HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-07, Page 7.898.
dgo to th
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,keeping hot
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in the morn-
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Lied him a.
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Seely at Kin
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- S. Hooper,
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Lidney Pills,.
to Fe.ciaba
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Four boxea
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asked why
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L. E. Hale
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'Itiee' and
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E ;
ri;i.,41 virtue.
ilea of life,
It makee
1, again ia
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yourself, if
better and
IL(.y in a, good
4e Zinn, of
He pur-
ba ar future.
od, is on re
,Hieke, of
hie Kirkby
OCTOBER 7 1898
We are sure you do not.
Nohodywants it. But it comes
to many thousands every year.
it comes to those who have had
coughs and colds until the
throat is raw, and the lining
membranes of the lungs are
inflamed. Stop your cough
when it first appears, and you
remove the great danger of
future trouble.
stops coughs of all kinds. It
does so because it is a sooth-
ing and healing remedy of great
power. This makes It the great-
est preventive to consumption. •
Put one of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Plasters over your lungs
A as!apta
Library Freak.
For four cents ta stamps to pay post-
age we will send you sixteen medical
illadlaal Adak,* FP•11.
We have the exclusive services of
Some of the most amines* physicians
la the United States. Unultral oppor-
tunittes and long experience emi-
nently fit them for evin yen medical
advice. Write frosty all the partic-
ulars in your case. You will receive a
prompt reply, without cost.
Addrau, DR. J. C. AYER,
Lowell, Nag/.
r direct connections will save you
time and money for all points,
nadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
ur rates are the lowest. We have them
to nit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR -
IS CARS for your ac.eornmodation. Call
to further information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
in* leave Seatorth and Clinton stations as
-foli we ;
Passenger..., ..
Mixed Train....
Mixed Train ..... .
'Mixed Train.... „.
12,49 P. M. 12.56 P. id
•10.12 P. M. 10 27 P. M.
A_. M. 10.14 A. M.
6.35 P. Ai. 7.66P. Id
7.40 A.M,
2.55 P. M;
4.86 P.M.
7.54 A. M.
8.1' P. M.
6.20 P. M.
• Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
-G01110 NORTU- Pagoonzer. Mixed.
Ethel. 10.04 v. a. 140 v. st.
Brussels 10, 6 2.10
Bluevale.. 10.28 2.45
Bluovaie .....
Ethel_ .. ..
8 05
Passenger. Mixed.
6.50 A. x. 8.55 A. M.
70() 917
7.1ci 9.46
7.28 10,02
London, Huron and Bruce.
-G0INC1 NORTH- - Paggonzer. 1
London, depart 8.15 A.M. 4.46 P.M.
Centralia 9.18 6.66
Exeter.. - ... . ....... . 9 30 6,07
Heneall. 9.44 6 18
Kippen 9 60 6.25
Brucetield. 9.68 6.88
Clinton. 10.15 6,55 ,
Londesboro _.... ., .. 10.33 7.14
Blytb.. .4. 10.41 7.28
. Ber'grave 10 56 7 87
p Wingham arrive . .. ... .. 11.10 8.00
4.100o iikArrii- Passenger.
: Wingham, depart.... .... 6.63 A.M. 3.80 P. M.
Belgravo 7.04 8.45 -
Blyth 7.16 4 00
Londeaboro.... 7.24 4.10
Clinton. , 7 47 4 30
Bruceflold 8 06 4.60
Rippen 8.17 4.49
Heneall-. ......... .. .... 8.24 5.04
Exeter 8.88 6.16
Coatralia.. . .. ......... '' . 8.50 6.26
London, (arrive) 9.50 A. 5. 6.20
IT 'D.A.-1-S TO
Silt ri,.;nouexpooitor.
[The following items were intended
for last week, but were received too
MARRIED. -A correspondent sends us the
following: "At the hour of 4:301o'clock,
on the morning of September 13th, while
stillness Yet reigned over the city of Chap-
man, Kansas, occurred a quiet wedding, in
which Mr. James Clennan, of Brussels, Can-
ada, end later of Wamego, Kapsas, and Miss
Mollie Cushing, of Chapman, Kansas, were
united in marriage, Rev. J. F. Leary. offi-
ciating. Immediately after the ceremony
Mr. and Mre. Clennan left on the 5:30, train
for his bid home in Canada. May siiecess
that is wished to all such happy couples at-
tend thenal
INSTANT RELIEF guaranteed by using MIL.
depressing after-effeot.
place at the resi enee of Mr. James Stur-
geon one -of thoseavents which usually cause
a flutter a exciteinent, when Mr. Sturgeon's
daughter Annie nes joined in the bonds of
matremony to r. William 1 Smith. The
bride is well and favorably known as, one of
Bayfield' e fair ind accomplished young
ladies. The kno was tied by Rev.. Mr.
Graham Who, by he way, thinks he can tie
a good seiner° P esb terian knot when he
gets warmed iiip , o business, and ha -must
have enjoyed thiar event immensery, for he
had no sooner p onounced them man and
wife than he sta ted to work up another
case as he prefe red to make a job lot of
them, but " Jen "said she did not come
preparediand con d not jump at conclusions,
so the par on hi s "to bide a wee." The
baide loo ed th picture of sweetness and
beauty ei a r yal blue serge costume,
trimmed , ith p' k and pale green shot silk
and creed) lace,j with silver belt set_ with
garnets ad eme aide and wearing a bo uet
of piak g eraniuL s and fucias. Bride laid
and groomsman here was none, only a maid
of honor in the erson of Miss Anniel GAIT,
of Brucefield, s in attendance and Who,
in pink ectsturne trimmed with pink ribbon
and area lace, md carrying a bouquet of
pink gera iums, looked charming. Among
the distin:uishe guests were noticed Mr.
and Mrs. horn'on and r. Jot, of Blake;
Messrs. Golden, Slimmer land Coldwell, of
Southern ton; mess Auto and Lizzie Cana
of Bruce eld, a I others. Among some of
the hand ornest costumes was a beautiful
fawn, tri med ith satin, and polka clot
sash to atch another was a, handsome•
gray broc de, t mimed w'th ,butnt orange,
and a ric garnet, -trim ed with velvet,
was prett indeed, also a other was black,
trimmed ith steel' gim e. . The presents
were num roue and hand ome, and were a
tangible p oof of the hig esteem in which
the bride a held. Amon3 the presents was
a hands() e pale bine- lai p, a water set, a
pretty -te pot in black and gold, straw
colored si k headrest trimmed with pom-
poms, etc After the c4remony was over
the happy comp fly sat dg wn to a sumptuous
repast. he B yfield b nd serenaded the
happy,couple wi h all th ability they pos-
sessed,. w ile f lly two undred gathered
around t e res"dence presumably to get a
glimpse of the b ide, chanting to themselves
" What must it be to bm there." After a
The Canada Business College
Still leads its contemporaries iri-placing
134 of our pupils were placed in choice
positions in the 10 months ending July 1st,
an average of nearly 4 per week. What
do you think of it?
It Pays to Attend the Best.
College re -opens for the fall term on
'Tuesday, September 6th.
Write for catalog -no of either department
to . . .
D. IrioLACHLAN & Co. Chatham, Oct.
ijsjeai - Instrument
Owing to hard times we haN4 con.
luded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and upwards, I L
Pianos at Corresponding plicer,
pleasant evening spent t
dispersed, and 14r. 'and
escorted to the. r home
most intimate fr ends.
happiness may e their
wish of all.
gether the guests
Mrs. Smith were
bY a few of their
hat prosperity and
lot is the fervent
IT'S So pleasant to take Ma children cry for it"
but it's death to Worms of all kinds, DR. LOWS
WORM SYRUP. Price 25c. 11 dealers.
Fences and arns.
Every fence farmer guilds should be a
kind, buil in a neat, work -
• and ans er the purpose
nut. Co sidering the cost
t relates o other improve.
init is a eavy drain on the
farmer. John M. Jameson,
er, says :
ee a far er should think of
a wire fe ce of some kind.
good one of its
manlike manne
for which it is'
of fencing as
merits of the fa
resources of th
in Prairie Far
"The only f
building now is
Their number
the farmer sho
best. Woven
and durability
has a permane
can be handled
has a highway
buildings shoul
near the centre
the farm. By
fortable and co
to meet his
built for use a
armer builds f
han he needs,
uuden. But
uilding barns
'frork and mis
ave been la
when they buil
ing barns, is t
400f for the am
short, they are
erne to buil
ade of cemen
ould not get
uch space th
oors would b
d variete are - legion, and
d buy -hat-after careful
ill suit his circumstafices
ire fence of safe strength
are desirm ble. If the farm
pasture he cultivated area
without f nces. If the farm
&timing on'. side or end the
be' loom -ted' near it, and
part of t so side or end of
ry farmer hould have a com-
venient gouse, large enough
ants; nza in appearance,
d not f r show. Whenpi
r show, a a larger house
t nearly a ways becomes a
e do n t bear of farmers
hat brine ivith them oaer-
rtune, u less the b ilders
ng ent rely in jucgment
- A corn on error i build -
cover to4 much land with
tint of s ace obtain d. In
ot high enough. Bad e
, all lo er floors w uld e
, and puf down so the rats
under -them. By. this pin,
t is usual y,lost under plalik
saved." , ,
Raw from Her.
Toes to
Her Knees
Mrs. Knight, ry Hanover Place,
Toronto, makes the following
_statement :-
MY mother, Mrs. Wright, who lives at
Norval, near Doncaster, suffered a
summer and winter with Eczema in
her feet. She could not walk, nd very
seldom got any sleep. It becam so bad
that she was perfectly raw from he toes
to the knees. After trying every vailable
reinedy without receiving any benefit,
and almost hopeless of relief, he was
advised to try Dr. Chase's Ointme it. She
has altogether used 8 boxes sit ce com-
mencing, but with the happiest results,
for sheis oow completely cured There
is, but one scar on one of her feet, a
memento of her fearful sufferin condi-
tion. Any person desiring furti er testi,
nnany in this case is at liberty to e mmuni-
cote with Mrs. Wright at her address,
Norval P.O.
Mrs. Knight says after such a grand
success is it any wonder we recommend
Pr. Cli.:Ao's °intone:ere
your household, and bring in mirth and good
-cheer; Invent occupations for your. sons.
Stimirla.te their ambitions in worthy direc.
tiolm.l While you make home their delight
fill th{:nr, with higher purposes than pleasure.
Whether they shall pass a happy boyhood
and enter upon manhood with refined tastes
and hoble ambitions, depends upon you.
Do net blame miserable publicans if your
sees act badly. Believe it possible that
with exertion and right means a mother may
have more control of the destiny of her
boys than any other influence whatever.
SICK HEADACHE,. leizer anniyinrr and dis-
treesing, is positively cured by Ltair.ALI
They are easy to take and never gripe.
Only Marked It Out.
i. lovelorn youth had quarreled with his
ladylove, and with bitter, angry words
they parted, and he decided that life was
no longer worth living Abruptly turning
into a barber's shop, he sat in a vacant
chair, and calmly req ested the barber to
cut his throat.
The barber acquiesced, and, tucking the
cloth round his peek, fixed the head rest so
that the customer's chin was well elevated.
Then drawing a stout pin from the corner,
of his waistcoat and helding it firmly be-
tween his finger and thumb, he drew the
pin quickly across the peckof the man.
Immediately, with a scream worthy of a
red Indian, the despairing one leaped from
the chair, shouting :
4` Surely, surely you have not done it ?"
4' Oh, no, sir ?" said the barber. " Sit
down again, sir. I've only marked it out 1"
-Pearson's Weekly.
The Fla
When Wiali
-iinley, he one
e I described
Arrierican van
nations. The
n the civil wa
ut thought.
n anecdote al
pethern regin
arry the regi
the; boy ran on
ing in the air.
" Here !" be a
to the regimen
The boy tu
bring your reg
and th Regiment.
m McKinlle was Major Mc -
made aul a dress in which
he diffeilen e between the
teer and he soldiers of other
en who ve e his comrades
, he said not only fought,
To illifstr tel this he related
out a youllig soldier .in sorne
out whose duty it warato
ental flag. On the march
ahead with the flag stream -
The colon 31 was incensed
ied, "Bring that flag back
ed and rep ied, " Aw, you
ment up to the flag !"
and sure to cure
the chest, hoarse
ELLOW OIL is prompt to relieve
oughs, colds, sore throat, pain in
ees, quinsy, etc. Price 25c.
WOmen who
the demoralisi
ought to uhd
manhood. It
dieturbed by
action, by Ion
pressible 'deg
ways. If you
your homes a
sion of natura
throw them in
any measure s
They will not
for the love o
mated and hil
there, which t
the disturbing
See to it, then
with public p
Open your bli
fires by night.
pictures upon
newspapers up
and entertaini
of dullness an
o Save the Boys.
have sons to rear and dread
g influence of bad associations
rstand the nature of young
ir extremely restless. It is
ein ambitions, by thirst for
'ingot for excitement, by irre-
to touch life in manifold
others rear your sons so that
associated with the repres-
instincts, you will be sure to
o the society that cannot in
pply the need of their hearts.
o t 'h'. pu 3110 house at first
Ripen , 4h y go for the ani-
ious no np su ionship they find
ey find do 8 much to repress
restlessnes in their breests.
that thei homes compete
aces in th ir attractiveness.
de by day, and light bright
Illuminate our rooms. Hang
the walls. Put books and
n your ta les. Have music
g games. lanish the demons
apathy that have so ruled in
Buhl, stein, 2:05, has gone lame.
The r cord for Bawaii is held by Irish
Lassie, : 6, pacin
Thorn, :113., is the fastest 4 -year-old
*rottingare of the year.
Mollie I atohen, by Manabrhao Patchen,
recently 1 st twins l:ly Gamaleen.
Twos; th wand dqillara was 'offered and
refused to Ima El otrite, wh won remind
monerin he Reiew purse at Fort Wayne.
Charles ackard, while dr! ing Fred W
In a race it Palm ,uth rece My, had kis
shoulder roken by the hemp es throwine
the heron.
It hie °morally supposed bat Search.
light, $ 04%, was bred in C lifornia. He
Is owned there, b t was b ed by W. H.
Riohfieid, Lexington, Ky.
They 'ar , figurin in New ingland that
Nice, Itly Anion, nay boa Dire:41meg
4 -year -did record of 2:05X this season. It
Is a v and man , howeve •
Andy ii oDowell has to I is oredit the
fastest tr tter, Al r, 2:083 ; the fastest
gelding zote, 2:0 %.; the f stest 8 -year-
old pa r, Klatawa m, 2:06W,, and the fast-
est 2 -ye r,old pacer Directly, 2:07%. 1
The oston Heral says that A1ix,2i:03N,
has be u uieted d wn by careful and pa-
tient lien ling to s h an e tent that elle
is noit ed at Br n Mawr an orraild
horse a o nd town. 'What a glorious; pa-
cupatipi or the queen of th turf. -Turf,
Field e d Ferns.
Mite, bf lba is a good narswoman,:and
she is, topd -of rowing on the upper reaches
eettho Th es. Sh is well known by the
riverside, loth abo e and , below Marlow,
and mity most any &lel be seen ekine-
minglhp ater in her tri; built wherry.
Sometline , however, she refers a punt ta
a boat.
MTS. '... rina Kavanagh, the 'eirife of a
promin'e t bueiness,inan of San 'Francisco,
when sh °turned gm Europe, brought
with her t ree rare nd puro blooded grey-
hound'. 3c1ng a able to secure cabin
passage fe the do s, she occupied a re-
served aooin in the steerage, so as not Is
be separeted from er pets!.
Bibles as Savings Banks.
4tg family Bibles are frequently recep-
ta les for all manner of valuables. Indeed
the Holy Book is a sort of safe, and old
Bible's picked up at auctions reveal curious
treasures of every imaginable sort.
One dusty tome testified to the saving ten-
d ncies of a former owner, no fewer than 50
soVereigns being securely 'fastened between
it pages. The _miser had gone to work in
an original manner to make his hoard mese-
cure as possible.- Cutting out a big hole in
the centre of the book he deposited his
wealth therein, pasted the leaves one over
the otherhove and below the coins, until
they were ompletely enveloped in a hard
mess of pasted paper. The book, when
closed, app ared very ordinary, and as only
the middle w as a solid block, front and back
leaves could he turned without exciting
According to an insurance agent, whose
round it is in la squalid locality of a large
city, money is frequently kept in Bibles by
peer people. laundress, blest With an in-
temperate hus and, showed the collector
hr little trees ry, which she kept between
the leather of the back of a colossal volume.
Meese was gadded to this savings bank by
means of a slit cut near the edge of the
cOver, the coins resting safely between the
board and its outer covering. She declared
that this secret place had coptained the
hidden wealth of mother, grandmother and
great-grandmother, and thet ,her eldest
daughter was to possess the Bible and share
the mystery -as soon as she married.
The heavy cover of another bie Bible was
a sort of jeWel case, a pair of old-fashioned
earrings, a string of coral beads, and a wed-
ding ring being securely packed under the
leather, which, well padded, admitted them
without bulging. This collection was dis-
covered by purchaser of odds and ends at
a rniscellane us sale. . .
Wills hay bieen found within the pages of
discarded B bles, and a valuable lace collar
was tacked firmly between two leaves of a
very old book 'put up by auction recently.
A most curious use for a Bible Was discov-
ered by an cid dame many years ago. Be-
sides the notices of births and deaths of
members of the family there were recipes
for sauce and cough mixtureP, as well as
cookery and household hints written in a
crude hand, wherever a blank strip of paper
permitted. i
i .
Mrs. Eliza eth Custer,:widow of Gen-
eral Custer, ias returned to her Georgia
home from so trip to Egypt.
Miss Elizabeth M. Ash of Baltimore has
been appointed 'resident direotreis of the
Clara Do !Creole Hama For Working Girls
in New Y.city.
Miss H ea Gould hai recently added
still another to her long lit of charities by
is gift of $5,000 Is endow I free bed in per-
petuity in the Mullett& m Eye and Ear
hospital in New York cit:.
Mrs. Ma4jaret Fallon, no of the oldest
residents o , the United States, died Aug,
8 at the borne of her son, which is about
one mile m orth of Ming'i Ferry, Cayuga
county, N. Yi. She had r ichad the age of
117 years. ,
Mrs. So vile, the sister of Guiteau, who,
was much heard of dart g her brother's
trial for t e1 assassinatio L of Garfield, is
now Mrs. Irton. She iTell at Ravens-
wood, nest Wag°, and goes in for any-
thing whi4his advanced.
Mrs. A. t.borne of C lumbus, O., an
aunt of President McKi by, is spendine
the surnme ,, at Chautauqua. She has re-
cently oelebtated her eightieth birthday,
but is as &clay° and look, as young as a
woman 201years her jusidr.
Miss E hel E. Steven*. who has been
studying the Royal abademy for three
years un or John Thomas, hamlet Is
Queen Vi tOria, has won the bronze and
silver me ale and also the certificate of
• merit for rfefluiency in her art.
One of the oldest pensioners in the
country, is. Maw Prettyman, died, ii
few days age in Washington. She was the
widow of 'Thomas G. Prettyman, who
mertved. as a ergeant fie the war of 1812 and
woluld havei reached the age of Olin Oc-
to r.
dy 0 fr Egerton, who is prominent
in inglis petal circlee, and who is con-
- lid rod o e ')f the most beautiful women
in the E lish capital, is an American.
Sb was ay Wayne Cuyler and is the
de shier f1
Major J. Wayne Cuyler of the
II nod S tee armv.
. _Ben
who u
and b i
a scoi a
faithf I y
own a
()neon had a sheeire for a wife,
to go to the aberqom after labn
him hone, scold' g all the way.
, Johnson's biogr, pher, married
d in hie "taxer' na," recorded
all her of appish air
Rohn airings and his
' • pinion of im was s high that Idle , the p ilosepher had a wife
sat at t el door of his lectur room and re-
fused t admit • wily but wel dressed per-
sons. ;
' The lat Dr. C dogan arried a lady
severe, ars older than him elf. She Was
joa1ou,I and in 43 onpany lit °used him of
poison g he , wh roupon he told the octii-
pany hey VO re w kerne to open her at
once afilil sho he mistake.
The amo s R v. Andre Bell had •
virago ife, he eft him a d then devot-
ed her, ime t ab sing hini by mail. She
once aklflressdd a letter to him, "To that
suprero st ofrog es, who looks the hang-
dog that he 18, Dr Andrew Bell." '
The 0 4r's prop sal of a general disarm-
ament 1 the nat ons is timely and will
have n gr force if he sets an exa pie. Hie
army Is thlio largos in Euro e and is large -
ly the p se of the great si e of t o armies,
of other powers. Baltimo Sun
Them are maw s in plenty fo suspect-
ing tha the propi sal is not sin ere, but
there a some very strong ones 1 r think-
ing tha it is wholly so. The et ingest is
that th real and lasting ieterest of Rus-
tles wil be serve , not by- wa but by
peace. New Yor Times. '
It is doubtful whether our c ildren's
ohildre *ill see at complete reali eition of
the peame programtme, but a migl ty stride
has bee taken torfard its realize ion with
the confersion of' the czar te the b lief that
by in rnational agreement so ie other
means , f settling jlifferoncths can be found
than w r.-Phila elphia Public deer.
We hive the peacecommission will get
through its work without miming to blows.
-Ridgewood (N. J.) New&
The new peace comniisstion consists of
one • -Secretary of state, two United
States I effators, one judge and one editor.
It oug t to prove a well balanced body.-
Baltim re American.
That 'single, swift and awful blow"
which, icordthg to Sagasta, Spain was to
land on Uncle Sani is probably to be struck
in the p1eace com lesion. There is going
to be al t of wind in that concern.-Louls.
eille Co rier
Mr. F -Greettn ess is 11 comparative.
For e-xai4 pie, an elephant 4 keet high would
be callcd a little thing, while a rat of that
a and R5 for a bonnet is
an enor ous exPense, but it isn't any-
thing at, all when) you lose it at cards. -
London run.
Girls peek°.
Pone of mahoiatiy. ,
No w d aninaa:s except dogs.
Every ody takes a nap at noon.
Here the higlilest land in Cuba.
Lotto titkets en sale everywhere.i;ild.
Most f the ho see are one story build -
Santi o s the Spanish form for St.
The belles plaster their faces with pow-
dered eggshells.
Inhab !tants 40,000 -less than most
Philade hiat wards.
The herbor of Nips embraces 65 square
miles of deep water.
• Coppdr mlines have been worked since
the sovo teenth century. -
'oba 'o island wa so called by Colum -
lou fro4 it fancied resemblance to the
to 'acme 4r inhaling tube of the aborigines.
Ou wort "Obaeco" is thence derived. -:-
St. Louts; Globe -I emocrat, -
±1100 was discovered by Columbus
in 493,
n lsq
in abita
cholera carried off 80,000 of the
ta. Stil 1 it's healthy,
hue rarke fourth in the Greater
Antilles, having; first place, however, in
de ity 4f popul tion and general pros-
e 4n Juan dreinage system is thor •
eu h. 1,lie houses are all connected with
as era, Itehich g underground, and all
em sty to the s4a, so that ether° are even
no gut s.
he c ty of San Juan, of perhaps 40,000
po ulat m, is sitb, ated on an island con-
n ted ith the nintinland by a bridge, Its
ha bor It one of hroleonlyi which are safe
at 11 ti nes from a ground swell, which
oft n bxiaks agai st the island cliffs with
gat vi lenoe.
1.4 rag ',ram.
Montague, of Dunville, Cured of
Ulcerated Itching Piles.
Mr. Robert Montague, of Denville, Ont, writes :-
" Wes troubled with Itching Piles for five years and
was so badly ulcerated they were very painful, 10
much so that I could not sleep. I tried almost every
medicine known when I was recommended to eau Dr.
Chase's Ointment. I purchased a bo, and from the
first application got relief. Have used two boxes,
and am now completely mired."
Sores Healed.
Sores and ulcers of the worst kind are readily
healed by Burdock Blood:Bitters. Take It intern-
ally and apply it externally, according to directions,
and see how quickly a cure will be wade.
Martyr to Heart Troub e.
Mrs. Selina E. Core, Amherst, N. B. se S "AS
times I suffered intensely from palpitation and Set.
tering of my heart. .1 was weak. and ny nerves
shattered. billburn's Heart and Nerve ilia have
regulated my heart; toned my nerves an4 built up
my health."
Doan Cures a Manitoba Man.
Mr. Alexander Fraser, of Miami, Man.,I writes :-
"1 cannot refrain from reconimendingDoa 'd Kidney
Pills to any person troubled with kidney disorder,
for I believe if they could cure me they could cure
any case."
• ' .
Cucumbers, Melons, Beware!
You may have an attack of Cramps and Diarrhoea
after eating them. Just keep on hand a bottle of
Dr. Fowler's Ex root of Wild Strawberry add you're
safe. It cures ramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery
and all bowel , tnplaints.
A MAN of Is
In the morning
put him in aha
25 cents.
egular habits will find one of MTh
leer his head, steady his nerves and
e for his day's work. Price 10 and
Grand Remedy for Coughs.
"I have u d Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam and ;
found it a gran remedy for coughs and colds, and
highly racomm nd it." 0. M. DOHERTY, Camilis„
STOCK. -Mr. Thomas Brown has been
struoted by Mr. Robert Armstrong to sell by publio
auction on Lot 1, Concession 7, Hullett, one mile ;
east of Kinburn, on Wednesday, October 12th, 1E98, ;
at one o'clock p. in., the following property, viz :-
Horses. -Three yearling fillies, heavy draught ; 1
yearling gelding, heavy draught. Cattle. -.-Seven
good grade cows, two due to calve in October, ono
due to calve at Christmas, the other four supposed
to be in calf ; all to a thoroughbred bull. Thirty
two-year-old stock steers, 18 yearling stock steers,
5 yearling heifers. 2 two•year-old heifers, 4 spring
calves. Shoep.-Twenty-EiVe Leicester ewes. Pigs. -
Forty -eight store pigs, weighing about 100 pounds ;
1 breeding sow. This does is all in first-class con-
dition and will be sold without reserve. Terms. -
All sums of 85 and undar, cash ; over that amount
10 months' credit will be given on approved joint
notes. A discount of 6 per cont, per annum will be
allowed off for cash on credit amounts. ROBERT
Auctioneer. 1607-2
Jones has been instructed by Mr. James Cronin &
Brothers, to sell by Auction on Lot 23, Concession 2,
Hibbert, on Tuesday, Occober 11th, at one o'clock
p. m., the following property, viz: Horses. -One
general purpose mare nine years old 1 heavy draught
horse five years old, 1 driving horse four years old,
1 gelding two years old, 1 yearling g Wing, 2 spring
colts. Cattle -Three cows about to calve, 6 mil&
cows, supposed to be in calf; 1 dry cow, 6 heifers
two years old, 9 steers two yea old, 8 yearling
steers, 8 yearling heifers, 12 calves. Sheep and Pigs.
-Ten ewes, 1 ram ; 20 pigs, fro three to five
months old ; 5 young pigs, 2 brood ws. No reserve,
as the proprietor is giving up the f rm. The Farm.
-There will also be offered for sale t the same time
and place the farm, which contains 160 acres. It Is
all cleared and in a good state of cultivation and
well fenacd. Terms made known o the day of sate,
or on application to John Murphy, eaforth. tIf not
sold will be rented for a term of y ars. Terms -Ali
sums of 15 and under, &Isla ; over hat amount 12
months' crPclit will be given on approved joint notes.
A discount of 6 per cent. will be allowed for cash on
credit amounts. JAMES CRO-NINI & BROTHERS,
Proprietors-; JAMES JONES, Auo oneer. 1607
IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. Win. McCloy has received
instructions from Mr. Robert osrlyle, to sell by Pub.
lie Auction on Lot 24, Concession 3 Hay, on Tues-
day, October 11th. at one o'clock p. in., the following
Farm Stock and Implements : Horses. -One general
purpose team six years old, 1 mare thirteen years
old, 1 sucking colt. Cows -Two filch cows sup-
posed to be with calf, 1 miloh cow triot. with calf, 2
steers two years cld, 2 steers one ye r old. 1 ' heifer
one year olui, 4 calves. Pigs, -Two brood sows, 4
pigs three months old, 9 pigs two months old, g store
hogs, Shscp,-Four ewes and 3 lambs. Implements.
-One Brantford binder. 1 Maxwell mower, 1 Noxon
seed drill, 1 cultivator, 1 hay rake, g sett iron liar -
rows, 1 land roller, 1 sod plow, 1 Yankey plow, 2 No.
18 plows, 1. three,forrow gang plosv,2 lumber wagons,
1 bay rack, 1 gravel box, 2 pair of blbsleighe, 1 fan-
ing mill, 1 hay fork and ropes, I grind stone for
mower and binder knives. Horn s. -Two set of
heavy team harness, 1 set of llgljt team harness.
Forks, chains and 9ther articles. Terms of Sale. -
All sums of five dollars and under, cash ; over that
amount twelve months' credit will he given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes. A ,discount of five
cents on the dollar will be allowed Of for cash on all
credit amounts. No reserve, as qui proprietor has
LYSLE, Proprietor; Win. McCLOY, Auctioneer.
leased the farm and is retiring. ROBERT 1007
S7 to s'ita a Woo
ti In leaaure
a houre;any
•4 one can do the work. We want,' reliable -
families in every locaht.- to help us
manufacatro Children's Trlaaea, Gaunt -
lots Picyelz Leggintx4 f ir the trade,
by a now proness. No can assing or ex-
- porienee required. Steady • work, pod
pay, wriole or snare time., 1.14h -it° to -clay.
a„ inmre-a, Tea coMaaatinvE.K.Nrrrns-et
10) Cc.. 15 ()Pallor lama Tarawa,
rf A WORD -
Great Camp Knights of the Maccabees
for Michigan, Port Huron, Michigan, April
6th, 1897. Mr. A. S. Nimmo, Sarnia, Ont.
Dear Sir :-
It gives me great pleasure to embrace
this opportunity of expressing my entire
satisfaction with the stenographer (Miss
Hattie Gillispie) you recommend to me a
little over a year ago. She is now ope of our
valued assistants, correct and rapid in her
stenographic writing and gives unmistak-
able evidence of careful and efficient train-
ing. From what I have learned of your
school and the students who have graduated
from it, I can confidently recommend it to
all contemplating the study of the art.
'With kind regards, I remain, reepectfully
'ours, THOMAS WATSON, great record
keeper. I
Miss Gillspie is still in the employ of the
Maccabees and receiving a good salary.
Students may enter at any time. ,
A. S. NIMMO, Proprietor.
Steam Boiler Works.
Snoce r So Chrystal k shoe
Manufactturers pf all kinds of Stationary
Marine,' Upright & Tubular
rilt Pars,mo ke Stacks, Sheet Iot Werke,
etc., etc.
---- i
Also dealers n ti right and Horizontal Slide Valve
wines. Automat c Cut -Oft Engines a Specialty. AD
see of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand
retinutter furnished on short notice. ,
Wor posit. U,?. R. Statioa,10edesiek
Now that the winter approaches, when
a great many people will have leisure to
read, it will be interesting for those so in-
clined to know of the wonderful reduction
- in the cost of manufacturing books. The
. introduction of Machinery has revolutionized
many branches ef manufacture, but in none
is it more strikingly illustrated than in that
of books. This drop came so suddenly that
it afforded the large departmental stores a
fine opportunity to advertise and do a large
trade at what appeared. to be upprofitable
figures, but when we compare them With the
prices now prevailing at Lumsden & Wil-
son's for similar books, we must conclude
that they were net losing very much. Just
take a look, during the next few days, at
the books in Lumsden & Wilson's window,
and notice the large assortment of respect-
able looking books by the best authors sell-
ing at 15c, apparently worth 50c to 75c each.
Call in and exatnine them, cloth bound,
good print. liow could you invest a dollar
with a better prOspect of a handsome return
than in these boeks ? You can get a book
that has made the writer immortal for 15c.
S M.A.-'401=ZTJEE.,
c11( In's' HIGH CRADE
New Store Furniture
;With a coMplete and
up to -date stock of :
orde to compete with the large
city StOres -We Will have to do as they
Our sitoe
is Well boufilit, and will
be Sold at close prices. <3
Wa t to get acquainted with the
Huron ip ople as soon as possible, it
will ba to our mutual benefit, as, we
haVe li,olught some bargains and are pre- I
pared to divide with you.
Is the pivot on which a Dry Goods
Store i:evOlves. McKim knows this,
and has a stock equal to the zest.
This will be a season of Black
Ooods and we are prepared for it.
Black oods--15e to $2.50.
00 • en
Is under the control of Mr. Dever,
who is an 'artist in this line and has a
stock equal to a city store, with prices
decidedly :your way.
A Call Respectfully Solicited.
Leatherdale &
Dealers in first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also do picture fram-
ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and -put up. We are also
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-,
mestie use, no travelling agents, no
high prices.
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and guarantee satisfaction in every depart-
ment pf our work. We have always made
it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re-
quisites for funerals, 'MBE OF CHARGE.
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
scientific principles.
P. S. Night and 'Sunday calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landsborongh's resi-
dence, directly in the rear of the Domini...a
Plums for Sale.
As I am an extensive grower of plums, I will be
able to supply such in great variety. Probably
1,000 baskets for sale of choice fruit. Gime along
and get your supply.
Huron Central Fruit Farm,
Lot 26, Concession 2, Hullett.
:40 .McMJII
For people who have learned that the
road to wealth is RIGHT BUYING.
1We !thew people who have paid $2 forlahoes
not ea good as we sell for $1.56, and
they were people who needed 'every
cent they laaci too. If they followed
the same course in their other buying
it's no wonder they failed to tns.ke
headway in saving up something for
a rainy clay. And that reminds us.
For rainy days we have a matchless
assortment of
Long Boots an• d Re-
liable Staples;
! and we ;ban save you money oiti them
1: too. - ;
We have increased our staff jXf workmen,
and will be in a better position than
aver to do CUSTOM WORK and
REPAIRING on the shortest notice.
Riphardson & McInnis,
et -
C▪ D