HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-09, Page 14 ions ttes LIS about coi .st of Pr.! :t tlri;riz6 he has tla. i r Another en- man has stie- t ue. of Tucker- 'We refer to the eldest. (laugh - Mr. Wilson C. all of this t ring march was tante '.Van, the cett4nilie ts, ar- "'a-t.iful arch in 1 mar—Liege sere- ., % - .t. Wad- i trge )ia.ssetnblage, ,:out inr par- a bouquet of ;harsxirig j in' a i was attended stile the groom a= formalities ley roc). `after re - partaking of &r< Erraptucitis ,rCpast, aeied by re :nurn- .,lrove to Hensal1 Fe evening train her points. The r,a fact evidenced sti, valuable pres- ze the recipient, i€;catul.ated on his Af ter spending quig couple will he •Forest City, Ogaging in busi- cket by R. d. - ;het agents Mr.. E,somin ; .Miss In - r ;. Mr.ancl.Mrs. cad, 1#ensa'li, to 1 �THIRTIETB -Y•EAR.1 WSOLE NUMBER, 1,604 0 Steadi1' Inereasing � Trad. We have most successful h we attribute this. have in our ways The knowle ing trade comes years of solid fait We are agai a most, complete In men'sre class suits at $ 1 'Our own ma our customers. in r eadymade . we lined knickers at snake Odd Pants During the has been extre of Ties,, Collars, is new and up -to The up-to- ats, Shirts and ying, no super Watch our of special )interest to shrewd buyers isto b of Wool Sox we show at 2 pai>{s for 25c, A special just now in Boys' Long Sto A. fine Cash with a good sale A special all sizes, at 3 fo finders. Just placed patternis a fine away ahead of tip e ordin s t Completed, in t], if year in the his o the fullness. of of dealing with th 0-e‘that enables past onm au experience ful thinking; and •Or' tock le mon .cry of the- co ens. to do coveri Orkin mg ing for the Fall tra n all the departme ie' suits we are sho our "o wry make. become, fixed t in it implies the be' his section. Our o 15c and 75c, are we and $3 are unique est lxionth . the Furnishi ly large, the reason being ats, etc.," the majority;o date. ateness of our selectio General Furnishings has or in Western Outarib. indows for the " new th d a e ma su` ha tl r 50c, At h of August, the our busines, and., fidenee the public successful 010t11 - at a loth-g.a period of 15 e : of 1898, with ts. int some very high t n k w1 1 many o !alu obtainable make of boys own. Our dw al: res. g and Hat - trad that in the matte people want what a f Ties, Collars we ar safe ii ngs." So. ad in tl n at' 25 ki gs t 2 ere Stocking at 40c, in ...4 izes is the ,wad of Linen- Colla 25c, find a ready place i n stock is a line of Bue grey 4tipe, and fort ver ary overall ; t .e nethirn e line apair c a pair. ieetinz s, turn ostyle, the hands of value skin. Trousers, the day wear they are rice is $1 a pair. - I EAFORTH ON MAN ' ,SU c EATS. DAR EXPOSITOR, . wi:_h trouble you with mus n_ utee of the last mee . g of ou oil are to hand. 1 ' tics tat ation Committee ha 'raia?d assessment of MoKi op b o acre. It now stand equa average of forty do • rs pe fair teethe repreeen tives division tip say tha they crease,` and it is rig i ! tha should know it. T = geed i e be n tot „learn e rr t h valued equal oounty ooenoil. T =re is ' e understand . in thi equa iza All towns and villa • s are; e than their local a s=sweets municipalities are inva la higher. Some one o each : h as a guide to equa ize t e think. allthe towns : nd v` la !zed too 1o�w. Take 'oder eh with a po ulation:of 4,017, it rate of $962.80, w ile 14 .c population of 2,84 , pa e Goderich receives a rest , from the county rate than Now is a good ti e. to t there will; be nomin ; tions ciors this year, th.. nom n would be an opport tie tine discuss matter* of p blio be I may be able to thr w o t will result in fends s ing a t diacussion`at hese eetin, :. Hullett Mink the count. purchase it sto a cru her f ous triudieipali ies i the esu of Mo iillpp thinke t would or fou, eipalit opinio TWO STORES. OT' 1RTCE. Grei On.• the wron &Macon Clothiers, side of the Street, in the Strcdng Block. The ensal Our Hensa 1 Branch is - daily becoming a m factory venture. We have engaged 1111 r: J T:t. Ho ver, of Toronto, manage' this s ore, Mr. Hoover is 'a ractical tailor -al cutter, and we ave t ie fullest oonfiden° in his. ability. Among th ina y lines that are bell b sod at rig: prices at the Hensall stor e is the all Wo 1 Men's 1J der clot • S i 90c su ing at .. A. number of e eryday knock a out Suits at $4. These aro speci 1 vah es. The stock of 'es and ° General F•urnishin s is bei added to i oily and w axe putting forth he same n rgy give neer up-to-date roods in - our Hensa 1 store a hat we g in the parent store 'a • Seaforth i; Another special lot is some 20 of S its Soo o ch Twee that - we arelosing out, ma e to order, at $ 5. Fit a finisli guaranteed. �, The Hat st�pck has been increased ley some and Stiff Hats. A few specials! !worth stone oruahe s to e ies i in theounty ns, 1 think if a steain wax p rehased for t e use o council division, it wonki be a valuable munio pa ities, in s mons vt 11 and pro ample Se forth, Tu could av one bet ' the m ni ipalities r have i b giving ee muni spa ities, and divisions. In so gravel ca not be go. of stones, which, if the very best and terial. .Thee stop: convenient • lace an laced ori t road: they wove ient ti ost servic;able. hundred dol ars ye Jy.half oa the t used and clay, • d, whe in the ap inand f: and int e , ry we as good o better that, un er existin we pays uchev do not g t he use fault fou din some tions gipe . by- i1' road in Gr ctor, roads. u , I hav that if u . icipali statute o o as di in five ars time prove nt in road the .wo is now g about ix times About alf of then load, f r one da yard b contract. done f fifty cent divisi s n , with an gravel hey will Many o the roads row, Ec . teary to t sioner nd dange bicyelAston. chine, efnd"a good would ake a apl. a pr . fi able . inv coune 1 would fur good rk for the ual sa ng which do m s r than pay tal in ested, and of the good ro: woulcertainly e• it we e. The cou front bt, and th mike his inves any, = rl with gr is. so thing for and t hieing at ings, e inten pal h.nor :, if the takin policy sho Y r e. reg s atis - mentions Collars for 25c ;__Tiesi regularrpripe 35c� Three pairs Cd ton hog, y''oc ;. L regular 50c an l?f>c, now 35c. � price, Beadymade Su s, regular price another line, regular t $8, n OW $5. ' • Mep.'s Odd Pants, at $1, $15 and "$2. Boys' Suits at prices that will nterest sl ,rewd buyers. We will maintain.; our reputation for sat sfaction to Clothing purchasing 'public.' - ' g• a5.9 lnd 40e, eavy Cot $las o ow to dd t 5. ig to ve 4 d ew Fed ra. hree Lioe 0 ow 25c, n Shir • e $6. 5 ; TWO STORES. OIV�T Greig&Mac ■ ICE. =j t C:lothierp Successors to F. R. Beattie. On th same ! he ide of the street. THE LAST HA.RVEST EXCURSION ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMDE 13t To the Northwest. Beturi. tickets 'to m st point $2 8 R. J. Macdorxald, C. ' R. Age t, .Sefo th, r• ►• Th v_ince r temb Atr regula is the bolition of Heretdfore, a c passed this test ,t third -lase non-) tificat which , e Count Mendel course of profess indisp nsible req to teach in even: rides ofes ional who a ccs d int thr ears, this age any' perso ing fession a thing the pe ;crowd duced, count, catea, better qualified crowded out. To emedy thi lithe M'nister of visabl to abolie altogether. Th soon lie evident. of the Provine with i higher di a benefit will b .ers them elves. ation of all the existence there teachers instea This ill natur cries lso. In f educ Monists h an in cease of f aalar`es now p Th change ii public schools for teachers 1 leaving certific arias offered w the high eche guali cations. ane.nol for blear tutione will all for gime time The model existence in or professional till x i ould be service f ort that tably a keraMit een the quiri g tain • of he aa e m ni , but th erus ed ost e u .coul crus in Se e, w en c' op rlycKilfor gi tls a l ae d 11, th ther than circus re, ye of it gear r. Ca or th noth ies eeted ere than nerall too only 's w In s ya dual o ov are n e ad ous 'crus roller ndid stme,) ish t muni hey the iso e wo1 da 'w ect, ! uta is : coin) nent at ad% he p: heir ing c: desi tld ca urs t Jon Cler • ucatio al A puplio -ani. high opened• f woi 1 at. g the moi ions affect e n e to re el r 8 rs p r y 0 n a •u e d, is w is p r, fo t a p 0 e Id 10 r' n it w1 p u d t imp ng th the p ndid as e rofes ntitle chool ional uirem the p eertifi is co fad h s me a ste ore remunerati agogical ranks d and sal ries h Fatly o hid and; ther once more to s. The min - county coun- the Equaliz- the equalized e dollar per Hullett, at an re. .It is only the McKillop posed the in - e ratepayers ple of Hullett t McKillop is ship by the hing I cannot ion business. ualized lower while ru al ly equaliz d uld be taken others by. I ea are equal - for example, pays a'county illop, with ,a.. 2,,297. 5, and More revenue Killop'does.. et: roads. As oounty amn- ion meetings or people "to 1 !importance. f hint which eine for some m The ;reeve of ouncil should se in the veri- ty. The reeve require three e all the muni - Having those atone crusher each county sufficient, and ✓ the `se eral it woul be ent. For ex - and MoK flop and eith r of o use it c uld ce to the ther they rood ith the ipalities re are pllenty Would Make ing road I ma- ns drawn to a , and could b: ben or at any they would b: pays about al avel, and near is . only can oad is needes is only mud y road is. jus rayel road: '5 anises, althoug or gravel., w here is grea with the direc ell, Provincia eking of goo ation in sayin compelled b Mr. Campbell dbemore i twenty years a one. We hay y pathmaster on one yard, or one dollar divi°aions it while in othe once to hall t wice • as uc raded too nil of the commi ssitlg teams with a road m each divisio t, and would If the ecus they would do lines. The .ac ld effect wou eat en the eaF have the bene! these machin wn in gratis, w tolerably fr' could not n w hout burdeni g age to all.. T : is e to think .boa'. t, tty council me t - dates for muni striking ane on. MORTISOt , of McKillop. ers who w one yeer vincial no The Tor the most s ,f its pared as ve yy 1 rat te!las ese of an Was form overned e said!: "I be ongratul Which hal tions of Ghi the ' exhi i RID .Y, = SEP EMBER 9 189$. 1 still be ` required to teach for fore entering either of the 're- al sohoolsj . he Toronto Show. nto show this year was, perh pe, ocessful, taken all in all, of any 'masers. The crowd of visiors rge, and was kept n well f om , while the exhibits erg 'in ex - previous year. The exhibi ion lyeopened by the ieuten nt- .i••oliver Mowat. In is add ess iratulate the associa on 'ane I e e the province on t e adv; nee een made at each of a ex, ibi- association, as co ared ith ions preceding it ; that for several y4t s the exhibitions het in Toeon- to have b en ., the greatest of the . kind in America. neighber . 1 this , aid have 'keen same vltew. railwa+! co have been t ing of 8 8 8 a heels of, the P o - rt ut changes In ehe high-school couese ary exa,minatio s. who. successf ly ded a primary or al teacher's r- im to enter he take the reg lar nt • of all who as i ary departme are ealid for s, therefore, enc e lo use the ite a; e now sadly o ✓ been greatly th teachers in hold on y primary ce fore, th higher priced en and omen hay 1 te a 0 0 Representative men among ave from time to time.admi visitors from other countrie , other fairs, have expressed I see it stated also that vat ous mpauies• in the United- Stktes OUT ted ho the the near other IC& and pram soda ti tempi their TS d StateS, and when we could :that inferiority. But the in- pily hes passed away. Much omplished, and itappears, from that the association is looking still wider field of usefulness in utile°, in connection witn the dian provinces ; and, if energy ;1 wisdom, on the part of the as - n, n bring about what they bon - It te, e may confidently expect hat atriotie'project will be realized," .In eyerridepartment the fair is unuseally full ana ecimplete, and the amusement fea- tures ere Inning wonderfully poeular. The 'exhibies c ver a wide range, and many are of great i erest. One of Chose 'which are mueh ad red is thee of the illuetrated ex- press. T se original drawings of many of its exeelle t illustrations attract no ittle notice} . ire SC ur- eh- ce er- re- he ifi- ut Set 'dues. has deemed wisd of this couree Not o ly will the. y be r ught into co By the time ( f the e Will he great seareit of a • plus as at pre lly m much higher case f the best -Mao ve go so far as to pr om 50 75 per cent, o id. here 11 pro ols pe As eiohtoeregl o CO der to •chooll aining io pr a • he ot Spell in Toronto. days &at e have had excessively Warm Theel e of Saturday hays : For se ,eral weather,. ut the climax was reachwa Fri- day. 'Ey early in the morning it was very war , but by afternoon a hot wind from the eat had raised the temperature up te 97 in the shade. This figure was reached a the observatory at 2 p. in. but it is quit possible that it went conside ably highe in the down -town streets, where the. heat . as absorbed and held by the rive - mount This figure was approache on Wedeesday, when 96 was reached, but Fri- day holde the record for the year, for Sep- temb re of ail years in the Toronto observa- tory eecards, and is only surpassed ba one other day, and that one of which the Ores-. ent reration is ignorant. That was on Augu t 24th, 1854, when the alt?tude of 99.2 was touched. day as a baking wind, which parched the Ac;mpanying the hot temperature Fri - lips larid blew dust in little whirlivinds arou d sereet corners. Those who hied to go on the street relented to all sorts of de. vices to keep cool. Vests were almosit un- known, while if any' starched gariments were briliught out in the morning, the stiff- ness was ail gone by 2 O'clock. The 'pave - ti direqtlreausecla boom in the business of taine; usually ;sizzling in hollow, empty stores , in September, [could hardly! keep enough stuff on eap tor the patrons, !while thos *he do net eggfine themselves to sofa re tion tact r - a 1- m d d et be a ireat demand rat 'cl se or s Moe - that the larg sal- ly ehtiCe away from pessessieg these equence th de - secondary than the '11 still conti ns on ter dayir sough ness the fro pan thei the and dly the lea* had. one of their best f the year 'Friday, with those who all sorts of cooling drinks within mita. On the streets- dignified busi- en wearing duster coats stopped on c rners and mopped the perspiration their faces. Horses strained and e with heavy loads of freight, while aeks were white with the rubbing of le with tongues hanging at half-mast. of t 4 horse ears were over, for to handle the x ibiticia crowds in this wea her by tha eons would be a pitiful sight i view of 0 experience with , electricity. Out at the r grounds the weather was nod felt so baa as early in the day a fresh breeze cart some lake coolness in and • saved goo eal of suffering. The various pawn ger oats t he Island and other lak • Home' Deco(yati Wall Paper Window hades Curtain POles NOTHING NEW GOODS EW STYLES BUT EW PRICES Estimates furnished for. Papering, Painting ALEX. R • Next door to J. S. Roberts' dr g stor , C4tli fe id points enjoye -a, remarkable patronage RI Sepltember, both in the afternoon and even Iia view of all the heat it is suepriein that only one ear° of prostration *as re ported to the authorities. /11 the af erncio street, and had ta be taken o St. ichaell'a heapitel. Her ease, howev r, ie not expect - The urich District of the Canada Con- ference branch of the Young People'is Assoc- iation Credit This d which members of Dashwood and Z well as by this ander societies Rev. W. ite resident an made all feel w kerne. The ably gieren b M es Laura Pr dent of ItZuri Mance. Let e eh lli nee profit b becoine more ac ive in the gra vineyard ot ur blessed Mas loath laces n. pastoe, ver people an the lessen practieal an 'd and nobl • Eflor e Dentist .1 writes tor the Expo ore , If the horise h a not a tongue by which he can tell of his p in or toothache, we should not jump to the conclusion that he d es not need attention, ut it is so m eh mo e rees- carefu on , why we s 7 examine his mouth end watch his fOod, and se of eating , the twelve pairs of mill stahes that nate! has rovid- ed him with to rind his food; erre al right. if There are often harp edges 'Moll ut the cheeks and Con tie, causing h m to h Id the head on one aid I, a d, while eating, driee sideways, or ho d th head in Ian unnatueal position. I ce ull remove' all irregulaii- ties, arid piece he outh in level, natural position. i.Attettion should. directed to the shedding of m 1 teeth e three peers of the teeth get liowie and haeg to the gums, ;and should be removea, as -they will cut the cheeks and make the enoeth Sore. ' 'GEORGE W. Gime *sr. 'S., &Worth, Canada —A large fort is to be n harbor. It will be one. of he Dominion stif Canada, -and m most modern Mid powerfu g proprietor of 'the Zimm . Waterloo village, for the died oa Friday'', morning of an illness of some. durati . The eceamed gentleman was born in Be ea, Germany, 61 years ago. 7 eld their first distriet convention at n on August 31st and September lst. strict includes six Alliances, jmost of vere well represented by p store as members. We were sorry to learn Rev. ing, P. E., could not attend, or Rev. Wagner, but they kindly sent regre:a to the convention. ' The election of officers for the convention wee as followa : Miss Lydia Faust, presi- dent ; Miss Laura Williams, vice piesident; Litt; Rev. Buin, aid J. Holtzman, business The junior me berg of the societies at - being twenty fr m some to the juniors was to be thaupt, of Berl' , but as lled to send hi regrets, s, of Waterloo, ery ably and showed by her illus. great tact is re uired in the children. he var- Germars, other in Eng - n, but the tempe anee and missionary are very important on • Heist, hut was ap_repared by Rev. the true feeling of young people rkers on this subject. Ib should 'be the leading topio when so soon a vote on prohibitio is to be taken. Every member should ke a firm stand on the side of right.' Min Lydia Fawit gave the insti- . topic and treated on foreign and PPIY of the societies and strongly urge ne m hers to adopt the two oent per w ; giving to missons. teaded well, there sotieties. The tad he also was comp Miss Emma Antli toted work that the instruetien of ions topics, some lish, were well giv ructed on Me- e to Halifax largest in the nnted ; by the he well•kdown se, in yea rs, Haan ho h• ist Wee —George T, Decker, puin manuacturer night pne night last week that his son, Wil- liam, had been drowned in his uncle's well, about een miles frail Hami tit, Manitoba. The young man had been a elpowered by -William Burke, son of adese h Burke, Caledonia, Bed an empleyee f al . a n,• of lightning larit Thursday. He Wag sta ding for sheltee under a tree in the field 'th t he had' been working in. He was -a2 years —Hugh Bagley, of Parry Seund, was in Midlend with hie sailboat, and . I tended comigg up .to Campbell's re k. Tke Marie was also coming upend Be ley reoured a tow from her. Wheielast 4 eh he was in his beat, but on reac ing th I, eiglrborhood' of Pearce's dock, abo t 15 flee frith Parry Sound, he was found to be isle' g, and it is supposed he fell over oard. ' ; —Welster Forest, he eight-year-old sal of Mr, S. Forrest,' anagea 'of the Union B nk, Smith's Falls was , drown d there der to be sprained, and li la t week.. He was playiper wi a toy at last aceounts he was in cenoe off the wharf, ten the canoe sailed uffering from cencussio out of his mech. H made! a grab ter it and oasting on the pablic hi losahis balance, and fell int The bedy % founa about half an our afterwards by Mr. sibeneath the feet o the- infuriated aninial, his right ear and suarounding flesh being torn cempletely f o his head. He Was quickly ple. ed 1U uggy and driven te a doctor. he di ngaged ear had b en il the Sue ery, and t' dector sewed it in its origina poeition i the hopes that it mipt heal up and grow n again. Mr. ,Johns n wee, then t ken to he hespital. He is els° severely br ased ab cc the legs. and injured Pi ndi the great e ettreefporre ferhoimngRetvh.e Jraemgieesh.T:hre- the and. I states that 'owing to eahas 4een received by v. eer enhodist missionary to major ter of the people at Dewson Cite are unabl to contrihutel to the mission fu d, while the cost 1 of everything more t an mall we up for halL hire tbe contributiens actually received. Witheut speaking of the, there is enough wea th in eight in the creeks around Dawson Cit to make that place a busy center far several years. . —,-All available land i the western Men- nonite ' reserve; re ent y thrown open to hasibt applied;fo , and officials' in the ng ged notifying fortu ate 1 the best in the ov- ine , end is sit ate ' in a well settle tridt. Among the pieties aiming to se their families from North Dakota, who motafied the Doininion lands agent that , will move over en abody this fall, with -L-About o e ;o'clock; last Friday inor mg ner, th Dr. Si one Th e, oe are cif the aece land, is equ tle nd ave ey on- a, tre start shipbuilding Niagara str hour the pre alarm was ru the city wer it made rapi and Machine hose i The expl head of the Simpson, of d in; the Bertram engine and orkircerner of Bathurst lend -lees ;were gated. A general g, Bo cilmost all the reelli of soon Playing 011 .the fire, but headava and the buil ing tally destroyed. Muse of said to have bee an eion in working shop. he ompany is Sohn laer- e Toronto. on and Miss Ethel nia, whe are livin at ehelIgland, °route; were 'paddling ver to the !Island from the city in a canee,ahout 100' 'o'clock 011 We nesday,evening of rat drink eut of the beer by leaning elver the edge bf the canoe, arid Miss Simpson play- fully pushed his head under. The canoe up- set, eid theY were left clinging to it for abou helf an hour before being rescued. butcher sleep in thel ;basement of the town slaughtelg rate. he the fire he wop ertram or Cent rued a reputation for ne day not long ago he large rodents. -I So numerous are rate around the towa hall that they are seen'almost in droves sesimp- ering and frolicking about at all timei of the day. Those which- Mr. Gildnex killed were felted out of a hole by turning the hose into it, and he clubbed! them as they —Considerable istir has been cause in Manitoba by theexhibitionlof a combined harveeter and thresher, which, if what is it lie tr le, will revolutioniz the f cl-dps i the west, and the say - Mayor Ev DS, of Brandon, Says that i the test on his farm it was co pletely su cess- ful and made a difference o five bushel per claimed fo ing of a tuire If tb thou und h ve oLE BROS. Publishers. $1 ti, Year in .Advance. $45, 00. He ought to be able c I 'rep corepany had distributed "th i ten and dollars among the overwork ; I and paid Iworkmen on the road it ei ould been vastly more commendab e att. rare case of poisoning occurred in the per ne nearly lost theie lives. Min, rook, Miry Jane and Ethel, deughters whic , owing to the heat, had under - ions. The result was that in abeut ur af r partaking Of it the parties be - deathly . sick, and began vcimittirig, tack beingIao severe that for a time it eared that there was danger of a cel - Dr Meldrum was willed, and every - done to relieve the parties, but it toek the hours before the effeat of the was checked. All three are I now 011 ay to recovery. : rom Fergus comes the story of Om ho ad a scrap over* young fel Ow he alike admired. One of the Os in hotel. Ou Monday night er ri al passing and gave her a me usie which was repaid in kind nd sized with a eup of water thrown :in - 11 ce. Both then betook theniselves t.o ear o the hotel. After the interehapge ew hoiee pithes the two grappled pulli g, seratehing, biting, kicking and ing ept a number of spectators in - df about ten minuten When the was ver, besides sundry beuises and hair, one girl had her month badly ed fi ger caused -by conaing in contact se .latiliter +occurred last; Friday ing bout 10 &else& at the, railWay ing o the Governor's road, bau 4 Mile of P Hs. Mr. Harry Wells and Miss man, whom be picaed up on the way, dray' g to town when the passenger Weil was picked. -up by the tea -haven ''. roug t to the station, where he died. -ee :30 f om a severe fracture pf the alkali. Sch man was not injured sserieuely n u on the fence by the roadside and- - al et instantly. Mr. Harry Wells mama er fee Capt. Malloy, of ehe Oak Fa , on the Paris and Beantfard If was a great, whole-souled fellow, had a host of friends in }atria and tford One or two brothers reside in nte, rad another, Marshall Wells, the us bi yele rider, lives in New Jereey. wa 34 years of age and full of vigor 'near Ottawa. r. Conroy' is a eapi hal land presiden of the electric railway from Aylmer to If lh ; eat week, Dr Logic, of aria, g to Galt eir hie ions. He was East River road, him, threwing his right shoal- aments torn, and he Galt ho pital oo• lish practise. —A. fatal. accid nt too place a few days Widow residing gear An an in the fown- bome from Owen Sound eeaehed the outskirts wh right at so -me -object and s a large rooky piece of treet, and the ho se dash a few minutes. ohildren re left, her hula) lad acci edieine, end die —One day met with severe injUries i a fanner's, buggy while rid bicycle, ; with two : comp coasting clown a hill on th when` a fanner dreve int him to the ground, eausin —A Buffalo lawye is suieg the Richelieu and Ontario Navigat on Company ler $26,- 000, pn the 'ground hat lest bummer the steamer Algerian, en which' hiniself and wife! were paesengere, lefa Clayton ten alio- , utea 'ahead o advertised time, ceasing de- . I ay and loss n money. ' The log beok of the; Algerian she a that ahe left Cla,ytbn at the proper hour. —An im Toronto oa of the Meth ada, which i Metropolita delegates t tion there a fronli the Un s at the by Rev. Wagner showing second-class teaelie by the ministerial trio and qu issionery ome work the em- ek p an of s rtet ered by wertfi. The the position, for hie part him: the le 1. ortant meeting Which began pi dist general gonf bums of Ca - in quadrenniel e salon at 't e. church. There are 282 official, the confereace; and, in addia e clergymen and laymen Who ted States, England end Jaetan. lent of junior judge for Went - re were eeveral applicants for but Mr Menck's hard week in the ounty contests made der. W en the registrarship offige, but Mr. Ho e's claims were the. strdnger, and he ot the appointment, The Judgeship was the next plum in order. -T-Alittle daughter of E. Hull, of 'Kifigston, was watching the circus proces- sion from a window ever McParland's store one clay laet week,when she lost her balance and fell to the walk hepeath, a distance of fifteen feet. Fartauately. elle dropped on her hands and feet, saving her frpm serious injuries. Her forehead ceine in ceetact with the granolithic walk, but was only slightly appointed clerk in the new Ontario Fisher- ies Department, at a salary of $800 per an- num. Mr. Cox has for some time been eat- ing as assistant to Game Warden Tinsley, and his appointment as a permanent member of the Ontario Civil Service seemsto denote thet he is possessed of exceptional qualifi- caeions,.-which.lia.ve obtained recognition at headqu eters. Mr. Cox can ley claim to the honor o being the first official appointed to Fisheries Deparement, ery serious but peculiar aceiden William. Johnston, a well -k t new fe fa —A Mr. mer s ,me d ye ago. Mr. Johnston had so d to Mr. W . Grille, butcher, Of Galt, for slaught r, a heifer which had always been a very vi jou, and incorrigible beast. Mr, Grills' an went out to Mr. Johinston's farm t fetch the heifer to the slau hter house and before handing ie over to the man kr. Johnston took the animal into a stall to hobble its feet. Just what occarred to cause the injuries which the unfortanate man sustained at that time is not known, the details being that a disturbance was heard by the men outside coming from the stable, and upon enquiring the cause Mr. be - own girls Who wor saw chin emp her the of a Hai pun tere fray leos Wet spra wit MOT east Sch wer trai end at 1 Mis and dist thr kill Par roa and Bra Tor tam We ' 111 If irt rg—afePrIllehx:nidecmteihaltf e'°tit!i •Puhgtewun:tel c 3:eyil 1Pu.weYnbr: 1 Is ha ot; 1 cli, a i grgor ea .i Ibrd ea gahte ier e. noticing the Sara 4 eider Liticol end instead gave the we, li;o1—r(leTilleihnme nt°18i eionary Bo rd, the Rev. McKey, ha 'received weed from th Donedd McGillivray, who recently I left London for the cont ent on .A.ug He will wh el across ranee and ae Brindisi, ;Italy. On arrival at B he; will vitae, ths missi trict, and t` eve overl Nevember , He will the Globe, Mr. Mc • ti1 c cling to r. a t that th Board of D Teeters a el Trunk Were eo well tisfied aye' work einem-he teok old of teed that r. Hays entered up- rk as gene al in$a2n5a,gz ledthhee 1. ' The affairs of the latterroad as having been in a terrible r, Hays carries home 4 bundle nd works at them evety night t, and now rumor hire it that inning to shine into the here- li ted offaira Of the "Vermont , ti is)iandsome sum of, $35,0001 e of the Grand Trunk have sent i er ten thousand, which brings; and had most n •her horse took an away. here (=mon near the d over this.] The lady was t Iowa ries wh eh proved f ta.1 in larg family of ming .Abou three yea seago ently rank soni horse from he result. Limes Lincoln, o the looks after the c aging ung ate et, Toront haa nee re ently with a 'deit- y. Th man had a rived ate, an was maki g bis shun r was corn ng ger on the track, r n out by th coat and ulled The an seemed con- e ac don a reeeh of co rtesy, of t ankin him for hi - life, retitry of ue-thrashin 1,, and. fb To - at be at la. art of amer at dig - ha of for Su the ber th 1111 th qu re re ro sis od ti fo 110 er in et w ame ay not efore, came all the more as a blow teller ved gent en a Jeity, and was married to Mr. Cash not e ten years age. He, with two child; '- Alma Winnifred and Hilda May, aged ectively nine and five years, survive to rn her taking off; together with theesor. mg p rents and three brothefe and Jour re. he deeeased will be -mach missed t churebes, in both IA which eongeega- a she ;748 an active and untiring w iker the cense of God, being a very po ular much loved teacher in the Sidebath ol of the latter church. A quite bnt charming house wedding to place on Wednesday evening, August 31 b, at the home of the, brideas parents, M . and Mrs. Hugh Wilson, -Stratford, w en their eldest daughter, MSS Lizziea was. • ted in mairiage to Mr, John iRoss, &well: yen Grand Trunk engineer, of that. ,eity.- eeeremony was toeducted by Rev. M. L. teh in the presence of only the hrimede teful a ilex. as An et of rted b unueually large list of handsome and - Perth Notes. Cash, wife of Albert Cash, paper Stratford, died suddenly Monday ek. Mrs. Cash had been ailing ime, but only took to her !bed on reviews. Even then her illness , thought serious, and her death, ved ones. Rheumatic fever was whereby her life was brought tO Ba aughter of James Chegoweth, of ernatien of Gis with Mr the road It is un er Grand T gets $10 mont 8411ogrleer of rape till mid ig 4sylight is along meet the film naries in th nd to the Cenadian ere he is due on circled epent ing the ith bis hen have e illivray had evions to to, w ending • 1111 ia isplay of iloseers lent an additional the surrouedings. The ptimlar s attired in a, pretty gown of iloyal cede, with satin trimmings, and bouquet of carnetions,_ rosee and. She was attended by her tinter, ie Wilson, whip Was gowned* pale wile- and carried:* beautiful bou- weet peas. The groom was sup - his brother, Thomas. There was pper °Routed the ceremony, after Which ngrat lations and -best wishes were ex- -Str tford lost one of its earliest settlers Wed esday of last week in the ;peresin of - re. Fr ncis Ingrain. She was porn iii the o Etna came to that city with ber husband 1844, when Stratford was aforesta eon - ming only fourteen houses. Soon! after riving her husband cleared the preperty mediately east of the site on whieli the ; spitat is located, aad thereon built a frame use which was partially destroyed loy fire couple of years ago. BY industry atid ligentiattention to his business Mr. Ing - am wee able to leave Ms wife and ehild- ome twenty-five years ago. Hid wife feerwairds looked After the farm for soine me,, is bsequently going to live with her aught r, Aggie, in Doweie near Aventon. pon er daughter giving up the faem the id lad returaid to Stratford and mede her °me ith another daughter, hire Ai Hall, t whoee plate she died. Deceased was of MA and chariteble diaposition and was urvivi g her are five daughters. le esclayi August 31st, at the residence of the' ride's ;mother, Stratford, when Mise Bessie- ., eldest daughter of MTS. Frederick orkma.n, was married to ReT. Rutherford, D., son of John Rutherford, of 'North Eaathope, now practicing in PorV Austin, !Michigan. At 2 o'clock the bridal couple entered the drawing room and took up their Positio under a handsome lineal arch, The room levergr ipieasin Janies The at. Rev. • L. Leitch, pastor -of ox "church. The b ide was given away by her uncle, 31. • C. Mollerwell, deputy sheriff. About sixty invited guests from far and near greeed the wedding luncheon was partaken of, after which the happy couple were drivea to the statioe, where they took the afternoan train for Toronto end the visa On theie return they will spend a. few days in Stratford be- a,d been beautifully decorated with ens and golden rod, and ,presented a. apnearanee. The bridestrudds were ily Workman, sister of the bride, rother ed by s Rutherford, sister of the oom was supported by his Rutherford, and Dr. Harry tat of Mr, Hata' yearly salary' fore returning to their home An Port Austin.