HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-14, Page 88 THE \ HITRON -- ExposrroR, Wilsonit . Oash- Grobery ron+resmorwroa Field lind Garden seeds. -We have Evans:St Co's. saw log reangold seed, Golden Tankard and Long Red nutogoid seed, Imported Short White carrot and the hest varieties of Swedish turnip seed at the low- est prices. Our stock of Teas was never better than it is now. Our 25e Japan is the beet in the Market. Give us a call and we guarantee, to please you and for less money than you can buy from any ped - ker. Our dock of GroOeries is No. 1 quality.. Our prices are as low as any one in tle trade, and se we give a 6 per cent. cash diecount to cash customary on all purchases- of $1 and over, except flour and sugar, it will pay you to give. us a call. Good value in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sete, and a good as- sortment to uelect from. The highest prices paid for all kinds of trade.1 C4 WILSON, Seaforth. • 3374 Bank of Oornmeres P111 • e Tailoring. We beg to notify the publio that we have engaged the services of Mr. Harry Speare (who is eo well and popularly known in Seaferth in connection with fine tailoring) as cutter and manager of our Tailoring Department, Our stock of Cloths and Tweeds is now complete, and will be found pp-tedate in every particular. Readymade Clothing stook room ie filled to its utmost capacity. We cordially invite in- , Reaction before buying to both our Ordered and Readymade Departments of Clothing. Wm. Pickard & Co. SEAFORTH. Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada. • To Mr. W. Somerville :- This ie to authorize you on behalf of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada to sell Paseenger Tickets in the Town ofi Seaforth, Ontario, until futher notice. . IN WITNESS NHEREOF tbe Grand Trunk Railway Company of danada have here- unto affiixed their Corporate Seal, this fifth day of February, 1898. [S,per...] Charles M. Hays, General Manager. Popular, Progressive, Best. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. • Unquestionably the leading Commercial School in the Province. New students ad - ;flitted at any thne. Graduates in great enaand. Write for beautiful catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 pOMINION BANK pAPITAL (Paid Up), REST, eEA FORTH Main street, • - $1,500,000. $1,500,000. BRANCH, Seaforth. A general bulking business traneacted. Farmers' Sale Notes colleeted, and advances made on same at iewest rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and Interest allowed at highest cuirent rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of June and December. No notke of withdraw! is required for the whole or any portion of a deposit. R S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Agent. BIG PUMPKINS. 1 • t While we don't expect to take first prize in the above competition, we are quite satisfied to be in the front rank BB to big bargains in the Grocery and *eat busineee. Jud now we are making epeeist Prices on Teas, some of the finest lines at the lowest pric es evey offered in Seaforth. We have no room to give prices, but dall and get a sample. We k ow elou can't match them anywhere. CASH FOR _DRESSED FOWL In our Butcher Shop, next door. They must alougg and well dressed to bring the highest prire be EATTIE BROS., ,Grocers Butchers, EAFORTH TEL. NO. 8 1598 he Mom Czpi35itor. DISTRICT MATTERS. GOING Tp ORANGEYILLE. - Rey. Mr. Dick ie, who has so acceptably filled the position of assistant to Rev. Dr. McDonald in the pastorate of the Presbyterian church id this town, for the past six months, preached his last sermon here on Sabbath evening, and left on Wednesday, Mr. Pickle has accepted a unanimous call from the Presbyterian congregation of Orange- ville, to he their pastor, and will soon be inducted into that cherge. He is an earn- est,. able preacher, and a young mart who bids fair to take a high place in his church. The good people -of Oraneevide have made no mistake in selecting him for their pastor. During hie abort stay here he has made many friends, who will vvatch with interest hie future career. His farewell sermon last Sabbath evening was listened to by an over- flowing congregation. Meeeries: Dinereoes.-A meetang of the directors of the South Huron Agricule tural Society, in conjunction with those' of' the Stephen and Usborne branch, was held lexeter, on Monday last, for the pu pose of winding up the besiness of the late how. A few corrections were made in the j dges booka, the principal ones being the a ard- ,ing of 1st prize for heavy draught yea ling, to John lleGreer ; 2nd for agricu tural Yearling, to Henry Anderson ; 3rd for ear- lifig fat steer, and 1st for fat ox or ste r, to , Thomas Russell; as other parties hed been given credit for these prizes in error. The treasurer was inetructed to attend at xeter to pay the prize winners in that di trica and due uotica of the date will be given to each one. ft was also deeided, if suitable arrangements can be made, to hold a, fat stock show about the middle ,of December, either at Seeforth, Henson ar Exeter. • . . . '. EGMON ot ri..1.,E NOTES. -.A pPle pick ng is the prder of the day and considerabl fruit is beieg gathered but, not mudh of it i first quality on account of being Worm eat n, in spite of spraying in many cases: How about the cider, will it be first quality ?- Mrs. Howard is givina up haisekeeping and intends boarding in Seaforth. On Saturday last she sold by auction mos of her house- hold effects and will rent o sell her nice residence. --Rather an exciting incident hap- pened to Mr. John Allan an Friday evening last as he was on his homeward journey -with Mr. Joseph Weber's team and pottery wagon. He had reached Drysdale and had left, thnteem but a minute when they start- ed on their own account to dispose of pot- tery ware. Foreunately; however, they kept the road, and after going nearly tvventy mile9 they reached Exeter, about 12 o'clock at night, and put up at the Central hotel, apparently none the worse for their long run. The next morning Mr. Weber was notified bv telegram and at once went to Exeter to bring home his property, which, singular to say, was all safe, but a few small =crocks, although there was about half the -, load on when the horses started a run. It was a wonderful eseape end Mr, Weber may congratulate himself on having a. team so capable of mana ing themsel es. -Mrs. William Ireland h rented her farm to Mr. William Carnochan her neighbor, for a term of years. She will! retain poises ion of the house and reside on the plebe.- everal of our young men went to Brampton on Wed- nesday to attend the lacrosee mate between Seaforth and Orangeville. -Mr. lliam Mc- Dougall and his helpers have b ' n in the neighborhood .of Ingersoll -during the past week or so packing apples for Mr. George Turnbull. , • Cobeicse DOINGS. -A regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday even- ing last. Applieatione were received from W. H. Guudry, Wm. Gillespie and J. M. Best on behalf -of Edward Davie , for the reward. offered by the town for t e convic- tion of the person who set fire to the agri- cultural buildings, and on motion they were laid over until t council can ascertain who is legally enti ed to the reward. Messrs. Iteld & Wilson laim that they have been paying ewater t sc on four feet more frontage than'they phssess, and the fire and water committeewer instructed to enquire into the matter and)re ort at the next Meeting of council. A moti 'a to grant $20 to,the aid of the Merriton su erere was lost. A letter from Mr. F. olmesteed, eolicitor for Mr. C. Wilson, thre ening ktt fLotion tor damages unless the to% immedi- ately takes the 'necessary steps o prevent the waters of Silver creek dammi g back on and overflowing -his property,was referred to a special comnaittee with instr otions to fully investigate the complaint w th a view to arriving at an amicable settlement and to report to the eouncil. Mr. Ada Hays was allowed a rebate of two dollars o his taxes on account of a stable on his pr pay hav- ing been burned last May. Acco nts to the amount of $421 were passed and he council adjourned to meet at the call of he mayor. • WONDERFUL Bargains on all kinds of Stoves at 8. Mullett & Co.% SeaTorth. 1609-1 WANTED. -Choice butter -17c, dried api pies and poultry. G. E. Kate, Wingham 1609-tf GIRL VVA'NTED . -Wanted at o ce a good general servant. 'Highest witges an permanent place. Apply at Tint Exeofirroa Office, 8 aforth. 1609.1 1 SARNIA OIL Joe dome right to t e front as the best burning oil eVer offered to he Canadian public. Ask for t, insist upon having i , there is no other oil just as ood ; goo trial will deu e you as a custorcer. Deal re supplied at beet p ices. Jane - ox BROS., Seaforth. 1609 -1 Handsome, beautiful and bec ming are the etyles of ha r goods se produoted y Professor Dorenwend this season. Tne fall sty! 8 of bangs, wige, fronts, swi ohes, etc., aro marvel of beauty, and every lady s ould-see them. In a ew minutes the Professor cart demonstrate What oo stitutes the essential polots in a handsome woman. As he has increased territory to °Over he mend Wit here as often ae heretofore, so call on him now t Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth, on, Wednesday, 0 tober 19th, 1898. 1609 ORDERS left with us for stove iping will have Innuediate attention. - S. Mullett & io. 1609-1 . CURLERSi ATTENTION. -The an tial meet- ing'of the mernhaeg of the Seaforth Curli g Club will be 'mild in the Comtnercial Hotel, on Fri ay /ming, October 14th, at 8 o'olock,lor the purp se of elect - le ing officers and eking arrangements 'Jo the c min campaign. A 1111 attendance of ruembe s is d eire . 16 9x1 Wanted,by November let, a a od trl to do general hous wove. -Good Wares WI 1 be paid to the right party. Apply to Mrs. ii. E. oopet, Con- stance. - : , 16083:8 - NEW CHOP ER.-We_have put in a feed chopper of the latest improved pattern, nd can now do farmer's chopping very quickly and a the most satiefactory manner, at 6o per 100 lbs, 1E:cc:flange Flour -Blended ,flour (patent), made fro a mixture of Manitoba and Ontario wheat, given in exchange for gristing-. Mill Feed -Bran, $9 ; , shor s, 812 ; feed flour, $17.60-- per too. Coal Ash Cli kers-Large quantity for sale, at half a cent per bush I. Ogilvie's Mills, Seaforth, Ont. , ., _ 1607 . MRS. C. M. DUN -LOP, teacher o music in ail its branches. Careful attention giv n to begin- ners. Vocal an claesical we& a specimi'ar. 1607x4 HOUSE FOR Seez.--Lot.86, Rail vay street, eaferth, with 1 stosee house ; corner lot ; will be old cheap. pply to George A. Silla and Stephen mb, executor of late Mrs. Nevine, o to J1a60m8es.2L. Blom, Solicit r. „ . WOOD for s le, and delivered t any part of._the town. eave order's at etore. S. Mullett it . 1609-1 Co., Seaforth.- , , . StIOW PRI71,-- 110Mas E. -1 SEAFORTII aye, Treasurer of the Timheremith Branch Agricul- tu'ral-Sodiety, w 11 be at Reid & Wilsei 's hardware atore on Saturd y, October I -5th, from 1 to 4 o'cloek, to pay prize mo ey awarded at tho late 81e6a09fulrth _slum. I HoneIE TO ET.--L-Comfortable ottage on the corner of Market and SpArling etre ts. Apply to STARK BROS., Seaforth. 1609 tf Two or three good second-hand goal fur- naces of !the best wakes, suitable- for rdinary _size bonds, fbr sat cheair, and fully gun ranteed. No i trouble th give gurus on heating your ouse with a furnace. ' S. Mu lett St Co., Seaforth.- 1609-1..‘, • . ROBBED 0 .• . THE OHAMPION.:ILIP.--The eaver lacros e club, of this tow , have had he. senior c ampionship of th Cenadian acrosee Ass eiation stolen from them, and a conseque ce will be unable t sport the championshi rag this winter, alt ough they will have the conscionsness of .h ving done the square th ng and having won their honors fairly. The elma-Teeumsehs, of Toronto, detaulted?a ptotested game to rangeville, ncleby the misinterpretetion of n obseure and unjust ru e governing the C. L. A. by President Lennox,. the whole seri )s of genies played by the Toronto team we e thrown eut and by this Means the' Orang ville team were placed in a position whieh heir wins and loses during the season. did ot entitle them to, and Lathe same time pl cing them a tie with Seaforth. -This bein the case the president ordered thitt the wo teams play off in Brampton on Wednesd y, which was done, Orangeville winning b six - goals to five. At the time of writing a e have re- ceived no p rti ulare as to the ame, but, that is imma eri I. The Beavers won .the hampionshi s parely and no mount of uling on the part of the preside t of the assoeiation c n make it out other ise than .a straight s eal from the Beave s. Such tactics are a e ace to true spor and the matter ghoul( b thoroughly sift d out and some schem c evised whereby wo clubs with the aid f C. L. A. officials c nnot ton - lye together o steal from anothe club. It would be in the interests of lactos e, in this part of the p ovince particularly were the different clu s to draw away from the C. L. A. and form an .association of their own, founded on true sporeing principl s. • COLLECIATE INSTITI`TE COAL fENCEMENT EXERCIsWL -Although last Friday after- noon was rather cold, and threatening rain, it did not keep the pupils lend ex -pupils 6f the Collegiate Institute frorn enjoying their annual games. These were held on the re- creation grounds, and were keenly contest- ed, as the list of winners will show. In the evening an entertainment %vas held in the aseembly room of the Institute. This room deserves a word of commendation. It was very prettily decorated with flags and bunt- ing e class groupes, and those of the literary I society's various committees were hung on lithe wall?, so that many who had taken part in former exercisee were not allowed to be , forgotten ; cut flowers and pretty plants added also to the general effeet, and all ; showed that the decoration committee had ; done good work. 1Phe progranure consisted , of everal well rendered musical selections and reeitations by pupils and friends df the Insti- tute. The medals, ivhich were awarded to A. F. McLean, for the !senior chammenship, and 1 Fred Broadfeot, fok that of the janior, were presented by Rev. Mr. Dicki . The badges to the various win ere of t e gamee were presented by Mre, B. B. urir and Mrs. Alex. Wilson. At the close 6f the evening the certificates, whch were due the succees- ful pupils from the/July examinations, were presented by the !principal, Mr. Clarkson, after which the membere of the board who were present, and other gentlemen in- • terested in the welfare of the Institute, ex- : pmesed, in a few remarks, their 'enjoyment of The evening's entertainment, and their appeoval of the way in which the all round I Ribbed, infornui us t development of the pupils was being culti- I now ripe on his vated at the Institute. The following is a eral meals from list of the successful competitors of the ! crop this year, games : Girle,-Tennis singlee, B. Scott, B. ' usual, and indi Younie._ Tennis dOubles, B. Young :and d. Messrs. S. Mull Case, M. McDonald and C. McKinley. Egg received the con , race, R. johnson," 1. Bright. Potato race, 'E. Bright, R. Joh SOIL Needle and thread race, B. Case, RI Johnson. . One hundred yard race, E. Bright, R. Dickson. One quarter mile bicYcle race, R. Johnson, D. Daly. Slow bieYcle race, B. Case, B. Young. Boys, -patting shot, R. Anderson, A. MoMann. Standing long jump, junior, E. Murray, R.- W nter • senior A F. Mo- ! , . • . Lean, L Gerry. unsung long jump, jun- ior; R. Aetzel, E, urray ; senior, I. Gerry, A. i F. McLean. jump, junior, E, senior, L Gerry, hop, step and jum Aetzel ; senior, Standing high ju p, A. F. McLean, I. Ger- ry.1 Running hig jump, A. F. M Lean, L Gerry. One hal ,mile bicycle, j ttior, C. Willsen, K. Kemp. One mile bicycle, sen- ior, R. Kemp, L Gerry. One hundred yard foot race, jimior, F. Broad oot, R. Aetzel ; senior, A. F. McLean, S. H IL Kicking !football, H. Welsh, A. MoMa n. Two hundred and twenty yard foot ra e, junior, F. Broadfoot, C. Sill . Dribbnig football, I. Gerry, F. Broadfo t. One h lf mile foot race, senior, A. F. McLean, II. ' ,Gerr . Eg raee, 0. Lynch, R. Aet el. Onet alf ini e foot race, juni r, F. Bro d- foot`e.R. Winter. Two hundre and twe t yard foet race, ,ex pupile, J. Jackson, .' Scott. Three-legged race, A. F. Mc an malt Aberhardt, S. Hill aan J. Willis. One quarter mile foot race, op n, A. F. e - Lean, D. D. Wilebn. Jockey race, A. McLean and Il. Aberhardt, . Gerry and H. Welsh. Obstacle race, S. H 11, G. Lynch. Starter, J. L. Kffloran ; clerk of eourse, R, C. dheewright ; time keeper, . S. Robert- son ; judges, J. Jackson and J Weir. • . . TICE LITERARY SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Seaforth Lite ary and De- bating Society was held in the tewn hall on Tueaday evening last, when he following candidates were nominated to represent the blue and red tickets at the el aim of offi- cers to be held in the town ha 1 on Monday evening, October 24th : Rev. J. W. Hedging was elected honorary president. Red tfoket. -President, R. J. Mai:alone d ; lst vice president, 8. G. Stone; 2nd lee president, - Andrew Scott ; secretary-tre 3urer, flohn Jackson ; committee, W. E. Best,' W. Peace, J. Watson. 'Blue ticke .-President, J. L. Killoran ; 1st vice preside t, H. Speare; 2nd vice president, H. S. Roberteon ; Secre- tary -treasurer, 'John Rankin; committee, W. H. Baker, W. D. McLean; R. -E. Jack- son. As the membership fee has been placed at the small emit of 25 cease' the society would be pleasedito see a large in- crease in numbers, especially among the young men, as this is one of the best means whereby young men can accustom them- selves to speak in Public. The society will continue to haYe debates on popular sub- jects every Tue day evening, the same as formerly. Standing hop, Murray, • F. Br . F. McLean. , , junior, E., Mu . Gerry R. tep and mdfoot ; unning ray, R. nderson. • THE LATE MRS. CASIL-Another of Hur- on's old settlers has passed awey, in the person of Mrs., Margaret Cash, Widow of the late William Cash, of the 3rd concession of McKillop. Mrs. Cash died on Friday, October 7th. She had' been a severe sufferer from chronic rheumatiem, and had been con- fined to bed for nearly four years. She had reached -the age of 85 years and 3 months. Mr. and Mrs. Cash were married in Glas- gow, Scotland, in April, 1834. They_ left Scotland in 1839, and came to Rochester, New York, where they remained one year ; they then left B.ochester and came by boat to Goderich, and settled on the 2nd ecinces- sion of .Thlullett, on the McKillop boundary. After hying a few years in Hullett, they re- moved lute McKilloii, where they continued to reside for the remainder of their lives. Mr. Cash died about ten years ago, and left his aged partner to mourn his lose, after having lived together for a period Of 58 years. By dint of industry and econority 6ey bad made for themselves a comfortable hOrne. Mrs.leash was a quiet, retiring, in- telligent lady, and was possessed of an ex- cellent memory, and was fond of talking Over the circumstances and incidents of her pioneer life in Rullett and McKillop. She leaves three sons and two ,daughters to Cherish the memory of the care she bestowed Upon them in the days of their childhood end youth. She lived with her KM Henry, On the homestead, where she received all the kind attention that a hiving son, aughter-inlaw, tied two gra,ndfdaeightors ould bestow on hee during the period of er severenilliction, . Low, BRIEF8.-The curlers aro corn- encing to prepare for the coming seasOn's Campaign, and will held their annual meet- ing in the Commercial hotel this evening, at 8 o eloek.-Mr. W. J. Shannon, treasurer of peMoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Com- ,. . any, has collected over $3,000 it a,ssess- me te within the past month. -The rain of Tu sday was timely and much ne ded, as the ground was dry, and many well both in to n and country had given out t at were nev ,r known te go dry before.- r. John A. obinion and the Misses Ro inson, of Kit ton, passed through town on 'aturday las , on their way to Hullett, to sp nd a few 1 da s with Mr. Wm. Rynn.-Miss Crawford, wh thee been visiting MI'S. Thomps n here, ret rned to her' home in Dundas th s week. -Mrs. Thompson and Miss jesaie Themp- son have gone to Delhi to visit f iends.- MicO Nellie 10 cNab and Miss Crich are, this week at Hamilton, .attending th annual .onveution of the Provincial Christian En- eavor Society,the former as a dele ate from the Endeavor Society of the Pre byt rian ahurch and the latter representing the Ep- worth League of the Methodist ur h. - The Many friends of Rev. Colin' Fletch r, of the Tham s Road, Usborne, will be pl ased to learn hat he is recovering, alttough slowl , fr m his recent severe ill ess. He was ble t attend church laet Sab ath, but, even Tunde the most favcirable eircumstences it will be orne time before he is s ificiently recoVered to resume his pastoral • uties.- Up th the 1st of October there ad been eicl linto he town treasurer the sum of 8„158 in axes. The total tax bil of the tOwn an -to nts to $15,000, so that i thel first month for collectin more than hal of the entire ameunt had een paid in.- e notice the f llow ng in the Toronto Mail : " Mr. And ew McCaa, a retired farmer, recently died "ntestate. His only survivi g child, Mrs. Dr. Sloan,. of this city, in ap lying for the administration of the estate, hich is Valued at $8,970.98." -Mrs. Wm. ;real, of God rich street, and Mrs. Jam7 Camp- bell, and Master Thompaon le ve this 'wee for McGregor and other/ -points in Man toba. Mrs. Sproat expects tb remain in M nitoba, as nearly all her famil are set- ly tied here now, and Mrs. Carnpbel returns to h r home near Moose Jaw. Her niece goes with her. -A young son of Mr. Robt. Steele met ith a painful accident on Saturday last. He was assisting to unload a load of egg' oxes at the station, when the load top- pled over,and the bo§ fell to the ground, brea ing his arm. -Mr. Thomas R chardson is ab e to be:out again, after a thre weeks' illne 8.—Mr. Wm. Ballantyne has had the fenc in front of his residence, on Goderich stree , removed, and has plante a neat hedg in its pies:Ie.-Miss Allan, of Toronto, is vi iting at Ingleside, the guest of Miss Nett e Wilson. -The members of the Sea - fort Women's Christian Temperance Union desir to thenk the Plebiscite com ittee for their donation to the funds of the rganiza- tion, Mr. George Grassie, of amilton, sopa a few days in town last wee visiting his a nt, Mrs. Murray, Goderich S reet,and otheif frieeds.-Mr. W. L. Mc ren, of I' ush hem nd i stets a tt & ract a he has raspberries s nd has enjoyed oev• This is the second mothing very un - peculiar Masson. - o ,of this town, have f r supplying e new 1 furnace for Bayfield p blio school building. When we consi er th t the establishments of all the surro ndin towns and villages for hi/ job, and that in p tition, the contract orth firm, it shoves erior and their pri- mes E. Hays will be ware store on Sattir- r o'clock to pay the te fall show in &ri- ffle of the Great odoe,intends taking e first he has had in a absence, Mr. Jas. ation, will look at omerville should ea- oliday, particularly have been shifted oulders-The com- as presented to a hall la,st Thursdey night the Maud en a three nights' cellent programme. bound to have the D. P. Hepburn, mak here, was mar - Wednesday, to Miss place. Mr, and Mrs, to iSeaforth on Friday. friends in town will s . a -Miss Nettie Wit- dalist of the Toronto ill commence a course s f rmerly occupied by Mo day, October 24th. were competing spite of this ke n con was awarded to the that their furna e is cos moderate.- r. at Reid & Will n's h day next from one to prizes awarded ea th forth. -Mr. Som NorthwesternT legr a holiday next seven years. Craig, formerly ter his businees joy his well ,e when his busin onto such resp edy " Side-tra full house in C night. Next Henderson Co eek, urin of th rne 86 cares nsible a ked " rdno hursda o i Ir ea fo 1 a pany engegement wieh an Manager John Card beet that is going. - teller in the Dominio ried, at Oshawa o Coultharte of phat Hepburn will return Mr. Hepburn's extend cougrat son graduate a cliool of Cook f lessons in th he Y. M. C. man latio d ry, roo 011 Mc FIRST-CLASS tock elebeated ma ere, good etock 1 our e, boots and s oes, • cOr WR oaf° OING TO L ,AVE. -M en ed his farni nee. a en a situation in ounty, and intende ret twee shortly. He i ten iori, sale of his farm toe 6th of this month. TIIE COUNCIL, -T e c uncil of MoKillop eld a meeting at Cr wferd's hotel, Dublin, n Monday last. A cot ts for gravel, lum- er, bridge and oul ert repairs, amounting o $439.90, wee pas ed and paid. An &c- ount from Dr. Burr ws, for attendance on re. Baughto w lef over until next Meeting. The cam al a journed until the 14th of Novem er, a 11 'clock, at Sage's hotel, Walton. op. ng Boots, made by tidy and McPherson ; ako on hand. W. II. 1609-1 . W. A. Rosa has° inthrop, and has Waahage, Simcoe oving his family s having an auc- and effects on the GATHERINGS. Mi daughter of Mr Geo lage, died about -morning last, at her days illnese. The c congestion of the Horton and fantily the community in th Threshing seemS to among the farmers Donahy, son of Mir, in our village, had a on Saturday evening his bicycle. -Mr. P. 30 prizes, 17 firets a Howiek show. Thi • rri • M ge our hom USt3 un aye ir e th 'ust ohn bon by • bel Horton, eldest orton, of this vil- 'clock on Sunday,_ here, after a few of -her death was . Mr. and Mrs. the sympathy of d bereavement. - order of the day now. -Mr. Frank Donahy, merchant in his arm broken being thrown from ylesworth received d 1: seconds, at the is a good record, • Pe • a M ller, of the village, o t is section of late s in St. Louis. - or t e want of water, dr w it several miles rly 11 the wells in' the aus ed in order to Rip- e. R bert P. Bell, who or veral weeks past, rge quantities of ng hipped from our e re lizing good prices hig as $1.50 to $1.75 d, hich they consider in/.0 oper, of Howick, , ea ling among friends. w o is in the employ s urchased the farm ay and intends short - t the sterner duties ha got a good farm perity and success. NOTES. -Mr. is on a trip am ng Many of the people have been hard up farmera having had for their stook. Ne village have been ex ply the demand., -14 has been at Beeton has returned bre. apples are' nave be station. Farmers a for good apples as per barrel beieg pa pays well. -Mr. J was, during the wee -Ma_Daniel Rieke of Mr. R. P. Bell, h of MaGreensled , in ly getting settle do orlife. Mr. R cke and all wish hi pro • o ta LEATHER Legsing fo worn by farmers teamst re, & for Fall and Wiriter wear Ca them. W. H. Willis, bo ts an NOTES. -Mrs.! Th . A ter, Flossie, return d f week, after visiting ever former's son. --Mise Eliza visiting her sister, Irs. Mrs. Wm. Snell retu ned where she was called by gran dchild. -M essrs. Ta Blyth, were the gues s Cully on Sunday.- fe ed the Alma church e -o and others went to lint and Hunter,who are old there. -Messrs. Laughlin Medina, visited at r. Sunday -Mr. E. L. Fan district meeting of t e Porter's Hill, on T esd Seaforth, was the uest last week. Fi' Bafie d. MILLINERY OPEN NG. Miss Martin an- nounces her millinery penit g for Saturday next, October 15th, 1898. A fine as ortment of hats and trimmings, velvets, bird vele s, quills, feathers, eto. Also new dress goods. t Wi pay you to see the stock before, buying. Wes M rtin, Bayfield. 1609-1' LEGAL. -The la offi e of Messrs. Scott & McKenzie open eve y Th ireday. James Scott, E. II. McKenzie, Ba rister , \Solicitors, Convey- ancers, etc., Bayfield. 16094 F. A. Edwards po itively no credit system of doing bled ese I meeting with great success. Trade snob as butter, eggs, rled apples, etc., le taken Berne as c eh at their cash 'value. The readyniade clothing ha been going r pidly. The low cash price') for sui s and overcoa for boys', youth'a and MOLe8 mem rno cy dyed. Come and de. P. A. Edwards, B 'field. 1609-1 TIIEISITOW. -The ann al fall s ow of the Stanley Branch Agr cult ral Socety, held last Thursday and Friday, ward the most successful, in point of attendance and gate reeeipte, ever hel . All day Friday the weather was dull a d threatening, yet the crowd was grea . I th ' forenoon an excit- ing -handicap bi ycle race to Var a and re- turn, for which valuable rizes} ere given, was taken part in by eig t contes ants, who t finished in th fo lowi g orde t Charles Fergusen, 39 mu ese Fred G minhardt, 36a minutes ; eil ameron, 371 minutes ; J. Joyvett. 35.ri min tes ; M. B. mber, 35i minutes ; C. S low , 43 minut s ; David- son, 414 minu ; . Rose, 4 minutes. Jowett and nu ber iwere scratch men, and - the race betw en Itheni wee ery close, Jowett winnin the time prize by about half a second. The others ha starts of from three to Mx Minutes, The prize list and report of the exhibits will be found on page 7. , BLOWS. -On Thti sday evening of -last t week, efter the regu ar prayer ineeting, a number of the friend of Dr. Sheppard pro- ceeded to his residence - a d spent the re- mainder of the evienin enjoying music, gamese etc. D ring the vening, Dr. Shep- pard was prese ted with a handeome silver sugar bowl an cream pitcher, and Mrs. Sheppard vrith silver su ar shaker. Rev. E. A. Shaw rea a kindly worded address, expreseing the esteerie in hich the doctor and hie estimable pa tner are held, and re- gretting their depart re from the village. - George Sanderson, 01 Whrgham, was home ce. men and boys, . A splendid thing I in and have a look at shoee, Settforth. 1609-1 drews and daugh- om Elimville last 1 weeks with the Oke, of Sarnia, is James Martin. - from, Harriston, the illness of her an and Gidley, of f the Misses Me - from here attend - ening last Sunday, n tp hear Crossley ng revival services and Bossence, of ritton's over hot ham a,ttended the ood Templars, at y. -Mies Case, of of Miss Caldwell - last eek. in it our ra gwahno, hr at uHrnp gess has re guest of his -A Mr, Frits large Contin er, of nese here Mr. Ernest Smith and Mrs. S. incl. posed. We hope they w er. Mr. homes anderson, out is bak ry in eigham, and is ho for short isit.-Miss Nellie King left 1 wee , for innipeg.-We are pleased to a e W Higg no able to be around again .- Mrs Thorn King has returned from a vis 11 to lderto .-Mrs. Robinson and tenni wh have en the gueets of her enothe Mr Card, eturned to their home in San Ste. Marie hie week. -Dr. N, W, Woods hay ng a ew barn and stebie built He Broth rs.-Mrs. W. Geaham has r tu ed fro a visit to Harniltone-Mies Liz e Ferg son has taken a pbsition in Mr. Del aty's ailoring establishment, Bruce- fiel ,-Mis Emily Osmond, Who has been enj ying a wo weeks' holiday at London, ret rned la t Friday. -Mise L. Smith h s sec ed a ir sponsible position in a hospit 1 in oodsto k, and left for there this wee - r. Chas Robson, of New Wegminste Bri nth Col Jo a a. -J wo several Col }3giate net d doyl in.4 ural hal m eke. co er a fay re ry, H, Ile returned to take sitio 11 there. -Mr. James hitte nt, the summer in Iona, Mich d last week.-Mr._Thomas Bu urned from Michigan, and is t daughter, Mrs. Joseph Brow ng of men are again at work i 's bush. -Messrs. iGrenville and t. Joseph, are commencing busi- n Mr. Roueledge'S old stand. L. Smith a llisoon reco has so a I r 8 F.1 • to le th to di p r an fr in ver the No mbia, is the gu hn Jewett and valuable prizes a institute games, linton,-T o es were removed from the agri- , after the fall fai evidently in he person who to 'k them w'll r by returning th m to the S0 - rwin. st of Mr. lex. McLeod the annu I Hay. otneefu.--Council met on Monday, 0 - r 3rd ; all members present. The col- or's bonds were signed and aeeepted by council as satisfactory, and the collee- roll was delivered to the 'collector, Mr. rles Troyer. In regard to the Hens 11 h, the council decided, that if the co tion of Hensall puts in a eovered dra carries the -outlet of the 'drain aw y the rblio highway, and pays expens ppeal to tte awn by t e was refuw - amount w last for c 1- r of account curred y the appeal, the dal referee would be withd uncil of Hay. . The` sum of by Stephen Troyer ; this him by the council in Ju s. After -passing a numb council adjourned until Mond& ember 'ith, at 10 o'clock a m. • Morris. orEs.-Mr. Robinson Russell and so , of aginaw; Alichigan, visited in this loc 1- ity for a few days this weeki-Miss Lizeie Mi hie is in Turnberry township this weelt. - r. Jam s Nichol and Mists Alice Doug- las were m rried on Wednesday, at the ho e of the bride. -A few from this towei- shi attend d the wedding of Alin Jennie Taylor on Wednescley.--eWe were visi d by a very h avy rain on Tuesday, wbi h wae badly eeded, as many Wells had 'go e dreta.nd pa tures were getting bare. -The Brussels sh w was a breomer, and beat ev- ery hing in the ehow fine. -The funeral leif the late Ja es Cloakey, jr., en Tuesday ' f last week, as largely attended, -Potato s bri g good prices now. -:-G. A. Hood h s gon to Sag new, Michigane-This weath a wil put femora in memory Of the turn p pa h. -Walter Frain has engaged ,wi h Th mas Russell, 7th line, for a month. Th leaves ere turning color !fast now. A good Tot' of raining has been done this fa 1. - large n mher 'of young ifolk attend d the eddin party of Mr. James Nia. a d Mis Dougl , on Wednesday.; • Belgrave. .TURNE , -Mr. Willitem Johnson sr., f Bel rave, as returned to hie home after; a, vieit of over three months in 4liehigan. topk advent ge of the cheap trip of the 25 b of J ne, goi g to Detroit, feo thence Adr in to vi it his son, Dia -J.), . J fins° of t at plac The doctor like most of o d HurOn's son is prosperin in the gr e- publ c. He has secured n extensiv pr tice n the .ity and sur oundilig count Mr. ohnso also has a d ughter ing n a, Adrain, Mrs. R. Wightrn Her h sban anot er Hu on bo , is a ceptalely lling posi ion on the ake S ore M chig Sou betel R ilway. From Adroit' b we to C icago e visi anot er Willie Joh sonar., who emplo edioa the I. & Rail ay. Mr. Jo neon reports yery ple ant rip and is ver well. pleese,d with t pros ects h ld ot t to t yonng eop e. He njoyed he visit in a d aeoUnd draiin, a ci y of 1 000 nhabit nts, nd • lee his viei to that wend dui ei y, C icag , but is ver well eased to be back in d ar o d Hue n once ore. Dashwood.1 TEACHERS' CON ENTION.-A con ention ofa the local divis on of the ! est Huron Teachers' A sociatlion will be held ifi the public school here ext Siturday aft rnoon, when the fo lowi g subjectri will e dis- cussed : II story prim ry,i Miss M. Morrison, hiva ; entr neel and pub ic sehobl leaving, D McDo gall; Da.shwoo ; gra mar, pri ary, Wm. 'cott, Dashwoo entr nce art public schOol *axing, J. J. Mc illiams, Greenway. lAfter the cony n - tion a short e tertainment will be given , y the talent of the village' Everybody should atten this convention and m ke i a 1 - suecess. ITEms. -Mr. J. Wido7 Moved o to Ole farm last week, which he pnrchase fr m Mr. Miller, Omit four' miles north of Da h- wead.--Mr. 1ci,nd Mrs. OcilgeO, of Usbor e, wer the gnests of the MiSses M d Mi nie Ne iger, on SundOy.-M P aff inpVed into is new home On Tue dey MOSIMary 4. ediger left for D,etroit n M n - day, where s e intends sPencling the win er with friends and relatives. t • Stanley. T ApHERS IENGAGED.-We lave pleased to lea that th trustees of schbol section No. 4, S anley, aye re-engaged Miss M. Oil- lespi as thei teacher. Mise Gillespie bas taug t very acceptably for ;the past year and e thin the trustees haye done wis ly in re aining er services for another year - Mie: Mable apling, of Blake, has also b en the n as tea .her for the south school of the sa e Section. She is at present attending the odel se ool in Clinton. CESSFU lister, Beek hires of suceetsful at his ore gh showii he car onds, 4 third firet, on thre prize and Mo show is al money 11 taken lister k as well ays wel PRIZE WINNER. -Mr. W he well knovin breeder this township, has been m he fall shows this season w red hogs. Ap the differ ied off 36 first prizes 9 and two diplonme as well pens over all bree s. n all rtnionnted to o er with one load- of hog . owe how to breed s ck or as for brdeding purpo es d up to the front. m. of st i h c - as is Stephen. e harvest he'll° teo, held t Sher n Meth dist church, oa thesuecyceensisn oAf the/6 h inst., was a decided large number of people were present, d aft* doing j sties to the turkey, goose e d other good things, repaired themselves to the c arch and partook of an intellect' al feast. Addressee wers delivered by Rev. Mess s. Kerri and Hustler, the Pastor, Mad by IM . Thomas Carling, of Exeter, and r. Wm. Lewis, of Crediton. Music was f r- nislie by the James street Method' t ohut choir, of Exeter. The proceeds amen ter]. to something over $40, which is co* ered very good for the small congre- gatio ,-Mr. Thomae Faille, ,of Greenway, ee, OCTOBER 145 i898. Who has been dangerbusly 111, is recovering. -:-On Monday evening last an entertainment was given in the Crediton Methodist church. A silvet colleetion, which amounted to -p6, was taken up Stibse iptions were also, tak- ff' the handsome new en to clear th debt p'arsonage w 'eh is' being erected. The debt is now almost',removed. Addre see .were given by Rev. Messrs. Litt, Salton and Mr. Homer, Excelle t music was furniseed by the choir; the C editon orchestra, end others.--Mis Te. Cu ningham, teacher, of Grand 13end, hilted lies J. W. Morrition, at Khiya, on atm& and Sunday last.- M.r. Antbroee Broderi k, of near Dashwird, held an suoti n sal o farm etock and im- plements last wee . Mr. Broderick is htav- int; his farm, eying ..____sold it to Mr. Peter Kraft. 1 CrOmarty. , BIIIEFS.-, r. Alexander Miller Paid friend in St.' Mare% a flying visit Sunday lxist.-Mr. aiki Mere Peter Campbell ta,43re , isiting frien s in - ardirk last week. -Mrs. ' tayle has re urne te Cromarty again. - Mrs. eorge liner wag. under the doctor's care 1 t wee but we are pleased to see her aroun , aemee-Mris, Gllespie returned home this eek at r enjo ing a pleasant vtisit 10 IMOD hien s. -Miss Mary Edwards, is visiting frien s in and around Cromart !- A number of oung pe ple attended K rk- ton fair last eek, and some report having anent a very njoyable time. -Pulling apples end taking p ma,ngol a is the order of the day. Bruce eld. R. 33. Heetonas, Brueefield, Notary Public onveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance agent. !Any mount of money to loan at 6 pe4 cent., on 11116-nlass I rm security. Also a limited amount of .private funds at 5 per cent. At home every morning and Wednesday of each week. Several good farms, for - 15iT Bniftirs.-It is this week our sad duty to iieport the death of Mr. T. McLauchlin, Who coprincipal of School Section No. 10,S an. Ley, for five years. Deceased died at 8 ult Ste. Marie on Friday•last. His rem ins *ere brought to his home in Brussels', w ere the funeral took place on Wednesday t. urRber from here attended the fun rah M ch eynapethy is felt for his bereaved ar- o' s abd sieters.-Dr. and Mrs. MeDontild, Of Whigham, were last week visiting Iher parents Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ross, as 1Mr. Ress is quite ill. -Mr. B. R. Higgins hoe re- ned from -his trip to the east. Tuckersmitb.. , HE celehrated " Maple Leaf" Rubbers, est made. If you want something good in Rubbers, my thip brand. We have the other brands, however, n all widths and ehapee. W. H. Willie, boots and 16094 ahem, &Worth, Ont. 7'''ARM SOLD. -Mr. William Aberhardt has isold the Donovan farm, on the 3rd conces- Skin, east of Egmondville, to Mr. Robert Wintee, for $3,500. This is the same price ISO. Aberhart paid for it three years ago. The fee* ccintains one'hundred acres, and is n ood grazing farm, the purpose for Which 1 r. Winter bought ite Elcoat Bro hers BULL SOLD -Messrs. have sold a thoeoaghbred Durham bull elf, 8 `.nonths old, to Mr. William MeIntos , of McKillop.. T is fine animal was sired from 13 the Messrs. Ei oat's stock bull, took first ptize at Seaf tth, Clinton and Bayfield shows, and waif one of the best of the ntany dod ones raised by these gentlemen. Mr. IcIntosh is te chase. i 1A Caost CA L. -The barn on the farin of Mrs. George $ rong, 6th concession of Tuck- ersmith, had le narrow escape from destruc- Mimi by fire on Sunday afternoon last. Some children who lead been playing with matehes accidentally eht fire to the straw stack, which was only a few feet removed from the barn. Pe staek was soon in a blaze but the neighbors gathered in large num'bers, and all worked like trojans. Fortunately the wind was in a favorable direction, and hough the building caught several times, b hard :work and good management it Was theally saved, The stack and a pig pen were burned.i Most of the season s ierop wen in the barn, and although -all that chuld be removed Wee taken out, 'a considerable Ices was prevented by saving the building. ee___.______ \ i Bluevale. [ .iNierns.--Tlie sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be d'ispensed in the Presbyterian churela next 8abbalh. Preparatory service *ill be held on Fridey morning, when Rev. . Hall, of 1Belgrave, will preach. -Rev. 1 . J. West, 4. A., will give a lecture illus- tated by lime light views, on mission work ie India, in the Presbyterian church, on Tuesday venjug next. -Mr. and Mrs. Den- nis and t% o children, of Castorville, are'vis- iting Mr Dennis' parents Mr. and Mrs. t _ William mithae-August ch ese was ship - k ped on T esdaye-Mrs. Jose h Pugh visited in Clint° , this week.-Bru eels show was Well atte ded by the people f this neinhbor- bood,-A car load of hogs a d a car load of cada,e pos s were shipped from here this vveek.---1‘ iris Berdette McCracken, of the luevale oad, hag returned from visiting er broth r Rev. J. Carlton McCracken, of hesley. Mrs. Kent and children, of Brant- ford, wer visiting t Mr. Andrew Holmes' Iast week -Miss attie McCracken is vis- iting her brother, .Mr. Thomas McCracken, bf ' Lonclon.-Mr..1William Ross and his daughter, Miss Maiy, have gone to reside kia Toronto. -Mrs. Stowe and son Harry have returned to th ir home in the village after spending the summer in Goderich. • , t Lo desboro. i GATHERINCS.-/Y r. A. Jamieson, 'who ibought the old Me hodist chureh,has moved lit to his farm. -M . Robert Scott, repre- senting the Presby erians, went to Rev. Mr. Andrews, and volu teered the use of their chureh, There wa preaching last Sunday morning and eveni g. ManY went home in the evening that could not get in. Service i will be held there till the new Methodist churth is ready for occupation. An act of this 'kind, from a abater denomination, is one that will not be forgotten by the Methodists of this vicinity. -t -Mr. John Johneton, of Summerhill, InOVed, to the village last week. -Mt. Lasham returned from Manitoba last weelr.-Mrs. La.shalm is vieiting faiends in Detroit and other ploces.-Miss Maud ,An - tire+ is able to • be out again. -Mrs. Me - Vitt, e is no better. -Mrs. Taylor who has beeo very low, is some better. -Miss .Addie Cris , who has been visiting friends in Brus- sels nd other places, returned last week.- Mis Serail Hill spent a few days with frie cis in Blyth last ! week. -Miss Alice Moo spent Sunday a the home of Mr. Brai hwaite.-The Lea ue prayer meeting and unday school will e held in the tem- peralace hall till the ne . church is ready. 1 —....._. , Dry6d4le. Nlans,-Mr. Adolph Parriaeau, and Miss Mel+a have joined hands in holy bonds of mattimony. The ceremeny was performed by Rey. J. E. Cburtoisel-Mrs. -Champagyne and 4on, of Stra4ord, are visiting at Mr. De franier's 'eaMiss Jennie Jeffrey left .for nn Arbor, Vichigan, last week. --Mr. and irs. Roberti Turner, who have been visiting, friends aiad relatives in- Goderich, returned home bet Saturday.-Mr.and Mrs. J. P Rau were the guests of Mr. Maxim Denenly, of St. Joseph recently. -Mr. chat. De Lafranier, of St. Joseph, spent Sunday under the parental roof. -Mr. N. M, Con - tine, of St. Joiseph, has engaged Mr. john Etue, as foreman 6f his lumber bush in Bay- field -Mrs. Robert Shea, of Seaforth, , who has e{31 n vie* itinit.!_n this locality, returned ome last week. Mr. Theodore Divine, of rand Bend, was the guest of Mr. f3nider last Sunday. -The amiling countenance of Mr. Rsibert Orr is easily accounted for, his wife having presented him with a bouncing baby boy. -Mise Flora Turner intends tak- be congratulated on his ,pur- , The Busy Stores A STEAPY RUN 01 business is what we are having day - by day. Our Fall purchases of Jackets, Jacket Cloths, Dress Goods and Malin. ery, are moving out speedily, bat we - are repeating many lines for buyer* who will be here later. It is our intention to keep the!, assortment very full all through thieseason, so that, whether it be now, next month, or later, you will find with us a large assortment of every- thing in our line to choose from. Specials this Weeks SILKS. A very special black "Peau-de-Soie" - Silk, at 90c per yard, and a beautiful rich brocade silk at $1 -heavy, service- able and decidedly a great bargain at these prices. Another lot of Satins re - 1 ceived, in cream, white, and cardinal, so much in i• demand just now. Dress Goods. We are at present cutting into three great lines of Black Dress Goods at 50e, - '75c and 950 per yard. They are in very handsome designee and are sure to prove satisfactory in the weaeing. We are also showing a good assortment of 189a - Costume Cloths in colors, and a beauti- ful range of Silk and Wool Plaids. Our new Plaids and Dress IGoods are in great de- , mand. They are beau - 1 ties at 25c, 35c, 45c, 65c 1 and 85c per yard. FINE MILLINERY. Millinery is a very quick moving stock, going out and coming in daily. The - latest additions are a lot of New York, Hats in the latest ehapes, s,lso further- shipnaents of birds, wings, buckles, orna- ments and other trimmings. You should see our assort- naent for the children— Meters, Jackets, Tams, Caps, Hoods, Stockings and. Mittens, New Fall Jackets. We have a great many really nice fitting,: Jackets that won't cost you much money. They are here in ladies sizes, as Iowa& $3.50, but around anywhere from $5 to $10, we can give you fa choice from a couple of hundred garments, Sono of them are in fine clothe, some made of heavy storm proof materials but every jacket has an up-to-date appearance: - 1 The most popular „prices I are $5, $6.50, 1$7.50, $8.50, $10.00 for blacks, fawns, creams, blue and. cardinal. Jacket Cloths. We are showing a great variety of eloths made specially for Fall and Whateewear. They are in Beaver, Boucle Cloths, Naps,. Curie, Tweeds, Golf Cloths, &c., and are in the newest and most durable coloring. Our " one dollar ' heavy jacket cloth is a. great seller. cold Weather Goods. The'bold weather is not here yet, but it is coming, and coming this way too. We have made ample provision for, it in the way of ' Fur Jackets, Fur Capes, Caperines Atiffs and Muffs, Caps, Shavels, irriderevear, Blankets, Quilts, Comforters, '&e, Some of these daya the change N9 ill come, and you will be - looking tor just such goods. Call and see us ; we have what you want, and we are prepare& to give you the very closest cash figures en what you may require. The . E. IlleFAUL . Dry Goods Co. C4th Greatest Cash Dry Goods Store. 11111WWINC, et- ing a trip to North Dakota in the near fut- ure. -Mr. Wm. Badour has secured a good - position in his brother's store in Stratfordee -Mr. John Bart., of near Heretical, -has , moved into his father-in-law'e houseal-A number of the boys spend their evenings coon hunting. -Mr. *Wm. Bannerman in -- tends starting out with his new rocky dia- mond fenee.-A number of gentlemen from/ this vicinity wheeled to Bayfield on Sunday last. -The Misses A. Sreenan and Rose - Westlake were the guests of Miss Turner re- cently. -Mr. John Orr intends -starting for Sarnia next week. -The Bayfield show was held on Friday last, anti quite a few attend- ed from here. -Mr. Wrn. Slack, our veteran thresher, intends starting for the Klondike ill the spring. DIED FROM CAT BITE. -Clara Enstrome the ,13 -year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J.- E. Enstrom, Akron, Ohio, died the other night in horrible agony. The doators pronounced her ease one of well-developed hydrophobia. Atigust 23 le.et the girl was attacked by a' large cat, which bit her on the leg between the knee and the hip. A doctor dressed the wound, and it was learned later that the cat had been bitten by a dog aupposed to be - mad. On last Thursday evening the first symptom of the malady presented itself. She grew rapidly worse, and the last few. hours of the unfortunate little girl's euffer- inge were pitiful in the extreme. 4 TE, WHOL a - art To wa NOW w We ha flu z We fm ou This th The Then. t If you in A Of co Bu ks The We- h In Me We Ar Boys Take We h. The The s Odds Two FU makes Mr. It sity, f Those have strac 75-po Willie APP