The Huron Expositor, 1898-09-09, Page 3L898, . ts0 ted, arid fla. affe the 50 (10 i (lfl 00 00 00 00 (►0 00 all in good ST REST ITS. limmommosiims Furniture. rinkiu /:l1at' ht rep me, pureh y durll out sof th(' n f t'if t_ =l(s tx iv 11 (pall e ;4" n it ave a• ate, with a We have nd free of attention. aes, Goer i ;ortil cut t 'don't pave its FLiiell we goods.. ranges, stoves, ORT.. 4 SEPTET. ER 9. 1898. ONOMOINIF te PoRTT NOTICES. FARM TO 1 ENT, --Ono hundred .ores of land Con Morris. For Luther ejotartars speiTynoestoo:RloO.WTHIGpjINtlBlyth, Uri*. 1 600 B FUNDS first -01 -Alarm � rity. u Apply p Pable early,Dominion Rank Building, Eleatrtth, salt, $. A31�, 1566 J tioHENNA, Domini =n and Provincial Land • - . • Surveyor, Member of eheAssooiation of Ontario oanitilurveyore, Dublin, On rio. 1886.52 e fONEY AT 6 PER CE 'T.—A large amount of J L money has been plat d in my ha de to len to tanners, Apply in mute and onJ. L Date, Bareme to suit t: ter, Seaforth.lo borrotti er. Appy 1678. 1 ?JOHN BEATTIE,Clerk Court County Comm rays/neer, Land, Loan and invaded and . to Loan: Ivens! store, Main street, 't .the -Second Divi on sefoner, of i Huron Cbn- nsurunoe Agent. Foods Moir—Over Sharp to forth. 1286 Wanted, tlwo tesoh,rs, of and the other for he .eeond.close certifies e®. January, 1899. Apply CAMPBELL, Secretary, i801x 4 mEACRI:RS WAN TED j, one for the north soh south, bolding third or .Duties to commence 2n (stating salary) to JAMES Box 14. Hayfield. lmo THE LAMES, --11 pr•parrd ae u, ual to elms, etc, Fer sale an ae colors ; aleo ettnrlees sw Market and Jarvis street LOA Smdt1, Soatorth, ie o up up hair into. *wit. orttt•ent of switches, all tehti. Residence corner 169:x18 O TEACHERS. — Tea her wanted for Uoion School Section No. 15 ITowlok, male or female, second or third clays, ate in salary. Applications received up till October th' ret. JOHN RENWICK, Secretary,LakelctIP. 0. 1808X4 TOR SALE,—A quanta of brick, at from $2 to $4 per thousand. Al some atone at 88.60 per cord,. Alone witha int •f counters and shelving. Apply to WM. MCDOUOALL, Egmondville. 1603x3. STOCK F : R SALE. IIORTHOIINS FOR 8 LF, —For Bale, two good young Shorthorn br iia, with re(cstered ppeedi- lfrees: Prices and term right. DA'V1D MILNE, Ether. +ntiEHA9i BULL FOR SALE,—The undersigned j f Las for tale a th raughbred Durham, bull, eligible for re.tietratlon ; a fed 28 months, color red and white. Terme roes noble. JAMES PATTER - SON, -lot 26, concession 1 L; 11 S., pTuekersnilth, Brumfield P. 0. 1680-t1 IOS FOR SALE AN = underetgnect, breed yhireo,has for safe boars a also keep for service the drebaeed from Mr. Ge and winner at Montreal, T _41 payable at the time o freturningg 11 necessary, i r•ORRANCE, Lot 28, Co orth P. 0. • 'FOR SERVICE.— The r of Largo English Berk- e *owe in far 'ow. Ile will took d boar, j' King Lee,,, rge Green, ( of Fairview, .ronto and Ottawa. ,Term service with the privilege booked $1;.50. JAMES cession 6, MoKillop, Boa. 1466.52 STOCK FO BOAR FOR SERVIC JD keep lair service Stanley, a thoroughbred 0 81, payable at the time of of returning it necessary. SERVICE. —The undersigned will ❑ Lot 26, Conoeeelon 4, eeterwhite boar. Terme- -envies with the privilege JOHN V. DIEHL. 1691-11 DULL FOR SERVIC _. keep for service on a thoroughbred Durhatn before January, 1899, er SCOTT. .—The undersigned , will le premises at Roxboro, bull. Terms, $1 ; it paid $1.26 afterwards. JOHN 3571-tf OfiR FOR SERVIC I keel 'or service on. eremith, t thoroughfare purchased from H. Go Middlesex ,;.runty. Tei service, with privilege JOHN W. ROUTLEDGE .-..The undersigned will fi 84, Concession -4, Tack-' Chester White Boar, rge & Sores. Crompton, e—$1, payable at time of f returning if necessary. 1540-tf AIIWORTH BOAR F,It SALE AND FOR BER- • VICE.—The ER.- O10E.--Tho,under-I good will keep for service at the Bruoefleld Jaseee Faotory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, with r • xistored pedigree. Terme, SI; payable at tome of s -rvioe with 'privilege of re- turning if neceeeary. leo a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Boars and Bowe for Bale. HUGH ldoOARTNEY, B coaeld. 14064f 'j'1AMWORTH PIG FO j signed bee for servl afeKlllop, a thcro'bred limited number of eowe extra good pig and breed ore** their t,erkshire so Terme $1., with privilege JOHN IdeMILLAN SERVICE,—The under - e on lot 82, concession 8, arnworth pig, to whloh a will be taken. Thi. is an rs find it advantageous to ei with this breed of pig. of returning if necessary. 1606xtf REAL ESTA E FOR SALE. HOUSE FOR SALE opposite the fair g six rooms, pantry and w bard and soft water, T cheap, Apply to ANDR: oR SALE, OR TO situated on ()ode rekans, gocd cellar, hard W.W.I Now ocr chant. Pce°eaelon river Artily to A. G. AULT, Se •rv[` (� Rill purchase ealt I \!tit anti), altuate. 8iaforth, at present oc There are 8 rooms, with Iarge stat; e. The lot Ie with fruit and main SCOTT, Seaforth. On Goderieh street west, ounde, Seaforth, containing iodshed, with abundance of iIA property will be sold 'W LITTLE, Seaforth. 1001-4 LET.—A dwelling house fell street, containing ten and soft water and good pled by J. L. Smith, flier - about the 1st of !omit, forth. 1697-tf he comfortable and pleae- cottage on James street, upied by Mr. A. Scott, and and soft water, also a corner lot and well planted eta' tree3.- Apply to A. 1598-11 DOR SALE.—For sale 20 acre farm in McKillop, being Lots 24 and 2., Coneeeeion 10, and nor, h part of Lot 26, Comm n 9. This land has been in pasture since first !eared, 26 1 or 80 years ago, therefore is rich and fr o fro re foul weeds. Me altueted on the gravel ro•d, five Hiles north of Sea- forth acid nine front Br, ssels. Terme of payment made to euit purchaser, For particulars apply to W. (OVEN LOCK, Seato h, 169.4-tf L ARM FOR SALE.—F r sale, in the Townshipitf melcillop the north 0 acres of Lot 16, Conces- sion 14. boundary line. A out 47 acres cleared, three acres of good hardwood bush, about two acres o1 oboice fruit trees, sail un urpaseed, well drained and fenced ; 'eeh0cl half a mile away, post office ani eharch convenient ;= will he sold cheap. For par- ticulate, apply to the pr prieter on the prendem, or Walton' P. 0. DANIEL a eMILLAN, Proprietor. 1509.11 QPLENDID Y`?r itM 1' R SALE.—For sale, the eplendid furl k» of Mr Robert Govonlock, on the North Food, a u ile ane a half ' from Seaforth, 1 coutalns 175 acres, nearly a'l cleared ;and in a high state 'of cultivation, Tnere is n two story brick house, good lank barn an everything in first class conditicon anal well under rained. It will be gold on easy terms, as the prcprl •tor desires to retire. If not sold before the fall I will he rontod. .Address ROBERT OOVENLOCK, 'Worth P. 0. — 1598 tf "[)ESIOENCE: IN Sala 'OIITIH FOR SALE.—For L safe the coo forted le cottage ma ,North Main street, Seaforth. belongs g to the estate of the late Moore Boyd. The house contains Wren =rooms, be- sldea a large summer kitchen and a good stone cellar and stable, Also bald and soft water: The property uill be sold - ch op, es the estate moat be wound up, In the mean time it will bo rented, and the tenant will be given a leased for FAX months if &- sired. Apply to JOHN ANDSBOROUGH, Seaforth. ' 1597-t1 CKlIDOlIPoitively cd b► ! ese Litt e They also relieve Distress from Dy Indigestion an To. Hearty Ea A •• feet ren'redy fc r Di;sines,. Nau a Dr_• tress, Bad Taste in t - ei Mouth, Co ted Ton Pain in the Side, T RP!D Regulate the owe] . !Purely V g table. small Pii Small! m I Price. Substitu the =fir Seri you Ask for Insist ar 1 Carter's 101'1 ,ud of the day. get Carter's artdr's, d demand Little Live .'l1s, Scor h Pye o k s. ,Pet Your Clothes Cle neo and your Dyeing done a ho�n�. VIOKL • Of the Seaforth Dye Worlce, is re— pare to Clean and ?rens Clothes an D -ye Cloth Of all kinds in fi at•olaas style and at prices. Ladies' treses cap be dyed, i 'out being ripped. A trial, i3 solicited warranted to give satlafaetion. Giro look nearly as ¢cod aa new;. Works a Godorloh Street, east of' Main Street, poaite St. Jamotl' Church.,', H. ;NIC1LE L1ARM FOR SALE.— ale -hundred acre farm for c ease in tbo towntlhli of Uaborne, Lot 86, Con- ceeelon 4. It contains ' bout 80 acro, of cleared - land, %ell drained and in a high elate of cultivation; The balance of the farm a good hardy clod hush, It is well watered ay a sprit g creek, two never failing hard water wells sad D cistern. A large frarho bctr e ; gc cd roller ; lar re bank baro, with stone stabling ;. driving Flied ; pen shed ; and all other outbuildings needed, A good orchard 'of all kinds of fruit, the farm Is welt cited for either grazing or grow Ina all kinds of g It is ilituatcdabout three miles irorn- the ihal in villa to of HIensel!, and six miles from Exeter, nd not fad from church, poet c flies, etore and Felt ol. `Lafy terms to suit the purchaser, If not sold letfore fall it v ill he rented. 'or futher particulars . pply to Wa . ftl1TU11ELL, endall P. O Ontario. " 1597-8 B PLOT?, s 51,E Lands and Fiour M i in th Township f Mc Mop. Part of the south half o the soutfnhalf of Lot 21 and the south half of Lo. 27, in the eeontalnirpg 75 acres. The north half of the n•rth half o1 Lot 25, in th 7th canc;oreion, eontalnin r 25 acres. Upon the 75 acres are rooted a ci n fortab'o tram dialling_house, large bar a and a gelst n 111. The 26 aores.and the .rnili will be sold with the 7 r acres, or saparately. Eas • ter(nm of ppayment. A;ppp1 at once to F.-Ii0LM1ST dD, Stiatortho Ont. 1001.1p tth concession, Wore," AgWood's ESI1 110ab et 27c�� The Great Enggen Remedy. Sold and recon Blended by al druggf • is in Canada. Only relt- able m dicine dibeoveredd. Nix Sexual guaranteed to cure all forms O Wreak esti, all et,'fectfl of abuse •r excess. Mental Fi'o , , Excess ve use of To. baaco. Opium or 8timr lents. Mai ed on reiceipt of price, one package 1,.siz, $5. wilt please, siztutt&cure. Pamphlets free to nyy address. Tho Wood r empaay, : indsortOnt. n, druggkets. 16Uo•12 .cry reason desired and alt onto mad d reeideno nd near] S,ea#ort ble ith • ork to on op• • Sold in Seaforth by Lumsden & WIls ' AIttla 6, 1' Y ()le et Mortgages. 12cduee your 1► m0fey. Alit tars Is dt'sireil. yule, No-dalny. Charges in 1nc�ur'rrd 001 us 1oi n lits granted guaranteed, or ttr loan. Lo: with ;local agents write, F,n( lose Ht, 01: R. 01.1 terest. Save "ruttiness Irl - No c rxts Satfslne-lmi int arranged Agents war ted, Call of. Imp. E. It. REYNOLDS, 15 Toronto Street, . oronto. Travcll rs Should always ca ry with them a bottle of Dr. owler's Extract of 'Wild Str . wberry. , The change of food and w: ter to which those who travel are enbjec , often p�rQ- dncs an attack of Diarrhoea which is as easant and discomforting as it may r. Fowler's n your grip the firsts iarncoea or.. 11 prom] tly se diseases. be angero is. A bottle of Extract of ;Wild Strawberry is a gnarari+tee of safety. 0 dication of Cramps, Colic, Dysentery_,' a few doses cheek further advance of ' th It is an fold, reli- able remedy, with over forty years' of cures to its credit, yvlfose merit is re cognized everywhere e,nd one that the doc- tors' recommend in aireference; to all others sola by dealers eve 85o. 'a ys insia on the e iml.ttions are FIcLEOD' S� stun 'Ren —AND OTHER— T &TED ' R"E; A sl collie and antidot4for_Im ur'., Weak and- he pover shed B ooad, Dyepepala, Sloe'leesness, Palp t tion .1 the cart, Liver. Complain , Neuralgia,, of M mory renohltis, Conaump on, Gail $to os, JAW' ice, ,Kik ney sod Urinary D images, St. Vitae' Dane , Female Irregularlelee-and General Deb lily,. at Al of t edioino ysihere bottle, genua highl 0, as n danger anly �uti vai rl EDIE{ E THE "JENKINS' E p" ISSUE. '= $t moulted In .1 , !few Is of Activity '!In gland j • be !;tress by decree] the nd aontinelpts e tit] :• t "the Sprintsh two co ries, whato'i+er Euro perpetual War s, treaty t e British Were h one a ip, not exceed- e Span sh main oriole ohmetit =kin of treaties me'kot t r e world's trade ueh a p. tty squirt' !.11 - Spa isl main-aboutid- ward ostaii were not • etho' of suppressing onkin ith his vessel, g fro amaica to Lon and arched off th aSp: h revenue outr slas: over the he histo ar wal3 chopp fficer en toe off th it i : is ower's f it es e toI his king t had n done.',' The little rsel of brown, ned a spk whiols► icul: slow burn in lish n on in a floral d itse nto war Carly] uestion wh ne enough an Ralf the worl it. 'Colons 1 Shall half t c strial purpose able, confor • table at lea i 11 it be Spain r devotional pu Spain claimed of the pope of all covered by the va. main," and so for was the case in raged in the trop! 13y the Assionto allowed to dispa frig 600 tons, to t year, but what p could keep the vol Mowing through legal traders in th ed, and 'Spanish gentle in their r them. ' 'Captain . the Rebecca, saili don, was etoppo• ooast of Havana b ler. Jenkins w with a cutlass an • off. A Spanish bleeding ear, nun and bade him "o and toll; him wh story of how tha withered flush t kindled the Ina wrath of the En and swept Engler tells. "_The 'Donkin:' ear once looked so rn d, wa ooyered'tromeud • us•isss lay hidden in eta 'rye u empire'—whose 1• it to world be Englan 's for 1 which is iunoc nt, l: able to the incl iplica and other plain l ws, or for arrogant,to id, sh poses, contradicrory incalculable ,4Y nkee gest phonomeno • (once est) of these tiges this, less readers on - a then . know it—lay inv • lved. Yankee nation? Shall the new world b w of S it be of Englis 1' Is. call immense! Amon stns of Adam w ere the faintest degr e sura ip the .Jenkins' ear curious to cons! deep breathed do nation, drawn b upon it. and w they head surmis stinots of simpl to be counted stupid sometimes of pr 'pheti from the deep p aces • Cornhill Magazine. LA.1lORATORY—Goderich, Ontar o. S. hi . McLEOD, Propriet•r and facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, eaforth. 1601-$ anti S'METHINC For the Hot WM. SPAR 8 s s, n tad rt 4 NEW' eatfrr ING'� $-laving ptirehased the Ru ery and Cole feetiioiiery-business recently carried on by Mrs. Megaly, has also opene• a FUST -CLASS RES AUR.NT Where Ice Cream and alt cooling . and Seasonable Drinks''will bo se vod. Bread, Cakes, etc., al aye on hand, fresh and good. ,f8'Gi'e us a G} 1,. WILLIAM SP SE?FOR RL a h n 11 0 t 8 e d 0 d tz Jo �• • very 1a ion' itt • ught b: o, little of the hall th •ro not br a: ish typcf Sh 1 Us. which we rite ho then ext* he who could what issues 1t tion? Arid is er now ith what: f1cr• s the poor Engli their,i stincts,--held f uld, t gedn irk no den lel, 'as d and .seen? .For the 1 , gull lees persons' (iia • y the unwary) nature `id 8p1` 1 this universe." h t d URO N - EXP(SITOR. BU`iLDINCri A BIG GI MODERN "BUILT UP" CANNON MARVELS OF -ACCURACY. v? T elf, jai iautifu as ea sea no are be :1< r? Sh:li 1 e Married D lly Fir Three Days. A couple w2re married on.heNorth Si e last week for tho thir time within th ► days, and it happened h s ways Invitations bad bee! issued for an up d date wedding, 'Ith a eeeption to folio The young pc pie, •'bo sure they in q no mistakes on the al important !nig decided to have a dot sled rehearsal t •o days beforchan , Iiesldtmntally the gro to be secured 't o malMage license, so to have all thin Ys in cal time. A minister w ro wa not overwiso sent -for, and a the r clues" of the coo went through ho w ole ceremony w them. The you g ma ' solemnly promi to 'take ' `honor, love rid obey." To be doubt sur that nq *nista should ocour th core nony was rehear again in the sal e wa the following ev ing. When the fe thought flashe bride to be. "Mother," s why k am not ever will bo." Tho mother gestion, but th were consult -couple were a only once, but The weddin. eel intended, an happilyover th are inre cont they are, it Is gether.—Chita , . s ING H. 1599 tdcKillop Directory - for 898 JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Win hrop P, •, DANIEL MANLEY, Deputy-' -eve, :eobwood P. O. - WM. MoGAVIN, Councillor,_Le$dbnry P JOSEPH 0. MORRISON, Conr}oillor, :eohwood P 0. JOHN S. BROWN, Councillor, Seaforth P. 0, JOHN C. MOtRISON, Clerk, w throe P. DAVID M. `ROSS, Treaenrer, lnthrop P. O. WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beeohw od P. O, • CHARLES DODDS Collector, Seaforth P. 0. RIOHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead., bury P . O. • 1 ., r trie throu Q CIO O mu de had departe h the mind of aimed, "I don't h married now as ,,bast at such as tabic and the neigh •o and 511 decided that that 'stage married Niko, how' Ter, was soler> ni the 1 tieod of love at' 'ho! c f rho lovers,' nted, an 'thing, bee thoug it, til rico bound o Joarfn sl. lin 8' it A Fame' Jour Lord Mayo, icero assassinated i 187. critical, and t ere w know. who was to bo ear. bir. (lad4 tone inter, and it wi s nev • what Mr. GIs • stone whore a personal clue into account, j dgtn: ]lir. Gladstone 8 stro wasagreatdi erou in which he cc mo and in Londe. , the for the purpo.e of.to espec#Ally of'h'gh pc) iii Fre met at d nner the leading p • ysiciaa t c was a discussi n at t `la; climate on co , stitu t i • n said Sir Willis m, " or asking me to ay w let climate of In is wo subject drop d—no Delano drove . tralgh and The.Time • ilex' that Lord No th bro • viceroy of In ice ie this casual re ark I Smalley in H rper's M: a) let4o "Beat." o: Ijndia, had The situation. 8' e d is 0 se 0- •• n as s oxteemo interest te, ;.ord Mayo's sues-•• Ai .then primo uii,n, Ir ea `y to conjeot zn ight do,' esp,eci Pion had to be to nt of ,men not b+ g point. Mr. be That was orio ay Go contact with 'are few bettor ay6 aerial polities, ,and William Gull, tit f ,Liondon. T o upon the etlep s "By the' we d North bropk her'I thought suit him:'." re was said. The Timet o corning 'union sad !been appoi • ted solo authority was ]inner.—Georg W. agazine. Abroad. re ly :11 ng ale 1 t • icycle Adviee, " Rob rt Luc hints for bicy le tou the continent the ra 1 bicycles like my ot le Where trunks go fr e, cycle is vreig ed; b ing much ilk* that complaint of the e. neys. It cost 4 or vvheel across- he ch crating is ecessc Europe, but n son the pecan you shoul n it. ti it en of AS he me blo ciampanies eat bi- ttle Mit be - is N. ARE 9 Thea Ars Made of Layer Upon Layer !of Whine got Steel Shrunken to Fit a. Oe Solid `s Piece of Metal—Mechanises Of tiitre Broeah and Ping. 1 Ti a odern "built up" cannon oonshit of a tc e1 core surrounded by several hoops. Eucl hoop when cool ie slightly smaller in i I 'side diameter than is the one osier which it fits. 11 is to these hoops that the for "building up *,cannon" is due The h wjhich fits next to the core of the gtln is h ateetl until it is large enough to slip eve tie 'pore, then put in place, and as it 000161 shrinks to size and thus sillies lt- inseparably to the core. The; next tit hoop, the next and all the others mated In the same way. In.such faSh- h gun is "built up" layer by layer. A 1 one can sea at once that the elze of Woes is a matter for nice calm's - The shrinking iron cannot, of e return to its original size because elother iron which it now surrounds, does its best to do so and eaterte a ul compression upon that iron. parts of the gun, beginning with be, aro in a state of compression, decreases gradually%outward until ie layers aro under tension.' The age, or original difference in diarpe- ween a hoop and the part on Which self larg are fon those tion coo of t but 111 power The the tri whish'. the 0u shrink tor 1t fl .son the ou wil p '1 he uni or tali bor of is an coi tai lay rs "e a fro n bit d for m 1s Th ani Wt4 by weight, th the cost cuts 11 unks go free tem of charges 11 US, and ther shillings to get Ithe pi el. No coverink or ey after you teach ling tho wheel &dross crate it. Some Om - pantos insist Tho charge for taking it over may be 10 shillings.'" be s, is so calculeted that the tube lis not pr seed beyond its elastic limit, Inor is r hoop under such tension that it ss the limit of its elagticity. I , foundation of the gun is a tnbe of n exterior diameter, Which! 'con - Powder chamber and the !entire large sleeve, called the "jadket,"- be it three-fifths the length of the tube, Ilk on the rear portion Of the tube tends enough farther to the, rear to 1 the breech mechanisin. LThree :1 " or portion of the tube extending i screwed on _the tube to ho st chasehoop in place, The by a layer of "jacket h ase oops interlock with th tithe ith each other. to prevent the for- d y cation of the tube from being blown rem the rear portlen. The jacket ward jacket hoop aro sir:1111a ly hi- ll ed, and a locking band ig se .ewed ✓ the joint between the series of hese- pa nd the forward jacket hoop to look he breech of the gun is naturally one th most inwortant parts of it The e h plug" must resist an enormous e and must also close the bore so 0 0 VC of prc eking d the jacket 14131.1 comPletely that none of the gases gimorat- ed by the powder will escape. The •ia.rt of th -jaciket which overhangs the tube of the gun is called tho screw. box and is shaped , to eceive the breech ping. Both tho screw bo a d the breech plug have six project- ips of screw threading. The breech . set in place with the screws oppo- si free spac,es of the screw boi. It is oh homer and by revolving it one-fifth. WOLSELEY AND THE TROOPERS. The saieat English Military Commandoes Way of Making Irelands. An incident happened 001120 years ago in the cafe of a restaurant of rather good class in the oity of Dublin, which is an apt illustration of how a gontlenian can place himself on,a footing of equality with an inferior in station withOut sacrificing his dignity. At that time, and probably the. sante narrow minded spirit and ultra snobbishness exists there sail, it was the habit, for the proprietors of the better class barrooms to refuse to serve drinks to pri- vate eolcliers. It was 'Immaterial how well behaved they might be or how they might rank as noncommissioned officers, the rule was Inflexible. , On the occasion referred th two finely agoon regiment, both ce stripes and the 0h0V- cant, entered thle place, he bar, asked for; drin d rather curtly! They st th ved a el umference the threaded portions the /plug engage those of the b6x, and ru ssive steel plug ig securely locked the breech of the cannon. ut the ;breech plug alone is n t Duffl- e retain all the gases in th barrel un and thus compel them to assist he gun chief- iroom" lece of t from ecured g. Its ig rear etween plug is shroom he pas - "Our new remember th the Other p "Veal be astor, Rev. Mr. All ell, at deal about heaven. ou good old Dr. Scams, his as alw: .5 preaching a out ae blazing the way for Br th- Chicago Tribune. I io said thraelth coal the1ife of two serious of bitumino Miner sand In ii _Lost in Coal- Mines. at every 110,poo tons o e work. an 4,nd 'more njuriea - Every 860,000 s coal MeansIthe 140 of wriest that leost three ot caste han 0110 MARRI of of th in • ei int of the in proi oiling the shell. Therefore is fitte with a gas check, consistin ly ef hat is known as the "mus of the un. The "mushroom" (a • eying the •shape of the pla, w lich is named) has its stalk b ad ntarly fills the slightly flari et of the powder chamber, and th he d and the end of the breech • .anv ts ring filled with greasy a h ad a d squeezes the ring so that • In t rear end of the mushroo is sec red either the spring hoe the • h miner of the against a percussion a spring when relea,s lauya,r on the tiegg the pe o qui a th 11 GE LIOENS S THE MON EX OSI OR OFFICE NO WI N SSES REQUIRED, mission cap se k burning poWder in the flame from the powder, ac• he the large chatge of powder in the p wde chamber, eau ing it to explode. ' The e naval g ns °red to h layer must be ext , jacket and for s used. it devi- straight So ac - 2 feet 8 tan two - stalk or tho spring a shot - in, correspo ding te gun, that 14 driven ap in the primer by . The explosion of seeping ti to a hoo irne that urpose a,' "boring head'' ed h ops niugt This instrumen i fitted with fou and is hold in p so rigidly tha apes hardly at a rom a perfectly c irate! is its w that a bore ches ,long is u illy not more t straight line. The work of b tiding up the gins, of course, w th tho tube. i nor ace and Ethrunk on. - The ucces ust hat I • th s on el hoops and ja kots of the lel, which is n3andrel an then forged id enlarg them. After e 1s is "shr k on" the gun sO as r pare it for the the inner urfaecs of tub Ise be turned, 13 a gun is turned externally a ive ing on." Wit e cut the read of the so known as ho "compressio pe is the p rtion the re bore w here the co iper band on th tile ta es the rifle+ grooves. ; What s called a "sleeve," which to be a great octal frame, in may s ide back aid forth. Its re Engin ering Mag The ductl y tnarri 41 y wont wa The In who nurse by lateIS name Mono fou lmpor and t Paid ways cost a poor gun be - *hen the ad on its ter each in there ew box, ompres- of the projeo- set up men of a wearing long serv rons of troop ser and epproaching They wore reins yield nothing, but, turning on their heels, prepared to leave. The fine appearance of the two men had attracted the attention of the gu sts among whom were thiee or unted in appears hich it oil heti a Indio in four ;•wh smoking bad almo the 'row The ha caused th soldiers to stop, althougb they ed by any one in "Clothes. , The tho bar andisaid the at ndant 1 can .piirchase what ink / require lierei suppose?". • es, sir," milled the "Then utrnedi itely eery Meilen (re phasiz ng the w ever they omen ." TUrnin to the soldiers, tlenten, ill you drink with me?" "With y leasure, sir," saad one, reliving -for both. They drank together, and when the Isola e wore about 'leaving one of them, tu ning to the Man in civilian clothes, s id: "Ex me, sir, but we should like to Settled Hr. Lawyer. burglar's Wife was in th witn Eel d thd pros 'outing counsel was cen- u knew he was a burglar when you 1 alliance with such a man , 11," the witne s said sarcastically, getting old a d had to choose be- n lawyer and burglar." cross examin tion ended. there,— n's Weekly. were eitting together I quietly at one of the tables. Thai men reached the doer when One of it of obedience tho the Ozer:nand Japan small hildren of the poor, ave the gift of straying and no to look aftei them, aro safe -guard - the simple precaution of hanging round their neck which tell their and addressee. these twO gen- rd) with svhat- he said: "Gen - know we owe 0i:courtesy." The nia'n1smiled. "Certainly, My name In a tripe two pair of heels came togeth- er with click, and two left atme were brought Op with precision to a Salute, ! which Wolseley as formally returned. He sergeants' marched out an outhirrst of band ola /Won of e a capital singe see khOwn Whop Americans Man the Ones. The welt. between the United States and Spain is a copy on a very reduced scale and with some slight modifications of a war between England and France.; It is not my purpose in this argcle torWOrk out a detailed comparison. I can only suggest it. The great British superiority in bate tleehips and unarmored 01-nisei's as ageism; France le faithfully reproduced in th Aneerican navy SS against Spain. The great French advantage in 'armolred cruise ersIfinds its parallel in the Spanish navY. Even in torpedo craft the numerical equal- ity, which exists. between England and France is repeated with gome correctness in the two combatant navies. Thus all conditions are favorable to a trial of our race. Upon the conduct of Admiral Samp- son and Commodore Schley's officers and bluejackets depends not merely the honor of 'the United States, but the very exist- enee of the British empire. If the men who are hourly expecting battle in the Caribbean falter, if they show any want of 'courage or sallormanship—which God forbid—then let us be certain that an ate Ms* will be delivered upon England by her enemies, who will conclude, and not unjustly, that the military qualities of the Anglo-Saxon have deolined under the "depressing burden of civilization. And as this is tbe greatest problem to be settled in the war, so we shall hope and pray th' t our race may erderge with glory from t test. —Pall Mall Gazette. s testified to the cordial appreoe. ory witness of the scene. ! That ar record even then, but!he boo nauch service and is now! better the world as Viscount Wolseley, er in chief of the English army. lphia Times. Captain Hidd's Piratical Hoard. 1 d Pirates of Ohr iddi After tell - inability to land his ri h o y in Now agi.icifiT and his About this time occurred an incident which has given rise to)0.11 the stories re- garding the buried--ekasure- of Captain. Kidd. The disturfiecl and ainxi(7/us pirate concluded that it was ddanger eis thing to keep so ',much vahMble treasure on board his—vessel, which Might at any time be overhauled by the • alithorities, and he therefore landed at Gardiner's island on the Long Island coast and obtAined per- mission from the proprietor to bury sortie of his superfluous stone upon tie estate. Tbis was a straightforward transaction. 'Me% Gardiner knew all about the burial of the treasure, and lehen it was afterward peeved that Kidd was lreally a pirate all tho hidden;booty was giVen up to the gov- • ;This appears to be the only case in which it was positively known that iCidd bUried treasure on our , Coast, and lit has given rise to all the stories of the kind, which have ever been told. The Method of Mattnal Training., The method by which manual, training arouses and fosters a many sided interest and stimulates desire is by giving ehildren something to do and by allowing such a free play ot choice and individuality both ' in the something and in pie doing that at shall be self directed. When this; point IS once gained, the work of education has gun. Where the will is weak, as in the c of poor, anminic children, the interest in soon flag, may Indeed sputter and go q out, and all this is very discouraging. 'But the interest must simply be aroueed and stimulated afresh. Never, howeier great the seeming extreinity, muet the in- terest and desire of the teacher be made to do duty for that of the child, for , the MO - talent this occurs the work lof education ilHenderson in Popular Selo ce., Couch and c owpar. A. T. Quiller -Couch, the Cornieh novel- ist and essayist, has great d Miley in per- suading people that his aloe is pro- liounced "Cooch," and,- say that, though . he never invented the pro unciation, he can only provall on a few xids (outside of Cornwall) 'to believe In it The poet Cowper, who caned himself 'Cooper, had a the way, has noth1ng to de with rep,ose. In "The Buccaneers a Coast," In St. Nicholas Stockton brings his seri an account of Captain • ing of his cruise to Ma o. Moore, the well-known Waterloo ewer, recently purchased , rom John .year-old drivers. The hors s are from d stook,onebeing from Go e other from Rookerfield. 600 for the team. Good command a good price, a y mare to raise a good b ne. den Crown M r. Moore horses al - d it don't roe than a se What is KR‘IMIMMM Castoria .ur. Samuel Pitehelr's .preseription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. it is a harmless substiturke for Payeicorie, Drops, Soothlugt Syrups and. Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guaranteel is thirty years' use by of Mothers. .Castoi destroys Worms and. allays' Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhcea and. W' Colic. Castoria relieves - Teething troubles, cures .Cons ipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates .the 1 Food regulates the Stomach. • and Bowels,. giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. "Castor's is , an excellent medicine for children. Alotheirs have repeatedly told 21;e of its good effecti upon their children." THE FAC -SIMILE " CA -stools is so well adapted to children' that recomMend it as superior to any pre-, Seri tion 'known to me." IGNATURE OF 1PFORS ON E Avl .*Ht CeNTAUIR COMPANY, 77 MLR IE YORK CITY „ • litughkr w of Crockery Gqing%- o for ti Next Thirty Days Ask year grociu for Ear Table and Dairy, rest and Cest An a gOod assortment to ch NO troub e to show goods. inne Set, 104 pieces, $5.5 i7 Prtmted pieces Ha dso 4 pel4 dozen ; Cups an Sam 65C per dozen ; and any ot Oiockery and Glassware, at su ose from, which we ask re purchasing elsewhere. ; 'Dinner Set, 97 pieces, ieces $1.75 ; China Tea one 'Tea Set, 44 pieces, handsome 10 piece Toilet Sef, $4 to $5 ; 10 piece Toilet Set, $1.50 to $2 ; Children's 6 e Lampe, from $1 to $2 , Fancy Water Sets, 'Dinner Plates, 500 per s, lJest white stonewear, er lines of Fancy China, )rising low prices, y Stock Will be found as complete — 54111 giving 21 pounds • of Japan Tea, for 25c, giving ex ofFthat good Laundry Soap, r foki 25c • Toilet Soaps at Chns Red Salmon for -25e ; 25c ; 3 Good Scrub Brushes abovo lines. Highest Market Pricee p' tatoes. Qn Seri MR Holder nd Groceries as -any house in the trade. edpath's Extra Standard unds of Black, Green or a satisfaction ; still some ular 50 a bar, now 7 bars Boxes No. 1' Matches for or 25c. u want anything in the for Butter, Eggs a.nd lffeC BE, C4th,. OOL UPPLIES WHAT YOU C OWE; 0 PAPST'S, Bo N GET FOR /VW _A211 ttle Black Ink for le ; 1 Le d Pencil, Rubber Tip, for le ; 1 large ook, 100 pages, for le ; libber Pencil, Eraser, for le g 1 Pen I Pen for le ; 2 good Steel ens for le ; 5 Slate Pencils for le, 500 PA Full u 017 of all the latest autho ized School Books at Right Prices. 1 DO NOT FORG T THE PLACE POLOst's Boo store, C4th. THE SEAFORTH - Instrument twomun EBT te dre4tly LISHED) 1873. ard times, we have ear Pianos and Organs at Reduced Prices, Organs st 25 and upwards, is Pia4,00 at Corresponding priceb S•gb CO BEFORE PURCHASING. COTT BROS REMOVED. Having removed into the store formerly °coupled by Mr, J. Downey, in the Cady Bleck, opposite the Comniereial I now purpose carrying a full and Oompiete ine of all kinds of Harness, _Whips, Blankets, And everything handled by the trade, Juin received this week a large consignment of BLANKETS, GOAT ROBES ANP GOLWWAY ROBES, Which we are now offering at astonishingly low prices. M. BRODERICK,