The Huron Expositor, 1898-10-21, Page 4..........
1898 4DC-TOBIE
there in about the business. No person is -a windo be th ant ran out of it hoill, one of vi hich It in ea 'tified ould have pan- -Tivyi a re slowly Im.
w Cox]
AV -The figure between the paronthools, or each hurt, no interest will suffer, and there will and bit heir. It of the big red Species , etrated ifs he , had it n t been for the provin g.—Mr. X orrison, of Walton,
t W
The physicians say the ant bite caused her window bar. ow't to matibles were fired the $u at of Miss A. Crisp on Sunday.—. rr,
one, denotes the page of the papor oa which ho not be a cent additional coeb to the country.
Xdve to go inasue,� and sh died in spasms. 00ra the death
rtisetuent will be found. This in not ki town. I Jim ]on '�hia
waver, trivial as'itt is,"was gnaw, of 'Belgrave, oalldd 40
incident, It 3 1 wb,%Oh sad event
Not Necessary—Gre & acdonald-1 TFuI,jioN ComNY.—The Poo. —A orren mden wribui, Mi,- T, J. brothe , Dr. Agnew, last week ld, near be,
Miss sufficient' to make thD Mail And its co- ple,81eleph6beco.npatiy was incorporated Mnoreh Be, ough not U., of. Blaric a Braithwaite was the of her Auction Sale—Mrs.l. Iroland-5 ant- re I guest at,
at Albany, New' Yo k, on Wednesda, with dent of ayfleld 611 t a time can claim to coul'in. Miss Alice Moon. last week —Mrs.
Farmor Sale—A. E. adjutors from th, i Montreal Star downwardo, Teacher Wvnted-0. Wolper.: -5 'he ' have be a capital stock of $5'000,000, It is intend- be a Pio r of the county of Huron, havi Lash at n returned Isab Friday after. visit'ag
ecream with doli;ht, oil rav- # 9 y ad t h the The Aeeef
project both * the United tar
Farm for Sale—Jamen Berry oaten hi first,, meal at wl at is still the friends 'in Detroit, London, and ot I Incutill
ing about the bl ndera If the Government Imillar,
sta4o'.Pand Canada. ESq-1
Clearing -Auction S'Ale—A. Watt -51' Rier el, fit the year 1864, Thb only places. —Mr. and Mrs, Whiteley ape ta low amWall Papers,,—[2)—C. W. Papst-8 and the cost to country ever since It be. ' SNbW IN 01110AO.—Snow fell in Chicago method conveance at that time was the daval last week'with him sister in Goderi 3h. of 0GIIII'vray, an
House for Sale—J. L, Killoran�8 came known, making one wonder if minr- for o�er an hour on Thursday night of last at ruition. in Dcoam1,
age I rout a on to Goderich ;every ii� Sarah Hill spent last weal w th a hured the a, 'go, V1 ent v14 Clinton ; every friends in Clinton.
—[21—(,'. W. papst-8 takes and blunders i not have frequpntly T a which
:Oxtra Vincounts week. It w a the first of 'the Season. and ea life,
the earliest Is Bx happy 012elp.
Cooking Leisons—M ins N. Wilson -8- in 26 years. A gale accompab- Mond& Ffield, and so he came up on
b�!en committed wien their own friends ied the, snow fall, making navigation on uncillor, �nd
Pur Goods—MaPherson & Co. -8 Mooda he cat le to &yflel4 vilisge, which Wise wereinpower.inth) ominion, had chigan impoxxibl was at hat tinw) 3 not arge ut wond staged of generov
New- Repair Shop—L. to
erfully FIR mys. —The post office was moved!
committed by Mr. H ir and his colie gues, P�ft TO ]KILL EmrniloRWILLIA Corn for Sale—W. 0. Perrin -8 a m.—The impor �t. H has a wond rful fund of re- ion, he won sUil re
Alexandria, Egypt, police have arrested minig the b cDonald block on Wednesday morn- b&t of friendi. -T
XeKimlfi-Cash'Store—W. A. McKim -8 what these people wou A really say, hen ences, is a live ly." a cricket, an
Ue of Stock. Stears—T. E. Hays— - ninelItalian narchis%'and have thereby veteMto puns , and Was th experiences of ing.—Mr. Will Kennedy h4s starte& 'a borf the 4,
ild. frustra, t as of the Ej,
5 no trivial a coinoidene puts �hern ted a plot against' Emperor William a lif groccy in the Mason block, in the store
$teera for Sale—Ff. McMillan—,5 "time a I fingirer/ands. �,,.v;at e Sri—
W&@, is no of Germany, now on life way to the Holy doularly devoti
]Pigs for Sale"J. R. Dickson -5 The' overgight, trilling an —The ri ul meeti1bg of the Huron Mod- I tel t d by Miss Boyd, milin T futher introd*,�a purely cash business par
0 5 u
Land, to be present at the consecration of ;a chison and MoGavin have ope4ed- in1be --Woi
ern t but it ical Associ fo was/ held §n Wednesday, g to give a ;rorkar
Oale of Farm Stock—J. Aa R,'Whyte-5 doubt, annoying to the Gov men ,
T ather Leggin S—'R. Willis -5 the Church of the Saviour at Jerusalem. a gro ry store in the premises late) we are go
I n of all 'Chrttti
October 12th is one for which all parties in the Le#isla I the" DUnCil chamber, Clin.
cated, I y Mr. J. Kerr,—The furnace of he gry work was,
ot a Day too gloon-121J, P. Hendt rson-8 BADLY Bpmil,;�-I-By BuRAGLARS.—H. D. ton. Nominat
t n for a representative to Methodist church has been moved from her earm
ure ma fairly be held: equally respon,�ible, Fulton, president of the Fulton Coal Com. the Ontario Medical ( ouncilli resulted in Dr. VE
Crockery—A. Young -8
IT PURCHASER OF low to the fear end of the church. Mesa
Leggings and 81ipperi.[21-W, H. Willia-8 as it was not notice� either by the Opposi. party, of Chicago, as held up on Saturday J,'A. Robertson, of Stradord being t the
a Young and Paulin did the work.—The choir wmof
0 Big Snaps in Furniture, Xtc, -(61 �L. & L,— 8 tion or by the Gover n out., It in quite ex evening by three n6gr am,- beaten into insen. successf il nominee of �he as�ociation for too and young people of the Presbyterinnelluich h an Ardent
Apples Wanted—Po*oll & Moffat -8 sibility, and robbed of $400, The robbers district )f Huron and Per* Nomination e fait
ousable, alsoi owing to! the very exceptional then throw him into a closet and i looked will have a Canadian social in the lectrire 01 eoneifttatI
Real Estate Bargains—G. J. 6utherland-8 papers r iust be in the hands1of the'rethra-
circumstances v;hich existed at the t1ime. him in. He was found later in the evenin room of thecharch'on Tuesday evening, the whopi departed t
Flavoring Extracts—Lumaden & Wilson -5 g ing offimr, Dr. how# before Wovember 8t
Moving Out Rapidly— Pv. B. Srni�b However, if grea �ir �blu a returned to the Resolutj Ong I 25th fin at. A collection will be -taken up. (:J:p C g�e lewv" a I
—5 ne we a pan re etti a a.
made -the people of office. th A sple4did time is expected.—Mr. Z H;
ndere are ' ver by his Son, who by chano ng
is Province will not be moval or Dr. Woods, I hellp. to as, On. Darn the 1,08
derson, of the Bluevale road, will move into nil
Ville, Tennessee, wh�l 8 ]as ficeep d The remaing of the 1
greatly disturbed. It matters little to them his now residence on John Street next weak. If You Bu "5.00 W �rth You Get Five Keys. their l"t,
Huron $otes, rofessorship in � the' odft' College. y
UVOU 161r"Oibf, whether the Legisls�jre has been adjourned r' Mr. Will Henderson, who was married last
—Brusa6la' rate of taxation is 19 mills on 9haw, of Clinton, 1 ad a paper, which cametery. n.
week o Miss Taylor, of Beigrave, will live bwa by a la
or prorogued so loagl qs their material inter. the dollar. elicite much discums n by t
e members. Y
on Vfarm.—Mr, Sex Kent wait mtrriad r.eUtivex and friend]
REAVdRTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 218t, 1898' exts are not affected' and the c6in of the —The now e4evator- at Goderich is now Wednesday f last week a very
n ready for use, pretty wedding Was Id it! the home of &at Wednesday t9 po
realm not wasted. Mir -s Stella Belyea, ;of The party, aving the key thlit unlocks the bicycle be Isst tribute of vim
bicycle is worth $75.00.
Mr. John Burdie, of! Bri n him idenc; on the corner of John In fact, the opposit,6 —At the different fairs this fall, W. H. acelield, who Southampton. �h`ay*ill take tp their tr�s- coustant
owner. This
10�...Csiise for Alarm. papers are r iaking themselves ridiculous by McCracken, of Brussels won 189 prizes. see d d 'hte' Ammar -
on all Mia MR gi M., her, -
n �-1 Star, Although it can. with- their outcry, and they show that when so W cM I&' . The esp The Mo' tre .—Mr. Henry Lawlor of near Auburn, ried to 9r, M. bride ji�rceto.—On Frfday morning after an ilia & unimportan; A matter gives them so mu, wa b autifullyl attire in hite silk, and I am, -ie t
b1 has sold his farm for $5,800. He intends to 8
out scruple li�el and miarepreffent the Li of about six yeare,'Miss Sara hn.
car ie a bouquet o whi a rose
a; her ft gone before
y ovary day in the week except joy,' their ir aterial for rejoicing is scarce. ftll)cr�l on Saturday to Belgrave cemetery erl
oral par retire. ston 0saxed away in her 36th year, Tlh
.—JameR Seale has purchased the bonne of YO at siater,M88 AnUiO, oted as maid On exhibition in window on God ch street,
Sunday, p niament70
rofesses to be terribly shocked be, the late B. Thomlineon, n Clinton, for of ho ior, dressed Il -ore in cashmere, was largely attand�d.—It is our sad du
eto chronicle the death of one of our res ee d
cause, some twenty odd election petition. in Editorial Notes and Comments. 8(350. trimmed with ribbon with a bouquet of P Pnli worider
9 towner&p, in the person of Mr. Janlees ye
Ontario have been settled without going to The following election petitions will be H. L Strang, of Goderich. has been uir, Resisted
pink carnatforis, Re;, Mr. wJI1 know, by
LaughI631, w to too pace on Satuid
elected b e'high. school teachers of � O_ by -Rev Mr. Cutts, of Ails' Craig, offici- OMM43 W1 e Vrow 8 0 That here is -all- trial. It says tried by Judges Rose and McMahon,- at the as y might, 11'he funeral was on Tuesday eep
tario their representative on the Univer- ated. �f ter the mat riage ceremony, all to t 'VV- awbil
if j
"Now either there was no evidence to places and times. following :—Dufferitf, at Brussels cemetery. The Canadian Order t:
sity Senate. the guests, about t1irty �Ruaob
I number, oat Foresters and the Soria of Scotland WA ine still mu
offer and the charges were made simply to Osgoode Ha 1, Toronto, November 5 ; North f one of W righam's pop lar down to a beautiful repast pr pared by the. 0 ply not at deitf,
re the party mana t'ti to "saw- Eesex, at 8 Awich, November 2 ; Muskoka,
glN gore LL, pe i ton charge of, the funeral, Mrs. McLaughlin It
young men, was mwiried at Southampton bride's mother. The I spent Now I know, is
young� coup 0
off" itagainst a tition lodged by the other at Bracebric Re, November 7 Haldimand, UX�Nq
pe on Wednesday of.last week to Miss Stalls their honeymoon in D roit. and family have the heart -felt: sympathy of 13 Be G Which our soul"
party; or else an atrocious wrong has been at Cayuga, : fovember 17 ; Load ead Is tN th whole community in their ibereavement. Life, which isof
on, Pt Lou- Belyea. —On Wedn ay ev voek, a a
ng 0 -8
Inflicted on the pablict by leaving in office' don, Noven b
or 23; Brockville, at Brbok-- —Mr. Geor$e Sills had il�e misfortune to joyous company of old nd youQ,_-!_to
rnembori; against whom there is evidence of ville, November 25; East Elgin,' at St. out an artery in his left hand with a chisel number of 40 or 50, sea tabled at the rest. T H E Cu TORE
, .1 Seaforth,
oiraption, which has been suppressed, ' In Domas, Nov6mber 28; W Wroxeter.
est E 19iii, lit St- he was using at Bell's furniture factory, in dence of John Douglas, 6th line, Morris; to
DFAm —It is ou
a other day, - witness the tying of t ie matrimonial bow 09 road. The pri�e paid, including in, far' united the destiny of two young live"bat
ef�her casei the public has a grievance Thomas, November 30. Wingham, tp� the 0, P. R. otatjon, Wroxetr, con far -be a
FARM FOR SALE.—Immediatl3ir- adjoini against the party maellinist8, They are in- n 0. chronicle t udae
—Rev. H.' 14j. Mason, pastor of the between his daughter, Missi: Frances and buildings good, with otono stxl)llng� unit stock and implements. was $10, ), Thi of Mr. Robert Bu hill, of Hibbert, and
jueed-whan the courts are degraded into a Twenty�one. election petitions were die rutted su'p. r.0 bert Ball, second
lY Of wAtor; 60 acres seeded down. Vith clover and is one of the choicest farms I' Miss Heater, second daughter of Mr. Rich. pattor of the
iedtion of the part : arena; and they,are Wingham Congregationa church, has re- Mr. James Nichol, Of t same line. Rev.� r1mothy; 14 &crop fall wheat, For pArtioularm, write
y posed of at Oagoode Hall, Toronto, on Sat. s!gned, the resignation tO! take effect on John Rome, B.A., of 3rueneis, performed a ' is well situated, and haefirat-clas ard Robinson. The ceremony was conduct, wax taken Bick witt
0 r
'Tti.OMAS J. Ginsom, Jr,,: Box 14,
outraged when a, corruptly elected Conser- or apply jib ones to
V November let. the. ceremony with neb tness land despatch, wrexeter. ! i Y�§ of water. Mr. C000, ed by the Rev. A. Q Tiffin, of Walton, nd on $94urday 11
urday, Th proceedingl ;were only formal. E�Irdl ngs withiploty
ative is allowed to remain in office in order 4
er n now the possessor of two of the flues! The -bride looked charmin t sil5erigs. I
that corruptly elected Liberal may not be Honors were pretty evenly divided between Jackson Brothers, of Olintou, have rd, The bride was attended by hor sister, Miss NOTXS.�'The 0anadjan Pacific Railw in very pretty e
ceivd the contract from the Grand Trunk Jane, while Thomas M. Iler, Jr,, supported Company have It ay farms in thisi- I6calfty- We learn that hii and becoming weddina attire. -They were
ad a pile driver and go; of year. His fudden
disturbed. Some steps should be taken to the.partien. 10 Libbrals and 1-1 Conservatives for furnishing the winter silite for the men -the groom, and took lesions AS to how the men doing some work at the railway b son William purpopea living on the farri unattended. The littTe company, immed- haii
business in done. Bot i &die wore becdm, crossing Mitchell's creek.—Mr. Alex I andor bought from 9r.i. Kettle. We have no iately after the ceremony, oat down to& as he WAS respectm
Pub a stop to this misuse 'of the machinery getting off': free. Tbeconstituctices affected on the western division of �he road. e"t, -A gloom ov
of lufstice ; but undoubtedly the beat and were: Liberals, —South Norfolk, Moock, —At the recent examinations in the Tor, ing costumes. The- learned where r, Kettle Purposes spend, very sumptuous repast, which was served in Ur '64
weddi g gifts were Campbell, who has benn working athis ing and a
surest deterring influence Nvould be a vigor- East Ha ge
but, true
etngs, West Kent, Welland, Cft. onto School of'Science, John Rigsby, son of numefouo, useful and alua le, An xcel- his lat r,d a,' but. true that he wil. good form and t:mte by Mrs. Rob Pathiza with -the
a trade of carpentering in Manitoba all sum. inson.
ous public opinion." tre Brude, Wentworth, North Lan. Rev. W. Rigsby, of Blyth, was- one of five lent supper was nervel aft�'er which the mdr has returned, &ad speaks highly of the not leave t In ighborbood.—Threshirig After a pleasant hones inte 0 ifflitim The
Star is, -evidently, posing for effect. ark, East Algoma, Conservatives, —West pupils who passed his matriculation. evening was spent in a i part is- no W 11 a vanced, and the ma", eelo6k on Mon&�
The a%st enjoyable man- Prairie Province. Mr. David Scott, long;% thin
happy couple, Accompanied by Miss MI 0
Hamilton, East Hamilton, Prince Edward, PaE Y. chi will
We do not See that the public has aDythi this seaso Robinson' a Exeter eemeter�,
—Mr. obert Kettle has sold his farm in ner I the large cont Itles be I id aside earlier
reuide'nt of this locality, took sudden Aeft for their home in Hl�bbert th
ly "16,
,a then usual.—O tr giistmi% as usual, in reil township, going by way of Mitchell- where
`9 West Durham East Middl _Jn Thursday nigh Oth inet., Sarah� Sabbath, the 9th inst., and died the, follo*.
e0ex, West Hant. the township of Hay, neur Kippen, to Mt.
to do with the matter, and there a not: the Dandav, Lincoln, Fruntenac, South. James Co or, of Kippen- for the sum of 'Stabler, r of the lat� Cha�rlen Harrison, ing Saturday. a good i Its& of grain for grinding. a. reception was to be te ed in The Mttbofflst
least grounds for -the alarm which the -Star rloo, Addington. i� t ridered the;i by. an
Mr, Scott was a genuine wout mving
*a t� $10,500. 1, OThe farm coutaian 150 acres, and, 16bh concession, Grey, o onse# that bourne of theibeitther, of strong Scotch accent and, aunt of the bride. We all extend hearty
last by Rer, Dr -
congratulations and best wiahem.--�3fm AuniversarY serm0l
tries to arouse. As, no doubt the Star is as the price indicates, is a good one. from whence no traveler returns, in her blunt 'manner. He was highl respected,
awa 'Her decea 1
The Conservative representative for Northi —Frank Keys, of Ethel, has leased the 70 th . year. y
re, an election trial is an expensive a was a matter of and Ole sympathy ofthe comm. I Miller, of London, is' St. P%ulls-'e-hurell
unity -is with WEDDIN( neA those pleaing ev visiting at -the home
Waterloo has been unseaW farm of Walter Innes, 5th line of Morris, and rvarorime to her eat
0 and the con -.I-' re atives and friends, his widow in her L bereavement.—Y ke's which a1w yl ica h exciteme of bar paents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pot. Re
affair, and few- members of Parliament are is accompal
ency declar and will take possession on November lot. who had no thought t tat the end was 150 Brothers are at present t out, a gre4 Among the lard, She little
stitu ad vacant! by the election!
so that they can 9ff6rd to urning nied by her HllmutfAdice A
'01 gg eople took
himself Oscape Bryan$, f -staft, I
incur the He will have lots of room to work, as the near. About two or three months a 0 -it many to barrels for Mr. Place At 7t daughter Iffelen.—The Bethel Methodist
court. Dr. Lackner d d Ali 41PP Ar. R. Thorno. Taylor bon ea �� d,'[ on the gravel road, o
expense as a matter of luxury. On -the con- place contains.200 acres. was discovered that a ci near on 'her bt e John Gibson has go church is undergoing extensive r loge.-5fts, � Bry
trary, t was 0111 me a,
ficarion only by the judges giving the —The building used by J=4 & Hall, of 8 to visit Wednesday to er 12th, at 4-30 p w pairs, and
hey �re always naturally anxious to d It deadly work.� A physician her daughter at Unionville.—A ca soservices are withdrawn foragundayr day -with her son,
benefit of -a doubt. Too, m ell treating by k4oad �f when Mims Jet .1 ie aylor was m
Wfnchels�&, for drying apples, caught fire decided at it could be dram�n out, but be- n&d En Q'
holy bonds 4
avoid thig-exposse, unless there ip a reason- agents was the cause of a rouble. At on Monday night of last Week, and, together stockers was shipped from this station lan
two.—Rev, A. C. Tiffin in conducting spe- John Livin
fore the treatment had run f w dloek to Air. Willi
able cer6ain' aul� ial revival services in the Providence thi6b 9
its course, the week, Mrs. T. F. _Rill6r has bee new drivin ilied ll
tytthat something,wiil be made the bye -election which must soon take p ace, with the blacksmith shop of Richardson & aGient mared away. Mrs. I Harrison n visiting Henderson, of oiris, The ceremony was this week. The services will be -continued on his lot�
was her sister, Mrs. W. Belden, of, Win
on ghan
!I,,, performed 3y tel
orth Waterloo ahould.step into the L,ber;i Easson, was destro ad. oen in Yorkshire, 1.�,ngland, And was united lately. —Mr.(-.4ichard Miller, of Toronto in The bride wa given away
t of it.' We fancy that whenever such Mr. Hall, of Belgrave,
ranks again, which it by her brother�.; next week, when the pastor willbe &set
k do if; - —A most successful tea -meeting was held. in, marriage to her dece ame& partner about visiting frieiiZ here at present.—Ml a, of St. Thom".
by Rev. Henry Irvin --Judge- BAITOU
certainty exists the petitions are prosecut- �Sandy Robertson, the latevi'l lbie an bc� in Zion Methodist church, Goderich town. 80 years ago. The r.'Allah Mr. George� Ta lor. She was handsomely',
week, d h eal case last We
Y, wi It three -sons by a Rae went to Toronto last
ad. But when it becomes known that there induced to become the Libeal C& r, c a,x aittired in w) 4 and' lace with eil, Ana',
ndidato. ship,.on Monday evening of last. week. An formal- wife, came toCanada in 1809,and taken 1i sit with Mr. J. W. Sanderfb Grey and E
iz not evidence enough availabe to justify excellent tea was served, af before locat 0, of 'da�ural flowers in her hair.,�
ter which 4 iag in Grey township, spent a ban a grocery and provis' bud suotherponih
'The present year law bee# al few years at St. George ind Ingers ton store'ou u 0 Min Emma I eh,
-le hope that At loast cha a exceedQ11y splendid programme was eadered. The der8on, sister of the'groo Stanley.
a reasonab rges can oll. in, p-
ensive legalwAr i
Ot street.—Mr. Robert, Duff f Bluev Is, as acted as brid emaid, and DEATTI OF AN
hard onoon thefire insur4nee companies, of BlueV She tecl Lag alreald cADst I
b proven sufficient to void the election 6m, in town on Alonday, lastp.—Mr. Pe o- mum whose dernipe is referred to in the followin
proceeds amounted to about $35, 32, concession 16, was purchased by th, wore dot' OLD Rr,,Srj)r_,;T.—Tbe My
n Wk. The room was -at'
—The following Huron students are at. and there the father ie� five years ago, in over ee 9 g, awould be worse than fooliahness to proceed no of the most. progressive ities fiabuioi� Sul
the losses in the mouth of �bptcmber bising Ewen, ended by Andrew Taylor, brother of paragraph, which we take from the Wor6-
r r t4
tending the Normal College, Hamilton�: —A regular tne6tiygn oi district lodge o. g orhood, has purch d the- bride. -a not, staed vo
only in such cameo, particularly heavy. The tal loases ith of thi hb 0 Tfeve4dingulMrch was pla, mbefland Enterprise, published in the vil-
with the protest. It is is Misses L.,Johnstone, Belgra�v; Mabel'Doh- dent Order 01, ood T St art a rllmlli, oil the 2nd concession yed� the 'present ease.
24, ad emplars, ;
4 ession �T b Mrs. Rob
year up to the Is 'of Oct)ber in" Can da erty, Clinton - J. Robertson, Exeter; H' hel in open u . er V.S toWart, of Hamilton. Aftei,
sali or saw -offs as berry.—Owing to the unfavorable —A eculiar Ilea"
amo 472,020 .as compared ith Ske ceremol �y I Art
Iton, Goderich. Messrs. W. M. Martin' inst. The day being wet A Ole as performed a -rid a host of'; r evening on eance
asa rule, that dismiL d the Uge of Colborne, Ontario, was a native of
anted to -87, on the Ilth temperance iall,' Porter' a� t 84614y,�and was known to many of on
the Star calls them, takes place.- After ai2 nd on tll� 12th inst.,the bicycle races w iotie I r good wishei b 0ito*ed on the young Couplef" readeft -In -this township. The Enter dise
$5,186,920 for unfavorable, there was 16 &mall attenditice sports about 15 years -of
the same riod last y ar. E'xeter; W, J. Elder,, Heneall; J. M. Ott er. the lienbs were'nvfted to the dining room! of the, Oth inst., sa a - "At the
election, particularly if it has been a r, vere The losses in September t year amou ted Kinley, 8eaforth. as the
of delegate In the abs ,*ere not as successful 9 y
a. -neq resiTanpe
one, and the majority. -h' of J. D. Mur- wise nv�ht have been. Stratford, whow,�l
as -been small, there 13,377,160 an compared -,�ii in —On Monday f last we�ek, as littl dock, of St Helens di t whore a rec ierche dinner was.awaitirtg them, I of tirs, Charles M cGregor, ofL Colborne, be wait
ie am
a, 0 hi f T p1lar,
Vg Was enjoy- going
the aame month last i year. ce boy, son of Mi. John Smith, baggage man C to The remaiuder;of he event eleven o'clock last Sunday morning, Mis.
are always charges mootJ Wad made against The insuran E'. L. �arnha;� 0 one ance, occupied ably pent'lu Biagi 9. gamen av Mau Jurn �Upn
lose this year up to the lot of October was at the rand Trunk Railway station, in the Aair. The ro�olr�(� of Constafice. adancing, etc.,] D � id Pollock, of Prince Albert, North
the Successful party'.. ch delegates from ich fr' toned
arg",- $3 920,040; while for, the same period last Wibgha , was playing by the road aid lodges was mostly av6rablo, Bond-La*ra- serviaaa ; a wil when all repai west Territry, passed peacefully away. wh h fri
A�NN-i�EXSARY.—Annivermary r d otheir homenat &sea
'lie ride was the recipientl L For the past six weeks she had been staying had to
akil. year the insurance Ibis i4s 83 563,920, was run 6ver by a horse and lig rch on 30ndal
quently have all tl a ffemblan E of pro"b a son., the respected seer ti tho0ist chu -mcre&niing -at the
t ry- reasurer for a be held'in the �W Sortable hou
to from manyJ with her aunt here, in the hope thait rest ity ad, according o aw,,,,� ey can child was knocked down and his egs ad y number of nekt, of numerousi Ila. doome presen
not"be ��: hen Rev. Mr, McClement, if;Cli
ht rig.
a If bg arm. tend
higan lumbermen arei now getti cut by the horse's feet. being unab ton, wil- preach at 10, guests. The; hal 'couple left o the m6rn_'! and change mi lit restore her rapidly declin
The Mic' n I is resignation, 30 a. m. and R, time, --and could'!
investigated unless a protest is 00tero 9 to attendl t)_ ie duties any r Al,,Kezie win �cal
'a taste of their own ad- —Mr.. 0, M, Walker, of the firm of longer. He was Arm8trcng, of T I ing.train to �i8i friends in Toronto, Wood-.�,' health. Err' career through life bad
ictn�o, and,they evi. tende a � a arty vote of uruerls appointment p.m -go out -of -his Tnh�
4ber oints.
within a certain time. This t� _b Walker & Clegg, manufacturers of uphol.. thanks and the stock and
\e dently don't like sum o $5 tor his faithful At each Service been a most interesting one. Amid the most _1V
)Wd for any enquiry it. They were forem a f�eewill offering will be hile Willi%,
as O't in stered furniture and mattresses, of Wing, rork in the past. Th eked for to raise the'amount form circumstances she showed a bravo
ext place of meet. a erlymad 'of Logan, vVere
to the _tmtl�. inducing the Ameriepw Govcir-.Ye.t to place ham, has returned home from 'his trip Ing will ))a Londesbor rydi D.g. ful wife -h-
of the charges being made, there is no
urageonespirit. As a faith
be left with tile by harvest horhe dinners. Monday at 7:3 1 Exeter. fair last, week, t -i
a devoted mother, and an earnest Chris
a duty of two dollars's. thoi Band on'lumber through to the Pacific coast. Mr. Walker exe P. m. a Musical b6ad literary programme wil itornet manho w
other course open but to enter a protest. cutive to change, if nf cessary. N. Dun. tian
NoTEs. The 'un6ral of Herbert, son of abejoyed the la ting love of..sll who knew
going into that c66atry, thu reports one of the most successful business bar, of Teeswater. was el3et:d distrfet obig be furnighed, ith addresse
Bnt after time has been had to invesbiga is practically by R3v. Mr A
te w Rev. Job Kirkton, pasbed through 'her. Mra�' Pollock settled with husband
ro n 8ill, f raced at full ape
abutting out Canadian lumbe�r trips he ever took to the coast. Templar, and E. L. Farnuath, e Rigsby, of Blyth ; ev. I .
m the Am- of Constaile Mr. . trinstr ng n this tolace 12'� uday
the charges and rumors which were, so, rife erican market. A an ff -treasur t. free Ill ffering w1l, be t lr�nj a the other driver
others, A aft�rnoon last, and and family at C
o this the The Morden, Manitoba, ChrotPidle Says', district secretary w wait fargel arrot riveri Saskatchewan, "roas the road,,
ntario Legislature I et MJ... F. Landaborough, Presbyterian —The London Adver iser of Saturday the door, Come and enjoy al.. he in attended.—On! Tuesday morn- in 1883, In the spring of 1885,- when talk
at W
after the elecYon, and it is found that they a v�rntert passed an ell Abbott,,to be tht,
mw"ionary a 90 ing last the griff � reaper, death, visited this of the re�elliou was rife, she. with her two
act requiring logs -taken fro t Elkwood, North Dakota, for. aays: MiNs Maggie E. R, - kR3f8T1tO1S'0 .13 SALE, he at oil village, and t,
are groundless, or that evidenbe can not be Ontario forests lef t - b heir way J hnston, of London
,nR as a p,,, f Mr. r
0 ook from our' midst a highl boye, went into the block-bouse built by -the up w" fo-uucl two
to be manufactured in this! proviric ly of Tuckerj' -day on sale on tie Gold
secured to prove them. what else is W.-, a thus rmith, county of Huron, tol Chi' N�eial farrMp rei y
-L- isi Johnstc a y bere, on resipeated old ddent, Mrs Grace ke, or., G overnment, - Along with other settleri? ceivod 8'.numbe
Ontario and Mr. J. W. Johns, who has just sionary, Armstro g, near,
preventing the exportation of Canadia'n logs - oung woman nen ct th T Mae o9age years. �'wivs and - children, while r. Pollock
n 0
done but to apply for a dismissal? r- to Michigan mille. - It is no* said that the arrived from Tucker8mith, were in Morden about, 23 years! of age, I n is I 'live last ;ee was a Splendid i c Clegg. Ther The W. Abbott esca
No pe her parents.
son desires to go before a court with inuffi, Miciligan lumbermen who 1 own Canadian last week, and paid the Chronicle a visit." near Bruo-,flel She a beirig sent b was a crowd present, deceas IsAly as one of the pioneers '11stayed on the farm until the crop was in. p
oub. y a, c eve ythin of this eigiborho d. The funeiral Very quiet
or n took place
er w
n, t on Thursday afternoon last, to the 'whole se"ttlement Started for Hamboldt, and
limits are kicking against this laiv and hav' —A very pretty wedding took pla.,e on the Chrim ian Workers iasi�n of Londo' offered s sold, realizing t a I When the rebellion was well under
cient evidence and run the risk of being ver Satin so ly way, the
entered an action in the E ch Wednesday of last week, at the residence of which fhe is a meml- prices. ]:he-actioneer?e bama er muloted in a big bill, for costs, and It equer Court ot a but will be und yie t-Ixeter Union come ery.- She lei Tuesday
-b�o Taylor Brothers, Maple Grove, East Wa- the jurisdiction of th, ed by genial Tom Bro ives f our 1had to cut their waythrough the woods
,y for �amages. They regard the recent On- 1 it�a InJand Xis- wn, of
eafor It, and would be foolish t married dailgiters, gra. James Westcott, Imost of
-6 do so. Th6se are, noi. ..tarid la warkosh. On that date, their. sister, Miss sion. At the, revival he did his part well. Indee , there are f Douglas, N.
w. as an invas on oi vested rights ,etidg held in the the way to avoid the road held by
Judge, V?as ur
doubt, the reasons why so' Many d a confiscation of Jenn'ie, was married to Mir. W.. J. Header, mission church, King a x 3et, few betker auctioneers than r. Brown. %nitob4, who has been at her !the disestisfled half-breeds, the Women and matriniony, to Al
petitions, --An rivate' property. last evening, daide duringy her list illness ; Mrs. John 'children 'I- the brush and the men chop -
son, of the Bluevale road. A large number Miss Johnston said farewell �o her f The who e sale fealized upward Log
riends, 1,5w.
are dismissed or withdrawn b4fore they ac -this view Ithey are a pported by eminent of i rl bride looked cha
1bgal opinio . Christopher Rob- oteere nd Mrs. Wn. 6out , &ad Mrs, Pollock ;stayed at
of guests witnessed he by whom she will be all 3 ortod in her field ayne, of Usbcrael; Mrs. Alfred Sheerej ing. A
' Canadian t, intresting care. Cows sol at from $40 to $55 each ; steers blue, hile Mint
tualy go to trial. And it �s non of labor. Over $300 1 b�en subscribed from $7 to $95 per pair, and yearlings i
sense t0l-inson and o or- well wn lawyers have mony. "co of 1�,,xeter.—Tbe lamboldt, where Colonel Dennison was in the groomt -aftla
ecent hea�y rai �avtt stopped work on charge - the others of --the party. pushing oil ve becoming
say that by such a course th4ublic is bei�, advised th great ff is
at the Out I of water was struck on toward the initial ex), noes, and Pato from $40 to R60
0 law ir nconsti. the r . , %� per pair! A P&fj Of ec�tg 'the large to nk oi John street for a time,— to QuAppelJe, leaving her th ry
ing wrong6d or injured in an tutional. The Mi N - Arm of Alex. McCall, 7th line, Morris, Mackenzie explai ad �� at, $100 had been rising two were.knooked 8 f Aly woman Friuk Dempsey,
way, #s 'the chigan lumbermen, acting down at $)0 nd " here in some ta k of for
$91 reef actively, a d every Ing town. —M
Star 'tries to make ad a claim for compenna week. Mi. Peterso- f Kinca dine, pent fortraining n th 0hristian Alliance _g a dramatic 3n camp, where she cooked pivs itud pastry
0 persorl is Tub in of Se or the soldiers Mr. Pollock -had charge of
on that advice, fil the drilling, and the io ision proporti(oately high�_ de: tj r. Ed. a formed. the dmtic
tion some Ume ago with the British Minister didl ell measu 8 ary tnetit te, V aw York, and the prices. Mr. Artrat forth, Taorly W" P61
g was in to�
wronged or injured, but maMy people are at Washington. The intention is to follow feet, �roin top to bottom, feet 4rille 1, 10 tirther 00 1 a no to purchase was very wolf satisfi, d With the resuli as he tn o Monday last.—The the station. After beiug there some time, QNeill, af r
this the rock. There,is 23 fEet of 1e necessary m-' 90 ell may, be. t office At which is situated in she and her boys started for Manitoba,
save& unnecessary, expenditurLE of time and up. by bringi�.g an iction in the courts fee� being in issionar Outfit, leaving $100 w the r"i e
a's tore. was burglarized �where she,bas two Sisters living, arld stayed to
unless the law to 1which they take exception watee" in uhe� we Hanlon & OBrie
money. But�, in Ord 11, and tey tried w1h a nore to meet the. $200 eeded to cover the t
er to at, ow - inde Mr. Patrick Ki
is rep m engine to ump it dry a penses.
ate ad couk not xavelling ex -hfirt dollars was on Saturday i Some $35 i a cash ith them until the trouble -was over. In
ealed. Tbdre is riot rhe slightest pog. where a -mumPtu,
pendence and get a crack at t Q,, maahlne,)) do immediately promised y the IKK:l P e1n. and $15 word of r),63tage stamps were taken. 1886 the family went to-, Prince Alberb, —The
sibility of Premier Hardv retreating, how- friends pres. death <
the Star tiries to scent dat then no dan. ever, unleQs -a substantial equivalent is Early Sabb tb morning, 9 at, No clue to thl gu ill y parties. wifoolf
Dr. James, Where they have been ever; since, Although the ad
th inst., Ed- and the usual fareNRI hymu was sung, PEPUS0. AL,—Mi is l?var Sturgeon, of DrILY' i0hrenologist, ect it red to the Young People' Ii 1885 She was a Young,,etrong women,
f George and w
ger, exists. win G
is the Bateman, of thel7th concession, Grey, ied, iss Johnston will -spend a month* in Tor. Mrs. R. eMordia, md other relativ Society, in he ames' street church, on he anxiety atid exposure of the time turned f the earliest
granted. Free lumber for free logo- 9 Q_nly ion Mary Jane od be 'ith you Ull we meet again;" ton, Noth Dakota, is visiting her aunt the
only baaiR upon which the prohibition of the
age 1 .10 years, 4 [months and 3 days. �nto, at the China Iul Mi tio Home in her, Tueaday avelki, st.—Dr. and Mrs. Hynd. er bair quite grey and wreaked.her health
export of logs will be withdrawn Tb( aud is and wilk ikely speni th6 winter in
A Bieg- Fuss Abo-6t Little. that, toown.
"60 �man ati g com]
matiern an I St. ty, before continui way to with a view to thb ;
A mistake or a hat ci �r improvement of bar m. Collins d,
�111e n'
]ad 1had a bad at�ack of rheu �ended ��thc !w'edding of Miss Bertha pletely, A trip east was recommende ning, 10th,
I mor
e iss StuIrg on !left Dakota I A
slip ou the part of the Orl. We find the f Vitus dance I t ill Lon on, on Tuesday last. htit the long journey wax too severe, . and two years. " Th:
ollowing n an editorial arti; �h I
la1st, wiater, but he ralli d he lain d,of Ae Orient. SM, no , ikely to health, M
c, e in Ac.- ag. wnot and 11" spen uf
tario Grovemment or an, mem�er of it, is a I i th Toronto Mail of Monday quite. nicely fro it. About three eks ieturii for six years. ta ew weeks pleasantly �Lf ter arriving at Colborne, she was never as boiz in- Li�
o he *,as agai� taken down. dropsy and �Oa fair- day two alicl: yo ng strangers Toronto, London, Cl,ntdn and other 11able to leave her bed. The funeral service 1812aud came laws.
eport, apart of the wcaknes6 of the eart beinCadde . d to, his visited Bruisele and put up a ' I t -
matterof so r,4re occu0once,, that when cording to reliable r -the Queen's N' Miss Ma L adbury. 'Was held at the residence of he,r aunt, Mrs. her. a,
Ann MeMordie, a LFAERII',R Leg �IcGreg
anything of the kind do�'H take pl6e, no Crow's i�est subsidy, or its equivalent, has old troublet,. hotel. One'of them m&de hith elf acquaint- 3. a for men at $1.25, $1.50 or, on Tueijday afternoon, - The in. sell, c6un
Willia And $1.75. �Ifyiq o n3t; wear Ionic boot@, -vou. shoul-A torment, took place in the Union came
by h r n �hew, M illia
matter how trivial its na compani e lye
ture; th Mail and gone to the Globe, --W. W Fisher &Brother, of Colborne ed with Wm. Bennett, 0 Gre ated MeMordie, of Lon on were, duritgt�e have a pair of le c4th. 1610-1 nesg� She was'
-or the Globe's near DgSOMejMp ? W. H. Willis tery.;
where her mortal remains await the glorious jog at Newmar
towInohip, �avc b -,en maki 0 that7he. was an employee of the' Standard week, tb guests of r .1 and Mrs. IR. M6- LoCALS,'—1
other Oposition papers eo -Wild *1th glee. friends, the whole "rake-off" in that quart. sale's f improve� stock lately. rtant Bank 0,N i odial in aid of the organ
country, the At -L I riesurrection. The bereaved -husband and 436 years ago. 4
In order to save expense to tho�" er, it is 8aid, in cash and coal lands, amount. 0 ondon Brussels,, and want ad to borrow $10 Mordie aud otber fri 'a. They were alio fund of B th at ell
fair'they. obtainel secon I rize for yearling from him. Mr. reh will be Ifeld at the , tbe twn remaining sons
ncere -Queenaville, G
draugh At�l out a i a me( on; o. 9, on 1
iidian and sold it to a truEtin individual, obligi Pyrnpatbyf the very large circle of friends her husband
-t the late sum. ss than 81,500,0 Bennett, like th calliDg�on friends in an Clint it. school h the evening !
Government were anxious -�ha Ta ancv:r have the si
ing to no le 00." This is -a oderich d
mersesaionof theLegisl t ore was this Friday, ldhc�228t�Ootober. Afterrefresh-
Can ngly nny�ed r rs. William Cad
a aire should only tnean, dirty. Sneaking statement and one Mr. Costs, of Bo hwell, for $200, which i0l a his cast. Later in the- d !ad by whom the decease -d was so highly ire. where Listowe.
which even th 5 Mail should be as'hame(t of, ,a on 6e fair Kirkton, attending aneral of a s'on of ments an ekc(llanl :)eograrnme oil vocal and spected.."
0 e for a earling. They - also took grounds, Mrs, Thomas Er i If Gre , felt the Rev. Mr. Ball.—
alth ug4 it is on a par with most, of the ac- i second prize for wo, y Mulholland notrument; I musi, " "citations and speedhes
count "as a part Of, a 1168sion, and that it good pric , 3T ler!
should be continued' W y a Id Polled Aber- som3body meddling wit M James re
gain riext win cusation� which the same g , and grew the Jumbo pumpkin of this part. It ll. Ve glv(n.—A wrt'and daugh(
ter at paper makes deen Angus bull, at thee Famoe'fair, 11 and sold grabbed a youn man wbo had �er of Mr.
the usual time for the Legislature to meet, against its political opponents. " Reliable t to tewar apWred her tips the cales at 72 pounds.—Mr. John mael Ro )'ineon� a former resident of this MCKMOP. A Gre
t & I uc&n, for8,125. pocket -book, He made off with the money. Laundere, is paying a visit to friends down Ica, but no% f Niagara, It it is said tle
urniall very Oct
0 a a . . er OvRTAxEs.
-thattbetwo meetings sh4oald actually strongevidiance f r o erious a. labarg . t a es eron, o orria, was leo relieved east.— —The tax collector in now an
report" and "it is said" do not f urn "' me
And Mrs. J. R 1i 2 It rs, Cam gone to t ltal ave beer,
for the past Hor�ld and
count only as one whole session, R.eynolds, of the 4 It emcessiou, Hullett, of hw pocket -book contai �rathroy ting rel tives ic rei week or bis rounds, and he is ji-6t the unwelcome -securi6d. for the
In per- Will the Mail please explain how which no to visit h daughter ra. �(Rev.) -McKib- wo. Thei many -rien& were pleased to
that it wag call lay claim to ei g tie oldest person in .,.doubt went into the b Ing "0" th same bon.—M John Th eat them. o
suance of this intention, the session was a �.wn �olitical leader' nd.. f N,�sitor such fficials usually are. He Hridd!' that
,ijh 01K
01 t'd of
f1Bic c r h
hit r
b� relf
at' Sir harle i that towushi piton its at Toronto &t. ohn eirs is busily given
pi in be count gang. In bo'evening, eket-Picker tending he Med. thepeople an -agreeable surprise this year,
he he ha. ar dollege.—T &V or thE!. 'mere around
Tupper and Mr. Foster and all th a othe. nbw i no She is y [&king cid r f
journed to meet at the call of the Lieu e here. as the taxes of thin township are lower than
t n- n her 96th' is n the enjoyment of was a0rehendd at the r. 's hotal,-and rains of t a past
Conservatives in the House of 0( mmon Ileaj a are having the effe'dt barn engine
ant -Governor, instead of - being good health, I*; able to 0 ML a arch d,4 sl celebrated
1, and 4.aimost t�e Iiiveli- th beft., He was taken a of b 6o'n- wells.
y asin his garden icture it is is
John Wright, and, bloom, viti &*'second crop well 4ads.—Mr. J.J. "r �,i e and his di for ithe picture
happiest voman in the tbwnship. a hh4
the Globe and its friends ?
In accordance with tho election it afforded go substantial a "rake.)ff 11 t —T, Mellis i r"pbei. no of t, a last we k ha�e spoiled the whetber th Herald aud.
t ideqti�ed by Mrs. Ennis. He a knowledged of softening the a d and filling ul� th ic Ihie g ad i t i o a Plea.—The continued that is entitled to the: credit f6r'
prorogued. formalIv gave heir assent to this so�called eal her grand-childre round land visit recently with they have been for many years. Who is
:)ff " t eat and a clerk. the council, good fortune
The Alai] shoul -She has resided �he re a magy years, halli and Mr. Ennis soug it th iughtr,
act, or the controverted olectior�s act, an I ej chkern� o the town ries in
protest can not be tried during a Be ta a reeve to lay formed. No doubt 0� all combined, I am not g �of Meit in.
-with Di neer life : -. th. t-1 om will be enjoying _y1jolet accompanied )y Miss' Giace oing to -say, T
election e that in condemning the deal it is simpl:,., and, of coarse, in fati info"mation a ain he
im ifflar r i All It
r is a own friends, while the fac and the oubseglien, improv r. righ.t freen berries rot n's Qhria�maa dinner.— ve� �en away llieitiDg relatives and acu, at, 06nY rate, existe and it is a welcome
ement bf the too his prisoner up-stairo in t a town hall, Messrs. James Yoober & ;�'ou last wee Jan in Blansharl and St. Marys. one for the people. The he tol-
arriounts to
osued for a constitu. the beat possible Proof, even if non othe concert that rilght. Mr. a shippedapairof 'th4r prize--, sheep tothe here was no injury fr(m. front and sufficient township ex
session of the L69ifflature, nor can a writ that they were consenting parties t t I; township. She has the use.of all
for a, new election bo I h�r facul-' where he waSl lighting . tie lainpa for th looted are an follows : County rate, $2,.319.'-
'I hief n!tade his wa y -state of Ic wa,—Mr. 301hn MeNevin was last I sin in that 0�eetion cro penditure, including $135.-
ency rendered vacant by an election court. were available, that its statement is fals; ----:Alex. Watt has sold hii maknificent to one of the Windows, I befrolre he C Ps of all kinds, in -
In order to permi t, of e and malicious. Am ouid week d� ]UdiDg Potatoes,
lection petitio;ls being it farm, lob 7i concession 13, Hullett, to visitin frien, I at Dungannon for' a 0 are abundant.—We re. 77 for beriefite, taroada by drains, $3,4021.08.;
W. 1�e DA bed, had jumped o it t4l the ground fe for schools, $g.60&
tried and disposed of daring the rec(-.3, that w days. --18. The'' as has for'some dqib Fret- to say th4b r 78 in addition to this
0 is n I M
I W, . Ha
61-,eppard,ofthe a8eline. The perty is bel a of 16 or IS cetj At the been very ill, but, w i tt, Ro b alt�
are pl6ased to note, ekwell h am amount the se-hools re
News of the Week. one of the beef, in, the townshig, Mosisting nOrt side of the hall, and, in t4 keE a chau e ;fo recently.—Migg; on. unicip celve $783.85, interest
is betweeu,the adjournment in August and a darkness, has ta r the better. Ila Owl tt al &I loan fund money juv6sted ; in
of 15 J0 acres of go d land, wit has beelt &way Visiting rela. it
the rei-a� fi iol brick mad his escape.
hoube and outbuil 'ings, all in first-olhas re-
-semblinv next Nvinter, the Oif) GLORY P.Ar�iim.—Thc Sb4rs 'Ivan in St. Ma;�ysl — We cannot agree with
all di Dougall I ettleton, with his Sister, Miss add ion to these amounts for regular town- i
Stripes were forinally�' Elsie Kett eton, ac,,o I I
A. mpahied by Miss Jennie weiter in Tuli I x Pc,,ITOR
The price jig $8,000.1 Mr. Watt re. who says the the Beauchamp creek outlet $11182, nd for
ture. pa"Ised an actto that eflect, 1,)ut.�in UILS raised at San Juan de pair ship purposes, there is to be collected for
1. Porto Rico on Tuesd'ay. McDougal and tie I kisses McGregor, on Ate election did good in the way of en-
act it wa4 neglected to incitt(le tains possession until the fi'rat 'o� March I Londesboro
Wednesday attended the wedding of their Ightening the peoFle, two items
The'only good it did being for the eastern cot
parm i8f;ion Bw Loss OF JFNA-ELS, —The Dowager next, and in the meantime will look around GATHERINGS, —The League y cousin, Mis; McDougall, daughter of Mr. &a to thon ad owners of polling I p,
McKillop drains $255.12, these a
to issue a mrit for now
e ce I itu� Duchess of Sutherland, while on
"5 ' I�gt Monda a depati e) ruer of the townshi
board -a for a suitable place whereon to retire, He evening was held in the to Donald McDougall, of We town plot 6f lyo6 the L Who were it�4pped' for want of 4 on Canada Cout any.lande. The
encies rendered vacAnt by train for Calais, bound for London, lo9t,a �will have an auction sale of his effe P
the -1 %lec"tioll Oerance hall. apd mostly
trials, This over8ighb -w'as, y inoney. The -whole: thin
satchel containin cts on 'Our p�esident Mr. Phair, ha :1Mr. Wood- Gre .—Mr. John Ilia whohas beensio'k ator's roll amounts
g iowellery wort), C30 000 Wednesday, November 2nd.1 I tOtal on thti colle �to $9,
man take the 'chair, and we P mutt say for some weeks, is of.
a ent, not A Bro HAI%,�Burklara broke int'01 �W�bou the hOUAO.-4'—� in foolery fron!l considering the size of the
noticed until the wriL wa6 to ish ad it -was
the of The other day, while John Haviland, of 1�that he took his -part well. A �`hough I 1 1:4 wala a plec6 of which
Bee of the Conso'lidhted Milling and Hard - at there The apple packers'i nay, and �1 are tin of disffu It 4*11ship, is a very modest amount indeed.
g some wo Man number premen' the meet having wet. weathe th r work.—Mr.' of io elect)rs away from' ring the roads for
S'o4th Ont%rio cle ' -m. TO the wood COmParlY, at Minneapolis, and, after' pkt oi the shoopl,nho was startled by the zip Jug was very interesting, The opic, Robert Kettle, whi been one of the he polls.—Last Fi tbr drains,
cti is ued on, wao d 1 9 o6tempt which kept;
varco for rk in the upper not a large 'r St
me ore :than lialf Jobs are now let for clea
ever in
difficulty the Governn.lent recommended the breaking open a safe; -escaped with $50' of gomethilig that whistled put his face, choi e of MOS 8,
Y000 'il r tfor 4 ax th; l4th -
"Th ) has
worth of United Stuteff bonds, ag 0
ompa rt,�, grthert id at the house
to forma!ly prorogue him. bylkliss 8usfe Lyon, but beir r who, by bqrd and a gay toil has acquired Mr. J. J. MeGtiin, when the
Lieutenant -Governor and violent y struck the wall behind was to have lbeen taken most successful fari f this part, an,4 at,, a little a
Dij!m FRONT, Ax ANT BITE.—Alma Seger, A bable to
sufficiency 0 Y�day purpoaes, du baptism
moment afterwards another c, her paper was re36d by I �—The North and South Perth protests
the Legislature, and th'�8 was done, so that a pletty scho�l teacher at Wichita, Kansas, the sash in front of him, missile struck com $eru rother, r a rain rite of
ri ng was perfbr ned upon their 'little c4tne up for trial at Stratford on Friday
-when the Legislature mects next winter was'bitten byl an ant splintered the bar Will, Meeting next Motday, �evening in the remain er of hisl,da;8, livin
on th6face, on Friday and flew past his bead. the le Elizf,b@th Burns.: A very Ja8t. -The North Perth petition was dis-
P its g on heiress, Jerin
Feeling it' unsafe, the same place. It is to be taken by the mein- fruits of bi" �h
i,�rl la o�, and, in order to do� enjoyable timd was'spent.—On th 'afternoon
.0p 0 terary department. We ex. so, hm a far ining fast., a quiet but I holds his seat. The hearing of. the South
meeting will coaqtitut�i'..a complete last. She wept insane in a 'few bourg, and to take -any more chances, he moved away,. bers of the ,I' 1 8?1 cof Wednesday, the ]I) th m�ssed and Mr. John - Brown, Al. P. P,,
sesslon died of hydi : h b a late the same after- and a hunt for the articles showed that two pact this will be a good tr4eeting. All are to his neig bor, Mm'Paraet: Cooper. Thes� licautiful p
instead of an adjourneff &easion. j 150 " acres '
This is an noon. Mijs 8eger Wait at -tempting to open marbles had. been fired fr the bonne of Mr. 0;rth petition was postponed until Novem.
wed ding, pL&
om some projectile, wele4me.—We are glad to 1hear that Mrs. two farm� �ront each pther on the London Richard Robias6,; ittle east ' f here, lbatjlth.
A_ J
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f4or IiVeo 50 to
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for. geese,
k.r. Arthur
,eeimea the
frora WeAssers,
,who quotee th
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10 to.
Gioeningg, I
Good oWtek 10:
Only the finei
,ono, Jacobs &
verts, 13 to If
King Pippin.