HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-23, Page 6; - _ C./ VETERINARY TOHN GRIEVE, V.S., honor graduste of Ontario e./ Veterinary College. All diseases of Domed° animals traded. Calls promptly attended to And -charges moderate. Veterinary Dent stry a speoleity. Office end residence on Ooderith street, one door East of Dr. Soott's office, Seeforth. 1112-tf G. H. GIBB, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist, Toronto College of Veterinary dentists, Honor Graduate of Ontmio Yet - *dairy College, Honor member of Ontario Veterin- ary Medical Society. All diseases of dolomitic animals sidifully treated. All calls promptly attended to day 'or night. Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. °Sloe and Dispensary -Dr. Campbell'a old offloe, Mein street fiesforth., Night calls answered holm the office. 1406-62 LEGAL JAMES L KILLORAN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyanoer and Notary Public. Money to loan. Office over Pickard's Store, formerly Mechanics' Institute, Main Street, Seafortb. 1628 iag- G. CAMERON, formerly 01 Cameron, Holt & ILL. Cameron, Barrister and Solideor, Goderioh, Ontario. Office -Hamilton street, opposite Ooiborne Hotel. 1462 yik S. HAYS, Barrister, Solioltor, Conveyancer and XV Notary Public., Solicitor for the Dominion Rank. Offide-Cardno's bleak, Main Street, fleaforile. eloney to loan. 111U BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ate Offloe-Rooms, five doors north ofOommercia , grouted floor, next door to 0. L. Pape. s sillily store, Main street, Seafortb. Goderieh sals—Cameron, Halt and Cameron. 1216 Q COTT & MoKENZIE, Barristem, Solicitors,1 etc., a3 Clinton and Bayfieid. Clinton Office, Elliott Nook, Isaacs street. Bayfield Offloe, open every Thorsday, Main street, first door wed of poet office. Money to loan. James Scott & E, H. McKenzie. 1598 9,+ASROW a PROPProcri, Bimini* Solicitors, dodsrloh, Ontario. 1. 2. Gamow, 41. o.; ' Pious Up. TOOL 286 MICRON, HOU is BOLMIS, Barristers Sa ki nation to Obaso•ry, ho.,Goderloh, Out M. O. Osmium, Q. O., Ilium Hose, DUDLEY HOW= FROIMICSTIED, successor to the lath firm of a McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, and Noting Solicitor for the Can Whin tank ot Commerce. Money to lend. Farm for sale. Office in Soott't Block, Main Street 111111fOrith DENTISTRY. yi W. TWEEiDLE. Dentlet. Office -Over Richard- son & McInnis' shoe store, ruler Main and at streets, Seaforth. . p/R. BELDEN, dentist ; crowning, bridge work_ and gold plate work. Special &Mention given the preservation of the natural teeth. Ali work earefully performed. Offloe-over Johnson Bros.' oArdware store. Saaforth. 1461 ' "j'Ilt. H. S. ANDER130N, graduate of Royal College A.1 of Dental Surgeons, Ontorio, D. D. fa, of To- ronto University. Office, Market Block, Mitchell, Ontario. 1402 lAR. A. R.. KINSMAN, L. D. EL, D. D. . Jef Honor graduate of Toronto University, De • tist, wili pracBoe dentistry at his father's rooms in Exeter, and at his room at Mrs. Shafer's reetaurant, Hensel, every Wedneaday. H. Kinsman, la D. S., st Zurich the last Thindsday of each month. 1 1546-131 DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, alem honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Office in the Petty block, Hansen. Will vieit Zurich every Monday, „oommenoing Mon- day, June 1st. 1587 ID AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will visit Zurieh . the second Thursday of each month. 1602 Dr. John McGinnis, Hon. Originate London Western University, month r of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeon Office and Reaidenoe-Formerly occupied by Mr. W Pickard; Victoria Street, next to the Catholics Chu 1458x12 grliight mills attended promptly. TaR.. ARMSTRONG, M. B., Toronto, led..04).1): M., ▪ Victoria, M. C. P. S., Ontario, Puce r to Dr. Elliott, office- lately 000upled by Dr. Elio Bruce- eld, Ontario. et.LSI. BrrHUNK, M. D, Fellow of the Royal College 'of Physidaris and Surgeons, Kingston. =maw to De. Maokid_ Oilloi lately ocempled py Dr. Maokid, me.. Street, Seaforth. Residence -Corner of Viotoria Square, in house lately occupied by L. Z. Danoey. 1127 DR. F. BURROWS, Late resident Phyttician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity University, member of the College of Physroians and Surgeons at Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron. aerOFFIGE.-Same as formerly °occupied hy Dr. S mith, oPposite Public School. Seaforth. Telephone No. 46. N. B -Night calls answered from office. 1886 DRS, SCOTT & MacKAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Ooderich street, oPposite Methodist ohuroh,Seaforth .1. G. SCOTT,' graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor,- and member Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. a. MaoKAY, home; graduate Trinity University, gold medalist Trinity Medical College. Member College cat Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. 1488 -FAR. F. H. IKALBFLEISCH, Physician, Surgeon and Accesuoheur, successor to Dr. WaGraham, Bruesels, Coterie/. First CIA88 Honor Graduate of the Univereities qf Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (King- ston), and ?f Trinity Medial College ; Fellow of Trinity Medical College and member of this College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Poet Graduate Course In Detroit and Chicago, 1896. Special attention paid to disdoes of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Diseases of Womena' Catarrah treated successtully in all its forms. Con eultatime in English and German. 581 -ti AUCTIONEERS. VVM. M'CLOY, Auctioneer for th Counties of Huron and lemma and Agent at He 11 for the Maseey-Harrie Menu - :adoring Compan Salm romptly attended to charges moderat and sa isfaction g-usranteed. Orders by mail addressed to Hansen Post Office, or iefi at hie residence, Lot 2, Concession 11, Tuek- ersmith, will reoeive prompt attention. • 1296 -If TH, h MAN, With the gook TMs most' excellent work should be in every how° the count of Huron. PRICE; $1.00 PER COPY.. „ • coo,. care be had from Mr. B. R. Higgins, Brucci- field, or Mr. David Rose, 6e0 Church street, Toronto.: Rev. De.' McVicer, Principal of the Presbyterian College, says :- I Am profited and greatly pleased with what I have read, and I Intend next Monday to idvise all our students to put it into their libraries and to study 11 deligently as affording rich in- struction in pastorfal theology and practical godli- nese. I shell read them a few passages that thaY may see that it is far from being dull or dry. Mr. N. Drysdale of Wm. Drysdale & Co., Publishers and Booksellers-, Montreal, says :-Rev. John Rose was a grand man, and the writing of his life could not have been pleoed in better hands. What we need to -day room and more ate books of this Class The reading of which tends to the better circulation of the blood,and staring one's soul. 1665-tf Goon Cotton' Root Componal Is successfully used monthly by oyer I0,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask your druggist for Cacks Caftan ihist &Oh pallid. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Pries., Ne, 1, $1 per box; No. 10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two S-eent etomps. The Cook CompanyiWindsor, Ont. rdr-N00. 1 end 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. 1.• Ng 1 and Nr*. 2 gold,in Seatcrth :by Lumsden Wilson, druggists, In the olden times, 44? wisel searched vainly for the phyeicians accounted Elixir of Life, or the knowledge whereby life might be prolonged. We now know that there is no such thing as an Elixir of Life. But we have learned that life- may be prolonged by tlinSe who take the'. right measures. Any man or wonian who will take lare of health and take the. right remedies tor ill health, may live to a ripe old age. ' When a man feels out of sterts, when he gets tip in the morning tired out , after a restless night, and goes home in the evening com- pletely. knocked out with his day's work, withdut appetite or ambition, he is a sick man; If he does not take the right r medy he *fill soon be in the grasp of con ufrip- tion,1 nervous prostration, mnlatia, r some other ;serious malady. A tiian in this condition should once reso# to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi a Dis- cove . It is the best of all nsedicin s for hard working _men and women. It 1 tikes the etite keen and hearty. It ves satin and refreshing sleep. It tone and stre ens the whole system. It in iger- sites e heart and nerves., It makee ices - tion erfeet, the liver active: and the lood pure It :Curee 98 per cent. Of street es of con mption. It, strengthena weak lungs, an . -ecbronchitis, spitting of blo and :t ohatA ate coughs. It is the great loort mak r land ileeh-buildert It does pot ake flabb flesh like cod liver oil, but firm, heal 1.Y, muscular.tissue'. It does not ake .eorp lent people 'more corpulent. hou- 'sand have testified to it marvelous merits: Sold by all medicine dealers.' , Yo - know what you Want. deal r's business to -tell you. for a Sens encl and It la not a d, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Euffalo, N. Y., free copy of the " People's COMmon Medical Adviser. For paper-cOvered se 31 one -cent stamps to ;ver customs ailing only. Cloth-bou d 5o stamps. E SINGULAR VOTE AUt TILBOX OF "In certain stages of his inebr'anc Aut has a eppertation for elerquence one flailed by ari one in our town Yes, gen lemen, and I hink there is not a platform in our land hich ' would have eien disgraped by his ad rees delivered that day', in th .town t, hall of Amity. But though speakin most eIerqu ntly of patterotisin end doot , and denou cin', with a voice of thunder, the ragin' sea of perlitical corruption in our land, e give no hint as to Which way he Was p lineally inclinin' to votii on this per- tiekerl t , salon, ontil, jest ir he wae elos- in' M rl Junio-r was seen to pris sonlrthin' affeeeti nertly into his haat!. 'When! my eyes h s closed on earthly weirs,' then lays Ant, and I hear the iiusterr of angels' wings, let my last words be th t II voted -7' here ec in passin' was seen seill more area- tioner ly to press somethin' into the epeak- er's h nd-' let my last words be,' says ut, panel for a moment, and rollin's h s eyes up'ar a, while a lingerin' smile played over his fe tures, ' iysters, iysters, lye ra.' t; . "A t descended, and was no &Idlest. deeps.i in'ly by Ilee and Marl nieaodered back nd forthag'in, ontil I was eotripelled to obs rve that' his symptoms gre Still more Ierquent, and he was only wit great differ° by pervented from main' a primma- toor a if inerfeotooal vote for the deeeased Horace Greeley. 'Stay me not l' cries Aut. 'He was the saviour of his country, the in- stitooter of a new order, a martyr in the glor'ous cause of liberty,- and, above all, the pussonal friend 1 of Ant Tilbox I' And he endeavored wildly to reach ithe poll , 'but was rerstrained,1 and on bein' told th t the illuetrious canderdate was dead, be etired into a corner, said for 'some monien a was seen to weep onrestrainedly. I , "He was again rescued by Hec and Marl, and led trembliely from iysters to eider, and from cider back ag'in to iysterls ; but it begun to be eveident that hie cap ei was well nigh reached. His elerquenc was gone. He set harmlessly :down on the ihearth of the box -stove, whioh fortinitly nontained no fire, and refueed every melee - nation to move. But when Marl whiSpered to him once more the accustemed i tion, a dangerous gleam shot Iforn hi in' eyes : • Young man,' says, He, ' t but one word Ieft that I cap hear, an wprd is not a Pleasant word, ,and tha is, tysters and ider, and Wee be 1 te him 1.r at speaks it ' And he ri'' up, and leanin' the shoulde s of his corn atterots, disap- ared temper arily from t e scene. 1 verta- clos- ere is that word af th ne as lia -fr at th "It bein' no sereewhat advanced n the ernoon, a au gestion was made th t• we at once to he polls. But has alwa s an - own of mity, has . never per - ed -and npre- 'ever, tha Wil- ' somewh t too e Dimmo racy, eded nded e on in' 'a sky, uld perceed brotherly feelin' whie mated the voters of the I have said, gentlemen, I tted the castin' of a hurr ditated vote fear, ho ston had eein indulgi ely in the cider of t en, after so e idifferculty, he sum ength in reachin' the chair, and Po entirely onn4cessary length of 'MI eounter pelirrimernary tointrodu which at first was h mid as he perceeded. bil.. His tone w clear and " '1 nnove,' 'be put upon th erusin' of a Robert II. er's, yaller• tlemen,' say .or in, far C4e ys he, that an inju publereation, eirkerl y almanick' save and e homas's oldfashione ction tion, c,copied- overecl, ten -cent al7anick I he, I was indu ed last ye r to accept a other alrnanick as S gift from an acouain ernee. I took it, lionne to nay family as,' instructor. and a %elide. Gentlemen, tha almanick was the vvirk of a incenderrary and a fiend. My wif and , me was made to go to church on Satu day,' an wondered to find tbe doors of the anc- to ary closed ag'in us. We was mid the sea dal of our neighbore by washin' on Sun- da , and bakin' in the Middle of the eek. Ge tlemen, the moon in that almanick was see at first,quarter in perigee in the orn- in' and fulled in apogee before nigh , 'be- sid bein' reprersented of a shape to taw te a from the eyes of science. •Dece bet., viea set down as shoetery and January ith-; ou a thaw. Moreover, in the back pa t of tbs. Almanick was receipts, among which wit given one for removin stains from the mo th after eatin' huckleberry pie. My atarrh tIcackles "f Broken in 60 Minute! It's an alarming fact, bnt statistics bear it out, that it least 8o in eyery hun- dred persone in this country are tainted in a lesser or greater degree by that disgusting, offen- sive and dangerous dis- ease -Catarrh. If symp- toms appear, seal &scold n the head, dliziness, painsin the forehead, headache, dropping i n the throat, offensive breath, loss of taste and smell, the Catarrh shackles may Le tightening about you - DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER is the most potent Catarrh cure. known to-day-- Recommendedlby eminent nose and throat special- ists -gives relief in from ee to 6o minutes.- " For years I was a victim of chronic Catarrh; the first application of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal pow- der gave me instant relief, and in an incredibly short while I was permanently cured."-ojames Headley, Dundee, N.V.-4 For gale by Lumsden & Wileon, Seeforth • e wife an Gentleme and our hl to our fa ly not seoh d t be stoppe hansted in put and o r jority. " Scarce ere a men] e triumpher tl and set up n seeh that hands, an it could peree dyin' tone h of thunder' " I am ti and perliti al paigns an n caukerses. I ever by n dertary nommerna be app'intl " There have been well-meani tention be voters of t WU seen in a b wen the Deep u ly au tracks, wh oh trao allel with ac oth at a distan e of s from the ' A ity ecived tha I as a sorted poll , nd I compatterd s o lea cause of th Inger '1.n". HU re, ON LXPOSIT LIN DEATH' ercently applied the mitten, r da s we were in torments, red, urnifaltn uths was closed and friends, entlemen, shall rdly and inhu an perceedin's Here Willis ston sunk, ex - is chair, and the moti n was if ied by an 9 erwhelmi ' ma- n been removed ad Williamst of my own pa ty was brought forrerd by his compatterote the ohair. s emotions was ruler sunk 1 feless from his was some mo onto before he d. He begn in a furaway t gradUerly rat into a voice d,' says he, of party strife intrigues. I m sick apf eani- mmarnations nd lectabne and want to settle it once and 'for- ernatin' a goo equar' hered- And I he eby move and hat, Colonel Sp orous `B. Bacon ereditary kin 1' o knowin t,), action might in regard tO y rash though onsti tuent, b d not our at- ivert d by e fact that the f Amity was suddenly in' thei way towards Loud °stern Railroad s, gent; en, runs par- r threu the sand -gap, me thr e or four rods own bel . Soon I per- andin' el ne by the de- urned a d follere my what might b the er (Hindle t. , 1 h ve a rea y nairat to an as in tention o the n',' th frie d . and a 'able hich was Ca led on in our Ami durii this imp° tant thin I ai uld fail i my acted to 'BY at, as I 'Med e t e gap, t was eve dent tin' ad be high an the ut equal I beheld ones s hoes and b y on the isep track, cal swaiti ' the Lend Wes rn train, with ntlenien, which i Wall to tun p lel in a rage t' upon Jone ntlemen, I can you he e ons which tank- oorn I me. bad ex oted onstittuen s but I w not f patter Ulm forrerd t ise- "Gentle you more brotherly f peroosedin'S little town occasion, h dooty if 'I eg my compane that the stakes was settin' wit h Gay Rade a arrival of h which, yes; g his in enti throng th g As ga ed not de ori t parrar ly much of in prepared fd s as this' I a sure him t at the roar of he and, calmly ; Loud Wes reins n peared like 1 ve '4‘ Go • eh a ispl y abo t to r this waa appr achin' itin' to gi eugi e, Jon alper atin' s et'or up the time I h ve he there is a sin ..• rlari y abou wagginb of th vote a of A cause them to be e oily d' whores Oil the ace of the will not deny at t e baok Jonee's buggy as f rmed pew dOor pine red f om th Presbyterian 0 urc14 and figger 6, reprise ntin the nu to its former o eup ta, wa visible. More ver, ones' esthetioky 1nat re, as two ramparts oi th bug co old pulpit frin e, si erlarly the ruins. 1 "But notv, entlenien, as I watched that figger 6 disap arid' up the ack in -a Wav- in'sea of fring , and heard e clatterin' of Jones'e hose an buggy risi ven abo elthe roar of the eng ne, all lesser . emotions ILO forgotten. I as compelle to lean u n a neighbor for 811 por GI. But en the b (lath- announced,:by ech s had t tioned h m - less excitement had ied ave , and i as selves teethe t rmernetion f the -gap, a tie, perlitical norms was f6r t e moment eVral- lered up in our uttial deep i . We grasped each °there ha ds in silence nd I don't'be- lieve, no, gentl men„I I don' believe there .Wa.• a dry eye mongst 01, voters Of :the town of Amity. But the sun was fast wegt- ernin'. The. oils I were a out to elOse. Renlizin' thia fact, the vot re of Amity rushed pertnisc' ualY tower e town ball, Leavin' our vali nt conatit te to defend kr a moment o r interests r he polls, Hee and I sped to the hossah , where Aut Tilboi was atil londly, five etly sleepin'. We spoke tO ... ut in gentle nil entreatin' accents, but he ansWered ei . We shook and we three ned him, b the bound of his resoundinq umbers wa e only reply beetle to oiir wa tin' ears. re was a de- spairin' gleam 4 Heo's eye, i then an OD. accountable fla h Of trierii ph. In less time than the w rds leaves mouth, Hee was exchangin' clo'il1 with el unconscious' Aut. Heights 1 as equally all, and corper-, lancy was auppl ed by meane if a half sheaf of straw procure from a ne hborin' wag - gin, and which as tuffed' ti der the per- digious waistcoat Heo had ow assumed. There was but one thing. antin' : Aut's . beard " was of peculiar e lowish tinge, : growin' in perfu ion rom n er his chin, his face bein' oth rwise iii ooeh. Hee's : lightnin' eye fe 1 u on , the ail' of Jedge : Marlborough's 088, atandin near. Yes gentletnen, there was no deny n', that berrd and that liosea t il as of th same iiingerr lar and onnatura Ceil r. Gen lennei4 it wa no sooner said t an done ! 1 arlborough' hoss stood withiut a, tail-th t is, gentle mene withoet no tail to spe: k on. But differculty arose on account of Hee's mus tache : ' I half a ticerpated , 1. is,' says be and, groanire, dr w a, razor fro his pocket ' It's all -for `Ii.ir lowl' says Iiii And ' It'l grow ag'in,' says he ; and wilt ut anothe word that beauti ul curvin' in tache fell t the earth. By eans of se pipe pitc the tail of jedg Marlboron se hoes wa quickly adjustei under the hin of my youthful conetitt I ents ; and t n assumin .Aut's beavee hat s a'last tete and thrust in' one arm akim o, and step ' out with, that peculiar tee: i for which' t is distin-1 guished, and whi h I Can o I describe tel you, gentlemen, as 4 kind hop and a skip, as though h was a-kee time to the insperation of inv Bible musie, ec wendeee his way towards he tpwn ha . ch Was rny otions that 1 ore the n a st rail, and the isso stake, for ould not h riz. Posi- , I ; could dt have riz. actual A t Tilbox had place by h side of Hee e been b ileyed in. His ve been q eetioned, and een cast iseide ise an im- tlemen, a my youthful ed his prou 0,1idt'amblin' y towerds 111 town hall, ied to me I amazed aead he was th Alit Tilboxest ever I seer Gentlemen, er than AUt ! , ilbQX hiM- ' ' i ptive form of Aut entered d marchin towards the his Rer ublican ticket he dropped it i ter the ly thrustinr to , ne side clamations of hi disap- ts, he was ,permitted, in he moment, 't elsappear 11 imagery, hen ain was h ard, abreaet o the loosene the ed, and disap- it said that he hosses and y which ould n uished any- obe. A d I o the se t of a maho any uins of th old pon whie the ber of the pew • strik n'ly i e, bein' o an d around the 'rable of the rooured from "Gentlemen, s I setiiveakly dow if my life had bee some moments I tively, gentleme Gentlemen, if the rose up to take he would' not ha identity would h he would have poster. For, ge constittuent wen and oorperlant w it could not be de gaspi ' vision tha Tilbox that a Aut Tilbo the persu wn hall, a and swingin ntly aloft, and powerfu onder and e p'inted compatter the e citement of unfollered feom th Aut he w self ! 8 the t polls, clerfi box ; the " F've minutes stand n' wit Hee clo's, he lo s othi grimi ess under th time ade no aeeo town clerk and r Amit by a majori jority of one ! "I Will not ling which happened to ful Serficien Marlb rough'a hos scene. afterwards, as It was a- rehabertated in is own mustache and a little chin not seoh a nt of, I wee eclared egistrar of the own of y, gentlemen -7-b a•Ltla- r longer over Ithe scenes the close of this: event - to say, that hen Jedge wee hrought around to APP rom Do Wiley isease Prevented d's Kid ey Pills, Onli. "Kidney' Disea hat it ineans? It eys are either ro lood is full of ealing corruption n't do their wor walki char ours at' j3umber UST ta e Dodd' e. Do you know m ans that the kid- te)h or rotting; the poisonous, death- ; Olat the Kidneys • that the victim is el - oust; that his • that the victim *dney Pills if he oes not ant to die. Have ou rdney Disease ? t -Is iour ski ot an d y; memory fail- ihg ; bre t . short . rine, reddish, or pale col red ; d _it scald when passing ; your p titt changeable; do your ankles s ell ; have you bitter taste in the mo th on getting up mornings ; is the q a brick -dust de- posit in your urin. ? Any of these 51 n is proof positive of Kidney Disease ill you be cured, ' or will_ you die? Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only ns on earth that will cure "u. T ey never fail. 'him, as he teed dig oussin' loudly on the town hall.s ne after the election, , and be observed th situatio of that hose's tail, hie languag was sec; as I should hOsertate; gentlemen, to dosed e in this narration. 'Anybody,' saye Jed e arlborough, in re- soundin' to es-' any dy that '11 diefigger and muterl te tbe tai oils noble animal like that, is not Worthy o the name of Dirnmoo- racy 1' 'An , the eon innation of hie lan- guage was unply pet 'fyin'. Howstunever, as I wende my way canewards that even - in' my thou ht.!' was at1efulnees and peaoe, hich coul ot be disturbed even by ob- servile the stittueete of Jedge Marl hil- r'ouely bu n' me i ' e ergy over in thp shedder of Hornp ke oods. /" And o the foil wieg day, gentlemen, lairblow B ebn and ector Aspinwell was j ined toget or in ma ninny, to th0 resi- ence of th bride's parents. The, -Weer- ants of y sterday w4 forgotten. The voters of th town f mity, with their , 'Wives gath red feat've my house, irre- speeti've of a -rlitioal 'differenoes. If little arson Wa re's eyes wail' tearful when he t ed! the kn t gentle en; I do not consider it althing t be onf elinqy commented on. And earnee iy shak n' hands with Marl unior, who stood so ewhat pale in a cor- er, ' Marl,' Says I, I wish that I had an- thEr darter like Fair low for you, I do in- csed." Co oriel,' ea a Marl, ' I wish you ad; but th t would ompossible ' "Fairblo and He haile lived most hap- py together. , Their h us is, perhaps, with One I except on, the I fi t reserdence in Amity, bein pleagantl surrounded by pier- zets, a fowl am, and cewpello, and, two weeks ago, a infant hetub, which bears, gentlemen, he name f Sonorous Bacon As- p i n, taeBaul It. se e days a ter, the 'lection Aut . I Tilbox wag struttin' round, in his proud and amblin' nd corpe Ian way, makin' hie boast of bei ' theorise d with all existin' polertics, an Iof not h i oast Ins vote for hy the Dim ocracy th t he had been seen no party. 0 'bein' ov rw elminly informed on the prey' us election to cast his vote for the Rerpubl can °wide da e his denial and indignation now no n dia. ' Then I was dragged into it wbini Ilw onsensible,' says he. It w intimerd tio ! It was intim- erdstion at t e polls 1' e ies. 'No,' says they, ' you alked in o toted and of your own accord . and, mo ban that, Aut,' seys they, on made sat and a specta- cle of it. on awn g , our Rerpnblican dropped it in o the ticket derfia, tly in the airt Aut, and then .' The number of. witnesee was overwhel in'. A sad and be- dizzened loo crept er i Ain's faCe. ' He give them on last bee chin' gaze, and then turned and alked aor du ly away. 1 that hour Au ,Tilbox es changed man. t.11 " Gentlem re it is s fe o say that from is ' What is thi 'mystery in a iencelor in na- tur',' I have heerd hi ' a y, ' that a man miter, onkno in' to h Inge f, ,commit eech la desprit and o %tura' eeds ? It is solemn and myster'o a, and it bide s pause.' And Aut has forso k the on ue : use of cider, and may be seen yes, ge tlenaen, he may be seen on any Sunday, a raye in his 'lection suit and beav r hat, uiet y wendin' his way with M a. Tilbo do n towards the Methodist me tin' -ho e." . Colonel Son roue B. Ba n paused, Lis- tening with r pt athen ion his narrative, I had long be n strugg ing ith -the fetal impulse to 'Recce. his esire, together with the thril ing close of t e Colonel's re- cital, at len th prove irrestible. Aasum- ing, as my las resort i thi extremity,' an air of meek a etraction I c utinualy Sought for my pocket handker hief. But the Poi- onel detected he mov men , .A slew and bitter smile, i which t ere as more than usu 1 of withe ing con mpt ov spread his feat res. Lif 'ng his t urrih an forefinger to is nose, e gave uteeranee to a blast whi h startled his audi noe 'fecnn their goatee and shook the ishes o the grocery ehelves. Wh n the rcharge atinosphere had (ilea ed a spite , the Col ne/ sat calmly ma - jest c in his ch ir, win e I observed that eve eye ha become featcned upon me, the rithing se ject of his disdain. : "So they've got it en opperated as a city, eh ?" continu d Colonel Snore. " Heve they nommern, ted a m per Yet, I wonder ? For everdentlY, gentle en," said Colonel Snore, with the last sev te thruat which 'his merciless sarcasm coul givel--" everdently we have here a eanderd te l'' . [The E cl,] • What a Bri Die ing Tru was not m rried lo that my wife es blesse amount of w inan's while I was outi she e tunity to pick he lock not know what ehe exp think she must have b discover that it Was ' ful cuits. When came she said : " Ge ege, wh all those biscui that today ?" repl ed now, so I rimy e well overed by Pick - k Lock. tz before I discovered with the ordinary urosity. One day braced the oppor- of my trunk. I do cted to find, but I en dieappointed to of net/ling 'but bis- pme in the evening t is the meaning of saw in your trenk ell, e're married tell ou the truth. This dread maa y lurks behind the most in- cipient head colds, and whe the sireds of disease are sown steals a y the bea ty blOom and makes. life pleasures a dgery. DR. AGNEW'S CAT HAL POWDER will cure dee Mei lent cold and 01, most stub- . born and chronio Catarrh gam& 1 It puts back the beauty pink an sheds shine in its trail. " My wife and' I ere both roubled with distres- - sin Catarrh, but e have njoyeell_freedom from its letresses since he first ppliegtion of Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder -it ces instantaneously -- gives grateful relief in so m sites, Ind we believe there is leo ease too deeply s ated to baffle it ha& oure."-Rev. D. Bothnor, B o, WilsOn, Feeforth For sale by Lunieden & i , I When we were omitting whenever I told ' yott an untruth (which was s meturies neces- eery) I made a mental mite f it, and when th day or during the levelsing I told' you t It elit home I viould throw a bisonit into m trunk. One bisouit per lie. If during hall a dozen li s I threw in half a dozen bigouits. So these biscuits s mply represent thb number of Ilion I bath; Id you during our courtehip.' She Odd " Well, my goodness 1 If A had only' ad your fore- theught and pu aside a little bit of oboes° for every one t at I told You we should have had enough bis nits and ahem to last us for life.' i 5 : , Queer EpktaPhs. Honest jebn 1 ' dead and g Here lie se eral of be towea ; Particulars the last day ill disolome„ 1 On the 29 h of Nc4lem er A confou ded piese of timber Came do n, bang elam, And kille I, Johnl Lemb. 1 'M wife's dead ; ! Th re let he lie. Sh is at res -- II So am I. ' ! badly, wife of Gideon 13ligh, nderneath this stone deth lie. ought wag ehe, e'er kno _n to do That her husband told h r to. II re'lies my poor wife, with ut bed or blan- ket, ' B t dead as a decor nail, God be thankit.- SaW, o :died for peace and gide nese sake; • pil rtid to the memory of An bony Drake, Hik Wife was constantly scolding 'end SCkelsoimugffihnerepose in a twelife-dollar coffin. ' , Teers cannot restore her -therefore. I weep ' Martha and I together Heed Just two years and 4 hali ; ' She went first and I followed after-- , The cow before the oalf. ' Ereoted by his Spouts°, To the Memory of i A— 13--1--, 1,, Manufacturer of Fireworks. He has gone to the onlY plaze [ Where hie own works are excelled. Here lies the body of r. iiii. Haskell, I He lived a knave and died a rascal. I , Here lies Sir John HaWkins ;With ut his shoes or stawkinge, 11 ' H e lies John 'hernias, nd hie three ehil ren dear,: Tw are buried at 0 westry, nd one here. TO UR A coLD Ili'ol ONE DAY so - TO° exit' a Bromo Quinine Toblete. Ali .Drug - gide refund t o money it it fails to Jure. 260. i I • i . 1581-86 en ilhelmine, is Crowned. 4.5v 0 wi 1 be invited to this solumn fun- otioii?"i asks . H. Gore in 'his I article in the Septeniber dies' Home Journal on the coronation f Wilhelmina of Holland. Eveil Crow ed head with . w'linin the Neth- lan s enjoy i lematio rialatecins, amt per - hap the Repu lice, too, and t e iminediate rela lye's of the Queen. Who will attend ? No a of the browned heads, b t each Will be rep esented y some one whoee rank ig less 1 than that of the Queen. or it is first and ' foreMost he coronation, nd no one ehould be present hose worldly ,glory could eclipse bers1. The ercises will teke 'place at Am- sterdam, en the act whieh will make her Queen iwill the placing of her hand ' upon i the Bible, a d saying!: " sivear o the people of the Netherlands to observe d maintain the fundaMentel laws of:the c netitutidn. I swear to defend and to nrese ve to the best of My ability the indenendenc and the. integrity of the King- dom; tO sa eguard public and individual libertiee, as ell as the rights_ lokall my sub- jecsta, and to apply to, the task oi fostering the proeperi y of the nati n all the means which the la places at my diSposal, as it is the duty of good Queen to dr. And may God help me in this," - " Then ta ing the crown p sed to her by the Minister of State, she Will put it upon her head, an resting there it will register her vlowe, and all believe1th t each word will de Sealed by deeds. o one Who knows the character of thie sweet girl, writ in her own words and acts, believes anything else but that the first Queen of the Nether. Iambi happiness is certain and success ie sure." : fe----eA 340TCRMAN'S ESCAPE. ________i HoW Benjamin Bacon EscaPed from a °Terrible Psition. , 1 1 Toronto, Sept. 19the- enjamin Bacon, motorenan, No. 150, in th employ of the Toronto Street Railway Co pany, tells the folloWin story of his esca e ,from a situ. firv a tion lin hich death merle ed him daily. "Ihave, for a year pas , been a great suffer r from severe pains n my back. My doctoe told me I had t e first stage of Bright's Disease. He cou d 6ot help me, nor did the many advertis d medicines do me any good. At length, I gave Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. The result is that to - am a new man, sound and well, and day I strong in every respect." The Uses of Ne Wrapping clothes, furs, ere is a great preservatiV as the printing ink acts them. Laid ovar the rege under the chrpet they are are useful tq keep out the mirably ish extra bed cov tween the eheet and the keep a very long time if co ed in newayspers, so that a A jug of ice tivater wrapped paper, with theends of th together to exclude the air night in a sick room with h melting of the ice. In fre when lice is scarce the fr packed three-quarters full and filled up with news mouldii are covered with will retain the cold better t cracked ice and salt, which ices to' admit the air. spapers. tc., in newspap- . against moths, s a defiance to an Carpet paper valuable. They ir and eerie ad - ring placed be - quilt. Ice will pletely enitelop- 1 air is shot out. round in inews- paper twisted will remain all rdly any visable zing ice cream eezer should be of ice and salt, apers.1 If ice ewSpapers: they an 4 pecking of, muet heve crev- 1 0 Glasgow's Holpbies. 1 It is said that' every greet man end wo- man pesaess a hobby. If that be true, sees a writer in the Weekly Mail, then a large proportion of Glasgow's pq ulation is great. The chlef hobby is the hike. Thos at first indulging in this hobby are ade as 'seeable' se if they had sat on anothe kind f, bike. Some think the hobby I eak of list be evil for it can only be acg ited in t e dark. The advice you get from the tudor a "turn the handles the way you are going o fall," and wt en you attempt to carry out his in. structiOne you feel inclined to indulge in language you Won't find in nnandaie. The moat emarkable thing I bout bicycling this se on is that those wli hitherto could noe be r the sight of bikes are going in for them. Even ladies turning the scale at 14 stones are seen sailing alp g the etreete, while t e daughters comin behind call up to your: mind a simile to , een at a farm where there is a green pen down in the hollow. It will be a relief to my readere that I am not going to refer to gol4 The only pecularity about this b bby is that to indulge in it the gentleme players must ii, wear la ickerbockers, and th ladies blouses, Many rofessional gentlene n in Glasgow make h rse- riding a hobby, and it ii as in. expensive a plea.sure as any that could be SEPT MBER 2 18 84 R. WILLIS SOLE LOCAL A4 eng4ed in. For half a sovereign a cob is brought to a gentlernan's dooroind the host er is thOre waiting to receive the animal it, a given hour. It is this most eejoyable recr &- bon of all,provided the cob is not frightened at passing trains., ,If it is, then heaven pity the rider, If you ;reep your eyes open you cannot fail to not4ce many working men making for the railWay stations on a S.atiltr- day with rods and askete, You see th m retutping, and thei baskets are lighter th n when' they left. e pieces wnieh were m- aids the baskets ar inside something else. These fishers have. the consolation thet if 'they have not oaug t cold they have had a bite. Other worki g men -but the game is dying out -have throw of the quoite, and they are such: braggers of their skill that they give you to understand Welkin - 'haw would have had no chance with theen To be an expert boWler you must learn to smoke and gie Wan aff the baek hatin." Although bowling is regarded by some f011{6 Ai " an auld man's gem," the greater num- ber in Glasgow who make it a hobby are under two score. However, there must he something, after all; in the designation ef the game, for if you, are a " crack haun" and are not venerable, you cannot be elevated the rank of " skip."' It is the only pasti e where you can insult a:man and not nee nasty language. You simply say to hiM -"You'll play second." WORMS cannot exist either in obildren or adullta • when DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is used. 23c. Ali dealers. *rone Side Out. When people " get out of the Wrong al e 6f the bed" in the morning --that is to sa begin the day in a croes faihion-the di 1oulty can generally be reniedied by self - applied morel means. A story is told, which Suggests a cure for this tendency to get enaplled' .wrong side out," as it is sometimes 1 A emallboy,Who was in the habit of occasion- ally revealing the "!croas " side of his dis- position in the morning was sent baek to his koorn by his mothery, with orders to take off every article of his Iclothing, turn it wrong side out; put it on again, and then come downstairs. The mother waited for a time, and, the boy Mat having- appeared, she went up to see what had become pf him. She found him standing before the looking glees, a picture of despair. His clothes were wrong side out, and there were sea and raVellings raw edges, and threads an rough spots. 'The bey, presented a decide ly fantastic end " contrary" look. " Well, My boy," said his mother, "ho do you like it ?" " 0, mot Can't I put " Yes," s temper right ,,wear it that iWity. But remember, if you fon- Iget and put your temper wrong side out, Iyou will have to put your cloth& on the Imam° way," 1 The boy q ickly !their normal atrang istaire in good temp dessen.--I °lithe' Co hem on right ?" r," he asped, " it's horrible ? e said, " if you'll put you!r side out, too, and promise tO 1 estored his clothes to ment, and came down - r. He had learned the panion. i Iceland and lts Inhabitants. 1 The population of Iceland has graduall '. i =creased during the eentury, except at th 'census of 1890, whe it was about 1,500 le than in 1880. In 18 it had risen to 73,44 ,, an increase of about 26,000 since 1801, ndt including the 9,000 persons who hsve einil- grated sinee 1872. ecordin to the Ifiafold 1' 'the most important celanti newspaper,the number was much g eater in old times, the bl population in 1096 ing 104 753. Thee° fil uies seem omevehati itoo hi 'h, conaiderin the great 1 ss of life throug volcanic erupe Mien, eart euakes rid oth r catastropheale tlibugh, on, the othe hand, the nuineroup deserted hauses point to a g eater density of populatioi:q In the I sOvent erith and eigt“, teenth benturieti the people a ffered not outs': from years of scarcity, ismal pox, the great eruption of the Skaptar, okul , and other diee. astera, but also throu h the 'Danish trade monopoly introduced ' 1602, which brought the Wand to the brinkoaf ruin ! From the end of the last century Ale feteers of the mot imply were gradually looseeed, though not entirely removed to th middle of the pest 1 CAN'T EAT. .1.••••• , -tIrtA• J FooD is the fuel that feeds the fires of MCI Digestion is the proceis that turns the I fuel into energy. Few possess perfect digeo- ; Con. If your digestion is Imperfect, if you 1 cannot eat what you Moe without discomfort, if you cannot eat when you 'ought to eat, the time has -come when yOu hould take Dr. Ward's Brood and Nerve ills. Hunger is : the best Sauce. Take the e Pills and get hungry. You may eat vela you want if you take Dr. Ward's Pills. WHAT ITHEIR MERITS ARE: lify system was entirely rejuvenated by the use of Dr. Ward's Bieloodi:nd Nerve PiIls, and I consider thena a mar ellous strength and nerve builder for dyspepsia. I was se sick and miserable,that & seemed to have no life or energy left in tne. 11 suffered so at times that I thought deiethlwould be better for m1e. I had tried Doctors and different kinds of medicines, hut all failed to do me any good. I arn in evary way now a well woman, and have been for months. Before usin these Pills I was o sick that I could not eep anything in y stomach. I was under the opinion that yspepsia could not las cured, but now I am satisfied it can bo cured, for I am abte to a t liko any healthy woman and feel better i; every way. They have built Me up also,- now weigh several pounds more than I eyer id before. In con- Iva* elusion, I would advi se egery woman afflicted seen with poor digestion to give Dr. Ward's Pills aanai trial. MRS. L. E. WATSON, Port Colborne, Ont. Dr. Ward's Blood and fNerVe Pills are sold for t at se cents per box, 5 boxes for $3.00, at Book of information Ikea. , morri e,arrie drugging, or mailed on receipt of price by The Dr. AVard Co., ea -Victoria St., Toronto,. was V ENT FOR SEAFORTH. 1 anti and with increasing prosperity the ula on alio increased. The immediate seq mice was a considerable emigration, es. pe Ily from 1882 to 1887, chiefly to Mimi. pe and the neighborhood, but of late yew,. it been mueh restrictedein no sman-de- gre becanse -means of supporting large nu bee of inhabitants has leeen obtained, eit r by developing the existing indmitries, or lutroducing new oneg.-Scottish Geo - gra laical Magazine. F R internal or external ure HAGYARIYS YET,. LO OIL cannot be excelled as a pain relieving and soo , y . 4. as. So e Pretty Photograph Framies. etty photograph frames, which maY be matt at home, consiat of four parts-zthe ma ; the back, same size as mat ; a strip of hes y, pulp -board, and the easel rest or ring: to h eig the photbgraph frame. The strip is - gin to the back, and an opening sufficient- ly w de to admit the photograph is left at theii aottoven;. the mat, place the niaterial'ever- the rdboard having laid a sheet of cotton waa ing over the cardboard first ; dick pins th gh the cover to keep the design from slip ing ; allow a quarter of an inch to turn ove the mat. Having secured the material t e mat, gine the outer 'edge of the mat on inside; turn the material over, arida= ing slightly. Remove the pins, and lout the+ sterial *bent half an inch beyond tbe ope, ing, after having out the wadding ust the ize of the opening. If the openin obi° g or square the corners only of the, cow must be nicked, and that to the mar- gin f the Wet. The slightest nick beyond this( ine wilt disfigure the face of the frame. In storied that will ravel it is beat not toe out ven to the margin. • F r the oval or round opening the materiel,: mue be nicked every quarter of an inch. 1 What rt Wanted. Y1 wig hotisekeeper (anxiousIy)-Is the min pie good ? Now tell me frankly. It's the rrehtuIsbaevnedienl(apdreeMptiy)-Yes, indeed ; lendid, Helen. .Excellent ; not qnite enough, perhaps. ✓ father -Very good, my daughter dash of brandy will improve it. It dry, rather. ✓ mother -You've done wonderfully dear. The crust needs a little more ring. Did you put any salt in it ?1 eister-You needn't be ashamed, rue for a first attempt. But goodness, idn't you let me chop the retains ? r brother -O. K., Nell, first rate; only - s the matter with the bottoin'of it. It. like dough. g housekeeper (with sarcasm) - k you all very much. I'm delighted" ow that my pie is such a coniplete- as. it's spi but see well shor sure why wha tast Tha to MCC Don't Run Upstairs. A ning upstairs is a foolish and danger- ous ractice and should. be shunned as a.' e,ont gation. The persons who do it surely do n t realize how they court disease and deat . If they consider what must be the effec of such violent exertions .they would real be frightened. I the normal state the heart beats.. sev ty-six times a minute. Assume theta. man, approaches a stairway with a regular' hese . He ascends the stairs as rapidly is possi le. When he arrives at the top his hear is beating 120 times a minute. The- chan e is forty-four pulsations a minute and the C rain on the heart must be very sevete. In .t e ease of those whose hearts ere dise4 ed it may some time , produce death, and may cause sound hearts to become - tem.; dise ed. It deranges the whole constitu- tion nd seriously shocks the nervous sys- T proper way to ascend a stairway, is deli rately and slowly. Avoid all the exe ertio possible, for the easiest way de the best The object is to escepe the strain on, the art. nowledge vs. Education ATi finally, what can thie ideal womate in a ideal home do for hunutnity ? She can 1 ssen vice by her voice and presence in_ the ome ; neglected households lay the- surei foundations for oriole. If the thou t, time, and work which women now devo to the bread -winning Effort werteex- pend d upon the home,-airaing for artistic: deco tion, scientific cooking, and, in gene 1, better modes of living, -the houte- hold of the land would be lifted to a plane 1 that ould insure the conservation of what a nati n holds dear. They ean seek paths of use ulhess in their leisure time ; for ex- ample, in charitable lines ; there are wrongs- , to ri/ t, a suffering world to help ; humen- ity t uplift ; opportunities to even some ef- the it regularities of life. The world is theire to make it what they will ; sod when lifted out of their present unnatueal position, and placed in their proper setting, the benefit to them will be mental, moral and ysioal ; further, the effect upon man- kind in general will be vast. Thus our • " neW ' or ,future women will find for theen- selveli and others perpetual peace and hap- pinese making for all time " an age On - , a3es t Bing, in which living in sublinie."i- Oro " Conservative View of the Woniali'. Ques on," by I. E. Turner, in Self Culture' for S tember. • Rough on Solomon. . The following incident happened at one - of th " catecheesms " which are held peri- odica y in Scotland for all the members of the k k of a certain district. " T e lesson was in Ecclesiastes," says Mr. J hnston, " and one day they had been, but a ong a thousand women have I fourid, cli discu ing the verse in which Solomon Jove, ' Am g a thousand men I have found one, not 0 ,' meaning one just and good and up- right., And an old Scotchwornan; when she had ligtened in silence and heard the rest 4 4 I aecep it as present and gospel truth, got - her d der up and rose to her feet. oot 1' she said indignantly, her eyes blazin ' Do you find why that was ! It - cause nae decent woman wad be his company.' "-Milwaukee Wis- • nnis O'Brien, who lived in Glenmorria rty-tbree years, and who yeans ago the mails between Galt and Glenn - died last week in his 68th year. He well known in that district. When the c feet wet and tak hot foot bath drink, a/ dose o Rector/4 and The chances All right in, the dime the Che days until al spptIred.- Old coughs we mean the chide, weak th lungs. Even of consurn made easy and. by the continue Every doctor cherry bark is known to medi soothing and it throats and Inn Put 0110 Cherry Pla ever. y Zba itimst Adige" Freer Wee now bare :lent physicians in trimmest epportsta este eminently lit Medical advice. particulars inyoter, Addrwilie -oo co time end mo anadian Via Toren , -British Columbi P° Our rates are the Io to ;suit everybody and MT CARS for your for further informatito Grand Tru. - Trains leave Seitforth folloies Gomel Wiler-- Passenger - , Passenger.- _ Mixed Train-. Mixed Train ...... Gone° Eon - Passenger _ ..„. Passenger_ Iiixed Train, - Wellington, GOM• NOR111*— PIM Ethel- 10. Brunets.. 4. 10. Bletevale., 10. Wirigheun.e ...,. 10. 00trae Bonen- , Wingham, . Bluevale .... . 10" _ . 'London, Hut '430iSti Noma-, eionden, 'denten Londesbero 13eigtsve.. „ — Wingham irriv/neee 'Goma Bourn-e- Winghamadepartaaaa Beigrave- . a B10.h . . IrdWerl,.. V... • Benda - Exeter.., liondon. forriv0)-. III' z The Canada B CHATHAM Still leads ite oonte pupils. 134 of lour pupils positions in the 10 m an average of nearly do yen think of it it Pare to Ai College re-operus Tuesday, September Write for eatalogu D. lifolikiJOA, CEN Hardwai 'We are to the front GRAN1TEW serving Kettle ket. 'We are sole agents f old -Cement walks ; it caul a full stock of Try us for Machine < Eavetronglaing . an( specialty,. -Give us a call, prices Sills 8i. HARE 'Counter's Old