HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-16, Page 31898 rc 8 00m ntettt uPRp, ! District. Manager. . orths larg8 , )r �; ; 1 Pen Cil! fGr ler S, Cents t Price 4th. par 'tae 20 OZ. fast tai an four ht up 1rd is means i i B 1 Y tion desirable ' Furniture, etermine that tate repose, our purchase;. all macl-e you'll ur± ,Put of the Intl fact e you wilt call Iil'le we ,he.E e c -dater With a Is.. We have lend free . of gest attention. Gimes, Goder- IN. wssortmelt It don't ve havq it,t Whichwe ew goods- ran:es all stoves, { FORTS, SEFTEM R. .16, 1898. IMPORTANT NOTICES. MUTE FUNDS TO LOAN at 5 per Teens., pay' )0 a� early, on !frim-0ihee farts eeotrrtty, Appli+l sepe:g- able Dominion k' Building, Sestoovtb1505; !TNIiA, Donftr,fob .in4 Provinolai Land tlrTeyor, !!!ember of trs.Aeeooiattoni of Ontario eyort, Dublin, OuM to. 1 64 MONEY AT 5 PER CENT. -TA large : amount of money has been placed in _my hands to lend to smarm, in sums and on terms t6 suit the borrower. Apply to J. M. Dm, Bsrrister.$ealorth, 157841 jo;` i► 3 ATT E, Clerk ` ef. the1Beclond Dieieion Court. Manta mi 00er, of Huron Core. moaner. Land, Loan, and. Insurance Agent. Funds areseted and to Lean. Oiflo--Over Sharp & tonne eeore, Main etree#. Sesforth, = 12 , �t0 THE LADIES. --Minae Levi PAM, elealorth,is p3•epsred aroma' to do up up bale into twit - Oen eta. For sale an asterant 01 ':switches, an colors ; also stemless awiteh ; Residence corner Market and, Jervie etreete. 1595x18 TeOR SALE.—A quantity of brick,'at from $2 to X $4 per thousand. Also Bowe stone at *3.50 per cold. Alone. with • a let of cruntere and shelving. Apply to WM. McDOUGALL, Egmondvitle. 1803x3 ESTRAY CATTLE. --Strayed into the premises' of Mr. James Sproat about the let of August, one year old heifer, spotted. he owner can have the same by pr ving eiroparty and paying chargee. JAMES SP,sOAT, Brickworks, Tuokeremith. 1604.3 TEACHERS WANTED rrto TEACHERS. - Teacher wanted for Union 1 School :-cation No. 16, Howiek, male or female, second or third cla'e, stating salary. Applications received up till October the let. JOHN RENWICK, 8e retary, Lakelet P. 0. 1003x4 antaAPHERS {WANTED Wanted two teachers, one for the north ecbooland tie other for the ;south, bolding third or seeond•claee certificates. Duties to commence 2nd January, 1899. ,Apply (stating salary) to JAMES CAMPBELL, Secretary, Box 24, Bayfield. = 1601x4 TI'1EACi1 ER WANTED.—For €eheol seer on No. 2, _L kis Itillop, male or female: Appplieat ons, with testimonials, received until let of Oetobe . Duties to begin on est of January, If 99. SAM J L�DOR- RANCE, ConstaLce P. 0. ;I x4 }�O TEACHERS Teacher wanted for eleheel sec- t tion No, 3, Stanley, male or female, the holder of* second or third class certificate, etati g salary. Aoplicstioas received up to let of Octo er. Per- sonal aipitcation preferred. Duties to omrnenee Jstrusry ist, 1899. M. BATEe,. Seoretary4 box 16, Bayfield, Ontario. 1604x3 STOOK FOR SALE. (`t HORTHOiNS FOR SALE For sale, two good {� youttg Shorthorn bullnewith registered t - green. Prices and terms right. DAVID MII.h Ethel. 1588.4 41 i.3RHAbi BULL FOR SALE, The undersigned LI bee for sale a thoroughbred Durham bull, eligible for registration ; aged 23 montbs, Dolor red and white. Terme reasonable. JAMES tATTER- SON, lot 25, concession 1, L. • R S., Tuo ers0-tth, Brucefleld P. 0. Os FOR SALE AND }KM SERVICE.-- The undersigned, breeder o$ LargeEnglieh Berk- ehiree.hse for este boars and, Bowe in farrow He will alto keep for service the e,$ook boar, " King Lee," encleaeed from Mr. George Green, of Fairview, azid winner at Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa. Term -41 payable at the time of s ;rvioe with the privilege treturnttig if necessary, if booked $1.50. JAMES ORRANCE, Lot 28, Concession 5, MoKiilo , Sea- orth P. 0. 1406.62 STOCK. FOR sigavrrTil. ROAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 25, Coneeesion 4, Stanley, is thoroughbred Cheeterwhite boar. Terme-- en, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN V. IEHL1.691•tt HULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service on bis premises at Roxboro, a tborougbbred Durham bull. Tereus, $1 ; if paid before January, 1899, or $1.25 afterwards. JOHN SCOTT. 167141 Mee OAR FOR SERVICE. Thecandor fined will 17' keen 'or service on Lot 34, Concealers 4, Tuck- eremith, r thoroughbred Cheeter White Boar, ttrohased from H. George & Sons, Crompton, aftddlesex auunty. Terms --$1 payable at time of eervice, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN W. ROUTLEDGE. HICTROliei EXPOSITOR; • SICK HEADACHE rFLaa WORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- I. under darned will keep for service at the Bruoefield Jheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terms, i1 ; payable at t.me of service with privilege of re- turning if neoereary. Ake a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Boars and Sows for Bale.. HUGH McOARTNET, Brumfield, 1406-tI WORTH PIG FOR SERVICE.—The under- Bigned lute for ,ervice on lot 82, concession h 8, ¥eKillop, a► thcro'bred Tamworth, pig, a limited number of sows wi11 be taken. Thi. is an extra good pill and breeder! find it advantageous to orobs their Berkshire sows with this breed of pig. Terme el, with privilege of returning if neoeehary. JOHN MoMILLAN 1506xtf • REAL ESTATE OR SALE. FARMS f"0R SALE.—The ri Choice Farms for Bale in ner County of the Province ; a suit. For full information, wr No trouble to show them. F P. 0. - nderstgned has twenty Eaat Huron, the ban - 11 sizes, and prices to rte or call personally. S. SCOTT, Brussels 139141 Positively cured by itheitle 4tt1® PIUs. They also reeve Distress from Dyspepsia, - Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per feet remedy for Dizzines$, Nausea, Droved. peas, :Bad Taste in the Month, Coated Tongue* Pain in the Side,! T.ORPIW LIVER. 'They Regulate the Bowels. Purely. Vegetable. Srnali Pitt. Small Dormse emaii Price. , Substitution the fraud of the See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and deman Carter's Little Li\ er Pills, Seaforth Dye orks. Get Your Clothes C eared and your Dyeing done at home. H. NIC : LE, the Seaforth Dye W • rks, is pre- pared; to (lean and Press Clothes and Dye Cloth Of THE• HORSE SHOW, Alae. rette, by Elec pane at Circleville, 2:06 in the fifth Idea • Banton, by Si>knm ore from 2 :i37 to 2: Pore at Logansport, Adbell, 2:28, by pion yearling, was eighth in 181 sepon track, Slone, owned 'by California suga>t kJ to Keating's stable the dam of Snide, "Yicu couldn't a onow bank" was :he greets arab to the driver o a bad speedway, Nerev 'li'or , recent The Ontario 1 gislature by the Caned an oration to establiish for all horses stand io, Of ail kinds in first•olase` style and at very reasonable prices. Ladle,' dresers can be dyed, it desired, with- out being ripped. A trial is solicited, and all work to give setiafaction. Garments made to y aegood.a4 new. Works and residence. pn treet, east of ?lain Street, and nearly op- Jameb' Church. H. NICKLE, Seaforth. warrenae+ look near! Ooderich poatte St. 1598-12 OL38E FOIL SALE —On Goderich street west, IL opposite the fair grounds, Seafortb, containing six rooms, pantry and woodshed, with abundance of bard and soft water.. This property: will ire Bold ehcap. Apply to ANDREW ITTLE, Seaforth. - 16014 FOR SALE, OR TO LE .—A dwelling house situated on Gaderlch street, containing to rooms, geed cellar, hard and soft water and good ant -buildings. Now ocouple by J. L. Smith, mer- chant. Pce.essien given about the hat of August. Apply to A. G. Ali LT, Seaforth. 1697-tf i[ Hilt purebate tho comfortable and pleas. (j antly eitnated cottage on James street, Seaforth, at present occupied by .her. A. Scott. There are 8 rooms, with hard and edit water, also a large stab e. The lot is a corner lot and well planted with fruit and ornamental treer.: Apply 693 tf SCOTT, Seaforth. "DOR SALE.—Fol sale 220 ere farm. in 5 oltillop, being Lots 24 and 26, C ncession 10, and north part of Lot 26; Concession 9 This land has been in pasture since first plea d, 26 or 80 years ago, therefore is rich and free frcm foul weeds. It ie situated on the gravel road, five miles north of Sea - forth and nine from Brussels. Terme of payment made to cult purchaser. For particulars apply to W. GOVENLOOK, Seaforth. 1694-tf FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, in the Township of i; McNiltee, the north 60 acres of Lot 16, Conces- sion 14, boundary line. About 47 acres cleared, three acres of good hardwood bu h, about two acres of choice fruit trees, soil unsur used, well drained -and feneed ; schocl half a mi e away, .poet office ane church convenient ; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to the prop; etor on the premises, or Walton P. 0. DANIEL Mc It AN, Proprietor. 1599-tf cePLENDID FARM FOR, SALE.—For sale the >• splendid tette of Mr. Robert govenloek, on the North toad, a nate and a half firma Seaforth. I contains 176 acres, nearly. a I cleared acd in a high state of cultivation, There is a two story . brick house, good bank barn and everything In first-class oonditiou and well underdralned. It will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor, desires to retire. If not sold before the fall it w 11 bo rented. Address ROBERT 60V ENLOCK, Seaforth P 0. 1598 tf DESIDENCE IN SEAFOI TH FOR. RALE.—For b sale the comfortable cottag i on !north Main street, Seaforth, belonging t, the estate of the late Moore Iia}d. The house eco tains,serenrooms, be-. sides Iaree summer kitchen and 6 good stone cellar and stable. Also hard and soft water. The property will be sold cheap as the estate nuat be wound up. In the mean tin e it will be rented, and the tenant v, di be given a le' sed• for six months if de. sired. Apply to JOHN LANDSB01iOuQ1I, Seaforth. 1597.0 • .0..�a. e1::4 • D. MILERWIL $TRAWBE CURES DIARRHCE.A, DYSEN AND SUMMER COMPLAINT �i Price 35o. at al druggists. 111111,111111E .Y..TITUTEO TMCV AVM 0ANocwoa... r w^ ,- • • A • 1• .; Having removed into the tore occupied I by Mr: J. Downey 'in Block, opposite the Comme cial new purpose carrying a full and ine ttf all. kinds of Harness, Whips, . B1 And everything handled by t received this week a large co • BLANKETS; GOAT R GOLLOWA.iz RO Si1I101ES AND UJMBEp FOR SALE The undersigned has f sale; cheap, first and second class PINE AND CEDA 8ntit LEs. Also a lot o1 BEaxLocx L remix, all kin • s. Shjngles and lumber can be seen at Kippen atatio . A oar load of Pine and Ilemleek Planks, Scantlings, etc., just received. Orders can be left at the st tion, or with JAMES COOPER, London Road. 16834f Before. After. er. - 'ora' The Or Sold an druggists able med /rages forms 0 Sexcaa Weakne or excess, Mental Worry bnci?o, Opium or Stimula of price, oneackage $1, eta will: cure. -Pamphlets The Wood Cos Sold in Seaforth by Lumed' ghoephodlne; ^rzt English Remedy recommended by all in Canada. Only reit- cine discovered. Biz 7uaratlteed to cure all ss, alt effects of abuse Excessive use of To- nts, Mailed on receipt six, $I One will pie, free to any address. npony, Windsor, Ont. en & Wilson, drugglete, sign BE ES, Which we are now offering a ast low prices. M. BRODE ioneer, won the 2;2� ., taking a xnark of ns, r used his reo- OK i an eight heat nd. dvert ser, thio chain - recently driven an e over the Glens Fella dolph ',preokels, the g, isth = only trotter Her di.m ,as out of :08%, ve a re ' ot nail into g of a street, actor on the y i l be petition - Horse eders' asso- an intip::tion bureau ng fo :rvioe in On - While John Ma in, a ver, was ad - sting boots on I portal -* al, 2:16%, at rtalnelith, 0., he as klef :d in the face d the 'sight in b s right 0 e utterly de-. orad. H. M. Hanna; C evelata has n'rade the al payinent of a try fee for his repent whose, Mattio attune in the Glens alis (N. Y.) 1neeti g -and - e daughter of !lander .will in her ho in the oast. reduad n is record to h heat . f his .race at set *Elk Monday is by y Arras am, and the e, honie,:y the records tut. elegrti'm sent by Matt rows a ► if ho would lmbugainst Orna-' ►co, t e reply was re- "IIalinb g will never ca." ng her : orn the tradk idents of the West Side , Chica': •, had Trainer laral ng, 2:16%, a! ld pitr}t course. The rack + ill 2:18.—Horsed; I; P p Monopole, w o 2:08', in the four Id Orchard, Meal oicester--Rob! , 1 1 : stent light hares er bred in Ve m In answer to a i es, asking Ma nsent to race HI ent in: specie r ived stating t ai again race in A e Just \before r Eiri tank Fowlerre riving,associa ioi arrington se d `Ile over -the 0 rfi : are turned t 'nun. formerly be Cady Hotel; I colnpiete nkets, de. J'uet ent of AND. nishingly SEAFOR. K, The Rush St II - Con- , tinues at I Seaforth Tei 'S ore. Just Another Chan e for Greg Bargain• About one thousand Fruit Ge stock, in all the different a a full stock of all kinds Groceries. We are still gi ery and Glassware away dow price. There fs no use of e qu prices, as the bottom has droppe of every line of goods. s sti111' in zea. iso of Fresh ing Crt ck- in ting out' A cordial invitation is extended calland examine my st stare you will be pleased many great bargains that cured. Wanted—Good fresh butter, egg toes, for which the higher be paid. CURT Colonel Jap S e minstrel II d. Sydney Rosebfel orking on a new It is said that,! led near Paris w 11 beoo , e a teaojaer of oting. Julia MarloWe' = mane er intends to ,resent her next ason in a modern so• aety play. "A Gallant S oder," by E. E. Kid- , , has- been, s ssfully oduced in San rancisoo. ' Nat Goodwin-baS puroh- ed anestate in ant, England, about half an hour's ride rem London.• It is announced that in r new special- ty this fall Adelaide Herrin nn will change her olothea 60 times in inutes. Coquielin's success in Lo don has been so.great that he his error! ed for another engagement in th t oity'ri xt year. A race between'bicycle" : nd a train is a feature' of "A'Sin For ife," a melo- drama recently prloduced i • England. One of_the fortihcolning plays in Lon-. don le aesorted tq be by Oscar Wilde, al- though the authorship is not disclosed. Fanny McIntyre and E. L. 'Snader have. been re-engaged for leadin' roles with the`; Bowdoin Square Theater oompany, Bos ton. ``-`On and Off" s the it Frohrnan hais.denided to Bisson's farce, " +e Coht ons -Li tis. " I!� Managers Bray and qui gaged Miss Metal Osborne of a -meld in then forthhdr of "The Turtle.' verlyi 1 ERS: returned- to and M k Twain are comedy. e. Rh , who has set - to all to am to se the can a se - sand pota- prig will A. G. AULT, C4th NOTICE The Seaforth Cider and Jelly Factory is nos running in full 'blast. All fitted up, with a neap grinder and jelly cooker enlarged, an• double the amount of work can be done and estifaction guar. enteed. Hoping to Bee all the old a tenement anal many new ones. J. KLEIN, Proprietor. 1802x4 e that Charles ive Alexandre oleurs des Wag- . gfleld ig- gfleld have en - to play the part ing product. on LAU N • RY 9 L NES. A clean apron worn sa Ile hanging the clothes helps kee the** Dan. Calicoes ghoul be sae ` ed in clean wa- ter, dried in the shade's.ttirned on the wrong side to d Red tablecloth : keep' t}1 t it color if a l it - tie boraxi add:d to the rinse water and $hey are &Tied in the s}ta e. Bluing added to th 'inse water does not whiten the cloths, only .covers the dirt and need not ever be used Dislh towels and common toiovels can be ironed just as well in half the tune if.fold- ed together once as if roned singly. Letting clothes hen later they are dry or.letting them hang hzough a storm or in windy weather: to' itlat about is not conducive to tog'we ring or to help the good man's poclketboo .i' A clothespin !jag m ate of bedticking of something stout is t elform of a pocket, with a slit op the iron .de, is much easi- er to get at than a co :luon bag. A bed - ticking apron, With a large Docket across the bottom, is better than either. .A basket exposes the I clothes! 1s to dust, and the olothes suffelr aecordingi?. JINGL plague u y tun d Thy el n sat, t 1 man t For th get board S Mr: ache Iboar4 busitt .r1 and o and h youn all faa eat n Week! Seed .Wheat for S le. Thea unde> signed has for sale Ono STATE Fa Wheat, suitable for seed: It bad a w to chaff,. bola head and is dust proof. Itis one of tie best (milling: wheats and testa 63} pounds to the b ehel, and per.1 featly -free from foul seed. Price, * per bushel. Apply on Lot 21, Conoeeslon 18, MoKi lop. JOHN•STAFFO Lea bury P. 0. 1502.4 LITERARY NOTES. AND JESTS. would lth o buzz ti Ah • ahnd, r;wr r h ane eitthat Zi1oequite. en thy glee, r ferocity,, ing ,ring! •', Away! I'm stung{ ud'st sura be htulg ing, zing, zing! chosest day y prickly lay or bring! Ii ! Thou dreadful pest! y of rest! zing, zing, zing! e ohaa•s of music's atra an sooth e'en beast in eh The bar ' die] sing, ut not, more sly than fox, fight nlusio bottle- zing, oale- zing, zing, zing! y maddening h The worst's t comet est sting -- winged imp o' night! ernal light; zing, zing, zing! —New York r usiness Tact. Blimp - =—I' a done my bead to you mid Not y b, now t stoppe If tion Take that In pence e With th ne ins, ong, but it see a to my the in re rs I have the les money I make Fatpur:.—No ender. You've ot Dues fille• upw th old maids and old ors. I nrakello s of money keep ng irs, and s• might you if you had ny ass in yo on't see , ow you manage." 11, I don t do lit by having old in ids d bachel rs to eat me out of h use me. N , indleedy, I take only 'roe men an pretty girls, and then t ely in love with. each other and d n't ore'n c nary :birds."—New Ylork Y. B ' `Wen I thi mind "of the in ultra—of th stitutes our vo di regard for a of the prinoipl of all 'civilize lnt, and its the functions gi a adequate' ti that burn " "Why don't s ave until t deiloid out a d enoe.—Chic: The American Angler, formerly pub. fished by W. C. Harris, will ,hereafter be published by the Outing Publishing oom0 ?any. It is now said that ere manuscripts of The Heavenly Twin , " "Ships That Pass [n u the ' Night' and "Robert Elsmere" were all declined by no New York pub. lisher. • The San F'ranoisoo argonaut has eflered a prize for the best.sti ry of western Amort loan life. The lengt o_' the story -is to be within 8,000 w rds, a d $100 will be given to the successf coin etitor. The monthl mag: line Sunbeams has just been conso !date. With The Universal, the Weekly ma urine that presents coml- pactly all the news o+ t:ie world in such a form as to lame it r cresting to young people. POINTED P The closed mouth sait3hea no insects. Many a so polled s: Lt is merely a si nor's understudy. Actions don't spe iS louder than son golf btockingS Took.; The race is! notalR}a(ys to the swift, an it is never to;'the.'Ioafier. The wise raan k Qws how little h kno*s of what, may lee' known. Adam had his fol les, but be never listed anecdote" of -hi boyhood days. Love may net .be -iia ssed as a diseas but it is frequently 'a rash nature. When a m maI� eet his wife down tow he always enders W . d What it will Dost him It's hard. to g9eoide lbether the.ice deal or the grocer I! entit ed to the light weigh ohampionshipJ'=Chi ago News. RAGRAPHS. ri refaced Insult. k," exclaimed Mra:``Str tug pathy =•:nay., the snebrsEand unthinking mob that ton- in population, of its tier str et justice, its ignor nos s t at lie at the founds ion a d enlightened gov n - tot 1 unfitness to exec ciao f st ffrpge, It am &t a I°1 o a to ox recision to the. Indigna- w thin mel" yo se !make a vdw not to oy s A woman president?" srerpeetfnl Toter in thel au - o 1'ribune. 1 e Carne Down. There was a don up in a tree And a Ya kee"down below. "Come dow II" said no Yankee to the don, But the el n was rather slow. "What terms," he ataked, "will you eke e own to you? Oh, Mr. Yankee Man, er, never dol" with If 1 002110 No terms? That'll ne The Yanke At the do 111'11 shoot, down Before I' Athwart th A terrifyi tint th Y " o And the little old don came down.. --Cleveland Lea took aim with his gun up in the tree. be said, "if you don't _,.mi e counted three!" 'don's dark visage spree g frown, ankee counted "Ono!" i and . 0„ The oompn the young li trying to onto The Haute saluted. "Sir," he s port an enga which I halve now merely r sanotion toith cage Post.. M THE ARRIAGEI LICENSE ISSUED. AT 1 HURD EXPOSITOR OFHFC SEAF RTH, .ONTAR1O.1 0 WI. NESS ES REQUIRE[, are - really Reported. nding ofldeer bad Burr utenant and his dau pp the same chair. ant sprang to his fee ` "h'aire the honor lenient al' close quarte !)cell entirely victoriou mains for you to give er. rie%d hts r k and co re - .0, n s. t your terms of Surrender. "-}-Ob1- A Suspicion. "I; guess," said the boastful p Edi t pen vely, "`t at fellow I've been Tying to get a mate with has Spanish bl d �n his Veins.'''•' "I suppose yetl're going to public th t so as to irrita a "No; I'an earnest, I never fat an' - body that wa so hard' to And and so easy to whip when you once get him corntVed " a --ashingtor Star. /� In he Latin Quartior. Jacques e Lorrain's a cobbler, .And he courts the darling mus As hu,sit- within his little shop . To peg way at shoes Upon his humt'Ie bench he dream And hi: fine brain. I suppose, Finds Lu'ette's supper poetry • Ated a student's shoe just prose —Chicago cord. A M1e • ireeted Compliment+ I Tenor --'W en I gave my first noert, four people h I d to be carried fainting out of the hall. riend—O , but since that time your vo co bas considerably improved'!•—Flie- gotlde Blatta The hapy far tic you There i som might co Remember, if list, That booms before th Perry Pate ddwn east rn clothespin. Wayworn to than the Enquirer. That edito Prove fa What wou Things i Agrionitural. er murmured: "When to poli - urn, thing which with prelfit yon e to me and learn. you wouldn't be a lone y dere- lch sprout early run to seed :y're picked." —Washingto Star. he Fin Question. ttio—This paper say de a fortune out of a guy patent ats n—It must of hid bet - one I'm usin.—Cincinnati Fallible. re of magazines alibi 's to be expetlted. ler i1 they sometimes print ood enough to be rejected? - -Detroit Journal. argain Fiend. My dear, did you intend pr ces on them platers in the Mr; Parvel to leave then, parlor? -Mrs. Pary I ain't no vi Journal To Beware Thoug The kiss Res dr "Would y 101 merely' b books?" "No;' a Yost will i+ ord. Fro I rea The 0 u DU iga Yes; I want folks to see bargain Bend. Deroit Lieutenant Robison. he fervid king, young an, from red lips you w it. , es science clearly sho s, adly microbes in it. ' —Chicago bruise. An Unsafe Bails. cause we both like it mo 7 ve time to read.' Chicago eavily Weighted. ny poems on "the flag" writers; true and bra ly is a wonder thrafiag's still on the a-A.tlanta Con ei Best tor Table an ration, Never Dary Clir OUR TWO BALAiNCE PUBLIC:A O'F' THE IONS YEAR TW4NT We will mail THEa LADIE with the next issue (Oct 1809, also THE SArTU:RDAY from the time sutscripti - &wing our wee10.y with ,The regular subscription price o: .1. itt reATURDeV EVElaINO reteST IS p2.50 year' it per was founded in 1728, and published b enjamin Franklin up to:I765, and has been tegularly higb a grade of literature and illustration, but entirely dist:naive in tr :lament and in kind. ' The best writers of the world c ntribute to both of our ublications, and the illustrations are froin the best-known artis . 'Tiie- Curtis Ptiblishins Company; lid.elphii a -FIVE HOME JOIJRNA ber nun-iber) t EVENING POST9 n is receiv0 t Our well-kno ENPrs beginning January every week, January 1, ose of intro - 7n monthly. (ASSESSMENT rETESId. • Dead en Tell no Tales But liJing women anti hu gry children do. Ilhey tell a sad tale sclmetimes, that brings the.terrible cha6e of carelessness band and father who the and o Death cent piece is, yet 5c. a da will rovide age in the CANADIAN ORDER OF Twenty years ago there wee soMe excuse for those who left tbeir family unpantected, to -day there 'is and in this the Canadian Order of Foresters easily leads. It has a larger 05brphis per head, and still larger for each Steno af a rail( carried, and could divide up and pay batdic, if So desired, more money per member than any other Society of the kind in Canada. Suralus per member, $21.82 ; per Se000no of Insuranceo See,* The pooch Rate of :the CanadiaA Order of Foresteralast year was hiwer than that of Any of its competitors+, being *Of 5.44 In the 1,00b# The Interest on the iasurance Surplus paid over 20 Deatf. Manna of a, 111,000 each last year. For further particulare encitiire of any of the Officers or Members of the Orden R. ELLIOTT, TtIOS. or address IVIcLEOCP System Ren vator —AND (YaMall aughter Sal of Crockery A specific and antidotelfer Impure, Weak and Ina poverished Blood, Dyspeasittafeleeelessuese, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver; Compiaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, ConsuMption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Ki ney and brinar :Messes, St. Vitus,' Dance, Female Inegularleies a d General Debility. Sold by j. S. Ronrars,1Seaforth. 16014 tdefEillop JOHN HOB DANIEL P. 0. WM. lloGA JOSEPH O. JOHN El. 13 JOHN C. M DAVID M. R WM. EVAN OHARLEA RICHARD ong On for #10 Next Thirty Days Pireotory for 1898! MOO, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. Y, Deputy -Reeve, Beeelawood E. eotheallolt, Leadbury O. OW , Crnoinor, Seaforth P. 0, RR ON Mark, Winthrop P. 0. tr,I Beeelawood P. O. IDDS, 001100t0r, Seaforth P. O. i• POLLARD. Sanitary Inspector, Ueda Lands nd, Flour Mill in. the To nship of McKillop. Part of the outh half of the south half of Lot 2s, and the sout half of Lot 27, in the 8th concessioe, containing 76 acres. The north ait of the aorth half of Dot 26, in ttie 7th cancels( n, containipg 25 acres. ; Upon the 7 acres are erected a cantfoitable treat The 26 acr e and the mill wt11 bit sold witb the a5 acres, or separately. Easy terms of payment. APP19 at once to P.1 HOLMESTED, f3.4forth, Ont. 180142 Blake pider, Appl Butter, and Jelly F tory Is riow ruutdng every worldng day except Monday e. Steam Power and ydrauho ress Chopping done on Monday, during cider seasen. JOHN tniasK, 6044 And a good assortment to • you to inspect for yourself b fot No trouble to show goods. Dinner Set, 104 piecee, $5 5 et, 44 pieces, $4 lronst $1.7 • handsome 1)0 piec Prin ed 10 piece Toilet Set, 11 piele s Toilet Set, $1 ; Whit Han some Lampe, frorci $1 doze ; Soup Plates, 50z, 65e er dozen ; and wiany Cro kery and Glassware, at e from, which we ask purchasing elsewhere. ; Dinner Set, 97 pieces, ne Tea Set, 44 pieees, piece Toilet Set, $1.50. 2 , Fancy Water Sets, inner Plates, 50c per dozen ; Tea Plates, 40c best white stonewear, ✓ lines of Fancy China, ising low pikes. Stock 6 Wil e found as coMplete Gra ulated Sugar for $1 ; Jap n Tea, for 25e, gitiing0xt • of t at good Laundry Soap, re 'Wive me ca4 if yo Groceries s any house in the trade. edpath's Extra Standard tids of Black, Green pr satisfaction ; still some ular 50 a bar, now 7 bars ually reduced prices ; Boxes No. 1 Matches for ✓ 25e. want anything in the for ' Butter, Egg5 and. BUSICal Instrunlen ESTASLISHED, 1873. owing to h rd times, we havs cot- zladed to sell Pianos and Organs at areOtly. eauced Prke0, i)rgainsat 25 land upw Piano at ateoponding COTT BROS, For over ayesr bsvelisit the ageacy for the west INDAPO. Oar first order was for II quarter of Jonas, ear last for Ilse Roared sad Forty.feur Mos worth. amimma Imlay° made ak_well Plan of THSGIUELT I H11/1000 REMEDY Banat/ tur SO days. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Memory Paresis, Sleeplessness, Nightly „Ernie - 'ions, etre, caused by past abuses, Sires vigor and sir,. to shrunken Organ*, ,snd tadekla lelea surely restores >Tait Manhood in old or Tonal. Easily _carried in vest pocket. Prate 42,00a meeker, Six tot 415.00 -row Pr; a written froaraoreoe OW* or West on having INDA.P0, If your drtaggist lasts not g_ot it, we willeend it prepaid! ROM) ILNXIEDY CX., Prunus, Mew, rr eler flinets# This rapid Increase proves itis a remedy that mama Itbo tries It speaks well -of. Yours res ally, V. Seaforth, Ont.