HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-07, Page 88
Wilson's dash Grocery
Field and Garden seeds,—We have Evans & Co'n.
saw log mimgold seed, Golden Tankard and Long
Red inangold geed, Imported Short White carrot and
the best varieties of Swedish turnip seed at the low -
fiat prices. Our stook of Teas wail never bettor than
It is now. Our 25o Japan is the belt in the market.
Ohre us 0.0411 and we will guarantee to please you
and for Ins money than you can buy from any pea.
um, Our stock of Groceriee is No. 1 quality. Our
prices are ea tow u any one in the trade, and as we
give- a 6 per cent. cash diecolunt to cash customen
on all purchssae of $1 and over, except flour and
sugar, it will pay you to give. us a call. Good
value in Dinner, Tekand Toilet Sets, and a • good as-
sortment to select from. The highest prices paid
for all kinds of trade.
C. WILSON, Seaforth.
1874 Ban& of Commerce Block.
Fine Tailoring.
We beg to notify the public that we have engaged
the services of Mr. Harry Speare (who is so well and
popularly known in Seeforth in connection with fine
tailoring)** cutter and manager ot our Tailoring
Department. Our stook of Cloths and Tweeds is now
complete, and will be found up-to-dste in eYery
particular. Readymade Clothing stock room is
!Med to its utmost capacity. We cordially invite in -
emotion before buying to both our Ordered and
Ree,dyrnade Department• of Clothing.
Wm. Pickard & Co.
Grand Trunk Railway
company of Calliadi,
' To Mr. W. Somerville :—
This is to authorize yon 6n behalf of the
Grand Trunk Railwa.y Company of Canada
to sell Paesenger 'Tickets in the Town of
Seaforth, Ontario, until futher notice.
Railway Company of &nada have here-
-unto affiixed their Corporate Seal, this fifth
day of February, 1898.
Charles M. Hays,
General Manager.
Popular, Progressive, Best.
'Unquestionably the leading Commercial
School in the Province. New etudents ad-
mitted at any time. Graduatce in great
Write ler beautiful catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. , 4444-52
every prosperity and heppiness in tbe new
field of labor.—The pelvic o oue liege
were-startied and saddened o , Mond. y af-
ternoon, at learning of the death of th late
Mr. C. R. VatEgmond. IV was gen.rally
known that his health had been a sour,: of
anxiety to hie relatives and friend', or a
considerable 'me, but feW thought th: end
so near. Up to about five years ago h : had
alweys enjoy d the best of health, t auks
to a good con titution and a strictly te per:
ate life. About that time he was pro trat-
ed by a severe attack of la. grippe, .hich
left him with a ohronio ailment of -the
heart. This, however, did not preven him
from having comfortable health for lengt . ened
periods, when he wee able to attend o. his
ordinary duties on the farm. Durin. the
past year complications began to set i . , and
notwithstanding the efforts of the bee phy-
sickles he breethed his last abou 'One
o'clock on Monday afternoon. The deceased
was the eldest son of the late C. L. VenEg-
mond, and was born in this v Ilage in 1853.
In 1876 he Was united in mar iage to 4essie,
daughter of the late Jose h Collie, who,
with a family of five sons and two daugh-
ters, are left to moprn the lose of a husband
and father, ever loving end considerate of
their every want. As a citizen he was held
, in the highest esteein, and it- can safely be
said of him that he has gone to his heavenly
home' without ever having made an enemy.
To the sadly ttricken family the most kind-
ly sympathy of the entire community is
extended to t em in this, their time of ber-
eavement an great sorrow. The remains
were interred in Egmondville cemetery on
Wednesday afternoon. —Mr. -,,Tohn Elliott
returned. to Toronto on Tuesday last to re-
sume his m dical etudies.--sMrs. Duncan
Campbell an her daughter, Miss Jennie,
went to Detr it on Friday beet to visit rela-
tives. —The v. Mr. Shaw took part in the
jubilee servic s of Carmel church, Hensall,
on Monday lasts—One day last week, Mrs.
Wm. Clark had been in the cellar, and had
just reached the top of the Stairs, when by
some means !she itiet hee 'balance and fell
backward to he bottom, a distance of sev-
eral feet. I was a wonder -she was no
killed, but beyond a severe 'Awaking up and
many bad bruises, no injury *as suffered,
and we are pleased to say 'that she is im-
proving nicely, end will' soon be 'thou
, •
the few seasons that the Seaforth Literar
and Debating Club has been in existence the
members have spent many pleasant eveninge
together, and h ve derived lasting benefite
which will be o tgreat profit to them. The
first meeting fo . the season of '98 and '99
will be held in t e council chamber on Tues,
day evening, 0 tober llth, commencing at
-8 o'block, and i is the wish of the old mem!
hers to see as any present as can conven
iently attend. At this meeting the office
for the current neason will be nominated.
Juet now there'a a big excitement in regard to the
above question; It's not new to us, however, as we
have been prohibitioniste for years, and we still con,
tinue in the good work. Wo have, prohibited priees
from going higher than just a living profit, and we're
well pleased with the success we have met with. 'This
week we have just received 1,000 bare QI Soap to sell
at 10 for 25c ; aleo another lot of that famous pure
D Tea at 25c and 40c a lb,; it's wonderfull the friends
it is making. Our butcher shop has bnilt up a busi-
ness by high quality, honest weight, right price, and
-the most diligent attention to our custorners' wants
by our Messrs. Kennedy Bros. Dressed !Owl wanted.
Grocers Butchers,
CAPITAL Maid Up), - $1,500,000.
REST, 1. • - $1,500,000.
Main street, Seafo
general banking business transacte '
Sale Notes collected, end advances made
lowest rates.
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards r
interest allowed at highest current ra
added to principal twice each year—a the end o
June and December. No notice of ithdrawl is
required for the whole or any portion of deposit.
Solicitor Ag nt.
. Farmers'
on same at
ceived, and
s. Interest
161te fun txpo
From s ES,A..—A letter recent y received
from Mr. Charles A. Stewart, s n of Mr.
Alex. Stewart, of this town, who is with
the Signal Corps of the America
Manila, says he was right in the
Manila on August 13th and his si
was the first to carry the America
Manila after it had surrendered.
wrote he was quartered in th
army at
battle of
al corps
flag into
When he
e Spanish
Governors former. palace, at M anila, but
then oecupied by a detachmeet of American
officers, He had the pleasere of meeting
Admiral Dewey a few days before he wrote.'
He is enjoying the best of health and likes
the climate and country, but says there is
no place like America and is anxieusly wait-
ing to be sent larsek.
• ,
gentleman alluded to in the following
paragraph, which we take from " table
talk" of INA weeks Westaninister, is a
native of this county, and a son of the late
,Rev. Mr. Logie, of Rodgerville. It says :
" The Rev. George L. Logie, who conducted
the preparatory department in Knox
College for several years past, leaves shortly,
for California. He spent last winter in
Edinburgh, where he took a post -graduate
course and distinguished himself. In a
special exaSaination, open. to all students in
Great Britain and Ireland, he won the
second prize, taking 68 marks out of a
possible 70. He also won a prize of ten
guineas for the best may on early Chris-
tianity in Britain. His friends oongratulate
Mr, Logie and wish him well."
Easosso% 'Los: NUTEg.—Tho 29th passed
very quietly in this village, about half the
available vote being polled, giving a major-
ity of twenty against. prohibition. This,
however, is a coneiderable reduction in the
majority against it in 1894. Some attribute
the smell vote to indifference of the elec-
torate. While this may have been the case
with many, there were others, we believei,
all over the country, who were undecided,
fearing that the proposed change might -not
prove a. euccess. W hatever the legislativ
results may be, we believe good will folio
the contest, from the enlightening influence
of the literature distributed, as well as the
generally temperate press discussions.—Mr.
William Bubolz has purchased most of the
bricks from the old store on the Collins
property, and will use them for a founda-
-tion to a fine barn, which he intends erect-
ing during the coming summer.—Mrs.(Rev.)
Shaw left on Wednesday of last week on a
visit to relatives and friends in Ridgetowe
and vicinity.—Miss Aggie Kyle has been
spendin,g some time lately with friends in
Hensall.—The Rev. J. S. Niuldrew left o
Tuesday to resume his pastoral duties t
Morrie,' Manitoba. He was accompanied 13
his brother, Mr. R. J. Isluldrew, who i
tends residing in the Prairie Province f r
some time at least. While we regret 1, e
loes of such good citizens, we wish the
LOST.—Lost, Isn Friday morning, Septem
ber 28rd, s Gold istlyttone, with monogram W. 0. R
Finder {4 be reworded on leaving same st Tim Ex
rosiroa Office, Sea( rth. 1607-2
WANTED. --T to hundred tubs of choice
Dairy Butter, 14c. Also 50 oases eggs weekly. G.E.
Kixe, Wingham. 190141
hand No. 14 four nit., oylinder ensilage outtert a
splendid worker, early new, can be sold cheap.
Apply to p. o. WI soN, Seaforth. 1600-tf
PEOPLE wishiog to get cash and the' high-
est ,price for their poultry, should call at T. R. F.
Case & Co.'s butcher shop, Carmichael's Block, Sea -
forth. 1608-4
is your interest in your pupils did not cease
When they had passed through your clams,
believe us that oor kind regards for you and
your personal welfare will continue to live
long after our relations of teacher and pupil
haves:mend, and,,as a mere token of our
regards, kindly apcepted this small present
on behalf of the pupils."
THANIC•OFFERING Mniennee—The ladies
of the Presbyterian Missionary Society held
'their annuel thank -offering meeting on Mon-
aley night. There was a large number of
ladies present, not only from the Presby-
terian church, but the other churches as
well. Mrs. Jeffrey, of Toronto, secretary
of supplies and work in the North West,
gave an excellent address.
not long ago visited the Indus
Regina, and the boarding an
Mrs. Jeffrey
rial School at
day schools
in connection with the Presby erian church;
ehe was able to give to her audience a good
idea of the splendid work which is being
done for the Indians in the west. The
special music for the occasion consisted of
a vocaleolo by hdiss McFaul, also one by
Mrs. Somerville, and -a duet bY Mrs. John
Stewart and Miss Campbell. I These ladies
added not a little to the evening's enjoy-
ment, as their, music was much appreciated.
The collection, together withl.the offerings
of the members of the society, amounted to
tests, postpo
of unfavorabl
ONTESTS.—The apeeding con-
ech,from show daY, on account,
weather, came off on the Ag-!
rioultursl gr undo, Seafortho on Tuesday
afternoon last. .There was a fair attend-
ance of spectators and the verione classes
were well fill &land eaoh event was keenl
d the e was a good afternoon
*ea her was lavorable,
enin and the itrack was
' very person, • both eon -
tors, seeme,'d to be wel
win_g is a list of the sue
: Trot or pace. -2.3
lawesky, Mitchell • 2nd
rioh ; 3rd, 'George 'Whit
• trot.—let, Finis
p ; 2nd. John Sparrow
Rutledge,. Tuckersmith
, R. Wilson, Seeforth
aren, Brussels ; 3rd, R
Farmers' run—let, J
d, J,. Sterling, Goderie
contented, an
sport. The
though threa
good conditices.
testants and Opel&
satisfied. T e fol
ceseful com titor
clans -a -1st, . Po
E. Boseenbe y, Z
ley, Seafort D
McIntoeh, M Kill
Stanley ; 3r , Joh
Farmers' tro ,—ls
2nd, Smith Mo
Wilson, Seaforth.
Grig, Colborne ; 2
township. '
following fr m th
recent date, Whic
Houghton county,
man named is an
many friende amo
join with T E E
encl./tire. Al Nam
ried life. T e Ga
afternoon oe urre
M., daughte of j
Calumet, to ohn(
After &wedding
this city where th
on the steamer C
The bride is 011
young ladies and t
instant of S eriff
held under heriff
self, his em loye
large. The hap
wishes of a ost o
county for f ture
NEw 110rPE .—We have ut in a feed
chopper f the latest improvei pat ern, and can now
do !armoire chopping very quickly and in the most
satisfactory manner, at 6c por 100 lbs. Exchange
Flour—Blended flour (parent), Made from -a mixture
of Manito a and Ontario wheat, given in exchange
for gristi g, Mill Feed—Bran, 89 ; shorts, $12 ; feed
flour, $1 .50 per ton. Coal Ash Clinkers—Large
quantity or sale, at half a cent perbushel. Oglivielp
Mills, Se forth, Ont. 1607
MRS. C. M. Durseor, teacher 'of music in
an its bra ohes. Careful attention given to begin-
ner& V osl and classical work a specialty. _1607x4
BRING IN YOUR Pomoicros.—All parties
who got seed at my drug store and who wish to com-
pete for ;he prizes must bring in their heavieist
•puriapkin on F.riday, October 14th, or not later than
8 p., ni. on Saturday, October 16th. The prizes will
then be ' warded to the suocessfut competitor&
Don't fOr et the dates October 14th and 16th. J. S.
Roberts, ruggist and Optiolan, Seaforth. 1607-2
EUgI. ESS OHANGE.,---I beg leave to thank
iny , reau customers for their liberal patronage
while in he post office etore, and beg to inform
them ill I have taken into partnership Mr. J. A.
tioNsug ton, an experienced hueiness man. We
have pur haqed.the butehering business of Mr, H.
R. Bodo ,. and will oarry on. the grocery and hutch-
ering bu. loess in Mi. ilorton's stand, in Cady's
block, which has been thoroughly refitted through-
out, and Made imitable in every way for our business,
-G. G. Wasorc
We will carry a full line 'of the choicest meats and
grocerieei and hope to be favored with a liberal
share of patronage. Wilson & McNaughton, Cady's
block, Seaforth, i .1608-1
THE Members of ' the ' Seaforth Horticul-
tnreleociety should call at onoest C. W. Papst'e book-
store and receive their bulbs. F'. q. Nsebis., Score -
tory, • , . 1608.1
Fresoomess stock of Long Boots, made
by the celebrated makers McCready, and McPherson •
also a good stock of 'our ovin make on hand. W..11:
Willis, Boots and Shoes, &Worth, Ont. 16,8-1
HOFFMAN was a household word through-
out town and country, We'll peipatuate 3. 1608.1
HOUSE FOR SALE. —L0t 86, Railway street,
Seaforth, with li storey hoUse ; ,coraer lot •, will be ,
sold' cheap. Apply to George IA. Sills and Stephen
Lamb, executors of late Mrs. Nevins, or to James L.
Killeran, Solicitor. *1608.2
MIND YOUR Ilene—Prof. Dorenwend,
the great hair specialist,' of Toronto, will he at the
Conimercial Hotel, Seaforth on Wednesday, October
19th. Don't Miss the opportunity. Read his adver-
- 1608-1
tieelnent on the 6th pago.1.1__ -
THE Hoffman stock, bought low on the
dollar, is bound to create ad interest in the minds of
Itesistle of houeeholda. ' 1008-1
LEATIISR Leggings foe. men and boys,worn
by farmers, teamsters, &cc, A splendid thing for fall
and' winter wont% Call tua d have a look at Ithomem.1.
THE opening of the new millinery store
on Saturday hot, was • a deelded success. Ex reit-
°ions at admiration fall from all lips at the bee tiful
display of trimmed goods, A our designs ar the
latost,-our goods the newest and of the best qu lity,
they cannot lail,to attract all wo rer& of faehio ablei,
head gear. Muis limn, Kidd's lock, Seaforth
16 8-1
THE celebrated " Maple Leaf " Rub ers,
best made. If you want somethi g good in Rub ers,
buy this brand. We have the other brand& ow -
ever, in all widths and shapes, W. IL Willis, oots
and Shoes, Seaforth, Ontario. - 160 -1
WANTED.—Dried apples,
poultry, highest price'. Large
O. E. King, Wingham,
.Wanted by November 1
do general house wolk. Good w
the right party. Apply to Mrs.
butter, eggs and
tock to eeleot from.
t, a good girl to
wee will be paid fa
R. E. Cooper, Con-,
following from the Winds° Record of the
3rd inst. The gentlema honored is Mr:
George Anderson of this to n and a gradu-
ate of and former teacher i the Seaforth Col-
legiate Institute. TheReco d says : " Yester-
day afternoon at the Colle iete Institute, as
Mr. Anderson, the art tea (her, was leaving
the school to take a post -g o.duate course at
Chicago, the pupils took t is opportunity of
expressing their esteem for him, They pre-
sented him with a hands me gentleman's
travelling case. A ehort • resentation ad-
dress was read by A. B. Peddie and the
presentation was made _by H. Cowan. A
teachers and the pupils of the higher forms
were present, aud so had n opportunity to
thank Mr. Anderson for hiaepest kindness
and to bid him farewell.'' The following
extracts we take from the address : "Since
taking charge of the comm rcial and draw -
mg departmente a new era in drawing has
dawned upon this echo 1, and we 'are
especially pleased te know hat even taking
the examinatien test to be etandard you
have remained to see this school the first in
the province in that partipular. But out-
side of any such test, manyl ef your pupils
iu years to co e will be a le to look back
with pleasure upon the p ofitable lemons
that they hair received fr in you, both in
school and in the extra ork which you
have freely la Med upon t em. Moreover,
home from Woodi ,11, where they had
been _ visitin friend' They drove there
and back, an greatly njoyed the outing.—
Mr. George uncan urned from his Man-
itoba trip las week. his was Mr. Dun -
can's first tri to the rairie Province, and
he has ver favorab e impressions of it.
Miss Duneatie whp coompanied 'him, re-
mained in C&rberry w th her sister, Mrs. R.
Wa,s mewhat improved in
e left. Mr. John Grieve, V.
h tree at his residence on
et, feorn which he pulled Nev-
i the m et luscious fruit. This
grown f om the stone. This
been favorable season for
. W. Pearce, manager of
Bank, as leased the fiend -
eta of r. J. C. Laidlaw, on
et. Mr Laidlaw's family in -
g to the ouse recently vaceted
. Fear. Mr. and Mrs.• Harry
remov ng to Wingham, where
as secur d a good situation.
Je ry have many friends
11 regret their eparture, but
us in jailing hem emcees in
e.—At a spe ial meeting of
amp, S ne of So Mend, held on
g last, t whio there weer a
nee, the e were 14 new mem-
. In th initiat ng ceremonies,
r ther A Stobi , was assisted
Nimmo .of T r nto. Six more
s are expected at the next
is grati ying to 'know that this
and useful soci ty is growing
and s
ise Smi
visit i
ord, is v
rine lef
IOHIGAN.—We take th'
Houghton Gazette of
is published in Calumet
Michigan. The gentle
ld Huron boy and he h
g our readers who
OSITOR in wishing himsel
ra a long and happy mail
ette says : " At 1.30 thi
the marriage of Anni
stice James Sowden,
°Namara, of Houghto '
inner the party drove
happy couple embirke
ina for a trip to Buffalo
of Calumet's estimabl
e groom is the able ae-
Lean,, which position h
Dunn with credit to hi
. and the community
y couple have the bee
friends throughout th
appinees and prosperity.
Govenlock, of Wi
as an ardenS tem
prohibitionist, lef
he had been confi
on Thursday last,
place at No. 4, M
miles, to vote fo
was he that he
from his buggy, e ea
dream of his life t • hay
casting his ote ith
in favor of a nati nal pr
he was date mine not
tunity, no m tter wha
might be te hi self,
that the great ex rtion
.state, would prov inju
are pleased to lea
worse for his b ave a
who proles tem erane
oerity and p uck f Mr.
soon have a rohi
be efficientl onf
the Scott ao was
ty, Mr.,Govenloc
istrates selected
cases of violetion
John Wanhass, of
son, Esq., ,f Ste
day last. .
of the , Ba.
started bUt
ago, and t
home. He
erable part
for the pa
Klondike c
speaks ver
in so fel.
corned. I
immense ri
is not at al
the winters
and the c
ward for. a
says that tr
begun yet.
throp, who is` well kno
erance man and stron
his eick bed, on whio
ed for over two montha,
and drove t,o the pollin
Killo , a, distance of fou
pro ihition. So wea
ad he carried to an
di it hpd been the
an opportunity of
is! fellow Canadians
hibition law, and
to , lose the oppor-
the consequences
His friends feared
equired in his weak
ions to him, but we
n that be was none the
Fairley, Sh
health when
S., has a
Goderich etc
eral baskets
tree was &is
seems to ha
the Dominic,
some reside
Goderioh st
tend removi
by Mr. I.
Jeffery interi
Mr. Jeffery
Mr. and
here, who w
who join wit
their new ho
Lady Nairn
Friday eveni
large atten
bers iuitia
the Chief,
by Organiz
new memb
most worth
in membe
Smith and
for a month'
ton of Strat
—Mies Ria
°ago, where
Sunday at t
Mrs. MeGr
of the deat
North Dak
Mrs. Her
Rachel Gri
Robert Do
sister, we
shortly be
with regr
Laird, of
law of Mr.
Mr. Laird
here atten
called hom
Stmday b
farming a
North Da
Killop and
going wee
erty adjoi
pied by M
roving th
of the firm
day on a b
returned t
at the r
there : Mee
F. Clarksdn
the Salve
more larg
eating oh
will be th
Monday e
and Mrs.
and Stratf
nection wi
tute, will
this af tern
be a musi
the Instit
prize badg
°eagle' co
of Wingha
—The th
above zer
Mr. Wile
for Toront
W. a Br
iting frien
Toronto on
with friend
sold hie li
Mr. Joh
lf half of those
possessed' the sin-
'covenlock We would
itory law, and lit would
reed to4.o., During the time
in op ration in this men -
was one of the two mag -
by the committee to try
of the act, the late Mr.
Varna, being tha other.
NDIXE.—George Ander-
ley, was in towe on Fri -
He as accompanied; by Mr.
oot, brother of Mr. Jeihn Foot,
for himself about thi ty years
field road, Stanley. rr. 1Foot
is is his first visit te hie old
has travelled through a consid-
of the American Repeblic; and
t three years has been in the
untry, from which he has just
awson is his headquartere. He
highly of the Yukon conntry,
s its mineral resources are con-
t inks there is no doobt
hness in gold, while the
unendurable. In fact, h
are not so severe as re
heat°, on the whole, is
lute otherwise. He loo s for -
great future for the country, and
Ming development has nob really
He expects that before two
of its
years railwey eommunicatioe will ina,ke it
comparatively easy to get Ito the country
with prosisions and machinery, a that
developme t in earneet will th e-
ticable, , item what he has
he has no oubt whatever ati t
mineral we 1th there. Mr.
y much about hi eelf, but w
casual remarks' that his thre
nee in the country has not n
1,10 owns meveral good 'mining
here, and intends going back
refi pext.
RIEFS.—On Thursday night of
valuable driving mare, 'belong -
d m Hays' livery, had one of
badly broken that ibliacl to
e pair of single combe white
s which Mr. W. Hoggarth, of
ecently sold to a *entleman in
nd which we mentioned at the
d off first prize at the Kingston
nd Quebec shows. This speak;
.Hoggarth'e skill and knowledge
r of fowle.—Mr. 0, D. Doig, of
ie,IMichigan, was in town, with
Mr William Nig; of Tucker -
days ago. Mr. Doig is an old
lie studied law in Detroit,
raetising him profession in Grand
me time, war elected judge of
and still holds this position,
prospect for re-election. This
ariadian boys always come to
wh,erever they go.—The sacra-
Lerd's Supper was dispensed in
torien church last Sabbath.--
gie and Mary Cash, daughters of
el Cash; are both confined to bed
The Beaver lacrosse club wen
atkirday laid to play an eohibi
with the club of that town an
iotorious by a score of 7 to
They have One more match to play with
the Peterbero elub, before they close the
season, whieh has been a most successful
one on their part.—Mrs. Kirkman, of the
Collegiate Ustitute, who has been laid up
since the elese,of the holidays, and unable
to attend te her duties, is, we are pleased
to learn, relcoveri g, and hopes, in a few
weeks, to *eine her place in the Institute.
—Mr. and Mre. ames Rosso of Brucefield,
were in to n ion Monday, en their way
care to e
judge from
years rosid
again in M
last week
ing to Mr.
its hind le
be killed.
leghorn he
well for M
as a breed
Grand Ma
his uncle,
stnith, a fe
Huron boy
and after
Marie for s
the distrie
with a goo
is the way
the front,
'ent of th
the Presb
Misses Ma
Mr. Edwa
by illness,
to Galt on
tioo match
came out
be pr
imself see
the immen
oot does
1 dr e Is eg:t., til Is . :Mgt reTf.ohruMrsso.dmaBy.e.
siting friends in town.
Illinois.---Alies Cans-
Johnsto , oil tratford, spent
he into last i't,iday for Chi -
e manse —Mrs.;1(Dr.) Steele, of
as been visiti g her mothet,
or.—W deepl regret to learn
at heti home near Sheldon,
, on Tuesda o Wit week. of
t ' Roblertso , fortherly Miss
e. Mr. Joh rieve and Mrs.
e, of McKillo , er brother and
e sent fcr, a d arrived there
o el. she died. We also learn
t o the oleat of Mr. George
h y tal, orth akota, son -in-
n rew °vent,. ef Winthrop.
ok sic w Ile his wife was
g to het lath r. and she was
few weeks go, He died on
re last, He was engaged in
, i the alone tile business in
a, and *as w 11 known in Mo-
rey, where h ' resided before
The dies' id Society of the
c urch h ve pu chased the prop -
i g the N rsona e, and now own-
. T. G. at, with the view of
t e parso age rounds and im-
persona e,— . Arch; Scott,
1 Scott rothe s, left 012 Tues.
iness t ip to Manitoba.—The
&forth teden have this week
oronto to res me their studies
s eotive nstitu ions of learning
rs, S. A Dick on, Chas. Willis,
and J. ae.—lhe, meetings at
n Ai y bar acks are being
attend d, and are of an inter -
der. a Su day next there
service , and n the following
ing a 8 cial a d musical enter -
be tak n part in by Adljutant
'Tbilisi , of ritish Columbia
d.—Th annu 1 games in con -
the Seaforth Collegiate ,Insti-
e! held mil the re restion grenade
Ian, and n the vening the e will
al and li rary entertain en in
te assem ly ha 1, at whieh he
s will b prose ted to the sue-
petitore. Mrs. Robert Se4tt as
town, open mine time ith
re. Ho uth an little &nigh r,
, were v iting 'a town this we k.
tmomete stoo at 90 deg ees
.on Mai stree , on Mond&
a Aitche on, so of Mr, Wil
of Hull tt, le t on Wednes ay
to atte d Kn x College.— re.
ht is th s week in Stratford, is -
.—Mrs T. R. F. Case Wen to
Tuesda , to sp nd s few w ks
there. Mr. . F. Coleman as
ndsome young driving mar to
Bell, o Lond aboro, for $150.
She is fou years ol , was aired by Terra
Haut, and is both andso e and fast.—Mr.
William Bubolz h cemm need the erection
of a new ank barn on hi farm, 'south of
Egmoncly le.--oMr. R, B. , mith, of Gode-
rich, has urehase • the H ffman stook, and
intends e ntinuing the business in t e old
stand.— r. John evereanx is eying down
the mater al for th erection of a new bank
barn on t e Lent] a farm, on the Huron
road, eas of Seafo th.—The fine farm of the
late Samuel Cern °hen, jr., on the ard
concession of Tu kersmith, will be e ld
by publie auction in Se forth, on the 2 th
inst. It ie one o the est farms in he
•county, nd is I first- lass order.— r.
James S At, sr., of Ras boro, was ta en
suddenlyia d eerie sly ill on Monday nig t,
with cho e a morb 9, but we are pleased to
learn tha e is rec verin .---Although th re
was eo r i here on Tues ay, a few miles
south aod east o/ this ,it rained heavily
near1y all day.—M s. DOMeIntyre, of this
town', w a an exhi itor at the Staffa show,
and uoe eded in c rrying off a number of
prize fo fancy w rk.-HMies Kinsey, ho
has ece tly star d a I millinery store in
Kid '8 b ock, hel an epe ing last Sa r -
day. T e store w e well 4 led both af r -
noon and, evening, y th la ies of the town
and oun ry. Mis Kin ey isplays the at -
est t ing in millin ry, nd her work as
both pre ty and ta tey.--M . John Hine ly,
of H lle t,has fort peach t een all of w ich
he h 9 re, ed from s ones au all bearing f uit
this ear !It is fo r ye rs ince the sto es
were plain d. He tra sp anted two ast
spri g a;lit they also here ruit this y ar.
Mr. Hi c ley is oham on peach raise so
far, Mr , Hel, of le heim, was ere
this week spending a fe days with his
brot mei -law, Mr.1 A, ou g.—Mr. Wilson
of the P st officegr cer s re has taken into
part eral ip Mr, M Nau ht n, of Hibbert.
The ha el had orto 's store in Cady's
bloc fit d up and in nd coupying it as a
r. MeNaughton
groc ty nd meat a ore.
inte de removing his fernier to town this
wee' and we have rea ple ure in welcom-
ing im as a citiz n and usiness man of
Seal rth --There are bulbs or the members
of t e H rticultura Society at C. W. Parts.
—J. C. eig, of t o firm f Greig & Mc -
Don Id, as been cenfined ,o his residence
for fe ays,wit the profaning epidemic.
—M es a Beatti , daughter of Mr. James
Beattie, as been e gaged an teacher of the
Mei roy chool, in eKillo , for next ear.
—M Ge. rge Patterson h been lai up
for s me' ays, with an Litt** of sciatica.
and rs. Samuel Barton; Seaforths To
Gran Rapiche—Mrs. Thomas Patton, Sea -
forth. To Port Huron, --Mrs. Masters and
Mrs. Alero Stewart, North Main stree . To
liaginew,—Mrs. Noble Cluff, North ain
street. 1
--The following were ticketed to dietant
parts by R. Macdonald, agent fot the
C. R. : Archibald Scott, Seaforth, to
Elkhorn, Manitoba ; Robert and John !Mut-
drew, Egmondville, to Morris, ,Manitoba ;
Miss Jean Govenlock, Winthrop, to Port
Arthur. ,
LIME BrrS.—The Presbyterians of Win-
throp have been improving their chureh by
placing a new roof on top and a stone 'foun-
dation underneath, and will likely brighten
up the exterior by a coat of paint.—Mr. H.
Ross went to Goderich this week.—Water
is sooree, and well digging and deepenlng is
the rder of the day. Rain is much needed.
seed igath-
.—Mr. A,
koka,: for a
ed hie ,barn
BRIEFS.—Mr. Rufus Keyes, of the Baby-
lon line, Stanley, had the misfdrtune te run
s nail into the Palm of his hand last Week.
Blood' poison s t in and he is suffering a
—0 r genial friend, J. C., bas
ering hen fruit for this seas()
Rois left last Friday for Mu
load of eattle.—Mr. H. Ross ra
last Week, and now it is nearly
Mr. Riely haft the contract.
good deal of pai
care and good
hope to see him
Tumoth, of Wh
ter, Mies Mitch
Burton is a dele
attending a
Missionary Soci
engaged Mr.
evaporator here, and it '
day., Large quantities
they are presser
y, as Mr. Bobbie.
of evaporated a
Several of our mp
aces on Tuesday,
folio in were tiok
W. om rville, up -
Tru k R ilwah : A
to G re ay ; Jaine
. Neve Y AO on a to
Hammet to Yal
John Mo risen, c
a visit ; re, Sto
J. Patte son to h r
gan ; Mr? and M 8.
home in Detroit ;
R. J. Riehardso
Massachneette, t
eon, Conetance,
took in 4he west
big to their homee
tives in Uncle Sa
F. Gales, Mre.
Miss Ri Brine,
child, M s. (Dr.)
Tierney r. Sold
John Ha s, Roxbccr
look, W ton. To
ERS.-1)4iD the
past week the
to to Want points by
own e.g nt of the Grand
bert Hogg, of Blanchard
e Irvin Seaforth, to
usiness trip ; Mrs. R.
ichigan.to visit friends ;
illop, to Brockville, on
ill, to Detroit,: Mrs. J.
home in Lapeer, blichi7
A. J. Willson to their
ohn Robb, to Detroit ;
Varna, to Worcester,
tend college ; Miss Mill-
etroit.—The following
excursion, some return-
nd others to visit rela-
domains : To Chicago :
Smith and daughter,
.chnson and family, Mr.
e. G. M. Dickson and
Ross, Mr. and. Mrs.
arid Mrs. J. M. Goven-
Clleveleasd, Ohio,—Mr.
; but he has the beet of
edical ttendane,e, and we
around again soon. ---,Mrs.
tedium , is visiting her sig-
n, for few days.—Mrs.
ate at 'Aerie!' this week,
'weak) of the Women's
ty.—M . A. Q. Bobier has
Mc° ol to manage his
running night and
f apple,' are coming
d to handle any
intendn sending a
pies te the Klon-
rts took in the Sea -
last, end repdrt a
in, in
oar ioa
good t
Winthrop, has purchee
& Sons the well kno
Middlesex couoty, ve
worth pig, which will h
indeaproving the pigs o
W. A, Rose near
d from , H. oeorge
n pig breeders of
y fine young Tam-
ve a good- influence
his vicinity. s,
R. B. HIGGINS, Bru field, Notary Public
Conveyancer, Fire and Lif Ineuranee agent. Any
amoinit of money to loan at 6 r cent., on first-class
farm security. Also a Wei amount of private
funcle st 6 per cent. At h me every morning and
Wednesday o! each week. everal, good farms for
sale. 167
STALLION SOLD.—Mr James Rose, of the
Loeclon Road, has recently sold his heavy
draoght Canadian bred stallioo to Mr. Mc-
Roberts, an American dealer, for a goed
fignre. This horse was raised by Mr. Ross
himself, and was bred from imported stook
on both sides,. He was sired by Mr. Mason's
Clendrie Prince. Mr. Me berts is taking
several Canadian stallions with him to the
other side. -
BRIEF Beverl Ketchen, who
had been spending his holid ye at his home
here, returned to Toronto en Monday last,
where he will resume his etudies at Knox
Coliege.—Mies Helen Higgisos left here last
week for Clinton Collegiate.—Mrs. Hugh
McGregor took in the trip to Detroit last
Sattirday.—Mr. B. R. Higgins left here last
week on a trip to Toronto and Mountain,
Dundee county, where he will visit bit
brother, Rev. Jo H. Higgins, B. *a—Mr,
Dalgetty, our genial merchant tailor; wheel+
ed Staffs on Tuesday to attend the ehow,
and where he was warmly greeted by many
of his old friendothere.
1 _____4
1 th, wben *J, 'Miami Macey, hum°
and buff bees, wil appear. Mr. Macey
the same person who gave an entertainin
b te las pring, and which was much
p eciate y all who heard it.—On Wedn
d 7 of t week, Mr. B. Treleaven, of D n-
g anon, merle! Of this place, was wed ed
Mien rton, only daughter of the v
rn. N. n, of Brussels. Rev. Mr. T e-
1 sven, of rantford, brother of the grodm,
erformed the intereeting teremony.
OCTOliER 7 18984,..
.1 The Busy Store.
DEPARTED.—On September.22nd the hand
of I'rovidence removed from ehje cares and
troubles of this world, Albert ames Wall,
a bright little boy of 6 years and 2 month*
About two weeks previous to his death he
contracted ecarlatina, and his ilium was
not thought serious until the dey before he
died, when his illness assumed a sallow: na-
ture. All that kind hands and merpeal aid
mild do was of no avail, and he passed
away on the above date. He was an intelli-
gent, docile child, greatly belevedl by his
little companions, among whom his absen e
makes a sad blank. His funeral took pla e
on Fridny, to the Irishtown cemeteiry, H s
patents, Bilden and brothers have the sy
pathy of the neighborhood in their sad be
, I
Iprecious one from us has gone,
, A voice we loved is still,
place ie vacant in our home,I
! Which never can be filled. 1
Oh, we laid him there in sadness,
While our hearts were filled with pain,
But we know, that in the morning
We shall meet him once again.
God idhis mercy hath recalled
The boon his love had given,
Although the body moulders low,
His son! la este in heaven. -
Where the angels bright are singink,
Where no sorrow ere can come,
We shall meet our cherished loved one
In that bright eternal home.
i Chieelhurst.
PRIM& ATION.,--1-AS Mr. Justus Pa,risl, is
1 ut to 1 ave thie vicinity, the oongrega-
t on of t e Methodist church assembled at
his real rice on' Friday evening of 1 t
week, a d presented him with a handso e
present, o.ompaptaienhiet ibnyaanfewappwreorlri
actheo •Alide n -
terse., to de ,,ked them for their token of Op-
en expressed his regret Pr
:hie! niealgthiu re church. , .
sev r hie connection with Vie
NOTES Ann versary services were id Id
hodi t 'church 'here on Sabb th
Mr Wilson preached morn ng
fewl supper was held On
gi:reni g, for which an excellent
was prepered, and was well elar-
ried ou o t e . supper and programme
were a a es in- every respect.—A li tlo
Miss ea e to stbp with Mr. John Taylor on
Monday 1 st.—A number from thin vie` ity
attende he Stiaffa fair on Tuesday last.
:, N . i m r. ,Iiii3se. etirub. rey,
shipped &leer load of fine horses from this
station oei Wedn day last.—Mr. We ley
Snell sh ppied threo car loads of export at-
tle last eek and o e car of butchers' ca tle
this we k from thi station. --Florence c -
Ginn, e fleet .daug ter a the late Ja es
McGinn who had en living in Seaforth for
some ti e past, ied at the residence of
Mrs. Le yo Exeter north, on Monday I st,
from co su ption. She was aged 15 years.
—The h a,v rains have done much good to
the roo cr recently.—Andrew Stesiart,
wbrhooth4e of r. Jae, Stewart, Huron street,
Dr. j, to be n a reeident of Wisconsin, has
re ide with his brother Jameei—
oi ad daoni ndgbaadrucish nhg
ties of th, peo le in and around this villa e.
ern, t ep borienngil tohgei sgt 0,
--,Mri a cl 'Mr ,'T os. Snell are visiting,in
Donde -!-In xe r on the 5th inst., at the
reside e of he bride's parents, Hu on
Y the ' • v. Dr. N. Willoughby, r.
eGtereeergt .ther.ng n, to Miss Ida, eldest
daugh r of Ir. i Snell.
A number of first-class farms for sale in
of money to loan on farm security at 6 per cent, w th
Morris and Grey, on easy terms, Also any amort
terms of repayment to suit the borrower. Apply to
IE TOUR eyesight be poor; call andi5g78,3.4 a
F. S. Scan, Bruseels.;
pair of Speciaeles, which will rectify,the trouble, nd
have your eyes tested free by the latest mod rn
methods. At Division Court office, Brussels. 16 8-2
A. . HUNTER, Licensed Auctioneer or
Huron. Money to lend at lowest rates. 16 8-2
SAD ACOID.ENT.-0a Pridey last, ab ut
8.30 p. m., a number of boys were play ng
on the street near the band stand before he
band started to play, when a team ca e
along at a very fast gaito driven by a ad
called Greenslade, who wee said to be he
worse of liquor. One of the boys, nan ed
James Forsyth, ran ont oe to the Street as
the wagon was passing and In some way or
other was struck by the home, knoe ed
,doWn and run over by the wagon and instant-
ly killed, The team kept on, tbe driver,
apparently, not knowing what serious in-
jury had been done. On Monday Coro er
Holmes, of Goderioh, appeared on the • ne
and gave a warrant to constable Scott to
summon a jury and certain witnesses to
hold an inquest on Monday forenoon, w en
the following jurymen answered • to t eir
names : Wm. Blashill, W. T. Stewed, IA,
*Kay, Robt. Graham, Jas. Bailout*,
Geo. Baker, Dan Ewan, John D. Melds p,
Jae. Turnbull, Geo. Deadme.n, Alfred Lou le,
W, H. Kerr and E. Danford, W. H. rr
being elected fereinan. Abcint a do n
witnesses were e 'mined when the foil ve-
earth, on the even g of September 30th, on
ing verdict was iven :. " That James or -
the street in Brussels, was run over b a
wagon driven 14 Wm: Greenelede and in-
stantly killed, and we further find that ordi-
nary care was not used in driving."
BRIEFS.—Everything points to a very
successful fair here this year. --At the BI th
fair, on Wednesday, Scott and Wary; ok
succeeded in landing four first prizes nd
twe seconds, witli colts from their standard
bred stallion, "Costumer." Every &aline'
shewn took a priie except one.—The offieial
went of the plebiscite vote for East Hueon
takes place here On Thursday, at 10 a. in,,
too late for this Week's issne.,—The first en-
tertainment of a series of five, to be giyen
m uthly during winter, and gotten up by
th citizens for the purpose of decorating
tb town hall, and under contract with the
Does.—The an
Method t chnrch
wOeiltoitee v,3:11d,ictef r
of Medi 0, cal d
here las wee .--,-
hair bee list her ho
left far ,etroit les
tin wen to Lend°
has sec red a fie°
Stephe sen, o Br
last w ek aat
Csihstearrl,ot_ Cl
theeh°18alset two weeke at her home here.
k at Medina visiting her
O. Pappineau.—Miss blary
ingham, has been 'pen ing
ivereary services of .,he
ave been annonne,ed for
hich further partieu ars
—Mr. P. C. Peppin an,
n a number of his friends
iss Annie Millson, who
e here for some time,
week.—Mise Leilz Dier-
on Monday, where She
position.—Mre. Amb ose
eels, spent a few days
John Britton's.— iss
i kiluevale. ..
,— iS many friends in this neigh-
Fbo&Nrrh:oo: . wil sympathize with Mr. Jbhn
0.. T R. mail clerk, London, in the
terrible extol font that happened his li tle
son, Go don, O boy of nine years, who ad
his arm te n ff by an engine in the G. T R.
yards, en o , one day last week.—W ile
Mrs. illi Meaner and Mies Cora Me ser
i ing one day last week t ey
th at first thought was a cal in
Mswaewrr.ewW° lliam Smith's field just north of the
village, but hich proved, upon °loser view,
to be a youn (leen-I—Mrs. Vs, alter Patterson,
Jwohlion4Re ill, ierecovering nicely.—Mr.
on fecetved word last eek
athnadtfhoiusr ohn, of Boiseevain, Manit ba,
bers of his household ar all
ill with y id fever.—Mr. and, Mrs. ohn
MoDona d r turned to Goderieh on on -
day, af er i iting at Mr. John Gardin r'd.
—Mies ite y returned to Detroit on on -
day, a ter a visit of several months ith
her sist , sa George Hudeozo—Mr. us -
tin and a il haves moved from. Seducer ine
to our i 1 .1 --Miss Elyza Messer is v it-
ing rel tiv ri Exeter.
Simi 1 COTECTIONS.—In the • rize
list ofj ueich show as published last
week, I
should be credited to Mr. ohn
zes for sheep credited to Mr.
Efimr saartan ei
should ei di d for second prize. ,The
a a instead of being credite for
fo • a rieultural colt, Mr. ies
mistak u ren owing to a duplicatid of
t e oaks.
n u smobi i te
u is: Mr. Cyrus Colosky, o the
the Bri on line, :Hay, near here, this ear
had fif , . oi, vein beshels of green gage ploms,
for whi h h , tealiZed one dollar a bushel. This
-is a ge ecord and will pay better than
raping all wheat. i Mr. Colosky's trees &VS
been p rit d o er Ithirty years and ht has
!lever ee a ign Of black knot on t em,
a dt y are, o ail appearances, as seund
d h it y a they were when they!firet
Me to ear. He attributes not 'only
lar e y'eld, but the good condition Of his
es, ar ely to the fact that he sprays
em ry carefully and thoroughly every
ar. ay he long live to raise ouch good
Loc LITIES.-,-Mt. Chorles Hey, from Kil-
ann h, Michigan, was here attending the
s le of he farm of his late father, which' was
e ld h e the other day. The farm was pur-
e ased by Mr. Christopher Hey,,one o the
e ns, r $2,600. He lived on the place:with
h e fat er,—Rev. E. Schuelke was at ,Lon -
d n this week.—Mr, D. S. Faust ban re -
wed the sad intelligence of the death of
h s ne hew, Mr. Christian Faust, of Cava'.
, North Dakota. Typhoid fever wise the
c use of death. Ile was a prosperous young
p.n.—MI..1 Jonathan Merner, who started
f r th 1(1 ndike about seven weeks ago, has
✓ turn el ome. He only went as far as
anco ver British Columbia, and says he
joy di th trip immeneely.—Mr. Charles
ey, bil here ceier Sunday, gave ap ad-
d ess efor the Y ung People's Allienee, on
S nda . evening. 'Mr. Peter Lamont. our
g nial and euecess ul stock dealer, shipiped a
1 rge iiinher of c ttle and lambs this week,
ver itier Iola f money in circulation in
t hedwetrica.—Re . G. Braun, of Crediton,
p eac e in. the E angelical church here Jut
S bba forenoon, and on the 14th conces-
n i he aftern n.—Mr. -Nabe, of r near
ash o d, and iss Weyer, of the, 14th
c nces i ii, were arried on Tuesday last.
about one !hundred guests. The wieh of
be c rem ny too place at the residence of
the b ide'e mother, and was witnessed by
their !In roes friends is,that they may live
long a h ppily together. I
The Fall trade in now in full ming, ane -
every department in our thoroughly
equipped store is having its shun of
business. We are especially b le
son of the year.
. -
Dress Goods,
'biseke and e,olors. We eould give yea,
a list of the names of the new shades
and materials, but still you would be
we show a very elaborateanwraaavnseg;
n000mnse tanhedweisraornr.ineTthhee bgeoottedar
, ,Thoingurtvoess.howWyeouhsessvce yoeunlywiltillieasehezt
time in getting sifted.
25c 38c 500
Six special prices for
Fashionable Dlress Ma-
60c 75c $1.0G
New Fall JacketsT
It's worth coneiderable, to be able to,
drop into a store that makes a specialty
of nice fitting Jackets, where there is a.
large assortment of choice garments to
select from, and where everything makes -
for the tonvenience and satiefaction of
its customers. We don't show any-
thing but new up-to-date 1898 Jackets.
They are in medium and heavy weight
cloths, some plain tailor-made styles,
others with fancy inlaid work or braid.
effeots. The principal colors are limn,
national blue, cardinal, hunter's green,,
brown, heather and black.
2.50 $3.50 $5
Six special prices for
the latest Fall jackets;
$6.50 $8 $10
Everythini that ia new, graceful and
becoming Millinery is what we seek
to obtain for our patrons. We have
access to the very best markets in!the
world for ribbons, laces, silks, velvets,
birds, wings, tips, ospreys, &c. At
present we are showing a large assort-
ment of Sailors, Turbans and, Walking
Hats, the most. suitable styles for early
k fall wear. We have jUsb opened a.
couple of cases of Tams and Fancy Caps
for the children at special prices,
and o
two wer
and el
et aL,,
' of cou
the ta
Huron sizes.
ut mn assi s for the county of
e e held by Mr. Justice R. M.
on Monday and Tuesday! last.
er setve,n civil cases on the decket,
e iminal case. Of the civil oases,
ettled without going to trie4, and
re settled in court by counsel., The
tio lopened at 2 o'clock on,. ifondey,
alaciut 1 o'clock on Tuesday,'
t case wesiWebster et al. vi. Beer
Action for construction of a will.
t in terms of consent minutes,
al. vs. 'Green et al.—By ,coneent
1!,judgment was given setting Aside
deed attaoked by plaintiffs.
Ket ol. Ye. Molson's Bank.—This
interesting ease from Exeter. Stew -
aflame, niers, of that place, had
at Eastern Lyceum Bureau, of Boston, was a
es place on Tuesday evening, October art &
25c 500
Four Special Prices for
Children's Tams.
65c 750
Ought to be one of the best places in
the county in which to trade, for the
very best value that long experience,
good judgment and cash can procure is,
here for all buyers, The stock is very
large, the assortment greater than
-usual, and all prie,es are based upon *
quick turn over.
. The .
Dry Goods Co.
C 4,th' s Greatest Cask
Dry Goods Store.
-overdrawn their account at the Molsonie
Bank to the amount of $663.15. Mr, Stew-
art took td the bank a cheque for $1,000, ,
the whole of which amount he claimed, to -
have deposited with the bank. The teller
alleged that the balance —$336 —after
covering the overdraft, was given back.
The plaintiffs did not notice tlie dis-
crepancy until checking their bank book at
the close of the month, when the attention
of the bank officials was drawn to it ; and,
their claim being disputed by the bank, ac-
tion was taken, After the hearing of evi-
dence, the jury brought in a verdict for the
plaintiffs for $336. His Lordship ordered
Judgment to be entered for plaintiffs also --
for costs of the action. Proceedings are
stayed for thirty days to give defendants an
opportunity to appeal.
Walmeley vs. Rome.—An action for dam-
ages for loss sustained by 'the flooding of
plaintiff's lanctby drainage from defendant's
land. Judgment in terms -of consent min-,
In the criminal case, Mrs. Postlethwaite,
sr., of Goderieh, was arraigned for the theft
of a number of artieles—curtains and other
household goeds—said to belong to Mrs+
Tunget ancl Mrs. Stenehorn. The theft+
was alleged to have been eonunitted in 1896.
A daughter-in-law of the prisoner ewer*
that she had often seen the articles in ques-
tion in the prisoner's house the year previ-
ous, 1895, and, in the absence of -any stropg.
evidence against the prisoner, the judge
directed the jury to return a verdict ef
" not guilty," which they did.
—The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. T.L,
Hamilton, of Listowel, were greatly shock-
ed last Week, when they heard. that their
only child, a boy about four months old,had
suddenly died, after only a few hours illnest
of inflammation of -the bowels. This is the
third child that Mr.and Mrs.Hamilton haver
lost, all dying:at an -early age.
—Dr. Kingsford, the _distinguished ow
engineer and historian, died at/two o'eloo
last Thursday morning at his residence
Ottawa.. He had been failing for some% -
time and during the last six weeks Wika4
codned to his room. Death was due to -
weakness consequent upon old age, the de-, '
ceased being in his 79th year.
—Gordon Farrow, the nine-year-old soh -
of John M. Farrow, railway mail clerk at
London, was struck by a Grand Trunk yard
engine at the Burwell street crossing ontin
night lately. The boy's arm was torn cast -
the shoulder. It is tttought he may re -
—Middleton, the confessed bigamist mot
railway promoter, passed through Toronto,
last week, en route from Woodstock to the
penitentiary at Kingston. He was ironed,
and in charge of the sheriff and a constable.
He was at the Union station half au hour
between trains, and was smiling and affablo
as usual.
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