HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-23, Page 31 1 • 1 elle • large 1 Pen .r IC. Priem 1 eirahle nittire. e that repose, -release. yOull of the et we call e have th a have ee of ntion. ;oder 1 SEPTEM.BER 23 1898. IMPORTANT NOTION. lee Wait FUNDS- TO LOAN ti 5 Pew Otent., py a yntly, o finteelites farm security. Apply *oz. 0,, AT DominionBMk Building, Seatorth. IMO Dominionad Provincial Lend barer" Dublin, Ontario. 138642 ftervoyes, limber of theAseoplation of (Mode ONEY AT 5 PER X/ENT.-A large amount of monJyj.ybubep1oediu my bends to lend to nenners, In sums and enternrs to mit She borrower. • Apply to J. M. Beet Banister, Seaforth. 16784.1 , - TOON BRATTIER, Oink 'V the Second Divieion % Onuntv Commissioner, Of Htu•on, Con. reyancer, TAM. Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds and to Loan. °Moe -Over Sharp & enter store. Main street, Seeforth. 1280 TEACHERS WANTED filo TEACHERS. Teacher wanted for Union School Section No. 16, Howiek, Male or female, second or third dem, *Sating salary. Applications received up till October the 1st. JOHN RENWICK, Secretary, Lakeiet P. O. 1603x4 MO TEACHERS. -Two teachers wanted, for school' -1 Oregon No, 2, Usborne. Male to be holder of IS or 2nd clan certificate,. Female to be holder of 'WI or 31(ti class certificretti. Duties to begin 1st January, 1899. Persorral application preferred. Are plicationsi received until October Sth. ANDREW HODGERT, Secretary Trea.urer, Farquhar P. O., Ontario. 1006x4 MEACHER WANTED.-tr school- notion No. 2, j, Mc/alien, reale or ten1e. Apieations, with beetimonlitia, received nntU 1st of October. Duties is begin on 1st of January, 199. SAMUEL DQR. ISANC, Constance P. 0. I 1004x4 TO TEACHEBS.-Teacher wanted for -school sec - mitten No, 3, Stanley, rneleur temele, the holder Jr or third class ceitificrate, elating legarY• Applicatioue received up to let of - October. Per- . - lanai applicatie!""'Freferred Duties to commence January 14, 1899. M. BATES, Secretary, box lb, Beyfield, Ontario. • 1604x8 STOOK FOR SALE. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. --For sale, two good young Shorthore bulls, with registered pedi- grees. Prima and terms right. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. 15138-tt DM BULL FOR SALE.-Yhe undersigned has for sale a thoroughbred Durham -bull, eligible for registration ; aged 26 months, color red and white. Terms reasonable. JAMES IVAT'yER- SON, lot 25, concession 1, L. R S., Tuckeraniith, Brumfield P. O. 1680 -if , riGii FOR BALI AND FOR SERVICE.-- The undersigned, breeder of Large English Berk- res,has for sale boon and sows in farrow.He will 4 Woo keep for service) the stook boar, " Kin Lee," are -hand ho1rn Mr. George Green, of rview, and winner at Montreal, Toronto and Maw Term -II payable at the time of service with the privilege &learning if necessary, if booked aLso. JAMES e-ORRANOZ, Lot 26, tftnoession 6,, MoKillop, Sap orth P. O. 1466•62 STOCK FOR SKI BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersied will keep for service on Lot 26, Cononsion 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite beer. Terrne- 01, at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if neceseery. JOHN Y. DIEHL 1.691-tt • DULL POR SERVICE. -The undersigned will JIDI keep for service on his promisee at Roxboro, a thoroughbred Durham bull. Terme, ; if prrid before January, 1899, or 61.26 afterwards. JOHN SCOTT. • 1671-t1; BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The untiterigned will keep for service on Lot 84, Commotion 4, Tuck- enenith, t' thoroughbred Chester White •Boar, purchased heti H. George & Sons, Crompton, Middlesex tJeunty. Terms -31, payable at Sure of invitee, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN W.i.ROUTLEDGE. 164041 ITIAMWORMI BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER. 1_ VIOL -The undersigned will keep for service, M the Braoefield Ohms, Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Timms, SI ; mable et tuns of servioe with privilege of re- thrnthg if nmeesary. Alm e number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Boars and Bows for sale. HUGH Mo0ARTNEY, Brumfield. 140641 VIAMWORTH PIG FOR BERNICK-The under - J. signed Me for service on lot 82, ooncession 8, Manion, s ibcro'bred Tamworth pig, to which a limited nurnber of sows will be taken. Thi. is an extra good pig and breeders find it seivantageous to arms their berkehire sows with this breW of pig. = Terms 111, with privilege of returning if neeessary. JOHN MoMMLAN 1605xtf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A NICE RESIDENCE IN HENSALL FOR SALE. J. For sale cheap, a nest, comfortable and well - finished two storey brick house in Homan, and, two good lots. The house is 31x27, and e kitchen 18x15; alt eonveniences,and everything complete. Apply to. 0. J. SUTHERLAND, or the owner on the premises. JOHN KEMP, • 16054 DARR TO RENT, -To rent for a term of 5 years, I! the west half of Lot 88, and the east half of Lot 34, on the 4th Conoenion cf DicKi lop. The farm contains- 100 tames and is in a g state of oul- tivation, There is a good. frame house and barn. A good orchard, and plenty of good water. Eleven acres of fall wheat - sown. Convent nt to markets and schools. Possession at any tinApply on the premien or to MRS. JULIA McMI LAN, Seaforth P, O. - 1006x4 S INGLES AND LUMBER FOR SALE The undersigned bas for sale, heap, first and second class Pune AND OMAR SHOW IS. MAO a lot of Hettraocx Leese% all kinds. Shin les end lumber eau be seen at Kippen stathin. A ca load of Pine and Hemlock Planks, Sea:Mingo, etc.', just received. Orden can be left at the station, or With JAMES COOPER, 158341 London Road. W. •N. Watson, SEAFORTH, - 'ire and Life Insurance Agent, Houses to Rent, Real Estate Agent. Dealer in Oe RAYMOND and WHITE family and mae*- factnring Sewing Machines. All kind of Sewing Machines repaired. Charges moderate. Agent for the .• .• WHITE AND GODERICH BICYCLES. First -Class Wheels in -Every Respect. ID_EZTOMS • 1680-62 THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM, ESTABLISHED, 4873. Owing to hardTi7;s,we have con. 31aded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices Organs at $25 and upwards, Pianos at Corresponding pricen, BEE Hs BEFORE PURCHASING. SCOTT IROS, GODERICH • Steam Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) CHRYST T., Successor to Chrystal & Black, idanafacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS bait Patneore ke Stacks, Sheet Iroa Werke, etc., etc, Atm dealers a Upright and Hoelsonsal Sit Valve le nines. Automatic:Cut-0V Engines a epee's by. All **8 of Pipe end pipe -fitting 'constantly o hand Rellmates furniehad on short Mika. Works -opposite G. x. N. Otattes, Goderleil. SICKIEA A HE Positively -cure by thole Little They also relieve Dis from Dyt Indigestion and Too Eating. A sect remedy for DIzahzess,, Nausea, Bad Taste in the Mout , Coated ,T in the Side, TORPID LIVER. te the Bowels. y Vegetable.. $niaU P01. malt Small Prl • Substituti • n the fra d of the See you Ask for C Insist an Carter's et C ter's rter's, dema ittle L id ver ills, Seafort Dy Get Your lothes your Dye ng don H. NIC Of the Saforth Dye pare to Olean and Press Clo Cloth Of all kinds in Ilist-oless style so priees. Ladles' ,dresses can be d out being ripped. A Wel is so warranted to glee satisfaction. look -nearly es tined as noir. Wo Goderich Street, opt of .• Main St poodle BC James! Church. - , H. "NIC 1696-12 Wc:tsks. leaned and at home. orks, is pre - es an Li Dye at very r ed, if demi cited, and Garments ks and re, set, and LE, Sea soanable ed, with - all work made to mete bn early op., orth. REMO E. , Having removed into th store f rmerly occupied by Mr. J. Down y, in th Cady Block, opposite the Coni eroial Iote1, I now purpose carrying a fall and omiete ine of all kinds of 1 , Harness, Whips, Blanket, And everything handled by the trad . Just received this week a large insignmett of • BLANKETS, GOAT GOLLOWAY Which we are now offerin low pries's. M. BRO.D SEA.F BES OBES, atastonishingly RICK, TH. The Sea Jut Rush till tinues t the orth Teti St Another Great Bar on - re. hance for ains. About one thousand Fru t Gems till in ii stock, in all the diff rent size's Also a full stookof ail.' kinds of Fresh Groceries. We are s ill giving Crock- ery and Glassware away down in price. There is no- se of me quoting prices, as the botto has dropped out of every line of good A cordial' invitation is extended- to all to call and examine my stook. I ant sure you will be pleased to iee the many great bargains that can be se, cured. 1 1 Weeted-Good fresh butter, eg a and pota- toes, for which the highs t price will be paid. , A. G. ATJLT Oth. THERE. ARE GOLD MINE RIGHT AT OMI For people who have learned Ihat the road to wealth is RI HT BUYING. We know people who have aid $2 film shoes, not as gobd as we sl1 for $1;50, and they were people who 'neck( every bent they had toe. f they f Bowed the same course in th otheii' buying .it's no Wonder they failed t melte headway in saving u something for a rainy day. And t at reminds us. For rainy days we h ve a matchlees assortment of Long Boot • liable Btapl. and we can save you m too. We have increased our sta and will be in a bet ever t� do CUSTO REPAIRING onl the Richardson •d WHITNEY'S SEAPORT fore. After. Toon Gnat En lipid red its In Oa edicine ney en them f we r ositto than rlinen, WOR and slearteste notice. 1 OclOnis, orme Se I. e nesi,411 or excess, Mail Worry, Xzei - bs000, Opium or -Stimulants. of price, one oaskaaa it, aix, $15 stzioU4eure. Pamphlets free The Wood Ossupass Sold in Seaton& by Lumsden k W phoillino; Remy. ended by all a, Only reb- ored. eke to cure .11 eats Of abuse salve utt• of e'o- ailed on receipt todlpfease, Tiladdrees. dsor, Ont. , deugirtets. so LESSONS Who issekter Began to IN SLANG. Wen, bat aeon Came . In spite of the feet that oho wanted to learn a little something about the tho euhjeot, it 'moms probable that she was . bettor versed in wine features of it than he thought. In truth ,1 the denture appear. since of a girl or a” Wo an does not ,necee- gorily make it safe •draw any cenolue lions as to her knowledge (.f those features • of our language notlueualty-Jreoognieed in polite society. -- ' • . "John," she said,' "II want you to give me the Meaning of sine seang words." "Why, 1 course," the replied. -1"Fire ahead. Those is nothingl tbat pleases: a man . f .mate, you know, than a y sort of An ht- timatIon from a woman1 that he knowii Inaore1 than she does about any anbject Things of that sort ow leo seldom "What is a 'cinch?" "That's easy," heit plied, You know, st the knota cawboy Meal In his h is called a clinch, the feature g that it positively will not slip ea From that vielsort of res- t, 'In the w 1 dIog1 :of it bei or come eon th a "Yes.' "Wellelt convey'," 4 that hold1 Might." "Like times a geed dee 1 atrimony?" ot exactly. 741 a inoh, but no a ate of something 11- - trimony is evince lways-not by a 1 There 'vas just a s ggention- of some sinister 1110,1112iDir underlying this, hut be- fore she had time to go very, deeply Into it he hastened to explain that 'inch sant something that was eaey-a certainy. "For teatime.," he wens on, "*hen I made up my mind to 4sk you to marrry me, it was. ointrh tha I would get you."' "Oh, it was, wa e it?" she demanded, suddenly showing nmeistakable -signs of aggregedyeness. And what is a bluff? Can you tell nie that?" "Why -er-a bluff h--ei."--, "Whenryou told me you could support nut in the style which I had been lams- tomed," Oho interrupted, "I suppose that: was a blifff." 1 1 . Sometimes a *an whose bump of humor la abnormally el' yeloped lie unable ' to aot the pointiot a 4ke wh "lia is the butt of it. Posed ly that may • pain the strained relations :that ' 'sited in that household feet' as se oh, as half a y -Chicago Post, • 1 • i rOin nig oit on Tr The 1/ diens was kelt ping of o1 from both b , treniend a seal were r Ing, they could:not col Thhew s certainly lustratio of the old "pewit] of oil 'on o proverb old meth. ib recent* pplied,i thanks graphic, Mee of the n now ve generally 1 I the wort over. It w a (Redfield who first th ro and expl fined the true 0 revolvin storms, and to are forev rindobtod. ' In nein oil it is astoni a quanti will suffice -+J :I two in a bag -stuffed wi over the we and allow drop onto sea, where it thin gre4.y film over t water. qer the film th Were, an has no power up pate ayes which weal ship. 1i the -office of thin M olas. towd Wats*. dry by the drip- s, and, although ning and break - on board. cost practical fl- ying as to the bled watate," a e, but only very to the hydro - ted States, and wed by seamen American also ghly found out aracter of these him all seamen shing how small ust a quart or h oakum bung to drip drop by spreaels out in a surface of the wintl slips, as 11 bat* the Witter cl break croft the is are an Me In arvelous results ety.-St. Nich- ndrods ef rope attesting the nple agent of Oaf Afghan !Cid In the matter of through his count* th cilably oiledurate. He r uspicious oh no trade king 0 E1711d able to 'move him in t he must esse quite plain up of Af hanistan to ternal t de would- er country and Improve With elm lar jealousy fulness in the motives his oont*ty to foreign eelfiehlY a the Tibe theirs. It is only to ep rank arid Importance t the priVilege of a prot there is, oomparatiyel danger involved in tra istan. writer wa what len6 years ago one ilized bazaars in the ao ghans Were most civil view of Reviews. ade and passage larneer is irrecon-1 again his .inor-4 Liam comes in, fos late has ystl been, is nattor, though at the opening benefits of oz4 ally enrioh the 1 Iown revenues. d want of trust - then, ha closes les almost ail have atoned individuels of • will concede panne, albeit peaking, little ng in Afghan- ry recently in he most unche , and the A1-4 obligIng.-Ree * t 130 lit 13 at red el (fN. nt Only Misike It Out. A lovel rn youth had qu reeled with hie ladylove, and with bi ter angry worda they pa d, and he d ikle that life wee no lenge worth livin bruptly turn - Ing; into 1a barber's, h e t in a vaeene chair and! cal ly requ the barber tc IF out his t root • The ba ber quiesce d, tucking the cloth 'ro nd his neck, the head rest so that t is c stomer's n was well °lei vated. . hen drawing tout pin fro* the (Arne of his waist4a and holding i firmly he ween his fing r nd thumb, h drew the pin quiekly aim s thO neck o • the mat. : Immediately,5 with a - o eam worthy o a red XIIIien, the deep i ng one leirped hem the phalr, sheutin "SurtIl , surely you 1Ie not done it?' :. "Oh, In , sir 1" 1 imid ith barber. "Sit down again, sii.' -I'vel 0 ly marked ,it outl"-X'earson'e Weekly, ! 1 1.. 4 Anecdote of t1 rich. • A ve* clever atiecdo i told of Thorn as BsilaY Aldrich. 01 e day the distin gulshedl a thor happensaunter in an auotoi room While a • le of rare edi Slone, old IMMO. utographs wa going on. The IL otioneer •bolding in hi hand e hundl• f let r said: ‘Lakil and geptiomen, ha ere two auto graphs 1weich w re wit'n by a ma named -Thomas alley A drich. I ghat new sten,them fdr you t the price Of twee fax 6 cents." NO bid ere _made, and they wee sold for tha•t IM aOland, d, "I wouldn't ayvaid to • e Mr. Aldrich, In IspeaklIn of the inciden fteril have caked at all if they ad gone for cents each, but 'two for 5 reminded roe .very foe:Ably of little ape, es."-Philadel• 'phi& Post. 1 A eteisoingiese Hicks -When People things exceedi gip Oleo man 'they spell kno who haye picnic Boston Transori The bachelor usually liv -8 in ried.-Chicago 11 IDTM.c can to make fortable for a about having a pionio • Just as though people Over have a gpod time In the sixteen sideredlish and who builds air saittles a flat after be gets War. Tew 8, h century frogs were 00111e a1lowc1 Or fast days. MARRIAGE LICENSES !SEWED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. ; NO. WITNESSES REQUIRED, • • 11 - [ PLO TIME SURGERY. ' 1 . The heroes Method, Thee W.r. Enn' pi 4,i1 In the Sixteenth Content's". , Am re ee Pare, * barber, surged' Of the sixtee th Icentury, Itells In his npte boW In. -158 he went toit, ha long wars to get practio trt surgerie He invented Nemo new p • ‘'. sties, particularly in the treat. nient a - , putated limbs. Up " ; re's timn the most berbarous meant* la, been used to stop the pleeding. In his words: IlBo soon as the limb was rein. ed the sutgeoniewould nee eusby cauteri s et stop the flow of blood, &thing very h rr ble and creel in the mere telling. And t u . of six thus °mai treated scarce t - • ever else pod, and even these were Ion • 11 and the wounds thu btirned were 3O to heal,I because the Ibuining soused suela vehement pains that thee fell into f ee ; convulsions and other Mortal acoide te I In most of them, moreover, when h. 1 scar fell off there carne fresh bleedi g, light...lb muse again be stanched with tltie ieuteries. So that for manyheal- trig was i possible, tnd they had 'an ulcer to the n 'of thelr 1 vese which prevented them fro*is having a artificial Ihnb." • The idea, of &bolls ing such ornelty by using the ligature ooeurred to Pate in one of his journeys and his success Went beyon h s own •xpbotatlonL Hi, ether i discov made ithin a few owe was of his jot 1 g the arm ft was be.eeyed by the a • rg one ot th day that there was poison in ii gunshot lwound, and one of the asicep . authorities insisted that they . lust :eauterized "with oil of elders scald, g et, raixedwith a little treacle." The p as in winto arable. It happened that a his first tilea tment of guishei woun .. pore's oil r n short; and, Nil used hasten "ildigestiveimade of the yolks of eggs, .11 f rosesand turpentine."To his surpri: - e found next morning that the patien ti had thin; treated were 1z bet- ter condi I n resolv poor 114ni 1 1 0 Pres de when r ,111' ually h had take Afterreid t, : 4, 'zing it was to he north if pose hie to fix the lose of li lmpor'tanl Ha11i was suxn know th e the blame 1 said L n, "I'll sok The la could thr w ii iiesti n further th$n not to 1 'nee 1.111 called he preeen in chi and to e guilty.' , Hooker wr Ing, a d 'Fighting . oe phatlo i laimer of 11 The t1e preside moral n Ms roo "Gent' nen, Harpei dered nd none of *menet .le. 1 ain vezly anxious t; discover the en , ho is." fter stoidi g across the roo , several times the president sud- enly w up his bowed .hoad1 and ex- lalme : 'I have. 161 I know Who is re- eponsib e." "Wn . President; who le 1?" asked the dis in uished quartet as they looked anxiou f not troubled. "Gin I men," said the prealdent, with a mea ng twinkle n his eye, "General Lee is t e man." 1 1 The li ;las a look o mirth in the lough reated d the fourdepart with a d ould e et again cion.- Detroit Free than WV more, ith .guns he others. " en I to burn thus cruelly ot wounds." LINCOLN'S JOKE. • d the liteaponsibilitip Ter the se Beiper's Terry., t Lincoln's Jokes, especially trated in nifeetion With grave a purpose ln them. ri Ilarperta Perry the ow great a calamity rn arms, determined responsibility; for the position. 1, mo -ed, but did not "Very Well," unwell Schenck." o light _upon the say thet -he was y as the text to be of the oopunander ter a plea 1 of 1''not ext given a hear- -made a' very em - aspens! !lay. mbled the: fon, d said to them: a Ferry wa suiren- yen, it see s, is re- . 1 1 13 generals t4ok their rmination hat1they placed un sr snake- ress. uich" Iliontebcdy. known.as"Chatme," ion when; pang ck theater he in the "Excellent wietolie ul, but I 1 de :love love thee net chaos onounced the word "chouse.." Iter whenever he was- announced •e 'eying among playgeete was, niAiiinic:In, aenadlgaiti1n." eY isreCOBrdmrbed ecii•-fthtini night. when 1e was playing Othel- "dying eoe e" a voice from the oared out, ' , That's d—ed good, Othello:se bolt upright, " hook - 1e audience ;Atnessed a Singular . : • ' 1 • ri the direct on of the disterber *eke of 'ragis invited hi*, f he an, to come down and ha Ie hie ched." Th re being no1 /Mower Ilenge, the utp1est "Maori' spi- ed over andl proceeded to 1gato of tit re from th• ntire all Mall Gaiette. . , Th. emit otine. ()the' o Wants to S•yre ur was loeall because on one oco Othello at the Limer well kn wn passage: rditio ()stole ' my thee, a 4 when I COM again," p "ohaos' es if written Ever to play "Chou. • nie at on o in th ous• house! Then • pectaal is fist nd in ere ead "p • this c mnly t • an o ouse.- Rocca ate ins wo par knife sli ere for right s he kni he illus ite:Xt of hape a into a re of th eighte arrespo lo The ightnin ties 6 Wire to the f suelly ho whole imidus lectricit ore it h I" lmproveme4its have mild the a much sin ller and mor deli- ruieent than it used to be. 1 The upright's down wh o the es are a third shorter tbnt they Orly and are no longer panted delete but a di y vandyck,b4own. which is us lt aer represeneed in rated papers ae a great, trian ular • feel has no almost, a re like 4 1 we1ghte1 with moruy let eivoir at tho p of the b1,d0 (the German ex outioner is el ilar )land no long, r with lead.1-Paris dent. tee Lightningl on Ships. Son why ships are not sttuok by lig attributed -by German author - 03 general use which is now made pe for rigging purposes' as well aot that the hulls of ship. are estruated of iron or steel. Thus ship forms an excellent and con- nducter, by mean. of whiab the is led away into the oc 0,0 be - time to do any serious 'image. "Hira ad been 'what's i "Well,' d seri. OTO'n nly bri • Washi A. Lay Figure. reading' a ;tin quarter novel, " said Mil'Corntoseel, Who lay Jigger?" 1: replied her husband after long 'i s thought, 'I couldn't do no ke a gnosis t it. But eggs ls ing us 12)4 a nts a dozeie now" ii Star, Tere eve never been more than three ntem ary Eu °peat queens -in fact, he num r who veoccupled the throne mod! al and Weill times is Narver- tivly s all. En land, heads the list with Ye; Aus a oan t Of four, but the to- oom to con idersibly under 80 alto - ether. "Now,1 arry," asked the teacher of the uyenile oais, Iv at lathe meal we eat in he morning cal ed?" •, "Oatmeal" was he little fellow's proM0 reply.--Chloago ewe. Ask your grocer itir, Iter Tali sod DM Pure,t an InT for wil Me be sh uld in ce fiv de of sto SOME1 S church Eater, • graphe MTe will mail THE HOME . , , ling wan tne October number, to Is° TEE SATURDA EVENING Pos URNAL begin- ‘i uary_i, 1899, every week, Tomtl4e time subscription is reeived to January 1, 1899, pn.-r-4wep4 o only Tweiuy-fie Cents. e Ladies' l Minx JourOal orer, who wines excPusi ely THE LADIE' HOME jOiTR/e/ T., coiltinue her Cooking and do - tic lessons. In the October num- she tells *hat should, and what not, be eaten by men follow- tain occupations. Tweritr serts are giVen for all sorts achs.. 1 , ECTAL FEATUII.ES imp e s decorated for Christni s Fairs and Weddings, phOt arid decrilnd. Interiors of. taste ul aiid inexpe siv h nes picture and describe sh win sretty corn rs, tables set 1)r dinners lune eons rid teas, etc. • Some Spectal Featkires of THE SATORDAY 1EVENING POST Besides Ilhe Gen ral Departments -Serials, Short Stories and Sketches - Men and Wom n of the Hour Brief biographic ketches and characteristic stories a peopl prominently before the public, with portr it illustrations. The Post's Seri of Practical 5ermons Each week is giveill a strong sermon, simple, direct and unsecta ian, on vital topics, by one of the best religio s thinicers of the world. The Best Poems of the World Beautifully' illustra ed by the best American • artists, are' accomp nied by a portrait of the poet, a lotigraphic sketch and the interesting • story of how each poem was written. THE cURltis PUBLISHING COMPANY,PHILA ELPHIA H. R Jackson &s� =or IMPORTERS or Salim Robin & Co'. Brandy, Cog France; Jno. de IKuyper & Son, Hol- land 1 Gin, Rotterdam, Rolland; Boas Tont Gin Loudon, England; Bulloch' & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glee- gow Scotland Jamieeon's Irish Whieky, Ireland ; also Pert and Sher* Wine teem France' 04 Spain, Agents for W ker.'. Whisk Ontario; Royal Distiliery and Dae Ale end Pinter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC We have opened a retail store connection with our Wholesale busi business in the r4ar of1 the new Do- mii n Bank, iq Good'a old staod, where we will se 1 the best goods in the market at be tom jrices. 'Go�& delivered to an part of the town free. TELEPHONE II. 1518 --ti For over a yaw we have had the agency for the sweet INDAPO. Our first order was for s quarter of a done, our Ise for One Hundred and POrtriour Dollars worth. anaemia( INDA 0 MI GREAT HINI300 REMEDY FISODVOZN THZ ANOVN Restate 4ts 80 days. Curse all Nervous Disease,. FailinHemity Paresis, Slespleseness, Nigh le E is - Diens, etc., caused by past abuse,, yes vigor and size to shrunken orgsne and quickly but surely restores Lost Manhood in ofd or young. Eullif serried in vest pook.t. Prio. 111.00 a paoloMo, Six for 95.00 with ee written guarantee to mere Or money refunded. DON'TVT AN IMITATION, but insist on having IINDAPO. If easr druggist has not got it, we will fend it_erses HINDU° TroPo, Ldasaio, In. or oar Aent& This rapid Increase proves It 1.e remedy that mfrss Who oleo It speaks well of. Tenn INIfienfinilYt I.V. FEAR, Sabra.. Oat flap° ade a weii Ma or • McLE D1S System 1, Renovator -AND HER - TESTED - REMEDlE8 A speeific and antidote ler Impure, Weak and • poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion et the Heart, Liveralpha t, Neuralgia _.r_ of Memory, Bronchitis, Co Jaundice, Kinney and Uri Dance ramble Ineguleriel • LABOBATORY-Goderiol J. M. McLEOD, Pr fact er. Sold by J. S. Ro es, Seaforth. 16014 ion Gall Sion s ise;se,, Bt. YE umpt try and , °Ma prie emend Dahill O. r and M anu McKillop Directory for 1898 JOHN MORRIS() ,N Reev DANIEL MANLEY, De P. 0. WM. MoGAVIN, Oonne JOSEPH 0. MORRISON P 0, JOHN B. BROWN, Cowl JOHN 0, MORRISOM, Cl DAVID M. 11068, Tressu WM, EVANS, Assessor, CHARLES DODDS, Oe sioliARD POLLARD, bury P.O • . Winthrop P. 0. ty4teeve, Besc&WOod rgOOSITAzoilnirYllor, rBe, thood- rk7rt/1111561hrthfro47PiP.0.450: rhir,Ksaftory°°dinoPrig.pch0cto•P. Lodi. Blake Cider, and Jelly Ig now running every work( Bring along your apples a Steam Power and Hydrauli on Monday, during cider pple Butter' Factory Ziolux,111 r b • Ohopplog don n. HN THIREleiC Slittiglitter Sale of Crockery • the Next Thirty IMys And a good assortment to choose from, which we ask you nspect for yourself before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Dinner Set, 104 pieces, $15.50 Dinner Set, 97 pieces, 84.50; Printed Tea Set, 44 pi cos, $1.75; China Tea Set, 44 pieces, $4 ; Ironstone Tea Set, 44 pieces, $1.75 • handsome 10 piece T ilet Set, $4 to $5 ; Printed 10 piece Toilet Set, $1, 0 to $2 ; Children's 6 pieces oiret Set, $1; White 8 pieee Toilet Set, $1,50. Handsome Lampe, from $1 t,o 82, Fancy Water Sets, 6 pie es'assorted colors, 81; inner Plates, 50e per doze • Soup Plates, 50,1 per dozen ; Tea Plates, 40c per opn ; Cups and Saucers best white stonewears, 65c per dozen ; and many other lines lines of Fancy China, Crockery and Glassware, at supr sing low prices. • Stock of Will 1e found as coinplete 1 Still °gving 21 pound i3 of Granulated Sugar for 81; 2 po Japan Tea, for 250, givng ex of that good Laundry Seep, ref; for 26 ; Toilet Soaps at e. Cans'1,ed Salmon for 25e; 3 25c ; Good &rut Brushes fo s' Ogii.Give me a mil f yo above, lines. ilighest Market Prices Pota s. • , BIBLE Me feelfef. I SCHO9L and PR HYMN BLANIK MISCELLANE US BOOKS SCRIBBLING BOOKS And all kinds of Books that are ii demand, may be procured at right prices from LUMSDEN & Groceries any house in the trade. path's Extra Standard -ds of Black, Green or -satisfaction; still some ar 5o a bar, now 7 bars Ily reduced prices; 3 oxes No. 1 Mathes for 25e. want anything in the ..or Butter, Eggs and ..„ 00ICS YER BOORS OOKS °ORS BLOCS/ - - • $MAar WILSON, MAIN STREET •