HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-23, Page 5•
PTEMBER 23 1898.
rsnee's farm, the horse, stumbled wet fell to
0)41 liretinat lind in the fall both thefts of the
road cart were broken off, and Mrs, Ow
. oa the dtiver, Mr.!11. Ghent, were thrown
fotamprd over the dash -hoard the road.
we. Gay had her. nose bro en andfwee
badly out and bruised about the heed and
fig* and Mr. Ghetite though ' not seriously;
figured was.badly shaken up by the fall.
-On wsansosy of last week the' resi-
deltas of D. 0. Straohan, Godetich, Was the
licent, of a pretty September twedding, his '
eldest daughter, l,diss Minnie. having been
joined in wedlock's bond" to Dr. Ralph
gorier, _of Toronto, a one tints teacher in
the Goderieh Collegiate. R. J. A. Ander-
_ .son, B. A., Assisted by Rev. Dr. Hooper,
father of the groom, tied thoemptial knot,
anti the bride Tres given ;may by her father.
Miss Nine, sister of the bride, was a pretty
. bridesmaid, and Dr. Hunter was best man.
The tarp chimney at the Goderich ele-
vator has been completed. It is 155 foot high.
There are 160,000 ricks in he "tracture
vrith a toted weight of 450 to s. The foun-
dation is built on a (*perste , and from
. W feet squat* at the base tapers to 12 feet
Z inches. The cylindrical portion is 12 feet
a base and narrows to 6 feet, 6 inches at
the top. The foundation nate on sixty-four
20 -foot oak piles driven eight deep to bed rock.
- The flue is 4 feet, 6 inches, the cote running
up 60 feet- A wind of 120 Iles per hour
would be required to topple the chimney.
-The-Bluevale Flax Comp ny has issued
a cleaned statement of receipts and expen-
ditures, certified by the auditor.. The re-
ceipts from all sources on eapi 1 account
-were $2,448 61; this was expended on same
amount, except $69,22, of a ba nee. The
. other receipts of the coMpan amounted to
$9,365.58. The expendieuree wer , supplies,
$475 70; salaries, $536.50 freight, and
cartage, t27.19 ; paid to pa. rime for flax,
$1,100.79 ; renewctls and re sire, $23 61;
wages, $2,469.21 ; insurance, 37081); mis-
cellaneous, $3,8;11,81 ; tont expenditure,
$8,525.61 ;.balance, $839,97.
. -!--Mrs. Adatason, who resided; in Clinton
• all winter, has received a lease from her
husband at Dawson City in whieh he says
the latter ,part of his journey Was rattier
rough. The had a very narrow escape from
drowning a couple of times on the Yukon
river. He arrived in De.wson City on the
26th of July, being almost a year on then
way. , The houses and tent are packed41
side, burning
base of Monte
observatoryi d
cilia Railroad•
ening the barracks- of „the. cora
is Davii,• dam
, and -SO wide
!southern states
T of the Confed
the ehestittat woods at the
SOOunit, nearly reaching the
estreying part of tbii, rani -
leading there and ti.irest-
hter of Mrs.
y -known and
of the Olden
r died on
Rockingham ote , Now g -
o Rosenthal, an likittlfsh1,0 an,
I -
-KOMOOkit a *rho ch. bit,
they have invented rn toh
anywherees ne phase or-
t. Invention, they ! ay,
with the berretta of nee is,
employes in match fee ries
Joffe it Da
bele ed irt th
as the &nigh
Sunday, at t
anse t, Rhod
and Dr. Von
declare that
thatwill stri
us is used in
will do sway
to which the
are subjett.
. .
firm at 14 to 15 f r the beet 0 4 11 to 13o
for me(hum- aily'pound in la
and firm are in de-
mand, rm at! 16 .to 17a; • Creamery is
steady -t 21e f r_printa, and, to 190 for
packed: Eggs The tecatlp 01 fair, the,
demand is goo arid the mark t is steady et
150 for strietly fresh gathered
Live Stook Mar sts.
LIVERPooL, ngland, Sep mber 19th -
Trade is mor Active and preees firmer.,
American and auselian steer are steady at:
11 to 12c ,per pound, (est Med dresoed
wei ht), refrig rater, Sec per end.
• eptember 20 h -Trade Wall
k mime/de
good, with ver
an inferior
th on that
• beeves on the
sol4 at from 3
dry, cows and
to lee, and th
each, o
pries ate
po nd for goo
froin 4+ to 4.2
woe a good d
at a decline
kinds, and
grades ; ther
cattle for Rom
geeeral state
Inigtecutpoeition ; calves we
supply, good demand and
best smooth fat export s
35.80;• good to best, $4.95
to best but hers' steers, I 1!
commen to ood butchers
$3.135 ; belie a, good to
34.50; fair good do.,
cows, good best, $3 75
choice to ext
-The mark
corn Yorker
34.20; beef
to 34.15; at
to $4.15 ; h
ium and. hea
to $4:10, th
selected 'whi
tained thro
were Arm.
tion of ohoi
were too m
ruled a qua
of the sales
top protabl
instruieei ;
extra, $5.
buckey, $5
$4.25 to $4,
on the basi
to extra,all
.cioice e
t $4 the
1 ft over.
llt, OF
me when' there
niafell to the
and Wait dead,
r and brea-et by
ad Mrs. Green-
'nt. Mrs- Nichol
late to render
• Clealeolm, of
torn their trip
a very enjoy --
if the old land
sighte of the
Oro• r.ottent
e agent et the
stolen and the
) other evening
of a fine new
loyesat Gode-
him in his lose.
;Buchanan •,&
o'derich, had a
GM by fire. At
noticed on the
by sparks from
tan both were
epeedily extin-
on Saturday,
tees of nearly a
t5th year. To
besides a- hunt
ex email child -
air factory in
5t week, a piece
neat force frone
ph Bullard, s.
[omen, causing
, Ballard wea-
n-fern:mete man
wife and seven
r wedding took
eL, at, the resi-
t Wewanosh,
B., was united
ony to Mr. J.
laer of the 7th
was performed
telegrera on
0; Elinney, of
soh, William
ota, which 00-,
was a teacher
an been away
third or - ef
, and *ea 21
I of lumber on
Oh was being
Exeter,. John
accident, The
n broke, which
Mr. Gillespie
her falling on•
-wily cut and
apietos lhas a
hed at 'fifteen
r with its body
%tele, feathers
nel by the time
well covered-
ry little since
h the other
Mg are large
p of Ashfiold,
lien McIntyre,
teceased, who
t, was widely
ed. He was
the t�wnabip.
ines of nort -
a responsible
lett Wingharn
k on the Mewl-
ed Wawanosh,
ndesbozo, f r
, of Wing
of Wingha ,
Naughton, of
4 MeLaughli ,
; L. Mirka, cjf
rmer resident
of the Ihilut
ccident ewhic
th. Tine sam
een the Poole
and a. trolley
large °kelt) of
respected. His
t ehock. He
ren to mourn,
*th inst., Mra.
t.with aver
rig a drive On
t village. In
. Peter' Tor -
close as possible all over the
mountain side. • Water sells
gallon, green peas at $2 per
$1..bo each and up. The str
day and night. Working m
hour. • The smallest shack imaginable rents
at $40 to $59 per month.
-o-The Clinton New Era has the following,
and as the editor is a good Methodist we
will have to take hie word for it : The fol-
lowing story is absolutely true, although it
has a very fishy flavor. A certain man was
- recently out fishing in tails neighborhood,
and all he caught was a little bit of a fellow
no larger than his finger. Dliegested, he left
• stream, the
ng Mee night
ght a fine
him up;
and in the morning when uu tint to the
stream he found a speckeled trout l weighing
two pawls attached to the hook. This
story is true as gospel.
--On Sabbath morning, Ilth inst., Ann
Jane Elliott, relict of the late, William
Arnistreng, passed away at the homestead,
5th tine, Morris, after a brief. illness, aged
79 years. • Deceased was in Brussele the
Monday previous in apparently, good health,
but was taken down wieh an attack of
cholera morbus from which she died despite
all that medical attendance and kind friends
could do. Mr. Armstrong predeceased his
wife 16 years, dying at the age of 82 !years.
Mrs. Armstrong was an old resident Of Mor-
ris and had a large circle of friends. , Along
with her husband they moved from what
was known as the Indian Bush; near Brant.
ford, and took up lot 8, concession 5, from
the Crown. Eight childreet survive, all be-
ing married excepting two; sons.
--Mrs. Robert Crawford, one of the old-
est residents of Hullett township, died at
her home on the 9th concession, on Wed-
nesday of last week, after only a couple of
days' serious illness, at the age of 76 years
and 6 months. Deceased, whose maiden
was ilookney, was born in Yorkshire, and
came to this country when quite young and
settled at Chinguacousy, where she was
raa ried to her late huaband& Emigrating
at once to the Huron tract, t
the farm on the gravel road w
her continuous home for about
where she endured the hands
• the happiness of -pioneer life. She was a
widow' for 26 years, and the, improvement
that has taken place in the interim is ehown
th neighborhood then, every conveyance at
bytthe fact that there Wa8 not a buggy in
his, funeral being a wagon. She leaves five
goes, three of whom are in Hullett and -two
in Manitoba; and two 4aughters, Mrs. John
Stephenson, Londesbore, and Mrs. R. Bed-
ford, Grey.
at and up the
at r)0 cents per
mind, meals at
ts are crowderi
en get $1.50 per
• C.
his pole lying by the side of th
line trailing in the water. - Dar
the fisherman dreamed he had ,
large trout, and the dream wclke
falling asleep again the dream a8
'Helen Keller, the deaf, du
Podigy, rides a tandem.
Sarah B. Harris is the e
page weekly Pubirshed in
She is asaisfxid by Annie ti
has charge of the news of
Loulse M. Eiroz of Mars
who acting as Press
theaters in Massachusetts,
the only- women in thif-Uni'
taged, in ouch work; ,
- Sarah Bernhardt's spacial ;
tars was completely destroy •-•1 by collision
with a froight train at Mani Baster meet-
ly. Melo. Eorrahendt and he company had
fortuoately left the oars. '
Mine. Anna Weiss, who ja well known
'n Chicago'ninusleal etre! , at:one time
look music Ilessons in Vi rine, with the
queen of Spani, who wen
Christina. Their teacher wa
Miss Itardiy Stewart, da
Late Judge John. A. Stewar
has started for Obina to be
Rew. o verneur Mosher;
7rill" n
t• •
b 'and bl nd
itor elf a 12
incoln, Neb.
-Miller, who
the women's
little change n prices sine*
excepting tha the oommee
(taste brough better prim"
ay. There w re no chola"
r pound; pre y good 'atm)
arket, and t beat soll
to 4c per und yoommo
hrifty young took from 2i
leaner beasts at about 2ehe
;1 elves sold at from $2,54 to
om n t,,,fis 0-i. per p‘und.
•Sh paying Mete q to no r
large sheep ; - ambs sold t
per pound.
ptember 20th attle--There
mend for the anada stooks!"
f 15 to 20e the common
0 to 15e le sr on the .top
was the larg et run of le
e months, and, nsidering the
of the trade, t e market , es
e in moderate
ady '• good to
alltown, Ia.,
ent for two
s said to be
d Stater; en-'.
rain of palace
the Princess
Mrs'. Frank'.
ighter of the
of Trenton,
arried to the
missionary in
that country. The teen= ny will take
place as soon as the lady a
Mrs. Caroline Croft, for
Abigail Brewer of Boston
000 to two plenniuent ph'
city for investigations to fl
curlier, gancer, coneumptio
eases uow regarded as inc
The late Francea E. Wi
added to the list of notall,
portraits are to be cary d in the grand
stairway of the now capi a at Albany.
The others . kre Susan B. nthony, Clara
Barton, Molly Pitcher and learaiet Beeoh-
ierly Caroline
has left $100, -
Mans of that
disorne way of.
and other dis-
able. ,
lard hail been
. women whose
er Sto.we,
Mrs. Cora miner, who was chik of the
women detectives at the orld's fair, is tor'
take char�f a siinllar d artmont at the
Paris exposition. Mrs. td. nor personally
inade 200 arreats at Chic o, and she had
95 women detectiVes wor ng ,under her.
She will take 100 to Pari
Mrs. Charles W. Masoi of Ellsworth,
Me., Is exhibiting a1611 t1 wn roge which
she declares grew upon apple tree on
her place. Seeing what supposed was
•a belated blossom, -Mrs. i son plucked it
and was astonished to f1r that it was not
an apple blossom at all, t a rate. In
proof she exhibits the flo r.
ey settled on
ich has been
50 years, and
ips as well as
• New' s Notes.
-It is rumored that a cenfliot between
insurgents and Turkish troops has occurred
near Candia. According to the eePort,
some Christians were killed and a number
. -An order has been received by the ft
Louis Car Co. for„ 250 street. oars for th
Japanese Government. The order calls fo
the completion and shipment of the ea
within the next 90,days. The amount to b
paid for the oars is $300,000.,
-After passing eight weeks on an inva
id's chair, the Prince of Wales last wee
for the first time, was able to Walk for a fe
paces with the aid ot a stick. t`t He travelle
to Balmoral from hie. yaeht at Portarnout
-The drought continues throughout t
greater part of Great Britian. A temporarv
fail in the barometer early last week rais • •
hopes evhi61h were doomed to dissappoin
meet. The temperature has again rise
and •London continues bathed in stumble()
-The hurricane of a few days ago,
Kingston, Jamaica, was undoabtedly t
worst similar visitation experienced by t
1,Vest Indies during the eentury. The hu
ricanaj swepe along the island chain fro
Barbadoes westward to St. Vincent, a
thence northwest to St. Kitt's, where
was last heard from. Barbadoes suffer
mostly from the rain, which destroyed t
crops and roads, as it did at St. Lucia a
other islands, while the centre of the sto
sweptrt. Vincent and quodaloup.
e Stataburger Z itung asserts tha
the of Bergedorf, wh cut the late Prince
Bismaeekei hair from 19O up to e time of
• his dereth, has with the _ permission of the
Prince, collected the hairs, which he has
• now eticlosed,three apiece, in gold broaches,
soarf eine, etc., for sale, with notarial docu-
ment attached tootle+ ornament, certifying
• that each hair is genuine.
-Bicknell!) among the troops of General
Lawt eh; command at Santiago, is Menace
on t
• 1,222
fever 'taws. Seven deaths are -reported,
three from yellow fever. -
-Rev. John Hall, of New York, died
last Saturday, at Bangor, county Down,
• Irehted. Dr. Hall was on his annual visit
to Europet He died at his sister's resi-
dence. Ris'health was broken down, and
he bed been seriouely ill for two days before
his death. He had hoped to return to New
York shortly, and had already engeeed
passage on a steamer for himself and wife.
-Mount Vesuvius is riow presenting the
grandest spectacle since , 1872, due to a
violent outburst- of activity. The central
crater and a -number of, new mouths are
vomiting lava and ashes. 'Three imposing
streams are flowing down the mountain
: .
ere can be little doub
to of yawning is thO
which have been
cent, and,the acceleeh
laree weeks we have been
t we hope will help you when b ytng.
, •
ot beenk the most pleasant thin to have carpenters
1 tering, and deporators working and buoiness going
s to an end, and all th _workman have 1e1
we are '
forEarly A turnn Bus ness.
. .
For the past t
this store t
It has
plasterers p
but eteryt
is in Shape
L, making extensive It
g co
again a
the above
the larges
A ne
raent to o
and this d
fl'5.20 ; good
.85 to 35.25;
bulls, $3.25 I to
fat, .$4.15, to
50 to 34; tot
; froth eows,
a., $35 to $50.,• Calves-Choioe
7.75 to 08 • i g..d to choiee,
i; heavy, $3" . i to $5 5fl. Hop
t was in go., d position; geed
were firm .n the basis of
raisers, but lei quality, $4.1%
idly Michigee grinners, $4.10
vy Mini- igan is . de, sp , lo I med-
y corn hogs,'
outside figure or good weight,
e sorts ; price were well main-
ghout the da, and at the close
Sheep and , • -The propoe-
offerings esv• small ; there
y for the dete nd, and ' prima
ter lewer gee rally; the bulk
f lambs wenn, t $5,50, and the
prices were e ceeded in a few
ambo were cie table, choice to
0 to 35.65 ;, good to choice
25 to 3540; common Iamb!,
5; feeders we e liberal buyers
of 3475 to $5. 5 ; sheep, choice
wethers, $4.60 $4.65 ; mixed,
tra,, $4.25 to e • .40; ewes, $3.75
lose was weak, eith fifteen loads
mations in
t the same,
the pas 1e4',, years this business has grown to such
1 eration ha e been found necessary, and now •this s
i the un .
Milline y rooni has been added nd we will leave it
if you ave' seen a better or pre tier one. Miss To
Partmen will be in full owing in a. day or two.
ate mad preparations for the lar est season's business
! MO me in and see what you think of the change
. • •
n • extent, thitt
ore is probably
to your jud
•d as returne
our history.
1,7133 pmzr
Q0„ BL
DRY C4-)0
2° ; Pigs, $3.65
all eo
mereicie fiubjeot
taught in
that one of the
xeroise of mute
r a long -time
ion °nth° blood
lyraph flow which hos in consequence
his quiescence become sluggitih. Hence
lltroqnenoy after one at3 remained for
e time in the same potion -e. g.,
n waking in the mori1ng. Co-operat-
ing with this cause in el einem an4rthe
shall4w breathieg which 1t entails. his
facto , as well as muscle qtdeecence, is
one e
Is ap
sot o
attend the sense of 'Parodic= which
periences in lieterin
to idull ser -
Hence it is that the bored dividual
to yawn. As in the ease of sighing,
•eep breath which accompanies, the
yawning compensate for the ghat-
reathing which is so apt to excite it.
herapeutio Aspects of Talking" by
Dr. 11. Camebell.
ad. ,I11/1.111*..... '••••
of mo
terms of repayment to suit the
F. S. Soomr, Brussels.
Goderieh, Sleptember 27,28, 29. I
Turnberry, Mingham, September
East Wawahosh, Beigrave, Septa
Morris, Myth, October 4,6.
Etat Huron, Brussels, October at. ,
Mitchell, September 27,28.
umber of first-class f rm
and Grey, on easy terms. IAlo
ey to loan on farm security at 6
for sale in
any amount
er cent, with
r. Apply to
1578 -ti
ber 29,80.
Nearly one-sixth of his force is now
e sick list, although the -number of
is not great. There are at present
cases in the hospital, 841 of which are
On Feida , September 30, at o'clock p
m., on
28, conceesion 4, , Hay, Far
mp ements, etc. Wilharn McCloy,
GeorgeE.Gree sla e,proprietor.
ay, September 26, at 1 o'clock
12, Hibbert,
emus Parish,
h, 1898, et
circial Hotel;
ated in Eg-
1 o'clock p.
Mrs. Lucas
town, auo-
d, a 1 o'clock P.
,M illop, rani,
is. m. Fortune,
n, e • etioneer.
OBSi i 6
• fTO
Ye ge and Gera
• Fall Term N
Membets dmitted at an
gular teac ers. Splendid
for catalog e.
Yonge and 0 rrarcl etc, Toron
p. m., on Iot 29, Concession
Farm Stock, Implements, c.
proprietor ; Wm. McOloy an
On Saturday, Septembe 24
o'clock p. m., -at , the C m
Seaforth, House and Lot, sit
mondville. Also Stook nd
H. R. 'Horton, Proprietor
On -Tuesday, October 4ti, a
m., on Lot 13, Concess on -
Farm Stock, Implements pte
'Ross, proprietress ; The.
On Monday, October 3
m., on Lot 8, Concession
Farm Stock and Impleme
proprietor; Thomas Bro
RANKIN---1 Seaforth, on Se tember 17113, the wife
of Mr. Jeinats Rankin, of a on.
DEWAR-In Stanley, on Sep mber 171h, the Wift3
of Xi% Gorge Dewar,. of the Bauble line, of
L IGHTF to 41611111mo. on September 7th,
the wife f Mr. John Ligh oot, of • son.
HOLTZMAN- In Orediton, on September 61h, the
4 wife of 21 r. George Holtzman, of twins -sen and
GLENN -In Btanley, on Sep ember 7th, the wife of
Mr. Ed w rd Glenn, of a son.
SIMS -In St phen, on September 10th, the wife of
Mr. William Sims, of a d ughter.
H'ALL-At Mount Carmel. onl September 18th, the
wife of Mr. Edward Hsij, 3,1 a eon.
WERNER-In Grey, on 8e1itiuber 141h, the wife of
lir.'Geo ge Werner, otf a-daubter
ATTWOOD In Grey, on Se bomber 9th, the wife of
Mr. Hen y Attwood, of a son. -
CLUBB-In ingrm, on ptember 7th, the wife
of Mr. J ubb, of a aughter.
Come e
of Stov
make a
rly a d cb.00se.frioth the largest mild bes' assortme
s. of all ,1kinds ever shOwed in Seafor h.1 It dont
1 . . ..i
y diff ren e what Sort Of stove you wan, we have :1
and we also h ve -4, fine lirie of s!econd-hand stoves, which . e
1 '
are go 'g to sell away down, to make room or .31.ew good.is
, • ,.
or without ovens, coal and Ood. ranges,
, 1
Coal ,
suitab ood,[ cooks, to.; also a fine line of sniallefitove4,
eaters with
el for f
steel„ r
ookikeeping end
are, properly I
e I
s , College
d Streets.
w Open.
•time. Eighe re-
quipment. Write
ress- •
AW, Principal.
TI1E MAR 8. -
io siAroarTil,!fileptem er, 22nd,I898.
Fall Wheatei(new), Standar4 .... . ... $0 Alt'to[ $0
".,0 68. toi
Spring Wb 81 per bushel, 0 69
0 23
oats per bushel
Peas per bushel...-. - - -•-..0 48' to • 48
Barley per ibusnet..... - _ ..- ... 0 30 to 0 86
Butter, Nol 1, loose- - - - , ... 0 12. to 0 13
utter. tub.... - - ...... - - ... 0 12 io 0 13
Eatper doe- - - - ... - - - ..... 0 11 to 0 12
Flour, per 100*...... _ _ ......_ .. . 2 26 to 2 26
Hay per ton new_ _ ................... 6 00 to 1100
Hides per 100 Le - 6 00 W 6 00
Sheep Sitine......... .... .... ... .... 0 50 to 0 70
Wool . 0 16 to 018
POia$0611 per bush, (new).....1.... - .... 0 70 to 0 70
Silt (retail) per barrel- - . ....• . 1 00 to 0 00
Ma es.
scorr-- 1 LDREW-At th residence of the bride's
mother E mondville, n September 14th. by
Rev. . Sb&w, B. A. Mr. James R. Scott, of
MoKill.p, to Mies Mario Muldrew.
GOULD-- .,ENNIE-At Regi a, Northwest Territory,
on We. nesday. Auguot Oth, by Rev. A. Robson,
Mr. W. J. Gould, ot Vir on. British Columbia, to
Miss M ry Etta Rennie, 1 Indian Head, Arldni.
bola, a d grand-daught r of Robert McMillan,
Esq , f licKillop.
MESKLJE -BEGLEY40 elgrave, on September
7th, eory Markley, of elmore. to Mis. Martha
Bogle , of W(ngham. •
CROCKS -TREBLE-In xeter, en September
14th, y Rev. J. W. W dell, of Henson, Roger
S. Oro ker, of Toronto, to Mies Veda, daughter
of Mr. Wm. Treble, of 'oxeter,
BROWN BEZZO-At God rich, on September 14th,
by Re W. Godwin, r. Frederik Brown to
Miss I a lit zz-, both of Clinton.
HOOPE STRAQH AN -A " Culduthel" the reel.
denco • the bride's fat er, on September 14th,
Beb. JI13308 A. Ande son, B. A, assieted by
Rev. Corr, M. D. father of the morn, and
Rev. er* 1111, D. 1., Mary Colin, (Minnie)
eldest daughter of Mr. 1. 0. Strachan,IW Mr. E.
Ralph Rooper, B. A., • D. of Toronto.
Dee LW.
wood per cord (long).. .. -
Wood por oord (short)
Apple per bag • _.•
Clove Seed
Timot y ......
Pork, per 100 na5.- • • m• • • ••• • • • • • ••
fall° , per lb _
• . ••• • , 76 to 8
10001.4, Sept. 21.-3'all
whea , ge, 81d.; peas, 5a. ld
°Nees , white, 88s. Od. ; che
Tosiono, September Mit
erring wheat, 60.111 °slat,
5210 .; barley, 41 to 470
s8.50 • ; buttar, 1413 to 170 3
to 8001 ego per -do
hogs, per 100 lb., $5.60 to
r50 to 1 76
0 60 its 100
$ 00 to 8 60
„ 1 00 to 200
„„ 650 to 6 70
02 to 0 08
wheat, 5s. 11d.; spring
oats, 3s. 8d.; pork, 50s.
se, colored, 295.
.-Fig wheat, 40 71 ;
o • peas per bush,
key P con, 6750 to
potal4es oer Ws., 76o
1 to ; o 165 ; debited
1 use; Old stove taken in exeh ngle.
WATSON At the hospital at Manila, Philippine 1.
lands, fever, Harry Watson, son ot W. N.
Wats° , But., ot Scan) th, aged 20 years and 9
mont a.
/WOKE- tlioLennan, A goms, on Septeniber 8th,
Peter oorel, 13rmerly of Tuokerstnith, , aged 58
yeari nd 7,tnonthe.
LEISEIM N-16 Ethel, o
• 1 Mae' ey, toilet of tb
pied 43 years, and 10
TRONG--In Morris,
Jane Elliott, relict of s
, aged 79 years and 27 d
BOSMAN-In Morris, on
k et daiighter of Mr. an
16 years,.
STIHORE-In McKillop,
Stemore, aged 28 year
STOGDILL-In Seaforth,
• Jane Stogclill, aged 37
MoCAA-In Toronto, on
• licCais, aged 86 years
. Dairy arkets.
MONTREAL, Septm if her 200. -Butter -
The market ir. very firc). Freali envie cream-
ery sold as high at 20o b.it about ' 19e znay
be. uoted as the market price. Eggs- he
Mar et Is quiet, buti firm. I We quote
Strictly new laid, 17j to 18c.; held fresh,
15e to 160 ; No. 1 candled, 13e to 14c, and
No. 2, 10c per dozen.
Toeotero, September
is very" little ehoic dairy being offered,
there is a good demand, and the- market is
• Oar
° Saptenaber 121;h, Mary
late Thomas Leiehman,
on September 11th, Ann
e late William Annetrong,
eptember 18th,Ida, young -
lire, Ed, Busman, aged
n/September 19th, John
, 11 months and 27 days.
n September 16th, Martha
year* and 8 months.
September 18th, Andrew
1 month and 11 days.
House 1
One night only
ursdiy,Oct. 6th
nd ith the change in he weather a cha
g is necessary for your c?mfort.
In a week or two the° weather will be to
s its, and the thoughtful man will be prepa
snap. j We are in a position to assist you.
CNereoatings is large and vaned, but the py
We guarantee the fit and finish of each coat
tisual. It is, perhaps, a Fall, suit you requir
are dilly prepared to satisfy you
e•eeele••••••. gi.esermesior
Dress Goods.
Amongst our n
mention the W113 '
effects in reei
.A.mazons, oplin
and Wool Slitat
In Silk ' i
We are sh win
codes, Strips, 0
cies in Sw ss,
Goods. 1
Black Bilks.
tge in your cloth -
Id for Summer
for the first cold
r line of Fall
ce are small, 'while
to b better than
in tb.ese we
w arrivals, we m. t
eve genie very pre , y
Goo4s, especially ps
Velours, Henriettas
in black and colorsi.,
rich effeets in r-
eeks, Plains and Fan-
talian, and Japanese
. Fr
; A full, !lingo of Peau de Soie,' Bro-
Wes; Counters ;Bengaline, Taffetas
• ,
and Suraha.
• : ; I
In Lad* Co..
Our runge will 1 be fortrt more; -flier'
usually ccirnp1ete. • A notable feature
amongst them beiiig the durability of
the cloth r Used, this season. 7 jist
the Tri Figs ate Uncommonly! neat
C,n4 effect
. ;
In Ladiesand en!ts Underir4r ..
A. full range fr the : lowest to ithe
best grades. in th4 matiket. , !
clothing to 0 der. I
' We ha e 6141 ed the services of, Mr.
Harry- S OM, S well and popularly
known M a first.- lass tailor;to superin-
tend this department. ,
Logan, o
A. P. Scammons
the Laughable Comedy
MENT.James Jones has received in.'
from Mr. George Sellheim to sell by Public
n Lot 6, Conoes.Iofl 11 Township of
'' lying
two year Fa
Monday, October 8rd. 1898, the folio ing :1 ree goodworking horses, 1 gelding
old, 10 grade cws supposed to be 10 calf,
$ honors !sing three year. old supposed to be in.
Calf, 8 ite.ars rising three ',tars old, t heifers riaing
three y.IiTS old, 4er one yeer old, 2 half. on
year old, 10 spring sly s, 10 well bred ewes, 1 brood
sow, 10 ire three ion he ;old, about 60 hen'lin-
Omen .-One M t-Harrie binder, only used two
semen" 1 hayIoedeT,il souffier, 2 Wagons, one new;:
2 plows, 2 est iron h flows, 1 pair bobelei he, 1.
cutter, nearly mew . 2 top baggIet, one now thi
seaso.n ; 1 road cart, a set double ! Wriest, 2 set
single tuirnese, and a lot -of other srtileles too ziuncr•
cue to ' men Ion. sale at 1 o'clock. 're 11. -Al
sums of 65 aiid under1 cash ; over that 11110 ot 1
months' ored t will be �ven on furnishing a roved
joint no e. jA discoiint of 5 per cant.'off for ash o
credit a ou ts, Aet e subscriber !Is giving up th
iBennew s' Iarrn. o ery hint offered ; for sale will b
sold. r EOROE S L HEIM, Propri tor ,' AK
JONES Auctlonee Lo Perth and liti on. 11606•2
e - Tracked
body will 4ee the above attraction.
Scenery- veryone an midst. .
Mall bills a d posters next week.
• Cardno, Manager Opera House.
• 106! ,
Long 400ts.
•Most farmers litiVe earned, by expe
ENTS, E C. ---Mr. William Fortune has in,
stru. - Mr. Thorn's Brown to eelby public auction
on Lo 8, Conwation 1, McKillop, on Monday,
Octobe 8rd,.1898, at 11 o'clock p. ni , the following ,
proper y, viz ;-111br .-One hefty), draught mare
six ye old, .uppoeed to be in foal to an imported'
horse 1 general purpose mare five years n14, 1 aged ;
mare, supposed to bu in foal ; 2 ooite two years old, I
sired by. Crystal City ; 1 sucking colt. Cattle. -L -
Four cows, supposed to be in calf ; 11 heifer three
years ald, supposed
three yeari eld, 2
steers tlidng two yoa
eheep, 50 hens and 15 geese. Impletnente, eto.-T ,o
Iumbor wagons, nearly new; 2 buggies, 1 binder and
sndtruok, almost new ; 1 oombined drill, 1. cailter.
1 pair bob.IighU, 11scuffter. 1 three -furrow plow,: 2
hay rsks, 1 !mini g mill, 2 inngle plows, 1 hay
fork, wlih repo and; ulleye ; 1 Whiteman pea hir-
veskb. 2 eat single harnes., 80 &Millie barna
forks, s scythes, chains. and tier article*. 0
platform weigh sea or, welihs 2, pounds. Ale
quantity of househe d furniture. Consisting of stov
cupboards, tabby, a d other 'Melee. Also a qui
CV et straw, to ,be fed on the place ; li sores of t
nips. No'reserve, 111s the proprietor has e Id his fa
and is retiring. Terme-All sums of $5 and un
cash; over that auk000t 12 months' credit will
given on furnishing approved joint notes. A. .
count of 6 per ctint. allowed lot cash on cre
amoulati. The Fa .-There will also be offered for
sale, it the same ttnie and place, that choice loin of
100 &cites, being Lot 3 on the Mixon Road, Tucker -
smith, li miles emit of illesforth. There is on the
prettlises a large bri k hon., trains) barn and other
ontbnildinge. The land is firit•class and in a goop
ethic of oultivatiopi and will be sold on terms to niit
the pUrchaser. *"M. 'FORTUNE, proprietor ; TRQS.
BROWN, auction°, . ,
, +: 1606-
.Notice to Contractors. li
fiALED TEND RS will be received by the uo--
deretgned up to 6 'clock p. m., on November lot,
iss€,,Ifor the buildi g of a brick church in Belgrwre
during the emu e of 1899. Plane and specifications
row be seen at D. preat's store, Belgrave. Tenders
mai- be for the whole or pr ia of the work. The
loweet or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1
- • Secretary of Committee
. . 1606x4
Se be in eOf ; eteen ilsing
Were rleing two years old, 2
re old 2 spribg calves. Also 2
r •
is -
to wea •chea, long boots. Wh
once that ery poor eeono
a farmer buys a pair of long boo
he us ally u , them, into the
hardes work he has on the far
and e pecto tkeimi to stand hard-
ship wherc no dther kind of foot-
wear ould! 1 t a week. It is,
therefore, very mportant that the
farmer should ear the very best
long boots h,e c n buy. For years
this store has s °oar for all that is
best and chap st in the shoe line.
We darry i r nge of long boots
second to n ne in the county. Be-
sides "our pw make," we handle
this season! he well-known goods
of Da foot S o., of Georgetown ;
McCready icz , of Montreal, and
Cote Co., if St. Hyacinthe.
With this ran:o of good makes,
runni g ini pr ce from $2 to $4 a
pair, we are in a position to do the
bigge t and!be:t long boot trade
itt th histqry if the house.
bility of Cloths
mings, Fit and Finis. h of the
est order we guarantee to buyers
ur Ordered Clothing. f3ee Our
to order at $12. Scotch Tweeds
der at $1,5. .
plendid Range of Fancy WO -
$16 and $17. •
k Worsteds and nerges
m $15 to $20,
Millinery Department ,
ow in full blast. Miss- Sheppard
s difficulty in getting out work for
Openings, so many orders are Com-
adymade Clothing
stock was never in -as . good shape
ter•to the public taste. We -can
fi any shape—man or boy—from the
s allest to the largest, and we will di)
jt t the smallest possible margin on
*re fast coming to hand.- We go
antee in this department the large
and best range ever shown in Seaforth.
Carpet Department complete,
Vi'We di.Uy invite itOpection af our large and varied stock.
Op le Tbwn Building, Corne
Main and. Market Streets.
Li to 'rent, math'
water, a gored celar
JACOBS; S,eaforth.
E10R SALE.-Fifto
IL! land, being the
No. 3, in. the eeeond
Turnheiry, County
quantity cif valuable
Apply to 4. COWAN, Wroxeter.
• 16004
SEAF ORT# Ontario.
At the riquestrof a
a complete s 't of Fancy
line of Knil ting and
will sell tb4 on. a new
yarns of ,any kind. We
number bf our customers, who were desirous of obtaining
Wools, We have pat in at no small expense the entire
Fancy Wools itt all the range ef colors and shades, we
pie° list, which will be interesting to people who use
import our stock direct from Germany and England.
ice La
Goblin S ony, i nice yarn for hose,
mitts, ete,, n all shades and colors,
per skein 8c
Crest An alusan Wool, in all shades
and colors, Iblack only 61-e a skein
colors on" 86 a skein.
Bald.w de Bee Hive Wool, black
and colors, 9c a Okein or 3 for 2$c.
- Zephur .Wools, in all shades, reg-
ular price 121e an mince, our price 6e an
ounce. 1
Four 1Fold. Berlin Wools, in full
range of colorsand. shades, regular
price 12e an unce, our price 6c an!
Halifax orklted Yarn, 75e a pound
or 19e a skein.
Eight $d Berlin Wools, in tul
range of cpors and shades, ,regula
price 12e an Ounce, our price 6c a
ounce, 1 •
Clouded and. Rainbow Wdols, reg
ular price 15 an ounce, our trice 8
an ounce.
A good Faetory Yarn, in gray an
staple color, at 43c a pound , or 12
a skein.
Mail orde will bring an of th
above nes to you, at limy
rick house on Weet street
nine rooms; hard and wit
two Iota. Apply to S. N.
four and a half acres of hush
ast half of the smith half oi1Lot
ononWon cf the Township of
Huron. On this Tot there Is a
timber, and it trill be told cheap.
lost Offiee.
Undlr T
Pentebost's tOne
C rd
Dress Goods and Silks
Never- in the history of or tritde
have we displayed such nice good as we
have for your inspection this fall,
everything good, stylish and up-to-date
in every respect. We only ask you
the closest possible -prices that the
goods can be sol4 for, which iou will
find.. lower than elsewhere.
. -
1 Tiy 01Lstore for high class Silks at
the closest prices. 4. beautiful stock
of Waist Silks, plain China and japan
Silks, ,Brocades, Stripes, ete. ; also
special limo of 331ack Dress Silk, in
Peau de Loie, Bongalirte, 0ountess,
Satin. 3foros, Taffettas, Moire, sew! -
wn Clock
Price Casb. Store
s Blom