HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-09, Page 8One year since graduit,jtibn,
W. J. nes sy, Be.*. Leib, an. air ad]
U 'Wilson's Oath irocery I' 1, to I ;iot'week of the death of Mr. iristion. His extensi a business relations Tor6ntoi has aiten a a to Be old of 01 the t a 4, Toronto niverst nd
'Martin, of the Baby- patt of u bf DU tickets aheO, and Mine Lena at the residence'of his da gh- Int him jx�ito close ouch with a lai ge Claek, of London.— i here wi re 447 of
John t O: tjm` at home. This
-9 - 7 on and lonline, were united b Ir instrim6ay. P"ir t I
Field and Garden scoas.— We have 1 Ivan* & Colo. ter, in Hamilton. Mr. Dombi was' formally ni mcir f peo�le both il t DWn and counti y, for Toronto sold at t a Soda -th stat �404 o fit Its students ft the
marigold seed, ad Long years % respe d resident of this villag or, d f er, week Th4 ceremony- vraoi peri.rmed ty Rev. A. Y. siudv 4. i in,
glily esteemed r atthe townqffice fir rn Tue i a I
saw log Go don Untkord'ai 0 W ore h lecturers Andl,pro-
Red marigold sard, inipo I I � 36xt da�, for ositioo , O U, ni ralt
rte, I Short W�ite carrot and rwarddealing,, nd until Wednesday of Uis week, Wo ni days Haint. The happy eciwiile left I the L ;__� , I Mr. Russe E i1W driver caught one of � Itip h(norab and I at ai tf,'p' ;-- mors to the Iftot
a&, 00me ru
4i d ion to their the best varieties of Swedisk turnip aced at the I a oou train, ;ia home in Glefi�fiee, followed by� h'n front feet in I he barhed wire fence on - Non- m tny d fRen a AhrOughouit t� y in& West a a of
tot prim. Our #took of To is was nevOr better t u aand in the West a
It is now, Our 2GO Ja Is the beat 10, the market. day morning ast, and before the poor be�sst w 11 deeply regre to 10 mn of his dem', a. the 211'r !n:!'vceiS'6! down on mon sly and best wishes of a large Oircle of friend Mr. ths1t okil not vouch fox the
d two prize h:mI Give us a call and we, lwlainil asranteo 'Ito please you could be relic ved a terrible gash was rn�de' H D wow a Mao; of geni generous disp 81. no mingle. —Mr. I W. J. lithe - Ed." Boseenberry secu�rei 5 With out; 9
was on 01 Ily, Ian 11, 0 erli speal Sunday with in par. his homes ourselves, i we
M v,
and. foz less money thon, yot can buy 'from any ped- just aboveth�-hoof. It will be off dut for tion, was liked b all at th; Exet�r raoos on Monday.— triaittif Ones i of thi�. report
t . . f
jar. Our stock of Groceries is No. L! quslity� Our i 'L Ot f Lai I venture no ar into the cou�itr,
some wee 3.� r. eorge Hills and his sis- beloved by 11iis I Wn f 1i wh Ifare i onto ho.lo'.- -4 Bra, rank Martin, . Cat. The; Labor Day sports1ere were a success. d prices are &$'low PAL any ? tsi,� But if7i the
Inthatisdo,and as we� M0061 Int nigh 4opt i on
give a 5 percent. cash disix iunt to cash customers ter, M iss e ic, started on Tuesday 140 a W to SIM aye hisfi at anT g &test care. He, tle, J. kabote and McDonald, ir f Gods. The baseball match be�weea the Wift Nine alt,;it would be,vell,
resul�e4 in &victory Wo�xt domes to the worm -on all purchas" of $1 and over, axoapt Iloiir and- trip -to Bona ville, HemiDded and Toro to, w is for inVLye to tive am r of� ��q t, al ant L bor ay in Seaforti.-Mias .�an4 the Dutchlanderis il to L M it Into and ,runs
in mbe I that He Who fig
Nve Usis eaforth,� and was �doi , of To onto, I spent a few di ys last for; 12, while the re
r. -it will pa you, to , I fo t othe;
call. doud' where they ;ill spend some time with relg- Bitannis, 0 LO he former by 227 runs to
TUSCe In Dinner, ies and Tbilet 8 -to, mid a good so- I r day." --Mr.
a 4yp ay Ve to Int an
61 y
sortnterit-toseloctfrom. Tine hlghDOt prices paid -7 'line, is suildrixig
tives.-Mrs. Smale bao'been very ill for among to firat am 5, He was &I A, �e' IV ith In oollxi�, Mrs. J. 0. I ;reig in# a men defeated the married men b a a as un or, Of the Parr, Us m smbei of Mallo It ch ter. He was a ee- Mi i ( rawfor� of Pundas, -is vifiting ia�t :core of 7 to 4. Tbe"Mile bicycl, 3 race: was J 0) I
for all kinds of trade. some -ti at present writing, we ick of rheumatism" 'We
me 11
I Sparling stree .-Miss won by Garner Steinbach, with S. E. On a sev ei -a atts C. WILSON., Seafortl�. pleased to at ie, is impiroving.-We are also byteris i In risligi n a &Uberal in polit (ems, Mi . b . Thom peon's Faust fx im a a )eed y;recovery.
to noi t in the healt' ta 34 second, and Ed. Sipple thlrd ; boys' ra'e,- wi�h In 1374 Baak of Commerce Block. lad e mprovemen It iougli ne er any pairtioul rl� FI once Johnson 'left on Monds, on a
aof and &I 9 Pairs, he C , has been off Juty ac -rive part in publi was 0 mo th's visit to friends in icag -The '34 a rge Hess, let; Eldon Seignor, 2nd; r. Willi6m Smith, who 06.Wednesday o'i'last ir�ad an in ige ce, for &-week o two.- I of more 'than -dinary " tell' mo hero' meetting of the W. T U. will orman Kibler, 3rd'; running �Ace, boys I D"hwood. Is lea as a widow afil amily of two a )xio, be ela in the basement of t 4ethodist under ten years,-Artbur Boieenberryt lot; XOT#S.- Qv H. H. Leibold, of 11en-
week, a num. er of our people rove a lea V
-ch on next Wednesday at:our o'clock, --Evan lical
�ANKO ylaout el W. Johnson, 2xid C. Seigner, 3rid.
DOMINION over to Moth rwell to the Mai r��age nA t o daugli tape, On y One daugh 4r,l chi sh4e, o0culyd the�pulpit of the t' b e nday!evening, Re. Mr, suer
of Mr, Will am Logan, r., of Carl e ry ise E in& bei ome. His ek eat an all ladies Are invited to att� qd. -Agnes, Manitoba, t, an esteemed young la� of non, Fr nk, is a (19 )i British Colam )ia, this fourth daughter of Mr. Ed*ard Cash died obvirch,on octol Y.1Ht%isVs place at Zqricb.
CAPtTA L (Paid U $1,500,000. Constan 3e. taking ReN A
dtlte younges, son, g #OTIKS.-Mrs. Wniii and Or. W. E. -Thw'�rou j, Peop d phoir
)00 that xreighbo -hood, -Mr. Gordon McA am, a Jeorge, is in tat on Wednesday morniu had been ill
REST, -1 he le's Asisociation an
$1,500'a who has been in failing health duringl-the rta'a. The Xoung4 at, ( aughter, Mine for a t two years was 4 severe but 0 4 va I'church took part i# the
Coldwell each bought a steel range 1 last, lea at 4 in a New York boo 1. patlen sufferer. Previous to Or illness she
past yesir, h�as been very low for severoll �ie, is a nurs a se�rvic 1 1 Ot the, convention, at Credition,
I r-ge tte el was a week. -Mr. Stanley and Mr. Cook are each I d
SE.AFORTH days, and but slight hqpes are entort�ined isi Nettie -and Mr. Oeo a nde right, 0134aging girl and � her dea1h is las burs, Ay. -The Lutherans he) don -
I having a new stable er'ectd. Several fro, Main str - f hi's rec6 a Miss Maggie Dalyj left on fi oral on Thurs I 'Mr. Ewing was 681 a save bereavement to her !par to and if last weal ee Seaforth 0 hero attended the ge;rOen party ap Mr John fera eel her � the la,'tter part o and
rgs, t I
I . (Rev.) &u �.r in-
Monda; fo'k inton, toiattend the M�Ddel lars of. %4e. if funeral was u , at isiopers,-Miss Ella Prende if New 'McGregor's Tuesday � evening, -Min. Sars, the for pa� of th .-Mrs
A general banking businDso transacted. Farmers' can made on same at school. asom 3 auspicei, and after a short Ore-, C tle is at p ement visiting at %16 iareutal w
Sale Note# collected, and a ivarr Jamieson, ho has be' cry sick, is im- visitin$ he are'niA at esent.-A nu nber
itext 1a. ing in
lowest rates. 'dance no! In e,, n ugm dville.-Lwo rinks f -o� the
ony.e t the,fam ly rew i, the rem�i ng.-Misis Belle, tl h, who has ibeen from b the Ind4trial
pre57 urw
MO-,Ey UST.' Lost,"' either in Seafbrth ore ti ken to th 3 chur wheLe an im Se for �h 'Bo ling- Club went W ( o4erich provi �r ati I Ditto -Miss Yet
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: at her home here foti so a time, left'for Fa" this week.
of on the road south of Seaforth, a leathcr pocket e: I -a se vi�a con: lucted I Dr, MoDouild, ye ter iay to 0 mpete in the tournaF iqlat be- iond t� t tbd y Rev. Mr. 1�od- in held therc.-The manyf;i'nd of ties bl4t. In I as b ext spend Ing a few day� i via -
Toronto Tuesday, 0 r sume her dq
Deposits of One Dollar ar d,=d, received, and book containfok a twenty . dollar gold piece Th a 1p� 0 and �aais itiog f �'e. 9 in 6o village, returned U, heir
'*&tee. Interest thr4o ten dollsibillshrid idwe small chi Mr. there, -A number spent this week at Tor- intaost flowed st highest dlBr will be It erally rewarded ,is. ru no, ill cum a, andi fo nie rly of —Mr. L. 34ii.
added ti principal, twice each year -at the end of fin I on leaving the me 9t bent A St.'Th )Mae' church, Rev. Pe' r Mcore,� of Algorn onto, visiting friends and taking in the Ex home I' i burn� on Monday.
r was witnessed w 11 regret June an December. No notice of withdraw] is at �Jlx 1gXrO TOIL Office, Seftforth, or witit, the A Musgrave,: and th , Kppen road, Tuckerennith; hibition , am e, Mrs. Hineble Mrs- le i for a few days - last N 7,eek,
I y, r1w .1 equired'for the whole or say portion of a deposit. OW60f, MRS. R. P. WHITS,.Mitobell. 1004 b ry i large 3onopurai of sympathig.ing to�llesl n of his serious illness, but &ill trust Ong 'h -Mris. J. a
I -arnba- is lb 6 out again. -A ve Staipleiiii. Miss Snell, Miss F in, Niessr s. IDA is W. K. PEARCE A great So cc sunlight blacl ends, after which the remalins were taken th it, although he is at presenq dangemusly R. S. HAYS i eas is t-iiaad,' fi� Wm. Hugill, Fred Martin, Edwin - Britton an da It ],-a visiting relatives in am
8olicitoIr Agent. c=t, blacked and clo#eet stove polish in the to the INI�'itlandbanklcemetery.' III he may be restored to hial, ace as�omed ;h P
-The cheese fac Try n sample bar,' only 3 osints, or I f and George Wheatley., to y la 4ffer and daughter, of iMil
In alt A. re ort was current ;here Ott Sat. ng relatives in the vil
50. a. Muliett & Co., Seaforth. 104-1 closed last week tor the seaon.-Miss M3- vettonji'are isit llage.
ur y that r. HAr r. a on�. so is -;iSiting c Mr. Alfred Tiedeman, is
ain That.Holds WANTED. -Two hundred tube of cloioe LoCA L BRIE'FS, -Wh, [a in town Usi week Gregor,, of Clevelank at� her -Mark, a,
Wi X Watson, of r1eafor , rwh a at un ,a
1. ve�y low at re ent.-On Friday last, , Thile
The Ch' Dairy Butter, 1 o. A�Iso 50 cases eggs weekly. OX. re. P1 White, Of MliUbfli, lost herT pure Mini Mr, D. MoGregor's, and oth It, ps, a is KiNo, WiDgha was a twenty, o.le6r gold piece n la with the American ro6 rea ad lady, ot thi 4 vil-
I whiJh Mrs. Ttit , an agi
ath �re of typhoid -fever. - The r ort A act 'lage, was a d in milkin , the col� be-
ENsrlA(4F "UTTER F' S,kLu. -One second - t ree t4n dollar Dille. Sh e had her purse in The confidence of our mi ny customers, Is the fact J on i sigoe been confirmed and et;� �rie do here I "age 99 that shoppers are never disappointe with: the hand No. it foi r knihs cylinaer onsillage cutt�r, a her hand bag an I did not notice her loss� foi canie feigh laand started t6 kick, i �rik, results. What we advert so we are prepared to splendid worker, nearly now, can be sold cheap. haye reason to hope that- it is ift0fo lided. moms. iog it
tf some days afterwfl6rdlo, tW. A. Kerr, of our inj Mrs. Sm hVcn the arm and break
carry out. Pure D Tea ha i pogitiveli no, equal for pply to 0. C. ILLSON, Sealoyth. I" DEATH OF MRS, TAYLOU,-blany Of ri
Ce 'just above t all. libe-mioney, 25o and 40o pe , pound. We -have fruits PEOPLE wi hin 0 eh and the high- cKillop,ileft h, ire on J( nday for Tor readers will learn with feelings of the fiince a and pickole supplies of all I Inds. l(c. for cirg t I ts1hould call at T. $. F. t pursue his att dies at inity Medical Col- MCKRIOP. Win eat price. for poiul tr est sorrow of the death of Mrs. Ta, r- Our meats, I were u error 68t week- in saying OOD WORI -'Mr. Harty ?1cI tosh, a T hop, armichad's Blo(,k,i Be&- T 0 Hensall. ),,eamia e a,nd are ahead of Case & CO.'d btcher is lot, of the 9th con3enion of M rris', whiL
anything in t( rn as Telephone No. 8. forth. C! You!ll enjoy your dinner If ou do. at th be autift I cut airers on exhibition few dap ago, reshed on the i rm of- the sad event occurred, oxv Friday, Septembi x HFN$ALT, MA XNE 81101'.- a are 1pie-
a a a ci�w in Sealorth, late Lncaa� Roe i, the peas from - �cro`* 2nd. -Mrs. Taylor was 41 - years of age, poli od to
SNA1IS':1N TOVE8. Come and 'make t work eri�trwjtda to
choice before Oy art) oll. sold, for they os t be ere pridyideid ty Mis �'Scott, of Roxboro. of land, Makfin ; fifty-five loadoll rorn 3.15 to Her maiden name was Annie � Jamieson, us in ou;111 line. _1013 ne an boiler work, flo r and
replaced to'sol t tfio price we are offoriog them i was Miss Dickson w�c �brought thern 6clock, and. topped for sup ar. This in w mill wor c, p!a Ing inill and flax mill work.
I pecondiiand She was a step -daughter of M John' Me- BEATTIE BROS.) at till our &too i; a Is reduoud'some. A Special attent ort id on to an ne repairs. X w on -
coal stoves, with, ovens, we arc almost aid.tincy.were grdwn asteir James I t of stuff put through ma,.hioe in Millsa,,M. p. giving She was born at Roxboro# me I %x mill machinery a ape ilalty.
60 By, L away. S. Mull iot & Co., Seafortb. Dicks h race,, isuccestiful ficorillu a hort a ti The feeding a ]One by in the to WoSF
wnship of Mclifflop, where �pr par- 68 11esall Engine and Xsohlno
Grocers P Ion
j utchers, a ento first settled. when they can, a to Vanada, 'WO sal � -8
Mr. Freoorick G. Simpson, pupil of turist. M. r. and, Mrs. S. Dickson and Mr. $r. McIntosh and his assistant Mr. ndo ka, .,�nss I
etu 11199
Dvorak or aniE t of ABRIn street Methodist church, .S. A. I ickson r rne ast week firom -The foll*
wF I - She was married to � Mr.T Ta, dor in 1880. R r, - UNION_ - SEAFORTH. TEL. NO. 8 Londo�. 11 receiveptiplin inplano,pJpe organand V3 0 the St: lAwroince. 1 pleasant trip d hiselhurst. They then resided in 'Hullbtt.' Five years from. q'i!e I rhyt)n Advocate of last *eek,
harmolly, at be Methodist parsonage, Seaf)rth. lue'be(.-Mis* Hall, of Bleoheim,,: Term beginnin September 16th. Addregi Box 500, as r1ar as OTES, -The recent rains ha�v a ma0e fall later they removed to the town ship of Mor- will bel4f Utiorest to several readers inlithis
Seaforth. 100��2 who spent a few Uys w. li her- cousinl'Mrs'. r I famil_*' re-iion at seeding im easier' di have made ris,� where they have continued to reside district Li 't 'Monday a uch -an A. Wll)n, leit for h':r home on M6 d y. a of Mr.7'M. Ren -
2 Fill Term. Opens Sept. 1st. - THE NEw Tr.LEP'no-,,ji. --The new Sea- thf pastures and root crops look r i ever since. Mrs-. Taylor leave i a famLily of was held at reidene -1
edicali ' all !the mem-
nt4 u OI "or tw, I
forth Telephoro Company is apparently on! the Iss Hall in a exude tov. Oliver Coleman -occupied th 0 none and two daughters and her has -I detflo a village, w ere
a . Trinity �a i I t a0DIleg Tor 0 'a t boom The awnber of subscribers wanted t0iik I - Mrs. ( Ilr.) So tt and erl onto. , t 43efa of he for thd fire
o 1e Methoaist oburch here On Sa bath ba. d, to MoUn the lof's of a 1xiind mother y met together telephoned In n a nd work will b6 com- I 'teen years. he
r ,com a son �rry visiti 0 On 0 -ex I ion I da' an I a v taken an % loving- -Wife. She was a consistent are
W, J. Waddell having fi followin
menced in a to 9 the cost is only 000, Par
week; *ad open some la�ys this Week at! 11's place in thel M6tpodiab member o �es an sees residence of "c
mouth r- ese b one, the Company expb6t � to Rev. Mr. Russe f the Metho'4ist obur4h;' and� Was the no,
see have I tolup rise In operation a short line, N ia&a Falls. larry 6 k in the laore opurch at Sealorth. Mr. ftupwe� is At; ran. loved and respected b' ll jwho �enjoyed her of Mr.1 soI A to, Henderson's chii4jren:
STRATFO ONTAR10 The Co an Ing local, t a revenue will be ot m atch at Toront, , Islani Q a Saturdur -M r. Olat Attendin the general conference of the acquiintance. Rev�. James ., of Hensall; Robert, of Pan-
wn 0 gest and most successful in p of being sent to other,places hn D�'tnby, an I old r dent of Egmond-, vanoo I
One of the lar -4- i aHaMilt Uothodist c Lrch which meetoAt Toronto. Can' er ; Thomas, of Big R idn,
le aday ofl 1 Miphigan; Ma nus, of Queens Co age,
schools in the Dominion. Graduates d d I on Wedne 0 ammently,successful. C U B Ai wise one, and _get one of the !t �e k. He I ad re d the- good age. of! BavAeld". Ki�gstoa ; Yfr�8. J. M. Robertson, of Pray -
snaps In ladies' lor gents' wbeels. Prices were i rom Dublin. WAFTING$. -Mrs. Dugan, South
Write for beautiful catalogue, $30 to 860, reduced to from $10 to $26. Also ran tow- 71 to. He was'. en go �d in the wa n. amp- too ; Mrs. 0. Ki teley- of Glenalltsirt ; anp the.
0. all ki do.of repidrirg, bloyalo or an p,,i n g a 1 g business I in - BuRN E D. -The barn on thearm of MA11es ;1 Wiil3iO and Mollie, teache at
her We d I, nondvill ny I ,tRN ton, and Afiss Frazer, of 14ontir al, were lat
Priircipail. 44",52 W. J. ELLIOTTY 0180. G. hf,�BA DWIN, Saitiforth. 1011 y are and left here ten it, twel o, Mr Robert Rooney, in Hi�bert, a short week the guests of rs. Tbom to i Cameron- Wlindeor. WOOD FOIF, �SALIG.-Hard, soft, or a he, _T,Thc returning offi or he. dim �arice sbuth of Dublin, was struck by -Miss Lily Elliott left ow I Sat u�day for a the L tpWn 0 :, I delivered to aii purt of (leave Ord o at p ebi cilte vote liv Thl land of Prito forget thee, no Oliver,
SUITSL T ORDER I p -Hu n are, is&, lightning duting the storm on Sunday tri to eorgetown, Tbrontp and Windsor: store.) S. Mui,,rff.-& Co., Seaforth. 10 -i the Where the t'i'o my kindred lie peacefil and
ri in S. Scol t, Br sable ; for w�st I Mo. zing, and the building and contents M. George Staxibil ,. eA Monday to' re. ridiij James Yates, f Goderich) and or w destroye The barn contained the sume his studies in . McCarthy, Oaler & O's Foi mem d frever and a AN EXCIT1To TiE.-The 'office of the 0 as, ow
Ildren with rever 6 a Inth -riding, Thos Fraser, of -Stanloy'll W crop And a number of law office, Toronto.- Ur. Jam 4 ThoinsOn Th �esrts y
Good Suits to order to $10, at Win.. Pickard & t le!of this eason'to f' el i!io fill Co.'s ; better Suits to O der for 812.i60, at Win. Great Nort western Telegraph Company, long dry s )ell effectually I an I �j in laments, a d nothing w a saved.1 There has commenced gristir a M1 , an 0 1 1 W brok a -it pply of wa inues, he Oh! home a f my in their, affections, , tenda`J:
Pickard & CoFa. ; excellent Suits to. Order for$! 5, in this t0WD,,`wa8 the scene of vast ex 'te- In Joe,, quiet rain "n Monday morn4ng wa a small in urance. the presen ou er o le to I
st Wm. Pickard & Co.'s beautiful Suits to order ment and in�tekest on Saturday afternoon Wiliore she �ent ,u's the cradle her I m 009 nio
t y b�e 0 ve
ad t! a
aMo a
M a4wi 0 8
b�t IO!
r 1
Po te ri�
som 0 D
r 0
will work. I bless thee Iorever and age will remember, a d noe then we have an favored w�th be prepared for a argo shai a for $10 60, at Win. Pickard" &.Co.'s; I very choice last, while the lacrosse match -between. he p We are pleased to learn that Miss Annie The'swess t as 64' blud me, dear parents to t Black Suits to order for $19, at Wn�. Pickard. & U mo ti re.-tia ing the liacrinime lCirkton. It of, moist,
Co.'s-, Men'& Readymado nits In Ininiteri" variety Beavers, of Seaforth, and the Tecumseh$, tchAtTorontoO11-SAtiLr ay,WM.Brierl�y, I OTF-8. -Fr ad M h 11 spent unday Pollock, formerly a refideA on the Goshen BRrgFs.�--The ellknown Shire.stalliob[J,
at Wmt. Pickard & Cc 'is; Boys' 'Ki5uthsl and of Toronto, was in progress. Mr. Somer. line, who removed w1ith her parents lamb D, the proper of. Messrs., Be..
Children's SAIta In a large variety W , m Plialrard ville�'whp is,a�ways u with the times,Ud t the Seafor th PI I a t h Frank Prii L.UsSelda .-Ira sprin to Manitoba, It
marantee va ues equal, It not superl iiinat a as have hi his arm broken. 51a,shall is. on the nick list,, 11 'y 8, was so unfbr. wi IR ti
on@ Q� Kilbur
&Co.'s. We X or a bon J 1ham Of Frank ealcon, t t& I I I ken s, thitd-blaas GaIger of this a was at the To
to any in Western Ontar' o. W a InvI)a inspection a direct line Wi h the Island at Tor�4to, �l eat never went in car 0 bath, d' show last: w an
;Far Pay th it fall � ate.7-Last Sal orniw an eek ' d this, 'and will
mers of ],I towel, V an the guest i 61f Bert all on I 0 1117 is a1l, the P, evening V at an Cummings, Al
and comparison. where the mate was being played, and I Inceint an
in io bot ter sbaDe tl an av -Wi !%L Inw 1k I - London next w,-ek.-A great Jav
11 I Brown the blieses, i manv
Wm.. Pickard
& 00.
this way toe progress of th.e' game�ivae
known here a a. uickly and as accurately as
Toronto. Ithe
C TA 8 Grea�,st ask 4
in he interest taken in
affair was well manifested by the I I -a
crowd who hovered around the bullO in
On the v,
Di�y Goods �Sto
Will buy
a return ticket' on
boa and the cheers which were gl:�Nen
when a game lin fa vor of Seaf orth was b al.
our next
excursion date
letined, J lenile Seaforth was partiou I I it.
on Saturda .-Miss Amey, of Blyth, Was,F&_
ly in evidenci and was represented by all
To certain points in.
Minnesota, North,
sizes, from thiefour year olds, upwardo,� all
Dakota and
anitoba, via
seemed equally interested and e)(aited, and
,-Chicagoan I
St. Paul.
when the finKl result was anpounced that
'who has been spo6ding her vAcad 'on wittv" . �er friends here�,
holf-le 6n
the Beavers hiid whipped the city boys,, by
London Fah,
9th to 16th
a score of six'to four, the qithusiasin _' as
almost boundl[esa,'and if eac I one had sha e4
Monday, where alhewill resume6r� studies-
in the-victary they could no have felt m )re
$ 135.
proud. This makes the Beavers saN fornhe
championship,* and shows tbat Seafo�th s Al
Riley is 'on the sick list. -Mina Bl&u*
holda� its being,ot
Braithwaite, who was poisoned with p0i6OA-- Iivy
prestige of e of the.leadiing
'With the I exception o
13th and 15th, when
Sporting. towna in the Piovi 3ce. To ex 91
A% the, rate wi J
be $1A0.
inall things legitiniaLO is- it i moUQ,'and it
i DEATH OF A-17 OLD nfriends
holds to it.
W. Somery
lie, Agent.
—The bois - returned 0 e on Mon : d ay
evening, aDd' . e e iv n -,,a 61zlit roval w r cr e t re
Commercial Hotel Building,!
Seaforth, On t
-it " at caption. Although w s nearly' eleN en
uthadnodangeroustrialady. -Onwidnes-
o'clocli when the train came in, there was
an immenie crowd of people at the station.
lept away, dying witho
'gut flrou
orning. - r. ::.Iiewas rn in furrAy7_
The victors were received with every � de-
monstration of pride and rejoicitig. A p,o-
ithire, Scotland, -ue*rly bixty five-year* agow
cession,headodby thoband and thefi-e-
New -,Iaat;s j
-n Woodstock. He entered the service of 1e G. N. R. at Beachville in 1868 and bad
Men, and composed of citizens bearing
iorches,mardhed-up Mainstreet, andi : -e-
turning to t6 town hall, coiigratulatory4&
�int to resign his,positin an agent. -at Blue-
dresses were delivered by the mayor, eeve
Ourown =
�ollowing were ticket-
and 6thcr�.,
cd. to distant points I ) W. Somerville up
tow� agent for the Gr),nd unk Railwav,
Wmkt Timl Tom)NUO PAJIFRS SAY.-Ihe
during the pist weeL - Mi Leatherlana,
Toron'to papers comment on the lacroise
8eaforbb; and, Miss, Leatherland, Tucker.
match played in Toronto on Saturda � ,as
smittb/to Kingston, on a visi it �; Miss F. M.
Jofinsov, boliday trip to Chicfkgo ; Mr.
follows : I i 1
—The Globelsays The.Sea Bpav--
Oe�rge Anderson, Mis McKay. and Miss
PUS wou a co paratively ealy yietory trom
I 1,2ye t o Detroit, Mrs. Henry
the TecdosehlEUmig, in a senior C. L' A.
Town to Buffido, New York - �220 passengers
match at. the Island on aturday af ternoon..
to tho Toronto lndia�trial ; Campbell
eaforth scor6d.the first two ganies in 12J
und Killoran'to Windsor.
and 3 m.inut48 t6spectively, ha%'iDg all hO
usted- official, a genial friend, a kind has-
best of the ptV,, The Indiana -got the thi'd,
E�efifth, eighth Mid tenth. The laoroiise
:_r4akp of the 94forth Bowliiig Club we t1t0
Was fairly, od, but the visitors' home Nvas,
Walkenville lst weel: to ta�ike part i tbe
much taste t an the attacking divisian of
bowling tournament in, that town on Friday
the bome team."
iand'Saturday. - These rinks were omp sed
-The Matil says The largest orp
of the folrowing playerri , No. ().
yet attcndjnh� a Canadian Lacross.b Asloct-
Reid, FF 0. OF Min t�, - J,. S. eirts and
ation ahampi)n8hip fiture turned out! ion
W. K. Peoxce, �ki No. 2 , -C, Jack;
Saturda a the I81anrl oval, on the occasion
s 'W. Pickard,
on, R. S. Hays and John
;6f the ast iome aame of the T cumuell-
'Weir, skip. Twenty rinks competed lat the
i _YMS. X110 Strong iseaforth- Beave a .
tournament, Toronto, Loftdon--, Ch�thaxn,
I he ocals' op. onent.S, and in I Ood
Godetich, Clinton, IvNindsorl l4eaforth and-
�Ity'le did t�e We"'torners - susta a teir
-other places being represented., Mr. Weir's
'championshi - aspir#ions, rather ha61dily
rink distinguiohed itself beyond precedent,
I! ing the Tsland6rS by six to'four. ihe
winnin,,-,,t all the first �prizcs of the t0fjr,r,_
result gives tho Saaf(rbh Beavers the G!'wa-
ment, and playing agairit London, P ospec-t
dian, Lacrosse Association Senior champion-
Va-rk, Toronto, Chtham and Azinclsor.
p for the second tinne, the remaiping
Thc8c pri'Zos cost over $100 and consisted of
anes aving no material effect on �ea-
cut glass and sterlil]f: ilver Carafe, Tank-
of tb's standIng. 1) 11 -
ard, Deexnter and gold tipped ineerschatim
.-The World sayn - "The Beaveril of
pipia- -While in Walkerville the -bowlcrw
'eiforth and TeeumsehvRlms played their
were the gue8ts of the Messrs. Walker, and
U. L. A. Senior championahi ip garne at ithe
-were entertained in it, a most regal Style, and
Island oval cn Saturday, before about MOO
cannot Say ton tritich. f the �,enorous hpspi�
pectators. rhe play was pretty muchi in
tadity of their enteIrtainers. The Seaforth
fi. visitora" favor, and the match was on
r1got hoin
playe on onday evening and
tirely on its metlits."
-report aving al most enjoyable outing.
Thernembersof th� Weir rink are quite
Di �,A . Tff.-�Tlie peop.e of Lhis tow
proud of their achievements, as they have
1were greatly Shockd on Sunday evenin on
good reason to be, : T us is- addled to- ea-
farth"S sporting � onor roll, another trophy.
lit becoming nown that Mr. G'eorge R wing
had that
Oied sud enly evening; Mr. E' i
'h&4 i�een i4 the enjoyment of fiig accustotned
the first of
healt(h and wM Mrs, 14,wiAg was inil his
Septernber a.very acceptable improvement
sual plac�'i the Presbyteri�n cliturch' On
was inaugurated in the mal service of our
Sunday evenitig. On his retain to his 4si-
village, when direct oonnection was eistab.
�deilico hesat !conversing with his wife and
0 ' -
liffhed with the London, Huron & Bruce
ld_a� I
Ighter", ao( . reading. , 8addenly, and
Railway, at Brucefic-1 d. This gives us all
our mail matter which comes on that line
;'without -any previou8, warning he dropped
1froi his chair, and before
at 11 a. m.,- bytage, instiUad of as formerly
medical aid could
'be wcure�l e vital spark had fled He
3.30 p. m., from -peaforth. . Sbrange to
pas ied away,44thouta struggle and evidently
say, though we have mlways bad a daily
widiout tho,liiast pain, Thei Oause of death
stage from B_-Ucefield,,�na mail was made up
ww apoplcxy.�. He was troubled forsevoral
there for us, but was 14"ent via Clinton and
a -a with Itghtness or dizzines�s of the head,
Seaforth. As abowing' the prompt action
Cut lately hd felt better than waa his W, out.
of the postoffice ofticorii, we may say that
Mr. Ewing Wair-one of the ioneer residents
the chatige was reqac�ed on the 25th of
of this towali'.' He was a r ative of Clack-
Augivit, and took effeelt on the ISt of Sep.
mataanahirc�� Scotland, and came to this
temtwr. One. for ',Vlalock.-Mrs. (Rev.)
cou try abp6t tbirty-five years' ago, �He
of Alma Xlichigan, and two
flrst settled fin Egmondville where he carried
children. who htLd 1)(en relatives
on the butch 0'ring business. Ue subacquont.-
hero. left far home on qond ty of la.st'weck.
ly removed t.c Seaforth and fdr many years
-MiqR Odic Kennedy is visiting relol
ne#s in t a
carried on ad extensive bus� It same
and friends iii Tororith, and Hamilton Ois
line., About� pen years ago �e iretized from
Mrs. A. C. Vanll,'gmtond and 'her
bukineas and �'Since then has be�n living a re -
d1aughter, Miss Jean, a o olpeu(ling this week
ti red life, 00upying hims,lf !mainly with
with relatives iu Toronto. -Word was re.
his garden as. a source of am4pement and
ig�oul be'llig � in Splend, a condition for the Mi of Australi, who are engage in temper- ten attending exhibition at Tdron , 8�
MaggieDaviereturned, home on Fri. re I cap . ion of the seed.-�Aev. Dr. McDonald daj, ant, aftei spending a week with,frionds amee work by the Wotrion's C intian Tem- ny indeed iat we cannot attem t to
ratur ted home fri in hi 1 vacation last week in peran4e Union,'gave a idreanes o large con- articularize,th .��The Misses Polly re
tford.-Anumber from here left on Said (ocuiied hii own W it 'JaeV Sabbath M O I ay to at,bnd the Toronto exhib tion.- gregat�ions in St. And awls chit ch, and on d Esther have returned from lini
i . g. 'fr. 1W. K. Pearce evening iraL t e'� town, hall. ; They where they a on a visit.- ��
evenj rhei family � 1:S, Mond4y t o'a srs.
Wi I Bartlett has a now Capital bik4. -The we
,ad fr kotur OM 1�a field a Monday, and the Hazlewood family will give, Fave a very interes ing a ecol.unt of their . ..May,' Charlei,j Xederi& and cl�
the second of . I don
Umil r of Mr.-. 11. 0. KI'm returned 'on 'the r series of concerts at Dublin, on! Friday lives, and lantern vie .,a of a Dteo 'places and 'Mxinns all wheeled up to er a on �Sau-
Wed'iesday. r M, Prepndergattvid n. eveiing) Sept mber 9th. illustrations suibable� 11.40 the'� tempearii urday evening a dapent S at and on
C�i -tint, I f cago, is at p oEent in t is n- cause. day ads t with -relat , as and rie v siting frienda.-MiO es McKay,.Camp- Messr. Willis Vhite mai,de a shipine't,of
Gorrie. b, I 6 n4 Killoran, teach � ra in Windsor pub- bru4sel a. f
io rom this v Mr,
IiOTES.—M�. John Tonor, of Mount For- )CIS �tation on 'Tuesday.
li,, so 10oli, returi ed to �46ir duties there on A number of firsi farn�s for sale in: �1. g oiohns,ola, V, o has been in the -a 'Plo,
7- 'll her ost, i -
N. on(ay. � Miss Schooley, who wa is spendir g a few days under Oe' par- Morris sn&Groy, on easy t1arkine �' Also any amount of Mr. John McArthur, hardware met han,
a � Hoffmi I an's stoie in WAS town laf�jt eMD, en I f _Nr William Sharpin, c Luck- �ot money to loan on farm q'eour ty at 0 . per cent, with- an tionimitbi I ft here Mond , fo,
tit - v, wroaofs -in t �n on Sunday and , terms of repayment to suit the o rrowei. Apply to! -
In ke a situation in Hamiilt�c a for thi's seasbu. noN onday. I Souris;- Manitha where he has recei iid i
$hephe y F. 81 Sco, Brussels. 1678-tt Mi s: xl�, milli, or atrickarde re. -bir. Robert Tait, of Toronto, ape t ( 3un- 6i I] r situatort's considerably a
ti rn6l frp"irn her lkoliday� (In Tuesday. -Mrs.- day last with his arents in our vi lage.- NOTES.—M.ahlar B#others are equipping, WA e Mrs, J ol i�e ton and family w re
RDIDerto'Coleman, of Ha' i Iton, was in I town Mr, William Tait, and his bride, one of their apple evaporatol with new machille.ry- ma n, here' un 4- o pr I ing. Mr. Johnston,vvi�i
ynch hasgone to able young ladies, and will soon be ready for running. 'The
I ,
lie 6k.—Miss Ag Lansdowne nost eati� be a and f
to vo to take a position as assistant io ardved in town on FTiday night, ind re- Coleman salt block �4's again running ull
I the choir 9f Carme church of which he wat
maned until Monday morning, wb in they blast, after having its pecessary repairs com.
ni r'atiten.�C t All Wilson re6urg a vdned i;kienifiei. Me Wish him all succesi
I M, a4wa onyaga�ui*03-, where hl a left.for Toronto. receiveil many pleted.—J. A Ronak is am a.y this, week at: in h,ti far'Weiit.-�Monday, Labor day' ww
�,,6n bteoding t 3e Do r ion Rifle Asisocia, con gratulations, —Miss Mabel Camp))ell left Madoo testing anew flre engine, which -h6-- ON erved herq'�as t � general holiday. —M . T�
timls Shooting match H for Niagara Falls on Mondiiy Morning, sold there D. RioLardison had his bara:
a was very sue, Mt,r( ock's pacin� stallioxt, . king Stanton
c( oaf I 1,�i.nn )od prizes a where she will attend the Collegiate Insti. burned, cauA'd b a spark from -an enginq:
severa 11; nd 4e ver) successful garden parit wo a � irst mono'yv t the EXeter-races on 4 g 0 ing ace on ie Bleley team for, tu y was while threshing. Bir Bros. also had theit & Gei a ' 6no
day aA.—Mese,6 Berry
b the resi once of Reparator and a teampf horsee burned at '�xb eni it � horses, 13 ilburn, and -\WifdaroJee
c r'a d pl n ' He Says 0 4, shooting was he bell on Friday eveniDg, a the same time.-�—Larg� numl ere of our towns a d- closes he evidi Saw at r. Robert McLaughlin. b t ai� a mat�h M darrii id off flr8t iji ize at the Toronto xhibi
Ind i strial this, w6ek' tioa an4 also tb� hweepst kes. It willi thul
people are taking in gle made a:,bi i8h for e Governor- GanlI —The trains are very, late on t4is diVisioxi 19 p etial's ilize: bab eatne aJr points short. Harlock. be �een'!that He4 *all is'a ted for its fin� ani
these nights on accouiit of t e T1 tnof air ,
r. Itoi,, 04; IRE Th blacksmith shop and dwelling c te valuabl� hoses. Miss Emith has returne(
orge 'Xhompso of Toronto, - _Quite a nuin 01' ' is-! ouse a:t7tache thereto,- at Harlocl: were ber from n gn Plate home frPm atteading.the millinery opening
h; a uhis week v isiting. gis mother ai,4�a h' to I P taking in the Western,, Fair t L6ndon next, ter.—It is iaid there Were eighty th�us nd! co Tpletely de troyed by re on T praday ati, 'oro itiag ei sister in 11ramil
week.—Brussels fair will be held on October _Oto and �i itixig
ri�opla &tbhe Toronto ie�h�bition on Mon i ev ing -of I st -week. The fire urred many friends of our respecte(
I Th yeat prornisfa to be a re r 5 and 6, and the comt4itt( la dre putting forth ast. ab ut 12 o'clo k. Mr, Robert Shia a and to*nemhn, Air. qlkmes White, who hao'beei
.1 everyp Ib eakeri it the way of attendauce.—Mr. and his family, who occupied the. ho� ise and ffort to make �-clasis all provioVe so very seri onal 11 of late, will be please
$ou been �ravelling mos of wh.c leased the blackorr� once. __�:_G. Edward - in s juir g his cide' mill cDonald, who ias ith shop, bad etired to jear� thi t as dur ng the ast ee
the D and apple butter factoxy these days., Jas. P, 1111 in imp" .Phe seasot in eaf tern 6ntario for to �eid, an& w �en they were aroused a 6re or eo, a pei te r veme t I
returler W; k' with kr 8 to hio heal h 3 driven an
ing 114nufacturing Co pany, has ha 'gained au,.h headway that it Wglkqr his sold out biks c : iiage busines it V been e ijoy�in�
f A Ewan and W. Inni bith of town. -,Mr. wi 9
hp a hitv�ng had a ver oticcessf ul seasolt — di culty that all got out. Nothilg was alk 119- short w�lkk. Wi hope- h a 11 continue t
M Ps. 1�xj ' hi W . r is starti farniture store to: ward Dcverau and daughter OF! sa,ed. Mr. E aide was a tenant f both BI rueseIg a all team went to gain is'tro, u' In. �rs. � J. 1 Wright is i her
sie x4t 'little granddixughter are visi th, house and shop, but the - propei t be- M a in Rr fatberin-law, Mr. Ri�hari
fr� , len( Sin Winds::ir.—T e Misses! Tol6h 'r loiiged tor Mir. S. Reid, of the Mil y road ilve -ton on onday to play tfie latter a, abb, of Goderich, has,beei
flght,-�_Mrs. Cj friend y game and wc a by a score of 10 to k
A Toronto have return ad home iif ter Ppel d-1 Tu-,kersmith. The fi e is supposed 0 have -on,' Mr
p6ndiag t 8 e with her r; I',) an( -an innings to ipare,--P. Scott won �heir h lidays Lit Mr. Henry Gash'n,l originated from the stov4b. pipe .� the h4rlesiCr bb.—Mr. John Finlayson his hii
110p. The Mitises Cash acco'mpanied! kitohen. on( moneywitb his pacing marc� O
m CK There was a, smail b Ex- . ieW =11�ii insu a#ce on rieW d I 11ii g all nicely e0clomed.—Mr.J. G
ete o Monday.—S I royerwas in T ronto last week visitijg hit
them to Toronto. —Miias, Cor'mack, of Petth.! th 'proper y,,and Mr. Shields Ina trettlon- Bros. are put-. I Some ting eir horse, Texiis 6uy, in I slia fo Scott tud and .T re recent ly o Haysville, isl insurance he contents. It is not likely at, U* E r yer. i a re
? � Iss visitiag' her cousin N.issra. James 6ndi that Air. Re will rp- 3uild, as he ints to the� fa� I racce.—A. Sc)tt, formerly of irltoi tieai'cher, 'of the li a e sole, h renewin t a in Brussels, Arch bald Somerville, ari(I eel the prop rty, 9 4cqu�w An,e gensall soh iols, )enti Sabbath and Monday
L I -
Mrs. James Gritvian ha$e moved into theirl H6;fojmer]X,,ran thelBrusfels laundry,-- *I 0 friend 1 in L-nisall.—AIrs. Joseph i. Ilis
n w residence in Harpurlicy.—The hor" Court of Revision will be hold iii Ethel on- n da�ght3r, ttio, were in lia n 01 I
en of the tokvu and gurrounding country! Zurich. Thars�ay. M nday li Let) Mattie remaining 'ther -
are n)w budly at worh on the agricultdral- Tim FAIR.—,The directors of H Ag- toll atteh( a high - school — Mr
grounds each evening tept.ng the Speed and. iiel'Itural.80-10 arp leaving nothing in one to ai M KIM', our han�
ce the impr aching Fair, to be neln new mere
the 21st andl2%2 1i ENT.—The grint T),r %defi, e2pects to occupy the large
nietal of their' borzcs ieparatory- for he 61A 11UeFC0e908" DRAT11 OP A O�J) R, �D t th show.—The re ( ants on the . "' A)' Ir I ful X, of this month the, moA )r in store of Bel,�'s blpek,,in a couple
89afo no, th ul C�ver h',ld h a. The number of marbiors is reaper, death, has agan 14een I at w( bf we
Side of. G"oderich, streeti are having. tl�eir� much larger thl year than usual, and in id4ition ourvillage, Mrs, Campbell passpd� away i to the refular, rize li9t a opien I Fr& cis 13 atcbford, of Uoborner�_ and!
level (I a ad seeded. —Mdoes' 1,011130 Of On Wednesday eveuiu of I"t !w"4. af ve,bbeen
ritigiar, Eldq., Sheri of Waterloo C6 I lal � a traot no has been fp ty, - "PC if the Comparatively short il,neoc ith their gin r in
�!sec f She Ayas over ip t e a t week w
it d who ba many friendi in 11proircour , I nd day. here will be a military till and ndi g tb e , pa tyt 4an y-mirchos y Protesoor Hagan ind his com. eighty' vears of age, atid had Ar !y been, , i11Uai4A1r. M�-rs. Charles NIcAllistei
died ot!. his residence in Berlin on Mond ty. a Baldwin & h1diriewo of Box. a resident of Varna, The de ase was' of the Parr lin are this -week viiiiting
--Mr' ohn Becl, ler,of Make, was in t(wni or h, the Ancy�snd trick bicycle riders 0 Whr a
highly! respected b., r al o knew her, for fViends1inTDr70Ut and _1& ar I beerii engaged, a�d will give an exhi life ouch a I 0 1 Mnda last, -He pie here with A Ire. has never beef] 'I 11 her;si I J. *11.,r a ichildren have been op
oce nrl the all These 4cerity of heart awl Christian Char- end-
ft� 0 � wee Jor 'o with Mr. and 1kra.
L a
a on h x aY to WUterl0O lo�qornianoeH will t a a the 0 Pon 16�x On the J�cchl r, who wa w :e,tipaits )efor actor. She bore �he�aufferingsixrcident, to*- iL C mut attend the If neral. of her father, ro inds, SO that ev b y person ' wfil I ave ichance 19 o ue etainith.—We eegret
'Ne old Age and death vitliir an unfailing cheer.! x 119 I It would be a g 10'eci fbing if- the street firi-ice thom without, xtr4 charge. �Wfsk f ulness of disposition. One Son and I hree .t Msames Iv
of It, and �n no � -fall to come to Z: t lurray, �hiie
w1uh, 'O a h nips wene lighted ea ior �han they are. y ' Istig Mr4 show day. i We �111 mak our iwhni daughters survive tori'lourn her loss. s9n, M rayl one of
a it worth 0�,'Afr. obert ur R doei'14t Seem to get Al rk so soon in the dtiyo many milm. t a prii�cipi the Normal acl�ool'� To -
'1604 James Campbell, of thle Bayfi-eld xoad, who, V cinity of' t e electric Ii ht station as in, OTEIJ,�—A 2umber of our citlzens attend- lives on: the old homeatead ; Mrs. John r uto, was ake quie seriously ill. We
Aherparts o�lf the towin L-Mias Winnie and! ad the Toron.o fair.--�-Tvlr. J. Oeic ert has Reid, th� wife of ;thp! township treasurer Illearn'that tie, Rev. C. IL, Mills, of St. ; ulls
Master Neil McLeod had been visit.rig, i from a trip . Robert Turner4 of Michigan; and !c i 4roh, � has bten appc inte
I ret tried bom( east.—:M,�, Win. Mrs d to the ch is �f
their grandfather-, A.IrMurdo Me-Leod,,for! M el, wite &ad family, f Pulaaki,J'Michi, Mrs. ChaIrles Welh u, and will shortly a ume
0 oi Missouri. I IYth and IL
t' e past t wo months, r(I 0 rned to ir home he ga , have been visiting Mr. Magel's Mother ITFms,—Mr. A. Foot, for som� time the his'duttes th re.,—Miss Louie Moir at-
ig Woodstock O I. Wed (sday. —Mr, Jarn�es About' ient and obligiii biadervatory of Music at
and brother. eighteen i ye ra a effio # dork in -,Mr. J. T. ten4ingj the C J To -
Stokes, of Stra �hroy, ia spending a w"k 'NU, Mag6l wa employed with Mr, A Cairn's store, has gone %' Manitoba. We roi�.to.-+Mi s R le v itiDg
I o�son, of London,
with friends i i Sea, ')rbb.—Misses KMe F t in th - mercantile busi�'es .—Miss winh him that success, wh ch, his industry her. sistiar Mrs.�J H. Arnold.—Mr.. on thin is place� i xi�,, the store in
O'Hara and Effie Mkb�od, of Stratf 'rd Faust v as in Lon eek sit. well deserves. H Be4y as sold' the well-known . tro ing
visited friends er6 las eek. —Miss K Lil C�r t i
to in the r illinery opening#11— r. Got- fliled by Mr. Reid,lof Lon4esboro.-11 Apple stalilion --Wilde'r Lee, to his brother, ames
Young and her, friend,, a Ames, of Ethel,' 1 9 leib Merrier hi d a narrow escape,fro death King " Cantelon will have to get: a move on Befiry,i I or a b-insome figure. Wilddj�`Lee
spent a few days of laf b, week at the resi-I on Saturday IaSt. He had been - at neigh- or he won't be d'in it." Mr. A, Mitchell ba�sipro ed 164,11f to be a fir,st-cl took
donee of Mrs. John Yo: Pg., Egm0ndvill i,orli's threshin an'l &boat five `Icl p ho Mr.; Albert Laidlaw
,o'cl k left our energetic apple buyer 'of former years, 6w, of Lo
Lo d6n,
Miss Clara Bender, wh,: I as be6n� the uesti forihome. H df an hour later ho d ughter is at it again with renewed .-yj�(or# and ban surgic I docor I f St. Joseph's hospital
of her cousin, Miss Mir n� e Bend�ar, of Ej nd Mr. Robert Laidlaw, div
9-� fou nd him lyi ig isenseles tradev ,t)n shed, several pen.buying for lh� m.. Prices' seem� j thede, p i inity
mondville,for the past tw months, returued� a nt i
at tin btables. He was at onceconv yed to to be on' the rise. —Mr, R.',G. Reid has, gone BtuOe of orobto U, niversity, were�'tbix
to- her home. in Clevelail Ohioj on W: d ormal Sohool at Ottawa: weA ' isitink t1heir coisin, Mrs. Otavia
th( house, and medical aid summone i, when to attend -the N nesday of last week.— John Liddell of' 0 Goivanside farm. it 1 vas found t hat be bad received a severe He was'a. little late in heait�ing of his admit.; R04i) B North 4 f w in tovvif :lhis week visit ng, woindononeside of his face. He could tande, but a bright bead will make up for his dau 11 er, r . Halc xnibe.—Mr. Th�n�as! rate account of what happened I giv a no accu lost time.—Mr. R, J. Richardson, D. A. Kehoe 0 , ole4, C, Ohi( at present hrrei �66ndesboro. to iim, but -it in supposed that a;colt which h" been awarded a fellowship in piniloso, vio-itin friends.' Mr. K 31 oe is accom n ed i was running oose around the' yard had PhY, Of $400, at Clark Uriverity, aasa- J. W. Andirew
byz his aunt, Mri. Do3 0, of Fort Wallype, Be f a coming year, beginni I a OP -11 ndid sermon on 8 d 'van- kic ked him,, �e is noW able', to be around chus Us, or th ing prea,che
Jrid'ana. re. Doyle oame to I visit beri again;—Mi lEmma Anthes' of Waterloo Oftober Ist. Thin fellows ip was awrcle n last thl t- 6 being the fifth a
broRer Mr�Vanies Keicaj,whcni she bad' 0 o �pr of
left for home n Monday, attar a,two' weeks' as the result of testimonials' fr6m the pro. Jo I axi4 the part of the 14th 1sr"
- x
a hey pa, —Rey. A, Y, come nuto
not �een sinc rt d'- in New York t to 'friends here, P
VLSI 11 'Moro, le t & worse th'
H&igt fessors in Toronto University, as W the ex. fort� yeolr# ago. -Capta in and Mrs. Coch011, i, -terly services at Cre4iton on cellence of Mr. Richardson's work while a Ithe Our Uague is increasing. On on.
con lucted. qua. c a Sa)[vation , rmy, fge under orderalto : I a Satirday and Sunday last. -114v, R, Lei. student &� that institution of learxiiirig. The id nig t three new members Joined. I We
fare' � i I
Well.here and will P Oceed to London on bold, of Glen'shee, �reached in the Evangel- fellowship entails no work" 1 for the Univer- ho u Uokt'out committee 11 will ikeep
a p cio -ing Used Y. p I meet- a are arrauged for ical church on Sunday morning last. sity u is awaidedole. i�l 8und In pon the recipient, b wo In —Quite�anumber are leaving this
ay,next 11, lay. — manyfriends�of the evening IRA v., Mr. Sauer, of 1 Dashwood, y for the so of assist ng the holder to sta ion daily' ..to attend-- the exhibitiop at
ioutenant o-Mrnor I R C. Camoron will proa,ehed.—Mr, Fr�d Kiblcx� spent Sun. study at 941aX Universit, Mr.� Richard- Torp:bto —A large number were . tickieted
reFret t he'll a return o hear U at been forc�d �to day in London, isiti4l is wiff, who son will take up the ...courit of st4i ly there, Irorn thp statioA, for Manitoba last Tuesday.
from Regina to U . otne in Goderiolt hao been con3ned 'to the hospital there leading to the degree of 4 octor olabiloso� —Mr. a#d Mrs' J - Fair, of Clinton, �pent�
on account O i ill health.- -Erskine church the' pas; t
for thrOe weeks. --On Wed. pby, a post-graduato coural upon Ich he last'i Sunday ab �o home of Mr. John �;ell.,
WHOLB We'are glad to be 'able to alarifth this esily date, that out stock is complete and ofoll, Inspection. Our 'pirchases hive been ]a TO 914. varied, and our selectioni Ult, been made in the most ouft manner—style, . quality, ]Ality and close p�ries being To certain uppermost thin In our M*
.92 inds, humn
The actual rae,
No section or' departmnt haa be'eu neglected, and no. class 6,f tolners sl�ghted, so we fee most obje
justift(d in the belef that hi
fricnAs and the, public in gel,. zheape,.
eral will be well pleased ne . ar -eo
our store keeping this seaw, bargim
]ffowever, as e w rhe most proininent things at prea2it- )DA the
are the -hew Dress Goods, Silke t, --To sell goods I
Velvets nd Trimnlinp - thi I : - peoll Dew styles and C01.0rirgs in, acket& and Jacket Cloths, saind AV -4 -bive lived
the new Alillinery., In thew particular lines our aisoortment . . . . . brief mexiQ
is away eyon t t o other days. A line of Fin�
-Mother grade
Scotch We expect to dGa ery brisk trade in. Tw aH classes ol Dry Goods during Rive distint,
rder, the FaU and Wintr months, a-nd we. bave made evry pre- -The- genuine itade most an'tinlimited aevortment, to pick from, and bett-br value. As -lite i Mad]
for yout money has seldom T ,over been ciffered in Seafoth, W- e -make a than we aTe prepared to give� you NOW and .1enedbrth, O large sn&
In Readymad
the fit 4
Th e The Black NOJ
Dry Goods, Co.
C TA 8 Grea�,st ask 4
On the v,
Di�y Goods �Sto
-TkTiss Johnston, 1 ins Agnew and 'I Mr. J. elgrave, called n friends here,
gnew, ' .
on Saturda .-Miss Amey, of Blyth, Was,F&_
the uest of Mies Mabel Bell lastj'week.-
Mine oherty, of Clinton, was the 'guest..4'
I.Miss Elva Adams last week. -Mrs. �!RichW
!'Brigham, -of -Clinton, was V141titigi frIe04
1here last �voek.Dr. Hamblet6a, of!Detroi4.
'who has been spo6ding her vAcad 'on wittv" . �er friends here�,
holf-le 6n
returned Tuesday,.
Miss Lou Ouitriette - left for' 4obdon xiw-
Monday, where alhewill resume6r� studies-
- iss Olvettie Brigham and Mr. John Jeff-
pry resumed their studies at the Clinton
Collegiate Institute on Monday 14st.-Mr, 1
We were t�l d
Riley is 'on the sick list. -Mina Bl&u*
and U
Braithwaite, who was poisoned with p0i6OA-- Iivy
last week, ii,, ellowly improvlxig,---�Mr. T..
Palmer was on the Sick list, last W�eek, but�-
you M;
i DEATH OF A-17 OLD nfriends
of Mr. John Colli a were Eadly our-
Mr. J_ 13
rised to hear of his sudden Aeath-on Thow-
ay morning o last week. Mr. ollie,boA"',
and ei
een in poor lit"Ith for more than o,
Wt, are ekarl
uthadnodangeroustrialady. -Onwidnes-
ayhe took congestion of the brain abd
lept away, dying witho
orning. - r. ::.Iiewas rn in furrAy7_
ithire, Scotland, -ue*rly bixty five-year* agow
E�e came to this country in 1856and settlM
New -,Iaat;s j
-n Woodstock. He entered the service of 1e G. N. R. at Beachville in 1868 and bad
)can connected with railwa'y service for' -hirty years when failing -health compelI04
�int to resign his,positin an agent. -at Blue-
last December, which position Inch ad
eld d.uring the paht twenty-one years,
Ourown =
ayes a wife, Lvyo ao,ne' and four daughter*
ra. J. G_ Stewat,of 'Rosenfeld, Manitoba"
to. (Dr.) Snider, L41te Odessa, Michigan P,
nry engineer OD ther Chcago And,
ortbwest,irn railway, Wiscon-
in ; John Collie, who succeeded his father
a agent at Blu'eva,le ; Mary - and Suaiebo
emain at home, -all of whoni w -ere home to�
hefuneral excepting Mrs. Stewart. 1w,
uneral took place on Saturday and WOW
cry largely attre' ded, Mr. Collie was
usted- official, a genial friend, a kind has-
and and an indulg�nt father.
NoTrEs.—Mis'll A4ioe Duff is attexidW&
I' Edw, i, �, ,31inton Collegiate' 1notitute.—Mr.
�oultes, priticipal'of - Ripley' public _664.
at Sunday at his home here,—A goodly
mber from this vicinity are itteading tlw'
oronto Exhibition. —Me8srs. A. MRweg
1 6 o rt lack.are auditing the Bluevaile,
Flax Co's. -books this week.—MT. W-
I Md the Misses Duff visited over SuSKUT-
Vith Mrs. William Sproat, of Seafortb.
—A- quiet wedding was celebrated 4 Svl-'F
4 church rectory Monday mo
Lhen Xr. Werner Atinbuch of the
un�, &hope, Stratford, was united in Mr'
Miss IW 0 �to Jennie G. McGraw,
r1e.McGraw attended the bride,,while, he groom was unaasisted. Rev, ;D&VI&
R., I
illiams the ceremony. Mr.
re. Heinbuch left on the 10 o'cloelL US110"
�r London and other western poinu CA,
,heir wedding tour,