HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-07, Page 51898
Mr. Nichol
aid we speak
f those in the
la Sparks, our
readay at
rry to lea
I up with an
paratory sr-
'terian church
m being cop-
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°raises to he a.
,TeIlie Switzer
. McDonald,
'etcher spent
I. Alurray, of
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entertain an
.7tober 7th._
,tty wedding
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P`lifilip Madge,
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dirde orated
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bride tintered
hartrring in re
satin, prettily
:rimming and
pa bouquet of
Maud Madge,.
1 in green silk
rhite flowers.
aor Ella and
groom, were
h silk cream
a Principal of
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broad. They
reful and val-
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.,Miss Olive
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roung couple
re of Park-
[were visiting
iticsim Parke
in the Grand
Ira Bell and
iends in Tor -
that Mr.
or health at
Jo to report
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oat of gravel
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the proud
have shown
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oral tone of
a lot of
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1 was Far -
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-arici carried
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le •
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on Satur-
Iady left
week. --Mr.
Portage" Is
•ales readied
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as the aue-
',ship of our
highly re -
ill again
at 'position
far at least
he Howiek
on Tuesday
corn here.—
and lot
nd intends
re MeLangh-
-The jun-
on Sat-
efeat at the
the !score
vganizer for
is spend -
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tulate him.
OCTOBER 71 1898.
Perth Notes. I THE M.A.RICBTS.
—Mr. Louis Kruspe, of Ypsilanti, Minhi-
gas, is home on a week's visit to his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Krupa, of Bab-
—Mr. Wm. Coulter, of Milverton, after
spending four of- five months at his borne,
has returned to Toledo to resume his studies
in, the medical profession.
—Mr. F. G. Sanderson, druggist, of St.
Burp, returned last week, after -having
taken a thorough course, and passing a very
successful examination at the Optical Iia-
ltitute, Toronto.
,. —The South Perth election protest is set
, down let trial at Stratford, on October 15th,
. before Chancellor Boyd and Mr. ‘,Jtustiee
1 Meredith. The charges filed are of the
usual stereotyped character.
—,it very pleasant event took place at the
4 residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bundscho, of
Milverton, last week, being the marriage
a of Mist Mary Hammer to their eon Edward,
Rev. Mr:. Finkbeiner performing the cere-
—Miss Phoebe Griffin, of Milverton, has
resigned her position io the post office, and
has gone to attend the Stretford Businus
College. Miss Annie Henrich, of New Ham-
burg, is filling her plaee in the Milverton
post office.
—Willie, the little son of Mr. George
'Tear, of Mitchell, wits' riding in a light
wagon, the other day. --The little fellow
lost his balance, and fell over the dashboard
to the ground, allowing both wheels to pass
over hi* body.
—Mr. Arthur Beattie, one of the profes-
sors in the University' of Wisconsin, son of
Mr. Robert Beattie, o Kirkton, Wais in St.
Marys last week, an iia way back to Wis-
consin, after having !Tent his vacation at
the old home. _
—About seventy members of the Canad-
ian Order of Foresters, representing Strat-
ford, Seaforth, and Mitchell lodge courts,
met for divine service in Trinity' church,
Mitchell, on Sunday afternoon of last week.
After the usual service, Rev. J. T. Kerrin
preached a very interesting sermon on
Socialism and Fraternity."
—Thomas Bennett, an old Sebringville
boy, was in that village last week. It is
nineteen years since Mr. Bennett had been
there, and he says he notices a great many
changes since then. He now cooducts a
flourishing photographing business in the
State of Iowa.
—The Perth Teachers' Convention will
be held in St. Marys this year, on the 14 a
and 15th of October. This year is the fit
time in ten yeas that the convention has
been held in t. Marys. Mr. James L.
Hughes, inspector of ptiblio schools for Tor-
onto, and Mr. j. W. Bengough have, been
secured to assist in the programme.
II arir, October, 6, 10011.
Fall Wheat (new), • .. • Iso es so SO 05
Sprite; Wheat per bushel,..:......... 068 to 0 66
oats per ftsbel ... — .-q — ..........
Peas per bushel .,.....,.. ...
But*No'. 1, loose—. — i... ,... —, — • •
Bari; per ;bushel— — — — ..;. .... .......
B utter. lab
Arp per' doz...
iipe' tos new--
IT net tea
Shit kinso•• • ••• • ••• •
Woo. . ......... iv• 0.0 •.• •
On Tuesday, October 11th, at 1 o'clock
p. in., on Lot 24, Concesaion 3, Hay, Farm ,
Stock and Implements. Robert Carl isle,
Proprietor ; Wm. MeCloy, Auctioneer.
h, at one o'clock
ession 13, Tucker-
ments,etc . Thos.
rn McOloy,
Oji Friday, October 14
p. m., on Lot 2; con
smith, Farm Stook, Impl
F. Eyre, Proprietor;
On Tuesday, October 11th, at 1 o'clock
p. ,m., on Lot 23, Conce
Horses, Cattle, Sheep
Cronin & Brothers,-
' P
Jones Auctioneer.
On Wednesday, Octobe
p. in., on Lot 1, Concessi
mile east of Kinburn'Fa
Armstrong, Proprietor;
On Thursday, October
sharp, on Lot 5, Conees
mile and a quarter north
Stock, Implements and
tura. John Voelker, pro
berry, auctioneer.
sum 2, Hibbert,
nd Pigs. James
oprietors ; James
12th, at 1 o'clock
n 7, flullett, one
m Stock. Robert
Thomas Brown,
3th, at 12 o'clock
ion 12, Hay, one
f Dashwood, Farm
onsehold Furni-
rietor ; E. Bossen-
Live Stook arkets.
LrvEuroor.„ October 4t —American steera
are slow to -day at 11 tc 12/0 per pound,
(estimated dreosed weigh4), refrigerator beet
is higher at 10e per pours
LON DON, October 4th—Cattle—Supplies
heavier and trade weaker. United States
cattle command 6d, Canadians 50, Argen-
tine 50, Canadian sheep 5d, Argentine
sheep 51d.
i••• •••• ••• • • •••
0 23 SO 02$
0 48 in 48
0 30 10 0R
0 111ito 0' 14
-0 lAto 0 14
IS to 018
2 26 to 2,26
6 00 to 600
6 00 10 6 00
0 60 to 070
0 16 to 018
.. • •
070 to 070
(Mail) per Ward— 1 00 to 000
per aord (1001)., — 1— 2 76 to 8 00
per cord (short) .. 1 60 to 1 75
0 60 11) I 00
8 00 to 850
1 00 to 1 00
O 60 to 0 70
02 to 0 03
, per 100 fha...;• ..... MI
WI per lb" f •••• •••••..• . • err ••
!ISN)OL Oct. 6.—Fall 'wheat. Os. 20.; spring
t, Os. 3d.; pees, 6s. 24; oats, lis. Bd.; pork, MK
, white, 40e. Od. ; cheese, colored, 41s.
Immo, October fliii.—Fall wheat, 00 66 ;
wheat, 00.66; oats, 27o; peas, per bush,
barley, 40 to 428; hay per ton, 87 60 to
; butter, 16o to 17o potalicse per bis., 760
o ; eggs per doe., llic ; to 16) ; dressed
• per 100 lbs, 116 26 to .60.
Dairy arkets.
ORONTO, ()otter th—Butter—The de -
d. for choice airy Itub butter continues
ve, and the n4rke ' for the best is firm
5 to 16e, and linfer'or is quoted at 11 to
Dairy pound r Is are steady at 17e.
amery is in good d' mend and firm at 20
lo for prints, , nd 7i to 180 for packed.
• s—The receipts o strictly fresh are not
e, there is a good emend and the mer-
its 144n at 15' to 116o for strictly fresh
her431, and 13 to 14o for held trash. '
ONWAL, October 4th—Cheese—The
k -of the cheese sold at 82 to go, though
d 911.0 was realized, the • latter price for
t lot. Butter—The market was rather
1 and heavy! today. Finest creamery
at 19i to 20C. ' Eggs—There is a good
and for strictly new laid with no change
rices. We quote :—Strictly new laid,
to 18c; No. 1 candled, 14e ; No. 2
dled, 12 to 13o; P. E. I., 12 to:13c, and
Is 90 per dozen. 1
TWA, N. Y.,' October 3rd—At the Utica
rd of Trade to -day, the following sales
heerie were Made :-4,217 boxes large
ored at 8o, 1,207 boxes large white at Sc,
boxes small white at Site 450 boxes
all colored at 8/o, 17 packages of cream -
butter at il9c, 70 packages of creamery
tter at 21o, 75 oases or prints at 23c.
t Little Falls these sales were made :—
boxes at 6io, 32 boxes at 71o, 438 boxes
Sc, 1,390 boxes at ne, 4,440 boxes at
Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping and
all commercial subjects are properly
taught in the
ntral Business College,
of Toronto
,Yonge and Gerrard Streets.
all Term Now Opn:
embers admitted at any time. Eig t re-
g lar teachers. Splendid equipment. N rite
fot catalogue.
W. H. SH 'W, Princi al.
Y nge and Oerrard eta, Toronto.
• 158;-52
E i GAR—In Gorrio, on September 23th, the
Mr. Thor( as D. Edgar, of a daughter.
ylGf. ADMAN—In Exeter, on September 26th, t
of Mr. F. W. Gladman, of a eon.
OUNG—in Exeter, ,.n September 26th, the
Mr. WM. Young, of a son.
1-- i Marriages. —
ARTlis74BARRON—At " Piverside Farm,' the
residence of the bride's parents, Harring il, on
September 21st, Mr. Arable Martin to Miss Sarah
Barron. •
S ITH—SITURGEON—At Bayfield, on Sop
27th, ly Rev. W. Graham, Mr.Wm. Smith
Annie Sturgeon, both of Bayfield.
GLEED— ANDFORD--On September 27th, b
S. Salton, at the residence of Mr. James
ford, Centralia, the bride's uncle, Mr.
Gleed to Miss Hattie Handford, both of
DOUPE—MADGE—At the residenoe of the
I parents, on September 29th, by Rov.
Jewett, Yr. Arthur Doupe, of Kirkton, t
1 dlara A., eldest daughter of Mr. Philip Ms
SCOTT—SCOTTAt the residence of -the brid
onts, Toronto, orqloptember 27th. by R6
McTavish, pastors of the Central Presto
church, in that city, Mr. George So;tt, to
of ay/bighorn, to Miss Mottle Scott.
FERGUSON—GARDNER—In Ashfield, 12th
4.1011. Septembar 21st, by Rev. E. Olwaut, Mr. J.
M. Ferguson to Miss Sarah Gardner, eldesit dam.
ghter of Mr. J. H. Gardner. :
SWARTWOUT—ST DILL—On the evening Of rSep-
tember 28th; at the residence of the bride's sis-
ter, Mrs. Wm. ennedy, 235 Heels avenue, De-
troit, Mr. Warr n T. Swartwout, of Kingston,
Tuscola County, Michigan, to Mrs. Margret C.
Stogdill, of Seatorth, Out.
it . ,
liforirareara Octobee 4th—The but-
chers were present in large numbers, and
there was a brisk demand for the best cat-
tle, but all other kinds were dull of sale
and brought lower prices. Mr. Martel
bought seven choice cattle at 4k per pound,
pretty good stock sold at from n to over
4c per pound, common dry cows and thrifty
young stock at from 2/ to 31c, and the
Jes,net beasts at from 2 to 21c per pound.
There were several persons put chasing`
stockers for the Buffalo market : they paid
from 24 to 3c per pound for Steers and
heifers, and from 2 to 21c per pound for
small bulls. Calves sold at from I $1.50 to
117 each, or from 3 to 50 per poun . Sheep
sell at from 3/ to 3ic per pound; arnbs at
from n to 4/o per pound. Fat os are
still declining in price, and sold ¶o.day at
above 4.ie• per pound for fed hogs.
BUTiALO, October 4th—Cattle--I-Stocker a
were in too large a supply and ip lower;
good to best smooth fat export steers,
$5.25 to $5.40; good to best, $1.85to $5.15 ;
common to good butchers' balls'$3 to $3.25;
heiferregood to best fat, $4 to $4.25 ; fat
cows, good to beat, $3.50 to ,$4 ; stockers,
choice to extra quality, $4 to $4120; corn.
mon to good do., $3.50 to $3.90; freshcows,
choice to extra, $50 to $65 ; good to choice,
$45 to $50; springers, good to extra, $35 to
$50. Calves—Choice to extra, $6.50 to
$6.75 ; good to choice, $6 to 6 50 ; heavy
calves, $3 to $4. Hogs—Yorkers were in
fair demand, but lower and irregular in
price, selling at $4.05 to $4.97)1, the basis
was $4.05 ; heavy, $4.05 to $41.1‘ ; one
load of fancy, $4.15 ; Michigan masers,
$3.95 to $4 ; pigs, $3.50 to $3.60. Sheep and
lambs—Sheep were firm on the choiee kinds
and at the cloee all the offerings were sold ;
lambs, choice to extra were geetble at
$5.40 to $5.80; good to choice, $5 tci$5.40;.
common to fair, $4 to $4.75 ; feeder, $5 to
$5.35. Sheep—Choice to extra ylvethers,
$4.50 to $4.75; good to choice $4.25 to
$4.50; choice to extra mixed, $4.i5 to $4.50.
TORONTO, October 5th,—Cattle, Choice
heavy exporters sold at $4.40 to $450, and
light exporters at $4 to $420 per cwt.
Loads of good butchers' and exPorters,
mixed, sold at $3.75 to $3.90 per owt.
- Choice pickedlots of butchers' cattle, equal
in quality to the best exporters, but not as
heavy, sold at $4 to $4.10 per cwt. ; loads
of good butchers' $360 to $3.70, medium,
' $3.25 to $3.40, common $3 to $3.10, inferior
-$2.75 to $3 per cwt. Milch cows—Eight
cows sold at prices ranging from $25 to $45
each. Good cows scarce and wanted. Heav7
feeders—Ranging from $3.60 to $3.75 per
cwt. for al:lintels weighing from 900 to
1,056 and 1,100 pounds each. Stockers—
Those of inferior quality sold at $2.85, with
$3 for medium and $3.25 to $3.30 for good,
and a few choice lots brought $3.40, but the
bulk were sold at about $3.15 to $3.30.
Sheep—Export sheep were in good demand;
ewes sold at $3 50 to $3 65, and a few select
lots brought $3.65 to $3.75; bucks $2.75.
These prices are per cwt. Lambs—Prices
for lambs were easier'selling at $.2.75_ to
$3.50 each, or $3.75 to $4 per cwt. ' Hogs—
Best selected bacon hogs, weighing not less
than 160 pounds nor more than 220 pounds,
sold at $4.40 to i4.50 per cwt.,light fats
$4 to $4,124, and heavy fats $.25 per cwt.
Toronto Poultry Market.
The receipts to -day were light, there is a
good demand, and the market is steady at
40 to 50e for chickens, 50 to 60o for ducks,
7c for geese, and 10 to Ific for turkeys.
its of
if e of
§HEEP FOR SALE.—For side twelve well-bred
. Leloester Beni Lambs. Apply Lot 9,_Cemoes-
on 4, H.R.0,, Tuokeratitilh. P. Si. CHESNEY.
MEACHER WANTED. --,Wanted *r School Section
No 11, Hay, male or female, second or third
Glees. Pereonal application pref.rr4d. Applications
received up tl I October 21st. D VID hpENCICR,
Secretary Treasurer, St. Joseph P I 1008-2
MO TEACHERS.—Wanted for Union School Seel
Ion No, 16, Howiok and Grey, teacher holding
end or 3rd ntses certificate. Duties to oonnnenee
January, 1899, Applications received up to October
22nd, 1898. Addreso WILLIAM THOMAS, ZKEE,
Moleswerth P. 0., Ontario. I
rno PIG BREEDERS,—The undersigned will keep
1, on Lot 26, Conoession 6, L. R. S, Tuakerenah,
a thoroughbred Cinema WI11114 Pie, also • thorough'
bred Yonneffins Pm.A. limited number of IIOWS will
be admitted to esoh. Terms, $1, payable at the time
of service, or $1.60 if charged. Al,lo a few Chester
White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1606-62
ESTRAY LAMB —Crime into the premised of the
undersign , Lot 16, Concession 7, Bibbed,
about the middle of August, a ewe lamb, on which
there is a private mark. The owner can have the
same on. proving properly and paying *harm.
I OF HURON.—le-the" estate of John Walker. de,
ceased. All person having claims against the estate
of the said deceased, are required on or before the
firtt day of November, 1898, to file the same with the
undersigned, duly verified. After which the said
Executor will istributathe proceeds of the, estate
among the patties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claims of Which notice have been given.
JAMES WALiKER, Executor, Brucefleld P. 0.
-Dated, October 1s1, 1898. B. R. HIGGINS, Con-
veyancer, Ete , Brumfield. . 1605
. ,
1. OF HURON,—In the Estate of John Cowan, de-
ceased. All persons hiving claims against the sitate
of 1 the said deceased, are required on or hetet. the
Slit day of October, 1898. to file the same with; the
undersigned, duly verified, after which the said
Executors will distribute the proceeds of the estate
among the parties entitled thereto, hiving regard
only to the olaims of which notice shall have been
or!, Bayfield Po O. 1Dated,.Ootober 1st, 1898. B.
R1 HIGGINS, COnve) neer, &a, Brumfield. nos
o Miss
Hand -
C. E.
go, -
's par-
. Mr.
YANEGMOND—In Egmondvillo'tin October 3rd,,
Mr. C. R. VanEgmond, aged
45 years
CAMERON—At the residence' of his son- n -law,
Mayor Wiloon, in London, on Septa nberi 26th,
Hon. M. C. Cameron Lieutenant -Governor of ,the
Northwest Territories. aged 67 years.
, aged
s and
ELFORD—In Usborne, on September 22nd,
Matthews, wife-oi Mr. Michael Elford, or,
68 years, 1 m
SOMERVILLE—In Lucknow, on Septenbe
month and 17 days.
James Somerville, aged 72 years, 9 moot
19 dap). • -
FEAR—In Atwood, on September 220,
Fear .formerly of Brussels, aged 2 y
month and 16 days.
MoILWAIN—InrWingham, on September 26th 4Eliza-
bath. wife of Mr. John Schwab, ageM 59 years
and R months.
ANDERSON—At Glenannon, on September 23rd,
Maggie 8,, daughter of Mrs. A. Anderson aged
20 years, llanonths and 16 days.
CRONYN—In Brandon, Manitoba, on September
21st. Charles Cronyn, youngest son of Mr. P.
•Crony!), Goderioh township, aged 26 years and
13 mouths.
COOK—In Ashfield, 12th concession. September 22nd,
Palmer George, infant son of Mr. James Cook,
Luoknow, aged 7 noonths.
5018—At Carnes, Sohix county, Iowa, on October
411), Alex. Moir, sr., aged 77 years,' month and 3
MoGINN—In North I Exeter, on October 3rd, Flor-
once, eldest daughter of the late James McGinn,
I aged 14 years and 7 months.
PAGK—In St. Marys, on September 80th, Harry Bor-
ten Page, aged 2 years, brother of Mrs. H.
Speare, Seaforth,
ars, 1
e have MARKED DOWN OUR PAPERS to a still
loser figure, They were good value before, but now they
J2; .11_ ..R
Le.0.ger for One We01
ive hundred rolls of Heavy Om er Wall Papers, choice
latterns und colors, suitable for ahn st any room, and rega-
1 rly sold at lOe and 121e, for SE EN AND ONE-HALF
Pa • st's BookOore 04
gto yt4.44* Ready for Sa.404ar
COTTON SALE ( F CATTLE.—Mr. James Jones,
I auctioneer, wil 'sell by ' public auction in the
vii age of Dublin, Atli o'clock, on Friday, October
28th, 1398, the folio Ing valuable property, viz :—
TWenty-two 2 -year o d steers, 10 yearling stem, 6
spring calves, 6 yeari ng heifers, 6 oows, °avert or
about to calve at tl e of she; 8 heifers coming
three years old • calve about time of sale;
thoroughbred bu 1 -os f 10 months old, with pedigree;
1 sow with pigs, 1 • w in pig. The steers are a
select lot, fit for dor cattle or good feeders. Any
dairyman or farmer wanting good cows will find
these offered torI sal to be first -oleo. Through -
bred stook.—Tw4 lb roughb red cows from imported
Defiance, 1 thro gh red two year old heifer, all in
calf; 1 thoroog bre, bred bull coming three years,
got ay D. D. W�son s imported " Ranton Rabbis."
A breeding mare in oal to Seagram's thoroughbred
horse. Terms Of s la—Seven months' or 6 per
I cent, discount for ein,h. JOHN licOONNELL,
Propria or ; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1608-3 •
kj AND BOLE EATS.—James 4ones has re -
delved instructions f m Mr. John Wi non to sell
rby public auction on Lot 8, Concessio 10, township
of MoKillop, on To day, October 1 th, 1898, the
following Stook.— s ne brood mare, s pposed to be
in foal ; 1 aged mar ,1 horse three ye re old, 1 filly,
2 cows supposed to be In calf, 1 newly calved crow, 2
steers two years old ,i I two-year-old eller supposed
to be in calf, 1 two4year-old heifer, I yearliogs, 6
spring calves, 10 well bred ewes. mplements.—
One Massey -Harris ax foot-- binder, 1 binder truck,
1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 sharp rake, 1 cultivator, 1
wagon, nearly new ; 1 pair trucks, 1 p ir bobsleighs,
1 cutter, 1 open bugliry, 1 top buggy, early new; 1
set harrows, 1 plow 1 fan mill, 1 coiling box, 1
Massey -Harris pulper, nearly new ; 1 grinding stone,
1 hay rack, forks, rakee, shovels, half an sore bi
roots, and other artioles too ,numerous to mention.
Sale at 1 o'clock. Teims.—All a ms of 95 and under,
cash; over that amount 12 m oths' credit will be
given on furnishing approved joi tootos. A discount
of .6 per cent. off for cash on ere it amounts. No re -
nerve as the farm is rented. J RN WIETERSON,
Proprietor; JAMES JONES, A otioneer for Perth
and Huron. 160811
DIENTS.—Mr. Win. McCoy has received in-
atructions from Thomas F. Eyr to sell by' public
auction on Lot 2, 0 melodeon 1:, Tuokersmith, on
Friday, October 14? , 1898, at o'clock p. in', the
following property viz: Ho s.—One mare five
years old, 1 horse el years old, two-year-old filly,
sired by Joe Anders,n ; 1 road I orse foun years old,
well broken ; 1 bl od sucker. Cattle.--LOne cow,
with calf six weeks • Id •, 1 cow supposed to be in
calf to.a thoroughb bull; 5 h Hers two years old,4
steers one year old, I heifer on year cid, 2 three-
year-old hollers, 1 farrow co , 8 spring mires.
Also a number of hens. Im laments, eto.—One
lumber wagon, no rly new; 1 Noxon seed drill,
combined ; 1 set iro harrows, new plow, No. 21 ;
1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 so bobsleighe, 2 gang
plows, 1 single f rrow plow 1 grindstone, 1
Daisy, churn, 1 set double har elm, sap buckets, 1 I
stone boat, whifflet ees, and ri okyokee and other I
articles too numer us to .ment on. Also a quantity
Of mongol& and t rnip seeds. No reserve, as the
proprietor has give up farming. Terms of sale.—
All sums of 85 and under, cash ; over that amount
6 months' °radii w 11 be giver on approved joint
notes. A discount.15 per cent, per annum will be
allowed off for cash on credit amounts. THOMAS
F. EYRE, Propriet r ; WM, McOLOY, Auctioneer. •
[Money to Loan.
Any amount of inonoy to loan on good farm pro-
perty, at 6 per. cont. per annum, Straight loans,
payments made to suit borrower, satisfooVon guar-
anteed, charges low. At office Friday afternoon and
all day Saturday.
McDonald Block, WInghano:
Money to loin
Any amount on fir
ply to R. S. HAI'
Notic to Oreditors.
t 41 and 5 per cent • per annum.
-ciasel farm land security. Ap-
• Dominion Bank Building, Sea -
Tho creditors o reorge Watt, the younger, late of
the township of 1 ullett in the county of Huron,
farmer, deceased ho died on the, 16th day of Feb-
rusry, 1898, are re Wend on or before the let day of
November, 1898, send to the undersigned Solicitor
for the Exeoutoro f the will of the said George Watt,
tho younger, full articulars of their claims and of
thsecurities (if soy) hold by them, duly verified by
affidavit. After the said date the Executors will
pr oeed to distribute the estate of ' the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having reference
only to the claims of which they shall have received
notice, and after ouch distribution the Executors
will not be accountable for any part of the estate to
an person ct whose claim they shall not have re -
Cie ve+1 notice. This notice Is given pursuant to the
1 st tut° in that bthalf. F. HOLMESTED, Seaforth
P.O., Solicitor to the Executors teatorth, October
3rd, 1898. ,
ard ware Store.
We have a first-elass line of Cook -Stoves
and Heaters. Moffatt's Sieved, -fitted with
steel ovens, are second to none in the mar-
ket, Gurney's ImPerial Range is acknowl-
edged to be the handsomest range and the
beat baker in the rearket
We have a full line of Greening's Steel
Cow Chains and Cattle Irons, the best fix -
tura in the marketi
Give us a
right. ,
call, 3 ou will find olkr prices
•Sill 84. Murdie
Counter's Od Stand, Seaforth.
Fall is
The Hoffman Stock of
eneral - Dr
To be Cleared in 30
More par4cu1ars later on re how the busiaess will be
conduced under ,the new firm name. The Hoffman stock
, I
must be cleaiq. with a bound. I
And it suggests. the need of new and
seasonable, foot covering. We
have been planning on this all
summer, and now show the most
co,mplet& line of footwear ever
placed Ili display in Seaforth.
Knowin ijust what to buy and
where o buy it, has been the
means f filling our store with all
that is 1 test and best in the she
In Ladies'
ford Sh
ways in
Misses' a
the litt
sloes a
agents for the cele
Shoes at $3, $4 an
We also carry che
ranging in price fro
$2.50 a pair. In fa
this fall erabracei eve
in a first-class shoe st
13_ S1ZE
ANE}REWS, Manager.
0..• ••
• -&
•r -
True to Nature and beauti al in effect
are Prof' borenwend's H ir 00c10.
He will be in SEAFORT11, atj the
dies' a
and shaaes. . Everythingt, new
and -upl.to date. His fall styles this
xcel all previous efforts. Come
to his show ronms and see. Styles
tried onL, and ad4ice, as to what is mostJ
becoming, and how to retain beautiful
hair, giten free of Charge. Be early to
avoid oVercrowding. THE DORENYrEND CO., Limited, Toronto.
1j" Out hailr taken in exchange, or cash paid for it. White and gray shades
wanted ParticulOy. Remember, at he Commercial Rotel, on Wednesday,
Octobe 19th. ' I
oetwear we show Borne
e lines of walking shoes,
ave already had a large
.test styles of Ladies' Ox -
ea and Strap Slippers al -
stock. 1
d "Children's Footwear, We
airy the latest styles for
e folks, Serviceable ichool
n'S Footwear, we are Ole
rated, Slater
$5 a pair.
per goods,
$1,25 to
t, our stock
y thing found
ercial ; Hotel, on Wedn.04.4,
r 19th, with all ki7ds or 1,4-
d Gent's hair goods styles in
Toupees, Bangs, Switche&--
curly and stiaight, 1 in
W, Pickard & fl
Stock Complete
Dress 'Goods.
Amongst our new arrivals, we might
mention that we have some very pretty
effects in Dress Goods, especially in
Amazops, Poplins, Velours, Henriettas
and WOo1Satan , in black and colors.
We ar showin rich effects in Bro-
cades, tripes, Oiecks, Plains and Fan-
cies i Swiss, [Italian and Japanese
Black Bilks,
A f 1 rangetof Peau de SoleiBro-
cades, Countess!, Bengaline, Taffetas
and S rahs.
In L es' Coats
Our range will be found more than
•usuall3 complete. A notable feature
among t them being the durability of
the clpths used this season. Whilst
the Trimmings are ,.uneommonly neat
and effective.,
In Ladies nd Gents Underwear
A full range from the lowest to the
befitgrades in the market.
01) thing to Order.
We have engaged the services of Mr.
Harry Speare, so well and popularly
knowas a first-class tailor, to superin-
tend this department.
Reliability of Cloths
Trimmings, Fit and Finish of the
highest order we guarantee to buyers
of our Ordered Clothing, See our
Suit to order at $12. Scotch Tweeds
to order at $15._
A Splendid Range of Fancy Wor-
sted Effeets °
At $16 and $17.
Black Worsteds and Serges
From $15 to $20.
The Millinery Department
Is now in full blast. Miss Sheppard
finds difficulty in getting out work for
the Openings, so many orders are eom-
ing in.
Readymade Clothing
In stock was never in as good shape
to eater to the public taste: We can
fit any shape—man or boy—from the
smallest to the largest, and we will do
it at the smallest possible margin on
Fur Goods -
Are fast corning to hand. We guar-
antee in this department the largest
1 and best range ever shown in Seaforth.
Carpet Department complete.
latrWe Cordially invite inspection of OUT large and varied stock.
111 FALL
Tuisda & WedneOday, & 5.
We are preparing some special lines for the above d ys. It will pay you to
come i and learn more about this store and the way busineSir is conduaed
here. Bo
of doing business. , ,
ying for cash and selling for cash is well known the! only up-toI
4 -date
Special for Show Days,
D ess Goods, new lines, at
Winery in Sailors or Tri
accust med to pay.
Ladi4 Mantles,—We pay
styles and values shown this se
$7, $10 and $14. No better r
Fur Coats and Fur Capes a
Gloves.—Some special nu
Sherey's Read -to -wear Clot
larWe will be glad to see you.
90c, 25c, 30c, 75c and $1 a yard.
flied Hato at prices lower than you have been
special attention to Mantles and Capes, and the
on are really good. Prices 83.50, $4.50, $5
nge can be found in the county.
d Fur Lined Capes in all the newest effects.
bers in Black Cashmere Gloves for sh-oW4da.ys.
ing cheaper and better than ever.
Auction Sale
Thee will be sol
That spl;ndid farm
late Saw el Corncob
22, Oone salon 3, H.
100 scree of which
which is nculled hase
brick ho , large ba
and all other necesea
firet-cla condition
county o Huron.
It mus be sold to
Teems —Ten per c
the day f sale, the
I. P. RI
4 by public auction at the
CTOBER 29th, 139,
belonging to the estate of the
n, Jr., being composed of Lot
R. S., Tuokersmitb, containing
II Is cleared except 16 *errs
d wood buil). There is a good
k barn with stone stabling,
ry buildings. The term is In
nd Is one of the best in the
wind up the estate.
cut. of the purchase money on
lance in 30 days.
West rn Advertiser
Only 6eventy.five Gents
January 1st, 1900.
Now is the time to subscribe for the
best Weekly Paper published in
, Write:for our low clubbing offers.
Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Streets.
eliteco Store.
. *mosmilm .
Our trade is increasing in a Wonderful way; but it is not a hard problem
to so ve why this increases.. Its knd old story that price and fair honest dealing
will le sure tO come on top. We make one price to all, and that price is the
close4t that can !be given,' We try to give the most satisfactory and stylish
goodl, orlIstant with the price. '
1 1
Anything in the following lines will be found extra good values
silk from 40c to $1.50 in the newest
design and cofloring. Our Trimmings
of Braids, Gimps, Jets, etc., will be
found cheap and fashionable.
25c t
Blues, Greens i Dove Grays, etc.„ frora
25c io
$1 per yard. _
Goods Department.
Crepons, from 50c to $2 per
Black Figures, from 20c to
er yard. Black Serges, from
per yard. Black Cashmeres,
20 to $1.50 per yard. New
go,. from $3 to $10 per suit.
s, fiona 25c to $1 per yard. A
range of Plain Colors in Cadet
nde ear Department.
L 'es' ests, at 16c, 19c, 25; 36e,
50c, 65c, 72c,. 85c, $1, $1.215 and
$1.50. Combination Underwear in, all
sizes of children's and ladies', b th in
Uni en and All Wool. Men's nder-
wen is a big business with mli, from
50c o $4 per suit.
fall sto k of Berlin and Fancy
Wo Is, price 0c per ounce,
gent for Butteriek's Patterns and
De neator.
Silks and Trimmings.
ur .stodi in this department is full
compl te. Any lady , wanting a
Silk Waist; can Proeure ,a good
Flannella Blankets from 65c to
$1.25. Flannelettes, from 5ie to 15;
imported. Cottons, from 3c up.
White Cotton, from Sc up. Specials.
in Table Linens Towelings, Shirtings
and Wrappereth!s.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
For Fall and Winter. It will be
worth your while to drop in and see
these. Prices from $1 to $2.50. Fit
Angola Cloth Wrappers,
In elegant designs and good styles.
These goods are made heavy for Fall
and Winter, with lined sleeves and
waist, prices from $1.25 to $2.75.
Come in and examine these lines.
Ask to see our Wool Hose at iSo,
19e and 25e. Also our line of Corsets
at 50c.
A full line of Children's Eider Coats,
Pretty goods for the little folks.
Under Town Clock
Pentcost's one Price Cash Store
Cardno's BlocK