The Huron Expositor, 1898-10-21, Page 8el;
OCTOBER 21, 1898.
The Busy Ste
Wilson's Oash Grocery
',Field and Garden seeds. -We have Evans& Co's.
later log msngold seed, Golden Tankard and Long
Rielmeaugold eeed, Imported Short White carrot and
- fife beet vzsrletles of Swedish turnip seed at the low.
est prime. Our stock of Teas was noverbetter than
It is now. Our Ma Japan le the host in the market.
Give us a eall and we will guarantee to please you
and for less money than you can buy from any ped-
lar. Our stock of Groceries is No. 1 quality. Our
prioes aro art iow as any one in the trade, and as we
give a 6 per cent. cash discount to cash customers
on all purchasas of $1 and over, except flour and
sugar, it will pay you to give us a Mi. Good
value in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sete, and a good as-
soktment to select from. The highest prices paid
Ifor all kind's of trade.
, C. WILSON, Seaforth.
1374 Bank of Commerce Block.
Fine Tailoring.
. • We beg to notify the publics that we have engaged
the services of Mr. Harry Speare (who is' eo well and
popularly known in Sea forth in connection with fine
tailoring) as cutter and mariager of our Tailoring
'Department. Our stock of Cloths and Tweeds is no*
complete, and will be found in every
,partioular. Readymade Clothing stock mem is
tilled its utmost eapeolty. We cordially invite in-
speett n before buying to' both our Ordered and
Ready made Depart rents of Clothing. ,
Wm. , ickard & 0o.
Grand Trunk Railway
Company of Canada,
To Mr. W. Somerville ;-
This is to authorize you on behalf of the
Grand Trunk Railway Company of Ca,necla
to sell Passenger Tickets in the Town of
Seaforth, Ontario, until father notice.
Railway Company of Canada have here-
unto affiixed their Corporate Seal, this fifth
day of February, 1898. .
Oftarles M. Hays,
General Manager.
Popular, Progressive, BAt.
Unquestionably the leading Commercial
School in the Province: New students ad,
milted at any time. Graduates in great
Write for beautiful catalogue.
W„ J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52
CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000.
REST, $1,500,000.i
Main street, Seaforth.
A general banking business' transacted. Farmers'
Sale Netes collected, -and advances made on same at
lowest rates.
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and
Interest allowed at highest current rates. Interest
added to principal twice each year -at the end of
June and December. No notice of withdrawl is
xequired for the whole or any portion of a deposit.
Solicitor Agent.
While We don't expect to take first prize in the
above competition, we are quite satisfied to be in the
ront rank a9 to big bargains in the Grocery and
Meat busineas. Just now we are making special
prices on Terse, some of the finest lines at the lowest
prices ever effered in Seaforth. We have no room to
give prices, but call and get a sample. We know
you can't match them anywhere.
In our Butcher Shop, next door. They must be
young aid eel' dressed to brieg the highest price.
Groiers / Butchers,
15 8
aluron Cxpomtot
SOUTH 11(-Fc0K PRIZES.—Those who were
awarded prizes at the recent South Hu on
show, held at Exeter, can now receive t eir
prize money on application at the offic,- of
the secretary -treasurer, in Seaforth. 'or
the accommodation and convenience of p ize
winners in the Exeter district, the treasurer
will be at the town ball, Exeter, on Satur-
day, October 29th, from ten a. m. to four p.
m., for the purpose of paying prizes.
Tfir, Criti.iiIt.-A. -A large and enthusiastiC
meeting of Iovers of the roarin' garae was
held in the Commercial hotel, on Friday
evening last, when the curling club was re-
organized for the coming season. The fol-
lowing oflicers were appointed : Patron,
James McMichael ; president, W. K.
Pearce ; vice-president, NV. Ament ; secre-
tary -treasurer, Jelin ' NVeir ; representative
committee, 2. G. Williamson, M. Morrie ;
managing committee, T. F. Coleman, Geo. ,
• Pa.tterson, F. W., Tweddle, . J. M. Best,
R. S. Hays .: skip's, A. Wilson, E. C. Cole-
man, W. K. 'Pearce, F. W. Tweddle, 1). D.
Wilson, John A. Wilson,.J. S. Roberts, J.
Turner, W. Pickard, W. 1). Bright ; honor-
ary members, -T. Lyon, J. Aird, R. Logan,
M.- Morris and J. •(:. Laidlaw.
Euaro!--;p v I i.1,13 N-oTEs.-Mrs. Pease and
her son „.1,,Ilen spent some days last Nyeek
with f riende at peorgetown.-Mr. Williaan
Aberhardt, jr., was so unfortunate one day
last week as to break his leg while picking .
applee. The limb on which he was standing
broke and in his effort to save 'himself from
falling hie leg caught between two branches
and a bad fracture was the result,. He is
doing as well as could be expected, but will
have to rest several weeks. -Miss Louisa
Toms went to Toronto laet, week to ace her
friend, Mre. Coburn, who is very ill. Many '
of our people had kindly recollections of this
lady as Miss INiarion McDonald, and will be
pleased to hear of her speedy recovery. -
Miss Beattie, of Poud Mills, has been the
guest thie week of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
John lIcettie, of this village. -We trast
that, the pumpkin compitition has proved es
profitable to its premo or, Mr. J.S. Roberts,.
as it seetned to pro es interesting to the
public. By the way, etow that the local
show has about collapsed, having been
scourged by fire one year and flood the next,
would it not be to the purpose for the bee-
fless men of Seaforth to go into the exhibi-
tion line for themselves, each taking a sep-
arate depertrnent or class. For exemple,
one might effer prime for fancy goods, an-
other for Ian tor,.another for draught horses
and so on, Just think of it gentlemen, you
might attraet vett crowds every day for a
week or two. -Misses Minnie and Bella
Cumming moved to Seaforth last week, and
will occupy rooms in .Cady's block. -Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Reinke attended the mar-
riage of their neice, Miss Lizzie Reinke, to
Mr. Joseph Daymond on Wednesday of last
week. Mrs.
this village
her new hom
-Nies Belle
tending the
whinney, w
Dayneond has many ftiends in
ho wish her every hapipiness in
and changed condition of life.
Smith is at Nile this week at -
einem' of her aunt, Mrs. Me-
e diecl. there on Sunday last.
• •
RAILWAY COIDENT.---An adeident on this
branch of he Grand! Trunk Railway is
something. o very raee occurrence. The
record!, howe er, was broken on Saturday,
evening las although the consequences
were not of serious, natute. The mixed
train,- which left here for clerk% at 6:30
o'clock, had on it a flat ar loaded with
stoneel VVh n about aemile on this side of
Clitito,n,one f the stonefi fell hrough onto the
track. The xpress ear an several freiaht
cars were de ailed and iionfiderably demor-
alized. Th passenger ar, however,
which was t the rear of the train, did
not leave the track. Nb pe son was injur-
ed, and the reckage as cleared up and
the tried( re aired for t e morning train on
Monday. I was purel an accident, and
no person w s to blam
FOR, Fra es and. Lauren Henderson's
studio, Seafort , is the place to come. 1610-1
ele'Youno Seaforth, or Crockery ; some.
thing new, han some end c eap in dinner sets and
toilet 'Jets just rrived. We invite the publio to In-
spect them bef re buying, a d we will give you bar-
gains that you ave never h ard of et A, Young's
grocery and or okory store, eaforth. 1010-1
SOMETHIN new end c eap in parlor suites,
ounges. Leatherdale &
easy o uohes and
Landaborough, Seaforth.
Mee ever house s oes, slippers, over -
gaiters, etc., fo ladies. Loo in our north window if
you haven't tin o to °onto in. W. II. Willis,Seaforth.
WE are gi ing a redu tion in prices from
now till' the et of Jamie y, 1899. Leatberdale &
Landeborough, Seaforth. 1010.1
NEW REP UR 5110P.- I beg to announce
that I have op nod out a b..t and eh e repair shop,
opposite Fear' drug store, eafortb, here I will be
pleased to n.eet all who m y favor e with their
patroeage. F rst.claes wen done o short notice,
aud [magnet on guaranto d. . Ordered work a
specialty. Lot is Wrrr, Seat rth. 1610.4
WE don' advertise nueli t rough the
press, but our ork, our goo s, our p lees, our free
delivery of fur iture far and near, is t e best weekly
advertisement e can give t ti public Leatherdale
& Landsboroug Seaforth. 1610.1
A FINE n W stock o Curtap Poles, the
very latest, in vood er braes trimmin s, for 25o com-
plete, at Papst booicatore, aforth. 1610.1
As wn bu from the best manufacturing
firms in Oatari , we 0a0, the afore, show you a mul-
tiplicity of d signs in be room su tee, exteneion
tables, eideboa de, centre ta les, and ether oods no-
where in Seafo th to be foun but at yr h gh grade
furniture emp riuni. Leath rdisle & ndsborough,
Seaforth. .1010-1
redue ions uow in prices f Wall Pa-
pers at Papstas bookstore, Sea orth. 10104
HOUSE FO SALE,—Lo 86, RA lway street,
&Worth, wit li story hou e ; coin r lot ; will be
sold cheap. pply to Georg A. S111 and Stephen
Lamb, execute) s of late Mrs Nevins, r to James L.
Killoran, &Bei or. 1610.1
Tiles is -al rm clock se son. C 11 at Paps 's
book and Jo city house, Se forth, and secure ne
while threassor ment is good W. It. Counter, un n.
• ager jewary d partm13116. 1610.
ples and poult
'Wanted b November lst, a good girl to
do general hou o work. Gco wares ill be paid to
Ihe right party, Apply to M s. R. E Cooper, C n -
stance. , *. 1608x
MRS. C. . DUNLOP t acher f music •in
all its branches Careful Ate tion gi en to he n -
nem Vocal a d clinical wor a speei ity. 160,7x
HOUSE TO Len.--Comf rtable cottage on
the corner of srket and Spar! ng str ote. Applyi to
STARK Bnos., eaforth. 1609 1-4
Kers ake, of Vie
car le d of first -0109e
f next, week. P1100
Choice but r 17c, dried
yi G. E. Kirel Wingham. 1609.1
P -
POTATOES. -Hamilton
SeaforthiSeed tore, will have
potatoes! abou the middle
right ; cell and see.
• IN ORDER o make ro
goods, an extra discount for mi
regular prices on %Vetches,
ware, Foamy 0 s, Chinaware,
16 days, at 0, W. Papet's bool
Seaforth. W. . Couutor,
m Christrrfati
h will be given off
()eke, J welry, Sliver.
etc., d ning the ntxt
and ewelry bout re
lager j welry deprirt-
• 1810.1
Miss Nettie Wileon wil ope her cou se
of cooking Jesse by a demonist. ation esson on t-
urday afternoo , at half -past 2 o'clock in the roo s
formerly occu red by the . M. A. Men
Chicken Croqu ttes, Salmon T Russien Jolly,
Macaroni and heese. Admission, 25o ; free to th ee
who intend taking any lessons. Clair es in practical
cooking will be arranged at close of les. on. 1610-1
SOME big soaps hi exteneion t bles, spring
wiree and mattresises, teatherdale & andeborougb,
Seaforth. 1010.1
MCPHERSON 1%; 'do" Furriera Stratford.
To the ladies and gentlemen Seat rth and our.
rounding!country,-We bee to remind you that we
aro prepared to manufaleture Fur Good of every de-
scription at our establishment, 04 uteri° street,
Stratford, in the latest ityle, and with the best work.
manship. Our stock Qr skins, consist! g of Seal, Per-
sian Lamb, Aetrechare Grey Lamb, etc , is largo and
varied, and our facilities unsurpaated for making or
altering all Muds of fur garments. ur stook of
manufactured tura is the largeat and the best in
Western Ontario. Soliciting yceir patronage, youre
reapectfully, Mc 2lieftliON dt Co, Strati() d. 1610-1
Season. -Henderson, the photographer
his studio some now backgrounds, lr
going to surpass the last holiday work.
ettidio is the place for flretellaes photo
the holiday
has added to
in which ho is
of all styles.
SEE our new equipment in r ttan goods,
Get our .pricles before yeti buy. •Leathe dale & Lands.
borlugh, Seaforth.
• 10104 •
En !-P.N. CO ULTH A I; D, -The ( Aiwa Vito
dic tor, of October 14, makes t c following
reference to the marriage of Mr. D. T. flee -
bur , teller in the Dominion Ba k, Seaforth,
to -Pas Coulthard;of Oshawa i "4 happy
eve t took plaCe at the ref3id nce of the
bri e's parents, Mr. and Mrs: V -N, alter Coul-
tha cl; Simcoe street, Oshawa, when their
youngest daughter Florence w s United in
rnarriage to Mr. David T. ilep urn, of the
Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Th .ceremony
was performed by the Rev. J.! P Wilson, in
thepresence of only the near datives of
the contraoting parties. Over the bridal
party,wai suspended a, bell of:w ite., flowers
surriounted by a dove, the gift f the most
intimate friends of the bride' lies, Maude
Sorn,erville, of London, and Miss Mary Arm-
strotig, of. Whitby, performed t le duties of
bridesmaids,' while Mr. W. 1W. Coulthard,
brother of the bride, acted as roomsman.
The bride was dressed in emnience blue
ladi s'. cloth. After the ceremeny and a
Hepburn left ona the 8 o"cloek t ain for the
tem ting wedding breakfast, 11. and Alre:
west and efter a short tour w'll take up
their resideuce in Seaforth. The presents
to the bride were mos, handsom , Mr. and
Mrs, Hepburn carryl with- the n the best
tvishee of a. lerge circle of ash wa friends
femoog whorri the bride was 'des evedly pep-
pier " They arrived in Sea,fortl on Friday
lastand. Mrs Hepbern will be at. h.ome on
tIonday, Tu sday and Wednesd y, October
chl, 25 and 2( •
Assraf, Iiwrisa -At the fourteenth
tiinnual mee ,ing of he Seafor h WOrnen's
ChristiareTe perence Union,held on Odtober
il2th, encouraging. reports were refog of good
work done in many depertmented The
treasurer re orted, ha,-eing received from oft
sources the um of F,:po, with expenditures of
Fan Altho gh theee were fewer demands
than meal it the town on the tuperintend-
ent ef relief, valuable Assistance was given
bythie depa tment to sufferers from disest-
eem, fires in • rescott and Ineisfill counties.
In response o an teepee' threugh the local
newspapers, a large quantity of. cleehing,
bedding, etc , of good quelity was sent in' by
the pe0ple o Seaforth and vicinity. In all
five latge ba es and two boaes, which were -
packed, and through the kindness of the
Canadian E. press Conipany, were Bent free
of eharge to he central. relief committee at
Ottawa. In addition to this, various sums
amoueting t $40, -veer sent to the fire re-
lief building fund. T e superintendent of
work amen lumber en repeated heving
sent fifty po nds of go d literature to. lum- I
ber cemps in Muskoka also aid to the Wo-
man's Christian. Tem erance Union mis- ,
sionary, wh • is doing- excellent week dis-
trihuting lit rature aril holding services at !
the different camps, here his visits are
eagerly veel omed. D partments of Band
of Hope, arlor mee ings, and press also
; For the encouragement of new subscrib-
ers, we ill give- THE EXPOSITOR fr0111
NOW until the fleet of . January, 1900, for
he price of one year's subsceiption- One
Dollar, p yable in advance. In a (Seigel° of
weeks we intend starting a new serial story,
Of thrilli g interest, and by one: of the
4,blest an most popular authors of the day.
Those, t erefore, who intend ' joining our
iieinks fer the first time, should fiend in their
oames at once, so as to get the whole. of
the story.
IWe ha 0 a few on our lists who have not
yet paid heir subscriptions for the present
year. T these we would say, if they de-
ske to s ve fifty cents extra, 1 the credit
price, the. will pay at once. Parties pay-
ing this d next year will only be charged
the adva ce pricii for this year.
; As aft January next,postaga will be im-
posed up n newspapers, it is mess ry that
ave insist on advance payment. W cannot
Afford to ay postage in advance a d wait
two or hree years for the prhe of the
paper. e are surethat most a ur sub-
ecriters re too sensible and fair inded to
expect o ask us to do so. We expect,
therefore that before the close of he year
every su scriber in arrears will ay up.
Subscrib re in arrears should bear this no;
tice in m nd, and pot give their m nds rest
night or av, until they pay all ar ears on
their wee ly visitor. Most of our subecri-
hers do t is, awl we want to get hem all
on the same footing. It is as easy to pty
now as six months hence, and a d al more
profitable to all parties concerned,
reported work done. Officers elected. for
the con) ng year are : Preside t, Mrs.
(Rev.) R ssell ; vice-presidents, M s. M, B.
Smith, Alm J. Stewart, Mrs. F...0 Neelina
corresponding -secretary, Mrs. Co ter ; re-
cbrding-seeretary, Mrs. M: -Y. Ile:Lean ;
treasurer Mrs. G. B. Scott ; sup rintend-
eat of relief, Mrs. T. 0. Kemp.
, --•,
THAT OLD Lerren.----Mrs,John Lo nsbury,
of Princeton, fortnerly of Seaforth, innishes
us with the folio ing interesting pa ticulars
concerning the an Doan, theavrit r of the
old letter, which appeared in these columns .
recently : " I Wee mention is made in
THE EXPO,SITOR of an old letter fou d many
years ago, relating to Joshua Do n, who
was hanged in London in 1838. The rebel-
lion broke mit in 18. 7. My fat er and
family lived at that tit e iu Sou h Yar-
mouth. I was quite yo ng, but I r member
the circumstance well. oan's lathe 's name
was Jonathan Doan. Ti ey were a very re-
spectable Quaker family'. They CU e from
Pennsylvania many years ago, and settled
in South Yarmouth, new Elgin !c enty, a
few miles south-east of St. Thom , near a
village called Sparta. When the ebellion
broke out they raised a company the vil-
lage.' Joshua Doan, a fine iyoung married
man, with one child, was appoin ed cap-
tain, and, being an American, he r113 dily ac-
cepted the appointment. Ho sta t d with
his company to join McKenzie, bu , meeting
the Government forces, were def ated, and
he, with his friends, naturally fled o Amer-
ican soil. ,The next year they at t pted to
cross over at Peelee Island in the chooner
Ann, but' were captured and ler ugh(' to
London. poan and Perley were hanged.
Their frieeds brought the remains to the
Friends' meeting hbuse at Spart Two
sermons w, cre preached by two Qua er pub-
lic speaker*, and theaemaAns were uried in
the Qiniket burying ground, where they lie
with no Aerie to mark their grave, which I
have oftenseen. Doan's' wife, to w om this
old letter was evidently written, a terward
married his younger brother, I am told."
• . '
THE Peenocue CONTEST. -The
contest held by Mt. J. S. Roberts,
of this toWn, created a great deal o
among thegrowere of big vegetable
forth and :the surrounding ceuntr
spring Mr. Roberts offered several
the persona who would grow the
pumpkins from seed supplied by hin
400 packages of seed, of the mamm
variety, were given out by Mr. Rober
will give some idea of the numbe
bitious pumpkin growers, about 100
made returns. De_spite the bad sea
the frost and theo the drought int
with their growth, some menet
brought in, and the exhibit in Mr.
store was for a few days a centre o
tion. Saturday last the prizes wer
ed, when a crowd gathered to see A
Weir, offieial weigher, weigh the p
h ve pumpkins enough to keep hi
ar award the prizes. Mr. 'Rob
ler ages to come. The following is
the prize winners and others who
the largest pumpkins : 1st, secretar
Little, Hullette 851' pounds ; 2nd
Jas. Watson, Seaforth, 842 poun
rocker, 0. a Robbins, Staffa, 812;
4th, clock, Wm. Pepper, Tuckers
pounds ; 5th,) violin and box P. 0
Hibbert, 76,t pounds ; 6th, toil
Dave ' Chesne , Tuckersmith, 74
7th, shoes, S. Storey, McKillop, 71f
Sth, watch, iss Mulholland, Ki
pounds; 9th, lbum, Wm. Stogdill,
701 pounds ;' 10th, bill book, Wn
harde, Tack rsmith, 70 pounds ;
Coleman, Sea orth, 69i1 pounds ; M
mell, Tuckers 'ith, 692 pounds ; W
son, McKillo 691 pounds ; Mrs.
Stanley, 682 minds ; Martin Rya
ley, 661 poen s ; Mrs. P. McGrego
field, 651-pou ds ; John Storey, Me
pounds ; ,L h hie, Tuckersmith, 63
Joe Bulger cKillop, 64 pound
Fell, !Stain 59? , pounds ; Jos.
Tuck4rsmith, 55!i' pounds ; T. 11
mendville, 55.' pounds ; B. Riley,
55t Pounds ; T. O. Kemp, , Seal
pounds ; 3. 'lick, Brussels, 54i
Wm. !McKen• ie, Brueefield, 53:1 pou
Dodde, MeKi lop, 51.)2 pounds ; Mr
Sertforth, 50t pounds.
Watson, of this town, has recently
letters from the chaplain of the
and the captain of the eon -malty at
Philipine Island, to which his so
belonged, giving particulars of hi
and death there, Harry joined
0, .13th infantry, Minnesota, vo
aboot the time of the outbreak of th
ish-American war, and shortly af
his regiment went to Manila. The
says : " He was taken siek en ro
San Francisco to Manila, lebout Ju
His case was not considered seriou
was up and around deck until Ju
when the doctor sent him to the e
pital. He had the beat of care do
eickness aboard ship, and immedi
our arrival at Manila, he was trane
the military hospital at Cavite.
was until his death on August 2$
hospital there is a splendid one an
in Sea-
. Last
rizes to
. Over.
th king
n, which
of am -
f whom
on, first
rs were
award -
r. John
rts ill
in ies
a lis of
rod ed
, H rry
, ta le,
s ; rd,
oun s ;
ith, 4
Con or,
t c se,
oun ls ;
ou ds;
pep, 71
tan ey,
Al er-
E. C.
. CT m -
An er-
lloP, 63
ounds ;
; John
ls, Eg-
th, 55
ounds ;
ds • C.
. Gl'ass,
W. N.
er With
te from
y 15tb.
and he
y 25th,
ip hos-
iug his
tely on
rred to
ere he
b. The
he had
the best df care and atteneion, bu the cli-
matic conditions are very much against a
man's recovery here, unless he is therougbly
aclimated. His funeral was held a, Cavite
on the 29th of August, the remains being in-
terred in the American cemetery th re, Rev.
. M. Daley, chaplain of the egarnent,
fficiating. The cause of his death was ty-
hold fever. He died at 6.30 a. m August
8. This a painful duty for me to !perform,
s I was in hopes that I could brMg all my
oys back to Minnesota with me. he are
11, almost as brothers to me, and t, e lo s of
ne is severely felt by all," Mr. W tson also
ad a very kind and sympathetic letter rom
the chaplain p
Mr. Orval Joi
is purser of t
from SenTra c
in the highe
also cerrobor
tain that he e
tention pose!,
this,- of coo
°holy satiate t
Mrs. Watao
Henry G. a
years of age.
Mr. W. N.
here about t
in St. Paul,
John has bee
death in a a
peeuliar °ire
ment to his
was a bright,
geed eituatio
theught of b
laa with an
him. His e
grief to man
well as to hi
I• e________ -
Loom, Bn s.- r. Williara Murray,who
bee been soj u ning ith his sons and other
friends in thi ioini y for some months, left
last week for is h me near Port Finlay,
Algoina, We are so ry to learn that Mr.
Merray has t bee enjoying good health
since he cam ere, ut we trust his retur
to bis old st ping rounds in Algoma wi
hair° the res of r storing him to his won
ed vigor.- Jam 8 Irving, who has be
manager of a eman s foundry here for se
eral years, h s secu ed a similar position
a large festal) lune t in Toronto and left
Wednesday tha city. He does not i
tend to rem his amily for some tim
Mr. Irving i goo man and a meet worth
citizen and e ho his abeence i from Se
forth will be o y mporary. The shuttin
down of the fou dr ' has been tha cause f
the removal fro the town of a number f
good men, and , e trust that this! establish
ment, which attti finch a benefit tb and is so
much needed in th town will not be allow-
ed to lie idle lerig. Mr. Joseph Beirnes,
who has been inn ing the union bus here
foi a couple of yet% ,s, has dispeeed of his
plant and business to Mr, Shank, lately of '
Litstowel, who is new running the business.
M . Beirnes intend* removing with his fam-
Ir. John G. Wilson has
the gimenb, also one from
',for erly of this town, who
vents on whioh Hatry sailed
'sco tai Manila. They all speak
term of the deceased, and
the • seuramee of . his cap-
eived very comfort and at -
le du ing his illness. All
, will be a source of melee -
on and comfort to 1dr. and
and the bereaved relativee
shn, he deceased, was 2
e nea the youngest son o
atson, of Seaforth. He lef
yeere go to take a situatio
inflow a, where hia brothe
for several years. His ea
off land, and under th
fl &meg, is a severe bereave
re Se and friends here. H
le er young man ; he held
i t Paul, and was mu°
is et layers, and was pope
r spe ted by all who kne
y de th will be a source o
f his Id companions here a
eiativ ii. •
I v
il ! to Manitoba. -
been appointed ge eral agent in the county
ofelluron for he London Life Insurance
company. -Mr W lliam Dynes, of Harper-
hey,has been a poi ted general agent for au
in resting and well gotten up illustrated
w rk entitled hf F mous Authors of England
an America." It contains a biogrephical
sk toh of many prOminent English aud Am-
erdean authors hi sriory form, together with
th ir portraits, fa ily groups, etc., also se-
leetions from t eii writinge. The publishers
have been fortu a in securing so reliable
and aetive am n s Mr. Dyneeto represent
them in these par s. -Mr. George W. Irwin,
the well known p ultry breeder of Hullett,
near Alma, sue ee ed in carrying off 80 first
and 56 seemed ri es at the verities shows at
which he exhib te this season. At Goder-
prizes out of 22 entries,
ic he took is
an his prize m y, all told, will foot up to
ne rly $70,- r. 4eorge Murray hoe agsin
et rted the b ying and shipping of fowl,
an ships a ca .lo d of geese to the United
St tem this we Ir. We understand that Mr.
JO* n Robb has se ured a good situation. in
Detroit, and intern s removing there shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. o b have many friends here
who will regre t eir removal from Seaforth,
but who will ev ye be pleased to hear of
their well doi ge-hMr. Devid Mack and Mr.
William Cole an of Hay, south of Hensel',
were in towir p. onday last. Mr. Mack
was driving a tii of very neat and nettle
ponies, which e ante to sell, and whic
would make a nic team for family or road
use for any pe soil who desires a turn -out of
the kind. -Th Guy Brothers, ewho are fa-
vorites with S af rth audiences, will appear
in Carcino's hall n the evening of October
28. -Mt, A. Come ft, general agent for th
Ontario Life Ins ranee Company at Wingi
ham, was in tow this week renewing old
acquaintances In looking after business lei
his company. F emcee are now complaini
ing of too mue ain and would like to be
favored with a 4 y, warm spell to enable
theth to got th i roots housed, -The first
snow of the le ho fell on Tuesday evening,
October 17. ii re was not much, but just
enough to ren d us tbat the supply has
not yet run ou On Monday night, shortly
after eight o'cl e ,a fire alartn was sounded,
which fortune el proved a false one, as a
fire on such a ig t, with the wind blowing
almost a hum a e, would almoet certainly
have resulted isastrouslye-Mr. W. K.
Pearce is this w ek moving into Mr. J. C.
Laidlands hou e ,on Goderieh street. Mr.
Peirce has ha ectric lightft placed in the
house. ---The bers of St. Thomas church I
will hold a "h times soschubel " in their
school room on ednesday evening next. -
The election.° officers in cOnnection with
the Literary a d Debating Club will be held
on Tuesday e e ing, There should be ft
good vote. ting from five to eight
o'clock. -The miota Manitoba Huseler
says : " Mr. " ma Taylor, of 1.113borne, On-
tario, who has b en visiting friends in this
vicinity for th est two weeks, started for
home on Wedn a ay last." -Mr. John Dodds
its erecting a n w pop factorY on his prop-
erty on West oderich street. -The Beaver ,
Lacrosse club f Seaforth have very !proper-
ly protested t e match won by the Orange-
ville club at Biarnptotr last week, and claim
the champions ip of the C hadian Lacrosse
Association. he matter ill be decided by
the Judicial 0 mmittee of he Association.
- rs. Kirkm re is now 13 ffieiently recov-
ere to resume er duties t the Collegiate
Ins itute.-Mr V. 0, Kern left on Tuesday
to .pend a fe Iweeks at 13eamsville and
oth r places, vi i h the hop that the change
wil benefit h's health,- dr Rugby foot
bal tearn play s first ma Oli in -Stratford
on aturday, ism Fenell Kidd has been
appointed tette r of the s Pool two miles
east of Sealer I. -Alias Ifie AlcLeod, of
Seretford, spe Sunday with- friends in
town. -Miss McLeod of Hespler, is
visiting her m , t ler, Mrs. . Clarke, of Eg-
mondville.-M John Sha i, a former old
resident of Ha rhey, but now of Toronto,
wati iu town tin week.
russet .
4 number o first-class farina for sale io
Morriti and Grey, easy terms. Also any amount
of money to loan farm security at &per cent, wit
terms of repayme 1 1 o euit the borrower. Apply t
F. S. Scow, Brus c S. 1678-tf
NOTES,—Th ew rectory for St. John's'
. •
church is fast leaching completion, and
will soon be o pied by the parson. -W.
H. McCracken f this place, received at
fall fairs this a on, for his exhibits, 189
prizes, as folio : Brussels 40, Listowel 46,
Wibgham 26, tweed 22, 'Blyth 34, and
Fordwich 21. The first entertainment,
under the eitin:.0. cause, came off on Tues-
day of last we , when I. Williams Macey
gave a first clap entertainment. The next
entertainment 11 be a lecture by that
noted lecturer ank Yeigh, of Toronto, -
D. Lourey, f , London, formerly of this
place, realizes hat there is no place like
13russels, and is purchased the old Town
property, an ' I move back again. -a -The
bills for the re fairs are again out, an
Will be held as u ual on the first Thursda
of each month, t e firet being on Novembe
3rd. All the principal local and outsiel
buyers will be a hand. -A colored claimne
weep . struck teem last week, aud ap
plied to the trustees to demi th
school chimneye and a couple el the
went -with him t ' see the job done properly
He would only d ' it on condition thet the
went onto the ohf and held the foot of th
ladder, so, it i needless to say,the chimney
were not clean cl,-The collector is now on
his rounds in riissels, and, as last year, al
taxes must be paid by Dice
5 per cent. will -be added. Tb
year is.19 inills, one null lees!
caused by the reduction 'irt
school rate. -judge Maoism
court hereon ;Tuesday, and m
ber 14th, or
rate thia
county an4
voters' 110t
de sonie 27
changes, In Morris, last week he struck
off ten Conservatives and added ten Lib-
erals. E. L. Dickenson acted f r the Con-
servatives at the Brussels court
Nonigs.-The revival meeting
came to a close on Sunday ev
Farmers are busy pulling man
frost on Sunday morning. -
are being packed this week. -
threshing are to be done yet:
very muddy.. -A. Cronin, of 't
a good leggin bee last week.
ing ler a new Presbyterian ch
grave was done this week.
nearly all laid down, e and t
are looking after the brick w
at Sunshine
ning last -t -
Ids. -Heavy
ni et ewr ao pb ps 1 orl
he roads aie
7th line,had
the excava_t:
eh at Bel,
e OtOne
k, to statt
early in the spring -Many ar complaining
about the turnip rot, supposed to be caused
by lice. -The potato crop is a carce crop n
this locality. Farmer! should' get a supply
now, as the prices will likely hr high when
planting time comes. - • !
A GOOD SALE . -The sale a
and implements, on th dar
Cronan, on the 2nd co mei°
place on Tuesday of la t wee
successful one. The h tomer
by Mr. Jones, of Mitch 11, an
ed in pounding out $1,875 wor
two, and a half hours, which i
work. Prices were g ed, c
high as $48 each ; yearl ng ste
pair, and a two year el' steer
other stock at proportio ately
NOTES.—The rain of
the farmers a chance to
passed through town on
day lasts -Mr. E. Tolb
Mr. R. Westlake on Su
ing at Mr. C. Sreenan's
tiers not going right,
top of the mill to fix th
ing a door open on top
the decks but was onl
Mr. Slack saved him b
pulling hirn out safel
aid the north a visit S
'leave has purchased
Denomy and wife were
and Mrs. E. Etue on Su
NOTES.—A couple of chaps le town were
arrested the other day, for s Olin liquor
from McCormack's hotel. T were ar-
raigned before F. Hess, J. P., t fvere dis-
charged for lack of evidene to coneict.
They had, however, the privil e of '.epend-
ing a couple of hours in the t cooler. -
Mr. Louis Craft, of Dashwood 'was here a
few days, visiting \his brother- law, Mr.
John Deichern-Rei. A. Y. e st and Mrs.
Hadst have returned from thei yisit to
ois.-Mr. J. F. Rickbiel has t el frame work
of his implement shop raised. It is 24 by
50 feet. -The death angel visit d the fam-
ily of Mr. John Pretor, and to the young-
est son, two and a half menthe old. -The
remains were interred in the Crediton ceme-
tery, where Mr. and Mrs. Pre or have an-
other little one buried.
Mr. John Foote, Varna, retur
Manitoba on Monday last. H
the harvest excursion about
ago .-Mr. Ralph Stevenson,
line, Stanley, sold a pair of
steers last week for $90. One
weighed 1,300 pounds, not b
year -old -Rev. Rural Dean
Seaforth, is to conduct the tha
vices in St. John's church, V
day next. -We are very sorr
Mr. Rufus Keyes, of the Bab
has been confined to the ho
weeks from running a nail int
his hand, had to have it Ian
Sunday last. -Mrs. Wm. K
Wm. L. Keyes and wife return
gan last Saturday, where they
tending the wedding of their
, which took
was, a veral
„he sueceed-
igh:priees. ,
est k has given
plo*. iMre tue
w eel ;on horn-
et 'w S.the guest of
day'. "hile thresh -
n Sat day,the car-
r. H. albot got on
abed nd, not see -
fell t ough on to
bad' frightened.
eat° ing him and
W. Turner
ll'eMstre. Cofhamrlers.
wheel. -W.
a lie
oo e, son of
ed heme from
Went out on
Of the Parr
f the eteees
for a two -
edging, of
see -
ria, tin SeU-
to Say that
1 ri line, wbo
se for some
the palm of
ed again dn
yes and M .
d from Mich -
had been a -
EVERYBODY who spends mo ey-find who
doi,s not ?-warits the very best val e they pan get,
and the very hest place to get such i ist a eine prim?,
no credit store. -F. A. Edwards h e eh° best range
of Underwear, Top Shirt's, Overc ate. Waterproof
Coate, Caps, and everything needed or co',d yreather,
all at close cash pricee. 1610-1
one dey last week. -Wm.
BLOWS. -4r. C. Sheppard w inalBk'tlrg,ravoef
forth, were he guests of Tho
Wingham, eter and Bella ye, (iif Sea -
Lid y
Sunday. --H Deemer and A i a Malwan
were vieitin at, Rev. F. J. 0 terde, 13e1 -
grave, this Week.-Arnbrose mith ' is at
Wingham this week. -Rev, ural Dean
Hodgins, of eaforth, is expec to reach
a thanksgiving sermon next Su y orning
at Trinity church.--Misa Nell far In left
on Monday for Toronto.-Mis Da idson,
of Toronto, arrived here last ek nd has
taken charge of Miss Martin's illin ry de-
partment, -Mr. H. K. Me ouse this
1 week essumed charge of the r hetel for
the winter months, Mr. Miller turning to
Clinton. -M r. Contine, who ently per-
. chased the electric light plane d s w mill
I from Mr. Donaldson, took po sessi n on
! Monday, with Mr. Campbell itS engi eer.--
I Mr. JaMes Young, who has c rrie on a.
I boot and shoe business here fo th past
' week.
, eight months, removed to 4 fort i this
• .
R. BeTtieeina, Bruce eld, Notary rublic
Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insuradoel agen Any\
amount of money to loan er cent. on 11
farm riecurity. Also a limit
fun& at por cent. At ho
Wednesday of each week.
the home of Mr. John B
of a very pretty weddin
daughter, Miss Meggie,
William McMillan. Th
amour of
e every Imorn
everal glad fa
et -claws
ng and
MO for
ednesday, 5th inst.,
edge Was the scene
v, when ' his econd
was married o Mr.
ceremony w
formed by Rev. NV. Muilr, assisted b
Mr. Coutts, of A ilsa Craig. The bri
heautifully attired in White silk, tr
with pearl trimming, and carried a b
of white roees. Groonismati aed brid
were dispensed with, the youneest si
'the bride, Miss Anna, actin las
honor. She looked verY pret y dre
cream eashenere, trimmnd wi pm
ribbbn, and carrying a bouque • of pink ear -
nations After the ceromonyi the Ighests
sat down to a sumptuous diluter, prepared
by Mrs. Burdge. Amidst congratulations
and showers of rice, the happy! eouple then
left for their bridal tour to &Melon and De-
troit. The bride's going away dress was of
blue hi ies' cloth. The many f ends of the
and ha
visitin her sisteis, Mrs, William Scott and
Mrs. tl Swan. -The Brucefleld branch
of the omen's Foreign Missionary Society
purpose holding their annual • thank -offering
meeting on Tuesday evening next, in the
Presbyterian church. Mr. Leviers, of West-
minster, will deliver an addresa, and euit-
d a
tt is
mar -
d in-
8 per -
e was
ter of
aid of
ed in
uple join in wishing t em a long
sP.-Y Aggie Beattie at pcisent
able music Will be furnished by the c
cheir.-Mr. Joseph Watson h4 erec
very neat little office in the mill yard.
will be a very great convenienUe for
especially in cold weather. -Mr. 8
again at the helm purchasing all the
that comes along, payinn the h ghest
ket price.-.Considera,ble annoya ce a
convenience has been suffered b 1 a nu
in this locality, owing to the extreme
some proWling individuals have fo
product of the ibusy bee. *The manner of se-
curing the toothsome morsel is Somewhat
sec mit. During the bees' working season
the follow them to their hive, which is
use lly situated in a large tree, and when
th think the hive worth robbing, they
proceed to ut down the tree, which, like
other dee& of darkness, is alwaya done at
night. An these voracious bee hnnters are
no respect° s of persons nor of trees either.
It matters not to them if the tree is yalu-
able or not, it is all the same, they out it
down and 1 ave the disconsolate! owner to
chafe over heir mischievious work. Lately,
however, w suppose the flow of sweet stuff
has not beet sufficient to satisfy them, se
one night r cently they vieited the orchard
of Mr.' Hu h McGregor, and took away a
very value Ie hive -box, beer!, honey, all
combined. , These bees were of the Italian
variety, and were secured by Mr. McGregor
at considerrible trouble and he is . very loth
to loose there and has lost coneiderable time
looking fan hshem, but as yet hasyfound Of
trace of them. Now, we think ft is time -
such work as this should be stopied, In a .
civilized OoMmunity like Brucefield, people
would eXp ct that property wasesafe and
the sooner the strong arm of the law is
brought tb ' ear on the perpetratote of this
mean wotk,I the better. -Dr. ArMetrong, of
this placedpurchasecl a few daya ago the
standard bred mare and foal recently owned
bY W. F. A eMillan. The doctor now has
one of the l:est read teams in Wesitern On-
tario. il
NOTES.r/Miss Phillips, of Wingham, was
the guest f the Misses Jarille800 on Sun-
day. ---Rev. Henry Moser, of Shannon Min-
oie, is visit g his brother, John, 14 tOwn at
present. --1 Ir. Samuel Herrington moved
into his n W residence this week. -Num-
bers from t is vicinity are taking advantage
of hearinn the well known. ey.angehsts,
Crossley and Hunter, in Clinton, I this past
week. -Rev. Mr. Rigsby is in Lendon this
week on Ministerial work. -Miss Mary Me -
Tavish returned home frome etroit on
Tuesday evening. -Ireland .& ibson re-
ceived a car load of Manitoba wheat recent-
ly. This Makes two cars inside o/ a month.
. ,I
i Tunutbenry.
Jolinneos.-Mr. Samuel Andershn has re-
turned' from an extended visit to different
.parts Of Onterio.-R. J. Cantelon attended a
musiaal rehearsal at the Salvation Army, in
Wingham, on Monday . evening. - Oliver
Mills of Clinton, paid a flying vieit to the
B. li 0 a few clefs ago. -Miss Jamieson, of
Ford ich, le visiting at R, G. Cesemore's,
Blue tele.+James Grey haa purchased 70
acres of land from John Gannett, for the
sum o $2,600. -Maggie Balfour is recover-
ing fr m an attack of inflammation of the
lungs.a-George Leathern had hie hike stolen
re fe days ago. The contempteble thief
was aught at Palmerston. This class of
thieve eheuld get six months twice a year.
4 -Pet r McEwen has purchased the 200
Oros n th's 2od concession, formerly owned
y Ja es Stuart, for the consideration of
• !I
, ......,9
FAT.r ; an
, G. J ; SIGITHERLAND, notary public, convey-
ancer, nunieusioner In High Court of JUstice, Insur-
ance ag ist n d issuer of marriage Homilies, has any
quantity, of oth loan companies and privete funds at
the verylo t rates of interest going, and terms to
euit below , Bargains to offer juet now in 4illage
lets, dw 11 end farm property. Office -at the
Poet Offirte, °naafi,
Dress 0 de 13 he index painting to the manage -
Anent of dr , gpode etore. Style, qual4 and price
ie the to I, d a dress goods department, We have
gathere tsi ether a stock of bright, ritav, stylish
dress mete 1, Which smacks of French production,
includin .nuimber of individual novelties in dress
patterns d tiro tho same. These gnosis art the
very late t rid at a price considerably. lower than
you pay o t oisame goods in city *tome. Tenor-
ing,-In b ft apartment we will compete with any city
etore for q el ty, style and work, arid A prices de -
eidedly o t sly. Our Mr. Dever lueows how to
make clbt le , employs only skilled lebor. Our
guarantee, ilf 0 t satisfactory ; Don't take it. Suite
to your intlitiu e at $8.50 ; suits at de5, and any
price be mach tweeds a! low ae 25e, nod cut to
your motto! f ee of charge. Rea.4ymade clothing. -
A 'ergo to;o choose from for man °rimy. Men's
short overe 11 wonl,storm colter doutsle breasted,
mix pocket ood lining and well made at $8,50.
Good etre , !misers for 81. Staples -Special
fectory mit el, ard wide, strong round thread, very
clean, at 6c r arti. Eagle B, 16-ounee large 81Z3
grain bags; t 2 4% a dozen. Ticking at Se a yard.
Military fla 1 at 25e. Grey flannel, light and dark,
plain andit il , specie! at 12ie, 20e and 25c. Fifty-
foureineh,. al leach!, table 'Men at 17p. Seventy -
inch, half b ta... Table damask, the kind you pay
60c for, oUr pr e 85e. Double fold twill' ehecting at
12-io, 18c, Oki d 25e. Interesting little items at
saving peices Drees stools at be per pet of nine. •
Drees shields 10o. Four spools linen ' thread for
102. Two hat ins for a cent. Hair pins le a pack-
age. Side co be 5c a pair. Circular combs 5e.
'Military braid per yard. Safety pins, eny s ze, 3c
,a dozen. iiiire tan under sell the store you buy in
,because we do 't give credit, saving a book-keeper'e
;salary, andl ta ng advantage of the cash discount,
,aud having n bed debts for you to have to help
imake bp, , Cae bnsiness is altogether in your -favor,
'we giVe rip t e- benefit every time. We want to sell
!you geods.! Y ur money back if you want ib is our
'guarantoo.;, W . McKim,' Hensel'. 1810
1 LOCAL , B ines.-The rains during the
!past week, while much needed for fall
ploughing and root crops, have retarded the
'gathering in of the apple crop. Ife oonnec-
Ition with th'e apple trade we note that Mr.
b. Urquhart, proprietor of the Heiman
'cider mil), and. Mr. Moffat, of Blyth, who
'is carrying o the evaporator, are both do -
ing a good usiness and giving excellent.
.satisfactien. Mr. Moffat is now giving ern-
ployment, to ver twenty hands. These in-
,dustries, besides being a great couvenience
to the. fatming community, afford quite a
'boon to the village, in the way of giving
lempleyincint to so many. -A large quantity
of grain i now being brought into market
,and meets 'With ready demand and good
prices, -Our Popular cooper shop has turned
out an immense number of barrele this fall,
and seill the good work goes on. -Mr. G. C.
PettY, pork pecker, ha,s purchesed eight
acres of fine land from Mr. William B. Mc.
Gowainside Farm, Rodgerville, wile is attend-
ean,1 of this !village, who still has a ince
lot eif land remeining for himself.-Mesers.
Willie & Whine made another shipment of
ogs from this etation on Tuesday last. -
Mr. Cecil A028, Ison of Mr. Gavin Ross, of
ing the Medical College at London was
horrie last week on a visit, -Mr, Jas. White,
owing to the late cold and dieagreeable
Weather, has not been as well as_he was a
short time agO.---Mrs. S. Hoggarth and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth Hoggarth, of Crom-
arty, who weee spending the pase week or
two with Mr, laud Mrs. 13. Hoggairth, of this
village, have returned home. -The trustees
of school section No. 1, Tuckersmith, have
issued notices! eelling for a epecial meeting
of the eupportere of said section tO consider
the question of erecting a new school house.
The present ene, having been built a great
lre. B. Kaiser as in Brucefield ,this week
any years ago,s not up to the standard. -
visiting relativ s and renewing nequaint-
Stanley, was 'visiting friends in Efensall this
tences.-Mr. i W her Coxworth, who had
been in Manii-ob for some monthet returned
home on Satnrcley last -Miss McDonald, of
week. -Mrs. Balfour, of Kippen was here
last week visiting her cousin, tIrs. C. A.
McDonnell.,Mr. Charles Crabb hes moved
into the neat cottave owned by Mr. B.
Raieer.-Nearly every available spece in and
around the- railway station is taken up with
barrels of apples. -Miss Maggie McLean
eldeet aughter of Mr. W. B. *Lean, of
this vil age, Who passed very creditable ex-
aminee one, has been engaged as teacher of
the La elet public s hool, near Clifford. -
Mr. Jo n Finlayson as ' his neat new frame
dwellm nearlyecornp eted, while Mi. Samuel
Men° has a good to e foundation built for
the ere tion tbereon f a neat briek dwell-
ing.+, r. E. Ra i is adding to the ap-
pearance and co feet of hie denelling by
putting up a pew erandah,-Miss Annie B.
Taylor, of thee vil age, has been in Toronto
1 !
•Es !WANTED at the Hensall Evapora-
, qurtity ; highest price will bn paid ; 'must
,at 1 ast two inches across. Pow, xer.1&61M0.2or.
Of business is what we are ha
by day. Our Fall purchases of J
Jacket Cloths, Dress Goods snail
ery, are moving out speedily,
are repeating many lines for bum
will be herelater. It ia our
to keepthe assortment very fen
through the season, so that, whe -
be now, next month, or later, yea
find with us a largeassortrneurel
thing in our line to ehoose from.
Speciais this W
ASilkv,earyt -908Poecipaelrbyterkd, a'n‘Pdeateu'lete
rich brocade‘eilk at $1 -heavy, seeeele
able and decidedly a great bargiat
these prices.
Another lot of Satins /*-
I cerved, creara, white
, •
and cardinal, so much
i demand just now.
Dress Goods.
We are at present cutting into t
great lines of Illack Dress Goodiat
75c and 95c per yard. The:y are in vet-
handeorne desigue, and are cure to
satisfactory in the wearing. e -
also ehowing a; good assortment of a
Costume Cloths in colors, and ahem*,
fill range of Silk and Wool Plaids.
Our new Plaids andi Drew
Goods are in great de-
! man& They are beau-
' ties at 25o, 35o, 45c, c6,50
and 86c per yard.
Millinery is a very quick movingateek, _
going out and coming in daily, Tie -
ltitest additions are a lot of New Yo*
Hats in the latest shapes, also further
shipments of birds, wings, buckles, orui...
ments and other trimmings.
You should sae our assort-
ment for the childrem,--
Ulsters, Jackets, Tains,
Caps, Hoods, Stockings
and Mittens.
Netv Fall Jackets.
We have a great manyreally nice At
Jackets that won't east you inuchmoney.,,,
They are here in ladies' /sizes, as lower --
83.50, but around anywhere from Vt.
$10, we can give you la choice from
couple of hundred garments,
them are in fine cloths, some made
heavy storm proof materials, but
jacket has an up -tee -date appearance.
The m.ost popular 'prices
are $5, $6.50, ST
$8.50, $10.00 for blacks,
fawns, creams, blue and
Jacket Cloths,
We are showing a great variety of 010*
made specially for Fall and Winterwesr.
They are in Beaver, Boucle Cloths, N
Curls, Tweeds, Golf Cloths,c
are in the newest and most durable
colorings, -
Our " one dollar " heavy'
jacket cloth is a grea
Cold Weather Goods.
The cold weather is not here yet butt
is coming, and corning this w y Pea
We have made ample provizion f r itein
the way of Pur Jackets, Fur Capes,
Caper beefs Ruffs and Male, Cam-
Sha-wls, fInderwear, 13Iankete, Quit* -
Comforters, &a. Some of these days
the change will come, and you will bir
looking tor just such goods. Call -and
see us ; we have what you want, ander*
are prepared to give you the veryolosest
cash figures on what you may require. •
. The
There is
It 1314
This trait
This juA
- partie
We have
the El
.And. the
do ye
it pa)
SO it
It may b0
in oil
Specials i
West of
A nice
- hi
The new
to or
We will I
There is
is tb
e w
it i
The Sto
Who is I
Who is
If you
The 'Bin,
Dry Goods Co.
C4tles Greatest Cash
Dry Goods Store.
during the past week visiting her brother*
-Mrs. Blair is in Michigan visiting her
daughters. -Mr. V. Schrnores, of the firm of
Schmores & Campbell, who were the first
publishers of the Hensel' Observer, has re-
cently taken unto himself a wife in the pare
ron of Mies A. E. Furge, of Ashbury Park,.
New Jersey, Mr, Schmores' friends here
will join in wishing him long and continuea '
happiness. -Dr. James phrenologist, ad-
dreesed the Epworth Le'ague he the Method-
ist church on Monday evening last.
--The Hon. J. Ierael Tarte, Minister of
Public Works, accempaied by his aasistantse
Mr. Coate, and tort Genus's, arrived here ois
Tuesday, by special ear, from London, a,nd,
inspected the learler works. He expresso& '
himself as pleased with the progress made
in dredging, and the completion of the new
elevator. After looking over the chart of
the work already done in dredging, he in-
structed the engineer in charge to continue,
until the desired depth is obtained, so that
the largest vessels can safely enter and die
charge at the elevator. It is evidently the
intention of the Government to further the
interests of Canadian ports, and thus build
up the carrying trade in Manitoba graino
Mr. Tarte left the same afternoon for Alfin4
.14.0 time 1
America -
applies In