HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-09, Page 7WORTH
ll; and Laii
thankful as
was almost,
later, by the
irl, cow:tee-tiers
varied, and for
e of manner
at the superb
ender/leg what
in poor silly
>r an instant,
a know, Mise
with delieria&
out her hand.
e tears which
alies were be-
y wiped thenti
annoying the
# yet—yet by
moment her
It of her in -
se ! Her face
Miss Bathley
[ hill, and she
Knees just be -
tut talking to -
that he was,
t feel to have
ing-field, 1st a
estie matters,
her that she
ley. Somehow
qui ring all her
• direction of
n instant, and
to your hotel
r. though most
that I will re
an understand
let the Bath -
ea twice If
re" said Mary,
'laps you will
30th of June,
open carriage
3alied the soc-
:h ia renewed
Lady Laura.
Bathley had
surpoee of die -
rank Moan's
Lady Laura
" that
eally tan% telt
Its was such a
Bathley, care -
heart of hearts
eho was not a,
--ge. All I can
is simply the
t I have ever
-arik's word for
:oroplished and
certainly waa
and the rea-
be Cesperately
riot feel for an.
[ightest danger
he should be
f There was
justice in my
nies. I really
r' all the family
c to make liar
o accept him.
thing to know
z..he was Masa
ter from you
to that menu -
ii photo-
1;eorge for, he
Juline is her
.de part of the
—a halt while -
by, ihopeasing
not toe late to
'a, with a Bud-
this is to be
ie Mary,
were "In last
said Mary
ou pease, on
oologies ought
ontion of vir-
ie family, and
er, bothered'
Ct. care to re -
Sets. Al! Drug -
:Jure. 25e.
airs. •
, in a leading
not the agri-
ertunty, dis-
eo a school of
• the so-called
They teene
enwary, that.
hie e z hibitora
the material,
iu. But rob-
fej-ke, schernea.
to, robbery of
tted at many
ionoral " ate •
thaoy fairs,
Ii into sinful
i agricultural
enticed frolaS
it le:Ming the,
seitle midway
urity of youth
ate io other
T coMpeneatea
eneiments of
such shame -
Lug that the
-al at a,ndard.
work to drag
engaging the
editorial rep-
and subscrib-
us promptly
e fairs they -
a sentiment,
at purify the
:ly put a stop
pie who don't,
way I ram the
;a them."
SiteliEMBER 9 1898'
It you are young y
welly .appear so.
If you arc old, w
pear so?
Keep young Inward
will look after the
You need not worry
about those little stre
gray; advance agents
Will surely restore
griy hair; and it
give your hair all th
and gloss of early Ii
Do not allow the
your hair to three
longcrwith baldness
be annoyed with da
We will send you
on the Hair and Sc
upon request.
Mgt° to the Deaf
It yen, do not obtain_ al
tits „yon expected from
thi, Vigor, write the dee
Frebaely there is sorn
with your general syst
may be easily rot:novae,
Adtrass4 DR. J. I.
u nat.
r; we
ks of
f age.
olor tek
ill also
- wealth
; Bing of
en you
Do not
Jur book
ilp, free
the bene -
he use of
r about it.
... which
eZ:iOS! • .11 I
• IM41111
MSS es., -„415" (tat ,
Our direct connections
time and money for
Canadian NO -
Via Toronto or
1 British Columbia and
• Our rates ,are the loweet.
bo suit every -body and PU
IST CARS for your mem
for further infoirnation.
Grand Trunk
Trains leave Staforth and
GcuNo Wear— SHAW RTH.
Passenger ,• 12.4Z a se
Peesenzer.. „ , 10.12
Mixed Train 9,9
Mixed Traiu6.1:
Passenger.. ; , 7.55
Fassenge.1r.. .. 8.11
Mixed Tram—. 6.20
III sane you' .
11 points.
th West
We have them
modation. Call
ailw ay.
Linton etations as
P. M.
A. K.
P. M.
A. M.
P. M.
P. M.
Wellingt On, Grey
Ethel Passenger,
10 04 r,
Brussels.. 10.16
Bluevale., 10.28
IVinaham 10.40
la ISO SOUTH— • Pass
Winghain ..... ('.50
53luevale 7 0
Ethel • 7.28
London, Huron
12.66 P. M
10.27 P. M.
10.16 A. M
7.05 P. M
7.40 A.i..65 P.
4.86 P. .
and Bruce.
L40 r.
8 05
nger. Mixed.
A. Si. 8.55 A. IR
9 17
London, depait
Exeter._ ....... .....
Henna a
Kipper', .
Wingham arrive
onto SOUTH—
Wingham, depart.... .. . 6.63 AM.8.80 P. 5.
.. . ... • 7.04 8.46
Blyth.... ... . .. . 7.16 4 00
n es ro 7.24 4.10
747 430
Brucefield .. . . 8 08 4.50
Rippen_ ........ 8.17 4 ei?
Hansen_...... . 8.24 5.04
Exeter • 8.58 6.16
Centralia.. . 8.50 6.25
London, (arrive) 9.50'A. M. 8.20
nd Bruce.
8.15 A M. 4.46 P.M.
9.18 6.66
6 18
7 87
9 80
1.0 66
figrou fooitor.
[The folloWing I was intended for 1
week, but did not reach us in 'me.]
,, .a.shfield.
NOTES.—The farmers are b
the land for fall wheat. Th
large acreage sow d•—Some f
vicinity are drivin their cattl
Quite a few of th wells have
account of the drought .--bdr
sore of -Glasgow, Scotland, p
Mr. Smith McLean twenty
cattle amounting n the aggro
ay preparing
re will be, a
rmere in this'
to the rivere
gone dry on
James .1.1811
aohased front.
carloads of
ate to about'
Tuc ersinitn Co
A meetingi of cohneil was h
hotel on Monday, August
members preeent. The rates
the current year will be as
county purPosee, $2,115.55,
mills on the dollar ;. for town
eral school purp Pes, $4,671.
2,4 mills on the- oiler ; for s
the requeitions of trustees : Se
60, reqoiring 2.5 1nills ; seat
. -requiring 1. 3. mill ; section
quitting .9 mills ; section 4, $
ing 1.2, mine ; se tion 5, $66.
.35 mills ; scion 6, $125.00,
mills ; section 7, 179.68, req
section 8, $330.00, requiring '2
tion 10, $204.78, r quiring 1.4
$10?..67, requiring
the Broadfoot dr
asseehmentsilin ca
the next meeting
held at Brheefield
o'clock.—A. G. S
Clinton —
The Canada Bus'
till leads - 'its contemp
'134 of our pupils were
orations in the 10 month
an average of nearly 4
lie you think of it ?
It Pays to Atte
College re -opens -for
uesday, September 6th
Write for catalogue of
Id at
9th, ml
f taxat
hip an
9, req
hools as tier
tion 1, $362..
ri 2, $287.16,,
, 8217.55, re,
50.50, tequir.
0, requiring
requirilag .78
miring 1.mill t
3 mills,; see -
mills ; union,
1.3. Parties assessed for
11 'the
ion for
: For
ig 1.1;
d gen1
in who wis
h may do s
of council,
on Septem
illie, Clerk
WORMS cannot ext:t either in chi
when DR. LOW'S W S RM. SYRUP is
to pay their
at or before
hich will be
er 24th, at 10
dren or adults
used. eic. All
Counc •
Hullett cduncil et in Hill's hall, Lendes-
bore, on' Tuesday, August 30 h. Members
ell present. The Usual by -la for levying
taxes wee read and passed foil county pur-
posein I he rate win be 1 2-1 mills on the
dollar for township purpos , and L. I.
debenture rate 2 2-10 mills, nd the tonne
required to be raied for the eveval: school
sections are as fol ows : Scholl] section No.
1, \.$390 ; No. 2, $400 ; No. 3,1$500 ; No. 4,
f85 ; No. .5, $400 ; No. 6, $4.00; No. 7;
$323 ; No. 8, $585 ; No. 9, $450 ; Union
No. 5, $353;; Rothan Catholic section, $260.
Several tenders were received, for cleaning
put the Kinburn , creek, Wingfield Riley's
tender being the lowest, was accepted, at
23 cents a rod. Accounts for townshl1 im-
provements, amounting to $140, was consid-
ered and paime'd, l8 of that sum was for
damages for sheep killed b dogs., The
Walkerburn and Hamilton bridges are both
finished in good Workmanlike manner, and
taken off the contractor's hands, the latter
bridge is a steel superstructure with cOn-
erete abutments ithe first of the kind erect-
ed in the townsh p, and is a real beauty.
Complaint was m de to the council by sev-
eral parties regarding the practice of play-
ing football on the highway in Londesboro,
causing a great annoyance to the residents
and others, and the clerk was instructed to
post up a notice o stop he game, for, it
persisted in, the onsequ nces may not be
pleasant to all co cerned. A committee iSf
the council ;will theet at St. John's bridge
on Tueeday, September 6th, at 3 p. m.
• FOR internal or external se HAGYARD'S YEL-
L(' W of I., cannot he excelled s a pain relieving and
seething remedy for all pain.
cess College
rariesi placing
placed n ehoiee
s ending July let,•
per week. What
d the Best.
the fall term on
either department
D. MOLACHLAN Co, Chatiain, Ort.
" • •
W. N.
S Ei A F 0
Eire and Life Insurane
Rent, Real \Estate Ag
Ravatossa and WHIT
lecturing Sewing Ma
Sewing Machines
Arent far the ..
F i rst-C ass Wheels
11 T H •
Agent, Houses to
nt. Dealer in the
family and mann-
hines. All kind of
repaired. Charges
n Every Respect.
Money t
Any amount of money to
pertv, at 6 per cent, per
Peyeeents made to suit bor
anteed, charges low. At offi
all day Saturday-
oan on good term pro.
n num Streight loans,
Giver; eatiefeation guar -
e Friday afternoon and
Hens I.
BRIEF:4 —Mrs. Willis Moir and daugh-
ter, Mims Lillie, are in oronto this week
visiting relatives and att nding the Exhibis,
tipn.—I41r.,H. N. MeTag art and Mr. John
Fitzearald, of Chiselhur t, were in the vih
lage on Monday on th-'r way home from
Detroit. —In the ,Lon don Free Press of Tues.
day last an account appeared of the disap-
pearance of one Isabella Cook, who was
working in that city in what the paper
stated a good comfortable home, and with -.1
out, apparently, any cause for running away
from tar home, and that connection men -1
tions that it is the second time' that she Iola
done so, and just here the report beeomes of
interest to Hensallites, as her father, Mr.
Wm. Cook, resides here, and some month
ago, it will be remembered, Isabella ra
away from her home here and owing to he
having some money bequeathed to her by
departed foster parent, and having a regis
tered letter to her, address at the time i
the post office here some unkind reflection
and suspicions were cast upon and attache
to her father here, so much so that it le
up to an investigation in which, we . ar
pleased to say, that the father was cleare
from such suspicions, and ibis now aeon
action or disappearance of Isabella goes still
further to exhonerate her father and apt
pears to show -ad, least that she is a restless,
and dissatisfied girl, if not a wayward one
—Mrs. Morehouse, who was here visiting
her brother, Mr. *. J. D. ; Cook, returneOE
to her home in Saginaw on Saturday.—Misa
G. ,Morrisea, of Lendon, has also returned
-home after! spendtng a few days in Hensel
and vicinity. —Mils. G. D. Arnold, Mrs. J
Macauthur and Mrs. G. F. Arnold are i
Toronto this week visiting relatives, an
Mrs. Arnold, the last mentioned, is combin-
ing business with pleasure in the way of at
tending the millinery ,cpenings.—Mrs
George Huat, of Clinton„ waif here thi
week visiting her mother, in-law, Mrs. R
li nt. —Mrs. H. Wilson, of Teronto (tie
M. ss Carrie Derit) formerly of Mitchell,. ,ha
ben spending the past week with her aunt,
Mrs. J. Sutherland.—Mise Vidlet Haskell
returned home a few days ago frbm a weekYi
visit with relatives in Lucan.—Mr. Jamea
Hutton, of Forest, spent Sunday and Moo -
day i last with his sister, Mrs. C. A. Me
Donell, of this village, and his aunt, Mrs.
R. tMellis Of Kippen.—Mr. Samuel White
returned to Detroit on Saturday evening
last, after spending a week' with his parents.
Mr. William Shirray also returned to that
city after attending his brother's funeral.--i-
Mr. William Elder is having a goodlounda
tion put under his dwelling, while Mr.
William Buchanan is adding to the appear-
ance of his by the addition of a beat veran-
dah.—Miss Mable Dent, of Mi chell, who,
is camping] at Grand Bend, was in the vil-
lage on Tuesday and Wednes ay visiting
relatives.--eldrs. Tippert, of Dethoit, is vis-
iting her eister, Mrs. Henry gook, of this
place. --Mr. Johnston, !of St. Louis, spent
the past week with his sister, Mrs. Miller,
of Kippeo, and his motherd -law, Mrs.
Hunt, or this village.—Mrs. Reith and
family left here the Middle of 'tljils week fcir
Grand Bend, where they intend bamping fer
a few dayfe—Rev: W. E. Kerr -left her ler
Toronto On Wedneiiday to attend Confer-
ence, while Mrs. tielrr went to Oakville to
visit her mother.--IMies Mary Brown, Of
Windsor,' formerly o the London road, near
here, has been spending the past two weeks
with relatives in Clinton and friends in Hen -
of Mount Forest, who
the past month or !so
Mrs. Wm, White, and
Id Block, 'Wingbam.
From Sidney
DiseasS-- •
'Although a Man
of Three -Score
and Tin,'
Or° Chase's
iadnei- Liver
ills gave him
back perfect
This is
I as sick in
of he time
wit kidn
too severe
to cert fy that
bed the. most
for three years
y disease. I
boxes of pills
afferent kinds—and a
gr t many
Odier kinds of
pat nt med
e nes ; besides
th I was alder treatment
by four • I - erent doctors
during th, t me and not
able to wo . I began to
take Dr. II .ase's Kidney.
Liver Pills
a id since that
ti have
been working
eve day,ttioutgh
he r iy eol
, eari) of
Dr. Chases
Pi s have cured
sabe Mills,
! ,
f the K1
!lays are not
in a
per ectly c
anand healthy
eon • Ition, t t.
• Moodbeelines
lin tregnate:
With limper
*n. a deca
Serthe Kid eys
eoo. takes
'lace. Bright's
Dim ase, s
ebetee, Gravel,
Rto e in i.eBladder
do. matton I
Of the B ailder,
en. a Ion,.
Let of Kidney
ills , sea be
. nte seated, and
Soo er or efer
in so many
ins ances
d fatally Dr.
h se's xi.
nay -Liver Pills
cu e' all li
dney treables.
Sol. by all .
cicrs, price 23
den s per be
other friends, return
resume her duties iaat
—Mrs, Miller White
of Eketer, accompan
Woodstock, were i's t
renewing aequaintanc
returned home on Mo
cidedly the bee
—Mini Belle S
Centralia, whe
uncle,1M r.
schoolithere. —
Thursday, Se
summer vacati
she had been s
er brother, 14
.—Mr. 0. F.
lights with
put in his new
makes it at
arks r
re she
es De
lir cc
tern be
n, an
will, no doubt re -en
ergy and viger. up
Joynq,pf near St.
tendingchoel at. Lu
his brothe George.
sold hs old, faithful
" Blutcher " old age
hard for h
the doctor'
drives a fin
George JO
spent last
land and
who Were
are easy to t
any heeded;
d ho
ze •
e vill
this week to
ool teacher"
• M. White,
re. Pikel, of
g on Tuesday
Mary Hag 13
t from Detro e,
t e peat mon h
Hag had tt' n f t ed
rhanling r
Bell's bloc
nt time de-
n the village.
is week from
visiting her
(Ape' of the
ened hereon
ter the long
13 and scholars
renewed en-
d who is at -
here visiting
a diarmid has
flown steed,
g to , make it
uitements of
, and he now
ng bay.—Mr.
of ashes this
of Toronto,
me Sather.
arrie Dent),
day I.
r, Pe
he pr
d sto
had b
ools r
et er a tei vh
nhh r
nd wen -
begin i
m to fulfil the fte
inereasin prat
e young fist -step
tit made a shipm n
. Harvey Wils
abbath w th Mr. J
is wife ( ee Mutt
isiting bee.
4 I
1 • .
lee, hermit In actijni and eure to cure
in from 6 t tO mhut..
The 4oung
She was ea young
boarding scbool, and
gardless of expe se,
any other vege able
with the cook : "
we to have for di
chickens to dress, m
the first thing. Wh
" Wily, mum, they'r
" Ofi then, just ger%
ancient Romans alw
coca- With the"r feat
surprise t hu by."
Shure, if lyonwant
parinr the turnips."
just pair them two
Why, I had no idea
esqe.lt " I think,
celery would be mor
right; Biddy. I'll t
room; and I have a
that will take off e
you, hlum.1 Would
name of the asylum
cated ? I think I'll
sons/there Myself if
sall.---Miss Mitchell,
had been here for
visiting her sister,
Vithieut publicity or loss of time from btaines,
by a plirely vegetable, harmless home treatmen
immediate results. el genial appetite. Cain} ,lee
end clear brain. No ieeections or bad after effec
Indaputable testimony sent sealed. Addrets e
HE DIXON CURE CO., 40 Park Ave., Mentre 1,
ife, just
idn't kn
ow, Bid
nor ?"
re are t
in thpi
e there t
ys cook
era tire
" It lw
o help,
"Oh, h
and ter
urn, till
in yen
ke it, tip
me loVe
cry sec
ou mis
where ly
have td
cc gio"
married, from
educated re -
1W beans from
this dialogue
y, what are
There's two
'11 dress them
eir clothes ?"
at way. The
d their pea.
It, will be a
11 that, mum.
you co Id be
w swee I I'll
in no time.
as so ictur-
t washing the
line." ‘• All
to the bath -
y Paris soap
k." " irhank
telling the the
u were eddi-
ke some les -
g to work to -
Kidney I Diear e Ca not Eiur
When Dodd s Kid • eyi Pills
are Used.
Healthy kidneys re a,b 1
for the production o pure i1
Pure blood' is bsolut 1
good health—yes fo life i Se
If the kidneys are weak hr
blood is impure, poi °nous; a
health breaks down, befor
specific diSease.
Dodd' s Kidney 'ills r
diseased kidneys to . health
They stimUlate the to pro
abling thern to filter the pole
Dodd's Liidney Pi
kno n that can a
fore, they are price
All orms Of Kidne
the ,
D dd's Kidney Pula have unique recoi:
—T enty„thousand cures, t one failur
You should try a b x.
TlaJ Wife's Te
T se are the new • tmean m
Which wlvee now make to mar
Is are th
d willi do this. There
ess and indispense.bld.
Dise‘s are cured blyi
(From 'Toronto Globe.)
Brings Forth a Story.
Bowatalmix, 0
We, the undersigned,
certify that the health
jot the Rey. R. A.
Bilkey has for months
/, been deteriorating,
// and that he is nqw
suffering from Nov e
nervous prostratio
tri gently requires immediate and
p oiled rest. J. W. McLaughlin, M.
13 ith, M.D., L. Eolland Re
porter called on the Rev. R.
rector— St. John's (Episcop 1)
Bowmanville, Ontario, duel.
a church function, and on congratulating
him on the great change for the better in
his appearance, the reverend gentleman
said, "It is due entirely to Dr. Ward's
Blood and Nerve Pills.
"I suffered for over three years from
extreme.netvouseesii, weakness and prc.-
tration, and could not obtain relief. 4.
few months ago it became only too ata -
parent. that extreme nervous prostrati n _
had set in, as I lost flesh and appeti e
rapidly. Three of our four medical m n
peonoenced me in urgent need of imme-
ae and prolonged rest in order: t� build
up my nervous system, giving me a, eertifi.
°eta to that effect. About this time, by
ore accident, Dr. - Ward's Blood and
blerveiirills were brought to my notice.
I decided to try them, and on doing so a
decided change for the better took place
at once .i . I have since continued taki g
the We; with continued and marked beie-
fit and improvemnt. My appetite h s
returned. I am gaining in flesh steadiy,
and eiy general health is now goOd.
17arth,r, I am etre that these remts
are die to the action of Dr. -Ward's
Blood nd Nerve Pills, and I have every
conild iie,e that they will do for others ill
that t ley have done for me."
Dr. W rds Blood and Nerve Pills are sold at See. per box„
5 boxes f $2, at Droplets, or mailed on receipt cif price by
the Dr. ard Oe., 71 Victoria, Street, Torte. Hoek of in.
• formate) I free.
meta. This part of the treatment is very
import;rit, and those who ignere it will be
pretty ure to make a failure of bulb grow-
ling so f r. as flowers are concerned. -
"Th Roman hyacinth is much preferable
to the rdinary sort,- as it throws up sevral,
spikes f pm each bulb, its flowers are mbre
,gracefu , and it is more likely to bloom.
The bet tulips for forcing are, the early
single v rieties. The best narcissus is the
go den- ellow sort, with cup of creamy
w ie. Do not bring these bulbs to the Win-
dosv u til they have made strong root.
growth or your hopes for Christmas floWers
ivil be loomed to disappointment.
4 Do not bring the bulbs into the wartith
and lig t of the:room in which they are to
grew u til the soil in the pot is well 6 led
with riots. Wtch year bulbs well and
keep t 0 soil moist but, never wet. When
you br'ng therriout of the dark ,:o not
place t em in tee warm a room, and whet
they bl om keep them in °a cool place."
• -
tely necessar
necessary fo
diseased, th
d the gener
he attack Of1
re weak andl
and strength.'
✓ action, en
n out of the
only medicin
nts ten,
led men !
1---Remmber that I am th
That]thou must cherish al thy life.
—Their shalt not lay out ae at night,
When lodges, f lends, oil c ubseuvite.
3—Thoe shalt not moke l.or Or out,
Nor chew tob o roe about."
4—Thor shalt wItl praise*
Nor pastry made by me
mother the 1 shalt 5
Aud let her liv with ue at
6—Real amber, 'tie
To tire, ma we
i e
hs shalt winanner m
gee eve
1 ' '
Iiie—Thou a aft not be a dre k ng man,
But, liv on pr Miami I n.
c ive my pie,
e te please,
o e the year.
thy dot
I throe
Id and meek
9—Thou &elt not flirt, but
list I allow
i• Thy wife such reedone en how.
abe cries,
m day to day,
i0—Thou shalt get up whe
And try the dh id to tr
These My commian niento, fr
fmplicitly thou she a obey.
111 LIVER taOUBLES, billousq
on, yellow eyes, jatin lee, etc
lye powers of LAXA• I VER
oi Mire. • •
owers to .61 om
"Bulbs, to be brong t
Christmas, should ,e pot
as early in the onth
E n ' E. Rexford n the
Home Journal. "Give t
equ 1 parts of lo m an'
manure, mixed thoro,
hyacinths and tul ps req 1
and the same tr atmen
only bulbs I woul advise
attempt to grow f tr. Christ
"If you'plant your Imillos
pots will be large :nough f
Inch pots you n puts t
sea -en -inch ones fo r may e
dated. Tulips rid n r
just covered wi h cart
should be about h If its
well at the time of pot
the pots away in a plaeft
cool, and leave t em ther
sallow complex
laid to the clu
. They are sue°
A No a! Seotian .Farmer Tells of His In-
te se:Suffering From Rheumatism and
II vlie Poland Relief.
From he Bridgewater, N. S., Enterprise
Such sufferingas rheumatism causes the
viptim upon When - it fastens itself is almost
noendilrabic. Only those who writhe urider
it pans can imagine the joy of one Wile
his belie freed from its terors. Mr. J. W.
F lkenham, of New Elm, N. S., is one of
t ose ho have been realeased from pai,
adwo believes it his duty to let others
khow ow a cure, can be found. Mr. Fol.
kenhani is a farmer, and, like all who fol-
klw this arduous but honorable calling, is
subject to much exposure. It, was this ex-
posure that brought , on his trouble 1and
caused him so much suffering before lia was
rid of it. He says :—" In the epring of
1697 I centracted rheumatism, Through -
Mit the whole summer I suffered from itomd
about the first of October it became se bad
that I could not get out of the house. The
pains were located in my hip and back, and
what I suffered Cali hardly be expressed. I
became so helpless I could not dress mYself
witheut aid. Eventully the trouble spread
to my hands and arms,' and at timed these
Would loose all feeling and become useless.
In November I began lusing Dr. Williarris'
Pink Pills, and after taking four boxes be-
gan to improve. After using six boxee the
pains tnd soreness had all gone, and I was
able to do a hard day's wok. I intend us-
ing a few more boxes, as a precautionary
Measure, and rwould e r estly ado* those
safferi g from this pill trouble to give
Dr. Williams' Pink Bills fair trial and be
made well.
Dr. Williams' Pink PllS cure by going to
the root of the disease. They renew; and
build up the blood, and strengthen the
nerveiii, thus driving disbase feom the eye
tm. ' Avoid imitations by insisting that
every box you purcha e is enclosed in a.
*rap or bearing the full trade mark, Dr.
Willi me' Pink Pills for Pale People.
13.---1;C°ne nt Pays to e r ed.
Young men who have no concern for the
elfare of their employers hay's not enough
neerin in regard to .their ewn affaOs to
ake their own life a success.
A c erk, behind either] the counter or the
cleak, 1s only of value to 'his employer when
ex rts himself in behalf of that employ-
e , a d the measure of his value iS the
rueasi re of his exertion.
Th refOre, the more a young man does
fhr hi employer directly,' the more he is do-
ing li r himself indirectly.
By honest effrt—and honest effort is
oing all he can—the young man not only
coon es entitled to higher wages, but he is
t the same time acquiring more knowledge
nd s ill, which shall fit him the better to
arry pa business on his own account hen
ppor unity offers.
It aye to be concerned about you em-
loye 's business; it do es not pay to be un -
once ned. —Cam ad ian Grcer.
—A girl in Stratford was natned Mary at-
. er birth. When she grew up she dropped
he "1r" and said it was- May, When she
to shine in society she [changed the
'y " into " e " and her name was Mae.
hen she married and now she has dropped
he fi6a1 letter end. spells it plain "Mm."
; 1
A Quebecer's Confidence in Dr
Ciase's! Catarrh' Cur—Gives
DR. LOW'S WORM svaue hadeatla to the worms;
every time, safe for the child, arid see nice to take
the children lick the spoon. Prier) %fee
All -Nerves.
Many people say they are '1 all 'nerves." meetly
startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Mu.
burn's Heed and Nerve Pills are just the remedy
such people require. They restore perfect harmony,
of the nerve centres and give dew tierve force tel
shattered nervous systems.
Doan's Kidney. PIUS
Are the most effective remedy, odria for- weak,
painful baeice •, 'Dropsy, Diabetes,' right's Disease,
sediment in she urine and all ked 3; and bladder
1 r
troubles. •
The Seatforth Cider end Jelly Fsetery is now
running ittli jelly cook ,r enlarged, and' double the full :bleat. ' All fitted up, avith a ne
grinder anav
amount of work canbe done and seeisfactiou guar-
nteed. Moping to see all the old cOstomers and
many new ones.
J. Kr.En, Proprietor.
Seed Wheat for Sale.
Tire underIgne& has for sale (4ixe Semis Fal
f ............,---......
Wheat, suitable for seed. It 114$ a ebite chaut, bald
head and is dust proof. nil one of the best milling
wheats arid testa On pounds to the bushel, abd per-
fectly free from foul seed.. Pricee$1 per bushel.
Apply on 1Lot 21, Concession 13, Xeleillop.
Liedbury le 0.
Notice to Contractor.
Tenders will he received by the Council of the
Township of Mullett, for cleaning out about ($00 rode
of ,the Kieburn Creek L. I. drains, !rem S. U 10 and
11, Concession 6, to the river. Nettle of the creek,
°hawing the amount of excavation required can be
seen at the Clerk's rffiee, Londesboeo. Tenders to
be opined on TUESDAY, AUGUST 80th, at 2p
1601.2 JAS. CIAMPJ3ELL, Clerk.
Notice to Oreditors5
In the Estate of Lucas Ross, late of the
Township of McKillop, in the County
of Huron, farmer, deceased.
Notice IS hereby given pursuatit te ,the statute in
that behalf, that all persons hating chants against
the estate of the said Lucas Ros, demesed, are }re-
quired to send or deliver to iJams L. Moran,
Seaforth, ("elicitor for the executors of the ACid de-
ceased, on or before the 16th day of September,
1898, full particulars of their bleims 1and of the
security (if any) held by thera, duly verified by
affidavit. After said date the texecetors m ill pro
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard hely to
the claims of which they have received notice, and
after such distribution the excutor-a will lhot be
liable for the said assets or any part thereof,
In any person of whose claim nate(' 'shall net have
been received.
Solicitcr for said Executor's:.
,s. •,q•
•-• a'
If t
Hardware Store,
We are to the front With a complete line of
GRANITEW RE. I See our Pre-
serving Kettles the best in the -mar-
We are sole agents fo
old Cement
walks; it cam)
a full sto kid
the eelebrated Thor,
r laying floors and
t be surpassed. Also
ortland Cement.
Try us for Machine Oil.
Eavetroughing amid Furnace Work
Give us a call, price ight.
Sills & Murdie
Courtier's Old Stand, Seaforth.
D y s
• '
"For over ele 0 years I euffered
terribly with D spe sia and tried every-
thing I could think of, but got no relief
until I started using Burdock Blood
' Bitters. I had only. taken one bottle
when I commenced to feel better, and
after taking five r six bottles was
entirely Well, and have been so' ever
since.; I feel as i B. B. B. had saved
my lit." MRS. T. 10. JOYCE, Stanhope,
B. B. B. cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stomach, Dyspep-
sia, Constipation, Coated Tongue,
Liver Complaint, jaundice, Kidney
Disease, . and makes the blood
rich, red and pure. It is a highly
concentrated vegetable compound.,
10 to 30 drops 'or
children. Add' the
water yourself.
As I war has been declared in China,
Crockery and 'Glassware, the troops ar0
now being moved to, the front, where w*
expect the first engagement to take place ens
Frida , the 12th of August, when we will
win the battle by selling good fresh goods
of all kinds cheaper 'than any other house
eestref Toronto. I will quote you a few of
the m ny harp:tips which close buyers can
by calling at the Seaforth Tea Store.
The s le to continue only SO days, at these
pricesnet-h mired and -fifty pieze Dinner Set,
price' li, now $10; 44 piece Tea Set, price
$3, n $1.95 • 97 piece Dinner Set, price
$7, no $5; 41 piece Tea Set, price 83.25
and $..50, now2.25 • 102 piece Dinner
Set, rice $9, new $6.g0 ; 10 piece Toilet
"Set, p ice $5 75, now 84; 10 piece Toilet
Set, p ice $5 50, now $3.75 • 10 piece Toilet
Set, p ice $2.50, now $2; ioilet Set, price
$2, n , - $l.130; 4 piece Glass St, price -35*
and' i e, now 20c; Glass Sets, price 65e and
75e, new 35,3" and 45c, Half Gallon Clain
Pitchr, price 35c and '25c, now 18c and
20c; monad° Set, all colors price ni,
now $ .25; ditto, $1.75, now $1;10 ; ditto,
$1.65, now $1; ditto, $1.40, now 95o;
large lass Lamps, with Globes, price $2,,
now $ .25; ditto, $1.75, now $1.10; dittos
$1.50, now $1. All other goods will be sold
as eq ally reduced in price. A cordial
invite ion is extended to all.
AULT, C4th.
L C. CE 05
'DAM( TO RENT—TO rent, 100 acres of land,
, X helve Let 26, Coneeesion 9, Morris. Possession
for fan ploughing as gamte' crop Is cff, and of home
and barns April 1st, 1899.] For partioulare apply to
ROBERT J3IOGINS, Out. 1602x6
into bloom by
irt October, and.
Possible," says
ptember Ladl?
in a compost of
old, wellotted
lye Narcissus,
e the same soil
These are the
the amateur to
as use.
singly, four-inh
✓ them. In siX
o t bulbs, and in
sily be accommo-
haus should be
The hyacinth
th in soil.' Water
g, and then put
hat is dark and
until they fotm
Relief at Once. He Says:1
Danville, P. Q , April 9th, 1898.
EnerAisoe, BATES Co., Toronto.
De N. mite,—,Enclosed find $1 for e dezen Ibexes of
De. Chase's Catarrh Cure. Please send them at once.
Every patient using it says : " It is an excellent
cure, Nes relief at once.'
, .
Jam. etAssoN, General Merchant.
Danvill, P. O.
......—.—.--.....1.-.....— 1
D Fowler's Extract of *Ild
No hing has yet been found to supersean it for
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cramps, CCU and
Summer Complaint. Don't tae a substitute. Insist
ewe • 0.1 -
on getting the genuine
An Awful Cold.
Mr. M . Wm. Darkee, Pine Grove, Ont., ways :—" I
recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and Sore Throat. I had
an eyeful cold and could trod)), speak. One bottle of
Norviay Pine Syrup cured me completely."
Health. Run Down.
" was run down in health and weak, and could
not get anything to do me good until I tried Burdock
Biel Bitters, which has made me strong and well,"
THOS. LAWSON, Terra Nova, Oat.
FA MIFOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for
fele his excellent fain of 125 acres, being La
No. 5, neeseion 12, May, comprising 100 acres, and
the w st quarter of Let 64 Concession 13, Hay, cone
pnislnr 2.5 acres, This 1is an excellent farm on sq
;mien id road, one arid ai quarter miles north of the
fiend hing village ofiDaehwood. On the tennis an
excell 14 frame dwellie . with kitchen attaehed
firet-e eat bank barn 1 net er failing we'l of water;;
good or hoed with ehete varieties of fruit. The
farm s*ell fenced an is in a high state of cue;
tivati n. It is 5 miles fr In Zurich, 11 from Mensal/
Estado , 9 miles from Ex ter station; churches and
echo° convenient Te s easy. For partieula
apply to JOHN VOEL R, proprietor, Dashwo
P. 0. 1 16014
Fall Term Begins Sept. 1st
Of on
students have been placed in excel-
sitions during the past year.
System of book-keeping is actual
ss from start to finish. Oar short-
epartment is the most thorough in,
further particulars address
A.. S. NIMMO, Proprietor.
X Tuekeremith, belie Lots 2 and 13 on the 3r
Concession. Lot 2 belog all seeded to grass ; or?
Lot 13 there its a la ge frame house, with ston
cellar, hated with fa naee ; large frame brn, with
stone stabling underlie th. and well, handy, with
windmil to pump water; large stone pig pen .;
frame d ivilig shed '* implement house ; work sho
at d woodshed. It i4 *cll fenced and in a good stat
of cultivation, being well watered and a. good els
soil. It is a. mile and 4 half from Seaforth on thle
Bayfield road. This e choice place and will bd
sold or meted , on ye'tmeable terms: , Apply te
WILLIAM ABERHAR on the premises, or tel
Seaforth P. O. 1601-tf '
The undersigned has for sale, cheap, first and
semen class PINE AND CEDAR SHINGLES.' 100 a 100
0/ BE noon LUMBER, all kinds. Shinglea-and lumber
man be seen at Rippen station. A car load of Flue
and H into& Planks' Scantlings, eke, Jest received.
OrderS can be left atthe dation, or with
London Road..
STO iR AND I PLEMENT8.—Mr. William
MeCloy ha !received in tructions from Mr. Thera 8
Govenioek to sell by pu Iie auction on Lot 27, Co •
cemion 3, Meleillope on Tuesday, September 20th,
1898, at e 'clock, sharp' the following valuable faille
stock en iniplemen e, viz :—Horees--Two baN
horses 5 y ars old, 1 brown mare 6 years ell, 1 brown
horse 9 Ye rs old, 1 brood mare in foal, 9 years old
e spring It, nice driver ; 1 driving mare 4 rare
old, 1 driving are three years old. Caetle.—Five
cows, sup .. se to be . in calve ; 8 one year olds, •
spring eata es breeding ewes, 8 steers 8 and 4 years
iand'OcPtoIelIP—T r. mplerents—Two wagone, 1 doub e
o thoroughbred brood sows to litter
'witted ear lag , 1 ca t, I. open buggie, 1 buckboare
2 hey tic 8, test bobeleihs. 1 cutter, 1 turnip
'Raper, 2 low , 1 double mouldboard plow, 2 set irdn
harrows, dis harrow, I fainting mill, 1 two mould-
board gan pl w, 1 three niouidboard gang plow, 1
truck for Ind r, 1 8isip hey rake, 1 leen roller, 1
set weieh s,i binder, Massey-liarriis make, beet
lIelitaX, s el, almost new ; 1 big Brantford mower,
1 pea harvester, 1 fanning mill, . grass ,eeed sower,
12 dozen rain bags, 2 double set of barflies, 2 single
sets hies, hoes, forks, etc. A lot of cedar and
black ash ail. A large quantity of roots, potatoes,
carrots, angulds, tor ape, etc. About 200 ceder
post. no itively no remorse, as the proprietor has
rented hi farm and is retiring from business
Tonna— 11 sums of $5 and under, cash ; over that
amcunt, 1 months' credit Will be given on furnish
lug lippro ed joint notes. A discount of 6 cents on
the ,della will be allowed for cash on all credit
arneenis. THOMAtt I GOVENLOCK, Proprietor;
WM. Mc 'LOY, Auctioneer, 1602 41
Steam Boiltir Work's,
A. II R S T 4 L
I Successor to Chryetal S Black,
leanntactarers of all lands of Stationa
Marine, Upright & Tubular
ealt P8411111120 ke Staoks
Also dealers n Upright an
wine's. Automatic Cut -Off
se* of pipe and pIpe.flttft
Ifertirtedes furnished on slier
waste—Om:melte G. T
Sheet Iron Warhol,
. -
HorizoniM flds Valve
ngine• a saty. 4.11
g oonseeaselye on hand
notes. i
Statim, loo4eriois.
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance ompany.
Geo. Watt, PresidenInt,esltrlook P. 0. J. B
McLean Kippen P. 0.; W. . Mem3e
non, Se -Treas.•
Seatorti p. o. Thomas I.E. Hays r of
Losses, Seeforth P. 0.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seefort ; ohn G. Gide cs, Win-
throp ; George Dale, Seat rth TI omee . Heys,
seaforeb James Evans, Be .chweod • Th end*
Clinton Thomas FrasAeoriuni, cod. eld ; Jo B. Igo.
Lean, Kippen.
Robt Smith, Harlook ; Peobt. MoM lien, Bttor* ;
Jame ti Cumming, Egmonddille ; T. W. Ye, Holmes -
villa P. 0. ;John Govenloc12 and Jobh 0. Morrilon,
anPdakirries. 'desirous to afflict'
sot other business will be prom • y attend
• pplioation to any of the abOve dM0
their respective poet offIcee.
I •
t $10 a W
one ean o the Work. t We want reliable
mannfac ;n re Ch drens leques, Gaunt-
' py, whole or fiD re time. Write to -day,
etddrne., C-0FtEresTIvE KNITTING
perie lee require Steady work, good
lets and Bicycle ggings for the trade,
les a new pesetas . No canvassing or ex -
families in eve locality to help ire
Week hinom-4:nye
Co.. 15 Le'tdt'r Litize. Toronto.
awe too
.us irr
'I-I!om 1.1, sama too Mlle mit
Him till 111.1111 11111
a I. 441 tell . „,1
ag Um • Mu sis ilit.11.1•. MOP as ell -411111.1111
=Ns ION. MY • flen• • 11, Mb M. MEM • OM .11.0. • EOM
„silo „mist'
411010 0 10114M
For people who have learned that the
road to wealth is RIGHT BUYI
e know people Who tave paid $2 for shoes
not as pet' ias we sell for $1.50,, skid
they were peopls who needed ev ry
cent they had too. If they follo ed
the same course in their other buying
it's no wonder they failed to na ke
headway in saving up something for
a rainy dey. And that reminds Us.
For rainy days we have. a matchless
assortment of
tong Boote"nd Re-
liable Baples,
and we can ,save you money on them
to!. i
We have increased onr ,staff of workreen,
and will bein 0; better position than
ever to do OLTSTOM ,WORK and
R PAIRING -On the shortest rot*.
Rich rdson ce McInnis,
DeJlers in first class Furniture of all
ki Ids, in latest designs. Upholstering
ne tly done. We also do picture fram-
in and a choice selection of pictures
al ays on hand. Curtain poles at all
pn s and put up. We ate also
A exits for the New William's Sewing
hine, best in the market 'for do-
- tie use, no - travelling agents, no
hi h -prices.
INT JD (3--
n the Undertaking Department, we buy
goods from the best houses in Ontario,
guarantee satisfaction in every depart -
t of our work. We have always made
point to furnish chairs, and all other re -
sites for funerals, enze OF CHARGE.
ces better than heretofore%
rterial and cavity embalming done on
se ntifie principles.
. S. Night and Sunday calm will be
at nded to at Mr. Landsborongh's resi-
de cc, direetly in the rear of the Dorninx n
B nk.
eatherdale I
Plums -for Sale.
I am en extensive grower of plums, I will be
e to supply such in great variety. Prbably-
00 haakets for sale ..of choice fruit. Come along
d get your supply.
Huron Central Fruit Farm,
Let 26, Conceseion 2, Mullett.
, • -