HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-10-07, Page 3F -- / . . P BICE HE - . - i RTANT NOTIOB& - T SMC1' IN(3 LAMP. _ � I t ARI Q SPI S• . i A Time Honored In titre on o! the Sritfds ` � ' � Ia Bir'!fiY Fil3TDii O Li7elki at S per aentA, ley I — f i �y� pp i I - • care saviesr. i . AVH; s IIAyo,, ` In brink Building, fiesforth and Am i ! 1 , v r, TIEY KE TA4e AN EVERYSTFtANtdEFi One of lihe time ono institutions o! : - 1 i ; M E FRENCH CAPITAL. • the American and Brits navles is the, . "�`� ; n asx! tsrvi'zoial Lend ; Y smoking lamp. itho t the smoking ,_ ' ' at uittss a Mas .. )do� .baa thoAssools, oo ai t3niarioM,AY ' y Ihtblin, tTatsttio. 1x6 61 •r• an Eorr Von Glc, Who Yan Me•t ]amp the moderns to an would be like ' e fish.out of writer. He cold mutiny, trris i and Ev n :ghat 'You i3ay fir• Ali Rye•• failure b the galley c k to light the ' � a O i33iltY AT fa lit t3FI+7.�-A lama amount of It at rrioney his hese pI ed In Wds to lend to .t corded a Pone*,Sead wlrters--How the emokiri lam Wlt out he 'lOSB of a see- R my I g P suit the borrower. t s n van I ; - r a ST 'elf tsrsnor#,insumitand on terms to f• ouobh rd" Works. , i and s time after th wor has been given aPvlr ,Llama, Barrister, se o'rth. La arouses Jacks tom or, and whatever tm- I I, l: P 0 1578-tt . .. I - i More ou jous than all its 6 xange call- 9ted-stook of invocf� ves a is possessed of ' I tIt38E RENT.—Brick hones on West street i ge and i s strong® customs is the police is made cattle with pro ptitude and eut- . to rent, containin nine roosts; hard and soft stem in axis. livery hotel rust keep a phasis, � water, i cellar and two lots. Apply x4 N. - . ., r glster of all foreigners and hand it over To landsmen men the ent on of a smoking i fir ! e irirr.A�ri 1 d�°�� 1i JSCOBB, Seatorth. 18 d sly: to a spoaial oifloors who .are sent lamp has ino mora si nifl encs than amen- � �N �,,. EMD'. � � =i �' your cloth - r, for- Summer ,tile first cold i gine of Fall. small, witlle better than , II lii elleSe 4Y I{ PRICE. 18 . ��T • ,il y desirable ,' Furniture. termine that . the repo, tlr ptuchme- i -made you'll ire out of the - In fact we �ou will Coil tyle iv -f- have •date, with R s. We have I end free of ? t attention. Imes, Goder- - No s:iortineut , it 'don't, t ,e have it, which we w goads. 'f ranges, H stoves, --- i --_- ------ , t1$ BZATTLZ, t71',:k •K the Settees IXarisdctt 'urt N �� : around to oolleot them, In the case of the tion of the Jaok-o -the Dust. But both lY A I. FIU4NKLINC'onnty'Commissioner, of Hatroa Oon•English 6r American citizen little interest uw a noceseary par of he equipment of vej�arrj r, Land, Loan and Insuisuge Agent. Funds 9 - 'taken unless their expenditure is no- any warshhip, be rib rate or fourth I � i and to Ivan. Omor-Over $ i POBIIIVely 8 ehelJ9 7 i rim. Yea stress, 8esforib, i� I = a f , _ t ooably extravagant, and then a friendly rate. Upon the ski g lamp the orew,— , _ lutale Pi le• I. I i tarest is taken in them Wand their de- including; that mys rio s adjunct of the _ I , ARK To BENT. --The undersigned will leave for i �� relieve bis fmm Ay�spq*bv ription sent to Scotland Yard. paymaster's departs ant, Jack -of -the -Dust, � i ; . . , a term of five years his 200 sero form, being It is almost impossible to conceive the_ de end fn- n li ht f r th !r piper. Jack-of- crth half Lot 23, Conoesaion 6, Morrie, 1 t miles Indigestion and Too H Eating. A per- Po P g P p j b of I3ru.asis sptondid l�utidingr, none more cd for Dizzlne s Nstu Drowd• t oroughnees of the Fre ch police spy oys- the -Dust divas dow in thedepthe of the A high-grade illustrated. weekly magazine, equal in tone and f sort p ; t� fico '' g P pry p g, , convent its aha township; land in condition � m, You never know ho is a -moochers hold and tris s u the a lu w3aioh one of the best stock farms in Morrie, Plenty of wa-ried, !, Bald Taste in the M. , Coated Tongue Franoe. The waiter who serves you, p being out; into bits red bled between11 gr, goarrei in rough pasture gram, all stop eta- rt lit the Sidc,'T,4RPI I.IV>rR+ character to the best Of thO -monthlies. In addition to the best bffn , lb. aorta of fsa.I wheat -in. Apply to W, iNN.'litl,Zai' t e man who shaves you, the cocher who the handp, is put i to pipe and Stud at I 1 Oars age Works, hrusseia, isi)7Y8 ulate rile Bowels. �' ; T Vegetable. ives you, Are A's likely as not to be in the the smoking lamp. i ' police pay. They know everything, and The need for the sm king lamp arises O�iglnal matter oblta.lnaWd,i the POST Will present +vacli week the I TL<'ACHI:RS 4rAl T +'D limed Ills m611 Q0"I they know everybody. Hare is an instance ;from the necessity f g arding the ship to Q Y y � � sms1�1� !sr Obs that urrod to a friend of mine only the the utmost from',d g of fire. Preoau- b St tri the new! rlodi alS and books of the world. It MO TEACHERS. —� Teacher wanted. for Union otber�j ay. He received from the prefecture tions *hioh mom r die1�lour and unnows- shoot 8eotioe No. 16, Iiowtck, male or tamale, ��ubsti utiOn. third class statin seta Applications an ors to appear on the iollowipg day. ;fiery to a landama haaJve been Bund b�► vaill aim to be to conteraparary literature W�at a halon exhibit iS ,second or, p ., . rgoeivaad up till October the let. J9 N RENWICK, 13o itis as he knew, he had done nothing sad experience to b� absolutely secessary tihel frtlud of 1119 da I liecf,$Ary, Lakelet P. O. 16 3x4 �' part a laxly out of the way, and even if he Ion board a ship of - I ar.f The navfal regi;- to art brim i c�t c � ether h e choicest bits sof literature from all had he had done its u -intentionally. The I lotions provide seR p ishmen for any r b b b . . O TEACHERS. Taro teachers wanted, for school See you get �a ter S, magistrate invited lire into his private seaman eau ht with s m tohos on his per- _ section No. 2, Usborne. Male to bet holder g ,modern sources d gI�iTin them a deserv6d place together, on of let or 2nd class certificate. ` Female to be holder j .a room and put him this ansa at once by son, �bitld it hav been proved by the at 2isd or 3rd alas aertiecate. Duties to hegtn let + explaining that the flair did not concern . SPaniah board of i guiry that tit's Bailors - � , Jsmus►ry,1899. Pergonal application preferred. Ap- Ask for Carter s, him personally,'but ho wanted some.tn of the Maine had mean guilty of parrying the line." e have `the literary resources �IIiitsations received until October 8th. ANDREW I P I EDGERT, Secretary Treasurer, Farquhar P. O., formation on two; or, three of the .English I matches about with them they would have ' Ontario. lemsx4. i "Insist and dem nd colony with wbom3 be was associated, he been justified by n vel experts the world I of the World to draw upon. The est answers were perf� ctly satisfactory, and in over in daolaring 11at,the deotrMotion of . EACHER WANTED. --For school section No. 2, , , leaving be turned to the magistrate find the Maine was duo to the carei6ssness and ! r ,-=z McKillop, male or female. Applications, with arter,s Little Iver Pills, w, 1.writers Ot the . WOS Id are practically a tostimaniais. received until let of October. Duties . �' said laughingly, Now, why dont you lack of disoiplino o board. r to begin on :et of January, D99, SAMUEL DOR. F ask nue sometbing' about myself?" "But Such ' was not he ase, he, ever. No L RANCE, Constance P. O. 1604x4 ; 'know all about ypu, "he replied. "Would sailor o the Main ca led m tches. He � retained corps Of contribu t ors. �t WOuIC� . you like to know what you did on any lit his > Pipe at the smoking la p, and he STOCK FOR SALE. Seaforth Dy Works.. particular day gvithtn the last three only smoked durin those ti m a that the - be 'impossible for any magazine, no mater months?,,. smoking lamp was lit, He nw, er dared to A. .;, k _ ;� OR SALE.—The underskned has for sale 6 Short- •t " ' - 6otn tulle 6t for service ; a number of $bort- GD o11r Cl©trhes Mailed and , My friend reRl4ed at random: i Take go bele decks with a ightad ice. If he � f, ho boundless its wealth to obtain, jar A ' '�_ horn Bows fi red heifers ; a sew Leteester shearlings , l last Friday we0lL ; I haven't. the remotest had, .Tia my Legs oul have ad him aft . and 2 ocd Bound nun workln Q r D ein do a at '1101rie. a as to what ha ned." at the stick, an th execs ive officer and ram latnLs , g y g b 11 g knowledg PPO - a mares. Prices and terms to isuit purchasers. The magistrate turned over his dossier would have d'epriv d l#im of bore leave OIg•rial meter, the wealth of literature Vve have tC? DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. ( 1647 I ' - 1. T T land replied: ``Y04 got, house at half past 9 for a month at lea t. URHAM BULL FOR SALE. The andetsi reed i +. NIC L� f in a cab that you had taken at the Made- The smoking 1 p I# cons Hated upon * offer week y The handsome 1llllStratlollS 1n t ;e R hoe for tale a thoroughb ed Durham buil lino. Yon rode ou on your bieyelp at lialf the same lines as a lantern, b t the globe Y• I • ,ble for registration aged 28 months, color red 0� the Seaforth Dye Works; is pre- et 9. You lunoh�d at the Cafe de 1'E per- is mayiel of shoat it n instead o glass. In POST re Oi*I ltlal. H . Pa . YA TER-' g ©. MES T reasonable. JA + i�rms hole !red white. `T re t untl SON, lot 25, concession 1, ]�. $ I s., Tuokerensith,f r i p0' - encs.' And so on throughout the d-,}� he the sid� there is a mall °i in J. � . Brucefield P. O. . i ,, Ir>Iso tt 16a I and Press 1 thes and -Dye recounted everything that had paaW& 1 through whioh..7a k m y stick, his pipe introduce It Zito your -family, It will be mailed I � There. was no,reason to have made the in- i order to catch the lams. It is ttie duty of To IGS FOR SAL19 AND FORD SERVICX— The'. k t I __ nndergtgned,. breeder of Large English Berk• tall�sInde in flnt•olasp s la �d at very reaeonsble�� there was not the slightest mark the ship s cook or ne yti his 8ssistanta to solo boars find Bowe to isrrow, He will, es 'Ladies' dr a9ca oa be dyed it desired with- , on hie dossier, but it suited the police to light the lamp when n thle word is given by every week fro � now t0 Janu ry I, I o99, H receipt 01_,.. ebirea,bas tar rio 0 , f rvi the stook boar " King' Lee" t -b I i ed A trial s lletted and ali work- knnvy just how be passed his time, the proper officer who is generally the also Veep or M ce , Qu a n8 r pp , , sErehowd from Yr. George Green, of Fairview,; Narrantod to give satietact on. Garments made to A Casserole—that is to say, 'a mouchard chief bo tswain's ' ate.- - He in turn gets I - . sttd;wlnner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term; took oesirly as good as new, Works and residence on . -41 payable at the time -of service with the Privilege s 13oderieh Street, eget of in treet, and nearly op, —who has by some indisal•otid flet- his'a n- i his ors -g Dram the officer of the deck.— hvku xtiaggif nseeuar�•, it booked 11.60, JAMES osite`:st. James' Chureb neotion with th4 police become known ttind Pittsb g Dispatch. . I OSRANCE, Lot" 28, Conoeeetaja 5, 4dollillop, ass• H. I�iI KLE, 13eaforth. 1s accordingly valueless once told ma a Si�V=f of crab P. O, 14e5'S2 . - lot about the working of the system. I 1 When tap Y ears End. I ib98.12 + hi th t it seemeki to $ h t D th Jluli- iONtY TEN SP Stamps STOCK TOR SE' VICIE. ' bad pointed Out to m a In 15 2, in t e rranlgemen o e { , i me thoroughly impossible that I obuki an calendar, ten ys `!vere dropped sb se 1 ►t have my'footstepi dogged during a wlole to get things rnn ing� on the then new k OAR FOR SERVICE —T e , undersigned will ff he re ular subscti as is $s• O Per Year) D . keep for seruiGe on Lo 26, Conoeesion 4, day without becoming awaro of the act. but the b sis of- calculating ti e. I P t3taaleg, atlSoroughbred Cheats white boar= Terme— ��caural RW Lal? He answered: "Naturally. This, for in- So as is keep thin 's running right it -was gt, payable at the time of servl s, with the privilege stance, is how I should have acted ii I had determined that a year ending a century - of returning if necessary. JO V. DIEHL. • wanted to find -out all abou your move- should �Ot be bise tile, except every fourth ` I 169 0 Follow'Proper Feed g manta When you left this case, I should century: 'Thus there was no leap year in THE (; Ri'IS PU$LTSINGOMP�I►Y, Pbilaelpu ULL FOR SEgVICE.,-o undersigned will _ have followed you until such time as I 1700, 1800 or 1900- It is, or at least was, I ` i Y Roxboro � i i ed tl t wma at your h t lads ho have s e - J" keep for service on h a It em see a ere no wi a knew yogi had •not o 1a rather i' ug on Ilhe e" w P . a thoroughbred Durham but Terme, ltt ; it p:ici dfiversit of a i- heels. Then I should bade pasesd. the offal advantages ink leaps year. The ladies 11 `A, hetero January, 1899, or 11.261'• afterwards. JOHN - y . _: � 3Ci)TT. _ ' 1671 -ti �}ion about What signal."' "To whoop" I suggested. "Have get .left' ;again in 1900'; but, though than® V -111, I�r cJons.titute a *! you ever noticed," he said, "that around will no ' bo man of those who neo 1900 I 1�OAR FOA SERVICE.—The undersigned will all the bi Cafes there are`, men offering who wi see 2000 the flatter year, ending jj keep ''ot service On Lot 84, Concession 4, Tuck- OOd COW but g ' ersnnith, s thoroughbred Chester white Boar, f lions about a novels out of sato, but who aro always a court century, ill be a leap year. In purchased Doom H. George Sona, Crompton, scanning closely the faraea Of those on the this wa three da s aro retrenched in four 1. Middlesex ,;.Iunty. Teams -$1, payable at time of beneficial e$e is ter. ages? Well, I should have passed the centuri s, and tb re) gaining seven days i strvice, with privilege of returning if necessary. . .resulting from sign 1 on to one f those men. He would ' will be ado up ! a little over 800 years. - JOHN W. ROUTLEhGE. 1640-tt a use of hav followed you in a cab, if necessa► rya Actor t at eaten r yoga will be like solar � R;�Jackson Say le C rocker n seem ou enter a cafe would have Ears a d future rro !n the calculation 81alight-cr W AKwORTH BOAR Fozi SALE AND FOR f1ER• and g y y , I • I ' s of selling wares 1 Cur' no ore. i .. Th d treed will lees for service soil ed on the preten e g of timer coil occur VICE.— a un er. g p� (� O as the Bruoefield Obesse Factory, a AhoroughbrA , .L i C S end andel you on to snottier of the band, The l sa of lea ye will 1n thousands - Tamworth hoar Kith regletored pedigree. asrme, _ . #1; pssyable at time of eervtoe with pdvilego of'ra. f• And -so it would have gone on, of yea affect th ee sons, but I suppose �'j;ON• j ty Days brning tt necessary. Alco s.number of thorough• B� oQd P �' l 11� " iter all, are the French police wrong? the ma emattela is o�j the centuries hence tired your Tamworth Boars and Bows for sale. f The foreigner comes here and inscribes his will be so flip i hsudling figures and Dinr= Imrouftms ole; 11 GQZr� 9r� off" the Next Tt�,2'j HU6fH No(ARTN EY, BruoeHeld. 1401i•tf `�j — __-__—__ � _ i name at the preteoture of police. We;aro making calculati na .'that they will have J "'`��' I I YwOxTH PIG -FOA SERVICE,—The ander• • I as atonic, appet- ° not ike you in England. ! We baro onl no diffiqulty in k epi g things going cos- ales Robin k Co's Brandy, Cognac, signed has for service on lot 82, concession s, ' i Ler; blood puri-. . just enough money for our own poor, An , reotly. Washin n Star. France • ,7no. de Kuyper &Son; Hol - McKillop, a thcrobred Tamworth pig, to which a p we o not encourage the okit of works of land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; 1 fimitea! number of rows will be: taken. rht. ie fire sic -r anti aid to ,it Ai1d a cod assortment to )loos© from, which ,we ask the orld to come bore. �teither .do we Under o o liganone. Booth's Tom dint London, England ; g extra cod pig sri'd breeders find it advantageous to • orom fheir berkshfre sows with this breed of pig• thorough diges- wan to harbor criminals Accordingly �� shave yourael , s! ,don't you?" said • Bulloch 4 Co.'e Scotch Whisky, Glas- � you to inspect_ for yourself before purchasing elsewhere. Terms 11, with privilege of returning if necessary. ficin for cows, the Pollee trace the man, fid if they find barber who was rim Ing the hair of a gow, Scotland ; Jamieson a Irish � No trouble to show goods. . JOHN MoMILLAN 1505xtf that he is honorably ea his existence 'Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port ' sbeepare-horses E custoTer. Dinner Set, 104 pieces, X5.50 ; Dinner Set, 97 pieces, ' ALL+'. hen t!ic are he i left in lienee, but if thbre Is a shadow "Yes,„ replied the customer. "How and Sherry Nine from France and HEAL ESTATE FOR $ w y - g p Spain, g 4, 5Q ' Printed Tf a Set 44 pieces, $1.; .• China Tea of suspicionAgainsthim is dossie �� did you know?" Agents for Walkers Whisks i � � ' p ' > - NICE RESIDENCE IN HENSALLFOR SALE. put on d:y fed-i� heavier every day, and oe morning I Wa 1, rowels the barber, I know I t Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie I. het, 44 pieces, ; ironstone Tea Set, pieces, For sale cheap, a neat, comfortable and weir• der in t.ie hall. If a silts the or ar_s flnd tbat>.ha has 48 hours i which to quit haven ver shay y u, and I do some- Ale and Porter, Toronto. i i X1,75 ; handsome 10 piece Toilet Set,-- 4 to J niched two storey brick house in Hensatl, and two the eountry. It is owing! to this systoTil Ames im your air. Besides: that I think ' I Printed 10 piece Toilet Set, $1.50 to $2 ; Children's G rood dote. Rho house 1a 31x27, and a kitchen 18x16 ; of t!Z. stomach to extract all the n sand ever than cons rete. Apply uts that the police find it coo iaratively easy j D. THE PUBL/G , pieces Toilet Set, $1 ; White 8 piece Toilet Set, $1,50. all oonvenie ee S g p Pp• nutriment from tli food and a bar r would do Ia 1 the better ob than G. J. SUTHERLAND, or the owner on the promises, p to arrest Criminals. The vilest Clogs of „' I lsm•4 them i>a cod you see to do. I andsome Lam a from1 to ;$2 laanc Water Sots JOHN KEMP: � g ruffian and the ppinted women you mean "Ver likely."'_ We have opened a retail store- in P r ! y ' Ir strop hr:,l- } in the night cafes are all useful, the wan; ,��ye� have pretty and work making a connection with our wholesale buss- pieces, assorted colors, 81 ; Droller Plates, f10C per ARR TO RENT.—To rent for a toren of 6 years, [� S alt i t Rand the east half of Lot b, th condition especially. Your own servant map b!e living i every pian was like you," pnr- business in the rear of the new Do-OzBp Soup Plates, 503 per dozen ; Tea Plates, 44C P the west b o Lo 3 , 33, on the 4th Concession cf McHillop. The faun f + ' r spying on you. Your concierge Certainly+ sued th barber after clipping and ani minion Bank, in Good old stand, forthes vin ,� . PP g p er dozen ; Cupa and Saueera, best white stol�ewear, contains �1�o acres and' is in a good state of out- FI I . 1 P g !e, !n a f w momenta n silence, whelre we will sell the bast goods in : p tivrFtion. Thera is a good' frame house and barn. i� ,s X,i.JC p8.r (IOZAn and m8II other 11nBa Of FaX1C ihI?la, d and lent of cod water. Eleven 0 !4 time. He hesitated for a minute and then said ' P " Per ape " the market at bottom prices: Goods y A goad eschar plenty F to me in a semiwhispor, "Watch that gen- ��y o 're in buaine�s, ain't you?" delivered to any part of the town crockery and Glassware, at suprising- low prices. cares of toll wheat sown. Convenient to markets 1 A, ?�,e.,A and schools. Pcsset,slon at any tire. App) on the t,'.,,x . tleman in front with the ribbon of the Le- "Yes , fret. remises or to MRS. JULIA MOMILLAN, �te 6x�th �� Fecept"that n o1~ Honor in his buttonhole." I look- <, W©li, s' nae no barbers ever bought s =� _ at him, but nothing partianlar, P TELEPHONE II. 11x18-tf , anythin of you,, how would you like • ROPERTY IN HARLOCK FOR SALE,—For sale h9 seemed very Intent ls brio that?" Stock f"j GroEl_(11 /�'Q1j�' %i (�That a a mooch , uld make much For errs a ear eve halve had the a ensy for aha rata of 1 L 'i✓V P cheap the site at Harloek on which the black- newspaper. I do t thin it 1 wo y smith shop and etore were located. It is situated., on Conti "I'm prepared to bet he baa diiierenc ," rejol ed the customer. "My INDAPO, our first order was for a quarter of a dozen, . I o o• LES I i0.. i DICE( i CO., „ our last for Oat tiandred and Forty-four Dollars worth. lot 6, Coneesaton 12, Hullett; Is immediately pp LEEIIC G, IIII heard eve word that has Assad. It yoU site the School House, in the centre of a rich farming A e to Montreal. Proprietors, every P business s aellingl pipe Organa. - TRUEMOK ae "Will be found as complete as any house in the trade. country, and is admirably adapted for bualnege pur- T I had eyed him as closely as I have, you And the -barb fi�Iisbed the job in si 4ISTER90. e. There is one quarter core, planted with choice would have noticed that he has been loop - lenco.—youth's om anion. A ago Still : giving 21 potll ds �f Redpath's Extra Standard 4rnit trees,. also a large sable and driving house and in at the same paragraph for over an Made a W�1� I Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 2 pounds of Black, C=Teen- or good well.. This property will be sold cheap. Apply 25 cents and 50 conts a package, . g „ ' hour. The man paid lox hie clrinl and Mal pg Japan Tea, for 25c, giving extra stitisfaction • still some to SAMUEL REID, Brucerield P. O., or JANIES , An Inters pteId 1p'llrtation. � -- WATSON, $eaforth. 3607-tf i � want out. Neat, morning I suppose his A neaz�sighted, baghful youth, whose y $:s i I' of that �ood Laundry`Soap, regular 5e a bar, zloty 'I bars a of b6 acres # No ice to C'ntraetors• report was son°t in. ,father ie a wall no n commission mer- �* for 25c• , Toilet So ps at equally reduced prices ; 3 1 �/ (� NCII purchase a floe farm The ruses of these men In finding ell t (800 in Goderloh toweship. There is a ISEALE TENDERS will Ibe received by the un- �, „ chant in Pincinn4ti, while walking along I c d ick house and :tame barn and eplendld d rsi reed up to 0 o'aloek p9 m., on November let, persons who are wanted have no 11mit. Fourth a eat dimly discerned a young �0 a i Cans Red Salmon fo 2be; 3 Boxes NO 1 Matches for orchard. It is close to the village of Bayfield and 1 m for tic building of a Wick church in Belgrave Only the other day the English police h d INDAPO r i 25c ; 3 Good Scrub rushes for 25e. convenient to Clinton. Terms, easy. Also money daring th summer of 1899. Plane and epociflcatione lady acro s the atiee whns0 face he could T,tE oBeaT sent over the description of a man th y i i Give me a c 11 if you want an thiil in the to loan at lowest rates- Apply to WILLIAM SCOTT, ay be fiefs at D. Sproat's s�re, Belgrave. Tenders not diad giiAsh, ut hOBe figure Was a0 H I N DOO RE M L DY dr' g Bruceileld. i 1607.8 ay be fed thG whole or parts of the work: The would like to put in the dock.', As O striking that for m ment his bashfulness r$ODIIOEa xn$ anOVA 0 _ 1 west or any tender not necessarily accepted, spoke French without the slightest accent, Results in 80dave. (lure$ i aboVd lines. vanished He de r fined to indulge in a .1i Nervous Diseases. FailingMefmorr - N Highest Market Prices for Butter, Eggs and ARM FOR SALE.—Forelde, Lot 6. Concession 6, I�ILLIAM WI HTMAN, and as it was certain that be would be Paresis tsleepleseue•s, Niahtlr Emie- P Hullett, neat village of Iiinburn,; containing $ cretary of Committee. disguised Out o1 all reoogiiltion the task mild flirt tion. itt mincing step he fol- ,lone, elo., caused by past abueeal, gives i1 cleared and in a rood state of 1606x4 ' lowed, a d when ` neij�rly up to her, fortu- vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quio l but POtatOea. about 100 acres, a 6 cultivation.. There are good , builinga, good orchard was a difficult one. One afternoon tVvo of natel f his las he dro ed her ara- assets restores Lost ent p ho d to old or yore& ares plenty of excellent water. This fs a splendid these eteetives LloticCd a Well drQSsed y P ' PP P Easily ca ted is vest pookt• Price X1.00 s sokage, farm and w[it be sold cheap. Immediate possession. (°� man 7�d gus acted him. One of therm took sol. In a jiffy a piked it up and, rats- Six for �u� Dox T B y Iult TI x bu IF E A 1 to iiiltS. SCHOALI S, Constance P. O. 'h a Rush I St I � I `+� o n- � P Ing his hat, was bo t to present it with a Insist on having INDAPO. iii lour drnggistii as ' Apply 5 off his overcoat and hung it up aiaio by Ci4the 1807 stammering spa h, when the young lady of it, 'we will send it prephid- . I !ABE, t 1 it U e s at the - side with his. A few minutes lateii they ittfavao at;iasnx co., Frupr., Chtasgc, OL; oa} ►r amu+ I I I T Iexclaimed : This rapid increase proves It is s remedy #bat ivvtryoae M . • got ;ftp to leave, and the wrong coat was „why, George !s �at youP" • Who tries it speaks weii of. Yours neppeec�ttful�y, , F WJFO MCC I pub on. .In the most fluent and polite jIye-yes, Susi Won't you have come I. V. �Ea, Seafortb, Oat. I • . I W. ■W,��`®�Fr nab the suspected man pointed out the soda?" i Seafforth Tea Store. $r. The mouohard took it � and. ' ran saw She accepted, and this was thaSrst time E A � O R °l' H , loojred at the name of the make in many a day G orge had sbown himself that it was. a London firm- `-'hey had so gallant to h! sis�er.---Cincinnati En � � ��a � s `i ; . 11% . a Fire and Life Insurance Agent, Houses to rust Another Chance for found their man.-= Today . �, gnirer. yy� Ren vator Dealer in the Qui er �1 e 1 Estate Agent. 7)e System Rent Rea . , g I ENx-I RAYMOND and WjiiTE fti,mily and mann- great B rgalns. Lovin Care.facturng Sewing 1ltachnes. All kind of OIn a Penny Bob a oeless Book. D OTHER -- be Chautauqua Assembly Herald re- A wo kingzI a, p rebased for a penny Sewing Machine repaired. Charges — 1 bout one thousand Fruit Gems still in Is s the following amusing Incident: an aged lo volume bearing date of TE$7�D �.� ���s• i �` moderato, I sto'ek, in all the Aifferent sizes. Also Miss Burton was trying to develop the 1640. Tie main ie to road it, but threw A specific and antid to for Im ur8, Weak and Im Arent fur the .. „ .. ale ,1090 a f' li stoeli of ell kinds of Fresh p p y g , overiahed Blood, D cuspate, Speoplpseness, Pal ta- v A id a of loving care in tier Sunday school u the Item t a pa esti in die ust and p 1 P6 g AA� p �+ Gr series, We afire still giving Crock- : cl es, To illustrate the- idea she asked, the volume was role aced to the cupboard. slop o! the Heart, Liver Complatnt, Neuralgia, Lose I / WHITE AND GODS f'�N I716DYC E . p of Memory,Bronchitis conaum,pption, Gall �tonoa j er� and Glassware away down in hat does mother do 'for grandma?" A fries of his trap on�c to leo the book Jaundice, and Urinary Diseases, eb 3Vtitus' � - DELIGHTFUL CIGAR . First -Class Wheels in Every Respect. i prjce. There is no use of me C. quoting "*akes her work," sl,}ot ted a youngster• and too it to th Biitishl museum author- Dance, Female Irtegs#larieier find General D i y I � �• { I ,Fr es, ae the bottom has dropped out The visitors were convulsed, but Masa ' Ities, w e pram fly made an offer of £90, LABORATORY --G' erich, Ontsrlo. friend o'1r' �-R-10IM ' -- 1RTLG-HT' I of every line of goods. Burton rose to the occasIob and pointed a : the highest stem the lib arias Ia allowed i Q �� ` �� l6so t2 itho t s !al veto of tiie J. . McLEOA proprietor and ]�axlu i AtMAO /' Every 0 di 1 `invitation is' extended to all moral to adorn the talo. to expend w P $acturer.� - _-- _ __e_�___ A cos a ' t to trustees. Had t e an known what he I � ' � - SHiGILES ASD t!lMBO FQ13 SALE call and examine- rift' stock, Ilam was .chant ha cul hrilve stood out Ior Sold by J.. ROB17naT$, $eaforth. i - _ J,RATTR^Y 4 c!01TEAI. 11 T sure you'will be leased to see the inhuman Treatment. 160-y The undersigned has for sale, cheap, first and Y P more, as the aut or0les Would have paid second claHo PINY AND CYDAB- SHIN(tU8. Also a lot many great bargains that can be se- 'Ila that Admiral Cervera? Ho looks almost any pri a rathe than allow the i Ph - of Ifrst4c a a+ Lc'aeaYle, all kinds.htDglea and lumber Cured. worried and' distressed.: I. am glad Our can be seen at Ki.ppen station. A car land of Pine penplo aro treating him kindly." j volume to slip hrough their fingers. - It DlteI�iIIOp D '® per f©r 18�$ I The Ne 0— Qt Fi�,'e �t as in fact t e first printed by . • R and Hemlock Planks, Seantltngo, etc., just received. Wanted—Good fresh Mutter, eggs and pota- kindly? Do you see that hunted look w , Orders can be left at the station, or with Gutenberg and as therefore aloe' pr109' JOHN L *AN0N. , Dep Winthrop P. a Soyy� e�!'hi g N ice i �1��j� Q. - - JAhfE,S COOPER, toes, for which he highest price will in his ayes? That comes from dodging DANIEL ANLEY, De ut •Reeve $eechwood lli y iii +� less, --London it -Bits. O.# TC;83•tt London Road, be Pala• autograph Honda. "—Chicago Tribune. I P' 1[oGAVIN Coasnallior, Lesdbury P. 0. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN . _— _ Coasi tenwo tprown. j _ JOSEPH 0,I x6lialsON, counoilior, Beechwood In j,=arneSS FRQPERTY ONLY INSUREDhI t# i o e t o Creditors. I No Bargain ORer•d. Fogg --Well, ovr►son iri gone, joined P o H '�+pn)n should take beak her atlgma JOHN B. BROWN, Councillor. Soaforih P. O,. olrriasss, . , A AUT C4th the great majo ty. JOHN C. M S13I8ON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O, ' i A. s • ch fit. wo are a nation ,of shopkeepers." ' Fenderaon ust like im. H� alWays DAVID M. Offs, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. s a handsofate corse, we cannot sell you , Waft, President Sarloais P. O. ; J. S. In the Surrogate Court of the County of r no Dods marked ' wM. Ev ,Assessor, Besobwood'P, he her ; but we've a splendid stock of liol.ean, xiW-u P> o. ; Vf. J. Shannon, t1.oy-Tress.. I • Yes, there were g was great for g tong onitbe biggest side. ti.storih O. O. i ffemorth P. O. Thom" E, Mrtya,• ra�+tori Of Huron in. the EAtate of Bernard „ CHABLE8 DDS Collector, arnes , the q ality of which is unsur- 10", orifi i, D• . , doNvn in our peace advertisement, "--Chi- �BOsbon "rranR Iqt x1GIiARD E POLL�BD, Ssaitnry InsPeator, Lest• . Shrray, deceased, o o Record. ' air i WC 1P . meed, The largest and beat stock of wavarots tr ortse Mlanke , Plush' and Waterproof W. G, $roc George D l3attart o John h EI B, Win N oTicls ie hereby given tha- ail creditors having BQ%}'t. diCtl", a - ctainls against the Estate of tbs ah4tve name deeeas• Vwdli 'i hosphodinsE throp; Gtorge Dale, t3eisfortis ; 'i'hoau4is J5. Boys, ugs, goat Ro end Whips in town. �P® S.sforib I James Evans, Beechwood - Thos.Eisrb,d% ed, are required on or before the 17th day of i ?'tee (3t'Eacf �tsgllsh Renudy. f October 1es93 to send or saliva, to the underaiitncd /� Sold and recommended by all N ES �>f OYI 1'OCCr %Iriave also added nice line of Trnllks and Cliaion • T},o Sasser, Brrtoetleld.;Jona- $, Iso• Octobers af, the d will of the said deceased T druggists in Only rel-- I IARRIA E LICE S Blake ider, Apple Butter kl�n• particulars of their t:Idtmw duty verified. Atter the able 3nedioine disseovere� IBtx S alislesr Prices the lowest. yeas, issrrrs nr all i SS U E D AT i Robt, Smith, said 17th day of October, the undersigned will pro• es anteed toe e j ,dd T�71 ja7etQ - $srl0ot; Rol• McMillan, tisafoi#I 1 cess to dtetributtt- the assets of the said Ess to f forms o 8e=na 6Vae� elite all effects of abuse 0 1 i Or N 11 + Jamey Cumming, Sgoaondvilts; J. W. 3't°, olmts' alnoug file parties entitled thereto, having reg rd' or eras, Mental P/prrt, seesaive nee of To -'I E NURQN EXPO$IT00 OFFICE - g y, y R .lite P, 0. 'John Goveniocsl< and John 0• Mortises, only to claims of which they shalt then hve 6soCo, Opium or etintnlan .Mailed 9n receipt Tib f - Is now rn)ng every worizin da er t Honda 4 s V D E R t! •osiers. roues: I of ffiaa, one ppsoleagg ii ei its. Ont will please, Bring along curspppies arid gget your older Made by V rarves daslroais to ellscst Iasar e.s or WILLIA31 HELL 2 Executors, Eixpf�ia Dore. `P6, etsi', 1 ee to any, address. S AFORTH, ON IO, i Steam Powe and 1Hydnulto Press chopping doge ! vet other b*:.efasss will be groasptly Rttendnd a cis x WILLIAM. MOIR f Hensali P. 0. -The Wood :gala y, Windsor, Ontr n Mondays during eider JH N THIRsK Slake.' of the above oaiotn, sddrnsrd D S A FO RT H tion to any Dated at Ilensall this 28th day of September, 1898 ` � jtt04-4 ' sir rtapraiivs goN offioea. 7607 8' sold in Beatorth by T+ukora:on Wilson, druggists. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, '' rTable an Dairy, Purest and Best I I I. . - - I - i . '. . I I i . I' ' . - I j _ , ,.�. I , �. ( I . _ . 3 - - . , R _ ., -_ .. - -w +,-:p L - .. j.- -1 - .q...._..... .�- ,..-_._.., ...., ,... _._ ... _. I "_ I: i t I' i f i . I ir x A 7