HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-02, Page 87 A'r t 7i::7 IN 1_4 T P.- 7�77 7n A - 7 J % it 01 -1 0 :E "MBER S 'To XPOOTOR sated lot the fast stook 14 1 lishl lentl Pri the Ess4rn Ststels bef re A- p a r D�Y,—A oi oil I u 1110% er D2* itol nitig to their home. iii. Detroit. so Vill B ibune, i�all oitl in was N er 00i -Grocery exhibit, on whole Oubtless bave to off ten-tr int tot befo r, 3 time ras! purnei dn th retv ok ja the wil-SaWs 01 sh: "most creditable. and even then the referee bad to calI, t smitiviv� set r,- kit ox �l But, good an was, it would d iissed amon her mi 4talber �of ibe towns ople I H91t 0 here last Keel 3y will be 113 9 emes he a at no now on Mar as the ame- Went Seaforth had't a' s�bnt A 0uple a days at iome k Field and Garden sood -Ve have Evans & Col I been better I i for the very, dry weather we 0al ;donlitn f ueblo friemi is, and all unite in wi#hiDg the young Pood day. -4 -Baker saw log marigold seed., Iden Tankmrd and Long have had IaWly, as plauts`will not thrive best of Iti Wi It.a. accre of two goaJ to 0 a 'week. Mr R il mi Cresswe'll, 0 su W nesd4yi, �d e art a 9 J Mr. G: H. 004 a long, e. al I he matt 8 is no I Colori d. 9, i; ViSE Short White in their f it_qlg "N i do et Red mangold oevd, Inipo,,T, wrot slid n t e big father, essful' 4nd h ad of pigs this withoui, plexi ty of water, and that as & patolue ip a dar to the low- �cksrgm Mrs. Keely will be am to bsF'piri ith. Mr. Henry th6best varieties of 8% di turnip seed at t hands of the J. T.1 A. committee to deci e Cro a, vt 11, in T ebl club will go ve, something ',ew had to spare. ini c. —The eat L)rlcos. Our stock 0 as wia nevei better thin I I e Croilis, vi tilig big rather. —Mrs. aftet October let, ohigall al V, run islet b #-- upon, Mit in 1,11 fairriess ot r boys s oul.d *on Labor Day to return It Is now. Our 26o Japan li the*Post In the market. �s also Mrs. Dunkie W d Over ng, a,& ater 0 ,oarantee to pleasil you mi tch. They won it sqtlar. y (Dr;) �torli I I Give us % call and we %01' 4 Kil MAlia-alp. —The Tofouto 0ta, of given the Miat )h With a to ifn of that place.—tIessrs. and for less money thin 3 0 1 can buy from any ped- a of Mirr irs, are -isiting Mr. Willia I --- , eir Bruceifield he G r ";I' St. J r JA wery have moved back to eat Monday. has th# following n o u's and that in t is face of can iiderable odd' Did Geo lar Our stock of 0 - were playin on the rounds of ao 4ohn 8 ith, M., P. P., R. B. HiGoiNs, Brateefiel Notor ub Ic t rocerlon Is No. 1 -quality, On t r Prices are as low as an t 0 1 from ndon, repor Ing lines very :T� y.(n inthat K nt, Any give a 5 PeL ral and as we Church, Washington, on Thursday lal Dr. they IND uld he ve liked. nothiti- of Pe fl, - called on frie do inzt wn on Friday Conveyancer, Fire and Life Ins ranoe a City.—The rbo6ry of reent. cash dlicount to cash customers Theo. Colemiu and Kathleen Blake Vyatl ins versary, who, 'the cont.,'O a rot -class q ii t in the 1 Foro..sl on dl - over, exc#pt- flour mud. to them def6atoi last'. -Two rinks a Seafor h1owli rig club amount of money to loan it 5 Ne purebans of $1 aid bothof Toron , -were marribo-.- Theo Cple. better than to h ve seen i l security. Also a limits mount of private Fohn's hureh is being pushed rapidly. give us S CalI.L - Good 5 i . Mali is excet dingly well - known: and very t n told my' to p a funds At home very morl &P4 ipleti and it farn I it will paii YOU thui givin the amotior ormok 6t lie we t to Walkery Ile yes 'th t tal r I at 5 per cent. OF =In Dinner, e et Sets, and a. good, al I he junfors play good Iil Mato I With the dub of 'th Wednesday 'of each yveek. Soviet I goqd farms lot. sortmPlat to select from. ift much': liked in Toronto, i where he wiiiis a. champiodihi a highest prica* paid V , as eng iged in ell 1671 lig ev a iselhurst so A Oef tr Q for all kinds of-trado. student At tits University, -of ToronW., in orb' Is a th 6rythi Hug] Itephensom, wh) b i been I I I C Oolei In. a's f oundr r hei e for m any yei rn" a cry ry h a X)l isti Annie Brooks has, been gone to Hartsell) I D w)rk with idlip been appoixit�d returning cer f arts and med'einc., for, seviaral ye rs. As is the -Classic ty layers le N cry I L FS.—Mr. Th Mae aser baq, G. ALSON, Seaforth. Mr. Of _�CAL BuiR rated as possessing di substantial fortone. r Sout4i B kf, Commerce Bloc)c. His, f mily we. We hope. 0U.I.r Fall At college he was a distinguished social I ad- Ruo im FoOTBA rr,. —At I i gene a] meeti g the lie salt foun lry. are still Hurbn in the coming plob: soite vote. � ThO, ill for t e pa it wee4 or t those interlesti d in ap -ro, held in )e h 9 back in'the dy rec overliv. Mr. Ander- r here, aipd.we ho to so i ear toi be ve fo er. Hewas litmuftV' iri "Residence," and Q prohibition ap or Sp advocates of occitipeied e pulpit here last -Sabbath: a ling *ILS foundr here bef re I ng.—N. r. 111. L. Smith, a prominent member'" of the Greek letter town hall, on M(niday sy Apathetic, and if Brhoefield amid' �icinity io in received Inoon, ev. Mr. Martin hav I ng' groo ry, went tolToronto on Y I )y f all 101 tD i ndex of pu ic feeling througlicl sockety. He was an at any to pri so e ames gd qhurohv th gbffl ox� 7 see t e Sigh to an� enjoy a well P6 c4 roa DOMINION BANKl airdent'pstr6n of� all decided to orran ze a rl oott U th aftle 'college'sports,and �! an active and cap4ble to -be known. as is star Ru u eld mi�eriabl Dorrinionthep bisciteWHI be I S 3count of llness of tI -or.—A Ity -company, Q ub and I e fall ing. $1,500,000- in this vicinity attended i I Belshe at Soublismyt, ieir past m1po tat officer at "Qu'en's ball 01 n ay. Cal -.as fdr Is prohibition it, conoerrie& 100 CAPITAL(Pakid Up), the Unit is: w fail v re "Ifer 3 i If P1 ollibition if defeated olil September P9L� lar R`ESIT $.1,500,006. Pwn Riflos. Aftihis -gradual 4wnal ed- eleotea for the or suingy dr, viz. : Honorary ton, 1wt a town th The 'olnuel number be M.-lothodi t III la at r ; honorary vi e- cam? 1 ery near being % senator a time, the openill ofl a c r,�,rc icine, he spe Lot three or four years president, 1, 1 Aw 11, injall p bability, b - ing F. Cole 6 the last ehanc( I and the tea- ermsny --and eat pros Pearce ;F doing W&3 11 lug on OR -,of 0 but ur fortunate ly for him, h is ippol atmen Sta .0. last Illabbat the big h tals ident, W.* K, iresidemt, W. H. this generation will 'have ]of ti SEAM' T iii BRANOH I r Neil ; Isec wa Oct) made Sam, enough It- was one of day n4,ht,—`I`he foil l 0, owinj Britain. returned t J,une Baker !; vice-president, ;C 4 a& a traffic w Ach is deno�mced and pr vex oll lef T o, America in with is g'ict Ep- Have i 6 xvccmmeu� �ed by Sir Charles l!upper di t street, Sesfort mt." Dr. olernin tive of Sealfctrth taty-treasurer, Rant in coach, thos er ay to attend the. d Main is a na beyond doubt ti o be the gre�teot evil .-of thli, general bank ng bu sinless transacted. Farmers" 1 rother� 6f the Me srs. Pease' W. Z. Beat ; (ommit: 0 befoi -retired from office, and which the 0 h tion, which wo hel �p Is, and is ar [OUP1 manager, nineteenth cen ally. Let xlhb temperance MLr. James J. - Parish, Sale 1qotes collect, ad, and advances insde on same it Coleman at t4lis tl - Mrs. � Coleman. ii the of management, Thomia Jolinsom 4011 so Gov 3,'rm or-Generit I re'fuixed to I Auction —Miss peo e u to the great responsxbilii�y n' irk;on: Mr -Miss, M E., 'Dick H. E -A. aburyll homas Stepheis, Jeri Is Ball t ' I ft here I Vedul ay for alowest rates war correop)ndent of'the Tormto n Whi no la A itpon them, and by p I g k, ies Ess3 Mcllt, y1i ai, and Mr. N 7h= isie has Wen eng od as V. J. .'Fybl They ye art Va-il who re ently �vi t rry Jackson. The for memboralip Be% 7js�ille ming In4jority the good tin SAVIN EPARTMIWT. pi ed Cuba and whi for Ha in t up n overwhel ta.—M�. H. N. )43ag- ArriVad. we h:,, has ccinduoted*ithe. "Won an's has been placed I f the 1; lI1 sum of 500, Ind a ti mcber pronto, t Vern several years stre thening e hands of he G' vern out, 9 Dollausn upwal received, and!, Kingdoni ". lipatin ent * in e.ol e age d t6 see a throt]ig�_ a the title a a very A d Mal Lorne MeT, Aggart Del of On that . jou nal. th ulb would and hoW t4em yond doubt th*t the peo- ar, 3. rrent rates. Interest refor Us pl cam 1. most succei interest &I , lowed at higi clot in ew i a useful ttle volurne recentl 1�ub- a*41 i returned fro % Visit to Detroit! in nbors and boo' ple (f C0444 nt;,and will holl 3ing Mauy of Our *readers� will join with u i in be ome added. tol princi al twi o el lich yosr�at the and of lal n mber not lieb A h ail visiting hei this;l June and l?ecerpher. �'o hotice of withdrawl, is wishi,n4 Dr. find Mrs. Coleman much iap- going, of rugb The' retary will )e iin con ation the 8 urday Wi ilter Ve ion -of a It Wane_ It give _M ra (Dr. McLeod, of Detrl al �ing bisory of squired forl theL �hcle an: port sit. piness in their new relations. leased, to hear from any entails ru� )y an interes 9 Witq M Muir and,chil rl and ro C LL M ere a on; in R. S HAYS, K. PE.kRCE, Football team th a yiew to arrang ag te city, ti gether ed home from eir visit to. So laud Ithis, rO Bonbhr on Hensall, w 04�g sistin; '-of N liave frio� ids bore thign reek. Agent. it I ai mirag, xecuted illustrationi of the The ki shor i of pro ibit6ry law,—R4v Attribut Mui WANTED.—Two hundred :tubs of ob allies matches. w splic or week venimg N*iII be: Spent oh .—A socia e Dalry Butter, I ic, -Also 60 cases eggs weekly, G.E. .pul: lie building edue4tiolial inst4ttti.01118, the manas lawn by the mombers: ad, !1 residences, and d resi. hig Ktilto, Wingham. business at Pol-t Albert. e evexii AN INT13RESTI Book —1,-Oul. war w th berelato to[ the coxigreption1 on th Jackets 'Onesec)nd- e is �lc asant i ummer 111e L air, i hat`1161ds. ENSILAI 1, C'UTTER OR ,1l — roots, as well a Spain for Cnb&`� Freedor is the title of a. of Tuesday, fth inst. Refreihmliarits­ will *OTES.��Hariy Qu5.id left for M�Mnitobal Y, e26TS Of s6l d a hand No. 14 lot r knife bylindou ensilage -cutt 9r, a an ap of the cit Shown, g the b I r. E. be morved,from six to eight o'c Oak, after las�, week.—Misi Lizzie Steverim SIT. be sold �C leap m y new, can 'Aiplontild worl r, nearl lea Ing Oints and Metric% ilway a dis Trim 10' of hot it lays in Flealic rton Our 'acher Capes - n o' e volume' for hich Nk res rts, 3n npout her is the fact Apply to 0. C. N 11,LSO.1, SelillOrbli. he new W The confidence at on WAII customers W.pol of thi town., :a solici �ing F8311 b ran ea. f1b is creditable to the eiterl 61 P co isistil 160 I -ti whidh a brw rogra der lei 19 L I Elliott., of Goderichi bt4's cam- thatL shoppers are al (ter sappointed with the V I girl for gei oral toriber his Wok is 4ell-written, e ly Wmaic by the ob urch 0hoir, theleiii r nne a most ob= WAISTEM-4 gooc �d by . 1 theGIcbe,andinuat be very bonef cial tal me0ed work.—Miss Alice G. lawkiris results. What We ad, ortis y we are prelpared to inte sely ih i 5trated. It gi es dresse' hAs in pply prints a i wor� ulail laffilly, ; goodidwages ip: of Mr.. Tarniekon, a NTY ighboring clergy iWill be g U Mel carry out. Pure D Tat his. poaltive13% no equal for MINTY Sea" a quccitict �w a the city, as well as a great, oonveni nee to a Nash, rille Tenridisee, n iSatur. Dress after Seprothbi r l2tW to Mrs..- F. 0. G. istory of the I its we C ve im the —Mr.' Hare� e r Wag the nioney, 26o, and 40c per pound, We have 1rulto all who, visit thd city t Ago, bl urh.—Mebor ames e forth. ch a. Tforge M.Un as, daY Chic 4' � She accompani d to and pfcRclo supplies of 611 ki ids. thonItedilstat&' and $14in, and blie an 68 1 to Hensall to take charge of tb as b en ap- lass so Lhe I rue , on 01 Do Yo.0 Wisij qd-GAA. F —Ninety which led p to it ; also 3, ddscr' on goe Baird, and L. O'Counell retu a Haiwkins h Our meats sausage ad olongna art ahead' tc to to' f irnishig bdsj neon of 4 sar on bell )10 her. Mis an gen 8. per cent. of o ir paesprizers gain from flve Ing day love hey in the hospit, I from'. 06 6t snything- in town. Isl t n. as TeIQp1 Doc No, sevjorall iSI,, do5which, 48 a, eau trotit, *here (d hief nurse YouT enjoy your d un !if you do. were, t if you are run d Znn t If he Gne g '-there. Mr. Sle re 8 ning from De c number intend! S d k ffuds on a tr 3 o Mickinse. 10 Maod(nald, sl�s radusted.—A his bus' see, d is k a uli the lakes; war have Ileiii under the (oAt .1 he gone on the redent hey whi a cruis We guirantoeyoar Out; of and is r ic to he tho on bly mas;er delighte4 with bhe trip. ing will benefit yo The cost is witbin the rem ih o United Sta, so,' and' a descripti(n of at a Eirl a in and, 3ext talk i4 �n the Toronto e hibitio. all. Send 2c fl r iliustrrated pamphlet. Addre is A� r spe adyma people w he In desboro. ATTI P. A., D, and U.. btCAMers, the -coast 4o inhallit, tr III usti atio' o Lrei kee iiin him hei p, we are gl d to fiend so Im re E B Fk S. A. Sc also ive f mar y of t e var Vess Is h ch line, Detrol�., M chigan. also ghl goo I a an to Hensall.—A letter received Morris. knkl� compo ed e Anierigani, and Span sh gee ts, te 08 here- f in Captain Norm Nons, h ige number,of acres %T S, E(;08., In regard to tho I. r HENSAt 1ACHINE Simpl are Pie- an !MeLeod, who ar be- Timmings make Odd Grocers, 0 BiAc ith Ortraitf, of sevelial I the Whi dt. Ada referred to in last week's mers must pated to do �`41nptly any repair wofl� entrusted to hosibec in Vancouver, Bri ish Columbia, ing sown with tall wheat. Fai, ery orry if it caused Engine and �oilcr leadinj oth laid as, �nyan­ a in our line. work, floor and ata, eamipen and on b isou I s very Durm - I plaolL h left helle, Ian accepted a have bread, evo n though t6y have no Poto, I mill Work, ng inill and flax mill Work. It is tnoy4riel, SEAFORTR, TEL NO- 8 ati:sly'inter 'ag boot 'an we The it w a done unintention*1l 04 goo r ro ov e 008. ecitalattentitingiii,en' beeps& fo, it a libeii . at patrorage-L Mr. a ernor ( gilvi —Harveat ng is finished up for another has been ei specialty r 8 ex ny a We certainly know Mr.'Adams g no BMW dike, a ad he in likel i on his wav to year' —Mrs. J, 14,elly and ir . 1'. M, abb has been la 1kX ani flax mill maohlnery a the KIc In d i:ij for a)me time 111a ing a very Ties, C a 011 BXE Jr., HOT411,11 Engine 'and Mshin� Woodl h aidi il hi�gh price as Mr. Ouirri 1 tha) go.dencou t b this time.—Mr, Ed. are ill.—Wm. I llickie is stilit e, 1003.3 witll e B 6 hemora ,,e Of the 1st. �Worll HensAll evere a tte;ok COU� ESPONDD-NT i Fall', Term Gpe#s Gat row, of! W4 20y, Alg ma,* was hero sore. arm. —F. i: nd A. Russell h ve� go te to P iog to get eash-and lungs, And as he is unak) to wa k Ile lias new aud- PjF,.,oPL-_, Wi h the -high- thit we 3K visith g hiS brother Robert, aftd thewesil,.�Mr J.,Pugh, f esels 'was a' playing his time, t e 6 -h line, irliton. i7st price for beir,poultry, should c4l. at V11. F. adopted this means of I K a() last Case & Co.'s 'utcher shop, work w It ac in des a Carmichaels Block, Sea. so that Subscribers to th oth r 'riends.—We 1111fiderstand that t4e on a visit to rionds on The.' forth. 4T33s* —Harry Gilbert now rl� Hoiery 1603-4 Lai an.teBidence; on North, Main Street, has week.—Men a scarce on t e 6w line now. i plish the double object a aidins him andL I —Miss C Mr. Win. qovDnloek, A good many, eft S�inuei of Exe� Mr. Fret rick -G. Simpson, pupil of bee I p ire as on Tu a a �or Milani r " bike. udmorei securing �or themselves a most ir tereabing, WiL from ti e as Gov- tin 0 )gat, Nib; E. Ball's this i week. Dvorl or ani I of Askin street Methodist church, signals of the estatel Mr. tobs.—Mr. aut] Mrs. J. Wi 0 went t L ter,1118 V�isitll 0, instrujive and val6ablel mok. STJ1ATFG 1.1D, ONT R10. Loodon, wFil r ceive pupils in 0, an orl enli ick intends r from Toronto on Tuesday. T e �y. Also visit —Mliss g, H. Tufts returned home qu Fri - OL and. iq famil nLd in o harmohy,, at he -Mettiptilot arganal Seaf)i�h, so Tit the larg, -,at st successful Msiitoba, and mo n h ocou this at dayJail af ter 0 Vi g Napanee. Mrs Wi h not One of will hortl n sp�ndig a couple f 'weeks Term beKinning September 16th. Adiltesi Box 606, EOHON DIr is in V r Iftibbons a ILLE Nol Willi b wiLh relettiveo in ILondeab obert in the Donali4fil GO 'dua�tes Seaforth., rhe Re� in iso me and o6mmodious resideric We good health.—James all had a -good i' eminently sitecel4ofi -I. Wallis, who so acceptal ly occupied the ul- lb�ixisoii tild soxio' Melville, rets home n his p�rc a o e Aa, wel- aly &a GIRL at once A, 6cl yral ulate him a drawing out manure on. ri Write for beiiiiii-tilul catalogue, it of a ir c�ltirch d4ring. the five Sabha as on Wedr est:14 ol week, After sp �nding -t and big heat eon tihim as a oitizen.—blies, i,ols age is Wool 8 -general fiervant girl. Fernam6l 0 a A. L. ek *ith friends in York count Geo. t the EXPOSITOR, OFFICE, Soaforti'l, via] Ang friend in - Toronto. a We W. J. E11LIl Prina�ipai. 4444-62 wages. Apply f Mr. Shaw, qion,.ler for his home in Bluevaile. Toronto - a# Mouday,(f I-Ast W k. - Mr., Rili sell leavers ext week to atten e on- Atoore, M. Dil and his mother of keg- Veiling allis a a yourip man ( n: orlti t, n o'rdin- NoTEs.—Mrs. J. J. Mo idilittI4 A f16* 'Goo cook itove'. coal Wallis villot, spent FoR SALE,OJIEAP.-�Goo all a nferene of the Method 4hurch, Sunday tenewi.6g 'acquan ances 1 ity and oar, peo le will be leaned to * . daughter, Mairgaret, eetain 'orono. Duri S ITS TO VIRDER I stove and fire proof safe. Apply to IV. W. H off i nan, ary wh ch r. Rus. in the villagetIl—Will, Charles, of Toro to. s Seaforth. lian he& in Again. —Mr. a ad Mrs. Thomas will e ied by ummer months at the resi ence of Wit visiting friends in the yillage.—Seltiding is u r Per a nt le gtpl 83p Re-. r. Waddell of Hi A -sp 4 qu at Wm. Pickard.4 '11iner n ei ichi 3usall -6ii-.4e Il pretty far advanced in; -this vicinit�.—R. sell s hiiB Vulpit will Half gallon ei a 70- per dozen ; Ault U bf N anist meoer, left for their home Hamilton llas Good 5.4ts to oirdes for $101 lozan - lifors. �10c` to isre. Friday.—Mrs. VVm. Messe is visiting kre ife an' -fa mily, sper 0 per diizeu; fil A. G, last we tk with n dativ it Sunday in 60� p r 4 iM`9' Re, f � Holmosville - on the Hoskins' y All dZes l wife an Co;.'s ; better Suits to order ?or, 12,50, at Wm- , grocery, Seafoith. ti, gie Dal r, dagh t or of �� �r. Thomas Daly, of It 1, Japtl Rev. Mr. Burton, oU Va nal on Ira. Bark�,V, of Ypsilanti, ic n. — rs, Pickard & Co.'g� ; excellent Suits order for $16, Excite —The H: lei rood Concert Company mot er Bend on Saturday PANTS LcsT.—Lost in gmondville on this- vilial and Mast Frank Smith, of the 18th. Mrs. Russell and -d.,a;ugh McXeviri� of Exeter, is vial ng be, r will ve a concert jai. Win. Picl & Cc Is ; beautiful Suits to order, a -rt is:viW At p4nd very choice mother, New. Ifor $16 50� at Wm. F ickard & Co., a ; � - Alonday, -a air of pants, tied up,in a p reel. V'04 Brusselsand.DanMcK of Tackerainibli, in the village. rs. Chart Her 3precitied by vill oblige gy leaving them at ti a ExFo spe id the time with 'her oveiiii highly al to, order for to $19, at Vmj Pickard & sITOR kq, 1BIACk Sui, - 41 m ith r" !at ives here dur rig bridge. �:-Thirty- two tickets said from Ring in Toronto. --Master 03aryto Duff ban ults in I niniense variety who boarded ' 11 All. he familly Stirt on a grand doncert Flanneleftes Seafbrkh. iN I ate have silocess their 0 )ollegi coure f �ily gone to Toronto to take a c6urse i a 01181 * Out t toug CA all on Septembet letl at Vr�. Pickard & 00 'a; I ouths' and See our ad on pDage 3, eme r here ta Toronto on Tuesday. is pretty patem i�,' �ol � E:9mred heii second at" examination. e u1so'coUegel, Hisfatheradoompavie him Children's Suits in a large i thetimptoget ourstoves cheipll us;!TA1 -of the A �Jessrsi -K W. Sheir *u m. Pickard I d W. J. Dawson took ir not superior duce our stock. - Come and ch)oee fib our I e in tt 0 Qapel values equal cei 0 goo I for the first day ug k aheli I& C6.1s. We xuaral y collgratulate faithful yo: I big crowd intend 1ZO1 do, n4b ee the and will spend a few Part in �he coli t at Grand Bend on Saturl assortment. city t any in Western, Ontario, We I vite inspection A fine line of eecarid-hand toves M1410 tuderil, on their welli, ear ed hon6rs.— 188 too Sao Match on Situr al b4i. S witt, of .—Rev. W, J. . West ha � re m ned f. . ion 1 day last4—Harry Mille and Charles Brooks and co-tuparlson. instock. S. Mullett& Co., Sealrrth. 1 -1 visiting friends in Woodsto Jk. Jane Dallas,. of Alma; Michigan who had Linens Met'littreal, representing the Ni xthlerin. spent Stinday it, 3rand Berd. Twent -ore pounds 'of i best;, granulated been a ending a, ew d a hc�lidays with ]let-, an� , Manufacturing Co., of ti at city, lWas in W.1 atives era, left or hip BlYth. sugsr,for 4, ii A.li 0. Aults, Seafortb. 1603 m 'Piiiiilikard & 0,0. ome on onday tow a this week, and it is now. pr6bat Is that i _X� umley SEAFORTH: Mori in' .—Dun"I g thii stirimer cur sohDOI -we will have competition ii tile electric BP.IFFS.—PAic school re opiltined on XOTES.—A- very successful tea meeting DEliLTti op NIP& WILL1,01 CJ1.0tTER8,--On I d h a been 0 e fav( it e resort of . th )as ligii :i buiiineas, With a correal oncfing out in Thursday, after the mid-siammer b olidays. ara and sal WaF hqld in the Bethany 1 -church Monday last,- Mr. Rbb - Charters, of the a ride I he eal"- espeoially the - P61it 7013 d am ITuesday evdniujo.7 SPeecheal . . . . . . t was a ree, an on ay ert Tearnin t rati Y.—Miss Pennybaker, a] Huron, Mr.'Wm. Fenwick accompaniect'his wife urtains, id. Tru nk 13 ay Mill road, Thakernmitli v"ed'the said in- ladies. One do uesday,wbere recei re )rd Gran wa the guest of the Misses Lamb, in town,. to the hospital in -Toronto on T_ were delivere� on Monday night by.-Revds. telligence of G death of his 'Mother, rs. breaker as there was Ire tournam.-rit for ew a days. —Mr. Ed. Mo rami d wife,of she will undergo treatment: for a. lingeri 1 '09 Bal of Kirk �on ; Waddell, of I�Iensall 'William Cho tere, wbil6h took 01sce at, the daring the aftemocl beffig seqed ell now Michigan, Are visiting Mr. Mor- disease.—Miss Blanche Chamberlain reti.4rn. residence of ker daughter, kra A. Keu- about six o'clocki and e 'uIhinrr toucss �Cowtier, of -Milverton, and Jbw�tt and och To-muto Ind Ar The Hamilton Tim a of Mon-: ed home gn Saturday from 'visiting friends Thompson, 1 .0 Eliniville., The proceeds y- M arril allace of C ts U re b. i V n6d -, of Ashand; Wisconsin.' Mrs. Ch tore lat on afterwarl' da$ last says 11-Misis Daly, of SesfiOrth, in.Windoor' and London. —Division court rpe amo inted tt: V 0., !�fter detonatin died on Friday� .26th ulb.,* having reaelled Mwpo t, Rhode. I41ar is home oil *v'sit r t saml:'Ave Maria' by Mallard, in -8 kary's wall held her on Wednesda'3, when sev-�,ral the 'good ag oti 84 years! -and six man the. to, his mother, Joseph allace 'Of I She was important expenses th�'y wi I go for -the benefit' of the evening. in. excel- -a es were dealt th y schbo,. Music, was- refide�ed for RETURN Cal ied,ral last Be Salihath She '�ying her asual good health' Tucker i blr.�Vflliae gom to pend and her rendition at thit solo was Walter Rigs. y i is w�ue`ral an Only,$1.8 0 lent volce, a attendig'tl U" asionil V r E i - - 1. . 1110,00c *eter James street eboir. FARF, until the X da�y previous to hef deah, some ti e ith I elative i i a INIdnitobd'bef we Rytkman, of the boundary, �:� gnes I Ing an -in, -* h an attack of, ties,-ZLIisses Ind 'hot a Sale go Goal go; da or tra return- of ads in the barrack;, 6n Mon clinrch l.rmy wi h. ' be Ep- an ve pleaaing."�-The Salvation: dI ference in Toronto this t T d at diairlicil Her en sh to.- k r6turni to ME dial worth League of the Moth Ugborne)�Ie on"Cuesday'lastfor Mi,,higan. y ary conditio we, not congidered griticaluntill 1A orguson, of B y city, Michig 10, day evening. An ice-cream e tertained the Leaguers of' ondesborc, a Ing On Or b6f)re 8epteri%ber 12th. sooff1will b nd �She'was AcepImpa 31ed by her daughte 7', Mrs. passed qu tly Iv. 'Labor Day Excursion rates -r -single - Friday everi ug when she soent I at week with 1 it tives h !ro. �1_88 heiJ in connepti�n.�Ur. George 4roon Westfield on Tuesday eventng- Iasi, when a 'McQueen, o Heic sall.—Mrs. E. Hil�las and OML away, her afiten anits thinking a6! -first hat 'Mary -will rom0l I here io'r some ti me as rer hat resigned.'his posit mg 10, —Mis -fare tolall PG;,Iitg in Canada,frl ion a, mat e n very enjoyable eveni as spent. of St. Thomas, is �t presa little so Hit on a' in& dbn heiU has nob� .1 bdiit lagedy.—The Am ii�ute, Mary Nesbitt, of Detroit,! -it v iting be een; tI e SciptemVer rd to. September 6tb. ma i �er in �he NVIindsor Collegiate Oil Clo. hs I Charter she was aslea. T Ire r nt visiti cles, the Messrs. James 9 t name was E l�:iz I oth, andlioh. She w tin a Rev. J, S. Muld law of lorl Alartl an(l will take ov�ost giaduatc �course iA the parents in town at present.�__ r. ohn Den- liantI. W �T T nii.—Mr. and Mrs. native of ��h keti'dbrigh ts hire,. J�botl nd. is on a visit to h. s mothe. and ther rela- es is week ! I - I I i W U 'Iversity of Chicago, wher -,:he goq i About holm shipped two cars of a p Ber,r�-, ooi�, all, werb the guests . of N' i Ilard, to the American market. is first of 'Oe. iiberl Hefiry I u Ho;ton 114st 5 balth.—Mr. W. Glen'l Somer ille: Agent. She -ame tolthis country with her late:hus- tivej_� 3re. 'He expects to.-speni phred or th I V Orange ex- virsit: w ry atu di *as band, Mr. 16111arn Charters, in -- 1842,'aud four 'eeks in Ontario 1, on his return ivill w4.,c has held a -good position in the f 3und curgion to Detroit on fairly �ed via* Brluesels -recently. ducted as pUtor o: is chargo to which Vnimercia.1 Hotel Building, Seaforl Ot. Settled on the falrm on the NEll roud,'il bein of tho estate of colemal 1, in thi. i town, well attenied.—Toionto, h" ibition ;is at- Etc., Etc. Ito; eramith, or 6 ned and'ooeupiodby her he has mixiiste kid fo ome timel al pted it tpaoti a number of our ciltiAns this eek. h for a number of 7earl past, las son, Robert. resided here u 'bit about Vennie Dunamolls, who as bteni speiiding Constance. mo position in Toront 0 Ur a yeal when she went to' Ashland to a few weeks' lidlid4ii r, with relatives in le -the Q i;en City Ike t *e6 Mr. I - a;es for.. oxete1r. otim fa lucrative and Wr aura Andrews has returmr- t her daughter and her son, Will am,, this vi(inity, rot arned I �1 her horri6 in Tor )Iome'after n extended visit with friends UI- 4��took. V� ve, vini - a ive kern ill be about com­ an( Mrs. Blillar I have been t* r nd!qt,,her fri6dds. Her friends here ere on hl)nditly mortaft Mr. Editor, we in ae va"rious pt blic religlioul; organizations Ve rovIn BTLiEF.-.—, What might jba P Blimville --Mi s Mary M-cCully ii visit - a ecting h r home Shortly, but it was fe&r thi on and othe Iong They are b h 'at* inhere . Ethel.—Misa Annie WOL of is town cl a ive rn�e discovers Ing Sd expl may Protest us fire occurred last Y at DIStRilc TERS. rio blaze was C)� of ordered otheiwiso, Mrs. Charters was tigh- and &I I � again it the I e who Ppend their hena a bu Id --st Of 11 t. Thomas' obur, a went tolDetroit on excursion. he of 6,1060ag teachers in u ed as cal plete by the I ly r9spected In all who know her. -0ioney al��oad bt t to lille purpose because a stAble close to M. it rrl dw I)ig thASundetL 8oho)l MLrs. Btillard ia also a last Satuday, —.,A r. E. L. Farnb;km and Sept b ilip, d Mr. _er. was bne of t is rmst, of the early Settler a an like Sa mr ay nil lit she) pping,- it has became liouse. Assistance arrive romptly and sisters u9c last with f d em —At' the mot iber of the Women's An an spent It, ply in )eOple kno� rp.o.,IrT PAYVE�T.� regular ardell out a 11 dan r re- th-b �Mil,l roil to depart. !In the Va' ridr a fad M itbi some. rhen'yqu 7 Bu ard hold t4 offices p'eop ews w the fire was, soon put Soa�for h.�—Mi Ises Attie Tyeriman a monthly meeting of �he'direcitors of the Me- of mma 113 mil�( i shipped I car .1 1 Airs. days'she was- better -known than sounde more sty sh the 7 think ti� be abA d movedll John. Ra, y1eIviI,e,1,o )e4 3.rt Amor Mutual F�ro Insurance Company, p mneotb h the 6hure Their mank f " if h, were viitil,g Killop I of live stock on Monday lit ;._R bert Gib, Fairser icb, of the, 9th concession, a .of late. 0 in )n WHIrry to.! lose thein It t w prioes -at I hel yearo., and -none werl Marl highly o� de--,- say I ought at E ton'� though i did dost f ri d here on FrIldavlast, lightning olaims to ids will e, 'a' 0 K e nL it aye, ith fl d a a this Hall ol Win ­ the amountof �611 were passe& by the servedly esteemed than she �as. She leav6s mor tI could havi teen pu chased for Wi i i them all pr sperity in their n son and wife: had a Jewil this a' e. r -rang Oct, that many who n rr left, Thursday Is' aill friends in . Detroit quit rece, tly.- -Mr. h4se In vi titiri Uncle's, Mr. �Mg at 90C tehind thret: sons and ne daughtliii, who! neare ion to. -S ins Jeri e ie Th ... board. F our of tb ese clal *ere paid by I taIr sum 9 at' 'her theL (Firointl YL h v u ex r a treasurer t the: meeting �and five the duties in t b igk. school.— Th6m a Andr g.—Mr. Wm. -McCully left will eve xeriah in affectionate reniem- are dept ndent (in the stippoet and he Knowlson, of Gorrie, ga of a e Grims bralace the mother who was so dear 6 them Len ip on Gibion a et la ';e beo- a f their neghbors will often horsemansh d fallowing by the presidel The heavi- John W. alker and f imil y, iave re. for Tol onto, 0, INJ onday, 'to take ch a;rge Of AT hip remain., wer 'DO d. Wheat exhibition, or Mr. - are day� forenodn. —A large ac ge a fall �shl their! molit With all our i e interred irA k 3y ab 'rl T send r, ed home f ro the! lake a d S D. Thomas, the cream, separator on eat of these clims was the barn of ex. tui Y. Chrisitimi teiilehimg and p.,ofessiop_ we a ton. wt e re they havel been visitin g Mi a. I Vaker's will be sovii.in this viciry thisl season,— a! antyne, of Stratford. —Messrs. J. Inni, of Stanle which had beed bur ed T)IE BEA1 FIVj WIN. The fina Match on act towards each other it e beat eps,.entire- Mr. Climie, of ListoWel, i in !town; last The i g and 96bErtl MeNfilln spent� M McFAEL Only On the fivecoding Tuesday. This axnts.—Cap�aih A. Wilson, of ille 3.3rd dded -to i the homd gmunds in the -senior cham. ion- 'ly forgoitting to dci to 1 hers we wc uld R week.—Mr. 06 Morris ha 71 -a the neiahbor- f. is I ag an iat prompt and honorable dealing:on the part.of. Hur on battalion", won Severs. goo 11 rizes at I�evale, A umber i ence d are'antioiippat; g a trip to the 13 jaW this compay i te, Suffer rs will Ship Caxiadi4n Lacrosse Association series they QuId do Th n6pson ).nd elegant ne "'ant eiect�d. John ho Queen th. unfortuna, the Domi' was plays Is' here daughtert, of Rodhester" l X a k- who nion Rifle Association' i I iatches, a It 7oi' g the 3 .—' here as no ser- C*t d on the'recreation gro'un' ;r i , ring ? "d, b W be d-uly mppreciaied-by the members gener he d at Ottawa this we'ek.—"'her' � i rill be a me I y oil th" ex nbition, 'The .14,pworth or Pr is on I - - ' al and th eneral publi Friday I�st whilan thq B6avers efeated been �uel "Floral Ila," �lile "residle nee pu ilic meeting in the town I ail I o -i ight, tit vice in Wrox t byterian church 71ast -LeE gi is meeting n unday evening will be Dry :Goods -Co. e� 9 the Dufferins, of 0irangevillei, bya accl of of,JAMCFJ Forsythe, for s!veral, weeks, left Sabbath eii h b lc�eilock, to- f urther the inte les a of � the the m y jc)n ecration service. The' ontleate for horne oi Tuesday. 1TY . Thompson iaa TRAVELLF, ftS. —1) tiring ek, Nil r. -5 to 2, in. one -of the hardest b d games rs -to ic wiMbe a issionary Adken by .y pl, biadite vote, at which addre se will be �Subjl 1. tioke6lageptl ever played ri thdie grounda. -The we[ ther Sister -of M is. Forsythe -The fence ar6and that W4B de ivetied by hev. Mr.'Shaw and hers. West awai ioshil, �11r, .I tobeit RoF r8on. MaMe is. ng n, cc pa re Somerville, up ton G. T. L ng 8vas unfavorable, and it Oak- the church Vs atest C48A in t1ale morni ly has issued the fo towing tickets John Gr..� -VI , J. Wilcox, of Keystone, Misiouri, is' OBITUARY.—It is out sad duty. Ais w6k edJor a Gi a.s though the rair mould, thisweek. Thittex.ce(�iliglyisefulinst�tu- Lrieve, XcKilllop, to Brandon, 't I visit vii it�ing his. sister-in-law, Mr . 'Gilchrist,, of 0 to record thed6th bf one our most wide- SZOH the ga, e, -but the an alit xfter* tion, the LaAies' Aid Socie is,hoviog the LC n came 1romart.y. ly known a coidents -relatives ; Mr Robert Dodds, McKillop,, to by Smith Brbf T Sa street, Mrs. John Fairle 7, ho was rid respected of the Th ioil — Al r 1 3.u& Mrs. John Hoolizarth. -y Go. inner tend Qtlhcl the gn9unds wells work done I ods. AStore, Laoie, North Vakota Miss Fergus9n, of eatLor'.h. -A sp ndiag a couple of weet a w th friends township, Mro Thomas Wa I ace, -of co' and little slippery at iffist the'v ere Boo in n*e'w' frame residence i icing erected I y a as- ol Miss Eliza, Ileth #oggarth are ispertl b l, I�ft -a. 01 0 ed Sound. who has been, visiting atilMr. John _McDaw' ay f Sion 7, at the age of 60 yo' Lre. He M"as a t me in Detroit good' -condition. The fh�elafe'ning we her gentleman maims I Kam from IG Igam, in 1 week in Goda and Mrs. F. L. ell's, McKillop, her Ito Afth-4estilig a few days there, ihe will man of vigorous ConStitutil in and in ;the A d'd not prevent a,. large a 'd" " eni stic rea- -church just 011) i Ilwilton -itaxids bal retutt TvIiss Reid, who h a been via n r of our to the I esi jting.her sister, attir � fol'thek home in Carberry.' The many prime of life, hence his denI.Se Wag a Bad and td from celi, kUt thinks fie hia-L he ir sojourn q iand Bend. d is recovering.ni -of the: late Mrs. V io Mrs. James Sproul -to' Detroit, and Miss crowd from bein present, wiiq evinced, the deuce ap This il' ne olq friltInds of Mr. John Fairle� thdae —Mr. es 1 gh of war. surprise.. The firet sympto mi of his it Iness ad aboutenou 'paid Cromar greatest interesV and,- 4xcitement. At, the of the best building Sites in OUr village. pa1rit 3 -will be pleased co ft, of Seafor ' ty b, ThT6- Clara Bender,who has been visitingrelatives to learn *at imself he did not consider serioustl u on riedi- ay-. 4- IM -0 her home in Cleveland - 1 -ns ae doing a.larg� reaper- cal ad -vice being taken This Oie be -.-ams L ore in Egirtondville, face off ittle ball.'. travelled -qfliqkly to the and isso and t Saurd 14" Sohn Rice, r. �has Seaforth got 1, 4,4tw his week fett �i:ied ito Aurora, Tuckerismith.. -Mr. Robert Rei t q e r, d, of K16anley, to Ot awal to w is soon riliev di and, LOGAL BRTE.V�.—Mr ',`h)maa_._FraI3er, of ous business in the- prosperous V� age Of alarming, and nolt,4idilIg the best I wb r ml� Iging Bra n Jackepri after Sam, e e,evbr d oi :Ric in te rs., A161%—al God- 1W Stanley,- has. been app(i;!ited returnirtg offi- Carte e teacbes high echoof.—Mr A. F. WE DIN'G T rnE R),,Evi,,"s.-,7Anql en - attend Normal sefiool rry, Manitoba. —Nliss Lizzle arton, medical skill, .4hree phy icians bein in scored for bi to Beave In tho sec)Lnd the cer for th purpose of i visi In NtIcLa!ren 'INI., P. lof Stratford, 4nd hi lerpriang young business mi'an has sul It street, SO th; nd Mrs. Angus., - 0 in -1 th e alls, New York, 9 frequent consultation, a the u itirin 11 at- 0 0 ther eric prohibi ion of agara F is in her to ift Sout ` I' a charms Of onla of T.Ocker- It dDermid, Huro road, L6 develand, Ohio Play was ev 3n, but � the' Beavlers' defence -plebiscite vo H Iran, . A kaAer gran Iparents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. B�'rton­ tentiomi of bi fier, f Tor nto,. spent Sunday il Crom- to,.41i h alowed themselves t) . r' ' r I - 1 8 family, he co� ti I t6 yrow t- -1 r. Arthur Lybourne, M be d Awn out, aad every is, Hanivan; of London, aeoptrippied by . rtl at Mr. uncan McKellarl�,—The nithsi fairest daughters. NVe ieefer to tko- - day, Augi tj ;tb, v bein on a viit ingleville 'tied;.�hjc The t2ird, table tit la al es- arriagli p_ a few hys this his lol to Wilmar, Xinmiesota. could not have keen m,6q(. AL%r.-R.Tho :her 11tle son, aoseph, spent "nU, cKil, Ora score. or more sui ppoi 1 ie worse, until Totes 81"T, an h or lawn party, on 'V Tedn of Miss Maggio A., eldest daughr- f6 spirit took its flight. -flebrebis ii this he- 'WeeN Nt�e 'residence her un Is, Mr. 'ful illnes, with Inaflinchi fo'r tude, and Urth, fifth and sixth fell 0 the home son, of Blyth, ?as h me i�eek. of ...... day e �ening of il: st week, waa a doll ip one- -r of Reeve Shepherd, to Wilson C.- Boys y es M in, of Brampton, and Miss Vood, son of John W -ad, Esq.., all j*. in succeh these gametio the t 1 of th away pea rro ed by the- wedd - ing mateh w" We I 9 uplh�ll r the - 1 Ff,olil Skow.—'Ihe ision. U:c�ri ame down to sit; her )�c thler, ew- :Tho as —Mr. J arrived flower show, D Mn And ames asned cef u, und. t. I play'liva fot traii.kout and oi A Elgin, a e visiting their )wnship, While et the mispices of the Sedorth hor Jan - mainly und 0 6 a rry heie rsday, He re- ather's 1fam- I sh6Wed their sk 11 in a . leing E the I'me living membeirs of his own ndL f to learn, is bill I e 'Beavers' defer;�ce` Govenlock, f Me Ilcl who, we ar on Thu urt'jMrs. S� ual Spears-: 3layed by Miss Annie Wren, the health' ith tuin Beaver lacrosse. 'ilies. The funeral took pl on his 60th tural society, held in the centra -I Etore of n ve poor 'gait n hairc)MM Gardjio's block, nd which opened on" dftfendingtleircitia.iLl.,.iltliotigli the heay. slight pros Us for �i AR.1 ffi' their a 11BRit-N.—Mr. Albert couple wi tendunts, tr iest war rl v -,ry.—Mr. Will am club �ay'the Elml-Tecumsehs on th( Islan i, birthday, to,Wiugham'cerr�e and was 'United Sta lugal, ILVeS u D d er a beautiful al In k fell op tl d-efence,. who of Vdrmon themse' Thursday. nil closed on f$Aturdal was Hogal tewher, at Dimarty, is quite -a at ronto, on ga�urlday next,:at I tt1h1r6y I tea, is, yisif ing his were u n lor, -after -which the mairl cerl able Voilwithitand the repeated on- ely attended, howing: miteem; in the moat sanguine expec- poultr.� f&ncier as well is an itiduttrious PaFti a from Seaforth can go and itness which.deceaftil was held. Deceased waits of COUS1148, '1011 are. John A. and Robt, oll 'W&d- Stul of the Beall iorrie. B xi�at itructoi Df th-E YOU any as performed by Rev. W.' J. taions of tb;,e prol,noLters, The 8ociet� this y and efficient ini ng. He the atch ad retitria the same �evei ing. Scotch parldrit4de, but,was'�orn in Canada M r I has �or some year) belonged to combination the Dufferins tallio_& the' seventh year did not offer! any premiums And the a al of Vermont,' 11 113111get � hal very f De fl Oak of mbite eghorns:hd the 1hird , av ell in the presence at & large aftsern' in t wn rAy, Aquat 18th, -United and the mat h Wad over. .-The connbin�tiom he to slilip of Beve ut was r contracting par, exhibits were ipOt UaLgedL, the ideal beincr barred Plymouth rock,4.. 1 -Te rEceltly,sold a 1838. His, parents remove4 to -tbiei towni statefilrdg Jar army, which regiME incip ily relatives of the iss- he bride, carrying a ofthe Beavers was. arceillent, and "e�very -pair at the lormer bree to a gentlediar in sends. 6f Downie, �and later be moved to! la, and was. one of' filial bougapi of' lilD Is MI1[_1110AN,—A !frien4 1&ol, J .8imply tomake as: good a display als pos- !sent tIO Cul e that sible, and in this Vay cultivate a taste for member of t ie team 'showed up to adan' Xingston, �or $17, a 8: tI e followingl - " A veg bol be bruxi� of th6 flght before El Caney lbiteL canations, looked charigaing in a e which were. pur- u pre by land W'hi Wife died From there he uded h . reefs o tage. At aitical times they.weie a �iiiltl '(jhsed,tob( ed 4b Kingi ton, Quiebec, quiet wedding occl� "ro his and antivo.' Mr Flugal was o this Sort of th-ing, while they use the funds exhibit rred at Fili M chigan, ii�axr 181te reside' e ourided o heliotrope Silk, amid was atte I . West Wal wild in sll�oting, and'.'missed OuPIO �and SherbrCDks(. MrAhuNleAda' threOlimef,tw ei�bis her isterl Miss Lizzie, while the $roolw which would otherivise be devoted to prem- in, when. lies 'Nlargaet ug' ter of waucish, here e marri d left leg, one bullet Y good chances is se�cl wife of to The Daf- who has bee a- a residen If Det!roit foe f t alitieff by ioved '�il 0 .0 qcor�. Stuart, rb ti�e pe of his leg, -ust be� 7as Sui Darted through the form inins to the purchase of bulbs for distribution rT Mr, ark Airs. Joseph rni orly of who survives hi Ilace 1was p, man Stuart, If: Mr.e G amongitbe mainbers of �he society. 'The V a slasbi 'team, I but was- �ere last cc k via ting big Hein�ali, was unit�ed in mairr ge to Dr. low the kn e, pidtotber r ferins ha years, making' a long er, Mr. Watson' -Wood. After re, a go in 0 'i little too 'and di6ep In big thigh. These casual. oivin con: a atiOns and p they had ju t t ' t of moreillan average intelltict, and by thrift low the kn 11 - storl wl�ich the show was beld. was neaIl fast ters, Mrs. 3. Barton a d 11 Hutto W bily George K4 ound artakiii of saw ely, of Detr t, MichigP-n. and industry he %aceurril �ed act naiderable n ils In lea for r. T� ties ll�pper ed I a �him juat -before the fam u1si y arranged SUM y 139 all ag x 3eavers g nd us i�epiil and tastefully arr�l,nged, while the plans company. heLY a to Toronto on INIr J. G. Wiled X marri 6 thok pla t the roperty�, leaving his familly in comfortable 0 b meet Tecamseho, I on, an Mrs. J ine barbed wi le'f m e before 8 One h2happy couple, accomparriedby &,DUM- Saturday t land if 0alitelon, of the btide's aren a, 'a antiago, about were moide to show to the best advantage 01 CI*nt at circ a gam unistances. 'the championship is e Ect Heusall,' -fore, who were bete 7' - bip'll noon n er of i beiL r young friends, drov possible. The place, there as ex Anderson, cf.New Yori Is noon on th. t on Tuesdak I August 1 t f uly, alId he lay on theirs, and I laying hogame they-arelnow 'iting Mr. nderson's mother, Mro.,J�l hn thei field 0 tremaly pretty, 231d, Rev. Mr. Plerki , xytos�d to the tal wherb they took the evening I tral especially at night, There �w, assiste% �y Rev. -sun raid, and subeessol Thl was aso a lar� should mal them sure winners. The loss Hen mr�. Miller officiating. The dec'grations Spanish shi ill �bpotera, who were posted 111� gel collection of rare and derso and otherl rids left for'tl eir qr Loxi�dol Toronto, and other poin* of this game will' result in a tie'. b ween number of firiC-class farms for sale in trees e . ve yw ere, ide i4 universaly popular,s factvidenced' beautiful plants. In fact one could harl home on X(ndo.i.—Mr Dan MeTavish' eft were in green and pink. The bri w e until the next d ly three of the teams and will necessitate the 0 Morris and Grey, on easy torms.� � Also any amount tbl many beautiful *na valuable pre!� believe tat So large a display could n M with �e play onday tor .( linton vihere he will w)rk arearr, silk and organdy, trimmed w1th rl of money to loan on farto ecurity at 6 per cent, While lying th re helpless,be tried bo take orth and a playing of more games. But- the bi )l attracted the nati is of a made in. a pjce the size of Se at'his trade as tailo lai is a steady, re- lac6,, nd carried a, sh'pwer bou net c f swebit terms of repayment to suit the borrower. A I to ia $make, �,wbi i lats of which she was niade the re pVZ iSP there m a F. Scol Brussels. tt -ere no exhibits frpm 0 side the oys, and make the thingaure. liable e lkirn The bridesmaid was,111iss iMuriel -in a tree, I nd M Wood is to be congratulated game, b vqung Mal and 4, peas 4niard, eclu ed who, Be ing hei - play, speaks � *ell Stuart, Sister of the b�rico. She enter- u life, Afterspen 1IM it�'r the assithetic tantes of —The jun or Beavers played a game in back again I oon. —Mr. rederick G. Si�p- Ar�ar da BRms.—The village council will meet on 'was ad, gred at him, theL balle, 4 holes. A a partner i Ing our Citizens� The I only 'lack was in cut the interm diate series in Mitch6ll,: on scia, of Lcl on, a her just now, and ' -11 wore lielicanite blue organdy, trimm led with 'Monday evening.—The clerk and reeve. are i`unctso near to his head tt;, beizil ioneymoon couple Wir at the fiQW Thursday of last- "eki-, with the- Stratford rof6eive pupi to in piano,i I ipe organ and liar- white WiTon,and carried a variet 16uquet. talking in the exhibitic, combined with �ssnd fl�� ake up their abode in the Forati`CiV, iu�o his eyes, wheren n he ers. Misilt Scolft; of -Ro-%,boro; had a team, The atch was to decide the-cliam. many a 8 Monte Robbie Todd acted a v ai-A- display ci� these, bnt' more could rsonage, until he The ver t the Methodist eelt man. business. in Toronto, this week. —'The. cal dr6 d pi�161 and feigned deatf iibere All Wood intendsengaing.in'busi U 0 ness. )f he Huron district, and wais a 15thinstl r.-hridIM111 Plement King, Of One pleasing featurb f the weddiril Notta r�ted him off the field w o fireA advantage. pionip as the city of Coleman's salt -works has been in- in 4v,- bf�en made ul of to go oing h- T4D t All'i the inames of the owners were not on tbe hol� oni itere Seaforth to win, the� coviefed New York, we e las� ek visiting re. fact itat the brideaZid was 0 seven creased by the addition ci� another boiler, at reel i ein, *hile�- d 90. he wo e g's mott er, � I le, Maple years 6.1d,and is the ably unmarrieq A pter of and by undergoing severali other necessary hu an Sp ia'd iseems th have no g et plituts, it, il4mpog to say who were the 40 -tor ' uI& be theirl but -pn th other Kin, rs. F.'�, I ff 'I 1� sible, 61, :ial he following were tick band had hey.,,met Ill -tii� three Mond�y ne) t is babor ��11 and will 6 - epsfro. —Mr. J. D. Ron d has pure aged a com al. ici I as he would buto largeast exhibit6rs or who had 1e beat diq. onad the bi The groomsman waA ninie, years r hosed in ter the; al d, C. P. 'R. ticket ageit­. Mr. h R. I teams, Mite ell, 9tratford �liiud Steaforth, quently be observed ag a old ,!Oter the ceremony dinner wasiserved, the Ronald fire engine' *ork from Mr. ,wo ded ei*e r lit could, and okl to MoOnomin ; Min In -ing fruit,! ex- I plays, btl a, banana plant, bea, that, Williati n : ovento ould be a t e. 0 win g to a jan gle -over the Mr. Bert H 11, fc rm erl� Ii h 8 M u Ilett & after �Vhich all drove to the depot to see the Thomas, of Norwich, whom. 9 into a bibited b r. C. W. Papst, 8 'a uriosity w h6,.formarly !!,parb of th I el red shell I'l .and Mm myor &-rolma) Hensall), to aillactaver Mll I - Wearge Case, of London road, Hensaill n seen ed a Rware and itla. ea here they will � in in good running shape.—Some of the Brno- were hoistec. I' Mr Flageti is r i of te sold out tal and is now p:u'ttw'g the works ary. hospi ; tal an.socia as the 4looB in. I referee the gimewfl�s late in starting and Co., has to, �W`im IV] i tg, 'Where he bho Aake the tr d Cro flags in this laftude,. There were also severs, 'newly Wedded couple !for the other verk;nice and rare pla, ts, and he the later pal of it was played i daikness, r 9 oh in al; Ia ahe a tL Off on f ugh P, f rs th ra. t ,7� lay 3 fn If g e. do B 01 a 0 0 TO v )r p