HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-30, Page 3398* 1111141410 00 aEd, and 'Reds. *emit anager. Az cloth I ummer first cold io€Fall tall, while tier th pi it :these RICE. irT« 1 c> 0 desirable urniture. be that e repose,. purchase.. ads you'd ut of the fact we will call we have with a: V e have, free cif ttentiou. s, Godes- tment don 9 ave it, ich vizaet goods. wages.,. toves, r a9 RtK 's SEPTEMBER 30, 1898. IMPOATANT NOTICES. 1 'OVATE FUNDS TO WAN at 6 per cent., pay oble early, 0n first•oises farm M0urity A DoE, g. DAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Seafoi h.. ioe6 J,3ieli 2 NA, Domini Rad Provincial Land Surveyor„ Member of °Association of Ontario band°arreyors, Dubin, Ontario. 1188.64 ONEY AT 5 PER GENT. —A !loge .amount of money has been pieced in toy bindle to lend to humeri, In sums and on terms to suit the borrower. Apply to 3 IL BEETt Barrister, Bea►1orth, 15784t OUSE TO RENT.- -Briok house on West street to rent, containing nine room; hard and soft grater, a good cellar and two lots. ' Apply to 8. N. JABS, Seiforth. 18)6x4 ' JOHN BEATTIE, CIA* •►f the Second Division Court unty Commissioner, of Heron Oon- feyssioer, , Loan and Insurance"Agent. *winds !.vested and bo Lean. Oftioe—Over Sharp tree score, Maln street,. Seaforth.. 1480 TEACHERS WANTED y0 TEACHERS — Teacher wanted for Union SchoolSection No. 15, Howiok, male or female, second or third elms, dating 'glary. Application received up tiil October the 1e, JOHN RENWICK, Secretary, Iakelot P. 0. 180814 MO TEACHERS. --Two teachers wanted. for school J. section No. 2,' Usborne. Male to be holder of 1st, or 2nd class certificate. Eetnale i to be holder of Ind or Srd olds certificate. Duties to begin Id January, 1809. Personal appliostioa preferred Ap- pileation''received until October Bth.` ANDREW ODOERT,_ Secretary Treasurer, Fairttbar P. O„ Ontario. 1 ( 1806x4 'MACHU, WANTED.—For school _section No. 2, j McKiltop, male or female. Applications. with testimonials, received until let of October. Duties to begin on .et of January, 1599. SAMUEL DOR- BAN E, Constance P. 0. 1604x4 STOCK FOR S SLE. j'VURHAM BULL FOR SALE, :The undersigned J has for sale a thoroughbred. Durham bull eligible for registration ; aged 28 months. ooior•recl and white. 'Terms reasonable. JAMES TATTER- SON, tot 25, concession 1, L. R .8., Tuokeramith, SruceOeld P. 0. 1680-tf GB TOR BALE` AND POR navies.— The undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- ,Yires,hea for sale boars and sows in farrow. He will slim keep for service the stook boar, " King Lee,,, archaised from .][r: George Green, of Fairview, sad winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term --gt.payable at the thus of eervioe with the privilege hrokrning i1 nemstary, if booked $1.50. ' JAMES rousaNci, Lot 26, Concession 5, MoKillop, Sea- orth P. 0. 1486.52 • STOCK FOR SERVICE. JoAR FOR SERVIOE.-The undersigned will keep for .ertice on Lot 26 Concession 4, Stanley; &thoroughbred Cheeterwhite boar. Terme— >in, peyable at the time of service with the privilege Of returning' if necessary. JOHN V. DIE H • Iagi•t! DULL FOR SERVICE.r-The undersigned will UR keep for service on hilt premises at Roxboro, a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terms, 81 ; if paid __before January, I ;, or $1,25 afterwards. JOHN. SST.. D'571.tf HOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keel 'or service on. Lot 84, Concession 4, Took- eeiin th, r thoroughbred Chester White Boar, parohised from H. ' George h Sons, Crompton, Middlesex .`.aunty. Term' --S1 avable at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN W. ROUTLEDOK. 154041 friAMWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- ▪ VICE.—The undersigned will keep for sere -lee M the Brumfield abeam Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, with registered Terms, !l ; payable at time of service withpr1Viloge of re- turning if necessary. Alto a number of thorough- bred 7oung Tamworth Boars and r8ow'rs for sale. HUGS Mo0&Rfi iU, Brumfield. 1406.41 TIAMWORTIE PIG FOR SERVICE.—The under- signed has for service on lot 82, oonee4bion 8, McKillop, a thcrobred Tamworth pig, to which a limited number of -sows will be taken. Thi. Is an extra good pig and breeders find it` advantageous to oroee their berkshlre: sows with this breed of pig. Terme $1, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN koMILL AN 1606xtI' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A NICE RFr8IDESICE IN TIMBAL', FOR SALE. Al_ For sale cheap, a neat, comfortable and well. bnished two storey brick house in Hensel!, and two good lots, The house is 31a27, and a kitchen 18x16 ; all oonvenienoes,snd everything complete. Apply to G. J. SUTHERLAND, or the owner on the premises. JOHN KEMP, 1805-4 1 iARM TO RENT.—To rent. for a term of 5 years, ,L the west half of Lot 88, and the east holt of Lot 34, cn the 4th Concession of McKillop. The farm contains 100 acres and, is in a good state of cul- tivation. There is a good frame house and barn. A good orchard, and plenty of good water. Eleven aerate fall wheat sown. Convenient to markets and schools, Possession at any time. Apply on the premiseeor to MBS.1 JULIA MCMILLAN, Seaforth 1805x4 SHINGLES AND LUMBER FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale, cheap,first and second °lase Puce AND CEDAR SHINGLES. Also s lot 01 Hslar ocx. Lemma, all kinds. Shingles and lumber canbe seen at Kippers station. A car load of Pine and Hemlock Planks;, Scantlings, etc, dust received. Orders can be lett at the station, or with JAMES COOPER, 1583-4! Landon Road. W. N. Watson, &E{AFORTH, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, Houses to Rent, Real Esitate Agent. Dealer in the RAYMOND and WHITE family and manu- facturing Sewing Machines. All kind of Sewing Machines repaired. Charges mederate. Agent for the :, WHITE ANIi GODERICH BICYCLES. First -Class Wheels in Every Respect. IDELTOMS-- RIGI-IIT. 1580-52 THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM - ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have con• zluded to sell Pianos and Organs t ' e Greatly Reduced Pari s, Organs at $25 and upwards, . s; Pianos at Corresponding pricers, SEE US BEFORE' PURCHASING. SCOTT BROS. GODERIpH Steam - Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. CHRYSTA L ICK IIEADACHE Positively aired by these Little Pilin. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, estion and oo Hearty Eating. A per - remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drown:. Bad Taste in,the Mouth, Coated Tongue in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. all P111. small Dose, Small Prices Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carters, Ask for. Carter's Insist and demand arter's Little iver Pills, Seaforth pye. Works. Get Your Clot es•Cleaned.arid your Dyeing o e at homed- H. omerH. N LE, Of the Seafort ` Dye Uri3tk', is pre- Pared re- par d Clean and Press Cl theta and Dye Cloth Of all kinds in first•olanis style and at very reasonable prices. Ladies' dreeees can be dyed, it desired with- out being ripped. A trial Is solicited, and all work warranted to give ediefaetion. Garments made to look nearly as good ae new. Works and residence on Ooderioh street. east of Main Street, and nearly op• posits St. Santee' Chh. eH. NICKLE, Seaforth. Suooeseor to Oi'ry t:1 at Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS Salt P_ ans,eno ke Steaks, Sheet Iron Works, ato., etc. Also dealers aUpright and Horizontal Slide Valve ' :,glues: ,Automatic Nb -?R Engines a o oiatty. All us of pipeand pipe -fitting eonstantly on hand sslimMes furnished on shortnotioe. Works --Opposite G. T. IL Bianca, eidetic*. 1698-12 fUT UP ASA POWDER. GIVES NEW : INCREASES THE FLOW OF MILK i$ F)W5. (' ttMINGmitts 4eO IDrch bat o.. mecism MONTRIA , pliparRrnosu t.9 25 cents and 50 c' is apackage. Notice to C i ntractors. SEALED TENDERS will 'e received by the un•, dersigned up to, 8 o'olook P. -in., on November 1st, 1898, for the building of s brick church •. in Belgrave during the summet of 1899. . lane and speci5catiane may be sec n at D. Sproat'e s . re, Belgrave. Tenders may be for the whole or p rte of the work. The lowest or any tender not ne 1 essarily accepted. • . WILL1A'kt WI eHTMAN, . 13= retary of Committee. 1805x4 sols. 1 Ns•so- ,,1„6.111 Alf.•llg.u,1ill1r.1.411naf"r..11r • ril�IlI •MS•M,,l•mia I 1111:11111111,'it It '111is1IIUIII 11111R •` t■IMT, 8111111.. VII • SIM I 1. NM II MI.,1461.112..1111VMVIIIIt �iir11 ■i�liilllli I ifl lnhuI.I il'.fll� aIfmI$il; SRI ■I�f lye enveam,,prehtli.v.t..IT! me :.movue, awl MINI L;:: ui/1111111 /H; 1,11Witel 1 fir.; IraiCQ W f EAL,CAN • After. Wood's Fhoophodine, The : nd ., , Regiishended Reantedy. Sold a • mmby all druggists 11 Canada. Only reli- able medi • e discovered. ,Biz kages gularanteed to cure all forms o Senna Weaknessi all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry,xcessive use of To- baeco. Opium or Stimulan Mailed on receipt of price, one package Si, six, $5. One win Plenum, rix told cure. Pan phlets free to an address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. gold is Seaforth by] Lumsden h Wilson, drugglets. THE HURON HE HELED ,HIS WIFE MR. AND MRS. SL1IMBERS PASS A PLEAS - A TI EVENING. The Lady Got Brainy Lord and Mae - ter Intereste ]�a Her Fool Scheme In Spit. of Rime faction of the i and He. Had the Ostia- ast Word. "rOh, Fred," said Mrs. Timbers, "I do wish you would ever_help meas some men h 1p their wives. If you would pay any a tention to what is going on around you, I might have wo a prize this afternoon. re. Trlgley had some company, and we to sate bow m ny" words we could con - et with lette used in the word'lriend- ip.' Don't yo remember reading in me paper 'eve weeks ago about a party of that kin ? _H you had shown any interest at that time and had helped me find worry 1 .int ht have been prepared for it today... As t was, I was next to the highest ono." "Pa caw t'-" replied Mr. Blimbers. "I've got sot p'nething better to do than waste my time over sunk claptrap as that, I have to do so much, thinking during the day that tai exercise my brain in figuring out such fool thi gs a your 'friendship' words would be thea heir t of folly. How many words did yob ge P" ".Forty-eight. ould you like to see the list?" "No: Is tea re y? Gosh, but I'm tired) I suppose of oo you've got fried' in your list?" I "Oh, yes! That was one of the first words I thought of. There, I've got them all written out on that sheet of paper. Look them over hale I see about the tea." "No; keep yo paper. I don't want to be bothered." Just then the !dell rang, and they went into t e dining loom. Mr. Blimbers ate silent y !orand then sud- denly askedfew minutes : "G t 'die?"' 1 "Y I' e got 'file,' „his wife replied. ; "I er What senseless thing the get up next?" Mr,'Blimbere , s he swallowed a mouthful of d. "But 1 suppose it's well. et theta give their brains a M- om* in awhile. They need it. to do such thinking as the men gh, they wouldn't feel like er these senseless games, I'll you wouldn't bother me with them. I've got other things: • y mind:" , don't worry about it, then," limbers.. "I'm sorryl brought up, if that's the way you feel ut I thought :you'd be inter- nees knows you take little rest in me and what I do, and ave ' ou got 'ire' on your list?" Mr.' bers 1 terrupted, et m ' ace," his wife replied as she unfclIded a Sheet of paper and began look- ing lip and down several rows of words. ' "I don't • liove I have. It's queer L didn't think of t • at. If I had, I'd have been tied r the pri . e." "Hump . !" Mr. Blimbere castioally ejaculated. "the only thing t at surprises me is that you women succeeded in'doing anything 4 ail with such a puzzle or game or w atever you call it because it taken scan thinking. If I hada chance in such a oon :et as that, I'll bet I'd win ev- ery time. ow don't bother me any more with this 4 Ing. ' r want to read." Mrs. Bli bars had some matters to look after in t e kitchen while the girl was taking thi go off the table, and Mr. Blim- bers went ut to the,porch. About five minutes la =r he hushed into the hall and yelled: "Yloren el Ho, Florence!" "What i it 1" Mrs. Blimbers called back. "Have ou got 'ride?' " bawled Mr. Blimbers. " es," is wife replied. "unto nd these fool women,.anyway 1" muttered r. Bliajnbers as he returned to the porch nd sat down. "I wish their blamed of gamest were all in Skaguay. I haven't an time to waste over them, and I need my nergy or more useful things." Then h begs to read. Presently he me tot word "fire," and that remind - "F ore a" he! yelled, "is that you in the parlor'" I ' as the reply. . "Have . • u got 'fire?' " , r " 'Fire? Let me see. Yes, I've got 'IIre.' " Mr. B1 bers slapped his paper down upon the oor and k several turns around the porch to cal himself. Theyba 1 been out th night before, and Mrs. Bllm re ways w so she retired early and on fell asleep. She had had several ple sant Brea me when she awoke and saw that a light was burning in the dressing .om. "Fred," she Dried, "ars that you?" e replied. "What t me is pit?" , "A littl after 11." "Goodn : sl Why don't you come to bed?" "I've got three more words than you had," ho triumphantly declared as he en- tered the bedroom, flourishing her list. "'But oonf unci it, I wish you'd leave your rlioolish ga es behind you -when you come I home fro parties hereafter! I ought to have been sleep two hours ago. I'll have a head en e like a block of wood, tomor- row." i She apo fell asleep again, Ito be rudely: : awakened everal' hours later) - "Floren a 1" said Mr. Blimbers. - "What s it?" she whispered, thinking of burglar and getting ready to duok un -- der the qu Its. ' "Did,yop have "fad' in your list?" "'Fad?' No. You can't get 'fad' out of the letters n `friendship.' There's no' a. ' " "Of ell he fools under the sun," grawl- ed ' Mr. Blimbers as he turned over and tried to go to sleep, "a woman that will work her brain oyer such an idiotic thing! as that 'friendship' game is a little the worst." But bis wife had relapsed into slumber, and alio he had' the last word.—Cleveland, Leader. English Jonrnallem. Walter Wellman says that one short - story will illustrate the spirit of English journalism better than any amount o generalism and quotes Moberley Bell, the editor of the London Times, as saying: l "We would at any time stop our presser! and make new stereotype plates•to correct a typographical error, but we would not stop our machines to get in a late piece o news, no matter how important or sense tional. • We could! print that the next da without any both r." won women' wil mumbled potato s enough to tle exercise If they bad must, tho worrying o bet. I wis any more • to occupy "Oh, we said Mrs. the matte about it. ' ested. Go enough in B1i1 1 ,IVea „ 1. " Yes,"' ,1 Interests of All. One thing ought to be aimed at by men—that the in cost of each individually and of all tolleotilvely should be the same; for if eaoh should!' grasp at his individual interest all humhn sooiety will be dis- solved.—Cicero. II Exposri FODDER IN THE ;TREE TOPS. i Cattle In Hawaii Hay Tieno Develop Saansorlai At ribcaes. A cow cannot climb a tree -undoubted fact in natural history Yet if a viren- ment can effeot what some believe: it can a few generations of cattle in Ha ' ail are likely to evolve a race of scanso kine, for the common fodder f r cows an horses grows on trees. There aro only two d reotions in the is- lands of , the Paoifio, a d everybody uses the terms windward and leeward al glibly as if bred aboard ship to use sailors' Eng- lish. In Hawaii these;two direotions are distinctly marked -ion 1he windward side of every island, tropic rains, growth of green things to jungle uxurianoe;1.on the'; leeward side, drought r ly brokent scanty grasses precariously •' feting in ; a sun baked soil, for most m Mho of m_ oast years sere and brown. Bu as not every one can live to windward, ' d it seemis a pity to let so, much lee and go taj waste whioh might otherwise be good, the edger - robs tree has been in odpced from the Affican eriditiee and has made cattle ranching a successful: possibility on the ry lands. r ere tho Priests of the Freno mission W m ntroducers, they Navin become acquaint- with its value in Al aria. As its name bows, it is the Caro tree of the "Ara- ban Nights," the sou a of most people's nowled a of things Arabic. The tree grows mist luxuriantl in most Hawaiian soils an/bears, cont nuously the year 1. around. This is a mat r of particular im- portance for it is th fruit sehi h is of value. The tree gro s totha hleight at- tained by largo maple f and branches lux- uriantly so as to shade considerable area, and as the leaves are both abundant and large, there is formed a protection against the - heat which stool; appreciate. • The fruit is a large fleshy pod filled with beans the size- of a horse chtnut. It is upon the pods and the bens that cattle feed. This fod4er'is so sett ging that for long Periods cattle are fed on nothing else and reach 'market in prime condition.—New York -Suite. ` ".AN INGRAT SOLDIER. NIARRIAG LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR - OFFICE, BEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED; o rdl Actio His C iia y n, Making of a He 'se Is a story of th was war between th Danes. One day a gre and the Swedes were from the field. A sold had been slightly won frhe ground. He was a om a flask. All at one say: "Oh, sir, give me ing l" . ; It was a wounded 5 was lying on the gro off. The Dane wont knelt down by the s and pressed the flask said ho, "for thy n mine." Hardly had he spok;:b these words when the Swede raised 'hi self on hie elbow. He pulled a pistol m his pocket and shot at the man who would have befriend- ed him. The bullet grazed the Dane's shoulder, but didnot do him much harm. "Ah, you rasoa 1" he cried. " was go- ing to befriend you, and you y me by trying to kill me. Noqw`I will pu ash you. I would have given yiiu all the ater, but now you shall have only half."nd with that he drank the h of it and hen gays the rest to the Swede. � When the king of t e Danesheard about this, he sent for theisoldier and had him tell the story juat as t was. ` E " Why.d$d 'you spa the life of she Swede after be Iliad tried to 111 you?" asked the king. echuse, sir," sal the aoldieri "I could never kill a wounded enemy. " "Then you desery be a nobleman," said the king. And he rewarded him by making him a knig is and giving him a noble title.—"!'amo s Stories Retold." However, Was the obleman. battlefield, There Swedes and the - t battle was fought beaten and drives r of the Danes who ded was sitting on out to take a drink tee he heard some ink, for I ens dy- ede who spoke. He d only a little -way him at once. He e of his 'fallen foe his lips. "Drink, "" is greater than The! Was A shell thrown fro i g gun rushes Oro 1 city of 4,900 feet p o ject.with a force e ns falling one foot. t vely speaking, the hus, during the o o Alexandria by t s fps, lasting •from o less than 8,186 ash t e town, yet not1711 o ere killed—that s Baking, six shell Again, during the t e Gig ane thre f rt, kit ing only e ells t kill one ' burg, 1 the same_ kill eve man. A 110,000 hells kille4 209. . ui of War. a 24 ton quick fir - h the air at the Te- r second, striking its nal to that'of 11,280 And yet, 'compare - are very harmless. e day bombardment. e British fleet of 11 a. m. to 4•:80 p. m., 110 were thrown into e than 800 Egyptians s,, it took] roughly kill one man. Franco-German war, 0,000 shells into Bel - Frenchmen, or 600 eiohman. At Stras- r, it took 18 shells to • at the siege of Paris illy 107 and wounded' It (weighting Some ofthe offic' once antahored in t Madeira, ;went ash around the island: About half was • came across al.ittle tontly very rse, with as chief slue rst lieutsn ere you do gown?" , you see, s first hitej ;badly, j oing too just rigged this s her dow�t to her note lig¢ a clippe war. "\ I and ovie little he handkea The "What chief, l� awe Why when I Horse's Ste s and men f a vessel harbor of Funchal, e'for a ho back ride up the mountain we izzenitopmajn, flushed arms, *!ding la spirited in a silk 4 St U1 :tone tied o his tail. t laughed g! with that! 1 and bald, ndker- ," said Brovn, "t ate her up she pitohed oh by the head, so I e on aft and brought firings, and I she sails ir."---" On a Man -of- • In o As pictures 1, u mediae ity whic Zion's Brad q ate: Taylor o a , Mail ty en the place to r a !nous "sailor pr: • ch� ' Afte the serm'1 pulpit talrs, the t " at ' er Taylo my ron this,t A pr aching 4�.m plaoi g his hand pr} der, he ,replied : "My dear broth : r the smallpox, yo caught it." 3 Danger. desoriptior of that • othing earl inspire, the remark of Father. student who had tak- rarily of Boron's far r," as they dew nded the dent asked: hat did yo think of nine" in a fatherly way and the student's ghoul - if your text hal had ermon could no have Econ The most aeon food is s due m -Ix ble substance in man should liv more than he s fine flour bread. tite, requires var In Food. -, cal "mode of preparing o of meat and vegeta- form of soups, but no pon soup alone any o d live upon meat or th, as well as appe- The deteriorati paz is much mo ruby, but it take ` the garnet becomes cloudy and dull Ian nese. of th pfd differ igh 1 garnet and Lo- an that of the nt form: While the topaz turns all its bright - Purest led Belot t or Table d Dairy - No *Matter:41 1 _ Never cakest li • Twent Funn Stories ARK They relate to Mark 'I'w,ain's eccentricitiS', and his ; aptness in making th most ordinary episodes appear ludicrous. The stories are brimful Of - fun. r 1 When 1 Stood Face to 1 Face With Death General A. W. Greely, the gre t Arctic ex- plorer, t lis here, for the first tiro in print, the graphic story of his fear- ful exile of 278 days at the No h Pole, when his comrades daily ' dropped dead at his side, and when all waited -day by day for death to come. Miss Wilkin in Mer New Eng1 d ` ion e An , entire hotographic page wil, show the author Qf '1`jerome" and rot ro "Pemb at home they her ; g with he favorite evening a recepl John Wanamake!'s Sunday - The Most interesting Sunday -School in How it has g own to be a fa together with the wonderful voted his ener ies'to its develo;. '' as she is er friends as ed around in cut to walk r iiog;; with her c t ; and in an ready S � � y for ao These are Sbnie of the Speatial Features in the 0 TME LAbIEs IloME J� Je We will mail -The Ladiesf Home Jou until January 1, 1899, a :d The sat Post, every week from ft until the: . tn receipt of. only Twen01,4ve Cents. T11ECURTIS PUB41 0 ti Ica a city's life, ho has de Illustrated. er Number of URNAL a._ from now y Rvening ' f i the year, TIIE SATURDAYI vEaING. PosT COMPANY, Was established in 17i8 by. Benjamin Franklin. It is handsomely iliustratedl and gives weekly the best serials, short stories and sketches the World can produce. ; The regular subscription price is f2.so per year. Both our publications, balance of the year as an introduction, for only Twenty-five Cenits PHILADELPHIA Jac ison & SON. b B1E0T IMPORTEms ON Juleb Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, France ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, !Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, (blas- gow, Scotland ; 4hinieson'brish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whi ky, Ontario ; Royal Distillery and D viae' Ale and Porter, Toronto: To THE PUBLIC_; We have opened a retail store in connection with our wholesale bust business itt the rear of the new Do minion{ Bank, in Good's old stand where_ ire will sell the beat goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE 11. 1518-tf For over a year we have had the seency for the sale oil INDAPO. Our first order was for a quarter of • dozen, our asst for One Hundred and Forty-four Dollars worth. I IVAPO T GREAT HINDOCI REMEDY PROD170ES THE alarm slats in 30 days. Cures al Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory P rests. Sleeplessness, Nightly Emis- el ns, etc, caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and quickly but surely restores Lost Illanhood in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price 41/.00 a package, • for $5.00 with. a written guarantee to oure or money refunded. iDoN'T BHT AN birrATIONt 1:1)1 insist on haring rNDAPO. If your druggist has got it, we will Bend it prepaid. This rapid increase proves it is a remedy that everyone Who tries it speaks well of. Yours respectfully, EGasTERED. ItirEMARK silfind tai apo Madea well Man of er, System Rehovator —AND OTH it— A epecific and antidote far Impure, Weak and Di- poveriehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pali:rata- ble& of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia% Loee of Memory, Bronchitis, Constunption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kieney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitin' Dance, Female Inegnlarleitm and General Debility. LABOB.ATORTe-Goderich, Ontario. J. 'M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 1541-11 titeSinop Directory for 1898 3OHN MORRISON, Reeve. Winthrop P. O. DANIEL MANLEY, Deputy -Reeve, Beachwood WM. MOGAVIN, Oannoillor, Ludlum r. JOSEPH C. MOBRISON, Councillor, Beschwood I JOHN 0. BROWN, Ocliznalor, Szfro4h P. 0, JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Win P. O. I DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. I WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beachwood P. O. CHARM DODD% Collector, Sailor* P. 01, I RIOHA,RD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead- Blake Cider, ApPle 'and Jelly' Factory. Is now ninning every worklog day except MondaY Bring along 3 our apples and get your older made by Steam Power and Hydraulic Press. Chopping dOne on Mondays during older season. Slau hter Sale of Crockery Still G ing on fof. 'the Next Thirty Dar And a good assortment to choose from, which we ask yoill to inspect for you elf before purchasing elsewIlere. N trouble to show g 48. inner Set, 104 pieces, $5.50 ; Dinner Set, 97 pieces, , , 44 pieces, $4 ; ironstone 'Tea Set, 44 pieces, ees Toile Set, $1 ; White 8 piec,e,roilet Set, $1.50. H ndsome amps, from 51 to $2 , Fancy Water Sets, 6 leces, as qrted colors, $1 ; Dinner Plates, 50 per d zen ; So p .Plates, 50,3 per dozen ; Tea Plates, 40c p • dozen Cups and Saucers, best white stoneivea_r, 66c per do en ; and many other lines of Fancy China, tock of Groceries Will be f•und as icoia.plete as any house in the trade. Still givin 21 pounds of Redpath's Extra Standard Granulated Sugar for (a ; 2 pounds of Black, Green or Japan Tea, for 250, giNling extra satisfaction ; still some ;of that -goo Laundry Soap, regular 5e -a bar, now 7 bars ,for 26e ; Toilet Soaps at equally reduced prices ; 3 Cans Red almon fori25c; 3 Boxes No. 1 Matches for iilL,Give me a call if you want anything in the Highest Market, Prices for Butter, Eggs. and Potatoes. :J. MWABE,_ -C4th. T e Rush Still Con- tinues at the Seaforth Tea Stoi•e. Just Another Chance for Great Bargains. boub one thonsand Fruit Genie still in ' stock, in all the different sizes; Also a full Ito& of all kinds of • cosh Groeer es. We are still giving - roc:le- i' pries. The as no use of me qUoting prices, th. bottom has dropped out of every lme of goods. ! vi A cordial in tatiOla is extended to all to • call a d e amine my stock. II am Isure y a wi be pleased to see the many great argains that can he se - w ich the highest pries will Wanted—Go fr h butter eggs awl pota.- toes, fo be pail A. G. HERE ARE GOLD MINES RIGHT AT HOME For people who have learned that the road to wealth is RIGHT BUYING. We know people who have paid $2 for shoes not as good as we sell for $1.50, and they were people who needed every cent they had too. If they followed the same course in their other buying it's no wonder they failed to make headway in saving up something for a rainy day. And that reit:Inds us, For rainy days we have a matchless* assortment of Long BOots and Re- liable Stapies, and we OSA save yon money on -them We- have increased our staff of workmen 3 and will be in a better position thou; ' ever te do CL STOM WORK said REPAIRING o the shortest notice. Richardson ci McInnis, LT, C4th.I WHITNEY'S BLOCKg