding of the walls and •ut h1nse1f in circles where he has nothi g .to do but smoke cigars and drink in° ad got himself into habit's that ups.t htn going down In the maelstrom, akin is wife and children with him. Tb r are a good many ttaine zunni g ent earth ' to destruction. They trot all hours of the dtty and all hours th might. There are the freight trai ; t .pyi go very slow- ly and very heart' a tl there are the accommodation tral e ging on toward desiamation, and th sto *ery often and let a man get out en he wants to. But genteer idlenese is a exprees train. Satan is the stoker and d th is the engineer, and, though one Tie come ' out in front of it and string the ed /flag of "danger" or the lantern of G tis i Word, it makes just one shot intPe di ' tion coming down the ernbankm nt ith a shout and a Wail and a shriek ora hl crash! There are to clams of p ple ure ef destruo- •tion—firse, those ho ;have nothing to do; secondly,. those bo have something to do, but who are o lazy or too proud to do it. Vow to Have Happy Home. I have One more 4ordor advice to give tothose who would ave a happy home, and that Is, let lov pros de in it. When our behavior in tbje do elate circle -Ni- mes a mere mattei of a loulation, when he cares you giveli merely the result 1 delibei ate study of the position you num appiness 11 a stark dead on the earthsto e. When t e httsband's positiok s head 1 the haus hold] is maintained - y loudn es of voice,- bY strength of arm, y firer of temper, 43 republic of domestic lies has Demme a d spotesna that neither err nor nan will bide., Oh, ye who remised VS leve eao s other at -the altar, ion. It is easier to kill hat flow.er than it i ow dare you oomin 4 p rjury? Lt no adow of Hu s pioion cone on your affec- t is to make it liv again. The blast rom helli that puts ut that light leaves ou in the blaoknes of darkness forever. Hero are a man a d wee. They agree n nothin' else, but theylagree they will ave a hcme. They willhave a splendid ouse, and they thii k that if they have house they will ha e 0..1 home. - Arohi- acts mai4e the plan, and1 the mechanics kaput() 115, the ho se t cost $1.00,000. It is don . The carp to a a spread, light -are hoiste , curtain aro hung, cards of inviiiitio 'sent -out. The horses in gold plated ha noes pran e at he gait°, guests come in nd take heir lame,' th flute pounds t e dancer go up and,down, irnd with mut gra el-- Whirl, the wealth nd the ashion a d the mirtleof the reat to n wheel amid: the pictured a. - :10. ell , this is h pp' - se._ Float it on he iiiim Ing viah s, aufld it In the usio,lw Irl1t in the Oluice, cadt:it in he enh* of soulptn e, scrund it ep the rilliant tairwaye iash it in chandeliers. appines indeed!! I Soimethi g Lacking. I Let IT 0 Mid on , he centegof the parlor olr 'a th one to b poiness; let all the uests, ve en come in, bring their flow- ers and p tirls and i iamends, and I throw them on, hi* pyra id, and let it be a throne, ''' rail then let , happiness, the queen, 'in it tha throne, and we will stand or ti d, an , ali chalices. lifted, We wil s y,i"Dr, in , 0 !queen; live for- ever!" utl the g, este depart, the flutes are, breitt less, tne last plash of the 'in- patient hoofsi is hard lin the dietance, and the wain a the household oome back td s e the que n of !happiness on the throne id ;the pa lor f eor. But, alas, as the o faded, s eet od rs ave become the re bac, tieflowers have . el moll ojf.- oharnel 1ous, and instead of the quenJ of,.happi ess there sits there the ga nt term of ngilish, with bitten lip and sunken eye nd ?ashes in her hair. The ro p cif the 4anoers who have left seem misting yetL like jarring thun- ders h t quke th ,floor and rattle the glasa s of the -fee t rim to rim. The spill° ine on the floor turns into blood. The aths of plu h have become wrig- gling r ptiles. Ter •ors ! catch tangled in the n py that ove hartge the couch. .A stron ut hf wind comes through the hall n the' drawl g room and the bed- oham • r in which a the lights go out. And r m the lips 1 tlio wine beakers come tilte words, " appiness is ; not in us!" 4nd the arch:s r spend, "It is not in us "- And the si enced ihstruments of musi , thrummed o bY invisible fingers, anew r "Happiness 10 not in us!" Ant the frozen 11 s of anguish break open, and,, seated o the throne of wilted flowe fel she strikes her bony hands a salary to - Th ttvery night clerk with gethe nd groans, 'It *not in me!" 0C., it0 a year—o ly $4000—goes to his h me 4et up thre months ago, just O ter te marriage •ay.vlove meets hint i. a th oor, love its ' ith him at the 4 ble,1 le talks o er the work of the d y, etakes dowa thelBible anchreads o hi ho came o r s nis to save, and 4 ey mil, and wh le t eiy are kneelingi- ✓ ght 1 hat plain oo 'en the plain car- nli ' l p 5, th angels of Gid build a throne not o 1,01 Io,ers that •eriehl and fade away, bht o.it of' Arland, of hereon. wreath we t p of wrea h, am tit Ion amaranth,. until the tit one 15 - 011 . /Then the harps, of God sounded, an suddenly there ap- peared one who mo nted the throne with eye so bright and b ow iid fair that the twain knew .15 was Christian love. And they knelt at the 1..5 of tho throne, and, putting .ene hand on •each bead, she blessed them and said, "Happiness is iwAintahmtn owl 'i't h eArandd t aatt tryli ri tonno tohfa cpeal e:sti niagl years, and the qu en left not the throne till one day the m zrrbed pair felt stricken In yeas --felt themiselves calledrway and n knew not which way 1 o go, and the queen bounded frolthe! hrone nd said, "Follow me, I wilt Choi+ you th way up to the realm of everla4i g lov ." And so they went up tol sin t legs o love and walk on pavements o ' ove aod to jive love. ether. in mansions ol love, and to.- re- joice forever in the ituth, that God is I Timely Wtakydrig. When a' :British brig was gliding srnoethly along bef re 4 good breeze in the South • Pacific, three months ago, a flock of small bird abo ,t the stze, shape and !color ot paroci ets. !settled down in the rigging and or ant an hour or more resting. The .econ4 mate was se anxious to find out the spe les ,to whici;he visit- ing !strangers bet:in ed1 that h tried to enirsp a specimen, but the Dims; ore to too shy be caught, and too spry tbe set ed by the quiok betide of the sail At the end of about an hour the bris tooc the brig's tiourse,and disapp • bub towardnightfall they cane laok ari4 Passed the inight In the maintop. 1, Ile next morning the birds fle*off ag in, and when they returned at noon the sailors Scattered some food about the deck. By this time the birds hadl bee tne so tame_that they hopped about the 4eok picking up the crumbs. That afte oon an astonishiiig thing happened. The ook came flyitig swiftly toward the big. Beery bird !teemed to be piping it if pursued by some little invisible , en my od wings, and they at once huddled down behind the deckhouse. The suPer- stitious senora_ at once called the pap ist ofmthe brig, who ruhbed hie eyles nd looked at the barometer. A gimlet, shlow. ed that something was wrong With Itbe elements, aid the brig was put in! s ape to dutrido a storm. The storm o me abcut twenty minutes after the bitds had reached the vessel. For a few mlflqtes the sky as 111re the waterless bottom o lake ---a vast aroh of yellowish mud -1- nd torre ts of rain fell. Why it did not below very psard, nobody knows; but on' reach- ; th tport to days later the eaptain learn d tpat ,a great tornado hadamiept aorosi that part of the sea. The birds left the reesel on the morning after the stornr and were not seen again. Some Naval DeSnations. Fathom—A measure of six feet. Turret—A tower for the proteetion .of the gunners. Crow's Nest—A perch for the lookout on the masthead. Jacob's Ladder—A shOrt ladder with wo d rungs and rope sidea. apstan—A machine used on beard. obi for lifting heat* weights. ' rrnament—A term lexPreesing 901 - leo ively all the guns of a Alp, ahle—A long, heavY 1ohain usa roti14 a Fillip in place at anchor. 130 Chaser—A gun tnclunted in bow o flee on retreating! vessels. Bu khead—A partition! separating o part onto on the same deck. Bi naole—The compase box of a wi h a light to show it at tight. gtvay--elhe aperture 111 ip's vh' te persong enter and depart. rds, uto to the m- ip. Bide eq nil1 th , -codeine of wa huil. Irrbette—A fi a a ote-A nautical mile of 2,025 ya ee about oneind one-eighth sta , i placement— ari our for protect voilving turret. Monitor—A low armored vessel, w oaoi carrying two ridge—A platf tending across the on o wher are 1 Is eu ballt1 spi !he weight in tons of r displaced by a ship's ed loiroular belt , of ing!the nuns in a re- . nearly ! fiat -bottomed. th-one Or two turrets, guns. rrn abo deck fo She ship's effizers. fling Tower—An therwheel, engine, t oated and trcim whio posed to direct his to the Tail ex - the convent - mored tolvver legraphs, Otte, the captain 'en duririg a _ e Liquor Question i 'Scotland. . Scotland," says an oglish pa er, in dilloation'of the Gothenburgy a- lit le village near Dunferuilinei na ed i: te s eine to he making headway. A Hill of Beath, has municipalized its pu "i house and installed the electria lig t ut of tho profits. , This success has rai ed envy in the soul or another village olo e by, called Kett?. Sety. does not we wh it should not municipalize , its w iskey drinking, so a public meeting ha been held with a real live !county oci miller in the chair to propound lb so erne. A sum of £2,000 is to be raised as apital wherewith to erect the public, ho se, There are to be eight direetois— six el and by the shareholders and eyvo by th County Council. The shareholders ar tq get a five per cent. divlden4 on their ripital, and the surplus profits- are to be banded over to the County Cou oil, to be applied as it sees fit. Responsibility. onsciousnees of responsibility qu en asenso of duty to be faithful. kn wj that one Is trusted is an in me t to prove one's self Worthy of fid me. To trust a child is tO aid a o to ot in the line of the best that is pe tei of him. There Is nothing that tend to keep a man up Seah s big sta dard of well-being like the tho thit he is loved and honored by one Is orthe of love and henor.. iTher ins 'ration and a steadying poWer in knowledge that one has heoome hofr untverthily, an object of 4'muoJ love m iny prayers." sta reaso OTSSO mar And to 4 adhc wan So age with wate New Soudanese Stamp h Soudan is to have a ne pos , so stamp collecters st te. •be for the change is puriou . Egyptian postage, stamp ha a nt as a water -mark, but the w ter - of the Soudanese stamp is a or es. gpod Mahommedan4 °Wee1 strongly ptd na ly their tongue tio lage that ee to the sign of the or010.! They to liok a crescent. 1 the present series of ,Sondanefie post - nips aro, say the oolleotots, 44 be irlawn, and those with a. oresient ark substituted. ok- To on- ild ex - est ght ho is the ver nd go Railways in India. • railvrays in India on March 81, 1898, ggregated 25,454 miles open and Sunicti ned, of which 210.56 mite i Were open o traffic, leaving 4,298 miles u der conS r otion, or authorized. This w4s a notli rease of 760 mulOL • s. R. Smith, of the 17th coeces ion, Elnt , was seriously hirt the other day. She a driving a spirite horse w ich got the •et er of her and 911 away, t rowing her n ton the hard roalt Iter lit le loon, whd 4s with her, esca cl withoutl inj ry. —j-Le»tuel Pelton has di posed of je farm on tlhe 3&h concession of ma, to h tenant, David EIall, for $1,600. This dis osels of the asl of Mr. Pelton's 1 arm prop rtyl of whi ie possessed at on time ab at 400 acre f you canno1l get be rn'ton will ans er." ou may cho se betwe m4k,, water, co ee or t But therc is no se ond choi for It n oth cod - phos gly c th4 best fbossible 'manner, yojt ave only o.ne choi9e. Jt brings prompt r suits a. cott's Emul ion. isScott's rnulsion°or ng. hen you need the 13st iver oil, the best ypo- hites, and the best rine, all cbmbine4 in . , in aU cases ot wastm loss in weight. All druggists; ewe and $ectes. • SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, Torero. Pr The OAPITAL A general special atten SAVINGS• Special fa pities for:transaction of business in the Klondike District. 11014M.SSTED, Solictfor 1 F. a G. MINTY, Manager, Money Order*, payable at any bank, issued at the following rates; •1U der $10 .08 • 10 to $20 .10 OCTOBER 28, 189fi Canadian Bank of Commerce. Alb UP) 811 -LION DOLLARS - $8,000000 BEAFORTH BRANOH. uniting bulginess transacted. Farmers' Notesdiscounted, and ion given to the collection of Sale Notes. BAN K.—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards OCT ntill -re RIVAS'S F; ,r able yesr4 to.. 8. Ilia's,' $20 to $30 $30 to $50 .4Pr Only six week., from the gardens of India './atabt040110101006 Pure Indian' to our breakfast tables. .12 .12 etty Foot oes a Long Way But what is the use of a pretty foot, in this country in the winter time, if you do not have a perfect fitting Rubber or Overshoe. Now, this may be news to you, but you will find it to be a fact; there is only one make of Rub- bers and Overshoes, in this coun- try, that are right up-to-date in fit, finish, quality and durability and they are the, 1 ' • I want to $ bottom then getting. thin, lig 44 e "0 1 kno anby" on the what I am anby Rubbers and OVERSHOES t, comfortable. Extra thick at ball and heel. RANBY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE IRON." easons ge • And with the change in the weather a change in your eloUi- ing is necessary for your comfort. In a week or two the weather will be too cold. for Summer suits, and the thoughtful man will be prepared for the first cold snap. We are in a position to assist, you. Our line of Fall Overcoatings is large and valicd, but the 'prices are small, while we guarantee the fit and finish of each coat to be better than usual. It is, perhaps, a Fall suit you require, and in these we are fully prepared to satisfy you NLIIISPAcTION in QUALITY and PRICE. BRIGHT BROS., SE AFORTH. 11 orey9 S Ready=to=Wear Rigby Waterproofed Freize Ulsters • Made from pure wool, 32 oz. to the yard Frieze. 1 Five pockets.— Deep flaps.:—Six inch collar, with, throat tab.—Double stich- ed edge—Raised seams. Length 54 inches. Nine colors. Black, Blue, Mid Brown, Drab, Q laret, Heather, Oxford, Blue mix- ture and Olive mixture. Waterproof, Windproof, Frostproof, Comfortable. Sold by ell reputable dealers front$ Nova Seetia to British Columbia for to CY • Shorey's Guarantee Card in the pocket, of course. insist on seeing it, it is a good square guarantee: JULL2. 1 ME INVITATION. dorne early and choose from the largest and best assortment of Stoves of all kinds ever showed in Seaforth. It don't make any difference 'what sOrt, of stove you want, we have it, and we also have a fine line of second-hand stoves, which we are going to sell away down., to make room for new goods. ,Qoal heaters, it1 or without ovens coal and wood. ranges, ( 3 31 ranges, wood, cooks, etc., also a fine line of small St sUitable for fall use. Old stoves taken in exchange, S. ITLLIi1TT irk CO 49 HARDWARE MERCHANT'S - SEAFORTH. - mone ere, in TORN B ODUrt . steer, • 1:04 2411 •inve,n,s' store, CORN FOR always 001 gys.in 11211* corn Sor le0 lta Warehouee, opp PERRIN. TRAY LA JEi undertigei isont the reidd there ids -wird more on provi ROBERT BAR" N THE V`B. -OFIWRO. ceased. a! Fe of the said siser Abet day of Not undereigntd. t Executor will 4 among the part to the elai JAMEes WAL Dated, Octenet veyisecter, Etc., TN THE S17R1 .‘ OF HUROl ceesed. All pes of the said dei 3114- day -of Octo undersigned,- xi Executorewill among the parr only to the °lair given. JOHN I • sus, Bayfield R HIGGINS, C FOR e gs for ea boro, 10R SALEl buil horn vows and , sad ram lambs: N mare!. Pill DAVID MIL ber eight Months ol 46171 -Gravel Ros oseforth P. D. 1 EBlifs-BIR .113 for tale *allowing thro hoer, 2 beers es 'Thie is all fire Mc-ALLISTER,. 140Alt Jim keep Stanley, Vito payable st oireturnbnglt Buu IsetT f a thornegbb befeee Jau -SCOTT. B1) ro Middlneex service, with JOHN W. RO R FO 'pr B On ixtt t Orioughbr VOnKSL Mitted De, or gs to MA II L -- rat -the Brno TantWorth B ftfl ;payable surning lf bred mon* lflJGfl M.010A WO MeliWup, 2. ustiltea num extra xd 'Terms JOHN Af aDdeti FOR j_ tinders tialress,hav for *.so keep for - oratesed and *Juliet e pseeele Iretemeing ORBANCE erth P. 0, TIOROPERT ' chtap smith shop a Lot 0, Cone eit,e the Soho country, and posea. There fruit Sreee, gond veil. to S'aldttEL WATeoN, -7 good ; brie orchere, coral:nine to leen at lo Bretkileld. MIABM F X Mile about 100 cuitivati�n. and plenty farm and w h1314Y to Step!) 1899, Ap Grand Ben 111EACIIE tion N third class commerce up to Nova 6111TII, St Not • The cred.i the toweeh farm,e.r, dee ruary, 180S - November, - for the Hen the younge the eecuriti affidavit. proceed -to - among the only to tha. notion, and will not be - any person- •ceived noti - statute in P.O.. Soli 9rd, 1898. to ore. 10