HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-30, Page 5L89 R, OF eys. becomes street forth. lave IefLis- iU in future ?eel from the the Buffalo nitre wa.eiu r. Armstrong s -disposed of AcCarty, for -,ratford, has of Mr. J. .lobert Stew - to Kingeton eri's Univer- 1 at the rail - tilted opera - full staff of Easthope, rge Zinn, a (.t. He pur- near future. .00di is on a Hicks, of .ess Kirkby 9. - :then, is not son, so far !lb ere but eight perhaps two ,ndon, whoae ro extensive umbia, is in 1.. 11. Race, Millbank, srs in school s secured a niboia, at & titchelI, who in island for ars last week. ight land up ing out to it any yeare & man of Li. - illness 'stet- mtified with ht the come - ted gristing se in his 65th [two sons, of hother' Mrs. 1, lastweek. ehan last via- - my improve- , ie now Ser - lion of New fanitoba Col- herwell. He at., and Isd- r Society in evening he te the o-, ety, on the' - and paatiou- orth:Weste [late of Mon- t week-, and rile funeral e of Mr.. y attended. teenth year. afterspend- semed in the , great shock le; i last Week s. He was i_ lime kiln. eet some of taking Mr. Ufels of the of his body. he had re- , of the left tEi the left ) ured. .orth Rural de on Thee- ehnrch was , communiou 'on. assiated Following erY• chapter_ : aseeeement y business, t May meet - Wilhelm, of the scene of g the mar - Mr. John aptial knot r Tavistock, r of gueste. 6 bride, wet Wolfe, of . Mr, end Wallace, on ebrated beet rorth East- -being Misa Mr. Henry i Mr. Jacob ;easel. Rev.. ie Krug, of bride, and the groom-. :de in Na8t- gEPT4VIBER 301' 1898. HuR N EXPOSITOR, e-Devid M. kney ha farm, in the gout bound ordaining 126 ao es, to hi seat, whose far butts th disposed of his ry of Ilibbert,, neighbor, Thos. one purchased emu Mr. Hack eye Th prioe paid, was 8 850. -Mr. Hubert L. Hard ng, eldest son of Mr. R. W. Harding, barris and a young man of great th esidence of his father, Septmber 14th. Decease( year, was studying laa , and had passed his second year examinati se He contract- ed a severe cold while in (Wont° last win- ter, and since then his hea th had ,been de - dining. He was a nephew of Judge John b. Harding, of Stratford. ,-One of the Most interesting events of lett week was the marriage of Miss Jennie Fraser, fourth danghtiir of Mr. and Mrs. -Alex. Freser, of the Login -road, to John T. Newell, one of Goderi h's enterprising young men, on Wedneday afternoon. The ceremony wasperformed by the Rev. Wm. Bradley, in the concourse of a large number of friends and invited guests. The young couple left by the ten train for their home in Ooderich, 'midee sho era of rice, and many wishes for their fut re happiness and prosperity. r, of St. Marys, promise,,died at on Wednesday, who was aged SALE REG' TER. On Tuesday, October 4t rre, on Lot 13, Concerts Farm Stock, Implements, Ross, proprietress; Tho tioneer. On Monday, October 3 M., on Lot 8, Concession Farm Stock and Implant° proprietos ThOsnas Bro On Tuesday, October 1 p. rn., on bot 24, Commies Stock and Implements. Proprietor; Wm. McCloy, Auctioneer. On Friday, October 14 h, at one o'clock p. ra., on Lot 2, pone ssion 13, Tucker - smith, Farm Stook, Isupl mentleete. Thos. F. Eyre, Proprietor ; Wm. McCloy, Auc- tioneer. On Tuesday, October 1 p, in., on Lot 23, Conce Horses, Cattle, Sheep Cronin & Brothera, Pr Jones, Auctioneer. On Wednesday.. Octobe • 12th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 1, Concessien 7, Hullett, one mile east of Kinburn, Farm Stock. - Robert Armstrong, Proprietor ;I Thomas Broa-u, Auctioneer. On Saturday, October 8th, at one o'clock p. m., at Mrs. R. Howard'a residence, west of Presbyterian ehuroh, Egsnond‘ille, Household Furniture, etc. Mrs. R. How- ard, proprietress Thomas Brown, auc- tioneer. On Saturday, October 8th, 1898, at 1 o'olack p. sn. House and Lot and Household Furniture, Etc., at Brueefield. Alexander Foot, Proprietor ; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. , at 1 o'clock p. on 8, McKillop, to. Mrs. Lucas as Brown, awe d, at 1 o'clbek p. ,M cKillop, Farm, ts. Wm. Fortune, , auctioneer. th, at 1 o'clock on 3, Hay. Firin Robert Carlisle, th, at' 1 o'clock sion 2, Hibbert, nd Pigs. James prietors ; James ilmmeimmeMeemme Brussels. A number of first-class farms for sale in Morris and Grey, Ort easy terms Also any amount of money to loan on farm geourity at 6 per cent, with terms of repaynsent to suit the borrower. Apply to P. S. Soorr, Brussels. 1678-t1 FALL FAIRS. ing 9 loads of Caned lambs was slow, and the prices was $5-.60 ; choice able at $5.40 to $5.60 $5.15 to $5.40 ; fe era, ;the demand ior is of beet Iamb to extra were qunt- good to choice, to $5.45, •Sheep --Choice to extra weth rs, $4.50' to $4. 75; mixed sheep, choice! to extra, 54.25 to $4.150; good to choice, $41to $4.25 the active de- mand for feedin limbs helped out the mar- ' ky lembs o sell ;.` at left ever. Hogs -The market opened with an active demand on the basis of $4,10 to 54.15 for Yorkers and mediums, but, after a feW sales, there was a long stop, with the market un- settled ; about all the good corn Yorkers sold on the $4.15 basis, but late prices were weak ; •a few sales at $4.05, $4.07i and $4.10, principally 34.10; pigs, 13.75 to 33,80; roughs $3.50 to $3.60 ; .ta_gs, $2.50 to $3.25. TORONTO, September class, the quality gener and prices were, if anyt Choice exporters sold light exporters at $4 Butcher cattle were ple sale, with the exoepti lots. Prices were a sha day's quotations. Choea picked iota of Goderloh, September 27, 28, 20. Turnberry, Wingham, September 27,28. East Wawsnosh, Belgrave, September 29,80. Morris, Blytb, October 4,5. Eut Huron, Brussels, October 6,7. Intend!, September 27,28. Bayfield, Thursday and Friday, October 6 and 7. Staffs, Monda,y and Tuesday., Ootober 3 and 4. Dungannon, Tueedsy and Wletineeday, Oct. 11. and 12 ket considerably; common, bul were in light demand, very hard the close there were a few loads -In the ,exp)srt Ily was noti good, ing, a little lower. t $4.40 to $4.50 ; to 34.20 per 'cwt. tiful and slow of n of choice picked e lower than Fri - butcher cattle, equal i heavy es the best expor 34.10; loads Of good medium, $3.25 to $3.40 $3 per cwt. Loads o exporters, mixed, sold a cwt. Heayy Feeders from 950 to 1,100 poun $3.75. Buffalo stocker $3.50 per cwt. for steer about $2.80 to 33 per unchanged, ewes sellin and buelts at $2.75 per firmer, selling at $4 to $2.75 tn $3.75 each. H of bacon hogs, Off cars, than 160 pounds, nor m sold at $4.50 to $4 64 tun ; heavy fats, owt. Prices are likel week, if not before. ltd.A4EISTS. SWOP -VI, September, 29, 1898. Fall Wheat (new), Standard $0'62 to -Spring Wheat per bushel, -...........0 62 to 0 64 oste per bushel, 0_ 23 tO 0 28 Peas per hostel.. _ 0 48 to 48 Barley per busnet......- • -. 0 80 to 0 86. - Butter, .No. 1. - - — 0 12 to 0 18 Batter, tub- - 0 12 to 0 13. • - 0 11 to Egp per doe- - Flour, per '100 foe_ _ 225 to Hey per ten new- — — 6 00 to lodes ver ioo600to 0 50 w 0 16 to Polistoes- per lush, 0 70 to gait (retail) per _barrel- 4.... ....... 1 00 to wood per cord — 2 75 to Wood Pet cord (short)' • - ' • • " 01 605° 10 Apples per bag...... Clover Seed. . . 00 to TIMOthy Seed.. 1 00 to Pork, per roe 6 60 to Tallow, per lb.-- 02 to 0 2 26 600 00 O 70 o 18 0 70 000 800 1 75 100 8 60 200 6 70 003 Livisenoc, Sept. 28. -Fall wheat, 6s. 21d.; spring wheat, Os. 8d.'; pearl, 6a. ld; oats, 8e. 3d.; pork, 50s. cheese, white, 40.. Od. ; cheese, aolored, 41e. Toaoirro, Septeinber 28th.-Pa1l wheat, SO 70; spring wheat, $0.68:; osta,:28o ; peas, per --bush, 68c ; barley, ee to 48o; haypr ton, "7 60 to 18.60; bolter, 163 to 170 ; uotaties ner big.. 75e to 186c ; eggs per do., 155 ; b Iflo ; droned hop, per 100 lbs, 15 25 to $6.60. quality but not as re, sold at $4 to t $3 60 to $3.70 ; ; inferior, $2.75 to good butchers and $3.75 co $3.90 per Feeders weighing old at $3.80 to sold at $3,25 to ; ;heifers are worth wt. Sheep -Prices at $3.50 to $3.60, wt. Spring lambs $4.15 per cwt., or til -Best selections sighing not less re than 220 pounds, 1 ght tate, $4 to to $4.37i per to go lower next TELECR PHY Shorthand, Typewritin , ook-keeping and all commercial subj ot ate properly taught t e Central Businetis„Collegle, of Toro to -Yonge and Gerra Fail Term N Members admitted at an guletr teachers. Splendid for catalogue. Adc W. H. S Yonge and Gerrard ate., Toron Dairy M rkets. TORONTO, September 27th -Butter -The efferings of choice tub are small, the de- mand is good and the m rket isefirm at 14 to 15o for tubs, and 11 to 13c for medium. Creamery is steadyat 2 to 21c for prints, and 17i to 18io for pee ed. Eggs—The re- ceipts are faiK, there is a good demand, and the market is steady a 14 to 15c for ordin- ary, fresh and 16a for at ictly freeh gathered. MomazA.T.-, Septem er 27th. -Butter- The market is fairly firm, but the fancy prices spoken of at the nd of last week are not obtainable. For f esheriade September creamery, in boxes, 19 to 20ic;seenne to be the outside, with most buyers unwilling to consider any quotatio above 20c. Tubs from 19i to Inc, and nid boxes about the (same. Dairy butter is quoted from 14 to 15e, as to size of lot nd quality. Eggs- .. There is a fair dem nd at speedy prices. We quote :-Struitly n.w laid, 17ili to 180; No. 1 candled, 14c ; No. '2 cendled,_ 12 to 13o ; P. E. 1., 12 to 1c, and culls 90 per dozen. d Streets. w Open. time. Eight re- quipment. Write rests - A W, Principal. Births!. WERNER-In Grey, on Se pte Mr. George Werner, of a d MeV ARRIE-In Brussel", on wife of Mr. Peter MoQuarr MoOLORY-In Elms, on Septe Mr. Wm. MoOlory,l of a son FOXTON-In Cuiross,i on Sept ofifdr. Wm. Foxton, of a d DONNELLY-In East Wawano Mrs. Owen Donnelly, of a e BROWN -In Hullett, on Septe Mr Wm. Brown, cif a son. LEECH -In Hullett, on Sete Mr. George Leeeh, of a da TRIETZ-In Stepeen, on Sept Mr Charles Trietz, oftiso HOOD -In Stant ,y, on Sept m Hill Farm, the wife of ,f r. daughter. ' Toronto Po try Market. There is a good dem nd for poultry, but the Offerings -Ewe not 1 rge, and the enerket is firm and steady at 4 to 50e for -dressed chickens, and 35 to 49 for live, 55to 65o for ducks, 6 to 70 for geese, and 10i to llo for turkeys. 1586-52 ber 14th, the wife of ughter. September 17th, the eafr libirlfr ;Ate of tuber loth, the wife ughter, h,on September 18th, n. her" 1.6th. the wife of ber 14th, the wife of hter. mber 18th the v ife of . • er 26th, at Beverl y Joseph Hood, of a WILL BE HELb ON Tuesday & Wednesday Oc .1 We are preparing Benne spec. I iiikes for the above days. It will pay yoi to come in and learn more about t`iis store and the way btisiness 18 condn ted I here. Buying for cash and selling or cash is well known as the only up-to-date method of doing business. • Special for Show Dress Goods, new linee, at 20e, 5c, 30e, 75-c and $1 a Millinery in Sailors or Trimmed Hats at prices lower t accustomed to pay. Ladi-es' Mantles.—Y. ay Sped 1 attention to 11Iant1e Styles and values shown this 1 Beaton are really good. Pric $7, $10 and $14- No bettejr range can be foun in the co Fur Coats and Fur °apes and Fur Lined C pes in all Gloves.—Some special iumbers in Black 0: :hmere G1 Shorey's Read -to -wear llothingreheaper an, better th We will be glad to ee you. Marriages. WARNEII-JEWELL-In Godbrioh, by Rev. W. God- win, on September 21st. M David II. Warner to Mies Katie Jewell, both of Goderiels. HALE-McCLYMONT-At t e residence of the brides father, Goderich, b Rev. W. Godwin, on September 21st, Mr, Fran T. Hale, of Gueloh, to Miss Melinda A., eldest d ghter of Mr. W. A. MoOlymont. EWELL-FRASER-At the iteaid0000 of the bride's father, Logan road, ?di hell, on September 21st., by Rev. Mr. Beadle , _Mr, John Newell, of iGoderloh, to Miss Jennie reser, of Mitobell. lt' OZELL-TURNBULI,At t e home of the bride, - Bused", on September 20ti, by Rev. A. C. Tiffin, of Walton, Mr. William J septt Rozell, . of Paw Paw, Michigan, to Mis Nettie May, second i daughter ofMr. M. A, Tu nbull, of- Brunie. DING—RYAN—In the RomaniCatholic church, Brim- sels, on September 19th, hy Rev. Father McCabe, of Sea'orth, Mr. John Ling, to Mies Katharine Ryan, both of MoKillop. Deaths. lilcADAM-In Tuckersmith, on September 24th, Gor- don McAdam, aged 70 years. BULLARD-In Wingham, o September 19th, Mr. Joieph Bullird aged 48 years. MoDOU ALL -In East Wa 20th, Alexander MoDou 1 month and 15 days. WEET=In MOrden,:Manito Mrs. Richard Sweet, .for 76 years and 5 months. &nosh, on. September all, aged 178 years, 1 a; on September 7th, only of Stephen, aged IMP,ORTANT TJIOB SALE,-Mhe undereir horn bulls, fit for servi horn oows and heifers ; a fe isci ram lambs; and 2 good mares. Price" ,and terms DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Onta OTICES. ed hes for at 6 Short, - e ; a number of Short- Leteester shearlin'gs sound young working to suit purobase re. bo. 1607 3EE McKINNON JUST 11,-, IITO!tD A OUT 11004S. , Now that the winter app meshes, wh n a great many pople will h ve leisure to i I read, it will be neteresting fo those so El- k ' °lined to know of the wonde full reduoti n in the cost of manufacturin beolue e introduction of nachinery has reVolutioni d many branches ot menu actu e, but in no e is it more (strikingly illustrated than in t at of books. This drop came so suddenly ti at it afforded the large departmental store a fine opportunity to advertise and do a la e trade at what appeared to be unprofita le figures, but when we compare them with he Prices now prevailing at Lumsden & 0 - son's for similar books, we must cowl de 4i that they were not losing very much. J et take a leek, ds4ring the next few dare at the books in 'Lniheden & Wilson's wind w, and notice the large assortment of repot - able ' cit- able looking boisks by the best authors I R- ing at 15p, apparently worth 50o to 750 eaph. . 0511 in and examine them, cloth bou d, good print. hew could you invest a dial sr with a better dospect of a handsome ret rn than in these oks? You can •get a bctok that has made the writer immortal for 10o. [ $1,800 rnil,d?oudreer,13.g. LInteetitrp. 0165aloores good briok house and fra e barn And splendid orohard, It is aloe° to the sillage ef Bey field and convenient to Clinton. Te rus easy. Alen money to loan at lowest rates. Ap ly to WILLIAM SCOTT, Brneefield. ' 1607-8 Live StocI4 Markets. LIVERPOOL, England, September 26th-- Prices are higher both at London and here to -day. American an Canadian steers are quoted at Di to 12o er pound, (estimated dressed weight), refrig rator beef steady at 94e to HO per pound. MONTREAL, Septeniher 27th -The but - deers were present iji large numbers, and there was a brisk de and for the best cat- tle, but all other kind Were slow of sale. Prime beeves sold a from 41 te 4ic per pound, pretty good st ok at from n to 4o per pound, common ry cows and rough young stock sold at fr m 21 to 31c, and the leaner beasts and the small slab -sided bulls at from 2 to 2 -ie per p und. Calves sold at 'from $2.50 to $12 eao , or froin 3i to 5ic per pound. Shippere pay from 3} to 3ic per pound for good large sheep. Lambs sell at from n to 41e per pound. Fat hogs are not very plentiful and oll it about 4!to per pound for fed ho si BUFFAL0,,5eptemb r 27th -Cattle --The general close was teady ; good to best smooth fat export st era, $5.40 to $5 50; good to best, $4.85 to $5,15 ; good to best butchers' steers, $4.7.) to $5.15 ; common to good butchers' bulls, 3.25 to $3.65 ; heifers, good to best fat, 4.15 to$4.40 1 • fair to r$ood do., $3.50 to 4; fat cows'$3.75 to 4 ; stockers, choice o extra quality, $4 to 5440; fresh cows, c oice to ettra, $50 to 865 ; good to choice, $45 to $50 ; springers, good to extra, $35 ti $50. Caives-Choice to extra, $7 to $7.25oo4to choice, $6.50 1 to $7:; heavy calves v3 Co $6. Sheep and ! lambs -The offerings ere 60 loads, includ- ICIARM FOR SALE, -Fora J Hullett, near village about 100 sores, all cleared cultivation. " There are good and plenty of excellent we farm and will be so d cheap. Apply to MRS. SCHOALES le, Lot 5, Corm mien 6, of Rinburn,,Oonteining nd in rr, good state of bulling*, good orchard r. This is e splendid Immediate possession. Constenoe 1) 0. . ' 1007 , MURK TO RENT. -The u dereigned will lease for r a term of five years his 200 sore farm, being North half IA 24, Concesel n 5, Morrie, 11 miles north of Brussels; spiendli building!, one more convenient in the township, land in good, condition ; one of the beat stock farms in Morris, plenty of wa- ter, 90 sores in rough pastu re gime', all stone eta- bling, 15 acres of fall wheat in. Apply to W. INNES, Carriege Works, Brussel'. 1607x3 aY Tit a I you have been and Capes, and the .50, $4.50,; $5 n . h ne est effee es for show da s. ever. 1! 1, LUMMDE14 & WIL 0 MAIN STREW SOOTT'S BLOOK, sm.A.VoRmi*, SEAF'ORTIL HURON S ON R ATEST DRY GOODS CLOTHING MILLINERY iND CARPET STO Fall Stock C Dress Goods. „ An3Ongst our new arrivals, we might mention that we have some very pretty -effects in Dress Goods, especially in Amazons, Poplins, Velours, Henriettae and Wool Satans, in black and colors. iJu..A.3D all Paier,' Corta41 Poles AND WINDOW Si4IDES. When you want Wali -Paper, cOme where y of new goods. Another thing to be considered per rolL " Then in Curtain Poles, we -can shoW you fine full 1 ash, mahogany or walnut, fitted with either wood or b complete. ' u can sets the 'largess assortment the pri es are loW, as low as 2c As for ,Window Shades, we have the largest stock the same grade goods, our prices are the lowest Now is the time to start your house decor tions. Remember the place— PROPERTY IN HARLOOK FOR SAII.-For sale cheap the eite at Harlook on which the bimik. smith ehop and etore were located. It is eituateci on Lot 8, Concession 12, HullOtt ; is immediately °Moo - site the School House, in the centre of a rich farming country, and lb admirably adapted for business par - poses. There is one quarter, sore, 'pleated with choice fruit trees, alse a large stable and drivinw house and good well. . This property will be Sold cheap. Apply to SAMUEL REID, Brucefield P. O., . or JAMES 1 WATSON, Seaforth. I 160741 . 1 6 "DUBUC AUCTION SAL OF FARM STOCK AND 1 IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. Wm. MoCloy has received instruction" from Mr. Robert Carlyle, to sell by Pub- lics Auction on Lot 24, Coneession 8, Hay, on Tues., day, October lth, at one o °look p. m., the following Fenn Stook and Implefnen e : Horses. -000 general purpose team &x years old, 1 mare thirteen years old, 1 aucking colt. Cow. -Two milch cows sup- posed to be v. elf, 1 mlich- cow not wIth calf, 2 steers two ye re old, 2 etecre one year o d,' 1 _heifer one year old, 4 oalves, Pi s. -Two brood sows, 4 pigs three coo ths old, 9 pigs two monthq old, 2 store hogs. Sheep, Pour ewes and 3 !stubs. Ithplements. -One Brentf rd binder, 1 Maxwell mower, 1 Noxon seed drill, I o Itivator, I hay rake, 2 sett iron har- rows, 1 land oiler, 1 sod low, 1 Yanke plow, 2 No. 1 18 plows, 1 three.furrow g ng plow,2 lumber wagons, 1 hay reek, 1 grovel box, '2 psir of babel° ghs, 1 fus- ing mill, 1 hay fork a. d opes, 1 gri d "tone for mower and rider I; f lye - Harness. Two set of heavy teem harness, 1 et of light team harness. Forks, chains,and other a tt NA. Tenn of Sale. - All sums Of five dollars ao e:id', cash ; over that amount twee enuinths' edit w +11 be Oven en fur. • niehing approved joint n tee. A disc -cunt of five cents on the dollar will be allowed off for cash on all credit amounts. No rein, ve, as the proprietor has leased the farm and is retiring. ROBERT CAR- LYSLE, Proprietor ; Wm IlloCLOY, A otioneer. • 1607 - MONEY °TO LOAN. In Silk We are showing rich effects in Bro- casles, Stripes, Checks, Plains and Fan- cies in Swise, Italian and Japanese Grds. Black Silks. IA full range of Peen de Sole, Bre- cedes, Countess, Bengaline, Taffetas and Sorahs. in Ladies' Coats Our range will be found more than usually; complete. A notable feature amongst them being the durability of the cloths used this season._ Whilist the Trimmings are uncommonly neat aid effective. In Ladies and Gents Underwear A' full range from, the lowest to the best grades in the market. ength poles in ebony, rass trimmings, at 25c in the county, and for Papst's 'Bociks ore, C4th. TRIALS OF SPEED. Agricultural Grounds, 04t Tuesday, October 4th,108, Commencing at 1 o'clock eharie Money to losn at 4/ end 6 per oent, per annum. Any amount on first.eime farm land minty. Ap- ply to B. S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Jut1d1og, Sea- fOrth. 1607 eee Po8tponed from Show Da ciThe following premiums for tests of epee, etc.,, re offered : ., ' i No. 1. -Trot or:pace, 2:30 Wass, mile heads, 8 1 6, four to enter and 8 to start, or no premium atvar ed. Pretniuhs-$50. 1e1$25, 2nd $16, 3rd $10. : No. 2 -Trot or pace, drivers, mile heats, 8,10 5, 1 ur to enter, 8 to start, or no premium aware . - re- MIUM, $50. let $25, 2nd $16, 8rd $10. 1 No. 8. -Farmer's trot or peoe, mile hetl8 i 6, four to enter, 8 to start, or no prism awa e . pre - IDIOM, $25. .let $12, 2nd, $8, 8rd 66. . No, 4 -Farmer's running contest, single dish, twice around the mune. 1s1 $6, 2nd $4. Style as well ge speed will be considered in awarding prizes in the speeding contest'. An entrance fee of five per cent. of premium will be charged in speeding contests No. 1 and No 8, and fire per t additional from winner". No perq.nt. age will be charged in Nos. 8 and 4. All cow WWI must be members of the Society. In con t No. 8, horses must be the bona= fide property of armors, and tree from racing marks. 1807-1 So ethini, Nice In flarnpss liSEIVZ D -Arg ONgA0 F1103t11 eTTaiANgsxr76n Jones has been instructed by Mr. James (Ironic) & Brothers, to sell by Auction on Lot 28, Conoession 2, Hibbert, on Tuesday, October llth, as one o'clock p. in., the following property, viz : Horees.-One general purpou rGare nine years old,' heavy draught horse five years old, 1 driving horse four years old, 1 gelding two years old, 1 yearling gelding 2 spring colte. Cattle -Three cows about to calve, 6 mulch cows, supposed to be in calf ; 1 dry cow, 0 heifers two years Old, 9 steers two years old, 8, yearling steers, 8 yearling heifers, 12 calves. Sheep and Pigs. -Ten ewes, 1 ram ; 20 pigs, from three to five months old ; 6 young pigs, 2 brood sows. No revery°, es the proprietor is giving up the farm. The Farm. -There will also be offered for tole at the same time and place the fa -re, which contains 160 litres. lt is all cleared and in a good ',tate of cultivation and well fenced. Terms made known' on the day of sale, or on application to John Murphy, Seaforth. It not sold will be rented for a term of years. :Terms -All stuns of 66 and under, eash ; over that ainoun 12 months' credit will be given on approved !joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allowed itir cash on credit amounte. JAMES CRONIN & BROTHERS, ProPrietOre ; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. - 1607 Clothing to Order. , We have engaged the services of Mr. Harry Speare, so well and popularly known as a first-class tailor, to superin- tend this department. Is a handsome horse, ave cannot sell you the horse; but we've ka, splendid stook of Harries*, the gelidity ;of which is unsur- passed. The 1li rgest and best stock of Horse tilaoket ,1 Plusth and Waterproof Rugs, Goat Rob is and Whips in town. We have alio added 6 nice lliiie of Trunks and 'Nisei& Prices the loWest. M. B 0 ERIOK, S F RTH. ;It plete ReLiabilit3t of Cloths Trimmings, 1 Fit and Finish of tile highest ora4r we guarantee to buyers of our Or ered Clothing. See (ear Suit to erd r at $12.. Scotch Twe to order at $15. A Splendid Range of Fancy W sted EffectS At $16 and 17. Black Wor teds and Serges From $15 to $20. The Mini ry Department Is now in f 11 blast. Miss Sheppard finds difficultY in getting out wbrk for the Openings, so many orders rqe coki- ing in. Read3rmad.0 Clothing' In stock WRS never in as good shape t� cater to the public taste. We an fit any Shape—man or boy—from he smallest 'to the largest, and we will do it at the smallest possible margin on cost. Fur Goods Are fast coming to hand. Wear- thie department the largest range ever shown in Seaforth. Department complete. i.antee i and bes Carpet rif We cordially invite inspection of our large and varied stock. WM. PICKARD &.C�IM ETTER DPIR0ECT • Opposite Town Building, Comer Main and Market Street's. cifim s New Store 111 BELL'S BLOCK, NEKSALL, WILL BEOPENED_- SOT. 30, With a complete and up-to-date stock of: DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MANTLES, HATS, *URS, BOOTS &SHOES, READYMADE CLOTHING, MEN'S FURNISHING AND !TAILORING. The Po •fle THE LEADING 1 Store. In order to competel with thelarge city stores we will have to do ae they do, IrirSELL FOR CASH. ._'F,.__-_ P=. ST RE 119R LADIES FINE DR GOODS. Our stock is well bought, a'nZ1 will be sold at close prices. We want to get acquainted with the Huron people as soon, as poseible, will be to our mutual' benefit, as we have bought some bargains and are pre- pared to divide with yen. elle • eel DRESS GOODS Is the pivot on which a Dry Goods Store revolves. McKim knows this, and has a stock equal to the test. This .will be a season of Black Goods and we are prepared. for it. Black Goods -15c ,to $2.50. Our teed° is inc easing in a wenderful ray, but it is not a hard. problem to solve why this inc eases. Its and old story that -Oat) and fair honest de ling will be sure to come n top. We Make one price tol [all, arid that price i the closest that can be given, We try to give the most satisfactory and st lish oods, consistent wit the price. llotice to ?reditor. . In the Surroga Court of, the County of Huron, in the lEstate of BetInard , Shirpay, d ceased! Nonce is hereby given tat all creditors having olleime against the Estate of the above IMMO deceas- ed, are required 4n, or belore the 17th dleas:1 to October, 1898, ncl or d firer to the under gned Executon of the last 11 of the said d d particulars of thelf cilalm.I duly verified. After the said,17th day ef OtOber, t e understood will rce °lied to distributehe te of the said Estate v among the parties eititled thereto, having regard only to Walrus o hi& they shall then have , notice. W LIAM MOIR f/ Bengali P. 0. W LIAM BELL Executors, Dated at Hensel Ws 28th day of September, 1898 1 1607-8 7 UNRESERVED 1AUION SALE OF FARM MSTOOK.-Mr. Tho se Brown has been in - "Erne by Mr. Robert Anmstrong to sell by public suet! n on Lot 1, Cono pion 7, Hulled, one , mile east 41 Kinbtrrn, on )Vedn day, Ootober 12th,11898, at on o'clock p. m,,the °flowing property, viz ;- Her e. -Three yes:rling fillies, heavy draug t ; 1 yearl ng gelding, heavy draught. Cattle. even good trade cows, two due to oalve in* Oatobe , ono due M calve et Chriotmse the other four su ased to be in calf ; al tO a thoroughbred bull. 1bltly two-year.old stock steers 18 yearling stock a mire, 5 yearling heifers. 2 tw ,year.old he ere, 4 prior; calves. Sheep.-Twenty•ffive Leicester ewes. Pigs.- Forty.eight store, pip, Weighing about 100 po nds ; 1 breeding sow. tree ce a all in first -el con- dition and will bia Sold ithout reserve. Toms. - Alt sumo of $5 an ;Undo cash • over that a flaunt 10 months' oredir will .b� given on approv joint notes. A disoou t of 6 per centper annum la ill be allowed off foro4al on credit amounts. ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Propri tor ; THOMAS B: OWN, , Auctioneer1I .2 , Anything in th followig lines will Dress Goods Department. 1 Black Crepons, f om 50c to $2 per yard. Black Pi res, from 25c to $1.50 per yard. lack Barges, from 25c to $1 per yard. Black Cashmelies• from 25c to $1.5 per y rd. New Suitings, from $3 to $10 per s4it. Plaids, fLom 25c t $1 pe, yard. A full range of Plain Color in Ca et Blues, Greens, Dove Grays, etc., f om 25e to $1 per yard. Underwear Departmenti. Ladies' Vests, at 16e, 19c, 25c 36e, 50e, 65c, 72c, 85e, $1, $1.25' and $1.50. Combination Underwear iu all sizes of children's and ladies', both in Union and All Wool. Men's Under - weer is a big business with , us, from 50c to $4 per suit. - A full stock of Berlin and Fancy Wools, price 6c per ounce. Agent for Butterick's Pat Delineator. erns and Silk's and Trimmings. sil de of found cheap and fashionable. Flannella Blankets- from 6c to $1.25, Flannelettes, Blankets, 51e td 15c, imported, Cottons, from 3e up. White Cotton, from ge up. Specials in Table Lbaens, Towelings, Shirtings and Wrappereths. ere to. OUR TAILORING Is under the control of Mr. Dever, who is an artist in this line and has a, stock equal to a city store, with prices decidedly your way. found extrkgood values: from 40c to $1.50 in the si4west ign aud coloring. Our TrimMings Braids, Gimps, Jets, etc., wililbe .4 • 4. A Call Respectfully Solicited. W. 1. NMI HENSALL, ONTARIO„1607 Ladies' Shirt Waist For Fall and Winter. It will be worth your while to drop in aid see these. Prides from $1. to $2.50.1 Fit guaranteed. I Angola Cloth Wrapp4s In' elegant designs and good styles. These gooda Are made heavy for Fall and Winter, with lined sleeve and ; waist, prices from $L21 to 2.75. Come in and examine these lines.; i CADY'S BLOCK. A Sign of the fitness Ask to see our Wool Hose et 15e, 190 end 25e. Also our line of gorsets at 50c. The ever increasing demand for "our own make" of shoes is certainly a sign of better times. Farmers and workingmen who have worn our hand -made shoes are finding out that it pays to buy them, as they are certainly cheaper in the long run. We have decided te make ` up and keep in stock all sizes of these pods. This means that you ean bring your feet along - and have them fitted while you wait. If you have a peculiar foot , and hard to fit, we can take your measure and have your order ready at the shortest notice. Our Kip • Shoe at $3 a pair, and our Long Boots at $4.25 and $5 a pair, are wear -resister, and cannot be ex - Celled. All we ask is, "Give our hand -made shoes a trial." Our stook in this department is full and complete. Any lady wanting a A full line a Children's Eider Coats. nice Silk Waist can procure a go�d Pretty goods for the little folks. Under Town ClOck Pentecost's on Price Cash. &Ore , 1 Cardno's Block - Pentecost's SEAFORTA Money to Loan. Any amount of money to loan on good farm pro- pertv, at 5 per centper annum, Straight loans, payments made to etsit borrowereatison guar- anteed, charges low. Al office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. AJMER, 00SENS, McDonald Block, Wingham. 1687 Cardno's Opera House 1 One night only Thursday Oct. 6th A. P. Scammons In the Laughable Comedy Side el Tracked -Everybody will see the above attraction,. -New Scenery -Everyone an artist. -See small bills end posters next week. Pentecost's 1 Cardno, Manager Opera Howe. 1606 2