HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1898-09-02, Page 66 %VETERINARY OON GRIEVE, V. S.,kronor 'graduate; of Optaifo Veterinary College. All diseaeos Of Domeetie animals treated. Calle promptly attended to and cilia es moderato. Veterinary Dont etry a epoolslty. O e and residence on Goderlch street, ono door of Dr. Scott's office, Senferth. . 111241 GPH. GIB, irs _ rinary Surgeon and Dentist, Toronto College of -+te r(nary denttete, Honor Graduate of Onlari Vet- .rinary College, Honor member of Ontario V torin- r►vy Medical Sooloby.,Ail diseases of donieetlo lmals sir fully treated. All calls- prorraptly Oen to day .or night. Dentistry and Surgery so olalty. OS, nod Dispensary—Dr. Campbell's of office, Wain street Sioadorth. Night calls answered from the &aloe. 14Q6.62 LEGAL JAMES 'L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer anll Notary Public. Money to loan. Office over. Pickard's Store, formerly Mechanics' Institute, 3tainlStreet, Seefortb. € 1628 ivio. CAMERON, formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Barrister and So otter, Ooderich, O lark).. ice --Hamilton street, o its Colborne Hotel. A_ . UATS Barrtster, Solicitor, Conveyancer andk Notary Public. t olioitor for the Dominion k OMoe--Cardno's block, Main Street, fleatorlb. coney to Joan. 1236 1II; BEST, Barrister, Soitoltor, Notary, do. . ,O t ee—Rooms, fve -doors north ofOommerota ka, grdund floor, next door to O. L. Paget s itelry- etre, Hain. street; Seaforth, Goderteh ,• oron, Holt and Cameron. 1215 MCKENZIE,Barristers, Solicitors, eto., §COTT ' Olin lock, le Money to 1-74 ARRO WK. Pao rILMER4 N, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers Bo: OAltiaoh, ta, O., num Horer, Dummy Hwang BOO ESTED vuecoegor to the late firm of - Conveyan or, and Notaiy ,Solicitor for the Oen adieu Ban of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm for . sale. Moe in Suottie Blot*, Main Street DENTISTRY. BOn John etre() pu: B and the pre carefully hardware EDDLE, Dentist. Office—Over Richard - McInnis' shoe etore, oorner Main and DEN, dentist ; crowning, bridge work old plate work. Special attention given rvation of the natural teeth. All work erformed. Office—over Johnson Bros.' tore, Seaforth. 1461 TVA. . ANDERSON, graduate of Royal College J-JLI of ntal Surgeons, Ontario, D. D. Et,. of To- ronto Ifni °ratty. Office, Market filockrtlitchell, Ontario. 1402 • Honor graduate of Toronto University,'Don- Mat, will practice dentistry at his father's rooms in Exeter, and at his ra'orn at Mrs. Shafer's restaurant, Hensall, every Wednesday. 11. Kinsman, L. D. S., at Zurich the butt Thitreleciay bf each month. 1546-18 TNR. F. A. SELLERYi Dentist, graduate Of the .1../ Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of pentistry, Toronto University, Office in the Petty block, Bengali. Will visit Zurieh every Monday, commenoing, Mot:4- ;1v, June 1st. 1687 AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will visit ZuriA o tho eecond Thursday of each Month, 1692 Dr. John McGinnis, of Ontaricr College f Physician., and Surgeons' • °Moe and Residence— ormerly occupied by Mr. Wm MTNIght calls attended promptly. - 1458x12 Piekard, Victoria Street, next to the Carollo Church Voiotia, M. C. P. 0,, Ontario, suctbessor to Dr. 1100, office lately occupied by Dr. Elio* Brum). Lza: BETHUNE, M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physiolane and Surgeone,-Kingston, seor to Dr. liao}tid. Office lately emoted —▪ Corner of Vintoria Square, In house lately occupied by L. IC, Danoey. i 1127 • Late resident Physicilan and Surgeon, Toronto gen- eral Hospital, Honor graduate Trinity University, saeralier of the College of Physiolang end Surgeons : of Ontario. 'Coroner for the County Of Huron. No. • 46 N. B,—Night answered from 'office. 1886 DRS. SCOTT, & MacKAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, J. G. SCOTT;graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member untatio College of Physicians end Suegeons. Coroner for County of Huron. gold medalist Trinity Medical College. blereber College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, 4 1483 • 1-1,1t. F. II. KALBFLEISCH, Phygician, Surgeon 1.1 and Accoucheur, euceessor to Dr, W. Graliam, Brussele, Oetario. First Class Honor Graduate of - the Ihrivereitiee cf Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (filing- ston), and of Trinity medial College ; Fellow, of Trinity Medical College and member of the College of Physlelaus and Surgeene of Ontario. Poet Graduate Gourso In Detroit and Chicago, 1896. Special attention paid t3 dteeasee of Eye, Ear, NON and Throat, and Dleeaeee, of WORM]. Catarrah treated successfully in all its forms. Coneultation in English and Ca,rcnan. 168141 Anotsoneer for the Counttee of Huron and Perils, .`aoturing Company, Sales proniptly attended to, °bargee moderate and eatisfarition guaranteed. orders by mall addressed to Heusall Poet Office, or left at his reald.mce, Lob , 2, concession 11, Tuck - "smith, will receive prompt atteatton, 129041 THE With The gook, This Meet exCellent work should be in every house the county of Huron. PRICE, $1.00 PER COPY. Copies can be had from Mr. B. R. Higgins, Bruc field, or Mr. David Itost3, 540 Church street, Toron Rev. Dr. lifeVicgr, Principal of the Prosbyteria College,- ova ;--- I am profited and greatly please with what have read, and I intend next Monday t adviet all our studente to put It into their Ilbrarlo and to study it deligently as affording rich i stir -notion in 1:material theology and practical egad! nese. 1 shall road them a few passages that the May gee that it Is far from being dull or dry. AIM Bookeellers, Montreal, says :—Bev. Joht*-Ross was grand man, and the writing of his life could not have been pined in better hands. What we need to -day more and more are books of this class The reading of which fends to the better circulation of the blood,and fairing 0110'Ef soul. 1586-tf Cook's Cotton Boot Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effeetnal. Ladies ask _your druggist for Ceek's Cohn Rut Qs - pined. Take no other as all Mixturee, pills and Imitations are dangenons. Prise, No. 1,11 per box; Ne.11,10 degrees strotsger,23 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price 1111f1 two 11-eent Stamps The Cook CompanyiWindsor, Out, fair`Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all reeponsittle Druggists in °suede. Every Woman shouldi realize that her ..health is like a bank accbunt, At the out- set she .1sas so much deposited to her credit in the bank of nealth. In she draws out more then she -Outs in She will soon over- draw her aecount. An over -drawn account . in the bank of health anea.ns one of two things, d life of hopeless suffering, or an womanly way is h eking big d efts o her account with the ank of health and will soon be a physical bankrupt. Disorders of this description v reek a woman's general health quicker th n anythIng else in the World. They so n transform a healthy, happy, amiable w man into a weak, sickly, fretful and despo dent inhalin. They ut- terly unfit a wenna for wifehdod or mother... - hood. Po all dis rders of this nature Dr. , of all me icines. It -acts directly on the in materni y, givi g them health, strength, vigor and clean tty. It relieves pain, allays- infl mutat! 0, checks debilitating nrains, and (lineal subdues all other symp- toms. It at once ., tops the dragging pains and sinking spel s, the nerveusness, the digestive disturba ces and other complica- tions that avse fro u the same cause. Tanen it banisheh the usual discotnforts and makes bab 's advent easy and almost pain- less. It i sures the new-comera; health and a ple tiful supply of nourishment. Thousands Of worden have testified to its marvelous merits*, An hottest dealer will not sugges an inferior substitute for the sake of ext a profit.- ! THE BATHLEy, AFFAIR. T manner; fixii.usup_it of the htron desire he had tthoulaguagyhaltiet18 and as he played thrrgh ed to hi with tinhePlamiellei Ma Ifisbsejneliraintioli Wbe:li pleased, and. t en °hoeing her (+arming lips, ea g with von) lite a happy thrush. She ad been ri lit in ying thatait was hot and expression hat tne abs noe • of depth seemed of not t e 8110 est onsequenee as his acie exprese d his ad nira ion When the reonal sort of =Mier, he anxiet in ate being entirely! he re ult of a d nire Well," eh saidi with half a . Sigh, at do you think ' Fervarti said he d rather h we yo else's but I thin 116 imp hein of h Macho', who est in thi ful a girl, over the the girl a your ovvn in the wo ld for oily "nhete Mae to think of som went on hurrie the ipihnO, and critical frown) say, for people wellnio try to ' The girl inte never heard me she said, calml places as though Morrie, for exa second. Miltou. disparage the r MissaJulian opened hei- eyes a' trifle ore widely. She had expected a Onventional singinglmaster, an imptesarie ;_who would talk " shop " to her, a d perhaps ny, to use some of old Fervent' arguments to; in. duce hor to go upon the; tage ; het all irado- ugh•gOing !society fethlevileleilitilitiesdheade aps ; 'certainly 'a and with an lap - fitness of thi,gs, in the lethal est ton—what !did i face, eonfrontin y shin ng surface d as to' what to e to ,ier res nee ke thin a so' for a the he t teacher ere to if vo, b en _their sadden .de- rgmy; fate ow my train w en flin -some etre ge the eipression of and • impti seri us refl to genre It, aka peonle ight, ea more ientific ternn ,and egardio 'Miss Julian ;with a '• -the econest iniatake, ho eau o one thing very o amp her—badly." rupte tim. "-You have not mt .to," persisted y it o be eg out of well, I though William This d a not in 043 least al gran ur of The Earthly opinion than lie mikes a mist is to study ny- agr led between inter- ture with so beauti- e . to laugh' aloud d to put on an said, looking you will keep le greatest mist vith a voice like tabile noice, let us d just an inelant • lent, hrell-dreas man hi, appea, a d, the be b• n' The mine Was clearly called, " Miss Jul- I,,pahate s of the ay,' h ian ! *Miss Julian !" in a pretty, treble voice. „ man o keen int Ilige+, Maclise stood still a Moment and listened, parent ense of the sole i Willie h. orris. and 11 kind o tri lee ; man BS the sound o en Enghsh name being pleasant in this lonel Pyrenean hotel. Tne youn an had wandered clown a corindor, an to a longa silent, sleepy - chi ed migh e brilltapt enough in the loo ing hall concert•roorl, which he, con - height of th alien, but just now dull and lifeless, alth h an, the ppper end there was a pletfe with a grand piano open about; and f flame evidently upion it, 1 so f music scattered " Miss Ju Ian a Went on again. A door aloe to - lions tall figure or e. sheets ;huge bowl here nla pushed ght years, of age came in, • Englishmlay with an air of " Where s M'ss!Julian 1" she demanded. Mediae " ow should I know ?" h seid short! , and. looking at the child t ith amus d sort of con- tempt ; bet n the same instant a light foot- im- ap- ome the ac. per apa three or four and twenty, wi head like a peered. He of which we t tumbling floor, while she gave a -mit lise's direction out of a pair oung Diana and 44 manner h for an Eastern princess, hands were full of roses, hlue eyes.- " liave you be she inquired . qui holding her ors an exquisite 1th turned agai to will you sit ' If voice artisti ally benches in the centre of 't , while her manner seem° for granted that Mediu; c as mistaken fo somebody rather peculiar about the rsb sit yon the 1.18 pla her to one of the long dim roo take so mue only listen h but by no m the accident she wenton, some, but In I like to sin me sing, the: Itla4ise di den, and the at the aide o ing'over the are nn a nom forward wit Alitelise ha twiny to ta girl, and ace fun -in worna ;Julian " was looking nab She wore a gray, and th at her neck certain Peri cut and fine darkeat blue the soft w above all, th from -Mr. W them off. you'don't pl ly it is very ".He did going overat seated hims music, "L he added. carelessly, a but still she very well on it was easy t en waiting more sec rely, and" ith ugly rathe chilling race he -testonish d young hnia. kept you. W you -are judge - please do 't ve what OWO ,114:1012 glance in A rang for ere ter yo ul n ls it ble. ay on't speak too. soon. Let art straight through.' it down•where le was id. .g lady went up the is eps c. " Do you think you e ?" she continued, co ling music in her hand. , fo the first time an o por- e in a, full impreesion of this stomed as ne was ta .What was own on- sorn_e soft ale-laied in outline, th eyeti of the and shaded by black lashes, yes of ehestna-colored air, flee finish about the i n's rth and bia followers to et - 13 equired no special agsist ice, ad," the girl wenti know," declared Mae ei the piano • and when he ad he pet mit his hand for the me see what you have there," his," Miss Julian retutned, though her voicd was Oapable ter things' than I!Batti, hanti," cer• tain occasions. aw Don Giovanni by heart so MINN It is nanar gusting and stoma, salt R eruptions o and white For sale by 116 nuLtuveg BY•ONS AP., POCATION OF EIN'S,OINTMEN 5, CENTS. °lions cure for ail inch Is. disfiguring dIsOaRes as e•i. cum, Terror, Barbers' It h, leers, Blotches. It ohms 11 the skid and makes it • 'Maelis the da of the int ro say ne -Julian, laugh' except in a of his, ind, my me ting see so e Am apartur having you ap The „she ha 'her fac mg to though her for only di ought t singing spec ial be here to -day, should it all f r granted, I it though he teachrs in Pilt. She iniled poinely; 1( in her and, we; tclow walked outaof the roon She N ent dew the - into a retty lit le sal raper aad gi ed or 's acr app t. ise's eta area I my le term by w at he seem ed arn user was fin Ily on ce. she said very eave the room he woul give some 'no e seal agrneabl to tell yo , master, as v friend of bis fro ren 0 en eine ad well im Inch now' loo ed athdolni that a. aria, napaawas to ink *of Jett w en ppoiled you.' to be taking 4er m sic he steps of he ung queen, nd iclor rand pas ed furniiihed wit, wood, blue ilk hntatio -j • as re lining e sofa' ✓ of ova id sm. nto the Iroo he • of cour e, to find F there. Instead, there man, M, ith awl look LO m it in cri"ical and observati marine I 'don' ',hlrintlogwttni neces careles was no lookin Th beard of every in his w my final lder lad was a ail though there vas notni importance to co e lathr, ed, adrniringly, ' Yes, de Tile girllea,nee back i smi ed reflectively, ".W side when, a him tion on and m in. 1th ma nee about m singing, be—v,lhom do yo suppoe Bel rose from her chair o find som e, • Harri d faint," elder lad za express' it my feeling lite the pos come from riouspartuil wou The " What are you goiog she said presentl ailed me Miss cause little Bert, Americ ned the regar 00 th mg for that na should 1 days, a e, 1 su e. An appen so mission he und into the valley, here the 3igns ef the c- el the two and mea while Bell waikied over to turesque rural lif of th district w re Ma y. usual external e punts of a Pyren an piece of the kind: Br ght-lophing littl houses, and at irregtilar i tervale fields an gardens Child en CAS it` bad jo pose, an oh, that d mak rtook 0 rti's y ung man sort ot f. deinat ng 1 everybody., He ntereatell in the ng else f greater and she murmur-, her hair and ter rather forelng most idiculous' he turned !oat to with a kig t, ear. other tbitn 'frank • that a had ms, but kis letters r unexpected e• ht for an inst nt her doir pati on o did abotit it ?" I l - she' added " ne- t core° ,inl_ulook- ;i7 emains or a few im sOrr for the his, uncle's be - [IRON bi th of CO CQ th ea th tiv tl ti Dodd's Yet ousands e of life But Dod both. The ca es. These disease laints are a en DdbededP'sinKt°i e one or ory, failing ale or red ed eposit, con tipatioi neyer do. Y NC gidne enOw ITOR Pill will Mops .die in the joctor think a c red thousands till' the disc se has s stem. Even eo are d 'ng ot re ize it. They ore of thes symp- appd- al in when urrn4,- r only hope -1i T ey won't fail 0 ra al 81 main thei rad i Marl plat tons her tone very hu?h tehornin , hare dow stoSIrlry long enga sail job, olOyel look thou thieg town miaer be a Th fhisne abou said, you! r truth farce, and! h seems bore evidenc of the fruitfull season. tel veranda er- ooked a widely ter - lope; where h re and there pettsants oving about the r t deprived. of fact that th b igh dress and Alert Won', whic un r 'Such la divine y he idea that ny -but of door °coups, uld be Beryl seem impossib e. e young lady i the window conteiln- o panion wen n, in n excite mono- : Don't you t ink his posit on is a hard one at be ? Is sure should are to do wha he is doing for the girl turned denly, loohing at ' her d his cousin wopirl ha e disgraced ole d so e as o come break it off, That i r hat the eau's, Horriet, when ou ring it at I mean to do. He hall be no 14 if be et ys here thr e days s if it hadn't een Very illstone forward inn lsive and twining le business ha bee and if now a n make my_co rtes to them it will imfort for the st. of my life. tialy on the of bent an a miring, glance upo he gicl's love y face, er • dark las Mean to mak m stay here, io begin ' aid the girl! I will wilts, him a biah will ex in itaelt,to yoa when it, but let I imagine 1 a,n Miss perticular nfidential friend. It Ve the apple, se on y side. There & justice in o being etaine here," i. ilk Ma Me inwhile Mr. pet ro m of the sat hotel, l'oWa. The Scene in he co briefl and rather allasurdl thee : 41 If X could only ake lit if cin13 to put in sel into a 'hail ju t left the place, per aps Atrieriean. Now if Bathley !had love with such a ir ea this, *hat acting demand in It, at rega d. for a, c mpaniozi down ere with line, in an_ up- as wr ting to pndon, as fon s• ketch d, and excuse for re - I woul do it httet Position el also an faiallen in kin odlivffehre most ex - he looks hree the_ ytenee *nth her I brought Ibobeon's book e, nd see tlie effect ofi that sort of social ly ic upon her. I I know what uld say i yo were here—no to be - Julian would be tog then suppos Bath - ley' wi I groan hen he hea that I have here. I can't d an thing ith hi as a mento if my in ue ce is spo led in such a fashio Really he is. the most t nluoky begga when yo t ink Th three ment ould not be he safest methoo of sa- to think iG over, an seggestl to Uncle Ar - Mediae had ram!, ed on, to his evoted cousin, Lady Fraser some ages hen a letter rought by on of the ervant of the hotel % as put into h a hand. blenw en we met t) is mor ing, t ,make 'clear t you that my cousin. Ira I arbour, and ;1 1, ere deputed o receive you place of Mies! Crofts. I t ink it isijuat an• well, ferI dolubt if there nould be any understand- ing; bettveen you an herself' which would Rheum tiffin an eti Like Ma lc A Marvellous State ent lief from One, Qs°. nhousands of Ca wing ;statement f , read with great ihav been cured y ars' is ending In t of ' SO TH AMERICAN CUBE erformed MS most Thel ef cts of the first doe can Rhe matte Cure were t ;have o ly taken one bot tigni in my system. It di than, all the doctoring I ev oni Mr. Interest ul le For e le by Liamsde Qnt, is known ence he fol - and asure, atism of ten One bottle wond rful. e mor good ✓ did in my forth suee that 'she could not dieouse with you, or with any outsider, the queetion of AU en- gagement which could only be ended by imAtual consent. It seemed to her qulte have suggested renewing it through the meditnn of.Colonel!Pinchley, who calk NT upen Miss Crofts in Pa last month ; sti 1 more so that Lord Haitourt should ha ai sent an emissary in yourself to request her to ipey no attention tch hie nephew Sir Goierge's request. All things considered , it w s most natural for Mind Orate to fee .it im °Risible to meet you, and I am sure het if e discuss' the ma ter you ,will ap- delighted to have you jeitt us. W sta t at two o'clock. Will you kindly let us koow if we may expect you ? I have j st receiv- ed a telegram from' the gentlema Signor Fervarti had arranged for; me to eet. He explained that hecOuld hot keep his ap- pointment.' Pray pard le what; intuit have seemed a very curious emend opon your time and patience. &clime read the letter With smiling satis- front- tomplication in hie affair. ; What could he say to MisalJu ien that woul4 !not TwO days ago the pool ility of his ;co ain's so ennermous that he w willing to sa ace whoteould be done with the girl ah elf. Therengagement had taken place in! Adler - lea! the winter before, and bad been! bnoicen off almost directly by the !girl herselni hitt the Bathleys considered it done in 'a 4p of pique i and now Sir George, who hap ' 'tied w4 endeavoring to ran te; his coreespdnd- Weyer, Machin; wan initially ready for ver satisfactory acceptenee of Miss inanities hay tation, adding these Words in regatch to • ' I hope I shall he able to make' yeti itehaithek.,!a lag: lesii severely of my Visit to Mies Crofts. Perhaps my errand waa n4e,r- taken impulsively, but still I may b able to Make my own motives apparent he ale I Two hours later Mr. Machos presen,ted and was received ar tha lady, in bee 008. turtle for the drive with a greeting' hich was evidently inte ded be very gra nine, but 'doh imines ed the; young in' n I as sorriewhat confuse . He Made Dun. , hew. ever, that Miss J lian Would joini them preaently. -Mediae wee intensely -. emuhed by ti is time Over the mistake of the yearn- ing) which lad given a new enquaney tol' his adMiring the view from; the verantlet, ex - 41; jou !ley of his. _ While be:sat unohan ng con ntional civilities With' re. Bar ur, plaining this was hie adeiond visit te the upper Pyrenees, etc., he was eally oanupied easY with the eharmin , inn) Timis irl Ines had seen, whose very e is an lipe a ci !thin- ner seemed to demand mho from (14Y -- thing abbut her. Inde d, the ohinf hoprele, ;don left upon Maclise's rnin was Of her striaing beauty and a iniope Ohre, !sort of method o greeting him when she atipert d candor of her glance w e'eve sweeter th he had thought it when ehe sang '1 Bat i, ripPle of laughter with ;which she loffene4 chhinaihi.her hand was like the note of al haPpy "'Shall you 'like to gol to Ieuz '1" !she in- quired presently, butto lug her glovem and looking at Maolise with A yeti' gentle in- terrogatory in her g ince. ' We have .plannedathe trip for to- ay,l, and My : cousin has to ttike advantage o the bright 'Weather. and is an invalid yet." , • Take Laxative Bromo Qui ine Tablets, Ail rug - gists refond the money if it alio to Jure 26c. 1681 80 How Peopl` 'Drown.. 1 The epecific gravity of the human lbody is so fore life become); extiect is quite greund se. nea that of water that cornparati 4e1' alig t effort will suffice to ring a sus in pertain to the surface le, nin, In a ease droWning the individua first sink!, to a tain depth and then ase Oda to the, Sur see he etrugglei3 to dear hi tlungs an ,mputb of the water, where, if t a good inivimMer, and obtain. fresh air. s water -is enerally taken in With the inspi ed air he sinks fer e iv again succeeds in re clieg the surface, Tilt*: struggles are repeated Pail tie lungs and 'stomach are filled w tin; Water, ith the result that the general s ec4id gray' y f the Mil el. al) bottpm. The duration of this contes for life Varies according to t e flex, agenatreogth nib's to er- and general condition era p or exhaustion sin ef !the in Who succ t once. LI ER TROUBLES, IAN goose, sallow coin liax. Ion, ellow eyes, jaundice, e , yield to he care - five ewers of LAX A•LIVER PILLS. The ' are effre to etre; I , pronibition plebiscite 11 soon ne a n, and las there is consider ble controv ray las in pieces where it is n peraition, I am yout readers if yeti. woo 4 Publish the onin- ions'and experiences of ne who knows, and Whop° statements will ;scarcely be (Nes- tinned. Tbe nathe of H la Neal DoW us as familiar as any house old word, and hie opinions on this great q estion will, I am sure carry great weight , 1 send you, hrin, wit , the evidence give :by this! true mi trie disciple of temperanee before the Roy- al Cbminission appointed by the; Dominion Government, and hope you will publish! it in full. By so doing,' area will gteatly The following is the ehidence as given by Hon!. Neal Dow, referred to aboye : I Suppose there is no state in the Union whete more liquor was eonsemed in propor- tion to the population than in l'elaine. That arose very largely front the fact of two great industries being carried on there—one being the lumber trade, !whith you all know abotnt in Canada, and the *tiller being the fisheries, which you also know about here. The dumbermen were employed in the woods during the winter euttiug do n the treee, and I drink would fermi sie ular Part of thein rations ; and the fishenm n had rum as a yegular part of theth inane H. The re- sult ;was that poverty aud Oauperiem were with the people of Mediae. An ithmense quantity of liquor was consumed thede. There were a great any /distilleries in the state—seven of them were in Portland —and two breweries. T ey.Made rum from molasses imported in lar e :quantities from the West Indies ; they ede whiskey from potatoes, and Some of 4 made apple- jack, or brandy, from ap les. No* there is Children CAST 11 for Ft IA. yE EMBED, 2 189 trTENE 'neratize Uather "Kid Oat vm, fiction iled in de so ades of uck"—A kid tanned so' ✓ "creeps" off it, pe.tspir- porates through it, and ears it slowly. C.an ot water without iniury.-- he Goodyear Welted. " later Shoe lining of lungs. It Is feet to tause long en* succeed in t, losing ringing on a king every -slit for the Stop cough - will get ASII- GENT FOR SEAFO ;o1 a, distil oar or bijewery in Maine, and re has not een one for a go d many t that time large quantities f 'direst n la. rum were mported. This r came e by the ear fo. Ai great many , cargoes ere received e ery- year, and it Ks a reg - lar trade. A large fleet of ve els was e ularly onfilo ed in the West Ind a trade. y took fish a d lumber out and 'brought molasses, , hich Was conVe ted into ;, and also West Pidia mom New, Mains, nd therelias not been any im- is not nei puncheon of rum i ported d foil very any years. e result of the oh nge has b en this : oorest stet ,s in the Union in 4e olden volmine of the lig or traffic iii greatly ed. The eavingsi f the people frona traffic are such tha the state has be. now a 1 about our p operty in the old,. in and lumhernag, we e on ,a very small sc e and our people ha not euffic-ent cap. ri that pe eel; nocotnau. pa 1 ibl tyi ad. 1 0 Igo: auitirh oei nv mtirua stawiteihrnh, ieeieesAhwe hoaguassz envbeeetanrktayesedi tniej enoeadrei . end we have abundant c pita! to Oarry on age. Wiehin six ent of the law the encebacot, Kennel York wer almost hens thIe. He jail In r gard to where I IiVe, and ded man years, in the ne spaperti uM P 1,11 tinIe redu thht to es me invest I The rohibition law in in 1851a nearly 41 year Months after the enact laile in he coilat'es of apoli ized for ke ping hi thelainin Cumberland, 'tie's, it, had been ,overcro and artielee had ippeare urging the building of a ew jail. I visited meta of the law, and th re were o ly four lers whd were there for v olation of he law. AllAis was during the fl st year of the en- fottement of the law, an it was the vigore the enforcement of the law at 40cent I is quite safe to pay hat the -q, entity pas ed. It :is quite w thin the ark to est 104 i tbe State, and `it is wi in the truth to eay that the qua thy of lig or sold there now is not one-hun redth of hat it every,yeer from the Wes Indies, w felt the hatevertrigUde is sold t ere, is so d on a Very small seale, and on he sly. lea t $24,000,000 eeery y ar, which 'fbut for tin' la,w wbuld be Wasted in drink, a it wah of eine spent. in, strong drink the' enti within the truth to sa that $1,000,000 walla pay for all the lig or smuggled into Ma ne and sold in violati n of the law. So the saving to the people of Maine has been ver great, and has been the means of mak- ing the state prosperous as it was nct in, the olden clique We expect to achieve still' greater succees in the futttre. The liquor sold now is the result of certain defleiencies in the law, and . we have been trying to have those deficiencies corrected. The English law can be enforced much' better than the law in Mai o. We have not their setomary trials a convictions; as in England, arka perha s in Canada but Staten Thy I e nstitut on requires that °vein, man sndll be tried by jury, and SO when a man is couvieted of selling rum he appeals and there is a de ay of a year or two', trn'd I May say that facilities are given for elays. liesi es, the courts have die - ere ino in regard to the administration of the la*, and as the lawyers press the courts Sleep. ) 'The weary of t e night, anxious holirs that di -an- like 'd ys. How often they andlhow elcome they are. A sye tem robbed by sleeplessness of na ural rest cannot 'Ise vigOrous and strong. The nerves !are at fault and muNt bdibuili up. Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve ,Pills ar the remedy that eurnd linlIS-E11/11VIA TEMPLE. HERt lin HAT SHE SAYS: At last, after eight °nth° of physical the shattered con ition of my nerves, and for wbich I was unable to find any relief. X have found a medieinis (Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills) that in three months made my net+ strong, removed all nervous troubles, built up my phYlical system and made me Strong and welli They removed despon- aerie , 'and in eensequence of taking' your for nervousness and bodily weakness -for my IP - vain ble Pills I look forward to tbe future hope uily. I have to thank your great cure present good health and ystoruenragttrhu.ly, Signed, EMMA TEMPT.,B, Hastings, Ont. Dr, Ward's B;ood and Nerve Pills are sold ist so cents per box, 5 boxes for Itaco, at druggists, or maged on receipt of price by The Pr. Ward Coi ,,ez Victoria St, Toronto. BoOkof information free. a 0 si le af tr ce to ve ra o much, the judges are very apt to la nah nt in the administration of the law. I The liqueintraffic is not entirely exam* tom Maine ; but it is safe to say thee ore than thine -fourths! of our tonal{ ontaining more than three-fourths af °pule, ion, the liquor traffic is p xting ished. In all the rural distri, malle towns and villages, there nog ops and no liquor tralli A , enera ion has grown up without taming een the effects -of liquor, and there are Imo • FOR leternal or external use Leonantin othingremedy for all pain. , The Honest Man Who Rally& There is ode among the many, Can you teil me ishere be -Stays 1 He's an odd., old.fashioned party, ' Called the honest man, who pays ; Yeal—the honest man Who pays; Every dollar he may: owe. Keeping up the good old wayff - Teat so many scarcely know, If be gives Ms Word of promise If he holds 1308.01 honor, Not a tru-t is ever mold ' By the honest man who pays Every debt he may ineur, Yielding each a just awatd„ Arid no grAtclgiog or demur. And rm told this rare cid itarty lAves---withinhis income, won' By the fairest, equarest clewing • We see beneath 111198'1n, ,4nd the hottest man WO pays" • I Always holds it goodand right, I For the rich to help the needy When she times are tough and t Left Alone, It's the loneliest house you ever saw, .This big gray house where -I stay— I don't call it living At. all, at all— Since my mother went away.. Four long weeks,ago, and it :seems year, Gone home,' so the preacber said, An' I ache in my breast with wantiog ter, I stay out of doors till Pas elm* froze, 'Cause eVery cornerAnd room 'Seems empty enough. to frighten a boi., And tilled to the doors with gloom. I hate them to call me in to my meals, To swallow a mouthful of anything An' her not mitting up there A:poutire the tea, an' pasein' the things, , An' laughing to see me take I Tie° big iname of sugar Imaged of one, tAn' more than my share of .calcn. Ai too blg to be kissed; used to say, But somehow I don't feel el, Crawling into bed as .till as Mee— Nobody saying good -night. 'An' tucking the clothes up under my chin, .A' pushing my hair back, so ,1 ;,',Things a boy makes fun of before his chumig, Tbierues'ethinongolintebtilot giloe tiolkweilhieIn°111,:Zws'go She was always so safe and sore, Why, not a trouble could tackle a boy That she couldn't up an' cure, There are lots of women, It seems to me, That wouldn't be mis- ed so much— Woinen vdiose boys, are shout sal grown up,i An' old maid antics, an' such; I can't make it out for the life of me An' her boy left here in this old gray housex A-needin' an' wanting her eo. I tell you the very lonesoutest thing In tire great big world to -day Is alig boy of ten whore heart le broke 'Cause bis mother is gone away. 'ORMS cannot exist either in c'÷jiii:d:n)31?0,11Wier. en DR. LOW'S WORM. SYRUP le used, 21e. All . Pourting in Russia. One of the national eccentricities the-- raine Reside, is that the maiden is Mc le in love with a man she gees to his boat*. d tells him the -state of her feelings. Tiber iprocates IX is well, and a" formal ,Tefir- ge is duly arranged If, however, hs is, willing she remains there ;hoping to eels rn into a better mind. ihe poor fellow - num, treat her with the least diecourteey turn her out, for her friends would be re to avenge the insult. Hie best ehlincea erefore, if he is really aletermined that h& n't; is to leave home and stay awiey, long as she is in it. This is certainly /V cultar way of turning a man nut of ouse d home. On the Isthmus of Darien e their ean do the courting, with the na ural ult that alionet everybody gets ma ea, ere is Mat'quite the &MC chance when & ILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE POW ISE ' • A •Talk to Boys. once knew‘a boy who was a clerk in 07- ge mercantile house which employed at mall army of porters, packers and truck.; n. This boy oflo-urteen felt „that yheaffocrrtoswhdehmeigwhate mloaskt eto wnuoutilcde,heand that; regarded. iNevertheleee he did bis ery mornirig at eight o'clock her WA1 omptly Ins place, and every power tliati possessed was brought to bear upon rk. After be had been there a year ce during the busy season, " Titati'n the response, " an unusual regitoota one which it is somewhat inconvenient; ita us to grant, but for the porpose Of wing you thanwe appreciate the effort* have made since you have been iaith abwseentaeke I didn't think," fiaid the boy, 'what be e home that night and related his !me. t eht ehamav tee t btb eheeeYny 1whn act vhwe tah we tmai it.3:hge da broil ue nv ee; hey had, indeed, watched anal Ion ted him for advancement, for shottly rwards he was promoted to a peitioll of et, for there Is always a demand for -OE- lent work. A boy who means to WI& for himself a successful business minima long and difficult task, eiTen if he _beinnn; ear effort* both of body end mind 0)0 - who thinks to win without doing' file y beet will find himself a loser in ;tiii An. Ordinary pearr in a sink racking e011 lire soon On itered, And, along, the cot sumption are Ask your dri herry Plaster It will aid tb'e Cherry Pecton ever and desire t advice you can irritte us freely. prom, pt reply the value to you. ma Our -direct donnecti time and money anadlan Via Tinfopontoi -for further inform Iii)".asse: Wellington, 0 07.6.42o):177_, Pissolsixte: cwatiaueengsluezti.:::.... ig Goma UTID— Wil4hp,p3, depart.... Neuman— The Canada Ri Still leads its eoute PPanueleParitylidem%:afagoilkourotf?ket:leilisrully Tdou e‘ ;I:fa yrit -aye t At College re.opens ▪ ekp Write for catalogm • lifeitivegLi SEAF ,e and Life insure! Rent, Real &tate Agent for the WHITE AND GO Firtt-Class Wheel Money ATIY *mount of money , payments mode to suit I anteed, charger low. At. all day Saturdo- AO= COS