The Huron Expositor, 1898-10-21, Page 6JOHN GRIEVE, V. S., hon ,r graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. All Iliffeasee of Domestic animate treated. Cells pr • mptly attended to and Office end evedence On 0 erioh streak, one door East of Dr. Seotre office, Se forth. • 111231 Tetoeinery Surgeon. and De tist, Toronto College of Teterinsey &Meet% Honor Graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary Colton, Honor mem or of Onterio Veterixe Sk• ilfully treated. Ale call promptly attended to (Mooed D'epeneary-Dr, Campbellei old office, wain streak Sestorth. Nigh calls answered horn the sfecee 140642 JAMES L. ILLORAN, Barrister, Solicitor, Con eiyancer and Neter,' Palen°. Money to loan. 0 eta over Plokard's Store, formerly Mechanic** Institut , Main Street, Sesforth. 1E28 G. CAMERON, Orme ly of tee teron, Holed; llotel. 1461 Te a, Hoye, osertatere sot °nor, Conveyancer end Me Notary Pablin. Soli tor - for ehe Dominion llonay to Joao. 1256 L.. BEST, Barrioter, elicitor, Notary, do, Office -Rooms Itve do re north ofOorumercia 1, ground floor, !next r 0. L. Pepsi s a• nts -Cameron, Holt» and moron. 1215 000= McKENitee. Barristers, Solicitors, rho., Clintoe and bite -field. Clinton Office, Elliott brook, Iseate street. Hayfield Offioe, open weary Thursday, Slain etreek first door west of post office. Money to Ware Jaffee Scott E. II. MoKenzie. re ARROW PROUDFOOT, Barrietere, Solicitors, Vt. PXOUVrilOT. fiction OhonearY, Re-,00dorldh, Out 11- 0. CAussoal, 41. 0., Pinto Bora, Datum Hewes F2n01111ESTED, successor to the late firm of Ootiveyancer, Lad Notaty Solicitor for the Oran sdian Babk of Commerce. Meney to lend. FM= or gala. Office in Scott's Block, Main Street ,r sou St MoInutel shoe store, corner Main and nit. BELDEN, dentist ; crowning, bridge wort Le arid geld plate work. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural keeth. All work carefully performed. Officeeeover Johnson Broil,' nerdware acne, Seaforth. 1451 reE. IT. S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal College lee of Denial Surgeons, Oneario, D. D. fe. of To- ronto University. Came Market Block, Mitohell, °abide. 1402 1/ Honor graduate of Toronto University, Den- tist, wilt practice dentistry at his father's rooms in Exeter, end at his reom at Mrs. Shafer's restaurant, Hensall, every Wednesday. H. Kinsman, -L. D.13.. at Zurieb the last Thurdeday of each month. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, aloe honor graduate of Deyartment of Dentistry, Toronto University. Office in the Petty bloat, Mansell. Will visit Zulich every Monday, commencing Mon- day, June let. 1587 Mlle AGNEW, DentisteClinton, Will visit Zurieh on _Leh the second Thursday of e h month. 1692 Dr. John McGinnis, - flan. Gradu.ste London Western Untvenity, member of Ontario College di Physicians and Surgeons. Pic• kard, Victoria Street, next to the Ca o io Church rierNight calls attended promptly. Elliott; office lately occupied by Dr. Elio Bruce - LEX. BETHUNE, Al. D., Fellow of the Roeal College of Physiclaes and Burg ons, Kingetee, ncoeseor to Dr. Mitakid. (Mile, lately occupied _comer cet victoria lignites.), in honee OCOnnted by L.E. Datiooy. Q FL F. J. B U R ROWS, Late reeiciont Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gent aaember of the College of Phystoianst and Surgeons of Onts,rio. Coroner for the Cour ty of Huron. grOFFIGII--Sarne as formerly ()coupled ey Dr. Bmith , opposite Public School, Sento,. Telephone No. 46 N. B --Ni ht calls answered f om office. 1386, DR 8 OTT .3,c MalcKAY, eteloget .4 AND SURGEONS 7. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member Ontario College of Phyeloiane end Surgeon% Coroner for County of Huron. g• old medalist Trinity Medical College. Met:ober College of Physicians and Surgeon% Ontario. 1033 -FIR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, Physician, Surgeon if and Accoucheur, successor to Dr. W, Graham, Brussel% Oetario. keret Glass Honor Graduate of the Univereities of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (King - *stone and cd Trinity Medial College ; Fellow of Trinity Medical C. liege and member of the College of Pies ei.resas and sureeone of Ontario. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicaeo, 1896. Special etteetion paid te diseaees of Eye, Ear, Nose teeated titurevssfully ill all its forms. Consultation in Englis'a and German, 168131 AUCTIONEERS. I Wale ntIFOL014 Auctioneer for the felount;e.s of Huron and Perth, ,acturing ;Company. Wee promptly attended to, nedere by mall addreesed bo Hensall Post Office, or rate at his residence, Lot 2, Conceesion 11, Tuck- eeemIth. will receive prompt attention. 129643 TZE MAN With The ook every houee This meet excellent work should be the county ef Huron. Copies een Le had from Mr. B. R. II te.gins, Bruce - field, or Mr. Hasid Roe% 640 Church at ect, Toronto. Rev. Dr. iticVicer, Principal of the Presbyterian College, ea; :- / am profited and greatly pleased with what I hese read, and I intend next Monday to advise all our students to put it into their libraries and to study It deligently as affording- rich. in. etruction in paeterial theology and practical godli- ness. ellen read them a few passages that they may see that It Is far froth being duller dry. Mr. N. Drysdale of Wm. Drysdale & Co., Publiehers and Bookseller% Montreal, says :-Rev. John Rom wa.rva grand man, and the writing of hil life could cot have been pieced in better hands. What we reed to -day more and rnore are books of this clues The reading of which tends to the better ciroulation of the blood,and stiring one's soul. 1665-tf Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Is successfully used monthly by over. t0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Cam - sound. l'ake no other as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, ei per box.,, No.2,10 degrees stronger, es per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3-eant stamps The Cook Company,windeor, ont. IltideeNes,e and 2 sold and recommended by all responstate Druggiets in Canada. Wilson, drugaste. There are weeds in every- body's garden, and no garden was ever plant - weeds did not sent them- selves. They cue come without heed invitati and, ie as weeds, and 7M/if you hiave sense enough to know that .weeds choke flowers, and the weeds up, root and hdet„Oehieer branch, you Cj ' will save the There are weeds in the health -garden of many a man and woman. The doctors call them disease germs. If you -have sense enough to distinguish them from the flowers af health, and root them out, you will be robuet, healthy and happy; The most dangerous Of alljthe weeds in the flower garden of 'health is • that deadly creeper consitniptio‘ n. -There has never been -but one medicine that Would choke out this weed, root and all. That inedtcine is Dr. Pierce's' Golden Medical Discovery. It acts directly on the lune through the blood, driving out all impurities and disease germs, and building up new and healthy tissue. It restores the lost appetite, makes digestion old assimi- lation perfect, invigorates the diver, puri- fies the blood and fills it with the life-givd ing elements of the food and tones and builds up the nerve . It sustains the ac- tion of the heart 'an deepens the breath - leg, supplying the oxygen. Medicine eater sell it. looclsiwith life-giving A elector, whoeis nsidered au expert on lung troubles. told me I had consumption and couldnot live long," wr tes Mrs. lames Gatfield, bottles of X r, Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery Free. Dr. Pierrte's Common' Sense Med- ical Adviser. Send dnedeent stamps to cever customs and n ailing only for paper- bound d'opy. Cloth bound 5o cents. Ad - Toro: 4.1 ENT. Time rolled on in much th same fashion at Herring Point. T ree more tempestueue winters beat about t e little hamlet, froze the sea spray on t the window.epanes, and desolated the ho es of t e 'poor. Four drove wrecks against he sho e, and pinched still, fair summers itti red the sleepy scents of the pine woods, ri ene the berries op the hills, opened the rillia t floWers in the salt marshes, and bee zed he cheeks of the Asher -folk with its he gla sunshine. Life seemed prosperous rind eaceful at this gracious season. Seth Smallidge was still nluckY, but pa, in spite of his " hunia nat r'," his seventy- four years, and hia "spell o' rheumatics," eontinued to be bale slid hearty enough, not only to enjoy hie flehing trips, but to make them suceessful, and Lysander still sent his yearly contribution, of money, so, though there were two other mouths to feed under the Fernald. roof, there was nothing ,like want in the family g again. Store tea- bub- bled fragrantly over- the fire, and " them periky bony herein'!" were not always the chief of the family diet, greatly to the old man's satisfaction. I During all this time n thipg had been heard from Tom. The naen who sat in the store lowered their; voices when they spoke of the Sarey Sally, end wereenever tire of conjecturing how she came to her fate. ut the moeureent still ..eposed in the Beata ion of the weed -shed under its cover of rag ar- tts glory s to make it a resting -place for her washt nits) and ynthy Ann's klaughter, a chubby little mai of three, found DO 8'1Ch f asoinating seat for erself or' her family of hag -babies. Pa was asothatinate as ever in is determination n t to have it set up in he burying -lot, And had even forbidden the But late in this 'fourth summer the old a severe iliness, from expected to recover. - man was seized wit which he was no Cynthy Ann put asi e her rug rags, and ursed him patiently by day and night. re. Fernald eat wi h her head quiteenvel- ould remove it for an o tears, exclaiming out thet there id now I'm a - e fur he takes e ef he starved bad sign -it opediin her apron, a entered the house, N 'nstant and burst in eared he w ater-gruel outdid t er death. eely is." Bat, cent enly began ummer had e reel ti't neve ary to al to mend smoked 111 igoted a git wel eek' EZ it bete expect Lions, he sad - and before the Indian tself away ,he sat up n his easy -e air by t e window. Still the Id man was not quite like himself. He earned strangely s ftened by his illness, nd was se meek and gentle in his demeanor hat the fa ily gazed upon him in astonish - right morn et -fired bigoted old man en a-sayin' bub se in' pared my li e -fur which ain't got ti eel o' livi ' yit the right w Now ick that Yaps I rquare thin along ov better git it sot up no ye ken. I tor like the little cabin ng when Anne" he said, one he *as able to walk z the Lord hez 'm truly thenk- new aek,'n' sail ez fur hadn't done quite the eedn' invite the neigh - hadn't come ter say ez ' how I monirrt-nt nor morc'n ever, notion oe it a towerin' over this gratified. t den't seem likely 't the boy'll a ,clam shell, but ef , end! find satisfaction in it, I'm m re'dwillie"t yer should be ever ceme Lback "-this with a hoarse, ter feel thet he wuz drownded. Now after know nothin' fur certain, every time the wind rose et night she kepta-eayin', ez plain ez ken be, ' He's gone! he'll gone !'- The widies kep' repeaedn' the same words too, in.' ef that conrarned bell-buity didn't keep me awake nights with its everlastin' tollin"n' CURES n WORLD Rheumatism Banish- ed Like Rlagic. • A ftiarveliou.s Statement Rae lief from One D000. ,D. W. Sherman, . proprietor of th6 Sherman House, elorriehurg, Ont. is known. by thousands of Canaiiiirta, hence the fol- lowing statement from Mr. Sheeman will be read with great ineerest and pleaspre. "I have been cured oil rheumatism of ten years' standing In there days. One bottle of SOUTH AMERICAN RIIEUMaTIC CURE performed this ost remarkable cure. The effects of the first ose of South Amerl- can Rheumatic Cure we e truly wonderful. I have only- taken one bottle!. of the rem- edy. and now haven't env sign of rheirma- THE I knellin', fur it see ed edzactly ez of 'twits,' a-re,yin', 4 He's h re under the water ! he's ' Marin and Cynt y Ann were both moved to tears when the onument rem mentioned, though, to tell the truth, the prospect of 4* hevin' it sot up' was not as delightful as it would have been once.- They had become used to being outd ne b Peter's Charles it and then inonumentsba become leas fash- ionable at Herring Pidiat, a taste for dress end house decoratien baviug been excited by the semmer boarders. Still, it was a great eatisfe.ction, and in the, coarse of preparation for the important event Cynthy Ann recovered something of ber old enthusi- asm. Mrs. F.ornaldtdreamed again of the long table that night, and deelered in -the mornin that she believed " it meant suth- in' mor in common this time, fur the dream didn't un the way it commonly did by a Two aye later, ene golden bright I after - Fernald and Cynthy Ann had donned mourning apparel for the occaiion, brit pre - dented a not altogether mournful appear- ance. Pagvore a look of humble expostula- tion on is Venerable countenance. Tthoda, eimply reseed in white, stood somewhat apart f °hi the, group, and answered as briefly a poesible the neighborly "greeting(' which w re showered upon her. -But al the. oth r women_ were in gay beaklike at fulness u til the services began, Rimy ap d from the boughs ,overhead plea dro asters au golden -rod eodded gayly besid the Wall the waves plathed merrily agains the rocks below. Some gulls flew overhead, and broke into a sort Of hoarse laughter, as if amused by the appeayance of the monu- ment wh oh towered so high and glietered iso grandly, in the sunshine. 1 ) But • *hen the minister commen'eed to fel in 1 'o atmeephere, Even the nun - Ai e seeMed to lose its warmth. Many of th wom n sobbed, remembering their own old sorro 0, it may be, and two great tears her cheek. Then they commenced to wail a dismal funeral hymn,.but faltered' iti dis- may its a broad -shouldered bronzed young man leaped over, the orehard wall, wive a quick, a aeed look at the monument, and il then dar ed forward into their midst, seiz- ing Rhod in his arms, and kissing her re-, peatedly. '" Couldn't help it, Rhody, Seein' those tea a on your cheeks, and considerm tbe Ocoee un," he ekelaimed, as she stared at him ra her wildly. " It isn't often that a man co es ter life at his own funeral." can't be our ghost, ken t ?"-were vie am - &Mona ard from every quarter. - " de- ; dared t here jest in eason to see, his 'monirnett sot up ?" said One jollyisailool , i And t en it was 'noticed that pa , had grown eery white, -and was holding en to the wall fhr support ; and Cedithy Ane, after making a great effort to green- her brother in a suitable manner, fell back; un as the family were wontito express it, 'ilo anchor, Tom," eaid the old man, recovering himself almost immediately, " " no* here yer be, 'a' here Jibe, seein' the Lord pre- .sarved me to see ye." Marm, or the lack of an apron, removed her shawl from her shoulders and complete- "Ef you hain't bin 1dead, Tem, where hey depths, after a little interval. Tom, who was stationed between pa and Rhoda, hol ing a hand of either, turned, to with Undo Lytander. It, wuz all owin' to thst pesky Joe Collins. You see, before I went away,Ifollis were a-sayin' that he had stolen Aimee aivay from me-ohe an good as told me himself that ib was so.o-'n' I thonght she seemed kinder strange in' distant, ' But I wail too big a coward to say anything to her about it ; I -thought I couldn't be r i, if she should tell me he liked him, t I wrote to her from D ston, 'where we 'ere loading the veesel, and told her if she d n't care enough for me t marry me when got borne from the voyag , she needn't ant er the letters, but if sh did, to answer ili ht away Wle /Arad at o wharf two weeks after hat, ut I didn't hear a weed from as if 'd r thee be drowoded than not. , ife sobbed Rile la. well be aim' here terel Le, ! But- whe the thought 'twould be wor h the w lie to save myself, after all ; 'n' Jot Griffin one of the crew -'n' I cluhg holt o some s ars till we' was picked op by a brig beund fur Califor- ny. From there I thou ht I'd go to Aus• tralia 'n' hunt up Uncle Lysander. I eetild- ha' borne tO see Joe 'n' hody together, to I reckoned you might OA ell all think I was agreed to ,kcep dark, hough he sad( he if dido't believe in such no ions°, and I ell you the old tan gave nie a good clui ea. I've picked t p quite a li tle pile of cash in you ?" fildral, tater all ?" saiid a, wiping his e es' " Sho ,Sii Lysander warn% so set. i ed odth his coot sleeve. I courage, 'n' to think I mght be able t I go home n' see the folks before long, hen Sam Smiley -the feller t at used4 to week over td Squire White's made his appl6e- ance at the digg,in's on day, 'n: said he'd been over to Herrin' P int only . the *eek heard from him that Rh dy warn't mar ied at all,"nor goin' with an one, 'n' never had lins sense I'd been gone, didn't wait ver night before I packed p my duds 'n' got ready to start, for Ameri "I said eZ how my dre m about the eg table, wuz cliff'rent from COMMOP. You See it, meant ed weddin' this time," quav tied mane, speedily unveiling herself. an', Cylethy Ann, even you can't er now. Let's aril it dow 'a' kivet it itnp the solemn delights of eh s occashun in a [The En 1.] ring u ' seine young m n while he is at ung.man at the ther e d. Even if tie ng man erdoys t, hia mployer does not. r notes to, youn men at their offices due - 13 ly eh in fu hi be yo yo Se tut in flew In my system. -It dld me more good than ail the doctoring I ever did in my ott ffi For sale by Lumsden Sea:forth ° • Tli o For Vi thus is Dod Not a day one .or Imore Disease. _Aire ber hundreds No class is sa theWirarmiSleirdiesi responsi have be ease. Y le fo n ca t, the making it as breeze. That Kidney Pills, h cure, ho eless Would' you s ones from the of mankind—Bri P SITO ROPE! Sses on N4hich the t record the death of *sons fro d its vial f thousan total gro from this d fatalities s many e is a way of resisting at medicine, Dod 's cured thousands of It never fails ; o he case may seeth. ly shield ybur lovtd 1 grip of this cur e ht's Disease? Then ey Pills, the only his disease. a Bright's s num- s. Day s larger. with iall are not eaths ht's Dis- NMI ment is intro uce men to leav th hours to escort th meat, some game, selves, bu in t which they mean. girls, are, reali he is at business s and it is mightily focused on the pr mean either his s A CAILTAD Wlftich, Has Rfreplutati th Every Cure Publi y girls urging young ir , offices before closing m i to 'some place of am se. th, se acts is not in th m- ei injurious distracti ns e inexplicably long do- ll too short for the ac - (L, e ever moment w en Id be precious to h m, ious to the right orb His mind should be ce s ()elide failure." ID re A a e a Wonder Throughotat orld. he is Investigated_b a tiser Has Loo edlInto and Gives Be ow the Paitioula a of One of These Cure Front theI Adverti er, Hartland, N. B. The Advertiser as ome across still an- other instance of he remarkable aura we powers of the fam us Canadian remedy, 1 r. . Williams' nk Pi le or Pale People. r. William , edlie, of Lower Brighton, prominent lumbe ma and 1 farmer, c me' very near b Ang a rip le from rheumati m, the dread Neese o p evalent along the t. John River Mr. e lie is pow 65 year of age. . Five Nears go e was token with he first symptoms of he matism-hver exp s- ure, the stream dr vee and the general h rd life of the lumber an paved the way or through the lege, rm and hands. Gra eu- there would be an ba emcnt of the malad , bnt for months erte .y ar he was very ne re was impossible. be tie ed niien had to often react of the ei ond dal efficacy of Dr. C31 own, thee he re olv d to try them. He says, heiti ver, tha he was not hopeful of receivine, .uch t, as he had tried many Mit icines ut any good result following, He be 0 use of the Pills, and by the time a he found t ey ever couraged he contin eine, and gradual] left him, end he w and enjoyed an ex after usiog Dr. Wi than two months i himself inthe best warm friend of with other medic the use of Dr. Wil Rheumatism, sc paralysis, locomot ache, nervous pros ing upon humors scrofula, chronic e pear before a fair t liams' Pink Pills. to pale and sallow dealers and post pa boxes for $2.50 by hams' Medicine Co net be persuaded t • one ith an t oup e of boxes were" used hel ing him. Thu en - ed he use of the medi- the pains and soreness s 6 to sleep soundly, lien appetite. In fact, lia s' Pink Pills for leas Ir. dlie says .he found of h alth. He is now a his rest medicine, and ers not to experiment nes, ',but at once begin i8.1118 ,Pink Pills. atica neuralgia, partial ✓ at xia, nervous head - ratio , and disease pend - in .the blood, such as sip as, etc., all disap. eat ent with Dr. Wil - They ve a healthy glow omp e ions. Sold by all ddre ing the Dr. Wil- , Br ekville, Ont. Do • ore Coal. e wil not be a pound of pet oleum left in the rdin to the statetnent n be ore the Mathemati- Sect on lof the British cent eeting in Toronto. de u rivalled power of 1 q cations, has made tion very carefully. - the growth of coal in aid, was two tons a thousand years. - dy obtained would ear h since plant life 0 -tears. Turning to Keltin said that there in hat country 146 s of coal, or about six - age re metre of area,. esen rate of eons= , th great steel menu - lotions about coal e fig res bettee under - ons f coed would form re b 300 feet high, or a b d Of coal one mile hick. The coal mined 1881 ould one NO In 346 years the coal or a gallon o whole earth, ace cal and Physical Associat on at its r Lord Ke vin, with applying his matber _this startling calcul A fair average o the earth, Lord Ice vin for each square rrd re in Dividing the figuree alre give the age of th began as 20,000,0 Great Britain, Lor was still- availabl thousand million to tenths of a ton pe Judging from the p tion this anpply 1 years or less. Sir Henry Bessme facturer, made some calc which will make th stood. One million they would represen square by one foot in Great Britain in great pyramids, or N wall of China, wit The British output form a pillar one square. Lord Kel in st.ys would -nuke 55 rebuild the great of coal in. 1883 would mile high by 164 feet that when the world's E RELIEVED IN I DAY SKIN DIS ASEJ3 REILIVVED BY ONU PLICA ION OF DR. A 19 a g sting atm sa eruption and whit For sale 1NEW' OINTMENT, 35 C NTS. arveilons cure for all sash dls• nd disfig ring diseases as Es- t Rheum, tte , Barbers' Itch, &Peers, tote es. It cures all of thd s and makes it Moll supply of coal is exhausted at the end of 346 years mankind will only have wood Iiitt for fuel. eanwhile, he advooates the pse of all the power of Niagara Falls, .whileh he celcule, es at 4,000,000 4oree-power.. While this po er could be distributed by electri- 80,000 volts, with a oss of only 20 per oent,, rd Kelvin thi ks that all the fac- tories hich want to ta e advantage of Nia- gara's ower should be gathered within a radius f forty miles. • lerit so *silent to hike t at children 017 for bet it's d ath to worms of all ,kIncle, DR. OWS ‘yoxol yttur. Price 25o, All dealers. Plenty of Roo .. at the To We Once heard a sue mini old co ntey usinesii man say-" There's plenty of o it ; ", and we have never forgotten It true in every particular. General S af- ✓ to whom, Santiago had bunco e d, nde at the top Of his profession nd e began his career seli a soldier away wn t the bottom. He has been a patient, lit b- all his life, and he now stands rt. he op by I no chance, but by the rew rd of erit and " the survival of the fit t." or eve y intelligent young man who ds hese li es there is a way up ; and y ork to what eminence may be not as ire ? " Th heights by great men reached and ept, But e ey, while their companions slept, 1, Ws e telling upwards in the night." hey w o, setting " a stout heart to itey But we' I do more, Seroproniue, we'll dese ill by eserving it in the long run as We Mister hese pu an to h ith us. plough iles of vo Jai ured- ell know three great Se Walt sd now no mo e. For a oung , .Cairms, Whyteiand McNeill ; the it was a treat to hear any ne of pit orators ; and we advise al who ar as often as possible the tige still Principal Cairns was at one time oy in Berwickshire, within a few From an il1 hyte iak r in rat tulpit tor f the no ledg- efore Eng - ars a he writer's own birthplace. e plow he rose to be Prineipal • P. College, and by far the first hru He is to -day easily the as r one time a poor shoe wer in Scotland, andlthe Moder ree ;Church. John *Neill ie ae by all to be the &et evangelist. ( oody, i -the writer's opinion), in the h apes ing world, Re began, life ery hu Inwathe lends s t e boy; am going to be Prime at boy'S name was Robert iine Minister he became. In 18 orter in the eves omain of politi clerk, withot s for some y of Scotland a did not a t name, fa tend to be 1 rime Breen - in a ean eome ee and y was born in a small Wive in No ting- mshire. From birth he was almost lind. spite of this awful defect he made him - If a brilliant scholar. He first s udi el for e bar and became an ereinenb la yer He tered Parliament and became as e ment s a brilliant one. He eccapiecl he posi- ome Secretary, and was made V'count i$ erbrook, theugh he is better no n as '‘I BIn°1)thij°e oltroerocercial world we hay o Ameri4n millionaires and who hen e. e ung mail used to work' on a farm for a dol - 1 aud a half a week: Then the e i M . e 's boy, efter that it buyer and sel er lf 11. t y emigrated with thefr lit le boy from D nfermline, in Scotland, to ittsbur h, in A. 'erica. . Young Carnegie gan fif low hi telegraph operator, office super' tend - en , and rolling -mill owner. By bu iness to t and sheer untiring energy he has risen fr m the bottom to be rawer of the 1 rgest ir and steel works in the world tont oiled b one map, a millionaire many times over, an the princely benefactor of educe ional ine itutiona in this las well as in his tive mong America's presidents many have be honesty and industry risen ro the bot m to occupy the highest poidtio s in the lande It has often been told h w brot- iti ! What it tells of privations endured, ite House ; and, what an inspir ng etoryj of lane deliberately laid and r so gtele ea ied out, and difficultiee sum ou ted. lei 'a borrowed twenty-five doll es. H pr essiod. The Democratic party sellecte hi as their candidate for the Pr sideney. Thr ugh energy, hard work and ind rnitabl pe everatee-qualities that will en ure sue- cees to every young man -he rose fr mEelerk in e country stote to occupy the hi hes °Ai ial position in the world. The pr sent gol en opinions from every bindle f pliti- cian for his management of the war witl Spa to and whose name is held with ono and repute in the old world and the ne hi ale a splendid example for younk men 'to spit did specimen of what a nelfeinadel ma the ist-are all examples of men ho rend " While teller companions sle Were t fling upwarda in the night," at up ard path is before all yo ng rn if ey car to ascend it. There is on t o oho re to find it ; and it leads up iar s ol• use thieve to eminence, and to fam The n i hty• pyramids of stone That w dee-like cleave the desert airs hen ne rer seen and better known, Are hut gigantic flight!) of stairs." Tennyson says- " I hold it truth with him who ings To one clear harp in divers to es, That men n3ay Hee on stepping- tones Of their dead selves to hfghe thinge." Aral here, as elleewhere, the oet is 'dons lent thein an air of myste y, f s pe ti doe a fine reserve of manner hich re elm t is more successful in holdina man' nterest, love and reepect. he youn wotn who greets a man fr en Wit mode slang, Might in return be ea led " peach but elle would be a peach with th Ev day I become there convinced h at th root of the increasing evidence o foiled he familarity that breeds conteMpt. Whe boy climbs a tree for green apple his rp h, until he nearly breaks his neck to 1; or e es, whichever he prefers, he con stan 1 sees a better one higher up beyond get th one out of his stretch, partly hid en by liege. And so man's ideal wo an han et the tip-top of t e tree of :know- ledg . If the ideal drops into his handale throe,/ it to the ground as worthless and begin to climb again. ould it be reasoe- OCTOBER 21, 1898 }is won't Ilse it, because its 'shine" lasts too long, and seems too simple. 'Pays hhn better to use a wax pore -filler, and polish up a previous polish. Paid by the week, instead of by the pair, he'd shine the .actual leather, hard and I smooth surfaced, with I FOUSH t 1 ht DO SOOn another same old Andiej then the monia or ling m At. AGENT FoR SEAFORTtt, able oithin g after working so hated for ellern ak that he i would value them teng if he ate a surfeit bf them !-Frances tvans, ii.:1 in the Otobe L ice' Home Journal.i HAGTARD'S YELLOW OIL is pemnpt to easel) and sure to cure coughs, colds, sore throat, pain in the chest, hoarseness, -quinsy, ate. Price 2.5c. ; Spare Half -Hours The Majority el people have at lea t one to call t heir ow and were those utiliied t ink we word any of us be atria d at t e end of tho nth to find how mile we I have a little et theory about thk ad- pecially in them ays of vanishing fo tunes hobby, what pita vill, whereby, if the need girlF. Our spare halide re. Shall we head ur list then with co kery, taking the higher kinds of the art ? Why not try What dele table cakes, what ainty entreeeti what ap ailing savouries, what de- licioue Sweets *e can treat this houkehold to, clay* day ? Good cooking keep the 11 family temper-wh els well oiled, andi from the preparing da 'es in spare halfi ours we may geaduall all in love with thelmore art, and finally bee ine as settinv4 here does in h hes now although nht yet fifteen, he is ap au- thority on the whereabouts of every kpown spot eg the globe. Logi er-work is another delightful and ii: feasibl apare hour hobby. It does net re- quire any toois,and gives scope for aitistic sults a. e to be btained from it. If an ne is ucky enough to have a type- .writino 'robin at her disposal, I should writing.' It is ,oertainly more useful than artistice but it is very useful, and combined evieleshorehand, makes a good cover tinder which to shelter lif financial rainy days set 0 wit might make a study of the biticla of be - are jeet, us part of th uable to th shall we- de n3, looking p eheryiplace of wh oh he ver reed or h ard ; with the result that orld as " Mrs. Be s a small friend of his spare half-hours, ours talas our own country, or the trees, so as come an authority on them ; for ther good and cheap he.ndsome books to b -and thorough ka wledge of any one eu no matter what i ts, is power. Or if we lhave ny taste for digginii -and delving into the past, folk -lore is very inter-_ aiding, and not the leaat dry to those who have a taste for it, Some ong I heard of is devoting her 'spare half-hours to old ',furniture, studying itt up f afl points of view, and reading it !Pp as Indeed t ne can ma us to use t our knowle Sla Tbe 'wren will be e make I and tl than cums a neighbor, staY to sup principal s ere are just hundreds of t Inge ifl we only will ; and then with e a etudy of in our own pare niuity when the time come' for en) if it ever does, we can turn • n mentioned in this little kitory lied Mrs. Haughty, but she is most every community by ether e id inclined to do all she cen to ther people believe she is somebody, atehle is fitted for a higher sPhere be oiee she is forced by adverse dr- ncesIto live' ie. tale ago Mrs. Haughty callell on e . *us and milk wan the p er dish and Mrs. Haughty declared with eundry ejacalations that: she had never eitten the delightful compOnntl. me da,rbi k Jefeuodsr ihiMeedripleoyabs toel;e8,71: latter of mu,eh was seb in, the aMrs. Haughty,'? re - bowl of milk Oleo - said Mrs; Haughty, as ahe picked upi her , Veit -to work and to win -to keep a sate mind in alsound bodet-to laugh at worry. Vioorehtto ward Off disease -to con - (pier! obstacles -to tranelnit health and strength to your pohterity. 'VerettiTt-to resist the fearful strain and tension of modern life -to make hp for the :constant drains of overworile. Wahilsh B100d and Nerve PIM confer all these' essential qualities on the us THIS VIDEKCE IS AMPLE PROOF Nerve Pi Is -I elt weak, nervous and n down. I ha lost weight steadily Or - hands, feet an iiimbs were cold. I always felt weak arid ler muscles trembled. Noitt, after the use of one box of Dr. WarcPs Pitts, I feel Ike my old self. I have gain d fivel pound in weight and too per cent.' heerful ess. I now walk firmly, my mu cuter S -stern is strong and my Model Wa d's Pill have done more for me thi.n any medici `e I ever took. • • 1 good the worA, box or 5 Itio WARD C PETER CARMICHAELse ie Bright Si., Toronto, Ont. rug -gists can supply you. If e will by mail. Price sae. per . Limited, Toronto, Ont. the children at the table leaned over to liee Mrs. Haughty Made a !novel- and °need but she dipped her epoon in the milk 'before she dipped it in the mush.," That little Mo ement gave Mrte Haugh away, for ever knows that if tit splooTereirisoffirnier taint°. the milk the inueli will not stick to itt- So Says Robert lieikle about Dodd's Kidney Pills. London, Ont., Oct. 17 -Robert Meikle, a member of tte staff of the Star Dining Hallo is kept busy artswering the questions asked him by his many feiends at present, -They all Want to know how he recovered from what, the doctors eaid, was a fatal attack Of Di; Ayambnpeedit ezisse. had failed. They are the only -ciullred me when -every other earth - medicine On earth thet can cure Diabetes, and they ao eure it every time. If Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Mr. lifeikle they wall' cure you. Try them. The Story of Britain's 'Stability. Odthe same subject the London 'nerves - pendent of the New York Evening Post, says : 'With what envious eyes England's rivals inust read the marvellous tale of British stability, which, Sir Michael Hicks -Beach unfolded in the House of Commons on Thureday night. The annual expenditure noeirhas reached the enormous earn of $575,- 000,000, yet the Chancellor of the Exche- quer finds himself with a surplun of $18,- 390,090 for the past year, and can afford to spend S12,000,000 on beautifying London's t publie buildings, while his sutplue for the comieg year is estimated at $8;930,000, which he can devote to cheapening the workiognien's tobacco, lessening the income tax burden on the middle chreeees, whose in-. conies vary from Z2,000 to $3,,500, and all this while the army and navy each year are' swallowing more and more, "Last year the navy coat $100,000,000 and the army $85,000,000, and etrikes and lockouts hindered.revenue accumulation in other: directions. Well may Sir Michael _ Hicks -Beach nay, 'I don't think anything , can be gathered from best year's statistics to justify doubt of our ability to eompete on fair terms with any foreign competitor:" Grand Trukk Engineer Swears by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pins. Mr. Geo. CUMITI'llgS, for ever 20 yesre engineer on -the Grand Trunk turning bete een Toronto and Allendale, saes •-•• The conetant dirty with ray work gave me exceseive pains in mY back, yacking my 1dd- mended by my fireman, Mr, Dave Conley, to try Dr. Chesee Kidney -Liver Pills. Two boxes have com- pletely eured me, and I feel to-dey whetter naan then ever. I recommend them to all my friends." • -Percy Smith, aged 15, son of Mr. John 'Smith, lot 3, ooncession 3, Eupbrasia, accid del:really slipped on the feed -board of ,machine at his father's threshing Both feet were drawn into the cylinder. ,One leg was mangled to the hip, the other to the knee. He died within a half au hour. who went to Cuba with Company. " " 71st Regiment, died ae Watertowo, New 'York, on Wednesday of typhoid fever and oeher complication2i He early became A victim of fever in Cuba, and spent maey weary days in the hospital He was eent back to the United States, and reached his friends at Watertown, where he lingered for two months. He was 25 years of age, -Thomas Wright, aged 81, an old set- tler of Winnipeg, who hail been missing since Menday, was found on Friday drowned in a creek near hie reaidence. He had tip- parently been endeavoring to mit etieli for a cane, and iell between tWo legs into ,the water. He leaves to sons-dAlbtrt Wright, of Winnipeg, and Newtpn Wr ghte of Aleh. McIntyre, tailor, of Wards- ville, has ha Lis poesession a razor, which at one time belonged to Scotland's poet, Bobbie Burne, unit was given to Mr. Ale- Intyre on hia hiavieg for Canada, by his master, to keep in remembrance of him. His master's father was a commie of Burns, and was given many scoldinga for be- ing companion of Burns, as he was eonsid- ered a scapegrace by a great many. -Marion Brown, the peg -legged .negree who is said to have killed Conetable Toohey, Londoe, Ontario, paseed through Winnipeg the other day, in custody of Detective Nickle. United States Marshell who effected Brown's capture, accompanies Nickle to claim the reward offered. Brown is cool and nonchalant, and has admitted his -A fatal accidenb occurred a few even- ings ago, about two miles from Morristown, just across the river from Broekvilie, , which Dr, Taylor of Ogdensburg, was al- most instantly kifled, His boggy was run into and overturned ihy a light wagon, driven by a man named Scott.- The shock was sufficient to throw Dr. Ta,ylor -out, and lu falling he struck hie head with. euch force that he died in a few minutes. The de- ceased. was about 55 years of age. -In April or May last,, a valumble milch cow :belonging to Mr. J. D. Hunter, of hock joint. The animal was iyiug on the street, pear Mr. Hunterhi residence at the time, and a little five-year-oM son of Mr. Wm. Boyd was accused of striking the eow With a stone and breaking its leg, The case was tried at the division court,. but after hearing the evidence nf the plaintiff, the judge ruled/hat the father was not respon- sible for the action of the boy, and dismiss- ed the case with costs. -Early on Sunday morning James h McLeod, of Mexico City, who is vieiting his brother, John McLeod, freight manager of the Galt street railway, was slugged on the head by two footpade in a lane behind the Central hotel, and relieved of about 0 in cash, besides notes and jewellery amounting tO several hundred dollars. The criminals are alleged to be Irvine Johnston and Ed- ward White, two young Dumfries farmers. The first named has been arrested, but the latter is at large. McLeod was badly bruised and cut about the head, and was uncoiled- , ous' when discovered by the night police. loosens theca, 'The cones -no' and lungs is 11 liammation is parts are put and 'the cough has' no disem which to hangs Dr Ayei • Cher Plaster draws out MI6 Beneembereive 1110 merit, trim have! veer anteetire this yell ee,art possibly_ • eloeter freely, grernivereply, !mettle • our ,direet coon time Ana nto Via Toro British 0o1 Our xatei are th to suit everybody IST OARS for y ler further ittform Grand T Trains leeve dodo Goma Warr - Mixed Train - 131011i4 EAST - passenger.„ e. Wellington twee- Wenn- Melee , Blucyttle- Ifinevele ..e.. -0011g0 NORTH- - London, 4e, 14/Ideate-ore - Winghern wive Londeshoroeeeee Nippon - Exeter London, teirivei The Cana CHAT Still leads its 134 of our pup positions in the 1 an average of n -do you think of i It Pays t rite for oats D. Met RULE lOwing to really Otgana at Pianos at eorr -See 1113 befo