HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-28, Page 1118
t we *ro haviug day
urchaeee of Jatkette
Goods and Weis
S speedily, bat we
,Ones or buyers who
ft is I ohr intention
rnent very foll
so tdeSet, whether it-
, or *Ltor, yen will
Issortiment O evety.
•boose from, -
rd, aeid a beahtiftfl
—heavy, service-.
great bargain at
Satms re -
earn, white,
SG much. itt
cutting into three
Dress Goode at 59c,
1. They are, in very
rel are eure to prove
± wearing. We are
assortment of 1898
olors, and a beaati-
a Woof Plaids;
s and Dress
a great de -
re beau-
oc, 45c, 65c
nick moving stoke,
'ling in daily. °the
a lot of New York
ahapes, also furched
wings, leuckIes,,
our assort.
children --
Lets, Tams,
.ny really niceditting
est yon i1111011 money..
dies' sizes, as low as
aywhere from $5 to
a ea choice from a
garments. Some of
oths, some made of
eiateriale, but every
date appearaece.
nilar prices
50, $TK
for blacks,
is, blue and
rat variety of cloths
Eal and Vinter wear.
Boucle Cloths, Naps,
If Clothe, dec., and
and not durable
lar' heavy
is a great
not here yet, bQ
ng tide weer uo.
ovrei es for I, in
Oekete, Per Capes,
end Muff', Copse
Inenkete, Quiitsfr
C thee 443,0
.e, end you will be
11 g (U; and
at 3U vant, and we
you = he very cioeest
(19 Co.
.en hot her brother,
In vedting her
ea, of the firm -of
were the first
( deorver, ha's re-
wite 111 tete per-
t,f noubury Park,
IOU cle friende here
g and continued
gue ie the Method -
ening leet.
C 1,
: oi Prete': W000e.
tree, Minieter of
I.ey. hie assietants,
oae, arrived here on
frein Loudon, and
Ile expressed
the progreete made
ipletion of the new
over the chart of
FU dredging, he in-
lenarge to continue
S obtained, eo that
fele, enter and die-- -,
IL is evidently the/
lent to further the
3, and thue build
Manitoba grain,
fsernoon for .Nlort
Greig& hilacdona
Clothiers, Seaforth
Like to Listen to
Themselves Talk.
There is a class of men in this world of ours whose prime en-
joyment seems to be to listen to 'themselves talk .; .sweeter than any
n voices. Nothing is so
orne pet hobby or other.
or business, is the case
sound on earth to them, is the sound of their o't
i soothingly delightful, as they pour fortli upon
It may be on politics, nationality, theology
. .
, may be. .
This trait in the character of some has le man
- ' every person who does considerable talking, as belonging to that clam
who love to hear their own tongues wag:
This judgment is an i error in Many respects, and more
, particularly when the judgment falls upon the n an who i advertises.
We have in mind our own case, for we so \mo e talking to
ority. ,.
es all 1 our talking
Our only answer is that
eir weight in gold they
. public the actual value
to judge of
the square inch of space
And. the question come
do you. any way and w
we occupy` than the ma
•: Wha good d
at is the o ject of it 'V
are worth t
nown to the
it pays us. For even v,hen goods
won't sell unless there lo made
- and worth thereof.
So it is seen that we
talk n
melodius voice, but rat er to gain
and figures, something II uch mor
confidence of our frien s and .cust
It may be in keeping trn givera
in our Clothing Speci s,
Specials in Ordered S its
West of England Wor ted at $15 and
distinct shades.
A nice Made:to-Order Overco t Beav
or brown, at $13.50.
The new fangled nam for a v ry old sty
Serge, it used to be e lled Police • an's Serge, a
any cloth on the mar et. We a 11 the genuin
to order.
We 'will now make m ntion of a few Rea
There is t e Buckskir Pants, i ot much
admit, but when it comes to we, ring you will
nanae in the satisfaction you will have in ''ea
t as cheap as an . ordina
t to her our
and. attract the st
substantial namely
hot list af facts
is the priee—$1 ; jw
twice as long.
might talk all
Suits; but they are
mains to be shown that there a
Men's Suits, at $8, $10 and $1
While we are talkin4 about oii r
not overlook Our os n make of Boy
and all wool, at 65c and 7.5e.
It is not necessary tb be Scot°
becomingly. Ahnost any boy koks jat nty in this historic cap. We have
ay abou
etter sho
r Clot
e of
d it wi
more or less
tenaent of facts
: The trade and
and figures
a suit.
black, blue
loth is Bisley
1 wear equal •to
t $17.50 a suit
of a ii
forget al. 1
ng a par,
'y over6.4 and will wear
Specials :—
me we will
about its poor
and then there
the different, val les in Men's
n than talked about.. However, it re
e be ter values than oUr own make of
. ;
n make of g ods,- we must'
Pants; ined t roughout, all sizes
to wear - a Glengarry Cap
Last week's Presbyterian Review contains
an excellent portrait of the Rev. J. S. Hen-
derson'pastor of Carmel Presby erian
chureh,aleo one of the old church at R dger-
ville and the present church and ma se at
Hensall. In the report. of the semi -c nten-
nial services recently held and in ,which
these portraits appear, the writer makes the
following reference to the first pastoe and
some members of his congregation
Carmel church, Hensalle on the 2ed and
3rd inst. celebrated the jubilee of the rgen-
ization of the parent congregation. , Fifty
years ago, in 1849, the Rev. John Logifewas
inducted minister of .the Rodgerville e ogre-
gation. Two years later, in 1851, t teold
brick church by the brook, so well kn ven to
many who are now scattered over the, Dom-
inion,. was built. Here, for more than
twenty-six year the congregation ge, herd
under the ministry of one of the ern st re-
markable men among the pioneer -mi isters
of Western Ontario. •
Mr, Logie's ministry was unique? in some
respects. I remember him as one just past
his prire. He did not visit his people, he
held no regular prayer -meeting, yet, by the
marvellous power of his preaching he held
his congre ation, and Sabbath after, Sab-
bath the' old briok church was full.
long vista as I look back, and the cro
deepen as I close my eyes and try
that face clearly again io the old high
I remember him best as! he was prea,
his long scant hair bruShed hack fed
high forehead, the thin mobile lips c
ing under the excitement, of iutense th
the face turned slightly to the left a
lifted, the eyes, not looking at his con
t is a
a -Leet
o see
ul pit.
m the
d up-
tion, but over and above them, to that par-
ticular left hand corner,and fleshing ba k and
forth, as the magnetic needlelquivers under
la strong current. 1
There was inspiration for the preacher in
some of the men who sat under him---ejames
s Lang, the stalwart elder, as good as he was
just received a new lot, leather bound
The Storm King Cap for men is si
ing cap. ,Priecs according to cnality,
Everybody now recognizes th-.6 fao
wear finds no hindrance to its selling
combined with good taste.
Who is there that has felt the incon_venien.ce of Underwear
that irritated?
Who is there that knows th agonies of ceasless scratching,
itching ? To all such, Fleeced Lined Underwear conies as :a great boon,
-we:show the goods at $1, $1,50, $) and $2.501a Suit, according to
quality. L
If you like the All WOol, we have t line at $1 a suit which
is absolutely free from burrs and sync 1 bf fact( ry oil.
General Specials :—
Price 50e.
ply perfection as a driv-
50c, 60e and 75e.
th–at our stock of Neck -
qualities. It is always up-to-date,
The Black Fedora Hat at 75c1 The
Collars at 25e The Men's Braces a 15e an
Soxs at 25c, Fownes Brothers' Glov .$ a $1.
• Working Mitts at 25e. Boy/' Fleeced Linc
and 85c a Ella ; according to size. M n'S
• Wombat, Rock and Swamp Wallaby, As rich
Calf, Black Goat. Men's 'Need, Be, ver and
lowest to highest.
On the wrong side of th
o Stree,
strong; WilliamBel1, the men of aff
kindly as he was keen ; :Jame Murra
has often stood for my type of Thom
,lyle, a man of etrong, rugged -in
Adam Whiteford, quiet and devout ;
Elder, among the younger men, but
lectually ainong the first; these, and
of others, were men who reliehed th
laud ,and intellectual food they r
each Sabbath. I can see them yet,
sit at the end of the pew. '
There is another memory that comet
me over the score or more of intervenin
It is that of an evening class in the
manse on Friday evening, where the
ter's Bible class has gathered.- The
tions io the earechism have been ens
the proof texts heard, and the part w
best, the talk upon the lesson, broke
and then by a question, is uoder way.
stupidwe are when the , question
upon ne, how kindledhe is, d bow w
him, even though we stand
The class scatters but us ally one
, remain behind, and the bool is put
and the Latin and Greek gra mars an
exercises take the place for another
Many a man now holding an honorabl
took his &et steps into the world
his own neighborhood and its simple
in the hour after the ininieter's Bible
The ,inspiration of that hour, alone
such 're man, is with them still, It w
so moch in what was taught, as in the
for knowledge created, that the lif
H was only a country minister:
not receive even the minimum salar
yet, Icao you measure his influence, y
count bY numerals! He is no longe
us,' except as he lives in the lives of
whom he fife touched, but in them h
and the y acknowledge his power still,
Hens and Cows.
DEAR. EXPOSITOR. —During the past
I paid $2,200 for eggs, and as there w
other* gath eri ng eggs in McKillop, a
storekeepers got a large number as
there must have been thirty thousan
lars or over come into the township o
Killop fee eggs alone during the past
Many farmers say their hens brought
more money than their cows. _ But,
as' it may, I want to say here th
would pay much better if all the mei
were used at home, and only the larg
sold. It will also pay farmers to kee
hens that will produce large egga and
ones at that. If farmers would get
mciuth male bird and mate him with
largest hen their stock of hens woul
beimpreved. 1
There are two reasons why cows,
pay better. First, the cows are not
fed and cared for as, they should be
are not a dozen cowe in the "townshi
have been housed during the month i f Oc-
tober, and been given extra feed. ' Second,
its, as
* Car -
tel -
ck to
g old
a such owe of
r two
s not
e, and nd
re ten
d the
e this
t hens
Ply -
ure nothing furth
In a few cases he
dairy produce fr
have received no
victims of the sw
some of the best f
The net result of
The sharper has g
they will have to
not got the dry
their produce hut
as been heard of bin-.
said to have bOught
th1e parties and they
Mance from him. The
n le are maid to in3 lude
✓ era in the townehips.
h whole preeceedin is :
t the farmers' note and
ity them, but they have
ends. He has also got
they have not got their
—The 24th of
pointed Thankigiv
—Mies Hazel D
angeville, has fall
death of an uncle
— Woodstock i
paper. The Exp"
al, will be iesued
—Sheriff Meet°
Sunday, after e, lo
cation of disease
63rd year.
—On his arrive
peeted about Nov
the new Govern°
military demonst at
—Tighe's evapo al
was destroyed by fir
about $9,000. 2-0
out of work as a
—Jerry Collins
miles from Essex
afternoon while
He was over 60 y
— Russel Cook,
boy, died on Sun
brain, resulting
from a horse -ch
—Frank Fide
of the American
Jacksonville, Fl
booked to do garr
the winter,
—Friday after.
student, 19 yet',
Aurora high echo
match between th
teams at Newnsar
—Last spring
planted fifteen
recently dug ten
bushels to the be,
for every; pound o
o not
le well
two or three Linen
25e. The Heavy Wool
O. Indian Tan Leather
Underwear at 65e, 75e
Fur OvIercoats irt Coon,
n Do,ol' `Marmot Russian
. • / c
Frieze Qvercoats t prices
the Strong Block.
No time 1�t; a receipt always giv n ; cashed a par nywhe
America ; cost less than any other scheme of:remitt ng money.
applies most' forcibly to the us of liominiOn Epress Mone
Cost up to $3, 3c ; up to $5; 40 up to $10, 6
For Rates and all C. P. R. Tao/. 11es Inforrnat
re in North
he aforesaid
Orders in
; up to $20, 1c,
Agent for Dominion Express, C. P. R ielegraph and Canada
Accident Insurance Company, SEAFOR'tif.
,too much is being !paid for manufa
the cheese. Out of every pound of
the patron receives, tsboute two third
one dozen of eggs will equal in price
pounds of milk during the seaeon, ix
producer pays a commission of Esbon
quarters of a cent on the eggs, th
about five cents on the twenty po
milk. And, if the milk is good, an
thing works to adsrentage, ten pie
milk should make one pound of chre
ing the season. One year we sold
made in October in the Winthro
for twelve and a half cents and
patrons twelve and a half cents
pounds of milk after deducting the
manufacturing, andthis could be do
if everything was a it should be.
ron at Black Creekcheese factory I
made $600 from the milk of ten
cows. Of course they made butter
the winter. But what I want to poi
ie, that what has been dono at Black
can be done in McKillop, if farm
only work it in the same way. Cow
sheep and hens, well kept on the
would make the township of McKillo
duce more gold than the Yukon c
,, and
ile the
y pay
ds of
every -
de of
id the
r tete
st for
e pat -
t year
tit out
re will
, hogs,
• ada.
N vember has bee ap-
n Day.
bon, a domestic V Or -
• hair to $5,000 y the
have a third daily
ai independent ourn-
roll of Hamilton, di a on
o p illness from a compli-
Deceased was in his
t Quebec, which is ex -
her 12th, Lord Minto,
eneral, will be given a
in factory at' Chatham
Friday morning. L088
betide are temporarily
es It of the fire.
o Maidstone Cross, five
ropped dead Thursday
Or ing in his potato field.
ar of age. •
a ine-year-old Bramptoo
ay from hemorrhage of 'the
fro a blow on the head
t ut thrown by a com-
er of London, a member
o gh Riders, has died in
raida, efever. He was
odut), fn
Cuba during
°oil Elmer Richardson, a
s Of age, attending the
1, while playing a football
Newmarket and Aurora
et, broke his leg, ,
fr Hill, of West Zorta,
ou ds of potateees, and
bO.gs of one and a half
, or a bushel of potatoes
seed he planted.
--Mr. P. W. T onipson, manager of tie
Ogilvie Milling
despite the unfav
Manitoba's crop AD
than that of last,
—Mrs. Charlee
marble polisher,
of mind, murdee
Friday last. Sh
come to a bad en
charged from the
---Edward Mo
on Thursday wh
work on Papinea
using a dynamit
some rock when
killing him instil
- new mpv
cause, as distine
is being set o
'otnpany, _estimates thit
table weather of the fa 1,
geed wheat will be larg r
Burrell, wife of a Toronto
hilts in a demented stt4te
d her three children, n
vras afraid they might
. She had just been oiis-
geau was blown to pieees
le doing some excavation
road, Montreal, He *as
cartridge to get rid! of
It prematurely explodied,
meot in the' temperance
frdm that of prohibition,
oot by the clergy of the
The profits from cews alone in the tewnship
of McKilloposhould be over $200,000 In year.
And what applies to McKillop, applre pro-
portionately to every other townshi in the
Yours truly,
—The Lucknow Sentinel of la
says: Ib would seem that people
ways to be humbugged. Scarcely
passes without the record of some
being prepetrated among intelligent
We are informed that aeother swi
been worked in the county of Bru
operations of the principal in this la
largely confined to the vicinity of
A person representing that he was u
Dominion Government tried to inte
farMere in that 'erten inthe matte
storage for butte k etc. JIe also rep
a large business iMontr al which
to deal directly with t em in dr
He sold them consignmen
ing to less than twenty
their notes for the amour
take cash, his instructi
nothing but their notes.
Anglican chur h, foe the establishment of
&Mee houses in orouto in opposition tolthe
— The safe in iestaurant at the ("exand
TrunkRailwayl n at St. Johns, Quebec,
was, blown opei 135 stolen. Mr. +11i -
non, the propel Or, vas turned out of the
house by the bu s, who threatened to
kill him if he g r alarm.
—Sunday nigh T. Lalonde, boot! and
shoe merchant, anano ue, shot himself
in the head beca
trill himself but
back recently fr
been despondent
! —Mr. James
many years repr
erloo in the old
who is father of
master of Galt,
95 years of age
full century.
—Henry Wag
s ati
t week
are al -
Ule has
. The
est was
der the
est the
of cold
sof goods amount -
dollars aid took
t. He refused to
ns being ;to take
Since his depart -
e a
t J.
f G
se of teem le. He did not
ill likely die. Lalonde is
tit the Klondike. Ile has
for ome time. ,
, of Galt, and vido for
sen ed the county of Wat-
arl ament of Canada, and
Mai Thomaa Cowan, post -
ho died last week, le now
nd bids fair to live out the
er, r., a Preston moulder,
while carryieg lade of melted metal the
other day, stum lede and a quantity pf the
contents Wad spille4 on his foot, terribly
burning it. The toes- were fairly carbonized,
and it is likely the f ot will have to he am-
putated. 1
—Edmund B
of Mr Eli B
East, met with
which cost him
a fodder cuttin
arms came in
waaseeered fro
loss of blood,
—Jon Grill,
his foo taken o
Thursday night
ladder f the c
he slip ed and
of the
the foo
side of
before, I and soo
ra road
was thr
+MI m
is li
aabo oe e
rly Th
n, was f
n seven
M arm
and he
—Oi Wedne
accident occur
Milled of U
year -o d son,
peas, ifvas caug
beforej the hoi
swung round N
his les were b
In New Designs and Colors!,
Window &lades
That will not curl., crack
Curtain 1E1)&5.
New styles at low price.
"Awe Fra,m
•u, the 14-year-oltt ikon
u farnter, Sandwich
cadent the other day
e. He was operating
hine, when one of his
t with the knife. It
body. He died horn
a Co 1'. R. brakemen, had
at the ankle at Itinerkip
ills was descending the
t to the caboose when
the rail. The wheel
r ne.
ell t
or fade.
Made to order. Perfe t go de only.
lex. Winter, Sea rth
No Witnesses Required.
ering it impossible for Mr. obbledick to get
out f the way. The room as limited, and
he wee struck heavily by the neek-yoke
breaking three ribs, the pole crashin
through the end of the harp, just escaping
him by a trifle. Dr. Browning, of Exeter,
attended th injured man, who is Progress-
ing favorob y, his many friends will he pleas-
ed to learn. Had the tongue struck him he
ould have been -instantly killed. It only
by a few inches.,
some marble buet of thellate Sir
issed him
—A ham
'Villiam M lesworbh, British Secretary of
tate tor th Colonies in 1855, has been pre-
ented to t e Dominion Parliament and in -
tolled in the library. It iii a gift from his
ister, and bears the follo*ing inscription:
'The Righ Honorable Sir I Willie Moles-
orth, Bar., M. P., Secretary of tate for
he Colonie , the sternuoue and s ace seful
advoeate o a liberal coldnial policy. B.
1810, D. 185." '
—By the falling of the settles platform at
Shielde co I -hoisting derrick at th Cana
diem Pacifi Railway dock, at Brockville, o
!Monday, m. Buckingham had i his le
broken an was otherwise injured. 1 Other
on the pia form got off with a fed, slight
bruises. he deep was 32 feet 1traigh
down, and •n the platform at the time were
three or fo r men nd a ear of coal Weight*
over 300 to • s. The escape of the en was
1 —The o cial plebiscite returns
:Scotia an Manitoba are now i
how that in the former 39 per
hose entit ed to vete recorded thei
n the le,t r selittle over 25 per cen
In Nova S tia th vote was: For, 28,672;
gaunt, 2 ; majority for, 28,644. In Mani-
toba—For 2,567 - against, 2,955; ?majority
or, 9,412. The tea entitled to; vote in
Manitoba as 49,048. There are ?ant two
laces in Ontario and eix in Quebec out -
—Miss , attic 3 e of the
vaporatin facto will los
he sight of one eye. The sexier hap-
ned in this way: One of the men in epee
ut what he supposed to be a dead , sparrow
n her coat pocket. The bird, however,:
roved to be alive; and on putting her hand
• the pocket, Mies Martin was no frighten
d, that forgetting she held a paring knife
i• her other hand, she quickly raised HI!
• trikinf herself i the eye, inliiceihg a very
ment at
ri the dis-
t of good
✓ Nova
cent. og
votes le
. voted,
asse over his leg, severing
redayt morning the body of
a *ell -known resident of
und n a ditch at the North
vill e. He left the village ,
and 'eight o'clock the night
is t
✓ h
r turning north on the
,am started to run away
ut. His head struck a
ve caused instant death.
day of last week a terrible
ed on the farm of Mr, John
per Woolwich. His eight.
while assisting in threshing
t in the coupling rods, and
es °Mild be stopped he was
ith such violence that both!
oken at the thigh and a ter -I
ash was cut, in his head. He also sus- I
tained! interne injuries.
—The death took [place very suddenly atI
Foldet's Corners, ,in 'West Oxford, last week
of Mr Frankl n Folden, founder of bhe cor-
ners bearing h s name, and one of the best,
known farmer in Oxford county, Deceased'
was inilking a cow in his barn, when he sud-
denly and wit
ing stool and
Folden %SIPA se
been a reeiden
his life.
—The coal
Vancouver Idl
oral subsidenc
there now owi
is going to ta
tions of the
stated that a
down into an
DOW that this
peated on a la
—A serious
blediek, a w
week, that' wri
and it is lino
out warning fell off the milk-
xpired of heart disease. Mr.,
enty years of age, and had'
of that township nearly an
mining town of Wellington,
nd, has been the scene f sev-I,
there is genera;
ndications that a
e. The whole t
h the extensive
ining company.
eeks ago a hou
, There is ever
ience is likely to be re -
ent befell Mr. . Cob,
wn farmer livin near
n Thesday morning f last
1 1:4 him up for some time
e t a iniracle that he scape
with his life. Mr. bobblediek was Ann
a team in he teem hitched to a wago
loaded wi h pples, The horses ob'ectin
to the rat er teep incline, he went
heeds to ead them, when, musterin
powers, t el ad wOut up with a rue
s, an
O g to
e pla
ge s
opera -
It '
0 sli
o thei
their last week. The pruenpals w
rend- telon, eldest son of Wm.
ainfu wound.
—There is quit a ripple of ex&
ort Carling Mu koka, arising fro
overy of oil', sup
uality, on the 1
w days ago as h
n a piece of , low
otice oil in consi
n the water. H
he oil tested
leome was form
Western Ontario,
the material, and
genuine article.
, —Mr. Robert
aturelay evening
p his butcher eh
p to him and t
ands and deman
he one nearest
own and the ob
he ball entering
ee.t. The men
o be tramps. P
ition. James
rested at Peterb
uest of the Twe
anted for shooting Perry, W
revolver was found on him, o
f which was empty.
—Mr. Justus Vanderlip, a pr
dent of Cainsville, had an exce
row escape the other night fro
death beneath the wheelie of
freight train. As it was lie r.
serious nd painful wound, bu
so neer y approached th mirac lo
wounds seem of minor iinport nc
Vanderlip has undergone the rem rk
perience of having been rine do b
freight !train, picked up on
the locomotive. Carried fifty
then throw to the side ofdthe
one mai in ten thousand as g
a simile adventure and Ilered
tale. I
artin, an emplo
at Blenheim,
Red to e coal o
nd of Joseph Milner. A
was constructingdrain
land, he was surprised to
erable euantiti 8 c:±ating
will take steps o have
t once. As Mr. M ilner's
rly in the oil r gions of
he ought to be judge of
he declared it o be the
Miss M. A. !Clark.
formed the eeremony
,ate friends Were pre
and groomenian were
an excellent I wed din
their weddiOg tour
points. ,
'--There died on
inst., at 'leer' late r
John MeN*nney,
years. Deceased b
years with °timer o
three soil and one d
—Som Clinton b
ford's orehard the
carry riff a bag of
caught them and s
pockets inn. That
came ba ek again an
— Aboiet four o'cl
noon of last week,
Mrs. 5t
township, was fon
nothing eould be do
erry, of Twee el shot
He was ab ce close
p when two epped
Id him to t w up hie,
ed his money. He strack
him and ek d him
er fired a, revo r at him,
the lower jaw, f3 to_the
soaped and a supposed
rry is in a pre 8 0011-
cFee, alias MI as
)O 011 on Sunda he re-
d authorities,w e he is
en a rested
el c amber.
Rev. A. Stewartper.
and only the i tnedi-
ent, while bridesmaid
dispensed with. 'After
• dinner, they left on
to Buffalo and other
Saturday night, .15th
idence, at Nile, Mrs.
at the ripe age of 82
d. been a sufferer for
the face. She leaves
ye went into Mr. Rune -
other day, prepared to
apples. Mr. Ransford
nt them off with their
wasn't enough as they
stole the bag full.
ck on Wednesdayatter-
he barn on the farm of
concession, Goderich
d. to be on fire, and
e to save it. The sum -
meets crop was in the barn, threshed. There
was a small insurance,
— On Monday evening of last week, Miss
Scanlin, f Clinton,, holding a large door
partly open, when th wind threw the door
wide open, and she fell forward several feet,
striking on her forehead; she had put her
right hand out to prPtect herself, and had
the misfortune to break her arm at the
—On Thursday Morning of last week,
while Cl
the result being the loss of part of the mid-
dle finger of the left hand, and the thumb
and two fingers of the same hand being bad-
ly injured.
—A pretty but quiet wedding was that
of Mr. George Haley, merchant, of Gode-
rich, to Mies May, youngest daughter of
councillor jam. Caldwell, on Wednesday of
lett -week. Rev. Jasper Wilson tied the
knot at the residence of the bride's parents,
in the , presence, of a number of invited
friends. I
—Mrs. Jacob 'Steinhoff, mother of Mr.
Arthur Steinhoff, of Blyth, died at the resi-
dence of her daughter, Mrs. George !Berry,
Clark's 'Mills, New York, on Friday, 7th
inst. Deceased esided in Blyth foe many
going to reside at Clark's
rather suddenly, beihg sie,k
Her age was 81 'years and
• of last week while Ed.
apples in the orchard of
ibbons, of Goderiche he fell
orty foot ladder, striking
re Tweedy was working on -the
t Buchanan & Rhynas' factory, at
, his hand caught in the nuilhine,
mine t resi-
ding y
la orrible,
po derbus,
ce've very
is escape
s that
. -Mr.
ble ex -
a fast
ttie •ilot 'of
t . Not
flC brim h
Huron Notes.
—M , Angus McRae and his.
of Me 4illop, have gone to Briti
—Dr I Spence, of FordWich,
New ink to take a post gradu
the ho. there.
—A ospital has been ope
ha.n, t the rooms over S
Dr. K finedy as medical s
—T e other morning
Goderi do fell down staird
arm ju
Sun, h
of the
and ea
—D Thomas G. Hot en,
son of Mrs. Holmes, a Hol
been pointed senior surgeon
Unite States Infantry, now
Mont uk Point, Long Mend.
—Anniversary services wer
Bethel Methodist church, d
ship, on Sunday and Monday ef
and were most successful. frjj
amounted to about $35.
—Barrister Blair, of
fractured last week by b
side by a package of pa
thrown in fun by Druggi
says he has a better ide
hPieerfi Mefl
tsbelow the ghoul r poll+
es Irwin, formerly. of th
is purchased the plant of the
s Herald end will try to Ins
Alex. McGowan, a form r
:Bayfield line, Stanley,
y at Cleveland to Miss gaa
"Monday night of last e
A.. McDonald's store
ried off a considerable
Entrance was ffect d
d other,
Co umbia.
one 'to
urse in
an , with
ent •
11°Ldi' leteaof
el Mule
k urglars
C laintfltr of ua
fro the
evioue to
She died
- days.
seven m nthe.
—Oa Tuesda
Bates wes pickin
the late Sheriff
off the o of a
years pr
only feu
the gro n head !first, injuring Me heed and
ing picked up he as w-
as fully fifteen minntes be.
red to consciousness. Al-
ised no boneawere broken.
all of 1897, -Wm. Lowery,
, Goderich township, was
Oxford, packing apples for
enclosed a note in one bar -
ver opened it to write to
know in what condition
eceived. A few daye since
knowledgment from Aber -
stating that the apples
od thape.
h Star says: On 1Friday
et accidently on the corner
ose united ages totalled over
forty years. It a rare
e across three citizens in a
bunch Who average four score years, and it
is rarer still to
men w o areas
age, an e o
little of a eri mi
—There died
concession of , S
big, October 1.9t
prolong'ad lillnes
shoulderjs. On
sensible and it
fore he Was rest
though badly ler
—During the
of concession 1
engaged in East
D. Cantelon, an
rel asking who
him, anlet hiii
the apples were
he receitred an a
deal, Se,otland,
were in 'fairly g
—The Goderi
three townsmen
of West street w
two hu dred an
occurre cis to co
nd such a trio composed of
lively as- many half their
e of which would think
e walk before dinner.
etroit, and
sville, has
f he Seventh
stationed at
•reit odh int0 wt ha!!
19.0 week,
e Iproceeds
missile had a rib
ing ostra4 in the
liamentar reports
t Fox. A r. Blair
• now taa ever of
the weight of these returns. ! I
--A very quiet wedding, in which two
popular Clintomans were concerned, took
place at the honte of Ogle Co per, brother-
in-law of the bride, on Tueedy'm ening of
re J. E. Call*
autelon, and
hieLEAN BRO13., Publishers.
$1 a Year in Advance. -
fishing smack. After one year's residence
there they moved to Clinton, where she bad
resided ever since, thus being one of the
oldest residents there. Fifteen years ago
she was left widow, and for a considerable
length of time made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. Moffatt, at -whose place she
—A little son of Albert Morrell, of Clin-
ton • met with a peculiar and painful acci-
dent the other day, which shows easily
one can get hurt, During the day Mr. Mor-
rell had been getting an iron bolt made at
Trowhill's blacksmith shop, and ail he was
corning home in the evening, accompanied.
by his son, he was walking on the side of
the street opposite to the blacksmith shop
when Trowhill shouted across that the bolt
was was ready for him, and steppiug back
into the shop he got the bolt. In the mean-
time Morell had walked half way across the
street, his eon following him, and Trowhil;
gave the bolt a vigorous toss, expecting, as
Morrell did himself, that he would catch it.
But he missed it, and it struck the child
right over the eye, making a nasty flesh
wound, which necessitated a doctor's ser-
vices to sew it up,
the family residence, 12th
phen, on Wednesday morn-
, Mrs. John Neeb, after a
of internal tumors. 72he
deceased was taken to London last spring
and underwent an operation for the removal
of the trouble, but it was only a temporary
relief and I she gradually grew worse until
death °Wined her. She leaves a sorrowing
husband and a large grown up family to
mourn her idealise.
—The rerneins of the late Agnes !Wilson,
wife of Dr. J. C. Hutchison, of Whitevale,
were brought to Fordwich on Moncley after-
noon, Of last Week, and interred in the Pres-
byterian OeMetery. Deceased had been ail-
ing for somo time with an abscess and had
undergon ti operation, but her system was
110b Atr011 enough to revive the strain and
she passed away errly Saturday morning,
I5th ins Deceased, who was a Oster of
Mr. Mat hew, ikon, of Fordwich,Ilived in
that,villag in her girlhood days, and was
greatly beloved by all who knew her. She
leaves a loving husband, two children arid
four brote, s to mourn her lose.
—The ethain of the late Mrs. Nathaniel
rm rly of Grey township, were
eureele cemetery on Wednesday
ek,' having been brought there
Bay City, Michigan, on Tuesday.
a I on died on Sunday, Of heart
r 84th year. - She was a native
e, En land, and with her
of last ye
from, West
Mrs. S
of Devo
Perth Notes.
—The Mitchell flour mills have been ship-
ping large quantities of flour to the old
—The young Liberate of Stratford will
tender a banquet to John Brown, M. P. P.,
about the first of November.
—Mr. George Lemon, of Mitchell, has
been engaged as manager of the central bar-
ber shop, Ingersoll.
—After paying an accounts and prizes,the
Fullerton and Logan Agricultural Society
have a balance of $200 to the good.
—The other night thieves entered the
driving shed of Henry Neeb, in North East -
hope, and stole his best buggy, harness and
buffalo robe.
—Mr. P. Maloney, of Blatishard, is staid
to have ,just completed the finest sibo in
that township, with a capacity of 150 tons.
—Rev. W. J. Taylor, of St. Marys, has
returned from his trip to England. While
there he collected $1,758,:which more than
wipes off the debt on his church.
—Mr. Wni. Abbott, of Stockton, Mani-
toba who was formerly a leading and re-
spected resident of Mitchell, has had para-
lytic stroke, which has so paralyzed him
that he is not even able to write.
—On Monday afternoon of last week, fire
damaged the house of Mr, Charles Brough-
ton, at Monkton. The fire was fortunately
seen in time., and the neighbors turned out
and extinguished the blaze.
—Herb Page, son of Mr. H. W. Page, of
St Marysois the inventor of an automatic
oscillating steam pump, and has reoently
sold the United States patent to a South
Bend, Indiana, company, for a consideration
of $9,000.
—The following from the Mitchell Metho-
dist Sabbath school have pseud the Normal
Examinations on Bible and Training Lessons;
2nd year, Miss Burritt, Bible Lessons ; lst
year, Miss Edith Babb, Bible Training ; lst
year, Miss Della, Williams, Bible Lessons.
—Some Elmo township farmers got into a
lawsuit over damages done to a gate. The
case has sines been decided. The magistrate
imposed a fine of $1 each on the defendants,
and adjudged them to pay also $2.50 dam-
ages and the costs of the court, About $600.
—Wm. Flannigan, aged 16 year, whose
home is in St. Marys, swept offs, car on
which he was atealing a ride, as the train
passed under a low bridge in Detroit on
October 12th. His left arm and 'several
ribs were broken and the skull was bully
—Old John 'Stacey, who for years lived in
a little shanty near tlae Willow Grove
cheese factory, Logan, died at the House of
Refuge, Stratford,and was buried on Thurs-
day of last week. His age is not known,
but it is said by old settlers that he must
have seen nearly 100 years.
—On Monday of last week the electors of
Mitchell voted on three by-laws and all
were defeated. They were, one to prohibit
the running of cows at laige ; one to bor-
row $5,000 for the purpose of purchasing an
electric light plant, and one to make local
improvements on the frontage tax eystetn.
—A requisition under the municipal audit
riot has been forwarded to the Lieutenant -
Governor in Council, asking to have the
Provincial Munitipal Auditor make an ex-
amination of the books and accounts of the
town of Listowel, for the purpose of ascer-
taining the financial standing.
—Mr. Joseph Johnston has sold his in-
terest in the Monkton brick yard to his,
partner, Mr. Wm. Barnhardt, for the sum
of $900. Mrs Barnhardt now has full con-
trol of the business, which is a good paying
one. The output for this year, which has
just closed, is about 200,000 brick and 160,-
000 tile.
—Mrs. Thomas Harburn and her son,
Leslie, of Hibbert, returned from their visit
to Manitoba on Monday evening of last
week, after an absence of three months. -
They were in the neighborhood of Carberry,
where four of the old lady's sons are farm-
ing. This year they had a crop of 280 acres
of wheat, half of which turned out 30 bushels ;
to the acre.
—Herbert McLagan Reynett, of Strat-
ford, passed quietly away on Sunday morn-
ing of last week, after a lingering illness of
about ten months' duration, The young
man, who was in his twenty-fourth year,
was a general favorite,and was until his late
illness a strong, healthy fellow. Ho was
formerly express messenger between Strat-
ford and London.
—Mr. and Mrs, P. Me,Grath, of Hibbert,
experienced a sensational drive the other
day. Just as they were corning down the
hill on the Huron road, at Mitchell, their
rig broke down and the horses, ran away,
Mr. McGrath anteceded in pulling the team
up against the Larkworthy house, where
they were soon brought 1,0 0, stand stillewith
no further damage than the breaking of the
—On Monday of last week, Mr. Charles
Burroughs, who lives just outside the e,or-
poration of Mitchell north, was in Mitchell,
feeling in the best of health. On Tueliday
he complained of not feelieg well, and next
day he was a corpse. His death, coming so
suddenly, has east a deep gloom over the
whole neigborhood. He was a man of quiet
disposition, respected by all who knew him,
and thoroughly upright in all his dealings.
—The convention of the Order of King's
Daughters and Sons for Ontario met in
Stratford last week. The following officers
were elected for the next year: Recording.
secretary Miss Annie Brown, exeoutive,
Mrs. Gibbs, Port Arthur, Mrs. Tilly, Lon-
don • Mrs, Ami, Ottawa; Mrs. McNish,
Brantford, Dr. Bertha Dymond, Toronto,
Mrs. Brookes, Stratford • Mrs. Esdaile,
Ottawa ; Mrs. °e'er, Cole'ourg, and Miss
Strange, Kingston. Mies Nellie Packed,
Stratford,presented the report, of the finance
committee, showing total convention re-
ceipts of & $101,64, and total expenses of
$94.22, The Provincial secretary was in-
structed to discover what steps are neces-
sary to the ineorporation of the order in the
Province, and to report at the next conven-
oin Cleveland to Gocterech on a tion.
bus -
pre-deceesed her 11 years ago, came to Can-
ada in 184 After living three Years in
band, ehe ate Nathaniel Smalldoo, who
Wilmot the family moved to Logan and
about thirty years ago located in Grey town-
ship. It is e
left.Grey th
place th
last week;
even years since Mrs. Smandon
but appropriate wedding took
home of Mrs. Howson, in
on Wednesday afternoon ofi
the presence of only the imd
tnediate relatives of the family. a he bride
Was Miss
and estima,b
McLay, bei
duetrious y
was bridesmaid, and George McClure, Me-
Killop, groomsman, while Rev. Mr. Andrews
'performed the ceremony. After receiving
the congratulations of their friends, they
partook of & wedding dinner, and in the
evening dro e to Blyth, where they took the
train for Kincardine.
—Rev. Mr. Parke, rector of St. Paul's
church, Clinton, had a very narrow escape
from meeting with what might have been a
fatal accident the forepart of the week.
While driving along the Bayfield road ac-
companied by his daughter, Miss Shirley, to
visit his sister, t Mrs: Elliott, the horse fell
and broke e shaftr of the road cert, close
to the Milli bar, As the horse went down
the part hood fell forward and the rector and
Miss Shirley were oaughtbeneath. Had the.
beide been a fractious one there is no saying
what the result might have been, but for-
tunateltY Mr. Parke had a close grip upon
the line* and managed to extricate himself
and daughter without any further injury
than a Out above the nose. ,
--Clinton lost - one of its very earliest
residents on Tuesday evening of last week,
by the death of Mrs. .A. Davis, at the age
of 92 yeare. 1 Deceased had enjoyed fairly
good healthall her life, and, notwithstan
mg her un eual age, had the use of all her
facultie to the very lest. Born in Berrow
Perish rehesterehire England, she was
marriedVin years to her 1st& husband,
and abo the year 1847 or '48 they emi-
t -hie country, coming by way of
aerie Howson, a most popular
e young lady, the groom, James
g a well-known, steady and in -
ung man. , Miss Mina Hunking
greted 1tie
the 1a4eS f